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Business writing
 Effectivewriting does not come
 by chance. It does not just
 happen. It requires a set of skills
 to write SIMPLY, CLEARLY,

 Youhave to learn and acquire
 them as you have earned your
 professional knowledge and
Purpose of writing
Writing   to inform

Writing   to persuade
Writing to inform
 Presents facts, data,
 statistics, reports,
 accounts of facts and
 written with maximum

 It
   is also called expository
 writing because it
 expounds or expresses
 ideas and facts.
A check-list
 Does  it focus on the subject
  under discussion?
 Does it primarily inform rather
  than persuade the reader?
 Does it offer complete and exact
 Can the information be
 Does it present the information
  logically and clearly?
 Does it make good reading?
Writing to persuade
 Persuasive   writing aims at
  convincing the reader about a
 It is at times called
  argumentative. The matter
  has two or more sides to it.
  The writer seeks to influence
  and convince the reader
 It focuses on the reader and
  does more than just state an
A check-list
 Does  it basically seek to convince
  rather than inform
 Does it support its view point by
  giving information or valid
 Does it clearly follow a logical
  arrangement of thought and
 Does it finally evoke the intended
  response from the reader
The audience/receiver
 Recognize the needs,
 expectations, fears, and the

 Writtencommunication is
 one-way till such time the
 reader responds. So the
 challenge is to get the
 written communication right.
Planning saves time
       and effort
 Ingood business writing
 carefully think about what
 you plan to say, and spend
 even a bit more time
 thinking about the people
 to whom you’re going to
 say it.
Plan writing in writing
 Always  plan in writing, not just
 in your head. If you write your
 plans down, you’ll not only
 remember them more clearly-
 you’ll also be less likely to be
 thrown off when you do multiple
 projects at the same time.

 Referto document planning
 sheet till it comes as a reflex
Early criticism kills the
   creative process
   We are often crass and cruel to
    ourselves when we write. We tend to
    feel and think that our thoughts are
    not appropriate or phrased or spelled
    correctly even before we put our pen
    to the paper
   This early criticism is one of the chief
    causes of writer’s block and of a
    general dislike for writing. It is also a
    costly waste of productive time.
The brainstorming
 Like you brainstorm
  among your colleagues
  /friends/family for ideas,
  you brain storm within
  before you embark on
 Brainstorm now, organize
  and perfect later.
 Write as fast as you can
 Start anywhere
 Free yourself
 Accept every idea, even weird
 Record as many ideas as possible
 Write everything down; use
 Ignorespelling, punctuation,
 sentence structure, etc.

 Prevent   all self- criticism

 Jump    freely among ideas

 Write until you burn out;
 rest; repeat till you achieve
 what you set out to do
Time for writing
 Writing  business documents,
  like any high-concentration
  activity, is much easier if you
  can work uninterrupted.
 A 1minute interruption from
  a writing task might require
  as much as 20 minutes of
  recovery time before you can
  resume the flow
Suggestions for reducing
  writing distractions

Curtail internal phone
 calls, meetings, and
 visitors except for
 Come  in early or stay late if you
 can go to lunch half an hour late.
 Find quiet time when you are
 least likely to be disturbed

 Schedule writing appointments
 with yourself. If someone asks to
 see you during your scheduled
 time, say “sorry, I have an
 appointment. What other time
 would be good for you?”
 Hang up a “do not disturb
 until…” or an “in conference
 until…” sign on your door,
 and tell people you insist.

 Turnyour writing space away
 from the entrance to your
 workplace. Especially if you
 have no office door. This will
 reduce interruptions
Executive time
Use white noise
In noisy and open offices,
 get a softly playing radio
 or a small fan minimize
 the distracting
 conversations floating
 over your partition
Make your office less
    appealing to visitors
 Sit in front of a bright window,
 put books on visitors’ chairs, or
 remove visitors’ chairs
 altogether. Be very careful
 when using such techniques to
 be especially friendly to your
 colleagues when you finish
 your writing session
Ignore the phone
Forward your calls, or
 have a secretary screen
 them, or take phone off
 the hook, which signals
 that you are busy- which
 you are
Promise call backs.
If you are writing and
 some one calls or pops
 in, quickly say, “can I
 get back to you in say
 about 15 minutes”?
Find a hiding place.
Try an empty office, an
 unoccupied conference
 room, a storeroom, or
 even your car in the
 parking lot.
Don’t be an interruption.
Be sensitive to other
 people’s need for private
 writing time. Be observant
 and flexible when
 balancing your needs with
 their time.
Getting it right
The last phase in
 producing a good
 piece of writing is
“big-middle-little” revising
 Revising isn’t easy, partly because
 writing isn’t easy. Written language
 involves word choice, tone,
 punctuation, spelling, organization,
 connection, formality, ambiguity,
 visual formatting, sequence of
 tense, pronoun agreement,
 conciseness, and technical
 language- to name just a few
 All of these factors are elaborate
  systems of constantly evolving
  linguistic conventions.
 Are we supposed to think of all
  that, as we read through
 No way. That’s why we need to
  break up revising into three
  manageable chunks.
Big revising
 Skim through your document, looking
  for the big picture- the overall content
  and organization of your work. Eyeball
  the text from a distance: does it look
  easy to read (with lots of marginal
  white space, clearly marked sections,
  and so on) or does it look like a brick
  wall of unbroken words?
 If a memo looks hard to read, it IS hard
  to read, and it may not be read at all.
Middle revising
 Next, quickly read for simplicity,
 clarity, and conciseness. Do your
 readers absolutely need to know
 everything you’ve written? Can
 you leave phrases, paragraphs, or
 even whole sections out? Can you
 simplify the language in what’s
 left? Are your ideas clear and to
 the point?
Little revising
Next, look for the details- the
 grammar, spelling, and
 punctuation. Leave this
 small but very important
 detailing to the last. Why
 correct the spelling of a
 word you might end up
Headlines for instant clarity
 Headlines also known as subject lines
 must be complete. For example
 this memo’s point? Is it an invitation to
 a meeting? An agenda? A suggestion
 for the next meeting? A complaint?
 You can’t tell; you’d have to read the
 fine print. In a way, this subject line is
 an incomplete headline
 To make your memos more clear,
 think: subject line=purpose +topic.
 For example: “request to cancel
 the next management meeting.”
 this headline is instantly clear
 because it states the memo’s
 purpose (request to cancel), then
 the topic (next management
Add breathing space for
       reader friendliness
   A true story: a few years ago an old friend
    decided to start a new life. He just picked up
    and moved from Chennai to Mumbai. He
    arrived, wrote up a resume- a one-pager,
    crammed edge-to-edge with everything he’d
    ever done- and started looking for work.
    Months went by: no job. Puzzled and worried,
    he revamped his resume, spreading the same
    information out over to two pages and
    making the pages breezier, and much easier
    to read. The next week he found a job
What happened?
Somebody finally read
his resume!
Revise for reader
 Frequent paragraph breaks: even use
  occasional one- or two- line paragraphs
  for important thoughts
 Lists: readers find listed information
  easier to organize, so they look at lists
  almost immediately. Lists can also
  condense documents by allowing the
  use of phrases instead of sentences
 Wide margins: readers find shorter text
  lines easier to read than long, edge-to-
  edge text lines, and wide margins give
  readers more room for writing notes
 Section headlines: headlines allow
  readers to scan for main ideas, read
  selectively or in any order they wish,
  and easily review the document at a
  later time.
Simplify and clarify your
 Eliminate nonessential ideas:
  distinguish what readers need to
  know from what would be nice to
 Write to express and not to
  impress: the purpose of business
  writing should not be to show off,
  but to inform. Pompous writing
  often alienates busy readers.
Write as if your readers
 were 12 years old: Albert
 Einstein said that
 everything should be
 made as simple as
 possible, if not simpler-
 sums it up
Think proverbial: proverbs
 are memorable because they
 are short and vivid. To make
 your writing memorable,
 plan to write simple, vivid,
 memorable sentences rather
 than long, abstract
Reduce or eliminate big
 Beware of three-, four-, and five-
 syllable words. Change “ our
 contemporary organizational
 structure possesses the
 prerequisite autonomous
 functioning capabilities” to “today
 we have the strength we need to
 stand alone”. Try to use the
 simplest words that work.
Use personal pronouns
 Instead of, “it is recommended that
 this procedure be implemented,”
 write “WE recommend YOU
 implement this procedure.”
 personal pronouns can help make
 sentences simpler, less abstract,
 and more personal. They also
 clarify the important issue of who
 does what.
There-it goes
 Reduce or eliminate
 unnecessary uses of THERE
 and IT in phrases such as “it
 is”, “there was”, “it will,” “there
 has been,” and so on. Change “
 it is true that there was anger in
 the crowd” to “true, the crowd
 was angry.”x
Advantages of E-mail
   E-mail, like death, taxes, and TV, is probably
    here to stay. It is a wonderful medium- it’s
    quick, immediate, generally inexpensive,
    fairly easy to use, and even environmentally
    friendly when it saves paper. E-mail is almost
    universal among modern business
    professionals, which adds another
    advantage- the ability to send the same
    message to many people at once. Moreover,
    e-mail messages can often be kept
    permanently in computerized files
Disadvantages of E-mail
 E-mail can reduce live human
 interaction, leading to oddly
 impersonal business
 relationships. Employees send
 personal e-mails on company
 time. E-mail encourages sloppy
 writing. Communicating quickly
 does not mean you don’t have
 to communicate well
Make your E-mails reader
To make the most of e-
 mail technology and write
 e-mail it is worthwhile
 considering the following
Beware of confidential
You can never be sure
where your messages
will be forwarded, how
long they will be kept,
or by whom.
Know how to brainstorm
Maybe you’re most
 efficient when you
 brainstorm and organize
 on paper first, then write
 the e-mail. Paper is still
 OK, you know. What
 works best for you.
Assume high standards
Many readers are put off
 by bad writing in any
 form, e-mail as well as
 hard copy. Write as well
 as you can, whenever you
Select your readers
When messaging to
 many, be selective: send
 copies only to those who
 absolutely, positively
 need to see it.
Don’t assume what you see
      is what you get
 If your reader’s systems are
 different from yours, your line
 lengths may spill over and
 cause an annoying text wrap
 effect on their screens. To be
 safe keep your line lengths to
 55 or 60 characters, including
Avoid typing in all caps.
 It’s easier to type, but IT SURE
 DOESN’T IT? Also, “all cap”
 writing slows reading by
 inhibiting recognition of
 acronyms, proper names, and
 sentence starts, which all
 depend on upper/lower case
Use informative subject
 Readers may screen their e-mails by
 scanning subject lines, discarding
 without reading messages that don’t
 seem relevant or clear. To get your e-
 mails read, don’t use subjects like
 “management meeting” or “project
 xyz” if you can use “request to
 reschedule meeting” or “how project
 xyz will save $500000/year.” these
 longer subject lines communicate even
 if your whole e-mail isn’t read.
Keep it short
Try to get your whole
 message on one
 screen .it is one the
 best ways to ensure
 very high readership
If you can’t keep it short,
     forecast the structure
On your readers first screen,
 summarize your message
 and then forecast its
 structure by listing all your
 section headings. This helps
 readers scroll quickly to
 sections that may interest
Use emphasis devices
 Even though some e-mail
 systems don’t yet allow many
 word processing options, you
 can still facilitate reading by
 using headings, white space,
 occasional all caps, indents,
 lists, simulated underlines, and
 other devices
Beware of acronyms and
Don’t over use e-mail jargon
 or those cute little “smileys”
 like  or  . Even though
 they can communicate
 quickly, make sure your
 readers accept them before
 you them
Print out long ones
If you print out long e-
 mails, your scanning for
 important sections may
 be easier than if you roll
 or scroll on screen
Reply quickly to your
Don’t negate one of the
 main advantages of e-
 mail, which is speed.
 Check your e-mail
 frequently and reply
Change the subject line of
      your reply
Your reply is not the same
 message as the original e-
 mail you were sent, is it? So
 if you can change the
 subject line. Reply to
 “request to reschedule
 meeting” with “meeting
 rescheduled to May 30”
Plan to speak to listeners
 on their terms
Many professionals suffer
 from a common
 communication malady:
 the “specialist’s fallacy.”
The Specialist’s Fallacy: How
  Presentations Go Wrong
 The specialist’s fallacy assumes that
  the listeners are just as familiar with
  your subject as you are. If you assume
  this you may lose your audience. With
  this false assumption, presenters give
  talks that are too long and full of
  digressions, contain too much detail,
  and over use specialized terms
 Presentations given this way may be
  misunderstood- or even disregarded
Where the Specialist’s
    Fallacy Originates
 The specialist’s fallacy comes from
 mistaking familiarity with a subject
 for an intrinsic simplicity of the
 subject. “if I understand it,
 everyone under stands it”. We
 assume that what we know is
 common knowledge and that
 everyone will understand us if we
 just say what we know. The result:
 they don’t understand us.
The solution: Plan to Speak to
    Listeners on Their Own Terms
 To avoid the specialist’s fallacy
  and plan your presentations for
  your listeners, use the
  presentation planning form.
 This will help you create
  presentations that tailor your
  message to your listeners, avoid
  the dreaded fallacy, and
  communicate clearly.
Use a recipe to begin with
Say hello and say your
 name. Greet the audience
 with a strong, clear voice.
 If anyone in the audience
 doesn’t know who you
 are, say your name
2. Name your topic
Tell them right away what
 you will be discussing. Don’t
 trust the technique of
 starting with a joke. Humor
 is tricky; you’re safest to get
 right down to business and
 name the topic.
3. Give your topic
 Imagine that your audience asks
 you, “why are you qualified to
 speak about this topic?” don’t
 detail your whole resume- just
 enough to credential you in this
 topic. Don’t brag about yourself,
 either- just state your experience.
 This section should take no more
 than two or three sentences.
4. Emphasize the benefits
Emphasize the benefits
 the audience will gain by
 listening to you. This is a
 sometimes neglected but
 crucial part of an effective
 business presentation
5. Forecast the structure of
          your talk
Briefly outline the agenda
 points you will cover.
 Don’t detail them yet, just
 list them. If you wish,
 show the audience a
 visual agenda to
 accompany your words.
6. Suggest question-
      answer rules
Tell the audience when
you would like them to
ask their questions-
anytime, after sections,
or after the entire talk.
7.Start agenda item #1.
Simply say, “now let’s
 start with point #1, and
 you’re in.
 Think carefully about your
 business audience’s interests and
 concerns. Find ways your
 presentation will benefit your
 audience, and make sure they
 know, right from the start of your
 talk, what those benefits are. When
 you see that your audience is
 listening with interest, you’ll more
 easily deliver a powerful,
 persuasive presentation.
Use “quick specifics” for
high credibility
 Remember mother Mary who knew
  Latin or uncle Sam who is great at
 We think this way because we have
  a tendency to generalize from
  specific experiences. We tend to
  assume, rightly or wrongly. That
  behind any specific behavior is a
  general pattern of knowledge, skill
  or similar behavior.
In presentations: the quick
 And so it is with professional
 presentations, especially persuasive
 ones: if you give your audience
 specific names, facts, examples,
 statistics, stories, or analogies-
 especially lots of them in rapid-fire
 sequence – the audience is likely to
 assume that for each specific you gave
 you could have had more to say, and
 therefore your evidence must be
 overwhelming and your point valid
Think “many and quick,”
 instead of “few and deep”
 Many audiences will respond best to
 many specifics quickly stated, rather
 than few specifics explored in depth.
 Audiences are generally impressed
 with a wide sweep, an over view of the
 evidence. They may eventually require
 more depth, so an excellent
 presentation strategy might be to give
 your wide sweep of quick specifics,
 then go back and develop one of your
 specifics in detail.
The audience will then
 assume that every one of
 your specifics could go just
 as deep, and they will feel a
 sense of the breadth and
 depth of your point, even if
 you don’t have the time to
 detail all your evidence.
A final word: know the breadth
  and depth of your evidence
 The “many and quick” strategy could
 lead to abuses. A few bits of knowledge
 can be made to deceive
 unsophisticated audiences. The best
 presenters know their material broadly
 and deeply and are always prepared to
 offer fuller explanations. The wisest
 audiences know that behind a
 presenter’s quick, specific evidence
 must lie a depth of understanding; if
 they have any doubts about a
 presenter’s knowledge, they must ask
 for more depth or risk being misled.
Use the BEST recipe to
   organize your points
 After you have brainstormed
 the evidence you want to use in
 your speech, you need to
 present these specifics in an
 organized fashion. A handy
 recipe for organizing a speech
 is the BEST formula: bottom
 line, evidence, summary,
B= bottom line
 To open each section of your
 speech, state in 25 words or
 less the point you wish to make
 in that section. Use a signpost
 phrase like “ my next point
 is…” or “point #3 of my
 presentation is…”, this gives
 the audience a clear sense of
 where you are in your talk.
E= evidence or examples
 List the best evidence, examples,
 statistics, stories, and analogies you
 have to support your point. A good
 technique is to signpost these
 specifics with a statement such as, “let
 me give you some examples,” or “here
 are some statistics you may find
 helpful.” To support you may tell
 stories about people you have met; tell
 jokes; and mention shah rukh khan,
 mahatma Gandhi, Bernard Shaw,
 Rajneesh… just make sure your
 evidence is quick and convincing
S= summary of bottom line
 Restate your point so the
 audience knows that you are
 emerging from specifics into a
 general statement. You can
 signpost your point’s summary
 with ‘to summarize this point…(
 do not say “in conclusion”
 unless you are at the end of
 your talk)
T= transition to next point
Lead the audience to the
 next point with a natural
 transitional statement,
 such as “that leads me to
 the next point,” or “now
 let’s move on.”
Use a recipe to conclude
        with power
The most effective
 conclusions are a
 combination of logical and
 emotional elements crafted
 into a clear sequence. To
 fashion a solid, uplifting
 conclusion, try this recipe.
1.Announce a stop sign
 A stop sign is an unmistakable verbal
 signal that your talk is about to end.
 Classic stop signs include the phrases
 “in conclusion” or “in summary”. Say
 your stop sign in a clear firm voice, and
 your audience will perk up- not
 because they’re glad you are finished,
 but because they know that they are
 about to hear an important statement :
 your final words.
2. Summarize your main
Recap the main ideas you
 have covered in your talk.
 Don’t say too much; just
 give a brief bullet point
 list of your bottom- line
3. Motivate the listeners
Even in low key
 presentations, you may find
 that an optimistic, team
 building feeling would be
 appropriate as you
 conclude. To achieve this
 emotional, motivational
 effect, experiment with the
 following terms:
Challenge, difficulty, effort
Tell the audience that the
 ideas you have proposed
 may not be easy to
 implement. Challenge
 them to take on the ideas
Express as much sincere
 confidence as you can. Be
 willing yourself to take on
 the challenges. Predict a
 realistic success.
The future
Refer to times to come.
 Even use the word
 “future” as you predict
 a brighter day
 Make your talks personal. Use
 the words I, me, or mine- refer
 to your own commitment. Tell
 how you feel; risk a bit of self-
 disclosure. Use the word you
 refer to the audience- or even
 better, use we, us, or our to
 refer to yourself and the
 audience as a team.
A final uplifting phrase
 Make the very last words you say
 turn upward, not downward. Do not
 end with a statement like, “we will
 look forward to a brighter future
 and avoid the serious problems of
 the past.” Rather, say “we will
 avoid the serious problems of the
 past and look forward to a brighter
 future”. Leave the audience
 moving upward with your last
4. Pause and say thank you
Thank you signals the
 finish, and therefore the
 moment listeners can
 react. The phrase is, in
 fact, an applause cue.
5. Pause again and solicit
Make sure your pause is
 long enough to allow for
 the listeners’ applause or
 appreciative nods. Then, if
 appropriate, solicit and
 answer questions.
Handle questions with care
 Answering questions    well can
  be a major key to the success
  of your presentation, because
  the Q&A session is where the
  audience finds out how much
  you really know about your
  topic and therefore whether
  they can believe in your ideas
 Some useful guidelines
Anticipate questions
Before the presentation,
 brainstorm 10-12 tough
 questions you think you’ll
 be asked. Prepare good,
 solid answers.
Specify when you want the
      Q&A session
 In your introduction, request
 questions any time, after
 sections of the talk, or at the
 end of the talk. Questions
 during your talk may make your
 talk longer and harder to keep
 focused, but they can make
 your talk interactive and more
Listen carefully to
Don’t complete
questioner’s thoughts-
that can be insulting.
Always support
Never put anyone down for
 asking questions, even poor
 ones. Put downs only make
 enemies. Presenters can
 insult questioners without
 realizing it by making an
 unintentionally hurtful
For example, suppose
 someone asks a question
 and you say, “I thought I
 explained that, but I’ll go
 over it again for you”.
Beware of saying “good
If you say to Kareena,
 you’ll have to say it to
 everybody, or risk making
 people think their
 questions aren’t as good
 as Kareena’s
If appropriate, repeat
 (or restate) the question
 …especially if the

  question is complex, or
  if the room is so big that
  all listeners can’t hear
  the questions posed to
Break out multiple-part
 If someone asks you a three- or
  four- part question, don’t panic.
  Answer only the first part if the
  question and then say, “now,
  what was your second
 Handling the questions one at a
  time is much easier and just as
Answer briefly
The fewer words you
say, the more of them
are remembered.
Involve the entire audience
      in your answer
Even though one person
 asked the question, you
 should answer to every
 one, with only a bit more
 eye contact directed at the
If you don’t know the
     answer, don’t bluff
 Simply say you don’t know,
 promise to get back to the
 asker with an answer, and do it
 ASAP. You may be better off
 this way than if you knew the
 answer right off; getting back
 quickly shows a “customer
 service” attitude.
Techniques for using
      Laptops or LCD’s
Don’t overdo visual
 effects; don’t make a
 visual for every single
If possible, index slides
 for quick-reference
 tailoring on the fly.
Rehearse carefully.
Get there early; check
 everything twice
If using a TV monitor, use
 at least a 27” screen
If using a LCD panel and
 reflective screen, try to
 get a super-high
 luminosity overhead
Allow sufficient
 setup/boot up time
 Ensure the image is large
  enough to be seen at the back;
  if necessary, use the image
  sizer on the over head projector
 Make sure the image is bright
  enough, but try also to leave
  the room bright enough for
  good eye contact
If presenting in a darkened
 room, emphasize your voice
If you anticipate long
 discussions on any slides,
 turn off the screen saver
 For verbal- visual cooperation,
  use cascading bullets or
  progressive highlighting.
 For commands, use a remote
  portable mouse as opposed to
  tapping laptop
 Create a “dark slide” effect so
  you can occasionally speak
  without visual aids

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Business writing

  • 1. Business writing  Effectivewriting does not come by chance. It does not just happen. It requires a set of skills to write SIMPLY, CLEARLY, ACCURATELY, AND BRIEFLY.  Youhave to learn and acquire them as you have earned your professional knowledge and experience
  • 2. Purpose of writing Writing to inform Writing to persuade
  • 3. Writing to inform  Presents facts, data, statistics, reports, accounts of facts and written with maximum objectivity.  It is also called expository writing because it expounds or expresses ideas and facts.
  • 4. A check-list  Does it focus on the subject under discussion?  Does it primarily inform rather than persuade the reader?  Does it offer complete and exact information?  Can the information be ascertained?  Does it present the information logically and clearly?  Does it make good reading?
  • 5. Writing to persuade  Persuasive writing aims at convincing the reader about a mater  It is at times called argumentative. The matter has two or more sides to it. The writer seeks to influence and convince the reader  It focuses on the reader and does more than just state an opinion
  • 6. A check-list  Does it basically seek to convince rather than inform  Does it support its view point by giving information or valid reasons  Does it clearly follow a logical arrangement of thought and reasoning  Does it finally evoke the intended response from the reader 
  • 7. The audience/receiver  Recognize the needs, expectations, fears, and the attitudes.  Writtencommunication is one-way till such time the reader responds. So the challenge is to get the written communication right.
  • 8. Planning saves time and effort  Ingood business writing carefully think about what you plan to say, and spend even a bit more time thinking about the people to whom you’re going to say it.
  • 9. Plan writing in writing  Always plan in writing, not just in your head. If you write your plans down, you’ll not only remember them more clearly- you’ll also be less likely to be thrown off when you do multiple projects at the same time.  Referto document planning sheet till it comes as a reflex
  • 10. Early criticism kills the creative process  We are often crass and cruel to ourselves when we write. We tend to feel and think that our thoughts are not appropriate or phrased or spelled correctly even before we put our pen to the paper  This early criticism is one of the chief causes of writer’s block and of a general dislike for writing. It is also a costly waste of productive time.
  • 11. The brainstorming attitude  Like you brainstorm among your colleagues /friends/family for ideas, you brain storm within before you embark on writing.  Brainstorm now, organize and perfect later.
  • 12. Brainstorming guidelines  Write as fast as you can  Start anywhere  Free yourself  Accept every idea, even weird ones  Record as many ideas as possible  Write everything down; use abbreviations
  • 13.  Ignorespelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.  Prevent all self- criticism  Jump freely among ideas  Write until you burn out; rest; repeat till you achieve what you set out to do
  • 14. Time for writing  Writing business documents, like any high-concentration activity, is much easier if you can work uninterrupted.  A 1minute interruption from a writing task might require as much as 20 minutes of recovery time before you can resume the flow
  • 15. Suggestions for reducing writing distractions Curtail internal phone calls, meetings, and visitors except for emergencies.
  • 16.  Come in early or stay late if you can go to lunch half an hour late. Find quiet time when you are least likely to be disturbed  Schedule writing appointments with yourself. If someone asks to see you during your scheduled time, say “sorry, I have an appointment. What other time would be good for you?”
  • 17.  Hang up a “do not disturb until…” or an “in conference until…” sign on your door, and tell people you insist.  Turnyour writing space away from the entrance to your workplace. Especially if you have no office door. This will reduce interruptions
  • 18.
  • 20. Use white noise In noisy and open offices, get a softly playing radio or a small fan minimize the distracting conversations floating over your partition
  • 21. Make your office less appealing to visitors  Sit in front of a bright window, put books on visitors’ chairs, or remove visitors’ chairs altogether. Be very careful when using such techniques to be especially friendly to your colleagues when you finish your writing session
  • 22. Ignore the phone Forward your calls, or have a secretary screen them, or take phone off the hook, which signals that you are busy- which you are
  • 23. Promise call backs. If you are writing and some one calls or pops in, quickly say, “can I get back to you in say about 15 minutes”?
  • 24. Find a hiding place. Try an empty office, an unoccupied conference room, a storeroom, or even your car in the parking lot.
  • 25. Don’t be an interruption. Be sensitive to other people’s need for private writing time. Be observant and flexible when balancing your needs with their time.
  • 26. Getting it right The last phase in producing a good piece of writing is revision.
  • 27. “big-middle-little” revising  Revising isn’t easy, partly because writing isn’t easy. Written language involves word choice, tone, punctuation, spelling, organization, connection, formality, ambiguity, visual formatting, sequence of tense, pronoun agreement, conciseness, and technical language- to name just a few
  • 28.  All of these factors are elaborate systems of constantly evolving linguistic conventions.  Are we supposed to think of all that, as we read through  No way. That’s why we need to break up revising into three manageable chunks.
  • 29. Big revising  Skim through your document, looking for the big picture- the overall content and organization of your work. Eyeball the text from a distance: does it look easy to read (with lots of marginal white space, clearly marked sections, and so on) or does it look like a brick wall of unbroken words?  If a memo looks hard to read, it IS hard to read, and it may not be read at all.
  • 30. Middle revising  Next, quickly read for simplicity, clarity, and conciseness. Do your readers absolutely need to know everything you’ve written? Can you leave phrases, paragraphs, or even whole sections out? Can you simplify the language in what’s left? Are your ideas clear and to the point?
  • 31. Little revising Next, look for the details- the grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Leave this small but very important detailing to the last. Why correct the spelling of a word you might end up eliminating.
  • 32. Headlines for instant clarity  Headlines also known as subject lines must be complete. For example “MANAGEMENT MEETING.” What’s this memo’s point? Is it an invitation to a meeting? An agenda? A suggestion for the next meeting? A complaint? You can’t tell; you’d have to read the fine print. In a way, this subject line is an incomplete headline
  • 33. x  To make your memos more clear, think: subject line=purpose +topic. For example: “request to cancel the next management meeting.” this headline is instantly clear because it states the memo’s purpose (request to cancel), then the topic (next management meeting).
  • 34. Add breathing space for reader friendliness  A true story: a few years ago an old friend decided to start a new life. He just picked up and moved from Chennai to Mumbai. He arrived, wrote up a resume- a one-pager, crammed edge-to-edge with everything he’d ever done- and started looking for work. Months went by: no job. Puzzled and worried, he revamped his resume, spreading the same information out over to two pages and making the pages breezier, and much easier to read. The next week he found a job
  • 36. Revise for reader friendliness  Frequent paragraph breaks: even use occasional one- or two- line paragraphs for important thoughts  Lists: readers find listed information easier to organize, so they look at lists almost immediately. Lists can also condense documents by allowing the use of phrases instead of sentences
  • 37. c  Wide margins: readers find shorter text lines easier to read than long, edge-to- edge text lines, and wide margins give readers more room for writing notes  Section headlines: headlines allow readers to scan for main ideas, read selectively or in any order they wish, and easily review the document at a later time.
  • 38. Simplify and clarify your document  Eliminate nonessential ideas: distinguish what readers need to know from what would be nice to know.  Write to express and not to impress: the purpose of business writing should not be to show off, but to inform. Pompous writing often alienates busy readers.
  • 39. Write as if your readers were 12 years old: Albert Einstein said that everything should be made as simple as possible, if not simpler- sums it up
  • 40. Think proverbial: proverbs are memorable because they are short and vivid. To make your writing memorable, plan to write simple, vivid, memorable sentences rather than long, abstract dissertations.
  • 41. Reduce or eliminate big words  Beware of three-, four-, and five- syllable words. Change “ our contemporary organizational structure possesses the prerequisite autonomous functioning capabilities” to “today we have the strength we need to stand alone”. Try to use the simplest words that work.
  • 42. Use personal pronouns  Instead of, “it is recommended that this procedure be implemented,” write “WE recommend YOU implement this procedure.” personal pronouns can help make sentences simpler, less abstract, and more personal. They also clarify the important issue of who does what.
  • 43. There-it goes  Reduce or eliminate unnecessary uses of THERE and IT in phrases such as “it is”, “there was”, “it will,” “there has been,” and so on. Change “ it is true that there was anger in the crowd” to “true, the crowd was angry.”x
  • 44. Advantages of E-mail  E-mail, like death, taxes, and TV, is probably here to stay. It is a wonderful medium- it’s quick, immediate, generally inexpensive, fairly easy to use, and even environmentally friendly when it saves paper. E-mail is almost universal among modern business professionals, which adds another advantage- the ability to send the same message to many people at once. Moreover, e-mail messages can often be kept permanently in computerized files
  • 45. Disadvantages of E-mail  E-mail can reduce live human interaction, leading to oddly impersonal business relationships. Employees send personal e-mails on company time. E-mail encourages sloppy writing. Communicating quickly does not mean you don’t have to communicate well
  • 46. Make your E-mails reader friendly To make the most of e- mail technology and write e-mail it is worthwhile considering the following suggestions
  • 47. Beware of confidential subjects You can never be sure where your messages will be forwarded, how long they will be kept, or by whom.
  • 48. Know how to brainstorm Maybe you’re most efficient when you brainstorm and organize on paper first, then write the e-mail. Paper is still OK, you know. What works best for you.
  • 49. Assume high standards Many readers are put off by bad writing in any form, e-mail as well as hard copy. Write as well as you can, whenever you can.
  • 50. Select your readers When messaging to many, be selective: send copies only to those who absolutely, positively need to see it.
  • 51. Don’t assume what you see is what you get  If your reader’s systems are different from yours, your line lengths may spill over and cause an annoying text wrap effect on their screens. To be safe keep your line lengths to 55 or 60 characters, including spaces.
  • 52. Avoid typing in all caps.  It’s easier to type, but IT SURE SOUNDS LIKE SHOUTING, DOESN’T IT? Also, “all cap” writing slows reading by inhibiting recognition of acronyms, proper names, and sentence starts, which all depend on upper/lower case contrasts.
  • 53. Use informative subject lines  Readers may screen their e-mails by scanning subject lines, discarding without reading messages that don’t seem relevant or clear. To get your e- mails read, don’t use subjects like “management meeting” or “project xyz” if you can use “request to reschedule meeting” or “how project xyz will save $500000/year.” these longer subject lines communicate even if your whole e-mail isn’t read.
  • 54. Keep it short Try to get your whole message on one screen .it is one the best ways to ensure very high readership
  • 55. If you can’t keep it short, forecast the structure On your readers first screen, summarize your message and then forecast its structure by listing all your section headings. This helps readers scroll quickly to sections that may interest them.
  • 56. Use emphasis devices  Even though some e-mail systems don’t yet allow many word processing options, you can still facilitate reading by using headings, white space, occasional all caps, indents, lists, simulated underlines, and other devices
  • 57. Beware of acronyms and emoticons Don’t over use e-mail jargon or those cute little “smileys” like  or  . Even though they can communicate quickly, make sure your readers accept them before you them
  • 58. Print out long ones If you print out long e- mails, your scanning for important sections may be easier than if you roll or scroll on screen
  • 59. Reply quickly to your messages Don’t negate one of the main advantages of e- mail, which is speed. Check your e-mail frequently and reply promptly
  • 60. Change the subject line of your reply Your reply is not the same message as the original e- mail you were sent, is it? So if you can change the subject line. Reply to “request to reschedule meeting” with “meeting rescheduled to May 30”
  • 61.
  • 62. Presentations Plan to speak to listeners on their terms Many professionals suffer from a common communication malady: the “specialist’s fallacy.”
  • 63. The Specialist’s Fallacy: How Presentations Go Wrong  The specialist’s fallacy assumes that the listeners are just as familiar with your subject as you are. If you assume this you may lose your audience. With this false assumption, presenters give talks that are too long and full of digressions, contain too much detail, and over use specialized terms  Presentations given this way may be misunderstood- or even disregarded
  • 64. Where the Specialist’s Fallacy Originates  The specialist’s fallacy comes from mistaking familiarity with a subject for an intrinsic simplicity of the subject. “if I understand it, everyone under stands it”. We assume that what we know is common knowledge and that everyone will understand us if we just say what we know. The result: they don’t understand us.
  • 65. The solution: Plan to Speak to Listeners on Their Own Terms  To avoid the specialist’s fallacy and plan your presentations for your listeners, use the presentation planning form.  This will help you create presentations that tailor your message to your listeners, avoid the dreaded fallacy, and communicate clearly.
  • 66. Use a recipe to begin with confidence Say hello and say your name. Greet the audience with a strong, clear voice. If anyone in the audience doesn’t know who you are, say your name
  • 67. 2. Name your topic Tell them right away what you will be discussing. Don’t trust the technique of starting with a joke. Humor is tricky; you’re safest to get right down to business and name the topic.
  • 68. 3. Give your topic credentials  Imagine that your audience asks you, “why are you qualified to speak about this topic?” don’t detail your whole resume- just enough to credential you in this topic. Don’t brag about yourself, either- just state your experience. This section should take no more than two or three sentences.
  • 69. 4. Emphasize the benefits Emphasize the benefits the audience will gain by listening to you. This is a sometimes neglected but crucial part of an effective business presentation
  • 70. 5. Forecast the structure of your talk Briefly outline the agenda points you will cover. Don’t detail them yet, just list them. If you wish, show the audience a visual agenda to accompany your words.
  • 71. 6. Suggest question- answer rules Tell the audience when you would like them to ask their questions- anytime, after sections, or after the entire talk.
  • 72. 7.Start agenda item #1. Simply say, “now let’s start with point #1, and you’re in.
  • 73.  Think carefully about your business audience’s interests and concerns. Find ways your presentation will benefit your audience, and make sure they know, right from the start of your talk, what those benefits are. When you see that your audience is listening with interest, you’ll more easily deliver a powerful, persuasive presentation.
  • 74. Use “quick specifics” for high credibility  Remember mother Mary who knew Latin or uncle Sam who is great at bridge!  We think this way because we have a tendency to generalize from specific experiences. We tend to assume, rightly or wrongly. That behind any specific behavior is a general pattern of knowledge, skill or similar behavior.
  • 75. In presentations: the quick specifics  And so it is with professional presentations, especially persuasive ones: if you give your audience specific names, facts, examples, statistics, stories, or analogies- especially lots of them in rapid-fire sequence – the audience is likely to assume that for each specific you gave you could have had more to say, and therefore your evidence must be overwhelming and your point valid
  • 76. Think “many and quick,” instead of “few and deep”  Many audiences will respond best to many specifics quickly stated, rather than few specifics explored in depth. Audiences are generally impressed with a wide sweep, an over view of the evidence. They may eventually require more depth, so an excellent presentation strategy might be to give your wide sweep of quick specifics, then go back and develop one of your specifics in detail.
  • 77. The audience will then assume that every one of your specifics could go just as deep, and they will feel a sense of the breadth and depth of your point, even if you don’t have the time to detail all your evidence.
  • 78. A final word: know the breadth and depth of your evidence  The “many and quick” strategy could lead to abuses. A few bits of knowledge can be made to deceive unsophisticated audiences. The best presenters know their material broadly and deeply and are always prepared to offer fuller explanations. The wisest audiences know that behind a presenter’s quick, specific evidence must lie a depth of understanding; if they have any doubts about a presenter’s knowledge, they must ask for more depth or risk being misled.
  • 79. Use the BEST recipe to organize your points  After you have brainstormed the evidence you want to use in your speech, you need to present these specifics in an organized fashion. A handy recipe for organizing a speech is the BEST formula: bottom line, evidence, summary, transition.
  • 80. B= bottom line  To open each section of your speech, state in 25 words or less the point you wish to make in that section. Use a signpost phrase like “ my next point is…” or “point #3 of my presentation is…”, this gives the audience a clear sense of where you are in your talk.
  • 81. E= evidence or examples  List the best evidence, examples, statistics, stories, and analogies you have to support your point. A good technique is to signpost these specifics with a statement such as, “let me give you some examples,” or “here are some statistics you may find helpful.” To support you may tell stories about people you have met; tell jokes; and mention shah rukh khan, mahatma Gandhi, Bernard Shaw, Rajneesh… just make sure your evidence is quick and convincing
  • 82. S= summary of bottom line  Restate your point so the audience knows that you are emerging from specifics into a general statement. You can signpost your point’s summary with ‘to summarize this point…( do not say “in conclusion” unless you are at the end of your talk)
  • 83. T= transition to next point Lead the audience to the next point with a natural transitional statement, such as “that leads me to the next point,” or “now let’s move on.”
  • 84. Use a recipe to conclude with power The most effective conclusions are a combination of logical and emotional elements crafted into a clear sequence. To fashion a solid, uplifting conclusion, try this recipe.
  • 85. 1.Announce a stop sign  A stop sign is an unmistakable verbal signal that your talk is about to end. Classic stop signs include the phrases “in conclusion” or “in summary”. Say your stop sign in a clear firm voice, and your audience will perk up- not because they’re glad you are finished, but because they know that they are about to hear an important statement : your final words.
  • 86. 2. Summarize your main points Recap the main ideas you have covered in your talk. Don’t say too much; just give a brief bullet point list of your bottom- line points.
  • 87. 3. Motivate the listeners Even in low key presentations, you may find that an optimistic, team building feeling would be appropriate as you conclude. To achieve this emotional, motivational effect, experiment with the following terms:
  • 88. Challenge, difficulty, effort Tell the audience that the ideas you have proposed may not be easy to implement. Challenge them to take on the ideas anyway.
  • 89. Optimism Express as much sincere confidence as you can. Be willing yourself to take on the challenges. Predict a realistic success.
  • 90. The future Refer to times to come. Even use the word “future” as you predict a brighter day
  • 91. Pronouns  Make your talks personal. Use the words I, me, or mine- refer to your own commitment. Tell how you feel; risk a bit of self- disclosure. Use the word you refer to the audience- or even better, use we, us, or our to refer to yourself and the audience as a team.
  • 92. A final uplifting phrase  Make the very last words you say turn upward, not downward. Do not end with a statement like, “we will look forward to a brighter future and avoid the serious problems of the past.” Rather, say “we will avoid the serious problems of the past and look forward to a brighter future”. Leave the audience moving upward with your last words.
  • 93. 4. Pause and say thank you Thank you signals the finish, and therefore the moment listeners can react. The phrase is, in fact, an applause cue.
  • 94. 5. Pause again and solicit questions Make sure your pause is long enough to allow for the listeners’ applause or appreciative nods. Then, if appropriate, solicit and answer questions.
  • 95. Handle questions with care  Answering questions well can be a major key to the success of your presentation, because the Q&A session is where the audience finds out how much you really know about your topic and therefore whether they can believe in your ideas  Some useful guidelines
  • 96. Anticipate questions Before the presentation, brainstorm 10-12 tough questions you think you’ll be asked. Prepare good, solid answers.
  • 97. Specify when you want the Q&A session  In your introduction, request questions any time, after sections of the talk, or at the end of the talk. Questions during your talk may make your talk longer and harder to keep focused, but they can make your talk interactive and more engaging.
  • 98. Listen carefully to questions Don’t complete questioner’s thoughts- that can be insulting.
  • 99. Always support questioners Never put anyone down for asking questions, even poor ones. Put downs only make enemies. Presenters can insult questioners without realizing it by making an unintentionally hurtful comment…
  • 100. For example, suppose someone asks a question and you say, “I thought I explained that, but I’ll go over it again for you”.
  • 101. Beware of saying “good question” If you say to Kareena, you’ll have to say it to everybody, or risk making people think their questions aren’t as good as Kareena’s
  • 102. If appropriate, repeat (or restate) the question  …especially if the question is complex, or if the room is so big that all listeners can’t hear the questions posed to you.
  • 103. Break out multiple-part question  If someone asks you a three- or four- part question, don’t panic. Answer only the first part if the question and then say, “now, what was your second question?”  Handling the questions one at a time is much easier and just as effective.
  • 104. Answer briefly The fewer words you say, the more of them are remembered.
  • 105. Involve the entire audience in your answer Even though one person asked the question, you should answer to every one, with only a bit more eye contact directed at the asker
  • 106. If you don’t know the answer, don’t bluff  Simply say you don’t know, promise to get back to the asker with an answer, and do it ASAP. You may be better off this way than if you knew the answer right off; getting back quickly shows a “customer service” attitude.
  • 107. Techniques for using Laptops or LCD’s Don’t overdo visual effects; don’t make a visual for every single thought. If possible, index slides for quick-reference tailoring on the fly.
  • 108. Rehearse carefully. Get there early; check everything twice If using a TV monitor, use at least a 27” screen
  • 109. If using a LCD panel and reflective screen, try to get a super-high luminosity overhead projector Allow sufficient setup/boot up time
  • 110.  Ensure the image is large enough to be seen at the back; if necessary, use the image sizer on the over head projector  Make sure the image is bright enough, but try also to leave the room bright enough for good eye contact
  • 111. If presenting in a darkened room, emphasize your voice dynamics If you anticipate long discussions on any slides, turn off the screen saver feature
  • 112.  For verbal- visual cooperation, use cascading bullets or progressive highlighting.  For commands, use a remote portable mouse as opposed to tapping laptop  Create a “dark slide” effect so you can occasionally speak without visual aids