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Executive summary P4
Lean canvas P5
Market Study P6
5+1Forces de Porter P18
Competitive advantage P22
Protection of technology P23
Partnerships P24
Supply chain P25
Organization and administration P27
Marketing Strategy P30
Action Plan P36
Prediction of Growth P37
Financial Perspective P38
Attachments P39
- Costs P39
- Formulas P40
- Turnover P41
- Balance sheet P42
- P&L P44
Presentation of technology P46
Website P46
-Apps P54
-Partnerships P72
-Intelligent Cart P75
- Tools P75
- Membership Cards 76
- The tablet P78
- Process in action P83
-Legal P86
- Non Disclosure Agreement P87
- Shareholders Agreement P88
Executive Summary
The company
iCaddy SAS, is a company will be inscribed with NAF code 5829c “Édition de logiciels
applicatifs” in the first of September. Our headquarter will be in Paris.
Why every team is fit to be in the project ?
Every team member is complementary to the others. We all have a business school background
but our specialties are not the same. Soukaina is specialized in Logistics and supply chain
management, Fatima in Marketing and HR, Maelis in Marketing, Moaad in Sales and Finance and
Mikael in Lean and Research and development.
Our contribution in capital will be 300K€, they will come from personal funds and the work we
are going to do for free (2 first years). This investment is highly risky but with very high ROI
(Return on investment).
The problem we are going to solve
The first time that our smart cart service came to our mind, was the day when we were all buying
food in a supermarket near to ISEE Business School. We were discussing about how brand are
doing their promotions in retails and places of sales. And we believed that “push promotions” and
customers cross selling services were underdeveloped.
Few days later we came with an idea to answer to those needs and using a smart cart and an all
inclusive analytics website for retail. This website is also an ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning)
and a tool to take better decisions.
Our customers and segmentation
When we began the business plan we only wanted to target big distributors. But today after having
realized that the balance of power could be too important for them, we think that targeting smaller
retails in the first year will be less costly.
Our unique selling proposition
Our product will be unique on the market. It will be the first solution which permits to track all
events that are happening in retail (Decisions, How good are the promotions, habits, etc ..). This
solution will integrate new technologies such as in-store heat maps or in-store push promotions.
Business model
Supposing that our service is market fit, we are going to propose 3 subscription formulas. Each of
this formulas are calculated in function of a precise amount of tablets wanted.
Technical development and growth aspirations
In our Action Plan we have four important milestones. The first one match the en of the
recruitment period, the second milestone is the path between the “testing the market” period and
the beginning of the time when we have to find investors, the third one is the pre-launch of the
stable version and the real beginning of our company, finally the fourth milestone will be a time to
find new investors if our predictions of growth are verifiable.
Financial perspectives
Although our first years will be very difficult financially (Big losses) mostly because of the
merchandises bought, our project will be very attractive after the 3 first years.
Our client subscribe to our service for a long time (3 to 6 years). In this service tablets and
tracking elements takes two or three years to be reimbursed. On the three or four other years of life
of the tablet everything will be profits for us.
Turnover : 75K€ in 2016 - 219,5K€ in 2017 – 913,5K€ in 2018
Market Study:
Consumer’s behavior has changed :
The business is since several years changing, the crisis and the decrease in consumption it has
engendered, have triggered intense price war in all the retail stores.
But the crisis is not the only factor of change, we have to mention that the digital disrupts the
habits and behaviors of consumers and therefore the strategies of supermarkets and
hypermarkets. If the price and the availability of the products remain the main criteria in the
consumer’s choice, customization of the services and the offers thanks to the connected service
become important criteria in choosing a store more than another one. Understanding the
consumers and taking into account the emergence of new services adapted to the expectations of
these latters are ways that retailers will need to borrow, and this, in the objective to deal with
substantial reduction in margins.
Retailers are monetizing on this trend by reformatting their stores to make certain brands and
product offerings more conveniently accessible to the busy shopper. They are also introducing
convenient services that allow customers to easily select products based on lifestyle and occasion.
Supermarkets are also shifting their focus from products to services. They have understood that
what they sell is not as important as how the consumer acquires the product.
62% of the French are interested in the types of equipment offered by connected stores. In effect,
this interest is stronger among young people (77% of 18-24 years old), especially those equipped
with smartphones and tablets.
Be helped and guided through the buying process: comparison of products (87%), make savings
through better access to promotions (85%), have a simpler purchase process (84%) and saving
time (83%). Consumers therefore have pragmatic expectations of aid for the purchase. However,
consumers prefer to be autonomous in store: 83% of consumers prefer to make their shopping
without the assistance of a seller. Services connected to the sales force thus represent an
opportunity to improve the quality of the service and the assistance in the purchase act. The level
of expectation on this point is very high: 86% of the French want to be given relevant advice, 86%
want to know if the product they are searching for is still available, 81% want to be advised on the
products that suit them better…
Connected stores boost the image of the brand and have a real impact on
purchases and the increased traffic in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Thus, these services must
be developed as 87% of the French population is sensitive to. In effet, according to the consumers,
these services boost the image of the store (83%) and provide useful information (79%). Even
more with those who are equipped with smart phones and tablets. Connected services encourage
the consumers to patronize the store and buy.
For the consumers, hypermarkets and supermarkets are the most appropriate to implement such
services (53%). Thus, the appetite for digital store seems correlated to the complexity of the act of
buying: the more the consumers want to be autonomous, the more they wait for connected
services. As a consequence, this represents a growth opportunity for retailers in terms of
developing their turnover.
The tablet we offer can record every user journey in minute detail. We can look at where users go
and what they do. In an increasingly connected world, there’s no denying the growing influence of
e-commerce. Consumers are rapidly adapting their lives to keep pace with digital advances.
Supermarkets and hypermarkets are embracing technologies that elevate their digital and Omni
channel footprints to better engage with their consumers. As seen previously, our platform allows
shoppers to manage grocery lists and loyalty points, view nutritional information… Grocers can
analyze the information provided by our solution to gain insights into user behavior so that they
can offer competitive prices, customize deal offerings and better manage their inventory.
What was the source of the idea?
The idea came from an observation: consumption patterns are changing and retailers rely on
innovation to respond; we have seen it with automatic checkouts, the self-scanning or e-
commerce. But currently there is no "complete" solution that helps consumers since the beginning
to the end of the shopping process (in physical stores). So we have thought further and have
imagined this tablet. New trends appear and seem to be promising (purchase via QR codes, price
comparison with geolocation…), but these are alternatives to "physical" stores. We really imagine
the future stores around this tablet, this is the central tool for the consumer and any supermarket or
hypermarket can easily be built around it (customer relations and marketing sales).
What can be the benefits for the final customers?
Connected stores entered in the lives of consumers, hence there is a need to promote their benefits
but also to reassure worried consumers (tracking, data protection ...). In a global context where
most consumers prefer to live their shopping experience in autonomy, the connected store is an
opportunity for the stores to guide and influence their buying journey.
For the customer, it provides various services to the entire process of shopping: from the moment
he prepares his shopping list, until he pays. Several direct benefits can be noted: he will not forget
his list at home anymore, it will be in front of his eyes when he is in the store and it is active (the
products are scratched from the list once in the tablet). He can also use pre-designed lists for
special and occasional events (thematic party, Christmas, thanksgiving…).
This allows him to easily adapt to any situation and not forgetting products. For people who
usually buy the same products, "my favorite products" list is updated. They no longer have to
prepare the list before going to the store thus no product will be forgotten.
The smart cart allows the user to know the total amount of purchases at any time. Indeed, this can
be an important information.
The functionality "store plan" allows the consumer to easily identify and find articles by searching
either by area or by items.
The catalog of the promotions is broadcasted on the tablet, the consumer has access to all the tips
when he goes shopping and will not miss the bargains of interest. Product suggestions also make
him discover new items (this can be profitable both for the customer and the store).
Finally, the loyalty space is the place where the customer will know the bonus provided by the
purchases he realised, better visualize the savings he makes and he decides to use his loyalty
benefits when he wants.
All these features, all these services are offered on a friendly and intuitive interface, the software
is easy to grip and is intended for all consumer profiles (not just for the techies!). It is built to
perfectly match the expectations of the consumer. The icing on the cake for the customer is that
the system is designed for self-service and for free! So a real competitive advantage for the
retailers equipped with our tablets.
What can be the benefits for the retailers?
Nowadays, the connected store is a fundamental challenge for retailers to regain customers
confronted with a rapid growth of e-commerce. The buying journey is already heavily digitized
since 83% of the French prepare their purchases on the internet, and the smartphone is often used
by 1/3 of costumers to compare products or find relevant advice
For retailers, the benefits are also numerous. The tablet, besides being a new management tool, is
designed primarily to offer an innovative and effective solution for the customers’ relations.
Concretely, the retailer will have the advantage to address individually and personally to all his
customers. Knowing them better, better supporting them is synonymous of an increased customer
loyalty and therefore a rise in consumption. The tablet is also a powerful communication tool, it
can offer the right product to the right consumer at the right time. This is especially important in a
large food area (like supermarkets and hypermarkets), 60% of purchasing decisions are made in
The tablet also creates a new promotional space on the sales area at the level closest to consumers.
For the retailer, our company proposes a personalized "turnkey" offer. We set the software to fully
adapt to the retailer. Other customizations are also proposed so the tablet adapts to both its image,
but also to existing solutions and services it offers on time. In summary, the system will fit
perfectly into the existing infrastructure.
How our offer differentiates from what can be found via mobile apps for smartphones and
There are many applications that provide services to consumers, whether on smartphones or tablet.
They offer all the features that are found in the tablet.
Our tablet is different in part because it includes all services on a single support, and secondly
because we work with the retailers (no B2B but B2C). These two points are very important,
because we can offer all these services on a single system that is available in the store, wich allows
an assistance to the consumer from the time when he thinks about his shopping list until he goes
to the cashier to pay.
We also have a different positioning; applications only provide services focused on the consumer.
Our solution takes into account the expectations of three major players: the consumer, the retailer
and the advertiser and it is a condition of success.
Do some retailers already use your tablet?
Not yet. We are discussing with large signs (major food retailers) but our product is still not
available in any store. Mass distribution is a highly competitive environment. Innovation and
change are highly considered.
But we hope consumers can benefit of our tablet quickly.
Our targets are the major food retailers namely the supermarkets and the hypermarkets.
SWOT Analysis:
Weakness: many indirect competitors (B2B and non B2C), expensive to implement.
Strengths: no direct competitors, you can find all the offers of the indirect competitors rallied in
our tablet, increase of the turnover, a real follow-up of the client, meet the needs, the client has the
Opportunities: a large demand, can extend our offer to other retailers.
Threats: the emergence of direct competitors.
Indirect competitors (B2C)
Among the smartphones applications, we can find:
1 – Prixing and shoptimise: compare prices.
3 - ListOn Free: make your shopping list.
5 - Ecocompare : find ecological products.
7 - Made-in-emplois : economic impact of the customer’s purchase.
8 - Noteo : the rate assigned to the product.
9 - Shopwise: help you finding the best products.
12 - OptiMiam : the unsold of the day for broken prices
13 - Plyce : keep abreast of destocking
14 - Shopmium : test new products freely
15 - Lydia : you can buy with your mobile phone.
16- The retailers already use the loyalty cards and scanner to have the data they need.
17- Insipired by augmented reality glasses of Google, the Digitas agency has created a prototype
"connected glasses" and Intermarché has already tried it. The customer receives information
directly in front of his eyes and a GPS can guide it in the aisles.
Digitalization has opened services that appeal to consumers (preparation races, price comparison,
loyalty card virtualization, etc ...) which are all intermediaries that the distributor will have to
grasp the ecosystem.
To conclude, digitalization has opened services that appeal to consumers (preparation races, price
comparison, loyalty card virtualization, etc ...) which are all intermediaries that the distributor will
have to grasp the ecosystem. Thanks to our offer, information will be better integrated in the
future and consumers will have increasing opportunities to act now across their devices. With our
tablet, we can record every user journey in minute detail. We can look at where users go and what
they do. In an increasingly connected world, there’s no denying the growing influence of e-
commerce. Consumers are rapidly adapting their lives to keep pace with
digital advances.
Every situation has a tool which allows to analyze and deduce the decisions we have to make. The
PESTLE or PESTEL in French is mostly used to take a screenshot of a macro environment.
If we decompose the letters one after another we understand the different subjects that we are
going to discuss.
The six subjects of the PESTLE are:
- The political environment
- The economical environment
- The sociological and demographical environment
- The Legal environment
- The ecological environment
In this macro environment description, we are going to explain how the French “intelligent cart”
sector is doing and what will be its perspectives. By the same time, we are going to have a view on
the retail conjuncture to identify a possible market penetration (how many leads and clients we
may acquire).
Howcan politics influence our chances to implement our brand in France?
When we are speaking about France, the first thing that comes to our minds is the political
stability. Since the 1970's, France never encountered major political issues. Instead, the country
began to suffer of multiple movements of destabilization of the society (oil shock 1973, Le
tournant de la rigueur 1981, 1995 strikes, CPE 2006, Terrorist attacks). Those movements and the
development of a new generation of real-time information channel, created in the French society
an important rejection of politics. Into the bargain, instead of beginning to question itself the
country preferred to be more ethnocentric, Eurosceptic and conservative.
Stability criteria’s could be if there is a war ongoing, the level of corrupted employees or
politicians in one administration. It can also be about tax policies (customs, embargo...).
Transparency of lobbying activities or new possible regulations which can transform the balance
of power between all competitors (examples: competition laws in the French telecommunication
and energy markets).
France stability: an old country with solid grounds.
As Charles Tilly would say, “The war makes the state, and the state makes war”. If this sentence
does not have any sense for you, let’s go back in time.
In 1789 the French revolution took place. And with it appeared the first nation state. A Republic
directly issued from two different paths: the Roman Republic and the Athenian democracy.
For Betrand Badie (A famous science po teacher), today’s war is only the continuity of the
propagation of the idea of nation states (the creation of the highest collective propriety). For him
time creates some habits which create some stability.
Tax system and regulation policies
France administration and the UE (European Union) are two entities which create a lot of newer
regulations and taxes.
Sometimes taxes and regulation can be necessary to help customs administration to protect our
free exchange zone (customs union), to create non-tariff regulations against dumping and
subsidized products.
But very often they can also be hard on French and European companies because it becomes very
quickly a judiciary problem.
France is one of the five European countries with the highest level of taxes (link 1 , link 2). The
VAT merely the same in the big European countries (20prct), but the corporate tax is the second
higher (33% of profit) after Malta (35%). (link3).
Lobbying and Public Affairs
Since 1791 and the “The Chapelier law” against corporations, France was never known as a
“public affairs country”.
Before the white book written by Bernard Carayon in 2002 nobody spoke about it (that is why in
France the expression lobbying often means shady business). But since 2013, thanks to the deputy
Jean-Jacques Urvoas some transparency laws were taken.
----FOR US ---- Public affairs and advocacy for the development and the utility of French tracking
devices can maybe outrun our “probable privacy problem”
Evolution of the French Business climate: will France be an attractive country to develop
new retail tracking technologies?
“French people and Brits love French, bashing”
When we see the results, business climate in France
is not the best we ever had (like today it is raining)
but there are still hopes.
When we look upon INSEE table we see that some
sectors are doing better such as retail business (no
lying? Yahoo it is our sector!)
For France Retail and the IMF,
France economic recovery is set
to gain momentum.
They predict a growth of the GDP
around 2% and 3% for 2017 an
2018. (The statistics were acted in
November 2015 before the
France Retail predicts a diminution
of the purchase power in 2018.
The main reasons are: a smaller
redistribution, lower revenue
(lower labor costs after the el
Khomri and Macron’s law)
Still, France is one of the OCDE
countries which have the highest
sales per capita.
Meaning: Even if the “subprime”
and the “Euro crisis” happened,
French retail is persistent.
The strength of the French retail
market could be explained by the
high competition and the number
of high capitalistic groups such
as (Carrefour, E Leclerc,
Intermarché, Casino)
Specificities and sociological behavior: What are the big evolutions of
the French retail market?
Today four big evolutions are happening in the retail market:
- Evolution of the distribution routes (Progression of the number of drive stores)
- Big specialized stores are still getting bigger
- Growth of the number of retail & concept stores in cities
- Still a big competition on prices
Evolution of routes of distribution
Since the creation of the first Hypermarket in 1963 (Sainte Geneviève des Bois), the retailers
‘supply chain transformed. They intended to decrease the costs by simplify the mode of
transportation and hubs, but they didn’t expect the e-commerce and other ways to sell coming
(Online shopping, Drives etc…).
They also didn’t predict the return of retail of proximity (Monoprix, Casino, Franprix) in the
mid 2000s’.
Big specialized stores are still getting bigger
Planet Retail December 2015 review explained that the total turnover of hypermarket was around
11 billion euros. And their total turnover growth was more or less 3% (Very high).
Growth of the number of retail & concept stores in cities
Since the beginning of the 2000’s, Casino and other groups like Carrefour have bet on the return
of proximity stores and the development of concept stores.
The big winner of this strategy is Casino because; he was able to take over Monoprix and Franprix
which can be declined as (The high middle class retail shops).
In 2015 the number of neighboring and convenience store went up of 720 new ones (Source:
Planet Retail).
Still a big competition on prices
Today’s most utilized promotion tool of the biggest retail stores is “Low Price”. It became so
much important that E Leclerc and Carrefour have created websites specially dedicated
To compete on prices, with Leclerc and Carrefour, Intermarché and Casino created a new French
purchases center (25,8% of market shares) Auchan and Système U too (21,6%).
Demography and education: What could be the impact for us?
“A positive demography is a growth of retailer’s clients”
Positive demography is a ratio (Number of birth/ Number of deaths). If this ratio is more than one
it means that the number of inhabitants is growing.
Imagine 65 000 000 inhabitants with a yearly growth of 2 % per year, ten years later it will be not
65 M but 79 235 000 inhabitants (growth of 14 M inhabitants). This little calculation shows us that
in 8-9 years there will be an increase of the total number of retailer consumers.
More consumers mean more turnover, more turnover means more investments (so ….: P)
A better education system could give us a higher probability to recruit someone competent
In spite of that we can call it a hypothesis; it is often the case that big companies were created in
countries where the revenue and education per inhabitant is higher.
Given that the scholarship is accessible to anyone, it is easy for companies to recruit interesting
profiles (interesting for Human Resources to have a lot of good candidates).
Technological: Issues& advantages ofa French implementation
Very high speed connection
Developing a new project in retail technology trade in France has a lot of advantages
(technologically speaking). For example, there is in Paris a high level of penetration for the 4G
and the Internet (France thanks to Alcatel has one of the best and quickest network of the planet.
Lot of French houses have access to connections up to 100 mbps).
State of art technologies
France is a country of very specialized technologies. For instance France is the European leader in
the development of ERP (Enterprises Resources Planning) softwares.
Subventions help and government investments
Although France is surely not the first country in the expenditures for
R&D, in number of technicians per million of people or in trademarks, it
is very famous for percentage the number of researcher per inhabitant.
The level of researchers per inhabitant can be explained by specific subventions or tax reductions
made for companies which recruit new researchers and technicians.
For instance, we are hoping to receive the JEI (Jeune Entreprise innovante) 15 000€ and 25% of
social expenses subvention from the French government.
Incubators and French tech
One of the good reasons to say that France is a good country to invest from; it is the growth of big
structures that help investment and that educate entrepreneurs (BPI, Business Angels groups, big
companies trophies,
Questions related to legislation and the judiciary system
What is to be known about the French judiciary system is that it is independent from the
legislative power. It means that the constitution forbids the control of the justice by politicians. It
works through civil laws and codes, such as “code civil” “code pénal” “code du travail” […] each
of them are made by deputies and are the law. The judge and the Magistrate are interpreting the
laws written in the “codes “.
France judiciary system is also influenced by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). 80% of the
laws accepted every year are coming from the ECJ and the European commission.
As a member of international organizations, France needs to adapt to them in its legislations.
French laws come third after international and European laws.
Privacy laws
The Data Protection Act No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 (Loi informatique et libertés) (DPA) is the key
legislation on the protection of personal data in France.
The DPA created the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés
(CNIL). The DPA has been amended severaltimes, in particular by Act No. 2004-801 of 7 August 2004.
Because we are not reallawyers and because there are possibilities to have lawsuits against us, we are
going to find external lawyers to help us out.
If you want to have a big picture I invite you to see those two links:
In English:
In French:
The environmental and ecological factors
Before implementing a company, it is necessary to know the environmental aspects.
Such as:
- The temperature in average
- The temperature amplitude
- The temperature during high selling capacity seasons
- Level of rain (on average)
- Infrastructures (Transportation networks)
- Energy mix
- Pollution
- Subventions
- Control & improvements
Climate & weather
In Paris the average temperature is 12,4 Celsius. The average quantity is around 694 m3 a year
The maximum amplitude goes around 40 Celsius (between -5 to 35 C°).
For the next 50 years, the GIEC (Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat)
is expecting a rise of 2,5 C°. Similarly it is predicting for a bigger amplitude every year.
For tourism, the warm months are July and August. The cold ones are December, January and
February. Provided that we can deduce which are the ones when the tourists are coming.
Pollution specifics
With 13 M of inhabitants, Paris is the most populated metropolis of Europe. France's capital
generates more or less 70 % of the country GDP.
Due to the number of inhabitants and its economical interest, Paris is therefore one of the most
polluted city of Western Europe.
Pollution is not only CO2. Other elements (list) are as much or more dangerous for Humans or
the Planet. (Here is one of the website for the level of pollution in Paris & another for Europe)
Infrastructure and transportation networks
Paris has one of the best infrastructure network of the world. 2 international airports, 1st train
station of the EU (Gare du Nord). Roissy Charles de Gaulle is the second airport in number of
passenger. The first for Cargo.
France energy mix
Today energy mix was 70% Nuclear, 15 % hydroelectricity, 7% gas, 2 % wind energy, 1 % solar
energy, 1 % bioenergy, 9 % coal, 1 % oil.
Ecological control and perspectives
As shown above, the EU edits most of the laws concerning ecology and environmental norms.
Most labels as Eco-cert or AB were made by the European union. The taxation of CO2 and the
5 + 1 strengths of Porter
Every time that we are speaking of competition and competitors, we mostly stop at the first step.
Which is the comparison between the company and the direct competitors.
To go ahead of this simple analysis which is most of the time not pertinent, we are going to utilize
the 5 strengths of porter +5 showed on the website of Eric Neweau
what is the interest behind this tool the five strengths + 5 of porter ?
The great interest behind this tool is the clarity and the balance of power :
- On the market
- Between the company and the suppliers
- The sustainability of the supply chain
- The power of our clients
- The influence of final users on our clients choices
- The number and the power of new possible entrants
- The advantages and norms that could give our competitors an advantage
- The relation that the local government could have with our service
- The different groups of interests that coul promote or want to destroy our product
Before explaining who are our competitors. I shall resume what is our product.
As we explained before, we hope to sell an all inclusive solution to track and analyze everything
that is happening in supermarkets and retails.
In this solution we propose a web interface, tracking devices and an smart cart.
When we compare our product definition and the solutions already existing on the market, we
only see one direct competitor : SmartKart (Now Invencia)
What is SmartKart ?
SmartKart is a French company which « intend to develop and promote a new way of
consumption through an intelligent cart ». They were created in 2013 but didn't grew
exponentially since.
How do they do ?
In 2014 their net profit was negative – 22 000 € .They explained in press releases that the power of
distributions companies was too strong and that they wanted to explore a way to find new clients
and maybe try a SAAS (software as a service).
To keep it simple, because of financing problems they found difficulties to launch their products.
The lack of capacities to buy enough carts to meet retailers demand, made a enormous difficulty.
Which could only be cleared with new revenue forms.
New entrants
Even if we could have (if we launch our service this year) only one direct competitor, there is a
high probability that others would come.
Lot of press releases are explaining that companies such as Wallmart or Microsoft are working to
develop new intelligent cart solutions.
What is interesting with those new entrants ?
Competing against Microsoft of Wallmart could be harsh for us. They have an outstanding
capacity in R&D and in scaling their costs (decrease their costs).
They could find more money to invest and achieve high market shares rate before us. Moreover is
certain that they will gather more attention than little start-ups.
Why is it a chance to compete with them ?
When big companies want to go in a market, there is most of the time a lot of profits to do. A high
probability of return on investment. So it could be an intersting argument when we are going to
ask Business Angels for a loan.
Another good reason is Public Relations. We may have less money to invest for awareness and
grow on their backs.
Products of substitution
In our Market study, we did not see real product of substitution. However it is maybe possible to
inter-exchange our tablet with some app which could be download on IOS or Android.
It is also possible for a firm to chose an ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) like SAP and to buil
it only for the company's use. Which is clearly more costly.
Power of suppliers
The balance of power between our brand and our suppliers will change over time if we grow and
if we have enough money to to pay high quantity Merchandises (Mandatory to penetrate the
At the beginning we will not have power at all. Mostly because we will try to have « premium
products at low costs » from China or Vietnam.
It is frequent that in Asia the locals habits dictate the contracts (Example : in China the FOB
incoterm could also be used for planes).
The suppliers of our suppliers
To know who are the suppliers of our suppliers will be probably mandatory for us.
If we want to create a sustainable brand we will have to look upon the way our products were
conceived, the origin of the merchandises (working abuses, environmental impact etc..) and if the
product has European norms or not (CE for instance).
The power of negotiation in China and in Asia is often possessed by
companies which have the bigger size and political tides.
The power that our client have on us
In our strategy of growth, we explained clearly that we hope to sell our products to retailers (Big
or Medium size) which are most of the time in France big companies (Carrefour, Auchan, E.
As we saw earlier in the PESTLE, those companies are merge-in together to create giant purchases
centers. So we can say that in any case our real power will be « around zero ».
With a good PR campaign and grassroot influence on their customers, we may be able to gather a
little bargaining power.
The groups of interests' power
Some groups of interest swhich are concerned with the privacy of consumers can an advocacy or
public affairs campaign against us. Few of them are already doing it with (against) some
distibutors membership cards.
If we have some big distributors rooting for us, it may be possible to counterbalance those
associations' power.
Another group of interests which will have high influence on us is our benefactors (Business
Angels and Venture Capital companies). They will expect a high return o investment (20prct).
State, government and regions' power
Institutions can have an high impact on our success. Some subventions can help us to achieve
growth quickly or to invest in more merchandise and labor force.
The chamber of commerce can help us to find new investors or indicate us the best incubator for
our project.
The government may also make some new taxes and regulation which could led to high costs of
importation (example : taxations of electronic parts).
emission of the related bonds are coming from Brussels too.
Locally mayors and regions can design new projects:
- Wind farms & Solar parks
- Plan new way of transportation (canal seine Nord)
- Regulate car's and truck traffic
- Imagine new hubs (Bercy, Gare du Nord)
- Tramway and green public transports
- New pedestrian zone
To decline our competitive advantages over our competitors (Direct, indirect), we are going to use
the famous sales acronym : The SONCAS (Security, Ego, New, Comfort, Advantages and
What is the objective of using this “SONCAS” in a business plan ?
Using the SONCAS is betting on an easier understanding. It is in addition something “similar to a
template” that we can use in our future negotiations.
The SONCAS analysis
Even if the soncas is often used by salesmen in a negotiation or in a bargain, it possible to use it
to draw an understanding of the expectations of our clients.
Security : what do we have that our competitors don't ?
- Every year we are going to organize a hackton and offer gifts to the one who show security
defaults in our system.
- We are going to work with schools which work in security (invite their students to brunch).
- Our tablets are delivered with locks that make nearly impossible to steal.
Ego : what we are and what we hope to achieve ?
- We are the first smart cart seller to procure an all inclusive service (user accounts, tracking
- We are going to be the leader in Market shares within three years.
- We are going to be the Google Analytics of retails.
Novelty : 8 new things that we will bring to the Market
1. A way to know everything on your clients
2. A n possible integration with e-commerce analytics websites
3. A better way to take decisions in “no time)
4. Tools to send push promotions to your customers
5. An intuitive operating system interface
6. Actual and trendy design with flat icons
7. A web interface that you can build to your desires
8. New retails tools such as heatmaps and cohorts
Comfort : How will our service bring our clients comfort ?
- Decisions will be easier because it will be possible to prepare shipment earlier (thanks to the
button on our tablet wich permits to ask for a shipment before going to the cashier).
- Our clients will understand better the needs of their buyers and optimize their stocks (More cash
will be free).
- If retailers know in real time what is happening in their stores, they can adapt and test things
more often.
- Our service include an insurance for reparation costs.
- Our tablets are going to be waterproof so they will be able to be stored outside.
Money : No more money issues ?
- No big investment (we can use our clients carts if they want)
- Thanks to the subscription, they will not have to pray tremendous amount of money in one time
(Subscription permits to invest money on 6 years)
- They will increase their turnover and profits thanks to push promotions
- Minus staff will be needed
“Nobody will leave the queue anymore”
Sympathy : Our clients can use the French “savoir faire” and get more clients
- French love to use French startups products (that is trendy)
- French like companies which prefers to develop a sustainable supply chain
Protection of technology
We spoke earlier in our competitive advantage about security specifications.
In this part we are going to explain, how we are going to protect our R&D, our technology and
process in commercial way.
First, we are going to deposit our brand and our core technology within the INPI (institut national
de la propriété intellectuelle).
When a startup is created, its identity (brand name, brand logo…) can mean everything. It can also
be a competitive advantage that’s why we will need to put a patent protection on everything that
represents our brand.
The technologies that we are going to protect are the ones that our competitors do not use and the
ones related to our talent operating system and it’s the better way to manage information.
Secondly, we are going to benchmark the best lawyers that could help us to grow and protect
ourselves against piracy and economical warfare.
Thirdly, we will invite some students of economic intelligence programs to audit us.
Fourthly, we are going to initiate process to control and share information, create knowledge
management chance.
The importance of creating partnership is plural. It is a way to possess the technology without the
need to do research and development. It is also a possibility which can be used for public relations
purposes or to decrease the advertising costs (sale effects)?
For instance, we take the example of a partnership with Tcuento, Tcuento is a Spanish company
which created a interesting way to track and analyze the reactions of consumers in the shops.
We would gain: a tool which can give us indicators such as (time in shop, habits..) even if the
customer do not take our cards.
What Tcuento will gain: More customers and orders. A way to have a better partnership of the
French market.
List of possible partnership:
 TCuento;
 Reparation companies;
 A Heatmap generator company;
 E-companies which permit us to put Their API of on our interface;
 Associations for the respect privacy and for advertising a constant sustainability;
 An Association which could help us to create an operating system.
Supply chain & Logistics :
1.1 The Supply Chain
Research&development and manufacturing
Our supply chain management section is responsible for delivering tablets, that will be imported
from China, and distribution services that support all our logistics operations (inventory
purchasing, customs, warehousing operations).
The store in China provides a full range of professional tablets services, including reparation
services. With a dedicated focus on our technology and a goal of customer service excellence, we
will buy tablets from our supplier in China with a lower cost than the marketplace; this includes all
the customs fees and exportation operations.
As our objective is to continue to find ways to reduce the cost of logistic provider, the Icaddy has
expanded its services into other departments of Ile de France to improve parts management
1.2 Distribution
 Via our Store
 Via partnership
Some contracts will be signed with some partners who are interested in
buying our product. Our distribution partners each bring unique value to our end customers
across our global network. They be delivered directly from our store in order to optimize some
logistics and services cost by 20%.
Organization and Administration Management
Even if our organization will be centralized around one person (Soukaina), it will be quite
We will organize a weekly briefing to decide and discuss about the evolution of the company,
the products, the leads, the strategy and the tactics to adopt.
Soukaina will have 3 votes and all the others one.
Employees/ Associates:
For the first two years, associates will not get paid. On the third year, the revenue of each
associate will be 20000 Euros per year. The fact that we will not take money for the two years,
will give us the possibility to grow the level of our equity, it will also permit to get cash to
invest in merchandises.
Our three employees (2programmers and 1developper) will receive some revenue since the
first year, around 3000 Euros per month for each programmers, and round 200euros per month
for the developer.
Thanks to the JEI agreement that we predict to receive, we are going to pay only 25% of
patronal charges. The total patronal expenses will be as 24K€ in 2016 and 2017, 44K€
in 2018. For the installation and exploitation period, we will ask for the help of a
specialized lawyer and an accountancy expert. The total budget price for both will be
around 5000€ per year.
Small description of every associate:
Before to start explaining the specifications of every associate job, we must remind that we
have all of us, a business career path.
R & D
• Programers (2)
• Devleplopers (1)
Fatima Laid:
Fatima Laid is someone who is very sociable and loves to smile. She has studied Applied
Foreign Language: Spanish language. Today she is studying in ISEE business school
different classes like: finance, management, international marketing.
Because she is really good with people and love to meet new people, we decided to give her
the opportunity to work in Human resources and in Marketing (See the organization
When she worked as a commercial assistant at Viso group Paris, she gave some training and
taught process to new salesmen. She also worked as a community manager in an IT
Moaud Elghoufiri:
Like Fatima Moaad, loves people. Being around people is Moaad element. Moaad used to
study accounting and Finance. He received in 2014 a Bachelor degree. Today he is
studying with the four other associates at ISEE Business School. The other interesting
point of Elghoufri is his versatility He knows to process interesting software’s such as
SAP, SAGE, and ERP. Moreover, he experienced a lot of jobs as a marketing assistant
and Finance abroad.
Moaad qualities can be encountered to find new partners and new investors and to sell a lot of
His profile matches a lot with our position of sales director.
Soukaina Ouomar:
Soukaina is someone very pragmatic and analytical. She likes to do thing with the wright path.
She has a very humanly approach and quantify people at their real value.
She studied logistics and purchases and practiced those skills in multinational companies, such
as Renault, Mearsk, Lafarge and Timar.
Her profile is the one we choose to represent the company. We need someone technical for an
innovative tech startup.
Position: CEO and Supply Chain Director.
Maelis Merinero:
Maelis Merinero is a lovely person. She studied at Emlyon. She mostly studied Marketing and
management at this business school. She had the possibility to develop her skills in
Marketing and Finance. She worked as an ambassador of “Michel et Augustin” and
leads can be interesting or us. That is why we chose Maelis to be our Marketing
Mikael Monjour:
Mikael is someone who likes to discover and test new things. He loves to learn about
everything. His profile is mostly Marketing and webmarketing, but can work as an E-
consultant and integrator or in supply chain management.
One of Mikael Hobby is to iterate stuff to find growth in the little companies he is working for.
He is crazy about lean startup management dashboard and
Because he knows interesting coding languages (some concepts) he is the perfect person to
works as the research and development director.
What will be the tasks of the two programmers and the developer?
To be very simple, the difference between a programmer and a developer is that the
programmer create from scrap (most of them algorithm between machines) and the
developer optimize it.
Most of developers can also work on ergonomics (work on design) and UX development
Their first job will be to create a new OS (operating system) on android or Debian
In the second time, they will work on the online interface to work on the EDI (Electronic Data
Interchange ) and language code.
The developer:
He will mostly work on the design and ergonomics with Mikael and the two programmers. He
will create programs in JavaScript utilizable to scrap data and for growth hacking
Our two external resources:
Why do we need a lawyer?
As we saw in the market analysis and in the PESTEL, they are possibilities of lawsuit against
If privacy associations are not agreeing to let us launch our service, they could destroy
Why do we need an accountancy Expert?
Firstly in France is nearly mandatory to show your accounts to an expert. Secondly, most of
the associates are not real accountants and will not have time to work on it. For those
reasons, it is better to externalize it (with verification of course).
Marketing Strategy:
In our Marketing strategy, we will decline the importance of each Ps (4p).
Synthetically, we are going to explain our position through interesting mix marketing.
With detail and with a highlight on our promotion tactics.
 In Marketing every product has five dimensions:
 The concept;
 The formula on the performances;
 A sensorial part;
 The quality of services offered;
 Name and brand.
Even in the products and services sold could seem very technical, the concept or the idea is
Our concept is to procure a solution which can permit to every retailer/ Brand to know more
about its customers.
What our product will teach our client about their consumers?
 What he buys?
 When he buys it?
 How long time he takes to buy it?
 If he is influenced by promotions?
 How long he stayed in the shop?
 If push notification make him buy more?
 Real time data and most frequented places of your retail.
The things our clients will learn:
 Which brand is doing better than another?
 Tips for those brands which have not sell enough.
 What you will be able to iterate in some way that if you more working in web analytics
( you or brands will be able to optimize their communication and earn more money).
What is the benefit for our clients customers?
 Bigger ROI and Turnover
 Better information on their habits;
 A capacity to take better decisions;
 A possibility to push their products in promotion;
 Have promotions that suit their needs;
 To know when the product really comes from.
Our performances (of the product) will be able to be measured thanks to activity ratios. We
will give possibility to each user (website/ interface) to choose
between 50 ratios, and to put the ones he created.
Part of our product will be mostly design. We are going to use colors, easy to differentiate
(even for daltonien) that are speaking about sustainability. We are thinking to implement “a
readability code” for our tablet.
Concerning our services’ quality, we can say that it will try to be the best on the market.
Because our service is all inclusive, security for the tablet and reparation cost will be at our
Today we are still thinking of our brands name, even if we chose the name “smartCaddy” but
we could change it after. If we have to be visible (putting the smart cart before) of if it is better
to take a mythological name such as “Amazon” “Apple”…
Even if it will be explained with more words in the promotion part of the marketing strategy. It
is necessary to repeat that we are going to begin our activity to see if our product is market fit
and if we have to adapt before launching the beta version. This thought is also valid for our
name that we are going to A/B test.
Our distribution strategy is simple: we want to give the better service rate (95% ,98%) to our
customers. The customer service will be open every day between 9am to 7pm
We are going to try to keep our supply chain small as possible. For that purpose, we are going
to sell only products on internet.
Lot of shipments will be done by us in our local or at the clients place.
Price :
We are going to institute a premium price for our three formulas.
The formula one will cost around 15k€ a year for 1-100 tablets and for the formula 2 and 3 the
price will decrease if you pass the two steps of tablets ( the more you buy, the bigger the
discount will be). You can see the formula :
Promotion :
As we said at the beginning of the Marketing strategy, the promotion will be the P which will
have the more details. In this P we are going to explain our strategy and our tactics of
communication quickly. Then we will introduce you to the AARRR Framework.
Our strategy :
Since the first day of work on this project we taught that the technology is great. But is the
market really ready? Is our product market fit? Is there enough demand?
For these reasons, we are going to concentrate our first month to find is there is a possibility of
clients (and we will take their mail abuses and build a field with potential leads). And if their
customers are ready or not.
Last thing that we must see and think about is the possibility for our solution to be illegal
(because o privacy measures).
After being sure that we can grow, we are going to be on public relations (PR), Advertising
(mostly online) and search engine management.
Marketing Strategy 2016 - 2019
Public relations tactics:
Create a newsletter;
Send Mailing for awareness;
Pay press releases;
Write white books;
Create a lot of blogs and use guest posting;
Create webinars to educate our leads or to create interest;
High quality videos with comments of partners (users);
Create attention and desire on social media;
Create landing pages for people who can be interested and to recuperate their information.
Advertising tactics:
Design brochures and ILV to find new uses and partners;
Go to trade show to find new customers; and for awareness;
Use Facebook ads to make a lot of people aware of our brand;
Search engine management:
Optimize our website for maximal search;
Pay ad-words to be more visible on website and search.
The AARRR Framework:
AARRR means: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue. It’s a tool often used by
startup to develop their companies.
The goal of this framework is to create a funnel for a customer. There is one of our possible
AARRR funnel.
Thanks to Facebook ads 100 people go to our landing page with one of the formula
The landing page is well designed and A/B listed well so 50/80 of people search for more
information (Activation/Retention);
Some of their colleagues can be interested so they share it on Linkedin (referral);
Their friends or colleagues are working with Distribution Company; they order 1000 tablets
Post scriptum: AARRR Framework can also or work in different way. It depends what is the
focus point and the type of startup.
How are we going to develop our company: the action plan?
In order to understand the consistency of our plan action, I invite you to
have look on the “Action Plan Table”.
Our plan was made thanks to fine criteria which can be simplified by SMART method. on
other words we calculated our previsions to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and
Plan of action 2016 -2019
Action Plan
As we can see we divided our plan and our global strategy on three years. From creation of the
company in September 2016 and the month of September three years later.)
For this period we identified the key factors of success:
 The feasibility of our product strategy (market fit);
 Research & development;
 Our capacity to find partners and clients;
 How much funding we can have;
 The capacity to purchase tablets and tracking tools at the lowest price possible and at
the best moment;
 Our strength to recruit the best employees.
Every KFS is scheduled in time we are going to give you a little more details about how we
are going to pass from the beginning to the end o the three first years of the company.
 Our first action will be the recruitment of new team members (especially the two
programmers and the developer).
 We are going to participate to some meetup which permit us to find people interested
in a startup project.
 Our criteria will mostly be the revenue (cost if he can be paid in shares), his/her interest
in the project, his/her skills, his/her experiences. (July/December 2016).
 Our second important movement should be to test if we will have enough clients in
order to launch our product. In this short period of time, we are going to track the
reaction of their customers and if they are ready to utilize our products (August 2016
and May 2017).
 Our third move will be to canvas our first early adopter clients. We are going to canvas
through growth hacking Methods (Mass mailing) and through planning session
(September 2016/May2017).
 We will order merchandisers to prepare our Alpha release (October 2016/November
2016) If demand is conclusive, market purchases will be made when an order is taken
on the website.
 We are planning to begin the construction of our first operating system version (Alpha)
(November 2016, May 2017)
 On the same time that we are going to build our alpha version, our website and user
interface will be created (beginning November 2016).
 We are going to canvas new possible investors (Business angels, venture capital)
 Or that purpose, it is possible that we are going to join French tech
associations or incubators to receive help. Set real contracts. (November
2016/September 2018).
 While finding investors, we are going to ask for a subvention from the French
government called (JEI)
 We have the hope to do some crowdfunding on platforms such as UIule, indigogo..
 The objective would be to create a lot of awareness around the brand and to influence
 Some of the counterparts will be shares, event, invitations, goodies….
 Finding buyers for our second version release (Beta version)
 Launch of the Beta version (June 2017-September 2018)
 Finding clients (some process for early adopters plus advertising and fairs) for stable
 Launch of the stable version
 Find help from investors or banks to help us to grow because of a high demand.
Prediction of growth
As we said before, the market is not secured yet, but once we clearly see that a demand exist,
the market will really grow between 3 and 5 years after the creation.
Our sales turnover would be around 15K€ for the first year, 220K€ the second year, 915K€ in
2018 and 5000K€ in 2020.
We hope to achieve in 3 years75% of market share of the smart caddy sector.
Financial perspective
Even if we have an interesting potential of turnover growth, our profile will be negative for the
last three years and more important...
For example in 2016 we will have 110K€ of loss, in 2017 and 2018 we will have 175K€ of
loss, in 2018 – 2019, 946K€ of loss.
What could be the main reasons to invest in a company that loses money?
First thing, we are maybe losing money on short term (especially because of purchases
investment), but after 6 years of contract with every client. Our margin is around 140%
(6years correspond to the number of years of the tablet utilization).
So to keep it simple we have high investment cots, it takes us 2 or 3 years to reimburse, but the
3 years after will be pure profit.
This kind of investment is high, but the return after 6 years will be also extremely high.
Our budget will be around 2million euros for the first three years.
Financial tables
Balance sheet
Profit and loss statement
Our interface is a mix between a PGI (Prologiciel de gestionintégrée), a CRM
(Customer relationship management) and a web interface as Google analytics.
Our interface is a SAAS (link) an will be hosted by a private solution like ovh.
The homepage of our solution is where you can see the headlines of all the apps. For
instance, here you can see a chat window with two people chatting. The gender résumé
of the client who came to the supermarket.
Personal Accounts
When you subscribe to a formula,
you have access to the services
you have asked and paid for.
In each service, you have a
possibility to create the number of
accounts you wish.
Each account can be linked to
social networks, payment details.
Each account equals one user and
one profile (photo, adapted
When you click on the agenda
icon (in the header), you are able
to see all types of notifications:
- Requests (low ad high)
- Server problems
- New users of your company
- Emails (if connected)
-Location setting (which region)
On our interface, you will have the capacity to choose the design of your charts. And link them
to any KPI or ratio in our dictionary (each company can create new KPI).
You can create the number of “tabs” you like. And with some “clicked slipped”, you can
put the charts you like as the first ones, or delete some you do not use.
You can download the tree mapsyou like or get the Google API (Application
Programming Interface) – Google Maps with your shops on it.
Real time Map
Thismapis very special, because it allows you to track clients in your supermarket: real time | monthly
| yearly. You can also, if you click on one, see his/her path.
This agenda allows you to share information with your peers & colleagues. To see the
important deadlines that are coming (vendor, negotiation, promotions, merchandising
On the tables tab you can see the numbers and ratios in different tables & rows.
If you need to export data you can do it in .xls (excel) or .csv (comma).
Free APPS to download
Batch processing
Makeoperations by batches on your items
Planning projects
Plan yourprojectswithdifferentsteps
Date of delivery to the customer
Handle the delivery dates on yourcustomers’ documents
Locking of the accountingssystems
Manage yourlocking options
Default quantities
Add a quantity by default on your items
Fleet management
Google Contacts
Synchronize your Google contacts
Analyse of the campaigns by groups
Analyse the progression of your campaigns by groups
Pipelines on the tasks
Follow how your tasks advances in pipelines
Users’ references
Identify your accounts with a reference
Date of the supplier delivery
Handle the delivery dates
Trades’ commissions
Calculateyourcomercials’ commissions
Customizedfieldsproduct by product
Add a additionallevel of customizedfields on yourproducts
Follow the factorsthat influence your sales
Sales analysisventes inmultichannel
Analyse yourdaily sales by channels(Store, Web etc)
Customers’ cartography
View on a mapwhereyourcustomers are in your store
Specified sales analysis
Analysethe sales’distributionspecifically
Validation of the supports’ tickets
Organisethe validation of youranswersbeforesendingthem
Analyse of the dailytasks
Follow the tasks made by your team
Sales analysison the customers’ forms
Post the sales’ informations on yourcustomers’ forms
Verificationof the time sheets
Follow the filling of the time sheets of your team
Analysis of the projects’ margins
Analyse yourmargin on eachproject
Subscriptions’ management
Manage yourcustomers’ subcriptions
Fill in the packaging on your commercial documents
Product returns
Manage easily the return of yourproducts
SynchroniseyourMagentostore withincwo
Organise your action plans
Commercial margin per item
Pay off your margin for each line of your invoices
Assignyour businesses and files depending on theirlocalisation
Campaigns management
Follow the efficiency of your marketing campaigns
Multilingual documents
Your bills in different languages
Percentage of clients transformation
Know how much a promotion in a store will get you back
Unbug API
Check your calls in the API
Addfields on yourcontacts, businesses, companies
Value your inventory valuation
Real time sales follow
Follow your turnover on real time
Attachments validation
Validate the attachment sattached to your items
Production fields
Users’ groups
Organize your users by groups
Purchases’ confirmation
Ask for confirmation for purchases and deliveries for your clients
Allocate a single number to yourp roducts
Businesses’ contacts
Allocate contacts to your businesses
Activity report
Easily set youractivity reports
Potential stock
Visualise the upcomingstock depending on your supplies
Products’ volume
Manage thepackaging volume
Publicationson the Internet
Publicateyour documents on the Internet
Productspreparation time
Follow the time of preparation
Delivery slips templates
Consolidation of the« tiers »
Your statistics customers/suppliers classified by companies groups
Work groups
Statistics on the payments methods
Vacation on Google Calendar
Show your vacation on the Google agenda
Storage management
Control your stock
Share the agenda viewwithin all the guests
Easily manage the eco-participation
Follow the progress of the expected stock movement
Bare codes scans
Statistics, scanned products and bought products (ratios)
Unit prices display
Show or hide the unit prices of yourproducts by a research
Have a quick look atyour teams’ tasks
Bare code
Manage your products bare codes (ERP, SAP, PGI …)
Delivery slips
Issue delivery slips
Assign the work to your teams depending on theiravailability
Forecast cash flow
Serial numbers managements
Manage your products’ serial numbers
Contacts classification
Classifyyour contacts in customizedcategories
Classification by branch of activity
Classify by branchyourpastactivities
Follow the percentage of yourtasksprogress (Gantt)
Batch numbers and traceability
Manage your batch numbers and yourproductstraceability
Contacts qualification
Qualify vos contacts tobetteryour prospection
Days off
Easily plan yourdays off
Management by objectives
Followyourdevelopmentindicators. 120 pre-filledindicators
Warning system for warehouses
Manage your warning system for eachwarehouse
Google Drive
Synchroniseyour files with Google Drive
Sendyour emails withMailChimp
Automatic exports
Automatic exports eachweek or month
SynchroniseyourPrestashop store withincwo
Manage yourpricescustomer by customer
Events and taskscategories
Personnalise yourt asks
Contacts : Facebook
Synchronise yourFacebook contacts
Contacts : Viadeoand Linkedin
Synchronise yourcollegues and customers’ Viadeoand Linkedin contacts
Google Agenda
Synchronise yourGoogle agenda
Contacts : Yahoo!
Synchronise your Yahoo! contacts
Synchronise your files withDropbox
Recurring sales
Follow the reccuring sales rate
Boutique Facebook
Publish in one click yourproducts catalogue on yourprofessionnal Facebook page
Manage your clients’ advertising insertion orders
What TCUENTO offers:
Founded in 2007, today TC Group Solutions is a benchmark company in the
development of all types of measuring and analysis solutions of client flow
behaviour both inside and outside commercial establishments.
TC Group Solutions's aim is to offer a comprehensive service to its clients
through a complete portfolio of adaptable and tailored Retail Intelligence®
solutions for each business.
Link to the website :
HEATMAPS solution
A partnership with a heatmap solution
in retail and stores can be interesting.
It can show quickly in the “real time
map” the evolution of sales and clients
in each area of the supermarket.
It can also show if the promotions
worked or not.
Intelligent Cart
This first cart will be our offer, if
our client does not have any cart
yet (implementation of a new
supermarket for example).
It is also our favourite solution, if
he wants to buy new ones.
The second solution will be to
implement our devices on already
existing carts.
Less costly and very easy to take
of if the client wants to take the
carts back of for reselling.
This is the RFID tracking deviceof our carts. Interesting because,
it doesn’t take much electricity to function (5 weeks before refill).
The RFID device will be the one connected to point of sale
displays. Also, it gives push promotions on the tablet.
This is the GPS tracking device. Put in front of the cart, it
allows us to see its location in the supermarket, e.g. he time
spent in one area. The gps devise can also be interesting for
dispatching vendors to help the clients.
With our carts, we will only use Bluetooth bar code
machines. When it is on its base, it replenishes the
This object is the support for our tablet (cart 2). Its
security system prevents the tablet from being stolen.
Cart tools
Membership Cards
The objective behind free cards, membership cards, and premium cards, it is to gather the
maximum information on every client or prospects. Those cards are not mandatory for
companies; they can still use the old ones.
The Free card allows to harvest and track
information about consumers.
With the first cart, one cannot take off the chain
without beeping a card.
It will mostly be used for quantitative analysis.
(Time in the supermarket, medium price for a
cart, if the non member buys more than the
The card has an EN13 bar code and NFC
The promotions on the tablet, will only be
seasonal or normal ones.
The member card is free for clients.
The client must fulfill all the information
asked on the subscription sheet.
The member card gives the possibility to
send promotions that are meeting the
client’s needs.
How? Algorithms can calculate and offer
new products and promotions via habits,
gender, revenue, seasonal aspect, price,
bio or not, number of children, age,
This card gives the possibility to access
the fifth tab and to beneficiate of great
The card has an EN13 bar code and NFC
In the end, comparatively to the free card,
the member card will be more qualitative.
And it will give more tracking
The premium card is the Graal of
membership cards. One would have to
pay to have it (around 9€ per month).
The premium card is the member card
It gives to a client the possibility to come
to VIP events (talk about the brand and
free food)
Receive invitations or big discounts about
regional events (soccer match, tennis, and
Have more Knockdown discounts on
daily products.
Receive medals after cumulating points.
Have crazy gifts with the points.
Free samples sent to their homes.
In some ways, the premium card makes
the members buy only in your
supermarket, because he/she will want to
have the best returns for 9€ per month.
The characteristics of the tablet are quite simple. The tablet will be waterproof
with a Linux OS (operating system) such as Debian or Red hat. Why Linux?
Because there will be no propriety to buy, and more application developers are
using bash (UNIX systems).
Adapted to NFC (Near field Contact) technology.
This is the home interface of the tablet. The first tab is the shopping list, the second
is what you have in the cart, the third one is the promotions of the day or season,
the fourth one is for asking a delivery, the fifth tab for crazy promotions; premium
deals; events organized by the brand or happening in the region.
After clicking on the shopping list tab, you can access to the shopping list of today (what
you have in the cart: Name – Price – Quantity) and the three previous ones.
The home button is to return to the home interface.
After clicking on the ”Product in the cart” tab, we can see on the left an apple and
on the right the total weight of the products you scanned.
After clicking on the apple you will see all your products (image) with their
weight and number of each one (Ex: 2 bottles of milk Gandia- 2kgs)
After clicking on the “promotions for you” tab of the home interface, you will be able to see
two buttons and one big banner on the right. If you click on the deal of the day you will
access to a window with seasonal promotions (all cards). If you click on deals only for you
will have deals sorted by interests, gender, age, revenue (for members and premium).
The promotion Banner shows an add about a seasonal promotion (free card) and your
specifics (member & premium)
After clicking on the “Delivery” tab of the home interface, you will be able to click again for
a paid delivery (green tab) or for a free delivery (unlocked after having more than n° of kgs -
or for premium members).
After clicking on the “that’s crazy” tab of the home interface, you will be able to see three
buttons and one big banner on the right (only for members and premium cards).
After clicking on Knockdown deals a new window opens with, for instance, discounts up to
80%, or buy one get one free. After clicking on Premium specials (premium card), you will
access to special events, you will be able to download invitations. After clicking on Events,
you will see a new window with events that are happening in your region such as theater
show, soccer game, baseball game…
After clicking on the “ask for help” tab of the home interface, you will be able to see two
A tab to request some help from a salesman or an assistant (with the tracking device it is for
example possible to send someone who is near you or someone specialized in the area you are
A tab to see how the tablet works, and credentials… send comments about what you see inside
the supermarket.
Process in action
Case 1: Product scan
5 6
Label GS1 21
(1) You are walking by the aisle and you see something interesting to buy (2) You scan the
product bar code (EAN13) (4) The information is transferred to your ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning software) (5-6)Your ERP collects the information of the GS1 21 label
(7)The ERPsendsthe data to the interface witch analyzes it (8) and gives it back to the tablet
in a easier way.
Case 2: Get promotions on electronic screens
(1) You come before a electronic PLV (that shows promotions) which transmits RFID
(2) You go in front of a second one which also transmits RFID signals
(3) The cart RFID devices gives information of two electronic PLV to the tablet
(4) The tablet gives the data to the interface
(5) The tablet analyzes your consumption habits saved (through old orders)
(6) Information is given to the interface
(7) The interface simplifies the data of the tablet
(8) The tablet receives a push notification and gives the information to the two
electronic devices which will give you to different promotions that best suit you
Case 3: Register on the tablet with the member/premium card
Scan EAN 13 CARD
NFC with the tablet
(1) You scan the card you have with the EAN13 Bar code or put it directly on the
tablet (information given by NFC)
(2) The tablet sends the data to the interface
(3) The interface processes the data and looks for the account
(4) Information is given to the tablet
(5) The interface accepts the registration on the tablet
The cashier puts a special card to take the information and erase the session
Law &statuts : what type of company are we going to create ?
 The business structure:
We have chosen the limited company form (SARL) because there are five of us working on
this project.
This organisation is responsible in its own right for everything it does and its finances are
separated from the owners’ personal finances.
About ownership, this kind of company has members who are people owning some shares in
the company. The directors have the responsibility to run the company.
We want our company to be limited by shares, that is to that the shareholders’ responsibilities
for the company’s financial liabilities are limited to the value of shares they own but have not
paid for.
 Confidentiality agreements :
In order to safeguard our project’s confidentiality, we are going to establish a « Non
disclosure agreement ». Indeed, we want to keep our project secret, so we asky ou, the
investors, to please sign the legal contract attached.
Non disclosure agreement (NDA) template :
Sources :
 Shareholders’ agreement (pacte d’actionnaires) :
It is a plurilateralcontract and suchmeasureswillbeadoptedunderprivatelaw.
Source :
Agreement of ICaddy
Shareholders’ Agreementof ICaddycompany.
1 Partners to the Agreement
ICaddy SAS is a Company in planned to be registered in France, Paris (hereinafter referred also
as the Company) for [Summary of what company does technology solution] (hereinafter
referred also as Company services),
a Mikaël Monjour, [26 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94160 Saint-Mandé],hereinafter
referred also as MMO
b Maëlis Merinero, [1791 Avenue Roger Salengro 92370 Chaville],(hereinafter referred
also asMM)
c [Soukaina Ouomar], [102 Rue François de Tessan, 77100 Meaux],(hereinafter referred
also as SO)
d Moaad Elgoufhiri, 2 Rue Barbès 92120 Montrouge,(hereinafter referred also as ME)
e Fatima Laid, [18 Rue André Suares 75017 Paris],(hereinafter referred also as FL)
2 Ownership oftheshares
The ownership of the shares (total [Number of shares]) is presented in the table below.
Shareholder Numberof shares %
Soukaina Ouomar 5 20
Mikaël Monjour 5 20
Maëlis Merinero 5 20
Moaad Elgoufhiri 5 20
Fatima Laid 5 20
3 Background & Rationaland theSpiritofthis Agreement
This Shareholders’ Agreement defines the co-operation principles between the Partners, and
related measures and responsibilities.
The Partners have recognized a growing market opportunity to provide company services to
customer such as supermarkets in tech markets. The Partners have agreed upon pursuing this
opportunityby their engagement with The Company.The goal of the Partners is to develop The
Company rapidly into the tech target. The initial business outline is presented in the business
plan, and related revenue allocation structure is presented in Exhibit D.The Company develops
the plan continuously based on the market feedback and opportunities. The purpose of this
Agreement is to protect the interests of the Partners. It is not meant to punish a Partner who
unintentionally breaches this Agreement and discontinues his or her misconduct after
notification from other Partners.
Shareholders’ Agreementof ICaddy
In this spirit, the Partners agree not to sell The Company’s shares to outsiders when share disposal
restriction provisions of this Shareholders’ Agreement (hereinafter referred also as
Agreement) restrict the selling of the shares.
4 General Commitments
The Partners agree to the following:
We, as the Partners to this Agreement, agree to conduct our tasks in the field of The Company’s
business operations in the interests of the Company. All immaterial and other property rights
created during or directly related to The Company business development process will become
property of The Company unless agreed otherwise in written by all Partners.
[Maëlis Merinero] [Marketing Manager]
Maintasks & responsibilities:
● manage the marketing plan
● be in charge of promotions
Related incentiveplan presented inExhibitC
[Mikaël Monjour] [Research & Development]
Maintasks & responsibilities:
● manage the business
● be in charge of R&D
Related incentiveplanpresented inExhibitC
[Moaad Elgoufhiri] [Sales manager]
Maintasks & responsibilities:
● manage the sales
● be in charge of global sales
Fatima Laid] [Human resources]
Maintasks & responsibilities:
● manage the business
● be in charge of R&D
Soukaina Ouomar] [CEO]
Maintasks & responsibilities:
● manage the business
● be in charge of the development of the company
Related incentiveplanpresented inExhibitC
5 Proceedings
By default, each Partner can freely votein a shareholders' meeting. However, the Partners agree on
twoexceptions to the above:
Firstly, if more than 2/3 of the shares owned by the Partners are supporting certain voting behavior,
then all Partners will vote in agreement withthe 2/3 majority of Partners. The
Shareholders’ Agreementof [ICaddy]
purpose is to ascertain that the Partners will be unified, acting as a single group, even in the
situations when there would be other shareholders in the Company than the Partners alone.
Secondly, certain decisions will require support by Partners holding at least 90% of all Partner
shares; otherwise all Partners agree to vote against these decisions. The decisions are the following:
● Increasing and decreasing the share capital,
● Issuing new shares,
● Issuing convertible loans or options that can be transferred to shares,
● Selling all or a major part of the business of the company,
● Authorizing the Board to make decisions listed above.
To implement the proceedings describe above, the Partners agree to efficiently work together at the
shareholders’ meetings and before them. Any Partner may call the partners to meet in two week’s
notice, either in person if possible, or over internet/telephone, and otherwise following the
protocols used for inviting a shareholders’ meeting. The Partners will do their best effort to find
meeting times – several meetings if necessary – to work out their common voting strategy.
The Partners agree to participate in all shareholders’ meetings, either in person or by proxy
instructed to follow the proceedings describe above.
6 CompetitionRestrictionClause
The Partners who have an active role in The Company undertake not to compete in any way,
directly or indirectly, with the business of The Company. Here, the following definitions are used:
● Active role in The Company is defined as being either employed by The Company, or acting
as a Board director, advisor, or consultant for the company.
● The business of The Company is defined based on the strategy, business plans, customer
relations and pipeline, product roadmaps, and IPR’s of The Company at any given time.
If a Partner ceases to have an active role in The Company, then the Partner agrees not to compete in
any way with the business of The Company as defined at that moment, during the following
[number of months ie. 12].
In addition to the above, all Partners (not just those having an active role in The Company) agree not
to compete in any way with the business of The Company during the first [number of months ie. 6]
after signing this Shareholders Agreement of the company.
If The Company decides to change its strategy, business plan or business focus, this change and new
business plan must be communicated to each Partner. If a competitive situation follows from the
change by The Company, this is not considered as a breach of this Competition Restriction Clause.
If one or several Partners materially breach this Competition Restriction Clause, and do not correct
the breach within [number of days ie. 30] after being notified about the breach by The Company or
other Partners having at least 2/3 of the remaining Partner shares, with shares of the Partner(s)
breaching the Clause excluded, then following sanction will be applicable:
Shareholders’ Agreement of ICaddy
The Partner(s) breaching the Competition Restriction Clause agree to sell their shares at a price that
is 10% of their fair market price (as defined in Clause 9 below), pro rata of the other
Partners’ ownerships. In addition, each Partner breaching the Clause agrees to pay [EUR ie 30,000
Euros] to The Company.
This breach shall be documented by the Board and it shall be proven to be harmful (e.g. The
Company has lost business or competitive advantage) for The Company.
The Partners shall be deemed to have provided written consent in terms of this Chapter 6 to each
Partner current ownership of and role/appointment in other companies/businesses and other
activities as set forth in Exhibition B and each of the Partner shall not be in breach of this Chapter 6
in relation to any such ownership, role, appointment or activity.
7 Buy Back Optionin normalPartnerExit Situationand ShareDisposalRestrictions
The Partners undertake not to transfer their shares to third parties before [number of months ie.
36] of signing the shareholders Agreement for the first time, unless otherwise agreed inwriting by
the Partners holding at least 90% of the shares of the Company. Each Partner shall inform the other
Partners about any intent to transfer the Partner’s shares, and about the information to be given to
third parties in connection with such intent to transfer shares.
The Partners to this Agreement have the right to buy shares back for a period of [number of months
ie. 12] from resignation of a Partner, if the buyback has not materialized earlier.
8 Exit
In connection with the Liquidation Event, any Net Consideration shall be distributed pro-rata
between the shareholders.
9 AbnormalExit Situations
In the event that the Partner leaves the Company as a Bad Leaver, a defined percent as defined in
Exhibit A of his shares shall be subject to mandatory transfer to the Company at their nominal value.
A bad leaver is any shareholder that discontinues to be employed by the Company, in a consultant-
relation with the Company, a board member before the Milestones as described in the Exhibit A has
been achieved for any of the following reasons:
(a) does not contribute the agreed minimum time and/or effort to The Company an on-going
bases, as agreed by partners, and continues to not contribute after notification from other
(b) material breach of this Agreement;
(c) gross misconduct or any serious or persistent breach of any obligation to the Company or
any associated Company of the Company;
(d) conviction of a criminal offence (for which a custodial sentence is imposed) by a court of
competent jurisdiction; or
Shareholders’ Agreement of [ICaddy]
A Bad Leaver is determined by 3/4 of the Partners agreeing, backed with proper documentation.
10 Rules GoverningShareDisposal
If any of the Partners, (the “Selling Partner”), negotiates with a third party/Partners (“the Buying
Parties”) on the transfer of its shares, the Selling Partner undertakes to promptly notify the other
Partners in writing (“Tag-Along Notice”) about such intent. Other Partners shall have the right, but
not the obligation, to require the Selling Partner to cause that, either all, or proportionately the same
amount of their shares, as the Selling Partner intends to transfer are purchased by that Buying
Party/Partners (“Tag-Along Right”) at the same consideration and otherwise on the same terms and
conditions obtained by the Selling Party. In such share transfer, the Selling Partner shall make best
efforts to find a third Partner to whom all of the shares could be transferred at market price. The
other Partners respectively must inform the Selling Partner within [number of days ie. 30] from the
receipt of the Tag-Along Notice whether they wish to use their respective Tag-Along Rights.
In the event that a group of owners holding majority of Company shares (“Majority Holders”) have
found a candidate (“Third Partner Offeror”) who wishes bona fide to purchase all of the shares of
the Company, the Majority Holders shall have the right but not the obligation, to require that the
other Partners to this Agreement transfer their shares to the Third Partner
Offeror (“Drag-Along Right”) at the same consideration and otherwise on the same terms and
conditions obtained by the Majority Holders. The Drag Along-Right shall be exercised by a notice
submitted to the other Partners at least [number of days ie. 30] before the consummation of the
transfer of shares from the Partners to the Third Partner Offeror.
A transfer of shares from a Partner to a third party must always happen simultaneously with the
third party becoming also a partner in this Shareholders agreement, and the selling Partner is
responsible to see that this happens.
11 Market ValueDetermination
If the shares are to be valued based on provisions of this Agreement, and if the Partners concerned
cannot agree on what the market value for the shares will be, the market value shall be determined
on the basis of an arms-length third Partner purchase offer for the shares. In the absence of such
offer, a respectable financial advisor or investment bank appointed by the Board of Directors shall
determine the market value.
12 Disclaimers and OrderofInterpretation
The Agreement here is understood by all the Partners to contain all relevant questions currently
concerning the governance of the Company.
This Agreement supersedes – only for the above-mentioned issues handled within this Agreement–
any arrangements, understandings, promises or Agreements made or existing between the Partners
hereto, prior to, or simultaneously with the Agreement and constitutes the entire understanding
between the Partners hereto.
Shareholders’ Agreement of ICaddy
If this Agreement, related Agreements and documents or the Articles of Association are inconsistent
with each other, the documents shall be interpreted in the followingorder:
1. this Agreement;
2. other Agreements or documents signed between the Partners
3. the Articles of Association of the Company.
If the Partners decide to modify this Agreement it has to be done in writing and signed by and on
behalf of all Parties. In that Agreement there must be a clause mentioning that this is a modification
to the existing shareholders Agreement or the modification must be otherwise evident by the
13 Other Shareholder Agreements
The Partners understand and are aware that some of the Partners have existing shareholder
agreements or competition restriction clauses in other companies. These agreements restrict
competition. The Partners agree to make their best effort to avoid conflicts with these other
shareholder agreements and competition restrictions. The Partners agree that if any Partner
encounters liabilities from these agreements or restrictions, the Company will cover those liabilities,
including but not limited to compensation payments and legal costs. The Board shall make the final
decision, to what extent the Company covers the costs.
14 Insightand confidentiality
The Partners shall hold in confidence and shall not disclose to any third Partner without prior
written consent of all the Partners the material contents of this Agreement unless disclosure is
required by law, regulation, stock exchange rules or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
The Partner under an obligation to make a disclosure as defined hereinabove shall use its best
efforts to notify other Partners before making the disclosure.
The Partners shall not at any time hereafter disclose or communicate to any person (other than,
where relevant, to their officers, employees or professional advisors, whose position makes it
necessary to know the same) any confidential information concerning the business, accounts,
financial or contractual arrangements or other dealings, transactions or affairs of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries which may be within or which may come to its knowledge save for;
a) such information that at the time of disclosure is public knowledge,
b) when disclosure is required by law, regulation, stock exchange rules, or order of a court of a
competent jurisdiction.
Any Partner wishing to disclose confidential information to a prospective transferee of shares and
to their representatives and advisers shall first obtain an appropriate commitment as to
confidentiality before making the disclosure.
15 CommunicationamongPartners tothe Agreement
Shareholders’ Agreement of ICaddy
Any communication between the Partners concerning this Agreement will be in writing and will be
delivered in person or by e-mail in such a way that the recipient confirms having received the
information, or sent by registered mail and fully prepaid in an envelope properly addressed to the
address given by the Partner to the Company or to other Partners. Any such notice will be in the
English language and will be considered to have been given at the time when actually delivered and
confirmed by all Partners or in any other event between [number of days ie. 14] after it was mailed
in the manner herein before provided.
16 Costs
Each of the Partners hereto will bear his/her or its own legal, accountancy and other costs, charges
and expenses connected with the negotiation, preparation and implementation of this Agreement
and any other Agreement incidental to or referred to in this Agreement.
17 Assign Ability
This Agreement cannot be assigned by any one of the Partners without the prior written consent of
the other Parties.
18 Disputes and GoverningLaw
This Agreement will be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of France. Any
disputes arising out of this agreement shall be resolved in the District Court of Paris, France].
19 Term
This Agreement becomes effective upon the signature by all Partners and shall be binding on each
Partner as long as that Partner is the owner of the Shares or other Equity Securities. This Agreement
shall, however, be terminated upon the consummation of a Trade Sale or an IPO.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid, Sections 7 - 10 (Competition Restriction Clause, Buy Back Option in
normal Partner Exit Situation and Share Disposal Restrictions, Abnormal Exit Situations, and Rules
Governing Share Disposal) and Sections 18 (Disputes And Governing Law) will be binding, to the
extent applicable, upon the Party even if the Party has ceased to be a Party to this Agreement.
20 Ancillary Provisionsand Signature
Except as otherwise provided herein, no addition, amendment to or modification of this Agreement
will be effective, unless it is made in writing and signed by and on behalf of all Parties.
There will be no waiver of any term, provision or condition of this Agreement unless such waiver is
evidenced in writing and signed by the waiving Parties.
Shareholders’ Agreementof ICaddy
No omission or delay on the part of any Partner hereto in exercising any right, power or privilege
hereunder will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or Partial exercise of any such right,
power or privilege preclude any other. The rights and remedies herein provided are cumulative with
and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
In the event that any of these terms, conditions or provisions will be determined invalid, unlawful or
unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision will be severed from the remaining
terms, conditions and provisions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.
This Agreement in has been executed in 3 identical originals, and reviewed completely by the Parties,
signed after approval and all pages in appendixes inclusive initialed by the Parties. The Company has
received one and each Partner has received one original bearing the following legally binding
This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties hereto relating to the
subject matter hereof, and merges and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous discussions,
agreements and understandings of every nature between the parties hereto.
This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, and by the different parties hereto in
separate counterparts, each of which when executed shall be deemed to be an original but all of which
taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a
signature page to this Agreement by telecopier shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed
counterpart of this Agreement.
_____________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________
[Maëlis MerineroMarketing
[Moaad ElgoufhiriSales
[Mikaël Monjour R&D
_____________________________ _____________________________
[Soukaina Ouomar CEO]
[Fatima Laid Human
Ressources Manager]

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  • 1.
  • 2. 2 SUMMARY Executive summary P4 Lean canvas P5 Market Study P6 PESTLE P11 5+1Forces de Porter P18 Competitive advantage P22 Protection of technology P23 Partnerships P24 Supply chain P25 Organization and administration P27 Marketing Strategy P30 Action Plan P36 Prediction of Growth P37 Financial Perspective P38 Attachments P39 - Costs P39 - Formulas P40 - Turnover P41 - Balance sheet P42 - P&L P44
  • 3. 3 Presentation of technology P46 Website P46 -Apps P54 -Partnerships P72 -Intelligent Cart P75 - Tools P75 - Membership Cards 76 - The tablet P78 - Process in action P83 -Legal P86 - Non Disclosure Agreement P87 - Shareholders Agreement P88
  • 4. 4 Executive Summary The company iCaddy SAS, is a company will be inscribed with NAF code 5829c “Édition de logiciels applicatifs” in the first of September. Our headquarter will be in Paris. Why every team is fit to be in the project ? Every team member is complementary to the others. We all have a business school background but our specialties are not the same. Soukaina is specialized in Logistics and supply chain management, Fatima in Marketing and HR, Maelis in Marketing, Moaad in Sales and Finance and Mikael in Lean and Research and development. Our contribution in capital will be 300K€, they will come from personal funds and the work we are going to do for free (2 first years). This investment is highly risky but with very high ROI (Return on investment). The problem we are going to solve The first time that our smart cart service came to our mind, was the day when we were all buying food in a supermarket near to ISEE Business School. We were discussing about how brand are doing their promotions in retails and places of sales. And we believed that “push promotions” and customers cross selling services were underdeveloped. Few days later we came with an idea to answer to those needs and using a smart cart and an all inclusive analytics website for retail. This website is also an ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) and a tool to take better decisions. Our customers and segmentation When we began the business plan we only wanted to target big distributors. But today after having realized that the balance of power could be too important for them, we think that targeting smaller retails in the first year will be less costly. Our unique selling proposition Our product will be unique on the market. It will be the first solution which permits to track all events that are happening in retail (Decisions, How good are the promotions, habits, etc ..). This solution will integrate new technologies such as in-store heat maps or in-store push promotions. Business model Supposing that our service is market fit, we are going to propose 3 subscription formulas. Each of this formulas are calculated in function of a precise amount of tablets wanted. Technical development and growth aspirations In our Action Plan we have four important milestones. The first one match the en of the recruitment period, the second milestone is the path between the “testing the market” period and the beginning of the time when we have to find investors, the third one is the pre-launch of the stable version and the real beginning of our company, finally the fourth milestone will be a time to
  • 5. 5 find new investors if our predictions of growth are verifiable. Financial perspectives Although our first years will be very difficult financially (Big losses) mostly because of the merchandises bought, our project will be very attractive after the 3 first years. Our client subscribe to our service for a long time (3 to 6 years). In this service tablets and tracking elements takes two or three years to be reimbursed. On the three or four other years of life of the tablet everything will be profits for us. Turnover : 75K€ in 2016 - 219,5K€ in 2017 – 913,5K€ in 2018
  • 6. 6 Market Study: Consumer’s behavior has changed : The business is since several years changing, the crisis and the decrease in consumption it has engendered, have triggered intense price war in all the retail stores. But the crisis is not the only factor of change, we have to mention that the digital disrupts the habits and behaviors of consumers and therefore the strategies of supermarkets and hypermarkets. If the price and the availability of the products remain the main criteria in the consumer’s choice, customization of the services and the offers thanks to the connected service become important criteria in choosing a store more than another one. Understanding the consumers and taking into account the emergence of new services adapted to the expectations of these latters are ways that retailers will need to borrow, and this, in the objective to deal with substantial reduction in margins. Retailers are monetizing on this trend by reformatting their stores to make certain brands and product offerings more conveniently accessible to the busy shopper. They are also introducing convenient services that allow customers to easily select products based on lifestyle and occasion. Supermarkets are also shifting their focus from products to services. They have understood that what they sell is not as important as how the consumer acquires the product. 62% of the French are interested in the types of equipment offered by connected stores. In effect, this interest is stronger among young people (77% of 18-24 years old), especially those equipped with smartphones and tablets. Be helped and guided through the buying process: comparison of products (87%), make savings through better access to promotions (85%), have a simpler purchase process (84%) and saving time (83%). Consumers therefore have pragmatic expectations of aid for the purchase. However, consumers prefer to be autonomous in store: 83% of consumers prefer to make their shopping without the assistance of a seller. Services connected to the sales force thus represent an opportunity to improve the quality of the service and the assistance in the purchase act. The level of expectation on this point is very high: 86% of the French want to be given relevant advice, 86% want to know if the product they are searching for is still available, 81% want to be advised on the products that suit them better…
  • 7. 7 Connected stores boost the image of the brand and have a real impact on purchases and the increased traffic in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Thus, these services must be developed as 87% of the French population is sensitive to. In effet, according to the consumers, these services boost the image of the store (83%) and provide useful information (79%). Even more with those who are equipped with smart phones and tablets. Connected services encourage the consumers to patronize the store and buy. For the consumers, hypermarkets and supermarkets are the most appropriate to implement such services (53%). Thus, the appetite for digital store seems correlated to the complexity of the act of buying: the more the consumers want to be autonomous, the more they wait for connected services. As a consequence, this represents a growth opportunity for retailers in terms of developing their turnover. The tablet we offer can record every user journey in minute detail. We can look at where users go and what they do. In an increasingly connected world, there’s no denying the growing influence of e-commerce. Consumers are rapidly adapting their lives to keep pace with digital advances. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are embracing technologies that elevate their digital and Omni channel footprints to better engage with their consumers. As seen previously, our platform allows shoppers to manage grocery lists and loyalty points, view nutritional information… Grocers can analyze the information provided by our solution to gain insights into user behavior so that they can offer competitive prices, customize deal offerings and better manage their inventory. What was the source of the idea? The idea came from an observation: consumption patterns are changing and retailers rely on innovation to respond; we have seen it with automatic checkouts, the self-scanning or e- commerce. But currently there is no "complete" solution that helps consumers since the beginning to the end of the shopping process (in physical stores). So we have thought further and have imagined this tablet. New trends appear and seem to be promising (purchase via QR codes, price comparison with geolocation…), but these are alternatives to "physical" stores. We really imagine the future stores around this tablet, this is the central tool for the consumer and any supermarket or hypermarket can easily be built around it (customer relations and marketing sales).
  • 8. 8 What can be the benefits for the final customers? Connected stores entered in the lives of consumers, hence there is a need to promote their benefits but also to reassure worried consumers (tracking, data protection ...). In a global context where most consumers prefer to live their shopping experience in autonomy, the connected store is an opportunity for the stores to guide and influence their buying journey. For the customer, it provides various services to the entire process of shopping: from the moment he prepares his shopping list, until he pays. Several direct benefits can be noted: he will not forget his list at home anymore, it will be in front of his eyes when he is in the store and it is active (the products are scratched from the list once in the tablet). He can also use pre-designed lists for special and occasional events (thematic party, Christmas, thanksgiving…). This allows him to easily adapt to any situation and not forgetting products. For people who usually buy the same products, "my favorite products" list is updated. They no longer have to prepare the list before going to the store thus no product will be forgotten. The smart cart allows the user to know the total amount of purchases at any time. Indeed, this can be an important information. The functionality "store plan" allows the consumer to easily identify and find articles by searching either by area or by items. The catalog of the promotions is broadcasted on the tablet, the consumer has access to all the tips when he goes shopping and will not miss the bargains of interest. Product suggestions also make him discover new items (this can be profitable both for the customer and the store). Finally, the loyalty space is the place where the customer will know the bonus provided by the purchases he realised, better visualize the savings he makes and he decides to use his loyalty benefits when he wants. All these features, all these services are offered on a friendly and intuitive interface, the software is easy to grip and is intended for all consumer profiles (not just for the techies!). It is built to perfectly match the expectations of the consumer. The icing on the cake for the customer is that the system is designed for self-service and for free! So a real competitive advantage for the retailers equipped with our tablets. What can be the benefits for the retailers? Nowadays, the connected store is a fundamental challenge for retailers to regain customers confronted with a rapid growth of e-commerce. The buying journey is already heavily digitized since 83% of the French prepare their purchases on the internet, and the smartphone is often used
  • 9. 9 by 1/3 of costumers to compare products or find relevant advice For retailers, the benefits are also numerous. The tablet, besides being a new management tool, is designed primarily to offer an innovative and effective solution for the customers’ relations. Concretely, the retailer will have the advantage to address individually and personally to all his customers. Knowing them better, better supporting them is synonymous of an increased customer loyalty and therefore a rise in consumption. The tablet is also a powerful communication tool, it can offer the right product to the right consumer at the right time. This is especially important in a large food area (like supermarkets and hypermarkets), 60% of purchasing decisions are made in store. The tablet also creates a new promotional space on the sales area at the level closest to consumers. For the retailer, our company proposes a personalized "turnkey" offer. We set the software to fully adapt to the retailer. Other customizations are also proposed so the tablet adapts to both its image, but also to existing solutions and services it offers on time. In summary, the system will fit perfectly into the existing infrastructure. How our offer differentiates from what can be found via mobile apps for smartphones and tablets? There are many applications that provide services to consumers, whether on smartphones or tablet. They offer all the features that are found in the tablet. Our tablet is different in part because it includes all services on a single support, and secondly because we work with the retailers (no B2B but B2C). These two points are very important, because we can offer all these services on a single system that is available in the store, wich allows an assistance to the consumer from the time when he thinks about his shopping list until he goes to the cashier to pay. We also have a different positioning; applications only provide services focused on the consumer. Our solution takes into account the expectations of three major players: the consumer, the retailer and the advertiser and it is a condition of success. Do some retailers already use your tablet? Not yet. We are discussing with large signs (major food retailers) but our product is still not available in any store. Mass distribution is a highly competitive environment. Innovation and change are highly considered. But we hope consumers can benefit of our tablet quickly.
  • 10. 10 Segmentation: Our targets are the major food retailers namely the supermarkets and the hypermarkets. SWOT Analysis: Weakness: many indirect competitors (B2B and non B2C), expensive to implement. Strengths: no direct competitors, you can find all the offers of the indirect competitors rallied in our tablet, increase of the turnover, a real follow-up of the client, meet the needs, the client has the priority. Opportunities: a large demand, can extend our offer to other retailers. Threats: the emergence of direct competitors. Indirect competitors (B2C) Among the smartphones applications, we can find: 1 – Prixing and shoptimise: compare prices. 3 - ListOn Free: make your shopping list. 5 - Ecocompare : find ecological products. 7 - Made-in-emplois : economic impact of the customer’s purchase. 8 - Noteo : the rate assigned to the product. 9 - Shopwise: help you finding the best products. 12 - OptiMiam : the unsold of the day for broken prices 13 - Plyce : keep abreast of destocking 14 - Shopmium : test new products freely 15 - Lydia : you can buy with your mobile phone. 16- The retailers already use the loyalty cards and scanner to have the data they need. 17- Insipired by augmented reality glasses of Google, the Digitas agency has created a prototype "connected glasses" and Intermarché has already tried it. The customer receives information directly in front of his eyes and a GPS can guide it in the aisles. Digitalization has opened services that appeal to consumers (preparation races, price comparison, loyalty card virtualization, etc ...) which are all intermediaries that the distributor will have to grasp the ecosystem. To conclude, digitalization has opened services that appeal to consumers (preparation races, price comparison, loyalty card virtualization, etc ...) which are all intermediaries that the distributor will have to grasp the ecosystem. Thanks to our offer, information will be better integrated in the future and consumers will have increasing opportunities to act now across their devices. With our tablet, we can record every user journey in minute detail. We can look at where users go and what they do. In an increasingly connected world, there’s no denying the growing influence of e-
  • 11. 11 commerce. Consumers are rapidly adapting their lives to keep pace with digital advances. PESTLE Every situation has a tool which allows to analyze and deduce the decisions we have to make. The PESTLE or PESTEL in French is mostly used to take a screenshot of a macro environment. If we decompose the letters one after another we understand the different subjects that we are going to discuss. The six subjects of the PESTLE are: - The political environment - The economical environment - The sociological and demographical environment - The Legal environment - The ecological environment In this macro environment description, we are going to explain how the French “intelligent cart” sector is doing and what will be its perspectives. By the same time, we are going to have a view on the retail conjuncture to identify a possible market penetration (how many leads and clients we may acquire). Howcan politics influence our chances to implement our brand in France? When we are speaking about France, the first thing that comes to our minds is the political stability. Since the 1970's, France never encountered major political issues. Instead, the country began to suffer of multiple movements of destabilization of the society (oil shock 1973, Le tournant de la rigueur 1981, 1995 strikes, CPE 2006, Terrorist attacks). Those movements and the development of a new generation of real-time information channel, created in the French society an important rejection of politics. Into the bargain, instead of beginning to question itself the country preferred to be more ethnocentric, Eurosceptic and conservative. Stability criteria’s could be if there is a war ongoing, the level of corrupted employees or politicians in one administration. It can also be about tax policies (customs, embargo...). Transparency of lobbying activities or new possible regulations which can transform the balance of power between all competitors (examples: competition laws in the French telecommunication and energy markets). France stability: an old country with solid grounds. As Charles Tilly would say, “The war makes the state, and the state makes war”. If this sentence does not have any sense for you, let’s go back in time. In 1789 the French revolution took place. And with it appeared the first nation state. A Republic directly issued from two different paths: the Roman Republic and the Athenian democracy. For Betrand Badie (A famous science po teacher), today’s war is only the continuity of the propagation of the idea of nation states (the creation of the highest collective propriety). For him time creates some habits which create some stability.
  • 12. 12 Tax system and regulation policies France administration and the UE (European Union) are two entities which create a lot of newer regulations and taxes. Sometimes taxes and regulation can be necessary to help customs administration to protect our free exchange zone (customs union), to create non-tariff regulations against dumping and subsidized products. But very often they can also be hard on French and European companies because it becomes very quickly a judiciary problem. France is one of the five European countries with the highest level of taxes (link 1 , link 2). The VAT merely the same in the big European countries (20prct), but the corporate tax is the second higher (33% of profit) after Malta (35%). (link3). Lobbying and Public Affairs Since 1791 and the “The Chapelier law” against corporations, France was never known as a “public affairs country”. Before the white book written by Bernard Carayon in 2002 nobody spoke about it (that is why in France the expression lobbying often means shady business). But since 2013, thanks to the deputy Jean-Jacques Urvoas some transparency laws were taken. ----FOR US ---- Public affairs and advocacy for the development and the utility of French tracking devices can maybe outrun our “probable privacy problem” Evolution of the French Business climate: will France be an attractive country to develop new retail tracking technologies? “French people and Brits love French, bashing” When we see the results, business climate in France is not the best we ever had (like today it is raining) but there are still hopes. When we look upon INSEE table we see that some sectors are doing better such as retail business (no lying? Yahoo it is our sector!)
  • 13. 13 For France Retail and the IMF, France economic recovery is set to gain momentum. They predict a growth of the GDP around 2% and 3% for 2017 an 2018. (The statistics were acted in November 2015 before the Brexit). France Retail predicts a diminution of the purchase power in 2018. The main reasons are: a smaller redistribution, lower revenue (lower labor costs after the el Khomri and Macron’s law) Still, France is one of the OCDE countries which have the highest sales per capita. Meaning: Even if the “subprime” and the “Euro crisis” happened, French retail is persistent. The strength of the French retail market could be explained by the high competition and the number of high capitalistic groups such as (Carrefour, E Leclerc, Intermarché, Casino)
  • 14. 14 Specificities and sociological behavior: What are the big evolutions of the French retail market? Today four big evolutions are happening in the retail market: - Evolution of the distribution routes (Progression of the number of drive stores) - Big specialized stores are still getting bigger - Growth of the number of retail & concept stores in cities - Still a big competition on prices Evolution of routes of distribution Since the creation of the first Hypermarket in 1963 (Sainte Geneviève des Bois), the retailers ‘supply chain transformed. They intended to decrease the costs by simplify the mode of transportation and hubs, but they didn’t expect the e-commerce and other ways to sell coming (Online shopping, Drives etc…). They also didn’t predict the return of retail of proximity (Monoprix, Casino, Franprix) in the mid 2000s’. Big specialized stores are still getting bigger Planet Retail December 2015 review explained that the total turnover of hypermarket was around 11 billion euros. And their total turnover growth was more or less 3% (Very high). Growth of the number of retail & concept stores in cities Since the beginning of the 2000’s, Casino and other groups like Carrefour have bet on the return of proximity stores and the development of concept stores. The big winner of this strategy is Casino because; he was able to take over Monoprix and Franprix which can be declined as (The high middle class retail shops). In 2015 the number of neighboring and convenience store went up of 720 new ones (Source: Planet Retail). Still a big competition on prices Today’s most utilized promotion tool of the biggest retail stores is “Low Price”. It became so much important that E Leclerc and Carrefour have created websites specially dedicated ( To compete on prices, with Leclerc and Carrefour, Intermarché and Casino created a new French purchases center (25,8% of market shares) Auchan and Système U too (21,6%).
  • 15. 15 Demography and education: What could be the impact for us? “A positive demography is a growth of retailer’s clients” Positive demography is a ratio (Number of birth/ Number of deaths). If this ratio is more than one it means that the number of inhabitants is growing. Imagine 65 000 000 inhabitants with a yearly growth of 2 % per year, ten years later it will be not 65 M but 79 235 000 inhabitants (growth of 14 M inhabitants). This little calculation shows us that in 8-9 years there will be an increase of the total number of retailer consumers. More consumers mean more turnover, more turnover means more investments (so ….: P) A better education system could give us a higher probability to recruit someone competent In spite of that we can call it a hypothesis; it is often the case that big companies were created in countries where the revenue and education per inhabitant is higher. Given that the scholarship is accessible to anyone, it is easy for companies to recruit interesting profiles (interesting for Human Resources to have a lot of good candidates). Technological: Issues& advantages ofa French implementation Very high speed connection Developing a new project in retail technology trade in France has a lot of advantages (technologically speaking). For example, there is in Paris a high level of penetration for the 4G and the Internet (France thanks to Alcatel has one of the best and quickest network of the planet. Lot of French houses have access to connections up to 100 mbps). State of art technologies France is a country of very specialized technologies. For instance France is the European leader in the development of ERP (Enterprises Resources Planning) softwares. Subventions help and government investments Although France is surely not the first country in the expenditures for R&D, in number of technicians per million of people or in trademarks, it is very famous for percentage the number of researcher per inhabitant. The level of researchers per inhabitant can be explained by specific subventions or tax reductions made for companies which recruit new researchers and technicians. For instance, we are hoping to receive the JEI (Jeune Entreprise innovante) 15 000€ and 25% of Source
  • 16. 16 social expenses subvention from the French government. Incubators and French tech One of the good reasons to say that France is a good country to invest from; it is the growth of big structures that help investment and that educate entrepreneurs (BPI, Business Angels groups, big companies trophies, Questions related to legislation and the judiciary system What is to be known about the French judiciary system is that it is independent from the legislative power. It means that the constitution forbids the control of the justice by politicians. It works through civil laws and codes, such as “code civil” “code pénal” “code du travail” […] each of them are made by deputies and are the law. The judge and the Magistrate are interpreting the laws written in the “codes “. France judiciary system is also influenced by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). 80% of the laws accepted every year are coming from the ECJ and the European commission. As a member of international organizations, France needs to adapt to them in its legislations. French laws come third after international and European laws. Privacy laws The Data Protection Act No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 (Loi informatique et libertés) (DPA) is the key legislation on the protection of personal data in France. The DPA created the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL). The DPA has been amended severaltimes, in particular by Act No. 2004-801 of 7 August 2004. Because we are not reallawyers and because there are possibilities to have lawsuits against us, we are going to find external lawyers to help us out. If you want to have a big picture I invite you to see those two links: In English: In French:
  • 17. 17 The environmental and ecological factors Before implementing a company, it is necessary to know the environmental aspects. Such as: - The temperature in average - The temperature amplitude - The temperature during high selling capacity seasons - Level of rain (on average) - Infrastructures (Transportation networks) - Energy mix - Pollution - Subventions - Control & improvements Climate & weather In Paris the average temperature is 12,4 Celsius. The average quantity is around 694 m3 a year (source: The maximum amplitude goes around 40 Celsius (between -5 to 35 C°). For the next 50 years, the GIEC (Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat) is expecting a rise of 2,5 C°. Similarly it is predicting for a bigger amplitude every year. For tourism, the warm months are July and August. The cold ones are December, January and February. Provided that we can deduce which are the ones when the tourists are coming. Pollution specifics With 13 M of inhabitants, Paris is the most populated metropolis of Europe. France's capital generates more or less 70 % of the country GDP. Due to the number of inhabitants and its economical interest, Paris is therefore one of the most polluted city of Western Europe. Pollution is not only CO2. Other elements (list) are as much or more dangerous for Humans or the Planet. (Here is one of the website for the level of pollution in Paris & another for Europe) Infrastructure and transportation networks Paris has one of the best infrastructure network of the world. 2 international airports, 1st train station of the EU (Gare du Nord). Roissy Charles de Gaulle is the second airport in number of passenger. The first for Cargo. France energy mix Today energy mix was 70% Nuclear, 15 % hydroelectricity, 7% gas, 2 % wind energy, 1 % solar energy, 1 % bioenergy, 9 % coal, 1 % oil. Ecological control and perspectives As shown above, the EU edits most of the laws concerning ecology and environmental norms. Most labels as Eco-cert or AB were made by the European union. The taxation of CO2 and the
  • 18. 18 5 + 1 strengths of Porter Every time that we are speaking of competition and competitors, we mostly stop at the first step. Which is the comparison between the company and the direct competitors. To go ahead of this simple analysis which is most of the time not pertinent, we are going to utilize the 5 strengths of porter +5 showed on the website of Eric Neweau what is the interest behind this tool the five strengths + 5 of porter ? The great interest behind this tool is the clarity and the balance of power : - On the market - Between the company and the suppliers - The sustainability of the supply chain - The power of our clients - The influence of final users on our clients choices - The number and the power of new possible entrants - The advantages and norms that could give our competitors an advantage - The relation that the local government could have with our service - The different groups of interests that coul promote or want to destroy our product Competitors Before explaining who are our competitors. I shall resume what is our product. As we explained before, we hope to sell an all inclusive solution to track and analyze everything that is happening in supermarkets and retails. In this solution we propose a web interface, tracking devices and an smart cart. When we compare our product definition and the solutions already existing on the market, we only see one direct competitor : SmartKart (Now Invencia) What is SmartKart ? SmartKart is a French company which « intend to develop and promote a new way of consumption through an intelligent cart ». They were created in 2013 but didn't grew exponentially since. How do they do ? In 2014 their net profit was negative – 22 000 € .They explained in press releases that the power of distributions companies was too strong and that they wanted to explore a way to find new clients and maybe try a SAAS (software as a service). To keep it simple, because of financing problems they found difficulties to launch their products. The lack of capacities to buy enough carts to meet retailers demand, made a enormous difficulty. Which could only be cleared with new revenue forms. New entrants
  • 19. 19 Even if we could have (if we launch our service this year) only one direct competitor, there is a high probability that others would come. Lot of press releases are explaining that companies such as Wallmart or Microsoft are working to develop new intelligent cart solutions. What is interesting with those new entrants ? Competing against Microsoft of Wallmart could be harsh for us. They have an outstanding capacity in R&D and in scaling their costs (decrease their costs). They could find more money to invest and achieve high market shares rate before us. Moreover is certain that they will gather more attention than little start-ups. Why is it a chance to compete with them ? When big companies want to go in a market, there is most of the time a lot of profits to do. A high probability of return on investment. So it could be an intersting argument when we are going to ask Business Angels for a loan. Another good reason is Public Relations. We may have less money to invest for awareness and grow on their backs. Products of substitution In our Market study, we did not see real product of substitution. However it is maybe possible to inter-exchange our tablet with some app which could be download on IOS or Android. It is also possible for a firm to chose an ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) like SAP and to buil it only for the company's use. Which is clearly more costly. Power of suppliers The balance of power between our brand and our suppliers will change over time if we grow and if we have enough money to to pay high quantity Merchandises (Mandatory to penetrate the market). At the beginning we will not have power at all. Mostly because we will try to have « premium products at low costs » from China or Vietnam. It is frequent that in Asia the locals habits dictate the contracts (Example : in China the FOB incoterm could also be used for planes). The suppliers of our suppliers To know who are the suppliers of our suppliers will be probably mandatory for us. If we want to create a sustainable brand we will have to look upon the way our products were conceived, the origin of the merchandises (working abuses, environmental impact etc..) and if the product has European norms or not (CE for instance).
  • 20. 20 The power of negotiation in China and in Asia is often possessed by companies which have the bigger size and political tides. The power that our client have on us In our strategy of growth, we explained clearly that we hope to sell our products to retailers (Big or Medium size) which are most of the time in France big companies (Carrefour, Auchan, E. Leclerc..). As we saw earlier in the PESTLE, those companies are merge-in together to create giant purchases centers. So we can say that in any case our real power will be « around zero ». With a good PR campaign and grassroot influence on their customers, we may be able to gather a little bargaining power. The groups of interests' power Some groups of interest swhich are concerned with the privacy of consumers can an advocacy or public affairs campaign against us. Few of them are already doing it with (against) some distibutors membership cards. If we have some big distributors rooting for us, it may be possible to counterbalance those associations' power. Another group of interests which will have high influence on us is our benefactors (Business Angels and Venture Capital companies). They will expect a high return o investment (20prct). State, government and regions' power Institutions can have an high impact on our success. Some subventions can help us to achieve growth quickly or to invest in more merchandise and labor force. The chamber of commerce can help us to find new investors or indicate us the best incubator for our project. The government may also make some new taxes and regulation which could led to high costs of importation (example : taxations of electronic parts).
  • 21. 21 emission of the related bonds are coming from Brussels too. Locally mayors and regions can design new projects: - Wind farms & Solar parks - Plan new way of transportation (canal seine Nord) - Regulate car's and truck traffic - Imagine new hubs (Bercy, Gare du Nord) - Tramway and green public transports - New pedestrian zone
  • 22. 22 Competitiveadvantage To decline our competitive advantages over our competitors (Direct, indirect), we are going to use the famous sales acronym : The SONCAS (Security, Ego, New, Comfort, Advantages and Sympathy) What is the objective of using this “SONCAS” in a business plan ? Using the SONCAS is betting on an easier understanding. It is in addition something “similar to a template” that we can use in our future negotiations. The SONCAS analysis Even if the soncas is often used by salesmen in a negotiation or in a bargain, it possible to use it to draw an understanding of the expectations of our clients. Security : what do we have that our competitors don't ? - Every year we are going to organize a hackton and offer gifts to the one who show security defaults in our system. - We are going to work with schools which work in security (invite their students to brunch). - Our tablets are delivered with locks that make nearly impossible to steal. Ego : what we are and what we hope to achieve ? - We are the first smart cart seller to procure an all inclusive service (user accounts, tracking tools). - We are going to be the leader in Market shares within three years. - We are going to be the Google Analytics of retails. Novelty : 8 new things that we will bring to the Market 1. A way to know everything on your clients 2. A n possible integration with e-commerce analytics websites 3. A better way to take decisions in “no time) 4. Tools to send push promotions to your customers 5. An intuitive operating system interface 6. Actual and trendy design with flat icons 7. A web interface that you can build to your desires 8. New retails tools such as heatmaps and cohorts Comfort : How will our service bring our clients comfort ? - Decisions will be easier because it will be possible to prepare shipment earlier (thanks to the button on our tablet wich permits to ask for a shipment before going to the cashier). - Our clients will understand better the needs of their buyers and optimize their stocks (More cash will be free). - If retailers know in real time what is happening in their stores, they can adapt and test things more often.
  • 23. 23 - Our service include an insurance for reparation costs. - Our tablets are going to be waterproof so they will be able to be stored outside. Money : No more money issues ? - No big investment (we can use our clients carts if they want) - Thanks to the subscription, they will not have to pray tremendous amount of money in one time (Subscription permits to invest money on 6 years) - They will increase their turnover and profits thanks to push promotions - Minus staff will be needed “Nobody will leave the queue anymore” Sympathy : Our clients can use the French “savoir faire” and get more clients - French love to use French startups products (that is trendy) - French like companies which prefers to develop a sustainable supply chain Protection of technology We spoke earlier in our competitive advantage about security specifications. In this part we are going to explain, how we are going to protect our R&D, our technology and process in commercial way. First, we are going to deposit our brand and our core technology within the INPI (institut national de la propriété intellectuelle). When a startup is created, its identity (brand name, brand logo…) can mean everything. It can also be a competitive advantage that’s why we will need to put a patent protection on everything that represents our brand. The technologies that we are going to protect are the ones that our competitors do not use and the ones related to our talent operating system and it’s the better way to manage information. Secondly, we are going to benchmark the best lawyers that could help us to grow and protect ourselves against piracy and economical warfare. Thirdly, we will invite some students of economic intelligence programs to audit us. Fourthly, we are going to initiate process to control and share information, create knowledge management chance.
  • 24. 24 Partnerships The importance of creating partnership is plural. It is a way to possess the technology without the need to do research and development. It is also a possibility which can be used for public relations purposes or to decrease the advertising costs (sale effects)? For instance, we take the example of a partnership with Tcuento, Tcuento is a Spanish company which created a interesting way to track and analyze the reactions of consumers in the shops. We would gain: a tool which can give us indicators such as (time in shop, habits..) even if the customer do not take our cards. What Tcuento will gain: More customers and orders. A way to have a better partnership of the French market. List of possible partnership:  TCuento;  Reparation companies;  A Heatmap generator company;  E-companies which permit us to put Their API of on our interface;  Associations for the respect privacy and for advertising a constant sustainability;  An Association which could help us to create an operating system.
  • 25. 25 Supply chain & Logistics : 1.1 The Supply Chain Research&development and manufacturing Our supply chain management section is responsible for delivering tablets, that will be imported from China, and distribution services that support all our logistics operations (inventory purchasing, customs, warehousing operations). The store in China provides a full range of professional tablets services, including reparation services. With a dedicated focus on our technology and a goal of customer service excellence, we will buy tablets from our supplier in China with a lower cost than the marketplace; this includes all the customs fees and exportation operations. As our objective is to continue to find ways to reduce the cost of logistic provider, the Icaddy has expanded its services into other departments of Ile de France to improve parts management processes. 1.2 Distribution  Via our Store  Via partnership Paris Tablets manufacturing ASSEMBLY CONFIGURATION PARISPARISCHINA
  • 26. 26 Some contracts will be signed with some partners who are interested in buying our product. Our distribution partners each bring unique value to our end customers across our global network. They be delivered directly from our store in order to optimize some logistics and services cost by 20%.
  • 27. 27 Organization and Administration Management Even if our organization will be centralized around one person (Soukaina), it will be quite horizontal. We will organize a weekly briefing to decide and discuss about the evolution of the company, the products, the leads, the strategy and the tactics to adopt. Soukaina will have 3 votes and all the others one. Employees/ Associates: For the first two years, associates will not get paid. On the third year, the revenue of each associate will be 20000 Euros per year. The fact that we will not take money for the two years, will give us the possibility to grow the level of our equity, it will also permit to get cash to invest in merchandises. Our three employees (2programmers and 1developper) will receive some revenue since the first year, around 3000 Euros per month for each programmers, and round 200euros per month for the developer. Thanks to the JEI agreement that we predict to receive, we are going to pay only 25% of patronal charges. The total patronal expenses will be as 24K€ in 2016 and 2017, 44K€ in 2018. For the installation and exploitation period, we will ask for the help of a specialized lawyer and an accountancy expert. The total budget price for both will be around 5000€ per year. Small description of every associate: Before to start explaining the specifications of every associate job, we must remind that we have all of us, a business career path. HR Fatima Marketing Maëlis Sales Moaad R & D Mikael • Programers (2) • Devleplopers (1) Finance External CEO SOUKAINA
  • 28. 28 Fatima Laid: Fatima Laid is someone who is very sociable and loves to smile. She has studied Applied Foreign Language: Spanish language. Today she is studying in ISEE business school different classes like: finance, management, international marketing. Because she is really good with people and love to meet new people, we decided to give her the opportunity to work in Human resources and in Marketing (See the organization draw). When she worked as a commercial assistant at Viso group Paris, she gave some training and taught process to new salesmen. She also worked as a community manager in an IT company. Moaud Elghoufiri: Like Fatima Moaad, loves people. Being around people is Moaad element. Moaad used to study accounting and Finance. He received in 2014 a Bachelor degree. Today he is studying with the four other associates at ISEE Business School. The other interesting point of Elghoufri is his versatility He knows to process interesting software’s such as SAP, SAGE, and ERP. Moreover, he experienced a lot of jobs as a marketing assistant and Finance abroad. Moaad qualities can be encountered to find new partners and new investors and to sell a lot of products. His profile matches a lot with our position of sales director. Soukaina Ouomar: Soukaina is someone very pragmatic and analytical. She likes to do thing with the wright path. She has a very humanly approach and quantify people at their real value. She studied logistics and purchases and practiced those skills in multinational companies, such as Renault, Mearsk, Lafarge and Timar. Her profile is the one we choose to represent the company. We need someone technical for an innovative tech startup. Position: CEO and Supply Chain Director. Maelis Merinero: Maelis Merinero is a lovely person. She studied at Emlyon. She mostly studied Marketing and management at this business school. She had the possibility to develop her skills in Marketing and Finance. She worked as an ambassador of “Michel et Augustin” and leads can be interesting or us. That is why we chose Maelis to be our Marketing director. Mikael Monjour: Mikael is someone who likes to discover and test new things. He loves to learn about everything. His profile is mostly Marketing and webmarketing, but can work as an E- consultant and integrator or in supply chain management. One of Mikael Hobby is to iterate stuff to find growth in the little companies he is working for.
  • 29. 29 He is crazy about lean startup management dashboard and scorecards Because he knows interesting coding languages (some concepts) he is the perfect person to works as the research and development director. What will be the tasks of the two programmers and the developer? To be very simple, the difference between a programmer and a developer is that the programmer create from scrap (most of them algorithm between machines) and the developer optimize it. Most of developers can also work on ergonomics (work on design) and UX development Programmers: Their first job will be to create a new OS (operating system) on android or Debian In the second time, they will work on the online interface to work on the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange ) and language code. The developer: He will mostly work on the design and ergonomics with Mikael and the two programmers. He will create programs in JavaScript utilizable to scrap data and for growth hacking strategies. Our two external resources: Why do we need a lawyer? As we saw in the market analysis and in the PESTEL, they are possibilities of lawsuit against us. If privacy associations are not agreeing to let us launch our service, they could destroy us. Why do we need an accountancy Expert? Firstly in France is nearly mandatory to show your accounts to an expert. Secondly, most of the associates are not real accountants and will not have time to work on it. For those reasons, it is better to externalize it (with verification of course).
  • 30. 30 Marketing Strategy: In our Marketing strategy, we will decline the importance of each Ps (4p). Synthetically, we are going to explain our position through interesting mix marketing. With detail and with a highlight on our promotion tactics. Product:  In Marketing every product has five dimensions:  The concept;  The formula on the performances;  A sensorial part;  The quality of services offered;  Name and brand. Even in the products and services sold could seem very technical, the concept or the idea is easy. Our concept is to procure a solution which can permit to every retailer/ Brand to know more about its customers. What our product will teach our client about their consumers?  What he buys?  When he buys it?  How long time he takes to buy it?  If he is influenced by promotions?  How long he stayed in the shop?  If push notification make him buy more?  Real time data and most frequented places of your retail. The things our clients will learn:  Which brand is doing better than another?  Tips for those brands which have not sell enough.  What you will be able to iterate in some way that if you more working in web analytics ( you or brands will be able to optimize their communication and earn more money). What is the benefit for our clients customers?  Bigger ROI and Turnover  Better information on their habits;  A capacity to take better decisions;  A possibility to push their products in promotion;  Have promotions that suit their needs;  To know when the product really comes from. Our performances (of the product) will be able to be measured thanks to activity ratios. We
  • 31. 31 will give possibility to each user (website/ interface) to choose between 50 ratios, and to put the ones he created. Part of our product will be mostly design. We are going to use colors, easy to differentiate (even for daltonien) that are speaking about sustainability. We are thinking to implement “a readability code” for our tablet. Concerning our services’ quality, we can say that it will try to be the best on the market. Because our service is all inclusive, security for the tablet and reparation cost will be at our expenses. Today we are still thinking of our brands name, even if we chose the name “smartCaddy” but we could change it after. If we have to be visible (putting the smart cart before) of if it is better to take a mythological name such as “Amazon” “Apple”… Even if it will be explained with more words in the promotion part of the marketing strategy. It is necessary to repeat that we are going to begin our activity to see if our product is market fit and if we have to adapt before launching the beta version. This thought is also valid for our name that we are going to A/B test. Place: Our distribution strategy is simple: we want to give the better service rate (95% ,98%) to our customers. The customer service will be open every day between 9am to 7pm We are going to try to keep our supply chain small as possible. For that purpose, we are going to sell only products on internet. Lot of shipments will be done by us in our local or at the clients place. Price : We are going to institute a premium price for our three formulas. The formula one will cost around 15k€ a year for 1-100 tablets and for the formula 2 and 3 the price will decrease if you pass the two steps of tablets ( the more you buy, the bigger the discount will be). You can see the formula :
  • 32. 32 Promotion : As we said at the beginning of the Marketing strategy, the promotion will be the P which will have the more details. In this P we are going to explain our strategy and our tactics of communication quickly. Then we will introduce you to the AARRR Framework. Our strategy : Since the first day of work on this project we taught that the technology is great. But is the market really ready? Is our product market fit? Is there enough demand? For these reasons, we are going to concentrate our first month to find is there is a possibility of clients (and we will take their mail abuses and build a field with potential leads). And if their customers are ready or not. Last thing that we must see and think about is the possibility for our solution to be illegal (because o privacy measures). After being sure that we can grow, we are going to be on public relations (PR), Advertising (mostly online) and search engine management. Marketing Strategy 2016 - 2019
  • 33. 33 Public relations tactics: Create a newsletter; Send Mailing for awareness; Pay press releases; Write white books; Create a lot of blogs and use guest posting; Create webinars to educate our leads or to create interest; High quality videos with comments of partners (users); Create attention and desire on social media; Create landing pages for people who can be interested and to recuperate their information. Advertising tactics: Design brochures and ILV to find new uses and partners; Go to trade show to find new customers; and for awareness; Use Facebook ads to make a lot of people aware of our brand; Search engine management: Optimize our website for maximal search; Pay ad-words to be more visible on website and search. The AARRR Framework: AARRR means: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue. It’s a tool often used by startup to develop their companies. The goal of this framework is to create a funnel for a customer. There is one of our possible AARRR funnel. Thanks to Facebook ads 100 people go to our landing page with one of the formula (acquisition) The landing page is well designed and A/B listed well so 50/80 of people search for more information (Activation/Retention); Some of their colleagues can be interested so they share it on Linkedin (referral); Their friends or colleagues are working with Distribution Company; they order 1000 tablets (Revenue). Post scriptum: AARRR Framework can also or work in different way. It depends what is the focus point and the type of startup.
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35 How are we going to develop our company: the action plan? In order to understand the consistency of our plan action, I invite you to have look on the “Action Plan Table”. Our plan was made thanks to fine criteria which can be simplified by SMART method. on other words we calculated our previsions to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Plan of action 2016 -2019
  • 36. 36 Action Plan As we can see we divided our plan and our global strategy on three years. From creation of the company in September 2016 and the month of September three years later.) For this period we identified the key factors of success:  The feasibility of our product strategy (market fit);  Research & development;  Our capacity to find partners and clients;  How much funding we can have;  The capacity to purchase tablets and tracking tools at the lowest price possible and at the best moment;  Our strength to recruit the best employees. Every KFS is scheduled in time we are going to give you a little more details about how we are going to pass from the beginning to the end o the three first years of the company.  Our first action will be the recruitment of new team members (especially the two programmers and the developer).  We are going to participate to some meetup which permit us to find people interested in a startup project.  Our criteria will mostly be the revenue (cost if he can be paid in shares), his/her interest in the project, his/her skills, his/her experiences. (July/December 2016).  Our second important movement should be to test if we will have enough clients in order to launch our product. In this short period of time, we are going to track the reaction of their customers and if they are ready to utilize our products (August 2016 and May 2017).  Our third move will be to canvas our first early adopter clients. We are going to canvas through growth hacking Methods (Mass mailing) and through planning session (September 2016/May2017).  We will order merchandisers to prepare our Alpha release (October 2016/November 2016) If demand is conclusive, market purchases will be made when an order is taken on the website.  We are planning to begin the construction of our first operating system version (Alpha) (November 2016, May 2017)  On the same time that we are going to build our alpha version, our website and user interface will be created (beginning November 2016).  We are going to canvas new possible investors (Business angels, venture capital)
  • 37. 37  Or that purpose, it is possible that we are going to join French tech associations or incubators to receive help. Set real contracts. (November 2016/September 2018).  While finding investors, we are going to ask for a subvention from the French government called (JEI)  We have the hope to do some crowdfunding on platforms such as UIule, indigogo..  The objective would be to create a lot of awareness around the brand and to influence distributors.  Some of the counterparts will be shares, event, invitations, goodies….  Finding buyers for our second version release (Beta version)  Launch of the Beta version (June 2017-September 2018)  Finding clients (some process for early adopters plus advertising and fairs) for stable version.  Launch of the stable version  Find help from investors or banks to help us to grow because of a high demand. Prediction of growth As we said before, the market is not secured yet, but once we clearly see that a demand exist, the market will really grow between 3 and 5 years after the creation. Our sales turnover would be around 15K€ for the first year, 220K€ the second year, 915K€ in 2018 and 5000K€ in 2020. We hope to achieve in 3 years75% of market share of the smart caddy sector.
  • 38. 38 Financial perspective Even if we have an interesting potential of turnover growth, our profile will be negative for the last three years and more important... For example in 2016 we will have 110K€ of loss, in 2017 and 2018 we will have 175K€ of loss, in 2018 – 2019, 946K€ of loss. What could be the main reasons to invest in a company that loses money? First thing, we are maybe losing money on short term (especially because of purchases investment), but after 6 years of contract with every client. Our margin is around 140% (6years correspond to the number of years of the tablet utilization). So to keep it simple we have high investment cots, it takes us 2 or 3 years to reimburse, but the 3 years after will be pure profit. This kind of investment is high, but the return after 6 years will be also extremely high. Our budget will be around 2million euros for the first three years.
  • 43. 43
  • 44. 44 Profit and loss statement
  • 45. 45
  • 46. 46 PRESENTATION OF TECHNOLOGY Our interface is a mix between a PGI (Prologiciel de gestionintégrée), a CRM (Customer relationship management) and a web interface as Google analytics. Our interface is a SAAS (link) an will be hosted by a private solution like ovh. Homepage: The homepage of our solution is where you can see the headlines of all the apps. For instance, here you can see a chat window with two people chatting. The gender résumé of the client who came to the supermarket.
  • 47. 47 Personal Accounts When you subscribe to a formula, you have access to the services you have asked and paid for. In each service, you have a possibility to create the number of accounts you wish. Each account can be linked to social networks, payment details. Each account equals one user and one profile (photo, adapted interface) When you click on the agenda icon (in the header), you are able to see all types of notifications: - Requests (low ad high) - Server problems - New users of your company - Emails (if connected) -Location setting (which region)
  • 48. 48 Charts On our interface, you will have the capacity to choose the design of your charts. And link them to any KPI or ratio in our dictionary (each company can create new KPI).
  • 49. 49 You can create the number of “tabs” you like. And with some “clicked slipped”, you can put the charts you like as the first ones, or delete some you do not use.
  • 50. 50 MAPS You can download the tree mapsyou like or get the Google API (Application Programming Interface) – Google Maps with your shops on it.
  • 51. 51 Real time Map Thismapis very special, because it allows you to track clients in your supermarket: real time | monthly | yearly. You can also, if you click on one, see his/her path.
  • 52. 52 Agenda This agenda allows you to share information with your peers & colleagues. To see the important deadlines that are coming (vendor, negotiation, promotions, merchandising campaigns…)
  • 53. 53 On the tables tab you can see the numbers and ratios in different tables & rows. If you need to export data you can do it in .xls (excel) or .csv (comma).
  • 54. 54 Free APPS to download Batch processing Makeoperations by batches on your items Planning projects Plan yourprojectswithdifferentsteps Date of delivery to the customer Handle the delivery dates on yourcustomers’ documents Locking of the accountingssystems Manage yourlocking options Default quantities Add a quantity by default on your items
  • 55. 55 Fleet management Handlecarparks Google Contacts Synchronize your Google contacts Analyse of the campaigns by groups Analyse the progression of your campaigns by groups Pipelines on the tasks Follow how your tasks advances in pipelines Users’ references Identify your accounts with a reference Date of the supplier delivery
  • 56. 56 Handle the delivery dates Trades’ commissions Calculateyourcomercials’ commissions Customizedfieldsproduct by product Add a additionallevel of customizedfields on yourproducts Influencingfactors Follow the factorsthat influence your sales Sales analysisventes inmultichannel Analyse yourdaily sales by channels(Store, Web etc) Customers’ cartography View on a mapwhereyourcustomers are in your store
  • 57. 57 Specified sales analysis Analysethe sales’distributionspecifically Validation of the supports’ tickets Organisethe validation of youranswersbeforesendingthem Analyse of the dailytasks Follow the tasks made by your team Sales analysison the customers’ forms Post the sales’ informations on yourcustomers’ forms Verificationof the time sheets Follow the filling of the time sheets of your team Analysis of the projects’ margins
  • 58. 58 Analyse yourmargin on eachproject Subscriptions’ management Manage yourcustomers’ subcriptions Packing Fill in the packaging on your commercial documents Product returns Manage easily the return of yourproducts Magento SynchroniseyourMagentostore withincwo Checklists Organise your action plans
  • 59. 59 Commercial margin per item Pay off your margin for each line of your invoices Geodispatch Assignyour businesses and files depending on theirlocalisation Campaigns management Follow the efficiency of your marketing campaigns Multilingual documents Your bills in different languages Percentage of clients transformation Know how much a promotion in a store will get you back Unbug API
  • 60. 60 Check your calls in the API Personnalisedfields Addfields on yourcontacts, businesses, companies Inventoryvaluation Value your inventory valuation Real time sales follow Follow your turnover on real time Attachments validation Validate the attachment sattached to your items Production fields Workflows
  • 61. 61 Users’ groups Organize your users by groups Encription Purchases’ confirmation Ask for confirmation for purchases and deliveries for your clients Productsnumbering Allocate a single number to yourp roducts Businesses’ contacts Allocate contacts to your businesses Activity report Easily set youractivity reports
  • 62. 62 Differentinternalforwardingcosts Calculatethosecosts Potential stock Visualise the upcomingstock depending on your supplies Products’ volume Manage thepackaging volume Publicationson the Internet Publicateyour documents on the Internet Productspreparation time Follow the time of preparation Pricesrequests
  • 63. 63 Delivery slips templates Prescribers Frequentsearchs Consolidation of the« tiers » Your statistics customers/suppliers classified by companies groups Work groups PayPlug Statistics on the payments methods
  • 64. 64 Vacation on Google Calendar Show your vacation on the Google agenda Storage management Control your stock Sharedgenda Share the agenda viewwithin all the guests Eco-participation Easily manage the eco-participation Stockchecking Follow the progress of the expected stock movement Composedproducts
  • 65. 65 Bare codes scans Statistics, scanned products and bought products (ratios) Unit prices display Show or hide the unit prices of yourproducts by a research Scrumboard Have a quick look atyour teams’ tasks Bare code Manage your products bare codes (ERP, SAP, PGI …) Delivery slips Issue delivery slips
  • 66. 66 Plannedworkload Assign the work to your teams depending on theiravailability Forecast cash flow Serial numbers managements Manage your products’ serial numbers Contacts classification Classifyyour contacts in customizedcategories Classification by branch of activity Classify by branchyourpastactivities Tasksprogress Follow the percentage of yourtasksprogress (Gantt)
  • 67. 67 Batch numbers and traceability Manage your batch numbers and yourproductstraceability Contacts qualification Qualify vos contacts tobetteryour prospection Days off Easily plan yourdays off Management by objectives Followyourdevelopmentindicators. 120 pre-filledindicators Warning system for warehouses Manage your warning system for eachwarehouse Google Drive
  • 68. 68 Synchroniseyour files with Google Drive MailChimp Sendyour emails withMailChimp Automatic exports Automatic exports eachweek or month Prestashop SynchroniseyourPrestashop store withincwo Negociatedcustomersprices Manage yourpricescustomer by customer Events and taskscategories Personnalise yourt asks
  • 69. 69 Contacts : Facebook Synchronise yourFacebook contacts Contacts : Viadeoand Linkedin Synchronise yourcollegues and customers’ Viadeoand Linkedin contacts Google Agenda Synchronise yourGoogle agenda Contacts : Yahoo! Synchronise your Yahoo! contacts Dropbox Synchronise your files withDropbox Recurring sales
  • 70. 70 Follow the reccuring sales rate Boutique Facebook Publish in one click yourproducts catalogue on yourprofessionnal Facebook page Insertionorder Manage your clients’ advertising insertion orders
  • 71. 71 Partnerships TCUENTO Video: What TCUENTO offers: Founded in 2007, today TC Group Solutions is a benchmark company in the development of all types of measuring and analysis solutions of client flow behaviour both inside and outside commercial establishments. TC Group Solutions's aim is to offer a comprehensive service to its clients through a complete portfolio of adaptable and tailored Retail Intelligence® solutions for each business. Link to the website :
  • 72. 72 HEATMAPS solution A partnership with a heatmap solution in retail and stores can be interesting. It can show quickly in the “real time map” the evolution of sales and clients in each area of the supermarket. It can also show if the promotions worked or not.
  • 73. 73 Intelligent Cart This first cart will be our offer, if our client does not have any cart yet (implementation of a new supermarket for example). It is also our favourite solution, if he wants to buy new ones. The second solution will be to implement our devices on already existing carts. Less costly and very easy to take of if the client wants to take the carts back of for reselling. 1 2
  • 74. 74 This is the RFID tracking deviceof our carts. Interesting because, it doesn’t take much electricity to function (5 weeks before refill). The RFID device will be the one connected to point of sale displays. Also, it gives push promotions on the tablet. This is the GPS tracking device. Put in front of the cart, it allows us to see its location in the supermarket, e.g. he time spent in one area. The gps devise can also be interesting for dispatching vendors to help the clients. With our carts, we will only use Bluetooth bar code machines. When it is on its base, it replenishes the battery. This object is the support for our tablet (cart 2). Its security system prevents the tablet from being stolen. Cart tools
  • 75. 75 Membership Cards The objective behind free cards, membership cards, and premium cards, it is to gather the maximum information on every client or prospects. Those cards are not mandatory for companies; they can still use the old ones. The Free card allows to harvest and track information about consumers. With the first cart, one cannot take off the chain without beeping a card. It will mostly be used for quantitative analysis. (Time in the supermarket, medium price for a cart, if the non member buys more than the member) The card has an EN13 bar code and NFC Technology The promotions on the tablet, will only be seasonal or normal ones.
  • 76. 76 The member card is free for clients. The client must fulfill all the information asked on the subscription sheet. The member card gives the possibility to send promotions that are meeting the client’s needs. How? Algorithms can calculate and offer new products and promotions via habits, gender, revenue, seasonal aspect, price, bio or not, number of children, age, home/flat. This card gives the possibility to access the fifth tab and to beneficiate of great reductions. The card has an EN13 bar code and NFC Technology In the end, comparatively to the free card, the member card will be more qualitative. And it will give more tracking information. The premium card is the Graal of membership cards. One would have to pay to have it (around 9€ per month). The premium card is the member card upgraded. It gives to a client the possibility to come to VIP events (talk about the brand and free food) Receive invitations or big discounts about regional events (soccer match, tennis, and concert) Have more Knockdown discounts on daily products. Receive medals after cumulating points. Have crazy gifts with the points. Free samples sent to their homes. In some ways, the premium card makes the members buy only in your supermarket, because he/she will want to have the best returns for 9€ per month.
  • 77. 77 Tablet The characteristics of the tablet are quite simple. The tablet will be waterproof with a Linux OS (operating system) such as Debian or Red hat. Why Linux? Because there will be no propriety to buy, and more application developers are using bash (UNIX systems). Adapted to NFC (Near field Contact) technology.
  • 78. 78 This is the home interface of the tablet. The first tab is the shopping list, the second is what you have in the cart, the third one is the promotions of the day or season, the fourth one is for asking a delivery, the fifth tab for crazy promotions; premium deals; events organized by the brand or happening in the region. After clicking on the shopping list tab, you can access to the shopping list of today (what you have in the cart: Name – Price – Quantity) and the three previous ones. The home button is to return to the home interface.
  • 79. 79 After clicking on the ”Product in the cart” tab, we can see on the left an apple and on the right the total weight of the products you scanned. After clicking on the apple you will see all your products (image) with their weight and number of each one (Ex: 2 bottles of milk Gandia- 2kgs) After clicking on the “promotions for you” tab of the home interface, you will be able to see two buttons and one big banner on the right. If you click on the deal of the day you will access to a window with seasonal promotions (all cards). If you click on deals only for you will have deals sorted by interests, gender, age, revenue (for members and premium). The promotion Banner shows an add about a seasonal promotion (free card) and your specifics (member & premium)
  • 80. 80 After clicking on the “Delivery” tab of the home interface, you will be able to click again for a paid delivery (green tab) or for a free delivery (unlocked after having more than n° of kgs - or for premium members). After clicking on the “that’s crazy” tab of the home interface, you will be able to see three buttons and one big banner on the right (only for members and premium cards). After clicking on Knockdown deals a new window opens with, for instance, discounts up to 80%, or buy one get one free. After clicking on Premium specials (premium card), you will access to special events, you will be able to download invitations. After clicking on Events, you will see a new window with events that are happening in your region such as theater show, soccer game, baseball game…
  • 81. 81 After clicking on the “ask for help” tab of the home interface, you will be able to see two possibilities. A tab to request some help from a salesman or an assistant (with the tracking device it is for example possible to send someone who is near you or someone specialized in the area you are in). A tab to see how the tablet works, and credentials… send comments about what you see inside the supermarket.
  • 82. 82 Process in action Case 1: Product scan ERP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EAN13 Label GS1 21 Interface (1) You are walking by the aisle and you see something interesting to buy (2) You scan the product bar code (EAN13) (4) The information is transferred to your ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning software) (5-6)Your ERP collects the information of the GS1 21 label (7)The ERPsendsthe data to the interface witch analyzes it (8) and gives it back to the tablet in a easier way.
  • 83. 83 Case 2: Get promotions on electronic screens 1 2 3 7 5 6 4 8 9 8 Interface Membership cards (1) You come before a electronic PLV (that shows promotions) which transmits RFID signals (2) You go in front of a second one which also transmits RFID signals (3) The cart RFID devices gives information of two electronic PLV to the tablet (4) The tablet gives the data to the interface (5) The tablet analyzes your consumption habits saved (through old orders) (6) Information is given to the interface (7) The interface simplifies the data of the tablet (8) The tablet receives a push notification and gives the information to the two electronic devices which will give you to different promotions that best suit you
  • 84. 84 Case 3: Register on the tablet with the member/premium card Scan EAN 13 CARD NFC with the tablet 1 2 5 4 3 6 Membership cards Interface (1) You scan the card you have with the EAN13 Bar code or put it directly on the tablet (information given by NFC) (2) The tablet sends the data to the interface (3) The interface processes the data and looks for the account (4) Information is given to the tablet (5) The interface accepts the registration on the tablet The cashier puts a special card to take the information and erase the session
  • 85. 85 LEGAL Law &statuts : what type of company are we going to create ?  The business structure: We have chosen the limited company form (SARL) because there are five of us working on this project. This organisation is responsible in its own right for everything it does and its finances are separated from the owners’ personal finances. About ownership, this kind of company has members who are people owning some shares in the company. The directors have the responsibility to run the company. We want our company to be limited by shares, that is to that the shareholders’ responsibilities for the company’s financial liabilities are limited to the value of shares they own but have not paid for.  Confidentiality agreements : In order to safeguard our project’s confidentiality, we are going to establish a « Non disclosure agreement ». Indeed, we want to keep our project secret, so we asky ou, the investors, to please sign the legal contract attached. Non disclosure agreement (NDA) template :
  • 87. 87 It is a plurilateralcontract and suchmeasureswillbeadoptedunderprivatelaw. Source :
  • 88. 88 1 Shareholders’ Agreement of ICaddy Shareholders’ Agreementof ICaddycompany. 1 Partners to the Agreement ICaddy SAS is a Company in planned to be registered in France, Paris (hereinafter referred also as the Company) for [Summary of what company does technology solution] (hereinafter referred also as Company services), Partners: a Mikaël Monjour, [26 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94160 Saint-Mandé],hereinafter referred also as MMO b Maëlis Merinero, [1791 Avenue Roger Salengro 92370 Chaville],(hereinafter referred also asMM) c [Soukaina Ouomar], [102 Rue François de Tessan, 77100 Meaux],(hereinafter referred also as SO) d Moaad Elgoufhiri, 2 Rue Barbès 92120 Montrouge,(hereinafter referred also as ME) e Fatima Laid, [18 Rue André Suares 75017 Paris],(hereinafter referred also as FL) 2 Ownership oftheshares The ownership of the shares (total [Number of shares]) is presented in the table below. Shareholder Numberof shares % Soukaina Ouomar 5 20 Mikaël Monjour 5 20 Maëlis Merinero 5 20 Moaad Elgoufhiri 5 20 Fatima Laid 5 20 3 Background & Rationaland theSpiritofthis Agreement This Shareholders’ Agreement defines the co-operation principles between the Partners, and related measures and responsibilities. The Partners have recognized a growing market opportunity to provide company services to customer such as supermarkets in tech markets. The Partners have agreed upon pursuing this opportunityby their engagement with The Company.The goal of the Partners is to develop The Company rapidly into the tech target. The initial business outline is presented in the business plan, and related revenue allocation structure is presented in Exhibit D.The Company develops the plan continuously based on the market feedback and opportunities. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect the interests of the Partners. It is not meant to punish a Partner who unintentionally breaches this Agreement and discontinues his or her misconduct after notification from other Partners.
  • 89. 89 2 Shareholders’ Agreementof ICaddy In this spirit, the Partners agree not to sell The Company’s shares to outsiders when share disposal restriction provisions of this Shareholders’ Agreement (hereinafter referred also as Agreement) restrict the selling of the shares. 4 General Commitments The Partners agree to the following: We, as the Partners to this Agreement, agree to conduct our tasks in the field of The Company’s business operations in the interests of the Company. All immaterial and other property rights created during or directly related to The Company business development process will become property of The Company unless agreed otherwise in written by all Partners. Tasksand/orrolesofthePartners: [Maëlis Merinero] [Marketing Manager] Maintasks & responsibilities: ● manage the marketing plan ● be in charge of promotions Related incentiveplan presented inExhibitC [Mikaël Monjour] [Research & Development] Maintasks & responsibilities: ● manage the business ● be in charge of R&D Related incentiveplanpresented inExhibitC [Moaad Elgoufhiri] [Sales manager] Maintasks & responsibilities: ● manage the sales ● be in charge of global sales Fatima Laid] [Human resources] Maintasks & responsibilities: ● manage the business ● be in charge of R&D
  • 90. 90 Soukaina Ouomar] [CEO] Maintasks & responsibilities: ● manage the business ● be in charge of the development of the company Related incentiveplanpresented inExhibitC 5 Proceedings By default, each Partner can freely votein a shareholders' meeting. However, the Partners agree on twoexceptions to the above: Firstly, if more than 2/3 of the shares owned by the Partners are supporting certain voting behavior, then all Partners will vote in agreement withthe 2/3 majority of Partners. The
  • 91. 91 3 Shareholders’ Agreementof [ICaddy] purpose is to ascertain that the Partners will be unified, acting as a single group, even in the situations when there would be other shareholders in the Company than the Partners alone. Secondly, certain decisions will require support by Partners holding at least 90% of all Partner shares; otherwise all Partners agree to vote against these decisions. The decisions are the following: ● Increasing and decreasing the share capital, ● Issuing new shares, ● Issuing convertible loans or options that can be transferred to shares, ● Selling all or a major part of the business of the company, ● Authorizing the Board to make decisions listed above. To implement the proceedings describe above, the Partners agree to efficiently work together at the shareholders’ meetings and before them. Any Partner may call the partners to meet in two week’s notice, either in person if possible, or over internet/telephone, and otherwise following the protocols used for inviting a shareholders’ meeting. The Partners will do their best effort to find meeting times – several meetings if necessary – to work out their common voting strategy. The Partners agree to participate in all shareholders’ meetings, either in person or by proxy instructed to follow the proceedings describe above. 6 CompetitionRestrictionClause The Partners who have an active role in The Company undertake not to compete in any way, directly or indirectly, with the business of The Company. Here, the following definitions are used: ● Active role in The Company is defined as being either employed by The Company, or acting as a Board director, advisor, or consultant for the company. ● The business of The Company is defined based on the strategy, business plans, customer relations and pipeline, product roadmaps, and IPR’s of The Company at any given time. If a Partner ceases to have an active role in The Company, then the Partner agrees not to compete in any way with the business of The Company as defined at that moment, during the following [number of months ie. 12]. In addition to the above, all Partners (not just those having an active role in The Company) agree not to compete in any way with the business of The Company during the first [number of months ie. 6] after signing this Shareholders Agreement of the company. If The Company decides to change its strategy, business plan or business focus, this change and new business plan must be communicated to each Partner. If a competitive situation follows from the change by The Company, this is not considered as a breach of this Competition Restriction Clause. If one or several Partners materially breach this Competition Restriction Clause, and do not correct the breach within [number of days ie. 30] after being notified about the breach by The Company or other Partners having at least 2/3 of the remaining Partner shares, with shares of the Partner(s) breaching the Clause excluded, then following sanction will be applicable:
  • 92. 92 4 Shareholders’ Agreement of ICaddy The Partner(s) breaching the Competition Restriction Clause agree to sell their shares at a price that is 10% of their fair market price (as defined in Clause 9 below), pro rata of the other Partners’ ownerships. In addition, each Partner breaching the Clause agrees to pay [EUR ie 30,000 Euros] to The Company. This breach shall be documented by the Board and it shall be proven to be harmful (e.g. The Company has lost business or competitive advantage) for The Company. The Partners shall be deemed to have provided written consent in terms of this Chapter 6 to each Partner current ownership of and role/appointment in other companies/businesses and other activities as set forth in Exhibition B and each of the Partner shall not be in breach of this Chapter 6 in relation to any such ownership, role, appointment or activity. 7 Buy Back Optionin normalPartnerExit Situationand ShareDisposalRestrictions The Partners undertake not to transfer their shares to third parties before [number of months ie. 36] of signing the shareholders Agreement for the first time, unless otherwise agreed inwriting by the Partners holding at least 90% of the shares of the Company. Each Partner shall inform the other Partners about any intent to transfer the Partner’s shares, and about the information to be given to third parties in connection with such intent to transfer shares. The Partners to this Agreement have the right to buy shares back for a period of [number of months ie. 12] from resignation of a Partner, if the buyback has not materialized earlier. 8 Exit In connection with the Liquidation Event, any Net Consideration shall be distributed pro-rata between the shareholders. 9 AbnormalExit Situations In the event that the Partner leaves the Company as a Bad Leaver, a defined percent as defined in Exhibit A of his shares shall be subject to mandatory transfer to the Company at their nominal value. A bad leaver is any shareholder that discontinues to be employed by the Company, in a consultant- relation with the Company, a board member before the Milestones as described in the Exhibit A has been achieved for any of the following reasons: (a) does not contribute the agreed minimum time and/or effort to The Company an on-going bases, as agreed by partners, and continues to not contribute after notification from other Partners. (b) material breach of this Agreement; (c) gross misconduct or any serious or persistent breach of any obligation to the Company or any associated Company of the Company;
  • 93. 93 (d) conviction of a criminal offence (for which a custodial sentence is imposed) by a court of competent jurisdiction; or 5 Shareholders’ Agreement of [ICaddy] A Bad Leaver is determined by 3/4 of the Partners agreeing, backed with proper documentation. 10 Rules GoverningShareDisposal If any of the Partners, (the “Selling Partner”), negotiates with a third party/Partners (“the Buying Parties”) on the transfer of its shares, the Selling Partner undertakes to promptly notify the other Partners in writing (“Tag-Along Notice”) about such intent. Other Partners shall have the right, but not the obligation, to require the Selling Partner to cause that, either all, or proportionately the same amount of their shares, as the Selling Partner intends to transfer are purchased by that Buying Party/Partners (“Tag-Along Right”) at the same consideration and otherwise on the same terms and conditions obtained by the Selling Party. In such share transfer, the Selling Partner shall make best efforts to find a third Partner to whom all of the shares could be transferred at market price. The other Partners respectively must inform the Selling Partner within [number of days ie. 30] from the receipt of the Tag-Along Notice whether they wish to use their respective Tag-Along Rights. In the event that a group of owners holding majority of Company shares (“Majority Holders”) have found a candidate (“Third Partner Offeror”) who wishes bona fide to purchase all of the shares of the Company, the Majority Holders shall have the right but not the obligation, to require that the other Partners to this Agreement transfer their shares to the Third Partner Offeror (“Drag-Along Right”) at the same consideration and otherwise on the same terms and conditions obtained by the Majority Holders. The Drag Along-Right shall be exercised by a notice submitted to the other Partners at least [number of days ie. 30] before the consummation of the transfer of shares from the Partners to the Third Partner Offeror. A transfer of shares from a Partner to a third party must always happen simultaneously with the third party becoming also a partner in this Shareholders agreement, and the selling Partner is responsible to see that this happens. 11 Market ValueDetermination If the shares are to be valued based on provisions of this Agreement, and if the Partners concerned cannot agree on what the market value for the shares will be, the market value shall be determined on the basis of an arms-length third Partner purchase offer for the shares. In the absence of such offer, a respectable financial advisor or investment bank appointed by the Board of Directors shall determine the market value. 12 Disclaimers and OrderofInterpretation The Agreement here is understood by all the Partners to contain all relevant questions currently concerning the governance of the Company. This Agreement supersedes – only for the above-mentioned issues handled within this Agreement– any arrangements, understandings, promises or Agreements made or existing between the Partners hereto, prior to, or simultaneously with the Agreement and constitutes the entire understanding between the Partners hereto.
  • 94. 94 6 Shareholders’ Agreement of ICaddy If this Agreement, related Agreements and documents or the Articles of Association are inconsistent with each other, the documents shall be interpreted in the followingorder: 1. this Agreement; 2. other Agreements or documents signed between the Partners 3. the Articles of Association of the Company. If the Partners decide to modify this Agreement it has to be done in writing and signed by and on behalf of all Parties. In that Agreement there must be a clause mentioning that this is a modification to the existing shareholders Agreement or the modification must be otherwise evident by the circumstances. 13 Other Shareholder Agreements The Partners understand and are aware that some of the Partners have existing shareholder agreements or competition restriction clauses in other companies. These agreements restrict competition. The Partners agree to make their best effort to avoid conflicts with these other shareholder agreements and competition restrictions. The Partners agree that if any Partner encounters liabilities from these agreements or restrictions, the Company will cover those liabilities, including but not limited to compensation payments and legal costs. The Board shall make the final decision, to what extent the Company covers the costs. 14 Insightand confidentiality The Partners shall hold in confidence and shall not disclose to any third Partner without prior written consent of all the Partners the material contents of this Agreement unless disclosure is required by law, regulation, stock exchange rules or order of a court of competent jurisdiction. The Partner under an obligation to make a disclosure as defined hereinabove shall use its best efforts to notify other Partners before making the disclosure. The Partners shall not at any time hereafter disclose or communicate to any person (other than, where relevant, to their officers, employees or professional advisors, whose position makes it necessary to know the same) any confidential information concerning the business, accounts, financial or contractual arrangements or other dealings, transactions or affairs of the Company or any of its subsidiaries which may be within or which may come to its knowledge save for; a) such information that at the time of disclosure is public knowledge, b) when disclosure is required by law, regulation, stock exchange rules, or order of a court of a competent jurisdiction. Any Partner wishing to disclose confidential information to a prospective transferee of shares and to their representatives and advisers shall first obtain an appropriate commitment as to confidentiality before making the disclosure.
  • 95. 95 15 CommunicationamongPartners tothe Agreement 7 Shareholders’ Agreement of ICaddy Any communication between the Partners concerning this Agreement will be in writing and will be delivered in person or by e-mail in such a way that the recipient confirms having received the information, or sent by registered mail and fully prepaid in an envelope properly addressed to the address given by the Partner to the Company or to other Partners. Any such notice will be in the English language and will be considered to have been given at the time when actually delivered and confirmed by all Partners or in any other event between [number of days ie. 14] after it was mailed in the manner herein before provided. 16 Costs Each of the Partners hereto will bear his/her or its own legal, accountancy and other costs, charges and expenses connected with the negotiation, preparation and implementation of this Agreement and any other Agreement incidental to or referred to in this Agreement. 17 Assign Ability This Agreement cannot be assigned by any one of the Partners without the prior written consent of the other Parties. 18 Disputes and GoverningLaw This Agreement will be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of France. Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be resolved in the District Court of Paris, France]. 19 Term This Agreement becomes effective upon the signature by all Partners and shall be binding on each Partner as long as that Partner is the owner of the Shares or other Equity Securities. This Agreement shall, however, be terminated upon the consummation of a Trade Sale or an IPO. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, Sections 7 - 10 (Competition Restriction Clause, Buy Back Option in normal Partner Exit Situation and Share Disposal Restrictions, Abnormal Exit Situations, and Rules Governing Share Disposal) and Sections 18 (Disputes And Governing Law) will be binding, to the extent applicable, upon the Party even if the Party has ceased to be a Party to this Agreement. 20 Ancillary Provisionsand Signature Except as otherwise provided herein, no addition, amendment to or modification of this Agreement will be effective, unless it is made in writing and signed by and on behalf of all Parties. There will be no waiver of any term, provision or condition of this Agreement unless such waiver is evidenced in writing and signed by the waiving Parties.
  • 96. 96 8 Shareholders’ Agreementof ICaddy No omission or delay on the part of any Partner hereto in exercising any right, power or privilege hereunder will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or Partial exercise of any such right, power or privilege preclude any other. The rights and remedies herein provided are cumulative with and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. In the event that any of these terms, conditions or provisions will be determined invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision will be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law. This Agreement in has been executed in 3 identical originals, and reviewed completely by the Parties, signed after approval and all pages in appendixes inclusive initialed by the Parties. The Company has received one and each Partner has received one original bearing the following legally binding signatures. This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof, and merges and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous discussions, agreements and understandings of every nature between the parties hereto. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, and by the different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when executed shall be deemed to be an original but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to this Agreement by telecopier shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement. _____________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ [Maëlis MerineroMarketing Manager] [Moaad ElgoufhiriSales Manager] [Mikaël Monjour R&D Manager] _____________________________ _____________________________ [Soukaina Ouomar CEO] [Fatima Laid Human Ressources Manager]