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Building A Content Marketing
John Doherty
Who am I?
Currently: Founder of Credo (
Growth/inbound marketing consultant for
• Senior Growth Marketing Manager at
Trulia Rentals
• Senior Marketing Manager at HotPads
• Senior Consultant at Distilled NYC
Let’s talk content marketing
Some of the results I’ve seen and heard of
Content marketing:
• Changed a site from buying $15k of links a month to earning links
from sites like REI
• Grew an audience by tens of thousands from scratch and contributed
meaningful conversions to a business
• Personally made me over $70k from one product launch and the
marketing around it
• Obtained millions of visits and earning shares from some of the
biggest celebrities (for free!)
But some of you are probably thinking
“We gave content marketing a shot and it didn’t work.”
But some of you are probably thinking
We gave content marketing a shot and it didn’t work.
Let’s think about some types of content
Blog posts
Data visualizations
Email drip campaigns
Content Marketing Has Exploded In Popularity
Much of it is meh
What is a content machine?
If you’ve ever said “we tried content marketing and it didn’t work for
us”, you didn’t have a machine.
Content Machine Formula
((Ideation+creation)*promotion) + measurement
A machine is a sum of its parts. Every part works together. If one part
isn't working, then you're wasting gas or worse, not even on the road
Rome wasn’t build in a day. Neither will your machine. So let’s figure
out where to start.
From Idea to MVP
Let’s build a skateboard.
First, “What is an MVP?”
An MVP is a working first iteration based off a hypothesis. In content
marketing, your hypothesis can be informed by data and observation.
Do an assets audit
At HotPads we figured out what assets we
were working with. We had:
• A blog on a subdomain
• Consistent content on this blog (but
minimal traffic)
• The ability to publish longer form content
• A budget for content
• A designer eager to help
• Pages onsite that had earned links in the
Unlike this house, we had a solid
Who’s the content competition and what are
they doing?
At HotPads, we looked at our competitors.
They all:
1. Had blogs, but not great content
2. Some were cranking out a lot of
content, others not so much
So we asked:
1. What are they doing well? Not doing
2. Where are the gaps?
3. What kind of content is available to us?
4. What’s our unique spin?
5. What will our users find interesting,
supported by keyword research?
What Can You Do Better Than Anyone?
At HotPads, we could do maps better than anyone.
How Do You Produce Content At Your
Varies by company but you have a mix of the following:
What can you start today?
Will vary by company, but here are some ideas:
If you’re design-heavy, create fantastic graphics
If you’re writing heavy, create the best damn ebooks possible
If you have a ton of data, take a fresh angle on it
Think to Leverage Outside Resources
Depending on your mix on the previous slide, you might want to
investigate an outside agency to help you out with the following:
Strategy (if you can execute)
Promotion (if you create)
Execution (if you can
Any combination herein
There’s no promotion without creation, so nail
creation before moving on to promotion.
What we knew
No one had really cracked the content code with
renters. We knew what didn’t work, but also
didn’t know from our competitors what did.
But we knew from our parent company the
kind of content that worked there.
We had the following ideas for content
Interesting maps with
available data
Think pieces Graph data
PR stuntsBest hoods in (city)
We had the following ideas for content
Couldn’t scale this
within budget
Traffic, links, and
No interest No interest
Traffic links and brand!Good traffic, no brand
We went with these after a lot of testing
Interesting maps with
available data
Think pieces Graph data
PR stuntsBest hoods in (city)
We decided on a dual approach
Consistent quality content that
would be useful for our target
audience around topics of:
1. Renting
2. Living in cities
3. Moving
4. Life changes
Higher quality focused content
including but not limited to:
1. Data
2. Maps
3. Graphics
4. Photos
We decided on a dual approach
Consistent quality content that
would be useful for our target
audience around topics of:
1. Renting
2. Living in cities
3. Moving
4. Life changes
Higher quality focused content
including but not limited to:
1. Data
2. Maps
3. Graphics
4. Photos
Which do you think earned more links, got more coverage, and
ultimately drove more qualified traffic?
Best Neighborhoods in
It might not be the sexiest content,
but we had access to a lot of data
around neighborhoods, like
We also had a lot of opinions . If a
good way to get people involved is
to create controversy…
Easy to create, easy to scale. Won’t
build a brand.
The Future of
Construction Series
We had access to ALN data through
a partnership.
We took that data and displayed it
in a new way, bringing transparency
to an opaque industry in a new way.
Differentiated, process to create got
faster, endless opportunities for
topics to map.
The Future of SF Construction
The Future of SF Construction
This one didn’t get much play, but I got positive responses from the
journalists I reached out to so I decided to do a few more before
declaring failure.
Visualizing Strava Cycling Data
Don’t Forget To Measure
• You can’t win and build a cohesive strategy of what is working if
you’re not measuring
• Strategies are not set in stone. They move over time. Start, measure,
refine to your ultimate goals.
From Skateboard (MVP) to
Pedal power! Still manual, but much much easier.
Figure out production + scale
Now you’ve started creating content and getting an idea of what’s
working and what’s not.
You’re measuring and getting an idea if your current efforts will fit your
goals for content.
Always Keep Your Goals In Mind
We had three real KPIs and goals
Audience Links
Build a brand
Rinse and repeat?
Rinse and repeat
Future of LA Building Construction
Future of LA Building Construction
Bingo! So we did this for all of our major metros and received links from
all of them, as well as pickup from other related sites.
Future of Boston Construction
Future of Manhattan Construction
Future of Seattle Construction
Now you can think about promotion
Set up other channels to work
No matter your team size, automation will make your life easier. You
can automate these channels to have built-in promotion on every
piece of content you publish.
Email marketing Social media
(Some) PRAdvertising
Basic Automation
For every post you publish, you should automagically:
• Email your content subscriber list
• Post to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
• If doing advertising, set up ads to promote on your platform of choice
• If doing retargeting, make sure you drop a pixel on all visitors who
meet your specifications (and burn that pixel if they convert)
• Measure your important metrics:
• Views on the platforms
• Traffic from networks and emails
• Revenue
From Bicycle to Motorcycle
Now we’re playing with engines. Two seats even!
You’ll Need A Dedicated Content Manager
They need to be all of these. It’s a tough job to fill well.
• Creative
• Data informed
• Organized
• Biasing toward action
• Understand promotion
Productize Your Automated Promotion
Because you’ve set up some basic automation and are learning what’s
effective, it’s time to not hack it together anymore and actually make it
At a great company, your marketing and growth teams (they’re
different) will also have engineering and design support. Meet with
them to figure out what else you can automate and how to make your
current automation better.
Put Together A Calendar
Now’s the time to put together a calendar of when content will come
out, so that you can also plan manual promotion. Multiple hands on a
project means structure is needed.
Some of the tools for this:
Shared Trello calendar WP plugins
Google calendar Basecamp/Asana
Build Out More Promotion Workflows
With production figured out and automation in place/becoming stable,
now you can throw more bodies at promotion.
This flow worked for us:
Settle on
Set launch
to pre-
Outreach Prospecting
Your outreach is only as good as your prospecting. For our early
HotPads content, we found:
• Mid-level influential sites to pitch with specific content
• Local-specific blogs that accepted guest content
We tuned our pitches as we learned what was interesting to them.
Pro tip: ask who else they think might be interested especially if they
are part of a network. EG Curbed
From Motorcycle to Car
Bring In Dedicated Promotion (PR)
A dedicated PR professional won’t be fully leveraged until you have
your creation and publishing process figured out. A good one will help
you optimize that process for optimal outreach, however.
They are responsible for the Tier 1 (NYT, WSJ, etc) publications that
need a relationship and softer pitch touch.
Layer On Scaleable Manual Outreach
Depending on your company size, this may be a separate role (or 3, as I
had at HotPads) or could be another part of your content
manager/marketer’s job.
Their job is to get the Tier 2-3 links and promotion (guest posts, social
shares from mid-influencers, email list inclusions). Prospecting and pre-
outreach should start about 2 weeks before launch.
Content we did after hiring PR
Meth and Died In Houses
Meth and Died In Houses
Our Process
1. Ideate many ideas, scrub for feasibility
• Keep in mind the timing (holidays, etc)
2. Do pre-outreach once the content is close to ready
3. Once content is published, use all your channels (email, social, etc)
4. Reach out to high value journalists under embargo with something
of value (embeds, etc)
5. Email everyone you reached out to before with the live link
• If you have the resources, offer to write the post for them
6. Measure
7. Repeat
Pet Friendly Metros
What worked and didn’t
1. We were late on delivering the content, so some journalists had to
move on
2. We didn’t plan outreach far enough out
1. They loved the maps and wanted them easily embeddable, so we
created a way for them to do that.
2. We established some connections with journalists about the next
How Much Commutes Cost
What worked and didn’t
1. The data was messy, so we had to bring in our data scientist to help
explain it.
2. We weren’t able to break it down by type of commute, which is what
journalists wanted.
1. Pitching city by city with dedicated maps allowed us to get wider
2. We pitched way ahead of time, which allowed journalists to get their
stories ready to go when we published. Even if we missed our deadline,
the story was ready to go whenever.
Most Expensive Hoods for Singles
What worked and didn’t
1. We were unclear about the story (what about 2brs? What about
moving in more cities?)
2. It wasn’t timely, so it didn’t get much play.
Best Cities for Graduates
Best Cities for Graduates
What worked and didn’t
1. We enlisted our other outreach employees into securing guest posts
on smaller sites to build more links.
2. We offered to write content, which 75% of the people who
published coverage wanted us to do.
3. We offered our economist/data scientist as a source. He hopped on
the phone with journalists (with our PR manager there) and
explained the data succinctly. We practiced ahead of time.
We used this process
Settle on
Set launch
outreach to
Scale It (With Quality In Mind)
We decided we could do one great research study every 2 months or so
with 1 PR manager, 1 SEO manager, 1 content manager, 1 data
scientist/economist, 1 email manager, and 3 link acquisition experts +
me. That’s 8 people!
Any faster than that and we’d lose quality. To go faster we’d need more
hands on deck.
Measure and Optimize Over Time
Always Keep Your Goals In Mind
Don’t forget these
Lift Off
Have Some Fun
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
April Fools Alcatraz
April Fools Alcatraz
Link from the parent company’s biggest
April Fools Alcatraz
Timely Content
Timely Content
Shared by an LA Times journalist and established a
good media contact
Rapid Fire Lessons Learned
Big content >>>> small content
• When HotPads wrote a static piece
that can live on forever, as opposed
to just a blog post, it earned more
links and was arguably more
valuable than a blog post.
• *Big content is also pushed out less
frequently, so promotion makes or
breaks its success.
• However, blog posts got more
social shares.
Give Embeddable Assets
Every post or article that did well
for HotPads had an embeddable
piece of content, such as images,
graphics, or embeddable maps.
If you offer something of value to
a journalist, they are much more
likely to write about you.
Content Lives and Dies by Outreach
• When HotPads executed well on
outreach, both to small and
large sites, they got great links
and great coverage.
• When they didn’t execute well
(or simply didn’t do it), they
didn’t. Great content will get
links with outreach, but rarely
Your Success Depends on Your Team’s
Execution of Ideas
• A small team of the right people
can do mighty things when given
the right processes, but they also
must work at the same pace to get
things done.
• Before hiring someone, ask
yourself how well they will fit into a
culture you are trying to cultivate.
If they’re a strategist and you need
a doer, don’t hire them. And vice
Keep Trying New Ideas and Measure
We went through many iterations
of HotPads content:
1. City-specific
2. “Best neighborhoods” and
“reasons to live in”
3. Data graphs
4. PR stunts
5. Maps of data owned by others
6. Maps of our own content
Launch around new things (rebrand here)
Cheat with promo
Get that bump
Play the long game
When I hear people debate the ROI of social media? It makes me
remember why so many business fail. Most businesses are not
playing the marathon. They're playing the sprint. They're not
worried about lifetime value and retention. They're worried
about short-term goals.
Gary Vaynerchuk

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Building a Content Marketing Machine -John Doherty's deck

  • 1. Building A Content Marketing Machine John Doherty Founder, @dohertyjf
  • 2. Who am I? Currently: Founder of Credo ( Growth/inbound marketing consultant for hire Blogger: Previous: • Senior Growth Marketing Manager at Trulia Rentals • Senior Marketing Manager at HotPads • Senior Consultant at Distilled NYC @dohertyjf
  • 3. Let’s talk content marketing @dohertyjf
  • 4. Some of the results I’ve seen and heard of Content marketing: • Changed a site from buying $15k of links a month to earning links from sites like REI • Grew an audience by tens of thousands from scratch and contributed meaningful conversions to a business • Personally made me over $70k from one product launch and the marketing around it • Obtained millions of visits and earning shares from some of the biggest celebrities (for free!) @dohertyjf
  • 5. But some of you are probably thinking “We gave content marketing a shot and it didn’t work.” @dohertyjf
  • 6. But some of you are probably thinking We gave content marketing a shot and it didn’t work. @dohertyjf
  • 7. Let’s think about some types of content Infographics Whitepapers Blog posts Data visualizations eBooks @dohertyjf Email drip campaigns
  • 10. Content Marketing Has Exploded In Popularity @dohertyjf
  • 11. Much of it is meh @dohertyjf
  • 12. What is a content machine? @dohertyjf
  • 13. If you’ve ever said “we tried content marketing and it didn’t work for us”, you didn’t have a machine. @dohertyjf
  • 15. A machine is a sum of its parts. Every part works together. If one part isn't working, then you're wasting gas or worse, not even on the road anymore.
  • 16. Rome wasn’t build in a day. Neither will your machine. So let’s figure out where to start. @dohertyjf
  • 17. From Idea to MVP Let’s build a skateboard. @dohertyjf
  • 18. First, “What is an MVP?” @dohertyjf
  • 19. An MVP is a working first iteration based off a hypothesis. In content marketing, your hypothesis can be informed by data and observation. @dohertyjf
  • 21. Do an assets audit At HotPads we figured out what assets we were working with. We had: • A blog on a subdomain • Consistent content on this blog (but minimal traffic) • The ability to publish longer form content • A budget for content • A designer eager to help • Pages onsite that had earned links in the past Unlike this house, we had a solid foundation @dohertyjf
  • 22. Who’s the content competition and what are they doing? At HotPads, we looked at our competitors. They all: 1. Had blogs, but not great content 2. Some were cranking out a lot of content, others not so much So we asked: 1. What are they doing well? Not doing well? 2. Where are the gaps? 3. What kind of content is available to us? 4. What’s our unique spin? 5. What will our users find interesting, supported by keyword research? @dohertyjf
  • 23. What Can You Do Better Than Anyone? At HotPads, we could do maps better than anyone. @dohertyjf
  • 24. How Do You Produce Content At Your Company? Varies by company but you have a mix of the following: @dohertyjf Budget Time Expertise People
  • 25. What can you start today? Will vary by company, but here are some ideas: If you’re design-heavy, create fantastic graphics If you’re writing heavy, create the best damn ebooks possible If you have a ton of data, take a fresh angle on it @dohertyjf
  • 26. Think to Leverage Outside Resources Depending on your mix on the previous slide, you might want to investigate an outside agency to help you out with the following: @dohertyjf Strategy (if you can execute) Promotion (if you create) Execution (if you can promote) Any combination herein
  • 27. There’s no promotion without creation, so nail creation before moving on to promotion. @dohertyjf
  • 30. No one had really cracked the content code with renters. We knew what didn’t work, but also didn’t know from our competitors what did. @dohertyjf
  • 31. But we knew from our parent company the kind of content that worked there. @dohertyjf
  • 32. We had the following ideas for content Location-specific content Interesting maps with available data Think pieces Graph data PR stuntsBest hoods in (city) @dohertyjf
  • 33. We had the following ideas for content Couldn’t scale this within budget Traffic, links, and brand! No interest No interest Traffic links and brand!Good traffic, no brand @dohertyjf
  • 34. We went with these after a lot of testing Location-specific content Interesting maps with available data Think pieces Graph data PR stuntsBest hoods in (city) @dohertyjf
  • 35. We decided on a dual approach Consistent quality content that would be useful for our target audience around topics of: 1. Renting 2. Living in cities 3. Moving 4. Life changes Higher quality focused content including but not limited to: 1. Data 2. Maps 3. Graphics 4. Photos @dohertyjf
  • 36. We decided on a dual approach Consistent quality content that would be useful for our target audience around topics of: 1. Renting 2. Living in cities 3. Moving 4. Life changes Higher quality focused content including but not limited to: 1. Data 2. Maps 3. Graphics 4. Photos @dohertyjf Which do you think earned more links, got more coverage, and ultimately drove more qualified traffic?
  • 37. Best Neighborhoods in (City) It might not be the sexiest content, but we had access to a lot of data around neighborhoods, like demographics. We also had a lot of opinions . If a good way to get people involved is to create controversy… Easy to create, easy to scale. Won’t build a brand. @dohertyjf
  • 38. The Future of Construction Series We had access to ALN data through a partnership. We took that data and displayed it in a new way, bringing transparency to an opaque industry in a new way. Differentiated, process to create got faster, endless opportunities for topics to map. @dohertyjf
  • 39. The Future of SF Construction @dohertyjf
  • 40. The Future of SF Construction This one didn’t get much play, but I got positive responses from the journalists I reached out to so I decided to do a few more before declaring failure. @dohertyjf
  • 41. Visualizing Strava Cycling Data @dohertyjf
  • 42. Don’t Forget To Measure • You can’t win and build a cohesive strategy of what is working if you’re not measuring • Strategies are not set in stone. They move over time. Start, measure, refine to your ultimate goals. Read: @dohertyjf
  • 43. From Skateboard (MVP) to Bicycle Pedal power! Still manual, but much much easier. @dohertyjf
  • 44. Figure out production + scale Now you’ve started creating content and getting an idea of what’s working and what’s not. You’re measuring and getting an idea if your current efforts will fit your goals for content. @dohertyjf
  • 45. Always Keep Your Goals In Mind We had three real KPIs and goals Audience Links Build a brand @dohertyjf
  • 48. Future of LA Building Construction @dohertyjf
  • 49. Future of LA Building Construction @dohertyjf Bingo! So we did this for all of our major metros and received links from all of them, as well as pickup from other related sites.
  • 50. Future of Boston Construction BINGO @dohertyjf
  • 51. Future of Manhattan Construction BINGO @dohertyjf
  • 52. Future of Seattle Construction BINGO @dohertyjf
  • 53. Now you can think about promotion @dohertyjf
  • 54. Set up other channels to work No matter your team size, automation will make your life easier. You can automate these channels to have built-in promotion on every piece of content you publish. @dohertyjf Email marketing Social media (Some) PRAdvertising
  • 55. Basic Automation For every post you publish, you should automagically: • Email your content subscriber list • Post to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn • If doing advertising, set up ads to promote on your platform of choice • If doing retargeting, make sure you drop a pixel on all visitors who meet your specifications (and burn that pixel if they convert) • Measure your important metrics: • Views on the platforms • Traffic from networks and emails • Revenue @dohertyjf
  • 56. From Bicycle to Motorcycle Now we’re playing with engines. Two seats even! @dohertyjf
  • 57. You’ll Need A Dedicated Content Manager They need to be all of these. It’s a tough job to fill well. • Creative • Data informed • Organized • Biasing toward action • Understand promotion @dohertyjf
  • 58. Productize Your Automated Promotion Because you’ve set up some basic automation and are learning what’s effective, it’s time to not hack it together anymore and actually make it sustainable. At a great company, your marketing and growth teams (they’re different) will also have engineering and design support. Meet with them to figure out what else you can automate and how to make your current automation better. @dohertyjf
  • 59. Put Together A Calendar Now’s the time to put together a calendar of when content will come out, so that you can also plan manual promotion. Multiple hands on a project means structure is needed. Some of the tools for this: @dohertyjf Shared Trello calendar WP plugins Google calendar Basecamp/Asana
  • 60. Build Out More Promotion Workflows With production figured out and automation in place/becoming stable, now you can throw more bodies at promotion. This flow worked for us: @dohertyjf Launch Prep Ideation Brainstorm Settle on topic Begin producing Prospect for outreach Finalize content Set launch date Publish content Automatic marketing Manual outreach to pre- created lists
  • 61. Outreach Prospecting Your outreach is only as good as your prospecting. For our early HotPads content, we found: • Mid-level influential sites to pitch with specific content • Local-specific blogs that accepted guest content We tuned our pitches as we learned what was interesting to them. Pro tip: ask who else they think might be interested especially if they are part of a network. EG Curbed @dohertyjf
  • 62. From Motorcycle to Car @dohertyjf
  • 63. Bring In Dedicated Promotion (PR) A dedicated PR professional won’t be fully leveraged until you have your creation and publishing process figured out. A good one will help you optimize that process for optimal outreach, however. They are responsible for the Tier 1 (NYT, WSJ, etc) publications that need a relationship and softer pitch touch. @dohertyjf
  • 64. Layer On Scaleable Manual Outreach Depending on your company size, this may be a separate role (or 3, as I had at HotPads) or could be another part of your content manager/marketer’s job. Their job is to get the Tier 2-3 links and promotion (guest posts, social shares from mid-influencers, email list inclusions). Prospecting and pre- outreach should start about 2 weeks before launch. @dohertyjf
  • 65. Content we did after hiring PR @dohertyjf
  • 66. Meth and Died In Houses @dohertyjf
  • 67. Meth and Died In Houses @dohertyjf
  • 68. Our Process 1. Ideate many ideas, scrub for feasibility • Keep in mind the timing (holidays, etc) 2. Do pre-outreach once the content is close to ready 3. Once content is published, use all your channels (email, social, etc) 4. Reach out to high value journalists under embargo with something of value (embeds, etc) 5. Email everyone you reached out to before with the live link • If you have the resources, offer to write the post for them 6. Measure 7. Repeat #stateofsearch@dohertyjf
  • 70. What worked and didn’t Bad 1. We were late on delivering the content, so some journalists had to move on 2. We didn’t plan outreach far enough out Good 1. They loved the maps and wanted them easily embeddable, so we created a way for them to do that. 2. We established some connections with journalists about the next piece. #stateofsearch@dohertyjf
  • 71. How Much Commutes Cost @dohertyjf
  • 72. What worked and didn’t Bad 1. The data was messy, so we had to bring in our data scientist to help explain it. 2. We weren’t able to break it down by type of commute, which is what journalists wanted. Good 1. Pitching city by city with dedicated maps allowed us to get wider coverage. 2. We pitched way ahead of time, which allowed journalists to get their stories ready to go when we published. Even if we missed our deadline, the story was ready to go whenever. #stateofserch@dohertyjf
  • 73. Most Expensive Hoods for Singles @dohertyjf
  • 74. What worked and didn’t 1. We were unclear about the story (what about 2brs? What about moving in more cities?) 2. It wasn’t timely, so it didn’t get much play. @dohertyjf
  • 75. Best Cities for Graduates @dohertyjf
  • 76. Best Cities for Graduates @dohertyjf
  • 77. What worked and didn’t Good 1. We enlisted our other outreach employees into securing guest posts on smaller sites to build more links. 2. We offered to write content, which 75% of the people who published coverage wanted us to do. 3. We offered our economist/data scientist as a source. He hopped on the phone with journalists (with our PR manager there) and explained the data succinctly. We practiced ahead of time. @dohertyjf
  • 78. We used this process Launch Prep Ideation Brainstorm Settle on topic Begin producing Prospect for outreach Finalize content Set launch date Publish content Automatic marketing Manual outreach to pre- created lists @dohertyjf
  • 79. Scale It (With Quality In Mind) We decided we could do one great research study every 2 months or so with 1 PR manager, 1 SEO manager, 1 content manager, 1 data scientist/economist, 1 email manager, and 3 link acquisition experts + me. That’s 8 people! Any faster than that and we’d lose quality. To go faster we’d need more hands on deck. @dohertyjf
  • 80. Measure and Optimize Over Time @dohertyjf
  • 81. Always Keep Your Goals In Mind Don’t forget these KPI 1 KPI 2 KPI 3 @dohertyjf
  • 90. April Fools Alcatraz #stateofsearch@dohertyjf Link from the parent company’s biggest rival.
  • 93. Timely Content Shared by an LA Times journalist and established a good media contact #stateofsearch@dohertyjf
  • 94. Rapid Fire Lessons Learned @dohertyjf
  • 95. Big content >>>> small content • When HotPads wrote a static piece that can live on forever, as opposed to just a blog post, it earned more links and was arguably more valuable than a blog post. • *Big content is also pushed out less frequently, so promotion makes or breaks its success. • However, blog posts got more social shares. @dohertyjf
  • 96. Give Embeddable Assets Every post or article that did well for HotPads had an embeddable piece of content, such as images, graphics, or embeddable maps. If you offer something of value to a journalist, they are much more likely to write about you. @dohertyjf
  • 97. Content Lives and Dies by Outreach • When HotPads executed well on outreach, both to small and large sites, they got great links and great coverage. • When they didn’t execute well (or simply didn’t do it), they didn’t. Great content will get links with outreach, but rarely without. @dohertyjf
  • 98. Your Success Depends on Your Team’s Execution of Ideas • A small team of the right people can do mighty things when given the right processes, but they also must work at the same pace to get things done. • Before hiring someone, ask yourself how well they will fit into a culture you are trying to cultivate. If they’re a strategist and you need a doer, don’t hire them. And vice versa. @dohertyjf
  • 99. Keep Trying New Ideas and Measure We went through many iterations of HotPads content: 1. City-specific 2. “Best neighborhoods” and “reasons to live in” 3. Data graphs 4. PR stunts 5. Maps of data owned by others 6. Maps of our own content @dohertyjf
  • 100. Launch around new things (rebrand here)
  • 103. Play the long game When I hear people debate the ROI of social media? It makes me remember why so many business fail. Most businesses are not playing the marathon. They're playing the sprint. They're not worried about lifetime value and retention. They're worried about short-term goals. Gary Vaynerchuk @dohertyjf