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Mary Vargo, MD

From the Department of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation,
MetroHealth Rehabilitation
Institute of Ohio, Case Western              INVITED REVIEW
Reserve University, Cleveland.

All correspondence and requests for
reprints should be addressed to:
                                             Brain Tumor Rehabilitation
Mary Vargo, MD, Case Western Reserve
University, Department of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation,                 ABSTRACT
MetroHealth Medical Center, 2500
MetroHealth Drive, 1st Floor Hamann          Vargo M: Brain tumor rehabilitation.         Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011;
Building, Cleveland, OH 44109.               90(suppl):S50YS62.

Disclosures:                                 Brain and other central nervous system tumors have a very high likelihood of
Financial disclosure statements have         producing long-term disabling effects owing to the tumor itself and the effects of
been obtained, and no conflicts of            treatment, including surgical complications, neurotoxic effects of radiation, and
interest have been reported by the           debility caused by chemotherapy. Even benign or low-grade brain tumors can
authors or by any individuals in control
of the content of this article.              cause significant disability. Brain tumors occur over the life span, showing pro-
                                             gressively higher incidence with advancing age. The common types of primary
                                             brain tumor differ between pediatric and adult age groups. Evidence for effec-
American Journal of Physical
Medicine & Rehabilitation                    tiveness of rehabilitation is favorable. Brain tumor patients treated in acute reha-
Copyright * 2011 by Lippincott               bilitation settings improve comparably with individuals with stroke or traumatic
Williams & Wilkins                           brain injury. Although patients with primary brain tumors have been better studied
                                             than those with metastatic disease, significant gains with inpatient rehabilitation
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31820be31f
                                             have been reported in the latter group also. Outpatient programs to address
                                             cognitive deficits in brain tumor survivors, including cognitive therapy and pharma-
                                             cologic strategies, have found benefit. While the patient is receiving rehabilitation
                                             care, physiatrists, in interdisciplinary collaboration with the pertinent oncology-
                                             related services, assist with managing symptoms including fatigue, headache,
                                             and sleep disturbance and medical complications including depression, seizures,
                                             and thromboembolic disease. Better methods are needed to identify patients
                                             for rehabilitation services when appropriate over the course of the disease
                                             Key Words: Cancer Rehabilitation, Brain Tumors, Central Nervous System Tumors,
                                             Treatment, Cognitive Therapy, Collaboration

                                             A    lthough comprising just 1.4% of all malignancies, brain and other nervous
                                             system tumors are of core importance in cancer rehabilitation because of their
                                             extremely high rate of disabling sequelae.1 Nervous system neoplasms are
                                             histologically diverse and include both malignant and benign diagnoses.
                                             Malignant brain lesions may be primary or metastatic. Survivorship varies
                                             among brain neoplasm subtypes. In general, for malignant brain tumor,
                                             although 5-yr survivorship has improved, it remains modest (33.9% for all
                                             ages and 71.4% for children, 1988Y2005).2 For benign brain tumor, survivor-
                                             ship is much better. However, some benign etiologies may be difficult to fully
                                             resect (e.g., craniopharyngiomas), are prone to recur (e.g., nerve sheath tumors),
                                             or may develop anaplastic features (e.g., a small percentage of meningiomas or

S50                                                             Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011

              Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
ependymomas). Therefore, even for an individ-                 nant brain tumor (29.5/100,000) and 267,000 had
ual with a benign etiology of tumor, the disease              a history of benign brain tumor (97.5/100,000);
trajectory can have a protracted and challenging              the remaining individuals had tumors of uncertain
course.                                                       behavior.3
                                                                   Among PBT diagnoses, the type of tumor pres-
                                                              ent varies with age. Embryonal/neuroectodermal
BRAIN TUMOR INCIDENCE                                         tumors and pilocytic astrocytomas are most com-
AND PREVALENCE                                                mon in childhood, and meningioma and malignant
     In 2008, there were an estimated 52,236                  gliomas are the most common etiologies among
new primary brain tumor (PBT) diagnoses in the                adults (Table 1).7,8 Among PBT cases, meningiomas
United States, with 22,000 being malignant (rate,             comprise 32% of cases; and malignant gliomas, 39%
6/100,000 for malignant tumor and 9/100,000 for               of cases. Eighty-one percent of all malignant PBTs
benign tumor). Overall incidence is slightly greater          are malignant gliomas.
in women than in men (17.2 vs. 15.8/100,000);                      Children are more likely to have posterior fossa
however, malignant PBT occurs more often in men               tumors than adults are, with the cerebellum being
than in women (7.6 vs. 5.4/100,000).3 The inci-               the most common location in children younger
dence of malignant PBT increases with age, and                than 10 yrs and brainstem nearly as common as
in adults, survival decreases with more advanced              cerebral location.5 In adults, frontal (25%), tem-
age at diagnosis.3 Median age at diagnosis of PBT             poral (20.1%), parietal (14.6%), and overlapping
is 56 yrs.3 However, it should also be noted that             regions (19.8%) are the most common locations.4
brain tumor is the second most common childhood                    In terms of impact of brain tumor on rehabil-
malignancy and the most common childhood solid                itation systems, relative to other brain rehabilita-
tumor,4 with 3,750 cases (includes malignant and              tion diagnoses, such as traumatic brain injury
benign)5 among individuals younger than 20 yrs                (TBI) or stroke, little published data are avail-
in the United States. Thirteen percent of all pri-            able. It has been estimated that on a yearly basis,
mary brain cancers present in individuals younger             80,000Y90,000 of an estimated 1.4 million survi-
than 20 yrs.3 The incidence of PBT is highest in              vors of TBI will incur significant disability or re-
whites, followed by Hispanics and African Americans           quire increased medical care.9,10 Regarding stroke,
(16.8, 15.4, and 13/100,000, respectively). The in-           in 2005, there were an estimated 892,300 acute
cidence of metastatic brain tumor is less clear, with         hospitalizations for cerebrovascular disease and,
estimates ranging up to ten times greater than                among Medicare recipients, 85,516 inpatient reha-
that of PBT.6                                                 bilitation admissions.11 Although incidence data
     Regarding prevalence, in 2000, there were an             are available, the likelihood of brain tumor patients
estimated 359,000 people (131/100,000) living with            needing and receiving rehabilitation services, as
a history of brain tumor, including at least 26,000           compared with patients with brain injury or stroke,
children. Of those, 81,000 had a history of malig-            is not known. However, some data are available

 TABLE 1 Brain tumor incidence in various age groups
                           Most Common Brain Tumor                             Second Most Common Brain Tumor
 Age, yrs                   (Incidence per 100,000)                                 (Incidence per 100,000)
 0Y4                Embryonal/PNET/medulloblastoma (1.06)                        Pilocytic astrocytoma (0.99)
 5Y9                     Pilocytic astrocytoma (1.01)                       Embryonal/PNET/medulloblastoma (0.73)
 10Y14                   Pilocytic astrocytoma (0.83)                              Malignant glioma (0.44)
 15Y19                   Pilocytic astrocytoma (0.63)                              Pituitary adenoma (0.6)
 20Y34                    Pituitary adenoma (1.16)                                    Meningioma (0.91)
 35Y44                        Meningioma (3.32)                                    Pituitary adenoma(1.56)
 45Y54                        Meningioma (6.87)                                      Glioblastoma (3.70)
 55Y64                       Meningioma (10.91)                                      Glioblastoma (8.09)
 65Y74                       Meningioma (17.61)                                      Glioblastoma (12.47)
 75Y84                       Meningioma (24.42)                                      Glioblastoma (14.13)
 Q85                         Meningioma (29.53)                                      Glioblastoma (7.63)
    Data from American Brain Tumor Association Facts and Figures 2009 (
    PNET indicates primitive neuroectodermal tumor.                                                                               Brain Tumor Rehabilitation   S51

            Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
on the benefit from rehabilitation, relative to other     growth retardation in children. Extreme obesity
              diagnoses, particularly stroke (see ‘‘Inpatient Brain    may occur because of hypothalamic involvement.14
              Tumor Rehabilitation’’).                                 They are difficult to fully resect, so although long-
                                                                       term survival is good, recurrences commonly oc-
                                                                       cur. Cognitive deficits, most notable in memory and
              BRAIN TUMOR SUBTYPES                                     processing speed, have been described.15
                    Although survival information for malignant tu-         Primary central nervous system lymphomas
              mor types is included as a general reference, there is   comprise 3% of PBTs. Risk is highest in those
              variation, with younger age and higher performance       with immune compromise, including patients with
              status at presentation being favorable indicators. Re-   human immunodeficiency virus or history of organ
              cent reviews that describe current and developing        transplant. Median survival (24Y40 mos) is best
              oncologic evaluation and treatment methods for brain     with chemotherapy, with or without radiation
              tumor are available, which are beyond the scope of       therapy, as opposed to resection. However, under-
              this article.7,12                                        lying immune compromise can be a barrier to
                    Gliomas include astrocytomas, oligodendrogli-      chemotherapy. Because of treatment with whole
              omas, and ependymomas. Astrocytomas with good            brain radiation, risk of later onset toxicity is rela-
              cure potential upon resection include pilocytic as-      tively high.7
              trocytoma, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, and sub-            Medulloblastoma and other primitive neu-
              ependymal giant cell astrocytoma.7                       roectodermal tumors such as pineoblastoma and
                    Higher grade astrocytomas include grade II         neuroblastoma are most common in children.
              astrocytomas (median survival, 5 yrs), grade III an-     Histologically, they are identical, but medulloblas-
              aplastic astrocytomas (median survival, 2Y3 yrs),        tomas, which arise in the cerebellum, have the best
              and grade IV glioblastoma multiforme (GBM; me-           prognosis.12 Long-term survival is about 80% with
              dian survival, 12Y14 mos). GBM is the most com-          medulloblastoma and about 50% with other types.7
              mon, comprising 20% of all PBTs.7 Temozolomide,               Medulloblastoma comprises about 2% of PBTs
              an alkylating agent, has synergistic efficacy when        overall and produces long-term sequelae including
              given during radiation therapy for GBM. Afterward,       neurocognitive deficits (100%; including learning
              it is given as maintenance, raising median survival      and memory deficits in 88% and high incidence in
              for GBM from 12 to 14 mos.12 Oligodendrogliomas          multiple other spheres), other neurologic sequelae
              comprise 3.7% of all PBTs and may be low grade           (72%; most commonly ataxia in 50% and facial
              or anaplastic.7 Survival averages 10 yrs for low-        weakness in 22%), and endocrine abnormalities
              grade tumor, 8 yrs for those with mixed features,        (61%). Seventy-two percent exhibit altered school
              and 3Y5 yrs for anaplastic variants. Ependymomas         performance. In one study, social function was the
              (about 2% of PBTs) are low grade, but may be ana-        quality-of-life dimension most affected.16
              plastic, and are more common in the spinal cord or            Brain metastases occur most frequently with
              posterior fossa than in the supratentorial region.       lung, breast, colorectal, melanoma, and genitouri-
                    Meningiomas are usually benign and originate       nary cancers, especially lung and breast because
              in the dura. Surgical resection is usually feasible,     they are more common overall. Eighty percent of
              and stereotactic radiotherapy has been used for          brain metastases affect the cerebral hemispheres,
              some sites such as sphenoid, parasagittal, orbital,      most commonly at the gray-white junction, where
              tentorial, or clivus locations.7 In rare cases, ana-     blood vessel caliber changes are found and tumor
              plastic changes may be present.                          emboli become trapped.7 Most other brain metas-
                    Pituitary adenomas comprise 6%Y8% of PBTs,         tases are in the cerebellum. In about half of cases,
              and issues may include encroachment on optic             the brain metastasis is solitary and may be amenable
              pathways and endocrine disturbance.7                     to focal therapies, including resection.12 Life ex-
                    Nerve sheath tumors (8% of PBTs) are located       pectancy is less than 6 mos for most patients with
              in the posterior fossa, producing cranial nerve          brain metastasis, but most who undergo resection
              findings including hearing loss, vertigo, facial palsy,   die of systemic, not intracranial, involvement.12
              dysphagia, facial numbness, and hydrocephalus.           Leptomeningeal spread may also occur, especially
                    Craniopharyngiomas (0.7% of PBTs) are em-          from hematologic malignancies, lung, breast, mel-
              bryonic malformations of the sellar area, may affect     anoma, and gastric carcinoma, producing cranial
              hypothalamic and pituitary structures, and produce       nerve or spinal nerve root findings.7 Median sur-
              hydrocephalus.13 Craniopharyngiomas can affect           vival is 4Y6 wks without treatment, although it may
              vision and hormonal status and may produce               be prolonged by 3Y6 mos by antitumor therapies.

S52   Vargo                                               Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011

        Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TREATMENT COMPLICATIONS                                  ataxia, dementia, and incontinence, requiring sup-
Surgical Complications                                   portive treatment.18
                                                              Separate from the previously mentioned pro-
     The postsurgical period is often the pivotal
                                                         cesses, chronic diminished cognitive function has
point around which rehabilitation services are
                                                         also been reported after whole brain radiation.
organized for brain tumor patients. It is at this time
                                                         Individuals receiving radiation therapy before age
that the impact on overall function of the both the
                                                         7 yrs or after age 60 yrs are thought to be most
tumor (usually newly diagnosed or progressed/
                                                         vulnerable to this process.18 Among children re-
recurrent) and of the craniotomy itself becomes
                                                         ceiving whole brain radiation, attention, proces-
most acutely obvious. In addition to rehabilita-
                                                         sing speed, visual motor/visual spatial function, and
tion therapies, there is also a heightened need for
                                                         working memory are most commonly affected.19
pain management, for other supportive medical
                                                         Endocrine disturbance can occur, leading to growth
management (such as treatment of infection, bowel
                                                         disturbance, the most common manifestation of
and bladder complications, management of nutri-
                                                         hypothalamic radiation exposure.18 Cerebral vas-
tion, and other medical comorbidities), and for
                                                         culopathy, including accelerated atherosclerosis,
consideration of thromboembolic and antiepileptic
                                                         after radiation therapy has been described both
                                                         in children and adults.18 Those with prolonged
                                                         survival may be at risk of a second malignancy as
Radiation Therapy Complications                          a late effect of radiation.
     Radiation encephalopathy can be divided into
acute (within 2 wks of treatment), early delayed         Chemotherapy Complications
(1Y4 mos after completion of therapy), or late                Although temozolomide, noted previously as
delayed (4 mos to Q4 yrs) forms. There is less risk of   modestly improving survival in GBM, is relatively
acute radiation encephalopathy with modern pro-          well tolerated, adverse effects can include fatigue,
tocols. However, to avoid precipitating cerebral         alopecia, constipation, and headache. Studies of an-
edema, corticosteroids should be maintained over         tiangiogenic agents such as bevacizumab, a mono-
the radiation course, including avoidance of too         clonal antibody that neutralizes vascular endothelial
rapid of a taper to a lower dose. Acute radiation        growth factor, which is highly expressed in GBM, are
encephalopathy is the most likely form to be seen        showing promise. More antiangiogenic agents are
in inpatient rehabilitation settings. The patient ex-    undergoing trials, including aflibercept, which has
hibits headaches, nausea, decreased alertness, wors-     100 times the affinity for vascular endothelial growth
ening of existing focal symptoms, and possibly           factor as bevacizumab.20
seizures.                                                     Individuals with metastatic brain tumor may be
     Patients with early delayed encephalopathy,         on a variety of chemotherapeutic agents, the dis-
thought to be caused by demyelination and often          cussion of which is beyond the scope of this article.
termed a somnolence syndrome, can exhibit leth-          However, concerns of particular importance to re-
argy and cognitive-behavioral changes.17 The en-         habilitation would include fatigue (which occurs
cephalopathy often resolves over the course of           because of numerous agents), peripheral poly-
several months, more rapidly with corticosteroids.       neuropathy (also related to numerous agents but
It is necessary to distinguish the encephalopathy        most notably vincristine and taxanes), and cardiac
from tumor recurrence or infection.                      effects (most notably related to anthracyclines).
     Posterior fossa radiation can produce a delayed
syndrome of ataxia, diplopia, dysarthria, and nys-       REHABILITATION NEEDS AMONG
tagmus, with most patients recovering over 6 to          BRAIN TUMOR SURVIVORS
8 wks but rarely progressing to coma and even                 A seminal study found that more than 80% of
death.17 Among cranial nerves, the optic nerve is        central nervous system tumor patients exhibit re-
most vulnerable to radiation toxicity.17                 habilitation needs, the greatest proportion of any
     Late delayed encephalopathy, including radia-       tumor type.1 The most common neurologic com-
tion necrosis, can be difficult to distinguish from       plications among brain tumor patients undergoing
recurrence. Prognosis is variable, and treatment for     acute rehabilitation were described by Mukand and
necrosis includes resection.17 Late delayed en-          include cognitive deficits (80%), weakness (78%),
cephalopathy may also present as an atrophy syn-         and visual-perceptual deficits (53%). Three or more
drome after doses of greater than 3000 cGy whole         deficits were seen in 75% of patients; and five or
brain irradiation. Symptoms consist of late-onset        more deficits, in 39%.21 Hemispheric side of tumor                                                                          Brain Tumor Rehabilitation      S53

            Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
is of unclear significance. In one study of 68 patients   databases, such as the Functional Independence
              receiving neuropsychologic testing, Hahn et al.22        Measure,31 that exist for inpatient rehabilitation. In
              found that individuals with left hemisphere tumors       one study, the Barthel Index was a useful measure
              have more memory problems, depressive symp-              of functional status among outpatients undergoing
              toms, distractability, impaired verbal fluency, and       radiation therapy, correlating with the Karnofsky
              verbal learning compared with those with right           performance score and showing prognostic value in
              brain lesions. However, another rehabilitation study     terms of survival.32
              reported better functional outcomes in those with             As with cancer patients in general, there is a
              left brain lesions compared with those with right        need for improved methods to identify outpatient
              brain lesions.23 In the study of Hahn et al., GBM        brain tumor patients who may benefit from reha-
              patients exhibited poorer psychomotor speed and          bilitation. This is especially relevant for the subset
              visual tracking than did individuals with other          who have not undergone inpatient rehabilitation
              etiologies of brain tumor.                               and may have milder, but still significant, deficits.
                                                                       The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy33 has
              Inpatient Brain Tumor Rehabilitation                     a brain subscale and a symptom index, which are of
                   Various studies have shown that brain tumor         potential utility in identifying rehabilitation needs.
              patients in acute rehabilitation settings make                Although exercise has been one of the more
              comparable functional gains as do patients under-        robust areas of cancer rehabilitation research,34
              going rehabilitation for stroke.23Y26 They have          evidence is just beginning to emerge among brain
              comparable or shorter length of stay and compa-          tumor survivors and, in this group of patients,
              rable rate of discharge with those of the community.     might prove to be particularly efficacious. In addi-
              There are conflicting data on whether radiation           tion to the potentially debilitating effects of surgi-
              concurrent with the rehabilitation stay is associated    cal resection and adjuvant therapy, brain tumor
              with better27 or worse23 outcomes. Better progress       patients commonly receive heavy long-term doses
              is likely to be made with the initial presentation       of glucocorticoid therapy, which can produce severe
              to inpatient rehabilitation, as opposed to a repeat      muscle wasting and weakness.35Y37 Studies have
              admission. Rehabilitation outcomes have not been         suggested that resistance and endurance exercise
              found to be significantly different in those with         training can significantly reverse muscle atrophy
              malignant vs. those with benign brain tumor, nor         and weakness in noncancer clinical populations
              among those with primary vs. those with metastatic       treated with glucocorticoids.35,38,39 For those with
              brain tumor.28 Reasons for the relatively favorable      brain tumor, the best mode and vehicle for pro-
              outcomes have been speculated to include generally       moting exercise rehabilitation have yet to be de-
              strong social supports, lack of associated injuries,     termined. We may start to understand how best to
              aggressive discharge planning because of prognosis,      provide these services by first investigating patient
              and possibly less behavioral sequelae than other         preferences unique to this population.
              brain rehabilitation populations, such as TBI.29              In one study investigating exercise preferences,40
                   Brain tumor patients, and cancer rehabilita-        75% of subjects had grade III or IV disease, pre-
              tion patients in general, do seem to have a higher       dominantly anaplastic astrocytoma and GBM. Only
              incidence of interrupted rehabilitation stay,27,30 in    47% perceived themselves as able to exercise during
              some studies ranging from 25% to 35%. Among              treatment, whereas 84% did after treatment. Only
              cancer patients in general, one retrospective study      45% wanted information about exercise during
              found infection to be the major cause of interrupted     treatment, whereas 70% did afterward. During
              stay.30 Malignant vs. benign disease status has not      treatment, the preferred form of exercise was
              been found to affect incidence of interrupted stays,30   walking (51%), which did not change after treat-
              perhaps because in the acute rehabilitation set-         ment (53%). Home was the preferred site for exer-
              ting, factors related to recent craniotomy and over-     cise; only about 5% preferred to exercise at a
              all severity of neurologic impairments predominate,      hospital-based center. Individuals were more likely
              rather than sequelae of other oncologic treatments       to consider a local fitness center after, rather than
              or long-term prognosis.                                  during, treatment (22.6% vs. 9.4%). These data
                                                                       suggest that although most studies of exercise in
              Outpatient Brain Tumor Rehabilitation                    cancer survivors have been performed in either in-
                  Outcomes among outpatients with brain tumor          patient hospital or supervised outpatient settings,
              have not been as systematically described, in part       at least some of the focus during treatment should
              because of the lack of standardized metrics and          be on developing a home program. Measuring

S54   Vargo                                               Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011

        Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
compliance with, and results of, the home program        those encountered in other brain rehabilitation
compared with more directly supervised settings is       populations. Although comprehensive coverage
also important.40                                        of such management is beyond the scope of this
     Family and caregiver needs must also be ad-         review, the following discussion highlights some
dressed, with concerns including dealing with family     issues pertinent to brain tumor patients. Among
issues (changing roles and relationships, financial       oncology patients, the concept of the ‘‘symptom
concerns, and patient need for assistance), managing     cluster’’ has been described and often relates to
challenging behaviors, dealing with personal feelings,   tumor biology, for example, fatigue and proinflam-
and navigating through the medical system (com-          matory cytokine production.46 Regarding symptom
municating with the physician and understanding          clusters, the brain tumor population has received
the system of care).41 Organizations that provide        limited attention to date, although intracranial
patient support include the National Brain Tumor         pressure and location-dependent factors are felt to
Foundation (, the Amer-        be relevant.46 One survey of high-grade glioma
ican Brain Tumor Association (,      patients found that the symptom cluster of depres-
the Brain Tumor Society (,           sion, fatigue, sleep disturbance, cognitive impair-
and the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation                ment, and pain were significantly correlated with
(                    each other and explained 62% of the variance in
                                                         functional status.47
Vocational Outcomes
     Compared with other cancer survivor popula-         Fatigue
tions, survivors of brain tumor and other neurologic          Fatigue is commonly considered to have a
system malignancies are less likely to be working,       multifactorial basis, including deconditioning,
which is related to their diagnosis (odds ratio [OR],    endocrine-metabolic abnormalities, infection, ane-
2.2 for unemployment).43 Other diagnoses highly          mia, depression, sleep disturbance, nutritional fac-
likely to affect long-term employment status include     tors, and treatment adverse effects, including
head and neck cancers (OR, 1.7) and blood cancers        chemotherapy, radiation, and antiepileptic drug ad-
(OR, 3.03). A report from the Finnish Cancer regis-      verse effects.48 There is much overlap between mea-
try of 12,542 cancer survivors found that 45% of         sures to treat fatigue and those to promote optimal
individuals with central nervous system malignan-        cognitive function, especially attention. Fatigue may
cies were working 2Y3 yrs after diagnosis, com-          be more pronounced in individuals with deep/central
pared with 69% of age- and sex-matched controls.44       compared with laterally situated brain tumors and
Data from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study,           in those with greater neurologic impairment.42 One
a very large registry with sibling controls, found       study found fatigue (and also mood) to be worse
31.7% of survivors of pediatric central nervous sys-     in individuals with low-grade brain tumor than
tem cancers reporting functional impairments into        in a control group with hematologic malignancy.49
adulthood, with an OR of 18 compared with sib-           For malignant brain tumor in particular, treatment
lings. (Functional impairments included need for         may be protracted, with radiation therapy produc-
help with personal care needs, instrumental activi-      ing fatigue and temozolomide, given cyclically over
ties of daily living, or impairments interfering with    many months, with further potential for fatigue,
holding a job or attending school.) This was by far      leading to progressive debility. The patient should
the highest percentage seen in survivors of any type     be counseled about potential fatigue with treatment
of malignancy, followed by bone tumor survivors          to maximize reconditioning efforts when the clinical
at 16.2%. However, the bone tumor survivors were         status permits.
more likely to report activity limitations, which             Nonpharmacologic treatments are similar to
focused on specific physical tasks such as climbing       those advised for other types of cancer and include
stairs or walking one block (26.8% vs. 17.8%).45         exercise, behavioral and coping strategies, high-
                                                         protein diet, adequate hydration, and management
MANAGEMENT OF SPECIFIC                                   of anemia. Pharmacologic treatments can include
COMPLICATIONS AND SYMPTOMS                               medications to optimize sleep, mood, and pain con-
DURING BRAIN TUMOR                                       trol. Medications that may be aggravating fatigue
REHABILITATION                                           should be changed or discontinued. Concern of an
    Physical and cognitive impairments, common           endocrine etiology of fatigue is particularly high in
symptoms, and medical complications in patients          tumors involving the hypothalamic-pituitary axis,
with brain tumor are presumed to be similar to           such as pituitary adenoma and craniopharyngioma.                                                                          Brain Tumor Rehabilitation      S55

            Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Stimulants including methylphenidate and modafinil               Cognitive therapy has also received attention.
              may be effective in reducing fatigue.42                    One study of glioma patients found improved sub-
                                                                         jective, but not objective, cognitive functioning
              Sleep Disturbance                                          at the end of therapy. But at 6 mos, the cognitive
                  Sleep disturbance may occur in patients with           rehabilitation group had improved attention and
              brain tumor, just as in other etiologies of brain          verbal memory and less report of mental fatigue
              injury. As noted in ‘‘Fatigue,’’ related factors such as   compared with randomized controls.55 Another
              pain and depressed mood should be treated, if ap-          study of brain tumor patients and their caregivers
              propriate, as well as situational factors, such as         reported good tolerance of a cognitive rehabilita-
              nighttime noise and interruptions, and symptoms            tion program, consisting of six 50-min sessions over
              such as night sweats, hot flashes, and need for             2 wks, with 88% of participants reporting that
              nighttime urination. Sleep agents should be pro-           they used strategies consisting of a calendar and
              vided if necessary. Hiccups may occur in the setting       specific problem-solving skills. Although satisfac-
              of brain tumor, especially medullary lesions, and          tion was high, outcome data were limited because
              may interfere with sleep if severe50; treatment is         of limited follow-up. Quality-of-life scores (per
              with chlorpromazine or numerous other agents.              Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Brain)
                                                                         did not differ between subjects and controls.56 An-
              Cognition                                                  other study of cognitive therapy in childhood can-
                    Cognitive dysfunction and attentional deficits        cer survivors (twenty 2-hr sessions) found improved
              are both very common and highly disrupting to              academic performance in language and mathe-
              many individuals with brain tumor. Among the               matics and improved parent report of attention in
              pharmacologic options used for cognitive dysfunc-          daily activities but little impact on neurocognitive
              tion in this setting, methylphenidate has been best        variables, compared with controls. A higher level
              studied. One study of 30 malignant glioma patients         of ‘‘metacognitive strategies’’ (survivors attending
              on varying doses of methylphenidate found effec-           to and managing their own resources) was also
              tiveness of dosing as low as 10 mg twice daily. Im-        observed.19 A study using 12 cognitive subtests
              provements were seen in various cognitive testing          of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of
              parameters pertaining to memory, reasoning, and            Neuropsychological Status in glioma patients found
              verbal fluency, as well as subjective benefits in            that four subtests (Figure Copy, Coding, List
              gait, stamina, and motivation.51 A controlled study        Recognition, and Story Recall) captured 90% of
              among pediatric cancer survivors, most of whom had         the impaired subgroup.57
              brain tumor diagnoses, found that most showed                   In children, younger age at treatment may be a
              improved sustained attention, as well as caregiver         risk factor for lower IQ,58 which is probably related
              report of increased attentional ability.52 Another         to impaired learning over a longer period subsequent
              pediatric survivorship study of brain tumor and            to treatment. However, in a study of 22 patients
              leukemia patients, using a double-blind crossover          after cerebellar tumor resection, age at onset did
              design, found improved attention and parent and            not influence long-term performance in cognitive
              teacher report of attentional function, social func-       function or postural responses.59 One study com-
              tioning, and ‘‘academic competence.’’ Significant           paring pediatric TBI and brain tumor survivors
              adverse effects were also noted, with some subjects        found more psychologic and social adjustment
              discontinuing the drug.53                                  problems in the TBI group. TBI survivors were more
                    Other agents that have been studied include          likely to externalize problems, and brain tumor
              donepezil (after brain irradiation), ginkgo biloba,        patients were more likely to internalize them.60
              hyperbaric oxygen, bevacizumab (also in brain radi-             Because of the prolonged treatment often re-
              ation therapy patients), indomethacin (because of          quired for childhood malignancies and the fact
              preclinical research findings of restored neurogene-        that pediatric neurologic malignancy patients are
              sis from inflammatory blockade after cranial irradia-       significantly less likely to finish high school than
              tion), and combined treatment with levothyroxine           peers,19 there has also been advocacy for improved
              and liothyronine (in the setting of hypothyroidism).54     hospital-based education programs.
              Most studies to date lack control groups, a concern
              with designs involving precognitive and postcogni-         Mood
              tive testing, particularly because there may be a               Low mood may be addressed with adjustment
              significant learning effect from the repeated testing       counseling and exercise, as well as with managing
              itself.                                                    sleep, fatigue, and pain. Medication will also be

S56   Vargo                                                 Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011

        Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
indicated in some cases and is generally selected         phenobarbital.63 Conversely, chemotherapy drugs
based on tolerance and managing adverse effect            have also been implicated in reducing anticonvul-
profiles. Bupropion should be avoided because of           sant concentration and effectiveness, for example,
its effect of lowering the seizure threshold.             effects of cisplatin and carmustine on phenytoin
                                                          and of adriamycin and cisplatin on carbamazepine
Weakness                                                  and valproate.63 Increased toxicity of antiepileptics
     Weakness may be of central origin related to         or chemotherapy agents has also been reported.
tumor location or may be caused by debility or            Newer drugs including levetiracetam, gabapentin,
myopathy. Myopathy has been reported in 10% of            lamotrigine, and topiramate are also being used
brain tumor patients receiving dexamethasone for          successfully, with the advantage of fewer cognitive
more than 2 wks, with two-thirds of patients having       adverse effects65 and lack of hepatic microsomal
onset between weeks 9 and 12.61 However, extended         system induction. Studies of levetiracetam as an
duration of treatment is often needed to prevent          add-on or monotherapy have found 50% reduction
radiation encephalopathy. Risk may be lower in            in seizures in a majority (60%Y65%) of patients,
patients on phenytoin, probably because of induc-         with few adverse effects.63,66 A recent consensus
tion of hepatic metabolism of the corticosteroid.61 A     statement recommends levetiracetam (except in
nonfluorinated corticosteroid formulation, such as         the presence of renal dysfunction) or lamotrigine
prednisone or hydrocortisone, may be preferable.61        (except in the presence of liver dysfunction) as first-
Physical training has been shown to improve               line agents.67 Others point to valproate being better
muscle strength and size in individuals taking low        tolerated than other first-line agents, with use of
to moderate doses of prednisone.62 Because onset          this agent as first line and using newer agents as
of myopathic weakness may not occur for several           add-ons.63 Gabapentin has been well tolerated, but
weeks, it is important to address physical activity       efficacy may be somewhat less. Another reported
beyond the inpatient phase.                               adverse effect of anticonvulsants (especially phe-
                                                          nytoin, also phenobarbital and carbamazepine)
Seizures                                                  has been synergistic effect in risk for cutaneous
     Seizures are a common presenting symptom             reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
of brain tumors, occurring in about 20%Y40% of            in patients receiving cranial radiation therapy.
high-grade glioma patients and at least 50%Y85%           Although the pathogenic mechanism is not well
of individuals with low-grade tumors. They are            understood, it has been recommended that patients
the presenting symptom in 15%Y20% of patients             undergoing radiation therapy receive agents with
with brain metastasis.12,63 Tumors involving cortical     a low potential for allergic cutaneous reactions,
structures are more likely to be associated with sei-     such as valproate, levetiracetam, or gabapentin.66
zure, especially those involving the temporal cortex,          Prospective studies68,69 and a meta-analysis70
primary sensorimotor cortex, or supplemental areas,       of brain tumor patients without previous seizure
and in younger individuals, especially children and       have not found efficacy of prophylaxis. Limited
adolescents.63 Epilepsy may be refractory to treat-       data exist for agents other than phenytoin, pheno-
ment in 12%Y50% of cases.63 Anticonvulsant agents         barbital, and valproic acid. It is not known whether
are useful for treating a variety of other problems,      electroencephalographic data have any role in
including depression, anxiety, behavioral issues,         decision making.66 If a seizure has already occurred,
and pain.64                                               anticonvulsant treatment should be maintained,66
     For seizure treatment, traditional first-line         but guidelines on how long to keep patients on
agents such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, and val-         anticonvulsant treatment after a seizure has oc-
proic acid are equally efficacious. A common adverse       curred are lacking. For those with brain tumor,
effect is cytochrome P450 enzyme induction, seen          incidence is related to tumor type, with low-
with phenobarbital, phenytoin, and carbamazepine          grade gliomas presenting more frequently with
(and, to a lesser extent, lamotrigine and topiramate).    seizures, compared with high-grade PBTs or me-
Cytochrome P450 induction is a concern because            tastases.63,71Y74 Seizures are more likely in cortical
numerous chemotherapy agents are also metabo-             tumors than in infratentorial, deep gray, or white
lized by this system, and use of antiseizure agents       matter lesions.73
can result in accelerated metabolism, reducing the             In rehabilitation, care is often rendered in
effects of such agents as taxanes, vinca alkaloids, and   the postoperative period, raising the question of
methotrexate.63 The efficacy of corticosteroids may        whether the context of the recent craniotomy makes
also be reduced by phenytoin, carbamazepine, and          advisable a period of anticonvulsant management.                                                                           Brain Tumor Rehabilitation     S57

            Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A consensus statement recommends (as a guide-             heparin (LMWH), although it is increasingly being
              line but not a standard) that anticonvulsants be          used. When given for extended periods up to 6 mos,
              tapered and discontinued after 1 wk in patients           the incidence of recurrent thromboembolic disease
              with no previous seizures.75 However, if the patient      has been reported as 50% less with LMWH than
              is to receive radiation, maintaining an anticon-          with warfarin in patients with cancer (not limited
              vulsant agent, preferably not one associated with         to brain tumor).79 The shorter half-life of unfrac-
              adverse cutaneous reactions (see above), is a con-        tionated heparin is considered an advantage in
              sideration.66 Results of studies after craniotomy         dealing with the patient at risk of intracranial
              (not limited to brain tumor patients) have been           bleeding, but there is also a risk of transient over-
              variable, ranging from lack of benefit for phenytoin       anticoagulation with the heparin bolus. Sometimes,
              or valproate76 to an older study favoring prophylaxis     this concern is addressed by foregoing the bolus
              because of higher-than-baseline risk for the first         in lower risk thrombotic patients or using a mini
              ten postoperative weeks.77 Therefore, for an individ-     (half-dose) bolus.78
              ual patient, discussion with other managing phys-              Contraindications to anticoagulation include
              icians, especially the neurosurgeon in the case of        recent spontaneous bleeding (as opposed to blood in
              postcraniotomy patients, remains prudent.                 the surgical cavity, which might not preclude
                                                                        anticoagulation),78 severe thrombocytopenia,79 and
              Thromboembolic Disease                                    recent thrombolytic therapy.78 Relative contra-
                   Symptomatic venous thromboembolic disease            indications include recent systemic bleeding and
              has been described in 19%Y29% of patients with            severe hypertension.78 High rates of spontaneous
              gliomas and up to 60% if asymptomatic disease is          hemorrhage are seen in the setting of thyroid
              considered. Incidence in metastatic brain tumor           cancer, melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, and cho-
              patients is about 20%.78 Although a majority of cases     riocarcinoma, and thus, anticoagulation is often
              have been described postoperatively, thrombotic           avoided in these tumor types. Conventionally,
              events at other times throughout the clinical course      full-dose anticoagulation is typically avoided for
              can occur. Risk factors include larger tumors, lo-        10Y14 days after neurosurgery, but some studies
              cation (supratentorial 9 infratentorial), presence of     have found that it can be given safely as early as
              intraluminal thrombosis in the tumor pathologic           day 3.78 In the rehabilitation setting, the neu-
              specimen (OR, 17.8),79 age older than 60 yrs, pres-       rosurgeon should be involved in discussion and
              ence of hemiparesis, use of chemotherapy, and             decision making regarding the initiation of anti-
              variable report of operative time greater than            coagulation. Duration of treatment has been de-
              4 hrs.78,79 Although malignancy itself is a risk factor   scribed as extending up to 6Y12 mos in those
              for thromboembolic disease, among postoperative           with cured brain tumors and indefinitely in those
              brain tumor patients, one series reported higher          with ongoing malignancy.78
              incidence in meningioma (up to 72%) than in ma-                For prophylaxis, although mechanical mea-
              lignant glioma or metastatic disease.80                   sures are partially effective, especially pneumatic
                   The physiologic basis of thromboembolic risk         compression, low-dose unfractionated heparin or
              includes altered coagulation factors and weakness         LMWH conveys additional benefit, with 38% risk
              and immobility. In addition, corticosteroids may          reduction compared with mechanical measures
              increase risk of thromboembolic disease, based on         alone in neurosurgical patients. The optimal pro-
              increased levels of factors VII, VIII, and XI and of      phylactic regimen has not been established. One
              fibrinogen.78 In glioma patients, individuals with         study found similar efficacy (nonsymptomatic throm-
              blood type A or AB have a higher risk than do those       boembolic disease) and bleeding rates (very low)
              with blood type O, probably related to differences in     between unfractionated heparin and LMWH, when
              level of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII.81         combined with stockings and pneumatic compres-
                   In the setting of thromboembolic disease, in-        sion.83 Aspirin 325 mg has also been suggested to
              ferior vena cava filters have often been used because      provide partial prophylaxis in high-risk patients,
              of concern about risk of intracerebral hemorrhage         although there is limited, but favorable, data.84 In
              with systemic anticoagulation. However, compli-           a recent meta-analysis of neurosurgical patients,
              cation rates of inferior vena cava filters are high        including but not limited to cancer patients, lower
              in this population, described in up to 62% of             rates of deep vein thrombosis were seen with ei-
              patients.82 Bleeding with unfractionated heparin          ther heparin modality than with stockings or pla-
              treatment has been described in 0%Y4% of patients.        cebo, but no statistically significant difference
              Data are more limited with low-molecular-weight           was found between the heparin modalities and

S58   Vargo                                                Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011

        Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
pneumatic compression. Incidence of intracranial          cally significant functional gains in swallowing, with
bleeding was 1.52/1000 in the LMWH group and              50% of patients consuming a regular diet by time of
0.35/1000 with unfractionated heparin and, in the         discharge home.89 Dysphagia has been described in
case of unfractionated heparin, did not differ from       85% of brain tumor patients at end of life.90
patients not receiving chemoprophylaxis. However,
the analysis was limited by the relatively small          Communication and End-of-Life Issues
numbers of neoplasm and elderly patients.85 A re-
                                                               Patients and families often have questions about
cent trial (PRODIGE study) attempted to ran-
                                                          their primary oncology care and prognosis while in
domize patients who have malignant gliomas to
                                                          rehabilitation settings. Communication with the on-
treatment with dalteparin or placebo to determine
                                                          cology care services must be maintained to optimally
the benefits of primary prophylaxis.86 However, the
                                                          address such questions, and palliative care team ex-
study had to be terminated prematurely, and, al-
                                                          pertise should be sought when appropriate and
though patients receiving dalteparin had a lower
                                                          available. A change in status may result in a need for
rate of VTE, the difference did not reach statistical     revised goal setting, for example, a switch from
                                                          strengthening and reconditioning to comfort and
     Headaches have been reported in 53%Y77% of
brain tumor patients.42 More than three-quarters          CONCLUSION
of patients exhibit the Btension[ type, but up to 5%           Individuals with brain tumor have a high inci-
of patients will have migraine-like headaches.            dence of neurologic impairments, resulting in func-
Although headaches are often generalized, supra-          tional deficits for which rehabilitation services are
tentorial tumors tend to produce discomfort anterior      necessary, and which evidence to date supports as
to a line drawn between the ears, and infratentorial      beneficial. The overall care needs are similar to those
tumors refer to pain behind this line.50 Headaches are    seen in individuals with other etiologies of brain
more common with infratentorial (64%Y84%) com-            disorder, such as stroke or brain trauma. In the in-
pared with supratentorial (34%Y60%) lesions and           patient rehabilitation setting, patients with brain
with midline (95%) tumors.50 Compared with other          tumor have comparable functional outcomes as
headaches, those associated with increased intracra-      other brain rehabilitation groups. Specific clinical
nial pressure are more likely to be severe, continuous,   management concerns that pertain to the brain tu-
associated with nausea and vomiting, and refractory       mor population, as discussed in this review, should
to analgesics. The headaches are thought to be caused     be incorporated into patient care.
by local traction on pain-sensitive structures, such as
arteries, veins, venous sinuses, cranial nerves, and
portions of the dura.                                     REFERENCES
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S62   Vargo                                                     Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011

        Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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Brain tumor rehabilitation

  • 1. Authors: Mary Vargo, MD Affiliations: From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, MetroHealth Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio, Case Western INVITED REVIEW Reserve University, Cleveland. Correspondence: All correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to: Brain Tumor Rehabilitation Mary Vargo, MD, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, ABSTRACT MetroHealth Medical Center, 2500 MetroHealth Drive, 1st Floor Hamann Vargo M: Brain tumor rehabilitation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011; Building, Cleveland, OH 44109. 90(suppl):S50YS62. Disclosures: Brain and other central nervous system tumors have a very high likelihood of Financial disclosure statements have producing long-term disabling effects owing to the tumor itself and the effects of been obtained, and no conflicts of treatment, including surgical complications, neurotoxic effects of radiation, and interest have been reported by the debility caused by chemotherapy. Even benign or low-grade brain tumors can authors or by any individuals in control of the content of this article. cause significant disability. Brain tumors occur over the life span, showing pro- gressively higher incidence with advancing age. The common types of primary 0894-9115/11/9005(Suppl)-0S50/0 brain tumor differ between pediatric and adult age groups. Evidence for effec- American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation tiveness of rehabilitation is favorable. Brain tumor patients treated in acute reha- Copyright * 2011 by Lippincott bilitation settings improve comparably with individuals with stroke or traumatic Williams & Wilkins brain injury. Although patients with primary brain tumors have been better studied than those with metastatic disease, significant gains with inpatient rehabilitation DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31820be31f have been reported in the latter group also. Outpatient programs to address cognitive deficits in brain tumor survivors, including cognitive therapy and pharma- cologic strategies, have found benefit. While the patient is receiving rehabilitation care, physiatrists, in interdisciplinary collaboration with the pertinent oncology- related services, assist with managing symptoms including fatigue, headache, and sleep disturbance and medical complications including depression, seizures, and thromboembolic disease. Better methods are needed to identify patients for rehabilitation services when appropriate over the course of the disease process. Key Words: Cancer Rehabilitation, Brain Tumors, Central Nervous System Tumors, Treatment, Cognitive Therapy, Collaboration A lthough comprising just 1.4% of all malignancies, brain and other nervous system tumors are of core importance in cancer rehabilitation because of their extremely high rate of disabling sequelae.1 Nervous system neoplasms are histologically diverse and include both malignant and benign diagnoses. Malignant brain lesions may be primary or metastatic. Survivorship varies among brain neoplasm subtypes. In general, for malignant brain tumor, although 5-yr survivorship has improved, it remains modest (33.9% for all ages and 71.4% for children, 1988Y2005).2 For benign brain tumor, survivor- ship is much better. However, some benign etiologies may be difficult to fully resect (e.g., craniopharyngiomas), are prone to recur (e.g., nerve sheath tumors), or may develop anaplastic features (e.g., a small percentage of meningiomas or S50 Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 2. ependymomas). Therefore, even for an individ- nant brain tumor (29.5/100,000) and 267,000 had ual with a benign etiology of tumor, the disease a history of benign brain tumor (97.5/100,000); trajectory can have a protracted and challenging the remaining individuals had tumors of uncertain course. behavior.3 Among PBT diagnoses, the type of tumor pres- ent varies with age. Embryonal/neuroectodermal BRAIN TUMOR INCIDENCE tumors and pilocytic astrocytomas are most com- AND PREVALENCE mon in childhood, and meningioma and malignant In 2008, there were an estimated 52,236 gliomas are the most common etiologies among new primary brain tumor (PBT) diagnoses in the adults (Table 1).7,8 Among PBT cases, meningiomas United States, with 22,000 being malignant (rate, comprise 32% of cases; and malignant gliomas, 39% 6/100,000 for malignant tumor and 9/100,000 for of cases. Eighty-one percent of all malignant PBTs benign tumor). Overall incidence is slightly greater are malignant gliomas. in women than in men (17.2 vs. 15.8/100,000); Children are more likely to have posterior fossa however, malignant PBT occurs more often in men tumors than adults are, with the cerebellum being than in women (7.6 vs. 5.4/100,000).3 The inci- the most common location in children younger dence of malignant PBT increases with age, and than 10 yrs and brainstem nearly as common as in adults, survival decreases with more advanced cerebral location.5 In adults, frontal (25%), tem- age at diagnosis.3 Median age at diagnosis of PBT poral (20.1%), parietal (14.6%), and overlapping is 56 yrs.3 However, it should also be noted that regions (19.8%) are the most common locations.4 brain tumor is the second most common childhood In terms of impact of brain tumor on rehabil- malignancy and the most common childhood solid itation systems, relative to other brain rehabilita- tumor,4 with 3,750 cases (includes malignant and tion diagnoses, such as traumatic brain injury benign)5 among individuals younger than 20 yrs (TBI) or stroke, little published data are avail- in the United States. Thirteen percent of all pri- able. It has been estimated that on a yearly basis, mary brain cancers present in individuals younger 80,000Y90,000 of an estimated 1.4 million survi- than 20 yrs.3 The incidence of PBT is highest in vors of TBI will incur significant disability or re- whites, followed by Hispanics and African Americans quire increased medical care.9,10 Regarding stroke, (16.8, 15.4, and 13/100,000, respectively). The in- in 2005, there were an estimated 892,300 acute cidence of metastatic brain tumor is less clear, with hospitalizations for cerebrovascular disease and, estimates ranging up to ten times greater than among Medicare recipients, 85,516 inpatient reha- that of PBT.6 bilitation admissions.11 Although incidence data Regarding prevalence, in 2000, there were an are available, the likelihood of brain tumor patients estimated 359,000 people (131/100,000) living with needing and receiving rehabilitation services, as a history of brain tumor, including at least 26,000 compared with patients with brain injury or stroke, children. Of those, 81,000 had a history of malig- is not known. However, some data are available TABLE 1 Brain tumor incidence in various age groups Most Common Brain Tumor Second Most Common Brain Tumor Age, yrs (Incidence per 100,000) (Incidence per 100,000) 0Y4 Embryonal/PNET/medulloblastoma (1.06) Pilocytic astrocytoma (0.99) 5Y9 Pilocytic astrocytoma (1.01) Embryonal/PNET/medulloblastoma (0.73) 10Y14 Pilocytic astrocytoma (0.83) Malignant glioma (0.44) 15Y19 Pilocytic astrocytoma (0.63) Pituitary adenoma (0.6) 20Y34 Pituitary adenoma (1.16) Meningioma (0.91) 35Y44 Meningioma (3.32) Pituitary adenoma(1.56) 45Y54 Meningioma (6.87) Glioblastoma (3.70) 55Y64 Meningioma (10.91) Glioblastoma (8.09) 65Y74 Meningioma (17.61) Glioblastoma (12.47) 75Y84 Meningioma (24.42) Glioblastoma (14.13) Q85 Meningioma (29.53) Glioblastoma (7.63) Data from American Brain Tumor Association Facts and Figures 2009 ( PNET indicates primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Brain Tumor Rehabilitation S51 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 3. on the benefit from rehabilitation, relative to other growth retardation in children. Extreme obesity diagnoses, particularly stroke (see ‘‘Inpatient Brain may occur because of hypothalamic involvement.14 Tumor Rehabilitation’’). They are difficult to fully resect, so although long- term survival is good, recurrences commonly oc- cur. Cognitive deficits, most notable in memory and BRAIN TUMOR SUBTYPES processing speed, have been described.15 Although survival information for malignant tu- Primary central nervous system lymphomas mor types is included as a general reference, there is comprise 3% of PBTs. Risk is highest in those variation, with younger age and higher performance with immune compromise, including patients with status at presentation being favorable indicators. Re- human immunodeficiency virus or history of organ cent reviews that describe current and developing transplant. Median survival (24Y40 mos) is best oncologic evaluation and treatment methods for brain with chemotherapy, with or without radiation tumor are available, which are beyond the scope of therapy, as opposed to resection. However, under- this article.7,12 lying immune compromise can be a barrier to Gliomas include astrocytomas, oligodendrogli- chemotherapy. Because of treatment with whole omas, and ependymomas. Astrocytomas with good brain radiation, risk of later onset toxicity is rela- cure potential upon resection include pilocytic as- tively high.7 trocytoma, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, and sub- Medulloblastoma and other primitive neu- ependymal giant cell astrocytoma.7 roectodermal tumors such as pineoblastoma and Higher grade astrocytomas include grade II neuroblastoma are most common in children. astrocytomas (median survival, 5 yrs), grade III an- Histologically, they are identical, but medulloblas- aplastic astrocytomas (median survival, 2Y3 yrs), tomas, which arise in the cerebellum, have the best and grade IV glioblastoma multiforme (GBM; me- prognosis.12 Long-term survival is about 80% with dian survival, 12Y14 mos). GBM is the most com- medulloblastoma and about 50% with other types.7 mon, comprising 20% of all PBTs.7 Temozolomide, Medulloblastoma comprises about 2% of PBTs an alkylating agent, has synergistic efficacy when overall and produces long-term sequelae including given during radiation therapy for GBM. Afterward, neurocognitive deficits (100%; including learning it is given as maintenance, raising median survival and memory deficits in 88% and high incidence in for GBM from 12 to 14 mos.12 Oligodendrogliomas multiple other spheres), other neurologic sequelae comprise 3.7% of all PBTs and may be low grade (72%; most commonly ataxia in 50% and facial or anaplastic.7 Survival averages 10 yrs for low- weakness in 22%), and endocrine abnormalities grade tumor, 8 yrs for those with mixed features, (61%). Seventy-two percent exhibit altered school and 3Y5 yrs for anaplastic variants. Ependymomas performance. In one study, social function was the (about 2% of PBTs) are low grade, but may be ana- quality-of-life dimension most affected.16 plastic, and are more common in the spinal cord or Brain metastases occur most frequently with posterior fossa than in the supratentorial region. lung, breast, colorectal, melanoma, and genitouri- Meningiomas are usually benign and originate nary cancers, especially lung and breast because in the dura. Surgical resection is usually feasible, they are more common overall. Eighty percent of and stereotactic radiotherapy has been used for brain metastases affect the cerebral hemispheres, some sites such as sphenoid, parasagittal, orbital, most commonly at the gray-white junction, where tentorial, or clivus locations.7 In rare cases, ana- blood vessel caliber changes are found and tumor plastic changes may be present. emboli become trapped.7 Most other brain metas- Pituitary adenomas comprise 6%Y8% of PBTs, tases are in the cerebellum. In about half of cases, and issues may include encroachment on optic the brain metastasis is solitary and may be amenable pathways and endocrine disturbance.7 to focal therapies, including resection.12 Life ex- Nerve sheath tumors (8% of PBTs) are located pectancy is less than 6 mos for most patients with in the posterior fossa, producing cranial nerve brain metastasis, but most who undergo resection findings including hearing loss, vertigo, facial palsy, die of systemic, not intracranial, involvement.12 dysphagia, facial numbness, and hydrocephalus. Leptomeningeal spread may also occur, especially Craniopharyngiomas (0.7% of PBTs) are em- from hematologic malignancies, lung, breast, mel- bryonic malformations of the sellar area, may affect anoma, and gastric carcinoma, producing cranial hypothalamic and pituitary structures, and produce nerve or spinal nerve root findings.7 Median sur- hydrocephalus.13 Craniopharyngiomas can affect vival is 4Y6 wks without treatment, although it may vision and hormonal status and may produce be prolonged by 3Y6 mos by antitumor therapies. S52 Vargo Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 4. TREATMENT COMPLICATIONS ataxia, dementia, and incontinence, requiring sup- Surgical Complications portive treatment.18 Separate from the previously mentioned pro- The postsurgical period is often the pivotal cesses, chronic diminished cognitive function has point around which rehabilitation services are also been reported after whole brain radiation. organized for brain tumor patients. It is at this time Individuals receiving radiation therapy before age that the impact on overall function of the both the 7 yrs or after age 60 yrs are thought to be most tumor (usually newly diagnosed or progressed/ vulnerable to this process.18 Among children re- recurrent) and of the craniotomy itself becomes ceiving whole brain radiation, attention, proces- most acutely obvious. In addition to rehabilita- sing speed, visual motor/visual spatial function, and tion therapies, there is also a heightened need for working memory are most commonly affected.19 pain management, for other supportive medical Endocrine disturbance can occur, leading to growth management (such as treatment of infection, bowel disturbance, the most common manifestation of and bladder complications, management of nutri- hypothalamic radiation exposure.18 Cerebral vas- tion, and other medical comorbidities), and for culopathy, including accelerated atherosclerosis, consideration of thromboembolic and antiepileptic after radiation therapy has been described both precautions. in children and adults.18 Those with prolonged survival may be at risk of a second malignancy as Radiation Therapy Complications a late effect of radiation. Radiation encephalopathy can be divided into acute (within 2 wks of treatment), early delayed Chemotherapy Complications (1Y4 mos after completion of therapy), or late Although temozolomide, noted previously as delayed (4 mos to Q4 yrs) forms. There is less risk of modestly improving survival in GBM, is relatively acute radiation encephalopathy with modern pro- well tolerated, adverse effects can include fatigue, tocols. However, to avoid precipitating cerebral alopecia, constipation, and headache. Studies of an- edema, corticosteroids should be maintained over tiangiogenic agents such as bevacizumab, a mono- the radiation course, including avoidance of too clonal antibody that neutralizes vascular endothelial rapid of a taper to a lower dose. Acute radiation growth factor, which is highly expressed in GBM, are encephalopathy is the most likely form to be seen showing promise. More antiangiogenic agents are in inpatient rehabilitation settings. The patient ex- undergoing trials, including aflibercept, which has hibits headaches, nausea, decreased alertness, wors- 100 times the affinity for vascular endothelial growth ening of existing focal symptoms, and possibly factor as bevacizumab.20 seizures. Individuals with metastatic brain tumor may be Patients with early delayed encephalopathy, on a variety of chemotherapeutic agents, the dis- thought to be caused by demyelination and often cussion of which is beyond the scope of this article. termed a somnolence syndrome, can exhibit leth- However, concerns of particular importance to re- argy and cognitive-behavioral changes.17 The en- habilitation would include fatigue (which occurs cephalopathy often resolves over the course of because of numerous agents), peripheral poly- several months, more rapidly with corticosteroids. neuropathy (also related to numerous agents but It is necessary to distinguish the encephalopathy most notably vincristine and taxanes), and cardiac from tumor recurrence or infection. effects (most notably related to anthracyclines). Posterior fossa radiation can produce a delayed syndrome of ataxia, diplopia, dysarthria, and nys- REHABILITATION NEEDS AMONG tagmus, with most patients recovering over 6 to BRAIN TUMOR SURVIVORS 8 wks but rarely progressing to coma and even A seminal study found that more than 80% of death.17 Among cranial nerves, the optic nerve is central nervous system tumor patients exhibit re- most vulnerable to radiation toxicity.17 habilitation needs, the greatest proportion of any Late delayed encephalopathy, including radia- tumor type.1 The most common neurologic com- tion necrosis, can be difficult to distinguish from plications among brain tumor patients undergoing recurrence. Prognosis is variable, and treatment for acute rehabilitation were described by Mukand and necrosis includes resection.17 Late delayed en- include cognitive deficits (80%), weakness (78%), cephalopathy may also present as an atrophy syn- and visual-perceptual deficits (53%). Three or more drome after doses of greater than 3000 cGy whole deficits were seen in 75% of patients; and five or brain irradiation. Symptoms consist of late-onset more deficits, in 39%.21 Hemispheric side of tumor Brain Tumor Rehabilitation S53 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 5. is of unclear significance. In one study of 68 patients databases, such as the Functional Independence receiving neuropsychologic testing, Hahn et al.22 Measure,31 that exist for inpatient rehabilitation. In found that individuals with left hemisphere tumors one study, the Barthel Index was a useful measure have more memory problems, depressive symp- of functional status among outpatients undergoing toms, distractability, impaired verbal fluency, and radiation therapy, correlating with the Karnofsky verbal learning compared with those with right performance score and showing prognostic value in brain lesions. However, another rehabilitation study terms of survival.32 reported better functional outcomes in those with As with cancer patients in general, there is a left brain lesions compared with those with right need for improved methods to identify outpatient brain lesions.23 In the study of Hahn et al., GBM brain tumor patients who may benefit from reha- patients exhibited poorer psychomotor speed and bilitation. This is especially relevant for the subset visual tracking than did individuals with other who have not undergone inpatient rehabilitation etiologies of brain tumor. and may have milder, but still significant, deficits. The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy33 has Inpatient Brain Tumor Rehabilitation a brain subscale and a symptom index, which are of Various studies have shown that brain tumor potential utility in identifying rehabilitation needs. patients in acute rehabilitation settings make Although exercise has been one of the more comparable functional gains as do patients under- robust areas of cancer rehabilitation research,34 going rehabilitation for stroke.23Y26 They have evidence is just beginning to emerge among brain comparable or shorter length of stay and compa- tumor survivors and, in this group of patients, rable rate of discharge with those of the community. might prove to be particularly efficacious. In addi- There are conflicting data on whether radiation tion to the potentially debilitating effects of surgi- concurrent with the rehabilitation stay is associated cal resection and adjuvant therapy, brain tumor with better27 or worse23 outcomes. Better progress patients commonly receive heavy long-term doses is likely to be made with the initial presentation of glucocorticoid therapy, which can produce severe to inpatient rehabilitation, as opposed to a repeat muscle wasting and weakness.35Y37 Studies have admission. Rehabilitation outcomes have not been suggested that resistance and endurance exercise found to be significantly different in those with training can significantly reverse muscle atrophy malignant vs. those with benign brain tumor, nor and weakness in noncancer clinical populations among those with primary vs. those with metastatic treated with glucocorticoids.35,38,39 For those with brain tumor.28 Reasons for the relatively favorable brain tumor, the best mode and vehicle for pro- outcomes have been speculated to include generally moting exercise rehabilitation have yet to be de- strong social supports, lack of associated injuries, termined. We may start to understand how best to aggressive discharge planning because of prognosis, provide these services by first investigating patient and possibly less behavioral sequelae than other preferences unique to this population. brain rehabilitation populations, such as TBI.29 In one study investigating exercise preferences,40 Brain tumor patients, and cancer rehabilita- 75% of subjects had grade III or IV disease, pre- tion patients in general, do seem to have a higher dominantly anaplastic astrocytoma and GBM. Only incidence of interrupted rehabilitation stay,27,30 in 47% perceived themselves as able to exercise during some studies ranging from 25% to 35%. Among treatment, whereas 84% did after treatment. Only cancer patients in general, one retrospective study 45% wanted information about exercise during found infection to be the major cause of interrupted treatment, whereas 70% did afterward. During stay.30 Malignant vs. benign disease status has not treatment, the preferred form of exercise was been found to affect incidence of interrupted stays,30 walking (51%), which did not change after treat- perhaps because in the acute rehabilitation set- ment (53%). Home was the preferred site for exer- ting, factors related to recent craniotomy and over- cise; only about 5% preferred to exercise at a all severity of neurologic impairments predominate, hospital-based center. Individuals were more likely rather than sequelae of other oncologic treatments to consider a local fitness center after, rather than or long-term prognosis. during, treatment (22.6% vs. 9.4%). These data suggest that although most studies of exercise in Outpatient Brain Tumor Rehabilitation cancer survivors have been performed in either in- Outcomes among outpatients with brain tumor patient hospital or supervised outpatient settings, have not been as systematically described, in part at least some of the focus during treatment should because of the lack of standardized metrics and be on developing a home program. Measuring S54 Vargo Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 6. compliance with, and results of, the home program those encountered in other brain rehabilitation compared with more directly supervised settings is populations. Although comprehensive coverage also important.40 of such management is beyond the scope of this Family and caregiver needs must also be ad- review, the following discussion highlights some dressed, with concerns including dealing with family issues pertinent to brain tumor patients. Among issues (changing roles and relationships, financial oncology patients, the concept of the ‘‘symptom concerns, and patient need for assistance), managing cluster’’ has been described and often relates to challenging behaviors, dealing with personal feelings, tumor biology, for example, fatigue and proinflam- and navigating through the medical system (com- matory cytokine production.46 Regarding symptom municating with the physician and understanding clusters, the brain tumor population has received the system of care).41 Organizations that provide limited attention to date, although intracranial patient support include the National Brain Tumor pressure and location-dependent factors are felt to Foundation (, the Amer- be relevant.46 One survey of high-grade glioma ican Brain Tumor Association (, patients found that the symptom cluster of depres- the Brain Tumor Society (, sion, fatigue, sleep disturbance, cognitive impair- and the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation ment, and pain were significantly correlated with ( each other and explained 62% of the variance in functional status.47 Vocational Outcomes Compared with other cancer survivor popula- Fatigue tions, survivors of brain tumor and other neurologic Fatigue is commonly considered to have a system malignancies are less likely to be working, multifactorial basis, including deconditioning, which is related to their diagnosis (odds ratio [OR], endocrine-metabolic abnormalities, infection, ane- 2.2 for unemployment).43 Other diagnoses highly mia, depression, sleep disturbance, nutritional fac- likely to affect long-term employment status include tors, and treatment adverse effects, including head and neck cancers (OR, 1.7) and blood cancers chemotherapy, radiation, and antiepileptic drug ad- (OR, 3.03). A report from the Finnish Cancer regis- verse effects.48 There is much overlap between mea- try of 12,542 cancer survivors found that 45% of sures to treat fatigue and those to promote optimal individuals with central nervous system malignan- cognitive function, especially attention. Fatigue may cies were working 2Y3 yrs after diagnosis, com- be more pronounced in individuals with deep/central pared with 69% of age- and sex-matched controls.44 compared with laterally situated brain tumors and Data from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, in those with greater neurologic impairment.42 One a very large registry with sibling controls, found study found fatigue (and also mood) to be worse 31.7% of survivors of pediatric central nervous sys- in individuals with low-grade brain tumor than tem cancers reporting functional impairments into in a control group with hematologic malignancy.49 adulthood, with an OR of 18 compared with sib- For malignant brain tumor in particular, treatment lings. (Functional impairments included need for may be protracted, with radiation therapy produc- help with personal care needs, instrumental activi- ing fatigue and temozolomide, given cyclically over ties of daily living, or impairments interfering with many months, with further potential for fatigue, holding a job or attending school.) This was by far leading to progressive debility. The patient should the highest percentage seen in survivors of any type be counseled about potential fatigue with treatment of malignancy, followed by bone tumor survivors to maximize reconditioning efforts when the clinical at 16.2%. However, the bone tumor survivors were status permits. more likely to report activity limitations, which Nonpharmacologic treatments are similar to focused on specific physical tasks such as climbing those advised for other types of cancer and include stairs or walking one block (26.8% vs. 17.8%).45 exercise, behavioral and coping strategies, high- protein diet, adequate hydration, and management MANAGEMENT OF SPECIFIC of anemia. Pharmacologic treatments can include COMPLICATIONS AND SYMPTOMS medications to optimize sleep, mood, and pain con- DURING BRAIN TUMOR trol. Medications that may be aggravating fatigue REHABILITATION should be changed or discontinued. Concern of an Physical and cognitive impairments, common endocrine etiology of fatigue is particularly high in symptoms, and medical complications in patients tumors involving the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, with brain tumor are presumed to be similar to such as pituitary adenoma and craniopharyngioma. Brain Tumor Rehabilitation S55 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 7. Stimulants including methylphenidate and modafinil Cognitive therapy has also received attention. may be effective in reducing fatigue.42 One study of glioma patients found improved sub- jective, but not objective, cognitive functioning Sleep Disturbance at the end of therapy. But at 6 mos, the cognitive Sleep disturbance may occur in patients with rehabilitation group had improved attention and brain tumor, just as in other etiologies of brain verbal memory and less report of mental fatigue injury. As noted in ‘‘Fatigue,’’ related factors such as compared with randomized controls.55 Another pain and depressed mood should be treated, if ap- study of brain tumor patients and their caregivers propriate, as well as situational factors, such as reported good tolerance of a cognitive rehabilita- nighttime noise and interruptions, and symptoms tion program, consisting of six 50-min sessions over such as night sweats, hot flashes, and need for 2 wks, with 88% of participants reporting that nighttime urination. Sleep agents should be pro- they used strategies consisting of a calendar and vided if necessary. Hiccups may occur in the setting specific problem-solving skills. Although satisfac- of brain tumor, especially medullary lesions, and tion was high, outcome data were limited because may interfere with sleep if severe50; treatment is of limited follow-up. Quality-of-life scores (per with chlorpromazine or numerous other agents. Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Brain) did not differ between subjects and controls.56 An- Cognition other study of cognitive therapy in childhood can- Cognitive dysfunction and attentional deficits cer survivors (twenty 2-hr sessions) found improved are both very common and highly disrupting to academic performance in language and mathe- many individuals with brain tumor. Among the matics and improved parent report of attention in pharmacologic options used for cognitive dysfunc- daily activities but little impact on neurocognitive tion in this setting, methylphenidate has been best variables, compared with controls. A higher level studied. One study of 30 malignant glioma patients of ‘‘metacognitive strategies’’ (survivors attending on varying doses of methylphenidate found effec- to and managing their own resources) was also tiveness of dosing as low as 10 mg twice daily. Im- observed.19 A study using 12 cognitive subtests provements were seen in various cognitive testing of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of parameters pertaining to memory, reasoning, and Neuropsychological Status in glioma patients found verbal fluency, as well as subjective benefits in that four subtests (Figure Copy, Coding, List gait, stamina, and motivation.51 A controlled study Recognition, and Story Recall) captured 90% of among pediatric cancer survivors, most of whom had the impaired subgroup.57 brain tumor diagnoses, found that most showed In children, younger age at treatment may be a improved sustained attention, as well as caregiver risk factor for lower IQ,58 which is probably related report of increased attentional ability.52 Another to impaired learning over a longer period subsequent pediatric survivorship study of brain tumor and to treatment. However, in a study of 22 patients leukemia patients, using a double-blind crossover after cerebellar tumor resection, age at onset did design, found improved attention and parent and not influence long-term performance in cognitive teacher report of attentional function, social func- function or postural responses.59 One study com- tioning, and ‘‘academic competence.’’ Significant paring pediatric TBI and brain tumor survivors adverse effects were also noted, with some subjects found more psychologic and social adjustment discontinuing the drug.53 problems in the TBI group. TBI survivors were more Other agents that have been studied include likely to externalize problems, and brain tumor donepezil (after brain irradiation), ginkgo biloba, patients were more likely to internalize them.60 hyperbaric oxygen, bevacizumab (also in brain radi- Because of the prolonged treatment often re- ation therapy patients), indomethacin (because of quired for childhood malignancies and the fact preclinical research findings of restored neurogene- that pediatric neurologic malignancy patients are sis from inflammatory blockade after cranial irradia- significantly less likely to finish high school than tion), and combined treatment with levothyroxine peers,19 there has also been advocacy for improved and liothyronine (in the setting of hypothyroidism).54 hospital-based education programs. Most studies to date lack control groups, a concern with designs involving precognitive and postcogni- Mood tive testing, particularly because there may be a Low mood may be addressed with adjustment significant learning effect from the repeated testing counseling and exercise, as well as with managing itself. sleep, fatigue, and pain. Medication will also be S56 Vargo Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 8. indicated in some cases and is generally selected phenobarbital.63 Conversely, chemotherapy drugs based on tolerance and managing adverse effect have also been implicated in reducing anticonvul- profiles. Bupropion should be avoided because of sant concentration and effectiveness, for example, its effect of lowering the seizure threshold. effects of cisplatin and carmustine on phenytoin and of adriamycin and cisplatin on carbamazepine Weakness and valproate.63 Increased toxicity of antiepileptics Weakness may be of central origin related to or chemotherapy agents has also been reported. tumor location or may be caused by debility or Newer drugs including levetiracetam, gabapentin, myopathy. Myopathy has been reported in 10% of lamotrigine, and topiramate are also being used brain tumor patients receiving dexamethasone for successfully, with the advantage of fewer cognitive more than 2 wks, with two-thirds of patients having adverse effects65 and lack of hepatic microsomal onset between weeks 9 and 12.61 However, extended system induction. Studies of levetiracetam as an duration of treatment is often needed to prevent add-on or monotherapy have found 50% reduction radiation encephalopathy. Risk may be lower in in seizures in a majority (60%Y65%) of patients, patients on phenytoin, probably because of induc- with few adverse effects.63,66 A recent consensus tion of hepatic metabolism of the corticosteroid.61 A statement recommends levetiracetam (except in nonfluorinated corticosteroid formulation, such as the presence of renal dysfunction) or lamotrigine prednisone or hydrocortisone, may be preferable.61 (except in the presence of liver dysfunction) as first- Physical training has been shown to improve line agents.67 Others point to valproate being better muscle strength and size in individuals taking low tolerated than other first-line agents, with use of to moderate doses of prednisone.62 Because onset this agent as first line and using newer agents as of myopathic weakness may not occur for several add-ons.63 Gabapentin has been well tolerated, but weeks, it is important to address physical activity efficacy may be somewhat less. Another reported beyond the inpatient phase. adverse effect of anticonvulsants (especially phe- nytoin, also phenobarbital and carbamazepine) Seizures has been synergistic effect in risk for cutaneous Seizures are a common presenting symptom reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, of brain tumors, occurring in about 20%Y40% of in patients receiving cranial radiation therapy. high-grade glioma patients and at least 50%Y85% Although the pathogenic mechanism is not well of individuals with low-grade tumors. They are understood, it has been recommended that patients the presenting symptom in 15%Y20% of patients undergoing radiation therapy receive agents with with brain metastasis.12,63 Tumors involving cortical a low potential for allergic cutaneous reactions, structures are more likely to be associated with sei- such as valproate, levetiracetam, or gabapentin.66 zure, especially those involving the temporal cortex, Prospective studies68,69 and a meta-analysis70 primary sensorimotor cortex, or supplemental areas, of brain tumor patients without previous seizure and in younger individuals, especially children and have not found efficacy of prophylaxis. Limited adolescents.63 Epilepsy may be refractory to treat- data exist for agents other than phenytoin, pheno- ment in 12%Y50% of cases.63 Anticonvulsant agents barbital, and valproic acid. It is not known whether are useful for treating a variety of other problems, electroencephalographic data have any role in including depression, anxiety, behavioral issues, decision making.66 If a seizure has already occurred, and pain.64 anticonvulsant treatment should be maintained,66 For seizure treatment, traditional first-line but guidelines on how long to keep patients on agents such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, and val- anticonvulsant treatment after a seizure has oc- proic acid are equally efficacious. A common adverse curred are lacking. For those with brain tumor, effect is cytochrome P450 enzyme induction, seen incidence is related to tumor type, with low- with phenobarbital, phenytoin, and carbamazepine grade gliomas presenting more frequently with (and, to a lesser extent, lamotrigine and topiramate). seizures, compared with high-grade PBTs or me- Cytochrome P450 induction is a concern because tastases.63,71Y74 Seizures are more likely in cortical numerous chemotherapy agents are also metabo- tumors than in infratentorial, deep gray, or white lized by this system, and use of antiseizure agents matter lesions.73 can result in accelerated metabolism, reducing the In rehabilitation, care is often rendered in effects of such agents as taxanes, vinca alkaloids, and the postoperative period, raising the question of methotrexate.63 The efficacy of corticosteroids may whether the context of the recent craniotomy makes also be reduced by phenytoin, carbamazepine, and advisable a period of anticonvulsant management. Brain Tumor Rehabilitation S57 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 9. A consensus statement recommends (as a guide- heparin (LMWH), although it is increasingly being line but not a standard) that anticonvulsants be used. When given for extended periods up to 6 mos, tapered and discontinued after 1 wk in patients the incidence of recurrent thromboembolic disease with no previous seizures.75 However, if the patient has been reported as 50% less with LMWH than is to receive radiation, maintaining an anticon- with warfarin in patients with cancer (not limited vulsant agent, preferably not one associated with to brain tumor).79 The shorter half-life of unfrac- adverse cutaneous reactions (see above), is a con- tionated heparin is considered an advantage in sideration.66 Results of studies after craniotomy dealing with the patient at risk of intracranial (not limited to brain tumor patients) have been bleeding, but there is also a risk of transient over- variable, ranging from lack of benefit for phenytoin anticoagulation with the heparin bolus. Sometimes, or valproate76 to an older study favoring prophylaxis this concern is addressed by foregoing the bolus because of higher-than-baseline risk for the first in lower risk thrombotic patients or using a mini ten postoperative weeks.77 Therefore, for an individ- (half-dose) bolus.78 ual patient, discussion with other managing phys- Contraindications to anticoagulation include icians, especially the neurosurgeon in the case of recent spontaneous bleeding (as opposed to blood in postcraniotomy patients, remains prudent. the surgical cavity, which might not preclude anticoagulation),78 severe thrombocytopenia,79 and Thromboembolic Disease recent thrombolytic therapy.78 Relative contra- Symptomatic venous thromboembolic disease indications include recent systemic bleeding and has been described in 19%Y29% of patients with severe hypertension.78 High rates of spontaneous gliomas and up to 60% if asymptomatic disease is hemorrhage are seen in the setting of thyroid considered. Incidence in metastatic brain tumor cancer, melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, and cho- patients is about 20%.78 Although a majority of cases riocarcinoma, and thus, anticoagulation is often have been described postoperatively, thrombotic avoided in these tumor types. Conventionally, events at other times throughout the clinical course full-dose anticoagulation is typically avoided for can occur. Risk factors include larger tumors, lo- 10Y14 days after neurosurgery, but some studies cation (supratentorial 9 infratentorial), presence of have found that it can be given safely as early as intraluminal thrombosis in the tumor pathologic day 3.78 In the rehabilitation setting, the neu- specimen (OR, 17.8),79 age older than 60 yrs, pres- rosurgeon should be involved in discussion and ence of hemiparesis, use of chemotherapy, and decision making regarding the initiation of anti- variable report of operative time greater than coagulation. Duration of treatment has been de- 4 hrs.78,79 Although malignancy itself is a risk factor scribed as extending up to 6Y12 mos in those for thromboembolic disease, among postoperative with cured brain tumors and indefinitely in those brain tumor patients, one series reported higher with ongoing malignancy.78 incidence in meningioma (up to 72%) than in ma- For prophylaxis, although mechanical mea- lignant glioma or metastatic disease.80 sures are partially effective, especially pneumatic The physiologic basis of thromboembolic risk compression, low-dose unfractionated heparin or includes altered coagulation factors and weakness LMWH conveys additional benefit, with 38% risk and immobility. In addition, corticosteroids may reduction compared with mechanical measures increase risk of thromboembolic disease, based on alone in neurosurgical patients. The optimal pro- increased levels of factors VII, VIII, and XI and of phylactic regimen has not been established. One fibrinogen.78 In glioma patients, individuals with study found similar efficacy (nonsymptomatic throm- blood type A or AB have a higher risk than do those boembolic disease) and bleeding rates (very low) with blood type O, probably related to differences in between unfractionated heparin and LMWH, when level of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII.81 combined with stockings and pneumatic compres- In the setting of thromboembolic disease, in- sion.83 Aspirin 325 mg has also been suggested to ferior vena cava filters have often been used because provide partial prophylaxis in high-risk patients, of concern about risk of intracerebral hemorrhage although there is limited, but favorable, data.84 In with systemic anticoagulation. However, compli- a recent meta-analysis of neurosurgical patients, cation rates of inferior vena cava filters are high including but not limited to cancer patients, lower in this population, described in up to 62% of rates of deep vein thrombosis were seen with ei- patients.82 Bleeding with unfractionated heparin ther heparin modality than with stockings or pla- treatment has been described in 0%Y4% of patients. cebo, but no statistically significant difference Data are more limited with low-molecular-weight was found between the heparin modalities and S58 Vargo Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 90, No. 5 (Suppl), May 2011 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 10. pneumatic compression. Incidence of intracranial cally significant functional gains in swallowing, with bleeding was 1.52/1000 in the LMWH group and 50% of patients consuming a regular diet by time of 0.35/1000 with unfractionated heparin and, in the discharge home.89 Dysphagia has been described in case of unfractionated heparin, did not differ from 85% of brain tumor patients at end of life.90 patients not receiving chemoprophylaxis. However, the analysis was limited by the relatively small Communication and End-of-Life Issues numbers of neoplasm and elderly patients.85 A re- Patients and families often have questions about cent trial (PRODIGE study) attempted to ran- their primary oncology care and prognosis while in domize patients who have malignant gliomas to rehabilitation settings. Communication with the on- treatment with dalteparin or placebo to determine cology care services must be maintained to optimally the benefits of primary prophylaxis.86 However, the address such questions, and palliative care team ex- study had to be terminated prematurely, and, al- pertise should be sought when appropriate and though patients receiving dalteparin had a lower available. A change in status may result in a need for rate of VTE, the difference did not reach statistical revised goal setting, for example, a switch from significance. strengthening and reconditioning to comfort and safety. Headache Headaches have been reported in 53%Y77% of brain tumor patients.42 More than three-quarters CONCLUSION of patients exhibit the Btension[ type, but up to 5% Individuals with brain tumor have a high inci- of patients will have migraine-like headaches. dence of neurologic impairments, resulting in func- Although headaches are often generalized, supra- tional deficits for which rehabilitation services are tentorial tumors tend to produce discomfort anterior necessary, and which evidence to date supports as to a line drawn between the ears, and infratentorial beneficial. The overall care needs are similar to those tumors refer to pain behind this line.50 Headaches are seen in individuals with other etiologies of brain more common with infratentorial (64%Y84%) com- disorder, such as stroke or brain trauma. In the in- pared with supratentorial (34%Y60%) lesions and patient rehabilitation setting, patients with brain with midline (95%) tumors.50 Compared with other tumor have comparable functional outcomes as headaches, those associated with increased intracra- other brain rehabilitation groups. Specific clinical nial pressure are more likely to be severe, continuous, management concerns that pertain to the brain tu- associated with nausea and vomiting, and refractory mor population, as discussed in this review, should to analgesics. The headaches are thought to be caused be incorporated into patient care. by local traction on pain-sensitive structures, such as arteries, veins, venous sinuses, cranial nerves, and portions of the dura. REFERENCES Management of headache includes corticoste- 1. Lehmann J, DeLisa JA, Warren CG, et al: Cancer re- roids, especially in the setting of increased intracra- habilitation assessment of need development and education of a model of care. Arch Phys Med Rehabil nial pressure and, sometimes, surgery or radiation 1978;59:410Y9 therapy. Analgesics will usually be required after 2. American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures craniotomy. If headache recurs, there should be 2009. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, 2009. suspicion of recurrent tumor. If oncologic worsening Available at: Accessed on has been ruled out as producing the headache, in January 19, 2010 most cases, management can proceed empirically 3. Horner MJ, Ries LAG, Krapcho M, et al, eds. SEER according to treatment for the symptom pattern (i.e., Cancer Statistics Review, 1975Y2006. Bethesda, MD: tension, migraine, neuralgic, cervicogenic, local tis- National Cancer Institute. Available at: http://seer. sue, or scar pain) seen in other conditions, such as posttraumatic headaches.87,88 4. Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Sloan AE, Schwartz AG: Chapter 25. Cancer of the brain and other central nervous Dysphagia system. SEER Survival Monograph. Available at: A retrospective study found that 63% of brain 5. Gurney JG, Smith MA, Bunin GR: CNS and mis- tumor patients and 73% of stroke patients admitted cellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms. to acute rehabilitation were identified as having SEER Pediatric Monograph. Bethesda, National Cancer dysphagia. When stroke and brain tumor dysphagia Institute, patients were matched, both had similar statisti- cns.pdf Brain Tumor Rehabilitation S59 Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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