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Booklet for coach
What we envisioned:
How we want to achieve it?
is the way!
LDP will help us to provide even more valuable leadership
Our impact
Our international platform enables young
people to discover and develop their
potential to provide leadership for a positive
impact on society.
We believe in leadership, but what
leadership we aim to develop?
Self-aware Solution-driven
Empower others World citizen
How we develop such leadership?
How we develop such leadership?
What is the purpose of the
● To continue leadership development
(started in MDP),
● To build connection between organizational
needs and needs of an individual.
What are the values for
➔ Increasing members efficiency and
➔ Better retention rate and bigger pipeline to
Executive Board,
➔ Increasing Middle Management members
➔ Building feeling of belonging.
What are the values for leader?
➔ Conscious development,
➔ Support in finding own purpose and taking
actions toward achieving goals,
➔ Self-awereness,
➔ Getting self-confidence,
➔ Getting to know bigger perspective of what I
am doing,
➔ Fully use their potential and skills.
How Inner & Outer Journey
works in reality?
Outer journey Inner journey
TM processes in LC Members’ Development
Program, Leaders’
Development Program,
LEAD for EBs.
What is LDP?
❖ Program allows conscious learning and
development for AIESEC MM members by
❖ It is support system to build self-awereness
and plan for own development and career.
❖ Continuation of MDP!
❖ LDP is voluntary for MM members.
How the timeline will look like?
Program consists of 3 individual meetings- we
have proposition of two timelines*:
*Your LCVP TM will decide which timeline will be
Timeline I - 4 months
Results of TLP recruitment
max 1 week
Promotion of coaching & LDP + application for LDP-
Allocation coach-coachee
First contact coach-coachee
I individual meeting
Sum up of I meeting
max 1 week
max 3 days after allocation
max 3 weeks after allocation
max 5 days after meeting
II individual meeting
max 2 weeks after II meeting
Sum up of II meeting
Contacting before III individual meeting
III individual meeting
Sum up of III meeting+ evaluation survey
Filling in evaluation survey by coachee
max 5 days after meeting
max 3 weeks after contacting
max 5 days after meeting
max 1 week
Contacting before II individual meeting max 2 weeks after I meeting
max 3 weeks after contacting
Timeline II - 6 months
Results of TLP recruitment
max 1 week
1 week after results: Promotion of coaching & LDP +
application for LDP
Allocation coach-coachee
First contact coach-coachee
I individual meeting
Sum up of I meeting
max 2 weeks promo, after 1 week of
promo- 1 week of application
max 3 days after allocation
max 3 weeks after allocation
max 5 days after meeting
II individual meeting
max 4 weeks after II meeting
Sum up of II meeting
Contacting before III individual meeting
III individual meeting
Sum up of III meeting+ evaluation survey
Filling in evaluation survey by coachee
max 5 days after meeting
max 3 weeks after contacting
max 5 days after meeting
max 1 week
Contacting before II individual meeting max 4 weeks after I meeting
max 3 weeks after contacting
Description of
every step
Application for LDP
● Coaching is voluntary,
● Application is tool to match coach and
coachee in right way (to answer coachee’s
Tools: Application- in package.
Allocation coach-coachee
● Based on application,
● Main criterion should be coachee’s needs
○ e.g. if coachee feels more comfortable with having coach,
who they know, or someone, who they doesn’t know etc.
● Recommendation: LCVP TM with coaches
are allocating together.
Allocation coach-coachee
Short reminder: coach doesn’t have to have
specific area knowledge (it’s event better, when
he/she doesn’t have it), because:
coach ≠ mentor!
First contact coach-coachee
● We recommend contact via e-mail,
● What have to happen before I meeting:
○ coach introduces himself/herself,
○ set up date for I individual meeting,
○ ask coachee to think about expectation of coaching and
○ ask coachee to read article about coaching- coachee and
coach should be “on the same page” :)
○ send coachee “wheel of life”, ask him/her to fill it in and
bring results for meeting.
First contact coach-coachee
● article about coaching (in polish)
● article about coaching (in english)
● wheel of life- in package
I individual meeting
Goal: Coachee gets to know himself/herself
as a person.
I individual meeting- flow
● Introduction
● Ice breaker (if needed),
● Setting up rules and expectations (from both
sides- coach and coachee),
● Establishing how communication will look
like (how often, tools),
I individual meeting- flow
● Going through wheel of life (parts & example
of questions):
○ Checking feelings:
■ How do you like this test?
■ What was hard in it for you?
■ What was easy in it for you?
■ How do you feel with the way that wheel look like?
(Are you satysfy with it or not? Why?)
I individual meeting- flow
○ Checking wheel:
■ Which areas did you choose?
■ Why you chose them?
■ Did you have difficulites with making a choice?
○ Checking EVERY area:
■ Why did you rate this areas like that?
■ How do you imagine perfect state in every area (but
also realistic :))?
■ How can you strive for it?
I individual meeting- flow
■ Which area is the most important for you? Why?
■ Which area would you like to improve the most?
○ Personal Goals Setting (PGS):
■ What you can do to achieve it?
■ How AIESEC can help you with that?
■ How I [coach] can help you with that? Who can help
you with that?
■ Which short- term goal will help you to achieve this
long-term goal? (Set deadline before II meeting!)
I individual meeting- flow
● Elaborate SMART goals (connected with
● Inform coachee that he/she can message
you in case of problems or when is need of
other meeting,
● Closure of meeting,
● Sum-up in mail.
Sum up- for all meetings
Sum-up mail has to be send after EVERY
It consists of:
● Information about that, what you established
during meeting (e.g. rules and expectations after I
● Information about approx. date of next meeting
and when coach will contact with coachee.
Contacting before II individual meeting
● Contact via e-mail,
● What have to happen before II meeting:
○ send coachee leadership test (16 personalities), ask
him/her to fill it in,
○ ask coachee to send results to coach a least one week
before meeting,
○ coach has to analyse results (prepare questions etc.).
Contacting before II individual meeting
● 16 personalities test (free test online)
II individual meeting
Goal: Coachee gets to know himself/herself
as a leader. Evaluate progress.
II individual meeting- flow
● Ice breaker (if needed),
● Evaluation of progress in PGS:
■ Did you achieve your goal?
■ If yes- how you did that?
■ If no- why? What were the obstacles? How you can
go through them?
■ Have something changed on the “wheel of life” after
undertaken actions connected with PGS?
II individual meeting- flow
● Checking test results:
○ General questions:
■ What do you think about this test? Was it easy or
difficult to fill it in?
■ Do you see connections between this test and “wheel
of life”? If yes- what are they?
■ How you can capitalize on you strenghts as a leader?
■ How your weaknesses affect your work as a leader?
Which of them you would like to improve?
II individual meeting- flow
○ Work place habits part:
■ Do you see any reference between this result and
your work as a leader?
■ How this affect on your relations with co-workers- with
Middle Management members, OCs, LCVP?
○ Career paths part:
■ Do result of the test coincide with you plans for
future? What would you like to do in future?
■ How AIESEC and being a leader can help you with
II individual meeting- flow
○ Discuss area of life, which was the most
important in “wheel of life” in reference to
● Setting up new short-term goals
■ How work on unfullfiled goal?
■ Would you like to add new short-term goal? What
would you like to work on taking into consideration
result of the test? (Set ddl before III meeting!)
II individual meeting- flow
● Closure of the meeting,
● Sum-up in mail.
Contacting before III individual meeting
● Contact via e-mail,
● What have to happen before III meeting:
○ ask coachee to reflect on his/her leadership experience
taking into consideration his/her personal development.
III individual meeting
Goal: Coachee evaluate his/her leadership
experience and plan next steps.
III individual meeting- flow
● Ice breaker (if needed),
● Evaluation of progress in PGS:
■ Did you achieve your goal?
■ If yes- how you did that?
■ If no- why? What were the obstacles? How you can
go through them?
III individual meeting- flow
● Evaluation and sum-up of leadership
■ What did you learn thanks to being a leader?
■ How being a leader affected on your personal goals?
Which of them did you achieved?
■ How being a leader developed you?
■ What would you improve?
■ What part of your leadership experience was
coaching? Was it helpful?
III individual meeting- flow
■ How coaching helped you?
■ What changes you noticed in yourself?
■ Taking into consideration everything that we worked
on- what would you like to continue improving?
■ How would you like to work on that?
■ What could help you with that?
■ What could be an obstacle?
● Creating action steps after coaching,
III individual meeting- flow
● Discussion about AIESEC opportunities:
■ What would you like to do after your leadership
experience? How do you see your carrer path in
■ How being a leader can help you in future in
organization and out of @?
■ Do you know how your career path might look like in
■ If no- coach is presenting possibilities,
III individual meeting- flow
■ If yes- Which step you would take? And what would
be your further future (next steps)?
● Closure of the meeting,
● Sum-up mail.
Evaluation survey
● Coach is sending it to coachee via e-mail,
● Collect answer and analize them to know
what should be improved in future,
● Recommendation to create this survey on
● Evaluation survey- in package
Additional activity
We encourage coach to send his/her coachee
additional materials connected with coachee’s
personal goals and interests. There are a lot of
materials on the internet and sending them
between meetings will maintain bond and
support development process.
Why do we need
We need coaching to develop people's skills
and abilities and boost their performance. It
can also help deal with issues and
challenges before they become major
How we can
provide coaching?
● Use questioning techniques to facilitate
coachee own thought processes in order to
identify solutions and actions rather than takes a
wholly directive approach,
● Maintain unconditional positive regard for the
coachee, which means that the coach is at all times
supportive and non-judgemental,
● Observe, listen and ask questions to understand
the situation,
● Evaluate with the coachee the outcomes of
the process, using objective measures wherever
possible to ensure achieving their personal goals.
(SMART method)
● Encourage coachee to continually improve
competencies and to develop new developmental
alliances where necessary to achieve their goals.
Coaches DOs
➔ Listen more, ask questions. Remember that coaching
meeting is directed for coachee and his/her self-reflection,
➔ During meeting be focused on solutions. Don’t search for
➔ Be patient, pay attention, remember that every person has
his/her own way of thinking,
➔ Be prepared for meeting, make notes. Have a personal
➔ Control the meeting’s goal. Remember what do you want
to work on during particular meeting.
Coaches DON’Ts
➔ Don’t solve coachees problems. You can facilitate
conversation and ask questions but coachee should solve
his/her problem by him/herself,
➔ Don’t judge,
➔ Don’t interrupt,
➔ Don’t push coachee to accept your vision,
➔ Don’t talk about project’s issues.
SMART method
Tool that we use to set
goals. Thank’s to it
coachee knows what is
his/her exact goal and
when coachee is
commited to achieve it.
A specific goal has a much greater chance of being
accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal
you must answer the six “W” questions:
● Who: Who is involved?
● What: What do I want to accomplish?
● Where: Identify a location.
● When: Establish a time frame.
● Which: Identify requirements and constraints.
● Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal.
EXAMPLE: A general goal would be, “Get in shape.” But a specific
goal would say, “Join a health club and workout 3 days a week.”
Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward
the attainment of each goal you set.
When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach
your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of
achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to
reach your goal.
To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such
How much? How many?
How will I know when it is accomplished?
When you identify goals that are most important to you, you
begin to figure out ways you can make them come true.
You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial
capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously
overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the
achievement of your goals.
You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your
steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to
carry out those steps.
To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward
which you are both willing and able to work.
A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one
who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be
sure that every goal represents substantial progress.
Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be
accomplished. Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic
is to determine if you have accomplished anything similar in
the past or ask yourself what conditions would have to exist to
accomplish this goal.
A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no
time frame tied to it there’s no sense of urgency.
If you want to lose 10 kg, when do you want to lose it by?
“Someday” won’t work. But if you anchor it within a timeframe,
“by May 1st”, then you’ve set your unconscious mind into
motion to begin working on the goal.
Good luck with your coaching

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Booklet for coaches [eng]

  • 4. How we want to achieve it? Leadership is the way! LDP will help us to provide even more valuable leadership experiences.
  • 5. Our impact Our international platform enables young people to discover and develop their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society.
  • 6. We believe in leadership, but what leadership we aim to develop? Self-aware Solution-driven Empower others World citizen
  • 7. How we develop such leadership?
  • 8. How we develop such leadership? How? LDP
  • 9. What is the purpose of the program? ● To continue leadership development (started in MDP), ● To build connection between organizational needs and needs of an individual.
  • 10. What are the values for organization? ➔ Increasing members efficiency and productivity, ➔ Better retention rate and bigger pipeline to Executive Board, ➔ Increasing Middle Management members motivation, ➔ Building feeling of belonging.
  • 11. What are the values for leader? ➔ Conscious development, ➔ Support in finding own purpose and taking actions toward achieving goals, ➔ Self-awereness, ➔ Getting self-confidence, ➔ Getting to know bigger perspective of what I am doing, ➔ Fully use their potential and skills.
  • 12. How?
  • 13. How Inner & Outer Journey works in reality? Outer journey Inner journey TM processes in LC Members’ Development Program, Leaders’ Development Program, LEAD for EBs.
  • 14. What?
  • 15. What is LDP? ❖ Program allows conscious learning and development for AIESEC MM members by coaching. ❖ It is support system to build self-awereness and plan for own development and career. ❖ Continuation of MDP! ❖ LDP is voluntary for MM members.
  • 16. How the timeline will look like? Program consists of 3 individual meetings- we have proposition of two timelines*: *Your LCVP TM will decide which timeline will be used.
  • 17. Timeline I - 4 months Results of TLP recruitment max 1 week Promotion of coaching & LDP + application for LDP- IN THE SAME TIME Allocation coach-coachee First contact coach-coachee I individual meeting Sum up of I meeting max 1 week max 3 days after allocation max 3 weeks after allocation max 5 days after meeting
  • 18. II individual meeting max 2 weeks after II meeting Sum up of II meeting Contacting before III individual meeting III individual meeting Sum up of III meeting+ evaluation survey Filling in evaluation survey by coachee max 5 days after meeting max 3 weeks after contacting max 5 days after meeting max 1 week Contacting before II individual meeting max 2 weeks after I meeting max 3 weeks after contacting
  • 19. Timeline II - 6 months Results of TLP recruitment max 1 week 1 week after results: Promotion of coaching & LDP + application for LDP Allocation coach-coachee First contact coach-coachee I individual meeting Sum up of I meeting max 2 weeks promo, after 1 week of promo- 1 week of application max 3 days after allocation max 3 weeks after allocation max 5 days after meeting
  • 20. II individual meeting max 4 weeks after II meeting Sum up of II meeting Contacting before III individual meeting III individual meeting Sum up of III meeting+ evaluation survey Filling in evaluation survey by coachee max 5 days after meeting max 3 weeks after contacting max 5 days after meeting max 1 week Contacting before II individual meeting max 4 weeks after I meeting max 3 weeks after contacting
  • 22. Application for LDP ● Coaching is voluntary, ● Application is tool to match coach and coachee in right way (to answer coachee’s needs). Tools: Application- in package.
  • 23. Allocation coach-coachee ● Based on application, ● Main criterion should be coachee’s needs ○ e.g. if coachee feels more comfortable with having coach, who they know, or someone, who they doesn’t know etc. ● Recommendation: LCVP TM with coaches are allocating together.
  • 24. Allocation coach-coachee Short reminder: coach doesn’t have to have specific area knowledge (it’s event better, when he/she doesn’t have it), because: coach ≠ mentor!
  • 25. First contact coach-coachee ● We recommend contact via e-mail, ● What have to happen before I meeting: ○ coach introduces himself/herself, ○ set up date for I individual meeting, ○ ask coachee to think about expectation of coaching and coach, ○ ask coachee to read article about coaching- coachee and coach should be “on the same page” :) ○ send coachee “wheel of life”, ask him/her to fill it in and bring results for meeting.
  • 26. First contact coach-coachee Tools: ● article about coaching (in polish) ● article about coaching (in english) ● wheel of life- in package
  • 27. I individual meeting Goal: Coachee gets to know himself/herself as a person.
  • 28. I individual meeting- flow ● Introduction ● Ice breaker (if needed), ● Setting up rules and expectations (from both sides- coach and coachee), ● Establishing how communication will look like (how often, tools),
  • 29. I individual meeting- flow ● Going through wheel of life (parts & example of questions): ○ Checking feelings: ■ How do you like this test? ■ What was hard in it for you? ■ What was easy in it for you? ■ How do you feel with the way that wheel look like? (Are you satysfy with it or not? Why?)
  • 30. I individual meeting- flow ○ Checking wheel: ■ Which areas did you choose? ■ Why you chose them? ■ Did you have difficulites with making a choice? ○ Checking EVERY area: ■ Why did you rate this areas like that? ■ How do you imagine perfect state in every area (but also realistic :))? ■ How can you strive for it?
  • 31. I individual meeting- flow ■ Which area is the most important for you? Why? ■ Which area would you like to improve the most? ○ Personal Goals Setting (PGS): ■ What you can do to achieve it? ■ How AIESEC can help you with that? ■ How I [coach] can help you with that? Who can help you with that? ■ Which short- term goal will help you to achieve this long-term goal? (Set deadline before II meeting!)
  • 32. I individual meeting- flow ● Elaborate SMART goals (connected with organization), ● Inform coachee that he/she can message you in case of problems or when is need of other meeting, ● Closure of meeting, ● Sum-up in mail.
  • 33. Sum up- for all meetings Sum-up mail has to be send after EVERY meeting. It consists of: ● Information about that, what you established during meeting (e.g. rules and expectations after I meeting), ● Information about approx. date of next meeting and when coach will contact with coachee.
  • 34. Contacting before II individual meeting ● Contact via e-mail, ● What have to happen before II meeting: ○ send coachee leadership test (16 personalities), ask him/her to fill it in, ○ ask coachee to send results to coach a least one week before meeting, ○ coach has to analyse results (prepare questions etc.).
  • 35. Contacting before II individual meeting Tools: ● 16 personalities test (free test online)
  • 36. II individual meeting Goal: Coachee gets to know himself/herself as a leader. Evaluate progress.
  • 37. II individual meeting- flow ● Ice breaker (if needed), ● Evaluation of progress in PGS: ■ Did you achieve your goal? ■ If yes- how you did that? ■ If no- why? What were the obstacles? How you can go through them? ■ Have something changed on the “wheel of life” after undertaken actions connected with PGS?
  • 38. II individual meeting- flow ● Checking test results: ○ General questions: ■ What do you think about this test? Was it easy or difficult to fill it in? ■ Do you see connections between this test and “wheel of life”? If yes- what are they? ■ How you can capitalize on you strenghts as a leader? ■ How your weaknesses affect your work as a leader? Which of them you would like to improve?
  • 39. II individual meeting- flow ○ Work place habits part: ■ Do you see any reference between this result and your work as a leader? ■ How this affect on your relations with co-workers- with Middle Management members, OCs, LCVP? ○ Career paths part: ■ Do result of the test coincide with you plans for future? What would you like to do in future? ■ How AIESEC and being a leader can help you with that?
  • 40. II individual meeting- flow ○ Discuss area of life, which was the most important in “wheel of life” in reference to test, ● Setting up new short-term goals ■ How work on unfullfiled goal? ■ Would you like to add new short-term goal? What would you like to work on taking into consideration result of the test? (Set ddl before III meeting!)
  • 41. II individual meeting- flow ● Closure of the meeting, ● Sum-up in mail.
  • 42. Contacting before III individual meeting ● Contact via e-mail, ● What have to happen before III meeting: ○ ask coachee to reflect on his/her leadership experience taking into consideration his/her personal development.
  • 43. III individual meeting Goal: Coachee evaluate his/her leadership experience and plan next steps.
  • 44. III individual meeting- flow ● Ice breaker (if needed), ● Evaluation of progress in PGS: ■ Did you achieve your goal? ■ If yes- how you did that? ■ If no- why? What were the obstacles? How you can go through them?
  • 45. III individual meeting- flow ● Evaluation and sum-up of leadership experience: ■ What did you learn thanks to being a leader? ■ How being a leader affected on your personal goals? Which of them did you achieved? ■ How being a leader developed you? ■ What would you improve? ■ What part of your leadership experience was coaching? Was it helpful?
  • 46. III individual meeting- flow ■ How coaching helped you? ■ What changes you noticed in yourself? ■ Taking into consideration everything that we worked on- what would you like to continue improving? ■ How would you like to work on that? ■ What could help you with that? ■ What could be an obstacle? ● Creating action steps after coaching,
  • 47. III individual meeting- flow ● Discussion about AIESEC opportunities: ■ What would you like to do after your leadership experience? How do you see your carrer path in organization? ■ How being a leader can help you in future in organization and out of @? ■ Do you know how your career path might look like in @? ■ If no- coach is presenting possibilities,
  • 48. III individual meeting- flow ■ If yes- Which step you would take? And what would be your further future (next steps)? ● Closure of the meeting, ● Sum-up mail.
  • 49. Evaluation survey ● Coach is sending it to coachee via e-mail, ● Collect answer and analize them to know what should be improved in future, ● Recommendation to create this survey on PODIO. Tools: ● Evaluation survey- in package
  • 50. Additional activity We encourage coach to send his/her coachee additional materials connected with coachee’s personal goals and interests. There are a lot of materials on the internet and sending them between meetings will maintain bond and support development process.
  • 51. Why do we need coaching?
  • 52. We need coaching to develop people's skills and abilities and boost their performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems.
  • 53. How we can provide coaching?
  • 54. ● Use questioning techniques to facilitate coachee own thought processes in order to identify solutions and actions rather than takes a wholly directive approach, ● Maintain unconditional positive regard for the coachee, which means that the coach is at all times supportive and non-judgemental, ● Observe, listen and ask questions to understand the situation,
  • 55. ● Evaluate with the coachee the outcomes of the process, using objective measures wherever possible to ensure achieving their personal goals. (SMART method) ● Encourage coachee to continually improve competencies and to develop new developmental alliances where necessary to achieve their goals.
  • 56. Coaches DOs ➔ Listen more, ask questions. Remember that coaching meeting is directed for coachee and his/her self-reflection, ➔ During meeting be focused on solutions. Don’t search for reasons, ➔ Be patient, pay attention, remember that every person has his/her own way of thinking, ➔ Be prepared for meeting, make notes. Have a personal approach, ➔ Control the meeting’s goal. Remember what do you want to work on during particular meeting.
  • 57. Coaches DON’Ts ➔ Don’t solve coachees problems. You can facilitate conversation and ask questions but coachee should solve his/her problem by him/herself, ➔ Don’t judge, ➔ Don’t interrupt, ➔ Don’t push coachee to accept your vision, ➔ Don’t talk about project’s issues.
  • 58. SMART method Tool that we use to set goals. Thank’s to it coachee knows what is his/her exact goal and when coachee is commited to achieve it.
  • 59. Specific A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer the six “W” questions: ● Who: Who is involved? ● What: What do I want to accomplish? ● Where: Identify a location. ● When: Establish a time frame. ● Which: Identify requirements and constraints. ● Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal. EXAMPLE: A general goal would be, “Get in shape.” But a specific goal would say, “Join a health club and workout 3 days a week.”
  • 60. Measurable Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set. When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach your goal. To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as: How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?
  • 61. Attainable When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals. You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps.
  • 62. Realistic To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents substantial progress. Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine if you have accomplished anything similar in the past or ask yourself what conditions would have to exist to accomplish this goal.
  • 63. Timely A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there’s no sense of urgency. If you want to lose 10 kg, when do you want to lose it by? “Someday” won’t work. But if you anchor it within a timeframe, “by May 1st”, then you’ve set your unconscious mind into motion to begin working on the goal.
  • 64. Good luck with your coaching meetings!