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BMF collections - 2015
i |Mentoring Series
ii |Mentoring Series
Table of Contents
PENDAHULUAN................................................................................... vii
14 MENTORING SERIES.......................................................................viii
1. APAKAH MENTORING ITU?...........................................................1
1. “MENTOR” is a NOUN................................................................... 2
2. “MENTOR” is a VERB.....................................................................2
MENTORING MENURUT RICK WARREN............................................3
2. CONTOH MENTORING DALAM ALKITAB.......................................5
Dalam Perjanjian Lama..................................................................... 5
Dalam Perjanjian Baru.......................................................................7
3. PERBEDAAN COACHING & MENTORING.....................................10
5. MENGAPA MENTORING DIPERLUKAN?...................................... 11
BELAJAR DARI GEREJA KOREA.........................................................15
Masalah-masalah dalam gereja Korea............................................16
Everyone knows they need a mentor, but very few people have
one. Why?....................................................................................... 18
6. BAGAIMANAKAH MENTOR YANG BAIK ITU?.............................. 20
10 Ways to be a Good Mentor........................................................21
How to be a Good Mentor..............................................................26
7. Characteristics of a good Mentor and a good Mentee...............31
8. CARA-CARA MENTORING................................................................33
9. Spiritual Mentoring.....................................................................34
Stage 1 – Spiritual infancy / “Learning to crawl”............................ 39
Stage 2 – Spiritual adolescence / “Learning to walk”.....................44
What you will be doing?............................................................. 44
What will you using?...................................................................44
iii |Mentoring Series
Evangelism.................................................................................. 54
Here is a list of some of the greatest Old Testament Bible stories:
Here is a list of some of the greatest New Testament Bible
Stage 3 – Spiritual adulthood / “Learning to run”.......................... 62
10. SAAT TEDUH BERSAMA TUHAN..............................................63
"What is a quiet time?"...................................................................63
Akronim G-R-I-P:............................................................................. 64
1. G-o solo................................................................................... 64
3. I-ntrospeksi diri/refleksi..........................................................67
4. P-ray........................................................................................ 67
MENDENGAR SUARA ALLAH........................................................... 68
1. Remember that spending time with God is not about ritual,
but relationship...........................................................................69
2. Establish a specific time every day when you will spend time
with the Lord (jam 5 pagi & 10 malam, misalnya)......................69
3. Minimize your interruptions...................................................69
4. Choose a Bible version and a Bible-reading plan....................70
5. Interact as you read................................................................ 70
11. Metode mempelajari Alkitab: What is SOAP Journaling?...71
S = Scripture (AYAT FIRMAN TUHAN)............................................. 72
O = Observation (PENGAMATAN)...................................................72
A = Application (Penerapan)........................................................... 74
P = Prayer........................................................................................ 75
Peace Prayer of........................................................................... 77
iv |Mentoring Series
Francis of Assisi........................................................................... 77
12. What is a Disciple Maker?.......................................................81
I. A disciple maker is first a disciple of Jesus...................................81
II. A disciple maker develops strong relationships with a few........82
III. A disciple maker’s goal is to reproduce the life of Jesus in others.
13. MENTORING............................................................................87
1. MODELING.............................................................................. 87
2. TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER (Menggunakan 7 kekuatan
untuk mendukung perubahan maximal)........................................ 87
3. OPTIMUM POTENSIAL-1 (Menemukan potensi maksimal
dalam sekolah kehidupan)..............................................................88
4. OPTIMUM POTENSIAL-2............................................................. 89
5. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING-1.........................................................90
6. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING-2.........................................................90
7. STEPS & REPRODUCTION........................................................ 91
KONSEP MENTORING: M-E-N-T-O-R = 7P...................................91
 RELATE UP:..........................................................................91
 RELATE IN:...........................................................................91
 RELATE OUT:........................................................................91
Bagaimana kita membaca Alkitab? 4M.......................................... 92
M1-Menerima Firman.................................................................92
M2- Merenungkan Firman (Memeliti Firman)............................92
M3-Melakukan Firman................................................................92
M4-Menceritakan kebaikan & perbuatan Tuhan....................... 93
MENGUJI MIMPI..............................................................................94
GAMBARAN BESAR......................................................................... 94
PEMAGANGAN & SKILL................................................................... 95
Tiga hal yang kita butuhkan untuk membawa seseorang pada
sasaran/target/goal yang baru:...................................................... 95
MENTOR & SUARA TUHAN............................................................. 96
v |Mentoring Series
Ada 4 hal yang paling menentukan pengaruh seseorang dalam
1. Otoritas............................................................................... 97
2. Kemampuan mengarahkan orang lain................................97
3. Integritas............................................................................. 97
4. Kemampuan untuk membuat keputusan dengan bijak..... 98
H-ADIRAT ALLAH......................................................................... 99
A-AKTIVITAS................................................................................ 99
R-INTANGAN............................................................................. 100
I-NTERUPSI................................................................................ 100
SPIRITUAL MENTORING SERIES.........................................................101
Part 1: How to Find a Spiritual Mentor.........................................101
4 Benefits of Having a Mentor......................................................101
7 Tips for Choosing a Mentor.......................................................102
About Laura.................................................................................. 103
Part 2- How to Become a Mentor.................................................104
3 Benefits of Being a Mentor.................................................... 104
7 Tips for Choosing a Mentee...................................................105
What Exactly is a Mentor?............................................................107
How to be a Mentor...................................................................... 107
Helpful Tools to Mentor/Disciple.................................................108
vi |Mentoring Series
vii |Mentoring Series
Pemuridan tidak hanya terbatas pada bahan
pengajaran. Pemuridan lebih dari sekedar
belajar dari buku atau materi-materi
pemuridan tertentu.
Hal selanjutnya yang sangat diperlukan
dalam proses pemuridan adalah mentoring. Mentoring dilakukan
dalam rangkaian proses dimuridkan dan memuridkan, dan proses
mentoring ini berlaku seumur hidup dalam seluruh dinamikanya.
Dalam hal kerohanian disebut “Spiritual Mentoring” (yang dimaksud
adalah menanamkan nilai-nilai kerohanian kristiani dalam pribadi
Bahan “Spiritual Mentoring” ini disusun sebagai panduan,
memperluas wawasan kita, serta memotivasi kita untuk terlibat di
dalam proses dimuridkan dan memuridkan.
Matius 28:19-20
19 Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa murid-Ku
dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh
20 dan ajarlah mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah
Kuperintahkan kepadamu. Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai
kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman."
viii |Mentoring Series
1. Spiritual Mentoring,
Mentoring Eddy Leo,
What Is Disciple Maker?
2. Loving God,
Abundant Life,
Menjalani Hidup Kudus,
Manusia Rohani,
Rendah Hati,
Umat yang layak,
7 mountains,
Makna Natal,
Makna Emas-Kemenyan-Mur
3. Mengelola Keuangan Dengan Bijak,
Karakter Kristiani
5. Healthy Cell Group,
Church Growth,
Conversation Evangelism
6. Bible Survey (English)
7. Bible Survey (Indonesia) with NIV Quickview
8. Pokok Penting Alkitab (setiap kitab dalam Alkitab)
ix |Mentoring Series
Homiletika (Cara berkhotbah)
10. Christian Leadership (Nilai-nilai dalam Kepemimpinan Kristen)
(Lebih dari Pemenang, Menang atas kuasa iblis)
A. Garam Dunia
B. Neraka
C. Pemilihan
D. Penderitaan
E. Kejahatan
F. Peperangan
G. Inti Kekristenan
H. Doa yang dikabulkan
I. Doa Pagi
2. Kehidupan Kristen:
A. Pola Pikir Kerajaan Allah
B. Status Kita Di Hadapan Tuhan
C. Menjadi Saksi Yesus
D. Menjadi Murid Yesus
E. Manusia Rohani
F. Kekristenan Yang Gagal
G. Memberi Dampak Bagi Kota
BMF collections - 2015
x |Mentoring Series
1 |Spiritual Mentoring
Secara bahasa, mentoring berasal dari
bahasa Inggris mentor yang artinya
Mentoring (verb)
gerund or present participle: mentoring
advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague).
Mentor adalah seorang yang penuh kebijaksanaan, pandaimengajar,
mendidik, membimbing, membina, melatih, dan menangani
oranglain, maka istilah“mentor”ini sering digunakan dalam
kontekspendidikan, bimbingan, pembinaan, training dan latihan.
Secara umummentoring merupakan kegiatan pendidikan
yangmencakup di dalamnya tentang mengajar, mendidik, melatih,
dan membina, yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan saling nasehat-
menasehati yang ada didalamnya dan terdapat rasa saling
mempercayai satu sama lain, antara dua pelakuutama yaitu mentor
(penasehat utama dalam kelompok mentoring) dan mentee(peserta
Arti saling nasehat-menasehati itu adalah saling memberikan
perhatianhati terhadap yang dinasehati yang bertujuan untuk
kebaikan dan dilakukan sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan
Mentorship is a personal developmental relationship in which a more
experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less
experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older
or younger, but have a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and
development partnership between someone with vast experience
and someone who wants to learn. [1]
Mentoring" is a process that always involves communication and is
relationship based, but its precise definition is elusive. One definition
of the many that have been proposed, is
2 |Spiritual Mentoring
Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge,
social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the
recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development;
mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and
during a sustained period of time, between a person who is
perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or
experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less
(the protégé)".[2]
There are many words that could be used to describe the process of
training and equipping others. Why choose “mentor?”
1. “MENTOR” is a NOUN
A mentor is “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.”2 This
definition highlights three primary attributes of an effective mentor.
The godly wisdom you have gained from your ministry experience is
a key asset as you train others. As you consider how to help a student
grow, ask yourself the question, “What do I know now about ministry
that I wish I had known a lot earlier in my ministry life?” Undoubtedly,
many of these things
are wisdom issues that you learned by experience. They are often the
things that are now “second nature” to you but can be quite
intimidating to a student. Some things can only be gained by
experience, but there are many others that you can convey in the
context of a mentoring process. As a teacher, therefore, you will be
communicating truth in the context of ministry, not merely in the
abstract. As a mentor you are also a “trusted
counselor.” These words highlight the importance of the relationship
between you and the student. Hopefully, your mentoring meetings
will become more than merely a
“check-up” on ministry objectives. Ideally, the student will bring
personal struggles and challenging questions to the mentoring
2. “MENTOR” is a VERB
Teach: As a mentor, you will be teaching in the best sense of the
word. As indicated above, the mentoring experience is designed to
provide holistic equipping for the student who is preparing for
Kingdom leadership.
3 |Spiritual Mentoring
Model: As a mentor, you will be modeling not only ministry skills, but
attitudes toward His work and His people. In 2 Thessalonians 3:9,
Paul described himself as a “model” for the believers to imitate. The
word translated “model” (tu,poj ) originally referred to the “visible
impression of a stroke or pressure.”3 The student you mentor will
carry much of what is seen in your example into a lifetime of ministry.
As such, you are making an “impression” for a lifetime.
Train: One of the most important aspects of Mentored Ministry is the
activity involved. The student is not passive in this process but
engaged in training for ministry.
Below (II.B.1) you will find an overview of the mentoring process
describing the student’s progress from being a mere observer to an
actual participant in ministry. This is training and equipping at its best!
Disciple: Ultimately, what you are providing for a student is
discipleship in the context of a ministry setting. Mentored Ministry
should contribute to the student’s growth in Christ, ministry skills,
and confirmation of gifts and calling. All of these are important
elements of what it means for him to follow Christ.
You Mature As You Help Others Mature
“The things you’ve learned from me in the presence of many
witnesses you are to entrust to other faithful people who will also be
qualified to pass it on to others.” (2 Timothy 2:2)
Don't be intimidated by the word "mentoring." Mentoring is as easy
as taking someone to breakfast once a month and asking them,
"How's it going?"
If you want the special blessing of God on your life, you need to learn
from other believers who are more mature than you, and you need
to mentor believers who are younger than you.
Every Christian needs both a Paul and a Timothy. A Paul is somebody
who’s been a Christian longer than you and is helping to train and
encourage you. That person may only be a month older than you, but
he or she knows a little bit more and can mentor you.
To have a Timothy means there is somebody in your life who hasn’t
been a Christian as long as you, and you are helping build that
4 |Spiritual Mentoring
person's faith. You are offering your Timothy encouragement and
discipleship as he or she grows in the Lord.
So you have a Paul and a Timothy in your life. But you are also a Paul
and a Timothy to someone else.
In 2 Timothy, Paul says this to Timothy:
“The things you’ve learned from me in
the presence of many witnesses you
are to entrust to other faithful people
who will also be qualified to pass it on
to others” (2 Timothy 2:2).
There are four generations in that verse. Paul says to Timothy that he
helped mentor him, and now Timothy must find somebody to mentor,
and then that person can find somebody else to mentor.
Don’t be intimidated by the word “mentoring.” Mentoring is as easy
as taking someone to breakfast once a month and asking them,
“How’s it going?” You just need to be a friend. Listen to, encourage,
and pray for that person. You don’t have to be the perfect Christian
to do this. You just have to be willing.
When you do that, you will receive the blessing of God in your life
that you cannot imagine.
5 |Spiritual Mentoring
Dalam Perjanjian Lama
1 Samuel 3:1-2 Samuel yang muda itu menjadi pelayan TUHAN di
bawah pengawasan Eli. Pada masa itu firman TUHAN jarang;
penglihatan-penglihatan pun tidak sering.
Pada suatu hari Eli, yang matanya mulai kabur dan tidak dapat
melihat dengan baik, sedang berbaring di tempat tidurnya.
Keluaran 18:1, 17-27 Kedengaranlah kepada Yitro, imam di Midian,
mertua Musa, segala yang dilakukan Allah kepada Musa dan kepada
Israel, umat-Nya, yakni bahwa TUHAN telah membawa orang Israel
keluar dari Mesir.
Tetapi mertua Musa menjawabnya: "Tidak baik seperti yang
kaulakukan itu.
Engkau akan menjadi sangat lelah, baik engkau baik bangsa yang
beserta engkau ini; sebab pekerjaan ini terlalu berat bagimu, takkan
sanggup engkau melakukannya seorang diri saja.
Jadi sekarang dengarkanlah perkataanku, aku akan memberi nasihat
kepadamu dan Allah akan menyertai engkau. Adapun engkau,
wakililah bangsa itu di hadapan
Allah dan kauhadapkanlah
perkara-perkara mereka kepada
Kemudian haruslah engkau
mengajarkan kepada mereka
ketetapan-ketetapan dan keputusan-keputusan, dan
memberitahukan kepada mereka jalan yang harus dijalani, dan
pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan.
Di samping itu kaucarilah dari seluruh bangsa itu orang-orang yang
cakap dan takut akan Allah, orang-orang yang dapat dipercaya, dan
yang benci kepada pengejaran suap; tempatkanlah mereka di antara
bangsa itu menjadi pemimpin seribu orang, pemimpin seratus orang,
pemimpin lima puluh orang dan pemimpin sepuluh orang.
6 |Spiritual Mentoring
Dan sewaktu-waktu mereka harus mengadili di antara bangsa; maka
segala perkara yang besar haruslah dihadapkan mereka kepadamu,
tetapi segala perkara yang kecil diadili mereka sendiri; dengan
demikian mereka meringankan pekerjaanmu, dan mereka bersama-
sama dengan engkau turut menanggungnya.
Jika engkau berbuat demikian dan Allah memerintahkan hal itu
kepadamu, maka engkau akan sanggup menahannya, dan seluruh
bangsa ini akan pulang dengan puas senang ke tempatnya."
Musa mendengarkan perkataan mertuanya itu dan dilakukannyalah
segala yang dikatakannya.
Dari seluruh orang Israel
Musa memilih orang-orang
cakap dan mengangkat
mereka menjadi kepala atas
bangsa itu, menjadi
pemimpin seribu orang,
pemimpin seratus orang,
pemimpin lima puluh orang dan pemimpin sepuluh orang.
Mereka ini mengadili di antara bangsa itu sewaktu-waktu; perkara-
perkara yang sukar dihadapkan mereka kepada Musa, tetapi perkara-
perkara yang kecil diadili mereka sendiri.
Kemudian Musa membiarkan mertuanya itu pergi dan ia pulang ke
Contoh lain:
Naomi and Ruth (Ruth 1:7–18; 2:17–3:16),
Elijah and Elisha (2 Kgs 2:1–6).
7 |Spiritual Mentoring
Dalam Perjanjian Baru
In the New Testament, Jesus mentored the Twelve. One of them,
Peter, forged some form of mentoring relationship with Barnabas
(Gal 2:11–13), who went on to mentor Paul and Mark (Acts 12:25–
13:5). Paul in turn mentored Timothy, Titus, and several others (2
Tim 2:2).
Kisah Para Rasul 5:34, 38-39 Tetapi seorang Farisi dalam Mahkamah
Agama itu, yang bernama Gamaliel, seorang ahli Taurat yang sangat
dihormati seluruh orang banyak, bangkit dan meminta, supaya orang-
orang itu disuruh keluar sebentar.
Karena itu aku berkata kepadamu: Janganlah bertindak terhadap
orang-orang ini. Biarkanlah mereka, sebab jika maksud dan
perbuatan mereka berasal dari manusia, tentu akan lenyap,
tetapi kalau berasal dari Allah, kamu tidak akan dapat melenyapkan
orang-orang ini; mungkin ternyata juga nanti, bahwa kamu melawan
Allah."Nasihat itu diterima.
Kisah Para Rasul 22:3-4, 10, 12, 16, 21"Aku adalah orang Yahudi,
lahir di Tarsus di tanah Kilikia, tetapi dibesarkan di kota ini; dididik
dengan teliti di bawah pimpinan Gamaliel dalam hukum nenek
moyang kita, sehingga aku menjadi seorang yang giat bekerja bagi
Allah sama seperti kamu semua pada waktu ini.
Dan aku telah menganiaya pengikut-pengikut Jalan Tuhan sampai
mereka mati; laki-laki dan perempuan kutangkap dan kuserahkan ke
dalam penjara.
Maka kataku: Tuhan, apakah yang harus kuperbuat? Kata Tuhan
kepadaku: Bangkitlah dan pergilah ke Damsyik. Di sana akan
diberitahukan kepadamu segala sesuatu yang ditugaskan kepadamu.
Di situ ada seorang bernama Ananias, seorang saleh yang menurut
hukum Taurat dan terkenal baik di antara semua orang Yahudi yang
ada di situ.
8 |Spiritual Mentoring
Dan sekarang, mengapa
engkau masih ragu-ragu?
Bangunlah, berilah dirimu
dibaptis dan dosa-dosamu
disucikan sambil berseru
kepada nama Tuhan!
Tetapi kata Tuhan kepadaku: Pergilah, sebab Aku akan mengutus
engkau jauh dari sini kepada bangsa-bangsa lain."
Kisah Para Rasul 13:43 Setelah selesai ibadah, banyak orang Yahudi
dan penganut-penganut agama Yahudi yang takut akan Allah,
mengikuti Paulus dan Barnabas; kedua rasul itu mengajar mereka dan
menasihati supaya mereka tetap hidup di dalam kasih karunia Allah.
Kisah Para Rasul 20:31 Sebab itu berjaga-jagalah dan ingatlah,
bahwa aku tiga tahun lamanya, siang malam, dengan tiada berhenti-
hentinya menasihati kamu masing-masing dengan mencucurkan air
Roma 12:8 jika karunia untuk menasihati, baiklah kita menasihati.
Siapa yang membagi-bagikan sesuatu, hendaklah ia melakukannya
dengan hati yang ikhlas; siapa yang memberi pimpinan, hendaklah ia
melakukannya dengan rajin; siapa yang menunjukkan kemurahan,
hendaklah ia melakukannya dengan sukacita.
1 Tesalonika 2:11-12 Kamu tahu, betapa kami, seperti bapa terhadap
anak-anaknya, telah menasihati kamu dan menguatkan hatimu
seorang demi seorang,
dan meminta dengan sangat, supaya kamu hidup sesuai dengan
kehendak Allah, yang memanggil kamu ke dalam Kerajaan dan
1 Tesalonika 4:10 Hal itu kamu lakukan juga terhadap semua saudara
di seluruh wilayah Makedonia. Tetapi kami menasihati kamu,
saudara-saudara, supaya kamu lebih bersungguh-sungguh lagi
1 Tesalonika 5:14 Kami juga menasihati kamu, saudara-saudara,
tegorlah mereka yang hidup dengan tidak tertib, hiburlah mereka
9 |Spiritual Mentoring
yang tawar hati, belalah mereka yang lemah, sabarlah terhadap
semua orang.
Yudas 1:3 Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, sementara aku
bersungguh-sungguh berusaha menulis kepada kamu tentang
keselamatan kita bersama, aku merasa terdorong untuk menulis ini
kepada kamu dan menasihati kamu, supaya kamu tetap berjuang
untuk mempertahankan iman yang telah disampaikan kepada orang-
orang kudus.
10 |Spiritual Mentoring
Table taken from Clutterbuck & Sweeney (1997)
Focus on task Focus on progress
Usually short term Usually longer term –
sometimes for life
Explicit feedback Intuitive feedback
Develops skills Develops capabilities
Driven by coach Driven by mentee/learner
Shows you where Helps you to work it out
you went wrong yourself
11 |Spiritual Mentoring
1. Membentuk kepribadian yang utuh
2. Hidup yang terarah
3. Guru yang paling berharga adalah pengalaman. Selain
pengalaman pribadi, adalah baik dan lebih cepat bila kita
belajar dari pengalaman orang lain dan tidak perlu
melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan yang sudah kita pelajari dari
orang lain.
4. Supaya hidup kita maximal.
5. Agar kita bertumbuh & menjadi dewasa.
6. Untuk menghindari hal-hal sbb:
a. Berhentinya pemuridan secara formal, tetapi
kerohaniannya tidak bertumbuh & tidak ada bimbingan
lanjutan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
b. Orang berkata bahwa ia percaya kepada Yesus, tetapi
tidak sungguh-sungguh lahir baru.
c. Orang mengklaim bahwa ia menerima Kristus di dalam
hati, namun tidak benar-benar hidup sebagai seorang
d. Makna kekristenan yang kerdil, yang terpengaruh oleh
selera manusia di era hedonisme, pluralisme, liberalisme,
& universalisme.
e. Hidup kekristenan yang tak bertujuan, membosankan,
kurangnya/tidak adanya sukacita, tidak adanya
kepedulian & tidak berani membayar harga.
12 |Spiritual Mentoring
13 |Spiritual Mentoring
Mentoring dapat dilakukan dalam perjalanan kerohanian
seseorang dari individual (perjumpaan pribadi dengan Tuhan)
kemudian hidup bergereja (dengan pengarahan
gembala/diperlengkapi) dan melayani/menjadi
berkat/berperan dalam dunia.
14 |Spiritual Mentoring
Mentoring dapat dilakukan pada seseorang dari menerima
Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juru Selamat, peduli akan dunia,
mengasihi sesama, menjadikan murid, hingga mencintai dan
memuliakan Tuhan.
15 |Spiritual Mentoring
Persentase Tingkat pertumbuhan gereja di Korea mengalami
penurunan drastis dari tahun 1989-1993 dari tingkat
pertumbuhan 9% menjadi -4%.
Secara umum dapat dikatakan penyebab penurunan ini adalah:
1. Tingkat kemakmuran yang tinggi, sehingga orang lebih
suka memilih menghabiskan hari Minggu di pinggiran
kota atau berolahraga daripada beribadah ke gereja.
2. Adanya kebebasan hidup bernegara. Kekristenan
mendapatkan angin segar untuk bergerak tanpa ada
penganiayaan atau rintangan.
3. Sistem pendidikan yang kurang menguntungkan bagi
anak-anak muda di Korea. Para remaja menjadi sangat
kompetitif. Mereka berjuang untuk masuk ke universitas
yang lebih baik.
Para siswa belajar pagi, siang dan malam dari pukul
07.00 hingga pukul 22.00 atau 23.00. Mereka tidak ada
waktu untuk memupuk kerohanian mereka.
Jun Ho Jin, professor misi pada ACTS, Seoul memberi alasan-
alasan bahwa penurunan tingkat pertumbuhan gereja di Korea
sbb: (Ro 1995:350-351)
1. Pertumbuhan gereja yang terlalu cepat dan kurangnya
pemuridan terhadap jiwa-jiwa baru.
2. Pertumbuhan pada masa lalu merupakan akibat dari
krisis yang terjadi pada bangsa Korea dan pertumbuhan
itu adalah penyelesaian krisis yang telah terjadi.
3. Menurunnya keadaan rohani dan kebangunan-
kebangunan rohani.
4. Gigihnya kompetisi gereja-gereja besar dan kesulitan
untuk membuka gereja baru.
16 |Spiritual Mentoring
5. Hilangnya citra gereja dan munculnya problem di dalam
6. Pelayanan gereja memperlengkapi generasi tua, tetapi
meninggalkan generasi muda.
7. Kurangnya penyesuaian gereja dalam perubahan-
perubahan sosial yang ada.
8. Cepatnya perubahan sosial dan menurunnya
masyarakat desa dan gereja desa.
9. Perubahan world view dari absolute truth ke relative
religious pluralism.
10. Bangkitnya banyak bidat dan pengaruh ideologi baru
11. Bangkitnya gerakan pembebasan wanita dan kurangnya
orientasi pada keluarga kristen.
Masalah-masalah dalam gereja Korea
Ro, ahli sejarah gereja dan Misi, mengajukan tiga masalah yang
dihadapi oleh gereja-gereja di Korea, yaiut:
1. Schismatic Division.
Di Korea, banyak gereja lokal yang kuat di bawah
pimpinan seorang pendeta yang cakap. Mereka merasa
tidak perlu bekerjasama dengan denominasi lain. Terjadi
perpecahan antara gereja-gereja ekumenikal dengan
gereja-gereja evangelikal. Mereka harus belajar tentang
2. Gereja kurang menaruh perhatian pada masalah-
masalah sosial. Gereja hanya concern pada masalah-
masalah dalam gereja saja dan tidak menyentuh
masalah dalam masyarakat sekitarnya di mana ia hidup.
Hal ini menimbulkan antipati dari orang-orang non
3. Masalah gereja-gereja besar.
Gereja dengan jemaat 700.000 orang, 60.000 orang.
Apakah gereja mampu memuridkan mereka? Apakah
jemaat gereja ini bisa terpenuhi kebutuhan rohani
mereka? Apakah ada persiapan suksesi kepemimpinan?
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Selain hal-hal di atas, ada dua hal yang sangat berbahaya bagi
kelangsungan hidup gereja-gereja di Korea, yaitu:
1. Injil kemakmuran.
Beberapa orang beranggapan bahwa menjadi orang
Kristen akan menjamin hidup sehat dan sukses dalam
bisnis/pekerjaan. Memang Alkitab mengajarkan hal ini,
namun bukan merupakan pengajaran utama. Yesus juga
mengajarkan murid-muridNya membayar harga dari
iman, dan siap menderita.
Bahaya dari ajaran ini: memanjakan orang Kristen
sehingga orang kristen tidak siap menghadapi
penderitaan, penganiayaan, dan tidak bisa survive.
2. Injil Humanisme.
Pengajaran yang menekankan pembahasan tentang
kehidupan manusia di dunia. Tidak menyampaikan
pengajaran tentang dosa, hukuman, murka Allah,
kekudusan Allah, keadilan Allah, penebusan,
pengampunan, pembenaran, pengudusan, dan
keselamatan hanya dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus.
Sukamto, Amos. Rahasia Keberhasilan Gereja di Korea.
Bandung, 2006.
18 |Spiritual Mentoring
Everyone knows they
need a mentor, but
very few people have
one. Why?
The reasons are many, really–
people don’t know how to
find the right person, or fear
of rejection keeps them from
asking. Getting a mentor falls into the dangerous “important but not
urgent” category, so it never gets done. Others have no idea what a
healthy mentoring relationship would actually look like, so they never
take the first step.
This year, we’re going to focus on these questions with a monthly
mentoring series. We’ll cover topics like how to find the right person,
how to begin a mentoring relationship, what questions you should be
asking, and how to keep things on track with your mentor.
You don’t need to wait till the series is over to ask for mentoring, but
I hope knowing that help is coming will give you the confidence you
need to move forward.
Getting a mentor isn’t easy, but it can be done, and it’s worth it.
Today, we’re going to start by examining why:
1. While we all ultimately have to find our own way, mentors can
help you navigate that road more smoothly. Someone a few years
down the road from you has the benefit of wisdom and experience
behind them. A good mentor will get to know you, and can speak into
your life with the benefit of their past experience.
2. Mentors bring a fresh perspective. It’s difficult to see your own
strengths, weaknesses, and challenges clearly. Mentors can help you
understand yourself better and see things as they really are.
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3. Mentors make you ask the hard questions. having a mentor forces
you to think through difficult questions, to consider what you really
need and where you really want to go. If you have no idea what you
need, you haven’t thought about it enough. Mentors make you think
(and can nudge you if you’re stuck).
4. Mentors normalize our struggles. It’s enormously reassuring to
hear your mentor say something like, “This thing you’re struggling
with? I struggled with that, too. Everyone does.”
5. Mentors concretely improve our performance in and satisfaction
with our work. Numerous studies have shown that people with
mentors make more money at work, are promoted more often, and
are more satisfied with their jobs. The benefits of mentoring outside
the workplace may be harder to measure but they’re just as real.
For now, be on the lookout for potential mentors. (If you find
someone with mentoring potential, go ahead and ask them. It’s
awkward, but it’s worth it.)
- See more at:
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I think there should be some common features to any of these types
of individuals, including:
 they are at least a half to full generation older than you
 they have core values that are consistent with your own
 they have demonstrated themselves to be trustworthy
 they have shown a pronounced inclination to the
sponsorship of others
 they have accomplished themselves in ways that you respect,
and are perhaps replicable by you
 they are approachable
 you have heard them speak about someone who mentored
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10 Ways to be a Good Mentor
Good mentoring relationships can be richly rewarding, not only for
the person being mentored, but for the mentor too.
Mentors can, among other things, provide exceptional learning
experiences for their mentees and, in doing so, expand their
mentees' awareness, insight and perspective.
Here are 10 things you can do to be a good mentor:
1. Be credible
The best mentors I've encountered have been people that have
credibility in, and have personally achieved success in, the area
where I'm looking for support. For this reason, most people will
seek the guidance of different mentors to help them develop
specific skills or qualities, or to help them reach important
Being credible doesn't mean that you need to have all the answers.
The best answers for your mentee will come from their own
thinking, with the help of your wisdom to support them.
2. Be a positive role model
Good mentors are respected by their mentees. A mentee can learn
a lot from their mentor simply by watching how their mentor
behaves in any particular situation. Good mentors will also look out
for experiences, or even create situations in which their mentees
can become involved to learn new things, for example, providing a
look behind the scenes or a glimpse at how other people live or do
3. Be genuinely interested in your mentee as an individual
A mentoring relationship is a very personal one, which is often very
important to the mentee, so, as a mentor,
22 |Spiritual Mentoring
you need to get to know your mentee
personally, about their hopes and dreams,
so you can help them in a way that meets their
personal best interest. For this reason, a
parent is often not a good mentor for their
child, as their parenting relationship and emotional connection will
influence their guidance. That's not to say that a parent can never
provide a mentoring moment for their child - they can - however, a
parent can't be as objective as a person who's independent of the
parenting role. In the same way, a manager
is also not the best person to mentor someone on their team, as
they'll often have a conflict of interest to contend with, between
what's in the best interest of each individual and what's in the best
interest of their team.
4. Share your experiences and insights
In doing so, choose stories that you feel are appropriate and
helpful, but do so in a neutral way, without any attachment to how
your mentee will use this learning. Be open to sharing your
mistakes and failures too, as these are often where our biggest
lessons are learned. It will also help your mentee be aware that
challenges will arise, and the way you dealt with the situation might
also help them gain insight about how to build resilience.
5. Ask open questions
Asking your mentee open questions will help you as a mentor to
identify their real needs, values and passions. It's also a great way
to get your mentee to think through situations themselves and
draw out the consequences of the various choices or courses of
action they can take. During these conversations, you can share
your wisdom, without making decisions for your mentee. That's
their job.
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6. Act as a sounding board
Mentees benefit greatly from the opportunity of having a good
mentor listen to them. Allow them to explore their thoughts and
ideas openly with you. This will often help them unravel their
thinking and gain insights about a situation as they share their
concerns with you.
7. Provide a fresh perspective
One of the benefits of working with a mentor is that a good mentor
will often provide their mentee with a fresh perspective on an issue.
A good mentor will often have the clarity of distance from an issue
or problem that's needed to provide objective feedback to their
mentee. They can also hold up a 'mirror' to the mentee to, for
example, let the mentee see what their behaviour looks like to
8. Provide helpful feedback
Not all feedback is helpful. A good mentor knows this and will
deliver feedback in a way that will help their mentee gain insight to
further develop specific qualities or skills. For example, a good
mentor will always ask for permission to give feedback before
doing so. Giving unwelcome feedback can be detrimental to any
mentoring relationship. Instead, explain what you'd like to talk
about first and highlight the benefits of doing this.
9. Acknowledge achievements
Highlight for your mentee any achievements they might have
forgotten, to help build their confidence.
Remember to celebrate their successes on your mentoring journey
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10. Offer your advice, but only if your mentee asks for it
It can be very tempting for a mentor to just jump in and offer advice
before a mentee has actually asked for it, especially when you've
dealt with a similar situation yourself. Being a sounding board for
your mentee, allowing them to discuss the situation with you, then
helping them to think through the
situation by asking them questions to draw out the consequences
of various actions, is always more
empowering for a mentee than advising them what to do. It helps
them work through the issue and come to
their own conclusions. By doing so, you ultimately help them to
learn to think through issues themselves and trust their own
judgement, both valuable life skills.
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How to be a Good Mentor
Make the Most of Your Commitment
Mentoring can be a challenge that is well worth your time and
effort. Use these tips to get the most out
of mentoring sessions – both for you and your mentee.
Tips for Mentors
1. Be fully present. Mentoring requires excellent listening and
your full attention. Set aside your daily challenges and
pressures during a mentor session so that you can devote your
full attention to your mentee. Whether the mentoring session is
in person, by telephone, or via email, this means making
yourself unavailable to others during the mentoring
conversation. By not allowing interruptions, the quality of your
mentoring will be significantly more effective and productive for
both of you.
2. Take time to make a personal connection at the start of
the session. One of the pleasures of a mentoring relationship
is the sense of connection between two people. Before
launching into the focus area for the day, spend a few minutes
making a personal connection. “Small talk” often helps both
people to relax and get ready for a deeper conversation.
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3. Ask open-ended questions. In order to provide relevant
perspective, the mentor must understand the mentee’s situation
and concerns at a deep level. Rather than asking questions that
can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” practice asking
questions that call for a reflective response.
Remember to ask early on why the mentee has sought a
mentor and what she would like to gain from the experience. It
is better to know some of the right questions than to have all of
the answers. Highgain questions are open-ended questions
rather than yes/no questions that typically start with “Who,
What, When, How, Tell me more about…Give me an example
4. Listen with curiosity, not judgment. Be conscious of your
own listening and strive for deep listening coming from your
own curiosity rather than problem solving. You will find that your
mentee faces issues that you have also faced. However, each
person is unique and comes to their present moment from a
different path. Listen with the goal to learn more about the
person. Do catch yourself judging the mentee and self-correct
by reminding yourself to simply “follow curiosity” to learn more.
5. Try not to interrupt, unless there is a need to manage
time or focus the dialogue. Do paraphrase or “feed back”
what the mentee says to confirm that your understanding is
6. Ask direct questions to focus the session. Mentoring
sessions often go all too quickly. To focus the session, ask
simple and straightforward questions at the beginning of the
session to ensure that the conversation is focused on the topics
that are “top of mind” for the mentee today. For example, you
could ask, “What would you like to talk about today?” or “I’d love
a quick update and then let’s choose a topic for today’s
session.” Ask early on in the session: What help do you need
from me?
7. Notice what has “heart and meaning” for the mentee.
A good mentor conversation involves much more than trading
information and knowledge. By paying attention to the emotion
and energy of the mentee, you will be able to observe what
matters most to the mentee, as well as where he or she may
feel discouraged or overwhelmed. Notice your mentee’s
enthusiasms and areas of confidence and point them out to the
mentee to help build confidence and connection.
8. Tell your story. People often learn best through storytelling.
If you have experiences related to the challenges faced by your
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mentee, check with the mentee to see if she or he would like
you to share the story of your experience. Make sure to focus
on the aspects of your experience that are most pertinent.
Telling your story should take no more than 10 minutes of a
mentoring session, though it may lead to a rich discussion that
links directly to the mentee’s situation. Try not to preach!
9. Share the conversation rather than doing all the talking.
Sometimes, mentors mistakenly believe that their job is mainly
to impart wisdom and expertise. If you find yourself talking at
length, with little interruption or dialogue with your mentee, stop
yourself and reorganize the conversation by asking questions
about the mentee. Watch out for the tendency to “download”
when someone asks the question you’ve been waiting all your
life to answer!
10. Set and honor boundaries. Mentoring relationships work
best when each person knows what to expect – and what not to
expect. During the first session, establish the way in which the
mentoring relationship will be set up. How frequently will you
meet? Decide on the best form of communication (email, phone,
Instant Messenger, etc.). How long will the conversations last?
May the mentee contact you by email or telephone in between
mentoring sessions? Be clear about how you would like it to
work. Attention here early on prevents misunderstandings later
11. Follow through on your commitments. Inevitably, you will
find yourself volunteering the title of a book, a referral to one of
your contacts, to review or pass on a resume or some other
small service to your mentee. Make note of your promise and
make it a priority to follow through. Dropping the ball can
lead to confusion and mistrust in the relationship. Do make
commitments carefully, being realistic about what you can offer
and by when you can deliver it. You may want to ask your
mentee to prompt your follow-up with an email to you after the
12. Be encouraging and action-oriented. Recognize that the
problem isn’t figuring out what to do – the problem is doing it!
13. Give helpful feedback. Provide constructive feedback that
is specific, descriptive and nonjudgmental.
14. Honor confidentiality. Conversations between mentor and
mentee must be considered private. It is a violation of trust to
talk about the mentee’s life and issues outside of the mentoring
conversation without the permission of the mentee. Be careful
29 |Spiritual Mentoring
about honoring the mentee’s trust. Hold mentoring
conversations in places where details shared in confidence will
not be overheard by other stakeholders or interested parties.
For Mentors: Language to Avoid
Have you ever felt judged by someone whom you thought was
listening with the intention to help you?
When mentoring others, you can avoid giving this impression by
avoiding the language of judgment.
Here are some examples of what NOT to say:
• “You should….”
• “Yes, but….”
• “Either/or”
• “There’s only one way to do it….”
• “What you need to do is….”
• “What I always do is….”
• “Your problem is….”
• “Actually what needs to be done is….”
• “If you don’t….. you aren’t going to….”
• “I wouldn’t think about it that way.”
For Mentors: Language that Encourages
• “You could…”
• “Have you considered….?”
• “What would happen if you…?”
• “What might be the consequences of not acting on this?”
• “Yes/and” rather than “Either/or”
• “There are many approaches that might work…”
• “One idea is…what do you think?”
• “What do you think needs to be done?”
• “How else could you think about this?”
• “What resources are available to you right now to support
• “When has this happened to you before? What did you do?”
Four Basic Beliefs of Good Mentors
• The mentee is naturally creative, resourceful, and able.
Nothing is wrong or broken – no need to
“fix” the mentee. Mentees are capable of finding and acting on
the answers.
• Mentoring focuses on professional life but may also include
personal concerns that affect the mentee’s life and work.
• The agenda comes from the mentee not from the mentor.
• The relationship is a designed alliance, not a top-down
directed conversation.
Listening: The Hallmark of a Great Mentor
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Good mentors are empathetic listeners. They understand the
benefit for the mentee of speaking aloud what is on her mind.
The seasoned mentor does not focus on interpreting the
mentee’s story for problem solving. Instead, the mentor seeks
to help the mentee define the real issues. H/she listens for
the word choices, intentions, emotions, and nuances of the
story. The mentor uses active listening and encouragement to
connect with the mentee, while focusing on asking powerful,
open-ended questions.
Mentors listen for:
• Goals and intentions
• The meaning behind the story
• Themes and recurrent words
• Resistance, fear, anxiety, hesitation, “BS”
• Progress
• Tone, mood
• Commitment and passion
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7. Characteristics of a good Mentor and a
good Mentee
What is a good Mentor:
A patient and active listener and eagle-eyed
Inspires trust
Gives advice without dictating actions
Encourages independence yet offers support
Offers constructive criticism as well as compliments
Open and honest
A good role model through actions and words
Willing to spend time, reach out, and share
An effective intermediary
What makes a good Mentee:
Asks questions
Willing to be mentored
Strives to give his/her best at all times
Accepts criticism graciously
Learns from mistakes
Has courage to try new things
Accepts responsibilities
Open and honest
Respectful and grateful
Listens, watches, learns, grows
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 Pria dengan pria dan wanita dengan wanita.
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9. Spiritual Mentoring
A spiritual journey of personal growth
The Crossing Church
Table of Contents
Intro to mentoring
3 stages of spiritual growth
Stage 1 – Spiritual Infancy ‘Learning to crawl’ Overview
New Believers Bible Reading Plan
Personality Review
Scripture Memorization
Character Evaluation
Stage 2 – Spiritual Adolescence ‘Learning to walk’ Overview
Bible Stories
Bible Study
My Commitment
Stage 3 – Spiritual adulthood ‘Learning to run’
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Everyone’s spiritual growth travels through 3 spiritual stages …
· Spiritual infancy — similar to an infant when we are new to the
faith, we need someone to help us along our way, where we are
spiritually fed. In other words, we need to crawl before we walk.
· Spiritual adolescence — our growth in this area takes place when
we learn to feed ourselves—we can’t stay babies forever! We begin
to walk before we run. We start to take personal responsibility for
our faith and we learn to spiritually feed ourselves.
· Spiritual adulthood — at this point, it’s time to run. Imagine still
living at home at 50—not the best idea! We started by crawling; we
know how to walk; now it’s time to run. In other words, a spiritual
adult is someone who takes what they know and what they’ve
learned and begins to teach it to someone else. They spiritually feed
others, like someone once spiritually fed them.
How do you know if you are ready? I don’t know if anyone ever feels
ready, but if you are willing to give Jesus what you have, he will
multiply it like the boy who gave Jesus a few fish and a few loaves.
Jesus has a funny way of taking a surrendered heart and transforming
it into his image. If you are willing, it means you are willing to be in an
accountable relationship with a spiritual mentor regarding your life
with Christ, your finances, your purity, your relationships, and your
job. The mentoring journey always includes 3 questions your mentor
1- Where are you spiritually today?
2- Where do you hope to be a year from now?
3- What is one step we can take to move toward this hope?
What are the expectations we have of you as we begin this journey?
· Come on time! Be on time, unless you have made other
arrangements with your spiritual mentor.
· Come prepared! Do the work. If you are assigned a task, then
complete it. You will get out of the process what you put into it.
· Come prayed up! Much of the work that you are hoping God does
in you begins on your knees. This isn’t counseling and it isn’t a self-
help session; this is you positioning your life through accountability
and discipline to learn and apply where the Lord may be leading you.
What can you expect from your spiritual mentor?
· Perfection! Just kidding. Seriously, remember that the person who
is walking with you is on his or her own personal journey. In other
35 |Spiritual Mentoring
words, these individuals are not perfect. They will make mistakes and
will not have all the answers, but …
· They will love you. The people in your life are there because they
want to be in your life. They will let you know how much you matter
to God and how much you matter to them.
· They will follow up. Your mentor will ask you about the
assignments that were given or experiences you had through your
· They will challenge your growth and pray for you. Your mentors
will challenge decisions you make if they are inconsistent with God’s
perspective. Most times it will simply be them giving you feedback
from what they have learned on their journey.
· Your mentors will also take down prayer requests after each time
together and throughout the week will designate time to pray for
your needs.
**Also, every Crossing mentor has been trained and is being held
accountable for their walk with Jesus and living a life of integrity,
faithfulness, and purity. In this packet, you will find 3 stages of
spiritual growth and resources to help you along the way.
36 |Spiritual Mentoring
The first stage is spiritual infancy. You always begin with spiritual
infancy, because we want to make sure you are rooted in the
fundamentals. Even if you’ve been attending church for years, we
want to revisit the foundations of our faith.
The 3 things we will do during this stage are:
1- Study the New Believer’s Bible. The questions we cover are,
“Who is God and who does God say I am?”
2- Take a personality test and a character evaluation. We will
spend time getting to know you and your story. The
questions we cover are “How did God wire me up and how
do people see me?”
3- Bible memorization. We believe when you have God’s word
in your heart, you grow. We have attached 10 of the most
common Bible verses for your growth.
The second stage is spiritual adolescence. We will encourage you to
begin to own your faith. The 3 things you will do during this stage are:
1- Learn spiritual practices/disciplines including
o Quiet Time – What is quiet time?
o Prayer – Why pray? How do we recognize the voice of God?
And what is the power of prayer?
o Serving – Why is serving important? What is my spiritual
o Community – What’s the importance of Christian
o Giving – What is a tithe? Is the tithe the standard of
Christian giving?
o Evangelism – What is Christian missions? How do I share
my Christian testimony?
2- Learn to study the Bible through 3 Bible study methods
(character study, chapter study and SOAP)
3- Bible stories. We want you to learn some of the greatest
stories in the bible. We believe the more you know the bible
and God’s perspective, the more your faith will grow and
your character will mature.
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** During this stage, you will be challenged to commit to a covenant
with God concerning your faithfulness and desire to live a fully
devoted life to Jesus.
The third stage is spiritual adulthood. During this stage of your
maturity, you are intentionally choosing resources that are
specifically designed to help you grow. Depending on what area of
your life you want to work on, we have suggested resources that will
give you tools to help you in that area of your life. At this point, you
are sharing with someone (your mentee) what you have learned in
stages 1 and 2. It’s important that you identify someone you could
pour into during stages 2 not 3. In other words, you don’t have to
have everything completed before you start walking with someone.
Just teach them what you know.
How do I get started?
Set up a regular time to meet with your mentor. In the beginning, try
meeting 2 times a month (every 2 weeks). As you progress, you may
consider meeting every 3 weeks. Give yourself 60-90 minutes when
you meet.
At the end of every one on one, make sure you carve out about 15
minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
38 |Spiritual Mentoring
Stage 1 – Spiritual infancy / “Learning to crawl”
There is no timeline for this stage. You and your mentor determine
when it’s time to move to stage 2. You could be done with the
material in a month, 3 months, or 9 months; it all depends on how
often you meet and what you are able to cover.
What will you be doing?
 Learn who God is and the fundamentals of the faith.
 Identify your personality temperament and how that affects
your relationships.
 Identify areas in your character that need attention.
 Learn to memorize scripture
What will you need?
 New Believer’s Bible (Greg Laurie)
 Personality test (You can print out the test at
 Journal (Purchase a journal or composition book to write
down notes and responses to the exercise)
Your Story: Getting to know you
Begin your time by getting to know one another and discuss:
 How did you find the church and what has it meant to you?
 Where was your life before knowing Jesus, and what has
your life been like since knowing Jesus?
 What led you to choose to ask Jesus into your life?
 What excites you about this journey we are going on?
 What makes you nervous about this journey we are going on?
39 |Spiritual Mentoring
Building A Foundation: New Believer’s Bible
Important: When you read a point in the New Believer’s Bible, it
includes a verse and the page number the verse is on. Make sure to
look up the verse and highlight it. This will help you become familiar
with the Bible and what it says. Read at your own pace—it’s not
about getting it done but about soaking it in. You and your mentor
can discuss each week’s reading and what’s appropriate for your
season of life.
During your time with your mentor, you will want to discuss these
 What does someone need to do to be saved?
 Who does God say you are?
 What are 2 characteristics about God?
 What are 2 characteristics about Jesus?
 What are 2 characteristics about the Holy Spirit?
 Discuss the brief descriptions of the devil, angels, demons,
heaven, and hell. What did you learn?
 Discuss the 10 characteristics described in the Christian life.
What did you learn?
 Why is it important to study the Bible and pray?
 What does it mean to give to God?
 What is God’s perspective on purity?
 What is God’s perspective on marriage and his perspective
on parenting?
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Purpose: The purpose is to understand how God created different
personalities—all wonderful.
Book: There is no book, but you will need to go to and print out the test.
Your mentor will explain how to take it and then, after you have
taken it, discuss the following questions:
 What’s your personality style?
 What are the strengths?
 What are the weaknesses?
 How does your personality affect your relationships
positively and negatively?
 What is your spouse’s personality type and how does that
affect your marriage? (if married)
 What is your kid’s personality type and how does that affect
your parenting? (if kids)
 What is your boss’s personality type and how does that affect
your working relationship?
 Remember at the end of every one on one, give 15 minutes
at the end to follow up with these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
Scripture Memorization
As a Christian, nothing will have the impact that meditating on and
memorizing scripture does. We have selected 10 key verses for
memorization. We encourage you to memorize and then recite these
to your mentor during the next few mentoring sessions. This will
challenge you to sit and soak in God’s word. You will never regret this
spiritual discipline!
Challenge yourself to memorize one verse a week. Write them on
index cards and read them every day, multiple times a day. Choose
the verse(s) you will attempt to memorize before you meet again.
Then, when you meet with your mentor, recite the verse.
1. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but
have everlasting life.
2. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who gives me
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3. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on
your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and he will
make your paths straight.
4. Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition and with thanksgiving, present
your requests to God—and the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
5. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you
will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good,
pleasing, and perfect will.
6. Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.
7. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will
forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
8. Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be
weary, they will walk and not faint.
9. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
10. Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
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Character Evaluations
These questions below should be sent to 10 people who know you. If
you are married, your spouse should be included. In order to get a
better idea about potential areas of growth, it will be helpful to get
input from a variety of “people groups.” For instance, you may want
to send the question to co-workers, family members, friends,
ministry leaders, and long-time associates. This takes time, so email
these questions to people right away. Share with them that you are
on a spiritual journey to learn about God, yourself, and your purpose
in life.
Tell them they need to send you back the responses within a week. If
you give them a deadline of 1 week, people will take about 1 month
to send you a response. That’s just been my experience. After a week,
send them a reminder email. After 2 weeks, call them. If they don’t
respond after 2 emails and a phone call, then let it go.
The intention is for God to show you common threads of character
growth and areas that need improvement. They do not need to send
their responses to me but rather to you.
Here are the character questions:
* What do you believe is my strength?
* What do you believe is my weakness?
* Where have you seen me grow the most over the years?
* What have you appreciated about my character?
* What do you believe my purpose is?
* If I could work on one area in my character, what would you
encourage me to spend time on this year?
Discuss what people said with your mentor.
At the end of you time together make sure you carve out about 15
minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
43 |Spiritual Mentoring
Stage 2 – Spiritual adolescence / “Learning to walk”
There is no timeline for this stage. You and your mentor determine
when it’s time to move to stage 3. You could be done with the
material in a month, 3 months, or 9 months; it all depends on how
often you meet and what you are able to cover.
What you will be doing?
 Learning about spiritual disciplines and learning to put them
into practice
 Learning about Bible study methods and putting them into
 Learning about key stories in the Bible
 Discussing the Commitment Covenant
 Identifying someone you could pay it forward to the next
What will you using?
Chapter 3 by John Ortberg from The Life You’ve Always Wanted.
You don’t need to buy the book; your mentee will print out the
chapter. However, it’s definitely a book you want for your library!
Article on spiritual practices concerning:
Quiet Time – What is quiet time?
Prayer – Why pray? How do we recognize the voice of God? And
what is the power of prayer?
Serving – Why is serving important? What is my spiritual gift?
Community – What’s the importance of Christian fellowship?
Giving – What is a tithe? Is the tithe the standard of Christian
Evangelism – What is Christian missions? How do I share my
Christian testimony?
Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods
Bible stories where you will be choosing 5 from the Old Testament
and 5 from New Testament
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Overview on Spiritual Practices
After reading Chapter 3 from The Life You’ve Always Wanted,
“Trying vs. Training,” discuss the following questions:
 What struck you about the chapter?
 Do you try or do you train when it comes to spiritual
 What kind of spiritual practice have you tried and what has
your experience been with them?
Question: "Why pray? What is the point of prayer when God knows
the future and is already in control of everything? If we cannot
change God's mind, why should we pray?"
Answer: For the Christian, praying is like breathing. It is easier to do it
than not to do it. We pray for a variety of reasons. For one thing,
prayer is a form of serving God (Luke 2:36-38) and obeying Him. We
pray because God commands us to pray (Philippians 4:6-7). Prayer is
exemplified for us by Christ and the early church (Mark 1:35; Acts
1:14; 2:42; 3:1; 4:23-31; 6:4; 13:1-3). If Jesus thought it was
worthwhile to pray, we should also. If He needed to pray to remain in
the Father’s will, how much more do we need to pray? Another
reason to pray is that God intends prayer to be the means of
obtaining His solutions in a number of situations. We pray in
preparation for major decisions (Luke 6:12-13); to overcome demonic
barriers (Matthew 17:14-21); to gather workers for the spiritual
harvest (Luke 10:2); to gain strength to overcome temptation
(Matthew 26:41); and to obtain the means of strengthening others
spiritually (Ephesians 6:18-19). We come to God with our specific
requests, and we have God's promise that our prayers are not in vain,
even if we do not receive specifically what we asked for (Matthew
6:6; Romans 8:26-27). He has promised that when we ask for things
that are in accordance with His will, He will give us what we ask for (1
John 5:14-15). Sometimes He delays His answers according to His
wisdom and for our benefit. In these situations, we are to be diligent
and persistent in prayer (Matthew 7:7; Luke 18:1-8).
Prayer should not be seen as our means of getting God to do our will
on earth, but rather as a means of getting God's will done on earth.
God’s wisdom far exceeds our own. For situations in which we do not
know God's will specifically, prayer is a means of discerning His will.
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If the Syrian woman with the demon-influenced daughter had not
prayed to Christ, her daughter would not have been made whole
(Mark 7:26-30). If the blind man outside Jericho had not called out to
Christ, he would have remained blind (Luke 18:35-43). God has said
that we often go without because we do not ask (James 4:2). In one
sense, prayer is like sharing the gospel with people. We do not know
who will respond to the message of the gospel until we share it. In
the same way, we will never see the results of answered prayer
unless we pray. A lack of prayer demonstrates a lack of faith and a
lack of trust in God’s Word. We pray to demonstrate our faith in God,
that He will do as He has promised in His Word and bless our lives
abundantly more than we could ask or hope for (Ephesians 3:20).
Prayer is our primary means of seeing God work in others' lives.
Because it is our means of “plugging into” God's power, it is our
means of defeating Satan and his army that we are powerless to
overcome by ourselves. Therefore, may God find us often before His
throne, for we have a high priest in heaven who can identify with all
that we go through (Hebrews 4:15-16). We have His promise that the
fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much (James 5:16-
18). May God glorify His name in our lives as we believe in Him
enough to come to Him often in prayer.
Question: "How can we recognize the voice of God?"
Answer: This question has been asked by countless people
throughout the ages. Samuel heard the voice of God but did not
recognize it until he was instructed by Eli (1 Samuel 3:1-10). Gideon
had a physical revelation from God, and he still doubted what he had
heard to the point of asking for a sign, not once, but three times
(Judges 6:17-22, 36-40). When we are listening for God's voice, how
can we know that He is the one speaking? First of all, we have
something that Gideon and Samuel did not. We have the complete
Bible, the inspired Word of God, to read, study, and meditate on. “All
Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may
be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
When we have a question about a certain topic or decision in our
lives, we should see what the Bible has to say about it. God will never
lead us or direct us contrary to what He has taught or promised in His
Word (Titus 1:2). Second, to hear God's voice we must recognize it.
Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they
follow me” (John 10:27). Those who hear God’s voice are those who
belong to Him—those who have been saved by His grace through
faith in the Lord Jesus. These are the sheep who hear and recognize
His voice, because they know Him as their Shepherd and they know
46 |Spiritual Mentoring
His voice. If we are to recognize God's voice, we must belong to Him.
Third, we hear His voice when we spend time in prayer, Bible study,
and quiet contemplation of His Word. The more time we spend
intimately with God and His Word, the easier it is to recognize His
voice and His leading in our lives. Employees at a bank are trained to
recognize counterfeits by studying genuine money so closely that it is
easy to spot a fake. We should be so familiar with God’s Word that
when God does speak to us or lead us, it is clear that it is God. While
God can speak audibly to people, He speaks primarily through His
Word. By applying what we hear to the truth of Scripture, we can
learn to recognize His voice.
Question: "What is the power of prayer?"
Answer: The idea that power is inherent in prayer is a very popular
one. According to the Bible, the power of prayer is, quite simply, the
power of God, who hears and answers prayer. Consider the following:
1) The Lord God Almighty can do all things; there is nothing
impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). 2) The Lord God Almighty invites His
people to pray to Him. Prayer to God should be made persistently
(Luke 18:1), with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6), in faith (James 1:5),
within the will of God (Matthew 6:10), for the glory of God (John
14:13-14), and from a heart right with God (James 5:16). 3) The Lord
God Almighty hears the prayers of His children. He commands us to
pray, and He promises to listen when we do. “In my distress I called
to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my
voice; my cry came before him, into his ears” (Psalm 18:6). 4) The
Lord God Almighty answers prayer. “I call on you, O God, for you will
answer me” (Psalm 17:6). “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears
them; he delivers them from all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17).
Another popular idea is that the amount of faith we have determines
whether or not God will answer our prayers. However, sometimes
the Lord answers our prayers in spite of our own lack of faith. In Acts
12, the church prays for Peter’s release from prison (v. 5), and God
answers their prayer (vv. 7-11). Peter goes to the door of the prayer
meeting and knocks, but those who are praying refuse at first to
believe that it is really Peter. They prayed he would be released, but
they failed to expect an answer to their prayers. The power of prayer
does not flow from us; it is not special words we say or the special
way we say them or even how often we say them. The power of
prayer does not come from the use of artifacts or icons or candles or
beads. The power of prayer comes from the omnipotent One who
hears our prayers and answers them. Prayer places us in contact with
Almighty God, and whether or not He chooses to grant our petitions
or deny our requests. Whatever the answer to our prayers, the God
47 |Spiritual Mentoring
to whom we pray is the source of the power of prayer, and He can
and will answer us, according to His perfect will and timing.
 What have you done in the past during your quiet time?
 Where do you go and what has your experience been during
your quiet time?
 What stuck you about the articles?
 Why do you pray?
 Do you believe your prayers are powerful? Why or why not?
Determine a time during the day that you will pray. Do it every day
for 40 days. Start small, maybe 5-10 minutes. It’s more important to
be consistent than make a grandiose goal and miss the mark. During
your prayer time, share with God 4 things (A.C.T.S.):
A. Adoration – Tell Him what you adore about who He is.
C. Confession – Tell Him what you need to confess where your heart,
mind, or actions haven’t been right with Him.
T. Thanks – Tell Him what you are thankful for that He has provided
for you.
S. Specific – Tell Him specifically where you need Him in your life right
At the end of you time together make sure you carve out about 15
minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
Question: "Why is serving God important?"
Answer: Is it really necessary to serve God? What is the purpose of
changing our priorities to accomplish tasks that God could honestly
do better and more quickly without us? Peter addresses the
importance of serving God in 1 Peter 4:10-11: “Each one should use
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whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering
God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as
one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it
with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be
praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for
ever and ever. Amen.” Peter makes it clear that we have received our
gifts from God for two purposes—to serve others and to bring praise
to God. Serving isn’t about us receiving attention or glory; it is for
Him to receive glory. How does God receive glory when we serve?
The transforming power of Jesus Christ is on display in the lives of
those who have traded selfishness for selflessness. Peter says
believers should recognize that we are speaking and serving directly
on behalf of God to others, while He gives the ability and strength for
us to do so. And when we direct glory towards Him instead of
accepting it for ourselves, we stand out from the crowd of those who
glorify only themselves. And that difference in our lives causes
people to examine the life-changing nature of a relationship with
Jesus Christ. It validates our faith in front of others. Romans 12:1-2
says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to
offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is
your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the
pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—
his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Paul’s point is that for those who
have been saved by the blood of Jesus, it only makes sense to honor
Him. Giving ourselves to God is our spiritual act of worship (the Greek
word for “spiritual” can also be translated "reasonable"). It’s only
reasonable that we would serve the God who has provided the
greatest service of all: salvation from sin and self and eternal life with
Him in heaven.
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What is my spiritual gift?
Of spiritual gifts, Paul says, “But to each one is given the
manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Corinthians
12:7). Spiritual gifts are talents and abilities given to Christians by the
Holy Spirit to serve the church. In a body made of individual believers,
it doesn’t make sense for each person to have the same gift—a
church made of all teachers, and no servants, would be ineffective.
So the Holy Spirit distributes the different gifts so that all the needs
of the church can be filled and all the people of the church can be
cared for (1 Corinthians 12:11). Identifying our spiritual gifts is crucial
if the church is to function effectively and efficiently. Often our
passions in life will line up with our spiritual gifts, but sometimes they
are completely different. Natural inborn talents are not to be
confused with gifts of the Spirit. Input from others is also helpful, as
we may not realize when and in what areas we are having an effect
for Christ. Asking God in prayer is critical, since He distributes the
gifts. And there are several books and tests available that can be used
for input. One thing to keep in mind is that spiritual gifts are not rigid.
Gifts can be used in different ways. Someone with the gift of service
may teach or join the worship team because there is a need to be
filled. Someone with the gift of mercy may find themselves
babysitting to relieve a burdened family. And someone with the gift
of encouragement may feel led to start an online Bible ministry,
trusting God to fill in other needs as they arise. Recognizing God’s
flexibility and creativity will prevent the common problem with
identifying spiritual gifts—pigeonholing ourselves. We can get so
wrapped up with what a test says that we insist on serving where we
want and not where we’re needed.
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That is not the purpose of spiritual gifts. The purpose is to serve the
body of Christ, not make an excuse for avoiding what we don’t want
to do. It’s very telling that Paul ends 1 Corinthians 12, a long chapter
about spiritual gifts, with the segue, “and I show you a still more
excellent way” (verse 31b), and then he immediately explains how
any gift or talent or sacrifice without love is useless (1 Corinthians
 What skills/talents do you have?
 What spiritual gift do you believe you have?
 Have you used those gifts at the church? Why or why not?
If you aren’t serving somewhere at the church, consider taking your
gift and using it once a month in a ministry. Begin small—don’t make
any major commitments. Call the pastor of that ministry to see where
there is a need and how you can support it with your gifts. Commit to
once a month and then consider investing more time as you move
At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15
minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
Question: "What is the importance of Christian fellowship?"
Answer: In order to understand the importance of Christian
fellowship, we must first understand what Christian fellowship is and
what it isn’t. The Greek words translated “fellowship” in the New
Testament mean essentially a partnership to the mutual benefit of
those involved. Christian fellowship, then, is the mutually beneficial
relationship between Christians, who can’t have the identical
relationship with those outside the faith. The mystery and privilege
that is Christian fellowship is that it exists because God has enabled it
by His grace. Those who believe the gospel are united in the Spirit
through Christ to the Father, and that unity is the basis of fellowship.
This relationship is described by Jesus in His high-priestly prayer for
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His followers: “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that
they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be
brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me
and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:23). The
“complete unity” He refers to is the oneness that Christians
experience in true fellowship, oneness with one another, with Christ,
and with the Father. Just as the Father is in Jesus, so is Jesus in us,
and we have unity with one another because of the uniqueness of
that relationship (1 John 1:3). This relationship must be the basis of
Christian fellowship. We can have friendships and relationships with
unbelievers, but true Christian fellowship can only occur within the
body of Christ. We are united to one another by common beliefs,
purposes, and goals. Our hearts and minds are “other-worldly”
because we follow Jesus Christ, who said that His kingdom is not of
this world (John 18:36). We know that we are strangers in this world
and we long for the time when we will be in our true home, heaven.
The importance of true Christian fellowship is that it reinforces these
things in our mind and helps us to focus on Christ and His desires and
goals for us. As iron sharpens iron, in true Christian fellowship
Christians sharpen one another's faith and stir one another to
exercise that faith in love and good works, all to God’s glory.
What did you learn from the article?
Is it easy or hard for you to develop friends? Why or why not?
Are you in a community group? Why or why not?
Do you have anyone holding you accountable? And what areas are
they holding you accountable in?
What are 3 things that I can hold you accountable to and ask you on a
regular basis?
If you aren’t in a community group, consider a group to try for the
next 2 months in order to connect with other believers.
At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15
minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
52 |Spiritual Mentoring
What is the tithe? The word “tithe” comes from an Old English root
meaning “one tenth.” It is the common English translation for the Old
Testament Hebrew asar word group. The tithe was an offering of
one’s agricultural income to the Lord as an expression of thanks and
dedication. In the Old Testament agricultural economy, tithes were
paid not in cash, gold, or goods, but in crops or livestock, for only the
agricultural fruit of the promised land was to be tithed—not other
forms of income. Although today we commonly think of the tithe as
“10 percent” as a result, apparently there are three tithes in the Old
Testament, two every year and a third every third year, or an average
of 23.3 percent of one’s annual produce from the land. There was
also provision for freewill offerings and personal giving above and
beyond the tithe, so that the tithe never stood alone. Tithes were
given by the patriarchs Abraham (Genesis 14:17-20) and Jacob
(Genesis 28:22); a system of tithes was instituted in the law of God
given through Moses (Deuteronomy 12; 14; 26); and the prophets
rebuked the children of Israel for failing to give the tithe to God
(Malachi 3:8). The idea of the tithe is still present in the New
Testament (Matthew 23:23), but it is never explicitly applied to
believers. Instead, almost all Christians are called to more
extravagant freewill giving in response to the gospel of the Lord Jesus,
based on faith in God as provider (2 Corinthians 9:6-10).
Is the tithe the standard of Christian giving for us today, or was it
just the standard for Old Testament Israel? Neither. The tithe was
never the standard of Old Testament generosity, nor is it the
standard of Christian generosity today. Tithing may be a helpful
guideline as we strive to develop a lifestyle of even greater giving, but
it was and is possible to tithe faithfully while neglecting true, biblical
generosity (as Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees; see note on
Matthew 23:23). First, a close look at the Old Testament and other
ancient Jewish evidence shows that the tithe (as a mandatory gift
equaling a tenth of one’s income) only applied to crops and animals
from the promised land, not to all income in any time and place.
Moreover, 10 percent was never “the standard,” for there were three
tithes (two every year, one every three years) and many other
offerings and gifts that were also part of Jewish life. In the Old
Testament and today, God usually requires far more from his people
than the 10 percent we typically assume.
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 What did you learn about tithing?
 Is giving easy or hard for you? Why?
 If you look at last year’s W-2 and your giving statement, did
you give 10%? Why or why not?
Consider “testing” God in this area of your life. Commit to being
faithful for 30 days by giving the full tithe. Don’t compromise; trust
God and see what happens as you trust Him with your stuff.
At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15
minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
Question: "What is Christian Missions?"
Answer: Christian missions is following Christ’s call: sharing the
Gospel with the lost world through God’s wisdom and strength.
Christian missions is obeying Christ After Christ’s death and
resurrection, He commanded the disciples to share the Gospel, the
message of His redemption. "Go therefore and make disciples of all
the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded
you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age"
(Matthew 28:19-20). This Great Commission applies to Christians
today. Rather than a burden, obeying His call brings joy and reward in
heaven. We should fulfill our mission not out of duty but love: “For
the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for
all, therefore all died; and He died for all, that they who live should
no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on
their behalf. . . . Now all these things are from God, who reconciled
us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of
reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to
Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has
committed to us the word of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:14-21).
God could convert everyone using a blinding light and the voice of
Christ as He did with the apostle Paul. Instead, He gives Christians the
mission of reconciliation (Acts 1:8-9). He works through us, calling
sinners to turn to Christ in repentance and faith. Christian missions is
54 |Spiritual Mentoring
sharing Christ Our mission is proclaiming Christ as the only way to
abundant, eternal life. Whom do we tell? Jesus made it clear that
Christians are to reach out to “all the nations” (Matthew 28:19).
Instead of countries, he was referring to people groups, those ethnic
cultures without a Gospel witness. Christian missions, however, is not
limited to overseas ministry. While believers should faithfully support
those who go to the unreached, all Christians have the mission to
share Christ on the home field with family, friends, coworkers, and
the community. The Christian mission of sharing Christ does not end
with a sinner’s salvation. The commission was to make disciples – not
immature believers. Thus, Christian missions involves not only
evangelism but also discipleship. Christian missions is relying on
Christ Sharing the Gospel humbly, boldly, and passionately is our
Christian mission. But we cannot do it alone. While our mission is
sharing Christ, the power and results come from the Lord. He gives us
the wisdom, strength, and desire to witness! Through our witness, He
works repentance and faith in the sinner’s heart (2 Corinthians 5:20-
21). Although it is God's work, Christians are responsible to
understand the Gospel and have a strong relationship with Christ.
Such a relationship guards them from hypocrisy. “But sanctify Christ
as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to
everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you,
yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so
that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your
good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” (1 Peter 3:15-16).
Jesus assured that suffering would accompany missions, but God
uses it for good. In sum, Christian missions is obeying Christ, sharing
Christ, and relying on Christ. Specifically, God sends missionaries
through the support of the church to the unreached. All Christians,
however, have the mission of reconciliation. The Lord works through
them to rescue the lost. What greater mission can one answer?
Question: "How do I share my Christian testimony?"
Answer: An effective testimony is one that conveys both your own
experience and the Gospel of Christ so that someone else has the
information about the process of salvation.
(1) Start by writing down the details of how you came to trust in
Christ to save you. Answering the following questions to help you:
a) Who told me about Christ?
b) What events led up to me trusting or believing in Christ?
c) When did I trust in Christ?
d) Where was I when I first believed?
55 |Spiritual Mentoring
e) How has faith in Christ been a blessing to me?
(2) Next write this out so that it flows well as a story. Try to be as
concise as possible. As a goal, try to make the length of your
testimony so that it can be effectively shared in three minutes or less.
(3) Make sure you have included the appropriate Scriptures in your
testimony. Remember that it is Scripture that is authoritative
because it is God’s Word. As an example, your testimony should
consist of your becoming aware that you were separated from God
by your sin (Romans 3:23), the realization that you would spend
eternity away from God if you did not receive forgiveness (Romans
6:23), the understanding that God sent His only perfect Son Jesus to
die and pay for your sin (Romans 5:8), and finally your receiving
forgiveness by trusting alone in Christ’s payment for sin (Acts 16:31).
 Have you ever gone on a mission? If yes, what was your
experience like, and if no, why?
 Have you ever shared your “Jesus story” with anyone? Share
that experience.
 Have you ever shared the gospel with someone? Share your
 Write out your story and then read it to your mentor.
 Consider a country you could begin praying about from our 5
global partners we have at the Crossing (Uganda, El Salvador,
Mexico, Vietnam, and India). Find out about what we are
participating in regarding each country and invite God to
grow your heart for one of those countries. Pray every day
for the next 30 days about which country you could invest
 Write down 5 people in your life who do not know Jesus.
Begin praying for them on a regular basis. Make an
intentional effort to spend time with them on a monthly
basis and ask God to open up an opportunity to share your
“Jesus story.”
At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out
about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss
these questions:
56 |Spiritual Mentoring
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
57 |Spiritual Mentoring
Bible Stories Discussion
Consider 10 Bible stories you would learn. Choose any 5 stories from
the Old Testament and 5 stories from the New Testament.
If you aren’t sure of some great stories, we have listed some ideas
below. Discuss with your mentor the 10 stories you have chosen. The
goal isn’t to memorize the verses but rather to know the story. When
you get together with your mentor, share what story you picked,
where it is in the Bible, and what the story is about. This will
challenge you to know it. Two weeks before you meet with your
mentor, read the story you have chosen every day. When you sit and
soak in God’s word, it becomes a part of you. The goal is to know the
stories so well that you will be able to share them with others along
your journey.
Here is a list of some of the greatest Old Testament Bible
 Creation of the universe – Genesis 1:1-25 Creation of
mankind – Genesis 1:26-31
 Adam formed – Genesis 2:7-8 Eve created – Genesis 2:20-25
 Garden of Eden – Genesis 3 Cain & Abel – Genesis 4
 Noah’s flood – Genesis 6 to 8 Abraham’s call – Genesis 12:1-3
 God’s blessings & covenant with Noah - Genesis 9:1-17
Isaac's birth – Genesis 21:1-8
 Tower of Babel – Genesis 11:1-9 Burning bush - God speaks
to Moses – Exodus 3:1 to 4:17
 God’s covenant with Abraham – Genesis 15 Egypt's nine
plagues – Exodus 7:14 to 10:29
 Sodom Gomorrah – Genesis 18:16 to 19:29 Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abed-nego– Daniel 3
 Sacrifice of Isaac – Genesis 22:1-19 Jonah in the belly of the
fish – Jonah 1:1 to 2:10
 Birth of Jacob and Esau – Genesis 25:19-26 Daniel put in the
lions’ den – Daniel 6
 Esau sells his birthright to Jacob– Genesis 25:27-34 Ezekiel's
vision of dry bones – Job 42:10-13
 Jacob's vision of the ladder – Genesis 28:10-22 Golden calf
made by Aaron – Exodus 32
 Jacob's wrestle with the angel and has his named changed to
Israel – Genesis 32:24-32
 Israel's (Jacob) trouble in the land – Genesis 34, 35, and 37
 Joseph's coat, dreams – and sold by his brothers for twenty
pieces of silver–Genesis 37
58 |Spiritual Mentoring
 Israel (Jacob) blesses his twelve sons and then dies – Genesis
 Birth of Moses and found by Pharaoh's daughter – Exodus
 Moses kills an Egyptian, goes to Midian, and gets a wife –
Exodus 2:11-25
 Tenth plague against Egypt threatened – Exodus 11 Elijah and
the prophets of Baal–Job 42:10-13
 The Passover instituted – Exodus 12:1-20 God blesses Job –
Job 42:10-13
 The Passover communicated – Exodus 12:21-28 Job afflicted
by Satan – Job 1:1 to 2:13
 Tenth plague against Egypt inflicted – Exodus 12:29-30 God is
displeased with David – II Samuel 12:1-14
 The Exodus - God's deliverance– Exodus 12:31-51 David and
Goliath – I Samuel 17
 Crossing the Red Sea – Exodus 14 God's first appearance to
Solomon – I Kings 3:2-15
 The Ten Commandments – Exodus 20:1-17 Samuel's birth – I
Samuel 1
 Spies sent to Canaan – Numbers 13:1 to 14:45 City of
Jericho – Numbers 13:1 to 14:45
 Deborah and Barak – Judges 4 Gideon – Judges 6:1 to 8:35
 Samson – Judges 6:1 to 8:35 Samson and Delilah – Judges
 Ruth – Ruth 1:1 to 4:22
 Hannah's (Samuel's mom) I Samuel 2:1-10
 David chosen by God – I Samuel 16:1-13
 David and Bathsheba – II Samuel 11
 Solomon anointed king – I Kings 1:28-40
 God's second appearance to Solomon – I Kings 9:1-9
 God is angry with Solomon – I Kings 11
 Elijah taken to heaven – II Kings 2:1-11
 God speaks to Job – Job 38:1 to 42:9
Here is a list of some of the greatest New Testament Bible
 Birth of John the Baptist – Luke 1
 Birth of Jesus Christ – Matthew 1:1 to 2:23 Luke 1:26-56 and
 Temptation of Jesus Christ in the wilderness – Matthew 4:1-
11 and Luke 4:1-13
59 |Spiritual Mentoring
 Sermon on the mount – Matthew 5:1 to 7:29
 Jesus Christ calming the storm – Matthew 8:23-27, Mark
4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25
 Jesus Christ feeding five thousand – Matthew 14:15-21 and
Luke 9:12-17
 Transfiguration of Jesus Christ – Mark 9:2-10 and Luke 9:28-
 Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem – Matthew 21:1-11, Mark
11:1-11, and Luke 19:29-44
 Cleansing the temple of money changers – Matthew 21:12-
16 and Luke 19:45-46
 Last supper – Matthew 26:14-29, Mark 14:12-25, and Luke
 Lord before Pilate and crucifixion – Matthew 27:11-54, Mark
15:1-39, Luke 23:1-47, and John 18:28 to 19:30
 Empty tomb and appearances – Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke
24, and John 20:1
 Ascension – Luke 24:51-53 and Acts 1:1-11
 Paul's conversion – Acts 9:1-30
At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out
about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss
these questions:
 What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?
 Where are you struggling to trust Him?
 How can I pray for you?
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
Bmf 1 spiritual mentoring
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  • 3. ii |Mentoring Series Table of Contents PENDAHULUAN................................................................................... vii 14 MENTORING SERIES.......................................................................viii 1. APAKAH MENTORING ITU?...........................................................1 1. “MENTOR” is a NOUN................................................................... 2 2. “MENTOR” is a VERB.....................................................................2 MENTORING MENURUT RICK WARREN............................................3 2. CONTOH MENTORING DALAM ALKITAB.......................................5 Dalam Perjanjian Lama..................................................................... 5 Dalam Perjanjian Baru.......................................................................7 3. PERBEDAAN COACHING & MENTORING.....................................10 4. LIMA FASE MODEL MENTORING RELATIONSHIP........................10 4...........................................................................................................11 5. MENGAPA MENTORING DIPERLUKAN?...................................... 11 BELAJAR DARI GEREJA KOREA.........................................................15 Masalah-masalah dalam gereja Korea............................................16 Everyone knows they need a mentor, but very few people have one. Why?....................................................................................... 18 6. BAGAIMANAKAH MENTOR YANG BAIK ITU?.............................. 20 10 Ways to be a Good Mentor........................................................21 How to be a Good Mentor..............................................................26 7. Characteristics of a good Mentor and a good Mentee...............31 8. CARA-CARA MENTORING................................................................33 9. Spiritual Mentoring.....................................................................34 Stage 1 – Spiritual infancy / “Learning to crawl”............................ 39 Stage 2 – Spiritual adolescence / “Learning to walk”.....................44 What you will be doing?............................................................. 44 What will you using?...................................................................44
  • 4. iii |Mentoring Series Prayer..........................................................................................45 Serving.........................................................................................48 Community..................................................................................51 Giving...........................................................................................53 Evangelism.................................................................................. 54 Here is a list of some of the greatest Old Testament Bible stories: .....................................................................................................58 Here is a list of some of the greatest New Testament Bible stories:.........................................................................................59 Stage 3 – Spiritual adulthood / “Learning to run”.......................... 62 10. SAAT TEDUH BERSAMA TUHAN..............................................63 "What is a quiet time?"...................................................................63 Akronim G-R-I-P:............................................................................. 64 1. G-o solo................................................................................... 64 3. I-ntrospeksi diri/refleksi..........................................................67 4. P-ray........................................................................................ 67 MENDENGAR SUARA ALLAH........................................................... 68 5 HAL YANG PERLU KITA PERHATIKAN DALAM SAAT TEDUH.........69 1. Remember that spending time with God is not about ritual, but relationship...........................................................................69 2. Establish a specific time every day when you will spend time with the Lord (jam 5 pagi & 10 malam, misalnya)......................69 3. Minimize your interruptions...................................................69 4. Choose a Bible version and a Bible-reading plan....................70 5. Interact as you read................................................................ 70 11. Metode mempelajari Alkitab: What is SOAP Journaling?...71 S = Scripture (AYAT FIRMAN TUHAN)............................................. 72 O = Observation (PENGAMATAN)...................................................72 A = Application (Penerapan)........................................................... 74 P = Prayer........................................................................................ 75 Peace Prayer of........................................................................... 77
  • 5. iv |Mentoring Series Francis of Assisi........................................................................... 77 12. What is a Disciple Maker?.......................................................81 I. A disciple maker is first a disciple of Jesus...................................81 II. A disciple maker develops strong relationships with a few........82 III. A disciple maker’s goal is to reproduce the life of Jesus in others. .........................................................................................................84 13. MENTORING............................................................................87 1. MODELING.............................................................................. 87 2. TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER (Menggunakan 7 kekuatan untuk mendukung perubahan maximal)........................................ 87 3. OPTIMUM POTENSIAL-1 (Menemukan potensi maksimal dalam sekolah kehidupan)..............................................................88 4. OPTIMUM POTENSIAL-2............................................................. 89 5. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING-1.........................................................90 6. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING-2.........................................................90 7. STEPS & REPRODUCTION........................................................ 91 KONSEP MENTORING: M-E-N-T-O-R = 7P...................................91  RELATE UP:..........................................................................91  RELATE IN:...........................................................................91  RELATE OUT:........................................................................91 Bagaimana kita membaca Alkitab? 4M.......................................... 92 M1-Menerima Firman.................................................................92 M2- Merenungkan Firman (Memeliti Firman)............................92 M3-Melakukan Firman................................................................92 M4-Menceritakan kebaikan & perbuatan Tuhan....................... 93 MENGUJI MIMPI..............................................................................94 GAMBARAN BESAR......................................................................... 94 PEMAGANGAN & SKILL................................................................... 95 Tiga hal yang kita butuhkan untuk membawa seseorang pada sasaran/target/goal yang baru:...................................................... 95 MENTOR & SUARA TUHAN............................................................. 96
  • 6. v |Mentoring Series Ada 4 hal yang paling menentukan pengaruh seseorang dalam memimpin:......................................................................................97 1. Otoritas............................................................................... 97 2. Kemampuan mengarahkan orang lain................................97 3. Integritas............................................................................. 97 4. Kemampuan untuk membuat keputusan dengan bijak..... 98 EVALUASI.........................................................................................99 H-ADIRAT ALLAH......................................................................... 99 A-AKTIVITAS................................................................................ 99 R-INTANGAN............................................................................. 100 I-NTERUPSI................................................................................ 100 SPIRITUAL MENTORING SERIES.........................................................101 Part 1: How to Find a Spiritual Mentor.........................................101 4 Benefits of Having a Mentor......................................................101 7 Tips for Choosing a Mentor.......................................................102 About Laura.................................................................................. 103 Part 2- How to Become a Mentor.................................................104 3 Benefits of Being a Mentor.................................................... 104 7 Tips for Choosing a Mentee...................................................105 What Exactly is a Mentor?............................................................107 How to be a Mentor...................................................................... 107 Helpful Tools to Mentor/Disciple.................................................108 PENUTUP...........................................................................................112
  • 8. vii |Mentoring Series PENDAHULUAN Pemuridan tidak hanya terbatas pada bahan pengajaran. Pemuridan lebih dari sekedar belajar dari buku atau materi-materi pemuridan tertentu. Hal selanjutnya yang sangat diperlukan dalam proses pemuridan adalah mentoring. Mentoring dilakukan dalam rangkaian proses dimuridkan dan memuridkan, dan proses mentoring ini berlaku seumur hidup dalam seluruh dinamikanya. Dalam hal kerohanian disebut “Spiritual Mentoring” (yang dimaksud adalah menanamkan nilai-nilai kerohanian kristiani dalam pribadi seseorang). Bahan “Spiritual Mentoring” ini disusun sebagai panduan, memperluas wawasan kita, serta memotivasi kita untuk terlibat di dalam proses dimuridkan dan memuridkan. Matius 28:19-20 19 Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa murid-Ku dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus, 20 dan ajarlah mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu. Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman."
  • 9. viii |Mentoring Series 14 MENTORING SERIES 1. Spiritual Mentoring, Mentoring Eddy Leo, What Is Disciple Maker? 2. Loving God, Abundant Life, Menjalani Hidup Kudus, Manusia Rohani, Rendah Hati, Umat yang layak, 7 mountains, Makna Natal, Makna Emas-Kemenyan-Mur 3. Mengelola Keuangan Dengan Bijak, Karakter Kristiani 4. PERNIKAHAN & KELUARGA: A. PRA NIKAH B. PASCA NIKAH C. PERAN SEORANG PRIA KRISTEN D. PERAN SEORANG WANITA KRISTEN 5. Healthy Cell Group, Church Growth, Prayer, Conversation Evangelism 6. Bible Survey (English) 7. Bible Survey (Indonesia) with NIV Quickview 8. Pokok Penting Alkitab (setiap kitab dalam Alkitab) 9. READ THE BIBLE,
  • 10. ix |Mentoring Series Homiletika (Cara berkhotbah) 10. Christian Leadership (Nilai-nilai dalam Kepemimpinan Kristen) 11. MORE THAN CONQUEROR (Lebih dari Pemenang, Menang atas kuasa iblis) 12. 1. DOCTRINE & DISCIPLESHIP: A. Garam Dunia B. Neraka C. Pemilihan D. Penderitaan E. Kejahatan F. Peperangan rohani G. Inti Kekristenan H. Doa yang dikabulkan I. Doa Pagi 2. Kehidupan Kristen: A. Pola Pikir Kerajaan Allah B. Status Kita Di Hadapan Tuhan C. Menjadi Saksi Yesus D. Menjadi Murid Yesus E. Manusia Rohani F. Kekristenan Yang Gagal G. Memberi Dampak Bagi Kota 13. HOLY SPIRIT 14. GEREJA, WANITA, ANAK-ANAK BMF collections - 2015
  • 12. 1 |Spiritual Mentoring 1. APAKAH MENTORING ITU? Secara bahasa, mentoring berasal dari bahasa Inggris mentor yang artinya penasehat. Mentoring (verb) gerund or present participle: mentoring advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague). Mentor adalah seorang yang penuh kebijaksanaan, pandaimengajar, mendidik, membimbing, membina, melatih, dan menangani oranglain, maka istilah“mentor”ini sering digunakan dalam kontekspendidikan, bimbingan, pembinaan, training dan latihan. Secara umummentoring merupakan kegiatan pendidikan yangmencakup di dalamnya tentang mengajar, mendidik, melatih, dan membina, yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan saling nasehat- menasehati yang ada didalamnya dan terdapat rasa saling mempercayai satu sama lain, antara dua pelakuutama yaitu mentor (penasehat utama dalam kelompok mentoring) dan mentee(peserta mentoring). Arti saling nasehat-menasehati itu adalah saling memberikan perhatianhati terhadap yang dinasehati yang bertujuan untuk kebaikan dan dilakukan sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan Mentorship is a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger, but have a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with vast experience and someone who wants to learn. [1] Mentoring" is a process that always involves communication and is relationship based, but its precise definition is elusive. One definition of the many that have been proposed, is
  • 13. 2 |Spiritual Mentoring Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protégé)".[2] There are many words that could be used to describe the process of training and equipping others. Why choose “mentor?” 1. “MENTOR” is a NOUN A mentor is “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.”2 This definition highlights three primary attributes of an effective mentor. The godly wisdom you have gained from your ministry experience is a key asset as you train others. As you consider how to help a student grow, ask yourself the question, “What do I know now about ministry that I wish I had known a lot earlier in my ministry life?” Undoubtedly, many of these things are wisdom issues that you learned by experience. They are often the things that are now “second nature” to you but can be quite intimidating to a student. Some things can only be gained by experience, but there are many others that you can convey in the context of a mentoring process. As a teacher, therefore, you will be communicating truth in the context of ministry, not merely in the abstract. As a mentor you are also a “trusted counselor.” These words highlight the importance of the relationship between you and the student. Hopefully, your mentoring meetings will become more than merely a “check-up” on ministry objectives. Ideally, the student will bring personal struggles and challenging questions to the mentoring meetings. 2. “MENTOR” is a VERB Teach: As a mentor, you will be teaching in the best sense of the word. As indicated above, the mentoring experience is designed to provide holistic equipping for the student who is preparing for Kingdom leadership.
  • 14. 3 |Spiritual Mentoring Model: As a mentor, you will be modeling not only ministry skills, but attitudes toward His work and His people. In 2 Thessalonians 3:9, Paul described himself as a “model” for the believers to imitate. The word translated “model” (tu,poj ) originally referred to the “visible impression of a stroke or pressure.”3 The student you mentor will carry much of what is seen in your example into a lifetime of ministry. As such, you are making an “impression” for a lifetime. Train: One of the most important aspects of Mentored Ministry is the activity involved. The student is not passive in this process but engaged in training for ministry. Below (II.B.1) you will find an overview of the mentoring process describing the student’s progress from being a mere observer to an actual participant in ministry. This is training and equipping at its best! Disciple: Ultimately, what you are providing for a student is discipleship in the context of a ministry setting. Mentored Ministry should contribute to the student’s growth in Christ, ministry skills, and confirmation of gifts and calling. All of these are important elements of what it means for him to follow Christ. MENTORING MENURUT RICK WARREN You Mature As You Help Others Mature BY RICK WARREN “The things you’ve learned from me in the presence of many witnesses you are to entrust to other faithful people who will also be qualified to pass it on to others.” (2 Timothy 2:2) Don't be intimidated by the word "mentoring." Mentoring is as easy as taking someone to breakfast once a month and asking them, "How's it going?" If you want the special blessing of God on your life, you need to learn from other believers who are more mature than you, and you need to mentor believers who are younger than you. Every Christian needs both a Paul and a Timothy. A Paul is somebody who’s been a Christian longer than you and is helping to train and encourage you. That person may only be a month older than you, but he or she knows a little bit more and can mentor you. To have a Timothy means there is somebody in your life who hasn’t been a Christian as long as you, and you are helping build that
  • 15. 4 |Spiritual Mentoring person's faith. You are offering your Timothy encouragement and discipleship as he or she grows in the Lord. So you have a Paul and a Timothy in your life. But you are also a Paul and a Timothy to someone else. In 2 Timothy, Paul says this to Timothy: “The things you’ve learned from me in the presence of many witnesses you are to entrust to other faithful people who will also be qualified to pass it on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2). There are four generations in that verse. Paul says to Timothy that he helped mentor him, and now Timothy must find somebody to mentor, and then that person can find somebody else to mentor. Don’t be intimidated by the word “mentoring.” Mentoring is as easy as taking someone to breakfast once a month and asking them, “How’s it going?” You just need to be a friend. Listen to, encourage, and pray for that person. You don’t have to be the perfect Christian to do this. You just have to be willing. When you do that, you will receive the blessing of God in your life that you cannot imagine.
  • 16. 5 |Spiritual Mentoring 2. CONTOH MENTORING DALAM ALKITAB Dalam Perjanjian Lama 1 Samuel 3:1-2 Samuel yang muda itu menjadi pelayan TUHAN di bawah pengawasan Eli. Pada masa itu firman TUHAN jarang; penglihatan-penglihatan pun tidak sering. Pada suatu hari Eli, yang matanya mulai kabur dan tidak dapat melihat dengan baik, sedang berbaring di tempat tidurnya. Keluaran 18:1, 17-27 Kedengaranlah kepada Yitro, imam di Midian, mertua Musa, segala yang dilakukan Allah kepada Musa dan kepada Israel, umat-Nya, yakni bahwa TUHAN telah membawa orang Israel keluar dari Mesir. Tetapi mertua Musa menjawabnya: "Tidak baik seperti yang kaulakukan itu. Engkau akan menjadi sangat lelah, baik engkau baik bangsa yang beserta engkau ini; sebab pekerjaan ini terlalu berat bagimu, takkan sanggup engkau melakukannya seorang diri saja. Jadi sekarang dengarkanlah perkataanku, aku akan memberi nasihat kepadamu dan Allah akan menyertai engkau. Adapun engkau, wakililah bangsa itu di hadapan Allah dan kauhadapkanlah perkara-perkara mereka kepada Allah. Kemudian haruslah engkau mengajarkan kepada mereka ketetapan-ketetapan dan keputusan-keputusan, dan memberitahukan kepada mereka jalan yang harus dijalani, dan pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan. Di samping itu kaucarilah dari seluruh bangsa itu orang-orang yang cakap dan takut akan Allah, orang-orang yang dapat dipercaya, dan yang benci kepada pengejaran suap; tempatkanlah mereka di antara bangsa itu menjadi pemimpin seribu orang, pemimpin seratus orang, pemimpin lima puluh orang dan pemimpin sepuluh orang.
  • 17. 6 |Spiritual Mentoring Dan sewaktu-waktu mereka harus mengadili di antara bangsa; maka segala perkara yang besar haruslah dihadapkan mereka kepadamu, tetapi segala perkara yang kecil diadili mereka sendiri; dengan demikian mereka meringankan pekerjaanmu, dan mereka bersama- sama dengan engkau turut menanggungnya. Jika engkau berbuat demikian dan Allah memerintahkan hal itu kepadamu, maka engkau akan sanggup menahannya, dan seluruh bangsa ini akan pulang dengan puas senang ke tempatnya." Musa mendengarkan perkataan mertuanya itu dan dilakukannyalah segala yang dikatakannya. Dari seluruh orang Israel Musa memilih orang-orang cakap dan mengangkat mereka menjadi kepala atas bangsa itu, menjadi pemimpin seribu orang, pemimpin seratus orang, pemimpin lima puluh orang dan pemimpin sepuluh orang. Mereka ini mengadili di antara bangsa itu sewaktu-waktu; perkara- perkara yang sukar dihadapkan mereka kepada Musa, tetapi perkara- perkara yang kecil diadili mereka sendiri. Kemudian Musa membiarkan mertuanya itu pergi dan ia pulang ke negerinya. Contoh lain: Naomi and Ruth (Ruth 1:7–18; 2:17–3:16), Elijah and Elisha (2 Kgs 2:1–6).
  • 18. 7 |Spiritual Mentoring Dalam Perjanjian Baru In the New Testament, Jesus mentored the Twelve. One of them, Peter, forged some form of mentoring relationship with Barnabas (Gal 2:11–13), who went on to mentor Paul and Mark (Acts 12:25– 13:5). Paul in turn mentored Timothy, Titus, and several others (2 Tim 2:2). Kisah Para Rasul 5:34, 38-39 Tetapi seorang Farisi dalam Mahkamah Agama itu, yang bernama Gamaliel, seorang ahli Taurat yang sangat dihormati seluruh orang banyak, bangkit dan meminta, supaya orang- orang itu disuruh keluar sebentar. Karena itu aku berkata kepadamu: Janganlah bertindak terhadap orang-orang ini. Biarkanlah mereka, sebab jika maksud dan perbuatan mereka berasal dari manusia, tentu akan lenyap, tetapi kalau berasal dari Allah, kamu tidak akan dapat melenyapkan orang-orang ini; mungkin ternyata juga nanti, bahwa kamu melawan Allah."Nasihat itu diterima. Kisah Para Rasul 22:3-4, 10, 12, 16, 21"Aku adalah orang Yahudi, lahir di Tarsus di tanah Kilikia, tetapi dibesarkan di kota ini; dididik dengan teliti di bawah pimpinan Gamaliel dalam hukum nenek moyang kita, sehingga aku menjadi seorang yang giat bekerja bagi Allah sama seperti kamu semua pada waktu ini. Dan aku telah menganiaya pengikut-pengikut Jalan Tuhan sampai mereka mati; laki-laki dan perempuan kutangkap dan kuserahkan ke dalam penjara. Maka kataku: Tuhan, apakah yang harus kuperbuat? Kata Tuhan kepadaku: Bangkitlah dan pergilah ke Damsyik. Di sana akan diberitahukan kepadamu segala sesuatu yang ditugaskan kepadamu. Di situ ada seorang bernama Ananias, seorang saleh yang menurut hukum Taurat dan terkenal baik di antara semua orang Yahudi yang ada di situ.
  • 19. 8 |Spiritual Mentoring Dan sekarang, mengapa engkau masih ragu-ragu? Bangunlah, berilah dirimu dibaptis dan dosa-dosamu disucikan sambil berseru kepada nama Tuhan! Tetapi kata Tuhan kepadaku: Pergilah, sebab Aku akan mengutus engkau jauh dari sini kepada bangsa-bangsa lain." Kisah Para Rasul 13:43 Setelah selesai ibadah, banyak orang Yahudi dan penganut-penganut agama Yahudi yang takut akan Allah, mengikuti Paulus dan Barnabas; kedua rasul itu mengajar mereka dan menasihati supaya mereka tetap hidup di dalam kasih karunia Allah. Kisah Para Rasul 20:31 Sebab itu berjaga-jagalah dan ingatlah, bahwa aku tiga tahun lamanya, siang malam, dengan tiada berhenti- hentinya menasihati kamu masing-masing dengan mencucurkan air mata. Roma 12:8 jika karunia untuk menasihati, baiklah kita menasihati. Siapa yang membagi-bagikan sesuatu, hendaklah ia melakukannya dengan hati yang ikhlas; siapa yang memberi pimpinan, hendaklah ia melakukannya dengan rajin; siapa yang menunjukkan kemurahan, hendaklah ia melakukannya dengan sukacita. 1 Tesalonika 2:11-12 Kamu tahu, betapa kami, seperti bapa terhadap anak-anaknya, telah menasihati kamu dan menguatkan hatimu seorang demi seorang, dan meminta dengan sangat, supaya kamu hidup sesuai dengan kehendak Allah, yang memanggil kamu ke dalam Kerajaan dan kemuliaan-Nya. 1 Tesalonika 4:10 Hal itu kamu lakukan juga terhadap semua saudara di seluruh wilayah Makedonia. Tetapi kami menasihati kamu, saudara-saudara, supaya kamu lebih bersungguh-sungguh lagi melakukannya. 1 Tesalonika 5:14 Kami juga menasihati kamu, saudara-saudara, tegorlah mereka yang hidup dengan tidak tertib, hiburlah mereka
  • 20. 9 |Spiritual Mentoring yang tawar hati, belalah mereka yang lemah, sabarlah terhadap semua orang. Yudas 1:3 Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, sementara aku bersungguh-sungguh berusaha menulis kepada kamu tentang keselamatan kita bersama, aku merasa terdorong untuk menulis ini kepada kamu dan menasihati kamu, supaya kamu tetap berjuang untuk mempertahankan iman yang telah disampaikan kepada orang- orang kudus.
  • 21. 10 |Spiritual Mentoring 3. PERBEDAAN COACHING & MENTORING Table taken from Clutterbuck & Sweeney (1997) COACHING MENTORING Focus on task Focus on progress Usually short term Usually longer term – sometimes for life Explicit feedback Intuitive feedback Develops skills Develops capabilities Driven by coach Driven by mentee/learner Shows you where Helps you to work it out you went wrong yourself 4. LIMA FASE MODEL MENTORING RELATIONSH IP
  • 22. 11 |Spiritual Mentoring 5. MENGAPA MENTORING DIPERLUKAN? 1. Membentuk kepribadian yang utuh 2. Hidup yang terarah 3. Guru yang paling berharga adalah pengalaman. Selain pengalaman pribadi, adalah baik dan lebih cepat bila kita belajar dari pengalaman orang lain dan tidak perlu melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan yang sudah kita pelajari dari orang lain. 4. Supaya hidup kita maximal. 5. Agar kita bertumbuh & menjadi dewasa. 6. Untuk menghindari hal-hal sbb: a. Berhentinya pemuridan secara formal, tetapi kerohaniannya tidak bertumbuh & tidak ada bimbingan lanjutan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. b. Orang berkata bahwa ia percaya kepada Yesus, tetapi tidak sungguh-sungguh lahir baru. c. Orang mengklaim bahwa ia menerima Kristus di dalam hati, namun tidak benar-benar hidup sebagai seorang Kristen. d. Makna kekristenan yang kerdil, yang terpengaruh oleh selera manusia di era hedonisme, pluralisme, liberalisme, & universalisme. e. Hidup kekristenan yang tak bertujuan, membosankan, kurangnya/tidak adanya sukacita, tidak adanya kepedulian & tidak berani membayar harga.
  • 24. 13 |Spiritual Mentoring Mentoring dapat dilakukan dalam perjalanan kerohanian seseorang dari individual (perjumpaan pribadi dengan Tuhan) kemudian hidup bergereja (dengan pengarahan gembala/diperlengkapi) dan melayani/menjadi berkat/berperan dalam dunia.
  • 25. 14 |Spiritual Mentoring Mentoring dapat dilakukan pada seseorang dari menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juru Selamat, peduli akan dunia, mengasihi sesama, menjadikan murid, hingga mencintai dan memuliakan Tuhan.
  • 26. 15 |Spiritual Mentoring BELAJAR DARI GEREJA KOREA Persentase Tingkat pertumbuhan gereja di Korea mengalami penurunan drastis dari tahun 1989-1993 dari tingkat pertumbuhan 9% menjadi -4%. Secara umum dapat dikatakan penyebab penurunan ini adalah: 1. Tingkat kemakmuran yang tinggi, sehingga orang lebih suka memilih menghabiskan hari Minggu di pinggiran kota atau berolahraga daripada beribadah ke gereja. 2. Adanya kebebasan hidup bernegara. Kekristenan mendapatkan angin segar untuk bergerak tanpa ada penganiayaan atau rintangan. 3. Sistem pendidikan yang kurang menguntungkan bagi anak-anak muda di Korea. Para remaja menjadi sangat kompetitif. Mereka berjuang untuk masuk ke universitas yang lebih baik. Para siswa belajar pagi, siang dan malam dari pukul 07.00 hingga pukul 22.00 atau 23.00. Mereka tidak ada waktu untuk memupuk kerohanian mereka. Jun Ho Jin, professor misi pada ACTS, Seoul memberi alasan- alasan bahwa penurunan tingkat pertumbuhan gereja di Korea sbb: (Ro 1995:350-351) 1. Pertumbuhan gereja yang terlalu cepat dan kurangnya pemuridan terhadap jiwa-jiwa baru. 2. Pertumbuhan pada masa lalu merupakan akibat dari krisis yang terjadi pada bangsa Korea dan pertumbuhan itu adalah penyelesaian krisis yang telah terjadi. 3. Menurunnya keadaan rohani dan kebangunan- kebangunan rohani. 4. Gigihnya kompetisi gereja-gereja besar dan kesulitan untuk membuka gereja baru.
  • 27. 16 |Spiritual Mentoring 5. Hilangnya citra gereja dan munculnya problem di dalam gereja. 6. Pelayanan gereja memperlengkapi generasi tua, tetapi meninggalkan generasi muda. 7. Kurangnya penyesuaian gereja dalam perubahan- perubahan sosial yang ada. 8. Cepatnya perubahan sosial dan menurunnya masyarakat desa dan gereja desa. 9. Perubahan world view dari absolute truth ke relative religious pluralism. 10. Bangkitnya banyak bidat dan pengaruh ideologi baru 11. Bangkitnya gerakan pembebasan wanita dan kurangnya orientasi pada keluarga kristen. Masalah-masalah dalam gereja Korea Ro, ahli sejarah gereja dan Misi, mengajukan tiga masalah yang dihadapi oleh gereja-gereja di Korea, yaiut: 1. Schismatic Division. Di Korea, banyak gereja lokal yang kuat di bawah pimpinan seorang pendeta yang cakap. Mereka merasa tidak perlu bekerjasama dengan denominasi lain. Terjadi perpecahan antara gereja-gereja ekumenikal dengan gereja-gereja evangelikal. Mereka harus belajar tentang kemitraan. 2. Gereja kurang menaruh perhatian pada masalah- masalah sosial. Gereja hanya concern pada masalah- masalah dalam gereja saja dan tidak menyentuh masalah dalam masyarakat sekitarnya di mana ia hidup. Hal ini menimbulkan antipati dari orang-orang non Kristen. 3. Masalah gereja-gereja besar. Gereja dengan jemaat 700.000 orang, 60.000 orang. Apakah gereja mampu memuridkan mereka? Apakah jemaat gereja ini bisa terpenuhi kebutuhan rohani mereka? Apakah ada persiapan suksesi kepemimpinan?
  • 28. 17 |Spiritual Mentoring Selain hal-hal di atas, ada dua hal yang sangat berbahaya bagi kelangsungan hidup gereja-gereja di Korea, yaitu: 1. Injil kemakmuran. Beberapa orang beranggapan bahwa menjadi orang Kristen akan menjamin hidup sehat dan sukses dalam bisnis/pekerjaan. Memang Alkitab mengajarkan hal ini, namun bukan merupakan pengajaran utama. Yesus juga mengajarkan murid-muridNya membayar harga dari iman, dan siap menderita. Bahaya dari ajaran ini: memanjakan orang Kristen sehingga orang kristen tidak siap menghadapi penderitaan, penganiayaan, dan tidak bisa survive. 2. Injil Humanisme. Pengajaran yang menekankan pembahasan tentang kehidupan manusia di dunia. Tidak menyampaikan pengajaran tentang dosa, hukuman, murka Allah, kekudusan Allah, keadilan Allah, penebusan, pengampunan, pembenaran, pengudusan, dan keselamatan hanya dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Sumber: Sukamto, Amos. Rahasia Keberhasilan Gereja di Korea. Bandung, 2006.
  • 29. 18 |Spiritual Mentoring 12. Everyone knows they need a mentor, but very few people have one. Why? The reasons are many, really– people don’t know how to find the right person, or fear of rejection keeps them from asking. Getting a mentor falls into the dangerous “important but not urgent” category, so it never gets done. Others have no idea what a healthy mentoring relationship would actually look like, so they never take the first step. This year, we’re going to focus on these questions with a monthly mentoring series. We’ll cover topics like how to find the right person, how to begin a mentoring relationship, what questions you should be asking, and how to keep things on track with your mentor. You don’t need to wait till the series is over to ask for mentoring, but I hope knowing that help is coming will give you the confidence you need to move forward. Getting a mentor isn’t easy, but it can be done, and it’s worth it. Today, we’re going to start by examining why: 1. While we all ultimately have to find our own way, mentors can help you navigate that road more smoothly. Someone a few years down the road from you has the benefit of wisdom and experience behind them. A good mentor will get to know you, and can speak into your life with the benefit of their past experience. 2. Mentors bring a fresh perspective. It’s difficult to see your own strengths, weaknesses, and challenges clearly. Mentors can help you understand yourself better and see things as they really are.
  • 30. 19 |Spiritual Mentoring 3. Mentors make you ask the hard questions. having a mentor forces you to think through difficult questions, to consider what you really need and where you really want to go. If you have no idea what you need, you haven’t thought about it enough. Mentors make you think (and can nudge you if you’re stuck). 4. Mentors normalize our struggles. It’s enormously reassuring to hear your mentor say something like, “This thing you’re struggling with? I struggled with that, too. Everyone does.” 5. Mentors concretely improve our performance in and satisfaction with our work. Numerous studies have shown that people with mentors make more money at work, are promoted more often, and are more satisfied with their jobs. The benefits of mentoring outside the workplace may be harder to measure but they’re just as real. For now, be on the lookout for potential mentors. (If you find someone with mentoring potential, go ahead and ask them. It’s awkward, but it’s worth it.) - See more at: mentoring-4-reasons-you-need-a-mentor/#sthash.qL6R302m.dpuf
  • 31. 20 |Spiritual Mentoring 6. BAGAIMANAKAH MENTOR YANG BAIK ITU? I think there should be some common features to any of these types of individuals, including:  they are at least a half to full generation older than you  they have core values that are consistent with your own  they have demonstrated themselves to be trustworthy  they have shown a pronounced inclination to the sponsorship of others  they have accomplished themselves in ways that you respect, and are perhaps replicable by you  they are approachable  you have heard them speak about someone who mentored them
  • 32. 21 |Spiritual Mentoring 10 Ways to be a Good Mentor Good mentoring relationships can be richly rewarding, not only for the person being mentored, but for the mentor too. Mentors can, among other things, provide exceptional learning experiences for their mentees and, in doing so, expand their mentees' awareness, insight and perspective. Here are 10 things you can do to be a good mentor: 1. Be credible The best mentors I've encountered have been people that have credibility in, and have personally achieved success in, the area where I'm looking for support. For this reason, most people will seek the guidance of different mentors to help them develop specific skills or qualities, or to help them reach important decisions. Being credible doesn't mean that you need to have all the answers. The best answers for your mentee will come from their own thinking, with the help of your wisdom to support them. 2. Be a positive role model Good mentors are respected by their mentees. A mentee can learn a lot from their mentor simply by watching how their mentor behaves in any particular situation. Good mentors will also look out for experiences, or even create situations in which their mentees can become involved to learn new things, for example, providing a look behind the scenes or a glimpse at how other people live or do things. 3. Be genuinely interested in your mentee as an individual A mentoring relationship is a very personal one, which is often very important to the mentee, so, as a mentor,
  • 33. 22 |Spiritual Mentoring you need to get to know your mentee personally, about their hopes and dreams, so you can help them in a way that meets their personal best interest. For this reason, a parent is often not a good mentor for their child, as their parenting relationship and emotional connection will influence their guidance. That's not to say that a parent can never provide a mentoring moment for their child - they can - however, a parent can't be as objective as a person who's independent of the parenting role. In the same way, a manager is also not the best person to mentor someone on their team, as they'll often have a conflict of interest to contend with, between what's in the best interest of each individual and what's in the best interest of their team. 4. Share your experiences and insights In doing so, choose stories that you feel are appropriate and helpful, but do so in a neutral way, without any attachment to how your mentee will use this learning. Be open to sharing your mistakes and failures too, as these are often where our biggest lessons are learned. It will also help your mentee be aware that challenges will arise, and the way you dealt with the situation might also help them gain insight about how to build resilience. 5. Ask open questions Asking your mentee open questions will help you as a mentor to identify their real needs, values and passions. It's also a great way to get your mentee to think through situations themselves and draw out the consequences of the various choices or courses of action they can take. During these conversations, you can share your wisdom, without making decisions for your mentee. That's their job.
  • 34. 23 |Spiritual Mentoring 6. Act as a sounding board Mentees benefit greatly from the opportunity of having a good mentor listen to them. Allow them to explore their thoughts and ideas openly with you. This will often help them unravel their thinking and gain insights about a situation as they share their concerns with you. 7. Provide a fresh perspective One of the benefits of working with a mentor is that a good mentor will often provide their mentee with a fresh perspective on an issue. A good mentor will often have the clarity of distance from an issue or problem that's needed to provide objective feedback to their mentee. They can also hold up a 'mirror' to the mentee to, for example, let the mentee see what their behaviour looks like to others. 8. Provide helpful feedback Not all feedback is helpful. A good mentor knows this and will deliver feedback in a way that will help their mentee gain insight to further develop specific qualities or skills. For example, a good mentor will always ask for permission to give feedback before doing so. Giving unwelcome feedback can be detrimental to any mentoring relationship. Instead, explain what you'd like to talk about first and highlight the benefits of doing this. 9. Acknowledge achievements Highlight for your mentee any achievements they might have forgotten, to help build their confidence. Remember to celebrate their successes on your mentoring journey too.
  • 35. 24 |Spiritual Mentoring 10. Offer your advice, but only if your mentee asks for it It can be very tempting for a mentor to just jump in and offer advice before a mentee has actually asked for it, especially when you've dealt with a similar situation yourself. Being a sounding board for your mentee, allowing them to discuss the situation with you, then helping them to think through the situation by asking them questions to draw out the consequences of various actions, is always more empowering for a mentee than advising them what to do. It helps them work through the issue and come to their own conclusions. By doing so, you ultimately help them to learn to think through issues themselves and trust their own judgement, both valuable life skills.
  • 37. 26 |Spiritual Mentoring How to be a Good Mentor Make the Most of Your Commitment Mentoring can be a challenge that is well worth your time and effort. Use these tips to get the most out of mentoring sessions – both for you and your mentee. Tips for Mentors 1. Be fully present. Mentoring requires excellent listening and your full attention. Set aside your daily challenges and pressures during a mentor session so that you can devote your full attention to your mentee. Whether the mentoring session is in person, by telephone, or via email, this means making yourself unavailable to others during the mentoring conversation. By not allowing interruptions, the quality of your mentoring will be significantly more effective and productive for both of you. 2. Take time to make a personal connection at the start of the session. One of the pleasures of a mentoring relationship is the sense of connection between two people. Before launching into the focus area for the day, spend a few minutes making a personal connection. “Small talk” often helps both people to relax and get ready for a deeper conversation.
  • 38. 27 |Spiritual Mentoring 3. Ask open-ended questions. In order to provide relevant perspective, the mentor must understand the mentee’s situation and concerns at a deep level. Rather than asking questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” practice asking questions that call for a reflective response. Remember to ask early on why the mentee has sought a mentor and what she would like to gain from the experience. It is better to know some of the right questions than to have all of the answers. Highgain questions are open-ended questions rather than yes/no questions that typically start with “Who, What, When, How, Tell me more about…Give me an example of…” 4. Listen with curiosity, not judgment. Be conscious of your own listening and strive for deep listening coming from your own curiosity rather than problem solving. You will find that your mentee faces issues that you have also faced. However, each person is unique and comes to their present moment from a different path. Listen with the goal to learn more about the person. Do catch yourself judging the mentee and self-correct by reminding yourself to simply “follow curiosity” to learn more. 5. Try not to interrupt, unless there is a need to manage time or focus the dialogue. Do paraphrase or “feed back” what the mentee says to confirm that your understanding is accurate. 6. Ask direct questions to focus the session. Mentoring sessions often go all too quickly. To focus the session, ask simple and straightforward questions at the beginning of the session to ensure that the conversation is focused on the topics that are “top of mind” for the mentee today. For example, you could ask, “What would you like to talk about today?” or “I’d love a quick update and then let’s choose a topic for today’s session.” Ask early on in the session: What help do you need from me? 7. Notice what has “heart and meaning” for the mentee. A good mentor conversation involves much more than trading information and knowledge. By paying attention to the emotion and energy of the mentee, you will be able to observe what matters most to the mentee, as well as where he or she may feel discouraged or overwhelmed. Notice your mentee’s enthusiasms and areas of confidence and point them out to the mentee to help build confidence and connection. 8. Tell your story. People often learn best through storytelling. If you have experiences related to the challenges faced by your
  • 39. 28 |Spiritual Mentoring mentee, check with the mentee to see if she or he would like you to share the story of your experience. Make sure to focus on the aspects of your experience that are most pertinent. Telling your story should take no more than 10 minutes of a mentoring session, though it may lead to a rich discussion that links directly to the mentee’s situation. Try not to preach! 9. Share the conversation rather than doing all the talking. Sometimes, mentors mistakenly believe that their job is mainly to impart wisdom and expertise. If you find yourself talking at length, with little interruption or dialogue with your mentee, stop yourself and reorganize the conversation by asking questions about the mentee. Watch out for the tendency to “download” when someone asks the question you’ve been waiting all your life to answer! 10. Set and honor boundaries. Mentoring relationships work best when each person knows what to expect – and what not to expect. During the first session, establish the way in which the mentoring relationship will be set up. How frequently will you meet? Decide on the best form of communication (email, phone, Instant Messenger, etc.). How long will the conversations last? May the mentee contact you by email or telephone in between mentoring sessions? Be clear about how you would like it to work. Attention here early on prevents misunderstandings later on. 11. Follow through on your commitments. Inevitably, you will find yourself volunteering the title of a book, a referral to one of your contacts, to review or pass on a resume or some other small service to your mentee. Make note of your promise and make it a priority to follow through. Dropping the ball can lead to confusion and mistrust in the relationship. Do make commitments carefully, being realistic about what you can offer and by when you can deliver it. You may want to ask your mentee to prompt your follow-up with an email to you after the session. 12. Be encouraging and action-oriented. Recognize that the problem isn’t figuring out what to do – the problem is doing it! 13. Give helpful feedback. Provide constructive feedback that is specific, descriptive and nonjudgmental. 14. Honor confidentiality. Conversations between mentor and mentee must be considered private. It is a violation of trust to talk about the mentee’s life and issues outside of the mentoring conversation without the permission of the mentee. Be careful
  • 40. 29 |Spiritual Mentoring about honoring the mentee’s trust. Hold mentoring conversations in places where details shared in confidence will not be overheard by other stakeholders or interested parties. For Mentors: Language to Avoid Have you ever felt judged by someone whom you thought was listening with the intention to help you? When mentoring others, you can avoid giving this impression by avoiding the language of judgment. Here are some examples of what NOT to say: • “You should….” • “Yes, but….” • “Either/or” • “There’s only one way to do it….” • “What you need to do is….” • “What I always do is….” • “Your problem is….” • “Actually what needs to be done is….” • “If you don’t….. you aren’t going to….” • “I wouldn’t think about it that way.” For Mentors: Language that Encourages • “You could…” • “Have you considered….?” • “What would happen if you…?” • “What might be the consequences of not acting on this?” • “Yes/and” rather than “Either/or” • “There are many approaches that might work…” • “One idea is…what do you think?” • “What do you think needs to be done?” • “How else could you think about this?” • “What resources are available to you right now to support progress?” • “When has this happened to you before? What did you do?” Four Basic Beliefs of Good Mentors • The mentee is naturally creative, resourceful, and able. Nothing is wrong or broken – no need to “fix” the mentee. Mentees are capable of finding and acting on the answers. • Mentoring focuses on professional life but may also include personal concerns that affect the mentee’s life and work. • The agenda comes from the mentee not from the mentor. • The relationship is a designed alliance, not a top-down directed conversation. Listening: The Hallmark of a Great Mentor
  • 41. 30 |Spiritual Mentoring Good mentors are empathetic listeners. They understand the benefit for the mentee of speaking aloud what is on her mind. The seasoned mentor does not focus on interpreting the mentee’s story for problem solving. Instead, the mentor seeks to help the mentee define the real issues. H/she listens for the word choices, intentions, emotions, and nuances of the story. The mentor uses active listening and encouragement to connect with the mentee, while focusing on asking powerful, open-ended questions. Mentors listen for: • Goals and intentions • The meaning behind the story • Themes and recurrent words • Resistance, fear, anxiety, hesitation, “BS” • Progress • Tone, mood • Commitment and passion
  • 42. 31 |Spiritual Mentoring 7. Characteristics of a good Mentor and a good Mentee What is a good Mentor: A patient and active listener and eagle-eyed Inspires trust Gives advice without dictating actions Encourages independence yet offers support Offers constructive criticism as well as compliments Open and honest A good role model through actions and words Willing to spend time, reach out, and share An effective intermediary What makes a good Mentee: Asks questions Willing to be mentored Strives to give his/her best at all times Accepts criticism graciously Learns from mistakes Has courage to try new things Accepts responsibilities Open and honest Respectful and grateful Listens, watches, learns, grows
  • 44. 33 |Spiritual Mentoring 9. Spiritual Mentoring A spiritual journey of personal growth The Crossing Church 2013-2014 Table of Contents Intro to mentoring 3 stages of spiritual growth Stage 1 – Spiritual Infancy ‘Learning to crawl’ Overview New Believers Bible Reading Plan Personality Review Scripture Memorization Character Evaluation Stage 2 – Spiritual Adolescence ‘Learning to walk’ Overview Prayer Serving Community Giving Evangelism Bible Stories Bible Study My Commitment Stage 3 – Spiritual adulthood ‘Learning to run’
  • 45. 34 |Spiritual Mentoring Everyone’s spiritual growth travels through 3 spiritual stages … · Spiritual infancy — similar to an infant when we are new to the faith, we need someone to help us along our way, where we are spiritually fed. In other words, we need to crawl before we walk. · Spiritual adolescence — our growth in this area takes place when we learn to feed ourselves—we can’t stay babies forever! We begin to walk before we run. We start to take personal responsibility for our faith and we learn to spiritually feed ourselves. · Spiritual adulthood — at this point, it’s time to run. Imagine still living at home at 50—not the best idea! We started by crawling; we know how to walk; now it’s time to run. In other words, a spiritual adult is someone who takes what they know and what they’ve learned and begins to teach it to someone else. They spiritually feed others, like someone once spiritually fed them. How do you know if you are ready? I don’t know if anyone ever feels ready, but if you are willing to give Jesus what you have, he will multiply it like the boy who gave Jesus a few fish and a few loaves. Jesus has a funny way of taking a surrendered heart and transforming it into his image. If you are willing, it means you are willing to be in an accountable relationship with a spiritual mentor regarding your life with Christ, your finances, your purity, your relationships, and your job. The mentoring journey always includes 3 questions your mentor asks: 1- Where are you spiritually today? 2- Where do you hope to be a year from now? 3- What is one step we can take to move toward this hope? What are the expectations we have of you as we begin this journey? · Come on time! Be on time, unless you have made other arrangements with your spiritual mentor. · Come prepared! Do the work. If you are assigned a task, then complete it. You will get out of the process what you put into it. · Come prayed up! Much of the work that you are hoping God does in you begins on your knees. This isn’t counseling and it isn’t a self- help session; this is you positioning your life through accountability and discipline to learn and apply where the Lord may be leading you. What can you expect from your spiritual mentor? · Perfection! Just kidding. Seriously, remember that the person who is walking with you is on his or her own personal journey. In other
  • 46. 35 |Spiritual Mentoring words, these individuals are not perfect. They will make mistakes and will not have all the answers, but … · They will love you. The people in your life are there because they want to be in your life. They will let you know how much you matter to God and how much you matter to them. · They will follow up. Your mentor will ask you about the assignments that were given or experiences you had through your readings. · They will challenge your growth and pray for you. Your mentors will challenge decisions you make if they are inconsistent with God’s perspective. Most times it will simply be them giving you feedback from what they have learned on their journey. · Your mentors will also take down prayer requests after each time together and throughout the week will designate time to pray for your needs. **Also, every Crossing mentor has been trained and is being held accountable for their walk with Jesus and living a life of integrity, faithfulness, and purity. In this packet, you will find 3 stages of spiritual growth and resources to help you along the way.
  • 47. 36 |Spiritual Mentoring The first stage is spiritual infancy. You always begin with spiritual infancy, because we want to make sure you are rooted in the fundamentals. Even if you’ve been attending church for years, we want to revisit the foundations of our faith. The 3 things we will do during this stage are: 1- Study the New Believer’s Bible. The questions we cover are, “Who is God and who does God say I am?” 2- Take a personality test and a character evaluation. We will spend time getting to know you and your story. The questions we cover are “How did God wire me up and how do people see me?” 3- Bible memorization. We believe when you have God’s word in your heart, you grow. We have attached 10 of the most common Bible verses for your growth. The second stage is spiritual adolescence. We will encourage you to begin to own your faith. The 3 things you will do during this stage are: 1- Learn spiritual practices/disciplines including o Quiet Time – What is quiet time? o Prayer – Why pray? How do we recognize the voice of God? And what is the power of prayer? o Serving – Why is serving important? What is my spiritual gift? o Community – What’s the importance of Christian fellowship? o Giving – What is a tithe? Is the tithe the standard of Christian giving? o Evangelism – What is Christian missions? How do I share my Christian testimony? 2- Learn to study the Bible through 3 Bible study methods (character study, chapter study and SOAP) 3- Bible stories. We want you to learn some of the greatest stories in the bible. We believe the more you know the bible and God’s perspective, the more your faith will grow and your character will mature.
  • 48. 37 |Spiritual Mentoring ** During this stage, you will be challenged to commit to a covenant with God concerning your faithfulness and desire to live a fully devoted life to Jesus. The third stage is spiritual adulthood. During this stage of your maturity, you are intentionally choosing resources that are specifically designed to help you grow. Depending on what area of your life you want to work on, we have suggested resources that will give you tools to help you in that area of your life. At this point, you are sharing with someone (your mentee) what you have learned in stages 1 and 2. It’s important that you identify someone you could pour into during stages 2 not 3. In other words, you don’t have to have everything completed before you start walking with someone. Just teach them what you know. How do I get started? Set up a regular time to meet with your mentor. In the beginning, try meeting 2 times a month (every 2 weeks). As you progress, you may consider meeting every 3 weeks. Give yourself 60-90 minutes when you meet. At the end of every one on one, make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you?
  • 49. 38 |Spiritual Mentoring Stage 1 – Spiritual infancy / “Learning to crawl” There is no timeline for this stage. You and your mentor determine when it’s time to move to stage 2. You could be done with the material in a month, 3 months, or 9 months; it all depends on how often you meet and what you are able to cover. What will you be doing?  Learn who God is and the fundamentals of the faith.  Identify your personality temperament and how that affects your relationships.  Identify areas in your character that need attention.  Learn to memorize scripture What will you need?  New Believer’s Bible (Greg Laurie)  Personality test (You can print out the test at  Journal (Purchase a journal or composition book to write down notes and responses to the exercise) Your Story: Getting to know you Begin your time by getting to know one another and discuss:  How did you find the church and what has it meant to you?  Where was your life before knowing Jesus, and what has your life been like since knowing Jesus?  What led you to choose to ask Jesus into your life?  What excites you about this journey we are going on?  What makes you nervous about this journey we are going on?
  • 50. 39 |Spiritual Mentoring Building A Foundation: New Believer’s Bible Important: When you read a point in the New Believer’s Bible, it includes a verse and the page number the verse is on. Make sure to look up the verse and highlight it. This will help you become familiar with the Bible and what it says. Read at your own pace—it’s not about getting it done but about soaking it in. You and your mentor can discuss each week’s reading and what’s appropriate for your season of life. During your time with your mentor, you will want to discuss these questions:  What does someone need to do to be saved?  Who does God say you are?  What are 2 characteristics about God?  What are 2 characteristics about Jesus?  What are 2 characteristics about the Holy Spirit?  Discuss the brief descriptions of the devil, angels, demons, heaven, and hell. What did you learn?  Discuss the 10 characteristics described in the Christian life. What did you learn?  Why is it important to study the Bible and pray?  What does it mean to give to God?  What is God’s perspective on purity?  What is God’s perspective on marriage and his perspective on parenting?
  • 51. 40 |Spiritual Mentoring Personalities Purpose: The purpose is to understand how God created different personalities—all wonderful. Book: There is no book, but you will need to go to and print out the test. Your mentor will explain how to take it and then, after you have taken it, discuss the following questions:  What’s your personality style?  What are the strengths?  What are the weaknesses?  How does your personality affect your relationships positively and negatively?  What is your spouse’s personality type and how does that affect your marriage? (if married)  What is your kid’s personality type and how does that affect your parenting? (if kids)  What is your boss’s personality type and how does that affect your working relationship?  Remember at the end of every one on one, give 15 minutes at the end to follow up with these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you? Scripture Memorization As a Christian, nothing will have the impact that meditating on and memorizing scripture does. We have selected 10 key verses for memorization. We encourage you to memorize and then recite these to your mentor during the next few mentoring sessions. This will challenge you to sit and soak in God’s word. You will never regret this spiritual discipline! Challenge yourself to memorize one verse a week. Write them on index cards and read them every day, multiple times a day. Choose the verse(s) you will attempt to memorize before you meet again. Then, when you meet with your mentor, recite the verse. 1. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 2. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
  • 52. 41 |Spiritual Mentoring 3. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and he will make your paths straight. 4. Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition and with thanksgiving, present your requests to God—and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 5. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing, and perfect will. 6. Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 7. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 8. Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. 9. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. 10. Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
  • 53. 42 |Spiritual Mentoring Character Evaluations These questions below should be sent to 10 people who know you. If you are married, your spouse should be included. In order to get a better idea about potential areas of growth, it will be helpful to get input from a variety of “people groups.” For instance, you may want to send the question to co-workers, family members, friends, ministry leaders, and long-time associates. This takes time, so email these questions to people right away. Share with them that you are on a spiritual journey to learn about God, yourself, and your purpose in life. Tell them they need to send you back the responses within a week. If you give them a deadline of 1 week, people will take about 1 month to send you a response. That’s just been my experience. After a week, send them a reminder email. After 2 weeks, call them. If they don’t respond after 2 emails and a phone call, then let it go. The intention is for God to show you common threads of character growth and areas that need improvement. They do not need to send their responses to me but rather to you. Here are the character questions: * What do you believe is my strength? * What do you believe is my weakness? * Where have you seen me grow the most over the years? * What have you appreciated about my character? * What do you believe my purpose is? * If I could work on one area in my character, what would you encourage me to spend time on this year? Discuss what people said with your mentor. At the end of you time together make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you?
  • 54. 43 |Spiritual Mentoring Stage 2 – Spiritual adolescence / “Learning to walk” There is no timeline for this stage. You and your mentor determine when it’s time to move to stage 3. You could be done with the material in a month, 3 months, or 9 months; it all depends on how often you meet and what you are able to cover. What you will be doing?  Learning about spiritual disciplines and learning to put them into practice  Learning about Bible study methods and putting them into practice  Learning about key stories in the Bible  Discussing the Commitment Covenant  Identifying someone you could pay it forward to the next season. What will you using? Chapter 3 by John Ortberg from The Life You’ve Always Wanted. You don’t need to buy the book; your mentee will print out the chapter. However, it’s definitely a book you want for your library! Article on spiritual practices concerning: Quiet Time – What is quiet time? Prayer – Why pray? How do we recognize the voice of God? And what is the power of prayer? Serving – Why is serving important? What is my spiritual gift? Community – What’s the importance of Christian fellowship? Giving – What is a tithe? Is the tithe the standard of Christian giving? Evangelism – What is Christian missions? How do I share my Christian testimony? Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods Bible stories where you will be choosing 5 from the Old Testament and 5 from New Testament
  • 55. 44 |Spiritual Mentoring Overview on Spiritual Practices After reading Chapter 3 from The Life You’ve Always Wanted, “Trying vs. Training,” discuss the following questions:  What struck you about the chapter?  Do you try or do you train when it comes to spiritual practices?  What kind of spiritual practice have you tried and what has your experience been with them? Prayer Question: "Why pray? What is the point of prayer when God knows the future and is already in control of everything? If we cannot change God's mind, why should we pray?" Answer: For the Christian, praying is like breathing. It is easier to do it than not to do it. We pray for a variety of reasons. For one thing, prayer is a form of serving God (Luke 2:36-38) and obeying Him. We pray because God commands us to pray (Philippians 4:6-7). Prayer is exemplified for us by Christ and the early church (Mark 1:35; Acts 1:14; 2:42; 3:1; 4:23-31; 6:4; 13:1-3). If Jesus thought it was worthwhile to pray, we should also. If He needed to pray to remain in the Father’s will, how much more do we need to pray? Another reason to pray is that God intends prayer to be the means of obtaining His solutions in a number of situations. We pray in preparation for major decisions (Luke 6:12-13); to overcome demonic barriers (Matthew 17:14-21); to gather workers for the spiritual harvest (Luke 10:2); to gain strength to overcome temptation (Matthew 26:41); and to obtain the means of strengthening others spiritually (Ephesians 6:18-19). We come to God with our specific requests, and we have God's promise that our prayers are not in vain, even if we do not receive specifically what we asked for (Matthew 6:6; Romans 8:26-27). He has promised that when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will, He will give us what we ask for (1 John 5:14-15). Sometimes He delays His answers according to His wisdom and for our benefit. In these situations, we are to be diligent and persistent in prayer (Matthew 7:7; Luke 18:1-8). Prayer should not be seen as our means of getting God to do our will on earth, but rather as a means of getting God's will done on earth. God’s wisdom far exceeds our own. For situations in which we do not know God's will specifically, prayer is a means of discerning His will.
  • 56. 45 |Spiritual Mentoring If the Syrian woman with the demon-influenced daughter had not prayed to Christ, her daughter would not have been made whole (Mark 7:26-30). If the blind man outside Jericho had not called out to Christ, he would have remained blind (Luke 18:35-43). God has said that we often go without because we do not ask (James 4:2). In one sense, prayer is like sharing the gospel with people. We do not know who will respond to the message of the gospel until we share it. In the same way, we will never see the results of answered prayer unless we pray. A lack of prayer demonstrates a lack of faith and a lack of trust in God’s Word. We pray to demonstrate our faith in God, that He will do as He has promised in His Word and bless our lives abundantly more than we could ask or hope for (Ephesians 3:20). Prayer is our primary means of seeing God work in others' lives. Because it is our means of “plugging into” God's power, it is our means of defeating Satan and his army that we are powerless to overcome by ourselves. Therefore, may God find us often before His throne, for we have a high priest in heaven who can identify with all that we go through (Hebrews 4:15-16). We have His promise that the fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much (James 5:16- 18). May God glorify His name in our lives as we believe in Him enough to come to Him often in prayer. Question: "How can we recognize the voice of God?" Answer: This question has been asked by countless people throughout the ages. Samuel heard the voice of God but did not recognize it until he was instructed by Eli (1 Samuel 3:1-10). Gideon had a physical revelation from God, and he still doubted what he had heard to the point of asking for a sign, not once, but three times (Judges 6:17-22, 36-40). When we are listening for God's voice, how can we know that He is the one speaking? First of all, we have something that Gideon and Samuel did not. We have the complete Bible, the inspired Word of God, to read, study, and meditate on. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When we have a question about a certain topic or decision in our lives, we should see what the Bible has to say about it. God will never lead us or direct us contrary to what He has taught or promised in His Word (Titus 1:2). Second, to hear God's voice we must recognize it. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Those who hear God’s voice are those who belong to Him—those who have been saved by His grace through faith in the Lord Jesus. These are the sheep who hear and recognize His voice, because they know Him as their Shepherd and they know
  • 57. 46 |Spiritual Mentoring His voice. If we are to recognize God's voice, we must belong to Him. Third, we hear His voice when we spend time in prayer, Bible study, and quiet contemplation of His Word. The more time we spend intimately with God and His Word, the easier it is to recognize His voice and His leading in our lives. Employees at a bank are trained to recognize counterfeits by studying genuine money so closely that it is easy to spot a fake. We should be so familiar with God’s Word that when God does speak to us or lead us, it is clear that it is God. While God can speak audibly to people, He speaks primarily through His Word. By applying what we hear to the truth of Scripture, we can learn to recognize His voice. Question: "What is the power of prayer?" Answer: The idea that power is inherent in prayer is a very popular one. According to the Bible, the power of prayer is, quite simply, the power of God, who hears and answers prayer. Consider the following: 1) The Lord God Almighty can do all things; there is nothing impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). 2) The Lord God Almighty invites His people to pray to Him. Prayer to God should be made persistently (Luke 18:1), with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6), in faith (James 1:5), within the will of God (Matthew 6:10), for the glory of God (John 14:13-14), and from a heart right with God (James 5:16). 3) The Lord God Almighty hears the prayers of His children. He commands us to pray, and He promises to listen when we do. “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears” (Psalm 18:6). 4) The Lord God Almighty answers prayer. “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me” (Psalm 17:6). “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17). Another popular idea is that the amount of faith we have determines whether or not God will answer our prayers. However, sometimes the Lord answers our prayers in spite of our own lack of faith. In Acts 12, the church prays for Peter’s release from prison (v. 5), and God answers their prayer (vv. 7-11). Peter goes to the door of the prayer meeting and knocks, but those who are praying refuse at first to believe that it is really Peter. They prayed he would be released, but they failed to expect an answer to their prayers. The power of prayer does not flow from us; it is not special words we say or the special way we say them or even how often we say them. The power of prayer does not come from the use of artifacts or icons or candles or beads. The power of prayer comes from the omnipotent One who hears our prayers and answers them. Prayer places us in contact with Almighty God, and whether or not He chooses to grant our petitions or deny our requests. Whatever the answer to our prayers, the God
  • 58. 47 |Spiritual Mentoring to whom we pray is the source of the power of prayer, and He can and will answer us, according to His perfect will and timing. Questions:  What have you done in the past during your quiet time?  Where do you go and what has your experience been during your quiet time?  What stuck you about the articles?  Why do you pray?  Do you believe your prayers are powerful? Why or why not? Practice: Determine a time during the day that you will pray. Do it every day for 40 days. Start small, maybe 5-10 minutes. It’s more important to be consistent than make a grandiose goal and miss the mark. During your prayer time, share with God 4 things (A.C.T.S.): A. Adoration – Tell Him what you adore about who He is. C. Confession – Tell Him what you need to confess where your heart, mind, or actions haven’t been right with Him. T. Thanks – Tell Him what you are thankful for that He has provided for you. S. Specific – Tell Him specifically where you need Him in your life right now. At the end of you time together make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you? Serving Question: "Why is serving God important?" Answer: Is it really necessary to serve God? What is the purpose of changing our priorities to accomplish tasks that God could honestly do better and more quickly without us? Peter addresses the importance of serving God in 1 Peter 4:10-11: “Each one should use
  • 59. 48 |Spiritual Mentoring whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” Peter makes it clear that we have received our gifts from God for two purposes—to serve others and to bring praise to God. Serving isn’t about us receiving attention or glory; it is for Him to receive glory. How does God receive glory when we serve? The transforming power of Jesus Christ is on display in the lives of those who have traded selfishness for selflessness. Peter says believers should recognize that we are speaking and serving directly on behalf of God to others, while He gives the ability and strength for us to do so. And when we direct glory towards Him instead of accepting it for ourselves, we stand out from the crowd of those who glorify only themselves. And that difference in our lives causes people to examine the life-changing nature of a relationship with Jesus Christ. It validates our faith in front of others. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is— his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Paul’s point is that for those who have been saved by the blood of Jesus, it only makes sense to honor Him. Giving ourselves to God is our spiritual act of worship (the Greek word for “spiritual” can also be translated "reasonable"). It’s only reasonable that we would serve the God who has provided the greatest service of all: salvation from sin and self and eternal life with Him in heaven.
  • 60. 49 |Spiritual Mentoring What is my spiritual gift? Of spiritual gifts, Paul says, “But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). Spiritual gifts are talents and abilities given to Christians by the Holy Spirit to serve the church. In a body made of individual believers, it doesn’t make sense for each person to have the same gift—a church made of all teachers, and no servants, would be ineffective. So the Holy Spirit distributes the different gifts so that all the needs of the church can be filled and all the people of the church can be cared for (1 Corinthians 12:11). Identifying our spiritual gifts is crucial if the church is to function effectively and efficiently. Often our passions in life will line up with our spiritual gifts, but sometimes they are completely different. Natural inborn talents are not to be confused with gifts of the Spirit. Input from others is also helpful, as we may not realize when and in what areas we are having an effect for Christ. Asking God in prayer is critical, since He distributes the gifts. And there are several books and tests available that can be used for input. One thing to keep in mind is that spiritual gifts are not rigid. Gifts can be used in different ways. Someone with the gift of service may teach or join the worship team because there is a need to be filled. Someone with the gift of mercy may find themselves babysitting to relieve a burdened family. And someone with the gift of encouragement may feel led to start an online Bible ministry, trusting God to fill in other needs as they arise. Recognizing God’s flexibility and creativity will prevent the common problem with identifying spiritual gifts—pigeonholing ourselves. We can get so wrapped up with what a test says that we insist on serving where we want and not where we’re needed.
  • 61. 50 |Spiritual Mentoring That is not the purpose of spiritual gifts. The purpose is to serve the body of Christ, not make an excuse for avoiding what we don’t want to do. It’s very telling that Paul ends 1 Corinthians 12, a long chapter about spiritual gifts, with the segue, “and I show you a still more excellent way” (verse 31b), and then he immediately explains how any gift or talent or sacrifice without love is useless (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Questions:  What skills/talents do you have?  What spiritual gift do you believe you have?  Have you used those gifts at the church? Why or why not? Practice: If you aren’t serving somewhere at the church, consider taking your gift and using it once a month in a ministry. Begin small—don’t make any major commitments. Call the pastor of that ministry to see where there is a need and how you can support it with your gifts. Commit to once a month and then consider investing more time as you move forward. At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you? Community Question: "What is the importance of Christian fellowship?" Answer: In order to understand the importance of Christian fellowship, we must first understand what Christian fellowship is and what it isn’t. The Greek words translated “fellowship” in the New Testament mean essentially a partnership to the mutual benefit of those involved. Christian fellowship, then, is the mutually beneficial relationship between Christians, who can’t have the identical relationship with those outside the faith. The mystery and privilege that is Christian fellowship is that it exists because God has enabled it by His grace. Those who believe the gospel are united in the Spirit through Christ to the Father, and that unity is the basis of fellowship. This relationship is described by Jesus in His high-priestly prayer for
  • 62. 51 |Spiritual Mentoring His followers: “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:23). The “complete unity” He refers to is the oneness that Christians experience in true fellowship, oneness with one another, with Christ, and with the Father. Just as the Father is in Jesus, so is Jesus in us, and we have unity with one another because of the uniqueness of that relationship (1 John 1:3). This relationship must be the basis of Christian fellowship. We can have friendships and relationships with unbelievers, but true Christian fellowship can only occur within the body of Christ. We are united to one another by common beliefs, purposes, and goals. Our hearts and minds are “other-worldly” because we follow Jesus Christ, who said that His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). We know that we are strangers in this world and we long for the time when we will be in our true home, heaven. The importance of true Christian fellowship is that it reinforces these things in our mind and helps us to focus on Christ and His desires and goals for us. As iron sharpens iron, in true Christian fellowship Christians sharpen one another's faith and stir one another to exercise that faith in love and good works, all to God’s glory. Questions: What did you learn from the article? Is it easy or hard for you to develop friends? Why or why not? Are you in a community group? Why or why not? Do you have anyone holding you accountable? And what areas are they holding you accountable in? Practice: What are 3 things that I can hold you accountable to and ask you on a regular basis? If you aren’t in a community group, consider a group to try for the next 2 months in order to connect with other believers. At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you?
  • 63. 52 |Spiritual Mentoring Giving What is the tithe? The word “tithe” comes from an Old English root meaning “one tenth.” It is the common English translation for the Old Testament Hebrew asar word group. The tithe was an offering of one’s agricultural income to the Lord as an expression of thanks and dedication. In the Old Testament agricultural economy, tithes were paid not in cash, gold, or goods, but in crops or livestock, for only the agricultural fruit of the promised land was to be tithed—not other forms of income. Although today we commonly think of the tithe as “10 percent” as a result, apparently there are three tithes in the Old Testament, two every year and a third every third year, or an average of 23.3 percent of one’s annual produce from the land. There was also provision for freewill offerings and personal giving above and beyond the tithe, so that the tithe never stood alone. Tithes were given by the patriarchs Abraham (Genesis 14:17-20) and Jacob (Genesis 28:22); a system of tithes was instituted in the law of God given through Moses (Deuteronomy 12; 14; 26); and the prophets rebuked the children of Israel for failing to give the tithe to God (Malachi 3:8). The idea of the tithe is still present in the New Testament (Matthew 23:23), but it is never explicitly applied to believers. Instead, almost all Christians are called to more extravagant freewill giving in response to the gospel of the Lord Jesus, based on faith in God as provider (2 Corinthians 9:6-10). Is the tithe the standard of Christian giving for us today, or was it just the standard for Old Testament Israel? Neither. The tithe was never the standard of Old Testament generosity, nor is it the standard of Christian generosity today. Tithing may be a helpful guideline as we strive to develop a lifestyle of even greater giving, but it was and is possible to tithe faithfully while neglecting true, biblical generosity (as Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees; see note on Matthew 23:23). First, a close look at the Old Testament and other ancient Jewish evidence shows that the tithe (as a mandatory gift equaling a tenth of one’s income) only applied to crops and animals from the promised land, not to all income in any time and place. Moreover, 10 percent was never “the standard,” for there were three tithes (two every year, one every three years) and many other offerings and gifts that were also part of Jewish life. In the Old Testament and today, God usually requires far more from his people than the 10 percent we typically assume.
  • 64. 53 |Spiritual Mentoring Questions:  What did you learn about tithing?  Is giving easy or hard for you? Why?  If you look at last year’s W-2 and your giving statement, did you give 10%? Why or why not? Practice: Consider “testing” God in this area of your life. Commit to being faithful for 30 days by giving the full tithe. Don’t compromise; trust God and see what happens as you trust Him with your stuff. At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you? Evangelism Question: "What is Christian Missions?" Answer: Christian missions is following Christ’s call: sharing the Gospel with the lost world through God’s wisdom and strength. Christian missions is obeying Christ After Christ’s death and resurrection, He commanded the disciples to share the Gospel, the message of His redemption. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20). This Great Commission applies to Christians today. Rather than a burden, obeying His call brings joy and reward in heaven. We should fulfill our mission not out of duty but love: “For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. . . . Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:14-21). God could convert everyone using a blinding light and the voice of Christ as He did with the apostle Paul. Instead, He gives Christians the mission of reconciliation (Acts 1:8-9). He works through us, calling sinners to turn to Christ in repentance and faith. Christian missions is
  • 65. 54 |Spiritual Mentoring sharing Christ Our mission is proclaiming Christ as the only way to abundant, eternal life. Whom do we tell? Jesus made it clear that Christians are to reach out to “all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). Instead of countries, he was referring to people groups, those ethnic cultures without a Gospel witness. Christian missions, however, is not limited to overseas ministry. While believers should faithfully support those who go to the unreached, all Christians have the mission to share Christ on the home field with family, friends, coworkers, and the community. The Christian mission of sharing Christ does not end with a sinner’s salvation. The commission was to make disciples – not immature believers. Thus, Christian missions involves not only evangelism but also discipleship. Christian missions is relying on Christ Sharing the Gospel humbly, boldly, and passionately is our Christian mission. But we cannot do it alone. While our mission is sharing Christ, the power and results come from the Lord. He gives us the wisdom, strength, and desire to witness! Through our witness, He works repentance and faith in the sinner’s heart (2 Corinthians 5:20- 21). Although it is God's work, Christians are responsible to understand the Gospel and have a strong relationship with Christ. Such a relationship guards them from hypocrisy. “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” (1 Peter 3:15-16). Jesus assured that suffering would accompany missions, but God uses it for good. In sum, Christian missions is obeying Christ, sharing Christ, and relying on Christ. Specifically, God sends missionaries through the support of the church to the unreached. All Christians, however, have the mission of reconciliation. The Lord works through them to rescue the lost. What greater mission can one answer? Question: "How do I share my Christian testimony?" Answer: An effective testimony is one that conveys both your own experience and the Gospel of Christ so that someone else has the information about the process of salvation. (1) Start by writing down the details of how you came to trust in Christ to save you. Answering the following questions to help you: a) Who told me about Christ? b) What events led up to me trusting or believing in Christ? c) When did I trust in Christ? d) Where was I when I first believed?
  • 66. 55 |Spiritual Mentoring e) How has faith in Christ been a blessing to me? (2) Next write this out so that it flows well as a story. Try to be as concise as possible. As a goal, try to make the length of your testimony so that it can be effectively shared in three minutes or less. (3) Make sure you have included the appropriate Scriptures in your testimony. Remember that it is Scripture that is authoritative because it is God’s Word. As an example, your testimony should consist of your becoming aware that you were separated from God by your sin (Romans 3:23), the realization that you would spend eternity away from God if you did not receive forgiveness (Romans 6:23), the understanding that God sent His only perfect Son Jesus to die and pay for your sin (Romans 5:8), and finally your receiving forgiveness by trusting alone in Christ’s payment for sin (Acts 16:31). Questions:  Have you ever gone on a mission? If yes, what was your experience like, and if no, why?  Have you ever shared your “Jesus story” with anyone? Share that experience.  Have you ever shared the gospel with someone? Share your experience. Practice:  Write out your story and then read it to your mentor.  Consider a country you could begin praying about from our 5 global partners we have at the Crossing (Uganda, El Salvador, Mexico, Vietnam, and India). Find out about what we are participating in regarding each country and invite God to grow your heart for one of those countries. Pray every day for the next 30 days about which country you could invest into.  Write down 5 people in your life who do not know Jesus. Begin praying for them on a regular basis. Make an intentional effort to spend time with them on a monthly basis and ask God to open up an opportunity to share your “Jesus story.” At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:
  • 67. 56 |Spiritual Mentoring  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you?
  • 68. 57 |Spiritual Mentoring Bible Stories Discussion Consider 10 Bible stories you would learn. Choose any 5 stories from the Old Testament and 5 stories from the New Testament. If you aren’t sure of some great stories, we have listed some ideas below. Discuss with your mentor the 10 stories you have chosen. The goal isn’t to memorize the verses but rather to know the story. When you get together with your mentor, share what story you picked, where it is in the Bible, and what the story is about. This will challenge you to know it. Two weeks before you meet with your mentor, read the story you have chosen every day. When you sit and soak in God’s word, it becomes a part of you. The goal is to know the stories so well that you will be able to share them with others along your journey. Here is a list of some of the greatest Old Testament Bible stories:  Creation of the universe – Genesis 1:1-25 Creation of mankind – Genesis 1:26-31  Adam formed – Genesis 2:7-8 Eve created – Genesis 2:20-25  Garden of Eden – Genesis 3 Cain & Abel – Genesis 4  Noah’s flood – Genesis 6 to 8 Abraham’s call – Genesis 12:1-3  God’s blessings & covenant with Noah - Genesis 9:1-17 Isaac's birth – Genesis 21:1-8  Tower of Babel – Genesis 11:1-9 Burning bush - God speaks to Moses – Exodus 3:1 to 4:17  God’s covenant with Abraham – Genesis 15 Egypt's nine plagues – Exodus 7:14 to 10:29  Sodom Gomorrah – Genesis 18:16 to 19:29 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego– Daniel 3  Sacrifice of Isaac – Genesis 22:1-19 Jonah in the belly of the fish – Jonah 1:1 to 2:10  Birth of Jacob and Esau – Genesis 25:19-26 Daniel put in the lions’ den – Daniel 6  Esau sells his birthright to Jacob– Genesis 25:27-34 Ezekiel's vision of dry bones – Job 42:10-13  Jacob's vision of the ladder – Genesis 28:10-22 Golden calf made by Aaron – Exodus 32  Jacob's wrestle with the angel and has his named changed to Israel – Genesis 32:24-32  Israel's (Jacob) trouble in the land – Genesis 34, 35, and 37  Joseph's coat, dreams – and sold by his brothers for twenty pieces of silver–Genesis 37
  • 69. 58 |Spiritual Mentoring  Israel (Jacob) blesses his twelve sons and then dies – Genesis 49  Birth of Moses and found by Pharaoh's daughter – Exodus 2:1-10  Moses kills an Egyptian, goes to Midian, and gets a wife – Exodus 2:11-25  Tenth plague against Egypt threatened – Exodus 11 Elijah and the prophets of Baal–Job 42:10-13  The Passover instituted – Exodus 12:1-20 God blesses Job – Job 42:10-13  The Passover communicated – Exodus 12:21-28 Job afflicted by Satan – Job 1:1 to 2:13  Tenth plague against Egypt inflicted – Exodus 12:29-30 God is displeased with David – II Samuel 12:1-14  The Exodus - God's deliverance– Exodus 12:31-51 David and Goliath – I Samuel 17  Crossing the Red Sea – Exodus 14 God's first appearance to Solomon – I Kings 3:2-15  The Ten Commandments – Exodus 20:1-17 Samuel's birth – I Samuel 1  Spies sent to Canaan – Numbers 13:1 to 14:45 City of Jericho – Numbers 13:1 to 14:45  Deborah and Barak – Judges 4 Gideon – Judges 6:1 to 8:35  Samson – Judges 6:1 to 8:35 Samson and Delilah – Judges 16:4-20  Ruth – Ruth 1:1 to 4:22  Hannah's (Samuel's mom) I Samuel 2:1-10  David chosen by God – I Samuel 16:1-13  David and Bathsheba – II Samuel 11  Solomon anointed king – I Kings 1:28-40  God's second appearance to Solomon – I Kings 9:1-9  God is angry with Solomon – I Kings 11  Elijah taken to heaven – II Kings 2:1-11  God speaks to Job – Job 38:1 to 42:9 Here is a list of some of the greatest New Testament Bible stories:  Birth of John the Baptist – Luke 1  Birth of Jesus Christ – Matthew 1:1 to 2:23 Luke 1:26-56 and 2:1-52  Temptation of Jesus Christ in the wilderness – Matthew 4:1- 11 and Luke 4:1-13
  • 70. 59 |Spiritual Mentoring  Sermon on the mount – Matthew 5:1 to 7:29  Jesus Christ calming the storm – Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25  Jesus Christ feeding five thousand – Matthew 14:15-21 and Luke 9:12-17  Transfiguration of Jesus Christ – Mark 9:2-10 and Luke 9:28- 36  Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem – Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, and Luke 19:29-44  Cleansing the temple of money changers – Matthew 21:12- 16 and Luke 19:45-46  Last supper – Matthew 26:14-29, Mark 14:12-25, and Luke 22:8-38  Lord before Pilate and crucifixion – Matthew 27:11-54, Mark 15:1-39, Luke 23:1-47, and John 18:28 to 19:30  Empty tomb and appearances – Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20:1  Ascension – Luke 24:51-53 and Acts 1:1-11  Paul's conversion – Acts 9:1-30 At the end of you time together, make sure you carve out about 15 minutes before you end your meeting to discuss these questions:  What are you putting into practice from the sermon series?  Where are you struggling to trust Him?  How can I pray for you?