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2nd. ISFAS 2012,4-6 September 2012, Puri Pujangga, UKM, Malaysia


 Optimization of Liquid Sugar Production for Bioethanol Processing from Arrowrot
                  Using Aspergillus niger and Amiloglucosidase

                   Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agribusiness and Food Technology,
                Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 01, PO Box Ciawi 35, Bogor 16720, West Java, Indonesia
                                             Email address:

The aim of this research is to analyze the optimum condition of liquid sugar production in bioethanol processing from
arrowrot tuber (Maranta arundinaceae Linn) using Aspergillus niger and amiloglucosidase. The bioethanol processing
from arrowrot tuber consist of saccharification of the sugars in arrowrot tuber essence, and continuous ethanol
fermentation of the saccharified liquid. The aim of this study was to compare saccarification process eficiency using
Aspergilus niger and commercial amiloglucosidase (AMG). The starter adding treatments were 10% (A1), 15% (A2),
and 20% (A3). The hydrolysis was conducted for 11 days in the temperature of 38 oC. The highest glucose result was
achieved after saccharification in A1B3 and A2B3 (12%), and 28,5% in commercial AMG. The highest fermentation
result was contained 6% of alcohol with 65% production efficiency was achieved.

Keywords: bioethanol; liquid sugar; arrowrot tuber; liquification; saccharification

                    INTRODUCTION                                 various sources of raw material for bioethanol. The
                                                                 advantage of arrowroot compared to other sources of
Indonesia’s high dependence on crude oil for fuel has            starch is because its usage as a source of food is not as
quite a significant impact on the Indonesian economy             high as cassava, corn, sweet potatoes, sago, etc.; so its
and people, especially after crude oil prices exceeded           competition as a source of food is relatively low.
US$ 100/barrel. With a consumption rate exceeding                      The general objective of the study is to support
production rate, Indonesia has become a net importer of          diversification of raw materials and alternative fuels,
150 million barrels/year (ESDM 2012). In respond to              particularly bioethanol in Indonesia. Whereas the
the condition, the government of the Republic of                 specific objectives to be achieved are (1) to determine
Indonesia issued Presidential Istruction No. 10, 2005            the optimum time of conversion of starch sugar into
regarding the saving of energy use; and Presidential             syrup from arrowroot tuber starch, (2) to gain an
Instruction No 1, 2006 as well as Presidential                   optimum condition for the addition of A. niger starter
Instruction No. 5, 2006 on renewable energy.                     concentration and Amyloglucosidase in the production
      Actually, biofeuls are nothing new to our lives;           of glucose syrup from arrowroot tuber, and (3) to
only its technology has developed. One example of the            determine the efficiency of bioethanol production from
use of biofuel in acient times was the burning of                arrowroot tuber with the addition of S. cerevisae.
jatropha seeds for lighting. Nowadays, the application
of biofuels have changed into more modern and more                               MATERIALS AND METHODS
popular forms named bioethanol dan biodiesel; both
called biofuels. Biofuel business opportuities in the            The materials used in this study were arrowroot flour, A.
world are also highly prospective. Based on Clean Edge           níger culture, commercial Amyloglucosidase (AMG), S.
report as quoted by Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder                 cereviseae yeast, Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), distilled
(2007), the world biofuel market in 2006 reached US$             water, 70% alcohol, and other chemical materials for
20,5 billion (for ethanol dan biodiesel).                        analysis.
      The arrowroot tuber plant is one alternative source             The study was conducted in two stages, i.e. the
of carbohydrate. As a raw material for biofuels, the             preliminary research and primary research. The purpose
arrowroot can be processed into bioethanol as a                  of the preliminary research was to determine the
substitute for premium gas. The arrowroot is one source          hydrolysis time of arrowroot flour with the addition of
of starch that can be decomposed into sugar and then             A. niger starter and commercial AMG. While the
fermented into bioethanol. In its decomposition, starch          objective of the primary research was to obtain the best
needs the help of α-amylase and glycoamylase enzymes.            treatment of saccharification with the addition of
After it becomes sugar, then it is fermented into ethanol        Aspergillus niger starter and commercial AMG for the
using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast.                            production of bioethanol from arrowroot flour.
      This study contributes to overcome national
energy issues, particularly in conducting exploration of

THE HYDROLYSIS OF ARROWROOT FLOUR                       TABLE 1 Results of the chemical composition of
Arrowroot flour was dissolved, then heated and stirred                  arrowroot flour used in the study
until gelatinization occurred. Then it was put into an
                                                                Composition                           Average (%)
autoclave and sterilized at a temperature of 121oC for 15
minutes. After sterilization, the erlenmeyer was cooled         Water content                               13.95
at room temperature. The next process was                       Ash content                                  1.00
saccharification, i.e. the decomposition of starch into         Protein content                              0.93
glucose. The starter A. niger was put into a substrate          Fat content                                  1.79
with concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20%. At the same           Fiber content                                4.56
time, a similar process was also carried out using              Carbohydrate content                        73.53
commercial AMG cultures with concentrations of 5%,
7.5%, and 10%.                                                        The average carbohydrate content of arrowroot
                                                                flour used in the study was 73.53 g/100 g arrowroot
   THE FERMENTATION OF ARROWROOT LIQUID SUGAR                   flour. The amount of carbohydrate in arrowroot starch
Fermentation was done by putting Saccharomyces                  depends on the production process and the cultivar used.
cerevisiae yeast - which is able to decompose sugar into        The total carbohydrate of every 100 g can reach 85,2
ethanol - into the substrate, in which an anaerobic             g/100 g arrowroot flour. The carbohydrate content of
fermentation took place. In order to obtain an optimal          arrowroot is lower than cassava flour which reaches
fermentation, the temperature was maintained between            88,2 gram, but higher than rice which is only 78,9
25oC-30oC while the pH was between 4,5-5,5. The                 grams and wheat which is 77,3 grams. Although it is
separation of ethanol and water was done through                very widely used, many people are not familiar with the
distillation at a temperature of 78oC, which is the             arrowroot plant; unlike cassava, sweet potatoes or taro,
boiling point of ethanol. The ethanol vapor was passed          which are very popular.
through a pipe/hose flown with water, so that it was
                                                                               PRELIMINARY RESEARCH
condensed into liquid ethanol. The analysis conducted
on the bioethanol products included total sugar level           The enzyme used in this study comes from the A. niger
analysis, alcohol level analysis, and fermentation              fungus, in addition to the commercial AMG. According
efficiency.                                                     to Tatang (2007), the Aspergilus sp fungus would
                                                                produce the α-amylase and glucoamylase enzymes
               THE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN                          which would play roles to decompose starch into
The experimental design used in this study was the              glucose or simple sugar.
nested design with two treatments (the kind of starter                The total sugar content analysis was conducted
and length of fermentation) and two replications.               using a hand refractometer. From the results of the
    The mathematical model of the nested design used            analysis, with amounts of substrates of 10% (A1), 15%
was:                                                            (A2), and 20% (A3) and hydrolysis time of 6 days (B1),
                                                                9 days (B2), and 11 days (B3), the average sugar
      Yijk = μ + Ai + Bj(i) + Єijk                              content obtained was between 3% to 12%, as presented
      Where :
Yijk : Observation variable as a result of treatments of        in Figure 1.
         the i-th stage of factor A with the j-th stage of
         factor B at the k-th repetition
μ     : General mean
Ai : Effects of treatment of the i-th stage of factor A
         (addition of starter i = 1, 2, 3)
Bj(i) :Effects of treatment of the j-th stage (length of
         fermentation = 1, 2, 3) of factor B nested at the i-
         th stage of factor A.
Єijk :Experimental error.


The arrowroot tuber as raw material used in the study
was obtained from Pekalongan, Central Java. Results of
analysis on the arrowroot starch (AOAC 1984) used is
presented in Table 1.
                                                                 FIGURE 1. Average total sugar content of arrowroot
                                                                       glucose syrup with A. niger starters.

The results of analysis of variance showed that the      the production of bioethanol from sweet potato glucose
amount of starter used gave a significant effect on the        syrup conducted by Haryani (2008),                with a
total sugar content produced (P<0,05). Treatment A2B3          fermentation time of 72 hours and an agitation of 125
(a substrate of 15% for 11 days) produced the highest          rpm; the highest level of ethanol was obtained at a
total sugar, i.e. 12%. Haryani’s study (2008), using the       concentration of total initial sugar of 24%, i.e.
α-amylase enzyme (0,8 ml/kg of starch) and AMG                 amounting to 11,80±0,71%, and the efficiency of
enzyme (10,8 ml/ kg of starch) on a substrate of sweet         fermentation of sugar into ethanol reached 96,41%.
potato starch resulted in a total initial sugar of 24% at an         The level of ethanol produced was presumably
agitation of 150 rpm. The low total sugar produced in          affected by the ratio between carbon and nitrogen that
this study was probably due to the low amount of α-            occurred in the fermentation. Factors that affect
amylase and glucoamylase enzymes produced by the A.            fermentation are temperature, pH, oxygen, nutrients and
niger fungus starter.                                          media of fermentation. Besides glucose, the medium of
      The use of commercial AMG in the production of           fermentation was added with other substances that
arrowroot tuber starch syrup was much more effective           function as sources of macronutrients dan
compared to the use of the A. niger starter. It can be         micronutrients as well as growth factors. Ammonium is
seen in Figure 2 that the sugar content resulting from the     the form which is most easily used by yeast (Harrison &
use of commercial AMG could reach 28,5% and                    Graham 1970).
required a shorter fermentation time, i.e. 24 hours.                 Bell, Higgins & Attfield (2001) stated that the best
Based on Figure 2, the use of AMG at a concentration           sugar level for the process of fermentation is 16-25%,
of 1% was able to produce optimum levels of sugar for          which will produce ethanol as much as 6-12%. A
fermentation, i.e. at a range of 18,3 to 24,5%. The            concentration of sugar above 25% will slow down the
higher the concentration of starch was used, the higher        fermentation, whereas that above 70% will stop the
the level of sugar was produced. Maximum sugar level           process of fermentation due to osmotic pressure (Osho
was produced from the use of an arrowroot starch               2005).
solution with a concentration of 30%.                                The fermentation of ethanol occures anaerobically
                                                               using certain yeasts which can convert glucose into
                                                               ethanol through the Embden Meyerhof-Parnas Pathway.
                                                               One molecule of glucose will form two molecules of
                                                               ethanol and carbondioxyide. Based on its weight,
                                                               theoretically one gram of glucose will produce 0,51
                                                               grams of ethanol.


                                                                    Based on results of the study, the optimum time to
                                                               produce liquid sugar from arrowroot tuber starch using
                                                               Aspergillus niger was 11 days, resulting in a total sugar
                                                               content of 12%. The use of commercial AMG in the
                                                               production process of liquid sugar from arrowroot tuber
                                                               starch was much more effective compared to the use of
                                                               the Aspergillus niger starter. Sugar contents resulting
                                                               from the use of commercial AMG could reach 28.5%
                                                               and required a shorter fermentation time, i.e. 24 hours.
                                                                    Optimum conditions for the use of Aspergillus
 FIGURE 2. Average total sugar content of arrowroot            niger in the production of liquid sugar from arrowroot
         glucose syrup with AMG starter.                       tuber were at a starter concentration of 10%, a
                                                               fermentation temperature of 38oC, and fermentation
                                                               time of 9 days; while the use of commercial AMG
The sugar syrup produced from the previous stage was           required a starter concentration of 10%, and conversion
used as the primary substrate in the fermentation              was completed in 24 hours.
process. The simple glucose model structure facilitates             The results of analysis of alcohol level with a
the fermentation process by S. cerevisiae. During              fermentation time of 7 days, a temperature of 270C and
fermentation, the cells use sugar for growth and produce       an addition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae produced an
ethanol. Ratledge (1991), stated that S. cerevisiae could      average alcohol level of 6%. The highest efficiency of
produce ethanol from glucose in anaerobic conditions.          fermentation of sugar into alcohol reached 65%.
      The highest efficiency of fermentation of sugar
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Bioethanol from arrowroot tuber

  • 1. 2nd. ISFAS 2012,4-6 September 2012, Puri Pujangga, UKM, Malaysia OR21 Optimization of Liquid Sugar Production for Bioethanol Processing from Arrowrot Using Aspergillus niger and Amiloglucosidase SAWARNI HASIBUAN, ENDRIANUR RAHMAN ZAIN & ITA NOVITA Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agribusiness and Food Technology, Djuanda University, Jl. Tol Ciawi No. 01, PO Box Ciawi 35, Bogor 16720, West Java, Indonesia Email address: ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to analyze the optimum condition of liquid sugar production in bioethanol processing from arrowrot tuber (Maranta arundinaceae Linn) using Aspergillus niger and amiloglucosidase. The bioethanol processing from arrowrot tuber consist of saccharification of the sugars in arrowrot tuber essence, and continuous ethanol fermentation of the saccharified liquid. The aim of this study was to compare saccarification process eficiency using Aspergilus niger and commercial amiloglucosidase (AMG). The starter adding treatments were 10% (A1), 15% (A2), and 20% (A3). The hydrolysis was conducted for 11 days in the temperature of 38 oC. The highest glucose result was achieved after saccharification in A1B3 and A2B3 (12%), and 28,5% in commercial AMG. The highest fermentation result was contained 6% of alcohol with 65% production efficiency was achieved. Keywords: bioethanol; liquid sugar; arrowrot tuber; liquification; saccharification INTRODUCTION various sources of raw material for bioethanol. The advantage of arrowroot compared to other sources of Indonesia’s high dependence on crude oil for fuel has starch is because its usage as a source of food is not as quite a significant impact on the Indonesian economy high as cassava, corn, sweet potatoes, sago, etc.; so its and people, especially after crude oil prices exceeded competition as a source of food is relatively low. US$ 100/barrel. With a consumption rate exceeding The general objective of the study is to support production rate, Indonesia has become a net importer of diversification of raw materials and alternative fuels, 150 million barrels/year (ESDM 2012). In respond to particularly bioethanol in Indonesia. Whereas the the condition, the government of the Republic of specific objectives to be achieved are (1) to determine Indonesia issued Presidential Istruction No. 10, 2005 the optimum time of conversion of starch sugar into regarding the saving of energy use; and Presidential syrup from arrowroot tuber starch, (2) to gain an Instruction No 1, 2006 as well as Presidential optimum condition for the addition of A. niger starter Instruction No. 5, 2006 on renewable energy. concentration and Amyloglucosidase in the production Actually, biofeuls are nothing new to our lives; of glucose syrup from arrowroot tuber, and (3) to only its technology has developed. One example of the determine the efficiency of bioethanol production from use of biofuel in acient times was the burning of arrowroot tuber with the addition of S. cerevisae. jatropha seeds for lighting. Nowadays, the application of biofuels have changed into more modern and more MATERIALS AND METHODS popular forms named bioethanol dan biodiesel; both called biofuels. Biofuel business opportuities in the The materials used in this study were arrowroot flour, A. world are also highly prospective. Based on Clean Edge níger culture, commercial Amyloglucosidase (AMG), S. report as quoted by Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder cereviseae yeast, Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), distilled (2007), the world biofuel market in 2006 reached US$ water, 70% alcohol, and other chemical materials for 20,5 billion (for ethanol dan biodiesel). analysis. The arrowroot tuber plant is one alternative source The study was conducted in two stages, i.e. the of carbohydrate. As a raw material for biofuels, the preliminary research and primary research. The purpose arrowroot can be processed into bioethanol as a of the preliminary research was to determine the substitute for premium gas. The arrowroot is one source hydrolysis time of arrowroot flour with the addition of of starch that can be decomposed into sugar and then A. niger starter and commercial AMG. While the fermented into bioethanol. In its decomposition, starch objective of the primary research was to obtain the best needs the help of α-amylase and glycoamylase enzymes. treatment of saccharification with the addition of After it becomes sugar, then it is fermented into ethanol Aspergillus niger starter and commercial AMG for the using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. production of bioethanol from arrowroot flour. This study contributes to overcome national energy issues, particularly in conducting exploration of 86
  • 2. THE HYDROLYSIS OF ARROWROOT FLOUR TABLE 1 Results of the chemical composition of Arrowroot flour was dissolved, then heated and stirred arrowroot flour used in the study until gelatinization occurred. Then it was put into an Composition Average (%) autoclave and sterilized at a temperature of 121oC for 15 minutes. After sterilization, the erlenmeyer was cooled Water content 13.95 at room temperature. The next process was Ash content 1.00 saccharification, i.e. the decomposition of starch into Protein content 0.93 glucose. The starter A. niger was put into a substrate Fat content 1.79 with concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20%. At the same Fiber content 4.56 time, a similar process was also carried out using Carbohydrate content 73.53 commercial AMG cultures with concentrations of 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. The average carbohydrate content of arrowroot flour used in the study was 73.53 g/100 g arrowroot THE FERMENTATION OF ARROWROOT LIQUID SUGAR flour. The amount of carbohydrate in arrowroot starch Fermentation was done by putting Saccharomyces depends on the production process and the cultivar used. cerevisiae yeast - which is able to decompose sugar into The total carbohydrate of every 100 g can reach 85,2 ethanol - into the substrate, in which an anaerobic g/100 g arrowroot flour. The carbohydrate content of fermentation took place. In order to obtain an optimal arrowroot is lower than cassava flour which reaches fermentation, the temperature was maintained between 88,2 gram, but higher than rice which is only 78,9 25oC-30oC while the pH was between 4,5-5,5. The grams and wheat which is 77,3 grams. Although it is separation of ethanol and water was done through very widely used, many people are not familiar with the distillation at a temperature of 78oC, which is the arrowroot plant; unlike cassava, sweet potatoes or taro, boiling point of ethanol. The ethanol vapor was passed which are very popular. through a pipe/hose flown with water, so that it was PRELIMINARY RESEARCH condensed into liquid ethanol. The analysis conducted on the bioethanol products included total sugar level The enzyme used in this study comes from the A. niger analysis, alcohol level analysis, and fermentation fungus, in addition to the commercial AMG. According efficiency. to Tatang (2007), the Aspergilus sp fungus would produce the α-amylase and glucoamylase enzymes THE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN which would play roles to decompose starch into The experimental design used in this study was the glucose or simple sugar. nested design with two treatments (the kind of starter The total sugar content analysis was conducted and length of fermentation) and two replications. using a hand refractometer. From the results of the The mathematical model of the nested design used analysis, with amounts of substrates of 10% (A1), 15% was: (A2), and 20% (A3) and hydrolysis time of 6 days (B1), 9 days (B2), and 11 days (B3), the average sugar Yijk = μ + Ai + Bj(i) + Єijk content obtained was between 3% to 12%, as presented Where : Yijk : Observation variable as a result of treatments of in Figure 1. the i-th stage of factor A with the j-th stage of factor B at the k-th repetition μ : General mean Ai : Effects of treatment of the i-th stage of factor A (addition of starter i = 1, 2, 3) Bj(i) :Effects of treatment of the j-th stage (length of fermentation = 1, 2, 3) of factor B nested at the i- th stage of factor A. Єijk :Experimental error. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION PRELIMINARY RESEARCH The arrowroot tuber as raw material used in the study was obtained from Pekalongan, Central Java. Results of analysis on the arrowroot starch (AOAC 1984) used is presented in Table 1. FIGURE 1. Average total sugar content of arrowroot glucose syrup with A. niger starters. 87
  • 3. The results of analysis of variance showed that the the production of bioethanol from sweet potato glucose amount of starter used gave a significant effect on the syrup conducted by Haryani (2008), with a total sugar content produced (P<0,05). Treatment A2B3 fermentation time of 72 hours and an agitation of 125 (a substrate of 15% for 11 days) produced the highest rpm; the highest level of ethanol was obtained at a total sugar, i.e. 12%. Haryani’s study (2008), using the concentration of total initial sugar of 24%, i.e. α-amylase enzyme (0,8 ml/kg of starch) and AMG amounting to 11,80±0,71%, and the efficiency of enzyme (10,8 ml/ kg of starch) on a substrate of sweet fermentation of sugar into ethanol reached 96,41%. potato starch resulted in a total initial sugar of 24% at an The level of ethanol produced was presumably agitation of 150 rpm. The low total sugar produced in affected by the ratio between carbon and nitrogen that this study was probably due to the low amount of α- occurred in the fermentation. Factors that affect amylase and glucoamylase enzymes produced by the A. fermentation are temperature, pH, oxygen, nutrients and niger fungus starter. media of fermentation. Besides glucose, the medium of The use of commercial AMG in the production of fermentation was added with other substances that arrowroot tuber starch syrup was much more effective function as sources of macronutrients dan compared to the use of the A. niger starter. It can be micronutrients as well as growth factors. Ammonium is seen in Figure 2 that the sugar content resulting from the the form which is most easily used by yeast (Harrison & use of commercial AMG could reach 28,5% and Graham 1970). required a shorter fermentation time, i.e. 24 hours. Bell, Higgins & Attfield (2001) stated that the best Based on Figure 2, the use of AMG at a concentration sugar level for the process of fermentation is 16-25%, of 1% was able to produce optimum levels of sugar for which will produce ethanol as much as 6-12%. A fermentation, i.e. at a range of 18,3 to 24,5%. The concentration of sugar above 25% will slow down the higher the concentration of starch was used, the higher fermentation, whereas that above 70% will stop the the level of sugar was produced. Maximum sugar level process of fermentation due to osmotic pressure (Osho was produced from the use of an arrowroot starch 2005). solution with a concentration of 30%. The fermentation of ethanol occures anaerobically using certain yeasts which can convert glucose into ethanol through the Embden Meyerhof-Parnas Pathway. One molecule of glucose will form two molecules of ethanol and carbondioxyide. Based on its weight, theoretically one gram of glucose will produce 0,51 grams of ethanol. CONCLUSIONS Based on results of the study, the optimum time to produce liquid sugar from arrowroot tuber starch using Aspergillus niger was 11 days, resulting in a total sugar content of 12%. The use of commercial AMG in the production process of liquid sugar from arrowroot tuber starch was much more effective compared to the use of the Aspergillus niger starter. Sugar contents resulting from the use of commercial AMG could reach 28.5% and required a shorter fermentation time, i.e. 24 hours. Optimum conditions for the use of Aspergillus FIGURE 2. Average total sugar content of arrowroot niger in the production of liquid sugar from arrowroot glucose syrup with AMG starter. tuber were at a starter concentration of 10%, a fermentation temperature of 38oC, and fermentation FERMENTATION time of 9 days; while the use of commercial AMG The sugar syrup produced from the previous stage was required a starter concentration of 10%, and conversion used as the primary substrate in the fermentation was completed in 24 hours. process. The simple glucose model structure facilitates The results of analysis of alcohol level with a the fermentation process by S. cerevisiae. During fermentation time of 7 days, a temperature of 270C and fermentation, the cells use sugar for growth and produce an addition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae produced an ethanol. Ratledge (1991), stated that S. cerevisiae could average alcohol level of 6%. The highest efficiency of produce ethanol from glucose in anaerobic conditions. fermentation of sugar into alcohol reached 65%. The highest efficiency of fermentation of sugar into alcohol reached 65%. Currely et al.’s study (2002) REFERENCES on ethanol production with a 9% substrate of tuber pulp AOAC. 1984. Official Methods Analysis The and a substrate pH of 4,88; the efficiency of substrate Association of Official Analytical Chemist. 14th ed. use of 7,06% resulted in an ethanol level of 0,165%. In AOAC, Inc. Arlington, Virginia. 88
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