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BIBLICAL REVELATION   on  NUTRITION ROBIN B. NAVARRO, M.D.   Research Fellow, Wolfson College of Applied Science, Oxford University, Oxford, England   Email:  [email_address]  or  [email_address]
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WHY -  What Is the cause ? Is it because of lowered resistance? Is it because of rapid tissue degeneration? Is it because of lack of technology? Or, is it because of lack of wisdom? If so, then - why?
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Medical advises regarding the use of  Pediatric Milk Formula  have led to an  array of diseases (even degenerative  diseases) in children. Commercial formulas are low in saturated fats and soy  formulas are devoid of cholesterol. A recent study linked  low-fat diets with failure to thrive in children.  Pediatrics, Mar 1994, 93:3:438-443  The nonfat milk-based formula was eventually considered  too dangerous to continue. Of the various formulas given,  the whole cow's-milk formula produced the healthiest infants. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 31 (1978), p. 1006.  Infants on pediatric formulas have lower resistance to enteric  pathogens due to low levels of glycoproteins which has shown  to be the preferred substrate of some enteric microflora  responsible for preventing enteric pathogen colonization.   Fedorka-Cray PJ, et al,  J Food Prot  1999; 62:1376-1380  
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Medical advises regarding drastic lowering of Cholesterol has led to higher incidence of cancer, hepatitis,  car accidents, myopathies,  neuropathies and even depression. Br. Med. J  1994 In contrast to clinical trials using statin drugs, which suggest that cholesterol lowering from high to moderate levels is safe, many,  but not all, prospective studies report higher non-atherosclerotic  disease rates in people with low serum total cholesterol. ` Am J Epidemiol  2000 Apr 15;151(8):748-51 Low serum cholesterol has been associated with an increased risk  of cancer mortality.   Am J Epidemiol  2000 Apr 15;151(8):739-47   Association of low plasma cholesterol with mortality for cancer at  various sites in men: 17-year follow-up of the prospective   Basel  study. Am J Clin Nutr  2000 Feb;71(2):569-74
Medical advises regarding eating of   Low Fat/High Carbo Diet   could actually  be   counter-productive   to health.   High intake of rapidly digested & absorbed carbohydrates increases  the risk of ischemic heart disease, especially in overweight women  prone to insulin resistance.   Am J Clin Nutr 2002 Mar;75(3):492-8 Blood tests on men enrolled in diets with aggressive fat restriction  revealed a rise in triglyceride levels, along with a drop in levels of  HDL cholesterol.       Journal of the American Medical Association (1997;278(18):1509-1515)   Low-fat/high carbohydrate diets place us at greater risk for heart  disease, cancer , and diabetes. F. Jeppesen, et al. Am Jnl Clin Nutr, 1997; 65:1027-1033;  S. Francheschi, et al.Inter J Canc, 1997, 72:56-61  G Reaven, et al. Diabetes Care, 1989, 12:94-101
Medical advises regarding the use  of various Drugs  have been linked with  liver damage, Heart failure, kidney damage, stroke, etc. The use of NSAIDs caused a greater than 10-fold increase in the  risk of congestive heart failure (CHF) in patients with a history of  heart disease. In those without a history of heart disease, the use  of NSAIDs still increased the risk by 60%.    Archives of Internal Medicine June 2000; 160: 777-784. About 15% of the people on dialysis machine today are there as a result of the damage that aspirin and/or NSAIDS did to their kidneys.   New York Times January 29, 2002  People with high levels of the hormone insulin in their blood are also likely to have high levels of homocysteine, a substance that appears to raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, & birth defects, as well as possibly other adverse effects as well.   Diabetes Care 2000;23:1348-1352 Beta-blockers are the only blood pressure drugs linked to diabetes.    The New England Journal of Medicine 2000
IMMUNIZATION and/or VACCINATION   have been linked with brain damage, neuro- logical disorders, lowered IQ, ADD, learning disabilities, and autism.   Children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within three days after getting a DPT vaccination. Am J of Epidemiol, 1992 Diabetes epidemic has been associated with Hepa –B,  Small pox, Mumps and other vaccines.   Diabetes Care  1997 May; 20(5):767-772.  Neurological Complications in Children From Smallpox Vaccination,  DPT, measles and other vaccines. Pediatrics 1988 Mar;81(3):345-349. Acute Renal Failure, Skin Complications, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Epilepsy and mental retardation following  febrile seizures in childhood after vaccinations.     Acta Paediatr Scand  1989 Mar;78(2):291-295.
Where do we turn now for  the answer? Who will deliver us from  these diseases plaguing us? God thunders  - “My people are destroyed from lack of  knowledge”  (Hosea 4:6)
For we have not listened to Him!!! “ If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight,  give ear to His commandments and keep all  His statutes,  I will put none of the diseases  on you  w/c I have brought on the Egyptians, for  I am the Lord who heals you .”   Exodus 15:26 Is this still applicable to us?  “ For I am the Lord, I do not change.”   Malachi 3:6 “ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
“ I am the WAY,  the TRUTH,  and the LIFE”   John 14:6 The truth about health can be found in  His Words. Yes, the foundation of HEALTH as well as  Disease PREVENTION is  in    “ THE WORD OF GOD”
“ Along the bank of the river, on this side and that will grow all kinds of trees used for food … their  fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” Ezekiel 47:12 “ In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life,  which bore  twelve fruits, each tree  yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. ”   Revelation 22:2
What is it in the leaves that has  something to do with healing? Basically the root cause of all diseases is  Oxidative Damage , whether it be cancer, heart attack, kidney problem, respiratory,  Diseases, etc.
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FLAVONOIDS Protective effect of flavonoids against cardiovascular  diseases and some types of cancer.  Depeint F, et al. Proc Nutr Soc 2002 Feb;61(1):97-103  Potential role of dietary flavonoids in reducing  microvascular endothelium vulnerability to oxidative and inflammatory insults. Youdim KA, et al. J Nutr Biochem 2002 May;13(5):282-288   Prevention of Cellular Damage by Isovitexin and  related Flavonoids.   Lin CM, et al.Planta Med 2002 Apr;68(4):365-367
CRUCIFEROUS Indole-3-carbinol and diindolylmethane induce  apoptosis of human cervical cancer cells.  Chen DZ, et al., J Nutr 2001 Dec;131(12):3294-302 Mechanisms involved in the inhibition of carcinogenesis  by isothiocyanates include induction of detoxification  enzymes and induction of apoptosis  Smith TJ. Expert Opin Investig Drugs 2001 Dec;10(12):2167-74   Sulforaphane and its metabolite mediate growth arrest  and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Chiao JW, et al., Int J Oncol 2002 Mar;20(3):631-6
The leaves also contain . . . VITAMINS, MINERALS AND ENZYMES    The  leaves  contain  major  and  minor minerals  which act as  enzyme co-factors, and vitamin  that  converts  into coenzymes  in the body.  Both enzyme cofactors and coenzymes are needed for enzymatic repair and synthesis to proceed in the human body.
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DIETARY FIBERS 2.  Insoluble fiber appears to speed the passage of foods through  the stomach and intestines. *  Functions of Insoluble Fiber    -  move bulk through the intestines    -  control and balance the pH (acidity) in the intestines *  Benefits of Insoluble Fiber   -  promote regular bowel movement and prevent constipation    -  remove toxic waste through colon in less time    -  help prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH in  intestines to prevent microbes from producing  cancerous substances
The leaves also contain . . . BLOOD THINNER and Vitamin K Natural aspirin or salicylate is also present in some leaves. This can prevent blood clotting. But there are those that contain high Vitamin K which is also good for those who are prone to bleeding.
FRUITS CONTAINING NATURAL  SALICYLATES (Aspirin*) Almonds Raisin   Green Peppers Apples Apricots   Tabasco Peppers Bananas Cherries   Blackberries Blueberries Lemons   Boysenberries Cucumbers Currants   Gooseberries Dewberries Grapes   Grapefruits Nectarines Melons   Raspberries Oranges Peaches   Strawberries Pickles Plums   Tomatoes * Thins the blood to improve circulation
TOP 10 ANTI-CANCER FOODS 1.  Strawberries -  ellagic acid, p-coumaric acid &   chlorogenic acid 2. Tomatoes -  lycopene, p-coumaric acid &   chlorogenic acid 3. Oranges -  Vit. C,  170 phytochemicals   and 20 anti-oxidants 4. Pineapple -  flavonoids, p-coumaric &   chlorogenic acid    5. Tea -  polyphenols, catechins 6. Whole Wheat -  nutrient, fiber & phytochemicals 7. Carrots -  beta-carotene, saponins 8. Cabbage -  PEITC, saponins 9. Cauliflower -  indole-3-carbinol, PEITC &   sulphoraphine 10. Beans -  isoflavones (genestein, saponins)
To get the desired effects, oftentimes we need  to consume so much quantities of leaves! So, the Lord God transfer the HEALING POWER of the leaves to ruminant animals that grazed on  them.  These include their meats, fats,  eggs and milk.  And even honey from honeybees.
What type of meat should we eat? “ These are the animals which you may eat among all the beasts that  are on the earth:  Among the beasts, whatever divides the  hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud - that you may eat.”   (Leviticus 11:2-3) Examples are ruminants such as:  Sheep, goat, cow, carabao, lamb
What type of meat should we eat? “ These are the animals which you may eat among all the beasts that  are on the earth:  Among the beasts, whatever divides the  hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud - that you may eat.”   (Leviticus 11:2-3) Examples are ruminants such as:  Sheep, goat, cow, carabao, lamb
What part should be eaten? “…  the fat tail and the fat that covers the entrails, the two kidneys and the fat that is on them by the flanks,  and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the  kidneys , you shall remove.”  Leveticus 7:3-4 “ You shall not eat any fat, of ox or sheep or goat.…”     Leviticus 11:2-3 Hard fat (beef tallow or suet) is a repository for pesticide residue, DDT & toxins,  certain  hormones like DES. Certain fat is allowed like the bone marrow and marbled fat.  Isaiah 25:6  “And in this mountain the Lord of host will make   for all people a feast of  choice pieces … of fat things full of  marrow ….”
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MILK & DAIRY PRODUCTS “ and that you may prolong your days in the land which the Lord swore to give your fathers, to them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.” Deuteronomy 11:9 “…  Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. ”   Isaiah 7:14-15 “ Then the Lord appeared to him by the terebinth tree … And Abraham ran to the herd, took a tender and good calf … So he took butter and milk and the calf which he prepared and set before them; … and they ate . ”   Genesis 18:1, 7-8
MILK & DAIRY PRODUCTS  are essential for health Isaiah 55:1-2  “Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and  milk …Why do you spend money…And your wages for what does not satisfy… eat what is good.”
MILK (FULL CREAM) *  a complete food *  an excellent source of    vitamins and minerals *  a natural tranquilizer    (butyric acid in cream   converts to GABA) *  a component of cell    membrane
Butyric acid in Butter/Milk -  anti-carcinogenic and a potent antiproliferative agent  besides being proapoptotic to endothelial cells Gururaj AE, et al. Mol Cell Biochem 2003 Jan;243(1-2):107-12 -  provide antioxidant protection Courtois F, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2003 Mar;77(3):744-750 -  has potent anti-colon cancer properties owing to its  ability to induce apoptosis in colon cancer cells Watkins SM, et al. J Dairy Res 1999 Nov;66(4):559-67 -  anti-convulsant property Petroff OA. Neuroscientist 2002 Dec;8(6):562-73
CALCIUM in MILK aids in Fat Reduction Dietary calcium in the form of dairy had an even greater  effect in reducing fat storage than calcium supplement. J Nutr 2003 Jan;133(1):252S-256S The 3rd National Health and Nutrition Examination  Survey (NHANES III) shows an inverse relationship  between calcium and dairy intakes and body fats in  adults. The FASEB Journal, June 2000
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Bioactive Peptides in Milk Proteins   Immunostimulatory and antimicrobial Effects: -  peptide from Trypsin hydrolysed milk enhance the resistance of mice to  Klebsiella pneumonia.  Meisel H. 1997.  Livestock Prod. Sci. 50:125-138 -  peptide from casein has shown protective action in mice against  Staphyloccus aureus  &  Candida albicans  and has shown to safeguard sheep and cows against  mastitis  when injected into udder at the same levels observed w/ standard antibiotic treatment. Clare, DA, et al. 2000.  J Dairy Sci. 83:1187-1195 -  Casein-derived   casomorphins  are able to regulate gastrointestinal  motility, affect the rate of gastric emptying & exert  anti-diarrhoeal action . Butts, CA, et al. 1993.  J. Sci. Food and Agr. 61:31-40 -  Transforming Growth Factor (TGF- ) , polypeptides occurring natural- ly in milk are effective in inducing remission and mucosal healing in  patients with  Crohn’s disease .   Donnet-Hughes AN, et al. 2000.  Immunol and Cell Biol 78(1):74-79
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Short and Medium-chain Fatty Acids in Milk Lauric acid , a medium chain fatty acid, is a   potent anti-microbial and antifungal substance.   Chem Biol Interact 2002 May 20;140(2):185-98 Dietary sphingomyelin suppresses intestinal cholesterol absorption  by decreasing thermodynamic activity of cholesterol monomers. Gastroenterology 2002 Apr;122(4):948-56 Short-chain fatty acids promote Ca absorption in the cecum and  colon.   Mineo H, et al. Life Sci 2001 Jun 22;69(5):517-26 Stearic acid , found in beef marbled fat and butter, has  cholesterol- lowering properties   and is a preferred food for the heart.   Lawson, L. D. and F. Kummerow,  Lipids  14:501-503, 1979 “ milk fat   contains a number of potentially anticarcinogenic compo- nents including conjugated linoleic acid, butyric acid, sphingomyelin and ether lipids."   Parodi PW.  J Nutr  1997;127:1055-60.
MILK contains a great amount of Short and Medium chain saturated fatty acids: Butyric Acid  110  Caproic Acid  60  Caprylic Acid  40 Capric Acid  80  Lauric Acid  90  Myristic Acid Myristoleic Acid  Pentadecanoic Acid  Palmitic Acid Palmitoleic Acid  Margaric Acid   Stearic Acid Oleic Acid   Linoleic Acid   Alpha-Linolenic Acid Conjugated Linoleic Acid Is MILK contributory to cholesterol build-up? Short and Medium Chain Saturated Fatty Acids  like Butyric Acid C4 (Butterfat) are absorbed with  albumin. So, they don’t contribute to build-up and absorption  of cholesterol.
“ If your son asks for … an egg, will you [father] offer him a scorpion? If you  then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to  your children ….”  Luke  11:11-13 All the antioxidant power of leaves are  concentrated in the yolk!
EGG *  An excellent source of complete  protein since it contains all the essential amino acids. *  The richest known source of choline, a cholesterol “esterifier”. *  Lecithin found in the yolk,  aids in fat assimilation and raises HDL levels. *  Highest biological value.
Folic Acid in Milk & Egg: Involved in the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases by helping lower  elevated Homocysteine levels.  Wald NJ. Increase intake of folic acid reduces  mortality in ischemic heart diseases.  Arch Intern Med.  158:862-867, 1998 Prevents some forms of Cancer: Cervical, Uterus, Lung, Colon, Liver and Leukoplakia.  Giovamuci E., et al.  Am Intern Med  129(7): 517-524, 1998   RBN:06/01
Transfer  Factors in Milk & Egg: “ Transfer factors are tiny molecules found in colostrum which provide "immune knowledge" from a mother's immune system to her baby used in recognizing and fighting outside threats. By transferring information from cell to cell, transfer factors serve as "teachers" to  the new cells, ensuring a strong immune system capable of surviving, even thriving, in its new environment.   These molecules were first  discovered in the late 40's by Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence.    All mammals produce transfer factor, but scientists prefer to  work with chicken and normal bovine colostrum.” Dr. Rob Robertson Director of Emergency Services Western Baptist Hospital in Paducah, KY.
Transfer  Factors in Milk & Egg: -  ability to increase Natural Killer Cell (NK) activity.   Institute of Longevity Medicine in California -  immunomodulating properties.   International Journal of Immunopharmacology Vol. 20, 1 Oct. 1998, pp. 521-535  -  act as an antigen-dependent macrophage inhibition    factor(MIF). Immunology.  1974 June; 26(6): 1069–1080. - increase resistance to microbes i.e.  Escherichia coli   J Bacteriol. 1970 October; 104(1): 340-344
Cysteine in Milk & Egg: *  Possesses Life Extension potential   Izzotti, A., et al, Inhibition by N-acetylcysteine of carcinogen-DNA   adducts in tracheal epithelium of rats exposed to cigarette smoke.    Carcinogenesis . 16(3):669-772, 1995. *  Helps prevent some forms of cancer   Albini, A., et al. Inhibition of invasion, gelatinase activity, tumor    take metastasis of malignant cells by N-acetylcysteine.   International Journal of Cancer   61(1):121-129, 1995. *  Useful in the treatment of Hair Loss Pearson, D. & Shaw, S. Male pattern baldness and what you can do about it. In:  Life Extension: A Practical Scientific  Approach .  Warner Books, New York, NY, USA, 1982:217.  *  Protects the genes from damage caused by smoke Balansky, R. B., et al. Protection by N-acetylcysteine of the histopathological and cytogenetical damage produced by exposure of rats to cigarette smoke.  Cancer Letters . 64(2):123-131, 1992.   RBN:06/01
Egg Lecithin Increases “fluidity” of the cell membranes by removing cholesterol and replacing it with  phosphatidylcholine & phosphatidylethanolamine. In this way atherosclerotic plaque are declogged. Shinitzky, M., et al. Intervention in membrane aging - the development and  application of active lipid.  In: Liss, Alan R. Intervention in the Aging Process:  Basic Research and Preclinical Screening.   Improves cognitive function in elderly patient. Dean, W. & Mortgenthaler, J.,  Smart Drugs & Nutrients . B & J Publications, Sta. Cruz, California, USA. 1990:93-94.
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Phosphatidylcholine  (in Egg) : Prevents and dissolves Gallstones and Kidney  stones  by emulsifying their constituent lipids. Tompkins RK, et al.  Relationship of biliary phospholipid and cholesterol  concentrations to the occurrence and dissolution of human gallstones.  Ann Surg.   172(6):936-945, 1970 Tuzhilin, SA, etal. The treatment of patients with gallstone by lecithin.  Am J Gastroenterol . 65:231, 1976. Beneficial in the treatment of Hepatitis. Atoba, MA, et al. Effect of essential phospholipid choline on the course of acute hepatitis-B infection.  Tropical Gastroenterology . 6(2):96-99, 1985. Jenkins PJ, et al. Use of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine in HBsAg negative  chronic active hepatitis: Results of prospective double-blind controlled trial. Liver . 2:77-81, 1982     RBN:06/01
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    MRFIT Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial  baseline data conducted from 1973-1982: People eating more eggs, or taking  their energies from egg tended to have  lower cholesterol.
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EGG Eggs do not raise the risk of CHD N = 37,851 men Age = 40 - 75 years N = 80,082 women Age = 34 - 59 years Duration of Study:  8 years (men), 14 years women Dr. Frank Hu, Harvard SPH, JAMA, 1999
  Cream of milk, egg yolk, liver, bone  marrow, and even animal fat are all rich in in Choline, Lecithin, and Inositol  —  all powerful emulsifiers  —  to open up clogged arteries in the brain, heart, kidney, and legs. Nutrition Almanac
SALT food to taste! Job 6:6-7 (NIV)  “Is tasteless food  eaten without salt ?  Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?  I refuse to  touch it;  such food makes me ill .”   *  A recent study showed those people who ate the least sodium had the highest risk of a heart attack. Hypertension 25:1144, 1995  *  Other studies suggest low-salt diets may raise cholesterol and  triglycerides. Am J Hypertens 4:416, 1991; Hypertension 11:743, 1993   RBN:02/01
NOT Iodized SALT! P rolonged use of iodized salt exposes the  Population to the risk of thyroid disorders.   Zahidi A, Hababa L, Idrissi MO, Taoufik J.  Therapie 1999 Sep-Oct;54(5):549-52 A multicenter study was conducted in 7 countries to evaluate whether the occurrence of iodine-induced  hyperthyroidism (IIH) after introduction of iodized salt.  The conclusion: the risk of iodine-induced hyper thyroidism (IIH) after correction of iodine deficiency is closely related  to the recent excessive increment of iodine supply.   Delange F, de Benoist B, Alnwick D. Thyroid 1999 Jun;9(6):545-56 International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Brussels, Belgium.  RBN:08/01
“ Medical Science, as it evolves, shall continuously trek on erroneous trail unless and until it jives with the exacting requirements of Biblical Wisdom!”   John Immanuel Ambassador for Christ – Ministry of Reconciliation
It has been a pleasure serving you!!!
“ The   Doctor of the Future   will  give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the  care  of the human frame   in   Diet , and  in the   cause   and  prevention   of disease.” -  Thomas A. Edison
Rule #3:  ONLY CLEAN FOOD  must be eaten  “ Nevertheless these you shall not eat among  those that chew the cud or those that have  cloven hooves….”  Examples:  flesh of pigs, cat, dogs, camels, rabbits, horse, rat, etc. Isaiah 65:3-4  “A people who provoke Me to anger continually … who  eats the flesh of pigs , and whose pots hold  broth of unclean meats .” “ The six most common food-borne parasitic diseases of  humans are associated with pork consumption.  These  include toxoplasmosis, taeniasis or cysticercosis and  trichinellosis….” Rex Russell,  What the Bible Says About Healthy Living ,1999, p. 78-79
Processed Foods like: REFINED SUGAR *  Accelerates aging process  -  promotes production of substances called advance glycation end-products (AGEs), which in turn hasten aging. -  increases free radicals in the body which accelerates aging. J of Clin Endoc & Metab., August, 2000 *  A dversely affects functions of the body systems  by causing changes in blood chemistry & affecting the body’s homeostatic balance -  sugar intake is positively correlated with the incidence of  candida vulvo-vaginitis. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 1984 -  high sugar intake and low fiber diets - more prone to cancer. Science News, November 10, 1990
Processed Vegetable Oils   In test animals, diets high in polyunsaturates from  vegetable oils: -  inhibit the ability to learn when under stress -  are toxic to the liver -  compromise the integrity of the immune system -  depress the mental and physical growth of infants -  increase levels of uric acid in the blood -  abnormal fatty acid profiles in the adipose tissues -  linked to mental decline and chromosomal damage -  accelerate ageing Teter, B. B. et al., Journal of Nutrition 120:818-824, 1990 A general review of citations for problems with polyunsaturate consumption is found in E. R. Pinckney and  C. Pinckney,  The Cholesterol Controversy , Sherbourne Press,  Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1973, pp. 127-131
Trans-fatty Acids (margarine, vegetable Oil and shortening) According to studies, the trans-fat diet  reduced blood vessel function by 30% and lowered HDL ("good")-cholesterol levels by about one fifth, compared with the saturated-fat diet.  Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology July 2001 RBN:07/01
Vegetable oils are more toxic when heated.   *  One study reported that polyunsaturates turn to varnish in the intestines.  * A study by a plastic surgeon found that women who  consumed mostly vegetable oils had far more wrinkles than those who used traditional animal fats.  * A 1994 study published in the Lancet showed that almost  3/4 of the fat in artery clogs is unsaturated.  * The 'artery-clogging' fats are not animal fats  but vegetable oils.    Felton, C. V. et al., "Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids    and Composition of Human Aortic Plaques",    Lancet 344:1195, 1994 RBN:07/01
TRANS FATTY & UNSATURATED FATS Swine fed trans fatty acids developed higher parameters for heart disease than those fed  saturated fats, especially when trans fatty acids  were combined with added polyunsaturates. Elson, C. E. et al., "The Influence of Dietary Unsaturated Cis and  Trans and Saturated Fatty Acids on Tissue Lipids of Swine",  Atherosclerosis  40:115-137, 1981 The u se of polyunsaturated oils caused an  increase in  breast tumours . And way back in 1969,  the use of  corn oil  was discovered to cause an  increase in  atherosclerosis . Kritchevsky, D., Medical Counterpoint, March 1969
Trans fatty acid (margarine and shortening)  A long prospective study by researchers at Harvard University involving 85,000 women. Individuals who developed heart disease are those who have high intake of trans fatty acids. Mary G. Enig, Ph.D in Nutrition Contributing Editor, “Clinical Nutrition” 50 % higher risk of CHD in women Willett, et al. Intake of trans fatty acid…  Lancet 1993; 341:581
SATURATED FAT  like margarine, compound butter, etc. Risk of heart attack increased by: N = 80,082 nurses Saturated fat (long chain) and Trans- fatty acid(margarine/shortening) - 53% not  by butter (short chain saturated fat) New England Journal of Medicine, Nov. 1997   RBN:08/99
Trans fatty acid(margarine and shortening)  A study focusing on the cardiac risk of several types of fat: saturated fat, trans unsaturated fat (the "hardened" fat in margarine and fast foods), mono- unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.   Trans unsaturated fats has the highest risk  -- 93% Polyunsaturated fats (corn and soybean)  -- 38% Monounsaturated fats (olive and canola)  -- 19% D ietary saturated fat (meats and dairy foods) -- 17%   The New England Journal of Medicine ( November 20, 1997;337:1491-1499)   RBN:07/01
Rule #3:  ONLY CLEAN FOOD  must be eaten  “ And these you regard as an abomination among the birds; they shall not be eaten, they  are an abomination:  The eagle, the vulture, the buzzard, the kite, the falcon, the raven, the ostrich, owls, seagull,  hawks, storks, heron...the bat.”  (Leviticus 11:13-19) Clean meat is high in protein , essential amino acids,  B-complex vitamins, omega-3 fatty acid; lowest in omega- 6 fatty acid. Unclean meat like pork is high in omega-6 fatty acid;  carrier of viruses and parasites like tapeworm, trichinella, etc.  Certain flu virus which are non-virulent can become virulent when combined with a bird virus in the pork  flesh.  Ex. Hongkong flu virus.   RBN:02/01
Rule #3:  ONLY CLEAN FOOD  must be eaten  “ Whatever in the water does not have  fins and scales – that shall be an  abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) Leviticus 11:9-10 says, “These you may eat of all  that are in the water; Whatever in the water that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers – that you may eat.  But all in the seas or in  the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that  move in the water or any living thing which is in  the water, they are detestable.” Examples of this are:  catfish, puffer fish, stingray, eel,  swordfish, crabs, lobsters, frogs, clams, shark, squid These fish are usually high in toxins and other  contaminants.
Rule #3:  ONLY CLEAN FOOD  must be eaten  “ Whatever in the water does not have fins  and scales – that shall be an abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) *  Neurologic illness associated with eating  Florida pufferfish, 2002.   MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2002 Apr 19;51(15):321-3   *  Heavy Metals in Green Mussel ( Perna viridis) and Oysters  ( Crassostrea sp.) from Trinidad and Venezuela.  Rojas De Astudillo L, Chang Yen I, Agard J, Bekele I, Hubbard R. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2002 May;42(4):410-5  *  Acute hepatitis A and non-ABC hepatitis are probably related  to the intake of shellfish and travel to endemic areas.  .   Chau TN, Lai ST, Lai JY, Yuen H.   Hong Kong Med J 1997 Sep;3(3):261-266
Rule #3:  ONLY CLEAN FOOD  must be eaten  “ Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales –  that shall be an abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) *  A high intake of fish like salmon, cod, herring, etc. may  reduce the risk of AMD. Am J Clin Nutr 2001 Feb;73(2):209-18 *  Fish protein attenuated the development of hypertension and  also decreased plasma total cholesterol concentration. Thus, it  enhances protection against cardiovascular diseases. Yahia DA, et al. J Nutr 2003 Feb;133(2):479-82 *  Acute hepatitis A and non-ABC hepatitis are probably related to  the intake of shellfish and travel to endemic areas.  .   xxx Chau TN, Lai ST, Lai JY, Yuen H.   Hong Kong Med J 1997 Sep;3(3):261-266     RBN:05/2002
Rule #3:  ONLY CLEAN FOOD  must be eaten  “ Whatever in the water does not have  fins and scales – that shall be an  abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) Examples of clean living things in the seas and rivers are:  bangus, tilapia, cod, pompano, salmon, herring, bass,  halibut, gurami, lapu-lapu, trout, dilis, hasa-hasa, etc. These fish are usually high in omega-3 fatty acids. *  A high intake of fish like salmon, cod, herring, etc. may  reduce the risk of AMD. Am J Clin Nutr 2001 Feb;73(2):209-18 *  Fish protein attenuated the development of hypertension and  also decreased plasma total cholesterol concentration. Thus, it  enhances protection against cardiovascular diseases. Yahia DA, et al. J Nutr 2003 Feb;133(2):479-82
In 1970, researchers found low rate  of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases on: * Greenland Eskimos * Japanese Fishermen * Norwegians who consume considerable quantities of cold water marine fish:   Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines (Bang, Dyesberg, Hjorne, Acta Med Scan, 1976) In a Mexican population study, the hypertriglyceridemic  group showed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) reduction of triglycerides and significant(p < 0.01) elevation of high density lipoproteins when given 3 grams of salmon oil daily.  Carvajal O, Angulo O.  Salud Publica Mex 1997 May-Jun;39(3):221-4
POLYUNSATURATED FAT Arachidonic Acid (Omega-6) level:  mg per 100 grams Pork fat = 180 mg. Beef Tallow = 20-180 mg. Lean meat (duck) = 99 mg. Lean (pork) = 30-99 mg. Lean meat (beef & lamb) = lowest (Note: Higher in Omega-3)   Mann & Sinclair, Lipids 1998   RBN:08/99

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Charaka Samhita Sutra sthana Chapter 15 Upakalpaniyaadhyaya
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Charaka Samhita Sutra sthana Chapter 15 Upakalpaniyaadhyaya

Biblical Revelation On Nutrition

  • 1. BIBLICAL REVELATION on NUTRITION ROBIN B. NAVARRO, M.D. Research Fellow, Wolfson College of Applied Science, Oxford University, Oxford, England Email: [email_address] or [email_address]
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  • 3. WHY - What Is the cause ? Is it because of lowered resistance? Is it because of rapid tissue degeneration? Is it because of lack of technology? Or, is it because of lack of wisdom? If so, then - why?
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  • 5. Medical advises regarding the use of Pediatric Milk Formula have led to an array of diseases (even degenerative diseases) in children. Commercial formulas are low in saturated fats and soy formulas are devoid of cholesterol. A recent study linked low-fat diets with failure to thrive in children. Pediatrics, Mar 1994, 93:3:438-443 The nonfat milk-based formula was eventually considered too dangerous to continue. Of the various formulas given, the whole cow's-milk formula produced the healthiest infants. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 31 (1978), p. 1006. Infants on pediatric formulas have lower resistance to enteric pathogens due to low levels of glycoproteins which has shown to be the preferred substrate of some enteric microflora responsible for preventing enteric pathogen colonization. Fedorka-Cray PJ, et al, J Food Prot 1999; 62:1376-1380  
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  • 7. Medical advises regarding drastic lowering of Cholesterol has led to higher incidence of cancer, hepatitis, car accidents, myopathies, neuropathies and even depression. Br. Med. J 1994 In contrast to clinical trials using statin drugs, which suggest that cholesterol lowering from high to moderate levels is safe, many, but not all, prospective studies report higher non-atherosclerotic disease rates in people with low serum total cholesterol. ` Am J Epidemiol 2000 Apr 15;151(8):748-51 Low serum cholesterol has been associated with an increased risk of cancer mortality. Am J Epidemiol 2000 Apr 15;151(8):739-47 Association of low plasma cholesterol with mortality for cancer at various sites in men: 17-year follow-up of the prospective Basel study. Am J Clin Nutr 2000 Feb;71(2):569-74
  • 8. Medical advises regarding eating of Low Fat/High Carbo Diet could actually be counter-productive to health. High intake of rapidly digested & absorbed carbohydrates increases the risk of ischemic heart disease, especially in overweight women prone to insulin resistance. Am J Clin Nutr 2002 Mar;75(3):492-8 Blood tests on men enrolled in diets with aggressive fat restriction revealed a rise in triglyceride levels, along with a drop in levels of HDL cholesterol. Journal of the American Medical Association (1997;278(18):1509-1515) Low-fat/high carbohydrate diets place us at greater risk for heart disease, cancer , and diabetes. F. Jeppesen, et al. Am Jnl Clin Nutr, 1997; 65:1027-1033; S. Francheschi, et al.Inter J Canc, 1997, 72:56-61 G Reaven, et al. Diabetes Care, 1989, 12:94-101
  • 9. Medical advises regarding the use of various Drugs have been linked with liver damage, Heart failure, kidney damage, stroke, etc. The use of NSAIDs caused a greater than 10-fold increase in the risk of congestive heart failure (CHF) in patients with a history of heart disease. In those without a history of heart disease, the use of NSAIDs still increased the risk by 60%. Archives of Internal Medicine June 2000; 160: 777-784. About 15% of the people on dialysis machine today are there as a result of the damage that aspirin and/or NSAIDS did to their kidneys. New York Times January 29, 2002 People with high levels of the hormone insulin in their blood are also likely to have high levels of homocysteine, a substance that appears to raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, & birth defects, as well as possibly other adverse effects as well. Diabetes Care 2000;23:1348-1352 Beta-blockers are the only blood pressure drugs linked to diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine 2000
  • 10. IMMUNIZATION and/or VACCINATION have been linked with brain damage, neuro- logical disorders, lowered IQ, ADD, learning disabilities, and autism. Children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within three days after getting a DPT vaccination. Am J of Epidemiol, 1992 Diabetes epidemic has been associated with Hepa –B, Small pox, Mumps and other vaccines. Diabetes Care 1997 May; 20(5):767-772. Neurological Complications in Children From Smallpox Vaccination, DPT, measles and other vaccines. Pediatrics 1988 Mar;81(3):345-349. Acute Renal Failure, Skin Complications, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Epilepsy and mental retardation following febrile seizures in childhood after vaccinations. Acta Paediatr Scand 1989 Mar;78(2):291-295.
  • 11. Where do we turn now for the answer? Who will deliver us from these diseases plaguing us? God thunders - “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6)
  • 12. For we have not listened to Him!!! “ If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you w/c I have brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you .” Exodus 15:26 Is this still applicable to us? “ For I am the Lord, I do not change.” Malachi 3:6 “ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
  • 13. “ I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE” John 14:6 The truth about health can be found in His Words. Yes, the foundation of HEALTH as well as Disease PREVENTION is in “ THE WORD OF GOD”
  • 14. “ Along the bank of the river, on this side and that will grow all kinds of trees used for food … their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” Ezekiel 47:12 “ In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. ” Revelation 22:2
  • 15. What is it in the leaves that has something to do with healing? Basically the root cause of all diseases is Oxidative Damage , whether it be cancer, heart attack, kidney problem, respiratory, Diseases, etc.
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  • 19. FLAVONOIDS Protective effect of flavonoids against cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer. Depeint F, et al. Proc Nutr Soc 2002 Feb;61(1):97-103 Potential role of dietary flavonoids in reducing microvascular endothelium vulnerability to oxidative and inflammatory insults. Youdim KA, et al. J Nutr Biochem 2002 May;13(5):282-288 Prevention of Cellular Damage by Isovitexin and related Flavonoids. Lin CM, et al.Planta Med 2002 Apr;68(4):365-367
  • 20. CRUCIFEROUS Indole-3-carbinol and diindolylmethane induce apoptosis of human cervical cancer cells. Chen DZ, et al., J Nutr 2001 Dec;131(12):3294-302 Mechanisms involved in the inhibition of carcinogenesis by isothiocyanates include induction of detoxification enzymes and induction of apoptosis Smith TJ. Expert Opin Investig Drugs 2001 Dec;10(12):2167-74 Sulforaphane and its metabolite mediate growth arrest and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Chiao JW, et al., Int J Oncol 2002 Mar;20(3):631-6
  • 21. The leaves also contain . . . VITAMINS, MINERALS AND ENZYMES The leaves contain major and minor minerals which act as enzyme co-factors, and vitamin that converts into coenzymes in the body. Both enzyme cofactors and coenzymes are needed for enzymatic repair and synthesis to proceed in the human body.
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  • 23. DIETARY FIBERS 2. Insoluble fiber appears to speed the passage of foods through the stomach and intestines. * Functions of Insoluble Fiber - move bulk through the intestines - control and balance the pH (acidity) in the intestines * Benefits of Insoluble Fiber - promote regular bowel movement and prevent constipation - remove toxic waste through colon in less time - help prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH in intestines to prevent microbes from producing cancerous substances
  • 24. The leaves also contain . . . BLOOD THINNER and Vitamin K Natural aspirin or salicylate is also present in some leaves. This can prevent blood clotting. But there are those that contain high Vitamin K which is also good for those who are prone to bleeding.
  • 25. FRUITS CONTAINING NATURAL SALICYLATES (Aspirin*) Almonds Raisin Green Peppers Apples Apricots Tabasco Peppers Bananas Cherries Blackberries Blueberries Lemons Boysenberries Cucumbers Currants Gooseberries Dewberries Grapes Grapefruits Nectarines Melons Raspberries Oranges Peaches Strawberries Pickles Plums Tomatoes * Thins the blood to improve circulation
  • 26. TOP 10 ANTI-CANCER FOODS 1. Strawberries - ellagic acid, p-coumaric acid & chlorogenic acid 2. Tomatoes - lycopene, p-coumaric acid & chlorogenic acid 3. Oranges - Vit. C, 170 phytochemicals and 20 anti-oxidants 4. Pineapple - flavonoids, p-coumaric & chlorogenic acid 5. Tea - polyphenols, catechins 6. Whole Wheat - nutrient, fiber & phytochemicals 7. Carrots - beta-carotene, saponins 8. Cabbage - PEITC, saponins 9. Cauliflower - indole-3-carbinol, PEITC & sulphoraphine 10. Beans - isoflavones (genestein, saponins)
  • 27. To get the desired effects, oftentimes we need to consume so much quantities of leaves! So, the Lord God transfer the HEALING POWER of the leaves to ruminant animals that grazed on them. These include their meats, fats, eggs and milk. And even honey from honeybees.
  • 28. What type of meat should we eat? “ These are the animals which you may eat among all the beasts that are on the earth: Among the beasts, whatever divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud - that you may eat.” (Leviticus 11:2-3) Examples are ruminants such as: Sheep, goat, cow, carabao, lamb
  • 29. What type of meat should we eat? “ These are the animals which you may eat among all the beasts that are on the earth: Among the beasts, whatever divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud - that you may eat.” (Leviticus 11:2-3) Examples are ruminants such as: Sheep, goat, cow, carabao, lamb
  • 30. What part should be eaten? “… the fat tail and the fat that covers the entrails, the two kidneys and the fat that is on them by the flanks, and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the kidneys , you shall remove.” Leveticus 7:3-4 “ You shall not eat any fat, of ox or sheep or goat.…” Leviticus 11:2-3 Hard fat (beef tallow or suet) is a repository for pesticide residue, DDT & toxins, certain hormones like DES. Certain fat is allowed like the bone marrow and marbled fat. Isaiah 25:6 “And in this mountain the Lord of host will make for all people a feast of choice pieces … of fat things full of marrow ….”
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  • 34. MILK & DAIRY PRODUCTS “ and that you may prolong your days in the land which the Lord swore to give your fathers, to them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.” Deuteronomy 11:9 “… Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. ” Isaiah 7:14-15 “ Then the Lord appeared to him by the terebinth tree … And Abraham ran to the herd, took a tender and good calf … So he took butter and milk and the calf which he prepared and set before them; … and they ate . ” Genesis 18:1, 7-8
  • 35. MILK & DAIRY PRODUCTS are essential for health Isaiah 55:1-2 “Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk …Why do you spend money…And your wages for what does not satisfy… eat what is good.”
  • 36. MILK (FULL CREAM) * a complete food * an excellent source of vitamins and minerals * a natural tranquilizer (butyric acid in cream converts to GABA) * a component of cell membrane
  • 37. Butyric acid in Butter/Milk - anti-carcinogenic and a potent antiproliferative agent besides being proapoptotic to endothelial cells Gururaj AE, et al. Mol Cell Biochem 2003 Jan;243(1-2):107-12 - provide antioxidant protection Courtois F, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2003 Mar;77(3):744-750 - has potent anti-colon cancer properties owing to its ability to induce apoptosis in colon cancer cells Watkins SM, et al. J Dairy Res 1999 Nov;66(4):559-67 - anti-convulsant property Petroff OA. Neuroscientist 2002 Dec;8(6):562-73
  • 38. CALCIUM in MILK aids in Fat Reduction Dietary calcium in the form of dairy had an even greater effect in reducing fat storage than calcium supplement. J Nutr 2003 Jan;133(1):252S-256S The 3rd National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) shows an inverse relationship between calcium and dairy intakes and body fats in adults. The FASEB Journal, June 2000
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  • 40. Bioactive Peptides in Milk Proteins Immunostimulatory and antimicrobial Effects: - peptide from Trypsin hydrolysed milk enhance the resistance of mice to Klebsiella pneumonia. Meisel H. 1997. Livestock Prod. Sci. 50:125-138 - peptide from casein has shown protective action in mice against Staphyloccus aureus & Candida albicans and has shown to safeguard sheep and cows against mastitis when injected into udder at the same levels observed w/ standard antibiotic treatment. Clare, DA, et al. 2000. J Dairy Sci. 83:1187-1195 - Casein-derived casomorphins are able to regulate gastrointestinal motility, affect the rate of gastric emptying & exert anti-diarrhoeal action . Butts, CA, et al. 1993. J. Sci. Food and Agr. 61:31-40 - Transforming Growth Factor (TGF- ) , polypeptides occurring natural- ly in milk are effective in inducing remission and mucosal healing in patients with Crohn’s disease . Donnet-Hughes AN, et al. 2000. Immunol and Cell Biol 78(1):74-79
  • 41.
  • 42. Short and Medium-chain Fatty Acids in Milk Lauric acid , a medium chain fatty acid, is a potent anti-microbial and antifungal substance. Chem Biol Interact 2002 May 20;140(2):185-98 Dietary sphingomyelin suppresses intestinal cholesterol absorption by decreasing thermodynamic activity of cholesterol monomers. Gastroenterology 2002 Apr;122(4):948-56 Short-chain fatty acids promote Ca absorption in the cecum and colon. Mineo H, et al. Life Sci 2001 Jun 22;69(5):517-26 Stearic acid , found in beef marbled fat and butter, has cholesterol- lowering properties and is a preferred food for the heart. Lawson, L. D. and F. Kummerow, Lipids 14:501-503, 1979 “ milk fat contains a number of potentially anticarcinogenic compo- nents including conjugated linoleic acid, butyric acid, sphingomyelin and ether lipids.&quot; Parodi PW. J Nutr 1997;127:1055-60.
  • 43. MILK contains a great amount of Short and Medium chain saturated fatty acids: Butyric Acid 110 Caproic Acid 60 Caprylic Acid 40 Capric Acid 80 Lauric Acid 90 Myristic Acid Myristoleic Acid Pentadecanoic Acid Palmitic Acid Palmitoleic Acid Margaric Acid Stearic Acid Oleic Acid Linoleic Acid Alpha-Linolenic Acid Conjugated Linoleic Acid Is MILK contributory to cholesterol build-up? Short and Medium Chain Saturated Fatty Acids like Butyric Acid C4 (Butterfat) are absorbed with albumin. So, they don’t contribute to build-up and absorption of cholesterol.
  • 44. “ If your son asks for … an egg, will you [father] offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children ….” Luke 11:11-13 All the antioxidant power of leaves are concentrated in the yolk!
  • 45. EGG * An excellent source of complete protein since it contains all the essential amino acids. * The richest known source of choline, a cholesterol “esterifier”. * Lecithin found in the yolk, aids in fat assimilation and raises HDL levels. * Highest biological value.
  • 46. Folic Acid in Milk & Egg: Involved in the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases by helping lower elevated Homocysteine levels. Wald NJ. Increase intake of folic acid reduces mortality in ischemic heart diseases. Arch Intern Med. 158:862-867, 1998 Prevents some forms of Cancer: Cervical, Uterus, Lung, Colon, Liver and Leukoplakia. Giovamuci E., et al. Am Intern Med 129(7): 517-524, 1998 RBN:06/01
  • 47. Transfer Factors in Milk & Egg: “ Transfer factors are tiny molecules found in colostrum which provide &quot;immune knowledge&quot; from a mother's immune system to her baby used in recognizing and fighting outside threats. By transferring information from cell to cell, transfer factors serve as &quot;teachers&quot; to the new cells, ensuring a strong immune system capable of surviving, even thriving, in its new environment. These molecules were first discovered in the late 40's by Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence.  All mammals produce transfer factor, but scientists prefer to work with chicken and normal bovine colostrum.” Dr. Rob Robertson Director of Emergency Services Western Baptist Hospital in Paducah, KY.
  • 48. Transfer Factors in Milk & Egg: - ability to increase Natural Killer Cell (NK) activity. Institute of Longevity Medicine in California - immunomodulating properties. International Journal of Immunopharmacology Vol. 20, 1 Oct. 1998, pp. 521-535 - act as an antigen-dependent macrophage inhibition factor(MIF). Immunology. 1974 June; 26(6): 1069–1080. - increase resistance to microbes i.e. Escherichia coli J Bacteriol. 1970 October; 104(1): 340-344
  • 49. Cysteine in Milk & Egg: * Possesses Life Extension potential Izzotti, A., et al, Inhibition by N-acetylcysteine of carcinogen-DNA adducts in tracheal epithelium of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Carcinogenesis . 16(3):669-772, 1995. * Helps prevent some forms of cancer Albini, A., et al. Inhibition of invasion, gelatinase activity, tumor take metastasis of malignant cells by N-acetylcysteine. International Journal of Cancer 61(1):121-129, 1995. * Useful in the treatment of Hair Loss Pearson, D. & Shaw, S. Male pattern baldness and what you can do about it. In: Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach . Warner Books, New York, NY, USA, 1982:217. * Protects the genes from damage caused by smoke Balansky, R. B., et al. Protection by N-acetylcysteine of the histopathological and cytogenetical damage produced by exposure of rats to cigarette smoke. Cancer Letters . 64(2):123-131, 1992. RBN:06/01
  • 50. Egg Lecithin Increases “fluidity” of the cell membranes by removing cholesterol and replacing it with phosphatidylcholine & phosphatidylethanolamine. In this way atherosclerotic plaque are declogged. Shinitzky, M., et al. Intervention in membrane aging - the development and application of active lipid. In: Liss, Alan R. Intervention in the Aging Process: Basic Research and Preclinical Screening. Improves cognitive function in elderly patient. Dean, W. & Mortgenthaler, J., Smart Drugs & Nutrients . B & J Publications, Sta. Cruz, California, USA. 1990:93-94.
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  • 53. Phosphatidylcholine (in Egg) : Prevents and dissolves Gallstones and Kidney stones by emulsifying their constituent lipids. Tompkins RK, et al. Relationship of biliary phospholipid and cholesterol concentrations to the occurrence and dissolution of human gallstones. Ann Surg. 172(6):936-945, 1970 Tuzhilin, SA, etal. The treatment of patients with gallstone by lecithin. Am J Gastroenterol . 65:231, 1976. Beneficial in the treatment of Hepatitis. Atoba, MA, et al. Effect of essential phospholipid choline on the course of acute hepatitis-B infection. Tropical Gastroenterology . 6(2):96-99, 1985. Jenkins PJ, et al. Use of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine in HBsAg negative chronic active hepatitis: Results of prospective double-blind controlled trial. Liver . 2:77-81, 1982 RBN:06/01
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  • 55. MRFIT Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial baseline data conducted from 1973-1982: People eating more eggs, or taking their energies from egg tended to have lower cholesterol.
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  • 57. EGG Eggs do not raise the risk of CHD N = 37,851 men Age = 40 - 75 years N = 80,082 women Age = 34 - 59 years Duration of Study: 8 years (men), 14 years women Dr. Frank Hu, Harvard SPH, JAMA, 1999
  • 58. Cream of milk, egg yolk, liver, bone marrow, and even animal fat are all rich in in Choline, Lecithin, and Inositol — all powerful emulsifiers — to open up clogged arteries in the brain, heart, kidney, and legs. Nutrition Almanac
  • 59. SALT food to taste! Job 6:6-7 (NIV) “Is tasteless food eaten without salt ? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg? I refuse to touch it; such food makes me ill .” * A recent study showed those people who ate the least sodium had the highest risk of a heart attack. Hypertension 25:1144, 1995 * Other studies suggest low-salt diets may raise cholesterol and triglycerides. Am J Hypertens 4:416, 1991; Hypertension 11:743, 1993 RBN:02/01
  • 60. NOT Iodized SALT! P rolonged use of iodized salt exposes the Population to the risk of thyroid disorders.   Zahidi A, Hababa L, Idrissi MO, Taoufik J. Therapie 1999 Sep-Oct;54(5):549-52 A multicenter study was conducted in 7 countries to evaluate whether the occurrence of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (IIH) after introduction of iodized salt. The conclusion: the risk of iodine-induced hyper thyroidism (IIH) after correction of iodine deficiency is closely related to the recent excessive increment of iodine supply.   Delange F, de Benoist B, Alnwick D. Thyroid 1999 Jun;9(6):545-56 International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Brussels, Belgium. RBN:08/01
  • 61. “ Medical Science, as it evolves, shall continuously trek on erroneous trail unless and until it jives with the exacting requirements of Biblical Wisdom!” John Immanuel Ambassador for Christ – Ministry of Reconciliation
  • 62. It has been a pleasure serving you!!!
  • 63. “ The Doctor of the Future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame in Diet , and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas A. Edison
  • 64. Rule #3: ONLY CLEAN FOOD must be eaten “ Nevertheless these you shall not eat among those that chew the cud or those that have cloven hooves….” Examples: flesh of pigs, cat, dogs, camels, rabbits, horse, rat, etc. Isaiah 65:3-4 “A people who provoke Me to anger continually … who eats the flesh of pigs , and whose pots hold broth of unclean meats .” “ The six most common food-borne parasitic diseases of humans are associated with pork consumption. These include toxoplasmosis, taeniasis or cysticercosis and trichinellosis….” Rex Russell, What the Bible Says About Healthy Living ,1999, p. 78-79
  • 65. Processed Foods like: REFINED SUGAR * Accelerates aging process - promotes production of substances called advance glycation end-products (AGEs), which in turn hasten aging. - increases free radicals in the body which accelerates aging. J of Clin Endoc & Metab., August, 2000 * A dversely affects functions of the body systems by causing changes in blood chemistry & affecting the body’s homeostatic balance - sugar intake is positively correlated with the incidence of candida vulvo-vaginitis. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 1984 - high sugar intake and low fiber diets - more prone to cancer. Science News, November 10, 1990
  • 66. Processed Vegetable Oils In test animals, diets high in polyunsaturates from vegetable oils: - inhibit the ability to learn when under stress - are toxic to the liver - compromise the integrity of the immune system - depress the mental and physical growth of infants - increase levels of uric acid in the blood - abnormal fatty acid profiles in the adipose tissues - linked to mental decline and chromosomal damage - accelerate ageing Teter, B. B. et al., Journal of Nutrition 120:818-824, 1990 A general review of citations for problems with polyunsaturate consumption is found in E. R. Pinckney and C. Pinckney, The Cholesterol Controversy , Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1973, pp. 127-131
  • 67. Trans-fatty Acids (margarine, vegetable Oil and shortening) According to studies, the trans-fat diet reduced blood vessel function by 30% and lowered HDL (&quot;good&quot;)-cholesterol levels by about one fifth, compared with the saturated-fat diet. Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology July 2001 RBN:07/01
  • 68. Vegetable oils are more toxic when heated. * One study reported that polyunsaturates turn to varnish in the intestines. * A study by a plastic surgeon found that women who consumed mostly vegetable oils had far more wrinkles than those who used traditional animal fats. * A 1994 study published in the Lancet showed that almost 3/4 of the fat in artery clogs is unsaturated. * The 'artery-clogging' fats are not animal fats but vegetable oils. Felton, C. V. et al., &quot;Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Composition of Human Aortic Plaques&quot;, Lancet 344:1195, 1994 RBN:07/01
  • 69. TRANS FATTY & UNSATURATED FATS Swine fed trans fatty acids developed higher parameters for heart disease than those fed saturated fats, especially when trans fatty acids were combined with added polyunsaturates. Elson, C. E. et al., &quot;The Influence of Dietary Unsaturated Cis and Trans and Saturated Fatty Acids on Tissue Lipids of Swine&quot;, Atherosclerosis 40:115-137, 1981 The u se of polyunsaturated oils caused an increase in breast tumours . And way back in 1969, the use of corn oil was discovered to cause an increase in atherosclerosis . Kritchevsky, D., Medical Counterpoint, March 1969
  • 70. Trans fatty acid (margarine and shortening) A long prospective study by researchers at Harvard University involving 85,000 women. Individuals who developed heart disease are those who have high intake of trans fatty acids. Mary G. Enig, Ph.D in Nutrition Contributing Editor, “Clinical Nutrition” 50 % higher risk of CHD in women Willett, et al. Intake of trans fatty acid… Lancet 1993; 341:581
  • 71. SATURATED FAT like margarine, compound butter, etc. Risk of heart attack increased by: N = 80,082 nurses Saturated fat (long chain) and Trans- fatty acid(margarine/shortening) - 53% not by butter (short chain saturated fat) New England Journal of Medicine, Nov. 1997 RBN:08/99
  • 72. Trans fatty acid(margarine and shortening) A study focusing on the cardiac risk of several types of fat: saturated fat, trans unsaturated fat (the &quot;hardened&quot; fat in margarine and fast foods), mono- unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Trans unsaturated fats has the highest risk -- 93% Polyunsaturated fats (corn and soybean) -- 38% Monounsaturated fats (olive and canola) -- 19% D ietary saturated fat (meats and dairy foods) -- 17% The New England Journal of Medicine ( November 20, 1997;337:1491-1499) RBN:07/01
  • 73. Rule #3: ONLY CLEAN FOOD must be eaten “ And these you regard as an abomination among the birds; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: The eagle, the vulture, the buzzard, the kite, the falcon, the raven, the ostrich, owls, seagull, hawks, storks, heron...the bat.” (Leviticus 11:13-19) Clean meat is high in protein , essential amino acids, B-complex vitamins, omega-3 fatty acid; lowest in omega- 6 fatty acid. Unclean meat like pork is high in omega-6 fatty acid; carrier of viruses and parasites like tapeworm, trichinella, etc. Certain flu virus which are non-virulent can become virulent when combined with a bird virus in the pork flesh. Ex. Hongkong flu virus. RBN:02/01
  • 74. Rule #3: ONLY CLEAN FOOD must be eaten “ Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales – that shall be an abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) Leviticus 11:9-10 says, “These you may eat of all that are in the water; Whatever in the water that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers – that you may eat. But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are detestable.” Examples of this are: catfish, puffer fish, stingray, eel, swordfish, crabs, lobsters, frogs, clams, shark, squid These fish are usually high in toxins and other contaminants.
  • 75. Rule #3: ONLY CLEAN FOOD must be eaten “ Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales – that shall be an abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) * Neurologic illness associated with eating Florida pufferfish, 2002. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2002 Apr 19;51(15):321-3 * Heavy Metals in Green Mussel ( Perna viridis) and Oysters ( Crassostrea sp.) from Trinidad and Venezuela. Rojas De Astudillo L, Chang Yen I, Agard J, Bekele I, Hubbard R. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2002 May;42(4):410-5 * Acute hepatitis A and non-ABC hepatitis are probably related to the intake of shellfish and travel to endemic areas. . Chau TN, Lai ST, Lai JY, Yuen H. Hong Kong Med J 1997 Sep;3(3):261-266
  • 76. Rule #3: ONLY CLEAN FOOD must be eaten “ Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales – that shall be an abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) * A high intake of fish like salmon, cod, herring, etc. may reduce the risk of AMD. Am J Clin Nutr 2001 Feb;73(2):209-18 * Fish protein attenuated the development of hypertension and also decreased plasma total cholesterol concentration. Thus, it enhances protection against cardiovascular diseases. Yahia DA, et al. J Nutr 2003 Feb;133(2):479-82 * Acute hepatitis A and non-ABC hepatitis are probably related to the intake of shellfish and travel to endemic areas. . xxx Chau TN, Lai ST, Lai JY, Yuen H. Hong Kong Med J 1997 Sep;3(3):261-266 RBN:05/2002
  • 77. Rule #3: ONLY CLEAN FOOD must be eaten “ Whatever in the water does not have fins and scales – that shall be an abomination to you.” (Leviticus 11:12) Examples of clean living things in the seas and rivers are: bangus, tilapia, cod, pompano, salmon, herring, bass, halibut, gurami, lapu-lapu, trout, dilis, hasa-hasa, etc. These fish are usually high in omega-3 fatty acids. * A high intake of fish like salmon, cod, herring, etc. may reduce the risk of AMD. Am J Clin Nutr 2001 Feb;73(2):209-18 * Fish protein attenuated the development of hypertension and also decreased plasma total cholesterol concentration. Thus, it enhances protection against cardiovascular diseases. Yahia DA, et al. J Nutr 2003 Feb;133(2):479-82
  • 78. In 1970, researchers found low rate of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases on: * Greenland Eskimos * Japanese Fishermen * Norwegians who consume considerable quantities of cold water marine fish: Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines (Bang, Dyesberg, Hjorne, Acta Med Scan, 1976) In a Mexican population study, the hypertriglyceridemic group showed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) reduction of triglycerides and significant(p < 0.01) elevation of high density lipoproteins when given 3 grams of salmon oil daily. Carvajal O, Angulo O. Salud Publica Mex 1997 May-Jun;39(3):221-4
  • 79. POLYUNSATURATED FAT Arachidonic Acid (Omega-6) level: mg per 100 grams Pork fat = 180 mg. Beef Tallow = 20-180 mg. Lean meat (duck) = 99 mg. Lean (pork) = 30-99 mg. Lean meat (beef & lamb) = lowest (Note: Higher in Omega-3) Mann & Sinclair, Lipids 1998 RBN:08/99