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Basic Cleansing Techniques
An excellent place for Beginners to
Basic Formula for any Cleanse:
• #1. Stop putting toxins in= Clear.
• #2. Get the toxins out = Cleanse.
• #3. Give the body/mind/soul what it needs to
heal = Repair
• Clear + Cleanse + Repair= Healthy
Planning Your Cleanse
• To have a Successful cleanse requires a little planning.
• Find a good time to cleanse. You need to be able to clear your
schedule as much as possible.
• It is best to cleanse in the Spring & Fall when the weather is mild &
less taxing on your body.
• Decide the duration of your cleanse. A longer cleanse of 1 or more
weeks requires more planning & resources than a shorter cleanse
of 3-7 days. It helps to have a game plan or outline for your cleanse.
Daily menus & schedules are very helpful.
• Set reasonable goals for your cleanse. It is better to choose a more
simple cleanse & be successful.
• Gather your materials before you start & make appointments with
your chosen health care providers.
Step 1: the Clearing!
• Stop putting toxins into your system!
• Clear your diet of coffee, pesticides, alcohol,
refined sugar & flours, recreational & O.T.C.
drugs, cigarettes, toxic cleaners & other
inhalants (ex. Air fresheners).
• Avoid foods that cause acidity.
• Avoid emotional toxins, toxic people & toxic
Toxic Overload
Eat mostly alkaline foods & AVOID Acid causing foods.
Over acidity is detrimental to vital organs and produces
an environment conducive to pathogens. The body
must be alkaline in order for healing to occur.
Natural Healing by Linda Page
It is important to eat organic produce!
It is Vital to drink only purified water! Reverse Osmosis
& distillation are the only ways to remove fluoride from
your water.
Step #2: the Cleansing
• Get the toxins out of your system!
• Every cleanse begins with the Colon. Colon
cleansing is vital to ensure toxins do not get
trapped in the bowel. (Toxins & toxic die off
trapped in the bowel would make you very sick.)
• Methods to cleanse the colon: colonics, herbal &
oral colon cleanse products like Oxypowder
(; castor oil packs
Symptoms of a Toxic Colon
• Chronic constipation
• Gas & bloating
• Diarrhea
• Weight gain/ inability to lose weight
• Fatigue
• Impaired Digestion
• Stomach Pain
• I.B.S.
• Leaky gut syndrome
• Acid reflux/ heartburn/ GERD
• Diverticulitis
• Chrohn’s Disease/autoimmune disorders
• Swollen or protruding belly
• Candida Albicans (yeast infection)
• Parasites
• Food Allergies
• Gluten sensitivity
• Lactose intolerance
• Hemorrhoids
• Irritabilty, mood swings
• Foul smelling stools or gas
• Frequent colds
• Chronic headaches
• Rashes, skin erruptions like exhema & psoriasis
Tips for a Colon Cleanse
• Begin & end every cleanse with a colon cleanse. It is good to poo!
Don’t be scarred.
• Hydrocolon Therapy or Colonics are a wonderful & gentle method
of clearing the large intestine.(contraindications include diverticulitis or polyps)
• Herbal Colon Cleanse products like Oxypowder gently clear out
both the small & large intestines.( is
an excellent resource for information and amazing products).
• Drink extra water either distilled or purified.
• Eat only organic produce & small amounts of whole grains during
your cleanse. Juicing or even a juice fast are very helpful.
• Self Abdominal Massage relaxes the muscles in the belly &
intestines and will help you release toxins with ease.
Unwinding the Belly
By Allison Post & Stephen Cavalier pp.50-51
Cats Paw (from Unwinding the Belly by: Post & Cavalier pp.53-54)
Organs of Elimination
It is important to support eliminatory
organs during a cleanse.
Sources of Elimination:
Basic Detox Tools:
• Enemas & Sitz Baths
• Skin brushing
• Oil Pulling
• Anything to promote sweating. Ex: sauna,
steambath, exercise/ yoga
• Detox Baths
• Castor Oil Packs
• Herbs & Teas, Vitamins, Supplements
• Chiropractics, Acupuncture & Acupressure,
Page p.180
Page p.
Lymphatic Dry Brushing
• The lymphatic system is an
important part of immunity.
Lymph is a viscous intercellular
liquid that carries off cellular
waste & brings in white blood
cells etc. Lymphatic dry
brushing or skin brushing
helps to circulate our lymph. It
also exfoliates the skin and
opens our pores to aid in
eliminating toxins through our
skin. This takes the pressure
off our kidneys, liver & colon.
It also keeps our skin healthy
& beautiful.
Heal and Detox with Oil Pulling: The What, Why and How
Monday, March 01, 2010 by: Elizabeth Walling
• Here is a list of some of the benefits associated with oil pulling:
- Whiter, straighter teeth
- Healthy, pink gums
- Increased energy
- Decreased migraine headaches
- Clear sinuses
- Less severe asthma
- Decreased allergies
- Improved PMS symptoms
- Regulated menstrual cycles
- Better sleep
- Clear skin
• How to Practice Oil Pulling:
Traditionally unrefined sunflower or sesame oil was used for oil pulling, but today many other oils are used as well.
Unrefined olive or coconut oil come highly recommended if you don't want to use the traditional oils.
- Ideally oil pulling should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
- About one tablespoon of oil should be used.
- A couple drops of essential oil or a healing oil like oregano can be added if desired.
- Swish the oil slowly and methodically, not vigorously.
- Try to make sure the oil reaches every region of your mouth.
- Be careful not to swallow the oil.
- Continue swishing the oil for at least 10 minutes, preferably more like 20 minutes.
- The oil will become very thin and foamy as you swish.
- Spit the oil out and rinse your mouth thoroughly with pure water.(salt water or baking soda work better & help whiten
- Brush with a natural toothpaste afterwards.
Oil pulling can be done as often as you like. Daily sessions are recommended if you have specific health problems you are
trying to address with oil pulling. This traditional practice is also an excellent measure to add to your daily routine to
facilitate detoxification and overall health. That’s it. It’s a very simple technique. Our mouths are the home to billions of
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other parasites and their toxins. These types of germs and their toxic waste products cause gum
disease and tooth decay and contribute to many other health problems, including arthritis and heart disease.
• Our immune system is constantly fighting these pathogens. If our immune system becomes overloaded or burdened by
excessive stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, etc., these organisms can spread throughout the body, causing secondary
infections and chronic inflammation, leading to any number of health problems.
Move and sweat everyday of your
• Go on a walk. Breathe deep and swing your
arms freely.
• Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Tai Chi, ride your bike,
swimming…do anything as long as you move
and breath deeply!
• When you feel fatigued and stressed do gentle
movements. Just stretch on the floor like a cat
moving because it feels good.
More Detox Bath Recipes from Healthy Healing by Linda Page
Herbs & Supplements that help draw
out toxins.
• Sea Greens draw out heavy metals and they help balance the thyroid. You may
add dry sea greens to your soups and rice. It helps to take Kelp supplements.
• Spirulina & Chlorella provide rich nutrition to fortify the blood and they help
the body deal with radiation, heavy metals, and free radicals.
• Liver supporting Herbs (often work better blended with each other):
dandelion, milk thistle, burdock, comfrey leaf
• Vitamin C boosts immunity and helps organs release toxins including heavy
• Apple Cider Vinegar kills fungus, molds, and helps to rid intestinal parasites. It
alkalizes the body and helps joints and muscles release excess lactic acid.
• Apples purify the blood and help soften gall stones.
• Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal formula that purifies the blood and moves the
bowels. It is gentle & highly beneficial for a cleanse. It comes in pill form & can
be found at Natural Grocers, Whole Foods etc.
• Miso soup helps heal radiation damage and is a good source of probiotics.
• Cayenne, horseradish, and garlic are Powerful immune boosters!
Castor oil packs
• A castor oil pack is effective in drawing toxins out of the liver & bowel and
in dissolving cysts.
• To make a castor oil pack gently warm ¼ cup (or a little less) of castor oil
on the stove. It does not require a lot of time or heat.
• Be very careful not to make the oil hot!!!! (that is used for torture!)
• Soak a flannel cloth in the warm oil.
• Make certain the oil is not too hot and then place the cloth on your belly.
On the right side is your liver. On the left side is your spleen and decending
colon. Ladies may wish to place it over the uterus and ovaries.
• You may put plastic over the cloth to keep things tidy.
• Place a hot water bottle over the cloth and hang out for 20 mins-1hour. (I
often find I do not need the hot water bottle until 10 mins have passed. If
you feel a burning sensation then remove the heat. If it continues to burn
then remove the cloth).
Acupuncture is an extremely effective way to bring everything into balance. Acupressure uses pressure instead
of needles to achieve balance. This excerpt from Acupressure Potent Points by. Michael Reed Gach will help
balance your immune system. (pp.163-164)
Gach pp.161-162
Acupressure exercises for general wellness. (Gach pp. 169-170)
Bodywork is Very Important! Get at least
one massage! Go to your Chiropractor! Here
is a list of my recommended practitioners.
• Massage & Energy Work: Celeste Larson LMT 940-230-3949. Matt Chapman (Thai
Massage) 214-202-3062
• Chiropractors: Dr. Brandon Huddleston of Growth Life Studio in Oak Cliff
• The Family Chiropractic Center in Denton. Dr. Jan Nix & Dr. Chuck Tillotson (Applied
Kineseology Chiropractors are great for chronic & serious health issues)
• Accupuncture: Dr. Yiming Wang 972-680-0121
• Acupressure: Yaya foot Spa or Acupressure massage at King Spa
More Advanced Cleanses
After your colon cleanse you may wish to do some more
specific cleansing such as a Liver/ Gallbladder cleanse,
or a candida cleanse etc.
There are excellent cleansing kits for each organ system.
If you want to do it yourself then books like Healthy
Healing by Linda Page give you a step by step cleansing
program for each organ.
I strongly recommend you be under the care of a health
care professional if you have current health issues or
when doing a more involved cleanse. Sometimes the
toxins released by the cleanse can make us sick.
The Healing Crisis!!!
• A healing crisis occurs when the release of toxins
is too much for us to handle. It can result in
anything from a slight malaise, headaches,
nausea & rashes to more critical conditions.
• To avoid a healing crisis it is important to take
things slow & gentle and to give the body plenty
of support.
• Emotions play a big part in a healing crisis so I
recommend using Rescue Remedy from the
homeopathic Bach Flower Remedies.
• This brings us to step #3: Repair
As we cleanse our bodies must process the stored up toxins and eliminate
them. This can create symptoms such as head aches, fatigue & lethargy,
depression & irritability. There are many techniques that bring us comfort as
our body releases toxins.
Acupressure Potent Points pp.157-158
Acupressure to relieve headaches from Acupressure Potent Points
Emotional Detox
• A good cleanse will release both physical and EMOTIONAL toxins.
• Be prepared to deal with old emotions.
• Techniques: see a counselor during your cleanse, keep a journal to vent all
the emotional run off, use your favorite self help book & self help
• My favorite self help authors & books are Louise Hay You can Heal your
• Collin Tipping Radical Forgiveness.
• Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements
• Cindy Dale Energetic Boundaries.
• Use the homeopathic Bach Flower Essences to deal with specific
emtoions, or Rescue Remedy do deal with general malaise & anxiety
• When crazy emotions arise, Feel them fully and then let them go (breathe
them out, send them floating down the river, write them on paper and
safely burn them.
Gach pp. 165-166
Acupressure Exercises to relieve frustration & irritability
Gach pp. 167-168
Acupressure Points to Relieve Depression (Gach pp. 152-156)
Acupressure Exercises to relieve depression.
Step 3: Give the body what it needs in
order to Heal
• Drink a lot of purified water, at least 8 glasses a day! You should
always have a water, herbal tea, fresh vegetable juice in your hand.
• Move everyday! Exercise: do yoga, ride a bike, go for a swim, walk
walk walk. If you can’t do that then roll around on the floor.
• Rest. Avoid extracurricular activities. Go to bed early. Avoid people
that stress you out.
• Get to bed early 10:30 at the latest. Our bodies heal while we sleep.
• Get some form of body work! Massage will help flush the toxins
from your body and your mind. Chiropractic work brings you into
alignment on all levels. Acupuncture, acupressure & reflexology
move toxic energy out of our system.
• Most important is flushing your system with healthy nutrients.
Everything you put into your mouth must be healing.
Step 3: Repair
• #1 Drink a lot of purified Water to flush toxins out of the system.
• Flush your system in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can be easily absorbed
such as fresh vegetable juices, vegetable broths and supplements.
• Healthy Oils are necessary for tissue repair and healthy brains! Take a pure quality
fish oil, flax oil, or hemp oil. Also take coconut oil as a supplement.
• Substances like activated charcoal, volcanic ash, and edible clay will draw toxins
out of your tissue and then absorb those toxins so they are easily passed. I use
Living Clay from Whole Foods.
• Molybdenum is a mineral that binds with toxins to help them pass out of you
easily and safely.
• Probiotics help balance the good flora in your colon. Probiotics keep yeast levels
balanced and help prevent intestinal parasites.
• Zinc is important for tissue repair and immunity.
• Vitamin C and all the B vitamins are important for immunity, tissue repair, and
healthy brain functions.
If you do not have a juicer then these shakes & soups are a good alternative.
You may strain them and just use the broth or you may blend the veggies
together after cooking.
Page p. 171
Page p.178
How to Juice from Juicing, Fasting, & Detoxing for Life.
By Cherie Calbom (pp.130-134)
Juice Recipes from Juicing, Fasting, & Detoxing for Life. By Cherie Calbom (pp.
Juice Recipes from Healthy Healing by Linda Page (pp. 174-176)
Here is an excellent example
of a detox meal plan!
My favorite EZ detox lunch or dinner is
miso soup with sea greens, brown rice
with sea greens & apple carrot beet
spinach juice!
Plan your cleanse
• Decide how long your cleanse will last.
• Set goals (what do you want to accomplish with this cleanse).
• Eat only organic vegetables, fruit & whole grains. Plan to make juices or
broths and meals and make a grocery list.
• You might choose a liquid only diet for 1 day of your cleanse.
• Decide on a colon cleansing method
• Choose herbal supplements for detox. It is important to have a healthy oil,
zinc, kelp, chlorella, vitamin C & B vitamin complex, liver support herbs,
apple cider vinegar, a substance that absorbs toxins (Living Clay or Volcanic
• Gather ingredients for cleansing procedures like enemas & detox baths
(sea salt, epsom salts, apple cider vinegar etc.)
• Gather all supplies before you start your cleanse!
• Make appointments with your health care providers for massage,
chiropractic, acupuncture, colonics etc.
• Acupressure Potent Points a guide to Self-Care
for Common Ailments. By Michael Reed Gach
• Healthy Healing. By Linda Page
• Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life. Cherie
• The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse. By
Andreas Moritz

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Basic cleansing techniques: a detox guiede for beginners

  • 1. Basic Cleansing Techniques An excellent place for Beginners to start.
  • 2. Basic Formula for any Cleanse: • #1. Stop putting toxins in= Clear. • #2. Get the toxins out = Cleanse. • #3. Give the body/mind/soul what it needs to heal = Repair • Clear + Cleanse + Repair= Healthy
  • 3. Planning Your Cleanse • To have a Successful cleanse requires a little planning. • Find a good time to cleanse. You need to be able to clear your schedule as much as possible. • It is best to cleanse in the Spring & Fall when the weather is mild & less taxing on your body. • Decide the duration of your cleanse. A longer cleanse of 1 or more weeks requires more planning & resources than a shorter cleanse of 3-7 days. It helps to have a game plan or outline for your cleanse. Daily menus & schedules are very helpful. • Set reasonable goals for your cleanse. It is better to choose a more simple cleanse & be successful. • Gather your materials before you start & make appointments with your chosen health care providers.
  • 4. Step 1: the Clearing! • Stop putting toxins into your system! • Clear your diet of coffee, pesticides, alcohol, refined sugar & flours, recreational & O.T.C. drugs, cigarettes, toxic cleaners & other inhalants (ex. Air fresheners). • Avoid foods that cause acidity. • Avoid emotional toxins, toxic people & toxic places.
  • 6. Eat mostly alkaline foods & AVOID Acid causing foods. Over acidity is detrimental to vital organs and produces an environment conducive to pathogens. The body must be alkaline in order for healing to occur. Natural Healing by Linda Page
  • 7.
  • 8. It is important to eat organic produce!
  • 9. It is Vital to drink only purified water! Reverse Osmosis & distillation are the only ways to remove fluoride from your water.
  • 10. Step #2: the Cleansing • Get the toxins out of your system! • Every cleanse begins with the Colon. Colon cleansing is vital to ensure toxins do not get trapped in the bowel. (Toxins & toxic die off trapped in the bowel would make you very sick.) • Methods to cleanse the colon: colonics, herbal & oral colon cleanse products like Oxypowder (; castor oil packs
  • 11. Symptoms of a Toxic Colon • Chronic constipation • Gas & bloating • Diarrhea • Weight gain/ inability to lose weight • Fatigue • Impaired Digestion • Stomach Pain • I.B.S. • Leaky gut syndrome • Acid reflux/ heartburn/ GERD • Diverticulitis • Chrohn’s Disease/autoimmune disorders • Swollen or protruding belly • Candida Albicans (yeast infection) • Parasites • Food Allergies • Gluten sensitivity • Lactose intolerance • Hemorrhoids • Irritabilty, mood swings • Foul smelling stools or gas • Frequent colds • Chronic headaches • Rashes, skin erruptions like exhema & psoriasis
  • 12. Tips for a Colon Cleanse • Begin & end every cleanse with a colon cleanse. It is good to poo! Don’t be scarred. • Hydrocolon Therapy or Colonics are a wonderful & gentle method of clearing the large intestine.(contraindications include diverticulitis or polyps) • Herbal Colon Cleanse products like Oxypowder gently clear out both the small & large intestines.( is an excellent resource for information and amazing products). • Drink extra water either distilled or purified. • Eat only organic produce & small amounts of whole grains during your cleanse. Juicing or even a juice fast are very helpful. • Self Abdominal Massage relaxes the muscles in the belly & intestines and will help you release toxins with ease.
  • 13. Unwinding the Belly By Allison Post & Stephen Cavalier pp.50-51
  • 14. Cats Paw (from Unwinding the Belly by: Post & Cavalier pp.53-54)
  • 15. Organs of Elimination It is important to support eliminatory organs during a cleanse. Sources of Elimination: Respiration Skin Liver Kidneys Colon
  • 16. Basic Detox Tools: • Enemas & Sitz Baths • Skin brushing • Oil Pulling • Anything to promote sweating. Ex: sauna, steambath, exercise/ yoga • Detox Baths • Castor Oil Packs • Herbs & Teas, Vitamins, Supplements • Chiropractics, Acupuncture & Acupressure, Reflexology
  • 19. Lymphatic Dry Brushing • The lymphatic system is an important part of immunity. Lymph is a viscous intercellular liquid that carries off cellular waste & brings in white blood cells etc. Lymphatic dry brushing or skin brushing helps to circulate our lymph. It also exfoliates the skin and opens our pores to aid in eliminating toxins through our skin. This takes the pressure off our kidneys, liver & colon. It also keeps our skin healthy & beautiful.
  • 20. Heal and Detox with Oil Pulling: The What, Why and How Monday, March 01, 2010 by: Elizabeth Walling • • Here is a list of some of the benefits associated with oil pulling: - Whiter, straighter teeth - Healthy, pink gums - Increased energy - Decreased migraine headaches - Clear sinuses - Less severe asthma - Decreased allergies - Improved PMS symptoms - Regulated menstrual cycles - Better sleep - Clear skin • How to Practice Oil Pulling: Traditionally unrefined sunflower or sesame oil was used for oil pulling, but today many other oils are used as well. Unrefined olive or coconut oil come highly recommended if you don't want to use the traditional oils. - Ideally oil pulling should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. - About one tablespoon of oil should be used. - A couple drops of essential oil or a healing oil like oregano can be added if desired. - Swish the oil slowly and methodically, not vigorously. - Try to make sure the oil reaches every region of your mouth. - Be careful not to swallow the oil. - Continue swishing the oil for at least 10 minutes, preferably more like 20 minutes. - The oil will become very thin and foamy as you swish. - Spit the oil out and rinse your mouth thoroughly with pure water.(salt water or baking soda work better & help whiten teeth.) - Brush with a natural toothpaste afterwards. Oil pulling can be done as often as you like. Daily sessions are recommended if you have specific health problems you are trying to address with oil pulling. This traditional practice is also an excellent measure to add to your daily routine to facilitate detoxification and overall health. That’s it. It’s a very simple technique. Our mouths are the home to billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other parasites and their toxins. These types of germs and their toxic waste products cause gum disease and tooth decay and contribute to many other health problems, including arthritis and heart disease. • Our immune system is constantly fighting these pathogens. If our immune system becomes overloaded or burdened by excessive stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, etc., these organisms can spread throughout the body, causing secondary infections and chronic inflammation, leading to any number of health problems.
  • 21. Move and sweat everyday of your cleanse!! • Go on a walk. Breathe deep and swing your arms freely. • Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Tai Chi, ride your bike, swimming…do anything as long as you move and breath deeply! • When you feel fatigued and stressed do gentle movements. Just stretch on the floor like a cat moving because it feels good.
  • 22.
  • 23. More Detox Bath Recipes from Healthy Healing by Linda Page
  • 24. Herbs & Supplements that help draw out toxins. • Sea Greens draw out heavy metals and they help balance the thyroid. You may add dry sea greens to your soups and rice. It helps to take Kelp supplements. • Spirulina & Chlorella provide rich nutrition to fortify the blood and they help the body deal with radiation, heavy metals, and free radicals. • Liver supporting Herbs (often work better blended with each other): dandelion, milk thistle, burdock, comfrey leaf • Vitamin C boosts immunity and helps organs release toxins including heavy metals • Apple Cider Vinegar kills fungus, molds, and helps to rid intestinal parasites. It alkalizes the body and helps joints and muscles release excess lactic acid. • Apples purify the blood and help soften gall stones. • Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal formula that purifies the blood and moves the bowels. It is gentle & highly beneficial for a cleanse. It comes in pill form & can be found at Natural Grocers, Whole Foods etc. • Miso soup helps heal radiation damage and is a good source of probiotics. • Cayenne, horseradish, and garlic are Powerful immune boosters!
  • 25. Castor oil packs • A castor oil pack is effective in drawing toxins out of the liver & bowel and in dissolving cysts. • To make a castor oil pack gently warm ¼ cup (or a little less) of castor oil on the stove. It does not require a lot of time or heat. • Be very careful not to make the oil hot!!!! (that is used for torture!) • Soak a flannel cloth in the warm oil. • Make certain the oil is not too hot and then place the cloth on your belly. On the right side is your liver. On the left side is your spleen and decending colon. Ladies may wish to place it over the uterus and ovaries. • You may put plastic over the cloth to keep things tidy. • Place a hot water bottle over the cloth and hang out for 20 mins-1hour. (I often find I do not need the hot water bottle until 10 mins have passed. If you feel a burning sensation then remove the heat. If it continues to burn then remove the cloth).
  • 26. Acupuncture is an extremely effective way to bring everything into balance. Acupressure uses pressure instead of needles to achieve balance. This excerpt from Acupressure Potent Points by. Michael Reed Gach will help balance your immune system. (pp.163-164)
  • 28. Acupressure exercises for general wellness. (Gach pp. 169-170)
  • 29. Bodywork is Very Important! Get at least one massage! Go to your Chiropractor! Here is a list of my recommended practitioners. • Massage & Energy Work: Celeste Larson LMT 940-230-3949. Matt Chapman (Thai Massage) 214-202-3062 • Chiropractors: Dr. Brandon Huddleston of Growth Life Studio in Oak Cliff • The Family Chiropractic Center in Denton. Dr. Jan Nix & Dr. Chuck Tillotson (Applied Kineseology Chiropractors are great for chronic & serious health issues) 940-382-6141 • Accupuncture: Dr. Yiming Wang 972-680-0121 • Acupressure: Yaya foot Spa or Acupressure massage at King Spa
  • 30. More Advanced Cleanses After your colon cleanse you may wish to do some more specific cleansing such as a Liver/ Gallbladder cleanse, or a candida cleanse etc. There are excellent cleansing kits for each organ system. If you want to do it yourself then books like Healthy Healing by Linda Page give you a step by step cleansing program for each organ. I strongly recommend you be under the care of a health care professional if you have current health issues or when doing a more involved cleanse. Sometimes the toxins released by the cleanse can make us sick.
  • 31.
  • 32. The Healing Crisis!!! • A healing crisis occurs when the release of toxins is too much for us to handle. It can result in anything from a slight malaise, headaches, nausea & rashes to more critical conditions. • To avoid a healing crisis it is important to take things slow & gentle and to give the body plenty of support. • Emotions play a big part in a healing crisis so I recommend using Rescue Remedy from the homeopathic Bach Flower Remedies. • This brings us to step #3: Repair
  • 33. As we cleanse our bodies must process the stored up toxins and eliminate them. This can create symptoms such as head aches, fatigue & lethargy, depression & irritability. There are many techniques that bring us comfort as our body releases toxins. Acupressure Potent Points pp.157-158
  • 34. Acupressure to relieve headaches from Acupressure Potent Points pp.159-160
  • 35. Emotional Detox • A good cleanse will release both physical and EMOTIONAL toxins. • Be prepared to deal with old emotions. • Techniques: see a counselor during your cleanse, keep a journal to vent all the emotional run off, use your favorite self help book & self help exercises. • My favorite self help authors & books are Louise Hay You can Heal your Life. • Collin Tipping Radical Forgiveness. • Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements • Cindy Dale Energetic Boundaries. • Use the homeopathic Bach Flower Essences to deal with specific emtoions, or Rescue Remedy do deal with general malaise & anxiety • When crazy emotions arise, Feel them fully and then let them go (breathe them out, send them floating down the river, write them on paper and safely burn them.
  • 37. Acupressure Exercises to relieve frustration & irritability Gach pp. 167-168
  • 38. Acupressure Points to Relieve Depression (Gach pp. 152-156)
  • 39.
  • 40. Acupressure Exercises to relieve depression.
  • 41. Step 3: Give the body what it needs in order to Heal • Drink a lot of purified water, at least 8 glasses a day! You should always have a water, herbal tea, fresh vegetable juice in your hand. • Move everyday! Exercise: do yoga, ride a bike, go for a swim, walk walk walk. If you can’t do that then roll around on the floor. • Rest. Avoid extracurricular activities. Go to bed early. Avoid people that stress you out. • Get to bed early 10:30 at the latest. Our bodies heal while we sleep. • Get some form of body work! Massage will help flush the toxins from your body and your mind. Chiropractic work brings you into alignment on all levels. Acupuncture, acupressure & reflexology move toxic energy out of our system. • Most important is flushing your system with healthy nutrients. Everything you put into your mouth must be healing.
  • 42. Step 3: Repair • #1 Drink a lot of purified Water to flush toxins out of the system. • Flush your system in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can be easily absorbed such as fresh vegetable juices, vegetable broths and supplements. • Healthy Oils are necessary for tissue repair and healthy brains! Take a pure quality fish oil, flax oil, or hemp oil. Also take coconut oil as a supplement. • Substances like activated charcoal, volcanic ash, and edible clay will draw toxins out of your tissue and then absorb those toxins so they are easily passed. I use Living Clay from Whole Foods. • Molybdenum is a mineral that binds with toxins to help them pass out of you easily and safely. • Probiotics help balance the good flora in your colon. Probiotics keep yeast levels balanced and help prevent intestinal parasites. • Zinc is important for tissue repair and immunity. • Vitamin C and all the B vitamins are important for immunity, tissue repair, and healthy brain functions.
  • 43. If you do not have a juicer then these shakes & soups are a good alternative. You may strain them and just use the broth or you may blend the veggies together after cooking.
  • 44.
  • 47. How to Juice from Juicing, Fasting, & Detoxing for Life. By Cherie Calbom (pp.130-134)
  • 48.
  • 49. Juice Recipes from Juicing, Fasting, & Detoxing for Life. By Cherie Calbom (pp. 143-147)
  • 50.
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  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. Juice Recipes from Healthy Healing by Linda Page (pp. 174-176)
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  • 58.
  • 59. Here is an excellent example of a detox meal plan! My favorite EZ detox lunch or dinner is miso soup with sea greens, brown rice with sea greens & apple carrot beet spinach juice!
  • 60. Plan your cleanse • Decide how long your cleanse will last. • Set goals (what do you want to accomplish with this cleanse). • Eat only organic vegetables, fruit & whole grains. Plan to make juices or broths and meals and make a grocery list. • You might choose a liquid only diet for 1 day of your cleanse. • Decide on a colon cleansing method • Choose herbal supplements for detox. It is important to have a healthy oil, zinc, kelp, chlorella, vitamin C & B vitamin complex, liver support herbs, apple cider vinegar, a substance that absorbs toxins (Living Clay or Volcanic Ash). • Gather ingredients for cleansing procedures like enemas & detox baths (sea salt, epsom salts, apple cider vinegar etc.) • Gather all supplies before you start your cleanse! • Make appointments with your health care providers for massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, colonics etc.
  • 61. Bibliography • Acupressure Potent Points a guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments. By Michael Reed Gach • Healthy Healing. By Linda Page • Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life. Cherie Calbom • The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse. By Andreas Moritz