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Philippine Normal University
Refresher Course
• Good health and good looks are partners. You cannot find beauty in a box or a jar, good health
habits are the world’s best beauty treatment. They reward you with shiny hair, a radiantly clear
complexion, sound teeth, clear bright eyes, well=-formed fingernails, and a good figure.
• Eating proper foods and drinking plenty of water, practicing strict cleanliness, and exercising in fresh
open air are essential for good health.
• Without a healthy body, all efforts are wasted. The most flattering hair-do cannot hide dull hair.
Carefully selected and expertly allied make-up cannot conceal a poor complexion. Even carefully
selected clothes can only minimize certain figure faults, but cannot eliminate them.
• The person who is brimming with health is sure to be full of enthusiasm and fun. A healthy person is
one who is always ready to join in activities, or take on an extra job, or try something new.
• Personality and disposition are bonuses of good health. If you feel well, you look better.
• Attitudes cannot help but affect a person’s appearance. The picture you present reflects the things
you do, say and feel. A pleasant disposition and happy thoughts can do wonders for your
• Worry can affect the way your food is digested and literally makes you feel uncomfortable.
Emotions have quite effect on your bodies. Good mental health is as important to your appearance
as good physical health.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 1
LET Competencies:
1. Recognize the importance of proper nutrition.
2. Identify the various kinds of nutrients, their sources and functions to one’s body.
3. Determine and explain the common diseases, their causes and prevention.
4. Demonstrate the correct methods of menu planning, purchasing, receiving, storing
foods. And cooking.
5. Prepare low cost but highly nutritious meals for the family.
6. Suggest ways that will minimize the malnutrition problem in their family as well as in
the society.
7. Realize the importance of home management to make family happy.
8. Demonstrate understanding of concept and skills in grooming and care of clothing.
9. Relate the nature of the content area, principles and processes with relevant issues,
concerns, and problems in the community/ society/ and environment especially
concerning food selections, preservation and conservation.
10. Perform duties and responsibilities of worthy family members.
11. Employ appropriate assessment techniques to measure specific learning targets
• A good figure is an important part of good looks. Nature gave you your figure, so stop wishing you
were smaller or taller. You cannot change your bone structure, but you can have a better figure if
you are willing to work at it. The way you carry yourself can make you look better. Improving your
muscle tone and correcting your weight may result to improved looks.
• Don’t waste time wishing: get to work on factors you can control-like diet, posture, and exercise.
o Watch your diet carefully. Eat the basic foods every day.
o Don’t skip meals, especially fruits, vegetables, lean meat and milk; less sweets, breads,
potatoes and cereals
o Control what you eat between meals.
o Candy, ice cream, potato chips, and sugared carbonated drinks not only add pounds, but
they are hard on the complexion.
o If you cannot stand the hunger pangs, have a bit of fruit or a glass of milk.
o If yours is a serious overweight problem, consult your doctor. He is the right person to advice
you on good diet.
o Avoid fat diets that peel the pounds off in a hurry. When you give up the diet and return to
normal eating habits, the weight will probably return too.
o Glandular disturbance or certain diseases can cause underweight aside from the fact that
you usually have poor food eating and living habit.
o If you are nervous, unable to relax, worry a great deal, and don’t get enough sleep, you
probably cannot eat right. As a result you are under weight.
• No matter what you’re your figure is-too fat, too thin, or just right- regular, mild exercise is
essential. It aids in blood circulation and muscle toning. It uses calories for those interested in losing
weight and stimulates the appetite for those interested in gaining.
• Long brisk walking is a good exercise. The bend, stretch, reach and other movements in everyday
household activities are all good exercises if done properly and not supplement with snacks.
• Posture is the way you stand , walk, sit or lie down
• Just by the way you carry yourself; you seem to reveal whether you’re happy, sad, tired, depressed,
angry, shy or lazy. Good posture can help you appear taller or slimmer; it can change your
measurements and give you a better figure. It makes your clothes fit better and seem to have more
• Good Posture helps develop poise and improves body functioning. It can make the difference
between graceful movements and awkwardness.
• All good grooming includes personal cleanliness. The skin is more than an outside wrapping of the
body. It is the outlet of perspiration and out waste.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 2
• A daily bath will remove any body odor and staining agents that result from normal process of
• The skin also contains glands which excrete oil needed for keeping the skin soft. If these oily glands
become clogged, blackheads are formed which may turn into ugly sores or swellings. Clear skin is
your best insurance against unsightly pimples.
• A show bath is more stimulating and refreshing after strenuous exercise and cooling on a warm,
active day.
• Rub skin briskly with a soapy washcloth. Your back and shoulders are susceptible to blackheads and
pimples just like your face, but a daily scrubbing will help prevent them normally.
• To prevent chapping, be sure to dry yourself thoroughly with a heavy towel. A vigorous rubbing is
stimulating, if you want to relax, pat yourself dry. Be sure to have personal towel and washcloth
because skin irritation is transferable.
• Remember your housekeeping responsibilities. Always leave the bath tub clean. Never leave your
personal toilet articles scattered around the bathroom.
• As an extra prevention of body odors from perspiration, use underarm deodorant after bath. Keep
underarm free from hair. It is unattractive and holds perspiration.
• Good health is another important beauty aid in face care. This means a well-balanced diet. Good
food in the proper amounts can mean much for your complexion. Avoid the fatty food. Chocolate
which contains considerable fat is especially hard on the complexion. Drink plenty of water
everyday, eat the right foods, get sufficient sleep and exercise, and keep your emotion under
• Each skin type requires special care. Oily skin requires soap and water treatment to achieve the
freshly scrubbed look. Leave the suds on the face for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water. Pat
the face dry with a soft towel, don’t rub it.
• Dry skin requires some lubrication to assist reluctant oil glands. Combination skin usually means the
nose and forehead are oily and the cheeks are dry. Use lubricating cream in oily areas.
• Acne usually is skin disorder caused by the glands producing too much oil. Blackheads, pimples, and
swelling are the result of the clogging.
• Good teeth are part of good grooming. A cavity that is neglected too long may cause the loss of
teeth. Take extra precautions that you breathe do not offend. Many things can cause poor
digestion, or constipation. Good health habits and proper care of your teeth will prevent unpleasant
• Regular care of the hands and nails is essential to good look. If you have trouble with split nails,
brittle nails, or soft nails, don’t forget to check your diet.
• Biting your nails is nervous habit. It is probably a sign that you are worried, afraid, or embarrassed.
Since you cannot have attractive nails when you bite them, try to eliminate the cause for you to
worry or embarrassment and then determine to let your nails grow.
• A woman’s hair is known as her crowning glory. Eat nutritious food in proper amount to have a
healthy hair. Take time to brush your hair everyday as its stimulates circulation, exercise the scalp,
distributes the oil, and loosen the dirt particles.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 3
• Shampoo hair as often as necessary to keep it and the scalp clean. Oily hair needs to be washed
more often then dry hair.
• If dry hair and scalp are your problems, it may result to dull, lifeless hair, split ends, itchy scalp, and
maybe dandruff. Massage your scalp and brush your hair a little more than usual to stimulate and
distribute the oil.
• A well groomed person gives clothes the same attention as herself. Treat clothes with respect.
• Instead of tossing the dress, skirt or sweater on the bed, thinking that you will hang it later, take it
straight to the closet and put it on a clothes hanger. Make it a habit.
• Never hang a garment directly over a hook. This pulls it out of shape and even may even. Punch a
hole in the fabric even if you hand something else over the garment on the same hook.
• Use a skirts hanger for skirts or trousers.
• Soiled socks and lingerie may be kept in a small laundry bag just indie your cupboard door. Sports
and stains are much easier to remove when fresh. Spots made y substances containing sugar, egg,
milk or mud are easily removed by water.
• Repairing rips, tears and missing buttons promptly. Often a dress or shirts out in the armhole seam.
Such rips can be easily repaired by rest itching the seams on the machine or by hand stitching back
• Ripped hem can be repair by using hemming stitches like blancket stitch, blind, slip stitch,
overcastting and hemingbone.
• Reinforced loose buttons before it be detached from the garment.
• Keep underwear in good condition. If a strap breaks, sew it in place firm, secure stitches. Never use
safety pins for repair job.
• Be sure that your slips are the right length for your skirts. If they are too long, shorten them nearly
and evenly y taking a tuck just above the bottom trimming.
• Girdles and bra can easily be deteriorated by heat. To insure long life for elasticized garments,
wash them in cool water and mild suds. Avoid hanging them to dry in direct sunlight and never dry
them in a hot dryer.
Nutrition – the study of food and how the body makes use of it. It is only concerned with the quantity and
quality of food one eats but the process by which one receives and utilizes the food in the body for
growth and renewal as well as maintenance of different body functions.
Nutrients – chemical substances found in food that perform diverse roles in the body namely: to provide
heat and energy; to build and repair body tissues and to regulate body processes. Since the
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 4
nutrients are found mainly in foods, adequate intake of these nutrients is necessary to carry out
the physiological function of organism.
Nutrients can be classified according to:
1. Function. Nutrients that form tissues in the body, building these furnish heat energy such as fat
carbohydrates and protein.
2. Chemical Composition. Nutrients are classified either organic or inorganic
3. Essentiality. Refers to the significant contribution of the nutrients to the body’s physiological
4. Concentration. Some nutrients are needed large amount than others.
Good Nutrition – means that the body has a sufficient supply of the various nutrients and that they are
utilized to promote growth and to attain good health.
Food – anything which, when taken and digested, nourishes the body. It is a vital need without which man
cannot live. Foods are also culturally acceptable substances that supply heat and energy, build and
repair body tissues and regulate body processes.
Principles of Good Nutrition
The principles of good nutrition include the study of the human body, basic food nutrients,
functions their sources that will meet the health of different groups of people. It has been said that
good health or “wellness” is not a matter of chance. It is a product of good nutrition which is the
result of an adequate supply of essential nutrients. Insufficient nutrients will result to malnutrition
and even acquire illnesses. Hence, a balance diet gives your body the right kinds and amount of
foods you need for your growth and development.
Classification of Essential Nutrients
1. Carbohydrates
These are large groups of organic compounds mostly found in plants. The principal function
of carbohydrate is to serve as a major source of energy in the body. It must be supplied regularly
and at frequent intervals in order to meet the energy needs of the body.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 5
a. Monosaccharide or simple
sugar is the simplest form of
b. Disaccharide or double
sugars are made up of 2
c. Polysaccharide or
commonly known as complex
or multiple sugars
Glucose (dextrose or Grape
Fructose (from ripe fruits)
Galactose (derived from
Sucrose (cane sugar or table
Lactose (milk sugar)
Maltose (sugar from grains)
Starch (cereal grains & flour
Glycogen (animal starch)
Cellulose (skin or covering of
fruits or vegetables)
Pectin (base for jellies)
Grape, fruit juice, honey, milk
Sugarcane, sugar beets,
molasses, milk &cereals
Cereal, root crops, bulb
products, honey, stalks and
leaves of vegetables and outer
covering of seeds
2. Proteins
These are complex organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and
nitrogen. They build, repair and maintain body tissues. They supply heat and energy when there is
shortage of fats and carbohydrates in our meals. Proteins are classified into three types.
a. Complete Protein – protein that contains all the essential amino acids. Sources: meat, fish,
poultry, eggs, milk and milk products.
b. Partially complete protein – protein that maintains life but fails to support normal growth of
tissues because it contains the all essential amino acids but relatively small amount of one essential
amino acid. Sources: Cereals like wheat, barely and rye.
c. Incomplete protein – protein that can either maintain life or support life or growth because it
lacks one or more essential amino acid.
3. Fats
Fats or lipids are made up of mixture of different fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids come mainly
from animal sources usually become solid at room temperature. Examp0les are butter and lard.
Unsaturated fatty acids come from plant sources such as olive oil, vegetable oil and corn oil. They
are essential to maintain the constant body temperature by providing effective insulation
underneath the skin. They also contribute flavor and palatability to the diet
4. Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals regulate body processes. Both work together for the health of bones and
teeth. Minerals or vitamins alone cannot produce good health results for the maintenance of the health of
the human body. Minerals are obtained from plants and soil wjile vitamins occur exclusively in the living
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Vit. A (retinol & carotene)
Vit. D (sunshine vit.)
Vit. E (tocopherol)
Vit. K
Is essential for normal eye
functioning, resistance
infection, normal growth and
healthy skin
Regulates calcium and
phosphorus for growth and
maintenance of bones and
It helps in the formation of
blood cells, muscles and
tissues and prevents the
abnormal breakdown of body
Is necessary for the blood
Carrot, cheese, milk, liver,
butter, eggs, fish fat and
Liver, oil, margarine, egg yolk,
fish liver oil, milk, sunlight
Egg yolk, vegetable oil,
peanuts, seeds, whole grain,
cereal, margarine, etc.
Cabbage, liver, leafy green
and yellow vegetables
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 7
Vit. B1 (Thiamine)
Vit. B2 (Riboflavin)
Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vit. C (Ascorbic Acid)
Helps maintain good appetite,
good muscle tone, and normal
functions of the nerves.
It maintains the health of the
skin, tongue, mouth and
normal vision. It is needed for
proper growth and
It is important in amino acid
metabolism synthesis of
essential amino acid.
It builds body resistance to
infection. It helps the healing
of wounds and bone fracture
Yeast, lean pork, whole grain
Milk, grain products, yeast
Meat, whole grains &
Citrus fruits, tomatoes,
pepper etc.
Is responsible for the
formation of red blood cells.
Promotes blood coagulation,
essential for the formation of
good teeth and bones.
Prevents the goiter
Is essential for the normal
functioning of the body fluid
and tissues.
Is needed for healthy nerves
and tissues
Enriched bread, liver, eggs,
leafy vegetable, meat, internal
organs and fish.
Milk, cheese, saluyot,
sardines, malunggay leaves
Sea foods, iodized salts
Table salt, patis, catsup, peas,
celery spinach
Meat, fish, banana, milk and
Malnutrition – is a health condition caused by lack or excess of nutrient supplies
 Forms of Malnutrition
1. Under nutrition – pathological state resulting from the consumption of an adequate quantity
of food over an extended period of time
2. Specific deficiency – pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute lack an individual
3. Over nutrition – pathological state resulting from the consumption of an excessive quantity
of food hence a calorie excess
4. Imbalance Nutrition – pathological state resulting from a disproportion among essential
nutrients, with or without absolute deficiency of any nutrient
 Types of Malnutrition
1. Acute malnutrition – related to present state of nutrition. Ex. Weight loss.
2. Chronic malnutrition – related to past state of nutrition. Ex. Stunting
3. Primary malnutrition – caused by lack or unavailability of food also referred to as dietary
4. Imbalance malnutrition – caused by certain conditioning factors other than food alone.
1. Kwashiorkor – this is severe deficiency diseases caused by absolute lack of protein for a long period of
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 8
- Retarded of growth
- General weakness
- Edema
- Discoloration of skin and hair
Recommended foods for prevention:
- Fish, meat, poultry, egg, milk, cheese and dried beans
2. Marasmus – this is a severe deficiency disease resulting from lack of protein and calories.
- Loss of weight
- Shrunken face
- Weaknesses
- Retarded growth
Recommended food for prevention:
- Meat, bread, root crops, eggs, milk
3. Goiter – refers to enlargement of the thyroid glands redulting to lack of iodine
- Difficulty in swallowing foods
- Palpitation of the heart
Recommended foods for prevention:
- Sea foods, iodized salts, vegetables that grows near the sea
4. Scurvy – a disease that occurs due to lack of Vitamin C
- Bleeding of gums
- Slow healing of wounds
- Weak bones and teeth
- Poor resistance
Recommended foods for prevention
- Citrus fruits, guava, tomatoes, and guyabano
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 9
5. Xeropthalmia – this disease results from lack of Vitamin A. It is characterized by poor vision, night
blindness and dry eyelids
- Dry hair
- Low resistance to infection
Recommended foods for prevention:
- Green and leafy vegetables
- Liver and meat
6. Pellagra – this is caused by absolute lack of Niacin. It is characterized by diarrhea and dermatitis.
- Skin eruption
- Itchy and dry skin
Recommended foods for prevention:
- Liver, yeast, milk, cheese, dried beans, peas, meat & poultry
7. Beri-Beri – this is a sever disease due to lack of Vitamin b1 or Thiamine.
- Lack of appetite
- Fatigue
- Constipation
- Palpitation of the heart
Meal planning is the process of planning and deciding of the food to be served to the family which
starts from menu planning up the serving of foods. It keeps meal nutritionally adequate to meet the needs
and requirements of each member. Meal Planning is influenced by the following factors: (Soriano, N. 2004)
1. Nutritional Adequacy – or the provision of palatable foods that are rich in essential nutrients.
Nutrients needed of an individual is affected by age, sex, body build, and activities that one is
engaged in by the individual.
2. Food Budget – The food budget is influenced by the family income, knowledge of the market
shopper’s shopping skills, family likes and dislikes and their goals and values.
3. Differences in food habits – This refers to the dietary habits of nationality, groups, regional food
patterns, cultural and religious food patterns and the socio-economic background.
4. The time skills of the meal manager – The length of the meal preparation, the amount of
experience, and the time available are to be considered.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 10
5. Suitability, availability and quality of food to be served.
6. Aesthetic and psychological aspects as well as variety in color, form and arrangement
7. Equipment available for food preparation
Menu – is a determined list of food or dishes to be served.
Meal Pattern – is an outline which list the arts of the meal called courses.
The Mechanics of Menu Planning
Consider the following suggestions when planning a menu:
A. The menu planner can consult the following sources
1. Standardized recipes with corresponding costs for budget purposes
2. Previous menu files
3. List of comments and suggestions from patrons’ comments and suggestions
4. Stock inventory availability of resources
5. Popularity index file, which is a file of dishes well-liked by family members
B. Using the Meal Pattern in Menu Planning
Main Dish
Bread or Cereal
Main Dish/ Protein Dish
Vegetable Dish
Main Dish/ Protein Dish
Vegetable Dish
Scrambled egg with tomatoes
Steamed rice/ Pan de Sal
Hot chocolate, Milk or Coffee
Pork Steak
Buttered Vegetables
Steamed Rice
Buko Salad
Buko juice
Crispy Chicken Wings
Beef Roast
Vegetable Salad w/ French Dressing
Fresh Fruits
Coffee, Tea o Red Wine
C. Factors to be Considered in Menu Planning
1. It must meet the needs and requirements of dinner in terms of:
a. Nutritional adequacy
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 11
b. Likes and dislikes
c. Food habits and preferences
d. Religious and regional customs
2. It must be planned around the available resources in terms of
a. Ingredients and equipment to be used
b. Capabilities of the house maker
c. Allotted budget
3. Menu must enhance the diner’s apetite, create interest and give satisfaction through a variety of
the following:
a. Methods of preparation
b. Color combination
c. Texture and consistency
d. Temperature
e. Form, shape and arrangement
Purchasing, receiving and storing are the three interlaced processes considered by home makers as
in food businesses. Purchasing, which is the first step, should be carefully done because it serves as the
foundation of the other two processes. If the food is not purchased correctly, receiving and storing will not
be better. Therefore, in purchasing food items, pointers are to be considered regarding the food items to
buy. A purchaser should know the different good qualities of food type in order to purchase the best
quality. Receiving, is not really about dropping off something and holding it without looking at it. Storing on
the other hand, should cover the “keeping process”, in which food of different types should be stored in
the different manner.
1. Determine what items or products should be purchased, specifying the quality and quantity
2. Know the market situation about the products, such as supply, demand, market availability and
related information.
3. Contact or visit possible sources to know what products are being offered and what price.
4. Compare the products available from different sources with your product specification
5. Evaluate what the supplier has to offer against your needs.
6. Decide on the supplier or vendor
1. Do not cut or soak vegetables before cooking
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 12
2. Wash vegetables before cutting them
3. Cut vegetables as close to cooking period.
4. Keep water boiling before adding the vegetables.
5. Use small amount of water, vegetables basically contains water.
6. Cook vegetables at the shortest time possible. Do not over cook.
7. Serve fruits just after slicing them.
8. Serve vegetables immediately after chopping of shredding.
9. Cook frozen foods before completely thawing them.
10. Do not discard vegetable water. Use it in sauces, soups or gravies.
11. Cover the pan while cooking the vegetables. Stir occasionally
1. Liquids should be cooked in amounts small enough to ensure even temperature throughout, and
stirred frequently
2. Re-heating of cooked food is best done quickly in infrared units.
3. Food should be cooked or re-heated to at a least 70C to destroy any organism.
4. If food is to be eaten cold, It should be cooled quickly to prevent new bacterial growth.
1. Fish and shell fish – dress the fish soon after arriving from the market. Cut into desired pieces. Rinse
very well. Shell fish should be cooked first. Place in a plastic container and keep in the coldest part
of the refrigerator.
2. Meat – rinse meat under running water and drain. Cut it into desired size or according to prescribed
recipe and place in a separate container.
3. Poultry – rinse water, drain and cut into desired pieces and place in a separate container and store
in the freezer.
4. Eggs – wipe cleaned, store in upper position at the compartment. To keep eggs in good condition,
wrap in a plastic or coat with a little amount of oil, this prevents the escape of moisture through the
egg shells.
5. Fruits – wash, dry and place dry plastic bag with holes and keep in crisper. Citrus fruits must be
covered tightly before storing in the refrigerator. This will prevent the spread of odor.
6. Vegetables – wrap with paper and place in the crisper area of the refrigerator.
7. Staples - cereals such as rice and flour must be stored in dry, covered container to protect from
weevils or bukbok.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 13
• Freezing is placing food in the freezer to prevent spoilage.
• Drying extract water from food items which is done under the sun, dry wind or with use of
mechanical dryer. Dried products include dried fish, meat and legumes like beans, and other seed
vegetables. These advantages are :
- Dried foods require less storage space than other types of food considering
the great percentage of moisture present in most food is reduced in the
dehydrated form.
- Dried food weigh much less than its equivalent amount of canned product.
- Dried foods can be preserved without the addition of sugar.
•Using preservative mediums like sugar, salt, spices, saltpeter and vinegar prolongs shell life of
foods like in tocino, jam, jelly, candied fruits and vegetables.
•Fermentation is done through the use of yeast which ferment the natural sugar. Yeast utilizes the
sugar even without oxygen to produce alcohol, which acts as a preservative. When the container is
opened, acetic acid bacteria will oxidize the alcohol producing vinegar.
• Do freeze in suitable container such as glass freezer jar or aluminum containers. To avoid
transferring during reheating, use ovenproof dishes or casseroles.
• Fish sausage may also be made out of tuna, shark, and other cheap specifies of fish. This would
increase the protein intake of low cost Filipino meal.
• To cook small amount of bacon, place the strips in a cold frying pan over the medium heat.
When the strip turned opaque turn it to the other side. Drain in absorbent paper after frying.
•Cook pickles in glass with glass tops preferably since the acid and salt of the pickle may corrode
the metal cups.
• Preserve your acetic acid preserves by proper pasteurization.
• Avoid stuck fermentation. Never add vinegar to the fresh juice of fruits because it interferes
with the year fermentation and will result in weak vinegar.
1. Use the cut meat appropriate for the intended method of cooking.
2. Always cook pork thoroughly.
3. In roasting, arrange meat with its fats side up over the rack to allow the fat drippings to
spread their flavor over the food.
4. In frying, make sure the cooking oil is hot before placing the meat in the pan.
5. The less tender cuts of meat suitable for moist-heat cooking give more flavor compared to
the tender cuts
6. Older chickens have tough meat which must be cooked slowly at moderate temperature.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 14
1. Always cook eggs in moderate heat.
2. In boiling, plunge the eggs in boiling water until the desired degree of doneness is attained.
1. Cook quickly at high to moderate temperature.
2. Over cooked fish tends to break into pieces because it has less conductive tissues.
1. Use the correct amount of water.
2. Use less amount of water to newly harvested rice.
3. Rice must not be washed too much to prevent excessive loss of nutrients.
• The hours spent with family and friends make up most of the family life. It is usual for several
generations of kinsfolk to be living together, sharing the same table, roof and income.
• Home is a place where you are safe from the cold of the night and heat of the sun. Home provides a
place to sleep, eat daily meals and security from harm.
• Even though a house has the finest and most expensive furniture in the world, it may not be a real
home to the family that lives in it. These people are bound by their mutual need for each other.
Working together, they can find values each cannot accomplished alone. By caring and sharing, all
help build strong family ties that bind together generation with generation.
• A home is a place where you have the feeling that you belong, and where there is permanence and
security. Love, affection, understanding, sharing and sacrifice are the cornerstones upon which
worth-while family experiences must be built.
• No two families have the same finances. Neither is there equality in the provision of material things.
It is neither the amount of money nor the number of material things that you can be proud of. The
energy and the good will of members are best needed to achieve a common goal – a happy, secure,
and loving family – these are the possessions that are really worthwhile.
• The physical requirements of the family (food, clothing, shelter) represent the reasons why parents
work hard.
• Our ideas of physical need change with the times as we grow older.
• The family recognizes the importance of moral and spiritual goals that form the foundation on
which their lives are built.
• Each family has a code of ethics. Upon this code, members determine what is right, what is wrong,
what is good, and what is bad.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 15
• The decision a person makes is based upon the moral code that a family builds.
• This code should be acceptable to the family as well as to the community.
• We need a strong moral code so that we can say “no” without faltering when we feel the wrong
choice is demanded by a few in the group.
• Our families help us to set rules that make it easier to get along at home and with friends. By
communicating with each other, we can decide which activities are best to pursue.
• Means controlling our actions better, not allowing actions to control us. Adolescence is the period
of emotional formation.
• The family plays an important role in meeting emotional needs. A family that works, plays together,
treats each member as an individual who must develop in his/her own way, should have a very
satisfactory experience together through the years.
• Experience does much to one’s plans. While you are in school, take advantage of as many
opportunities as you can. Participate in worthwhile activities. This is the time when you have an
opportunity to begin developing your greatest potential.
• Reading good books, newspapers, and magazines broaden your horizons.
• The experience you have as you travel will help you to be informed, if you compare them with other
• Another phase of maturing mentally is to become aware of the services you can perform to help
others. Religious organizations, scout groups, school clubs, help to round out your experiences in
building your future.
• Your activities will help you to make mature decisions. Experience helps you to decide what is
worthy and worthwhile. As you mature, it becomes easier to concentrate on the work at hand.
When you learn to solve problems from a mental image of something you have already learned, you
have acquired re “building block”.
• Such images called basic concepts, stays with us.
• The family unit is most important to each individual. A happy family is a family whose members
know: courtesy, understanding, consideration for the individual.
• Courtesy, doing the things for each other politely, with less concern for their own feelings. It is an
expression of respect for one another.
• Understanding teaches us adjustment of differences, and tolerance. Each member has different
ideas and beliefs which you accept without necessarily agreeing or trying to dissuade.
• Consideration for the individuals in the home is an expression of thoughtfulness and sympathy. You
are unselfish and not overly concerned with your interests because you are aware that you are only
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 16
one part of a group. That you do not neglect the welfare of others. And you willingly share material
• Have a sense of humor. This helps understand that things sometimes go wrong.
• Getting along with family members should be fun, not a chore. To find understanding, these families
first must enjoy being together.
• Life was not meant to run smoothly all the time. Each of us needs to be challenged so that we can
appreciate all the advantages we have. When you find trouble at your home, try to be more helpful
than usual.
• Try to see your parents’ viewpoint and help them to understand your own. Every parent appreciates
a son or daughter who stands by but does not try to dominate when life is rough. Cooperation
during these rough periods results in a closer, warmer relationship and closer family ties.
• The older brother or sister you complain about may someday be the best friend you have.
Remember, if he seems to have grown too bossy, it may not be bossiness but self-reliance.
• It takes an understanding mother and father to manage so that each child develops to his full
capacity without “battle scars”. In some families, there is a constant friction, resulting in strained
relations. In other families, there is very little friction.
• Recreational activities are leisure activities pursued for the purpose of enjoyment, fun, and
pleasure. These activities whether indoor or outdoor, should be an integral part of the family’s
schedule of activities. They are necessary to a happy, harmonious, and successful family living.
• Recreational activities can also be productive and income-generating. A number of enterprising
housewives or husband-wife teams can start with a hobby and later turn into hobby like, handicraft,
bag-making, making wall décor, and others.
• There are number of unexpected events that can cause stress, tensions, and anxiety among family
members and which may cause disruption of their normal lives. This includes separation of family
members, sudden death, and sudden loss of property, accidents and effect of natural calamities.
• Your room is a mirror that reflects you. When one steps in your room, he can sense what type of
person and personality you have. Even though you share this area with another, still one nook or
corner will spell “YOU”.
• Your room is a room to live in, and should be livable as you can make it. There are times when room
is chiefly used for sleeping and dressing but in modern days, a room has varied uses. Such a room
deserves careful taught and planning to make it as livable as possible.
• Livable quality in a room depends on comfort, convenience, and attractiveness. It means that the
furnishings are adequate for the activities which are carried on in a room, and that they are
arranged for maximum convenience. It means also that the whole effect is pleasant to the eye.
• Physical comfort is important whether you are sleeping, reading, studying, or working at your lobby.
A comfortable bed, placed so that the sleeper is not disturbed by strong light or draft from the
windows, provides for restful nights and naps.
• The physical consideration for making a livable room:
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 17
- Color, use the color that pleases and complements you.
- Fabrics, draperies, bed spreads, upholstery or a rug give a feeling of warmth.
- Objects meaning cherished objects you love – like grandma’s rocking chair, music box. These
objects show you are warm and have feeling.
- Objects you make. These things show any artistic skill you may have, or interest that are
important to you – like making stuffed toys, girl’s accessories and others.
• Color definitely affects our spirits. Some colors make us feel gay, exciting, and cheerful. Other
refreshes us or makes us feel rested. Then there are those that make us feel depressed.
• Hue means the name of the color. Value is the lightness and darkness that a tint or shade gives off.
Intensity tells how bright or how dull a color can be.
• Cool colors are green blue, blue-green, blue violet and violet. Blue is considered coldest of all colors.
• Choose two colors which are harmonious, one brighter than the other.
• Use the less bright or intense color for the background of your room.
• Arrangement of furnishings should harmonize with the shape and structure of the room. Most
rooms are rectangular and most furniture and rugs are also more or less rectangular. Furniture and
furnishing should be in line with the shape of the room.
• Every room should have a center of interest which means there should be one dominant feature
which attracts your attention.
• Avoid cluttered effect caused by too many figured materials.
• If you are not wise in the choice of accessories, your room can look cheap and cluttered. Lamps,
well-chosen pictures and a few ornaments take away the bareness.
• Orderliness is the order of the day no matter what you do, the room must be orderly or the effect of
your work is lost.
• The wastebasket is an accessory that spells your personality. Don’t be litterbug. Plan something to
give that old wastebasket a face lifting.
Meaning and Concepts of Home Management:
Home Management – is the process wherein a family uses different available resource
to attain individual and family goals.
Concept of Home management – the family is composed of members with different needs, interest
and capabilities. To make each member happy and contented, these needs should be satisfied. The
family should provide opportunities by which the members can develop opportunities by which
members can develop interest and make use of their capabilities.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 18
Nickel and Dorsey (1967) enumerated some managerial responsibilities in family living. These are
mainly centered on the following duties assumed by different members of the family.
1. Developing a sound philosophy with sustaining value.
2. Setting family goals.
3. Establishing satisfactory relationship between and among family members.
4. Planning the use of family income.
5. Planning the use of time and energy.
6. Developing abilities and skills.
7. Acquiring diverse knowledge.
8. Guiding the education and social development of family members.
9. Choosing suitable housing.
10. Choosing goods and service needed by the family.
Home management is the process which shows the total effort of the family to keep the home
running smoothly. It involves a series of activities which should be done to produce effective results. These
activities include the following steps:
1. Planning – this involves setting up of goals. Goals nothing more than the purposes for which the
individual families are willing to work. It is usually the product of one’s desires, values, attitudes
and philosophies.
2. Organizing – this done by prioritizing the planned activities to best accomplish the desired goals.
This also involves the division of work among those involves in the activity. Delegation of
responsibilities needs a consideration of resources.
3. Controlling – this considered the “doing process” of home management since the planned
activities are to be implemented in this step to the large extent this determines the success of
home management.
4. Evaluating the results – it is the last step in home management. It involves an examination of
the results. This help check the effectiveness of the planned activities to realize a goal.
• Assessment means measuring the progress of learners and identifies issues to work on to make
program successful.
• Assessment is the act of gathering information on a daily basis in order to understand and individual
student’s learning needs.
• Assessment data assists teachers in planning and adapting further instruction. Participation that will
set accurate and realistic personal learning goals and also to discuss data gathering on student’s
abilities and needs.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 19
• Evaluation is the culminating act of interpreting the information gathered during daily assessment
for making decisions about student’s learning and progress.
• Types of assessment and evaluation;
- Diagnostic - provide teacher with instructional starting points as; learning abilities and
needs, motivational and interests levels.
- Formative – focuses on the process and products of learning.
- `Summative- occurs most often at the end of a unit of instruction when students are
required to demonstrate their achievement of the curriculum objectives for reporting
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 20
1. Which of the following principles is least to consider in buying fruits?
a. Check the color of the fruits
b. Buy fruits that are in season
c. Buy fruits in kilo rather than by piece
d. Be sure that the fruits have no bruises
The correct answer is A.
The color of the fruit depends on the preference or the requirement of the recipe.
Option C which buying by kilo is cheaper than per piece, Option B and D recommended
fruits which are in season, fresh or are in good condition.
2. Which among the snacks below are low cost but highly nutritious and easy to prepare?
a. Palitao c. ginataang halu-halo
b. Champorado d. arroz caldo
The correct answer is D
Arroz caldo is easy to prepare, the ingredients are affordable instead of using whole
chicken, neck can be a good source of fats and protein. Option C will require various kinds
of root crops and is difficult to cook. A & B are easy to prepare but have insufficient nutrients
for they just contain carbohydrates.
3. My grade 3 sister is inactive in her classes. The school clinic reported that she is
malnourished. What kind of diet are you going to recommend?
a. Fish, eggs & meat c. mustard, fish & rice
b. Potatoes, chicken & fruits d. milk, eggs & cereal
The correct answer is B.
The foods are balanced based on the food pyramid and they are among the kids
favorite stuff. Option A, are protein rich foods. Option C are foods that kids do not usually
love to eat like leafy vegetables and fish. Option are foods are not yet sufficient for the
needs of the 3 year old growing kid.
4. In salad preparation, which among the steps is least to be considered?
a. Color of the vegetables c. nutritional value
b. Sizes and weight d. palatability and aroma
5. In planning a menu for your family, which among the options will you consider first?
a. Foods to be prepared are within the financial means of the family.
b. Foods are favorite of the family members
c. Foods are colorful and palatable
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 21
d. Foods are cheap but nutritious
6. Which nutrient has more than twice the amount of calorie per gram?
a. Carbohydrate c. protein
b. Fat d. mineral
7. Wise buying mean buying the right kind, right time, the right place and the right price. What
does ‘the right kind means”
a. Buy those which are fresh
b. Buy those which are good quality
c. Buy only at reliable sources stores
d. Buy those which fit the intended purpose.
8. Good health can be achieved by proper nourishment of the body through
a. An expensive meals c. delicious meals
b. Well-planned meals d. standard meals
9. Which of the following should not be included in the plan even if one desires to minimize
food cost?
a. Food in season c. local foods
b. Ingredients of poor quality d. inexpensive food items
10.These are the guidelines in the conversation of nutrients in preparing fruits and vegetables
a. Wash fruits and vegetables before peeling
b. Pare fruits and vegetables after washing
c. Allow frozen vegetables thaw before cooking
d. Cut fruits and vegetables immediately before cooking
11.Good health and good look are partners. Which of the following statements support it?
a. A good foot spa is needed for a health feet
b. With good health you can maintain good posture
c. Retainer can correct protruding teeth
d. Wear an expensive garment to conceal poor health
12.A healthy person should do the following EXCEPT _________.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 22
a. Control what to eat between meals c. possess pleasant disposition
b. Maintain good figure d. drink lots of coffee
13.If you cannot stand the hunger pangs what is advisable to take?
a. Have a bit of biscuits c. eat rice, water and salt
b. Drink bottle water d. take glass of milk
14.Which of the statements is true?
a. Exercise if only for those who are fat.
b. Mild exercise is essential for too fat, too thin or just right
c. Long brisk walk is not good toning exercise
d. When you exercise you lose appetite
15.The hem fold of your skirt was ripped. Which of the following hand sewing stitches can be
use to repair the ripped hem?
a. Back stitch c. Cross stitch
b. Blanket stitch d. outline stitch
16.Girdles and bra can easily be deteriorated by heat. To ensure long life the following should
be done EXCEPT ________.
a. Wash them in cool water and mild suds
b. Hang in airy surface
c. Hang in direct sunlight
d. Never dry them in hot dryer
17.The nutrient that is expensive source of energy is _________.
a. Carbohydrates c. protein
b. Fats d. vitamins
18. Mariz always feel dizzy. It was found out that she lacks iron. The deficiency disease due to
lack of iron is _________.
a. Anemia c. scurvy
b. Goiter d. xeropthalmia
19.Which of the following meals is considered as nutritious and economical
a. Macaroni soup and puto c. banana cue and camote cue
b. Macaroni salad and French bread d. spaghetti
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 23
20. You need water for your coffee what cooking method is required?
a. Boiling c. simmering
b. Broiling d. stirring
21.You need meat for cooking embutido, what meat preparation is needed?
a. Chop c. grind
b. Dice d. knead
22.Lard, margarine oil is classified as _______.
a. Leavening agent c. main ingredients
b. Mineral d. shortening
23.What is the basis of making an act good, wrong, or bad?
a. Consideration c. rules and regulation
b. Code of ethics d. system
24.It is an expression of respect for one another
a. Consideration c. sense of humor
b. Intensity d. understanding
25.Light violet, dark blue, light pink are examples of ______ of color
a. Hue c. shade
b. Intensity d. value
1. –
2. –
3. –
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 24
1. We need to care for the elderly so that at night time to induce them to sleep they should be
a. A cup of tea c. glass of milk
b. A cup of chocolate d. glass of fruit juice
2. What is the recommended temperature in cooking protein rich foods to conserve their
a. 350 degrees F c. 300 degrees F
b. 250 degrees F d. 400 degrees F
3. What is the primary reason in cooking meat is?
a. To improve its palatability
b. To make it more tender
c. To kill the micro organism
d. To enhance its color
4. Which should a meal pattern for breakfast should include the following:
a. Fruit, main dish, cereals, beverage
b. Soup, entrée, main course, rice, beverage
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 25
c. Protein dish, vegetable dish, cereal, dessert
d. Appetizer, protein dish, cereals, dessert, beverage
5. Which is true about the saying “You are What You Eat”?
a. It shows your economic status.
b. It shows your philosophy in life
c. It shows your food preferences
d. It shows your interest in food preparation
6. Which is NOT a symptom of Exophthalmia?
a. Poor vision c. low resistance to infection
b. Night blindness d. much loose of weight
7. Which is the most practical way of storing leafy vegetables/
a. Wash, dry and place in a container
b. Wash, cut and store in a dry cool place
c. Dry, warp with paper, store in the crisper of the refrigerator
d. Wash with dumped cloth, place in a plastic container sealed and chill
8. Which of the management process identifies in making decisions as to which goals need to
be attended a head of the rest?
a. Controlling c. planning
b. Organizing d. evaluating
9. Which refers to a pathological state resulting from the consumption of inadequate quantity
of food over an extended period of time?
a. Over nutrition c. imbalance nutrition
b. Under nutrition d. specific deficiency
10. Which of the following is considered to be high risk food?
a. Bread c. uncooked rice
b. Eggs d. vegetables
11.How does freezing as method of food preservation?
a. It kills all the bacteria
b. It reduces bacteria to a safe level
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 26
c. It stops bacteria reproducing temporarily
d. It stops bacteria producing permanently
12.Which of the following statements is true in relation to stock rotation?
a. Foods purchased first be used first
b. Foods can be used in any order
c. Foods purchased last should be used last
d. Foods purchased last should be used first
13.They are technique in conserving nutrients as well as flavor EXCEPT.
a. Cover pan while cooking vegetables
b. Avoid over production of recipe
c. Washing of fruits and vegetables after cutting
d. Vegetables for salad should be sliced just before serving
14.A canteen teacher uses this tool containing the complete list of foods, goods and supplies to
be bought.
a. Budget plan c. receipt
b. Menu guide d. marker list
15.Values are shaped beliefs acquired mainly from-
a. Society c. peers
b. Family d. environment
16.If you feel you have oily skin which of the following health practices will you follow?
a. Use soap and water and rinse it immediately.
b. Use lubrication to assist the oil gland
c. Split nail is normal to growing children
d. Nails do not use nutrients to grow
17.The following can cause bad breath EXCEPT?
a. Constipation c. poor digestion
b. Gum infection d. use of dental floss
18.Which of the following statement is TRUE?
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 27
a. Biting nail is a nervous habit
b. Nails can be made attractive by using nail polish
c. Split nail is normal to growing children
d. Nails do not use nutrient to grow
19. One of the rules in planning meals is to plan meals that can be prepared with less time,
energy and fuel but can be good source of nutrients like _______.
a. Chopsuey c. pork sinigang
b. Pansit guisado d. spaghetti
20.In certain canned product what to do you call the piece of material that provides all
necessary information about the product.
a. Advertisement c. label
b. Brand d. trademark
21.When you fry your fried chicken, you roll the marinated chicken on flour. This method of
preparation is called ________.
a. Blending c. folding
b. Dredging d. mixing
22.To avoid refreezing of meat which of the following is good practice?
a. Apportion meat into how much you really can consume in one cookery
b. Immerse the wrapped meat in cold water
c. Chop frozen meat
d. Thaw what is only needed
23.If you will eat camote tops what method of cooking will you use?
a. Boil c. steam
b. Sauté d. stir-fry
24.You want to be sure that the preserved fish has longer shelf life which methods of
preservation will you use?
a. Drying c. using sugar medium
b. Freezing d. using vinegar
25.What method of preservation is used in making wine?
a. Bottling c. pasteurization
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 28
b. fermentation d. sterilization
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. B
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 29
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 30

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  • 1. Philippine Normal University LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS Refresher Course  HEALTH AND GOOD LOOK: • Good health and good looks are partners. You cannot find beauty in a box or a jar, good health habits are the world’s best beauty treatment. They reward you with shiny hair, a radiantly clear complexion, sound teeth, clear bright eyes, well=-formed fingernails, and a good figure. • Eating proper foods and drinking plenty of water, practicing strict cleanliness, and exercising in fresh open air are essential for good health. • Without a healthy body, all efforts are wasted. The most flattering hair-do cannot hide dull hair. Carefully selected and expertly allied make-up cannot conceal a poor complexion. Even carefully selected clothes can only minimize certain figure faults, but cannot eliminate them. • The person who is brimming with health is sure to be full of enthusiasm and fun. A healthy person is one who is always ready to join in activities, or take on an extra job, or try something new. • Personality and disposition are bonuses of good health. If you feel well, you look better. • Attitudes cannot help but affect a person’s appearance. The picture you present reflects the things you do, say and feel. A pleasant disposition and happy thoughts can do wonders for your appearance. • Worry can affect the way your food is digested and literally makes you feel uncomfortable. Emotions have quite effect on your bodies. Good mental health is as important to your appearance as good physical health. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 1 WHAT TO EXPECT CONTENT AREAS: FOCUS: HOME ECONOMICS AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION LET Competencies: 1. Recognize the importance of proper nutrition. 2. Identify the various kinds of nutrients, their sources and functions to one’s body. 3. Determine and explain the common diseases, their causes and prevention. 4. Demonstrate the correct methods of menu planning, purchasing, receiving, storing foods. And cooking. 5. Prepare low cost but highly nutritious meals for the family. 6. Suggest ways that will minimize the malnutrition problem in their family as well as in the society. 7. Realize the importance of home management to make family happy. 8. Demonstrate understanding of concept and skills in grooming and care of clothing. 9. Relate the nature of the content area, principles and processes with relevant issues, concerns, and problems in the community/ society/ and environment especially concerning food selections, preservation and conservation. 10. Perform duties and responsibilities of worthy family members. 11. Employ appropriate assessment techniques to measure specific learning targets PART I – CONTENT UPDATE
  • 2. • A good figure is an important part of good looks. Nature gave you your figure, so stop wishing you were smaller or taller. You cannot change your bone structure, but you can have a better figure if you are willing to work at it. The way you carry yourself can make you look better. Improving your muscle tone and correcting your weight may result to improved looks. • Don’t waste time wishing: get to work on factors you can control-like diet, posture, and exercise. o Watch your diet carefully. Eat the basic foods every day. o Don’t skip meals, especially fruits, vegetables, lean meat and milk; less sweets, breads, potatoes and cereals o Control what you eat between meals. o Candy, ice cream, potato chips, and sugared carbonated drinks not only add pounds, but they are hard on the complexion. o If you cannot stand the hunger pangs, have a bit of fruit or a glass of milk. o If yours is a serious overweight problem, consult your doctor. He is the right person to advice you on good diet. o Avoid fat diets that peel the pounds off in a hurry. When you give up the diet and return to normal eating habits, the weight will probably return too. o Glandular disturbance or certain diseases can cause underweight aside from the fact that you usually have poor food eating and living habit. o If you are nervous, unable to relax, worry a great deal, and don’t get enough sleep, you probably cannot eat right. As a result you are under weight. • No matter what you’re your figure is-too fat, too thin, or just right- regular, mild exercise is essential. It aids in blood circulation and muscle toning. It uses calories for those interested in losing weight and stimulates the appetite for those interested in gaining. • Long brisk walking is a good exercise. The bend, stretch, reach and other movements in everyday household activities are all good exercises if done properly and not supplement with snacks.  GROOMING • Posture is the way you stand , walk, sit or lie down • Just by the way you carry yourself; you seem to reveal whether you’re happy, sad, tired, depressed, angry, shy or lazy. Good posture can help you appear taller or slimmer; it can change your measurements and give you a better figure. It makes your clothes fit better and seem to have more style • Good Posture helps develop poise and improves body functioning. It can make the difference between graceful movements and awkwardness. • All good grooming includes personal cleanliness. The skin is more than an outside wrapping of the body. It is the outlet of perspiration and out waste. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 2
  • 3. • A daily bath will remove any body odor and staining agents that result from normal process of perspiration. • The skin also contains glands which excrete oil needed for keeping the skin soft. If these oily glands become clogged, blackheads are formed which may turn into ugly sores or swellings. Clear skin is your best insurance against unsightly pimples. • A show bath is more stimulating and refreshing after strenuous exercise and cooling on a warm, active day. • Rub skin briskly with a soapy washcloth. Your back and shoulders are susceptible to blackheads and pimples just like your face, but a daily scrubbing will help prevent them normally. • To prevent chapping, be sure to dry yourself thoroughly with a heavy towel. A vigorous rubbing is stimulating, if you want to relax, pat yourself dry. Be sure to have personal towel and washcloth because skin irritation is transferable. • Remember your housekeeping responsibilities. Always leave the bath tub clean. Never leave your personal toilet articles scattered around the bathroom. • As an extra prevention of body odors from perspiration, use underarm deodorant after bath. Keep underarm free from hair. It is unattractive and holds perspiration. • Good health is another important beauty aid in face care. This means a well-balanced diet. Good food in the proper amounts can mean much for your complexion. Avoid the fatty food. Chocolate which contains considerable fat is especially hard on the complexion. Drink plenty of water everyday, eat the right foods, get sufficient sleep and exercise, and keep your emotion under control. • Each skin type requires special care. Oily skin requires soap and water treatment to achieve the freshly scrubbed look. Leave the suds on the face for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water. Pat the face dry with a soft towel, don’t rub it. • Dry skin requires some lubrication to assist reluctant oil glands. Combination skin usually means the nose and forehead are oily and the cheeks are dry. Use lubricating cream in oily areas. • Acne usually is skin disorder caused by the glands producing too much oil. Blackheads, pimples, and swelling are the result of the clogging. • Good teeth are part of good grooming. A cavity that is neglected too long may cause the loss of teeth. Take extra precautions that you breathe do not offend. Many things can cause poor digestion, or constipation. Good health habits and proper care of your teeth will prevent unpleasant odors. • Regular care of the hands and nails is essential to good look. If you have trouble with split nails, brittle nails, or soft nails, don’t forget to check your diet. • Biting your nails is nervous habit. It is probably a sign that you are worried, afraid, or embarrassed. Since you cannot have attractive nails when you bite them, try to eliminate the cause for you to worry or embarrassment and then determine to let your nails grow. • A woman’s hair is known as her crowning glory. Eat nutritious food in proper amount to have a healthy hair. Take time to brush your hair everyday as its stimulates circulation, exercise the scalp, distributes the oil, and loosen the dirt particles. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 3
  • 4. • Shampoo hair as often as necessary to keep it and the scalp clean. Oily hair needs to be washed more often then dry hair. • If dry hair and scalp are your problems, it may result to dull, lifeless hair, split ends, itchy scalp, and maybe dandruff. Massage your scalp and brush your hair a little more than usual to stimulate and distribute the oil.  CARE FOR CLOTHING • A well groomed person gives clothes the same attention as herself. Treat clothes with respect. • Instead of tossing the dress, skirt or sweater on the bed, thinking that you will hang it later, take it straight to the closet and put it on a clothes hanger. Make it a habit. • Never hang a garment directly over a hook. This pulls it out of shape and even may even. Punch a hole in the fabric even if you hand something else over the garment on the same hook. • Use a skirts hanger for skirts or trousers. • Soiled socks and lingerie may be kept in a small laundry bag just indie your cupboard door. Sports and stains are much easier to remove when fresh. Spots made y substances containing sugar, egg, milk or mud are easily removed by water. • Repairing rips, tears and missing buttons promptly. Often a dress or shirts out in the armhole seam. Such rips can be easily repaired by rest itching the seams on the machine or by hand stitching back stitch. • Ripped hem can be repair by using hemming stitches like blancket stitch, blind, slip stitch, overcastting and hemingbone. • Reinforced loose buttons before it be detached from the garment. • Keep underwear in good condition. If a strap breaks, sew it in place firm, secure stitches. Never use safety pins for repair job. • Be sure that your slips are the right length for your skirts. If they are too long, shorten them nearly and evenly y taking a tuck just above the bottom trimming. • Girdles and bra can easily be deteriorated by heat. To insure long life for elasticized garments, wash them in cool water and mild suds. Avoid hanging them to dry in direct sunlight and never dry them in a hot dryer.  CONCEPTS AND RELATED TERMS ON PAPER NUTRITION Nutrition – the study of food and how the body makes use of it. It is only concerned with the quantity and quality of food one eats but the process by which one receives and utilizes the food in the body for growth and renewal as well as maintenance of different body functions. Nutrients – chemical substances found in food that perform diverse roles in the body namely: to provide heat and energy; to build and repair body tissues and to regulate body processes. Since the St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 4
  • 5. nutrients are found mainly in foods, adequate intake of these nutrients is necessary to carry out the physiological function of organism. Nutrients can be classified according to: 1. Function. Nutrients that form tissues in the body, building these furnish heat energy such as fat carbohydrates and protein. 2. Chemical Composition. Nutrients are classified either organic or inorganic 3. Essentiality. Refers to the significant contribution of the nutrients to the body’s physiological functioning 4. Concentration. Some nutrients are needed large amount than others. Good Nutrition – means that the body has a sufficient supply of the various nutrients and that they are utilized to promote growth and to attain good health. Food – anything which, when taken and digested, nourishes the body. It is a vital need without which man cannot live. Foods are also culturally acceptable substances that supply heat and energy, build and repair body tissues and regulate body processes. Principles of Good Nutrition The principles of good nutrition include the study of the human body, basic food nutrients, functions their sources that will meet the health of different groups of people. It has been said that good health or “wellness” is not a matter of chance. It is a product of good nutrition which is the result of an adequate supply of essential nutrients. Insufficient nutrients will result to malnutrition and even acquire illnesses. Hence, a balance diet gives your body the right kinds and amount of foods you need for your growth and development. Classification of Essential Nutrients 1. Carbohydrates These are large groups of organic compounds mostly found in plants. The principal function of carbohydrate is to serve as a major source of energy in the body. It must be supplied regularly and at frequent intervals in order to meet the energy needs of the body. FORMS OF CARBOHYDRATES COMPOSITIONS FOOD SOURCES St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 5
  • 6. a. Monosaccharide or simple sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrate b. Disaccharide or double sugars are made up of 2 monosaccharide c. Polysaccharide or commonly known as complex or multiple sugars Glucose (dextrose or Grape sugar) Fructose (from ripe fruits) Galactose (derived from lactose) Sucrose (cane sugar or table sugar) Lactose (milk sugar) Maltose (sugar from grains) Starch (cereal grains & flour products) Glycogen (animal starch) Cellulose (skin or covering of fruits or vegetables) Pectin (base for jellies) Grape, fruit juice, honey, milk Sugarcane, sugar beets, molasses, milk &cereals Cereal, root crops, bulb products, honey, stalks and leaves of vegetables and outer covering of seeds 2. Proteins These are complex organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. They build, repair and maintain body tissues. They supply heat and energy when there is shortage of fats and carbohydrates in our meals. Proteins are classified into three types. a. Complete Protein – protein that contains all the essential amino acids. Sources: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and milk products. b. Partially complete protein – protein that maintains life but fails to support normal growth of tissues because it contains the all essential amino acids but relatively small amount of one essential amino acid. Sources: Cereals like wheat, barely and rye. c. Incomplete protein – protein that can either maintain life or support life or growth because it lacks one or more essential amino acid. 3. Fats Fats or lipids are made up of mixture of different fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids come mainly from animal sources usually become solid at room temperature. Examp0les are butter and lard. Unsaturated fatty acids come from plant sources such as olive oil, vegetable oil and corn oil. They are essential to maintain the constant body temperature by providing effective insulation underneath the skin. They also contribute flavor and palatability to the diet 4. Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and minerals regulate body processes. Both work together for the health of bones and teeth. Minerals or vitamins alone cannot produce good health results for the maintenance of the health of the human body. Minerals are obtained from plants and soil wjile vitamins occur exclusively in the living tissues A. FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS FUNCTIONS SOURCES St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 6
  • 7. Vit. A (retinol & carotene) Vit. D (sunshine vit.) Vit. E (tocopherol) Vit. K Is essential for normal eye functioning, resistance infection, normal growth and healthy skin Regulates calcium and phosphorus for growth and maintenance of bones and skins. It helps in the formation of blood cells, muscles and tissues and prevents the abnormal breakdown of body fat. Is necessary for the blood clotting Carrot, cheese, milk, liver, butter, eggs, fish fat and greens Liver, oil, margarine, egg yolk, fish liver oil, milk, sunlight Egg yolk, vegetable oil, peanuts, seeds, whole grain, cereal, margarine, etc. Cabbage, liver, leafy green and yellow vegetables C. MINERALS FUNCTIONS SOURCES St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 7 B. WATER SOLUBLE VITAMINS FUNCTIONS SOURCES Vit. B1 (Thiamine) Vit. B2 (Riboflavin) Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine) Vit. C (Ascorbic Acid) Helps maintain good appetite, good muscle tone, and normal functions of the nerves. It maintains the health of the skin, tongue, mouth and normal vision. It is needed for proper growth and development. It is important in amino acid metabolism synthesis of essential amino acid. It builds body resistance to infection. It helps the healing of wounds and bone fracture Yeast, lean pork, whole grain Milk, grain products, yeast Meat, whole grains & molasses Citrus fruits, tomatoes, pepper etc.
  • 8. Iron Calcuim Iodine Sodium Potassuim Is responsible for the formation of red blood cells. Promotes blood coagulation, essential for the formation of good teeth and bones. Prevents the goiter Is essential for the normal functioning of the body fluid and tissues. Is needed for healthy nerves and tissues Enriched bread, liver, eggs, leafy vegetable, meat, internal organs and fish. Milk, cheese, saluyot, sardines, malunggay leaves Sea foods, iodized salts Table salt, patis, catsup, peas, celery spinach Meat, fish, banana, milk and vegetables MALNUTRITION Malnutrition – is a health condition caused by lack or excess of nutrient supplies  Forms of Malnutrition 1. Under nutrition – pathological state resulting from the consumption of an adequate quantity of food over an extended period of time 2. Specific deficiency – pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute lack an individual nutrient. 3. Over nutrition – pathological state resulting from the consumption of an excessive quantity of food hence a calorie excess 4. Imbalance Nutrition – pathological state resulting from a disproportion among essential nutrients, with or without absolute deficiency of any nutrient  Types of Malnutrition 1. Acute malnutrition – related to present state of nutrition. Ex. Weight loss. 2. Chronic malnutrition – related to past state of nutrition. Ex. Stunting 3. Primary malnutrition – caused by lack or unavailability of food also referred to as dietary malnutrition 4. Imbalance malnutrition – caused by certain conditioning factors other than food alone. COMMON DISEASES: 1. Kwashiorkor – this is severe deficiency diseases caused by absolute lack of protein for a long period of time. Symptoms: St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 8
  • 9. - Retarded of growth - General weakness - Edema - Discoloration of skin and hair Recommended foods for prevention: - Fish, meat, poultry, egg, milk, cheese and dried beans 2. Marasmus – this is a severe deficiency disease resulting from lack of protein and calories. Symptoms: - Loss of weight - Shrunken face - Weaknesses - Retarded growth Recommended food for prevention: - Meat, bread, root crops, eggs, milk 3. Goiter – refers to enlargement of the thyroid glands redulting to lack of iodine Symptoms: - Difficulty in swallowing foods - Palpitation of the heart Recommended foods for prevention: - Sea foods, iodized salts, vegetables that grows near the sea 4. Scurvy – a disease that occurs due to lack of Vitamin C Symptoms: - Bleeding of gums - Slow healing of wounds - Weak bones and teeth - Poor resistance Recommended foods for prevention - Citrus fruits, guava, tomatoes, and guyabano St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 9
  • 10. 5. Xeropthalmia – this disease results from lack of Vitamin A. It is characterized by poor vision, night blindness and dry eyelids Symptoms: - Dry hair - Low resistance to infection Recommended foods for prevention: - Green and leafy vegetables - Liver and meat 6. Pellagra – this is caused by absolute lack of Niacin. It is characterized by diarrhea and dermatitis. Symptoms: - Skin eruption - Itchy and dry skin Recommended foods for prevention: - Liver, yeast, milk, cheese, dried beans, peas, meat & poultry 7. Beri-Beri – this is a sever disease due to lack of Vitamin b1 or Thiamine. Symptoms: - Lack of appetite - Fatigue - Constipation - Palpitation of the heart PRINCIPLES OF MEAL PLANNING Meal planning is the process of planning and deciding of the food to be served to the family which starts from menu planning up the serving of foods. It keeps meal nutritionally adequate to meet the needs and requirements of each member. Meal Planning is influenced by the following factors: (Soriano, N. 2004) 1. Nutritional Adequacy – or the provision of palatable foods that are rich in essential nutrients. Nutrients needed of an individual is affected by age, sex, body build, and activities that one is engaged in by the individual. 2. Food Budget – The food budget is influenced by the family income, knowledge of the market shopper’s shopping skills, family likes and dislikes and their goals and values. 3. Differences in food habits – This refers to the dietary habits of nationality, groups, regional food patterns, cultural and religious food patterns and the socio-economic background. 4. The time skills of the meal manager – The length of the meal preparation, the amount of experience, and the time available are to be considered. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 10
  • 11. 5. Suitability, availability and quality of food to be served. 6. Aesthetic and psychological aspects as well as variety in color, form and arrangement 7. Equipment available for food preparation PROCEDURES IN MENU PLANNING Menu – is a determined list of food or dishes to be served. Meal Pattern – is an outline which list the arts of the meal called courses. The Mechanics of Menu Planning Consider the following suggestions when planning a menu: A. The menu planner can consult the following sources 1. Standardized recipes with corresponding costs for budget purposes 2. Previous menu files 3. List of comments and suggestions from patrons’ comments and suggestions 4. Stock inventory availability of resources 5. Popularity index file, which is a file of dishes well-liked by family members B. Using the Meal Pattern in Menu Planning MEAL PATTERN SAMPLE MENU BREAKFAST Fruits Main Dish Bread or Cereal Beverage LUNCH OR SUPPER Main Dish/ Protein Dish Vegetable Dish Cereal Dessert Beverage DINNER Appetizer Main Dish/ Protein Dish Vegetable Dish Cereals Dessert Beverage BREAKFAST Banana Scrambled egg with tomatoes Steamed rice/ Pan de Sal Hot chocolate, Milk or Coffee LUNCH OR SUPPER Pork Steak Buttered Vegetables Steamed Rice Buko Salad Buko juice DINNER Crispy Chicken Wings Beef Roast Vegetable Salad w/ French Dressing Carbonara Fresh Fruits Coffee, Tea o Red Wine C. Factors to be Considered in Menu Planning 1. It must meet the needs and requirements of dinner in terms of: a. Nutritional adequacy St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 11
  • 12. b. Likes and dislikes c. Food habits and preferences d. Religious and regional customs 2. It must be planned around the available resources in terms of a. Ingredients and equipment to be used b. Capabilities of the house maker c. Allotted budget 3. Menu must enhance the diner’s apetite, create interest and give satisfaction through a variety of the following: a. Methods of preparation b. Color combination c. Texture and consistency d. Temperature e. Form, shape and arrangement PURCHASING, RECEIVING AND STORING Purchasing, receiving and storing are the three interlaced processes considered by home makers as in food businesses. Purchasing, which is the first step, should be carefully done because it serves as the foundation of the other two processes. If the food is not purchased correctly, receiving and storing will not be better. Therefore, in purchasing food items, pointers are to be considered regarding the food items to buy. A purchaser should know the different good qualities of food type in order to purchase the best quality. Receiving, is not really about dropping off something and holding it without looking at it. Storing on the other hand, should cover the “keeping process”, in which food of different types should be stored in the different manner. GENERAL TIPS IN PURCHASING 1. Determine what items or products should be purchased, specifying the quality and quantity 2. Know the market situation about the products, such as supply, demand, market availability and related information. 3. Contact or visit possible sources to know what products are being offered and what price. 4. Compare the products available from different sources with your product specification 5. Evaluate what the supplier has to offer against your needs. 6. Decide on the supplier or vendor CONSERVING FOOD NUTRIENTS IN COOKING 1. Do not cut or soak vegetables before cooking St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 12
  • 13. 2. Wash vegetables before cutting them 3. Cut vegetables as close to cooking period. 4. Keep water boiling before adding the vegetables. 5. Use small amount of water, vegetables basically contains water. 6. Cook vegetables at the shortest time possible. Do not over cook. 7. Serve fruits just after slicing them. 8. Serve vegetables immediately after chopping of shredding. 9. Cook frozen foods before completely thawing them. 10. Do not discard vegetable water. Use it in sauces, soups or gravies. 11. Cover the pan while cooking the vegetables. Stir occasionally THE RUES FOR HEATING AND COOLING FOODS: 1. Liquids should be cooked in amounts small enough to ensure even temperature throughout, and stirred frequently 2. Re-heating of cooked food is best done quickly in infrared units. 3. Food should be cooked or re-heated to at a least 70C to destroy any organism. 4. If food is to be eaten cold, It should be cooled quickly to prevent new bacterial growth. METHOD OF STORING FOOD SUPPLIES 1. Fish and shell fish – dress the fish soon after arriving from the market. Cut into desired pieces. Rinse very well. Shell fish should be cooked first. Place in a plastic container and keep in the coldest part of the refrigerator. 2. Meat – rinse meat under running water and drain. Cut it into desired size or according to prescribed recipe and place in a separate container. 3. Poultry – rinse water, drain and cut into desired pieces and place in a separate container and store in the freezer. 4. Eggs – wipe cleaned, store in upper position at the compartment. To keep eggs in good condition, wrap in a plastic or coat with a little amount of oil, this prevents the escape of moisture through the egg shells. 5. Fruits – wash, dry and place dry plastic bag with holes and keep in crisper. Citrus fruits must be covered tightly before storing in the refrigerator. This will prevent the spread of odor. 6. Vegetables – wrap with paper and place in the crisper area of the refrigerator. 7. Staples - cereals such as rice and flour must be stored in dry, covered container to protect from weevils or bukbok. FOOD PRESERVATION St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 13
  • 14. • Freezing is placing food in the freezer to prevent spoilage. • Drying extract water from food items which is done under the sun, dry wind or with use of mechanical dryer. Dried products include dried fish, meat and legumes like beans, and other seed vegetables. These advantages are : - Dried foods require less storage space than other types of food considering the great percentage of moisture present in most food is reduced in the dehydrated form. - Dried food weigh much less than its equivalent amount of canned product. - Dried foods can be preserved without the addition of sugar. •Using preservative mediums like sugar, salt, spices, saltpeter and vinegar prolongs shell life of foods like in tocino, jam, jelly, candied fruits and vegetables. •Fermentation is done through the use of yeast which ferment the natural sugar. Yeast utilizes the sugar even without oxygen to produce alcohol, which acts as a preservative. When the container is opened, acetic acid bacteria will oxidize the alcohol producing vinegar. TIPS IN PREPARING PRESERVED FOODS • Do freeze in suitable container such as glass freezer jar or aluminum containers. To avoid transferring during reheating, use ovenproof dishes or casseroles. • Fish sausage may also be made out of tuna, shark, and other cheap specifies of fish. This would increase the protein intake of low cost Filipino meal. • To cook small amount of bacon, place the strips in a cold frying pan over the medium heat. When the strip turned opaque turn it to the other side. Drain in absorbent paper after frying. •Cook pickles in glass with glass tops preferably since the acid and salt of the pickle may corrode the metal cups. • Preserve your acetic acid preserves by proper pasteurization. • Avoid stuck fermentation. Never add vinegar to the fresh juice of fruits because it interferes with the year fermentation and will result in weak vinegar. BASIC COOKING TECHNIQUES MEAT / POULTRY COOKERY 1. Use the cut meat appropriate for the intended method of cooking. 2. Always cook pork thoroughly. 3. In roasting, arrange meat with its fats side up over the rack to allow the fat drippings to spread their flavor over the food. 4. In frying, make sure the cooking oil is hot before placing the meat in the pan. 5. The less tender cuts of meat suitable for moist-heat cooking give more flavor compared to the tender cuts 6. Older chickens have tough meat which must be cooked slowly at moderate temperature. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 14
  • 15. EGG COOKERY 1. Always cook eggs in moderate heat. 2. In boiling, plunge the eggs in boiling water until the desired degree of doneness is attained. FISH COOKERY 1. Cook quickly at high to moderate temperature. 2. Over cooked fish tends to break into pieces because it has less conductive tissues. RICE COOKERY 1. Use the correct amount of water. 2. Use less amount of water to newly harvested rice. 3. Rice must not be washed too much to prevent excessive loss of nutrients. WORTHY HOME MEMBERSHIP • The hours spent with family and friends make up most of the family life. It is usual for several generations of kinsfolk to be living together, sharing the same table, roof and income. • Home is a place where you are safe from the cold of the night and heat of the sun. Home provides a place to sleep, eat daily meals and security from harm. • Even though a house has the finest and most expensive furniture in the world, it may not be a real home to the family that lives in it. These people are bound by their mutual need for each other. Working together, they can find values each cannot accomplished alone. By caring and sharing, all help build strong family ties that bind together generation with generation. • A home is a place where you have the feeling that you belong, and where there is permanence and security. Love, affection, understanding, sharing and sacrifice are the cornerstones upon which worth-while family experiences must be built. • No two families have the same finances. Neither is there equality in the provision of material things. It is neither the amount of money nor the number of material things that you can be proud of. The energy and the good will of members are best needed to achieve a common goal – a happy, secure, and loving family – these are the possessions that are really worthwhile. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENT OF THE FAMILY • The physical requirements of the family (food, clothing, shelter) represent the reasons why parents work hard. • Our ideas of physical need change with the times as we grow older. SPIRITUAL REQUIREMENT OF THE FAMILY • The family recognizes the importance of moral and spiritual goals that form the foundation on which their lives are built. • Each family has a code of ethics. Upon this code, members determine what is right, what is wrong, what is good, and what is bad. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 15
  • 16. • The decision a person makes is based upon the moral code that a family builds. • This code should be acceptable to the family as well as to the community. • We need a strong moral code so that we can say “no” without faltering when we feel the wrong choice is demanded by a few in the group. • Our families help us to set rules that make it easier to get along at home and with friends. By communicating with each other, we can decide which activities are best to pursue. EMOTIONAL GROWTH • Means controlling our actions better, not allowing actions to control us. Adolescence is the period of emotional formation. • The family plays an important role in meeting emotional needs. A family that works, plays together, treats each member as an individual who must develop in his/her own way, should have a very satisfactory experience together through the years. MENTAL GROWTH • Experience does much to one’s plans. While you are in school, take advantage of as many opportunities as you can. Participate in worthwhile activities. This is the time when you have an opportunity to begin developing your greatest potential. • Reading good books, newspapers, and magazines broaden your horizons. • The experience you have as you travel will help you to be informed, if you compare them with other experiences. • Another phase of maturing mentally is to become aware of the services you can perform to help others. Religious organizations, scout groups, school clubs, help to round out your experiences in building your future. • Your activities will help you to make mature decisions. Experience helps you to decide what is worthy and worthwhile. As you mature, it becomes easier to concentrate on the work at hand. When you learn to solve problems from a mental image of something you have already learned, you have acquired re “building block”. • Such images called basic concepts, stays with us. RELATIONSHIPS WITH FAMILY MEMBERS • The family unit is most important to each individual. A happy family is a family whose members know: courtesy, understanding, consideration for the individual. • Courtesy, doing the things for each other politely, with less concern for their own feelings. It is an expression of respect for one another. • Understanding teaches us adjustment of differences, and tolerance. Each member has different ideas and beliefs which you accept without necessarily agreeing or trying to dissuade. • Consideration for the individuals in the home is an expression of thoughtfulness and sympathy. You are unselfish and not overly concerned with your interests because you are aware that you are only St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 16
  • 17. one part of a group. That you do not neglect the welfare of others. And you willingly share material things. • Have a sense of humor. This helps understand that things sometimes go wrong. • Getting along with family members should be fun, not a chore. To find understanding, these families first must enjoy being together. • Life was not meant to run smoothly all the time. Each of us needs to be challenged so that we can appreciate all the advantages we have. When you find trouble at your home, try to be more helpful than usual. • Try to see your parents’ viewpoint and help them to understand your own. Every parent appreciates a son or daughter who stands by but does not try to dominate when life is rough. Cooperation during these rough periods results in a closer, warmer relationship and closer family ties. • The older brother or sister you complain about may someday be the best friend you have. Remember, if he seems to have grown too bossy, it may not be bossiness but self-reliance. • It takes an understanding mother and father to manage so that each child develops to his full capacity without “battle scars”. In some families, there is a constant friction, resulting in strained relations. In other families, there is very little friction. • Recreational activities are leisure activities pursued for the purpose of enjoyment, fun, and pleasure. These activities whether indoor or outdoor, should be an integral part of the family’s schedule of activities. They are necessary to a happy, harmonious, and successful family living. • Recreational activities can also be productive and income-generating. A number of enterprising housewives or husband-wife teams can start with a hobby and later turn into hobby like, handicraft, bag-making, making wall décor, and others. • There are number of unexpected events that can cause stress, tensions, and anxiety among family members and which may cause disruption of their normal lives. This includes separation of family members, sudden death, and sudden loss of property, accidents and effect of natural calamities. HOUSING AND FAMILY ECONOMICS • Your room is a mirror that reflects you. When one steps in your room, he can sense what type of person and personality you have. Even though you share this area with another, still one nook or corner will spell “YOU”. • Your room is a room to live in, and should be livable as you can make it. There are times when room is chiefly used for sleeping and dressing but in modern days, a room has varied uses. Such a room deserves careful taught and planning to make it as livable as possible. • Livable quality in a room depends on comfort, convenience, and attractiveness. It means that the furnishings are adequate for the activities which are carried on in a room, and that they are arranged for maximum convenience. It means also that the whole effect is pleasant to the eye. • Physical comfort is important whether you are sleeping, reading, studying, or working at your lobby. A comfortable bed, placed so that the sleeper is not disturbed by strong light or draft from the windows, provides for restful nights and naps. • The physical consideration for making a livable room: St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 17
  • 18. - Color, use the color that pleases and complements you. - Fabrics, draperies, bed spreads, upholstery or a rug give a feeling of warmth. - Objects meaning cherished objects you love – like grandma’s rocking chair, music box. These objects show you are warm and have feeling. - Objects you make. These things show any artistic skill you may have, or interest that are important to you – like making stuffed toys, girl’s accessories and others. COLOR • Color definitely affects our spirits. Some colors make us feel gay, exciting, and cheerful. Other refreshes us or makes us feel rested. Then there are those that make us feel depressed. • Hue means the name of the color. Value is the lightness and darkness that a tint or shade gives off. Intensity tells how bright or how dull a color can be. • Cool colors are green blue, blue-green, blue violet and violet. Blue is considered coldest of all colors. • Choose two colors which are harmonious, one brighter than the other. • Use the less bright or intense color for the background of your room. DESIGN • Arrangement of furnishings should harmonize with the shape and structure of the room. Most rooms are rectangular and most furniture and rugs are also more or less rectangular. Furniture and furnishing should be in line with the shape of the room. • Every room should have a center of interest which means there should be one dominant feature which attracts your attention. • Avoid cluttered effect caused by too many figured materials. • If you are not wise in the choice of accessories, your room can look cheap and cluttered. Lamps, well-chosen pictures and a few ornaments take away the bareness. • Orderliness is the order of the day no matter what you do, the room must be orderly or the effect of your work is lost. • The wastebasket is an accessory that spells your personality. Don’t be litterbug. Plan something to give that old wastebasket a face lifting. B. HOME MANAGEMENT Meaning and Concepts of Home Management: Home Management – is the process wherein a family uses different available resource to attain individual and family goals. Concept of Home management – the family is composed of members with different needs, interest and capabilities. To make each member happy and contented, these needs should be satisfied. The family should provide opportunities by which the members can develop opportunities by which members can develop interest and make use of their capabilities. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 18
  • 19. Nickel and Dorsey (1967) enumerated some managerial responsibilities in family living. These are mainly centered on the following duties assumed by different members of the family. 1. Developing a sound philosophy with sustaining value. 2. Setting family goals. 3. Establishing satisfactory relationship between and among family members. 4. Planning the use of family income. 5. Planning the use of time and energy. 6. Developing abilities and skills. 7. Acquiring diverse knowledge. 8. Guiding the education and social development of family members. 9. Choosing suitable housing. 10. Choosing goods and service needed by the family. THE PROCESS OF HOME MANAGEMENT: Home management is the process which shows the total effort of the family to keep the home running smoothly. It involves a series of activities which should be done to produce effective results. These activities include the following steps: 1. Planning – this involves setting up of goals. Goals nothing more than the purposes for which the individual families are willing to work. It is usually the product of one’s desires, values, attitudes and philosophies. 2. Organizing – this done by prioritizing the planned activities to best accomplish the desired goals. This also involves the division of work among those involves in the activity. Delegation of responsibilities needs a consideration of resources. 3. Controlling – this considered the “doing process” of home management since the planned activities are to be implemented in this step to the large extent this determines the success of home management. 4. Evaluating the results – it is the last step in home management. It involves an examination of the results. This help check the effectiveness of the planned activities to realize a goal. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION TECHNIQUES • Assessment means measuring the progress of learners and identifies issues to work on to make program successful. • Assessment is the act of gathering information on a daily basis in order to understand and individual student’s learning needs. • Assessment data assists teachers in planning and adapting further instruction. Participation that will set accurate and realistic personal learning goals and also to discuss data gathering on student’s abilities and needs. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 19
  • 20. • Evaluation is the culminating act of interpreting the information gathered during daily assessment for making decisions about student’s learning and progress. • Types of assessment and evaluation; - Diagnostic - provide teacher with instructional starting points as; learning abilities and needs, motivational and interests levels. - Formative – focuses on the process and products of learning. - `Summative- occurs most often at the end of a unit of instruction when students are required to demonstrate their achievement of the curriculum objectives for reporting purposes. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 20
  • 21. 1. Which of the following principles is least to consider in buying fruits? a. Check the color of the fruits b. Buy fruits that are in season c. Buy fruits in kilo rather than by piece d. Be sure that the fruits have no bruises The correct answer is A. The color of the fruit depends on the preference or the requirement of the recipe. Option C which buying by kilo is cheaper than per piece, Option B and D recommended fruits which are in season, fresh or are in good condition. 2. Which among the snacks below are low cost but highly nutritious and easy to prepare? a. Palitao c. ginataang halu-halo b. Champorado d. arroz caldo The correct answer is D Arroz caldo is easy to prepare, the ingredients are affordable instead of using whole chicken, neck can be a good source of fats and protein. Option C will require various kinds of root crops and is difficult to cook. A & B are easy to prepare but have insufficient nutrients for they just contain carbohydrates. 3. My grade 3 sister is inactive in her classes. The school clinic reported that she is malnourished. What kind of diet are you going to recommend? a. Fish, eggs & meat c. mustard, fish & rice b. Potatoes, chicken & fruits d. milk, eggs & cereal The correct answer is B. The foods are balanced based on the food pyramid and they are among the kids favorite stuff. Option A, are protein rich foods. Option C are foods that kids do not usually love to eat like leafy vegetables and fish. Option are foods are not yet sufficient for the needs of the 3 year old growing kid. 4. In salad preparation, which among the steps is least to be considered? a. Color of the vegetables c. nutritional value b. Sizes and weight d. palatability and aroma 5. In planning a menu for your family, which among the options will you consider first? a. Foods to be prepared are within the financial means of the family. b. Foods are favorite of the family members c. Foods are colorful and palatable St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 21 PART II – ANALYZING TEST ITEMS
  • 22. d. Foods are cheap but nutritious 6. Which nutrient has more than twice the amount of calorie per gram? a. Carbohydrate c. protein b. Fat d. mineral 7. Wise buying mean buying the right kind, right time, the right place and the right price. What does ‘the right kind means” a. Buy those which are fresh b. Buy those which are good quality c. Buy only at reliable sources stores d. Buy those which fit the intended purpose. 8. Good health can be achieved by proper nourishment of the body through a. An expensive meals c. delicious meals b. Well-planned meals d. standard meals 9. Which of the following should not be included in the plan even if one desires to minimize food cost? a. Food in season c. local foods b. Ingredients of poor quality d. inexpensive food items 10.These are the guidelines in the conversation of nutrients in preparing fruits and vegetables EXCEPT. a. Wash fruits and vegetables before peeling b. Pare fruits and vegetables after washing c. Allow frozen vegetables thaw before cooking d. Cut fruits and vegetables immediately before cooking 11.Good health and good look are partners. Which of the following statements support it? a. A good foot spa is needed for a health feet b. With good health you can maintain good posture c. Retainer can correct protruding teeth d. Wear an expensive garment to conceal poor health 12.A healthy person should do the following EXCEPT _________. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 22
  • 23. a. Control what to eat between meals c. possess pleasant disposition b. Maintain good figure d. drink lots of coffee 13.If you cannot stand the hunger pangs what is advisable to take? a. Have a bit of biscuits c. eat rice, water and salt b. Drink bottle water d. take glass of milk 14.Which of the statements is true? a. Exercise if only for those who are fat. b. Mild exercise is essential for too fat, too thin or just right c. Long brisk walk is not good toning exercise d. When you exercise you lose appetite 15.The hem fold of your skirt was ripped. Which of the following hand sewing stitches can be use to repair the ripped hem? a. Back stitch c. Cross stitch b. Blanket stitch d. outline stitch 16.Girdles and bra can easily be deteriorated by heat. To ensure long life the following should be done EXCEPT ________. a. Wash them in cool water and mild suds b. Hang in airy surface c. Hang in direct sunlight d. Never dry them in hot dryer 17.The nutrient that is expensive source of energy is _________. a. Carbohydrates c. protein b. Fats d. vitamins 18. Mariz always feel dizzy. It was found out that she lacks iron. The deficiency disease due to lack of iron is _________. a. Anemia c. scurvy b. Goiter d. xeropthalmia 19.Which of the following meals is considered as nutritious and economical a. Macaroni soup and puto c. banana cue and camote cue b. Macaroni salad and French bread d. spaghetti St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 23
  • 24. 20. You need water for your coffee what cooking method is required? a. Boiling c. simmering b. Broiling d. stirring 21.You need meat for cooking embutido, what meat preparation is needed? a. Chop c. grind b. Dice d. knead 22.Lard, margarine oil is classified as _______. a. Leavening agent c. main ingredients b. Mineral d. shortening 23.What is the basis of making an act good, wrong, or bad? a. Consideration c. rules and regulation b. Code of ethics d. system 24.It is an expression of respect for one another a. Consideration c. sense of humor b. Intensity d. understanding 25.Light violet, dark blue, light pink are examples of ______ of color a. Hue c. shade b. Intensity d. value 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10.D 11.B St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 24
  • 25. 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.D 1. We need to care for the elderly so that at night time to induce them to sleep they should be given a. A cup of tea c. glass of milk b. A cup of chocolate d. glass of fruit juice 2. What is the recommended temperature in cooking protein rich foods to conserve their nutrients? a. 350 degrees F c. 300 degrees F b. 250 degrees F d. 400 degrees F 3. What is the primary reason in cooking meat is? a. To improve its palatability b. To make it more tender c. To kill the micro organism d. To enhance its color 4. Which should a meal pattern for breakfast should include the following: a. Fruit, main dish, cereals, beverage b. Soup, entrée, main course, rice, beverage St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 25 PART III – ENHANCING TEST TAKING SKILLS
  • 26. c. Protein dish, vegetable dish, cereal, dessert d. Appetizer, protein dish, cereals, dessert, beverage 5. Which is true about the saying “You are What You Eat”? a. It shows your economic status. b. It shows your philosophy in life c. It shows your food preferences d. It shows your interest in food preparation 6. Which is NOT a symptom of Exophthalmia? a. Poor vision c. low resistance to infection b. Night blindness d. much loose of weight 7. Which is the most practical way of storing leafy vegetables/ a. Wash, dry and place in a container b. Wash, cut and store in a dry cool place c. Dry, warp with paper, store in the crisper of the refrigerator d. Wash with dumped cloth, place in a plastic container sealed and chill 8. Which of the management process identifies in making decisions as to which goals need to be attended a head of the rest? a. Controlling c. planning b. Organizing d. evaluating 9. Which refers to a pathological state resulting from the consumption of inadequate quantity of food over an extended period of time? a. Over nutrition c. imbalance nutrition b. Under nutrition d. specific deficiency 10. Which of the following is considered to be high risk food? a. Bread c. uncooked rice b. Eggs d. vegetables 11.How does freezing as method of food preservation? a. It kills all the bacteria b. It reduces bacteria to a safe level St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 26
  • 27. c. It stops bacteria reproducing temporarily d. It stops bacteria producing permanently e. 12.Which of the following statements is true in relation to stock rotation? a. Foods purchased first be used first b. Foods can be used in any order c. Foods purchased last should be used last d. Foods purchased last should be used first 13.They are technique in conserving nutrients as well as flavor EXCEPT. a. Cover pan while cooking vegetables b. Avoid over production of recipe c. Washing of fruits and vegetables after cutting d. Vegetables for salad should be sliced just before serving 14.A canteen teacher uses this tool containing the complete list of foods, goods and supplies to be bought. a. Budget plan c. receipt b. Menu guide d. marker list 15.Values are shaped beliefs acquired mainly from- a. Society c. peers b. Family d. environment 16.If you feel you have oily skin which of the following health practices will you follow? a. Use soap and water and rinse it immediately. b. Use lubrication to assist the oil gland c. Split nail is normal to growing children d. Nails do not use nutrients to grow 17.The following can cause bad breath EXCEPT? a. Constipation c. poor digestion b. Gum infection d. use of dental floss 18.Which of the following statement is TRUE? St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 27
  • 28. a. Biting nail is a nervous habit b. Nails can be made attractive by using nail polish c. Split nail is normal to growing children d. Nails do not use nutrient to grow 19. One of the rules in planning meals is to plan meals that can be prepared with less time, energy and fuel but can be good source of nutrients like _______. a. Chopsuey c. pork sinigang b. Pansit guisado d. spaghetti 20.In certain canned product what to do you call the piece of material that provides all necessary information about the product. a. Advertisement c. label b. Brand d. trademark 21.When you fry your fried chicken, you roll the marinated chicken on flour. This method of preparation is called ________. a. Blending c. folding b. Dredging d. mixing 22.To avoid refreezing of meat which of the following is good practice? a. Apportion meat into how much you really can consume in one cookery b. Immerse the wrapped meat in cold water c. Chop frozen meat d. Thaw what is only needed 23.If you will eat camote tops what method of cooking will you use? a. Boil c. steam b. Sauté d. stir-fry 24.You want to be sure that the preserved fish has longer shelf life which methods of preservation will you use? a. Drying c. using sugar medium b. Freezing d. using vinegar 25.What method of preservation is used in making wine? a. Bottling c. pasteurization St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 28
  • 29. b. fermentation d. sterilization 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. B St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 29
  • 30. St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. ()82) 224-2515 or 222-8732 30