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Essay on Scary Night
Scary Night – Original Writing
I was now ready to depart after the party, exiting my Cousin's house. It was a Halloween party. It was a lot of fun; to be honest the party seemed to
be quite good. It was suppose to be scary, but now that I come to see it does not compare to how I felt later on during the night. You see the
difference is looking at all the story I have heard about Halloween, this one that I have experienced seems a lot more realistic and frightening. I had
no choice but to walk home by myself, because of the complicated story my mom told me (which of course I was not listening to).
The night was dark, gloomy, dusky, and silent. So basically these were not the conditions that more content...
Then he smiled and started walking in front of me really fast. Then he disappeared into the dusk. All the park lights were off and there was nobody
else around. Again I heard another sound of footsteps. They became louder and louder which gave me the idea of someone coming closer. I
stopped. I looked back. I saw no one. I heard nothing. there. There was a shadow lurking behind a car. At first glance I thought it was a cat then I
looked again and I thought it was far too big to be a cat. A shiver of fear ran up my spine. I thought that it could be a mugger, or even a murderer!
Where ever I went I could still hear the footsteps. I began to walk faster to get away from the noise of the footsteps.
All the street lamps were broken with the exception of one, a few seconds later even that street lamp went off. The only thing that could be seen was
the moon, it was shinning brightly. I was taking a lot of different routes just to get away "from the thing", but where ever I went I couldn't escape it. I
heard a car alarm and looked around in horror. I started to run. The footsteps had stopped. I slowed down again thinking what it could be. I couldn't
stop thinking about it. I kept looking around making sure nothing was there. Every time I heard something my heart beat increased.
I had reached the cemetery. I could hear dogs barking. I looked
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A Narrative Essay About A Scary Story
"Let's go. Would you walk faster please, I'm really excited."
"No Vernon. Could you calm down we go there every year."
"I know Jimin, but I heard this year is going to be big, espectacular"
"I know, Charles told me that Henry went all out this year."
"Yes. Did you hear anything from Mark, Jackson, and Kris?"
"They are still not going. Mark and Jackson have a competition somewhere and Kris is leaving the country for two weeks, also it is not like they are
missing much."
"You are such a killjoy."
They came to a stop in front of a tall gate. Vernon stopped to admire the beautiful gate, but Jimin urged him to walk forward since they still had a
long trail to Henry's house. "I do not really enjoy Halloween. It is fun and all, but I just don't get scared like more content...
Help me bring out the snacks."
They headed to the kitchen. Jimin could swear that Henry's house way too big for a family of three.
The group began their Halloween movie marathon. They made jokes, laughed, screamed, and groaned every time Jay yelled trying to scare them.
Halfway through the second movie Henry took a mattress out for the floor sitters, and since Jimin had already seen the movie he unintentionally
napped throughout it. The chatter, the yelps and surprised squeaks at every jumpscare, made it easier for him to be lulled into sleep.
When their third movie ended, they all got up to stretch, and move around a little bit. Meanwhile Henry loaded the fourth movie on his computer.
Three of them went off to the kitchen to get more snacks, and drinks. The younger one, Gus began whining about his back so Jimin helped him stretch.
Charles tried to move the chair he was sitting on, when he saw some movement out of the windows, he stopped and stared off into the darkness. He
would never admit it, but his heartbeat accelerated a bit.
"Guys, I... think i saw something or someone outside."
"Maybe it was an animal. Are you already scared?" Gus said, teasing the
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Narrative Essay
Have you ever been scared? So scared that you felt that your heart might stop any moment. A feeling so intense that you wished that you never
have to experience it again. I am not someone who possesses a weak heart. I have always considered myself a brave and calm individual. But I
guess there is a point in life when even the bravest of hearts are tested to their limits. This is no different. It was May 3rd, 2007 just another day. I
had classes in the morning. As it was a Thursday, I stayed back and spent some time with my friends after school. We had chicken broast for lunch at
Helvatia and then we left to our respective homes. It was early summer. So I went to sleep after a shower and didn't wake up till 9 p.m. My Parents
were more content...
After ten more minutes the knocking started again. And then it got louder and louder until the door started shaking. Esha looked startled. I wasn't
moving from my chair either. We looked at each other and finally realized that both of us were not lying to
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Essay on Fear: Why Are We So Afraid?
"Being frightened is an experience you can't buy." We are a society that adores fear. We thrive off of it; creating horror movies, shows like "Fear
Factor", and the media in general are only a few examples. At the same time there are people who are afraid to leave their house and are possibly
restricted to a single room. So what is fear? What is the purpose of being afraid? Why is it that some people will run and scream when they see a
snake while others collect and breed them for their love of these majestic reptiles?
Fear is a feeling we have all dealt with at one time or another. It is something that we first experience as children, and are conditioned to respond to in
many different ways. In a controversial experiment more content...
Fear can also refer to general anxiety, as in Arachnophobia "fear of spiders" or Claustrophobia "fear of closed in areas." These fears occur not
automatically from a present or looming danger, but instead a perceived threat, which to some can be just as scary. As said in a German proverb,
"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." For most people fear is a horrible and sickening feeling, which it can sometimes be debilitating.
Fear is what shows us how to be careful, because self–protection is primitive. Therefore, it is safe to suggest that we may be afraid to travel into an
unlit cemetery for fear of being hurt by something unknown. What could this unknown factor be? A ghost? Perhaps, but these fears are unreasonable.
Although this fear of ghosts and other things was established when we were young, the fear never goes away. For we fear being physically hurt in any
manner. Fear is a natural thing; it is indeed what keeps us safe and secure. Fear is not a logical thought, but rather an irrational emotion.
When a fear is not validated by the presence of actual danger or a threat, or by a realistic cause, and when it is also associated with a continuing
evading of the circumstances, which lead to it, it is called a phobia. Phobias occur in several forms. A phobia is a recurring, impractical, paralyzing fear
of a specific
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Opening to a Horror Story Essay
Opening to a Horror Story
They told him the house was haunted. They told him the house was strange. Five families had moved in, and never made it out. Alive anyway. He had
already survived two days with his family. His second night in his new home, what could possibly happen?
A whispered name.
The boy stirs in his sleep. A pale, vaporous moon lights the room. Shadows are deep. He twists his head, turning towards the window so that his face
becomes a soft mask, unblemished, colourless. But the boy's dream is troubled; beneath his lids, his eyes dart to and fro.
The whispered name:
Its sound is distant.
The boy frowns; yet the voice is within his own slumber, more content...
He stands at the door, as if fearing to touch. But he is puzzled. More– he is curious. He twists the handle, the metal's coldness leaping along his arm
like iced energy released from a source. The shock is mild against the damp chill of his own body. He pulls the door open and the darkness beyond is
more dense; it seems to swell into the bedroom, a waxing shadow. He shrinks away, reluctant to allow contact with this fresh darkness.
His vision adjusts, and the inkiness scatters as if weakened by its own sudden growth. He advances again, passing through the doorway to stand
shivering on the landing overlooking the staircase. To descend this would be like sinking into the blackest of all pits, for darkness down there appears
Still the hushed whisper urges:
He listens for a moment more, perhaps wishing that the minor voice would also rouse his sleeping parents. There is no sound from their room; grief
has exhausted their bodies as well as their spirit. He stares into the centre of the darkness below, terribly compelled to descend.
The fingers of one hand slide against the wall, as he does so, their tips rippling over the textured wall paper. Disbelief mingles with the fascination and
the fear. Small lights – caught from who knows where? At the foot of
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Personal Narrative: A Horror/Suspense Story
Here I am, fingers poised above my keyboard, a soft melody in the back ground plays through some old speakers, and a blank document is pulled
up in front of me. For my English class, I was asked to write a horror/suspense story. But, in all honesty, I can't focus or come up with anything good
enough. I haven't had a very scary life to base my essay off of, and I doubt a short story about the time I failed a paper would count. Outside, the bright
moon light trickles into my room, and a soft breeze flows in through the partially open window. Sighing, I concentrate on the screen, thinking about a
somewhat horrifying story that won't lull my readers to sleep.
"Emma honey, can you come here for a second?" My mothers soft voice calls from the downstairs kitchen. I grudgingly pull myself from the plush
office chair, and stroll out into the light less hallway. Out of nowhere a forceful grip strikes out, engulfing my upper arm. My eyes widen with fear,
but before I can chirp out in surprise, a soft hand is placed across my month, promptly silencing my shrike. In a fit of desperation I spin around to
lock eyes with my mom, her expression spikes my heart beat once again, the obvious fear radiates off of her.
Before I get the chance to speak, she blurts out in a hurry "I heard that too."
"But that's impossible, it was your voice." more content...
My eyebrows draw in tight as I see the colorful feathers scattered around the ground, I look back towards my mother, but she looks as confused as I
feel. We continue to push on, scanning every inch of the house for a threat. As if it wasn't scary enough the first time, another scream screeches
throughout the house. I come to a sudden stop, my eyes frantically searching for answers. With no cure to my racing heart beat, I continue on, slightly
dragging my hand on the wall for support. More feathers cover the wood floors, almost coming across as a colorful
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A Scary Short Story
It took weeks of convincing and reassuring that everything was going to be just fine before I budged. I did not agree because I suddenly was not
scared, I felt guilty that we would not go on my accord. So here I was, hours away from hopping on the thing I promised myself I would never get on.I
closed my eyes and to my surprise fell asleep. I was asleep for what felt like all of five minutes.I was woke up by a distant car horn, I looked ahead and
saw the blurry light turned from red to green, we hung a left. I read the big blue print on the concrete sign," Roanoke Airport," We were finally here.
I heard a low roar that seemed distant, but it grew louder with the passing seconds.Then a huge plane soared over top of us! The fear gather back inside
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Scary Short Story
Scary Short Story What if you went to a haunted house but, you figured the "decorations" were not fake decorations? The night before Halloween,
My friends and I had a sleepover so we could plan our outfits,and go to the store and get stuff we wanted. So, Kylie's mom took us to school the
next day. After school, her mom picked us up again. We all went to her house, her mom had to go back to work. She told us to be careful and that
we could to Trick Or Treating BUT, we could not go in someone's houses IF we did not know them! We went and we went all around town just
walking and not stopping at every house just walking and talking. We saw this one house that had amazing "decorations"! We went to it and rang the
doorbell. A guy answered the door,
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Essay on Scary Experience On The Road
Most people I know have had some sort of scary experience on the road. Whether it is driving on the road or trying to cross the street. My scariest
experience took place on a sunny Thursday afternoon driving home. I pick my brother up from school around the same time everyday. But for
some reason, I decided to pick him up a few minutes earlier that day. I took the same, usual, boring road to picking him up. There was no traffic that
day, no pedestrians on the sidewalks and the sky was clear. Not a cloud in sight. There was nothing on the radio and no one sitting next to me to talk
to. So I just concentrated on the road. I get to entrance of my brothers school and he is already standing under the same big ol' tree. The
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I finally get out of the school zone and back on the main road home. I'm going at the legal 40 mph limit. I notice my brother stopped talking so I
decided to turn the radio back on. I know the inside of my car like the back of my hand so I turn the radio on without taking my eyes off the road.
Once again, no traffic. There are no cars on the road except for an old gray pick up truck no more than a car space of distance in front of me and a
new, shiny, black, pick up truck on the lane to my right maybe the space of two cars away. I notice a man of older age crossing the street taking his
time. The truck in front of me keeps going without slowing down. I see the old man on the road and I think to myself, 'He's not stupid, he's going to
stop. There is not enough time or space to go from 40 mph down to a complete stop.' But he keeps on walking. He looks up at me and keeps walking. I
hit on the brakes, I swerve to the left and I hear a car from the distance honk. I can't hear or see anything but his face getting closer and the loud
increasing thumping of my heart. Suddenly, I hear the screeching of tires, and finally come to a complete stop. I hear the honking from a distance
getting louder and closer. I see the angry look on the mans face, and I notice from the corner of my eye the black pickup truck swerving to right
burning tires from braking too hard. I feel my hands start to shake; I feel my face and chest turn hot. My brother is staring at me
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Essay on scary places
Over the course of my life, I have encountered many eerie locations that have given me the chills. Despite all those fearful situations, only three
places have ever successfully handicapped my lungs from providing oxygen to my heart. I could not begin to predict the events that would occur
when I decided to visit a jail hostel, a cemetery, or a cellar. Until these visits, I have never been frozen from head to toe, unable to conduct a move.
My previous hair raising experiences are practically nonexistent compared to my journey to The Ottawa Jail Hostel, the Garden Cemetery, or a friend's
basement cellar. To begin, the first place that is soon going to put goose bumps on my skin is the Ottawa Jail Hostel. In order to reach the hostel
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My curiosity leads me closer and I soon find myself inside the hostel. Once inside, the scene of a hotel lobby jumps into view, although everything
is beaten down as if a pack of wolves ran through. To my left, a few broken remains of the front desk lay scattered on the floor. Now, this decrepit
structure sits upside down in the corner of the room. I slowly creep into the next room which leads to a stairway. Immediately, I want to explore the
upper level. Suddenly, I see a strange shadow appearing from the corner of my eye. A loud crash leads me to believe the figure is in the lobby.
Goosebumps appear on my neck and arms as a harsh wind blows through an open window. I scream as I run back out of the building. Panting and
confused, I try to retrieve myself from a frightened state and gain control of my body once again. Therefore, the first frightening experience I have
ever encountered happened at the Ottawa Jail Hostel. The second stop on my haunted journey, is to Garden Cemetery. To reach the cemetery, I start
to walk through a spooky forest. This forest contains vast wisps of dead grass, fragile to a single touch. Occasional gusts of wind forces these stands
of death to dance and rustle against each other. Tall trees lean in all different directions, with leaves no longer clinging to their branches. These
dormant structures lurch over my body, trying to hold me captive in their distorted arms. As a result, I quicken my pace and my breath
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Scary Story Essay example
Scary Story I looked up at the black sky. I hadn't intended to be out this late. The sun had set, and the empty road ahead had no streetlights. I knew
I was in for a dark journey home. I had decided that by traveling through the forest would be the quickest way home. Minutes passed, yet it seemed
like hours and days. The farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I was very had to even take a breath due to the stifling air.
The only sound familiar to me was the quickening beat of my own heart, which felt as though it was about to come through my chest. I began to
whistled to take my mind off the eerie noises I was hearing. In this kind of darkness I was in, it was hard for me to believe that I could more
I took a glance around and found myself looking right into a pair of dark, glassy eyes peering at me through the bushes. I knew I was not seeing
things at that moment. Were those the evil eyes of a goblin lurking waiting for it's next meal? My breath became too rapid for me to be able to
whistle. I took a big gulp and decided to step on it and quicken my pace. I would never get home at this rate. The same moment I decided to quicken
my speed, a deer burst through the night. I screamed, stumbled and hit the ground with a loud thump. I sat on the moist ground for a moment to
try to recover but my heart began to throb as if it was beating within my throat. It was just a deer I told myself, I had to be brave. Trying to get myself
together I began to feel this hot puffs of air on the back of my neck. "It's the goblin!" I screamed as I rapidly rose to my feet. My head spun like an owl
as I went to look for what was behind me. I looked to the ground and discovered a little white dog. "You scared me to death little guy. What is a cute
little puppy like you doing in a dense forest like this?" I said to him. I was relieved it was only a dog instead of the ghastly goblin, but I only made it
half–way home by then. As I proceeded on the white little dog followed me. I felt more at ease now that I had him following me but he would not be
considered much of a watch dog to most
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Descriptive Essay On A Horror Movie
It's Friday night and the theater is packed. Looking around, my brother and I only see single seats left. Luckily a young girl sitting next to a single
seat decided to leave. We take our seats located in the middle of the first row, right in front of the enormous screen. Eating our butter popcorn and
rainbow colored gummy worms, the lights dim and the previews begin. After seeing the first preview which ended in a paralyzing scream, I start to
question why I decided to watch a horror movie. I knew my fear was irrational and I should just push through and watch. Why am I so determined
to stay when I'm scared? The movie begins, the sight of a dark house in the night, no moon, no civilization set in the middle of the woods made me
cringe in my seat. The quiet, yet slowly intensifying rustling of leaves and slow rise of suspenseful music, had me shivering yet I kept my eyes
wide open, zoned on screen as I was lost in the scene. The girl taps on the door, it creaks open and suddenly she's pulled off her feet. I felt the
theater behind me jump up, putting me further on edge. The scene ends and the music suddenly stops, the blackened screen sinks me into a
relaxing stage and suddenly numbs me by casting on the horrifying face of the clown. His curly red hair and pale sickening skin was so bright it
reflected of my body. His sharp teeth with his sinister grin made me recoil back on my front row seat and fling the popcorn box at him in defense. I
was scared out of wits. Why do we
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Scary Short Story
Scary Story Lisa ran across the woods as she heard those terrifying noises that brought back the haunting memories. It's like she was living the
moment again. Her eyes were filled with tears, running down her face. She hid behind a tree hoping nobody would hear her sob and come looking
for her. She was terrified of her father and all the abuse she took as a child. She was frightened of anyone who tried approaching her. After a while of
being alone on the woods she decided to go back to the family gathering they were having. As she was getting closer she saw a man standing
outside, peeking inside the window... he was wearing a face mask and all black. She was even more horrified. She decided to go back into the woods
and call someone to help
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Haunted House Essay
High upon a lonely hill surrounded by a great dark forest, stood an ancient, crumbling manor, known as the Haunted House. The windows were all
smashed and it looked like the house was used a long time ago and was never used again. The font gates were as old as the hills. It belonged to a
greedy old man, he was as short as a stump, he was really grumpy and fat who everyone said he was a wizard. Even though he owned the immense
haunted house he didn't dare to go inside because he was frightened like a child in dark, so he lived in the small cottage in the grounds of the manor,
with just his black cat for company. He was as lonely as the master who has go to war, but hews happy, because he had a true love. His true love was
gold, and he more content...
This fellow looked fellow looked a bit to fearless for the wizard's liking.
That night, Titan stepped through the rusty gates, as he did the surroundings seemed to change. The air became misty all of a sudden. The weather
became cold and when he looked towards the trees, it looked as if they were alive. He turned his concentration away from the trees, which did not
freak him at all, and continued his journey up the hill towards the house. Without hesitating, he unlocked the door and went in, as he went in the silent
still sinister house, the door slammed shut behind him slowly the gloomy light started fading. A butler appeared from nowhere, he was holding his
head under his arms like a ball in his hands. "Jeeves at your service, sir," he said, creepily. "Follow me." "Thank you, my good man," said Titan
excitingly, handing him his coat and following him up the creaking staircase without blinking an eye.
Ancient portraits followed him with their eyes like human eyes. Titan winked at them as he passed expressing his bravery. An empty suit of armour
waved at him. Titan waved back. "Good evening," he said. Jeeves led him on down a murky passage. A heavy door creaked open and they entered a
dark bedroom, with a tattered four poster bed. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and a thick layer of dust covered the furniture. Titan opened the
wardrobe and a skeleton came
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Example Of Narrative Essay Scary Story
On a cold fall evening in the town of Dankfurt, Alaska with a small population of 73. There was a boy named Derek. Derek was just an ordinary
boy who attended the school of Winterfield which was 10 miles away. He did this because his town had no school along with two other friends. Every
morning he and his friends would wake up at five–thirty to walk to school. Because of the Alaskan time zones it was dark during the day and light at
night. On their walk they would pass one house and one house only which was in the heart of the woods. It was a dark brown house with white
curtains. The house was very old and looked to be falling apart. They assumed it was abandoned and thought nothing of it. But every time Derek
walked passed he would get a minor headache not even more content...
Many of the football players would hit or choke them for it. The boys could do nothing they were scrawny and weak except for Joe he was fat. Joe
stood up to the biggest kid this time saying "Buzz of man." They replied with "In your dreams twinkie." Joe attacked him with "well that is why the
football team sucks!" "screw you man" said the bully and walked away. After their hellish days at school the boys would head to the drama club. This
is where they all fit in and thoroughly enjoyed attending the meetings. They were at these meetings until six–thirty or sunrise in Alaska at the time.
The boys would stroll home and get back at about ten o'clock. They would do the same thing every day.
Early one morning Derek's power went out and his alarm clock did not go off. The other boys waited for him but he did not show up so they
assumed he was sick and left without him. A few hours later he woke up and realized he was late. He threw on his clothes and bolted out the door.
Because of Alaska's time zone it was pitch dark when he started his journey. But he carried on his journey just like any
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Personal Narrative: What's Big Kind Of Scary
What's big kind of scary and if properly made have a death from Six flags. And I was really excited to go. So the day we went was june in waukegan
the date was 2014. And when we were at the gate to get in. I started to have second thoughts because as we got close I saw all the big rides and all the
people screaming and that really terrified me and I rides were really high and I was really scared of heights so I was really scared. The first ride I went
on was the superman. when I saw how the ride was setup I was so glad that there were lots of people in front of us. it took about 30 minutes but we
finally made it up to the front of the line at this point I was really scared and I wanted to be home and then my cousin kevin must more
I wanted to go back in line to go on it again but we had much more rides to go and ride on. we went to the batman it was really fast like I could barely
see a thing. all I really saw were blurs. The dark knight was one of my favorite because it was really dark and i don't know how to explain it but I
thought I it was really cool because it was to dark to see where you were going so there were lots of twists and turn , raging bull was so high up and the
drop was so scary I could see all the people walking around at the bottom. Then we went on the viper I really liked this one because I was so bumpy I
would bounce up and down. And after that was The giant drop I was really scared of this ride because I was scared of heights so I didn't go on this
one and then we went on the X flight it was really fast and went in loops a lot on that ride it was fun. and some others that I don't really remember
but after that my cousins had to leave so we stayed just a little bit longer we had to stop going on the big roller coasters and we had to go on younger
rides like the little dipper or the fiddler's fling, whizzer and stuff like that because my brother and sister were still
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English Horror Story
English Horror Story – Original Writing
I was driving for about three hours when I realised I had taken the wrong turning and was hopelessly lost. I pulled over to the side and found my
mobile phone in order to phone for help. Surprisingly, the battery had run completely low and I began to feel a sense of panic as it was rapidly
becoming darker. In the distance, I saw the outline of a house and I thought that I could detect smoke coming out of the chimney. I decided that I had
no option but to make my way to the house and ask for directions and for the use of the telephone as my family would be getting worried about me.
I drove to the house which was completely isolated and as I pulled more content...
But nevertheless, I moved closer and I realised that it was only the door knocker. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I could hear the
scuffling of shoes as if a person was rushing about inside, making me wonder whether these people were trying to hide something.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the door opened, and on the other side stood an old tiredman in what seemed to be a butler's uniform.
However, the old man did not look like a regular butler as he was quite plump and seemed to waddle instead of walk. He gestured for me to come in
and to follow him. He waddled into the living room where a younger man sat, smoking a pipe. The younger man looked up at me, and startled me by
his left glass eye, which seemed to be constantly staring at me.
"Ah, hello my friend. What brings you here on this night of the full moon?" The young man asked with the glass eye still staring intently. "Oh, and
please do keep your voice down. My son is already asleep upstairs."
"I'm sorry to disturb you at this time of night, but I am lost and my car has broken down. I was wondering if it would be possible to use your
telephone; that is if it's not too much trouble."
"I'm afraid to say that the storm earlier on has cut all the telephone lines in the area. However, if you wish, I have a spare bedroom
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Essay About Horror Movies
Why are horror movies fun to watch? To explain why we crave horror films, it's the experience of the adrenaline rush, the emotional content, and the
fact that it isn't reality is nice to face our fears. Stephen King mentions that" we are all mentally ill," and argues that our "sick jokes" prove our
insanity and and our need to release insanity. ( King, "Why We Crave Horror" 1) Stephen King veraciously claims that humans crave horror to face
our fears, to re–establish our feelings of normality, and to experience an abnormal type of fun, basically all the emotions of the human condition.
Stephen King accurately states that we watch scary movies to overcome our fears. We resolve it by watching the hooded figure walking towards the more content...
In movies or stories it's interesting to imagine the thrill of something unusual or magical, something out of this world like, demons. When watching
blood–curdling thrillers there are insane things happening, from left to right, up and down. Horror films give us a sense of normality and are,
"innately conservative, even reactionary" (King,"Why We Crave" 1). Moreover, having thoughts on supernatural things is fun to think about, but
nowadays something magical is looked upon since we live in a world with a reality of common sense. As a result, since we crave for something
bigger than ordinary, we portray our craves by watching movies, or reading. But what does it really do after we watch scary movies? Half of us
decide that we are thankful these creatures and things don't exist, and that also means the pretty unicorns and fairies. Watching movies likes these,
make us relieved we aren't the protagonist, making us feel appreciable to appreciable extent that we are ordinary. Despite the macabre fact that
multiple women are killed in the short story "Strawberry Spring," the experience is a "peculiar sort of fun" (King, "Why We Crave" 2). In life,
everyone is different, but most of us enjoy the thrills of a jump scare, or enjoy letting loose a scream every once in awhile. Most scary movies are
rated R because of its material isn't suitable for younger viewers. We are cautioned about watching these
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Why We Love Scary Movies Essay
I. My Topic is what are the affects to humans when we watch Horror Films. And find the deeper of meaning for why we some people love gore and.
That even though you are scared out of your bloody mind. You just can't shake the drive to watch Chucky stab his knife someone eyes. Or Norma
bates dress as is mother and murder someone in the shower. Especially watching a bunch of walking dead zombies just murdering some people
because it tickles someone fancy.
"A Brief History of History." FilmmakerIQcom. N.p., N.d 11 Nov.2015
It is a history on all Horror films from the beginning. Its strength is that it has a lot of examples and clips to look for because it talks about t all
horror films from the beginning o the present. There isn't really use any scientific studies on my topic but it relevant so I can know some hardcore
facts abut horror that I possibly didn't know myself.
Feature, Richard SineWebMD."Why we love Scary Movies." WebMD. WebMD, 25 Oct. 2007. Web. 8 Nov
Talk about why some people love scary movies. It talks about the way the body response. And IF we are actually thrill–seekers when it comes to Horror
Film. It gives a lot of study on what people feel when watching something scary. It just doesn't explain unconscious part of the brain and just only
speaks of one thing.
Braff, Danielle. "Special Effects: Movies Affect the Brain and Body." Tribunedigital
chicagotribune. Chicago Tribute, 22 June 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.
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Essay On Scary Night

  • 1. Essay on Scary Night Scary Night – Original Writing I was now ready to depart after the party, exiting my Cousin's house. It was a Halloween party. It was a lot of fun; to be honest the party seemed to be quite good. It was suppose to be scary, but now that I come to see it does not compare to how I felt later on during the night. You see the difference is looking at all the story I have heard about Halloween, this one that I have experienced seems a lot more realistic and frightening. I had no choice but to walk home by myself, because of the complicated story my mom told me (which of course I was not listening to). The night was dark, gloomy, dusky, and silent. So basically these were not the conditions that more content... Then he smiled and started walking in front of me really fast. Then he disappeared into the dusk. All the park lights were off and there was nobody else around. Again I heard another sound of footsteps. They became louder and louder which gave me the idea of someone coming closer. I stopped. I looked back. I saw no one. I heard nothing. there. There was a shadow lurking behind a car. At first glance I thought it was a cat then I looked again and I thought it was far too big to be a cat. A shiver of fear ran up my spine. I thought that it could be a mugger, or even a murderer! Where ever I went I could still hear the footsteps. I began to walk faster to get away from the noise of the footsteps. All the street lamps were broken with the exception of one, a few seconds later even that street lamp went off. The only thing that could be seen was the moon, it was shinning brightly. I was taking a lot of different routes just to get away "from the thing", but where ever I went I couldn't escape it. I heard a car alarm and looked around in horror. I started to run. The footsteps had stopped. I slowed down again thinking what it could be. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept looking around making sure nothing was there. Every time I heard something my heart beat increased. I had reached the cemetery. I could hear dogs barking. I looked Get more content on
  • 2. A Narrative Essay About A Scary Story "Let's go. Would you walk faster please, I'm really excited." "No Vernon. Could you calm down we go there every year." "I know Jimin, but I heard this year is going to be big, espectacular" "I know, Charles told me that Henry went all out this year." "Yes. Did you hear anything from Mark, Jackson, and Kris?" "They are still not going. Mark and Jackson have a competition somewhere and Kris is leaving the country for two weeks, also it is not like they are missing much." "You are such a killjoy." They came to a stop in front of a tall gate. Vernon stopped to admire the beautiful gate, but Jimin urged him to walk forward since they still had a long trail to Henry's house. "I do not really enjoy Halloween. It is fun and all, but I just don't get scared like more content... Help me bring out the snacks." They headed to the kitchen. Jimin could swear that Henry's house way too big for a family of three. The group began their Halloween movie marathon. They made jokes, laughed, screamed, and groaned every time Jay yelled trying to scare them. Halfway through the second movie Henry took a mattress out for the floor sitters, and since Jimin had already seen the movie he unintentionally napped throughout it. The chatter, the yelps and surprised squeaks at every jumpscare, made it easier for him to be lulled into sleep. When their third movie ended, they all got up to stretch, and move around a little bit. Meanwhile Henry loaded the fourth movie on his computer. Three of them went off to the kitchen to get more snacks, and drinks. The younger one, Gus began whining about his back so Jimin helped him stretch. Charles tried to move the chair he was sitting on, when he saw some movement out of the windows, he stopped and stared off into the darkness. He would never admit it, but his heartbeat accelerated a bit. "Guys, I... think i saw something or someone outside." "Maybe it was an animal. Are you already scared?" Gus said, teasing the Get more content on
  • 3. Narrative Essay Have you ever been scared? So scared that you felt that your heart might stop any moment. A feeling so intense that you wished that you never have to experience it again. I am not someone who possesses a weak heart. I have always considered myself a brave and calm individual. But I guess there is a point in life when even the bravest of hearts are tested to their limits. This is no different. It was May 3rd, 2007 just another day. I had classes in the morning. As it was a Thursday, I stayed back and spent some time with my friends after school. We had chicken broast for lunch at Helvatia and then we left to our respective homes. It was early summer. So I went to sleep after a shower and didn't wake up till 9 p.m. My Parents were more content... After ten more minutes the knocking started again. And then it got louder and louder until the door started shaking. Esha looked startled. I wasn't moving from my chair either. We looked at each other and finally realized that both of us were not lying to Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Fear: Why Are We So Afraid? "Being frightened is an experience you can't buy." We are a society that adores fear. We thrive off of it; creating horror movies, shows like "Fear Factor", and the media in general are only a few examples. At the same time there are people who are afraid to leave their house and are possibly restricted to a single room. So what is fear? What is the purpose of being afraid? Why is it that some people will run and scream when they see a snake while others collect and breed them for their love of these majestic reptiles? Fear is a feeling we have all dealt with at one time or another. It is something that we first experience as children, and are conditioned to respond to in many different ways. In a controversial experiment more content... Fear can also refer to general anxiety, as in Arachnophobia "fear of spiders" or Claustrophobia "fear of closed in areas." These fears occur not automatically from a present or looming danger, but instead a perceived threat, which to some can be just as scary. As said in a German proverb, "Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." For most people fear is a horrible and sickening feeling, which it can sometimes be debilitating. Fear is what shows us how to be careful, because self–protection is primitive. Therefore, it is safe to suggest that we may be afraid to travel into an unlit cemetery for fear of being hurt by something unknown. What could this unknown factor be? A ghost? Perhaps, but these fears are unreasonable. Although this fear of ghosts and other things was established when we were young, the fear never goes away. For we fear being physically hurt in any manner. Fear is a natural thing; it is indeed what keeps us safe and secure. Fear is not a logical thought, but rather an irrational emotion. When a fear is not validated by the presence of actual danger or a threat, or by a realistic cause, and when it is also associated with a continuing evading of the circumstances, which lead to it, it is called a phobia. Phobias occur in several forms. A phobia is a recurring, impractical, paralyzing fear of a specific Get more content on
  • 5. Opening to a Horror Story Essay Opening to a Horror Story They told him the house was haunted. They told him the house was strange. Five families had moved in, and never made it out. Alive anyway. He had already survived two days with his family. His second night in his new home, what could possibly happen? A whispered name. The boy stirs in his sleep. A pale, vaporous moon lights the room. Shadows are deep. He twists his head, turning towards the window so that his face becomes a soft mask, unblemished, colourless. But the boy's dream is troubled; beneath his lids, his eyes dart to and fro. The whispered name: 'Daniel....' Its sound is distant. The boy frowns; yet the voice is within his own slumber, more content... He stands at the door, as if fearing to touch. But he is puzzled. More– he is curious. He twists the handle, the metal's coldness leaping along his arm like iced energy released from a source. The shock is mild against the damp chill of his own body. He pulls the door open and the darkness beyond is more dense; it seems to swell into the bedroom, a waxing shadow. He shrinks away, reluctant to allow contact with this fresh darkness. His vision adjusts, and the inkiness scatters as if weakened by its own sudden growth. He advances again, passing through the doorway to stand shivering on the landing overlooking the staircase. To descend this would be like sinking into the blackest of all pits, for darkness down there appears final. Still the hushed whisper urges:
  • 6. '...Daniel...' He listens for a moment more, perhaps wishing that the minor voice would also rouse his sleeping parents. There is no sound from their room; grief has exhausted their bodies as well as their spirit. He stares into the centre of the darkness below, terribly compelled to descend. The fingers of one hand slide against the wall, as he does so, their tips rippling over the textured wall paper. Disbelief mingles with the fascination and the fear. Small lights – caught from who knows where? At the foot of Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Narrative: A Horror/Suspense Story Here I am, fingers poised above my keyboard, a soft melody in the back ground plays through some old speakers, and a blank document is pulled up in front of me. For my English class, I was asked to write a horror/suspense story. But, in all honesty, I can't focus or come up with anything good enough. I haven't had a very scary life to base my essay off of, and I doubt a short story about the time I failed a paper would count. Outside, the bright moon light trickles into my room, and a soft breeze flows in through the partially open window. Sighing, I concentrate on the screen, thinking about a somewhat horrifying story that won't lull my readers to sleep. "Emma honey, can you come here for a second?" My mothers soft voice calls from the downstairs kitchen. I grudgingly pull myself from the plush office chair, and stroll out into the light less hallway. Out of nowhere a forceful grip strikes out, engulfing my upper arm. My eyes widen with fear, but before I can chirp out in surprise, a soft hand is placed across my month, promptly silencing my shrike. In a fit of desperation I spin around to lock eyes with my mom, her expression spikes my heart beat once again, the obvious fear radiates off of her. Before I get the chance to speak, she blurts out in a hurry "I heard that too." "But that's impossible, it was your voice." more content... My eyebrows draw in tight as I see the colorful feathers scattered around the ground, I look back towards my mother, but she looks as confused as I feel. We continue to push on, scanning every inch of the house for a threat. As if it wasn't scary enough the first time, another scream screeches throughout the house. I come to a sudden stop, my eyes frantically searching for answers. With no cure to my racing heart beat, I continue on, slightly dragging my hand on the wall for support. More feathers cover the wood floors, almost coming across as a colorful Get more content on
  • 8. A Scary Short Story It took weeks of convincing and reassuring that everything was going to be just fine before I budged. I did not agree because I suddenly was not scared, I felt guilty that we would not go on my accord. So here I was, hours away from hopping on the thing I promised myself I would never get on.I closed my eyes and to my surprise fell asleep. I was asleep for what felt like all of five minutes.I was woke up by a distant car horn, I looked ahead and saw the blurry light turned from red to green, we hung a left. I read the big blue print on the concrete sign," Roanoke Airport," We were finally here. I heard a low roar that seemed distant, but it grew louder with the passing seconds.Then a huge plane soared over top of us! The fear gather back inside Get more content on
  • 9. Scary Short Story Scary Short Story What if you went to a haunted house but, you figured the "decorations" were not fake decorations? The night before Halloween, My friends and I had a sleepover so we could plan our outfits,and go to the store and get stuff we wanted. So, Kylie's mom took us to school the next day. After school, her mom picked us up again. We all went to her house, her mom had to go back to work. She told us to be careful and that we could to Trick Or Treating BUT, we could not go in someone's houses IF we did not know them! We went and we went all around town just walking and not stopping at every house just walking and talking. We saw this one house that had amazing "decorations"! We went to it and rang the doorbell. A guy answered the door, Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Scary Experience On The Road Most people I know have had some sort of scary experience on the road. Whether it is driving on the road or trying to cross the street. My scariest experience took place on a sunny Thursday afternoon driving home. I pick my brother up from school around the same time everyday. But for some reason, I decided to pick him up a few minutes earlier that day. I took the same, usual, boring road to picking him up. There was no traffic that day, no pedestrians on the sidewalks and the sky was clear. Not a cloud in sight. There was nothing on the radio and no one sitting next to me to talk to. So I just concentrated on the road. I get to entrance of my brothers school and he is already standing under the same big ol' tree. The more content... I finally get out of the school zone and back on the main road home. I'm going at the legal 40 mph limit. I notice my brother stopped talking so I decided to turn the radio back on. I know the inside of my car like the back of my hand so I turn the radio on without taking my eyes off the road. Once again, no traffic. There are no cars on the road except for an old gray pick up truck no more than a car space of distance in front of me and a new, shiny, black, pick up truck on the lane to my right maybe the space of two cars away. I notice a man of older age crossing the street taking his time. The truck in front of me keeps going without slowing down. I see the old man on the road and I think to myself, 'He's not stupid, he's going to stop. There is not enough time or space to go from 40 mph down to a complete stop.' But he keeps on walking. He looks up at me and keeps walking. I hit on the brakes, I swerve to the left and I hear a car from the distance honk. I can't hear or see anything but his face getting closer and the loud increasing thumping of my heart. Suddenly, I hear the screeching of tires, and finally come to a complete stop. I hear the honking from a distance getting louder and closer. I see the angry look on the mans face, and I notice from the corner of my eye the black pickup truck swerving to right burning tires from braking too hard. I feel my hands start to shake; I feel my face and chest turn hot. My brother is staring at me Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on scary places Over the course of my life, I have encountered many eerie locations that have given me the chills. Despite all those fearful situations, only three places have ever successfully handicapped my lungs from providing oxygen to my heart. I could not begin to predict the events that would occur when I decided to visit a jail hostel, a cemetery, or a cellar. Until these visits, I have never been frozen from head to toe, unable to conduct a move. My previous hair raising experiences are practically nonexistent compared to my journey to The Ottawa Jail Hostel, the Garden Cemetery, or a friend's basement cellar. To begin, the first place that is soon going to put goose bumps on my skin is the Ottawa Jail Hostel. In order to reach the hostel more content... My curiosity leads me closer and I soon find myself inside the hostel. Once inside, the scene of a hotel lobby jumps into view, although everything is beaten down as if a pack of wolves ran through. To my left, a few broken remains of the front desk lay scattered on the floor. Now, this decrepit structure sits upside down in the corner of the room. I slowly creep into the next room which leads to a stairway. Immediately, I want to explore the upper level. Suddenly, I see a strange shadow appearing from the corner of my eye. A loud crash leads me to believe the figure is in the lobby. Goosebumps appear on my neck and arms as a harsh wind blows through an open window. I scream as I run back out of the building. Panting and confused, I try to retrieve myself from a frightened state and gain control of my body once again. Therefore, the first frightening experience I have ever encountered happened at the Ottawa Jail Hostel. The second stop on my haunted journey, is to Garden Cemetery. To reach the cemetery, I start to walk through a spooky forest. This forest contains vast wisps of dead grass, fragile to a single touch. Occasional gusts of wind forces these stands of death to dance and rustle against each other. Tall trees lean in all different directions, with leaves no longer clinging to their branches. These dormant structures lurch over my body, trying to hold me captive in their distorted arms. As a result, I quicken my pace and my breath Get more content on
  • 12. Scary Story Essay example Scary Story I looked up at the black sky. I hadn't intended to be out this late. The sun had set, and the empty road ahead had no streetlights. I knew I was in for a dark journey home. I had decided that by traveling through the forest would be the quickest way home. Minutes passed, yet it seemed like hours and days. The farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I was very had to even take a breath due to the stifling air. The only sound familiar to me was the quickening beat of my own heart, which felt as though it was about to come through my chest. I began to whistled to take my mind off the eerie noises I was hearing. In this kind of darkness I was in, it was hard for me to believe that I could more content... I took a glance around and found myself looking right into a pair of dark, glassy eyes peering at me through the bushes. I knew I was not seeing things at that moment. Were those the evil eyes of a goblin lurking waiting for it's next meal? My breath became too rapid for me to be able to whistle. I took a big gulp and decided to step on it and quicken my pace. I would never get home at this rate. The same moment I decided to quicken my speed, a deer burst through the night. I screamed, stumbled and hit the ground with a loud thump. I sat on the moist ground for a moment to try to recover but my heart began to throb as if it was beating within my throat. It was just a deer I told myself, I had to be brave. Trying to get myself together I began to feel this hot puffs of air on the back of my neck. "It's the goblin!" I screamed as I rapidly rose to my feet. My head spun like an owl as I went to look for what was behind me. I looked to the ground and discovered a little white dog. "You scared me to death little guy. What is a cute little puppy like you doing in a dense forest like this?" I said to him. I was relieved it was only a dog instead of the ghastly goblin, but I only made it half–way home by then. As I proceeded on the white little dog followed me. I felt more at ease now that I had him following me but he would not be considered much of a watch dog to most Get more content on
  • 13. Descriptive Essay On A Horror Movie It's Friday night and the theater is packed. Looking around, my brother and I only see single seats left. Luckily a young girl sitting next to a single seat decided to leave. We take our seats located in the middle of the first row, right in front of the enormous screen. Eating our butter popcorn and rainbow colored gummy worms, the lights dim and the previews begin. After seeing the first preview which ended in a paralyzing scream, I start to question why I decided to watch a horror movie. I knew my fear was irrational and I should just push through and watch. Why am I so determined to stay when I'm scared? The movie begins, the sight of a dark house in the night, no moon, no civilization set in the middle of the woods made me cringe in my seat. The quiet, yet slowly intensifying rustling of leaves and slow rise of suspenseful music, had me shivering yet I kept my eyes wide open, zoned on screen as I was lost in the scene. The girl taps on the door, it creaks open and suddenly she's pulled off her feet. I felt the theater behind me jump up, putting me further on edge. The scene ends and the music suddenly stops, the blackened screen sinks me into a relaxing stage and suddenly numbs me by casting on the horrifying face of the clown. His curly red hair and pale sickening skin was so bright it reflected of my body. His sharp teeth with his sinister grin made me recoil back on my front row seat and fling the popcorn box at him in defense. I was scared out of wits. Why do we Get more content on
  • 14. Scary Short Story Scary Story Lisa ran across the woods as she heard those terrifying noises that brought back the haunting memories. It's like she was living the moment again. Her eyes were filled with tears, running down her face. She hid behind a tree hoping nobody would hear her sob and come looking for her. She was terrified of her father and all the abuse she took as a child. She was frightened of anyone who tried approaching her. After a while of being alone on the woods she decided to go back to the family gathering they were having. As she was getting closer she saw a man standing outside, peeking inside the window... he was wearing a face mask and all black. She was even more horrified. She decided to go back into the woods and call someone to help Get more content on
  • 15. Haunted House Essay High upon a lonely hill surrounded by a great dark forest, stood an ancient, crumbling manor, known as the Haunted House. The windows were all smashed and it looked like the house was used a long time ago and was never used again. The font gates were as old as the hills. It belonged to a greedy old man, he was as short as a stump, he was really grumpy and fat who everyone said he was a wizard. Even though he owned the immense haunted house he didn't dare to go inside because he was frightened like a child in dark, so he lived in the small cottage in the grounds of the manor, with just his black cat for company. He was as lonely as the master who has go to war, but hews happy, because he had a true love. His true love was gold, and he more content... This fellow looked fellow looked a bit to fearless for the wizard's liking. That night, Titan stepped through the rusty gates, as he did the surroundings seemed to change. The air became misty all of a sudden. The weather became cold and when he looked towards the trees, it looked as if they were alive. He turned his concentration away from the trees, which did not freak him at all, and continued his journey up the hill towards the house. Without hesitating, he unlocked the door and went in, as he went in the silent still sinister house, the door slammed shut behind him slowly the gloomy light started fading. A butler appeared from nowhere, he was holding his head under his arms like a ball in his hands. "Jeeves at your service, sir," he said, creepily. "Follow me." "Thank you, my good man," said Titan excitingly, handing him his coat and following him up the creaking staircase without blinking an eye. Ancient portraits followed him with their eyes like human eyes. Titan winked at them as he passed expressing his bravery. An empty suit of armour waved at him. Titan waved back. "Good evening," he said. Jeeves led him on down a murky passage. A heavy door creaked open and they entered a dark bedroom, with a tattered four poster bed. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and a thick layer of dust covered the furniture. Titan opened the wardrobe and a skeleton came Get more content on
  • 16. Example Of Narrative Essay Scary Story On a cold fall evening in the town of Dankfurt, Alaska with a small population of 73. There was a boy named Derek. Derek was just an ordinary boy who attended the school of Winterfield which was 10 miles away. He did this because his town had no school along with two other friends. Every morning he and his friends would wake up at five–thirty to walk to school. Because of the Alaskan time zones it was dark during the day and light at night. On their walk they would pass one house and one house only which was in the heart of the woods. It was a dark brown house with white curtains. The house was very old and looked to be falling apart. They assumed it was abandoned and thought nothing of it. But every time Derek walked passed he would get a minor headache not even more content... Many of the football players would hit or choke them for it. The boys could do nothing they were scrawny and weak except for Joe he was fat. Joe stood up to the biggest kid this time saying "Buzz of man." They replied with "In your dreams twinkie." Joe attacked him with "well that is why the football team sucks!" "screw you man" said the bully and walked away. After their hellish days at school the boys would head to the drama club. This is where they all fit in and thoroughly enjoyed attending the meetings. They were at these meetings until six–thirty or sunrise in Alaska at the time. The boys would stroll home and get back at about ten o'clock. They would do the same thing every day. Early one morning Derek's power went out and his alarm clock did not go off. The other boys waited for him but he did not show up so they assumed he was sick and left without him. A few hours later he woke up and realized he was late. He threw on his clothes and bolted out the door. Because of Alaska's time zone it was pitch dark when he started his journey. But he carried on his journey just like any Get more content on
  • 17. Personal Narrative: What's Big Kind Of Scary What's big kind of scary and if properly made have a death from Six flags. And I was really excited to go. So the day we went was june in waukegan the date was 2014. And when we were at the gate to get in. I started to have second thoughts because as we got close I saw all the big rides and all the people screaming and that really terrified me and I rides were really high and I was really scared of heights so I was really scared. The first ride I went on was the superman. when I saw how the ride was setup I was so glad that there were lots of people in front of us. it took about 30 minutes but we finally made it up to the front of the line at this point I was really scared and I wanted to be home and then my cousin kevin must more content... I wanted to go back in line to go on it again but we had much more rides to go and ride on. we went to the batman it was really fast like I could barely see a thing. all I really saw were blurs. The dark knight was one of my favorite because it was really dark and i don't know how to explain it but I thought I it was really cool because it was to dark to see where you were going so there were lots of twists and turn , raging bull was so high up and the drop was so scary I could see all the people walking around at the bottom. Then we went on the viper I really liked this one because I was so bumpy I would bounce up and down. And after that was The giant drop I was really scared of this ride because I was scared of heights so I didn't go on this one and then we went on the X flight it was really fast and went in loops a lot on that ride it was fun. and some others that I don't really remember but after that my cousins had to leave so we stayed just a little bit longer we had to stop going on the big roller coasters and we had to go on younger rides like the little dipper or the fiddler's fling, whizzer and stuff like that because my brother and sister were still Get more content on
  • 18. English Horror Story English Horror Story – Original Writing I was driving for about three hours when I realised I had taken the wrong turning and was hopelessly lost. I pulled over to the side and found my mobile phone in order to phone for help. Surprisingly, the battery had run completely low and I began to feel a sense of panic as it was rapidly becoming darker. In the distance, I saw the outline of a house and I thought that I could detect smoke coming out of the chimney. I decided that I had no option but to make my way to the house and ask for directions and for the use of the telephone as my family would be getting worried about me. I drove to the house which was completely isolated and as I pulled more content... But nevertheless, I moved closer and I realised that it was only the door knocker. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I could hear the scuffling of shoes as if a person was rushing about inside, making me wonder whether these people were trying to hide something. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the door opened, and on the other side stood an old tiredman in what seemed to be a butler's uniform. However, the old man did not look like a regular butler as he was quite plump and seemed to waddle instead of walk. He gestured for me to come in and to follow him. He waddled into the living room where a younger man sat, smoking a pipe. The younger man looked up at me, and startled me by his left glass eye, which seemed to be constantly staring at me. "Ah, hello my friend. What brings you here on this night of the full moon?" The young man asked with the glass eye still staring intently. "Oh, and please do keep your voice down. My son is already asleep upstairs." "I'm sorry to disturb you at this time of night, but I am lost and my car has broken down. I was wondering if it would be possible to use your telephone; that is if it's not too much trouble." "I'm afraid to say that the storm earlier on has cut all the telephone lines in the area. However, if you wish, I have a spare bedroom
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  • 20. Essay About Horror Movies Why are horror movies fun to watch? To explain why we crave horror films, it's the experience of the adrenaline rush, the emotional content, and the fact that it isn't reality is nice to face our fears. Stephen King mentions that" we are all mentally ill," and argues that our "sick jokes" prove our insanity and and our need to release insanity. ( King, "Why We Crave Horror" 1) Stephen King veraciously claims that humans crave horror to face our fears, to re–establish our feelings of normality, and to experience an abnormal type of fun, basically all the emotions of the human condition. Stephen King accurately states that we watch scary movies to overcome our fears. We resolve it by watching the hooded figure walking towards the more content... In movies or stories it's interesting to imagine the thrill of something unusual or magical, something out of this world like, demons. When watching blood–curdling thrillers there are insane things happening, from left to right, up and down. Horror films give us a sense of normality and are, "innately conservative, even reactionary" (King,"Why We Crave" 1). Moreover, having thoughts on supernatural things is fun to think about, but nowadays something magical is looked upon since we live in a world with a reality of common sense. As a result, since we crave for something bigger than ordinary, we portray our craves by watching movies, or reading. But what does it really do after we watch scary movies? Half of us decide that we are thankful these creatures and things don't exist, and that also means the pretty unicorns and fairies. Watching movies likes these, make us relieved we aren't the protagonist, making us feel appreciable to appreciable extent that we are ordinary. Despite the macabre fact that multiple women are killed in the short story "Strawberry Spring," the experience is a "peculiar sort of fun" (King, "Why We Crave" 2). In life, everyone is different, but most of us enjoy the thrills of a jump scare, or enjoy letting loose a scream every once in awhile. Most scary movies are rated R because of its material isn't suitable for younger viewers. We are cautioned about watching these Get more content on
  • 21. Why We Love Scary Movies Essay I. My Topic is what are the affects to humans when we watch Horror Films. And find the deeper of meaning for why we some people love gore and. That even though you are scared out of your bloody mind. You just can't shake the drive to watch Chucky stab his knife someone eyes. Or Norma bates dress as is mother and murder someone in the shower. Especially watching a bunch of walking dead zombies just murdering some people because it tickles someone fancy. II. "A Brief History of History." FilmmakerIQcom. N.p., N.d 11 Nov.2015 It is a history on all Horror films from the beginning. Its strength is that it has a lot of examples and clips to look for because it talks about t all horror films from the beginning o the present. There isn't really use any scientific studies on my topic but it relevant so I can know some hardcore facts abut horror that I possibly didn't know myself. Feature, Richard SineWebMD."Why we love Scary Movies." WebMD. WebMD, 25 Oct. 2007. Web. 8 Nov Talk about why some people love scary movies. It talks about the way the body response. And IF we are actually thrill–seekers when it comes to Horror Film. It gives a lot of study on what people feel when watching something scary. It just doesn't explain unconscious part of the brain and just only speaks of one thing. Braff, Danielle. "Special Effects: Movies Affect the Brain and Body." Tribunedigital – chicagotribune. Chicago Tribute, 22 June 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. Get more content on