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Process where complex molecule
are broken into simpler form
which can be easily absorbed and
used by the body
Digestive System
 Mouth
1. Teeth
2. Hard and soft palate
3. Tongue
4. Salivary gland(3 pairs)
 Parotid
 Sub-mandibular
 Sub-Lingual
 Oesophagus
 Stomach : Fundus, Body and pylorus with cardiac Sphincter and pyloric Sphincter.
 Small Intestine
1. Duodenum
2. Jejunum
3. Ileum
 Large Intestine
1. Caecum. 3. Transverse Colon. 5. Pelvic Colon. 7. Anal Canal.
2. Ascending Colon. 4. Descending Colon. 6. Rectum. 8. Anus.
Mouth (Slightly alkaline)-------
Ptyline comes------Starch Metabolism
Stomach (Acidic)---------(Temporary
storage of food, Mixes food with
gastric juice, Maintenance of HCL,
Manufacture’s B12)
Gastric Juice HCL+ Pepsin= Works on
Gastric Lipase = Works on fat.
Gastric Renin = Work on
mile(make curd)
Small Intestine (Alkaline)-------
(Digestion completes here and
absorbs food)
Trypsin breaks- Proteins.
Amylase breaks
Lipase breaks Fats.
Liver-----------------> Bile (acts on fat)
Succus Entericus------------------------>Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats.
Large Intestine Absorbs water and salts.
Removes Stool.
Digestive System /Metabolism
Digestive System
 Oesophagus
1. Food Passage.
2. Know as food pipe.
 Duodenum
1. It is the first important segment of the small intestine
2. The bile and the pancreatic ducts open into the duodenum.
 Liver
1. Largest gland in the body
2. Headquarter of metabolism
3. Vital action like production of Bile, storage of Glycogen and detoxification.
 Function of Liver
1. Production of Bile. Get deposited in the Gall Bladder.
2. Storage of Glycogen
3. Formation of Urea.
4. Storage of B12 and iron.
5. Production of heparin (anti coagulant)
6. Production of prothrombin, fibrinogen---coagulating agents.
7. Detoxification of toxic substances (metabolic process.)
Digestive System Cont.
 Pancreas
1. Does Exocrine function (production of the pancreatic juice).
2. Also endocrine function (secretion of insulin)
 Calorie
 Measuring Unit of heat(1 gm of water by I degree centigrade)
1. 1gm of carbohydrate= 1Cal
2. 1 gm of protein= 4Cal
3. 1gm of fat= 9Cal
 Islet of Langerhans
1. It is in the pancreas
2. Does endocrine function.
3. Contains special epithelial cells (beta cells).
4. Secretes Insulin.
 Metabolism
 Anabolism(rebuild) and Catabolism(breakdown) of food particle together is
known as Metabolism.
 Enzyme
 A chemical substance which enhances a chemical reaction without undergoing any
Digestive System Cont.
 PH of the stomach------Acidic(1.5 to 3.5).
 PH of the intestine------Alkaline(5-8).
 How Carbohydrates, Protein and Fats gets absorbed in the body?
1. Proteins get broken down in polypeptide and amino acids.
2. Fats to fatty acids and glycerol
3. Carobohydrates to mono-saccharides(glucose)
 Food absorbs through the villi of the small intestine.
 Fat is deposited in the adipose tissue
 Carbodydrate- C, O2 and H2
 Protein- Nitrogenuos
 Fat-C, O2 and H2
 Pepsin from peptic cell
 Gastric juice from oxyntic cell
 Los===>Lower Oesophagus Sphincter.
 Gord===> Gastro Oesophagial Reflux Disease.
Major Digestive Enzymes and their
 Amylotic enzyme breaks= Carbohydrate.
 Proteolytic enzyme breaks= Protein.
 Lipolytic enzyme breaks= Fats.
Organ Digestive Fluid Reaction Enzyme Chemical Action of
Mouth Saliva Alkaline Ptyalin(Salivary
Converts cooked
starches into a
soluble sugar-
Stomach Gastric Juice Acid 1. Renin Converts
Caseinogen in
2. Pepsin Converts proteins
into peptone.
3. Gastric
Begins the
hydrolysis of fats
Duodenum Bile Alkaline Aids action of
pancreatic Enzyme.
Emulsifies fats.
Summary of the Digestive Process.
Organ Digestive Fluid Reaction Enzyme Chemical
Action of
Duodenum Pancreatic
Alkaline 1. Trypsin Reduces
Proteins and
peptones into
and Amino
2. Amylase Converts all
sugars and
starches into
3. Lipase Reduces fats to
glycerin and
Small Intestine Succus
Alkaline Enterokinase Set free the
trypsin in
pancreatic fluid
Summary of the Digestive Process, Cont.
Organ Digestive Fluid Reaction Enzyme Chemical
Action of the
Small Intestine Same Same Erepsin Reduce all
substances into
Amino Acid.
Reduce all
substances into
e's, Glucose,
Galactose and
Summary of the Digestive Process, Cont.
Source of food Final Digestive Product Organ of Absorption.
Proteins Amino Acids Epithelium of the villi into
blood vessels and blood
Fats Glycerin and Fatty Acids Epithelium of villi into
lacteals and lymph stream.
Carbohydrates Monosaccharides:
Glucose, Laevulose,
Epithelium of villi and
walls of blood vessels into
blood stream.
The Small Intestine
Summary of absorption
All other digestive foods pass directly into the capillary blood vessels of the
villi, and are carried by the portal vein to the liver, where certain changes
takes place.
Inspiration (drawing of
air O2 from the
atmosphere) and
Expiration (Removal of
CO2 by the lung)
together is called as
Inside of the System
 Nose
 Nostrils---------------|
 Cilla |---------Air Entering, Filtered, Warmed, Moistened.
 Nasal Cavity---------|
 Pharynx
 Muscular Tube.
 Extend up to Oesophagus.
 Lies behind Nose, Mouth, Larynx
 Air-passage/Warms/Moistens
 Larynx
 Sound Box
 Vocal Cord
 Lies in the front of pharynx and trachea
 Opens to the trachea-below
 Close of a flap= ‘Epiglottis’ during swalloing
Inside of the System Cont.
 Trachea
 Wind-pipe
 Extend from Larynx
 Divides into two branches
 Air-passage between larynx and bronchi
 Bronchii
 Right Bronchus (short/wider)
 Left Bronchus
 Branches of Respiratory Tube
 Transport Air in and out
 Takes Air to Lung (Bronchioles)
 Lungs
 2 lungs each side of the chest cavity
 Lobes of lung (Right= 3, Left= 2)
 Elastic, Porous, Spongy
 Floats in water (Because of air contained)
 Covered by a membrane
 Pleura
 Plural Fluid
Inside of the System Cont.
 Lungs
 Alveoli
 Terminal Bronchioles
 Air Sacs
 Exchange of Gasses
 Circulation
 Respiration
 Function of Lung
 Thoracic Cavity
 Thoracic case
 Sternum and Costal cartilages (Front)
 Thoracic Vertebrae/Ribs/Muscles
 Diaphragm
 Mediastinum (Thoracic cavity between the lungs)
Mechanism of Breathing
 The Rhythmical change in the capacity of the thorax are brought about by
muscular action. The changes in lung volume with in take or Expulsion of
air flow.
 Lung Capacity: 4-5lit. Air.
 Vital Capacity: 15-20 per Mist. Adult; 40 per mial new born
 Respiratory centre: Medulla Oblongate
Sl Inspiration Expiration
1 Intercostal Muscles----------
2 Diaphram-----------------------
3 Capacity of thorax--------------
4 Pressure of Plural surface----
Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi
Blood in
Internal Respiration
System Description.
 Pleura:
The lungs are covered by membrane known as pleura. The
fluid on plural space is called Plural Fluid.
 Larynx:
It is the sound box. This is also known as vocal chord. They
produce sound and voice.
 Alveolus:
 Balloon shaped air sac.
 Gaseous exchange takes place.
 Lungs and where it is situated:
We have two lungs and it is located in the chest, one on each
side of the heart.
System Description. Cont.
 Function of Lungs:
 Respiration
 Gaseous exchange
 De-oxygenated blood to oxygenated blood
 Trachea:
It is the wind pipe.
 External Respiration (Pulmonary respiration):
Entrance and exit of air into the body as well as gaseous
exchange between blood and the alveoli.
 Internal Respiration(Tissue respiration):
O2 is transferred to the cell through blood.
Nervous system
Cerebro-spinal nervous
Nervous system
Central Nervous
Brain Spinal
Motor Nerve
The Brain
Cerebrum: (Grey matter/white matter)--------Fore brain
Mid brain----Sight / Hearing
The pons
Medulla oblongata----Cardiac center/Respiratory/Vaso Motor
Cerebellum----Hind brain, Posture and postural activities,
Muscular co-ordination and body balance.
 Hypothalamus:
1. Central area of brain.
2. Regulates temperature, hunger, thirst, mental behavior,
moral sense, intellect, speech, language.
 Cerebro Spinal Fluid:
1. The fluid present in the meninges and spinal cord.
2. Protect brain and spinal cord
3. Convey nourishment to the C.N.S.
 Meninges:
The brain and spinal cord covered by membrane.
The organ system in our body concerned with
 Co-ordination in the body
 Reception of external stimuli(i.e. feeling)
 Response of external stimuli (i.e. reaction) are called nervous
 Neuron:
Structural and functional units of nervous system.
It consists of
a) Nerve Cells b) Dendrone c) Axon
 Synapse:
The meeting place between two neurons.
 Synaptic Joint:
Neuro-transmitter faciliate the propagation of the
nerve impulse.
 Dendron:
Receive impulses from other cell via Axon and conduct the
impulse to nerve cells.
 Function Spinal Cord:
a) Communication between brain and parts of the body.
b) Reflex action.
 Axon:
Carries impulse (move) away from cell. Only one axon in
each neuron.
 Nerve Cells:
 Nerve cells from grey matter of CNS
 Grey matter is found in the cortex of brain and spinal
 Nerve Fibre:
 Nerve fibre is the Axon which constitute the white matter
 They carry nerve impulse (spinal cord/brain)
 They have power of excitability and conductivity.
 Afferent Nerve (Sensory Nerve):
Carries impulses to CNS
 Efferent or Motor Nerve:
Carries impulses to the periphery from CNS
 Sympathetic Nerve Ending:
 Para-Sympathetic:
The main excretory
mechanism of the body.
Metabolic wastes of the
body is thrown out with
the help of this system.
 Different part Urinary System:
 Kidney (right and left)
 Ureter (right and left)
 Urinary Bladder
 Urethra
 Explanation of the different parts:
 The Kidney: Which produce urine.
 The Ureters: To convey urine from kidney to bladder.
 The Bladder: Acts as reservoir.
 The Urethra: For discharge of urine from the bladder.
 Function of Kidney
 Filtration
 Excretion
 Control of water balance
 Maintaining the pH of the blood
 Reabsorption
 Nephron
 The basic structural and functional unit of Kidney
 It consists of glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, Convalated tube and loop
of Henle. Each Kidney has more than one million Nephron.
 Location of Kidney
 It is situated in the posterior abdominal wall with a major portion in the
lumber region.
 Function of Glomerulus
 Work as filter. Every minute about 1 lit. of blood passes through the
glomeruli and about 100ml of it is filtered off (10%).
 Function of Nephron
 Same as Kidney
 Malpighian Capsule
Bowmen’s capsule + Glomerulus
 Urine
 pH slightly acidic (average 6)
 Normal urine: Water, Urea, Sodium chloride
 Amount of urine in 24hrs: 1.5 lit.
They are ductless glands
Their secretions are directly
absorbed in the blood
They are called hormones
They does metabolic activities
Thyroid and
Adrenal (Suprarenal) Thymus
Difference between
endocrine and excrine
1. Endocrine is
2. Exocrine is
with duct---
 The master of Endocrine system
It is the controlling authority
Many hormones secrets out of it
Anterior Lobe of
1. Growth Hormone (GH)---- Growth of bone
2. Thyrotropic Hormone-----Thyroxine
3. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)---Secretes
cortical Hormones
4. Gonadotropic Hormone
Posterior Lobe 1. Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)---- Re absorption of
2. Oxytocic Hormone
 Constrict Uterus: Vaso Pressin: Constricts-Blood
Raises-- Blood Pressure.
Hormone (OR,
•Graffian Follicles
•Formation of
rone in Ovary
•Testoterone (Testes)
Breast Milk
 Adrenal Gland
 Adrenal Cortex
1. Gluco-corticoids
 Cortisone
 Hydrocortisone
2. Mineralo-Corticoids
 Aldosterone (Electrolyte metabolism)
3. Sex Steroid
 Male: Testerone
 Female : Oestrogen/Progesterone
Parts of female Reproductive
 Overies
 Release ‘OVA’
 Fallopian Tube
I. Place for fertilisation
II. Carry ripe ovum from ovary to uterus
 Uterus
I. Hold the fertilised ovum till development
II. During pregnancy uterus grows in size as the foetus develops.
 Vagina
I. Vulva: Entrace
II. Labia Majora: Two thick folds
III. Clitoris: Small erectile body
Some Term
 Fertilisation: The union or the complete fusion of the sperm
and ovum.
 Ovulation: After puberty, there occurs a periodic discharge
of ovum. This process is called ovulation.
 Menopause: Stoppage of mesturation.
 Puberty: Transformed into adult.
 Endometrium: Inner lining of the uterus.
Bones, Joints and Muscles
 Bones
 Consists of hardest connective tissues
 Form the frame work of the body
 206 bones
 Three very tiny bones in each ear
 Femur is the longest bone, Ulna is the thinnest.
 Stepe Wish Bones are:
 Mainly----Long, short, flat.
 Long Bone: Is the Limbs.
 Short bones: Corpus (Wrist joint), Tarsus (Feet joint)
 Flat bones: Bones of skulls and ribs
 Also 1)Irregular bones: Vertebrae and some bones of the face
2)Sesamoid bones: Patella (largest) in the joint,
of the muscles
Bones, Joints and Muscles Cont.
 Muscles
 Freshly substances that covers the bone and attached to
 Provide shape of the body
 Permit action and movement of the body
 Long Bones
 Humerus
 Radius
 Ulna
 Femur
 Tibia
 Fibula
Of the inferior
Of the inferior extremity
Bones, Joints and Muscles Cont.
 Bone Joint
o The meeting place between two or more bones
o A serous membrane called “Synovial membrane” lines the joint socket
o The joint cavity containing the fluid “Synovial Fluid”
 Cartilage:
o A soft gelatinous special type tissue
o It is present at the end of bones forming a JOINT
o It acts as a shock absorber, prevents friction between bones
o Permits smooth movements of the bones
 Osteogenisis:
 Means bone formation
 Osteoporosis
 Rarefaction (thriving out) of the bone due to drainage of Calcium salts
from base.
 It is the outer protective sensitive waterproof covering of
the body.
 The skin together with derivatives is called
Integumentary System.
 Sebaceous Gland: Oily secretion which makes hair and the outer
surface of the skin oily and water proof.
 Sweat Gland:
 Sweat pores
 Sweat duct
 Function of sweating is to balance body heat by evaporation.
Funtion of Skin
a. Sensation
b. Excretion
c. As heat regulating organ
d. Protective properties of skin
e. Storage of food (layers of fat)
f. Synthesis of Vitamin D
Structure of Skin
Consists of 3 layers:
I. Epidermis: Outer thinner part
 Made up of many layers (stratified) epithelial cells
 Four distinct layers
 It has no blood vessels
 The nutrition comes via Lymph
II. Dermis:
 Made up of connective tissues
 Very rich in blood vessels
III. Sub-cutaneous Tissues
 Made up of fatty tissues
 It is not really a true constituent of skin tissue
Some Term
 Keratin:
 The dead epithelial cells. They are resistant to heat, cold,
injury due to deposition of keratin.
 Melanin:
 The normal colour of the skin is due to the presence of
the pigment named Melanin.
Function of the eye
is vision or seeing
There are two
eyeballs situated in
the bony sockets
called the orbit
Part of the Eye ball
 Sclera: Outermost fibrous coat
 Functions
o Protects the eye
o Maintains the shape of the eyeball
 Cornea:
o Central transparent region of the anterior
o It helps to focus images on the retina
 Conjunctiva:
o Superficial mucus membrane
o Reflected along the inner surface of the eye lid
 UVEA: Middle vascular coat.
o Iris: Anterior part is called Iris. It contains Melanin which
gives colour to the eye.
o Pupil: The central adjustable opening on the Iris, just
behind Cornea. Through Pupil, light reaches Retina
o Ciliary Body: The Iris is continued behind as ciliary body.
o Choroid: Ciliary body is continued behind as Choroid. It
forms major part of Uvea.
 Retina: The innermost nervous coat.
 It consists of number of fibers, Nerve cells, rods and cones.
 Anteriorly it extends up to Choroid and posteriorly it
spread up to optic nerve. (2nd Cranial Nerve)
 The cones are limited to ‘Macula’ only and concern with
vision/colour vision.
 Rods concern with dim light vision
 Lens:
 Bi convex transparent body made up of several layers
 It lies behind the Iris
 It has front and behind membrane called Suspensary Ligament by
which the lens is attached to the Ciliary body.
 Vitreous Humor:
 Transparent jelly like
 The eyeball is divided by the lens and suspensary
ligament into two compartments. The posterior
compartment is Vitreous Humor
 Gives shape and firmness
 Keeps the retina in contact with choroids and sclerotic
 Aqueous Humor:
 This is derived from ciliary body
 Both the chamber has Aqueous Humor, which is
transparent watery fluid

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Assureincstudy anatomy-physiology

  • 1. ASSURE INC. COORDINATOR FOR MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE JOB, Contact us at ----- 9830415880, 033-65190396
  • 2.
  • 3. Process where complex molecule are broken into simpler form which can be easily absorbed and used by the body
  • 4. Digestive System  Mouth 1. Teeth 2. Hard and soft palate 3. Tongue 4. Salivary gland(3 pairs)  Parotid  Sub-mandibular  Sub-Lingual  Oesophagus  Stomach : Fundus, Body and pylorus with cardiac Sphincter and pyloric Sphincter.  Small Intestine 1. Duodenum 2. Jejunum 3. Ileum  Large Intestine 1. Caecum. 3. Transverse Colon. 5. Pelvic Colon. 7. Anal Canal. 2. Ascending Colon. 4. Descending Colon. 6. Rectum. 8. Anus.
  • 5. Mouth (Slightly alkaline)------- (Mastication) Ptyline comes------Starch Metabolism Stomach (Acidic)---------(Temporary storage of food, Mixes food with gastric juice, Maintenance of HCL, Manufacture’s B12) Gastric Juice HCL+ Pepsin= Works on Protein. Gastric Lipase = Works on fat. Gastric Renin = Work on mile(make curd) Small Intestine (Alkaline)------- (Digestion completes here and absorbs food) Pancreatic Juice Trypsin breaks- Proteins. Amylase breaks Carbohydrates. Lipase breaks Fats. Liver-----------------> Bile (acts on fat) Succus Entericus------------------------>Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats. Large Intestine Absorbs water and salts. Removes Stool. Digestive System /Metabolism
  • 6. Digestive System  Oesophagus 1. Food Passage. 2. Know as food pipe.  Duodenum 1. It is the first important segment of the small intestine 2. The bile and the pancreatic ducts open into the duodenum.  Liver 1. Largest gland in the body 2. Headquarter of metabolism 3. Vital action like production of Bile, storage of Glycogen and detoxification.  Function of Liver 1. Production of Bile. Get deposited in the Gall Bladder. 2. Storage of Glycogen 3. Formation of Urea. 4. Storage of B12 and iron. 5. Production of heparin (anti coagulant) 6. Production of prothrombin, fibrinogen---coagulating agents. 7. Detoxification of toxic substances (metabolic process.)
  • 7. Digestive System Cont.  Pancreas 1. Does Exocrine function (production of the pancreatic juice). 2. Also endocrine function (secretion of insulin)  Calorie  Measuring Unit of heat(1 gm of water by I degree centigrade) 1. 1gm of carbohydrate= 1Cal 2. 1 gm of protein= 4Cal 3. 1gm of fat= 9Cal  Islet of Langerhans 1. It is in the pancreas 2. Does endocrine function. 3. Contains special epithelial cells (beta cells). 4. Secretes Insulin.  Metabolism  Anabolism(rebuild) and Catabolism(breakdown) of food particle together is known as Metabolism.  Enzyme  A chemical substance which enhances a chemical reaction without undergoing any change.
  • 8. Digestive System Cont.  PH of the stomach------Acidic(1.5 to 3.5).  PH of the intestine------Alkaline(5-8).  How Carbohydrates, Protein and Fats gets absorbed in the body? 1. Proteins get broken down in polypeptide and amino acids. 2. Fats to fatty acids and glycerol 3. Carobohydrates to mono-saccharides(glucose)  Food absorbs through the villi of the small intestine.  Fat is deposited in the adipose tissue  Carbodydrate- C, O2 and H2  Protein- Nitrogenuos  Fat-C, O2 and H2  Pepsin from peptic cell  Gastric juice from oxyntic cell  Los===>Lower Oesophagus Sphincter.  Gord===> Gastro Oesophagial Reflux Disease.
  • 9. Major Digestive Enzymes and their functions  Amylotic enzyme breaks= Carbohydrate.  Proteolytic enzyme breaks= Protein.  Lipolytic enzyme breaks= Fats.
  • 10. Organ Digestive Fluid Reaction Enzyme Chemical Action of Enzymes. Mouth Saliva Alkaline Ptyalin(Salivary Amylase) Converts cooked starches into a soluble sugar- Maltose. Stomach Gastric Juice Acid 1. Renin Converts Caseinogen in casein. 2. Pepsin Converts proteins into peptone. 3. Gastric Lipase Begins the hydrolysis of fats Duodenum Bile Alkaline Aids action of pancreatic Enzyme. Emulsifies fats. Summary of the Digestive Process.
  • 11. Organ Digestive Fluid Reaction Enzyme Chemical Action of Enzymes Duodenum Pancreatic Fluid Alkaline 1. Trypsin Reduces Proteins and peptones into polypeptides and Amino Acid. 2. Amylase Converts all sugars and starches into Maltose. 3. Lipase Reduces fats to glycerin and fatty-acids. Small Intestine Succus Entericus Alkaline Enterokinase Set free the trypsin in pancreatic fluid Summary of the Digestive Process, Cont.
  • 12. Organ Digestive Fluid Reaction Enzyme Chemical Action of the Enzyme Small Intestine Same Same Erepsin Reduce all protein substances into Amino Acid. Sucrose Maltase Lactase Reduce all carbohydrate substances into the monosaccharid e's, Glucose, Galactose and Laevulose Summary of the Digestive Process, Cont.
  • 13. Source of food Final Digestive Product Organ of Absorption. Proteins Amino Acids Epithelium of the villi into blood vessels and blood stream. Fats Glycerin and Fatty Acids Epithelium of villi into lacteals and lymph stream. Carbohydrates Monosaccharides: Glucose, Laevulose, Galactose. Epithelium of villi and walls of blood vessels into blood stream. The Small Intestine Summary of absorption All other digestive foods pass directly into the capillary blood vessels of the villi, and are carried by the portal vein to the liver, where certain changes takes place.
  • 14. Inspiration (drawing of air O2 from the atmosphere) and Expiration (Removal of CO2 by the lung) together is called as Respiration.
  • 15. Inside of the System  Nose  Nostrils---------------|  Cilla |---------Air Entering, Filtered, Warmed, Moistened.  Nasal Cavity---------|  Pharynx  Muscular Tube.  Extend up to Oesophagus.  Lies behind Nose, Mouth, Larynx  Air-passage/Warms/Moistens  Larynx  Sound Box  Vocal Cord  Lies in the front of pharynx and trachea  Opens to the trachea-below  Close of a flap= ‘Epiglottis’ during swalloing
  • 16. Inside of the System Cont.  Trachea  Wind-pipe  Extend from Larynx  Divides into two branches  Air-passage between larynx and bronchi  Bronchii  Right Bronchus (short/wider)  Left Bronchus  Branches of Respiratory Tube  Transport Air in and out  Takes Air to Lung (Bronchioles)  Lungs  2 lungs each side of the chest cavity  Lobes of lung (Right= 3, Left= 2)  Elastic, Porous, Spongy  Floats in water (Because of air contained)  Covered by a membrane  Pleura  Plural Fluid
  • 17. Inside of the System Cont.  Lungs  Alveoli  Terminal Bronchioles  Air Sacs  Exchange of Gasses  Circulation  Respiration  Function of Lung  Thoracic Cavity  Thoracic case  Sternum and Costal cartilages (Front)  Thoracic Vertebrae/Ribs/Muscles  Diaphragm  Mediastinum (Thoracic cavity between the lungs)
  • 18. Mechanism of Breathing  The Rhythmical change in the capacity of the thorax are brought about by muscular action. The changes in lung volume with in take or Expulsion of air flow.  Lung Capacity: 4-5lit. Air.  Vital Capacity: 15-20 per Mist. Adult; 40 per mial new born  Respiratory centre: Medulla Oblongate Sl Inspiration Expiration 1 Intercostal Muscles---------- Contracts Relaxed 2 Diaphram----------------------- Contacts Relaxed 3 Capacity of thorax-------------- Increased Decreased 4 Pressure of Plural surface---- Reduced Increased
  • 19. Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi BronchiolesAlveoli Blood in capillaries Pulmonary Veins HeartAorta Body cells Internal Respiration
  • 20. System Description.  Pleura: The lungs are covered by membrane known as pleura. The fluid on plural space is called Plural Fluid.  Larynx: It is the sound box. This is also known as vocal chord. They produce sound and voice.  Alveolus:  Balloon shaped air sac.  Gaseous exchange takes place.  Lungs and where it is situated: We have two lungs and it is located in the chest, one on each side of the heart.
  • 21. System Description. Cont.  Function of Lungs:  Respiration  Gaseous exchange  De-oxygenated blood to oxygenated blood  Trachea: It is the wind pipe.  External Respiration (Pulmonary respiration): Entrance and exit of air into the body as well as gaseous exchange between blood and the alveoli.  Internal Respiration(Tissue respiration): O2 is transferred to the cell through blood.
  • 22.
  • 23. Nervous system Cerebro-spinal nervous system Autonomic Nervous system Sympathetic Para sympathetic Central Nervous system Peripheral Nerves Brain Spinal cord Sensory Nerve Motor Nerve
  • 24. BRAIN-ANATOMY The Brain Cerebrum: (Grey matter/white matter)--------Fore brain Mid brain----Sight / Hearing The pons Medulla oblongata----Cardiac center/Respiratory/Vaso Motor Center Cerebellum----Hind brain, Posture and postural activities, Muscular co-ordination and body balance.
  • 25.  Hypothalamus: 1. Central area of brain. 2. Regulates temperature, hunger, thirst, mental behavior, moral sense, intellect, speech, language.  Cerebro Spinal Fluid: 1. The fluid present in the meninges and spinal cord. 2. Protect brain and spinal cord 3. Convey nourishment to the C.N.S.  Meninges: The brain and spinal cord covered by membrane. ANATOMY Cont.
  • 26. The organ system in our body concerned with  Co-ordination in the body  Reception of external stimuli(i.e. feeling)  Response of external stimuli (i.e. reaction) are called nervous system.  Neuron: Structural and functional units of nervous system. It consists of a) Nerve Cells b) Dendrone c) Axon  Synapse: The meeting place between two neurons.  Synaptic Joint: Neuro-transmitter faciliate the propagation of the nerve impulse. ANATOMY Cont.
  • 27.  Dendron: Receive impulses from other cell via Axon and conduct the impulse to nerve cells.  Function Spinal Cord: a) Communication between brain and parts of the body. b) Reflex action.  Axon: Carries impulse (move) away from cell. Only one axon in each neuron.  Nerve Cells:  Nerve cells from grey matter of CNS  Grey matter is found in the cortex of brain and spinal cord. ANATOMY Cont.
  • 28.  Nerve Fibre:  Nerve fibre is the Axon which constitute the white matter  They carry nerve impulse (spinal cord/brain)  They have power of excitability and conductivity.  Afferent Nerve (Sensory Nerve): Carries impulses to CNS  Efferent or Motor Nerve: Carries impulses to the periphery from CNS  Sympathetic Nerve Ending: Nor-adrenaline  Para-Sympathetic: Acetylcholine ANATOMY Cont.
  • 29. The main excretory mechanism of the body. Metabolic wastes of the body is thrown out with the help of this system.
  • 30. ANATOMY Cont.  Different part Urinary System:  Kidney (right and left)  Ureter (right and left)  Urinary Bladder  Urethra  Explanation of the different parts:  The Kidney: Which produce urine.  The Ureters: To convey urine from kidney to bladder.  The Bladder: Acts as reservoir.  The Urethra: For discharge of urine from the bladder.  Function of Kidney  Filtration  Excretion  Control of water balance  Maintaining the pH of the blood  Reabsorption
  • 31. ANATOMY Cont.  Nephron  The basic structural and functional unit of Kidney  It consists of glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, Convalated tube and loop of Henle. Each Kidney has more than one million Nephron.  Location of Kidney  It is situated in the posterior abdominal wall with a major portion in the lumber region.  Function of Glomerulus  Work as filter. Every minute about 1 lit. of blood passes through the glomeruli and about 100ml of it is filtered off (10%).  Function of Nephron  Same as Kidney  Malpighian Capsule Bowmen’s capsule + Glomerulus
  • 32. ANATOMY Cont.  Urine  pH slightly acidic (average 6)  Normal urine: Water, Urea, Sodium chloride  Amount of urine in 24hrs: 1.5 lit.
  • 33.
  • 34. They are ductless glands Their secretions are directly absorbed in the blood They are called hormones They does metabolic activities Endocrine Gland Pitutary Thyroid and Parathyroid Adrenal (Suprarenal) Thymus Difference between endocrine and excrine 1. Endocrine is ductless--- Hormones 2. Exocrine is with duct--- Enzymes
  • 35. OVERVIEW Pitutary  The master of Endocrine system It is the controlling authority Many hormones secrets out of it Anterior Lobe of Pitutary 1. Growth Hormone (GH)---- Growth of bone 2. Thyrotropic Hormone-----Thyroxine 3. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)---Secretes cortical Hormones 4. Gonadotropic Hormone Posterior Lobe 1. Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)---- Re absorption of fluid 2. Oxytocic Hormone  Constrict Uterus: Vaso Pressin: Constricts-Blood Vessels Raises-- Blood Pressure.
  • 37. DESCRIPTION Cont.  Adrenal Gland  Adrenal Cortex 1. Gluco-corticoids  Cortisone  Hydrocortisone 2. Mineralo-Corticoids  Aldosterone (Electrolyte metabolism) 3. Sex Steroid  Male: Testerone  Female : Oestrogen/Progesterone
  • 38. Parts of female Reproductive Organ  Overies  Release ‘OVA’  Fallopian Tube I. Place for fertilisation II. Carry ripe ovum from ovary to uterus  Uterus I. Hold the fertilised ovum till development II. During pregnancy uterus grows in size as the foetus develops.  Vagina I. Vulva: Entrace II. Labia Majora: Two thick folds III. Clitoris: Small erectile body
  • 39. Some Term  Fertilisation: The union or the complete fusion of the sperm and ovum.  Ovulation: After puberty, there occurs a periodic discharge of ovum. This process is called ovulation.  Menopause: Stoppage of mesturation.  Puberty: Transformed into adult.  Endometrium: Inner lining of the uterus.
  • 40.
  • 41. Bones, Joints and Muscles  Bones  Consists of hardest connective tissues  Form the frame work of the body  206 bones  Three very tiny bones in each ear  Femur is the longest bone, Ulna is the thinnest.  Stepe Wish Bones are:  Mainly----Long, short, flat.  Long Bone: Is the Limbs.  Short bones: Corpus (Wrist joint), Tarsus (Feet joint)  Flat bones: Bones of skulls and ribs  Also 1)Irregular bones: Vertebrae and some bones of the face 2)Sesamoid bones: Patella (largest) in the joint, tendons of the muscles
  • 42. Bones, Joints and Muscles Cont.  Muscles  Freshly substances that covers the bone and attached to them.  Provide shape of the body  Permit action and movement of the body  Long Bones  Humerus  Radius  Ulna  Femur  Tibia  Fibula Of the inferior extremity Of the inferior extremity
  • 43. Bones, Joints and Muscles Cont.  Bone Joint o The meeting place between two or more bones o A serous membrane called “Synovial membrane” lines the joint socket o The joint cavity containing the fluid “Synovial Fluid”  Cartilage: o A soft gelatinous special type tissue o It is present at the end of bones forming a JOINT o It acts as a shock absorber, prevents friction between bones o Permits smooth movements of the bones  Osteogenisis:  Means bone formation  Osteoporosis  Rarefaction (thriving out) of the bone due to drainage of Calcium salts from base.
  • 44.
  • 45. Skin  It is the outer protective sensitive waterproof covering of the body.  The skin together with derivatives is called Integumentary System.  Sebaceous Gland: Oily secretion which makes hair and the outer surface of the skin oily and water proof.  Sweat Gland:  Sweat pores  Sweat duct  Function of sweating is to balance body heat by evaporation.
  • 46. Funtion of Skin a. Sensation b. Excretion c. As heat regulating organ d. Protective properties of skin e. Storage of food (layers of fat) f. Synthesis of Vitamin D
  • 47. Structure of Skin Consists of 3 layers: I. Epidermis: Outer thinner part  Made up of many layers (stratified) epithelial cells  Four distinct layers  It has no blood vessels  The nutrition comes via Lymph II. Dermis:  Made up of connective tissues  Very rich in blood vessels III. Sub-cutaneous Tissues  Made up of fatty tissues  It is not really a true constituent of skin tissue
  • 48. Some Term  Keratin:  The dead epithelial cells. They are resistant to heat, cold, injury due to deposition of keratin.  Melanin:  The normal colour of the skin is due to the presence of the pigment named Melanin.
  • 49. Function of the eye is vision or seeing There are two eyeballs situated in the bony sockets called the orbit
  • 50. Part of the Eye ball  Sclera: Outermost fibrous coat  Functions o Protects the eye o Maintains the shape of the eyeball  Cornea: o Central transparent region of the anterior o It helps to focus images on the retina  Conjunctiva: o Superficial mucus membrane o Reflected along the inner surface of the eye lid
  • 51. Cont.  UVEA: Middle vascular coat. o Iris: Anterior part is called Iris. It contains Melanin which gives colour to the eye. o Pupil: The central adjustable opening on the Iris, just behind Cornea. Through Pupil, light reaches Retina o Ciliary Body: The Iris is continued behind as ciliary body. o Choroid: Ciliary body is continued behind as Choroid. It forms major part of Uvea.
  • 52. Cont.  Retina: The innermost nervous coat.  It consists of number of fibers, Nerve cells, rods and cones.  Anteriorly it extends up to Choroid and posteriorly it spread up to optic nerve. (2nd Cranial Nerve)  The cones are limited to ‘Macula’ only and concern with vision/colour vision.  Rods concern with dim light vision  Lens:  Bi convex transparent body made up of several layers  It lies behind the Iris  It has front and behind membrane called Suspensary Ligament by which the lens is attached to the Ciliary body.
  • 53. Cont.  Vitreous Humor:  Transparent jelly like  The eyeball is divided by the lens and suspensary ligament into two compartments. The posterior compartment is Vitreous Humor  Gives shape and firmness  Keeps the retina in contact with choroids and sclerotic coats.  Aqueous Humor:  This is derived from ciliary body  Both the chamber has Aqueous Humor, which is transparent watery fluid