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Assignment 12 (ii) –
       Planning for Documentary
           Kaya Sumbland

            Gledis Dedaj

             Rahel Fasil

            Joanne Aroda
Structure For Whole Series
Episode:    Introduction:                   Beginning:                       Middle:                              End:
            (First 2 Mins)                  (15 Mins)                        (15 Mins)                            (15 Mins)
            • Presenter talking about the   • This is to make audience       - Statistics on the growing          - Introduce algorithms and
              whole documentary, the          aware of the history of the      number of people logging             how it has been brought
              purpose - how social media      web beginning with web 1.0 -     onto social networking sites         in as a new form in web
  ‘Social     is controlling what             a detailed timeline              like Facebook day by day.          - Explain with animation
 Media’ –     information we receive, in    • Animation shows                - How this has increased over          the use of a filter bubble
              Facebook, YouTube,              information coming out of a      the years and why?                   - we will show a before
    The       Google, Twitter.                computer but none going in                                            and after in Google
Hegemonic                                     from the audiences             - The different types of social        searches
            • Montage footage of people     • Sociological theory of           networking sites and which         - Link it to social
Puppeteer     interacting with different      ‘upsurge’ in activism            ones are the most popular            networking – going in
              forms of media – people on    • Presenter highlights social      and why they appeal so much          depth with the way
              their iPads, iPhones,           networking – Facebook,           to such a mass audience.             Facebook tailor your
              Blackberry’s, Laptops etc.      Tumblr, Twitter, Social                                               newsfeed
                                              News, Online Dating – how      - Reasons why social media and       - Talking to the expert
            • E.g. internet, phones, TV…      the web has come to a            social networking sites make         behind the industry ask if
              Including establishing shot     revolution – more                for the perfect tool used to         they even know who
              of internet cafes (high         democracy                        control certain ideologies or        tailors our algorithms,
              angles, low angles), a        • Leads to the Web 2.0 part of     products within society. (Their      who creates their ethics
              bedroom (with tech), train      the animation where              popularity aids their ability to   - Being in sociological
              station (people on phones)      information comes in and         reach a wide range of people.)       theories into ethnics –
              with close up of Wi-Fi          out                                                                   the extent of our
              connecting.                   • Showing how YouTube            - For example some marketers           democracy
                                              gaines users success and         use certain social networking      - To lead into next episode
            • Show case study of the boy      audience allow them to           sites or social media to             go through why
              who killed his mum              grow or fail– people gain        promote their products by            algorithms promote a
              mimicking the soap              great success                    creating 'Pages' for people to       hegemonic form of social
              ‘Coronation Street’, with     • Public interviews on how         like on Facebook.                    networking – just
              archival footage of news        they feel about web 2.0 in                                            manipulates audiences
              broadcast.                      Trafalgar square               - On most website pages a              use in the sites
                                            • Lastly web 3.0 with              'share' or 'like' button will      - Expert interview and
                                              voiceover presenter              appear.                              examples of what we see
                                              explaining it                                                         and what we don’t see
                                            • Examples of Google search
                                              tailoring searches
                                            • Finish with expert interview
Structure For Whole Series
Episode:   Introduction:                 Beginning:                          Middle:                              End:
           (First 2 Mins)                (15 Mins)                           (15 Mins)                            (15 Mins)
           - The different types of      - This part will be about how       - To argue the first 15 minutes      - Following this will
             social Media platforms.       the audience are fighting back      and explore how we think we          explore the use of
             Facebook, Twitter and         with the ability to generate        are being given various choices,     technological
 ‘Social     Instagram are
             communication and
                                           their own information, doing
                                           this we will show montage
                                                                               however these choices are
                                                                               provided by higher powers who
                                                                                                                    convergences, how it
                                                                                                                    promotes and allows the
Media’       sharing platforms.
           - The way that they use
                                           footage of people editing
                                           Wikipedia's, scrolling though
                                                                               determine your search results.
                                                                             - E.g. ‘Online Dating’ : Your
                                                                                                                    constant landscape of
                                                                                                                    media to develop – the
             algorithms to cater to        and posting on their blog and       match is determined for you.         ways we are very vocal
    –        the individual varies.        posting social news stories       - So we will show someone filling      and influential by
             Facebook ensures that       - We will outline the statistics      in online dating application         ourselves in technology,
Fighting     your newsfeed is catered
             to your taste and what
                                           of the amount of people on
                                           blogs, and the many different
                                                                               form, using a public interview,
                                                                               empathising with how they feel
                                                                                                                    but presenting a
                                                                                                                    conclusion to weather
  back       you want to see is there
             and easily accessible.
                                           types of blogs – highlighting
                                           the minority groups within
                                                                               about this opportunity
                                                                             - However, then we will have an
                                                                                                                    social media is
                                                                                                                    hegemonic or
             Google search results are     society being able to express       expert explaining what they do       democratic
             also catered to what          themselves repeated with            with their online form and how     - Do this by showing how
             they believe you are          social news – showing               they chose their ideal partner,      the use of iPads have
             interested in. They know      footage of people ‘dig’ and         who they are blocking out and        developed – e.g the
             your interests from your      ‘bury’ of Digg                      why                                  apps and how ‘genius’
             previous Google search.     - We will go into detail, showing   - We will have statistics on the       on the iPad suggest and
           - How society is fighting       how blogs are not consorted,        success rates of those they          imply what we should
             against a hegemonic           showing the extent of what          choose – and those who find          download
             media platform. Through       you can post, and why that          love with people different to      - Though ending with a
             blogs and Youtube             should be able to happen            themselves                           conclusion that we are
             channels created by           though public interview, and                                             always revolutionising
             ordinary people posting       blog users interviews and                                                and are becoming more
             their own views to a          expert interviews as to why                                              democratic
             large audience.               nothing is censored
Structure For Whole Series
Episode:      Introduction:             Beginning:                     Middle:                  End:
              (First 2 Mins)            (15 Mins)                      (15 Mins)                (15 Mins)
              - How and if we are       - Films : Used to install      - How stereotypes        - The news and how people
                influenced by the         certain ideologies within      have become              have no control over what
                things we watch           society or promote these       hegemonic through        is shown. It is seen as a
                through films and TV      ideologies through             someone's dictation      reliable source of
                (Listing some             examples of our culture        of script.               information especially in
                examples, Star Wars       in relation to others and                               government and
                Trilogy, The Batman       what they see                - This is liked to the     terrorism case studies as
  ‘Film &       Trilogy)                                                 propaganda used in       they have no other
                                        - Examples of specific films     WW1 and WW2 to           sources to gain
Television’   - How ideologies have       that have influence the        promote the Nazi         information from.
                been integrated into      world the most alongside       Regime.
                our daily watching's      with statistics.                                      - What is shown on the
                (News, soaps, Dramas)     (Clockwork Orange,                                      news is specifically
                                          Triumph Of The Will, War                                chosen for a certain
                                          Of The Worlds)                                          representation.
                                                                                                  Particularly in The London
                                                                                                  Riots when the news
                                                                                                  mainly showed footage of
                                                                                                  youths rioting when
                                                                                                  statistics show that the
                                                                                                  majority of looters were
                                                                                                  adults. Youths have a
                                                                                                  stereotypically negative
                                                                                                  image now
Choice of Episode

The episode we will focus on is…

We chose this episode because…

•   It was intriguing of all our subtopics
•   It has a lot of evidence of a great revolution
•   It would be easiest to get footage for
•   It is the most current and ‘in’ topic in the 21st century
•   It’s the most progressive form of media
Structure for Episode
Episode        Introduction              Introductio                 Beginning                         Middle                           End
                   (1st   2 min)              n                ‘Revolution of The Web’            ‘Social Networking                ‘Algorithms’
                                             (1 min)                                                     Sites’

            • Presenter talking about    • Presenter          • Begin with web 1.0 with a      • Introduce the way social      • To flow into the text
              the whole                    introducing          detailed timeline                networking forms as a           episode we will
              documentary, the             the episode        • Animation shows                  revolution from web 2.0         introduce algorithms
              purpose - how social         on social            information coming out of a    • Inform all the different        as a way of controlling
              media is controlling         networking           computer but none going in       types of networking,            society subtly
              what information we          (Facebook,           from the audiences               shots of people               • Animation of the
              receive, in Facebook,        YouTube and        • Sociological theory of           interacting with                globe transforming –
Social        YouTube, Google,
                                                                ‘upsurge’ in activism
                                                              • Presenter highlights social
                                                                                                 Facebook, Twitter,
                                                                                                 Tumblr, YouTube, Online
                                                                                                                                 web 3.0 an
                                                                                                                                 omnipresent device
Media       • Montage footage of
              people interacting with
                                           statistics on
                                           how much
                                                                networking – Facebook,
                                                                Tumblr, Twitter, Social
                                                                                               • There will be public
                                                                                                                               • Animation of a filter
                                                                                                                                 bubble will be shown
  -           different forms of
              media – people on their
                                           people use it
                                         • Show
                                                                News, Online Dating – how
                                                                the web has come to a
                                                                                                 interviews – why they
                                                                                                 use social networking
                                                                                                                               • Go in depth using
                                                                                                                                 Rahel's Facebook,
   The        iPads, iPhones,              supporting           revolution – more                and if they feel it’s a way     doing through her
Hegemonic     Blackberry’s, Laptops        footage of           democracy                        of their voices being           account before, then
Puppeteer     etc.                         YouTube            • Leads to the Web 2.0 part        heard                           ‘liking’ a page to see
            • E.g. internet, phones,       (Clips of            of the animation where         • Show footage of the way         the difference of her
              TV…                          YouTube              information comes in and         YouTube forms as a cycle        newsfeed – how it
              Including establishing       Celebs               out                              of democracy using ‘nam         changes peoples
              shot of internet cafes       increasing         • Short supporting footage of      cat’ example – posting          identity
              (high angles, low            viewers),            increasing subscribers and       video, re-posting, the re-    • sociological theories
              angles), a bedroom           Google,              views of a YouTube video,        producing their own,            into ethnics – the
              (with tech), train           Facebook,            increasing popularity –          everyone now gets               extent of our
              station (people on           with voiceover       people gain great success        involved – however,             democracy with
              phones) with close up        of statistics on   • Public interviews on how         taste makers influence          sociologist interview –
              of Wi-Fi connecting.         dominant             they feel about web 2.0 in       video's such as ‘Friday –       the importance of
            • Show case study of the       pages, and           Trafalgar square                 R.Black’                        ethnics on our identity
              boy who killed his mum       their influence    • Lastly web 3.0 with            • Statistics on how much        • Presenter concludes
              mimicking the soap           of people with       voiceover presenter              time we actually spend          to question the
              ‘Coronation Street’,         more statistics      explaining it                    online, which countries         democracy that social
              with archival footage of                        • Examples of Google search        to understand the ways          network blinds us with
              news broadcast.                                   tailoring searches               it is a perfect way control
                                                              • Finish with expert interview     in a large mass
Structure for 5 minute Documentary
                                  2 Minute Introduction (Series)
       •   Establishing shot of internet café                                 •   Prezi animation3
 15    •
           Close up of typing
           Establishing shot of BBC Studio
                                                                        15    •
                                                                                  Pictures of hype online
       •   Fast motion people waking                                          •   2012 hype to get out of recession – animation cycle
Secs   •
           Screen shot of people uploading YouTube video
           People walking into watch a film at cinema
       •   Shot of hash tag on a TV programme
       •   Establishing shot of billboard
 15    •   Screen shot on Digg – to ‘dig’ or ‘bury’                           •   Show twitter feed on ‘Life of Pi’
           Shot of shelves of magazines enforcing femininity
           ‘Coronation Street’ mimicking scene                          15    •   Face Time call with friends to meet up and go watch it

Secs   •   Close-up of an iPhone – techno convergence
                                                                                  YouTube trailer and comments on the films
                                                                                  Sharing the film on Facebook
           All the above will be montage footage with a voiceover
                                                                       Secs   •
                                                                                  Going into cinema to see the film
                                                                                  Blogging the film on a blog and it being re-blogged

       •   Voiceover explaining what hegemony & democracy is
 15    •   Animation of pyramid hierarchy to explain hegemony.                •   Presenter compares hegemony to democracy
       •   Higher power at the top – people that control the media
           – anonymous                                                  15    •   Weighing out debate

Secs   •   Media – collection of images to do with the media
                                                                                  Presenting the two sides – has it become democratic?
                                                                                  Short quoted Public interview’s - what they think
           The ideologies
                                                                       Secs       (about 3)
       •   Information and influence will travel down the hierarchy,
           but will show some coming down (web 2.0 making this
       •   Voice over to explain what we are influenced by                    •   She asks 3 rhetorical questions,
 15    •   Zoom onto media level in hierarchy showing all different
           form of media – Social networking (Facebook, Twitter,
                                                                        15    •
                                                                                  finishing on the documentary series title question
                                                                                  followed by an animation of the title.

Secs   •
           blogs, social news, YouTube) , TV, news, Magazines,
           radio, films, online dating
           Travels down to ideologies – nuclear family, body image,
           status, social groups – ‘cliques’
Structure for 5 minute Documentary
                               1 Minute Introduction (Episode)
       •   Establishing shot of internet café to                  •   Screen shot with voice over of
 15        establish where presenter is                     15        presenter
       •   Long shot of presenter on computer                     •   How Facebook tailor searches
Secs   •   Gets up and starts to walk out with             Secs   •   Mac screen ‘liking’ a Facebook page
           camera following                                       •   comparing the news feed before and
       •   She discusses platforms of social                          after liking the page explaining the
           media                                                      way
           Facebook, social news, Twitter,                        •   Facebook alter what they will now see
           YouTube, Tumblr, online dating screen                  •   generating and manipulating them to
           shots shown                                                further like others similarly
       •   Statistics on social networking uses
           e.g 11 hours online vs. 10 hours in real life

       •   Public interviews on how much time                     •   Statistics of how of population is on
 15        they spend on social networking sites            15        social networking and what countries
       •   In Trafalgar square                                        have it – through prezi screen
Secs   •   Rage of ages – 19 – 30                          Secs       recording
       •   British people                                         •   Presenter in mid shot explaining
                                                                      perfect tool to control people catering
                                                                      to all their likes and giving them the
                                                                      feeling of power, freedom and control.
Structure for 5 minute Documentary
                2 Minute (To Focus On First Subtopic Of Episode)
       • Animation made with pictures fast forwarded of                   • Public interview (Transition fade into
 15      a time-line of how the internet has progressed
       • Begins with web 1.0
                                                                    15      interviews with public (Then fade into
                                                                            transparent background) of public
Secs   • Expert interview on sociological theory ‘upsurge’
         show how it was hegemonic with information
                                                                   Secs     shoppers)
                                                                          • quoted significant things they say on Web
         going out                                                          2.0 (texts fades on and off screen with
       • Images of information coming our of computer                       voiceover of interviewers)
         but none going in                                                • In Trafalgar square

                                                                          • Time lines moves
       • YouTube clip of what web 1.0 was like (1995)               15    • Presenter talks about examples – social
 15    • Interviews from older generation experience of                     news, online dating, wiki’s showing
         what the web used to be like                              Secs     montage footage on the basics of each,
Secs   • How it has changed                                                 social news to upload stories, online
                                                                          • Signing up filling out form
                                                                          • Wiki reading stories and editing
                                                                          • Implying increase of activism – signs of
                                                                            audience becoming particpatory
       • Animation moves to Web 2.0 where by there is in
 15      information going in and out                                     •   Presenter talks to the camera about
       • emphasise the revolution
       • showing loads of people now getting involved with
                                                                    15    •   videos going viral nam cat video
Secs     using the web.
                                                                          •   Videos of people copying it
       • Montage footage of ‘YouTube’ celebrities (online
         videos) and a fast increase in views followed by
                                                                   Secs   •
                                                                              With footage of cats watching it
                                                                              Voiceover explaining
       • Voiceover by presenter informing the Web 2.0 basics
         where people can comment, post and then become
         part of someone else's posts – e.g the subscribers – be
         a part of what they do
Structure for 5 minute Documentary
            Last 10-20 Seconds (preview to after the break)
       • Presenter introduces a                 • Presenter voiceover on top of
 5                                        5       the filter carrying on the new
         new way of Web 3.0
Secs                                     Secs     term algorithms

       • Animation of filter bubles
 5     • Things are put in then things
Secs     are taken out
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot             Location:       Characters:        Props:     Costume:
  1     Outside the ‘Living     Establishing shot.   Internet Café.   N/A               N/A         N/A
        Space’ internet café.

  2     A shot of someone's     Close-up.            Internet café.   Random person.    Keyboard.   N/A
        hands on a keyboard
        at a computer desk.

  3     Outside the BBC         Establishing shot.   BBC Studio.      N/A               N/A         N/A

  4     People walking          Establishing shot.   Trafalgar        The general       N/A         N/A
        around Trafalgar                             Square.          public.
        Square – Fast

  5     A screen shot of        Close-up.            N/A              N/A               Computer.   N/A
        footage uploading
        onto YouTube.

  6     People walking into     Establishing shot.   VUE Cinema.      General public.   N/A         N/A
        the cinema to watch
        a film.

  7     Screen shot of a        Close-up.            N/A              N/A               T.V         N/A
        programme showing
        a hash tag for
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot            Location:      Characters:    Props:        Costume:
  8     A billboard of an       Establishing shot.   Central        N/A           N/A            N/A
        advert in the street.                        London.

  9     Screen shot of ‘Dig’    Close-up.            N/A            N/A           N/A            N/A

 10     Magazine shelf in a     Long shot.           Corner shop.   N/A           N/A            N/A
        corner shop.

 11     A shot of the XFactor   Close-up.            N/A            N/A           iPhone.        N/A
        App on an iPhone.

 12     Video report of copy-   Close-up.            N/A            N/A           Computer.      N/A
        cat murder.
        (‘Coronation Street’)

 13     Clip from ‘Coronation   Close-up.            N/A            N/A           Computer.      N/A
        Street’ – Murder

 14     Animation of            Close-up             N/A            N/A           Pyramid        N/A
        hierarchy of the                                                          drawing and
        media industry.                                                           cartoon cut-
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot        Location:     Characters:    Props:        Costume:
 15     Media section in the     Close-up.       N/A           N/A           Pyramid        N/A
        hierarchy, with                                                      drawing and
        different media                                                      cartoon cut-
        platforms.                                                           outs.
 16     Ideology section in      Close-up.       N/A           N/A           Pyramid        N/A
        the hierarchy, with                                                  drawing and
        different stereotypes.                                               cartoon cut-
 17     Ideology section in      Close-up.       N/A           N/A           Pyramid        N/A
        the hierarchy, with                                                  drawing and
        different stereotypes                                                cartoon cut-
        going in.                                                            outs.
 18     Prezi animation of       Close-up.       N/A           N/A           Computer.      N/A
        2012 hype.

 19     Screen shot of           Close-up.       N/A           N/A           Computer.      N/A
        someone's twitter

 20     Shot of two people on    Mid Shot.       At a House.   N/A           IPads.         N/A

 21     Shot of two people on    Mid Shot.       At a House.   N/A           IPads.         N/A
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                  Shot           Location:   Characters:    Props:     Costume:
 22     YouTube clip of a film   Close-up.           N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        trailer. ‘Life Of Pi’

 23     Screen shot of           Close-up.           N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        comments under the
        video and increasing
 24     Screen shot of the       Close-up.           N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        share button being hit
        for the trailer.

 25     Screen shot of           Close-up.           N/A         Rahel.        Computer.   N/A
        Rahel’s Facebook
        page posting the
 26     Screen shot of post      Extreme close-up.   N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        button on Facebook.

 27     Screen shot of trailer   Close-up.           N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        being re-blogged.
        ‘Dig’ Button.

 28     Presenter talking to     Mid shot.           Ealing      Presenter.    N/A         Formal
        the camera, weighing                         Broadway.                             cardigan and
        out what's democratic                                                              skirt with coat.
        or hegemonic.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot        Location:   Characters:        Props:   Costume:
 29     Public interview with   Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A       N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 30     Public interview with   Close-up.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A       N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 31     Public interview with   Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A       N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 32     Public interview with   Close-up.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A       N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 33     Public interview with   Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A       N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 34     Public interview with   Close-up.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A       N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                  Shot             Location:       Characters:     Props:      Costume:
 35     Presenter asking the     Mid shot.            Outside          Presenter.    N/A           Formal
        viewers three                                 Internet Café.                               cardigan and
        rhetorical questions.                                                                      skirt with coat.

 36     Shot of puppets          Close-up.            N/A              N/A           Puppet cut-   N/A
        being controlled by                                                          outs &
        different social media                                                       computer
        sites.                                                                       screen of
 37     Shot of puppets          Close-up.            N/A              N/A           Puppet cut-   N/A
        being controlled by                                                          outs &
        different social media                                                       computer
        sites. – Tile of doc                                                         screen of
        appears.                                                                     stage.
 38     Outside the ‘Living      Establishing shot.   Internet Café.   N/A           N/A           N/A
        Space’ internet café.

 39     Long shot of             Long shot.           Internet Café.   Presenter.    Computer,     Formal
        presenter sitting in a                                                       desk and      cardigan and
        computer chair                                                               chair.        skirt with coat.
        speaking to camera.
 40     Presenter gets up off    Long shot.           Internet Café.   Presenter.    Computer,     Formal
        the chair.                                                                   desk and      cardigan and
                                                                                     chair.        skirt with coat.

 41     Presenter walks          Long shot.           Internet Café.   Presenter.    Computer,     Formal
        towards camera and                                                           desk and      cardigan and
        camera backs up.                                                             chair.        skirt with coat.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot        Location:   Characters:        Props:     Costume:
 42     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘Facebook’ newsfeed.

 43     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘Twitter’ newsfeed.

 44     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A

 45     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘Facebook’ status box
        – Statistics being
        typed in.
 46     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘Facebook’ status box
        – Statistics being
        typed in.
 47     Public interview with   Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 48     Public interview with   Close-up.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                  Shot        Location:   Characters:        Props:     Costume:
 49     Public interview with    Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        person in Trafalgar                       Square.
 50     Public interview with    Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        person in Trafalgar                       Square.

 51     Screen shot of           Close-up.        N/A         Rahel.            Computer.   N/A
        Rahel’s Facebook –
        Page appearing on
        newsfeed as an
        option to ‘Like’
 52     Screen shot of ‘Like’    Close-up.        N/A         Rahel.            Computer.   N/A
        button being pushed.

 53     Screen shot of           Close-up.        N/A         Rahel.            Computer.   N/A
        Rahel’s newsfeed
        with new groups
 54     Before and after         Close-up.        N/A         Rahel.            Computer.   N/A
        screen shot of how
        the newsfeed has
        now changed due to
        the page.
 55     Screen shot of           Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘Tumbler’ writing box,
        with statistics being
        typed in.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                  Shot        Location:      Characters:    Props:     Costume:
 56     Screen shot of           Close-up.        N/A            N/A           Computer.   N/A
        ‘Tumbler’ writing box,
        with statistics being
        typed in.
 57     Presenter talking to     Mid shot.        Ealing         Presenter.    N/A         Formal
        the viewers about                         Broadway.                                cardigan and
        social networking                                                                  skirt with coat.

 58     Screen shot of Web       Close-up.        N/A            N/A           Computer.   N/A
        1.0 animation on
 59     Interview with an        Mid shot.        Convent of     Sociology     N/A         N/A
        expert on the                             Jesus & Mary   teacher.
        ‘Upsurge’ theory.                         Language
 60     Interview with an        Long shot.       Convent of     Sociology     N/A         N/A
        expert on the                             Jesus & Mary   teacher.
        ‘Upsurge’ theory.                         Language
 61     Screen shot of Prezi     Close-up.        N/A            N/A           Computer.   N/A
        animation with
        embedded clip.

 62     Animation of             Close-up.        N/A            N/A           Computer.   N/A
        information not going
        into a computer.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot        Location:   Characters:        Props:     Costume:
 63     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘YouTube’ clip on
        Web 1.0.

 64     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘YouTube’ clip on
        Web 1.0.

 65     Public interview with   Close-up.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 66     Public interview with   Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 67     Public interview with   Long shot.       Trafalgar   General public    N/A         For presenter
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.     and presenter.                only.
        Square along with the
 68     Public interview with   Close-up.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        person in Trafalgar                      Square.

 69     Screen shot of Prezi    Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        animation moving to
        Web 2.0
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                Shot        Location:   Characters:        Props:     Costume:
 70     Animation of           Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        information being
        accepted into a
 71     Screen shot of         Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘YouTube’ celebrity.

 72     Fades into another     Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘YouTube’ celebrity
        video clip.

 73     Fades into another     Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘YouTube’ celebrity
        video clip.

 74     Screen shot &          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        animation of number
        of views increasing.
        (Fast motion)
 75     Screen shot &          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        animation of number
        of subscribers
        increasing. (Fast
 76     Public interview on    Close-up.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        Web 2.0.                                Square.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot        Location:   Characters:        Props:     Costume:
 77     Public interview on     Mid shot.        Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        Web 2.0.                                 Square.

 78     Public interview on     Long shot.       Trafalgar   General public.   N/A         N/A
        Web 2.0.                                 Square.

 79     Prezi animation         Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        timeline moves to
        ‘Social Media.

 80     Screen shot of ‘Digg’   Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A

 81     Screen shot of          Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        ‘Tumbler’ page –
        someone making a
 82     Presenter introduces    Mid shot.        Ealing      Presenter.        N/A         Formal
        what the ‘Nam Cat’                       Broadway.                                 cardigan and
        craze is.                                                                          skirt with coat.

 83     Screen shot of ‘Nam     Close-up.        N/A         N/A               Computer.   N/A
        Cat’ cycle on Prezi.
Shot List
Shot:        Scene:                  Shot        Location:   Characters:    Props:     Costume:
 89     Screen shot of ‘Nam     Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        Cat’ video on

 90     Screen shot of Prezi    Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        cycle moving to stage

 91     Screen shot of cat      Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        watching the ‘Nam
        Cat’ video.

 92     Screen shot of Prezi    Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        cycle moving to stage

 93     Screen shot of a        Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        different version of
        the ‘Nam Cat’ video.

 94     Screen shot of a        Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        different version of
        the ‘Nam Cat’ video.

 95     Screen shot of a        Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        different version of
        the ‘Nam Cat’ video.
Shot List
Shot:         Scene:                 Shot        Location:   Characters:    Props:     Costume:
 96     Presenter introduces    Mid shot.        Ealing      Presenter.    N/A         Formal
        what is coming up                        Broadway.                             cardigan and
        after the break.                                                               skirt with coat.

 97     Animation of an         Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        empty filter bubble

 98     Animation of a filter   Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        bubble with things
        inside and outside

 99     Animation of filter     Close-up.        N/A         N/A           Computer.   N/A
        bubble with things
        inside but not

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Assignment 12 (ii) planning for documentary draft four

  • 1. DRAFT 4 Assignment 12 (ii) – Planning for Documentary Kaya Sumbland Gledis Dedaj Rahel Fasil Joanne Aroda
  • 2. Structure For Whole Series Episode: Introduction: Beginning: Middle: End: (First 2 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) • Presenter talking about the • This is to make audience - Statistics on the growing - Introduce algorithms and whole documentary, the aware of the history of the number of people logging how it has been brought purpose - how social media web beginning with web 1.0 - onto social networking sites in as a new form in web ‘Social is controlling what a detailed timeline like Facebook day by day. - Explain with animation Media’ – information we receive, in • Animation shows - How this has increased over the use of a filter bubble Facebook, YouTube, information coming out of a the years and why? - we will show a before The Google, Twitter. computer but none going in and after in Google Hegemonic from the audiences - The different types of social searches • Montage footage of people • Sociological theory of networking sites and which - Link it to social Puppeteer interacting with different ‘upsurge’ in activism ones are the most popular networking – going in forms of media – people on • Presenter highlights social and why they appeal so much depth with the way their iPads, iPhones, networking – Facebook, to such a mass audience. Facebook tailor your Blackberry’s, Laptops etc. Tumblr, Twitter, Social newsfeed News, Online Dating – how - Reasons why social media and - Talking to the expert • E.g. internet, phones, TV… the web has come to a social networking sites make behind the industry ask if Including establishing shot revolution – more for the perfect tool used to they even know who of internet cafes (high democracy control certain ideologies or tailors our algorithms, angles, low angles), a • Leads to the Web 2.0 part of products within society. (Their who creates their ethics bedroom (with tech), train the animation where popularity aids their ability to - Being in sociological station (people on phones) information comes in and reach a wide range of people.) theories into ethnics – with close up of Wi-Fi out the extent of our connecting. • Showing how YouTube - For example some marketers democracy gaines users success and use certain social networking - To lead into next episode • Show case study of the boy audience allow them to sites or social media to go through why who killed his mum grow or fail– people gain promote their products by algorithms promote a mimicking the soap great success creating 'Pages' for people to hegemonic form of social ‘Coronation Street’, with • Public interviews on how like on Facebook. networking – just archival footage of news they feel about web 2.0 in manipulates audiences broadcast. Trafalgar square - On most website pages a use in the sites • Lastly web 3.0 with 'share' or 'like' button will - Expert interview and voiceover presenter appear. examples of what we see explaining it and what we don’t see • Examples of Google search tailoring searches • Finish with expert interview
  • 3. Structure For Whole Series Episode: Introduction: Beginning: Middle: End: (First 2 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) - The different types of - This part will be about how - To argue the first 15 minutes - Following this will social Media platforms. the audience are fighting back and explore how we think we explore the use of Facebook, Twitter and with the ability to generate are being given various choices, technological ‘Social Instagram are communication and their own information, doing this we will show montage however these choices are provided by higher powers who convergences, how it promotes and allows the Media’ sharing platforms. - The way that they use footage of people editing Wikipedia's, scrolling though determine your search results. - E.g. ‘Online Dating’ : Your constant landscape of media to develop – the algorithms to cater to and posting on their blog and match is determined for you. ways we are very vocal – the individual varies. posting social news stories - So we will show someone filling and influential by Facebook ensures that - We will outline the statistics in online dating application ourselves in technology, Fighting your newsfeed is catered to your taste and what of the amount of people on blogs, and the many different form, using a public interview, empathising with how they feel but presenting a conclusion to weather back you want to see is there and easily accessible. types of blogs – highlighting the minority groups within about this opportunity - However, then we will have an social media is hegemonic or Google search results are society being able to express expert explaining what they do democratic also catered to what themselves repeated with with their online form and how - Do this by showing how they believe you are social news – showing they chose their ideal partner, the use of iPads have interested in. They know footage of people ‘dig’ and who they are blocking out and developed – e.g the your interests from your ‘bury’ of Digg why apps and how ‘genius’ previous Google search. - We will go into detail, showing - We will have statistics on the on the iPad suggest and - How society is fighting how blogs are not consorted, success rates of those they imply what we should against a hegemonic showing the extent of what choose – and those who find download media platform. Through you can post, and why that love with people different to - Though ending with a blogs and Youtube should be able to happen themselves conclusion that we are channels created by though public interview, and always revolutionising ordinary people posting blog users interviews and and are becoming more their own views to a expert interviews as to why democratic large audience. nothing is censored
  • 4. Structure For Whole Series Episode: Introduction: Beginning: Middle: End: (First 2 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) - How and if we are - Films : Used to install - How stereotypes - The news and how people influenced by the certain ideologies within have become have no control over what things we watch society or promote these hegemonic through is shown. It is seen as a through films and TV ideologies through someone's dictation reliable source of (Listing some examples of our culture of script. information especially in examples, Star Wars in relation to others and government and Trilogy, The Batman what they see - This is liked to the terrorism case studies as ‘Film & Trilogy) propaganda used in they have no other - Examples of specific films WW1 and WW2 to sources to gain Television’ - How ideologies have that have influence the promote the Nazi information from. been integrated into world the most alongside Regime. our daily watching's with statistics. - What is shown on the (News, soaps, Dramas) (Clockwork Orange, news is specifically Triumph Of The Will, War chosen for a certain Of The Worlds) representation. Particularly in The London Riots when the news mainly showed footage of youths rioting when statistics show that the majority of looters were adults. Youths have a stereotypically negative image now
  • 5. Choice of Episode The episode we will focus on is… We chose this episode because… • It was intriguing of all our subtopics • It has a lot of evidence of a great revolution • It would be easiest to get footage for • It is the most current and ‘in’ topic in the 21st century • It’s the most progressive form of media
  • 6. Structure for Episode Episode Introduction Introductio Beginning Middle End (1st 2 min) n ‘Revolution of The Web’ ‘Social Networking ‘Algorithms’ (1 min) Sites’ • Presenter talking about • Presenter • Begin with web 1.0 with a • Introduce the way social • To flow into the text the whole introducing detailed timeline networking forms as a episode we will documentary, the the episode • Animation shows revolution from web 2.0 introduce algorithms purpose - how social on social information coming out of a • Inform all the different as a way of controlling media is controlling networking computer but none going in types of networking, society subtly what information we (Facebook, from the audiences shots of people • Animation of the receive, in Facebook, YouTube and • Sociological theory of interacting with globe transforming – Social YouTube, Google, Twitter. Twitter) including ‘upsurge’ in activism • Presenter highlights social Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Online web 3.0 an omnipresent device Media • Montage footage of people interacting with statistics on how much networking – Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Social Dating • There will be public • Animation of a filter bubble will be shown - different forms of media – people on their people use it • Show News, Online Dating – how the web has come to a interviews – why they use social networking • Go in depth using Rahel's Facebook, The iPads, iPhones, supporting revolution – more and if they feel it’s a way doing through her Hegemonic Blackberry’s, Laptops footage of democracy of their voices being account before, then Puppeteer etc. YouTube • Leads to the Web 2.0 part heard ‘liking’ a page to see • E.g. internet, phones, (Clips of of the animation where • Show footage of the way the difference of her TV… YouTube information comes in and YouTube forms as a cycle newsfeed – how it Including establishing Celebs out of democracy using ‘nam changes peoples shot of internet cafes increasing • Short supporting footage of cat’ example – posting identity (high angles, low viewers), increasing subscribers and video, re-posting, the re- • sociological theories angles), a bedroom Google, views of a YouTube video, producing their own, into ethnics – the (with tech), train Facebook, increasing popularity – everyone now gets extent of our station (people on with voiceover people gain great success involved – however, democracy with phones) with close up of statistics on • Public interviews on how taste makers influence sociologist interview – of Wi-Fi connecting. dominant they feel about web 2.0 in video's such as ‘Friday – the importance of • Show case study of the pages, and Trafalgar square R.Black’ ethnics on our identity boy who killed his mum their influence • Lastly web 3.0 with • Statistics on how much • Presenter concludes mimicking the soap of people with voiceover presenter time we actually spend to question the ‘Coronation Street’, more statistics explaining it online, which countries democracy that social with archival footage of • Examples of Google search to understand the ways network blinds us with news broadcast. tailoring searches it is a perfect way control • Finish with expert interview in a large mass
  • 7. Structure for 5 minute Documentary 2 Minute Introduction (Series) • Establishing shot of internet café • Prezi animation3 15 • • Close up of typing Establishing shot of BBC Studio 15 • • Pictures of hype online Articles • Fast motion people waking • 2012 hype to get out of recession – animation cycle Secs • • Screen shot of people uploading YouTube video People walking into watch a film at cinema Secs • Shot of hash tag on a TV programme • Establishing shot of billboard 15 • Screen shot on Digg – to ‘dig’ or ‘bury’ • Show twitter feed on ‘Life of Pi’ • • Shot of shelves of magazines enforcing femininity ‘Coronation Street’ mimicking scene 15 • Face Time call with friends to meet up and go watch it Secs • Close-up of an iPhone – techno convergence • • YouTube trailer and comments on the films Sharing the film on Facebook All the above will be montage footage with a voiceover Secs • • Going into cinema to see the film Blogging the film on a blog and it being re-blogged • Voiceover explaining what hegemony & democracy is 15 • Animation of pyramid hierarchy to explain hegemony. • Presenter compares hegemony to democracy • Higher power at the top – people that control the media – anonymous 15 • Weighing out debate Secs • Media – collection of images to do with the media • • Presenting the two sides – has it become democratic? Short quoted Public interview’s - what they think • • The ideologies Society Secs (about 3) • Information and influence will travel down the hierarchy, but will show some coming down (web 2.0 making this possible) • Voice over to explain what we are influenced by • She asks 3 rhetorical questions, 15 • Zoom onto media level in hierarchy showing all different form of media – Social networking (Facebook, Twitter, 15 • • finishing on the documentary series title question followed by an animation of the title. Secs • blogs, social news, YouTube) , TV, news, Magazines, radio, films, online dating Travels down to ideologies – nuclear family, body image, Secs status, social groups – ‘cliques’
  • 8. Structure for 5 minute Documentary 1 Minute Introduction (Episode) • Establishing shot of internet café to • Screen shot with voice over of 15 establish where presenter is 15 presenter • Long shot of presenter on computer • How Facebook tailor searches Secs • Gets up and starts to walk out with Secs • Mac screen ‘liking’ a Facebook page camera following • comparing the news feed before and • She discusses platforms of social after liking the page explaining the media way Facebook, social news, Twitter, • Facebook alter what they will now see YouTube, Tumblr, online dating screen • generating and manipulating them to shots shown further like others similarly • Statistics on social networking uses e.g 11 hours online vs. 10 hours in real life • Public interviews on how much time • Statistics of how of population is on 15 they spend on social networking sites 15 social networking and what countries • In Trafalgar square have it – through prezi screen Secs • Rage of ages – 19 – 30 Secs recording • British people • Presenter in mid shot explaining perfect tool to control people catering to all their likes and giving them the feeling of power, freedom and control.
  • 9. Structure for 5 minute Documentary 2 Minute (To Focus On First Subtopic Of Episode) • Animation made with pictures fast forwarded of • Public interview (Transition fade into 15 a time-line of how the internet has progressed • Begins with web 1.0 15 interviews with public (Then fade into transparent background) of public Secs • Expert interview on sociological theory ‘upsurge’ show how it was hegemonic with information Secs shoppers) • quoted significant things they say on Web going out 2.0 (texts fades on and off screen with • Images of information coming our of computer voiceover of interviewers) but none going in • In Trafalgar square • Time lines moves • YouTube clip of what web 1.0 was like (1995) 15 • Presenter talks about examples – social 15 • Interviews from older generation experience of news, online dating, wiki’s showing what the web used to be like Secs montage footage on the basics of each, Secs • How it has changed social news to upload stories, online dating • Signing up filling out form • Wiki reading stories and editing • Implying increase of activism – signs of audience becoming particpatory • Animation moves to Web 2.0 where by there is in 15 information going in and out • Presenter talks to the camera about • emphasise the revolution • showing loads of people now getting involved with 15 • videos going viral nam cat video Secs using the web. • Videos of people copying it • Montage footage of ‘YouTube’ celebrities (online videos) and a fast increase in views followed by Secs • • With footage of cats watching it Voiceover explaining subscribers. • Voiceover by presenter informing the Web 2.0 basics where people can comment, post and then become part of someone else's posts – e.g the subscribers – be a part of what they do
  • 10. Structure for 5 minute Documentary Last 10-20 Seconds (preview to after the break) • Presenter introduces a • Presenter voiceover on top of 5 5 the filter carrying on the new new way of Web 3.0 Secs Secs term algorithms • Animation of filter bubles 5 • Things are put in then things Secs are taken out
  • 24. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 1 Outside the ‘Living Establishing shot. Internet Café. N/A N/A N/A Space’ internet café. 2 A shot of someone's Close-up. Internet café. Random person. Keyboard. N/A hands on a keyboard at a computer desk. 3 Outside the BBC Establishing shot. BBC Studio. N/A N/A N/A studio. 4 People walking Establishing shot. Trafalgar The general N/A N/A around Trafalgar Square. public. Square – Fast motion. 5 A screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A footage uploading onto YouTube. 6 People walking into Establishing shot. VUE Cinema. General public. N/A N/A the cinema to watch a film. 7 Screen shot of a Close-up. N/A N/A T.V N/A programme showing a hash tag for viewers.
  • 25. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 8 A billboard of an Establishing shot. Central N/A N/A N/A advert in the street. London. 9 Screen shot of ‘Dig’ Close-up. N/A N/A N/A N/A button. 10 Magazine shelf in a Long shot. Corner shop. N/A N/A N/A corner shop. 11 A shot of the XFactor Close-up. N/A N/A iPhone. N/A App on an iPhone. 12 Video report of copy- Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A cat murder. (‘Coronation Street’) 13 Clip from ‘Coronation Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A Street’ – Murder scene. 14 Animation of Close-up N/A N/A Pyramid N/A hierarchy of the drawing and media industry. cartoon cut- outs.
  • 26. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 15 Media section in the Close-up. N/A N/A Pyramid N/A hierarchy, with drawing and different media cartoon cut- platforms. outs. 16 Ideology section in Close-up. N/A N/A Pyramid N/A the hierarchy, with drawing and different stereotypes. cartoon cut- outs. 17 Ideology section in Close-up. N/A N/A Pyramid N/A the hierarchy, with drawing and different stereotypes cartoon cut- going in. outs. 18 Prezi animation of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A 2012 hype. 19 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A someone's twitter feed. 20 Shot of two people on Mid Shot. At a House. N/A IPads. N/A ‘FaceTime’ 21 Shot of two people on Mid Shot. At a House. N/A IPads. N/A ‘FaceTime’
  • 27. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 22 YouTube clip of a film Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A trailer. ‘Life Of Pi’ 23 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A comments under the video and increasing views. 24 Screen shot of the Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A share button being hit for the trailer. 25 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A Rahel. Computer. N/A Rahel’s Facebook page posting the trailer. 26 Screen shot of post Extreme close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A button on Facebook. 27 Screen shot of trailer Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A being re-blogged. ‘Dig’ Button. 28 Presenter talking to Mid shot. Ealing Presenter. N/A Formal the camera, weighing Broadway. cardigan and out what's democratic skirt with coat. or hegemonic.
  • 28. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 29 Public interview with Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 30 Public interview with Close-up. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 31 Public interview with Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 32 Public interview with Close-up. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 33 Public interview with Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 34 Public interview with Close-up. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square.
  • 29. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 35 Presenter asking the Mid shot. Outside Presenter. N/A Formal viewers three Internet Café. cardigan and rhetorical questions. skirt with coat. 36 Shot of puppets Close-up. N/A N/A Puppet cut- N/A being controlled by outs & different social media computer sites. screen of stage. 37 Shot of puppets Close-up. N/A N/A Puppet cut- N/A being controlled by outs & different social media computer sites. – Tile of doc screen of appears. stage. 38 Outside the ‘Living Establishing shot. Internet Café. N/A N/A N/A Space’ internet café. 39 Long shot of Long shot. Internet Café. Presenter. Computer, Formal presenter sitting in a desk and cardigan and computer chair chair. skirt with coat. speaking to camera. 40 Presenter gets up off Long shot. Internet Café. Presenter. Computer, Formal the chair. desk and cardigan and chair. skirt with coat. 41 Presenter walks Long shot. Internet Café. Presenter. Computer, Formal towards camera and desk and cardigan and camera backs up. chair. skirt with coat.
  • 30. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 42 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘Facebook’ newsfeed. 43 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘Twitter’ newsfeed. 44 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘’. 45 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘Facebook’ status box – Statistics being typed in. 46 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘Facebook’ status box – Statistics being typed in. 47 Public interview with Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 48 Public interview with Close-up. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square.
  • 31. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 49 Public interview with Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 50 Public interview with Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 51 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A Rahel. Computer. N/A Rahel’s Facebook – Page appearing on newsfeed as an option to ‘Like’ 52 Screen shot of ‘Like’ Close-up. N/A Rahel. Computer. N/A button being pushed. 53 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A Rahel. Computer. N/A Rahel’s newsfeed with new groups appearing. 54 Before and after Close-up. N/A Rahel. Computer. N/A screen shot of how the newsfeed has now changed due to the page. 55 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘Tumbler’ writing box, with statistics being typed in.
  • 32. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 56 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘Tumbler’ writing box, with statistics being typed in. 57 Presenter talking to Mid shot. Ealing Presenter. N/A Formal the viewers about Broadway. cardigan and social networking skirt with coat. sites. 58 Screen shot of Web Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A 1.0 animation on ‘Prezi’ 59 Interview with an Mid shot. Convent of Sociology N/A N/A expert on the Jesus & Mary teacher. ‘Upsurge’ theory. Language Collage 60 Interview with an Long shot. Convent of Sociology N/A N/A expert on the Jesus & Mary teacher. ‘Upsurge’ theory. Language Collage 61 Screen shot of Prezi Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A animation with embedded clip. 62 Animation of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A information not going into a computer.
  • 33. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 63 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘YouTube’ clip on Web 1.0. 64 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘YouTube’ clip on Web 1.0. 65 Public interview with Close-up. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 66 Public interview with Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 67 Public interview with Long shot. Trafalgar General public N/A For presenter person in Trafalgar Square. and presenter. only. Square along with the presenter. 68 Public interview with Close-up. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A person in Trafalgar Square. Square. 69 Screen shot of Prezi Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A animation moving to Web 2.0
  • 34. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 70 Animation of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A information being accepted into a computer. 71 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘YouTube’ celebrity. 72 Fades into another Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘YouTube’ celebrity video clip. 73 Fades into another Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘YouTube’ celebrity video clip. 74 Screen shot & Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A animation of number of views increasing. (Fast motion) 75 Screen shot & Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A animation of number of subscribers increasing. (Fast motion) 76 Public interview on Close-up. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A Web 2.0. Square.
  • 35. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 77 Public interview on Mid shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A Web 2.0. Square. 78 Public interview on Long shot. Trafalgar General public. N/A N/A Web 2.0. Square. 79 Prezi animation Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A timeline moves to ‘Social Media. 80 Screen shot of ‘Digg’ Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A website 81 Screen shot of Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A ‘Tumbler’ page – someone making a post. 82 Presenter introduces Mid shot. Ealing Presenter. N/A Formal what the ‘Nam Cat’ Broadway. cardigan and craze is. skirt with coat. 83 Screen shot of ‘Nam Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A Cat’ cycle on Prezi.
  • 36. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 89 Screen shot of ‘Nam Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A Cat’ video on ‘YouTube’. 90 Screen shot of Prezi Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A cycle moving to stage 2. 91 Screen shot of cat Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A watching the ‘Nam Cat’ video. 92 Screen shot of Prezi Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A cycle moving to stage 3. 93 Screen shot of a Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A different version of the ‘Nam Cat’ video. 94 Screen shot of a Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A different version of the ‘Nam Cat’ video. 95 Screen shot of a Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A different version of the ‘Nam Cat’ video.
  • 37. Shot List Shot: Scene: Shot Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Description: 96 Presenter introduces Mid shot. Ealing Presenter. N/A Formal what is coming up Broadway. cardigan and after the break. skirt with coat. 97 Animation of an Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A empty filter bubble 98 Animation of a filter Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A bubble with things inside and outside 99 Animation of filter Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A bubble with things inside but not outside.