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Assignment 12 (ii) –
       Planning for Documentary
           Kaya Sumbland

            Gledis Dedaj

             Rahel Fasil

            Joanne Aroda
Structure For Whole Series
Episode:         Introduction:               Beginning:                     Middle:                          End:
                 (First 2 Mins)              (15 Mins)                      (15 Mins)                        (15 Mins)
                 -   Presenter               - History of the Web.          - Social networking sites.       - What algorithms are
                     introducing the         - How it has evolved.          - Statistics on how far the        and how they work.
‘Social Media’       episode on social       - The way we communicate         world has become
                     networking and            has been revolutionised.       obsessed with them.            - How algorithms are
  – Part One         social Media.           - Interviews with older        - How this makes for a             used to subtly
                 -   Show supporting           generation on their            perfect tool, for                control or
                     footage of YouTube,       experiences of how the         controlling views and            manipulate society.
                     Google, Facebook,         Web has progressed.            ideologies.
                     Blogs with voiceover                                   - E.g. Hash-tag : ‘Twitter’ on
                     of statistics.                                           TV
                 - The different types of    - Wikipedia's and Blogs.       - How we think we are            - Does technological
                   social Media              - How they generate their        being given various              convergence aid a
‘Social Media’     platforms.                  own information.               choices, however these           democratic media
                 - The way that they use     - Blogs are not censored         choices are provided by          landscape or does it
  – Part Two       algorithms to cater to      (Freedom of speech)            higher powers who                enforce a
                   the individual varies.                                     determine your search            hegemonic one.
                 - How society is fighting                                    results.
                   against a hegemonic                                      - E.g. ‘Online Dating’ : Your
                   media platform.                                            match is determined for
                 - How are we influenced     - Films : Used to install      - How stereotypes have           - The news and how
                   by the things that we       certain ideologies within      become hegemonic                 people have no
                   watch?                      society or promote these       through someone's                control over what is
   ‘Film &       - How it has been             ideologies.                    dictation of script.             shown.
 Television’       integrated into           - Examples of specific films   - This is liked to the           - What is shown on
                   everyday television.        that have influence the        propaganda used in WW1           the news is
                                               world the most alongside       and WW2 to promote the           specifically chosen
                                               with statistics.               Nazi Regime.                     for a certain
Choice of Episode

The episode we will focus on is…

We chose this episode because…

• It was intriguing of all our subtopics

• It would be easiest to get footage for

• It’s the most progressive form of media
Structure for Episode

Episode      Introduction           Introduction              Beginning                  Middle                   End
                 (1st   2 min)           (1 min)           ‘Revolution of The           ‘Social               ‘Algorithms’
                                                                 Web’               Networking Sites’
                                                                                                             • Then introduce
                                                          • First subtopic is the
                                    • Presenter                                                                algorithms and
                                                            Revolution of the
                                      introducing the                                                          how they are a
            • Presenter talking                             Web.                    • Show examples of
                                      episode on social                                                        tool used to
              about the whole                                                         how they are
                                      networking                                                               subtly control
              documentary, the                            • This will include         applied. E.g.
  Social                              (Facebook,                                                               society.
              purpose etc...                                public interview at       Rahel’s Facebook
                                      YouTube and
 Media-       Montage footage                               Trafalgar square          liking pages and its
                                                                                                             • We will have
                                      Twitter)                                        affect on her news
   The        of people                                     (older generation) to
                                      including                                                                expert
              interacting with                              ask how it changed.       feed.
Hegemonic                             statistics.                                                              interviews
              different forms of                                                                               (technicians)
Puppeteer     media.                                      • Show a time line        • Public interviews
                                                                                                               and public ones
                                    • Show supporting                                 and statistics.
                                                            animation of the
                                      footage of                                                               at Trafalgar
            • E.g. internet,                                growth.                                            square.
                                      YouTube (Clips of                             • E.g. Facebook,
              phones, TV…
                                      YouTube Celebs),
              Including                                   • The stages of Web 1,      YouTube, Twitter,
                                      Google,                                                                • Show examples
              establishing shot.                            2 and 3 – How have        Social News and
                                      Facebook, with                                                           of how we
                                                            they developed or         Vimeo.
                                      voiceover of                                                             receive
                                      statistics.                                                              different
                                                                                                               search results.
Structure for 5 minute Documentary
2 Minute Introduction (Series)
15 secs: Show establishing shot of people walking (fast motion) with statistics followed
         by shots of Internet café users.

15 secs: iPhone - close up of its uses (Google), shot of the TV showing hashtag to share
         their views.

15 secs: Presenter introduces herself and what she will be exploring throughout the
         documentary series.

15 secs: Presenter goes through the different types of media.

15 secs: Presenter talking about how we are influenced by what we watch and how
         higher powers use this as a form of control.

15 secs: Show case study of the boy who killed his mum mimicking the soap ‘Coronation
         Street’, with archival footage of news broadcast.

15 secs: Presenter discusses the two sides of the debate. (hegemonic or democratic)

15 secs: She asks 3 rhetorical questions, finishing on the documentary series title
         question, followed by an animation of the title.
Structure for 5 minute Documentary

1 Minute Introduction (Episode)

30 secs: Presenter inside Internet Café, gets up and walks out while talking about
         different platforms of social media.

15 secs: How Facebook also caters to the individual through their ‘News Feed’- With
         voice-over. (Example of real Facebook page.)

15 secs: Statistics of how far people have become obsessed with social networking, thus
         making it the perfect tool to control people.
Structure for 5 minute Documentary
2 Minute (To Focus On First Subtopic Of Episode)
15 secs: Animation of a time-line of how the internet has progressed – Web 1.0
         qualities (sociological theory ‘upsurge’) how it was hegemonic (Information
         comes out but none come in)

15 secs: Presenter talks about examples – Social news, online dating, Wikipedia etc…

15 secs: Animation moves to Web 2.0 () Montage footage of ‘YouTube’ celebrities
         (online videos) – Animation of number of views increasing. Alongside will be a
         voiceover by presenter.

15 secs: Public interview – quoted significant things they say on Web 2.0

15 secs: Lastly Web 3.0 (Future)Presenter informs on the filter bubble with a ‘bubble’
         animation to show them Example of two different people typing in the same
         thing into Google and receiving different search results.

15 secs: Expert interview on the future of Web 3.0 and algorithms.
Structure for 5 minute Documentary
Last 10-20 Seconds (preview to next episode)
5 secs: Examples of audience fighting back, via, blogs, wiki’s and social news

15 secs: show clip of voting on social news sights to show democracy – Presenter
         explains how society is fighting against a hegemonic media platform.
Script – First Half
Script – First Half
Shot List – First Half

Time:           Scene:              Shot Description:      Location:      Characters:         Props:    Costume:

        People walking around       Establishing shot.   Trafalgar        The general   N/A            N/A
00:05   Trafalgar Square – Fast                          Square.          public.

        Statistics on screen with   Long shot.           Trafalgar        The general   N/A            N/A
00:10   background image of                              Square.          public.
        people walking around
        Trafalgar Square – Fast

        People on using             Long shot.           Internet Café.   The general   N/A            N/A
00:15   computers inside an                                               public.
        Internet Café.

        N/A                         Close-up ‘Google’    N/A              N/A           iPhone.        N/A
00:20                               homepage.
Shot List – First Half

Time:           Scene:              Shot Description:     Location:       Characters:         Props:     Costume:

        N/A                         Close-up of TV      Living room.      N/A           TV             N/A
00:25                               screen.

        Presenter inside Internet   Mid shot.           Internet Café.    Presenter.    N/A            Formal top and
00:40   Café walking out.                                                                              skirt with a coat.

        Presenter walking out of    Long shot           Internet Café /   Presenter.    N/A            Formal top and
01:45   the Internet Café.                              Street.                                        skirt with a coat.
Shot List – First Half

Time:           Scene:              Shot Description:       Location:       Characters:         Props:     Costume:

        Presenter standing          Mid shot.             Internet Café.    Presenter.    N/A            Formal top and
01:45   outside Internet Café                                                                            skirt with a coat.
        talking to the camera.

        Clip from News Report.      Close-up of Screen.   N/A               N/A           Television.    N/A

        Archival footage of news    Close-up of Screen.   N/A               N/A           Television.    N/A
01:50   report.

        Presenter standing in the   Mid shot.             Central London.   Presenter.    N/A            Formal top and
01:55   street talking to the                                                                            skirt with a coat.
Shot List – First Half

Time:           Scene:              Shot Description:     Location:      Characters:           Props:     Costume:

        List of what is             Close-up.           N/A              Voice-over of   N/A            N/A
01:58   democratic and what is                                           Presenter.
        hegemonic about the
        media landscape.

        Presenter inside Internet   Mid shot.           Internet Café.   Presenter.      N/A            Formal top and
02:05   café talking to the                                                                             skirt with a coat.
        camera while walking.

        Presenter walking out of    Long shot.          Internet Café.   Presenter.      N/A            Formal top and
02:10   the internet Café.                                                                              skirt with a coat.
Shot List – First Half

Time:            Scene:              Shot Description:    Location:   Characters:      Props:    Costume:

         Facebook user page.         Close-up.           N/A          N/A           Computer.   N/A

         Animation of statistics     N/A                 N/A          N/A           Computer.   N/A
02:10    on Facebook users.

         Animation of titles –       Close-up.           N/A          N/A           Computer.   N/A
02:15-   How the internet is the
         perfect tool for control.
                                        Shot                                         Art dept
Time           Scene                                     Location   Characters                     Costume
                                     Description                                      /Props
       ‘Liking’ a page on          Screen Recording      Media      Presenter        • Mac       N/A
 15    Facebook, showing           from the Mac using    Room -     voiceover
secs   how it affects your         Quick Time            Mac        describing the
       feed, and information                                        effects and
       given on FB                                                  what its doing
       The presenter is            Mid shot              Living     Presenter        • N/A       • Brown/beige
 5     flowing talking on the                            space                                     coat
secs   statistics from the                               internet                                • Skirt
       public                                            cafe                                    • Converse
                                                                                                 • cardigan

       Statistics are written on   Statistics are        Media      Presenter        • Mac       N/A
 10    the screen on               written in Facebook   Room -     Voiceover
secs   hegemony and                comment boxes,        Mac
       democracy                   uploaded on blogs…
       An animation starting       Close up of           Media      • Presenter      • Picture   • Clear beige
 15    from Web 1.0 , with         drawings being        Room         voiceover        s           nail varnish
secs   sociological theory –       moved around in
       including visuals it and    fast motion to show              • Hand
       information coming out      it visually                        model -
       of a computer and                                              Gledis
       none going in
                                      Shot                                      Art dept
Time           Scene                                   Location   Characters                  Costume
                                   Description                                   /Props
       Examples of upsurge in    Screen Recording      Media      Presenter     • Mac       N/A
 5     the 90’s                  from the Mac using    Room -     voiceover
secs   showing picking boxes     Quick Time            Mac
       for online dating sight
       Followed showing          Screen Recording      Living     Presenter     • Mac       N/A
 5     someone clicking to       from the Mac using    space      voiceover
secs   edit on Wikipedia         Quick Time            internet
       Lastly writing or         Screen Recording      Media      Presenter     • Mac       N/A
 5     publishing story on       from the Mac using    Room -     Voiceover
secs   social news sites         Quick Time            Mac

                                 Close up of           Media      • Presenter   • Picture   • Clear beige
 5     Timeline animation        drawings being        Room         voiceover     s           nail varnish
secs   moves to Web 2.0          moved around in
                                 fast motion to show              • Hand
                                 it visually                        model -
       An edited video of        Screen Recording      Media      • Presenter   • Mac       N/A
 10    YouTube subscriber's      from Mac using        Room         Voiceover
secs   and views increasing      Quick Time
       and many video’s
       coming on the screen
                                      Shot                                       Art dept
Time           Scene                                   Location    Characters                  Costume
                                   Description                                    /Props
       Public shot significant   Two shot with         Trafalgar   Public        N/A         • Brown/beige
 4     ‘quote’ from interview    public and            square                                  coat
secs   on Web 2.0                presenter                         Presenter                 • Skirt
                                                                                             • Converse
                                                                                             • cardigan
       Public shot significant   Close up of the       Trafalgar   Pubic         N/A         N/A
 6     ‘quote’ from interview    public                square
secs   on Web 2.0

       Public shot significant   Mid shot of the       Trafalgar   Public        N/A         N/A
 5     ‘quote’ from interview    public                square
secs   on Web 2.0

       An animation              Close up of           Media       • Presenter   • Picture   • Clear beige
 2     introducing and           drawings being        Room          voiceover     s           nail varnish
secs   followed from Web 2.0     moved around in
       – to Web 3.0              fast motion to show               • Hand
                                 it visually                         model -
       Presenter is explaining   Full body shot        Living      • Presenter   • N/A       • Brown/beige
 3     to the audience what a                          Space                                   coat
secs   filter bubble is                                                                      • Skirt
                                                                                             • Converse
                                                                                             • cardigan
                                       Shot                                           Art dept
Time           Scene                                    Location   Characters                     Costume
                                    Description                                        /Props
       Information coming out     Screen shot           Media      Presenter      Mac             • N/A
 3     of a bubble surrounded                           Room       voiceover
secs   by many others

       Two Google searches        Split screen of       Media      Presenter      Mac             N/A
 7     presenting two             screen recording      Room       voiceover
secs   different search results   using QuickTime

       Expert interview on        Mid shot with name    Convent    Professional   •    Paper      N/A
 15    web 3.0 and algorithms     and profession in                technician     •    Desk
secs                              left corner                                     •    computer

       how audience are           Screen recording      Media      • Presenter    •    Mac        N/a
 5     fighting back on blogs ,   using QuickTime       Room         voiceover
secs   wiki’s and social news

       Clip of voting on a        Screen recording      Media      • Presenter    • Mac           N/A
 5     social news site           using QuickTime       Room         voiceover
       Presenter carry’s on       Long shot – walking   Living     • Presenter    • N/A           • Brown/be
 5     explaining how             into a mid shot       Space                                       ige coat
secs   audience fight back                                                                        • Skirt
                                                                                                  • Converse
                                                                                                  • cardigan

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Assignment 12 (ii)_-_planning_for_documentary

  • 1. Assignment 12 (ii) – Planning for Documentary Kaya Sumbland Gledis Dedaj Rahel Fasil Joanne Aroda
  • 2. Structure For Whole Series Episode: Introduction: Beginning: Middle: End: (First 2 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) - Presenter - History of the Web. - Social networking sites. - What algorithms are introducing the - How it has evolved. - Statistics on how far the and how they work. ‘Social Media’ episode on social - The way we communicate world has become networking and has been revolutionised. obsessed with them. - How algorithms are – Part One social Media. - Interviews with older - How this makes for a used to subtly - Show supporting generation on their perfect tool, for control or footage of YouTube, experiences of how the controlling views and manipulate society. Google, Facebook, Web has progressed. ideologies. Blogs with voiceover - E.g. Hash-tag : ‘Twitter’ on of statistics. TV - The different types of - Wikipedia's and Blogs. - How we think we are - Does technological social Media - How they generate their being given various convergence aid a ‘Social Media’ platforms. own information. choices, however these democratic media - The way that they use - Blogs are not censored choices are provided by landscape or does it – Part Two algorithms to cater to (Freedom of speech) higher powers who enforce a the individual varies. determine your search hegemonic one. - How society is fighting results. against a hegemonic - E.g. ‘Online Dating’ : Your media platform. match is determined for you. - How are we influenced - Films : Used to install - How stereotypes have - The news and how by the things that we certain ideologies within become hegemonic people have no watch? society or promote these through someone's control over what is ‘Film & - How it has been ideologies. dictation of script. shown. Television’ integrated into - Examples of specific films - This is liked to the - What is shown on everyday television. that have influence the propaganda used in WW1 the news is world the most alongside and WW2 to promote the specifically chosen with statistics. Nazi Regime. for a certain representation.
  • 3. Choice of Episode The episode we will focus on is… We chose this episode because… • It was intriguing of all our subtopics • It would be easiest to get footage for • It’s the most progressive form of media
  • 4. Structure for Episode Episode Introduction Introduction Beginning Middle End (1st 2 min) (1 min) ‘Revolution of The ‘Social ‘Algorithms’ Web’ Networking Sites’ • Then introduce • First subtopic is the • Presenter algorithms and Revolution of the introducing the how they are a • Presenter talking Web. • Show examples of episode on social tool used to about the whole how they are networking subtly control documentary, the • This will include applied. E.g. Social (Facebook, society. purpose etc... public interview at Rahel’s Facebook YouTube and Media- Montage footage Trafalgar square liking pages and its • We will have Twitter) affect on her news The of people (older generation) to including expert interacting with ask how it changed. feed. Hegemonic statistics. interviews different forms of (technicians) Puppeteer media. • Show a time line • Public interviews and public ones • Show supporting and statistics. animation of the footage of at Trafalgar • E.g. internet, growth. square. YouTube (Clips of • E.g. Facebook, phones, TV… YouTube Celebs), Including • The stages of Web 1, YouTube, Twitter, Google, • Show examples establishing shot. 2 and 3 – How have Social News and Facebook, with of how we they developed or Vimeo. voiceover of receive progressed. statistics. different search results.
  • 5. Structure for 5 minute Documentary 2 Minute Introduction (Series) 15 secs: Show establishing shot of people walking (fast motion) with statistics followed by shots of Internet café users. 15 secs: iPhone - close up of its uses (Google), shot of the TV showing hashtag to share their views. 15 secs: Presenter introduces herself and what she will be exploring throughout the documentary series. 15 secs: Presenter goes through the different types of media. 15 secs: Presenter talking about how we are influenced by what we watch and how higher powers use this as a form of control. 15 secs: Show case study of the boy who killed his mum mimicking the soap ‘Coronation Street’, with archival footage of news broadcast. 15 secs: Presenter discusses the two sides of the debate. (hegemonic or democratic) 15 secs: She asks 3 rhetorical questions, finishing on the documentary series title question, followed by an animation of the title.
  • 6. Structure for 5 minute Documentary 1 Minute Introduction (Episode) 30 secs: Presenter inside Internet Café, gets up and walks out while talking about different platforms of social media. 15 secs: How Facebook also caters to the individual through their ‘News Feed’- With voice-over. (Example of real Facebook page.) 15 secs: Statistics of how far people have become obsessed with social networking, thus making it the perfect tool to control people.
  • 7. Structure for 5 minute Documentary 2 Minute (To Focus On First Subtopic Of Episode) 15 secs: Animation of a time-line of how the internet has progressed – Web 1.0 qualities (sociological theory ‘upsurge’) how it was hegemonic (Information comes out but none come in) 15 secs: Presenter talks about examples – Social news, online dating, Wikipedia etc… 15 secs: Animation moves to Web 2.0 () Montage footage of ‘YouTube’ celebrities (online videos) – Animation of number of views increasing. Alongside will be a voiceover by presenter. 15 secs: Public interview – quoted significant things they say on Web 2.0 15 secs: Lastly Web 3.0 (Future)Presenter informs on the filter bubble with a ‘bubble’ animation to show them Example of two different people typing in the same thing into Google and receiving different search results. 15 secs: Expert interview on the future of Web 3.0 and algorithms.
  • 8. Structure for 5 minute Documentary Last 10-20 Seconds (preview to next episode) 5 secs: Examples of audience fighting back, via, blogs, wiki’s and social news 15 secs: show clip of voting on social news sights to show democracy – Presenter explains how society is fighting against a hegemonic media platform.
  • 19. Shot List – First Half Time: Scene: Shot Description: Location: Characters: Props: Costume: People walking around Establishing shot. Trafalgar The general N/A N/A 00:05 Trafalgar Square – Fast Square. public. motion. Statistics on screen with Long shot. Trafalgar The general N/A N/A 00:10 background image of Square. public. people walking around Trafalgar Square – Fast motion. People on using Long shot. Internet Café. The general N/A N/A 00:15 computers inside an public. Internet Café. N/A Close-up ‘Google’ N/A N/A iPhone. N/A 00:20 homepage.
  • 20. Shot List – First Half Time: Scene: Shot Description: Location: Characters: Props: Costume: N/A Close-up of TV Living room. N/A TV N/A 00:25 screen. Presenter inside Internet Mid shot. Internet Café. Presenter. N/A Formal top and 00:40 Café walking out. skirt with a coat. Presenter walking out of Long shot Internet Café / Presenter. N/A Formal top and 01:45 the Internet Café. Street. skirt with a coat.
  • 21. Shot List – First Half Time: Scene: Shot Description: Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Presenter standing Mid shot. Internet Café. Presenter. N/A Formal top and 01:45 outside Internet Café skirt with a coat. talking to the camera. Clip from News Report. Close-up of Screen. N/A N/A Television. N/A 01:47 Archival footage of news Close-up of Screen. N/A N/A Television. N/A 01:50 report. Presenter standing in the Mid shot. Central London. Presenter. N/A Formal top and 01:55 street talking to the skirt with a coat. camera.
  • 22. Shot List – First Half Time: Scene: Shot Description: Location: Characters: Props: Costume: List of what is Close-up. N/A Voice-over of N/A N/A 01:58 democratic and what is Presenter. hegemonic about the media landscape. Presenter inside Internet Mid shot. Internet Café. Presenter. N/A Formal top and 02:05 café talking to the skirt with a coat. camera while walking. Presenter walking out of Long shot. Internet Café. Presenter. N/A Formal top and 02:10 the internet Café. skirt with a coat.
  • 23. Shot List – First Half Time: Scene: Shot Description: Location: Characters: Props: Costume: Facebook user page. Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A 02:15 Animation of statistics N/A N/A N/A Computer. N/A 02:10 on Facebook users. Animation of titles – Close-up. N/A N/A Computer. N/A 02:15- How the internet is the perfect tool for control. 30
  • 24. Shotlist Shot Art dept Time Scene Location Characters Costume Description /Props ‘Liking’ a page on Screen Recording Media Presenter • Mac N/A 15 Facebook, showing from the Mac using Room - voiceover secs how it affects your Quick Time Mac describing the feed, and information effects and given on FB what its doing The presenter is Mid shot Living Presenter • N/A • Brown/beige 5 flowing talking on the space coat secs statistics from the internet • Skirt public cafe • Converse • cardigan Statistics are written on Statistics are Media Presenter • Mac N/A 10 the screen on written in Facebook Room - Voiceover secs hegemony and comment boxes, Mac democracy uploaded on blogs… An animation starting Close up of Media • Presenter • Picture • Clear beige 15 from Web 1.0 , with drawings being Room voiceover s nail varnish secs sociological theory – moved around in including visuals it and fast motion to show • Hand information coming out it visually model - of a computer and Gledis none going in
  • 25. Shotlist Shot Art dept Time Scene Location Characters Costume Description /Props Examples of upsurge in Screen Recording Media Presenter • Mac N/A 5 the 90’s from the Mac using Room - voiceover secs showing picking boxes Quick Time Mac for online dating sight Followed showing Screen Recording Living Presenter • Mac N/A 5 someone clicking to from the Mac using space voiceover secs edit on Wikipedia Quick Time internet cafe Lastly writing or Screen Recording Media Presenter • Mac N/A 5 publishing story on from the Mac using Room - Voiceover secs social news sites Quick Time Mac Close up of Media • Presenter • Picture • Clear beige 5 Timeline animation drawings being Room voiceover s nail varnish secs moves to Web 2.0 moved around in fast motion to show • Hand it visually model - Gledis An edited video of Screen Recording Media • Presenter • Mac N/A 10 YouTube subscriber's from Mac using Room Voiceover secs and views increasing Quick Time and many video’s coming on the screen
  • 26. Shotlist Shot Art dept Time Scene Location Characters Costume Description /Props Public shot significant Two shot with Trafalgar Public N/A • Brown/beige 4 ‘quote’ from interview public and square coat secs on Web 2.0 presenter Presenter • Skirt • Converse • cardigan Public shot significant Close up of the Trafalgar Pubic N/A N/A 6 ‘quote’ from interview public square secs on Web 2.0 Public shot significant Mid shot of the Trafalgar Public N/A N/A 5 ‘quote’ from interview public square secs on Web 2.0 An animation Close up of Media • Presenter • Picture • Clear beige 2 introducing and drawings being Room voiceover s nail varnish secs followed from Web 2.0 moved around in – to Web 3.0 fast motion to show • Hand it visually model - Gledis Presenter is explaining Full body shot Living • Presenter • N/A • Brown/beige 3 to the audience what a Space coat secs filter bubble is • Skirt • Converse • cardigan
  • 27. Shotlist Shot Art dept Time Scene Location Characters Costume Description /Props Information coming out Screen shot Media Presenter Mac • N/A 3 of a bubble surrounded Room voiceover secs by many others Two Google searches Split screen of Media Presenter Mac N/A 7 presenting two screen recording Room voiceover secs different search results using QuickTime Expert interview on Mid shot with name Convent Professional • Paper N/A 15 web 3.0 and algorithms and profession in technician • Desk secs left corner • computer how audience are Screen recording Media • Presenter • Mac N/a 5 fighting back on blogs , using QuickTime Room voiceover secs wiki’s and social news Clip of voting on a Screen recording Media • Presenter • Mac N/A 5 social news site using QuickTime Room voiceover secs Presenter carry’s on Long shot – walking Living • Presenter • N/A • Brown/be 5 explaining how into a mid shot Space ige coat secs audience fight back • Skirt • Converse • cardigan