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Assessment Process
The following table may be used to aid your completion of this unit. Alternatively, you may want to
record your knowledge and understanding in an assignment type format. If you choose the
assignment format, please make reference to the criteria numbers in the margins adjacent to relevant
Record your responses in the spaces that follow each set of bullet points. The table will expand as
you type.
Although some questions may appear similar, there are subtle differences that need to be considered
if you are sign–posting one answer to another.
Criteria Number
Assessment Criteria
Explain the functions of assessment:
Why is assessment carried out?
What is the purpose of assessment?
What does assessment measure?
What ... Show more content on ...
Range of experience and understanding
How to involve expert witnesses
Summarise the types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in
the assessment process e.g.:
Skills analysis outcomes
Explain how peer and self–assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and
personal responsibility in the assessment of learning?
Development of analytical skills
Understanding of specifications
Self reflection of own performance
Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners e.g.
Time consideration, work/shift patterns etc.
Confidentiality issues
Consideration of learning styles
Variation of assessment methods
Explain how to judge whether evidence is:
Sufficient – Are the requirements met and how do you know?
Authentic – Is it the learner's own work and how do you know?
Current – Have the working practices around that activity changed since the evidence was
Explain how to ensure that assessment decisions are:
Made against specified criteria – Refer to your standards
Valid – Accurately measured using a method that suits the situation
Reliable – Ensuring the same results regardless of who is assessing
Fair – That equality
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Essay on Ostrich Meat Future Contract
Future contract #1 Ostrich meat 1. This is a future contract of 60,000 lbs. ostrich meat traded in
$0.0001/lb. in Dec., Mar., Jul. and Sep. The seller has to deliver USDA frozen 75–100 pound Grade
A ostrich carcasses. The daily Price cannot be $0.05/lb. above or below the previous day's settlement
price. 2. i) According to world – ostrich organization (–,
the current demand for ostrich meat is way far more than supply. Therefore, there will be a
constantly increase in the price of ostrich meat. Investors are reluctant to take short positions of
ostrich meat futures; however, there would be a lot of people willing to take long positions. Thus,
the long positions will be in far excess of short ... Show more content on ...
It is too large for retailers of ostrich meat. ii) As the ostrich meat is not a popular kind of meat, the
traded market has not enough liquidity, creating wide bid/ask spreads and excessive volatility. Only
really expert on ostrich meat will trade on the contract. iii) The delivery method is particularly
important for commodities that involve significant transportation costs. However, the delivery
method in the contract is not mentioned and may cause confusion. 5. We recommend that the
contract not be accepted based on the point (2–4). I) the ostrich meat is not a popular kind of meat;
the traded market has not enough liquidity, creating wide bid/ask spreads and excessive volatility.
There will be few potential investors. To improve this we recommend changing the underlying asset
into a common kind of meat like pork and beef. II) The delivery method in the contract is not
specific and may cause confusion. To improve this contract, it needs to include detailed method of
delivery. Future contract #2 Credit Card Receivables Security Future Contract 1. This is a contract
from credit card receivables securitization, a kind of bonds finance collateralized by credit card
receivables. Every Contract of security has a face value at maturity of $100,000 and will mature in
2.5 to 5 years. The price of the contract changes by 1/32 a point but cannot be 3 points above or
below the previous day's
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Bronfenbrenner : Theoretical Frameworks
.10 Theoretical framework
The ecological frameworks theory created by Bronfenbrenner (1979) guided the study. This theory
concentrates on the way that learners develop at the focal point of interconnected relationships and
environments that all impact their development. In this study, the environment is the school and it
goes about as a framework involving components which work in agreement amid the process of
orientation and mobility training.
Bronfenbrenner (1979) accords moderately equal significance to both the environment and the
developing individual; for him development is adequately the developing cooperation between the
variables. In connection to this, it is viewed that for adequate learning and training in orientation and
mobility, various variables need to cooperate for its success. These incorporate time, joint effort,
administration, perceptions and policies. The fundamental unit of investigation for Bronfenbrenner
is the two person framework, a fact which itself shows a sense of duty regarding not seeing the
subject of development in social segregation.
Chronosystem; Bronfenbrenner counts the measure of time. Time is significant as it involves the
designing of environmental activities. This is interpreted as meaning that for orientation and
mobility training to occur there ought to be arrangement of time. This planning will give the span
for training.
Microsystem; these alludes to the exercises and connections that happen in the individual's prompt
setting. Learners are impacted by the general population in their Microsystems. In this sense the
perception of the learner towards orientation and mobility is of prime significance as this will make
the child be inspired or not to be trained to acquire the skills of independent travel. Exosystem;
Team work is imperative in the advancement as well as execution of orientation and mobility
instruction. Mesosystem; these implies to the affiliations or interrelations among such Microsystems
as homes, school and peer group. Bronfenbrenner contends that development is inclined to be
improved by solid, steady connections among Microsystems. This is the place where the teacher–
pupil ratio falls. Macrosystem; this is an expansive belief framework
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How Self Managed Learning Can Improve Deep Rooted Development
In today world personal education is considered important while before, here individuals went to
schools, completed, went to work; and quit examining totally. Individuals these days precede with
their learning even, when they have finished with college, retain with new information to enhance
their aptitudes and make a convention of lifelong learning.
Personal and professional development is the most essential idea for the long haul vocation
development. It is the procedure to setup the point in life. Everybody ought to create personal and
professional development plan to discover what are the obliged ability is fundamental for the long
haul development in life. Education is the starting phase of our life to obtain information and
aptitude and professional life is stage where we can implement those learning and expertise,
Professional life is additionally help us to upgrade our current ability and learning.
Self–managed learning is a capable procedure that could help people on their study way with
numerous compelling techniques. This report first notes how self–managed learning can improve
deep rooted development by assessing approaches to self–managed learning, courses in which long
lasting learning in personal and professional connections can be supported, and the advantages of
self–managed learning to the individual and association. From that point, the report remarks upon
my own present aptitudes and skills. These are assessed against professional measures and those of
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Speech On Being Self Aware
students. I provided office hours addressing any questions or concerns they may have or just general
chit chat and this was a language school and every opportunity was an opportunity to speak English.
Being Present 1. When I arrived to class I expected myself and my students to be fully present. If
they were experiencing joy, sadness, a burden, I would have them share with the class before
continuing on. This allowed my students to be focused on the now and not on what happened or will
happen. An exercise that helped them accomplish this was to write something down that may be
hindering them from being present and deposit it, without their name, into a classroom box.
Temprarily, I was able to clear their mind and get them focused on what is happening now. – See
more at: Being
Self–Aware . Being self aware while teaching meant that I was aware of what I was saying, what I
was thinking and how I was responding to the leaners' and the instructional material. I was self–
ware of the decisions I made in and out of class. This is also what I encouraged in my students.
Encouraging students to be self–aware, they consciously paid more attention. The learner
proactively viewed themselves from the position of their higher self, through their feelings thoughts,
decisions, and actions. I expected no less of them than what I expected of myself. Unskilled. Two
areas that I am not familiar with, but
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We Must Complete Co Ops
I will never cease to be amazed by how quickly I fall in love with ideas. I become completely
consumed with a thought. I will go to New Zealand and work there and hike everyday, living out of
a van with my best friend. I will attend Business school and love it and travel the world while doing
so. I will go to Fiji, live on a rural island for four months teaching a class of ten year olds how to do
long division. I have been lucky enough that all of the above things I have had to opportunity to do.
Well. I am still in the process of business school and I might not say that I loooove it. It is pretty
great though, you know, for university. And now my next thought. My next break through. I only
found out about this idea 24 hours ago and I have been completely consumed with it for that entire
In school we must complete co–ops; a great chance to try out careers to get some experience under
your belt and they are paid. So it is exam time now which means procrastination is at an all time
high. Lately when I procrastinate I look up potential careers for myself. It helps to motivate me,
seeing a career that I would love to do that a business degree would be necessary for. It promotes the
mindset that maybe I am doing the right thing spending ten thousand dollars a year on stress and
books. I have a major travel bug and a huge passion for global volunteering so I always end up on
their sites looking for positions. Let me tell you how much I wish I wanted to go into finance. It
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Model The Habits Of A Life Long Learner
Research shows that people choose to to buy in and support the institution when they feel positive
about the "we" and often quit when the "me" category is not fulfilled (Buckingham, 2016).
Model the habits of a life–long learner Just as teachers are expected to participate in professional
development opportunities and continually update curriculum to meet the needs of their students,
authentic administrators need to model the same behavior. This is especially true in modeling the
learning and use of technology in the classroom. Kathleen Lommen (2016), author of the article,
"Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age," argues that school administrators "must ... embrace
technology, become proficient in its use and understand its value in ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, leaders who are seen as fair by their faculty through the harvesting careful
relationships founded on trust and remaining transparent throughout the organizational and structure
changes. By taking these steps focusing on justice, faculty and staff will be more receptive to large
institutional changes.
Utilize different collaboration strategies
Collaboration as the means for change is imperative in transformational leadership. According to
Abdolhamid Arbabi and Vali Mehdinezhad (2015) in their research article, "The Relationship
Between the School Principals' Collaborative Leadership Style and Teachers' Self–Efficacy,"
principals and school leaders who practice collaborative decision–making have faculty that have a
higher self–efficacy, or belief in one's ability to succeed at their jobs. (p.3) Arbabi and Mehdinezhad
(2015) also found that when teachers have a strong self–efficacy, they tend to expand their teaching
and try new and less–traditional forms of instruction based on the needs of their students (p.5).
Build a culture of collaboration in schools Successful collaboration in schools does not necessarily
come inherently with a transformational leader alone. There are very specific strategies a leader can
take to instill regular collaboration centered around important needs of the school. Paul Sutton and
Andrew House (2016)
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Descriptive Narrative Story
In hindsight, I realize I was not ready for a job, maybe I was just too immature. That Thursday night,
in what felt like an empty cold room, I lay there crying, wishing for everything to be over. It all
started the day I turned 15, I was just a young man, who for some reason decided that it was time to
get a real job.
I woke up that hot summer day and decided that it was time I go out and apply for some jobs. I
chose to apply at my favorite restaurant, not knowing that it would be one of the worst ideas I have
ever had. I remember it took about three weeks for a response, those three weeks felt like years
waiting and waiting not hearing a thing, until finally I got the call. I remember walking in for my
interview all dressed up, with my hair looking shinier than the paint on my car, slicked back like G–
As I walked in I was greeted by the store manager a middle aged woman with wildly frizzy hair, her
face resembling someone who just ran a 5K. Rushing me to a table she sat down quickly, short of
breath, she makes out the words "Hi my name is Meeghan". Nervously, I greeted her instantly
"Andrew, Andrew Sherman nice to meet you" realizing how dumb that sounded I felt a rush through
my body, my face getting hotter and hotter as if I just drank a whole bottle of sriracha. I could not
believe how fast I got nervous, I thought for sure there wasn't going to be a problem because I
practiced this one interview at least a thousand times.
During the interview Meeghan brought me
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PARADISE FLUBBED: Pynchon & the New World Essay
PARADISE FLUBBED: Pynchon & the New World
When, in Gravity's Rainbow, "A screaming comes across the sky," it is the sound of a V–2 rocket
arcing up and over the English Channel.But the rocket's vapor trail (which Pirate Prentice sees from
kneedeep in the primordial mulch of his bananararium) points further on: over the Atlantic, on
toward America, the New World, Tyrone Slothrop's "yearned–for, perhaps illusory home."
The rocket's path ends a fraction of an inch above the reader's head, the rocket suspended, poised ...
A tableau representing the possibile if not quite realized Apocalypse.In his first novel, V., Pynchon
explored the death–worshipping mania, the will–to–the–inorganic hubris, the sheer Gotterdamerüng
gaga–ness of a ... Show more content on ...
However, Gravity's Rainbow (1973), turns away from America of the 1970's to Europe of the
1940's, as if Pynchon himself were stuck on lot 48 and hadn't yet figured out What Came Next for
the New World.
Rather than rockets, Vineland opens with carrier pigeons (coming from the east, from Europe?), and
blue jays (screaming, nest–stealing birds)––and messages: gone too late to be read, perhaps ever to
be understood.
"Too late, too late" runs like the background hum of an amplifier throughout the opening of this
novel.For instance, Desmond, the familly dog, rises later than usual to chase blue jays away from his
food; and his master, Zoyd Wheeler––part–time carpenter and unreclaimed hippie––is late for his
appointment with a plate glass window, through which he must jump each year to keep his
government disability checks coming.Zoyd is a resident of Vineland, a refuge tucked in the northern
California woodlands, where once the only industry was logging, the only inhabitants were early
20th Century remnants of American frontiersmen, and the only cause for concern was running out of
timber."Vineland the Good" Zoyd calls it.
Vineland.And then perhaps we think Vinland––the first name given to this continent by the
Vikings.The primeval evergreen forests of the
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I Am About Last Night
I wake up just enough to roll over. As I do so, the annoying, repetitive sound of my alarm clock fills
my ears. I groan and roll myself out of bed. I trudge over to my dresser and turn the alarm off. I don
't feel like going to school today, especially since I know that Dad will be calling Mom while I 'm
As I walk to the bathroom, I grab my phone from my desk. I see that I have two new messages and
one new email. I read the first message, which is from my mom, telling me that she 'd be gone this
morning. I open the second message, and of course, it 's from Damon.
Text to Karrison from Damon:
"Good morning, beautiful. I hope you have an amazing day! I 'm still very sorry about last night. I
know I must have disappointed you, and I feel awful. I promise that I 'll make it up to you!"
Well, I don 't know how he would expect that he disappointed me. I 'm great at hiding my emotions!
I wonder how he 's going to try to make it up to me.
I walk over to the mirror and almost shriek at my appearance. My eyes are crusty, and my long,
brown hair is sticking out in all directions. I was painfully reminded of Einstein. I look down at my
sink and groan. I look like an Einstein raccoon! I forgot to clean my makeup off before I went to
sleep. Looks like I have a bunch of work to do before I leave for school.
With excitement, I realize it 's Friday and almost jump up and down. Face and hair or outfit first? I
should try to do something with my hair first. I wash my face and dry
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Why Is Lillie Flexible
Flexibility Have you seen anybody more flexible then a baby? Well things are about to change. You
should know that Lillie is very flexible. Lillie is homeschooled and that might make you think that
she doesn't have very many friends but she actually has a lot. To start out with, as you know Lillie
was REALLY flexible. She has done gymnastics for a very long time, she has done dance for a little
bit but not much. As a baby she was more flexible than any other ordinary baby. She was the most
flexible human being in the world. She also had a little sister named Emma. Emma was younger by
2 years. She was into gymnastics as well. Therefore, Lillie had to practice A LOT. Which means she
had to be homeschooled and that she didn't have that
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Examples Of Metalinguistic Feedback
and/or phrases such as "I don't understand" which indicate to the learner that there is a problem with
his or her utterance, and that it needs to be reformulated. For example: S: "His preferit food" T:
"Pardon? I don't understand the word preferit" D) Metalinguistic feedback With metalinguistic
feedback, the teacher does not provide the correct form but "comments, information, or questions
related to the well–formedness of the student's utterance" as Lyster and Ranta (1997: 47) states.
Metalinguistic feedback is a corrective feedback form of implicit correction which implies ways of
negotiation of form without explicitly providing the correct form. It generally provides either some
grammatical metalanguage that refers to the nature of the error or a word definition in the case of
lexical errors. It can also be body language which involves non–verbal cues such as facial
expressions or hand movements to indicate errors about word order or tense. (Lyster and Ranta,
1997). For example: ... Show more content on ...
E) Elicitation Elicitation is a corrective feedback form of implicit correction which implies ways of
negotiation of form. In order to directly elicit the correct form from the learner, teachers can elicit
completion of his own utterance by "pausing to allow students to fill the blank" (Lyster and Ranta
1997:48). Teachers can also elicit the learners' self–repair by using a question in order to elicit the
correct form (e.g. How do we say X in English?) or use intonation in order to indicate that learners
should reformulate their utterance. For example: S: "He likes very much chocolate" T: "He likes
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Short Sale
Short sale Short sale is a sale of securities in which investors does not own the securities, they
simply borrow the securities, usually from the broker in expectation that the securities price will
decline and allow them to make profit by buy back the securities at a lower price. Short selling often
used by investors to either hedge or speculate and can be classified as speculative activity. The
benefit of short sale is that it allows investors to add value to their portfolio even when there's a bear
market since it can be difficult to make profit in a bear market without short sale and if investors use
short sale to hedge, they can minimize their portfolio risk. The downfall of short sale is that the loss
can be limitless if the price of ... Show more content on ...
Transaction structure can be divided into two steps. First is the initial acquisition where CP ALL
acquires approximately 64.35% and the next step is the tender offer for the remaining shares at the
tender offer price of THB 787 per share. There're several rationale behind the acquisition of
MAKRO, Improve operational efficiency, Enhance economy of scale, Optimize capital structure,
Open opportunity for international expansion, Acquire top tier asset and capture a new segment of
retail market and Unlock value of under–utilized land.
Makro has been operating as the Cash and Carry Trade Centers, selling consumer goods to
customers which consist of various product such as Electrical Appliances, restaurant and food
service business, Textile and clothes and Beverages, snacks. The acquisition of MAKRO makes CP
ALL PCL Thailand's leading in both retail and wholesale business and Asia third largest retailer not
including Japan. MAJOR and MPIC
Date of submission of the Tender offer : August 2,
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Computer Based Instruction As An Adult Learner
Computer–based instruction, or CBI, is widely used to deliver content to learners of all ages.
Although this form of instructional delivery has become nearly ubiquitous, levels of effectiveness of
CBI vary, particularly when considering computer–based instruction for adults. In 2005, researchers
Janis Lowe and Elwood Holton, III developed a theory regarding the elements necessary for an
effective CBI experience with adult learners and then drew five conclusions based on their
investigation. Lowe and Holton (2005) acknowledged a need for both external support and
instructional support if an adult learner's CBI experience will be deemed positive. Of their five
conclusions, this one was of particular interest to me based on the different computer–based
instruction experiences I have had. My first experience with a course conducted completely using
computer–based instruction as an adult learner occurred during the fall semester of 2007. I was
nearing the completion of my first Master's degree and enrolled in ED500A, which was an
educational research class. Although I had extensive experience utilizing technology and the
Internet, and had dabbled in CBI, this course was conducted entirely online and proved to be
challenging for me. The challenges were not due to the content, but were based on the limited
connectivity with other course participants and the instructor. I quickly adapted to the format of the
course expectations and developed a schedule in order to meet
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Program Goals And Learning Outcomes
This paper will discuss the program goals and learning outcomes aligned to the goals that meet the
instructional–level needs of adult learners; subsequently, it will provide insight into contextual
application designed to increase retention. It will display the instructional content and identify
resources utilized in the face–to–face delivery method with the justifiable reason for the method;
henceforth, there will be the inclusion of relevant examples contained in the paper. A presentation of
the learning transfer plans will be presented illustrating the alignment with the retention goals and
learning outcomes coupled with relevant examples.
Program Goals and Learning Outcomes Program goals and learning outcomes can be considered as
the ... Show more content on ...
To offer the adult learners the opportunity to participant in the planning of their trade program that
will be geared specifically towards what they desire to accomplish and knowledge of the available
resources that can assist when their needs and circumstances that may arise during the course of
their program.
To incorporate the needs of the adult learners that participated in exit interviews with new strategies
that will assist in governing the trade programs, allowing an intersection to occur prior to other adult
learners enrolling in the various trade programs.
Learning Outcomes for Adult Learners Participating in Trade Programs
The adult learner will:
Locate information about resources, should a need occur for daycare assistance, transportation
assistance or financial assistance from activities requiring them to interact with Student Support
Connect with faculty, staff and other adult learners by attending social events, career fairs, and
Participate in group activities, discussion boards, and reflective journaling as a source to share past
learning experiences.
Express their thoughts and concerns about the improvement of their specific trade program by
completing surveys, questionnaires and interviews.
Complete an exit interview to assist in developing new strategies for the
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Role Play Activity
The Role–Play Activity
The Role–Play Activity could be the best way to stimulate conversation. By this activity, 1st year
EFL learners can learn new vocabulary, words statements and know how to use them in its correct
context by asking to perform dialogues, negotiate with your partner on an item such as computer or
large piece of furniture, and discuss things such as warranty that are found in (ESLGold, 2010). This
activity will help them to know the right place of each discourse and give them an opportunity to
practice it well, improve the FL and create a relaxed area while sharing ideas. As Livingstone said,
The role–play is a classroom activity, which gives the student the opportunity to practice the
language, the aspects of role behaviour ... Show more content on ...
In simulations, 1st year EFL learners could bring items to the class to create a realistic environment.
For instance, if a learner is acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on. Role–plays
and simulations have many advantages. First, since they are entertaining, they motivate the learners.
Second, as Harmer (2001, p. 275) suggests, they increase the self–confidence of hesitant learners,
because in role–play and simulation activities, they will have a different role and do not have to
speak for themselves.
First year EFL Learners could create their own stories to tell their classmates or summarize a tale or
story they heard from somebody else. Story telling could help learners developing creative thinking
and to know how to develop ideas from introduction, body, and then conclusion without forgetting
to include the characters and the setting. Learners also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the
beginning of each class, the teacher should call few learners to tell short riddles or jokes as an
opening. In this way, he will not only address their speaking ability but getting the attention of the
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Defining The Short Squeeze Event
1 IntroductionBefore defining the Short Squeeze event, I will explain the concept of Short sellingof
stocks. Short selling is a strategy, where an trader borrows stocks of firms from abroker and sells
those stocks in the market with the condition of returning the stocksback to the broker at later point
of the time. Traders execute this strategy when theexpected future returns of stock performance is
bleak or have negative outlook.Forexample, if the future expected earnings, sales, cash flows of the
company is expectedto decline in next quarters, the investors will short sell the the stock now and
buythe stocks in future and return the borrowed shares to the brokers.This strategy is contrary to
normal investment strategy where investors ... Show more content on ...
The short interest informa–tion released by NASDAQ has 2 dates i.e. settlement date and
dissemination date.Settlement date is the date specified for delivery of securities between securities
firms.This date marks the official date for change of ownership and is used for accountingfor long or
short positions. Dissemination is the date when the information is released3 to the market. It is
generally T+7 days with respect to Settlement date. AverageDaily Share Volume is the number of
shares of stock traded each day, averaged overa rolling one–year period. Days to Cover is calculated
as the aggregate short interestfor the month divided by the average daily share volume traded
between short inter–est settlement dates. If days to cover is between 0 and 1, it is rounded up to 1
on[NASDAQ Reference]4 2 MotivationShort Interest ratio has been of interest to many hedge funds
that trade on fundamen–tals of the firms. During our literature survey, we observe that some studies
suggestthat high levels of short interest predict future returns, but the rationale behind thisthis
predictability is not well understood. There are various theories that lead todifferent interpretations.
One of the study suggests that stocks are overvalued in thepresence of short sale constraint and
hence the subsequent negative abnormal returnsrepresent a correct of this overvaluation. Second
suggests that short interest sellersare highly
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Benefits And Disadvantages Of E-Learning Systems
3. Question 2
E–learning systems
3.1. By saying training is just the "latest trend" the CEO means it's something everyone in the
corporate world is doing which is popular and after something else new comes in it will die and
everyone will follow it. The CEO sees e–training as a waste of money because it is something that is
going to die soon and it does not make sense to him to spend a lot of money on training if it won't
bring in positive results to the organisation.
3.2. The company Sunrise Inc. emphasises on sales for them to become successful and so the
company's employees need to be individuals who are sales oriented. Environments change and so
does the industry and so it is important that the company keep up with the latest sales techniques ...
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An intuitive user interface – Navigation through the system should be guileless and clear.
Online coaching support – Quick responses from e–learning systems is essential.
A high level of interactivity – Online tests and quizzes must be available to offer immediate
response to learners.
Benefits and disadvantages of E–learning (Grobler et al, 2012):
Benefits: o Extraordinary amount of interaction between the learner and materials o Understanding
can be evaluated before the learner moves on o Responses can be personalised to the learner's
choices o Topics can be retrieved in an order which suits the learner o Probability for familiarising
the learning style to the user's necessities o Moderately easy to update text and graphics o Prepared
means of testing o Consistent form of training o Attractive to many learners o Learner can use
material at their own speed o Computer supported learning programmes are bendable on the subject
of the usage time o The opportunity of using a variety of material
Disadvantages o Needs precise equipment to run the programmes o Admission to a computer is
desirable for each
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Solution to Derivatives Markets: for Exam Fm
Solution to Derivatives Markets: for Exam FM
Yufeng Guo June 24, 2007
c °Yufeng Guo
Introduction 1 Introduction to derivatives 2 Introduction to forwards and options vii 1 7 29 79 129
3 Insurance, collars, and other strategies 4 Introduction to risk management 5 Financial forwards
and futures 8 Swaps
c °Yufeng Guo
This is Guo's solution to Derivatives Markets (2nd edition ISBN 0–321–28030X) for Exam FM.
Unlike the official solution manual published by AddisonWesley, this solution manual provides
solutions to both the even–numbered and odd–numbered problems for the chapters that are on the
Exam FM syllabus. Problems that are out of ... Show more content on ...
The ski resort can use the gain from the futures to offset its loss in sales.
Problem 1.3. a. 100 × 41.05 + 20 = 4125 b. 100 × 40.95 − 20 = 4075 c. For each stock, you buy at
$41.05 and sell it an instant later for $40.95. The total loss due to the ask–bid spread: 100 (41.05 −
40.95) = 10. In addition, you pay $20 twice. Your total transaction cost is 100 (41.05 − 40.95) + 2
(20) = 50 Problem 1.4. a. 100 × 41.05 + 100 × 41.05 × 0.003 = 4117. 315 b. 100 × 40.95 − 100 ×
40.95 × 0.003 = 4082. 715 c. For each stock, you buy at $41.05 and sell it an instant later for $40.95.
The total loss due to the ask–bid spread: 100 (41.05 − 40.95) = 10. In addition, your pay
commission 100 × 41.05 × 0.003 + 100 × 40.95 × 0.003 = 24. 6. Your total transaction cost is 10 +
24. 6 = 34. 6 Problem 1.5. The market maker buys a security for $100 and sells it for $100.12. If the
market maker buys 100 securities and immediately sells them, his profit is 100 (100.12 − 100) = 12
Problem 1.6. c °Yufeng Guo 2
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO DERIVATIVES Your sales proceeds: 300 (30.19) − 300
(30.19) (0.005) = 9011. 715 Your cost of buying 300 shares from the market to close your short
position is: 300 (29.87) + 300 (29.87) (0.005) = 9005. 805 Your profit: 9011. 715 − 9005. 805 = 5.
91 Problem 1.7. a. Consider the bid–ask spread but ignore commission and interest. Your sales
proceeds: 400
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Abbott Labs
Risk Arbitrage: Abbott Labs & Alza
1) How does risk arbitrage work? What are the risks and opportunities associated with this strategy?
Risk arbitrage, or merger and acquisition arbitrage, is one of three types of arbitrage strategies. Two
types of mergers are possible: a cash merger and a stock merger.
Cash Merger Opportunities
Acquirer proposes to purchase the shares of the target for a certain price in cash. Until the
acquisition is completed, the stock of the target usually trades below the purchase price. An
arbitrageur buys the stock of the target and makes a gain if the acquirer ultimately buys the stock.
Stock–for–Stock Merger Opportunities
Acquirer proposes to buy the target by exchanging its own stock for the stock of ... Show more
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The number of Abbott shares shorted is then found by multiplying the number of shares of Alza
purchased by the Announced Exchange Ratio of 1.2 ABT:1.0 AZA, which yields 312,000 shares of
Abbott that are to be shorted.
Potential and Expected Returns
The bet's "payoff" is reflected in the spread between the market values of consideration to be
received in the deal (acquirer's stock, cash) minus the market values of securities to be given up
(target's stock).
Gross Spread (Per Share) = Value to be Received in the Transaction – Stock Price of Target = Value
of Abbott Shares to be Received – Price of Alza = (43.50 x 1.2) – 48.00 = $4.20
Gross Spread (Total) = (43.50 x 312,000 shares) – (48.00 x 260,000 shares)
= 13,572,000 – 12,480,000
= $1,092,000
Net Spread = Gross Spread (total) ± All Other Cash Flows from Investment = Gross Spread –
Margin Interest + Short Sale Rebate = 1,092,000 – ((6.2% x 50% x 12,480,000 x (191/365)) + (5.6%
x 13,572,000 x (191/365)) = 1,092,000 – 202,450 + 397,715 = $1,287,265
Potential ROI = Net Spread / Total Capital Employed = 1,287,265 / ((50% x 13,572,000) + (50% x
12,480,000)) = 1,287,265 / 13,026,000 = 10.1%
Annualized Potential ROI = Potential ROI x (365 / Number of Days until Completion) = 10.1% x
(365/191) = 19.3%
3) Why would you expect positive excess returns
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Life Long Learner Approach For Teaching
Having believed in life long learner approach, every now and then I have learned from others at
numerous instances. Before CELTA, teaching was just a mundane practice for me. I was very much
an average teacher and barely try to link with any student. Throughout this whole learning process, I
have enjoyed learning through edutainment, a blend of education and entertainment that enhance
learning tremendously. The guidance and assistance given by my mentors are still working
exquisitely; for certain it was a magnum opus. CELTA reformed my teaching practice; I am on the
crest of a wave since then.
Besides, every teacher can narrate numerous highs and lows in their teaching career. Personally, I
experienced many great moments while teaching. Over my last 8 years of teaching and working in
education, one event stands above the rest as my absolute best teaching experience. Through the
years, I learned so much about teaching and dealing with students. Recently I graduated with TESL
Ontario and TESL Canada from Canadian College of Educators, Canada.
Today TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) plays an imperative role in Canada. TESL
Canada National Certification Standards for Instructors of English as a Second Language or Foreign
Language in Adult Programs were developed for instructors trained in Canada – an obligation in
today's ESL or educational world. By all odds, education system has developed more and more than
the previous times and it is one of the leading systems
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Social Work Reflection
I met with the two participants individually for face–to–face interviews that lasted approximately 60
minutes each. Through a series of both open–ended and Likert scale questions, the semi–structured
interviews focused on the participants' chosen intentional learning activity. The interview included
19 statements that asked the participants to respond with a number valued 0 to 10; 0 meaning total
disagreement and 10 was total agreement. The interviews were audio recorded on my laptop
computer and I obtained consent from the participants.
Among adult learners engaged in purposeful learning activities, prior successful experiences led to a
strong sense of self–efficacy in their learning that enabled them to overcome situational barriers to
learning that arose.
Supporting Data
Alyse shared what prompted her to become involved in the MSW program: "I really wanted to do
something with kids, so probably in a school. I didn't necessarily know I wanted to be a school
social worker until I was in the program, but pretty much any job like that you need to get a
master's." Alyse previously worked with children in a school setting as an ABA Therapist. When
asked to rate her previous experience related to the learning, Alyse gave herself a 3 on the scale.
Alyse commented, "I wouldn't say I had a lot of experience in social work specifically, but I did
work in a school for a long time where I worked with kids...I feel like I had more experience than
other people."
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Risk arbitrage (or merge arbitrage) is a trading strategy related to M&A transactions. For
example, if an M&A transaction is carried out by means of share exchange between the buzzer
and the target, then an arbitrageur may short sell buyer's stocks and purchase stocks of the target.
Until the acquisition is completed, the stock of the target typically trades below the purchase price.
After the merger is completed, the target's stock will be converted into stock of the acquirer based
on the exchange ratio predetermined in the merger agreement. The arbitrageur delivers the converted
stock into his short position to complete the arbitrage.
In an efficient capital market, the price of the target and acquirer will fully and immediately ... Show
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We should keep in mind that we can remain without deals and try to evaluate deals (short and long)
separately with risk for each stock, volatility of it and other market parameters. Also we should
evaluate probability of cancelation the deals after that we try to
Market should prevent this profit as it contains risk. This profit isn't risk adjusted we always have
risk that deals will not be completed after calculating risk connected to deal we should find new
price corrected by risks.
Option strategy is a hedge for uncovered long position in stocks. If deal will be canceled Smith
receive two positions: short in Abbot and long in Alza. For complete hedge he needs two option call
in Abbot and put in Alza. If he buys put option for Alza he will hedge from price drop in Alza
shares. But he still has risk in from rising Abbot shares. So he decreases risk of the positions.
At the first glance it seems that expected return should be decrease as we decrease risk from strategy
and pay money for this insurance (risk premium for option). If deal is canceled we will lose less
money than without put option. There is a possibility than all market goes down before the deal and
so we can additional return from exercise put option and also keep return from deal. To say exactly
how will be change expected we should calculate probabilities of all possible situation, but based on
risk arbitrage strategy we shouldn't receive additional receive as
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Literature Review : Learner Autonomy
Literature Review.
The focus of this literature review will be on the history of the set theme within the research project,
the points that have been put across through various researchers will also be included to gain a
clarity of understanding in topics related to learner autonomy and the belief's teachers have on
learner autonomy and the way in which they implement this in their classrooms. The literature
review will consider the sub–headings above (I.1 – I.7).
L.1– What is Learner Autonomy.
As determined in I.2 there are several definitions of learner autonomy in second language learning
and education. This category (L.1) will portray the different terms engaged in previous research. For
example, Holec (1981, p.3) provided a definition ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, if a student is learning through reactive autonomy they will learn what is necessary
without being forced. This analysis of the two strands of learner autonomy has been a fresh way in
which researchers have been able to define learner autonomy and this can be extremely helpful in
Middle Eastern schools as this research is extremely new and cultural backgrounds which are
different to the western culture (Smith,2008). Within the Middle East learner autonomy has been
explored for many years as the introduction of learner autonomy needs to consider the cultural
backgrounds of each student. Due to the Middle East having many expats this can be extremely
difficult as Pennycook (1997, p.53) concluded that it is important for all teachers to not only look at
the cultural side of learner autonomy but, also the political side to allow all students to 'deal
differently with the world and allow them to become authors of their own world'.
Having a comprehension on the attributes of the understudies who are adapting independently is
critical. Although, it is important for teachers to also have an understanding on how they can
implement learner autonomy within the classrooms and within the Middle East this seems to be
through the consideration of cultural and political views in the Middle East.
L.3 – Curriculum and Classroom based approach.
Per Cotterall (2000) the implantation of learner
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Notes On The Price Of Wheat Futures
Strategy 1:
Concerns regarding fluctuations in the price of a certain commodity in the coming future can
secured through the use of different derivative products. In the given case, prime concern of the
management of Karl's bakery is to protect itself against the future variations in the price of the
wheat, as it can impact their business in a significant way. The suitable option for the bakery is to
take long position in December wheat futures contracts as the management procures bulk of the
wheat in December. It will provide Karl's management hedge against unanticipated rise in the price
of wheat. The bakery needs to purchase almost 25,000 bushels of wheat. Therefore, 5 contracts have
been purchased (each contract is based on 5,000 bushels of wheat). Price of each contract is $5.08,
and total cost of this strategy stands at $127,000.
This position in closed on 27th October. The price of wheat futures has risen from $5.08 to $ 5.11
during the period. This price rise translated into positive gains for the bakery as it indicated rise in
the price of the underlying commodity. The management has remained successful in hedging its
price risk by taking long position in wheat futures.
Strategy 2:
Primary apprehension of a corn seller is decline in the price commodity which will impact his
revenues negatively. Short position in corn futures will lock in the future price of the corn and will
guarantee the locked price of the commodity, irrespective of the actual market price of the
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The Theory Of The Mathematics Teacher
"While the rule–taught youth is at sea when beyond his rules, the youth instructed in principles
solves a new case as readily as an old one". (Spencer, 1878, p.57)
"What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends
on what sort of person you are". (Lewis, 1994, p.108)
The mathematics teacher builds examples into their arsenal of resources to help demonstrate the
mathematical principles they are trying to teach (Dreyfus, 1994). However, not all examples are
equally constructed and provide the same learning experience to the learner. Spencer (1978) believes
that learners who know principles are more prepared than rule–focussed learners to tackle problems.
This is the same within mathematics, ... Show more content on ...
The methodology will describe how the study will be conducted and why. Observations will be
recorded on the process of constructing examples and how they are employed in the classroom.
Percentage examples will be constructed and these will be used in the teaching of percentages to a
Year 7 class. Further observations will be made on how the learners approach and conduct the
examples. Analysis of the response to these examples will be made where recommendations will be
offered to improve my application as a mathematics teacher. It is intended that this investigation and
use of Variation Theory will improve my understanding of the construction of examples and thus
improve the learners' experience.
The study was conducted in a Leicestershire high school that accepts learners from year 7 to 9. Year
7s enter directly from several feeder primary schools and generally leave to join a single upper
school where they sit GCSEs. Although it does not take the learners through formal exams,the
school's primary focus is on the preparation to attain qualifications. This means its Scheme of Work
(SOW) is fixed to meeting the National Curriculum (NC).
The class studied is a year 7 mixed ability mathematics class. This consisted of 32 learners with a
boy to girl ratio of 2:1. There are several behavioural issues regards some learners disrupting the
class and,
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Analysis Of Sara Content Analysis Approach
6. How were the data then analyzed? What procedures were used? (pgs. 88–89)
The data were analyzed with the SARA content analysis approach. This approach involves constant
comparison, multisource and multipass strategies, and triangulation of data sets for more robust
findings (86). Audiotape recordings, researcher observations and intentional debriefings after each
focus group were used to document the focus group sessions. The researchers constructed themes
and dimensions in an attempt to identify the messages communicated in the focus group sessions.
The idea of multipass strategies is to continue data analysis until no new findings or insights
emerge. The focus of the study using SARA was on the meaning of the experiences in the words of
the participants and not how some researchers use SARA by counting how frequently certain words
are used. Validity was based on the collective results of all focus groups and the saturation of
common themes and responses.
The researchers analyzed the data in eight different passes as noted below:
1. Each researcher independently analyzed all of the transcripts, reading carefully and writing down
important information.
2. The researchers collectively discussed the information provided in #1 above and agreed on
commonalities and differences among the individual analysis.
3. Themes (labels) emerged and the researchers developed definitions to describe these themes.
4. The data were coded into themes by each individual
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Risk Arbitrage Case
Risk Arbitrage: Abbott Labs and Alza
Harvard Business Review Case Study
Risk Arbitrage is essentially just arbitrage with some element of risk. Three main types of risk
arbitrage are merger and acquisition arbitrage (also known as just merger arbitrage), liquidation
arbitrage, and pairs trading. We will focus on merger arbitrage, as it pertains to this case study.
Merger arbitrage is an investment strategy that chooses to capitalize upon arbitrage that presents
when a merger or acquisition deal is announced. Essentially, an arbitrageur is seeking to profit from
the movements of the acquirer's and or target's stock price from the merger. There are two main
types of mergers, a cash merger and a stock merger, which ... Show more content on
Chris acquired 260,000 shares at $48/share, which came out to a $12.48 million allocation. Since the
announced exchange rate was 1.2, Chris also shorted 312,000 shares of Abbott Labs
(260,000*1.2=312,000) at $43.50. If the deal did go through, Chris would expect positive returns
because the stock price of Alza would increase as a result of the merger (long position would profit)
and the stock price of Abbott would decrease as a result of the merger (short position would profit).
Another option Chris could take would be to buy Alza put options maturing December 18th at $3.25
a share for a strike price of $40.00 (Alza's current share price is $40.12). This could serve to hedge
his current position, since
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Explain the Way in Which You Would Establish Ground Rules...
Having explored the three methods of setting ground rules during session 2 of PTTLS course, it is
evident that for the ground rules to be effective, determining the appropriate method of ground rules
setting is crucial to informing how the learners will be likely to respond to the 'ground rules' and
how this will later affect the session or sessions to be delivered.
The three methods of setting ground rules offer advantages and disadvantages depending on the
context of the lesson and the dynamics of the group. For example the teacher led process provides
the teacher with a clear set of uniformed rules and offers the teacher an opportunity to consider
issues which may otherwise have been overlooked such as the learning environment and ... Show
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The learners would have no choice but to adhere to the rules as they would be bound by their own
principles. This method does fail to acknowledge the teachers experience in understanding the
dynamics of groups and how the teacher could provide a valuable contribution to ground rules
which consider the needs of individual learners. This method may also inhibit the teacher from
delivering an effective lesson as consideration may not have been applied as to whether the rules are
suitable for the teaching environment. For instance taking into account the actual content of the
lesson to be delivered and forgetting to include the health and safety of the learners.
In establishing an effective set of ground rules for my learners, I would consider a method that
offers the teacher the opportunity to create a learning environment that is safe, efficient and
stimulating for the learner (Armitage, A, et al, Teaching & Training in Post Compulsory Education,
OU, 2007).
This would be implemented through getting the learners to negotiate their own ground rules with
assistance from myself. I would take charge of facilitating the discussion to ensure all learners had
an opportunity to contribute, and to ensure the inclusion of crucial rules which allow me to
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Teachers Must Be Life Long Learners in Order to Better...
Define Learner/learning/tapestry
The word, learner, implies person who is trying to gain knowledge, comprehension or mastery
through experience or study. A learner sees the big picture and knows the desired outcome before
beginning the task. A learner appreciates both the process of creating and the creation.
A teacher is a learner; thinking circumspectly and reflectively. A teacher uses the elements of design,
good curriculum and solid instructional practices. Theses elements focus student education on
problem solving, information using, communicating and collaborating, knowledge, and learning. A
teacher understands techniques and uses them aptly. A teacher considers many scenarios and
effectively prepares for the possibilities. ... Show more content on ...
Games can situate the learner in the context of the world and allow him or her to practice and play
and learn through the context of the virtual world. Computer simulation games can give students
worlds in which to test concepts and understanding. Simulations provide "toy universes" to practice
and develop essential understandings and skills. Simulations allows student to play in the Vygotsky
sense of the word. The play done in simulations allows the player to explore and learn in a safe but
challenging environment. Simulations can offer students ways to acquire knowledge in an authentic
medium that other forms of instruction does not offer. By immersing the learning the world, it
allows them to think like a "doer". They may encounter disasters or setbacks that will force them to
rethink their actions and decisions. This type of structure provides opportunities to promote the
process of problem solving and strategizing.
Video game players incorporate problem–solving skills into all facets of their gaming experience.
Gamers learn to make split second decisions based on discovered rules, to analyze situations, and to
strategize long–term goals, so effortlessly players often do not realize it. Since children engaged in
video games become successful learners,
We need to think of games as a trajectory to success.
Video games popularity has lead educational research to study the connections between learning and
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The topic I choose to research on is the effect of short selling on economy. Short selling is when an
investor borrows shares of trading security fro his or her brokers, sell the stock immediately, and use
the proceeds to buy back the stock at a lower price. Essentially, it is a way for investor to profit
when the price of a trading security goes down. Since I am finance major, this topic is highly
relevant to me an I want to know more about it.
I first used Google to search for information about short selling. I used the search terms "short
selling article." Google returned a large amount of links, mostly website explaining and discuss the
concept of short selling. Many popular articles about the topic showed ... Show more content on ...
The second source I found is also a popular article in the Economist called "Short–selling litigation,
an enlightening mistake." Joseph Schumpeter, who is a columnist for the Economists, wrote this
article. The Schumpeter said in the article that short–selling is a mistake because people who know
that a security's price will go down will do nothing to prevent it since they have the potential to
profit from it. Schumpeter, is an economist so his words would be more credibility then Floyed
Norris' s view point in New York Times.
The third source I found is a scholarly article from the Review of Financial Studies called "Price
Efficiency and Short Selling" written by two Oxford professors, Karl Sigurdsson and Pedro Saffi.
Their view point is that short selling can contribute to the efficiency of the market by bring
overvalued stocks and security back to their real price based on the future cash flows of their
respected assets. However, they warned that speculators can potential abuse short shelling and cause
a health company to collapse. I find that this article is very credible because it identified both view
point and the authors of this article are experts in their fields
The forth source I found is another scholar article from the Contemporary Accounting Research
Journal called "The Effect of Short Selling on
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Speaking Unplugged
Speaking Unplugged: 30 Activities for One–to–One Classes By reducing the amount of material
that is imported into the classroom, the teacher frees the learning space for the kind of interactive,
mediated learning opportunities that are so crucial for language development. Scott Thornbury:
Teaching Unplugged Introduction Like many teachers – I suspect – I used to turn up to my one–
to–one classes with a pile of worksheets under my arm. The worst thing that can happen in a one–
to–one class is running out of materials, I thought. And then one day, a private student told me he
didn't enjoy my classes because he felt I was just giving him a series of worksheets to complete.
What he really wanted to do was develop his ... Show more content on ...
23. Automatic Exclamation 24. Phrasal Verb Swap 25. Where do you see yourself in 5 years' time?
26. If I Ruled the World 27. Resolving Disputes 28. To Do List 29. Company Policy 30. You're the
Teacher 1. Know the Teacher Language Focus: Question forms, short answers Adult learners can
feel 'infantilised' when they speak a foreign language. They may have a confident and respected
public identity in their first language but feel like children communicating with adults when
speaking their second language, especially with their teacher, who they may respond to as a figure
of authority and an imparter of knowledge. This power relationship is, in my opinion, rather
unhealthy and unhelpful in one­
one classes. As teachers, we are no more intelligent, cultured, open­
minded or wise than our learners. We are equals in all respects, except our ability to use the English
language. Therefore, I always recommend a 'getting to know your teacher' activity in the first lesson.
As well as giving you a good idea of your student's strengths and weaknesses, we can also use this
activity to break the ice. Start by asking your learner to write down a list of questions they would
like to ask you. Give them a few ideas, themes like work, family, hobbies, and let them spend a few
minutes thinking and forming questions. Let them write the questions first rather than ask them to
think them up on the spot. In real­
life situations, we
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Summary Of ' Of Mice And Men '
Nesterenko 1
Polina Nesterenko
Language Arts 1A Honors
12 July 2015
AP One Sheet
1. Title of Work: Of Mice and Men
2. Author and Date Written: John Steinbeck, 1937
3. Historical Context: The novel "Of Mice and Men" was written during the Great Depression. The
book was written in 1937, which was when the growing economy reached a decline worse than the
one before. "Brightening economic prospects were dashed in 1937 by a deep recession...The new
downturn rolled back gains in industrial production and employment, prolonged the Depression..."
(Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). The Depression left many
people broke, unemployed, and homeless. "By 1932 the unemployment rate soared past 20 percent...
businesses had failed. Millions were homeless." (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of
the Great Depression). It was due to the increased industrial productions, for the war effort, that
finally ended the Depression. "... it was the humming factories that supplied the American war effort
that finally brought the Depression to a close." (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of
the Great Depression).
4. Major Characters
A. George: George is a small, smart man who dreams of owning his own farm. He cares and
protects Lennie in all situations
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Personal Narrative: My Strengths As A Certified Nursing...
By taking the Strengths finder assessment I found my top five talents to be Restorative,
Responsibility, Harmony, Relator, and Belief. I believe that I have had the opportunity to exemplify
all of these talents in some aspect of my life from academics, positions I've held in organizations and
lastly, the jobs I've taken on in the workforce. My strengths lie within the yellow and red quadrant
and mainly are recognized in team related tasks.
I exemplified taking on responsibility which is my strongest strength when I was a Certified Nursing
Assistant at a Rehabilitation Center for elders. Within that job I had to step up and complete tasks
that no one else felt the need to attend to. Being the accountable employee really went a long way
and my co–workers began to notice that. ... Show more content on ...
As a top manager in the company sometimes it requires so much more than always being
charismatic and sympathizing with others because certain situations encountered may require you to
be more direct and decision oriented. The first step I should take to develop my skills is to be more
direct I tend to hide behind my feelings for the sake of others thoughts about me which causes a
blockage when I have really good ideas. Next, I would work on analyzing situations more before I
take action. By doing so it would eliminate a lot of confusion when communicating with others.
Lastly, I feel that I need to work on being aggressive by coming forth and stating my ideas rather
being the one to always listen and implement others ideas within a project. Having a voice in an
organization, meeting or task doesn't seem like a big deal, but it truly does affect my performance
and ultimately how I feel about working with others. Ultimately, these strengths have combined to
make up my identity while having helped shape some of my best professional
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Personal Narrative: A Change Of Mindset
A Change Of Mindset
"Our culture, our traditions, our language are the foundations upon which we build our identity (–
unknown.)" No one should be labeled as a "slow learner" or "culturally disadvantaged." Moreover, I
believe diversity and expectations from others change someone's point of view of people and the
world. No one should be labeled as anything, but should be treated like a human being. People are
judged and labeled everyday, culture is one out of many things that are attended to be judged and
labeled. For example, in Springboard 2014 the story "An Indian Father's Plea" a father is writing a
letter to his son's teacher and letting her know that his son isn't she has labeled him as a "slow
learner." Wolf's father states "He is not ... Show more content on ...
I was opting for fluidity, self invention blue jeans and t–shirts and renouncing of cast observant
"pure culture" marriage in the muherse family." while on the other hand Bharati's sister mira feels
discriminated against. " I feel manipulated and discarded." Not only that did she state that but also
"If america wants to make new rules curtailing benefits of legal immigrants, they should apply only
to immigrants who arrive after those rules are already in place." another example in springboard
2014 the story where worlds collide" the tourist feel the need to expectations from others as pico
explains in his story "They came out blinking, into the bleached, forgetful, sunshine, in dodgers caps
and rodeo drive t–shirts. To further explain both stories are expressing the feeling to americanize
themselves to look and be american. In the story Two ways to belong in america the two sisters are
both experiencing the need to uphold an expectation of others, in other words the need to to
americanize herself while the other sister feels discriminated against, she has not americanized
herself or self–transformed herself to look and be american. Not to forget, in the story where worlds
collide the tourist also feel the need to uphold the expectations from others, and to americanize
themselves. In the view of these people and people and people who feel discriminated against but
also feel the expectation to americanize themselves, also feel that people that are "different" from
them shouldn't discriminate, label or judge. Therefore the tendency to go straight forward to these
things thus having the effect if no change at
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Explain Own Role and Responsibilities in Identifying and...
Explain own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of the learners As a
teacher and trainer I have found that one of the simplest ways to make learning accessible to both
myself and to those I am teaching is by relating to real–life situations and circumstances that I have
faced. If one takes the approach of trying to memorise lists of facts of how to deal with First Aid
situations the information becomes more difficult to absorb and less likely to be retained. Context
can help provide a more intuitive framework for people's skills, whether it is as simple as telling a
story that can be recalled if and when relevant or even if it delves deeply enough to understand why
certain techniques are used in First Aid ... Show more content on ...
All literature for the course can be checked beforehand (if necessary) to confirm the level of literacy.
Basic numeracy skills are essential to any professional career, though having a calculator on hand
can assist if a trainer does come into numerical difficulty. People skills are really the most important
and pressing skills to have as a teacher and I would suggest that a degree of psychological
understanding is implied within the definition of being a teacher/trainer. There is however, a big
difference between a nervous student and one with a medical condition that needs more specialised
help and in extreme cases referral to a medical professional would be required. Mentoring and being
a role model is equally implicit and should extend to all values of being a human being and not just
those related to First Aid. I believe that, in this regard, there can not be any real boundary to how a
teacher/trainer can act. List and describe the points of referral to meet the needs of the learners
There should be no need to signpost learners to someone with greater knowledge of First Aid, nor
should there be another trainer with more appropriate teaching style, as different teaching styles can
be used by anyone. If someone is struggling with a language barrier that seems insurmountable, a
trainer can recommend a different teacher who may be better able to communicate with a learner
(perhaps in a different language, by signing for a deaf student etc.) Religious restrictions may
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Managing and Responding to Behaviours in a Learning...
TETA : 1029
Case Study
Case Brief
The case I would like to address in this assignment is based on one of my 2009/2010 NC classes in
the afternoon. Despite the initial group discussion on expected behaviour, this group was
demonstrating a whole host of disruptive behaviours. This group also included a special needs
student, who was being supported by a Learning Support Assistant, whom I assumed had been
briefed on the needs. The observed disruptive behaviour included the following:
Arriving late
Listening to iPoD
Persistent talking
Throwing objects
Derogatory remarks
Withdrawn attitude of a few
The ... Show more content on ...
Lack of resources that could shift the teaching methods to a more kinaesthetic end.
Proposed Ways to Improve Behaviour (1000 words)
One can argue that the potential to cause disruptive behaviour from the perspective of a student or a
group of students does not automatically result in disruptive or troublesome behaviour. Such
behaviour can be kept dormant, controlled, neutralised or changed over a period of time.
Keeping troublesome/disruptive behaviour dormant is not the ideal solution and although it has its
short–term benefits, it may adversely affect the rapport between teacher and learners – not a good
start. Abatement, enhancing or changing disruptive behaviour requires certain skills and so it is
hoped that by addressing the pre–requisite, specifying an appropriate methodology, identification,
and selection of appropriate techniques a logical flow to this section is established.
Before selecting and describing a few techniques
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The Role Of Nurse Generalist As An Advocate, Delegator,...
The roles of the nurse generalist as an advocate, delegator, and life–long learner
Myunghee Jung
Fairmont State University December 11, 2015
There are many professional roles of the nurse generalist that are essential in providing care to
patients, such as an advocate, educator, collaborator, and change agent and so on. In every day
nursing practice, nurses perform a variety of nursing roles. Meeting role expectations as a
professional nurse is for patient–centered care, which is one of the IOM core competencies. The
purpose of this paper is to identify nurse generalist roles as an advocate, communicator, and life–
long learner to implement IOM core competencies; "1)provide patient centered care, 2) work in
interprofessional teams, 3) employ evidence–based practice, 4) apply quality improvement, 5)
utilize informatics" (Finkelman, 2016, p. 50–51). This paper will also deal with what I have felt in
my nursing career in performing the nursing roles. According to Tomajan, "the role of an advocate is
to work on behalf of self and/or others to raise awareness of a concern and to promote solutions to
the issue" (Tomajan, 2012, para 5). Acting as a patient advocate plays an important role in providing
patient–centered care. In this role, nurses should be aware of patients' vulnerability and pay much
attention to their individual values and preferences in receiving care. However, in reality, it is
challenging for nurses to focus exclusively on patients' needs and
... Get more on ...
Education, Training and Social Care Policies and Procedures
Social Care has got Policies and Procedures staff has to follow, same as in Education and Training.
Some of the Policies are :–
Data Protection Act (1998) made provision for the regulation of the processing of information
relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information. It
was amended in 2003 to include electronic data.
Protection of Children Act (POCA) (1999) was designed to protect children. It gives responsibility
to Local Authorities to make enquiries when anyone contacts them with concerns about child abuse.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) introduced a vetting and barring scheme to make
decision about who should be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults. Teachers
may need to have a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)
Equality Act (2010) replaced all previous anti–discrimination legislation and consolidated in into
one act (England, Scotland and Wales). It provides rights for the people not to be discriminated
against or harassed because they have an association with a disabled person or because they were
wrongly perceived as disabled.
Health and Safety at Work 1974 imposes all staff within an organisation commensurate with other
role and responsibility. Risk assessments should be carried out where necessary. In event of
accident, particularly one resulting in death or serious injury, an investigation by Health and Safety
Executive may result in the prosecution.
Legislation in the UK
... Get more on ...

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Assessment Process

  • 1. Assessment Process The following table may be used to aid your completion of this unit. Alternatively, you may want to record your knowledge and understanding in an assignment type format. If you choose the assignment format, please make reference to the criteria numbers in the margins adjacent to relevant paragraphs. Record your responses in the spaces that follow each set of bullet points. The table will expand as you type. Although some questions may appear similar, there are subtle differences that need to be considered if you are sign–posting one answer to another. Criteria Number Assessment Criteria 1.1 Explain the functions of assessment: Why is assessment carried out? What is the purpose of assessment? What does assessment measure? What ... Show more content on ... Consider: Motivation Range of experience and understanding How to involve expert witnesses 4.2 Summarise the types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process e.g.: Documentation Policies Procedures Skills analysis outcomes Others 4.3 Explain how peer and self–assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning? Consider: Development of analytical skills Understanding of specifications
  • 2. Self reflection of own performance 4.4 Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners e.g. Time consideration, work/shift patterns etc. Confidentiality issues Consideration of learning styles Variation of assessment methods 5.1 Explain how to judge whether evidence is: Sufficient – Are the requirements met and how do you know? Authentic – Is it the learner's own work and how do you know? Current – Have the working practices around that activity changed since the evidence was produced? 5.2 Explain how to ensure that assessment decisions are: Made against specified criteria – Refer to your standards Valid – Accurately measured using a method that suits the situation Reliable – Ensuring the same results regardless of who is assessing Fair – That equality ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Essay on Ostrich Meat Future Contract Future contract #1 Ostrich meat 1. This is a future contract of 60,000 lbs. ostrich meat traded in $0.0001/lb. in Dec., Mar., Jul. and Sep. The seller has to deliver USDA frozen 75–100 pound Grade A ostrich carcasses. The daily Price cannot be $0.05/lb. above or below the previous day's settlement price. 2. i) According to world – ostrich organization (–, the current demand for ostrich meat is way far more than supply. Therefore, there will be a constantly increase in the price of ostrich meat. Investors are reluctant to take short positions of ostrich meat futures; however, there would be a lot of people willing to take long positions. Thus, the long positions will be in far excess of short ... Show more content on ... It is too large for retailers of ostrich meat. ii) As the ostrich meat is not a popular kind of meat, the traded market has not enough liquidity, creating wide bid/ask spreads and excessive volatility. Only really expert on ostrich meat will trade on the contract. iii) The delivery method is particularly important for commodities that involve significant transportation costs. However, the delivery method in the contract is not mentioned and may cause confusion. 5. We recommend that the contract not be accepted based on the point (2–4). I) the ostrich meat is not a popular kind of meat; the traded market has not enough liquidity, creating wide bid/ask spreads and excessive volatility. There will be few potential investors. To improve this we recommend changing the underlying asset into a common kind of meat like pork and beef. II) The delivery method in the contract is not specific and may cause confusion. To improve this contract, it needs to include detailed method of delivery. Future contract #2 Credit Card Receivables Security Future Contract 1. This is a contract from credit card receivables securitization, a kind of bonds finance collateralized by credit card receivables. Every Contract of security has a face value at maturity of $100,000 and will mature in 2.5 to 5 years. The price of the contract changes by 1/32 a point but cannot be 3 points above or below the previous day's ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Bronfenbrenner : Theoretical Frameworks .10 Theoretical framework The ecological frameworks theory created by Bronfenbrenner (1979) guided the study. This theory concentrates on the way that learners develop at the focal point of interconnected relationships and environments that all impact their development. In this study, the environment is the school and it goes about as a framework involving components which work in agreement amid the process of orientation and mobility training. Bronfenbrenner (1979) accords moderately equal significance to both the environment and the developing individual; for him development is adequately the developing cooperation between the variables. In connection to this, it is viewed that for adequate learning and training in orientation and mobility, various variables need to cooperate for its success. These incorporate time, joint effort, administration, perceptions and policies. The fundamental unit of investigation for Bronfenbrenner is the two person framework, a fact which itself shows a sense of duty regarding not seeing the subject of development in social segregation. Chronosystem; Bronfenbrenner counts the measure of time. Time is significant as it involves the designing of environmental activities. This is interpreted as meaning that for orientation and mobility training to occur there ought to be arrangement of time. This planning will give the span for training. Microsystem; these alludes to the exercises and connections that happen in the individual's prompt setting. Learners are impacted by the general population in their Microsystems. In this sense the perception of the learner towards orientation and mobility is of prime significance as this will make the child be inspired or not to be trained to acquire the skills of independent travel. Exosystem; Team work is imperative in the advancement as well as execution of orientation and mobility instruction. Mesosystem; these implies to the affiliations or interrelations among such Microsystems as homes, school and peer group. Bronfenbrenner contends that development is inclined to be improved by solid, steady connections among Microsystems. This is the place where the teacher– pupil ratio falls. Macrosystem; this is an expansive belief framework ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. How Self Managed Learning Can Improve Deep Rooted Development In today world personal education is considered important while before, here individuals went to schools, completed, went to work; and quit examining totally. Individuals these days precede with their learning even, when they have finished with college, retain with new information to enhance their aptitudes and make a convention of lifelong learning. Personal and professional development is the most essential idea for the long haul vocation development. It is the procedure to setup the point in life. Everybody ought to create personal and professional development plan to discover what are the obliged ability is fundamental for the long haul development in life. Education is the starting phase of our life to obtain information and aptitude and professional life is stage where we can implement those learning and expertise, Professional life is additionally help us to upgrade our current ability and learning. Self–managed learning is a capable procedure that could help people on their study way with numerous compelling techniques. This report first notes how self–managed learning can improve deep rooted development by assessing approaches to self–managed learning, courses in which long lasting learning in personal and professional connections can be supported, and the advantages of self–managed learning to the individual and association. From that point, the report remarks upon my own present aptitudes and skills. These are assessed against professional measures and those of ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Speech On Being Self Aware students. I provided office hours addressing any questions or concerns they may have or just general chit chat and this was a language school and every opportunity was an opportunity to speak English. Being Present 1. When I arrived to class I expected myself and my students to be fully present. If they were experiencing joy, sadness, a burden, I would have them share with the class before continuing on. This allowed my students to be focused on the now and not on what happened or will happen. An exercise that helped them accomplish this was to write something down that may be hindering them from being present and deposit it, without their name, into a classroom box. Temprarily, I was able to clear their mind and get them focused on what is happening now. – See more at: Being Self–Aware . Being self aware while teaching meant that I was aware of what I was saying, what I was thinking and how I was responding to the leaners' and the instructional material. I was self– ware of the decisions I made in and out of class. This is also what I encouraged in my students. Encouraging students to be self–aware, they consciously paid more attention. The learner proactively viewed themselves from the position of their higher self, through their feelings thoughts, decisions, and actions. I expected no less of them than what I expected of myself. Unskilled. Two areas that I am not familiar with, but ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. We Must Complete Co Ops I will never cease to be amazed by how quickly I fall in love with ideas. I become completely consumed with a thought. I will go to New Zealand and work there and hike everyday, living out of a van with my best friend. I will attend Business school and love it and travel the world while doing so. I will go to Fiji, live on a rural island for four months teaching a class of ten year olds how to do long division. I have been lucky enough that all of the above things I have had to opportunity to do. Well. I am still in the process of business school and I might not say that I loooove it. It is pretty great though, you know, for university. And now my next thought. My next break through. I only found out about this idea 24 hours ago and I have been completely consumed with it for that entire time. In school we must complete co–ops; a great chance to try out careers to get some experience under your belt and they are paid. So it is exam time now which means procrastination is at an all time high. Lately when I procrastinate I look up potential careers for myself. It helps to motivate me, seeing a career that I would love to do that a business degree would be necessary for. It promotes the mindset that maybe I am doing the right thing spending ten thousand dollars a year on stress and books. I have a major travel bug and a huge passion for global volunteering so I always end up on their sites looking for positions. Let me tell you how much I wish I wanted to go into finance. It ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Model The Habits Of A Life Long Learner Research shows that people choose to to buy in and support the institution when they feel positive about the "we" and often quit when the "me" category is not fulfilled (Buckingham, 2016). Model the habits of a life–long learner Just as teachers are expected to participate in professional development opportunities and continually update curriculum to meet the needs of their students, authentic administrators need to model the same behavior. This is especially true in modeling the learning and use of technology in the classroom. Kathleen Lommen (2016), author of the article, "Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age," argues that school administrators "must ... embrace technology, become proficient in its use and understand its value in ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, leaders who are seen as fair by their faculty through the harvesting careful relationships founded on trust and remaining transparent throughout the organizational and structure changes. By taking these steps focusing on justice, faculty and staff will be more receptive to large institutional changes. Utilize different collaboration strategies Collaboration as the means for change is imperative in transformational leadership. According to Abdolhamid Arbabi and Vali Mehdinezhad (2015) in their research article, "The Relationship Between the School Principals' Collaborative Leadership Style and Teachers' Self–Efficacy," principals and school leaders who practice collaborative decision–making have faculty that have a higher self–efficacy, or belief in one's ability to succeed at their jobs. (p.3) Arbabi and Mehdinezhad (2015) also found that when teachers have a strong self–efficacy, they tend to expand their teaching and try new and less–traditional forms of instruction based on the needs of their students (p.5). Build a culture of collaboration in schools Successful collaboration in schools does not necessarily come inherently with a transformational leader alone. There are very specific strategies a leader can take to instill regular collaboration centered around important needs of the school. Paul Sutton and Andrew House (2016) ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Descriptive Narrative Story In hindsight, I realize I was not ready for a job, maybe I was just too immature. That Thursday night, in what felt like an empty cold room, I lay there crying, wishing for everything to be over. It all started the day I turned 15, I was just a young man, who for some reason decided that it was time to get a real job. I woke up that hot summer day and decided that it was time I go out and apply for some jobs. I chose to apply at my favorite restaurant, not knowing that it would be one of the worst ideas I have ever had. I remember it took about three weeks for a response, those three weeks felt like years waiting and waiting not hearing a thing, until finally I got the call. I remember walking in for my interview all dressed up, with my hair looking shinier than the paint on my car, slicked back like G– Eazy. As I walked in I was greeted by the store manager a middle aged woman with wildly frizzy hair, her face resembling someone who just ran a 5K. Rushing me to a table she sat down quickly, short of breath, she makes out the words "Hi my name is Meeghan". Nervously, I greeted her instantly "Andrew, Andrew Sherman nice to meet you" realizing how dumb that sounded I felt a rush through my body, my face getting hotter and hotter as if I just drank a whole bottle of sriracha. I could not believe how fast I got nervous, I thought for sure there wasn't going to be a problem because I practiced this one interview at least a thousand times. During the interview Meeghan brought me ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. PARADISE FLUBBED: Pynchon & the New World Essay PARADISE FLUBBED: Pynchon & the New World When, in Gravity's Rainbow, "A screaming comes across the sky," it is the sound of a V–2 rocket arcing up and over the English Channel.But the rocket's vapor trail (which Pirate Prentice sees from kneedeep in the primordial mulch of his bananararium) points further on: over the Atlantic, on toward America, the New World, Tyrone Slothrop's "yearned–for, perhaps illusory home." The rocket's path ends a fraction of an inch above the reader's head, the rocket suspended, poised ... A tableau representing the possibile if not quite realized Apocalypse.In his first novel, V., Pynchon explored the death–worshipping mania, the will–to–the–inorganic hubris, the sheer Gotterdamerüng gaga–ness of a ... Show more content on ... However, Gravity's Rainbow (1973), turns away from America of the 1970's to Europe of the 1940's, as if Pynchon himself were stuck on lot 48 and hadn't yet figured out What Came Next for the New World. Rather than rockets, Vineland opens with carrier pigeons (coming from the east, from Europe?), and blue jays (screaming, nest–stealing birds)––and messages: gone too late to be read, perhaps ever to be understood. "Too late, too late" runs like the background hum of an amplifier throughout the opening of this novel.For instance, Desmond, the familly dog, rises later than usual to chase blue jays away from his food; and his master, Zoyd Wheeler––part–time carpenter and unreclaimed hippie––is late for his appointment with a plate glass window, through which he must jump each year to keep his government disability checks coming.Zoyd is a resident of Vineland, a refuge tucked in the northern California woodlands, where once the only industry was logging, the only inhabitants were early 20th Century remnants of American frontiersmen, and the only cause for concern was running out of timber."Vineland the Good" Zoyd calls it. Vineland.And then perhaps we think Vinland––the first name given to this continent by the Vikings.The primeval evergreen forests of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. I Am About Last Night I wake up just enough to roll over. As I do so, the annoying, repetitive sound of my alarm clock fills my ears. I groan and roll myself out of bed. I trudge over to my dresser and turn the alarm off. I don 't feel like going to school today, especially since I know that Dad will be calling Mom while I 'm gone. As I walk to the bathroom, I grab my phone from my desk. I see that I have two new messages and one new email. I read the first message, which is from my mom, telling me that she 'd be gone this morning. I open the second message, and of course, it 's from Damon. Text to Karrison from Damon: "Good morning, beautiful. I hope you have an amazing day! I 'm still very sorry about last night. I know I must have disappointed you, and I feel awful. I promise that I 'll make it up to you!" Well, I don 't know how he would expect that he disappointed me. I 'm great at hiding my emotions! I wonder how he 's going to try to make it up to me. I walk over to the mirror and almost shriek at my appearance. My eyes are crusty, and my long, brown hair is sticking out in all directions. I was painfully reminded of Einstein. I look down at my sink and groan. I look like an Einstein raccoon! I forgot to clean my makeup off before I went to sleep. Looks like I have a bunch of work to do before I leave for school. With excitement, I realize it 's Friday and almost jump up and down. Face and hair or outfit first? I should try to do something with my hair first. I wash my face and dry ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Why Is Lillie Flexible Flexibility Have you seen anybody more flexible then a baby? Well things are about to change. You should know that Lillie is very flexible. Lillie is homeschooled and that might make you think that she doesn't have very many friends but she actually has a lot. To start out with, as you know Lillie was REALLY flexible. She has done gymnastics for a very long time, she has done dance for a little bit but not much. As a baby she was more flexible than any other ordinary baby. She was the most flexible human being in the world. She also had a little sister named Emma. Emma was younger by 2 years. She was into gymnastics as well. Therefore, Lillie had to practice A LOT. Which means she had to be homeschooled and that she didn't have that ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Examples Of Metalinguistic Feedback and/or phrases such as "I don't understand" which indicate to the learner that there is a problem with his or her utterance, and that it needs to be reformulated. For example: S: "His preferit food" T: "Pardon? I don't understand the word preferit" D) Metalinguistic feedback With metalinguistic feedback, the teacher does not provide the correct form but "comments, information, or questions related to the well–formedness of the student's utterance" as Lyster and Ranta (1997: 47) states. Metalinguistic feedback is a corrective feedback form of implicit correction which implies ways of negotiation of form without explicitly providing the correct form. It generally provides either some grammatical metalanguage that refers to the nature of the error or a word definition in the case of lexical errors. It can also be body language which involves non–verbal cues such as facial expressions or hand movements to indicate errors about word order or tense. (Lyster and Ranta, 1997). For example: ... Show more content on ... E) Elicitation Elicitation is a corrective feedback form of implicit correction which implies ways of negotiation of form. In order to directly elicit the correct form from the learner, teachers can elicit completion of his own utterance by "pausing to allow students to fill the blank" (Lyster and Ranta 1997:48). Teachers can also elicit the learners' self–repair by using a question in order to elicit the correct form (e.g. How do we say X in English?) or use intonation in order to indicate that learners should reformulate their utterance. For example: S: "He likes very much chocolate" T: "He likes ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Short Sale Short sale Short sale is a sale of securities in which investors does not own the securities, they simply borrow the securities, usually from the broker in expectation that the securities price will decline and allow them to make profit by buy back the securities at a lower price. Short selling often used by investors to either hedge or speculate and can be classified as speculative activity. The benefit of short sale is that it allows investors to add value to their portfolio even when there's a bear market since it can be difficult to make profit in a bear market without short sale and if investors use short sale to hedge, they can minimize their portfolio risk. The downfall of short sale is that the loss can be limitless if the price of ... Show more content on ... Transaction structure can be divided into two steps. First is the initial acquisition where CP ALL acquires approximately 64.35% and the next step is the tender offer for the remaining shares at the tender offer price of THB 787 per share. There're several rationale behind the acquisition of MAKRO, Improve operational efficiency, Enhance economy of scale, Optimize capital structure, Open opportunity for international expansion, Acquire top tier asset and capture a new segment of retail market and Unlock value of under–utilized land. Makro has been operating as the Cash and Carry Trade Centers, selling consumer goods to customers which consist of various product such as Electrical Appliances, restaurant and food service business, Textile and clothes and Beverages, snacks. The acquisition of MAKRO makes CP ALL PCL Thailand's leading in both retail and wholesale business and Asia third largest retailer not including Japan. MAJOR and MPIC Date of submission of the Tender offer : August 2, ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Computer Based Instruction As An Adult Learner Computer–based instruction, or CBI, is widely used to deliver content to learners of all ages. Although this form of instructional delivery has become nearly ubiquitous, levels of effectiveness of CBI vary, particularly when considering computer–based instruction for adults. In 2005, researchers Janis Lowe and Elwood Holton, III developed a theory regarding the elements necessary for an effective CBI experience with adult learners and then drew five conclusions based on their investigation. Lowe and Holton (2005) acknowledged a need for both external support and instructional support if an adult learner's CBI experience will be deemed positive. Of their five conclusions, this one was of particular interest to me based on the different computer–based instruction experiences I have had. My first experience with a course conducted completely using computer–based instruction as an adult learner occurred during the fall semester of 2007. I was nearing the completion of my first Master's degree and enrolled in ED500A, which was an educational research class. Although I had extensive experience utilizing technology and the Internet, and had dabbled in CBI, this course was conducted entirely online and proved to be challenging for me. The challenges were not due to the content, but were based on the limited connectivity with other course participants and the instructor. I quickly adapted to the format of the course expectations and developed a schedule in order to meet ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Program Goals And Learning Outcomes This paper will discuss the program goals and learning outcomes aligned to the goals that meet the instructional–level needs of adult learners; subsequently, it will provide insight into contextual application designed to increase retention. It will display the instructional content and identify resources utilized in the face–to–face delivery method with the justifiable reason for the method; henceforth, there will be the inclusion of relevant examples contained in the paper. A presentation of the learning transfer plans will be presented illustrating the alignment with the retention goals and learning outcomes coupled with relevant examples. Program Goals and Learning Outcomes Program goals and learning outcomes can be considered as the ... Show more content on ... To offer the adult learners the opportunity to participant in the planning of their trade program that will be geared specifically towards what they desire to accomplish and knowledge of the available resources that can assist when their needs and circumstances that may arise during the course of their program. To incorporate the needs of the adult learners that participated in exit interviews with new strategies that will assist in governing the trade programs, allowing an intersection to occur prior to other adult learners enrolling in the various trade programs. Learning Outcomes for Adult Learners Participating in Trade Programs The adult learner will: Locate information about resources, should a need occur for daycare assistance, transportation assistance or financial assistance from activities requiring them to interact with Student Support Services. Connect with faculty, staff and other adult learners by attending social events, career fairs, and workshops. Participate in group activities, discussion boards, and reflective journaling as a source to share past learning experiences. Express their thoughts and concerns about the improvement of their specific trade program by completing surveys, questionnaires and interviews. Complete an exit interview to assist in developing new strategies for the
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  • 63. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Role Play Activity The Role–Play Activity The Role–Play Activity could be the best way to stimulate conversation. By this activity, 1st year EFL learners can learn new vocabulary, words statements and know how to use them in its correct context by asking to perform dialogues, negotiate with your partner on an item such as computer or large piece of furniture, and discuss things such as warranty that are found in (ESLGold, 2010). This activity will help them to know the right place of each discourse and give them an opportunity to practice it well, improve the FL and create a relaxed area while sharing ideas. As Livingstone said, The role–play is a classroom activity, which gives the student the opportunity to practice the language, the aspects of role behaviour ... Show more content on ... In simulations, 1st year EFL learners could bring items to the class to create a realistic environment. For instance, if a learner is acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on. Role–plays and simulations have many advantages. First, since they are entertaining, they motivate the learners. Second, as Harmer (2001, p. 275) suggests, they increase the self–confidence of hesitant learners, because in role–play and simulation activities, they will have a different role and do not have to speak for themselves. Storytelling First year EFL Learners could create their own stories to tell their classmates or summarize a tale or story they heard from somebody else. Story telling could help learners developing creative thinking and to know how to develop ideas from introduction, body, and then conclusion without forgetting to include the characters and the setting. Learners also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the beginning of each class, the teacher should call few learners to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening. In this way, he will not only address their speaking ability but getting the attention of the class. Story ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Defining The Short Squeeze Event 1 IntroductionBefore defining the Short Squeeze event, I will explain the concept of Short sellingof stocks. Short selling is a strategy, where an trader borrows stocks of firms from abroker and sells those stocks in the market with the condition of returning the stocksback to the broker at later point of the time. Traders execute this strategy when theexpected future returns of stock performance is bleak or have negative outlook.Forexample, if the future expected earnings, sales, cash flows of the company is expectedto decline in next quarters, the investors will short sell the the stock now and buythe stocks in future and return the borrowed shares to the brokers.This strategy is contrary to normal investment strategy where investors ... Show more content on ... The short interest informa–tion released by NASDAQ has 2 dates i.e. settlement date and dissemination date.Settlement date is the date specified for delivery of securities between securities firms.This date marks the official date for change of ownership and is used for accountingfor long or short positions. Dissemination is the date when the information is released3 to the market. It is generally T+7 days with respect to Settlement date. AverageDaily Share Volume is the number of shares of stock traded each day, averaged overa rolling one–year period. Days to Cover is calculated as the aggregate short interestfor the month divided by the average daily share volume traded between short inter–est settlement dates. If days to cover is between 0 and 1, it is rounded up to 1 on[NASDAQ Reference]4 2 MotivationShort Interest ratio has been of interest to many hedge funds that trade on fundamen–tals of the firms. During our literature survey, we observe that some studies suggestthat high levels of short interest predict future returns, but the rationale behind thisthis predictability is not well understood. There are various theories that lead todifferent interpretations. One of the study suggests that stocks are overvalued in thepresence of short sale constraint and hence the subsequent negative abnormal returnsrepresent a correct of this overvaluation. Second suggests that short interest sellersare highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Benefits And Disadvantages Of E-Learning Systems 3. Question 2 E–learning systems 3.1. By saying training is just the "latest trend" the CEO means it's something everyone in the corporate world is doing which is popular and after something else new comes in it will die and everyone will follow it. The CEO sees e–training as a waste of money because it is something that is going to die soon and it does not make sense to him to spend a lot of money on training if it won't bring in positive results to the organisation. 3.2. The company Sunrise Inc. emphasises on sales for them to become successful and so the company's employees need to be individuals who are sales oriented. Environments change and so does the industry and so it is important that the company keep up with the latest sales techniques ... Show more content on ... An intuitive user interface – Navigation through the system should be guileless and clear. Online coaching support – Quick responses from e–learning systems is essential. A high level of interactivity – Online tests and quizzes must be available to offer immediate response to learners. Benefits and disadvantages of E–learning (Grobler et al, 2012): Benefits: o Extraordinary amount of interaction between the learner and materials o Understanding can be evaluated before the learner moves on o Responses can be personalised to the learner's choices o Topics can be retrieved in an order which suits the learner o Probability for familiarising the learning style to the user's necessities o Moderately easy to update text and graphics o Prepared means of testing o Consistent form of training o Attractive to many learners o Learner can use material at their own speed o Computer supported learning programmes are bendable on the subject of the usage time o The opportunity of using a variety of material Disadvantages o Needs precise equipment to run the programmes o Admission to a computer is desirable for each ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Solution to Derivatives Markets: for Exam Fm Solution to Derivatives Markets: for Exam FM Yufeng Guo June 24, 2007 c °Yufeng Guo ii Contents Introduction 1 Introduction to derivatives 2 Introduction to forwards and options vii 1 7 29 79 129 141 3 Insurance, collars, and other strategies 4 Introduction to risk management 5 Financial forwards and futures 8 Swaps iii CONTENTS CONTENTS c °Yufeng Guo iv Preface This is Guo's solution to Derivatives Markets (2nd edition ISBN 0–321–28030X) for Exam FM. Unlike the official solution manual published by AddisonWesley, this solution manual provides solutions to both the even–numbered and odd–numbered problems for the chapters that are on the Exam FM syllabus. Problems that are out of ... Show more content on ... The ski resort can use the gain from the futures to offset its loss in sales.
  • 76. Problem 1.3. a. 100 × 41.05 + 20 = 4125 b. 100 × 40.95 − 20 = 4075 c. For each stock, you buy at $41.05 and sell it an instant later for $40.95. The total loss due to the ask–bid spread: 100 (41.05 − 40.95) = 10. In addition, you pay $20 twice. Your total transaction cost is 100 (41.05 − 40.95) + 2 (20) = 50 Problem 1.4. a. 100 × 41.05 + 100 × 41.05 × 0.003 = 4117. 315 b. 100 × 40.95 − 100 × 40.95 × 0.003 = 4082. 715 c. For each stock, you buy at $41.05 and sell it an instant later for $40.95. The total loss due to the ask–bid spread: 100 (41.05 − 40.95) = 10. In addition, your pay commission 100 × 41.05 × 0.003 + 100 × 40.95 × 0.003 = 24. 6. Your total transaction cost is 10 + 24. 6 = 34. 6 Problem 1.5. The market maker buys a security for $100 and sells it for $100.12. If the market maker buys 100 securities and immediately sells them, his profit is 100 (100.12 − 100) = 12 Problem 1.6. c °Yufeng Guo 2 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO DERIVATIVES Your sales proceeds: 300 (30.19) − 300 (30.19) (0.005) = 9011. 715 Your cost of buying 300 shares from the market to close your short position is: 300 (29.87) + 300 (29.87) (0.005) = 9005. 805 Your profit: 9011. 715 − 9005. 805 = 5. 91 Problem 1.7. a. Consider the bid–ask spread but ignore commission and interest. Your sales proceeds: 400 ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Abbott Labs Risk Arbitrage: Abbott Labs & Alza 1) How does risk arbitrage work? What are the risks and opportunities associated with this strategy? Risk arbitrage, or merger and acquisition arbitrage, is one of three types of arbitrage strategies. Two types of mergers are possible: a cash merger and a stock merger. Cash Merger Opportunities Acquirer proposes to purchase the shares of the target for a certain price in cash. Until the acquisition is completed, the stock of the target usually trades below the purchase price. An arbitrageur buys the stock of the target and makes a gain if the acquirer ultimately buys the stock. Stock–for–Stock Merger Opportunities Acquirer proposes to buy the target by exchanging its own stock for the stock of ... Show more content on ... The number of Abbott shares shorted is then found by multiplying the number of shares of Alza purchased by the Announced Exchange Ratio of 1.2 ABT:1.0 AZA, which yields 312,000 shares of Abbott that are to be shorted. Potential and Expected Returns The bet's "payoff" is reflected in the spread between the market values of consideration to be received in the deal (acquirer's stock, cash) minus the market values of securities to be given up (target's stock). Gross Spread (Per Share) = Value to be Received in the Transaction – Stock Price of Target = Value of Abbott Shares to be Received – Price of Alza = (43.50 x 1.2) – 48.00 = $4.20 Gross Spread (Total) = (43.50 x 312,000 shares) – (48.00 x 260,000 shares) = 13,572,000 – 12,480,000 = $1,092,000 Net Spread = Gross Spread (total) ± All Other Cash Flows from Investment = Gross Spread – Margin Interest + Short Sale Rebate = 1,092,000 – ((6.2% x 50% x 12,480,000 x (191/365)) + (5.6% x 13,572,000 x (191/365)) = 1,092,000 – 202,450 + 397,715 = $1,287,265 Potential ROI = Net Spread / Total Capital Employed = 1,287,265 / ((50% x 13,572,000) + (50% x 12,480,000)) = 1,287,265 / 13,026,000 = 10.1%
  • 81. Annualized Potential ROI = Potential ROI x (365 / Number of Days until Completion) = 10.1% x (365/191) = 19.3% 3) Why would you expect positive excess returns ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Life Long Learner Approach For Teaching Having believed in life long learner approach, every now and then I have learned from others at numerous instances. Before CELTA, teaching was just a mundane practice for me. I was very much an average teacher and barely try to link with any student. Throughout this whole learning process, I have enjoyed learning through edutainment, a blend of education and entertainment that enhance learning tremendously. The guidance and assistance given by my mentors are still working exquisitely; for certain it was a magnum opus. CELTA reformed my teaching practice; I am on the crest of a wave since then. Besides, every teacher can narrate numerous highs and lows in their teaching career. Personally, I experienced many great moments while teaching. Over my last 8 years of teaching and working in education, one event stands above the rest as my absolute best teaching experience. Through the years, I learned so much about teaching and dealing with students. Recently I graduated with TESL Ontario and TESL Canada from Canadian College of Educators, Canada. Today TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) plays an imperative role in Canada. TESL Canada National Certification Standards for Instructors of English as a Second Language or Foreign Language in Adult Programs were developed for instructors trained in Canada – an obligation in today's ESL or educational world. By all odds, education system has developed more and more than the previous times and it is one of the leading systems ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Social Work Reflection I met with the two participants individually for face–to–face interviews that lasted approximately 60 minutes each. Through a series of both open–ended and Likert scale questions, the semi–structured interviews focused on the participants' chosen intentional learning activity. The interview included 19 statements that asked the participants to respond with a number valued 0 to 10; 0 meaning total disagreement and 10 was total agreement. The interviews were audio recorded on my laptop computer and I obtained consent from the participants. Findings Theme Among adult learners engaged in purposeful learning activities, prior successful experiences led to a strong sense of self–efficacy in their learning that enabled them to overcome situational barriers to learning that arose. Supporting Data Alyse shared what prompted her to become involved in the MSW program: "I really wanted to do something with kids, so probably in a school. I didn't necessarily know I wanted to be a school social worker until I was in the program, but pretty much any job like that you need to get a master's." Alyse previously worked with children in a school setting as an ABA Therapist. When asked to rate her previous experience related to the learning, Alyse gave herself a 3 on the scale. Alyse commented, "I wouldn't say I had a lot of experience in social work specifically, but I did work in a school for a long time where I worked with kids...I feel like I had more experience than other people." ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Abbot Risk arbitrage (or merge arbitrage) is a trading strategy related to M&A transactions. For example, if an M&A transaction is carried out by means of share exchange between the buzzer and the target, then an arbitrageur may short sell buyer's stocks and purchase stocks of the target. Until the acquisition is completed, the stock of the target typically trades below the purchase price. After the merger is completed, the target's stock will be converted into stock of the acquirer based on the exchange ratio predetermined in the merger agreement. The arbitrageur delivers the converted stock into his short position to complete the arbitrage. In an efficient capital market, the price of the target and acquirer will fully and immediately ... Show more content on ... We should keep in mind that we can remain without deals and try to evaluate deals (short and long) separately with risk for each stock, volatility of it and other market parameters. Also we should evaluate probability of cancelation the deals after that we try to Market should prevent this profit as it contains risk. This profit isn't risk adjusted we always have risk that deals will not be completed after calculating risk connected to deal we should find new price corrected by risks. Option strategy is a hedge for uncovered long position in stocks. If deal will be canceled Smith receive two positions: short in Abbot and long in Alza. For complete hedge he needs two option call in Abbot and put in Alza. If he buys put option for Alza he will hedge from price drop in Alza shares. But he still has risk in from rising Abbot shares. So he decreases risk of the positions. At the first glance it seems that expected return should be decrease as we decrease risk from strategy and pay money for this insurance (risk premium for option). If deal is canceled we will lose less money than without put option. There is a possibility than all market goes down before the deal and so we can additional return from exercise put option and also keep return from deal. To say exactly how will be change expected we should calculate probabilities of all possible situation, but based on risk arbitrage strategy we shouldn't receive additional receive as ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Literature Review : Learner Autonomy Literature Review. The focus of this literature review will be on the history of the set theme within the research project, the points that have been put across through various researchers will also be included to gain a clarity of understanding in topics related to learner autonomy and the belief's teachers have on learner autonomy and the way in which they implement this in their classrooms. The literature review will consider the sub–headings above (I.1 – I.7). L.1– What is Learner Autonomy. As determined in I.2 there are several definitions of learner autonomy in second language learning and education. This category (L.1) will portray the different terms engaged in previous research. For example, Holec (1981, p.3) provided a definition ... Show more content on ... Therefore, if a student is learning through reactive autonomy they will learn what is necessary without being forced. This analysis of the two strands of learner autonomy has been a fresh way in which researchers have been able to define learner autonomy and this can be extremely helpful in Middle Eastern schools as this research is extremely new and cultural backgrounds which are different to the western culture (Smith,2008). Within the Middle East learner autonomy has been explored for many years as the introduction of learner autonomy needs to consider the cultural backgrounds of each student. Due to the Middle East having many expats this can be extremely difficult as Pennycook (1997, p.53) concluded that it is important for all teachers to not only look at the cultural side of learner autonomy but, also the political side to allow all students to 'deal differently with the world and allow them to become authors of their own world'. Having a comprehension on the attributes of the understudies who are adapting independently is critical. Although, it is important for teachers to also have an understanding on how they can implement learner autonomy within the classrooms and within the Middle East this seems to be through the consideration of cultural and political views in the Middle East. L.3 – Curriculum and Classroom based approach. Per Cotterall (2000) the implantation of learner ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Notes On The Price Of Wheat Futures Strategy 1: Concerns regarding fluctuations in the price of a certain commodity in the coming future can secured through the use of different derivative products. In the given case, prime concern of the management of Karl's bakery is to protect itself against the future variations in the price of the wheat, as it can impact their business in a significant way. The suitable option for the bakery is to take long position in December wheat futures contracts as the management procures bulk of the wheat in December. It will provide Karl's management hedge against unanticipated rise in the price of wheat. The bakery needs to purchase almost 25,000 bushels of wheat. Therefore, 5 contracts have been purchased (each contract is based on 5,000 bushels of wheat). Price of each contract is $5.08, and total cost of this strategy stands at $127,000. This position in closed on 27th October. The price of wheat futures has risen from $5.08 to $ 5.11 during the period. This price rise translated into positive gains for the bakery as it indicated rise in the price of the underlying commodity. The management has remained successful in hedging its price risk by taking long position in wheat futures. Strategy 2: Primary apprehension of a corn seller is decline in the price commodity which will impact his revenues negatively. Short position in corn futures will lock in the future price of the corn and will guarantee the locked price of the commodity, irrespective of the actual market price of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Theory Of The Mathematics Teacher "While the rule–taught youth is at sea when beyond his rules, the youth instructed in principles solves a new case as readily as an old one". (Spencer, 1878, p.57) "What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are". (Lewis, 1994, p.108) The mathematics teacher builds examples into their arsenal of resources to help demonstrate the mathematical principles they are trying to teach (Dreyfus, 1994). However, not all examples are equally constructed and provide the same learning experience to the learner. Spencer (1978) believes that learners who know principles are more prepared than rule–focussed learners to tackle problems. This is the same within mathematics, ... Show more content on ... The methodology will describe how the study will be conducted and why. Observations will be recorded on the process of constructing examples and how they are employed in the classroom. Percentage examples will be constructed and these will be used in the teaching of percentages to a Year 7 class. Further observations will be made on how the learners approach and conduct the examples. Analysis of the response to these examples will be made where recommendations will be offered to improve my application as a mathematics teacher. It is intended that this investigation and use of Variation Theory will improve my understanding of the construction of examples and thus improve the learners' experience. BACKGROUND The study was conducted in a Leicestershire high school that accepts learners from year 7 to 9. Year 7s enter directly from several feeder primary schools and generally leave to join a single upper school where they sit GCSEs. Although it does not take the learners through formal exams,the school's primary focus is on the preparation to attain qualifications. This means its Scheme of Work (SOW) is fixed to meeting the National Curriculum (NC). The class studied is a year 7 mixed ability mathematics class. This consisted of 32 learners with a boy to girl ratio of 2:1. There are several behavioural issues regards some learners disrupting the class and, ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Analysis Of Sara Content Analysis Approach 6. How were the data then analyzed? What procedures were used? (pgs. 88–89) The data were analyzed with the SARA content analysis approach. This approach involves constant comparison, multisource and multipass strategies, and triangulation of data sets for more robust findings (86). Audiotape recordings, researcher observations and intentional debriefings after each focus group were used to document the focus group sessions. The researchers constructed themes and dimensions in an attempt to identify the messages communicated in the focus group sessions. The idea of multipass strategies is to continue data analysis until no new findings or insights emerge. The focus of the study using SARA was on the meaning of the experiences in the words of the participants and not how some researchers use SARA by counting how frequently certain words are used. Validity was based on the collective results of all focus groups and the saturation of common themes and responses. The researchers analyzed the data in eight different passes as noted below: 1. Each researcher independently analyzed all of the transcripts, reading carefully and writing down important information. 2. The researchers collectively discussed the information provided in #1 above and agreed on commonalities and differences among the individual analysis. 3. Themes (labels) emerged and the researchers developed definitions to describe these themes. 4. The data were coded into themes by each individual ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Risk Arbitrage Case Risk Arbitrage: Abbott Labs and Alza Harvard Business Review Case Study 1. BACKGROUND Risk Arbitrage is essentially just arbitrage with some element of risk. Three main types of risk arbitrage are merger and acquisition arbitrage (also known as just merger arbitrage), liquidation arbitrage, and pairs trading. We will focus on merger arbitrage, as it pertains to this case study. Merger arbitrage is an investment strategy that chooses to capitalize upon arbitrage that presents when a merger or acquisition deal is announced. Essentially, an arbitrageur is seeking to profit from the movements of the acquirer's and or target's stock price from the merger. There are two main types of mergers, a cash merger and a stock merger, which ... Show more content on ... Chris acquired 260,000 shares at $48/share, which came out to a $12.48 million allocation. Since the announced exchange rate was 1.2, Chris also shorted 312,000 shares of Abbott Labs (260,000*1.2=312,000) at $43.50. If the deal did go through, Chris would expect positive returns because the stock price of Alza would increase as a result of the merger (long position would profit) and the stock price of Abbott would decrease as a result of the merger (short position would profit). Another option Chris could take would be to buy Alza put options maturing December 18th at $3.25 a share for a strike price of $40.00 (Alza's current share price is $40.12). This could serve to hedge his current position, since ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Explain the Way in Which You Would Establish Ground Rules... Having explored the three methods of setting ground rules during session 2 of PTTLS course, it is evident that for the ground rules to be effective, determining the appropriate method of ground rules setting is crucial to informing how the learners will be likely to respond to the 'ground rules' and how this will later affect the session or sessions to be delivered. The three methods of setting ground rules offer advantages and disadvantages depending on the context of the lesson and the dynamics of the group. For example the teacher led process provides the teacher with a clear set of uniformed rules and offers the teacher an opportunity to consider issues which may otherwise have been overlooked such as the learning environment and ... Show more content on ... The learners would have no choice but to adhere to the rules as they would be bound by their own principles. This method does fail to acknowledge the teachers experience in understanding the dynamics of groups and how the teacher could provide a valuable contribution to ground rules which consider the needs of individual learners. This method may also inhibit the teacher from delivering an effective lesson as consideration may not have been applied as to whether the rules are suitable for the teaching environment. For instance taking into account the actual content of the lesson to be delivered and forgetting to include the health and safety of the learners. In establishing an effective set of ground rules for my learners, I would consider a method that offers the teacher the opportunity to create a learning environment that is safe, efficient and stimulating for the learner (Armitage, A, et al, Teaching & Training in Post Compulsory Education, OU, 2007). This would be implemented through getting the learners to negotiate their own ground rules with assistance from myself. I would take charge of facilitating the discussion to ensure all learners had an opportunity to contribute, and to ensure the inclusion of crucial rules which allow me to effectively ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Teachers Must Be Life Long Learners in Order to Better... Define Learner/learning/tapestry The word, learner, implies person who is trying to gain knowledge, comprehension or mastery through experience or study. A learner sees the big picture and knows the desired outcome before beginning the task. A learner appreciates both the process of creating and the creation. A teacher is a learner; thinking circumspectly and reflectively. A teacher uses the elements of design, good curriculum and solid instructional practices. Theses elements focus student education on problem solving, information using, communicating and collaborating, knowledge, and learning. A teacher understands techniques and uses them aptly. A teacher considers many scenarios and effectively prepares for the possibilities. ... Show more content on ... Games can situate the learner in the context of the world and allow him or her to practice and play and learn through the context of the virtual world. Computer simulation games can give students worlds in which to test concepts and understanding. Simulations provide "toy universes" to practice and develop essential understandings and skills. Simulations allows student to play in the Vygotsky sense of the word. The play done in simulations allows the player to explore and learn in a safe but challenging environment. Simulations can offer students ways to acquire knowledge in an authentic medium that other forms of instruction does not offer. By immersing the learning the world, it allows them to think like a "doer". They may encounter disasters or setbacks that will force them to rethink their actions and decisions. This type of structure provides opportunities to promote the process of problem solving and strategizing. Video game players incorporate problem–solving skills into all facets of their gaming experience. Gamers learn to make split second decisions based on discovered rules, to analyze situations, and to strategize long–term goals, so effortlessly players often do not realize it. Since children engaged in video games become successful learners, We need to think of games as a trajectory to success. Video games popularity has lead educational research to study the connections between learning and video ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Social The topic I choose to research on is the effect of short selling on economy. Short selling is when an investor borrows shares of trading security fro his or her brokers, sell the stock immediately, and use the proceeds to buy back the stock at a lower price. Essentially, it is a way for investor to profit when the price of a trading security goes down. Since I am finance major, this topic is highly relevant to me an I want to know more about it. I first used Google to search for information about short selling. I used the search terms "short selling article." Google returned a large amount of links, mostly website explaining and discuss the concept of short selling. Many popular articles about the topic showed ... Show more content on ... The second source I found is also a popular article in the Economist called "Short–selling litigation, an enlightening mistake." Joseph Schumpeter, who is a columnist for the Economists, wrote this article. The Schumpeter said in the article that short–selling is a mistake because people who know that a security's price will go down will do nothing to prevent it since they have the potential to profit from it. Schumpeter, is an economist so his words would be more credibility then Floyed Norris' s view point in New York Times. The third source I found is a scholarly article from the Review of Financial Studies called "Price Efficiency and Short Selling" written by two Oxford professors, Karl Sigurdsson and Pedro Saffi. Their view point is that short selling can contribute to the efficiency of the market by bring overvalued stocks and security back to their real price based on the future cash flows of their respected assets. However, they warned that speculators can potential abuse short shelling and cause a health company to collapse. I find that this article is very credible because it identified both view point and the authors of this article are experts in their fields The forth source I found is another scholar article from the Contemporary Accounting Research Journal called "The Effect of Short Selling on ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Speaking Unplugged Speaking Unplugged: 30 Activities for One–to–One Classes By reducing the amount of material that is imported into the classroom, the teacher frees the learning space for the kind of interactive, talk­ mediated learning opportunities that are so crucial for language development. Scott Thornbury: Teaching Unplugged Introduction Like many teachers – I suspect – I used to turn up to my one– to–one classes with a pile of worksheets under my arm. The worst thing that can happen in a one– to–one class is running out of materials, I thought. And then one day, a private student told me he didn't enjoy my classes because he felt I was just giving him a series of worksheets to complete. What he really wanted to do was develop his ... Show more content on ... 23. Automatic Exclamation 24. Phrasal Verb Swap 25. Where do you see yourself in 5 years' time? 26. If I Ruled the World 27. Resolving Disputes 28. To Do List 29. Company Policy 30. You're the Teacher 1. Know the Teacher Language Focus: Question forms, short answers Adult learners can feel 'infantilised' when they speak a foreign language. They may have a confident and respected public identity in their first language but feel like children communicating with adults when speaking their second language, especially with their teacher, who they may respond to as a figure of authority and an imparter of knowledge. This power relationship is, in my opinion, rather unhealthy and unhelpful in one­ to­ one classes. As teachers, we are no more intelligent, cultured, open­ ‐ minded or wise than our learners. We are equals in all respects, except our ability to use the English language. Therefore, I always recommend a 'getting to know your teacher' activity in the first lesson. As well as giving you a good idea of your student's strengths and weaknesses, we can also use this activity to break the ice. Start by asking your learner to write down a list of questions they would like to ask you. Give them a few ideas, themes like work, family, hobbies, and let them spend a few minutes thinking and forming questions. Let them write the questions first rather than ask them to think them up on the spot. In real­ life situations, we ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Summary Of ' Of Mice And Men ' Nesterenko 1 Polina Nesterenko Language Arts 1A Honors 12 July 2015 AP One Sheet 1. Title of Work: Of Mice and Men 2. Author and Date Written: John Steinbeck, 1937 3. Historical Context: The novel "Of Mice and Men" was written during the Great Depression. The book was written in 1937, which was when the growing economy reached a decline worse than the one before. "Brightening economic prospects were dashed in 1937 by a deep recession...The new downturn rolled back gains in industrial production and employment, prolonged the Depression..." (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). The Depression left many people broke, unemployed, and homeless. "By 1932 the unemployment rate soared past 20 percent... businesses had failed. Millions were homeless." (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). It was due to the increased industrial productions, for the war effort, that finally ended the Depression. "... it was the humming factories that supplied the American war effort that finally brought the Depression to a close." (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). 4. Major Characters A. George: George is a small, smart man who dreams of owning his own farm. He cares and protects Lennie in all situations ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Personal Narrative: My Strengths As A Certified Nursing... By taking the Strengths finder assessment I found my top five talents to be Restorative, Responsibility, Harmony, Relator, and Belief. I believe that I have had the opportunity to exemplify all of these talents in some aspect of my life from academics, positions I've held in organizations and lastly, the jobs I've taken on in the workforce. My strengths lie within the yellow and red quadrant and mainly are recognized in team related tasks. I exemplified taking on responsibility which is my strongest strength when I was a Certified Nursing Assistant at a Rehabilitation Center for elders. Within that job I had to step up and complete tasks that no one else felt the need to attend to. Being the accountable employee really went a long way and my co–workers began to notice that. ... Show more content on ... As a top manager in the company sometimes it requires so much more than always being charismatic and sympathizing with others because certain situations encountered may require you to be more direct and decision oriented. The first step I should take to develop my skills is to be more direct I tend to hide behind my feelings for the sake of others thoughts about me which causes a blockage when I have really good ideas. Next, I would work on analyzing situations more before I take action. By doing so it would eliminate a lot of confusion when communicating with others. Lastly, I feel that I need to work on being aggressive by coming forth and stating my ideas rather being the one to always listen and implement others ideas within a project. Having a voice in an organization, meeting or task doesn't seem like a big deal, but it truly does affect my performance and ultimately how I feel about working with others. Ultimately, these strengths have combined to make up my identity while having helped shape some of my best professional ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Personal Narrative: A Change Of Mindset A Change Of Mindset "Our culture, our traditions, our language are the foundations upon which we build our identity (– unknown.)" No one should be labeled as a "slow learner" or "culturally disadvantaged." Moreover, I believe diversity and expectations from others change someone's point of view of people and the world. No one should be labeled as anything, but should be treated like a human being. People are judged and labeled everyday, culture is one out of many things that are attended to be judged and labeled. For example, in Springboard 2014 the story "An Indian Father's Plea" a father is writing a letter to his son's teacher and letting her know that his son isn't she has labeled him as a "slow learner." Wolf's father states "He is not ... Show more content on ... I was opting for fluidity, self invention blue jeans and t–shirts and renouncing of cast observant "pure culture" marriage in the muherse family." while on the other hand Bharati's sister mira feels discriminated against. " I feel manipulated and discarded." Not only that did she state that but also "If america wants to make new rules curtailing benefits of legal immigrants, they should apply only to immigrants who arrive after those rules are already in place." another example in springboard 2014 the story where worlds collide" the tourist feel the need to expectations from others as pico explains in his story "They came out blinking, into the bleached, forgetful, sunshine, in dodgers caps and rodeo drive t–shirts. To further explain both stories are expressing the feeling to americanize themselves to look and be american. In the story Two ways to belong in america the two sisters are both experiencing the need to uphold an expectation of others, in other words the need to to americanize herself while the other sister feels discriminated against, she has not americanized herself or self–transformed herself to look and be american. Not to forget, in the story where worlds collide the tourist also feel the need to uphold the expectations from others, and to americanize themselves. In the view of these people and people and people who feel discriminated against but also feel the expectation to americanize themselves, also feel that people that are "different" from them shouldn't discriminate, label or judge. Therefore the tendency to go straight forward to these things thus having the effect if no change at ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Explain Own Role and Responsibilities in Identifying and... Explain own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of the learners As a teacher and trainer I have found that one of the simplest ways to make learning accessible to both myself and to those I am teaching is by relating to real–life situations and circumstances that I have faced. If one takes the approach of trying to memorise lists of facts of how to deal with First Aid situations the information becomes more difficult to absorb and less likely to be retained. Context can help provide a more intuitive framework for people's skills, whether it is as simple as telling a story that can be recalled if and when relevant or even if it delves deeply enough to understand why certain techniques are used in First Aid ... Show more content on ... All literature for the course can be checked beforehand (if necessary) to confirm the level of literacy. Basic numeracy skills are essential to any professional career, though having a calculator on hand can assist if a trainer does come into numerical difficulty. People skills are really the most important and pressing skills to have as a teacher and I would suggest that a degree of psychological understanding is implied within the definition of being a teacher/trainer. There is however, a big difference between a nervous student and one with a medical condition that needs more specialised help and in extreme cases referral to a medical professional would be required. Mentoring and being a role model is equally implicit and should extend to all values of being a human being and not just those related to First Aid. I believe that, in this regard, there can not be any real boundary to how a teacher/trainer can act. List and describe the points of referral to meet the needs of the learners There should be no need to signpost learners to someone with greater knowledge of First Aid, nor should there be another trainer with more appropriate teaching style, as different teaching styles can be used by anyone. If someone is struggling with a language barrier that seems insurmountable, a trainer can recommend a different teacher who may be better able to communicate with a learner (perhaps in a different language, by signing for a deaf student etc.) Religious restrictions may ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Managing and Responding to Behaviours in a Learning... MANAGING BEHAVIOURS IN THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT TETA : 1029 TASK 1 Case Study IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING BEHAVIOUR Case Brief The case I would like to address in this assignment is based on one of my 2009/2010 NC classes in the afternoon. Despite the initial group discussion on expected behaviour, this group was demonstrating a whole host of disruptive behaviours. This group also included a special needs student, who was being supported by a Learning Support Assistant, whom I assumed had been briefed on the needs. The observed disruptive behaviour included the following: Arriving late Listening to iPoD Persistent talking Throwing objects Derogatory remarks Withdrawn attitude of a few The ... Show more content on ... Lack of resources that could shift the teaching methods to a more kinaesthetic end. Proposed Ways to Improve Behaviour (1000 words)
  • 150. One can argue that the potential to cause disruptive behaviour from the perspective of a student or a group of students does not automatically result in disruptive or troublesome behaviour. Such behaviour can be kept dormant, controlled, neutralised or changed over a period of time. Keeping troublesome/disruptive behaviour dormant is not the ideal solution and although it has its short–term benefits, it may adversely affect the rapport between teacher and learners – not a good start. Abatement, enhancing or changing disruptive behaviour requires certain skills and so it is hoped that by addressing the pre–requisite, specifying an appropriate methodology, identification, and selection of appropriate techniques a logical flow to this section is established. Pre–Requisite Before selecting and describing a few techniques ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Role Of Nurse Generalist As An Advocate, Delegator,... The roles of the nurse generalist as an advocate, delegator, and life–long learner Myunghee Jung Fairmont State University December 11, 2015 There are many professional roles of the nurse generalist that are essential in providing care to patients, such as an advocate, educator, collaborator, and change agent and so on. In every day nursing practice, nurses perform a variety of nursing roles. Meeting role expectations as a professional nurse is for patient–centered care, which is one of the IOM core competencies. The purpose of this paper is to identify nurse generalist roles as an advocate, communicator, and life– long learner to implement IOM core competencies; "1)provide patient centered care, 2) work in interprofessional teams, 3) employ evidence–based practice, 4) apply quality improvement, 5) utilize informatics" (Finkelman, 2016, p. 50–51). This paper will also deal with what I have felt in my nursing career in performing the nursing roles. According to Tomajan, "the role of an advocate is to work on behalf of self and/or others to raise awareness of a concern and to promote solutions to the issue" (Tomajan, 2012, para 5). Acting as a patient advocate plays an important role in providing patient–centered care. In this role, nurses should be aware of patients' vulnerability and pay much attention to their individual values and preferences in receiving care. However, in reality, it is challenging for nurses to focus exclusively on patients' needs and ... Get more on ...
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  • 158. Education, Training and Social Care Policies and Procedures Social Care has got Policies and Procedures staff has to follow, same as in Education and Training. Some of the Policies are :– Data Protection Act (1998) made provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information. It was amended in 2003 to include electronic data. Protection of Children Act (POCA) (1999) was designed to protect children. It gives responsibility to Local Authorities to make enquiries when anyone contacts them with concerns about child abuse. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) introduced a vetting and barring scheme to make decision about who should be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults. Teachers may need to have a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Equality Act (2010) replaced all previous anti–discrimination legislation and consolidated in into one act (England, Scotland and Wales). It provides rights for the people not to be discriminated against or harassed because they have an association with a disabled person or because they were wrongly perceived as disabled. Health and Safety at Work 1974 imposes all staff within an organisation commensurate with other role and responsibility. Risk assessments should be carried out where necessary. In event of accident, particularly one resulting in death or serious injury, an investigation by Health and Safety Executive may result in the prosecution. Legislation in the UK ... Get more on ...