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Assessment of the Elbow
Dr Sreeraj S R, Ph.D.
Sreeraj S R
About Elbow
▷ Hinge joint
1. Humero ulnar,
2. Radiohumeral
3. Sup. Radioulnar)
▷ Common - childhood injuries
▷ Easily prone for stiffness
▷ Pain and symptoms localized in or around elbow.
▷ May present with neurological symptoms local or
distant to elbow.
Sreeraj S R
▷ Ulnohumeral (Trochlear) Joint
○ Resting position: 70° elbow flexion, 10° supination
○ Close packed position: Extension with supination
○ Capsular pattern: Flexion, extension
▷ Radiohumeral Joint
○ Resting position: Full extension and full supination
○ Close packed position: Elbow flexed to 90°, forearm supinated to 5°
○ Capsular pattern: Flexion, extension, supination, pronation
▷ Superior Radioulnar Joint
○ Resting position: 35° supination, 70° elbow flexion
○ Close packed position: 5° supination
○ Capsular pattern: Equal limitation of supination and pronation
Sreeraj S R
Common Complaints
▷ Pain
▷ Swelling
▷ Stiffness
▷ Deformity
▷ Instability
▷ Paraesthaesias / neuro. manifestations
Sreeraj S R
Osteokinematics of the Elbow
Sreeraj S R
Arthrokinematics for Elbow
Elbow pain management algorithm.
Javed M et al, 2015
Sreeraj S R
Assessment of the Elbow
▷ Introduce yourself
▷ Consent for history taking and physical examinations
▷ Patient history and pain history
▷ Observation
▷ Palpation
▷ Special tests
▷ Reflexes and cutaneous distribution
▷ Diagnostic imaging
Subjective Assessment
Sreeraj S R
Get Ready
▷ Introduction (name, grade)
▷ Explain assessment procedure
▷ Verbal consent
▷ Chaperone as appropriate
▷ Wash hands with alcohol/gel
▷ Patient to be sitting and adequately exposed.
▷ Listen to chief complaint from patient/go through case file
“Chaperone” a person who acts as a witness during a medical examination or procedure.
Sreeraj S R
Patient History
▷ Name, Age, Occupation
▷ What was the mechanism of injury?
▷ How long had the problem?
▷ Does the static or intermittent?
▷ Are there any activities that increase or decrease the pain?
▷ Does pulling (traction), twisting (torque), or pushing (compression) alter the pain?
▷ Are there any positions that relieve the pain?
▷ Is there any deformity, bruising, wasting, or muscle spasm?
▷ Are any movements impaired?
▷ What is the patient unable to do functionally?
▷ What is the patient’s usual activity or pastime?
▷ Have any of these activities been altered or increased in the past month?
▷ Does the patient complain of any abnormal nerve distribution pain?
▷ Does the patient have a history of previous overuse injury or trauma?
Sreeraj S R
Pain History
▷ Location
▷ Type
▷ Onset
▷ Diurnal variations
▷ Timeline
▷ Mechanism of the injury- In the case of a traumatic event
▷ Presence of numbness or tingling?
Sreeraj S R
Muscle Pain Referral Patterns
Brachioradialis Biceps brachii Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris
Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Gulick D. 2009
Sreeraj S R
▷ Posture
▷ Carrying angle
▷ Fixed flexion deformity
▷ Swellings
▷ Ecchymosis
▷ Deformities
▷ Muscle wasting
▷ Rheumatic nodules
▷ Gouty tophi
▷ Bursitis
▷ Skin changes
▷ Psoriatic plaques
▷ Scars
▷ Symmetry.
Sreeraj S R
Carrying Angle
▷ Expose the area and Look for;
▷ Normal carrying angle.
o In males, a normal angle is 5 to 10 degrees;
o In females, a normal angle is 10 to 15 degrees
▷ If the carrying angle is;
o > 15°, it is cubitus valgus;
o < 5° to 10°, it is cubitus varus
Axis of forearm
Gulick D. 2009
Sreeraj S R
Carrying Angle
Gunstock deformity
Cubitus varus
Cubitus valgus
Sreeraj S R 21
Olecranon Bursitis Tuberculosis of Elbow
Sreeraj S R
Triangle sign
1. Isosceles triangle in 900
elbow flexion
2. Elbow fully extended; the three points
normally form a straight line.
If there is a disruption
of bone or cartilage,
the distance between
the apex and the base
decreases and the
isosceles triangle no
longer exists.
Sreeraj S R
Sreeraj S R
▷ Temperature changes
▷ Bony tenderness at;
○ Lateral and Medial Epicondyles
○ Olecranon Process
○ Radial Head
▷ Joint line tenderness
▷ Nodules
▷ Boggy swelling.
Sreeraj S R
▷ Wrist Extensor Muscles
Gulick D. 2009
Sreeraj S R
▷ Wrist Flexor Muscles
Gulick D. 2009
Pronator teres
Sreeraj S R
Active Movements
▷ Flexion of the elbow (140° to 150°)
▷ Extension of the elbow (0° to 10°)
▷ Supination of the forearm (90°)
▷ Pronation of the forearm (80° to 90°)
▷ If, in the history, the patient has complained that combined movements,
repetitive movements, or sustained positions cause pain, these specific
movements should be included in the active movement assessment.
Sreeraj S R
Passive Movements
▷ Passive Movements and Normal End Feel
○ Elbow flexion (tissue approximation)
○ Elbow extension (bone-to-bone)
○ Forearm supination (tissue stretch)
○ Forearm pronation (tissue stretch)
Sreeraj S R
Resisted Isometric Movements
▷ Elbow flexion
▷ Elbow extension
▷ Supination
▷ Pronation
▷ Wrist flexion
▷ Wrist extension
Sreeraj S R
Resisted Isometric Movements
▷ Stresses contractile tissues
▷ Isometric contraction of specific muscles
▷ "Neutral" joint position - don't allow joint motion
• Possible Responses & Reasons
Type of response Possible tissues involved
Strong and pain free : No lesion of the contractile unit
Strong and painful : First- or second-degree local lesion
Weak and painful : Major lesion of a muscle, tendon OR a fracture
Weak and pain free : A third-degree strain, complete avulsion #, peripheral nerve or nerve root
Sreeraj S R
Functional Assessment
▷ Liverpool elbow score
▷ American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons-E (ASES-E)
▷ The Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) & Quick-DASH
▷ Mayo elbow performance index
▷ Oxford elbow score
▷ Patient-Rated Tennis elbow evaluation
▷ Barthel Index
▷ Lawton - Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale
Special Tests
Sreeraj S R
▷ Commonly known as tennis elbow
▷ Occurs in mostly 30-50 years age group
▷ Due to degeneration of the tendon fibres over the lateral
epicondyle which are involved in wrist extension
▷ severe burning pain on outside of elbow
▷ Pain worse on gripping or lifting objects and with direct pressure
over lateral epicondyle
▷ Pain may radiate down forearm
Sreeraj S R
Cozen’s test
▷ The patient’s elbow is stabilized by
the examiner’s thumb, which rests on
the patient’s lat. epicondyle.
▷ The patient is then asked to make a
fist, pronate the forearm, and radially
deviate and extent the wrist while the
examiner apply resistance.
▷ A positive sign is sudden severe pain
in the area.
▷ Tests ECRL & ECRB
Sreeraj S R
Mill’s test
▷ While palpating lat.
epicondyle, the examiner
passively pronate the
patient’s forearm, flexes the
wrist fully and extends the
▷ A positive test is indicated
by pain over the area.
▷ Tests ECRL & ECRB
Sreeraj S R
Tennis Elbow test/
Maudsley's Lateral Epicondylitis Test
▷ Patient sitting with forearm rested
on a plinth.
▷ Forearm pronated.
▷ The examiner resists extension of
the third digit of the hand distal to
the proximal IP joint, stressing the
ED muscle and tendon.
▷ A positive test indicated by pain
over the area
Sreeraj S R
The Chair Test
▷ Ask the patient to
attempt to lift a chair
with elbow straight
and shoulders flexed
to 60°
▷ Difficulty to perform
and complain of pain
over lat. aspect is a
positive sign
Sreeraj S R
Thomson’s test
▷ Ask the patient to clench the
fist, dorsiflex the wrist and
extend the elbow.
▷ Tester does a forceful palmar
flexion against patient’s
▷ Pain over the area is a
positive sign
Sreeraj S R
Golfer’s Elbow
▷ Also known as Medial
▷ Similar to Tennis elbow
▷ Most common in men 20-50 years
▷ Pain over medial elbow, may
radiate down inner forearm
▷ Pain worse when make fist/shake
Sreeraj S R
Golfer’s elbow test
▷ Flex the elbow, supinate
the hand, and then
extend the elbow.
▷ Pain over the med.
epicondyle is a positive
Sreeraj S R
Olecranon Bursitis
▷ Infection/inflammation of
▷ Causes-
1. Trauma
2. Prolonged pressure
3. Infection
4. Medical conditions e.g.
rheumatoid arthritis/gout
Sreeraj S R
Medial Ligamentous Injuries
▷ MCL/ UCL/ ”Little Leaguer’s Elbow”
▷ Usually injured due to valgus trauma
(acute) or repetitive overhead
throwing activities (chronic)
▷ Valgus stress test
○ Elbow flexed 25-30 degrees.
Abduction or valgus force is
applied to the distal forearm
while the ligament is palpated
○ The examiner feels the ligament
tense when stress is applied
Sreeraj S R
Lateral Ligamentous Injuries
▷ If LCL damaged, varus opening present with
▷ Varus laxity increases with annular ligament
injury due to separation of head of radius
from ulna
▷ Varus stress test –
○ Elbow flexed 25-30° and stabilized
with the examiner’s hand.
○ An adduction force is applied by the
examiner to the distal forearm.
○ The examiner feels the ligament tense
when stress is applied
Sreeraj S R
Posterolateral Instability
▷ Posterolateral Rotatory Instability (PLRI)
of the elbow instability is common in
cases of ulna/radius displacement.
▷ Posterolateral Rotary Apprehension
Test/ The Lateral Pivot-Shift
o Patient lies supine with arm to be tested
o Grasp patient’s wrist & extend elbow.
o A mild supination force applied to forearm at
o Patient's elbow is then flexed while a valgus
stress and compression applied to elbow.
o If there is PL instability a look of apprehension
will become evident as the elbow moved to
Sreeraj S R
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
▷ Tinel Sign:
▷ The area of ulnar nerve in the
groove between olecranon process
and med. epicondyle is tapped.
▷ A + ve sign is indicated by tingling
sensation in ulnar distribution distal
to the point of compression.
▷ This indicates point of
regeneration of sensory fibers.
▷ The most distal point at which
abnormal sensation felt represents
the limit of nerve regeneration.
Sreeraj S R
Scratch Collapse Test
▷ For evaluation of carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome
▷ The patient faces the examiner in sitting position with arms adducted, elbows
flexed, and hands outstretched with wrists at neutral.
▷ The examiner asks the patient to externally rotate both the shoulders.
▷ The examiner resist the external rotation movement by placing the hands over the
lateral aspect of the forearm and give an inward force.
▷ The patient is instructed to resist the force applied by the examiner.
▷ Next, the examiner “scratches” or swipes with fingertips over the area of nerve
▷ The procedure mentioned above is immediately repeated.
▷ Brief temporary loss of the patient’s external resistance tone is considered a
positive scratch collapse test
Sreeraj S R
Scratch Collapse Test
▷ Basis of the Test
▷ Painful cutaneous stimulus has
been noted to cause a period of
inhibition in tonic voluntary
muscle activity.
▷ It is generally thought to be an
inhibitory spinal reflex that may
play a protective role in
facilitating withdrawal of a limb
from potentially harmful stimuli
Sreeraj S R
Wartenberg’s Sign
▷ Sitting with hands on table.
▷ The examiner passively spreads fingers apart and asks
patient to bring them together.
▷ Inability to bring little finger close indicates Ulnar
Sreeraj S R
Elbow Flexion Test
▷ Patient is asked to fully flex elbow
with extension of the wrist and
shoulder girdle abduction and
depression and hold it for 3 to 5
▷ A positive test is indicated by
tingling or parasthesia in ulnar nerve
▷ The test is confirmatory for cubital
tunnel syndrome
Sreeraj S R
Ulnar nerve injuries
▷ Loss of sensation as
▷ Motor supply to small
muscles of hand except
thenar muscle and 1st two
▷ Produces decreased grip
Sreeraj S R
Median Nerve Injury
▷ Occasionally damaged
in supracondylar
▷ More commonly in
wrist lacerations
▷ Produces loss of
sensation as shown
▷ High injuries produce
decreased strength in
wrist flexion, loss of
ulna deviation and
thumb opposition
Sreeraj S R
Median Nerve Injury
▷ Test For Pronator Teres Syndrome:
▷ Patient sits with elbow flexed to 90°.
▷ Examiner strongly resists pronation as
the elbow is extended.
▷ A positive test is indicated by tingling
or parasthesia in median nerve
▷ Also called humerus supracondylar
process syndrome
Sreeraj S R
Pinch Grip Test
▷ Patient is asked to pinch the tips of
index and thumb together.
▷ If patient is unable to pinch tip to
tip and have a pulp to pulp pinch it
is indicative of injury to ant.
interosseous nerve, branch of
median nerve.
Sreeraj S R
Ant. Intr. Nerve
▷ Can be entrapped as it
passes between the two
heads of pronator teres
▷ known as ant. intr. nerve
syndrome or Kilho-Nevin
▷ Pinch deformity
Sreeraj S R
Radial Nerve
▷ Injury can be due to trauma or compression in between the two
heads of supinator in the arcade or canal of Frohse
▷ Can also be a radial tunnel syndrome
▷ Compression of superficial branch of radial nerve as it passes
under the tendon of brachioradialis.
▷ Only sensory changes and patient complaints of nocturnal pain
along the dorsum of wrist, thumb and web space
▷ Known as Cheiralgia parasthetica or Wartenberg’s disease
Sreeraj S R
▷ C5 – lateral arm
▷ C6 – lateral forearm, thumb and index finger
▷ C7 – posterior forearm and middle finger
▷ C8 – medial forearm, ring and little fingers
▷ T1 – medial arm
▷ Except T2 all other dermatomes extend distally to
forearm and hand
Sreeraj S R
▷ C5 – shoulder abduction
▷ C6 – elbow flexion, wrist extension
▷ C7 – elbow extension, wrist flexion
▷ C8 – finger flexion/grip strength
▷ T1 – finger abduction/adduction
Sreeraj S R
Cutaneous distribution
▷ Pain may be referred to the elbow
and surrounding tissues from neck,
often mimicking Tennis Elbow,
shoulder or wrist.
Sreeraj S R
▷ Biceps (C5,C6)
▷ Brachioradialis (C5-C6)
▷ Triceps (C7- C8)
Sreeraj S R
Cervical radiculopathy
▷ Affecting C6 will involve biceps, brachioradialis,
supinator and part of triceps.
▷ The triceps reflex is the one usually most affected.
▷ Any sensory loss affects the thumb and index finger.
Sreeraj S R
1. Gulick D. Ortho Notes : Clinical Examination Pocket Guide. 2nd
ed. F.A. Davis; 2009:84-98.
2. Magee DJ. Orthopedic Physical Assessment. 6th ed. Saunders;
2014: 388-428.
3. Buckup K, Buckup J. Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal
System: Examinations, Signs, Phenomena. 2008. 3rd ed.,
Stuttgart, Thieme, 2016, pp. 138–154.
4. Javed M, Mustafa S, Boyle S, Scott F. Elbow pain: a guide to
assessment and management in primary care. Br J Gen Pract.
2015;65(640):610-612. doi:10.3399/bjgp15X687625

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Assessment of the Elbow

  • 1. Assessment of the Elbow Dr Sreeraj S R, Ph.D.
  • 2. Sreeraj S R About Elbow ▷ Hinge joint 1. Humero ulnar, 2. Radiohumeral 3. Sup. Radioulnar) ▷ Common - childhood injuries ▷ Easily prone for stiffness ▷ Pain and symptoms localized in or around elbow. ▷ May present with neurological symptoms local or distant to elbow.
  • 3. Sreeraj S R ▷ Ulnohumeral (Trochlear) Joint ○ Resting position: 70° elbow flexion, 10° supination ○ Close packed position: Extension with supination ○ Capsular pattern: Flexion, extension ▷ Radiohumeral Joint ○ Resting position: Full extension and full supination ○ Close packed position: Elbow flexed to 90°, forearm supinated to 5° ○ Capsular pattern: Flexion, extension, supination, pronation ▷ Superior Radioulnar Joint ○ Resting position: 35° supination, 70° elbow flexion ○ Close packed position: 5° supination ○ Capsular pattern: Equal limitation of supination and pronation 3
  • 4. Sreeraj S R Common Complaints ▷ Pain ▷ Swelling ▷ Stiffness ▷ Deformity ▷ Instability ▷ Paraesthaesias / neuro. manifestations 4
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  • 10. Elbow pain management algorithm. Javed M et al, 2015
  • 11. Sreeraj S R Assessment of the Elbow ▷ Introduce yourself ▷ Consent for history taking and physical examinations ▷ Patient history and pain history ▷ Observation ▷ Palpation ▷ Special tests ▷ Reflexes and cutaneous distribution ▷ Diagnostic imaging 11
  • 13. Sreeraj S R Get Ready ▷ Introduction (name, grade) ▷ Explain assessment procedure ▷ Verbal consent ▷ Chaperone as appropriate ▷ Wash hands with alcohol/gel ▷ Patient to be sitting and adequately exposed. ▷ Listen to chief complaint from patient/go through case file “Chaperone” a person who acts as a witness during a medical examination or procedure.
  • 14. Sreeraj S R Patient History ▷ Name, Age, Occupation ▷ What was the mechanism of injury? ▷ How long had the problem? ▷ Does the static or intermittent? ▷ Are there any activities that increase or decrease the pain? ▷ Does pulling (traction), twisting (torque), or pushing (compression) alter the pain? ▷ Are there any positions that relieve the pain? ▷ Is there any deformity, bruising, wasting, or muscle spasm? ▷ Are any movements impaired? ▷ What is the patient unable to do functionally? ▷ What is the patient’s usual activity or pastime? ▷ Have any of these activities been altered or increased in the past month? ▷ Does the patient complain of any abnormal nerve distribution pain? ▷ Does the patient have a history of previous overuse injury or trauma? 14
  • 15. Sreeraj S R Pain History ▷ Location ▷ Type ▷ Onset ▷ AF/RF ▷ Diurnal variations ▷ Timeline ▷ Mechanism of the injury- In the case of a traumatic event ▷ Presence of numbness or tingling? 15
  • 16. Sreeraj S R Muscle Pain Referral Patterns 16 Brachioradialis Biceps brachii Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Gulick D. 2009
  • 18. Sreeraj S R ▷ Posture ▷ Carrying angle ▷ Fixed flexion deformity ▷ Swellings ▷ Ecchymosis ▷ Deformities ▷ Muscle wasting ▷ Rheumatic nodules ▷ Gouty tophi ▷ Bursitis ▷ Skin changes ▷ Psoriatic plaques ▷ Scars ▷ Symmetry. Observe
  • 19. Sreeraj S R Carrying Angle ▷ Expose the area and Look for; ▷ Normal carrying angle. o In males, a normal angle is 5 to 10 degrees; o In females, a normal angle is 10 to 15 degrees ▷ If the carrying angle is; o > 15°, it is cubitus valgus; o < 5° to 10°, it is cubitus varus 19 Axis of forearm Carrying angle Gulick D. 2009
  • 20. Sreeraj S R Carrying Angle 20 Gunstock deformity Cubitus varus Cubitus valgus
  • 21. Sreeraj S R 21 Olecranon Bursitis Tuberculosis of Elbow
  • 22. Sreeraj S R Triangle sign 22 1. Isosceles triangle in 900 elbow flexion 2. Elbow fully extended; the three points normally form a straight line. If there is a disruption of bone or cartilage, the distance between the apex and the base decreases and the isosceles triangle no longer exists.
  • 25. Sreeraj S R ▷ Temperature changes ▷ Bony tenderness at; ○ Lateral and Medial Epicondyles ○ Olecranon Process ○ Radial Head ▷ Joint line tenderness ▷ Nodules ▷ Boggy swelling.
  • 26. Sreeraj S R Palpation ▷ Wrist Extensor Muscles 26 Gulick D. 2009 ECRL & B ED ECU
  • 27. Sreeraj S R Palpation ▷ Wrist Flexor Muscles 27 Gulick D. 2009 Pronator teres FCR PL FCU
  • 29. Sreeraj S R Active Movements ▷ Flexion of the elbow (140° to 150°) ▷ Extension of the elbow (0° to 10°) ▷ Supination of the forearm (90°) ▷ Pronation of the forearm (80° to 90°) ▷ If, in the history, the patient has complained that combined movements, repetitive movements, or sustained positions cause pain, these specific movements should be included in the active movement assessment.
  • 30. Sreeraj S R Passive Movements ▷ Passive Movements and Normal End Feel ○ Elbow flexion (tissue approximation) ○ Elbow extension (bone-to-bone) ○ Forearm supination (tissue stretch) ○ Forearm pronation (tissue stretch) 30
  • 31. Sreeraj S R Resisted Isometric Movements ▷ Elbow flexion ▷ Elbow extension ▷ Supination ▷ Pronation ▷ Wrist flexion ▷ Wrist extension 31
  • 32. Sreeraj S R Resisted Isometric Movements ▷ Stresses contractile tissues ▷ Isometric contraction of specific muscles ▷ "Neutral" joint position - don't allow joint motion • Possible Responses & Reasons 32 Type of response Possible tissues involved Strong and pain free : No lesion of the contractile unit Strong and painful : First- or second-degree local lesion Weak and painful : Major lesion of a muscle, tendon OR a fracture Weak and pain free : A third-degree strain, complete avulsion #, peripheral nerve or nerve root involvement.
  • 33. Sreeraj S R Functional Assessment ▷ Liverpool elbow score ▷ American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons-E (ASES-E) ▷ The Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) & Quick-DASH ▷ Mayo elbow performance index ▷ Oxford elbow score ▷ Patient-Rated Tennis elbow evaluation ▷ Barthel Index ▷ Lawton - Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (I.A.D.L.) 33
  • 35. Sreeraj S R TENNIS ELBOW ▷ Commonly known as tennis elbow ▷ Occurs in mostly 30-50 years age group ▷ Due to degeneration of the tendon fibres over the lateral epicondyle which are involved in wrist extension ▷ severe burning pain on outside of elbow ▷ Pain worse on gripping or lifting objects and with direct pressure over lateral epicondyle ▷ Pain may radiate down forearm
  • 36. Sreeraj S R Cozen’s test ▷ The patient’s elbow is stabilized by the examiner’s thumb, which rests on the patient’s lat. epicondyle. ▷ The patient is then asked to make a fist, pronate the forearm, and radially deviate and extent the wrist while the examiner apply resistance. ▷ A positive sign is sudden severe pain in the area. ▷ Tests ECRL & ECRB
  • 37. Sreeraj S R Mill’s test ▷ While palpating lat. epicondyle, the examiner passively pronate the patient’s forearm, flexes the wrist fully and extends the elbow. ▷ A positive test is indicated by pain over the area. ▷ Tests ECRL & ECRB
  • 38. Sreeraj S R Tennis Elbow test/ Maudsley's Lateral Epicondylitis Test ▷ Patient sitting with forearm rested on a plinth. ▷ Forearm pronated. ▷ The examiner resists extension of the third digit of the hand distal to the proximal IP joint, stressing the ED muscle and tendon. ▷ A positive test indicated by pain over the area
  • 39. Sreeraj S R The Chair Test ▷ Ask the patient to attempt to lift a chair with elbow straight and shoulders flexed to 60° ▷ Difficulty to perform and complain of pain over lat. aspect is a positive sign
  • 40. Sreeraj S R Thomson’s test ▷ Ask the patient to clench the fist, dorsiflex the wrist and extend the elbow. ▷ Tester does a forceful palmar flexion against patient’s resistance ▷ Pain over the area is a positive sign
  • 41. Sreeraj S R Golfer’s Elbow ▷ Also known as Medial epicondylitis ▷ Similar to Tennis elbow ▷ Most common in men 20-50 years ▷ Pain over medial elbow, may radiate down inner forearm ▷ Pain worse when make fist/shake hands
  • 42. Sreeraj S R Golfer’s elbow test ▷ Flex the elbow, supinate the hand, and then extend the elbow. ▷ Pain over the med. epicondyle is a positive sign.
  • 43. Sreeraj S R Olecranon Bursitis ▷ Infection/inflammation of bursa ▷ Causes- 1. Trauma 2. Prolonged pressure 3. Infection 4. Medical conditions e.g. rheumatoid arthritis/gout
  • 44. Sreeraj S R Medial Ligamentous Injuries ▷ MCL/ UCL/ ”Little Leaguer’s Elbow” ▷ Usually injured due to valgus trauma (acute) or repetitive overhead throwing activities (chronic) ▷ Valgus stress test ○ Elbow flexed 25-30 degrees. Abduction or valgus force is applied to the distal forearm while the ligament is palpated ○ The examiner feels the ligament tense when stress is applied
  • 45. Sreeraj S R Lateral Ligamentous Injuries ▷ If LCL damaged, varus opening present with stress ▷ Varus laxity increases with annular ligament injury due to separation of head of radius from ulna ▷ Varus stress test – ○ Elbow flexed 25-30° and stabilized with the examiner’s hand. ○ An adduction force is applied by the examiner to the distal forearm. ○ The examiner feels the ligament tense when stress is applied
  • 46. Sreeraj S R Posterolateral Instability ▷ Posterolateral Rotatory Instability (PLRI) of the elbow instability is common in cases of ulna/radius displacement. ▷ Posterolateral Rotary Apprehension Test/ The Lateral Pivot-Shift o Patient lies supine with arm to be tested overhead. o Grasp patient’s wrist & extend elbow. o A mild supination force applied to forearm at wrist. o Patient's elbow is then flexed while a valgus stress and compression applied to elbow. o If there is PL instability a look of apprehension will become evident as the elbow moved to flexion.
  • 47. Sreeraj S R Cubital Tunnel Syndrome ▷ Tinel Sign: ▷ The area of ulnar nerve in the groove between olecranon process and med. epicondyle is tapped. ▷ A + ve sign is indicated by tingling sensation in ulnar distribution distal to the point of compression. ▷ This indicates point of regeneration of sensory fibers. ▷ The most distal point at which abnormal sensation felt represents the limit of nerve regeneration.
  • 48. Sreeraj S R Scratch Collapse Test ▷ For evaluation of carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome ▷ The patient faces the examiner in sitting position with arms adducted, elbows flexed, and hands outstretched with wrists at neutral. ▷ The examiner asks the patient to externally rotate both the shoulders. ▷ The examiner resist the external rotation movement by placing the hands over the lateral aspect of the forearm and give an inward force. ▷ The patient is instructed to resist the force applied by the examiner. ▷ Next, the examiner “scratches” or swipes with fingertips over the area of nerve compression. ▷ The procedure mentioned above is immediately repeated. ▷ Brief temporary loss of the patient’s external resistance tone is considered a positive scratch collapse test 48
  • 49. Sreeraj S R Scratch Collapse Test ▷ Basis of the Test ▷ Painful cutaneous stimulus has been noted to cause a period of inhibition in tonic voluntary muscle activity. ▷ It is generally thought to be an inhibitory spinal reflex that may play a protective role in facilitating withdrawal of a limb from potentially harmful stimuli 49
  • 50. Sreeraj S R Wartenberg’s Sign ▷ Sitting with hands on table. ▷ The examiner passively spreads fingers apart and asks patient to bring them together. ▷ Inability to bring little finger close indicates Ulnar neuropathy.
  • 51. Sreeraj S R Elbow Flexion Test ▷ Patient is asked to fully flex elbow with extension of the wrist and shoulder girdle abduction and depression and hold it for 3 to 5 minutes. ▷ A positive test is indicated by tingling or parasthesia in ulnar nerve distribution ▷ The test is confirmatory for cubital tunnel syndrome
  • 52. Sreeraj S R Ulnar nerve injuries ▷ Loss of sensation as shown ▷ Motor supply to small muscles of hand except thenar muscle and 1st two lumbricals ▷ Produces decreased grip strength
  • 53. Sreeraj S R Median Nerve Injury ▷ Occasionally damaged in supracondylar fractures ▷ More commonly in wrist lacerations ▷ Produces loss of sensation as shown ▷ High injuries produce decreased strength in wrist flexion, loss of ulna deviation and thumb opposition
  • 54. Sreeraj S R Median Nerve Injury ▷ Test For Pronator Teres Syndrome: ▷ Patient sits with elbow flexed to 90°. ▷ Examiner strongly resists pronation as the elbow is extended. ▷ A positive test is indicated by tingling or parasthesia in median nerve distribution. ▷ Also called humerus supracondylar process syndrome
  • 55. Sreeraj S R Pinch Grip Test ▷ Patient is asked to pinch the tips of index and thumb together. ▷ If patient is unable to pinch tip to tip and have a pulp to pulp pinch it is indicative of injury to ant. interosseous nerve, branch of median nerve.
  • 56. Sreeraj S R Ant. Intr. Nerve ▷ Can be entrapped as it passes between the two heads of pronator teres muscle ▷ known as ant. intr. nerve syndrome or Kilho-Nevin syndrome ▷ Pinch deformity
  • 57. Sreeraj S R Radial Nerve ▷ Injury can be due to trauma or compression in between the two heads of supinator in the arcade or canal of Frohse ▷ Can also be a radial tunnel syndrome ▷ Compression of superficial branch of radial nerve as it passes under the tendon of brachioradialis. ▷ Only sensory changes and patient complaints of nocturnal pain along the dorsum of wrist, thumb and web space ▷ Known as Cheiralgia parasthetica or Wartenberg’s disease
  • 58. Sreeraj S R Dermatomes ▷ C5 – lateral arm ▷ C6 – lateral forearm, thumb and index finger ▷ C7 – posterior forearm and middle finger ▷ C8 – medial forearm, ring and little fingers ▷ T1 – medial arm ▷ Except T2 all other dermatomes extend distally to forearm and hand
  • 59. Sreeraj S R Myotomes ▷ C5 – shoulder abduction ▷ C6 – elbow flexion, wrist extension ▷ C7 – elbow extension, wrist flexion ▷ C8 – finger flexion/grip strength ▷ T1 – finger abduction/adduction
  • 60. Sreeraj S R Cutaneous distribution ▷ Pain may be referred to the elbow and surrounding tissues from neck, often mimicking Tennis Elbow, shoulder or wrist.
  • 61. Sreeraj S R REFLEXES ▷ Biceps (C5,C6) ▷ Brachioradialis (C5-C6) ▷ Triceps (C7- C8)
  • 62. Sreeraj S R Cervical radiculopathy ▷ Affecting C6 will involve biceps, brachioradialis, supinator and part of triceps. ▷ The triceps reflex is the one usually most affected. ▷ Any sensory loss affects the thumb and index finger. 62
  • 63. Sreeraj S R References 1. Gulick D. Ortho Notes : Clinical Examination Pocket Guide. 2nd ed. F.A. Davis; 2009:84-98. 2. Magee DJ. Orthopedic Physical Assessment. 6th ed. Saunders; 2014: 388-428. 3. Buckup K, Buckup J. Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System: Examinations, Signs, Phenomena. 2008. 3rd ed., Stuttgart, Thieme, 2016, pp. 138–154. 4. Javed M, Mustafa S, Boyle S, Scott F. Elbow pain: a guide to assessment and management in primary care. Br J Gen Pract. 2015;65(640):610-612. doi:10.3399/bjgp15X687625 63