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2017	– 2018	
Hugues	Rey
Ø1968	– Ixelles	– Married	to	Geneviève
ØSolvay	Business	School	(1992)	
ØCEO	Havas	Media	Group	BeLux (2010)
Ø+25	years	of	experience	in	communication	agencies	 (WPP,	IPG,	Havas)
ØActive	in	digital	marketing	since	1996
ØFounding	Father	of	Interactive	Advertising	Bureau	(IAB)	(1998)
ØCIM:	President	Strategy	(2016	- …),	Past-President	Internet	(2000-2011),		TV	(2012	-2013)
ØTeach	Marketing	at	Solvay	Brussels	School:	Digital,	 International	Marketing	and	Integrated	
ØActive	Blogger	:	I’am A	Bridge	–
Hugues	Bersini
Professor	in	Université Libre de	Bruxelles and	Co-Director	of	the	IRIDIA	laboratory.
Teacher	Artificial	Intelligence,	Object-Oriented	technologies	(UML,	Design	Patterns,	Java,	.Net,	
...)	and	Web	Programming	(Django/Python)	both	for	academics	and	for	entreprises.
Member	of	the Belgium	Royal	Academy	of	Science
Main	research	interests	are	modelling	and	control	of	complex	systems,	neural	networks	and	
fuzzy	control,	data/graph/text	mining,	autonomous	agents	and	dynamics	of	biological	networks,	
computational	chemistry,	immune	engineering,	cognitive	sciences,	bioinformatics	and	object-
oriented	technology.
1.	Why	Marketing	
needs	Innovation	?	
2.	Artificial	Intelligence	
Concepts	&	Principles
3.	A.I.	and	Marketing:	
Let’s	Maximize	the	
consumer	experience	!
4.	Technical	Approach	
and	Solutions
5.	What’s	Next	?	
Ethical	point	of	view
6.	Will	A.I.	steel	my	
Marketeer Job	?
7.	How	A.I.	could	
empower	each	stage	
of	the	consumer	
decision	journey	?	
8.	Conclusions
Wrap	Up
Marketing	Professional	Challenges
Why	Marketing	needs	A.I.	?	
Real Time
Marketing	Channels	Multiplication
Complexity	–
Complexity	- Data	(Volume	/Source)
of	the	
Real	Time	is	the	new	norm
Digital	impact	the	whole	Marketing	Process
Hyper	Personalization	vs	Ultra	Large	Scale
What	Consumers	Really	Think	about	AI	?	
(6000	interviews	by	Pega)
1.Marketing	meets	
Technical	Innovation
Le	Soir
Through	the	
Gartner Hype Cycles are a graphic
representation of "the maturity and
adoption of technologies and
applications, and how they are
potentially relevant to solving real
business problems and exploiting new
5	Phases			
Innovation	Trigger: A	potential	technology	breakthrough	kicks	things	off.	Early	proof-of-concept	
stories	and	media	interest	trigger	significant	publicity.	Often	no	usable	products	exist	and	commercial	
viability	is	unproven.
Peak	of	Inflated	Expectations: Early	publicity	produces	a	number	of	success	stories	— often	
accompanied	by	scores	of	failures.	Some	companies	take	action;	many	do	not.
Trough	of	Disillusionment: Interest	wanes	as	experiments	and	implementations	fail	to	deliver.	
Producers	of	the	technology	shake	out	or	fail.	Investments	continue	only	if	the	surviving	providers	
improve	their	products	to	the	satisfaction	of	early	adopters.
Slope	of	Enlightenment: More	instances	of	how	the	technology	can	benefit	the	enterprise	start	to	
crystallize	and	become	more	widely	understood.	Second- and	third-generation	products	appear	from	
technology	providers.	More	enterprises	fund	pilots;	conservative	companies	remain	cautious.
Plateau	of	Productivity: Mainstream	adoption	starts	to	take	off.	Criteria	for	assessing	provider	
viability	are	more	clearly	defined.	The	technology's	broad	market	applicability	and	relevance	are	
clearly	paying	off.
3	Trends
A.I.	Everywhere
Transparently	Immersive	Experience
Digital	Plateforms
AI	will	impact	all	
Consumer	&	
Marketing	are	the	
most	impacted	
today	&	in	5	years
1.	Transformational	
technologies	require	
exploration	— and	
2.	AI	invades	
3.	Marketers	take	
control	of	data	to	
enhance	experiences
4.	Martech and	
adtech:	An	open	
5.	Brand	safety	a	top	
digital	advertising	
1.	Transformational	technologies	require	
exploration	— and	patience
Real-time	marketing,	AI	for	marketing	and	customer	journey	analytics	will	bring	
more	power	and	adaptability	to	help	marketers	effectively	engage	with	
prospects	and	customers.
Although	these	three	technologies	are	transformative	and	still	in	the	Innovation	
Trigger	phase,	they	will	take	10	or	more	years	to	mature.	The	next	decade	will	
require	a	sense	of	exploration	and	experimentation.
Action	items:
AI	for	marketing: Start	learning	about	AI	now	and	engage	directly	with	your	
vendors	to	understand	the	role	AI	currently	plays.
2.	AI	invades	marketing
AI	for	marketing	comprises	systems	that	change	behaviors	without	being	explicitly	programmed	
based	on	data	collected,	usage	analysis	and	other	observations, and	includes	enabling	
technologies	such	as	machine	learning,	deep	learning	and	natural-language	processing.	
AI-enabled	technologies	and	techniques	have	the	potential	to	transform	the	practice	of	
marketing	as	we	know	it.
AI	for	marketing	is	in	the	Innovation	Trigger	phase,	and	vendors	liberally	promote	“intelligent”	
capabilities	within	their	offerings	with	varying	degrees	of	precision	and	truth.	
Action	items:
AI	for	marketing: Be	wary	of	lofty	claims	of	AI-powered	marketing.	Establish	test	criteria	and	
conduct	pilots	and	proofs	of	concept	to	vet	such	assertions.
3.	A.I.	Integration	in	
Marketing	Practices	
1. Chatbots (text / voice)
2. Recommendations /
Content curation
3. Personalized pricing
4. Ad targeting
5. Computer vision
6. Speech recognition
7. Data analysis
8. Content Generation
9. Search
10. Business Forecasting
10	Major	Trends	of	A.I.	
Usage	in	Marketing
3.A.	Marketing	
Data	Available	is	
Advanced TV
Online Video
Digital OOH
Landing Experiences
Direct Channels
Social Signals
Business data, e.g. orders,
registrations, revenue etc.
Other open & proprietary data:
government incentives,
market forecast, surveys…
Web / Mobile site
Search intent
Buying Teams
Data Management
Day part
Offline MediaAudience data
1st party (client data)
2nd party (partner data)
3rd party (observed data,
Experian, Acxiom, IXI…)
Web / Mobile site
Multiple	Source	of	Data		
Other Unstructured Data
3.B.	A.I.	Ingredients	for	
3.B.1	– (Chat)Bots	
&	Robots
Research from Forrester showed 5% of companies
worldwide said they were using chatbots regularly in
2016, 20% were piloting them, and 32% were planning
to use or test them in 2017.
Research from Gartner has predicted that 85% of
customer service interaction will be done by means of
artificial intelligence by 2020.
28.2 trillion mobile messages are expected to be sent in
2017. This number is about double the amount of
messages sent in 2012.
The open rate for mobile messages is a near perfect
98%, which is exponentially higher than the 22 percent
rate emails employ.
6 of the top apps used globally are messaging apps.
Retention rate of messaging apps is about double the
amount of other types of apps.
Bots	to	Create	
Seamless	User	
Uber	Facebook	
Bots	to	Create	
Seamless	User	
HP	Print	Bot
Bots	as	Customer	Support
The deep learning AI chatbots possess allow them to access
layers of data from neural networks, including customer
information that has been built up over time.
Real-time access to a customer’s preferences and purchase
history gives customer support chatbots a significant edge over
their human counterparts.
A great example of this can be found in the hospitality industry
with the Hyatt chatbot. As a branded Facebook Messenger bot,
Hyatt customers can get up to date information in seconds.
Bots	to	help	in	
the	Sales	
Having	trouble	finding	
your	next	read?	Harper	
Collins' Epic	Reads	
chatbot is	here	to	help
Bots	to	Process	
Capital	One’s	Eno bot	is	one	of	the	
oldest	and	most	respected.
We	Chat	– 900	Millions	users
DJ	Hardwell
(The	Bot	
Let’s	Meet	
Thédorore	– The	
ULB	Recruitment	
Convaincre la cible de
s’inscrire à l’ULB
Faire sauter les barrières
(craintes, questions, problèmes)
retenant la cible potentielle de
Eleves francophones inscrits en
rhétorique en 2016-2017 dans un
établissement belge, ayant obtenu leur
CESS et désirant poursuivre leur
formation dans un établissement
d’enseignement supérieur.
On a décidé de se concentrer sur les étudiants, et non les
parents avec adolescents car ces derniers sont, d’une part,
plus difficiles à cibler et identifier, et, d’autre part,
stratégiquement pour le budget donné, les performances
seront meilleures sur les jeunes sur les réseaux choisis.
Faire sauter les barrières et
informer les étudiants sur la
vie universitaire
Convaincre les étudiants de
s’inscrire à l’ULB, l’université pour
leur futur.
Aider et inciter les étudiants à s’inscrire à l’ULB
avec une communication adaptée
In	which	situations	would	
you	be	comfortable	with	a	
company	using	AI	to	give	
you	better	customer	
service	?	(Source:	Pega)
Bots	Handy	
Huffington	Post)
3.B.2	– Speech	
Began	in	2014	,	
the	smart	speaker	
battles	are	not	
really	about	the	
Voice	assistant
The	new	search	engine
Different	Strategies:
- Apple	Siri	is	wherever	you	are.
- Amazon	Echo	is	only	at	home.	
They	created	the	category	and	
are	the	first	that	have	a	version	
with	a	camera	and	another	one	
with	a	screen.
- Google	has	experience	in	
search.	They	take	advantage	of	
processing	the	information	in	
the	cloud.	Some	people	do	not	
like	to	give	them	their	private	
- Microsoft	tries	to	be	
everywhere	but,	by	now,	only	
excels	in	games.
Search	is	still	
key	…
According	to Google,	20	percent	of	
searches	on	its	mobile	app	and	on	
Android	devices	are	voice	
The	total number	of	voice	
searches	overall	is	actually	much	
higher	when	you	take	into	account	
personal	assistants	like	Amazon’s	
Echo	(aka	Alexa),	Google	Home	(a	
direct	competitor	of	the	Echo), Siri	
and	Cortana	— tools	that	are	
solely	based	on	voice	recognition.
Juniper	estimates	that	smart	
speakers	such	as	Amazon	Echo,	
Google	Home	and	the	Sonos One	will	
be	installed	in	over	70	million	US	
households	by	2022,	reaching	55%	of	
all	homes.
Campbell’s	Is	
Recipes	via	
Amazon	Echo	Can	
Now	Order	Your	
Domino	Pizza	
The	process	of	ordering	via	Echo	
will	first	require	that	Domino’s	
customers	set	up	a	“Pizza	Profile.”
Multi-Plateform:	 desktop,	
mobile,	SMS,	Twitter,	Samsung	
Smart	TVs,	Ford	Sync,	
smartwatches	like	Android	Wear	
and	Pebble,	and	its	own	
native application	(where	you	can	
also	speak	to	its	virtual	assistant,	
Dom,	by	voice).
Johnnie	Walker:	Educating	consumers	and	promoting	new	
GE	started	
allowing	Amazon	
Echo	users	
to control	their	
appliances with	
voice	commands
3.B.3	– Conversional	
Marketing	/	Commerce
Having	developed	out	of	traditional	channels	over	the	past	
decades,	conversational	commerce	leads	the	way	towards	a	
new	era	of	individualized	shopping.
3	main	conversational	commerce	to	apply	
natural	interaction	to	drive	purchase	
Higher	customer	engagement	+	individual	
offerings	=	higher	conversion
Conversational	Commerce	Bot	Market
According	to MarketsandMarkets,	the	conversational	commerce	bot	market
◦ Grow	from	$703	million	USD	in	2016	to	$3,172	million	USD	by	2021.	
◦ Compound	annual	growth	rate	of	35.2%.
Ubisend	research shows	a	number	of	factors	are	driving	this	rapid	growth.
◦ A	change	in	consumer	behavior	from	social	networks	to	social	messaging,	
◦ The	rise	of	the	on-demand	economy	and	demand	for	delivering	a	personal	service	at	
Allowing	consumers	to	
order	coffee	at	home	or	in	
their	car	using	smart	
devices	such	as	Amazon	
So	far,	it	has	made	the	
feature	available	to	
roughly	100,000	
customers	in	the	US
Large	players	are	operating	the	new	
conversational	commerce	channels	
In	anutshell
5	Distinguishing	Features	of	Conversational	Marketing
Marketeer vs	Consumer	(Source:	Pega)
Product	to	
3.B.4	– Image	
CrowdEmotion offers	an API	that	
uses	facial	recognition	to	detect	the	
time	series	of	the	six	universal	
emotions	as	defined	by	
Psychologist Paul	
Ekman (happiness,	surprise,	anger,	
disgust,	fear	and	sadness).	
Their online	demo will	analyze	facial	
points	in	real-time	video,	and	
respond	with	detailed	
No	emotion	is	a	bad	emotion	when	it	comes	
to	creating	content-led	marketing	campaigns
BBC	Case	– Take	Away:	
Trigger	serious	emotions	to	meet	your	campaign	objectives	e.g.	puzzlement,	
fear	and	sadness	increase	positivity	by	35	per	cent.
Don’t	ignore	the	lighter	emotions.	Happiness	and	surprise	increase	desire	to	
purchase,	supporting	brand	image	and	consideration.
Clearly	label	your	brand	– it	adds	credibility	to	the	content	à a	positive	impact	
on	perception	of	the	brand.
Showcasing	the	right	emotions	will	drive	social	media	referrals.	55%	of	
consumers	who	express	happiness,	puzzlement	and	fear	are	likely	to	share	
You	can’t	always	get	what	you	want	(with	
text	search)
à 74% of consumers say text-based keyword searches
are inefficient for helping them find the right products online
à 67% of consumers say quality of product images is very
important in selecting and purchasing products
à 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual
à Visual information is processed 60,000x faster than text
Slyce – The	Want	Engine	!
ASOS	Visual	Search
Monetize	the	‘discovery’	phase	of	
the	shopping	journey	
Turns	the	user’s	smartphone	camera	into	a	
discovery	tool,	allowing	them	to	take	a	picture	
of	a	product.	By	identifying	the	shape,	color,	and	
pattern	of	the	object,	ASOS’	AI	technology	can	
then	cross-reference	its	own	inventory	of	
products	and	serve	up	the	most	relevant	results.
TheTake uses	AI	to	
identify	products,	
locations	in	video
Sephora	Visual	Artist	product	à
“try	on”	cosmetic	products
Powered	by	Modiface AI	
technology,	the	Visual	Artist	can	
map	and	identify	facial	
features,	then	use augmented	
reality to	“apply”	the	user’s	
selected	product	and	shade.	
Moreover,	it	can	automatically	
apply	suggested	shades	based	
on	the	consumer’s	skin	tone.
Sephora	Visual	Artist	
product	à
The	Visual	Artist	is	also	
hosted	on	Messenger.
Shoppers	can	send	a	
picture	to	the	Sephora	
chatbot and	it	will	come	
back	to	them	with	a	
range	of	suggested	
products,	along	with	an	
augmented	reality	image	
of	how	they	look	once	
3.B.5	Recommendation
$6	billion	on	content	this	year		
◦ If	it	just	presented	the	most	popular	selections	to	everyone,	many	titles	would	remain	unseen.	
◦ Wasted	content	spend,	Less	time	watching	Netflix	instead	of	other	networks.
Take-rate	on	top	personalized	video	recommendations	was	3 to	4	times	higher	than	the	most	popular	
◦ Viewers	were	exposed	to	4	times	as	many	videos	using	personalized	recommendations	compared	to	a	list	of	
the	most	popular	titles.
Recommendations	=	surface	niche	titles	that	wouldn't	find	an	audience	on	a	traditional	cable	
network,	but	that	its	viewers	love
◦ Save	money	on	its	content	&	maximize	the	value	of	inexpensive	titles.
Recommendations	lead	to	meaningful	increases	in	overall	engagement	with	the	product	(e.g.,	
streaming	hours)	and	lower	subscription	cancellations	rates.
◦ Higher	lifetime	customer	values	and	lower	revenue	volatility.
◦ Retention	rates	are	already	high	enough	that	it	takes	a	very	meaningful	improvement	to	make	a	retention	
difference	of	even	0.1%.
Netflix	Recommendation	
à Generate	a	Long	Tail	Approach
Netflix	– A.I.	Expense
Over	the	past	few	years,	Netflix's	technology	and	development	budget	has	increased	slightly	
faster	than	its	overall	revenue.	
2015,	it	increased	38%	to	$651	million	=	10%	of	revenue.
Not	only	in	recommendations	engine.	
Technology	and	development	expenses	include	"testing,	maintaining	and	modifying	our	user	
interface,	our	recommendation,	merchandising	and	streaming	delivery	technology	and	
The	ROI	of	recommendation	engines	for	
1.	Improving	with	use	(positive	feedback	loop)
◦ With	more	data	to	train	its	algorithms	on	(more	active	users	interacting),	Netflix	has	the	advantage	of	
improving	its	offering	faster	and	faster.	This	“winner	take	all”	dynamic,	is	one	of	the	reasons	why	
“improvement	with	use”	is	so	important.
2.	Improving	cart	value	(profit)
◦ Amazon	has	integrated	many	recommendation	“entry	points”	into	its	online	experience	to	maximize	
cart	value
◦ Estimation:	35	percent	of	consumer	purchases	on	Amazon	come	from	product	recommendations.	In	
2016,	it	offered	its	open-source	AI	framework	called,	DSSTNE	for	free	to	encourage	the	development	of	
artificial	intelligence	apps.
◦ 11.11	Shopping	Festival	2016,	Alibaba	used	AI	to	display	product	recommendations	on 6.7	billion	
personalized	shopping	pages	à 20	%	conversion	rate	improvement.
The	ROI	of	recommendation	engines	for	
3.	Improving	engagement	and	delight	(retention)
◦ YouTube’s	recommendation	engine	has	been	powered	by	Google	Brain	since	2015
◦ YouTube	had	plenty	of	experiments	and	redesigns	before	employing	an	algorithm	that	searches	for	
similarities	among	different	types	of	video	content
◦ Some	of	the	data	points	that	it	uses	include	a	user’s	viewing	history,	age	of	videos,	search	terms	and	
location	to	decide	which	video	will	play	next	
◦ YouTube	earns	revenues	when	a	viewer	watches	more	than	30	seconds	of	an	ad,	or	when	a	user	clicks	
an	entity	on	the	screen	or	an	ad	listed	on	the	page.
RankBrain is	an	artificial	
intelligence	system	that	
is	designed	to	
understand	how	people	
search	and	why	they’re	
searching	(or	their	
intent	when	searching).	
It	does	this	through	a	
mathematical	process	
and	advanced	(and	
evolving)	understanding	
of	written	language	
semantics	that’s	
intended	to	help	
RankBrain ultimately	
“understand”	searchers	
on	a	deeper	level	than	
simply	matching	
3.B.6	Content	
Generation	/	Creative
Did	a	Human	or	
a	Computer	
Write	This?
MARCH	7,	2015
Did	a	Human	or	
a	Computer	
Write	This?
MARCH	7,	2015
Did	a	Human	or	
a	Computer	
Write	This?
MARCH	7,	2015
Did	a	Human	or	
a	Computer	
Write	This?
MARCH	7,	2015
20	%	of	all	business-
oriented	content	will	be	
generated	by	machines	
by	2018	(Gartner)
Client	reports
Product	descriptions
Campaign	summaries
TV	programming	
Announcements	Ratings	
Online	content	for	clients
Social	media	updates
Wordsmith, a software platform lets you
create sophisticated templates that turn
raw data into unique pieces of writing
about that data. Wordsmith is a natural
language generation (NLG) platform.
1.	What	kind	of	data	does	my	brand	have	access	to	?
You’ll	need	to	have	some	type	of	structured	data—data	commonly	
arranged	in	columns	and	rows,	like	in	a	spreadsheet.	As	an	example,	
the	Associated	Press	has	access	to	a	continuous	stream	of	earnings	
data	in	a	structured	format.	Once	it	uses	an	AI	tool	to	create	an	
automated	template	for	that	data,	it	can	apply	the	template	to	new	
data	as	it’s	generated,	provided	it’s	in	the	same	format.
2.	What	narratives	can	I	tell	with	that	data	?
What	stories	are	you already	manually	telling	with	your numbers?	
What	stories	would	be	profitable	for	you	to	tell	if	you	had	unlimited	
time	or	budget?	Many	different	datasets	have	stories	to	tell,	and	
many	can	be	automated.	But	currently	it	takes	human	insight	to	
determine	which	stories	will	be	the	most	useful.
Saatchi	&	Saatchi	L.A.
Toyota	Mirai – 1.000	ads
The	Saatchi	LA	team	spent	three	months	training	
it	to	write	first	in	coherent	sentences	and	then	
to	customize	the	communication	to	a	target	
The	target	demographic	for	the	campaign	was	
scientists,	engineers	and	other	early	adopters	of	
Saatchi	&	Saatchi	
L.A.	Toyota	Mirai
Training	‘Watson’	
is	mandatory
With	more	training	scripts	it	became	better	until	it	finally	
produced	the	sentences,	“Yes,	it’s	for	fans	of	possibility.”	
Many	more	lines	came	afterward,	each	focused	on	target	
consumer	profiles.
The	goal	wasn’t	necessarily	to	use	Watson	to	produce	higher	
quality	or	more	creative	output.	Saatchi	LA	could	have	come	
up	with	compelling	concepts	and	copy.	
The	difference	here	was	scale.	
While	each	video	looks	the	same,	the	copy	is	tailored	to	more	
than	100	different	demographics,	resulting	in	thousands	of	
pieces	of	content.
The	IBM	Watson	output	was	
rough	at	first	producing	only	
unintelligible	sentence	and	
word	combinations.
Programmatic	creative:	set	of	advertising	technologies	that	add	
speed,	scale,	and	automation	to	the	creative	process.
A.I.Men – The	
Young	Pope:
The	Papal	Artificial	
A.I.Men – The	
Young	Pope:
The	Papal	Artificial	
It	was	funny	to	see	how	a	2,500-year-old	text,	the	Holy	Bible,	could	still	be	relevant	in	
our	modern	and	hyperconnected world,	and	show	its	timelessness	in	contemporary	
3.B.7	Dynamic	Pricing
Uber:	Till	2017	- Prices	go	up	to	encourage	more	drivers	to	go	
online.	The	increase	in	price	is	proportionate	to	demand
First	degree	price	discrimination	is	…
… the	act	of	charging	customers	a	different	
price	for	the	same	product	or	service,	
depending	on	who	they	are	and	how	wealthy	
they	seem,	to	capture	as	much	consumer	
surplus	as	possible.
A.I.	à From	Price	to	Value
Dynamic	pricing:	Retailers	using	artificial	
intelligence	to	predict	top	price	you'll	pay
You	could	be	paying	more	than	others
Data	used	by	pricing	algorithms	is	gathered	from	seemingly	benign	sources	such	as	loyalty	cards	and	
even	post	codes.	But	it	also	increasingly	incorporates	prior	behavior.
As	with	gambling,	the	house	always	wins
In	the	long	run,	consumers	are	likely	to	be	the	biggest	losers,	because	dynamic	pricing	plays	on	our	
desire	to	find	that	next	bargain.
Moral	and	ethical	questions
It	has	the	potential	to	worsen	social	inequality,	particularly	as	the	determinations	used	by	retail	
algorithms	are	intentionally	non-transparent
Algorithms	to	negotiate	on	your	behalf
Products	like	Amazon's	Echo	or	Google's	Home	are	the	first	tangible	versions	of	the	quest	to	make	
artificial	intelligence	butlers	a	common	household	feature.	The	goal	is	to	persuade	consumers	that	
they	can	save	time	and	energy	by	delegating	mundane	tasks	like	ordering	groceries	or	booking	tickets	
to	these	artificial	agents.
3.B.8	Predictive	&	
Prescriptive	Marketing
Served grill video and purchased grill.
Served geotargeted patio
message Northern Market.
Served geotargeted patio
message Southern Market.
promotional message
Went to site
but did not purchase.
promotional message
Ongoing personalized
Research	/	Audience	
Management	/	
Personae	Generation
70 150 300
Smart	data	&	
algorithmes	to	
deliver	relevant	
2,000 criteria to describe an audience by psychographic
(people's interests), demographics and mobile behaviours.
Data	Processing
Real	Personas	Generation	
In	Depth	Mapping
Exemple	- Leveraging social	insights	to	
detect appropriate TV	contexts
Discover unique insights about your consumers’
behavior through the power of social profiling.
Collecting Customizing Matching Profiling
Basic-Fit	clients	data	
base	18-45	y.o
Create	a	custom	
audience	based	on	
client	email	adresses
Match	Basic-Fit	
Custom	audience	with	
Soprism total	audience	
18-45	y.o
Identify	interests	in	affinity	
with	the	audience
- The Voice: 125 aff
- Cyril Hanouna: 135 aff
- Ozark Henri: 116 aff
- Pukkelpop: 144 aff
- Viceland: 122 aff
- …
Creating	Persona
collection and analysis	
of	data
Persona descriptions
Scenarios for	problem	
analysis	and	idea	
Persona	Generation
Let’s	Meet	Lucy
an	invaluable	
member	of	the	
marketing	team
Lucy	can	
à hunt	down	facts	about	a	
potential	market
à pull	together	customer	profiles	
from	social	media
à draw	up	media	models	in	
She	performs	previously	time-
consuming	tasks	in	an	instant,	
empowering	marketers	to	do	
much	more	in	far	less	time,	and	
the	more	she	does	the	more	she	
learns,	growing	and	developing	
according	to	a	campaign’s	needs.
A	new	employee	feeded by	
She	is	already	populated	
with	data	from	sources	such	
as	SEMRush,	Spinn3r,	
SimilarWeb,	US	Census	and	
Clearbit and	can	crunch	
reams	of	data	to	answer	any	
marketing	question.	Her	easy	
to	use	interface	also	means	
that	marketers	can	ask	
questions	in	a	free	text	
format,	simply	and	directly.
Campaign	Management
Cosabella is	using	multiple	A.I.	Media	Campaign	Tools	
… with	success	!
A.I.	empower	Cosabella CRM	Campaign
Cosabella +	Emarsys – Factor	of	succes
The	right	structure
Marketing	team	and	merged	with	the	e-commerce	team	&	IT	/	digital	director	took	over	marketing
From	a	design-led	marketing	to	a	technology-led	marketing.	
◦ determine	how	to	crunch	data,	develop	customer	profiles,	connect	with	audience	in	a	rapidly	changing	marketplace..
◦ How	do	we	bring	that	function	in-house	without	hiring	200	people	?	à A.I.
The	right	implementation	strategy
Knowing	that	non-technology	people	would	be	primarily	responsible	for	using	the	platform	day	to	day,	it	was	
important	for	Emarsys to	gear	the	deployment	to	the	team’s	needs	and	knowledge	levels.	Ease	of	use	and	
approaching	the	implementation	using	laymen’s	terms	were	early	priorities.
Moving	the	needle	to	confidence
The	list	of	potential	uses	for	AI	in	retail	is	almost	limitless,	and	the	technology	is	still	maturing.	Forget	the	human-
driven	guesses	that	have	sculpted	past	marketing	efforts;	today’s	AI	is	all	about	knowing.
A.I.	empower	Cosabella CRM	Campaign
How	does	it	Work	?
Aditionally,	Cosabella use	Albert
Autonomous	Media	Buying	A.I.
After	processing	high-level	KPIs,	parameters,	and	creative	materials,	Albert	quickly	identified	
emerging	user	behavior	and	patterns	across	paid	search	and	social	media.	
He	then	analyzed	the	behaviors	to	produce	insights	and	suggestions	for	optimal	performance	and	
scalability.	Most	crucially,	he	then	autonomously	executed	on	the	suggestions,	delivering	previously	
unseen	results	across	channels	including:
◦ Proactive	creative	and	messaging	insights	&	recommendations.
◦ Micro-campaigns	of	infinite	campaign	variables.
◦ Autonomous	media	buying	using	predictive	analytics	and	deep	learning.
A.I.	Capacities	=	(Human	Capacities)
A.I.	(Albert)	can	create	user	
segments	based	on:
Contacts:	People	in	the	brand’s	existing	CRM,	
which	can	be	broken	down	into	segments	such	
as	‘parents',	'highest	lifetime	value','	newsletter	
subscribers'	or	'loyalty	club	members'.
Visitors:	Website	visitors	who,	for	example,	
added	something	to	their	cart,	viewed	a	
product,	or	made	a	purchase	(these	were	not	
applicable	in	Dole's	case).
Lookalikes:	New	audiences	resembling	
previous	high-value	customers.
Based	on	its	incessant	testing,	A.I.	(Albert)	can	
determine	:
What	media to	invest	in,	at	what	times	and	in	what	formats.
How	much	budget to	spend	on	each	channel	and	for	each	ad	format.
Which	creative	+	headline	combinations	to	use	for	each	micro-segment.
Which	ad	combinations	to	place	where.
Which	cities,	audience	types	and	audience	behaviours	to	prioritize	and	
Which	cities,	audience	types,	and	behaviours	to	eliminate.
AI	caused	a	
sellout for	Dole	
blew	through	its	primary	KPI	
in	half	the	allotted	time;
led	to	temporary	sellout
conditions	in	some	stores;
drove	an	87%	increase	in	
store	sales	once	stocks	were	
and	garnered	the	brand	
60,000	additional	Facebook	
Example	actions	that	Albert	took	during	
Dole's	campaign	à Agnostic	&	Apolitic
à After	determining	that	the	average	cost	per	page	"like"	was	18	%	better	in	one	city	than	in	
another,	allocated	resources	on	social	according	to	optimal	performance	and	pricing.
After	discovering	that	user	engagement	on	Facebook	was	40	%	higher	for	mobile	users	than	
desktop	users,	shifted	resources	to	target	mobile	and	adjusted	bids	accordingly.
Noticed	an	over-index	in	responses	in	the	Metro	Manila	region	and	therefore	started	focusing	
more	spend	in	that	area.
Found	that	video	ads	on	Facebook	increased	clickthrough rates	and	would	expand	reach	to	more	
potential	customers,	so	requested	more	video	ads	for	Facebook.
Discovered	that	videos	on	organic	pages	(such	as	a	Facebook	profile	page,	as	opposed	to	an	ad)	
produced	a	165	percent	increase	in	page	engagements	over	seven	days,	so	recommended	
introducing	more	video	posts	to	those	pages.
Identified	Saturday	and	Sunday	as	performing	lower	than	the	rest	of	the	week
Harley	Davidson	New	York	City	use	A.I.
Harley-Davidson	of	NYC	(dealer)	understood	the	impact	digital	could	have	on	its	business	but	was	
unable	to	realize	the	full	potential	on	its	own	given	the	size	of	their	team	and	the	resources	available.
With	Harley-Davidson	NYC’s	KPIs,	business	logic	and	minimal	past	campaign	performance	data,	Albert	
discovered	trending	behavior	at	a	pace	only	a	machine	can	handle,	and	used	continuously	incoming	
info	to	optimize	and	scale	performance	including:
◦ Identifying	unknown	audiences.
◦ Identifying	top-performing	creative	and	messaging	combinations	and	prioritizing	them	across	all	digital	
◦ Pricing	and	budget	allocation	across	all	digital	channels	(on	the	fly	marketing	mix	modeling).
A.I.	Capacities	=	(Human	Capacities)
Autonomous	Test.	Execute.	Report.
Planning	is	A.I.	
Compatible	…
What	about	
Strategy	?
Should companies and brands
play a role in improving our
quality of life and wellbeing?
61% 70%
69% 75%
Are companies and brands
working hard at improving our
quality of life and wellbeing?
… but few brands are delivering yet
Increasing number of people want
brands to be meaningful…
2015 2017
is not meaningful
to consumers
60% of the content
provided by brands
And more than half of content fails to deliver
6.	A.I.	Benefits	in	your	
Marketing	MIX and	
Communication	Process
4	Battle	
A.I.	?
- Bots
- Recommendation	Tools
- Speech	Reco
- Image	Reco
- Voice	assistant
- Dynamic	Pricing
- Content	Production
- DCO	
- A.I.	CRM	
- Predictive	/	
- Prescritive Analytics
7.	Conclusion	&	Wrap	Up
A.I.	Is	definitively	moving	4P’s	to	S.A.V.E.
in	a	Hyper	Personalized	Relation		
Product PlacePrice Promotion
Service	x	Product
=	Bespoke	Offer	
Value	Based	
Access	x	
(Learn	+	Apply)
=		Experience
Engage,	Entertain,	
Educate	=	Unique	
Phygital vs	Transhuman
General	Conclusions	
àA.I.	is	already	integrated	in	Marketing	
àConsumer	is	not	completely	perceiving	that	reality
à We	(Human)	+	A.I.	=	3
à Let’s	Human	Concentrate	on	Strategy	and	
Creative	Big	Idea	
à Test	now	is	a	must	– Full	productivity	is	about	10	
+ 32 496 26 06 88

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