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Argumentative Essay Same Sex Marriage
Writing an argumentative essay on the topic of same-sex marriage can be a challenging task for
various reasons. Firstly, the subject matter is highly sensitive and often involves personal beliefs
and values, making it potentially controversial. Balancing the presentation of different
perspectives while maintaining a clear and coherent argument requires careful consideration of
language and tone.
Additionally, the topic of same-sex marriage is multifaceted, encompassing legal, social, and
ethical dimensions. Researching and understanding the historical context, legal frameworks, and
societal attitudes is crucial for constructing a well-informed and comprehensive essay.
Navigating through diverse opinions and viewpoints on this matter can be intellectually
demanding, as it involves engaging with both supportive and opposing arguments.
Furthermore, the emotional aspect of the topic adds another layer of complexity. Acknowledging
the deeply ingrained societal norms and addressing potential biases requires a nuanced approach.
Striking a balance between empathy and objectivity is essential to ensure the essay resonates
with readers on an emotional and intellectual level.
In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on same-sex marriage demands a careful and
thoughtful approach. It involves not only conducting extensive research but also navigating
through the intricate interplay of personal beliefs, societal values, and legal considerations.
Crafting an essay that is both persuasive and respectful requires skillful argumentation and a
keen awareness of the broader context. For those seeking assistance, various resources, including
similar essays and more, can be explored through platforms like
Argumentative Essay Same Sex MarriageArgumentative Essay Same Sex Marriage
Begin Again Utilitarianism
Begin Again is a 2013 film directed by John Carney, starring Kiera Knightly and
Mark Ruffalo. Having just moved to New York with her boyfriend, Gretta
(Knightly) soon has to face the reality of his affair. It s not long after that Gretta
meets Dan (Ruffalo), a recently separated father who just lost his job as a music
producer. Within this chapter, Cohen establishes two different types of love:
romantic, and utilitarian. While a major part of Gretta s narrative is her navigation of
her failed romantic relationship, what ultimately results from it is a questionably
successful utilitarian one. Gretta and Dan s relationship doesn t meet the four
qualities of genuinely love as established by Swidler in chapter seven. It s most
notably not love
Cooking the Books Essay
Cooking the Books
ACC 201
The key to the article Cooking the Books is to cover the business ethics of an
accounting manager ordering one of his accountants to falsifying a company s
accounting ledger. The Generally Accepted Accounting Principle of expense
recognition was not followed. The accounting manager was attempting to commit
fraud for personal gain, he does this by manipulating the books to show higher
revenue in order to meet the volume for management bonus. The accounting
manager also created a hostile working environment by threating his accountant s
job security if he didn t comply with his orders. The Sarbanes Oxley Act will also be
explored to see if there was a violation due to the unethical behavior of the ... Show
more content on ...
As the scandals came to light, mistrust of financial reporting in general grew. One
article in the Forbes magazine noted that repeated disclosures about questionable
accounting practices have bruised investors faith in the reliability of earnings reports,
which in turn has sent stock prices tumbling (Forbes). Imagine trying to carry on a
business or invest money if you could not depend on the financial statements to be
honestly prepared. Information would have no credibility. There is no doubt that a
sound, well functioning economy depends on accurate and dependable financial
reporting. United States regulators and lawmakers were very concerned that the
economy would suffer if investors lost confidence in corporate accounting because of
unethical financial reporting.
Situational analysis
The external users that will want financial information about the company will
receive false information because the books are incorrect and this one egregious error
will be the tip of the iceberg. Once the external users lose confidence in the company
then the company will be doomed to fail because of that lack of trust coming from the
accounting department, the very ones that control the money.
These violations are in direct conflict with the revenue recognition principle, (Ferris,
2014 p.27). Since the company already has the 1.2 million dollar revenue, they will
not ship it until the next year and that is when they
Comparing the Advertising of Different Companies of a...
Comparing the Advertising of Different Companies of a Non Gender Specific Product
For my essay I am going to compare and contrast the advertising of different
companies of a non gender specific product, namely music systems. I am going to
look at examples of print adverts and language specifically from TEAC Systems
and compare them to rivals in the market place. In this essay I am going to look
specifically at the interesting campaign running for TEAC stereo systems. The
campaign is highly gendered and revolves around sexually attractive women wearing
very little, and suggestive copy. The adverts are definitely relying on the sex sells
line of promotion. Looking at the image with the three women and the man , The ...
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Sony are trying to tell you that you are existing in the real world. However, it
implies that unless you have Sony products you are not getting the best out of life,
and that applies wherever you are, working, driving, et cetera. TEAC s statement
that Listening to TEAC can seriously damage your single status. Is a wholly
unbelievable statement. Therein lies the difference between the two statements.
Music to some people, myself included, does add something to your life. However,
Sony have twisted the idea slightly. Owning the Sony stereo does not add life to you
world, it is the music that is played on them. The Sony quote is more subtle and
realistically believable, all the things the TEAC quote is not.
All the TEAC stereos look gorgeous in a champagne metal finish. This use of
association between champagne/success/TEAC offers another piece of gendered
marketing. Almost every stereo on sale today is finished in metal, plastic that looks
like metal, or jet black. There is no alternative that might be more appealing to the
female market. I am not however, suggesting that women would not like the male
associated finishes, but while talking about this essay to female colleagues, I was
informed that at least two girls would like to have a pink stereo. While this is a
stereotypical colour association, it still highlights that there must be a market for
stereos that are aimed specifically at the female
Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough Mark Near
(Article from the Fresno Bee, September 16th, 2010)
Every year or season a slightly different flu strain awakens, infecting our human
population. This fall it s the whooping cough, also called pertussis. It is causing many
deaths, especially in infants. Many health officials have grown concerned with this
unexpected new threat, mainly because the babies are too young to be fully
immunized by the illness. It s essential to understand how this virus is effecting our
population and what procedures must be taken in order to prevent it from continuing
to spread. The article Whooping Cough Mark Near, from the Fresno Bee, describes
the conditions of this new occurring virus. According to the article, the ... Show more
content on ...
Therefore, any amino acids produced in cellular respiration can contain the bacteria
Bordetella Pertussis. One of the symptoms of this illness is a fever, if it becomes too
high it can cause proteins to unravel and loose its normal shape. This is called a
denatured protein; which are related to many diseases. In order for a protein to
function correctly, the structure has to be normal. The primary structure of a
protein its sequence of amino acids causes it to fold into its functional shape.
(Simon, Reece, Dickey, page 48). In other words, if the amino acids aren t
functioning correctly, the proteins can become misfolded. The disease is named for
the distinguishing sound produced when those who are affected attempt to breathe
in. The whoop was created because of the inflammation of the laryngeal structures
that vibrate when there s a quick inflow of air. This illness is affecting many
individuals and as the years continue to pass it s only getting worse. The sad part is;
it s mostly present in infants. More are dying because of the whooping cough; they
aren t getting a chance to experience life. It s extremely important for parents to make
sure their children receive the vaccine before it s too late. The future is
unpredictable; this illness can end up causing a new virus next year, which is why
every individual should receive the vaccine recommended. If a new strain of a virus
The Pigman John And Lorraine Relationship
In the novel The Pigman, by Paul Zindel, John and Lorraine make a prank call.
Lorraine randomly calls an old man named Mr. Pignati, she claims she is a charity
and wants a donation. John convinces Lorraine to go with him to pick up the
donation. John and Lorraine do not have good parents. John s parents do not give
him attention so John does dumb things to try to get their attention. Lorraine s
mom was cheated on by Lorraine s dad, so now she thinks all men are like that.
She is always telling Lorraine how she isn t pretty and doesn t dress right. Because
of their parents, John and Lorraine act in unhealthy ways. John is an alcoholic and
smokes and tries to get other people s attention. Lorraine tries to get people s
approval and she has paranoida,... Show more content on ...
All Lorraine wants to do is impress John because she has had a crush on him for a
while. Therefore she does what he wants her to do. Lorraine could have said that
they shouldn t have taken advantage of Mr. Pignati and taken the $10.00 from him,
instead she went along with it and still lied and said she was a charity. Lorraine
could have prevented the party at Mr. Pignati s house. John was the one who
suggested it and Lorraine knew it was a bad choice but did it anyway because John
wanted to do it. In the future, John might do something risky and hurt himself, and
Lorraine won t stop him and she might even join in. Lorraine s craving for approval
will probably land her and John into trouble in the future. John might suggest
something stupid but Lorraine will go along with it. Especially after Mr. Pignati s
dead John could do something reckless and Lorraine won t stop him and she might
even do it herself. John might even kill himself by doing something and Lorraine
won t stop it which will cause even more
King Henry Tudor Research Paper
Have you heard of Queen Elizabeth or King Henry в…§ ? They both were a part of
the Reign of the Tudors , a famous royal family . When you think of the Tudors you
probably think of : Henry в…¦ , Henry в…§ , Edward в…Ґ , Mary or , Elizabeth .
Henry the seventh The reigning Monarch of Great Britain was Richard в…ў until ,
the Battle of Bosworth Field . The Battle of Bosworth was between house York and
Lancastrian . Richard the third was becoming unpopular with his people . Henry
Tudor , Earl of Richmond aligned himself with house York and defeated Richard
в…ў . Henry Tudor was crowned King and became known as Henry в…¦
Furthermore ,Henry в…¦ reign helped England s influence ; his reign lasted from
(1457 to 1509) . To strengthen his claim to his throne,... Show more content on ...
During his reign Henry improved and built a fleet of fighting ships . He organized
a major government reconstruction that made England into one of the greatest of
the world powers . Henry involved England in major wars with France and
Scotland . Despite, changing England, Henry eighth was known notoriously for
his wives and religion . Henry married Catherine of Aragon, who bore six children,
but only one survived Mary the first . Henry wanted a male heir to insure the Tudor
family would continue to rule . Henry asked the Pope for an annulment since
Catherine was previously married to his brother . Catherine argued that the
marriage was never consummated . The Pope denied the annulment . Henry made
parliament declare him the highest authority in England and the church has no
power over the government . Henry married Anne Boleyn , a maid of honor at
court . Coincidentally , the marriage ended badly Anne bore one child Elizabeth
the first but , was beheaded on charges of adultery . Henry s third wife was Jane
Seymour who died during childbirth , she had one son Edward the sixth . The chief
minister , Thomas Cromwell urged Henry to marry a German princess , Anne .
Furthermore for unknown reasons Thomas Cromwell was executed and Henry s
marriage to Anne annulled . Then Henry married Catherine of Howard who was
charged of adultery and executed . Henry s last wife Catherine of Parr outlived him .
Henry the eighth died January 28 ,1547
Starbucks Ice Cream
Page 1: Introduction Established markets generate intense competition during which
new and innovative marketing strategies are required and new and existing products
are developed. As a market develops, consumers become more experienced and
discerning and look for more benefits from the products they choose. Although some
organisations products may appear unchanged at this developed stage of a market,
the more successful businesses re work existing brands and continue to develop new
ones to meet changing consumer needs. The development of strong brands has
always been a feature of the confectionery market. Read more:... Show more content
on ...
This is the snacking business. Held in the hand . categories include: * Confectionery
ВЈ4.9bn (chocolate sector ВЈ3.4bn) * Biscuits ВЈ1.7bn * Snacks ВЈ1.2bn * Crisps
ВЈ1.1bn * Ice Cream ВЈ0.8bn. Snacking is said to reflect the fast pace and busy
lifestyle of many people in the 1990s. It is fast, convenient, easy and mess free. The
key snack consumers, 16 34 year olds, represent 37 per cent of all snack buyers. Read
more: schweppes/launching a new product
into a developed market/the snack market.html#ixzz2TW6GaWPG Follow us:
@Thetimes100 on Twitter | thetimes100casestudies on Facebook Page 5: Market
research Market research is a process designed to link managers to consumers through
information. It is used to identify opportunities and make better informed decisions
about products which have future market potential. Market research has revealed that
snacks play more of a functional role than one of pure indulgence: they are often a
meal substitute. Research also shows that successful snack brands in the
confectionery category tend to have more foody values and often contain ingredients
such as cereal, wafer, biscuits, peanuts and fruit to break up the chocolate delivery.
Cadbury s philosophy is to continue as a driving force in the confectionery market,
and thus constantly analyse its offerings for consumers. The
Descartes Meditation 4 Essay
By the start of Meditation Four Descartes has established the reliability of his clear
and distinct criterion of knowledge, and he has concluded that he exists as an
essentially thinking thing and that the idea of an infinite, perfect being entails God s
existence. Descartes has also eliminated concern about being systematically
deceived, since acting in such a way would be indicative of some deficiency rather
than the exercise of some power, and Godis perfect. This generates further questions,
as humans do regularly judge falsely, even without the meddling of a malicious,
deceptive being (99). Given God s nature, attributing errorto him is unacceptable, but,
conversely, how could humans be blamed for the faulty faculty of judgement that...
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Descartes begins by distinguishing the real and positive idea of God from the
opposite negative idea of nothingness, placing himself in the middle of this spectrum
(99). He is finite and imperfect but, as God s creation, his nature contains nothing
which itself facilitates mistakes. Since he exists between God and nothingness,
however, he also participate[s] in nothingness or non being (99 100). Errors of
judgement, then, must stem from nothingness, the absolute absence of all perfection.
Mistakes are not things resulting from an error making faculty dependent on God,
but instead lackings of a limited, fallible faculty of judgement. This answer,
Descartes admits, does not fully address the problem, since a lacking is not a pure
negation and implies that something which ought to be present is missing. Could
God have failed to grant some perfection that we should possess? Descartes contrasts
his own weak and limited nature with God s immense, incomprehensible and infinite
nature, deeming that God s reasoning is beyond the scope of his understanding and
that, feasibly, a world with errors is best when examined in its entirety
Automotive Industry and Fiat Essay
Read the Management At Work case on pages 146 147 about the auto industry.
Complete the Case Questions #1 3. Research Fiat and Chrysler on the Internet and
write an update on current events in those companies.
1. According to a major economics consulting firm, Fiat s
South American operations are the jewel in the Italian company s global operations. *
Fiat has plants in
Brazil and Argentina, and Brazil is its biggest market, well ahead of its home country
market. In 2011, with the Chrysler venture taking up more and more of the firm s
attention and as European sales suffered a steep decline rumors began to circulate
that Marchionne might move Fiat headquarters from Italy to the United
States. Discuss Fiat s takeover of ... Show more content on ...
2. The tax breaks as a US company for Fiat will be very beneficial as far as
marketing/advertisement but a major draw back will be the high cost in labor as
opposed to the labor cost in countries such as Mexico. Fiat will also have a situation
of dealing with new labor laws. American labor laws are more stringent than other
companies. This is also power tolerance country. Employees are not as submissive as
those of other countries. Americans are considered lazy.
Fiat bringing their CEO (Marchionne) to America to directly handle the merger will
make the transition a lot soother for the company. When first appointed to Fiat
CEO he laid off 10% of white collard employees and 20,000 labor employees,
restructuring with fresh new talent, he will follow do the same plan with Chrysler.
But bringing in his own people proven to be valuable. 3.This merger can be
characterized as a direct investment because Fiat is take a chance a moving there
location to the US. Fiat is dealing with this merger on a first hand basis. They are not
operating business threw a third party.
Americans are use to large cars. The idea of driving a smaller car, to a lot of
Americans will socially awkward. They may need to find a social common ground
with the American people make their car appear attractive as well as economical.
As I said previously management American are considered lazy. Management may
have difficulties with the competency of the American employees. They may have to
A Narrative Essay On A Fair
What should we get on first when we get there? asked Becky. I don t know. How
about we get on the ferris wheel first, it looks super fun. said Lisa as they were
riding in her mom s car on the way to the fair. They were so excited to finally be
able to go to the fair since last year they had to shut it down early. I wonder why
they shut it down last year because it wasn t on the news. Everyone said that it was
because someone died. Yes, that s exactly the reason it shut down, how did you not
know that? Becky said. FInally they arrived at the fair and got out of the car. Don t
forget you guys have about 6 hours here then meet me by the theater parking lot at
8:30. So have fun and watch out for weirdos because you guys heard about what
happened last year at the fair. Just be careful. Lisa s mom said, Don t do anything
stupid, she said as she began to drive off. After that Becky and Lisa went to go
purchase their tickets for the fair. They began to get very excited as they were
walking closer and closer to the big rides, amazing smells of burritos and pizza,
and people screaming of joy. Hurry up I want to get on the ferris wheel before the
line gets super long. And we have to get on the that one ride that spins diagonally.
We have to do so many thing while we re here so hurry up. Lisa exclaimed to Becky
as she was tying her shoes. When she was finished they walked fastly to the long
line for the ferris wheel. Time seemed to go on forever while they were
What Does Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking Represent
Because the mocking bird is known to steal and mimic other bird calls, the author
uses the creature as a form of symbolic representation of American culture and way
of life. The bird uses many calls and we use many different cultural aspects and
ideals from other parts of the world to make up our own call, the call of America.
One could pick almost any aspect of our nation and even though they may be very
different in practice, each one is more than likely to be taken by another group of
people from some point in history. Most ideals that we Americans hold close are no
different from those of other counties and chances are we took said idea from them,
such as shaking hands or watching sports. With America being such a melting pot of
different... Show more content on ...
The water that all our seas are made up of has the power to create and destroy and I
believe that the author is trying to allude to the fact that water, being the life
molecule that it is, is actually both death and life. In his other words, Whitman
tends to describes life and death separately entities in his other works but in Out of
the Cradle Endlessly Rocking it seems as if they are one in the same and work
together. Because death cannot exist without life and the reverse is true. To go even
further with this idea, I am starting to think that Walt Whitman is trying to convey to
his audience that life, death, and nature (in this case birds and water) are the three
aspects required for life to exist and the best way for humans to understand this
concept is through poetry. Considering Whitman s connection to the North American
landscape, I believe that he derives most of his imagery from places he has spent
time in, like near the
Objectives Of The Methodist Movement
To examine and discuss the reasons Methodism was appealing especially to the
lower class;
To examine how Wesley s life shaped the Methodist movement
Open with Prayer
Read: Jn.12:32, 2 Pet. 3:9, Ezek.18:23
Lecture: The Methodist Movement
Key Issues covered: Wesley s early life and education, Wesley s influences, the Holy
club, Moravians, Methodist societies,
Questions for Discussion: How was this movement different from others? Why was
Wesley troubled by his salvation? Was Methodismappealing or not? Was Wesley
reluctant to leave the Anglican Church? How did the Methodist become a
Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today 3 min.
Close with Prayer: For the ... Show more content on ...
How effective were Lay Preachers in America?
Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today 3 min.
Close with Prayer: For the Pursuit of Holiness 10 min.
Session #10 Study Plan
Wesley s Contributions to the Church: Pietism, Evangelism, Circuit System
пѓ Pietism: (Personal Devotions and religious experience) o The Holiness Club :
Emphasis on the pursuit of holiness (godliness)
Daily devotions (private and public)
Scriptural studies, prayers and worship
Outreach and evangelism
Modern model of the Holy Club: Small Groups, Prayer Meetings and Lesson Studies
Small/Community Groups:(meets weekly)
пЃ¶Bible study as a group
пЃ¶Community service Prayer Meetings:
пЃ¶Usually ones a week/every other week
пЃ¶Prayers as a group for each other and the world Lesson Studies:
пЃ¶Bible Studies as a group (Systematic Theology study
пЃ¶Studying a Christian book
пѓ Evangelism: Arminianism influence, Lay Preachers, and the Lower Classes o
Lay Preachers: Functions, Francis Asbury
Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa ) And How It Works And What...
For this reflection, the focus is to look closer at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and
how it works and what makes it successful. AA is a group that was a group formed
for those members that are powerless over alcohol (Van Wormer, Davis, 2013). I
attended AA meetings in Cincinnati on Monday Friday at noon. I have been
attending daily since October 3rd, except for weekends. There are usually about 30
to 50 participants in each session. There are beginner s meetings, open and closed
meetings all at the same place working together for the first fifteen minutes.
The facilitators would open the meeting by introducing himself as an alcoholic and
welcome everyone for attending. He asks for new members and visitors. This is a
nice touch as it seems very inviting as it gives that feeling of warmth from the
beginning. The facilitator also asks for any out of town visitors and lastly if there
are any anniversaries. There were two during my observation, one guy had reached
1 year and one lady had 5 years. Both were given a coin to celebrate their sobriety
and a warm celebratory praise from the group. They both were given the opportunity
to speak if they chose and they both declined.
Preamble is then read by the chairperson or a member. This states the purpose of AA
and why you are here and what you would expect by attending (Alcoholics
Anonymous World Services, Inc. 2005). For example, you would not have any fees,
and the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
French Braid Speech
Hello beautiful girls... I am sure that all you beautiful people are you looking for
some trending new hairdos to beat the heat and stay stylish? Well, I can give you a
super easy idea to catch eye anywhere at anytime. All you need to know for this
styling is how to do a perfect french braid, which is quite easy for anyone I guess?
So let s get started.
It is basically an edgy French braid tutorial which goes perfectly for both clean and
greasy hair as well, but your hair need to be atleast shoulder length.
1. First of all, you need to section your front hair into V and continue doing a French
Braid. As you need a wide braid in the front, so start taking a bigger section at the
front. After taking the front hair portion, continue braiding
Perspectives On The Psychological Process Of Learning
Perspectives in Learning
There are a number of contemporary theoretical perspectives that surround the
psychological process of learning. Over the years these perspectives have been
examined and analyzed in the hopes of discovering the process that is most effective
for the process of learning. Three of the top theoretical perspectives: Constructivist
/cognitivist theory, Phenomenographic/Variation theory and Socio Cultural theory are
all theories that have been proven to be powerful processes in the field of learning.
Although these perspectives are different in theory, they all focus on the context,
meaning and experiences of learning, while having similar beliefs regarding the
active role of the learner and the influence of their environment. In this paper, the
discussion of Constructivist Cognitivism, Phenomenography and Socio cultural
perspectives lend an understanding to the complexities of these theories and identify
the key elements that make them unique. The first section of this paper will describe
and discuss the key elements and characteristics of each theory that makes them
distinct. Examining these three theories will show both similarities and differences in
the areas of context, meaning and experience. The second section of this paper will
discuss the commonalities amongst the three perspectives by presenting a case study
of one specific pedagogical aim, taught through each perspective. As the theories have
similarities in the role experiences play, we will
Summary Of Double Victory By Ronald Takaki
Chapter four of Double Victory: A Multicultural History of America in World War II
written by Ronald Takaki describes the struggles of Native Americans before World
War II and during the war. On the homefront Native Americans were treated poorly,
but gradually white Americans began to tolerate them more as time went on. When
they first arrived on the reservations after the Long Walk, they felt ashamed and
were treated as if they were scum. They were losing their land to foreigners. Yet as
time went on, the living situation on the reservation began to improve. For example,
schools were improving, white people were training to be traders and farmers, and
their rights were respected by the government. As the war, went on, Native Americans
started... Show more content on ...
The first V in victory was obvious because they defeated the Germans and the
Japanese and helped the United States win the war. But the reason they were
successful with the second V in victory was because Whites believed that World
War II had completed the process of Indian integration into mainstream American
society (Morgan). Before the war, Native Americans were not treated very equally
and they were not treated wonderfully after the war either. For example, In yet
another of the rude and arbitrary reversals that long have afflicted the government
s relations with Native Americans, Eisenhower also sought to cancel the tribal
preservation policies of the Indian New Deal, in place since 1934. He proposed to
terminate the tribes as legal entities and to revert to the assimilationist goals of the
Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 (Kennedy 896). This shows that there were still
attempts to discriminate Native Americans, but the bill was eventually shut down
in 1961. The reason they achieved Double Victory was because they help the white
Americans win the war and because the war caused the greatest change in Indian
life since the beginning of the reservation era and taught Native Americans they
could aspire to walk successfully in two worlds (Morgan). Of the Four Freedoms,
the one Native Americans accomplished was the Freedom from Want because they
were given a stronger economic base. Before the war, money was a hard product to
find for Native Americans because The federal government s stock reduction
program had made the Navajos dependent on wage income: nearly 40 percent of their
annual per capita income of $128 came from wages, mostly from temporary
government employment (Takaki 66 67). This shows that Native Americans had a
tough time
How Did Michelle Obama Influence The World
Michelle Obama is a powerful women through all the struggles that she has been
through to be successful as a mother, daughter, wife, African American, and a
public figure. She shows us the real key of success that most of us seem to get
wrong which is hard work. This is the journey through her life being a huge
influence in the world for all who aspire to be successful. Her life seems to be
more than just perfect but that certainly doesn t come without any hardships and
love. It all started with Fraser Robinson who was Michelle s father. He was
Michelle s inspiration and the reason she is who she is today. He had a small job
that was a station laborer a fancy word for a janitor. In a time where African
Americans didn t get much credit for his abilities that was all he was offered
though he was capable of much more. For him all that he wanted was a happy
home and a good future even if it meant that this job would cause him to have
multiple sclerosis. Michelle had a brother named Craig and the both of them were
raised with an emphasis on education and had learned to read at home by age four.
Michelle Robinson before she became Michelle Obama was born about six months
after the civil rights act was signed allowing Michelle to go to Princeton University
and later Harvard Law School. It was her father s hard work, ... Show more content on ...
They soon had two daughters named Malia and Sasha who were born in 1998 and
2001. Though their career meant that they will be in the eye of the public constantly
they had a very open relationship and quite similar to other people. You would
usually see Barack Obama cooking food and Michelle Obama teaching her girls how
to ride a bike.Obama meanwhile had been elected to the State Senate, which meant
commuting to Springfield, and then to Washington when he became a US senator,
but Michelle stayed in Chicago so as not to disrupt the children s
Black Blizzard Research Paper
I am a young child who was in the dust storm and who has experienced the black
blizzard. I have many experiences on this day and will be sharing it with you. I
will also tell you the day everything we did to get back to normal and live our life
again. Another thing i will mention is what was the black blizzard and the way we
got out. First during the day the dust storm was coming you could see the 7,000
feet high storm coming in our direction. While the storm was coming everyone
was panicking on what to do some people were getting prepared on what to do.
When the storm hit it was a disaster and i could hardly see anything. Some people
were still outside and i was wondering what was going on and could hear or see
anything because of the storm it was a whole disaster for our city.... Show more
content on ...
The rags were not even helping us that much we could still taste the dust in our
mouths and at that point couldn t see anything. The dust storm is a storm that was
like nothing before it was worse than any other storm we have encountered. The
people in the town wanted to leave but couldn t because the storm got there car
engines all messed up. Some people got there cars to work and when they got it ot
start up they decided where to go.
Later on people started to head to the west or tried to at least without the storm
messing them up. They wanted to try and go to california so they could get out of
the storm and start all over. They think if they go to california they will be able to
get a job or something and live there. Sooner or later other people went with their
ideas and went to california so they could start over as well. Later we i went with my
family to california so we could start over as
Airline Alliances
Airline Alliances an Analysis
Liberalisation of the Airline Market now allows carriers to engage in alliances to
form more powerful synergy s and capture a larger share of the market. Since the
introduction of The Airline Deregulation Act in 1978 in North America and similar
acts worldwide the aviation industry has become one of the fastest growing
industries. The main objective of this was to allow the market place to influence the
development of airlines. The main development from this was that airlines find it
more beneficial if they join alliances. In this report I will discuss why airlines engage
in alliances, identify the strategic benefits of alliances and assess their effectiveness.
Why airlines engage in ... Show more content on ...
By pooling resources alliances can reduce unit costs and achieve greater cost
efficiencies through more efficient utilisation of resources such as sharing landing
slots, maintenance teams, IT systems and labour. Airlines also have the opportunity
of engaging in joint purchasing agreements and make considerable savings. When
we look at the Star Alliance which was founded in 1997 we see that they have made
considerable savings from joint purchasing agreements. Earlier this year The Star
Alliance leveraged its purchasing power with the procurement of new economy class
seats. As well as reducing the cost of seat ownership the airline will also benefit of
reduced future fuel costs due to the seats being made of lighter materials.
The demand side benefits of Strategic Alliances include accessing new markets
through availing of new landing slots. Landing slots are a big plus from strategic
alliances. Currently Virgin Airways are looking for landing slots at London s main
airports to fly to destinations in Asia including Bangalore. Through the potential
prospect of joining the Alliance Sir Richard Branson hopes to secure these slots.
Alliances enable airlines to offer a more seamless network of flights to customers due
to their collaborative efforts. Alliances also have the option to use code sharing which
enables consumers to book space on the same flights through multiple airlines
Effectiveness of alliances:
Examples Of Being Extrovert Essay
I am not famous, I am extroverted My friends in school think that I am just a
normal with no life at all. However, outside of school, I have a whole different kind
of personality which is being extroverted.I disagree with my friends in school that I
have no life and have not many friends. In my friends perspective, being
extroverted means being very famous and is the kind of person who stands out
from the rest, but for me, it just means that I can relate to other people by having a
kind heart and an open mind. The word extrovert came from the Latin word extro
meaning extra and vertere meaning turn. Having said this, the real meaning of the
word is if the person has an attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative.
However, people who are extroverted have a different approach of the meaning.
These people think that people should be famous to be extroverted. Being famous
leads to having more friends. Having more friends means they have more social life
and they feel that they belong with the cool people. These feeling cool people often...
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Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day,
we voted him as VP. However, we already doubted his capability of leading the
class because of his feeling cool attitude, rude, and boastful attitude. Having
officers like this would not even lead us to nothing. He was a type of person that
will just pass out the fault to other people. He says that its not my fault, it s the
class fault. Obviously, this affects us because we did not do anything then he
blames us. There was one time wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be
noisy. When our class advisers knew about this, he would suspect the people who is
very noisy all the time. However, these are the one that are noisy, even the officers
are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or the leaders cannot admit that they did this
because they are afraid to be impeached or
Title. Nonlinear Optimization . Acknowledgements .
Nonlinear Optimization
Lay Summary
Lay Summary3
One Dimensional Methods8
Fibonacci Method8
Example in Practice8
Bisection Method8
Example in Practice8
Newton Method8
Example in Practice8
Secant Method8
Example in Practice8
Golden Section Search8
Example in Practice8
Disadvantages8 n Dimensions9
Steepest Descent9
Example in Practice9
Newton Methods10
Quasi Newton10
Implementation with a Line Search10
Cholesky Factorization11
Non Linear Optimization appears in many aspects of life which include ... Show more
content on ...
There are different ways of determining what О» should be and I will cover how to
obtain such values by using the error terms of the sequence |x_k x^* | and |x_(k+1)
x^* | which can be denoted e_k and
гЂ– eгЂ—_(k+1) respectively.
By comparing different methods and using them on the same problems we will be
able to find out if and where different methods will be suited to different functions.
In some instances one method may not work because it is may not be able to find
a descending path to follow hence unable to find a minimizer, or possibly one
method may take and ascending path firstly so it could descend. By the end of this
research I will be able to recognise such conditions and restraints when applying a
method to a function problem, as well as being able to use a correct method of
optimization and picking one with a high order of convergence to obtain a minimizer
as quickly as possible.
Due to there being multiple dimensions I will also look at when there is only one
dimension to worry about, these methods will include the Secant, Bisection and
Fibonacci Methods, by looking at these I can show my opinion on what would be the
best type of method if the function problem was in only one dimension, as perhaps a
method which can be used for n dimensions may have unnecessary work for a
problem with a single dimension, I will do multiple comparisons between the one
dimension methods and then with methods that are used for multiple dimensions,
The Pituitary Gland In The Brain
The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain, just below the hypothalamus.
Being just the size of pea, the pituitary gland has huge role in the brain. It has three
sections know as the anterior, intermediate, and the posterior lobes. To begin, the
anterior lobe is primarily involved with the development of the body, maturation, and
reproduction. The hormones produced by the anterior lobe adjust growth, stimulates
adrenal and thyroid glands along with the ovaries and testes. The anterior lobe also
generates prolactin which allows new mothers to produce milk. Then there is the
intermediate lobe which releases a hormone that stimulates the cells that control
pigmentation known as the melanocytes. Lastly, there is the posterior lobe... Show
more content on ...
Then there are diagnosed tests that find out if it has spread throughout the nervous
system or other parts of the body using MRI s. To get rid of the tumor you can get
surgery, radiation therapy, drug therapy and chemotherapy. Along with getting rid of
the tumor there are treatments for hormonal problems caused by the tumor or other
damage done to the pituitary gland. For growth hormone deficiency a daily
injection can be taken. For a deficiency of TSH and thyroid, hormone replacement
therapy is needed which consists of thyroxin which is observed by blood vessels of
thyroid hormone. For deficiency of ACTH and cortisol, cortisol or a similar steroid
must be taken under harsh supervision because it is the most life threatening out of
all the syndromes. For anti diuretic hormone deficiency causing diabetes insipidus
created by damage to the pituitary stalk or posterior pituitary gland, a replacement of
anti diuretic hormone must be taken one to two times a
Quality and Operations of St. Jude Children’s
HA540: Healthcare Operations and Quality Assessment Part One St. Jude
Children s Research Hospital This assignment will be a good review of the
following: Choose a company or an industry in which you have worked or would
like to work. It could be a hospital or a physician practice. Identify all the important
stakeholders for the entity. Determine the primary aims/objectives of each
stakeholder. Assess the power of each stakeholder to affect the company s strategic
plans, and how it may apply that power. Explain how the company might respond to
the possible actions of each stakeholder. Recommend tradeoffs that company
managers could make to accommodate the stakeholders in a way that optimizes the
company s own performance. I have chosen St. Jude Children s Research Hospital
for this project because I have always thought that this hospital is the best
organization in the healthcare industry. I have visited the St. Jude Children s
Research Hospital many times in Lexington, Kentucky, close to where I live, and
visited the children and gave them little gifts. It truly breaks my heart to see the
children suffering in the way that they do, but it feels my heart to see them and play
with them and see their little faces light up when they see the treats that I had
brought them. For many of these children and their families, they would not be able
to get the treatment needed if it weren t for St. Jude. They could simply not afford it
and St. Jude has been
Report on the Canterbury Earthquake of 2011
A report On the Canterbury Earthquake 2011
This report will show the reader about which areas and buildings around the
Canterbury region were critically damaged and inaccessible to the public during
and after the earth quake which hit the Canterbury region and was felt beyond the
region as well, it will split into two categories cultural and natural effects. I will
also be referring to my special analysis data. Also in the report I will show you were
the CDEM should be located in case of another serious natural disaster might occur.
The Canterbury Region, as shown in figure 1 is New Zealand largest region ranging
to about 25,252 sq. km with a population of 462,783 (updated on 2006).One of the
biggest cities who was hit hard by the quake was Christchurch, which most of this
report is going to talk about.
The Christchurch earth quake had many cultural effects that occurred during and
after the quake such streets and houses: Properties and streets were buried in thick
layers of silt, and water and sewage from broken pipes flooded streets. House
foundations cracked and buckled wrecking many homes. Several thousand homes
will have to be demolished, and some sections of suburbs will probably never be re
occupied such as houses in the red zone, as shown in figure 10. Another cultural
effect was critically damaged buildings in the CBD area, as shown in figure 13. The
critically damaged buildings that were brought down were buildings previously
damaged in the
Management Of Hyperthroidism. Needs Assessment
Management of Hyperthroidism
Needs Assessment
Gap Analysis
Introduction Approximately 20 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of
thyroid disorder with up to 60 percent unaware of acquiring such conditions. Thyroid
disorder if uncontrolled may lead to serious medical conditions such as cardiovascular
diseases, osteoporosis, infertility, and possibly death if severe. (1) The thyroid gland,
a butterfly shaped organ, located in the middle of the lower neck synthesizes and
releases thyroid hormones. These vital hormones affect multiple body functions such
as the brain development, nervous system functions, metabolism, cardiac system
functions, body temperature, cholesterol levels and menstrual cycles. Not only is the
thyroid gland one of the largest organs of the endocrine system, the gland is the only
organ in the human body that absorbs iodine necessary to produce the thyroid
hormones. The most common issues with the thyroid gland are when the gland is
overactive, hyperthyroidism and underactive, hypothyroidism. ( 1, 2 )
main text and vignette is 3600 words
specific drug related info should be taken from primary lit or package insert
Pathophysiology Thyroid hormone production is regulated by the thyroid stimulating
hormone (TSH), which is made in the pituitary gland in the brain. TSH is secreted
with the stimulation of the thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) created in the
hypothalamus or the negative feedback of the low
Characteristics Of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a term often used to describe a person who owns and operates
their own business, but the 2009 World Economic Forum report describes it, The
pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources you currently control Stevenson (1983,
1985); Stevenson and Jarillo (1991) and the 2008 European Commission published a
framework definition derived from representatives from ETF, GIZ, ILO, UNESCO
and UNEVOC that states, Entrepreneurship refers to an individual s ability to turn
ideas into action... . But no matter how you define it, the most important skills, traits,
and characteristics needed to be successful are vastly analogous. Along with this
week s reading, I conducted internet searches for the top characteristics, traits, and
skills for entrepreneurship and my findings were surprisingly similar. The most
common result that I found was determination (willpower, self discipline, drive,
motivation). In this submission, I will identify a successful entrepreneur and describe
the their type of innovation or business, what characteristics or traits they have, how
they got started, and what they did in order to become and remain successful. In
2012 entrepreneur and founder of the San Francisco based apparel startup American
Giant, Bayard Winthrop called a New York Times technology columnist, Farhad
Manjoo to boast of his own world s best hooded sweatshirt. Manjoo agreed to
interview Winthrop about his sweatshirt and business in what turned out to be
nothing like
Fatty Acid and Test Specific Objective
INTRODUCTION Lipids are organic compounds found in living organisms that are
insoluble or slightly soluble in water but soluble in non polar organic solvents.
Lipids can be classified into four groups which are fats, oils, and waxes, compound
lipids, steroids, and derived lipids.
Various experiments are done on lipids. Some tests are for saturation, presence of
certain compounds, or for the different chemical reactions that lipids undergo.
Lipids may be composed of esters, amides, alcohols, cyclic, acyclic, or polycyclic ...
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It is predominantly composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Many
classes of lipids also contain nitrogen and phosphorus. The relative amounts of these
elements, as well as their structural positions, determine the degree of solubility of the
lipid in various solvents. Lipids with high hydrocarbon content are relatively
nonpolar in nature and insoluble in water. The ionic character of a lipid can be
altered by changes in solvent pH. For example, if the solvent contains a strong acid
or a strong base, hydrolysis of some of the ester bonds will occur. When this
happens, the products of hydrolysis may have solubility properties very different
from those of the original lipid molecule.
Structures of the different Samples and Solvents
Sample 1: Vegetable Oil (Oleic acid)
Oleic acid has the chemical formula C17H33COOH
Due to its large nonpolar portion, oleic acid is insoluble in water and, being less
dense than water, it floats on the water surface. The polar COOH end, however, is
attracted to water molecules. So, a thin coating of oleic acid on the surface of water
Pop Music And Its Impact On South Korea Essay
K pop is a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a wide
variety of audiovisual elements. Although it comprises all genres of popular music
within South Korea, the term is more often used in a narrower sense to describe a
modern form of South Korean pop music covering a wide range of styles including
dance pop, pop ballad, electronic, rock, metal, hip pop music and R B. K popgaining
popularity in East Asia in the late 1990s, and spreading to whole Asia and World,
via the Hallyu culture. K pop, J pop and C pop become to the leading musical
category in Asia. The biggest four entertainment company in Korea are SM
Entertainment, YG Entertainment, JYP Entertainment and FNC Entertainment.
Korean pop culture is becoming an increasingly global phenomenon, caused in part
by the K pop industry s adeptness at tapping into social networking services and
the video sharing platform YouTube. Since the mid 2000s, the K pop music market
has experienced double digit growth rates. In the first half of 2012, it grossed nearly
US$3.4 billion and was recognized by Time magazine as South Korea s Greatest
Export .
The History The history of Korean popular music can be traced back to 1885 when
an American missionary, Henry Appenzeller started teaching American and British
folk songs at a school. These songs were called changga in Korean, and they were
typically based on a popular Western melody sung with Korean lyrics. The well
known song Oh My Darling,
Write An Essay On My First Honor Class
When I was in 8th grade, I got my appendix taken out. It was an unexpected event
and I didn t realized how serious it was till I went to the doctors. I received surgery
immediately after I went to the doctors. After my surgery, the doctor advised me to
stay home for one to two weeks. I didn t think much of it and though it would be
good because I wouldn t have to attend schoolfor two weeks. However, I was
mistaken because I fell behind in my classes and received horrible grades that
grading period. My appendix being removed is similar to an unexpected storm
because in a storm you don t know what to do or how to overcome it. I was like
that with my appendix because it was sudden and I didn t plan on missing two full
weeks of school. I feel behind on my school work but storms pass on overtime, and I
managed to get my act together . I eventually... Show more content on
As a child, I advanced quite well in math and my middle school saw that and
decided to enroll me in a Honors math class. I didn t know what to expect from this
class and felt that I wouldn t do well. Me being enrolled in a honor class during my
6th grade year relates to climbing a mountain because when climbing the
mountains, it gets harder for you to breathe and once you get at a certain point,
you are required to use a oxygen tank to breath. My honor math class is like the
oxygen ranges in mountains because as I keep progressing in school, there will be
harder task ahead of me, in resemble to the idea of how harder it is to breathe when
climbing a mountain. When taking my first honor class, I didn t know what will
come out out of it but I knew this was the beginning of my education and I knew in
time, things will become tough and harder, just like the lack of oxygen there is when
going up the mountain. It gets harder to breathe each time you increase your range
going up the mountain, just how life becomes difficult each time you encounter a new
Relative Reactivity Of Alkyl Halides
Relative Reactivity of Alkyl Halides in Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
Charlie Doyle
Madison McGough
Annie Chang
Both Sn1 and Sn2 reactions are nucleophilic substitution reactions, though they are
slightly different. Sn2 reactions have bimolecular displacement and are also
concerted, meaning the bond making and the bond breaking processes happen in one
step.1 Sn1 reactions require two steps and have unimolecular displacement. This
difference can be seen when comparing Figure 1 and Figure 2 below. The strength of
the nucleophile does not effect Sn1 reactions, while the strongest nucleophile is
required for Sn2 substitution reactions.2 Other important considerations include the
effect of ... Show more content on ...
For Part A: five drops of 2 bromo 2 methylpropane were pipetted into test tube 1;
five drops of 2 bromobutane were pipetted into test tube two; five drops of 1
bromobutane were pipetted into test tube three; and five drops of 1 chlorobutane
were pipetted into test tube four and each were labeled accordingly. Then, twenty
drops of a 15% solution of sodium iodide (NaI) in acetone (for Sn2 reactions) was
added to all four test tubes, shaking each once to mix contents, and the time from
when the first drop hit to when cloudiness or a precipitant formed was recorded.
The solutions were then disposed of in the appropriate waste container. For Part B,
the test tubes were cleaned and allowed to dry. The process of pipetting the alkyl
halides into the individual four test tubes was repeated. 20 drops of a 1% solution of
silver nitrate (AgNO3) in ethanol (for Sn1 reactions) was added to each tube, shaking
each once to mix contents, and again recording the
The Health Assessment And Health History
1: Analyze Assessment Data:
A. Areas for focused assessment (30 points)
Individual s strengths noted in the Health Assessment/Health History:
Strong spiritual beliefs
Good church and friend support system with close male friends.
Knowledgeable as well as engaged with his health care.
Active in bicycling, with his employee group and church group.
Up to date with immunizations and has not had any major illnesses.
Access to healthcare with health insurance with a wide network of providers.
Takes his medications as prescribed.
Does not utilize illicit drugs.
Assessment did not reveal any significant areas of concern or need for immediate
physician visit.
Uses his C PAP as directed by his physician.
Well educated. Individual s weaknesses noted in the Health Assessment/Health
Chronic co morbidities: Obesity, hypertension, diabetes and sleep apnea
Smokes 1 ppd
Weight loss is not at the goal that is desired by the physician or patient.
Busy lifestyle that sometimes is a barrier to healthy foods choices.
History of reoccurring depression
B. Client s strengths (30 points)
This individual has many strengths, one of them is that this individual has a strong
support system in place with his close friends and church family. According to a study
reported in Psychiatry , Numerous studies indicate social support is essential for
maintaining physical and psychological health. The harmful consequences of poor
social support and the protective
Does Louisiana s Statute Enacting A Balanced Treatment
Does Louisiana s statute enacting a balanced treatment for Creation Science and
Evolution Science violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment?
Louisiana legislators established the Louisiana Balanced Treatment for Creation
Science and Evolution Science in Public School Instruction Act. The Act forbids the
teaching of the theory of evolution and the theory of creation science in public
elementary and secondary schools unless accompanied by the instruction of the
theory other. The Act defines the theories as the scientific evidence for creation or
evolution and inferences from those scientific evidence. The lower courts established
that the Act violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment because it
lacked a clear secular purpose.
Delivering the Opinion of the Court, Justice Brennan invokes the Lemon test to
determine the constitutionality of the Act. He begins by questioning the validity of
the Act s stated secular purpose: to promote academic freedom. He defines academic
freedom as enhancing the freedom of teachers to teach what they will (Brennan
2579). Based on the legislative history, the purpose of the legislative sponsor, Senator
Bill Keith, was to narrow the scientific curriculum because he stated that his
preference would be that neither theories be taught. Thus, J. Brennan sees a ban on
teaching that undermines the stated purpose. Moreover, he writes that the Act does
not promote a flexibility upon the teachers that was not already
Whaling in US compared to Japan Essay
Whaling in US compared to Japan
Did you know that in the last 50 years over two million whales have been killed?
The United States views whaling very differently than Japan does. It is a complicated
and controversial topic. Many people have opinions about whale hunting. However,
everyone should know both sides of the whale hunting issues before they act on the
issue. To start out I am going to tell you a little about whaling. The first whale hunters
were in the prehistoric times. At first they would just kill and eat beached whales.
That became such a habit that they started hunting them. Most whale hunters use
harpoons, guns, lances, or bombs that blow up inside the whale. They use catcher
boats, or kayaks. In 1925, whalers developed ... Show more content on ...
code on whale hunting. The United States never depended on whale meat like
Japan. They mostly whale hunted for a hobby. The Congress feels that whales are
a unique resource of great scientific interest to mankind and are a vital part of the
marine ecosystem. Man has overexploited whales for many years, highly reducing
species and endangering others. The United States has extended its responsibilities
to protect all marine animals. They think that whales are a particular interest to
citizens of the United States. Japan started whaling way back in the 2nd Century
BC. They whale because they have whale meat as part of their diet. In 1946, whale
meat was not considered special food anymore but was necessary to keep the
Japanese healthy and alive because they depended on it for so long. People ate whale
meat as a source of protein whether they liked it or not. In 1947, about 47% of the
total animal protein was whale meat. Until the 1960 s, whale meat continued to be
their main source of protein. In 1962, the whaling industry recorded 226,000 tons of
whale meat; this was the highest amount throughout the history of the Japanese
whaling. The percentage of whale meat consumption compared to the total animal
meat consumption was 23% in 1964. (whalenet 1) Whale meat was the only meat
served in school lunches, which began in 1947 and continued until the
Ain t No Party Like A West Point Christmas Party Cus A...
Everyone loves a good Christmas Party. Christmas is a time of togetherness,
sharing, family, friends and everything that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
One thing that is usually a party of most festive get together s and also warms you
up, is booze. Such is the story of an 1826 Christmas Party at the United States
Military Academy. And like most nights that are all blurred together by alcohol,
there is sometimes a bad apple or two that ruin it for everyone. I know it is hard to
think that the young men who attended West Point could be part of such behavior,
but when the falling down water is flowing, it could happen to anyone. The events
that would transpire over the days leading up to Christmasend in the infamous events
in the... Show more content on ...
Around teh same time, Cadet T.M. Lewis of Kentucky had a similar idea and
returned back to the North Barrack with a gallon of his own. The booze was hidden
from inspecting officers over the next few days.
On December 23rd, Sylvanus Thayer, the Academy s Superintendent, hosted a
Christmas Party at his home. There some Cadets, but more of the higher ups were
there and they sipped on some fine red wine and discussed some of the issues that
were happening on campus. At the same time the Cadets in North Barracks began
party planning, you know, who to invite, whose bringing dip, watch drinking games
to play and so on. But really what they were doing was stealing food from the mess
hall so they could have a nice spread for their guests. While doing this, the observant
Cadets in the South Barracks found out about the party and well, they planned to
crash it.
At 10pm or 22:00 on Christmas Eve the party stared in Room 28 in North Barracks
and was a really mellow get together, with only 9 Cadets in attendance. Another party
sprung up in Room #5 with seven Cadets, including Jefferson Davis, and yes that
Jefferson Davis. At this time Cadet David Farrelly of Pennsylvania, ventured out to
Benny s Haven s Tavern and picked up another gallon of whiskey and returned shortly
after midnight on Christmas Day. Now around 2 in the morning, Charles Whipple of
Michigan, the division superintendent, had enough
Hunger Games And White Noise Comparative Essay
Comparative Analysis of The Hunger Games and White Noise Both novels The
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and White Noise by Don DeLillo having varying
representations of reality and simulation. This is apparent in many articles and stories
we have read in this course. Both protagonists fear death and they keep up
appearances to stay alive. Both showcase what can happen when technology and the
government gain too much control and the haphazard and dangerous situations
society is exposed to. These novels explore the tension that reality and simulacra
create. The environmental catastrophes that occur in both set the stage for a
continuous downfall. In White Noise, Jack s alternative reality is portrayed as the
vibrant sunsets and his big... Show more content on ...
It represents White Noise by Jack s view of the sunsets. He has seen beautiful
sunsets so many times without any contrast, therefore he has become numb to really
appreciating the beauty of the sun setting. This quote also represents The Hunger
Games by the structure of the games and the propaganda done by the Capitol. Many
of the wealthier districts are honored to participate in the games because they have
prepared for the event. They believe the Capitol s perception of the games as
suffering as entertainment. In reality these contestants are honored to fight other
teenagers on TV and hope to be the last one alive. Both novels suffer from an
anesthesia from different sources which cause their societies to be desensitized to the
Collectivism In Anthem To The Fountainhead, By Ayn Rand
Collectivism is a very common theme in Ayn Rand s writing. From Anthem to The
Fountainhead, her opinion is very clear: individualism is the source of freedom
and joy, while collectivism is the root of sorrow and slavery. In Anthem, the main
character, Equality 7 252, has grown up in a collectivist society that has remained
strong for centuries. In that society, no one has had the choice to do what they
want to do, love what (or who) they love, and simply be who they are. That society
praises the idea that men live only for each other. Living for oneself is evil, a
Transgression. The idea of I , Me , and Mine has disappeared, dragging the precious
words along with it. Throughout the plot, Equality 7 2521 is seen both
unintentionally and intentionally defying his society. At first, he condemns
himself, describing his evil acts and mind and labeling his different mindset as a
curse. We were born with a curse. It has always driven us to thoughts which are
forbidden. (Rand 18) He is also condemned by others, for things he cannot control.
He is taller than most other people, he has preferences for what he wishes to
become, and he has ideas and opinions. Yet when his life assignment is Street
Sweeper, he rejoices. He sees that as a way to pay penance for his sins. Later on,
however, he embraces his individuality. I am. I think. I will. (Rand 94) He is the first
to accept the idea of individuality for centuries, and helps others accept it, too. A
similar struggle is seen in The Fountainhead. The main character of that novel, .
Howard Roark, has to defend himself in court after dynamiting a government housing
project that he designed. An agreement was made that the project would be built
exactly as designed, but it wasn t, so Roark made a protest against collectivismby
destroying the project. He ends up in court. He then delivers a moving speech titled
The Soul of an Individualist . In it he proclaims his individualism, and denounces
collectivism as a parasitic system in which no one can achieve anything or truly
live. I came here to say that I do not recognize anyone s right to one minute of my
life. Nor to any part of my energy. Nor to any achievement of mine. No matter who
makes the claim, how large
What Are The Strength And Weaknesses Of Greene King
The acronym stands for the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. It is a
popular analysis method commonly used in analysing a company based on both
internal and external factors.
4.4.1 Strengths
пѓ Strong and well diversified operational base due its large network of pubs and
restaurants, tenanted and managed leases and its brewery operations across the UK
giving it economies of scale.
пѓ Greene King PLC has an established presence and reputation as well since it has
been in operation in the UK for over 200 years.
пѓ The group can insulate itself from the risk of one of its sectors is failing (for
example if there is a fall in demand in a certain product) since it operates in three
sectors/has a diversified portfolio.
пѓ The company has also grown inorganically over the years through acquisitions
and with these, Greene King has gained new technologies, ... Show more content on ...
пѓ Greene King is competing with well established international companies as well
as local firms .Greene King has to ensure that it keeps maintaining its consumer
loyalty as well as its product quality in order to maintain its market share and
пѓ It also face the risk of default from the tenants it has licences with in the Pub
Partners business especially in the event of an economic downturn (GreeneKing,2014)
пѓ Greene King also faces the threat of increased brewing costs in terms of energy
costs and increase in price of various raw materials used in the brewing process. The
increase in energy prices would lead to increased transport and production costs.
пѓ With adverse weather conditions, rising population growth and inflation of food
prices, Greene King may realise narrow profit margins and the company may have to
compensate by increasing the price of its products
The World Of The Babylonian Captivity
During the time of the Babylonian captivity, throughout the inter testamental
period, until the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, Israel endured abject and
inhumane persecution at the hands of fellow citizens, government officials, and
other nations. Although at times, they were miraculously delivered, this was not
always the case, as demonstrated in the Maccabean revolt. The events that led to
the Maccabean revolt are among the foremost of such degradation and persecution
and shall be given particular attention in this discourse. Israel s was a united
kingdom under the monarchal reigns of Saul, David and Solomon who ruled for
forty years each. Solomon s reign was considered the golden years for Israel and it
was during this time that the first temple was built for Yahweh. With detailed plans
from his father David, which were received from God through the prophet Nathan,
the temple was constructed and no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in
it as it was being built (1 Kings 6:7). It was modeled after the tabernacle instituted
by Moses in the wilderness and took seven years to complete. The beauty of this
temple can be imagined by the following passage in the Old Testament: So Solomon
overlaid the inside of the temple with pure gold. He stretched gold chains across the
front of the inner sanctuary, and overlaid it with gold. The whole temple he overlaid
with gold, until he had finished all the temple; also he overlaid with gold the entire
altar that was
Why I Was Qualified For The Position
Prior to this assignment I have always been preoccupied with concerns over what
variety of technical questions I was going to asked. In my mind the entire purpose
of the interview was to determine whether I was qualified for the position. I have
come to understand that an interview is a two way discussion. When it comes time
for the position and salary negotiations the steps I used to prepare are the same I
would use to enter an agreement on the sale of a product or service; the difference
here is that I am the product.
To get started on my portion of the negotiation I listed out my best possible scenario
was. For me I was looking to get $50,000, late starts, 3 weeks of vacation time, and
the woman of my dreams. Understanding this was the least likely of all scenarios I
then created a list of the worst possible outcome. While it may seem that the obvious
worst outcome would be no offer in preparing I realized that this was not a good
metric to use in my negotiation.To determine what I wanted I decided that experience
was worth more than money, but that I requred vacation time, and insurance. Going
into the negotiation I decided that any range between $27,000 $40,000 would be
acceptable because experience at this point was the most valuable.
Part of negotiation is trying to understand what the other party is looking for. In this
case I can understand that the organization is looking for the highest quality
candidate, at a fair wage, and to have them be up to speed in the
Persuasive Speech On Pets As Children
Kids and Pets
Pets as Children
Many young couples who do not have children acquire pets and treat them like
family members who have the same rights, they provide them food, shelter take care
of their health. This is their first joint decision, in this way they want to learn to share
responsibility, to prepare for the arrival of the baby. When the baby arrives, owners
must understand that pets and a child are not the same. Young couple should
understand on time that pets are not babies, owning a pet and raising a child is vastly
Introducing Your Pet a New Baby
Pets are particularly sensitive to any changes in routine and surroundings, including
sights and smells, so you ll need to plan accordingly. While the baby is not born yet,
... Show more content on ...
Therefore, in some situations when your child is uncooperative it is the best to keep
child and pet separated, until the child learn how to treat pet or until child grows a
little more. In situation where cannot be establish relationship between child and pet
it may be necessary, and indeed humane to place your pet even permanently in
another home.
Reasons for Adopting a Pet
There are various reasons for adopting a dog, but the most common is that parents
want their preadolescent or adolescent child to learn responsibility. In these
situations, before you adopt any pet you must first explain your child what will be
his obligations, that he will walk the dog, change sand in litter box, feed his pet and
not just play with him. It is important that child knows what will be his obligations
and accept them, otherwise that will fall on parents shoulders.
In some cases parents thinks that if child have dog, can watch how pets mate, become
pregnant and deliver a litter, and learn about reproductions that way.
That is not a right way for kids to learn about reproduction they can learn from some
other more appropriate
Poets of the Tang Dynasty Essay
Throughout human history, our beliefs have influenced our actions. This is why we
have studies like the humanities. During the Tang Dynasty, different religions
developing during the time had enormous influence on what was being produced
during the era. When it comes to literature, poets like Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu, and
Bo Juyi expressed their religions through their poetry during the Tang era. While it
was not always directly mentioned in their poetry, there are connections between the
Tang Dynastypoets works and their respective religions. Wang Wei (699 761CE),
was a Buddhist poet that was born in to the upper class in Shanxi. He passed the Chin
Shi system a system that was designed to challenge government and bureaucratic...
Show more content on ...
1170). His poetry really appeals to the senses. One of the ways that Buddhism was
introduced to the Tang Dynasty was by means of a legendary monk: Xuanzang. He
traveled to India, while the city of Chang an suffered from chaos, to study the
original Buddhist scripts and later returned to China to translate all of them and
interpret the ideas for the people through his Weishi School (Wen, 77). The concept
of emptiness is very prominent in Buddhism emptiness is neither reality nor total
nothingness. Thus, being and nothingness only differ in name; the ontological
statuses of both are emptiness (76). In Wei s poem, Hermitage at Chung nan
Mountain he writes: ...and go there on a whim to wander alone. But even in all this
splendor, things remain empty. I climb to the headwaters where clouds rise up
from emptiness (Davis et al. 1170). The emptiness to which he is referring is not
literal emptiness, but to the underlying unity of all things. Also, the Chung nan
Mountain that he refers to was a part of the well known mountains that draw many
followers of Taoism and Buddhism because of their solitude. When he says
Growing older, I grow into the Tao... he is referring to the way of life that can be
achieved by following Buddhist traditions. The poet Li Bai (701 762CE) was
What Is The Theme Of Unbroken
In the biography Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, the story of an extraordinary man
is unmasked. Louie Zamperini a World War II survivor who inspired others with his
utmost resilience and redemption. In the poem If by Rudyard Kipling, it does not
depict one individual from a crowd. It can used to represent anyone, who has shown
the smallest amount of perseverance despite defeat. All things considered, in both
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and If by Rudyard Kipling, the themes of sanity,
defeat, and self dignity are present. Sanity is the control over one s body, in which
how they think and behave in normal and rational matter. It is extremely arduous to
stay calm and hold a good head on your shoulders at all times. It is nearly impossible.
... Show more content on ...
When the poem If by Rudyard Kipling is interpreted, images of a thousands of people
can come to mind. The amount is infinite. Although this may be true, Louie
Zamperini without a doubt showcases what it is to have true masculinity.
Nonetheless to say, Louie has endured some of the most excruciating things
imaginable. The war nearly swallowed his soul. True Masculinity was not shown,
when survived with just skin and bones. Louie proved himself by rising above all. He
pushed himself through dehumanizing effects of war, with the only strength he had
left: Faith in
Drugs And Abuse Of Drugs
Drugs and Abuse Abuse of drugs can have effects on the user even after the use of
drugs has stopped. Different drugs produce different effects, depending on the user,
type of drug, and severity of abuse. New research is done every day in the area of
drug abuse that makes finding accurate results on the broad topic of drug abuse very
difficult. From the most recent studies only can one find data that is presently
accepted as correct. These numerous studies provide enough data to explain the
effects of both legal and illegal drugs. To understand how drugs work, it is Important
to understand the changes that take place in different areas of the body when drugs
take effect. Found in the brain are the synapses, the interaction point of two neurons
(Perrine, 1996). The synapses in the brain are often the main target of a drug, altering
the perception of something at the point of perception. When a drug is taken, it
attaches itself to receptors in the brain, which have a pattern chemically similar to the
neurotransmitters that send and receive messages in the brain. Certain drugs can
attach themselves to these receptors, they may become blocked, and the
neurotransmitters originally being sent by the brain s neurons are forced to wander
around the brain until it can find another similar receptor, possibly creating a false
signal (Perrine, 1996). The physiological responses created by these false signals, sent
by both the drug and the extraneous neurotransmitters are what
The Garden Of Earthly Delights By Hieronymus Bosch
The Garden of Earthly Delights is a painting that was created by an artist by the
name of Hieronymus Bosch. The Garden of Earthly Delights is a three panel
painting that took from 1505 to 1510 to complete. The three panels consist of a
center panel (which stands at approximately 7 2 x 6 4 ) and two outer wings
(which stands at approximately 7 2 x 3 2 ). Initially, I d like to talk about the artist
of this elegant masterpiece. This Netherlandish painter is named Hieronymus Bosch.
Bosch was born in s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands in 1450. Bosch was known for
being the most famous Netherlandish personality. Some of Bosch s most famous
paintings are The Garden of Earthly Delights (as shown in figure 1) and The
Crucifixion of St.... Show more content on ...
The Haywain which was a three panel painting. In the first panel, Bosch illustrates
Adam and Eve. In the center panel, Bosch paints clergy and peasants preforming
sinful behavior. Finally, in the last panel Bosch paints hell. The second example is
The Last Judgement (as shown in figure 4) which he painted in the year of 1504.
The center panel shows the fall of humanity. The remaining two interior panels
show sin, chaos and violence. The final example that we can use to find out Bosch
s style of painting and different techniques he uses to paint is the The Temptation of
Saint Anthony (as shown in figure 5) which he painted from 1505 to 1506. In the
painting Saint Anthony is being shown resisting evil and then following a group of
believers. Bosch painted a lot of painting and is an incredibly huge influence on the
art world. Bosch has influenced artists because he would use a lot of symbols in his
art to show deeper meaning in the world in the Dark Ages in the world. Bosch would
often paint how he imagined problems in the world would be handled or turn out
often to warn people about why they should never sin. Bosch influenced people to be
good citizens and attend to church by often painting fantasies about hell. Bosch was
the most influential Netherlandish painter the art world has ever seen. Unfortunately,
Bosch died in August 1516 (that is an estimate because the exact date is unknown) in
his birthplace s Hertogenbosch.
Kayak Camping Trip Essay
Kayak Fishing Camping Trip Tips (951 Words)
Whether you want to spend more time at your favorite fishing spot or finally have
time to make a trip to explore some new lakes or rivers, there s nothing quite like a
kayak fishing camping trip. Not only do they offer a great excuse to fish to your
heart s content, but you also get to spend more time in the great outdoors. However,
combining kayak fishing with camping means you need to spend a lot more time on
preparation, especially if you are far from home. Unless you want to discover that you
ve left behind something essential take note of the following tips to ensure that your
kayak fishing camping trip goes smoothly.
1. Do Your Research
A kayak fishing camping trip is exciting, but make sure that you do all your
research before diving in headfirst. This means checking whether camping is
allowed in the area you want to visit, what the best times of the year are for
camping there and what the weather will be like during your stay. As disappointing
as it might be, it is better to cancel your trip if stormy weather is predicted instead of
thinking of just braving it.
2. Only Bring The Essentials
As important as it ... Show more content on ...
This makes it a lot easier to pack everything efficiently, but it also means you have
to spend less time rummaging around inside bigger bags to find what you need. It
is also a good idea to categorize everything first before packing, so you won t end up
searching for the toilet paper in the electronics bag or have to dig in the toiletries
bag looking for dry food bars. Color coding your bags works the best and make
sure to distribute the weight of the bags properly when loading them in your kayak.
No matter how good you are at Tetris, stacking things up on your deck is not a good
idea as it causes more wind resistance and impacts the
Wing Guru Target Market
Target Market: The target market should be 18 24 year old s, college students. Also,
younger children and chicken connoisseurs. In terms of psychographics, the main
targeted consumers are those who have a passion for the city of Memphis, the
University of Memphis and seekers searching for some authentic southern flavored
wings. In the behavioral segmentation, perhaps adding regular specials during lunch
for college students, as opposed to just having the VIP membership for everyone, this
as a sponsor of the university can help attract and retain customers. Offer: The Wing
Guru can add entertainment systems similar to what other wing establishments have
implemented to make the consumers experience more than just the wings. It can
become a place where a group of students,... Show more content on ...
Establishments like Bosses located near The Wing Guru cater to the similar
market, however they offer a variety of daily meal specials. There are a lot of
reviews, which they ve encouraged and it helps give confidence to potential
customers who may seem skeptical at first. Also, they showcase their awards of
being in the top wings in the US list according to Men s Journal. They are heavily
interactive with their customers and the Memphis community. What s my budget?
The starting daily budget is $40.00, due to $1200.00 being the amount of money
we can afford to lose. The predicted cost per click is $3.00 and the aver profit per
conversion is $20.00. The conversion rate at 15% allows us to break even. What s
my time frame? The preferred time frame would be during 11a 2p. This allows
everyone, especially college students to come across a Wing Guru ad while
searching for a place to enjoy lunch, especially located within miles of the campus.
Then again during the times of 6p 8p, for customers looking at dinner options, or
again college students wanting to eat something authentic before watching a
university sporting event. How am I going to measure my
Alfred Adler, The Founding Father Of Individual
Theories of personalities are theories that are part of analyzing personalities and are
created to determine the different characteristics of behaviors within us all. Theories
of personalities have been created in order to help us identify how we think, act or
feel. Alfred Adler and Karen Horney are important individuals that have played major
parts in studying various theories of personalities. Personality theories of which, that
can apply to our daily life and that can help us to better understand our personalities.
Alfred Adler was the founding father of individual psychology. Adler believed in the
importance of social connections and childhood development. A few examples of
Alfred Adler s theories include the following: Style of life and unity of the
individual, which was based on emotions, thinking and a person s feelings, can be
understood to the individual s style of life, or a pattern that is consistent of dealing
with life. This theory includes a personal goal, self concept, attitude and empathy
towards the world. Individuals express this through a way where it is a struggle to
solve problems of neighbors, occupation or sex/love. Adler s theories also include
creative power, which is used for inner freedom that encourages each individual to
create their own life style. This theory gives an individual control over their life and
makes the individual accountable for their final goal. Overall, the theory plays a part
of the development towards social interest. It
Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars
The poem Shooting Stars by Carol Ann Duffy tells a shocking story of a female
prisoner held by Nazis in a concentration camp around the time of the Holocaust.
The poem is set in 1940, Hitler and his Nazi party had taken control of most of
Europe and had vowed to exterminate the entire Jewish race.
Duffy s haunting use of imagery and word choice make this poem so memorable
and its very strong opening prepares the reader for the rest of the poem.
The title choice, Shooting Stars is a very effective and ambiguous title. The first
meaning is that the word Stars represent the Jewish symbol, The Star of David.
Jewish people were forced to wear them on their clothes to mark them out as targets
of abuse and torment for ... Show more content on ...
The word gaze shows that these men are detached from their emotions as they are
part of a mass slaughtering which seems hard to believe that that is humanly possible.
Duffy then uses the literary technique, enjambment to combine the first and second
stanzas. This technique is used to emphasize the point, Mourn for the daughters
/ upright as statues and carry the impact through the two stanzas. Duffy shows how
the women are stood firm and even in the most humiliating, de humanised state.
You would not look at me. / You waited for the bullet the woman is looking out for
her friend as they are waiting to be killed. For the woman to be faced with death and
looking out for her friend shows the incredibly selfless personality of the Jews. The
following single word line, Fell is a euphemism for the death of the woman and
gives a strong, short impact to the reader and acts like a literary bullet which is
literally the object which killed her.
Duffy tells us to Remember these appalling days which make the world forever bad
. She gives the word Remember a capital letter to emphasize the fact that we should
not forget what happened there. Duffy believes that if the memory of this atrocity
stays in our memory, we can avoid any other mass, human caused disaster to reoccur.
Enjambment is once again used to link stanzas two and three. One saw I was alive.
Loosened / his belt. This technique is used
Reasons Why Motorola s Fundamentals Are Strong And
This memo will outline the reasons why Motorola s fundamentals are strong and
why PricewaterhouseCoopers should consider their investment opportunity. I
utilized the 4+2 company evaluation method from the Harvard Business Review
article, What Really Works. I conclude from my review that two out of four
primary indicators I determined as healthy , two out of four for the secondary, and
one out of two for the additional categories. This does not fulfill the 4+2 winner
system. Although I can t classify this as a winner I do consider Motorola to
definitely be a climber. This system considers four primary and four secondary
factors that indicate the overall health of a company. Please review the information
below and be ready to meet and... Show more content on ...
Motorola must innovate current technology to keep users connected beyond their
phones and to other applications as well. In other words, for Motorola to win the
game, perhaps they have to change the rules of the trade (in terms of innovative
technology such as Snapchat and Facebook). Motorola is extremely focused on
their own research and development and place a large emphasis on the importance
of innovation. Strong liquidity within the company proves to be a large advantage
for Motorola compared to its less so liquid competitors. Companies with cash flow
problems tend to have many difficulties while operating within day to day business
activities. Execution Motorola passes this requirement with flying colors. Employees
rely on their ability to effectively and efficiently execute consistent business
practices. Many municipalities and disaster relief efforts use Motorola s hardware
and software technology as a foundation for their own practices and work. Chad
Werkema emphasized in a video interview that Motorola s current supply chain
execution within the company is the underlying driver of their continued success,
Execution, it s just that plain simple, our customers rely on us . He further stressed
the importance of timing and delivery; disasters need immediate relief, simply put.
Motorola may be widely known among Americans as
Global Airline Industry Essay
The airline industry has seen drastic changes since September 11, 2001. The
government ordered a complete shutdown for three days of not only all
commercial aircraft but such carriers as domestic flights and emergency aircraft.
For days after September 11th, all aircraft stayed on the ground. Even military
aircraft had to receive special clearance to fly. In a ripple effect, the entire economy
of the United States and the world was put on hold. The New York Stock Exchange
shut its doors because of the attacks on the towers of the World Trade Center.
The airline industry is classified into four categories by the Department of
Transportation. The four categories are International, National, Regional and Cargo.
The following are ... Show more content on ...
Because of their cheaper fares, the larger airlines are forced to hold down the cost
of their flights in order to still attract customers. Of course when a smaller regional
carrier does not service a destination that one of the larger carriers does, then any
potential cost savings is lost. Another point worth noting is that several of these
regional carriers are subsidiaries of a larger airline. After September 11th,
passenger traffic dropped off severely, causing the airlines to cut flights, layoff
workers and park surplus aircraft (College Grad, n.d.). Conditions are favorable for
a turn around in passenger traffic. With the ever expanding world economy,
business travel has become more necessary. One area that is not expected to grow
is the domestic cargo segment in comparison to international cargo flights. Airlines
need to examine the destinations where they fly. If one of the destinations
becomes unpopular, then the airline will need to make adjustments or profits will
suffer. A good example would be back in the late 50 s where one of airlines main
destinations would have been Cuba. Some of the ways costs are figured in the
airline industry are as follows: available seat miles, revenue passenger miles, load
factor, and revenue per available seat miles. The available seat miles calculation is
the number of seats available multiplied by the number of miles flown (Wikipedia,
2007). The revenue passenger miles calculation is the
Bilateral Review System Analysis
Bilateral review systems are ultimately unreliable. Many customers are forced to say
positive, but not necessarily true, traits about themselves or hotels and are usually
rated by companies unfairly. For Uber, customers are rated on their behavior, but
there are no real standards suggesting what is meant by good, bad, or mediocre
behavior. It is purely up to the designation of the driver, which can be more
opinionated than factual. Thus, it is not a surprise when a passenger feels
perplexed to find out his or her passenger score has been lowered even if the
passenger did everything in his or her power to leave a lasting impression on the
This then puts an overwhelming amount of pressure people to write a review about
themselves, which
Baseball In The 90 s Essay
Baseball in the 1990 s, a throwing, running, hitting sport, started in 1845. Baseball in
the 90 s was a good year for baseball. In the late 90 s there was some really good
players and really big hitters. The best hitter was Tony Gwynn ( Thompson 1). .
There was a lot of Hall of fame players in the 90 s. There were some young ones and
old ones. One of the best players to play in the 90 s had a steroid controversy. The
player to have the steroid controversy was Mark McGwire. He owed a lot of money,
but using the steroids actually helped him. There was a home runderby in the 90 s too.
They have one every year. In the derby, there has to be a winner and a loser.
Everybody loses but the one who does not hit as much as the other players is the
biggest loser. Baseballtoday is a lot more different than it used to be by a lot. The
players are better than they used to be. There is a leading player today and there is a
not so good player. In the late 90 s there were some good players who played and
left some big shoes to fill for the next people going in after they retire. Just like
when Carl Ripken Jr. went way over Lou Gehrig s playing streak on September 6,
1995 (Johnson 68). Ripken even beat his own playing streak with 2, 632 in 1998
(Johnson 68). We even had really good hitters too. Tony Gwynn was the career
leading hitter, according to Thompson (1).... Show more content on ...
When a player wins the home run derby they win some money and bring more
business to their team. To get into the Home Run Derby you have to be able to hit
a lot of home runs and have a lot during the regular season. Mark Mcgwire hit a lot of
home runs in the 90 s and so did Sammy Sosa. They are some of the top home run
hitters in the National league. Frank Thomas was the winner in 1995. He won a
match for the American League. Tom Brown was the pitcher for Frank Thomas in
1995 and he could of helped Frank win the Derby because his pitching skills
Oedipus The King Feminist Analysis
Comparison Contract Feminist Approach to Metamorphosis Oedipus the King The
feminist approach is based on finding and exposing negative attitudes toward women
in literature. Feminists are interested in exposing the undervaluing of women in
literature that has long been accepted as the norm by both men and women. Women
characters in both Metamorphosis and Oedipus the King have different and similar
characteristics based on the general norms so that they can be exposed by the
feminist approach. In Metamorphosis and Oedipus the King, feminist approach is
through the description of women about the traditional gendervalues of women,
women s inequality of power and importance, and women s effect to the whole
society. Traditional gender value for women that most people is used to accepting
is weak . When Gregor s mother saw Gregor in the vermin form for the first time
since his metamorphosis, she screamed in a loud, harsh voice: Oh God! Oh God!
and collapsed, arms out flung in total abandon, onto the sofa and did not move.
Though these lines exaggerate Gregor s... Show more content on ...
When Oedipus rushes out of the city and tells everyone that he murdered his father
and married his mother, everyone pities him but not his mother Jocasta who also
experienced this nauseating situation. In Metamorphosis, we can see that Grete is
so essential in the process of taking care of her brother Gregor. She thinks of smart
ways to find out what foods do her brother likes and moves the furniture in order to
get more moving spaces for him. Grete changes into a cold blood, strong woman and
slightly starts to live on herself, this is the difference between Metamorphosis and
Oedipus the King which Grete in Metamorphosis sometimes does act as a important
place in the family while Jocasta almost has no importance in the society except her
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  • 4. Comparing the Advertising of Different Companies of a... Comparing the Advertising of Different Companies of a Non Gender Specific Product For my essay I am going to compare and contrast the advertising of different companies of a non gender specific product, namely music systems. I am going to look at examples of print adverts and language specifically from TEAC Systems and compare them to rivals in the market place. In this essay I am going to look specifically at the interesting campaign running for TEAC stereo systems. The campaign is highly gendered and revolves around sexually attractive women wearing very little, and suggestive copy. The adverts are definitely relying on the sex sells line of promotion. Looking at the image with the three women and the man , The ... Show more content on ... Sony are trying to tell you that you are existing in the real world. However, it implies that unless you have Sony products you are not getting the best out of life, and that applies wherever you are, working, driving, et cetera. TEAC s statement that Listening to TEAC can seriously damage your single status. Is a wholly unbelievable statement. Therein lies the difference between the two statements. Music to some people, myself included, does add something to your life. However, Sony have twisted the idea slightly. Owning the Sony stereo does not add life to you world, it is the music that is played on them. The Sony quote is more subtle and realistically believable, all the things the TEAC quote is not. All the TEAC stereos look gorgeous in a champagne metal finish. This use of association between champagne/success/TEAC offers another piece of gendered marketing. Almost every stereo on sale today is finished in metal, plastic that looks like metal, or jet black. There is no alternative that might be more appealing to the female market. I am not however, suggesting that women would not like the male associated finishes, but while talking about this essay to female colleagues, I was informed that at least two girls would like to have a pink stereo. While this is a stereotypical colour association, it still highlights that there must be a market for stereos that are aimed specifically at the female
  • 5. Whooping Cough Whooping Cough Mark Near (Article from the Fresno Bee, September 16th, 2010) Every year or season a slightly different flu strain awakens, infecting our human population. This fall it s the whooping cough, also called pertussis. It is causing many deaths, especially in infants. Many health officials have grown concerned with this unexpected new threat, mainly because the babies are too young to be fully immunized by the illness. It s essential to understand how this virus is effecting our population and what procedures must be taken in order to prevent it from continuing to spread. The article Whooping Cough Mark Near, from the Fresno Bee, describes the conditions of this new occurring virus. According to the article, the ... Show more content on ... Therefore, any amino acids produced in cellular respiration can contain the bacteria Bordetella Pertussis. One of the symptoms of this illness is a fever, if it becomes too high it can cause proteins to unravel and loose its normal shape. This is called a denatured protein; which are related to many diseases. In order for a protein to function correctly, the structure has to be normal. The primary structure of a protein its sequence of amino acids causes it to fold into its functional shape. (Simon, Reece, Dickey, page 48). In other words, if the amino acids aren t functioning correctly, the proteins can become misfolded. The disease is named for the distinguishing sound produced when those who are affected attempt to breathe in. The whoop was created because of the inflammation of the laryngeal structures that vibrate when there s a quick inflow of air. This illness is affecting many individuals and as the years continue to pass it s only getting worse. The sad part is; it s mostly present in infants. More are dying because of the whooping cough; they aren t getting a chance to experience life. It s extremely important for parents to make sure their children receive the vaccine before it s too late. The future is unpredictable; this illness can end up causing a new virus next year, which is why every individual should receive the vaccine recommended. If a new strain of a virus
  • 6. The Pigman John And Lorraine Relationship In the novel The Pigman, by Paul Zindel, John and Lorraine make a prank call. Lorraine randomly calls an old man named Mr. Pignati, she claims she is a charity and wants a donation. John convinces Lorraine to go with him to pick up the donation. John and Lorraine do not have good parents. John s parents do not give him attention so John does dumb things to try to get their attention. Lorraine s mom was cheated on by Lorraine s dad, so now she thinks all men are like that. She is always telling Lorraine how she isn t pretty and doesn t dress right. Because of their parents, John and Lorraine act in unhealthy ways. John is an alcoholic and smokes and tries to get other people s attention. Lorraine tries to get people s approval and she has paranoida,... Show more content on ... All Lorraine wants to do is impress John because she has had a crush on him for a while. Therefore she does what he wants her to do. Lorraine could have said that they shouldn t have taken advantage of Mr. Pignati and taken the $10.00 from him, instead she went along with it and still lied and said she was a charity. Lorraine could have prevented the party at Mr. Pignati s house. John was the one who suggested it and Lorraine knew it was a bad choice but did it anyway because John wanted to do it. In the future, John might do something risky and hurt himself, and Lorraine won t stop him and she might even join in. Lorraine s craving for approval will probably land her and John into trouble in the future. John might suggest something stupid but Lorraine will go along with it. Especially after Mr. Pignati s dead John could do something reckless and Lorraine won t stop him and she might even do it herself. John might even kill himself by doing something and Lorraine won t stop it which will cause even more
  • 7. King Henry Tudor Research Paper Have you heard of Queen Elizabeth or King Henry в…§ ? They both were a part of the Reign of the Tudors , a famous royal family . When you think of the Tudors you probably think of : Henry в…¦ , Henry в…§ , Edward в…Ґ , Mary or , Elizabeth . Henry the seventh The reigning Monarch of Great Britain was Richard в…ў until , the Battle of Bosworth Field . The Battle of Bosworth was between house York and Lancastrian . Richard the third was becoming unpopular with his people . Henry Tudor , Earl of Richmond aligned himself with house York and defeated Richard в…ў . Henry Tudor was crowned King and became known as Henry в…¦ Furthermore ,Henry в…¦ reign helped England s influence ; his reign lasted from (1457 to 1509) . To strengthen his claim to his throne,... Show more content on ... During his reign Henry improved and built a fleet of fighting ships . He organized a major government reconstruction that made England into one of the greatest of the world powers . Henry involved England in major wars with France and Scotland . Despite, changing England, Henry eighth was known notoriously for his wives and religion . Henry married Catherine of Aragon, who bore six children, but only one survived Mary the first . Henry wanted a male heir to insure the Tudor family would continue to rule . Henry asked the Pope for an annulment since Catherine was previously married to his brother . Catherine argued that the marriage was never consummated . The Pope denied the annulment . Henry made parliament declare him the highest authority in England and the church has no power over the government . Henry married Anne Boleyn , a maid of honor at court . Coincidentally , the marriage ended badly Anne bore one child Elizabeth the first but , was beheaded on charges of adultery . Henry s third wife was Jane Seymour who died during childbirth , she had one son Edward the sixth . The chief minister , Thomas Cromwell urged Henry to marry a German princess , Anne . Furthermore for unknown reasons Thomas Cromwell was executed and Henry s marriage to Anne annulled . Then Henry married Catherine of Howard who was charged of adultery and executed . Henry s last wife Catherine of Parr outlived him . Henry the eighth died January 28 ,1547
  • 8. Starbucks Ice Cream Page 1: Introduction Established markets generate intense competition during which new and innovative marketing strategies are required and new and existing products are developed. As a market develops, consumers become more experienced and discerning and look for more benefits from the products they choose. Although some organisations products may appear unchanged at this developed stage of a market, the more successful businesses re work existing brands and continue to develop new ones to meet changing consumer needs. The development of strong brands has always been a feature of the confectionery market. Read more:... Show more content on ... This is the snacking business. Held in the hand . categories include: * Confectionery ВЈ4.9bn (chocolate sector ВЈ3.4bn) * Biscuits ВЈ1.7bn * Snacks ВЈ1.2bn * Crisps ВЈ1.1bn * Ice Cream ВЈ0.8bn. Snacking is said to reflect the fast pace and busy lifestyle of many people in the 1990s. It is fast, convenient, easy and mess free. The key snack consumers, 16 34 year olds, represent 37 per cent of all snack buyers. Read more: schweppes/launching a new product into a developed market/the snack market.html#ixzz2TW6GaWPG Follow us: @Thetimes100 on Twitter | thetimes100casestudies on Facebook Page 5: Market research Market research is a process designed to link managers to consumers through information. It is used to identify opportunities and make better informed decisions about products which have future market potential. Market research has revealed that snacks play more of a functional role than one of pure indulgence: they are often a meal substitute. Research also shows that successful snack brands in the confectionery category tend to have more foody values and often contain ingredients such as cereal, wafer, biscuits, peanuts and fruit to break up the chocolate delivery. Cadbury s philosophy is to continue as a driving force in the confectionery market, and thus constantly analyse its offerings for consumers. The
  • 9. Descartes Meditation 4 Essay By the start of Meditation Four Descartes has established the reliability of his clear and distinct criterion of knowledge, and he has concluded that he exists as an essentially thinking thing and that the idea of an infinite, perfect being entails God s existence. Descartes has also eliminated concern about being systematically deceived, since acting in such a way would be indicative of some deficiency rather than the exercise of some power, and Godis perfect. This generates further questions, as humans do regularly judge falsely, even without the meddling of a malicious, deceptive being (99). Given God s nature, attributing errorto him is unacceptable, but, conversely, how could humans be blamed for the faulty faculty of judgement that... Show more content on ... Descartes begins by distinguishing the real and positive idea of God from the opposite negative idea of nothingness, placing himself in the middle of this spectrum (99). He is finite and imperfect but, as God s creation, his nature contains nothing which itself facilitates mistakes. Since he exists between God and nothingness, however, he also participate[s] in nothingness or non being (99 100). Errors of judgement, then, must stem from nothingness, the absolute absence of all perfection. Mistakes are not things resulting from an error making faculty dependent on God, but instead lackings of a limited, fallible faculty of judgement. This answer, Descartes admits, does not fully address the problem, since a lacking is not a pure negation and implies that something which ought to be present is missing. Could God have failed to grant some perfection that we should possess? Descartes contrasts his own weak and limited nature with God s immense, incomprehensible and infinite nature, deeming that God s reasoning is beyond the scope of his understanding and that, feasibly, a world with errors is best when examined in its entirety
  • 10. Automotive Industry and Fiat Essay Read the Management At Work case on pages 146 147 about the auto industry. Complete the Case Questions #1 3. Research Fiat and Chrysler on the Internet and write an update on current events in those companies. 1. According to a major economics consulting firm, Fiat s South American operations are the jewel in the Italian company s global operations. * Fiat has plants in Brazil and Argentina, and Brazil is its biggest market, well ahead of its home country market. In 2011, with the Chrysler venture taking up more and more of the firm s attention and as European sales suffered a steep decline rumors began to circulate that Marchionne might move Fiat headquarters from Italy to the United States. Discuss Fiat s takeover of ... Show more content on ... 2. The tax breaks as a US company for Fiat will be very beneficial as far as marketing/advertisement but a major draw back will be the high cost in labor as opposed to the labor cost in countries such as Mexico. Fiat will also have a situation of dealing with new labor laws. American labor laws are more stringent than other companies. This is also power tolerance country. Employees are not as submissive as those of other countries. Americans are considered lazy. Fiat bringing their CEO (Marchionne) to America to directly handle the merger will make the transition a lot soother for the company. When first appointed to Fiat CEO he laid off 10% of white collard employees and 20,000 labor employees, restructuring with fresh new talent, he will follow do the same plan with Chrysler. But bringing in his own people proven to be valuable. 3.This merger can be characterized as a direct investment because Fiat is take a chance a moving there location to the US. Fiat is dealing with this merger on a first hand basis. They are not operating business threw a third party. Americans are use to large cars. The idea of driving a smaller car, to a lot of Americans will socially awkward. They may need to find a social common ground with the American people make their car appear attractive as well as economical. As I said previously management American are considered lazy. Management may have difficulties with the competency of the American employees. They may have to
  • 11. A Narrative Essay On A Fair What should we get on first when we get there? asked Becky. I don t know. How about we get on the ferris wheel first, it looks super fun. said Lisa as they were riding in her mom s car on the way to the fair. They were so excited to finally be able to go to the fair since last year they had to shut it down early. I wonder why they shut it down last year because it wasn t on the news. Everyone said that it was because someone died. Yes, that s exactly the reason it shut down, how did you not know that? Becky said. FInally they arrived at the fair and got out of the car. Don t forget you guys have about 6 hours here then meet me by the theater parking lot at 8:30. So have fun and watch out for weirdos because you guys heard about what happened last year at the fair. Just be careful. Lisa s mom said, Don t do anything stupid, she said as she began to drive off. After that Becky and Lisa went to go purchase their tickets for the fair. They began to get very excited as they were walking closer and closer to the big rides, amazing smells of burritos and pizza, and people screaming of joy. Hurry up I want to get on the ferris wheel before the line gets super long. And we have to get on the that one ride that spins diagonally. We have to do so many thing while we re here so hurry up. Lisa exclaimed to Becky as she was tying her shoes. When she was finished they walked fastly to the long line for the ferris wheel. Time seemed to go on forever while they were
  • 12. What Does Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking Represent Because the mocking bird is known to steal and mimic other bird calls, the author uses the creature as a form of symbolic representation of American culture and way of life. The bird uses many calls and we use many different cultural aspects and ideals from other parts of the world to make up our own call, the call of America. One could pick almost any aspect of our nation and even though they may be very different in practice, each one is more than likely to be taken by another group of people from some point in history. Most ideals that we Americans hold close are no different from those of other counties and chances are we took said idea from them, such as shaking hands or watching sports. With America being such a melting pot of different... Show more content on ... The water that all our seas are made up of has the power to create and destroy and I believe that the author is trying to allude to the fact that water, being the life molecule that it is, is actually both death and life. In his other words, Whitman tends to describes life and death separately entities in his other works but in Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking it seems as if they are one in the same and work together. Because death cannot exist without life and the reverse is true. To go even further with this idea, I am starting to think that Walt Whitman is trying to convey to his audience that life, death, and nature (in this case birds and water) are the three aspects required for life to exist and the best way for humans to understand this concept is through poetry. Considering Whitman s connection to the North American landscape, I believe that he derives most of his imagery from places he has spent time in, like near the
  • 13. Objectives Of The Methodist Movement Objectives To examine and discuss the reasons Methodism was appealing especially to the lower class; To examine how Wesley s life shaped the Methodist movement Open with Prayer Read: Jn.12:32, 2 Pet. 3:9, Ezek.18:23 Lecture: The Methodist Movement Key Issues covered: Wesley s early life and education, Wesley s influences, the Holy club, Moravians, Methodist societies, Questions for Discussion: How was this movement different from others? Why was Wesley troubled by his salvation? Was Methodismappealing or not? Was Wesley reluctant to leave the Anglican Church? How did the Methodist become a denomination? Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today 3 min. Close with Prayer: For the ... Show more content on ... How effective were Lay Preachers in America? Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today 3 min. Close with Prayer: For the Pursuit of Holiness 10 min. Session #10 Study Plan Wesley s Contributions to the Church: Pietism, Evangelism, Circuit System пѓ Pietism: (Personal Devotions and religious experience) o The Holiness Club : Emphasis on the pursuit of holiness (godliness) Daily devotions (private and public) Scriptural studies, prayers and worship Outreach and evangelism Modern model of the Holy Club: Small Groups, Prayer Meetings and Lesson Studies Small/Community Groups:(meets weekly) пЃ¶Bible study as a group пЃ¶Fellowship пЃ¶Community service Prayer Meetings: пЃ¶Usually ones a week/every other week пЃ¶Prayers as a group for each other and the world Lesson Studies: пЃ¶Bible Studies as a group (Systematic Theology study пЃ¶Studying a Christian book
  • 14. пѓ Evangelism: Arminianism influence, Lay Preachers, and the Lower Classes o Lay Preachers: Functions, Francis Asbury 
  • 15. Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa ) And How It Works And What... For this reflection, the focus is to look closer at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and how it works and what makes it successful. AA is a group that was a group formed for those members that are powerless over alcohol (Van Wormer, Davis, 2013). I attended AA meetings in Cincinnati on Monday Friday at noon. I have been attending daily since October 3rd, except for weekends. There are usually about 30 to 50 participants in each session. There are beginner s meetings, open and closed meetings all at the same place working together for the first fifteen minutes. The facilitators would open the meeting by introducing himself as an alcoholic and welcome everyone for attending. He asks for new members and visitors. This is a nice touch as it seems very inviting as it gives that feeling of warmth from the beginning. The facilitator also asks for any out of town visitors and lastly if there are any anniversaries. There were two during my observation, one guy had reached 1 year and one lady had 5 years. Both were given a coin to celebrate their sobriety and a warm celebratory praise from the group. They both were given the opportunity to speak if they chose and they both declined. Preamble is then read by the chairperson or a member. This states the purpose of AA and why you are here and what you would expect by attending (Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. 2005). For example, you would not have any fees, and the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
  • 16. French Braid Speech Hello beautiful girls... I am sure that all you beautiful people are you looking for some trending new hairdos to beat the heat and stay stylish? Well, I can give you a super easy idea to catch eye anywhere at anytime. All you need to know for this styling is how to do a perfect french braid, which is quite easy for anyone I guess? So let s get started. It is basically an edgy French braid tutorial which goes perfectly for both clean and greasy hair as well, but your hair need to be atleast shoulder length. 1. First of all, you need to section your front hair into V and continue doing a French Braid. As you need a wide braid in the front, so start taking a bigger section at the front. After taking the front hair portion, continue braiding
  • 17. Perspectives On The Psychological Process Of Learning Perspectives in Learning There are a number of contemporary theoretical perspectives that surround the psychological process of learning. Over the years these perspectives have been examined and analyzed in the hopes of discovering the process that is most effective for the process of learning. Three of the top theoretical perspectives: Constructivist /cognitivist theory, Phenomenographic/Variation theory and Socio Cultural theory are all theories that have been proven to be powerful processes in the field of learning. Although these perspectives are different in theory, they all focus on the context, meaning and experiences of learning, while having similar beliefs regarding the active role of the learner and the influence of their environment. In this paper, the discussion of Constructivist Cognitivism, Phenomenography and Socio cultural perspectives lend an understanding to the complexities of these theories and identify the key elements that make them unique. The first section of this paper will describe and discuss the key elements and characteristics of each theory that makes them distinct. Examining these three theories will show both similarities and differences in the areas of context, meaning and experience. The second section of this paper will discuss the commonalities amongst the three perspectives by presenting a case study of one specific pedagogical aim, taught through each perspective. As the theories have similarities in the role experiences play, we will
  • 18. Summary Of Double Victory By Ronald Takaki Chapter four of Double Victory: A Multicultural History of America in World War II written by Ronald Takaki describes the struggles of Native Americans before World War II and during the war. On the homefront Native Americans were treated poorly, but gradually white Americans began to tolerate them more as time went on. When they first arrived on the reservations after the Long Walk, they felt ashamed and were treated as if they were scum. They were losing their land to foreigners. Yet as time went on, the living situation on the reservation began to improve. For example, schools were improving, white people were training to be traders and farmers, and their rights were respected by the government. As the war, went on, Native Americans started... Show more content on ... The first V in victory was obvious because they defeated the Germans and the Japanese and helped the United States win the war. But the reason they were successful with the second V in victory was because Whites believed that World War II had completed the process of Indian integration into mainstream American society (Morgan). Before the war, Native Americans were not treated very equally and they were not treated wonderfully after the war either. For example, In yet another of the rude and arbitrary reversals that long have afflicted the government s relations with Native Americans, Eisenhower also sought to cancel the tribal preservation policies of the Indian New Deal, in place since 1934. He proposed to terminate the tribes as legal entities and to revert to the assimilationist goals of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 (Kennedy 896). This shows that there were still attempts to discriminate Native Americans, but the bill was eventually shut down in 1961. The reason they achieved Double Victory was because they help the white Americans win the war and because the war caused the greatest change in Indian life since the beginning of the reservation era and taught Native Americans they could aspire to walk successfully in two worlds (Morgan). Of the Four Freedoms, the one Native Americans accomplished was the Freedom from Want because they were given a stronger economic base. Before the war, money was a hard product to find for Native Americans because The federal government s stock reduction program had made the Navajos dependent on wage income: nearly 40 percent of their annual per capita income of $128 came from wages, mostly from temporary government employment (Takaki 66 67). This shows that Native Americans had a tough time
  • 19. How Did Michelle Obama Influence The World Michelle Obama is a powerful women through all the struggles that she has been through to be successful as a mother, daughter, wife, African American, and a public figure. She shows us the real key of success that most of us seem to get wrong which is hard work. This is the journey through her life being a huge influence in the world for all who aspire to be successful. Her life seems to be more than just perfect but that certainly doesn t come without any hardships and love. It all started with Fraser Robinson who was Michelle s father. He was Michelle s inspiration and the reason she is who she is today. He had a small job that was a station laborer a fancy word for a janitor. In a time where African Americans didn t get much credit for his abilities that was all he was offered though he was capable of much more. For him all that he wanted was a happy home and a good future even if it meant that this job would cause him to have multiple sclerosis. Michelle had a brother named Craig and the both of them were raised with an emphasis on education and had learned to read at home by age four. Michelle Robinson before she became Michelle Obama was born about six months after the civil rights act was signed allowing Michelle to go to Princeton University and later Harvard Law School. It was her father s hard work, ... Show more content on ... They soon had two daughters named Malia and Sasha who were born in 1998 and 2001. Though their career meant that they will be in the eye of the public constantly they had a very open relationship and quite similar to other people. You would usually see Barack Obama cooking food and Michelle Obama teaching her girls how to ride a bike.Obama meanwhile had been elected to the State Senate, which meant commuting to Springfield, and then to Washington when he became a US senator, but Michelle stayed in Chicago so as not to disrupt the children s
  • 20. Black Blizzard Research Paper I am a young child who was in the dust storm and who has experienced the black blizzard. I have many experiences on this day and will be sharing it with you. I will also tell you the day everything we did to get back to normal and live our life again. Another thing i will mention is what was the black blizzard and the way we got out. First during the day the dust storm was coming you could see the 7,000 feet high storm coming in our direction. While the storm was coming everyone was panicking on what to do some people were getting prepared on what to do. When the storm hit it was a disaster and i could hardly see anything. Some people were still outside and i was wondering what was going on and could hear or see anything because of the storm it was a whole disaster for our city.... Show more content on ... The rags were not even helping us that much we could still taste the dust in our mouths and at that point couldn t see anything. The dust storm is a storm that was like nothing before it was worse than any other storm we have encountered. The people in the town wanted to leave but couldn t because the storm got there car engines all messed up. Some people got there cars to work and when they got it ot start up they decided where to go. Later on people started to head to the west or tried to at least without the storm messing them up. They wanted to try and go to california so they could get out of the storm and start all over. They think if they go to california they will be able to get a job or something and live there. Sooner or later other people went with their ideas and went to california so they could start over as well. Later we i went with my family to california so we could start over as
  • 21. Airline Alliances Airline Alliances an Analysis Introduction: Liberalisation of the Airline Market now allows carriers to engage in alliances to form more powerful synergy s and capture a larger share of the market. Since the introduction of The Airline Deregulation Act in 1978 in North America and similar acts worldwide the aviation industry has become one of the fastest growing industries. The main objective of this was to allow the market place to influence the development of airlines. The main development from this was that airlines find it more beneficial if they join alliances. In this report I will discuss why airlines engage in alliances, identify the strategic benefits of alliances and assess their effectiveness. Why airlines engage in ... Show more content on ... By pooling resources alliances can reduce unit costs and achieve greater cost efficiencies through more efficient utilisation of resources such as sharing landing slots, maintenance teams, IT systems and labour. Airlines also have the opportunity of engaging in joint purchasing agreements and make considerable savings. When we look at the Star Alliance which was founded in 1997 we see that they have made considerable savings from joint purchasing agreements. Earlier this year The Star Alliance leveraged its purchasing power with the procurement of new economy class seats. As well as reducing the cost of seat ownership the airline will also benefit of reduced future fuel costs due to the seats being made of lighter materials. The demand side benefits of Strategic Alliances include accessing new markets through availing of new landing slots. Landing slots are a big plus from strategic alliances. Currently Virgin Airways are looking for landing slots at London s main airports to fly to destinations in Asia including Bangalore. Through the potential prospect of joining the Alliance Sir Richard Branson hopes to secure these slots. Alliances enable airlines to offer a more seamless network of flights to customers due to their collaborative efforts. Alliances also have the option to use code sharing which enables consumers to book space on the same flights through multiple airlines websites. Effectiveness of alliances: The
  • 22. Examples Of Being Extrovert Essay I am not famous, I am extroverted My friends in school think that I am just a normal with no life at all. However, outside of school, I have a whole different kind of personality which is being extroverted.I disagree with my friends in school that I have no life and have not many friends. In my friends perspective, being extroverted means being very famous and is the kind of person who stands out from the rest, but for me, it just means that I can relate to other people by having a kind heart and an open mind. The word extrovert came from the Latin word extro meaning extra and vertere meaning turn. Having said this, the real meaning of the word is if the person has an attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative. However, people who are extroverted have a different approach of the meaning. These people think that people should be famous to be extroverted. Being famous leads to having more friends. Having more friends means they have more social life and they feel that they belong with the cool people. These feeling cool people often... Show more content on ... Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day, we voted him as VP. However, we already doubted his capability of leading the class because of his feeling cool attitude, rude, and boastful attitude. Having officers like this would not even lead us to nothing. He was a type of person that will just pass out the fault to other people. He says that its not my fault, it s the class fault. Obviously, this affects us because we did not do anything then he blames us. There was one time wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be noisy. When our class advisers knew about this, he would suspect the people who is very noisy all the time. However, these are the one that are noisy, even the officers are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or the leaders cannot admit that they did this because they are afraid to be impeached or
  • 23. Title. Nonlinear Optimization . Acknowledgements . Lay Title Nonlinear Optimization Acknowledgements Lay Summary Contents Acknowledgements2 Lay Summary3 Introduction6 One Dimensional Methods8 Fibonacci Method8 Example in Practice8 Bisection Method8 Example in Practice8 Newton Method8 Example in Practice8 Secant Method8 Example in Practice8 Golden Section Search8 Example in Practice8 Summary8 Advantages8 Disadvantages8 n Dimensions9 Steepest Descent9 Overview9 Example in Practice9 Summary9 Newton Methods10 Overview10 Quasi Newton10 Implementation with a Line Search10 Summary10 Comparison11 Cholesky Factorization11 Discussion11 Conclusions13 References14 Appendices15 Introduction Non Linear Optimization appears in many aspects of life which include ... Show more
  • 24. content on ... There are different ways of determining what О» should be and I will cover how to obtain such values by using the error terms of the sequence |x_k x^* | and |x_(k+1) x^* | which can be denoted e_k and гЂ– eгЂ—_(k+1) respectively. By comparing different methods and using them on the same problems we will be able to find out if and where different methods will be suited to different functions. In some instances one method may not work because it is may not be able to find a descending path to follow hence unable to find a minimizer, or possibly one method may take and ascending path firstly so it could descend. By the end of this research I will be able to recognise such conditions and restraints when applying a method to a function problem, as well as being able to use a correct method of optimization and picking one with a high order of convergence to obtain a minimizer as quickly as possible. Due to there being multiple dimensions I will also look at when there is only one dimension to worry about, these methods will include the Secant, Bisection and Fibonacci Methods, by looking at these I can show my opinion on what would be the best type of method if the function problem was in only one dimension, as perhaps a method which can be used for n dimensions may have unnecessary work for a problem with a single dimension, I will do multiple comparisons between the one dimension methods and then with methods that are used for multiple dimensions,
  • 25. The Pituitary Gland In The Brain The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain, just below the hypothalamus. Being just the size of pea, the pituitary gland has huge role in the brain. It has three sections know as the anterior, intermediate, and the posterior lobes. To begin, the anterior lobe is primarily involved with the development of the body, maturation, and reproduction. The hormones produced by the anterior lobe adjust growth, stimulates adrenal and thyroid glands along with the ovaries and testes. The anterior lobe also generates prolactin which allows new mothers to produce milk. Then there is the intermediate lobe which releases a hormone that stimulates the cells that control pigmentation known as the melanocytes. Lastly, there is the posterior lobe... Show more content on ... Then there are diagnosed tests that find out if it has spread throughout the nervous system or other parts of the body using MRI s. To get rid of the tumor you can get surgery, radiation therapy, drug therapy and chemotherapy. Along with getting rid of the tumor there are treatments for hormonal problems caused by the tumor or other damage done to the pituitary gland. For growth hormone deficiency a daily injection can be taken. For a deficiency of TSH and thyroid, hormone replacement therapy is needed which consists of thyroxin which is observed by blood vessels of thyroid hormone. For deficiency of ACTH and cortisol, cortisol or a similar steroid must be taken under harsh supervision because it is the most life threatening out of all the syndromes. For anti diuretic hormone deficiency causing diabetes insipidus created by damage to the pituitary stalk or posterior pituitary gland, a replacement of anti diuretic hormone must be taken one to two times a
  • 26. Quality and Operations of St. Jude Children’s Research... HA540: Healthcare Operations and Quality Assessment Part One St. Jude Children s Research Hospital This assignment will be a good review of the following: Choose a company or an industry in which you have worked or would like to work. It could be a hospital or a physician practice. Identify all the important stakeholders for the entity. Determine the primary aims/objectives of each stakeholder. Assess the power of each stakeholder to affect the company s strategic plans, and how it may apply that power. Explain how the company might respond to the possible actions of each stakeholder. Recommend tradeoffs that company managers could make to accommodate the stakeholders in a way that optimizes the company s own performance. I have chosen St. Jude Children s Research Hospital for this project because I have always thought that this hospital is the best organization in the healthcare industry. I have visited the St. Jude Children s Research Hospital many times in Lexington, Kentucky, close to where I live, and visited the children and gave them little gifts. It truly breaks my heart to see the children suffering in the way that they do, but it feels my heart to see them and play with them and see their little faces light up when they see the treats that I had brought them. For many of these children and their families, they would not be able to get the treatment needed if it weren t for St. Jude. They could simply not afford it and St. Jude has been
  • 27. Report on the Canterbury Earthquake of 2011 A report On the Canterbury Earthquake 2011 Introduction This report will show the reader about which areas and buildings around the Canterbury region were critically damaged and inaccessible to the public during and after the earth quake which hit the Canterbury region and was felt beyond the region as well, it will split into two categories cultural and natural effects. I will also be referring to my special analysis data. Also in the report I will show you were the CDEM should be located in case of another serious natural disaster might occur. The Canterbury Region, as shown in figure 1 is New Zealand largest region ranging to about 25,252 sq. km with a population of 462,783 (updated on 2006).One of the biggest cities who was hit hard by the quake was Christchurch, which most of this report is going to talk about. Cultural The Christchurch earth quake had many cultural effects that occurred during and after the quake such streets and houses: Properties and streets were buried in thick layers of silt, and water and sewage from broken pipes flooded streets. House foundations cracked and buckled wrecking many homes. Several thousand homes will have to be demolished, and some sections of suburbs will probably never be re occupied such as houses in the red zone, as shown in figure 10. Another cultural effect was critically damaged buildings in the CBD area, as shown in figure 13. The critically damaged buildings that were brought down were buildings previously damaged in the
  • 28. Management Of Hyperthroidism. Needs Assessment Management of Hyperthroidism Needs Assessment Gap Analysis Goals Abstract Objectives Introduction Approximately 20 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of thyroid disorder with up to 60 percent unaware of acquiring such conditions. Thyroid disorder if uncontrolled may lead to serious medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, infertility, and possibly death if severe. (1) The thyroid gland, a butterfly shaped organ, located in the middle of the lower neck synthesizes and releases thyroid hormones. These vital hormones affect multiple body functions such as the brain development, nervous system functions, metabolism, cardiac system functions, body temperature, cholesterol levels and menstrual cycles. Not only is the thyroid gland one of the largest organs of the endocrine system, the gland is the only organ in the human body that absorbs iodine necessary to produce the thyroid hormones. The most common issues with the thyroid gland are when the gland is overactive, hyperthyroidism and underactive, hypothyroidism. ( 1, 2 ) main text and vignette is 3600 words specific drug related info should be taken from primary lit or package insert Pathophysiology Thyroid hormone production is regulated by the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is made in the pituitary gland in the brain. TSH is secreted with the stimulation of the thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) created in the hypothalamus or the negative feedback of the low
  • 29. Characteristics Of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is a term often used to describe a person who owns and operates their own business, but the 2009 World Economic Forum report describes it, The pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources you currently control Stevenson (1983, 1985); Stevenson and Jarillo (1991) and the 2008 European Commission published a framework definition derived from representatives from ETF, GIZ, ILO, UNESCO and UNEVOC that states, Entrepreneurship refers to an individual s ability to turn ideas into action... . But no matter how you define it, the most important skills, traits, and characteristics needed to be successful are vastly analogous. Along with this week s reading, I conducted internet searches for the top characteristics, traits, and skills for entrepreneurship and my findings were surprisingly similar. The most common result that I found was determination (willpower, self discipline, drive, motivation). In this submission, I will identify a successful entrepreneur and describe the their type of innovation or business, what characteristics or traits they have, how they got started, and what they did in order to become and remain successful. In 2012 entrepreneur and founder of the San Francisco based apparel startup American Giant, Bayard Winthrop called a New York Times technology columnist, Farhad Manjoo to boast of his own world s best hooded sweatshirt. Manjoo agreed to interview Winthrop about his sweatshirt and business in what turned out to be nothing like
  • 30. Fatty Acid and Test Specific Objective EXPERIMENT NO. 6 LIPIDS I NUR 4 GROUP 9 POLICARPIO, JOHN PAUL (A amp; B) QUERUBIN, KIMBERLY (C amp; D) QUILALA, REGENE (E amp; F1) RAMOS, PRACCEDES (F2a amp; F2b) SABALDICCA, VENZ (F2c amp; F2d) INTRODUCTION Lipids are organic compounds found in living organisms that are insoluble or slightly soluble in water but soluble in non polar organic solvents. Lipids can be classified into four groups which are fats, oils, and waxes, compound lipids, steroids, and derived lipids. Various experiments are done on lipids. Some tests are for saturation, presence of certain compounds, or for the different chemical reactions that lipids undergo. Lipids may be composed of esters, amides, alcohols, cyclic, acyclic, or polycyclic ... Show more content on ... It is predominantly composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Many classes of lipids also contain nitrogen and phosphorus. The relative amounts of these elements, as well as their structural positions, determine the degree of solubility of the lipid in various solvents. Lipids with high hydrocarbon content are relatively nonpolar in nature and insoluble in water. The ionic character of a lipid can be altered by changes in solvent pH. For example, if the solvent contains a strong acid or a strong base, hydrolysis of some of the ester bonds will occur. When this happens, the products of hydrolysis may have solubility properties very different from those of the original lipid molecule. Structures of the different Samples and Solvents Sample 1: Vegetable Oil (Oleic acid) Oleic acid has the chemical formula C17H33COOH Due to its large nonpolar portion, oleic acid is insoluble in water and, being less dense than water, it floats on the water surface. The polar COOH end, however, is attracted to water molecules. So, a thin coating of oleic acid on the surface of water results
  • 31. Pop Music And Its Impact On South Korea Essay K pop is a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a wide variety of audiovisual elements. Although it comprises all genres of popular music within South Korea, the term is more often used in a narrower sense to describe a modern form of South Korean pop music covering a wide range of styles including dance pop, pop ballad, electronic, rock, metal, hip pop music and R B. K popgaining popularity in East Asia in the late 1990s, and spreading to whole Asia and World, via the Hallyu culture. K pop, J pop and C pop become to the leading musical category in Asia. The biggest four entertainment company in Korea are SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment, JYP Entertainment and FNC Entertainment. Korean pop culture is becoming an increasingly global phenomenon, caused in part by the K pop industry s adeptness at tapping into social networking services and the video sharing platform YouTube. Since the mid 2000s, the K pop music market has experienced double digit growth rates. In the first half of 2012, it grossed nearly US$3.4 billion and was recognized by Time magazine as South Korea s Greatest Export . The History The history of Korean popular music can be traced back to 1885 when an American missionary, Henry Appenzeller started teaching American and British folk songs at a school. These songs were called changga in Korean, and they were typically based on a popular Western melody sung with Korean lyrics. The well known song Oh My Darling,
  • 32. Write An Essay On My First Honor Class When I was in 8th grade, I got my appendix taken out. It was an unexpected event and I didn t realized how serious it was till I went to the doctors. I received surgery immediately after I went to the doctors. After my surgery, the doctor advised me to stay home for one to two weeks. I didn t think much of it and though it would be good because I wouldn t have to attend schoolfor two weeks. However, I was mistaken because I fell behind in my classes and received horrible grades that grading period. My appendix being removed is similar to an unexpected storm because in a storm you don t know what to do or how to overcome it. I was like that with my appendix because it was sudden and I didn t plan on missing two full weeks of school. I feel behind on my school work but storms pass on overtime, and I managed to get my act together . I eventually... Show more content on ... As a child, I advanced quite well in math and my middle school saw that and decided to enroll me in a Honors math class. I didn t know what to expect from this class and felt that I wouldn t do well. Me being enrolled in a honor class during my 6th grade year relates to climbing a mountain because when climbing the mountains, it gets harder for you to breathe and once you get at a certain point, you are required to use a oxygen tank to breath. My honor math class is like the oxygen ranges in mountains because as I keep progressing in school, there will be harder task ahead of me, in resemble to the idea of how harder it is to breathe when climbing a mountain. When taking my first honor class, I didn t know what will come out out of it but I knew this was the beginning of my education and I knew in time, things will become tough and harder, just like the lack of oxygen there is when going up the mountain. It gets harder to breathe each time you increase your range going up the mountain, just how life becomes difficult each time you encounter a new
  • 33. Relative Reactivity Of Alkyl Halides Relative Reactivity of Alkyl Halides in Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions Charlie Doyle Madison McGough Annie Chang Introduction Both Sn1 and Sn2 reactions are nucleophilic substitution reactions, though they are slightly different. Sn2 reactions have bimolecular displacement and are also concerted, meaning the bond making and the bond breaking processes happen in one step.1 Sn1 reactions require two steps and have unimolecular displacement. This difference can be seen when comparing Figure 1 and Figure 2 below. The strength of the nucleophile does not effect Sn1 reactions, while the strongest nucleophile is required for Sn2 substitution reactions.2 Other important considerations include the effect of ... Show more content on ... For Part A: five drops of 2 bromo 2 methylpropane were pipetted into test tube 1; five drops of 2 bromobutane were pipetted into test tube two; five drops of 1 bromobutane were pipetted into test tube three; and five drops of 1 chlorobutane were pipetted into test tube four and each were labeled accordingly. Then, twenty drops of a 15% solution of sodium iodide (NaI) in acetone (for Sn2 reactions) was added to all four test tubes, shaking each once to mix contents, and the time from when the first drop hit to when cloudiness or a precipitant formed was recorded. The solutions were then disposed of in the appropriate waste container. For Part B, the test tubes were cleaned and allowed to dry. The process of pipetting the alkyl halides into the individual four test tubes was repeated. 20 drops of a 1% solution of silver nitrate (AgNO3) in ethanol (for Sn1 reactions) was added to each tube, shaking each once to mix contents, and again recording the
  • 34. The Health Assessment And Health History 1: Analyze Assessment Data: A. Areas for focused assessment (30 points) Individual s strengths noted in the Health Assessment/Health History: Strong spiritual beliefs Good church and friend support system with close male friends. Knowledgeable as well as engaged with his health care. Active in bicycling, with his employee group and church group. Up to date with immunizations and has not had any major illnesses. Access to healthcare with health insurance with a wide network of providers. Takes his medications as prescribed. Does not utilize illicit drugs. Assessment did not reveal any significant areas of concern or need for immediate physician visit. Uses his C PAP as directed by his physician. Well educated. Individual s weaknesses noted in the Health Assessment/Health History: Chronic co morbidities: Obesity, hypertension, diabetes and sleep apnea Smokes 1 ppd Weight loss is not at the goal that is desired by the physician or patient. Busy lifestyle that sometimes is a barrier to healthy foods choices. History of reoccurring depression B. Client s strengths (30 points) This individual has many strengths, one of them is that this individual has a strong support system in place with his close friends and church family. According to a study reported in Psychiatry , Numerous studies indicate social support is essential for maintaining physical and psychological health. The harmful consequences of poor social support and the protective
  • 35. Does Louisiana s Statute Enacting A Balanced Treatment For... Does Louisiana s statute enacting a balanced treatment for Creation Science and Evolution Science violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment? Louisiana legislators established the Louisiana Balanced Treatment for Creation Science and Evolution Science in Public School Instruction Act. The Act forbids the teaching of the theory of evolution and the theory of creation science in public elementary and secondary schools unless accompanied by the instruction of the theory other. The Act defines the theories as the scientific evidence for creation or evolution and inferences from those scientific evidence. The lower courts established that the Act violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment because it lacked a clear secular purpose. Delivering the Opinion of the Court, Justice Brennan invokes the Lemon test to determine the constitutionality of the Act. He begins by questioning the validity of the Act s stated secular purpose: to promote academic freedom. He defines academic freedom as enhancing the freedom of teachers to teach what they will (Brennan 2579). Based on the legislative history, the purpose of the legislative sponsor, Senator Bill Keith, was to narrow the scientific curriculum because he stated that his preference would be that neither theories be taught. Thus, J. Brennan sees a ban on teaching that undermines the stated purpose. Moreover, he writes that the Act does not promote a flexibility upon the teachers that was not already
  • 36. Whaling in US compared to Japan Essay Whaling in US compared to Japan Did you know that in the last 50 years over two million whales have been killed? The United States views whaling very differently than Japan does. It is a complicated and controversial topic. Many people have opinions about whale hunting. However, everyone should know both sides of the whale hunting issues before they act on the issue. To start out I am going to tell you a little about whaling. The first whale hunters were in the prehistoric times. At first they would just kill and eat beached whales. That became such a habit that they started hunting them. Most whale hunters use harpoons, guns, lances, or bombs that blow up inside the whale. They use catcher boats, or kayaks. In 1925, whalers developed ... Show more content on ... code on whale hunting. The United States never depended on whale meat like Japan. They mostly whale hunted for a hobby. The Congress feels that whales are a unique resource of great scientific interest to mankind and are a vital part of the marine ecosystem. Man has overexploited whales for many years, highly reducing species and endangering others. The United States has extended its responsibilities to protect all marine animals. They think that whales are a particular interest to citizens of the United States. Japan started whaling way back in the 2nd Century BC. They whale because they have whale meat as part of their diet. In 1946, whale meat was not considered special food anymore but was necessary to keep the Japanese healthy and alive because they depended on it for so long. People ate whale meat as a source of protein whether they liked it or not. In 1947, about 47% of the total animal protein was whale meat. Until the 1960 s, whale meat continued to be their main source of protein. In 1962, the whaling industry recorded 226,000 tons of whale meat; this was the highest amount throughout the history of the Japanese whaling. The percentage of whale meat consumption compared to the total animal meat consumption was 23% in 1964. (whalenet 1) Whale meat was the only meat served in school lunches, which began in 1947 and continued until the
  • 37. Ain t No Party Like A West Point Christmas Party Cus A... Everyone loves a good Christmas Party. Christmas is a time of togetherness, sharing, family, friends and everything that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. One thing that is usually a party of most festive get together s and also warms you up, is booze. Such is the story of an 1826 Christmas Party at the United States Military Academy. And like most nights that are all blurred together by alcohol, there is sometimes a bad apple or two that ruin it for everyone. I know it is hard to think that the young men who attended West Point could be part of such behavior, but when the falling down water is flowing, it could happen to anyone. The events that would transpire over the days leading up to Christmasend in the infamous events in the... Show more content on ... Around teh same time, Cadet T.M. Lewis of Kentucky had a similar idea and returned back to the North Barrack with a gallon of his own. The booze was hidden from inspecting officers over the next few days. On December 23rd, Sylvanus Thayer, the Academy s Superintendent, hosted a Christmas Party at his home. There some Cadets, but more of the higher ups were there and they sipped on some fine red wine and discussed some of the issues that were happening on campus. At the same time the Cadets in North Barracks began party planning, you know, who to invite, whose bringing dip, watch drinking games to play and so on. But really what they were doing was stealing food from the mess hall so they could have a nice spread for their guests. While doing this, the observant Cadets in the South Barracks found out about the party and well, they planned to crash it. At 10pm or 22:00 on Christmas Eve the party stared in Room 28 in North Barracks and was a really mellow get together, with only 9 Cadets in attendance. Another party sprung up in Room #5 with seven Cadets, including Jefferson Davis, and yes that Jefferson Davis. At this time Cadet David Farrelly of Pennsylvania, ventured out to Benny s Haven s Tavern and picked up another gallon of whiskey and returned shortly after midnight on Christmas Day. Now around 2 in the morning, Charles Whipple of Michigan, the division superintendent, had enough
  • 38. Hunger Games And White Noise Comparative Essay Comparative Analysis of The Hunger Games and White Noise Both novels The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and White Noise by Don DeLillo having varying representations of reality and simulation. This is apparent in many articles and stories we have read in this course. Both protagonists fear death and they keep up appearances to stay alive. Both showcase what can happen when technology and the government gain too much control and the haphazard and dangerous situations society is exposed to. These novels explore the tension that reality and simulacra create. The environmental catastrophes that occur in both set the stage for a continuous downfall. In White Noise, Jack s alternative reality is portrayed as the vibrant sunsets and his big... Show more content on ... It represents White Noise by Jack s view of the sunsets. He has seen beautiful sunsets so many times without any contrast, therefore he has become numb to really appreciating the beauty of the sun setting. This quote also represents The Hunger Games by the structure of the games and the propaganda done by the Capitol. Many of the wealthier districts are honored to participate in the games because they have prepared for the event. They believe the Capitol s perception of the games as suffering as entertainment. In reality these contestants are honored to fight other teenagers on TV and hope to be the last one alive. Both novels suffer from an anesthesia from different sources which cause their societies to be desensitized to the occurring
  • 39. Collectivism In Anthem To The Fountainhead, By Ayn Rand Collectivism is a very common theme in Ayn Rand s writing. From Anthem to The Fountainhead, her opinion is very clear: individualism is the source of freedom and joy, while collectivism is the root of sorrow and slavery. In Anthem, the main character, Equality 7 252, has grown up in a collectivist society that has remained strong for centuries. In that society, no one has had the choice to do what they want to do, love what (or who) they love, and simply be who they are. That society praises the idea that men live only for each other. Living for oneself is evil, a Transgression. The idea of I , Me , and Mine has disappeared, dragging the precious words along with it. Throughout the plot, Equality 7 2521 is seen both unintentionally and intentionally defying his society. At first, he condemns himself, describing his evil acts and mind and labeling his different mindset as a curse. We were born with a curse. It has always driven us to thoughts which are forbidden. (Rand 18) He is also condemned by others, for things he cannot control. He is taller than most other people, he has preferences for what he wishes to become, and he has ideas and opinions. Yet when his life assignment is Street Sweeper, he rejoices. He sees that as a way to pay penance for his sins. Later on, however, he embraces his individuality. I am. I think. I will. (Rand 94) He is the first to accept the idea of individuality for centuries, and helps others accept it, too. A similar struggle is seen in The Fountainhead. The main character of that novel, . Howard Roark, has to defend himself in court after dynamiting a government housing project that he designed. An agreement was made that the project would be built exactly as designed, but it wasn t, so Roark made a protest against collectivismby destroying the project. He ends up in court. He then delivers a moving speech titled The Soul of an Individualist . In it he proclaims his individualism, and denounces collectivism as a parasitic system in which no one can achieve anything or truly live. I came here to say that I do not recognize anyone s right to one minute of my life. Nor to any part of my energy. Nor to any achievement of mine. No matter who makes the claim, how large
  • 40. What Are The Strength And Weaknesses Of Greene King The acronym stands for the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. It is a popular analysis method commonly used in analysing a company based on both internal and external factors. 4.4.1 Strengths пѓ Strong and well diversified operational base due its large network of pubs and restaurants, tenanted and managed leases and its brewery operations across the UK giving it economies of scale. пѓ Greene King PLC has an established presence and reputation as well since it has been in operation in the UK for over 200 years. пѓ The group can insulate itself from the risk of one of its sectors is failing (for example if there is a fall in demand in a certain product) since it operates in three sectors/has a diversified portfolio. пѓ The company has also grown inorganically over the years through acquisitions and with these, Greene King has gained new technologies, ... Show more content on ... пѓ Greene King is competing with well established international companies as well as local firms .Greene King has to ensure that it keeps maintaining its consumer loyalty as well as its product quality in order to maintain its market share and revenues. пѓ It also face the risk of default from the tenants it has licences with in the Pub Partners business especially in the event of an economic downturn (GreeneKing,2014) пѓ Greene King also faces the threat of increased brewing costs in terms of energy costs and increase in price of various raw materials used in the brewing process. The increase in energy prices would lead to increased transport and production costs. пѓ With adverse weather conditions, rising population growth and inflation of food prices, Greene King may realise narrow profit margins and the company may have to compensate by increasing the price of its products
  • 41. The World Of The Babylonian Captivity During the time of the Babylonian captivity, throughout the inter testamental period, until the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, Israel endured abject and inhumane persecution at the hands of fellow citizens, government officials, and other nations. Although at times, they were miraculously delivered, this was not always the case, as demonstrated in the Maccabean revolt. The events that led to the Maccabean revolt are among the foremost of such degradation and persecution and shall be given particular attention in this discourse. Israel s was a united kingdom under the monarchal reigns of Saul, David and Solomon who ruled for forty years each. Solomon s reign was considered the golden years for Israel and it was during this time that the first temple was built for Yahweh. With detailed plans from his father David, which were received from God through the prophet Nathan, the temple was constructed and no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in it as it was being built (1 Kings 6:7). It was modeled after the tabernacle instituted by Moses in the wilderness and took seven years to complete. The beauty of this temple can be imagined by the following passage in the Old Testament: So Solomon overlaid the inside of the temple with pure gold. He stretched gold chains across the front of the inner sanctuary, and overlaid it with gold. The whole temple he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the temple; also he overlaid with gold the entire altar that was
  • 42. Why I Was Qualified For The Position Prior to this assignment I have always been preoccupied with concerns over what variety of technical questions I was going to asked. In my mind the entire purpose of the interview was to determine whether I was qualified for the position. I have come to understand that an interview is a two way discussion. When it comes time for the position and salary negotiations the steps I used to prepare are the same I would use to enter an agreement on the sale of a product or service; the difference here is that I am the product. To get started on my portion of the negotiation I listed out my best possible scenario was. For me I was looking to get $50,000, late starts, 3 weeks of vacation time, and the woman of my dreams. Understanding this was the least likely of all scenarios I then created a list of the worst possible outcome. While it may seem that the obvious worst outcome would be no offer in preparing I realized that this was not a good metric to use in my negotiation.To determine what I wanted I decided that experience was worth more than money, but that I requred vacation time, and insurance. Going into the negotiation I decided that any range between $27,000 $40,000 would be acceptable because experience at this point was the most valuable. Part of negotiation is trying to understand what the other party is looking for. In this case I can understand that the organization is looking for the highest quality candidate, at a fair wage, and to have them be up to speed in the
  • 43. Persuasive Speech On Pets As Children Kids and Pets Pets as Children Many young couples who do not have children acquire pets and treat them like family members who have the same rights, they provide them food, shelter take care of their health. This is their first joint decision, in this way they want to learn to share responsibility, to prepare for the arrival of the baby. When the baby arrives, owners must understand that pets and a child are not the same. Young couple should understand on time that pets are not babies, owning a pet and raising a child is vastly different. Introducing Your Pet a New Baby Pets are particularly sensitive to any changes in routine and surroundings, including sights and smells, so you ll need to plan accordingly. While the baby is not born yet, ... Show more content on ... Therefore, in some situations when your child is uncooperative it is the best to keep child and pet separated, until the child learn how to treat pet or until child grows a little more. In situation where cannot be establish relationship between child and pet it may be necessary, and indeed humane to place your pet even permanently in another home. Reasons for Adopting a Pet There are various reasons for adopting a dog, but the most common is that parents want their preadolescent or adolescent child to learn responsibility. In these situations, before you adopt any pet you must first explain your child what will be his obligations, that he will walk the dog, change sand in litter box, feed his pet and not just play with him. It is important that child knows what will be his obligations and accept them, otherwise that will fall on parents shoulders. In some cases parents thinks that if child have dog, can watch how pets mate, become pregnant and deliver a litter, and learn about reproductions that way. That is not a right way for kids to learn about reproduction they can learn from some other more appropriate
  • 44. Poets of the Tang Dynasty Essay Throughout human history, our beliefs have influenced our actions. This is why we have studies like the humanities. During the Tang Dynasty, different religions developing during the time had enormous influence on what was being produced during the era. When it comes to literature, poets like Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bo Juyi expressed their religions through their poetry during the Tang era. While it was not always directly mentioned in their poetry, there are connections between the Tang Dynastypoets works and their respective religions. Wang Wei (699 761CE), was a Buddhist poet that was born in to the upper class in Shanxi. He passed the Chin Shi system a system that was designed to challenge government and bureaucratic... Show more content on ... 1170). His poetry really appeals to the senses. One of the ways that Buddhism was introduced to the Tang Dynasty was by means of a legendary monk: Xuanzang. He traveled to India, while the city of Chang an suffered from chaos, to study the original Buddhist scripts and later returned to China to translate all of them and interpret the ideas for the people through his Weishi School (Wen, 77). The concept of emptiness is very prominent in Buddhism emptiness is neither reality nor total nothingness. Thus, being and nothingness only differ in name; the ontological statuses of both are emptiness (76). In Wei s poem, Hermitage at Chung nan Mountain he writes: ...and go there on a whim to wander alone. But even in all this splendor, things remain empty. I climb to the headwaters where clouds rise up from emptiness (Davis et al. 1170). The emptiness to which he is referring is not literal emptiness, but to the underlying unity of all things. Also, the Chung nan Mountain that he refers to was a part of the well known mountains that draw many followers of Taoism and Buddhism because of their solitude. When he says Growing older, I grow into the Tao... he is referring to the way of life that can be achieved by following Buddhist traditions. The poet Li Bai (701 762CE) was
  • 45. What Is The Theme Of Unbroken In the biography Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, the story of an extraordinary man is unmasked. Louie Zamperini a World War II survivor who inspired others with his utmost resilience and redemption. In the poem If by Rudyard Kipling, it does not depict one individual from a crowd. It can used to represent anyone, who has shown the smallest amount of perseverance despite defeat. All things considered, in both Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and If by Rudyard Kipling, the themes of sanity, defeat, and self dignity are present. Sanity is the control over one s body, in which how they think and behave in normal and rational matter. It is extremely arduous to stay calm and hold a good head on your shoulders at all times. It is nearly impossible. ... Show more content on ... When the poem If by Rudyard Kipling is interpreted, images of a thousands of people can come to mind. The amount is infinite. Although this may be true, Louie Zamperini without a doubt showcases what it is to have true masculinity. Nonetheless to say, Louie has endured some of the most excruciating things imaginable. The war nearly swallowed his soul. True Masculinity was not shown, when survived with just skin and bones. Louie proved himself by rising above all. He pushed himself through dehumanizing effects of war, with the only strength he had left: Faith in
  • 46. Drugs And Abuse Of Drugs Drugs and Abuse Abuse of drugs can have effects on the user even after the use of drugs has stopped. Different drugs produce different effects, depending on the user, type of drug, and severity of abuse. New research is done every day in the area of drug abuse that makes finding accurate results on the broad topic of drug abuse very difficult. From the most recent studies only can one find data that is presently accepted as correct. These numerous studies provide enough data to explain the effects of both legal and illegal drugs. To understand how drugs work, it is Important to understand the changes that take place in different areas of the body when drugs take effect. Found in the brain are the synapses, the interaction point of two neurons (Perrine, 1996). The synapses in the brain are often the main target of a drug, altering the perception of something at the point of perception. When a drug is taken, it attaches itself to receptors in the brain, which have a pattern chemically similar to the neurotransmitters that send and receive messages in the brain. Certain drugs can attach themselves to these receptors, they may become blocked, and the neurotransmitters originally being sent by the brain s neurons are forced to wander around the brain until it can find another similar receptor, possibly creating a false signal (Perrine, 1996). The physiological responses created by these false signals, sent by both the drug and the extraneous neurotransmitters are what
  • 47. The Garden Of Earthly Delights By Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights is a painting that was created by an artist by the name of Hieronymus Bosch. The Garden of Earthly Delights is a three panel painting that took from 1505 to 1510 to complete. The three panels consist of a center panel (which stands at approximately 7 2 x 6 4 ) and two outer wings (which stands at approximately 7 2 x 3 2 ). Initially, I d like to talk about the artist of this elegant masterpiece. This Netherlandish painter is named Hieronymus Bosch. Bosch was born in s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands in 1450. Bosch was known for being the most famous Netherlandish personality. Some of Bosch s most famous paintings are The Garden of Earthly Delights (as shown in figure 1) and The Crucifixion of St.... Show more content on ... The Haywain which was a three panel painting. In the first panel, Bosch illustrates Adam and Eve. In the center panel, Bosch paints clergy and peasants preforming sinful behavior. Finally, in the last panel Bosch paints hell. The second example is The Last Judgement (as shown in figure 4) which he painted in the year of 1504. The center panel shows the fall of humanity. The remaining two interior panels show sin, chaos and violence. The final example that we can use to find out Bosch s style of painting and different techniques he uses to paint is the The Temptation of Saint Anthony (as shown in figure 5) which he painted from 1505 to 1506. In the painting Saint Anthony is being shown resisting evil and then following a group of believers. Bosch painted a lot of painting and is an incredibly huge influence on the art world. Bosch has influenced artists because he would use a lot of symbols in his art to show deeper meaning in the world in the Dark Ages in the world. Bosch would often paint how he imagined problems in the world would be handled or turn out often to warn people about why they should never sin. Bosch influenced people to be good citizens and attend to church by often painting fantasies about hell. Bosch was the most influential Netherlandish painter the art world has ever seen. Unfortunately, Bosch died in August 1516 (that is an estimate because the exact date is unknown) in his birthplace s Hertogenbosch.
  • 48. Kayak Camping Trip Essay Kayak Fishing Camping Trip Tips (951 Words) Whether you want to spend more time at your favorite fishing spot or finally have time to make a trip to explore some new lakes or rivers, there s nothing quite like a kayak fishing camping trip. Not only do they offer a great excuse to fish to your heart s content, but you also get to spend more time in the great outdoors. However, combining kayak fishing with camping means you need to spend a lot more time on preparation, especially if you are far from home. Unless you want to discover that you ve left behind something essential take note of the following tips to ensure that your kayak fishing camping trip goes smoothly. 1. Do Your Research A kayak fishing camping trip is exciting, but make sure that you do all your research before diving in headfirst. This means checking whether camping is allowed in the area you want to visit, what the best times of the year are for camping there and what the weather will be like during your stay. As disappointing as it might be, it is better to cancel your trip if stormy weather is predicted instead of thinking of just braving it. 2. Only Bring The Essentials As important as it ... Show more content on ... This makes it a lot easier to pack everything efficiently, but it also means you have to spend less time rummaging around inside bigger bags to find what you need. It is also a good idea to categorize everything first before packing, so you won t end up searching for the toilet paper in the electronics bag or have to dig in the toiletries bag looking for dry food bars. Color coding your bags works the best and make sure to distribute the weight of the bags properly when loading them in your kayak. No matter how good you are at Tetris, stacking things up on your deck is not a good idea as it causes more wind resistance and impacts the
  • 49. Wing Guru Target Market Target Market: The target market should be 18 24 year old s, college students. Also, younger children and chicken connoisseurs. In terms of psychographics, the main targeted consumers are those who have a passion for the city of Memphis, the University of Memphis and seekers searching for some authentic southern flavored wings. In the behavioral segmentation, perhaps adding regular specials during lunch for college students, as opposed to just having the VIP membership for everyone, this as a sponsor of the university can help attract and retain customers. Offer: The Wing Guru can add entertainment systems similar to what other wing establishments have implemented to make the consumers experience more than just the wings. It can become a place where a group of students,... Show more content on ... Establishments like Bosses located near The Wing Guru cater to the similar market, however they offer a variety of daily meal specials. There are a lot of reviews, which they ve encouraged and it helps give confidence to potential customers who may seem skeptical at first. Also, they showcase their awards of being in the top wings in the US list according to Men s Journal. They are heavily interactive with their customers and the Memphis community. What s my budget? The starting daily budget is $40.00, due to $1200.00 being the amount of money we can afford to lose. The predicted cost per click is $3.00 and the aver profit per conversion is $20.00. The conversion rate at 15% allows us to break even. What s my time frame? The preferred time frame would be during 11a 2p. This allows everyone, especially college students to come across a Wing Guru ad while searching for a place to enjoy lunch, especially located within miles of the campus. Then again during the times of 6p 8p, for customers looking at dinner options, or again college students wanting to eat something authentic before watching a university sporting event. How am I going to measure my
  • 50. Alfred Adler, The Founding Father Of Individual Psychology... Theories of personalities are theories that are part of analyzing personalities and are created to determine the different characteristics of behaviors within us all. Theories of personalities have been created in order to help us identify how we think, act or feel. Alfred Adler and Karen Horney are important individuals that have played major parts in studying various theories of personalities. Personality theories of which, that can apply to our daily life and that can help us to better understand our personalities. Alfred Adler was the founding father of individual psychology. Adler believed in the importance of social connections and childhood development. A few examples of Alfred Adler s theories include the following: Style of life and unity of the individual, which was based on emotions, thinking and a person s feelings, can be understood to the individual s style of life, or a pattern that is consistent of dealing with life. This theory includes a personal goal, self concept, attitude and empathy towards the world. Individuals express this through a way where it is a struggle to solve problems of neighbors, occupation or sex/love. Adler s theories also include creative power, which is used for inner freedom that encourages each individual to create their own life style. This theory gives an individual control over their life and makes the individual accountable for their final goal. Overall, the theory plays a part of the development towards social interest. It
  • 51. Shooting Stars Shooting Stars The poem Shooting Stars by Carol Ann Duffy tells a shocking story of a female prisoner held by Nazis in a concentration camp around the time of the Holocaust. The poem is set in 1940, Hitler and his Nazi party had taken control of most of Europe and had vowed to exterminate the entire Jewish race. Duffy s haunting use of imagery and word choice make this poem so memorable and its very strong opening prepares the reader for the rest of the poem. The title choice, Shooting Stars is a very effective and ambiguous title. The first meaning is that the word Stars represent the Jewish symbol, The Star of David. Jewish people were forced to wear them on their clothes to mark them out as targets of abuse and torment for ... Show more content on ... The word gaze shows that these men are detached from their emotions as they are part of a mass slaughtering which seems hard to believe that that is humanly possible. Duffy then uses the literary technique, enjambment to combine the first and second stanzas. This technique is used to emphasize the point, Mourn for the daughters / upright as statues and carry the impact through the two stanzas. Duffy shows how the women are stood firm and even in the most humiliating, de humanised state. You would not look at me. / You waited for the bullet the woman is looking out for her friend as they are waiting to be killed. For the woman to be faced with death and looking out for her friend shows the incredibly selfless personality of the Jews. The following single word line, Fell is a euphemism for the death of the woman and gives a strong, short impact to the reader and acts like a literary bullet which is literally the object which killed her. Duffy tells us to Remember these appalling days which make the world forever bad . She gives the word Remember a capital letter to emphasize the fact that we should not forget what happened there. Duffy believes that if the memory of this atrocity stays in our memory, we can avoid any other mass, human caused disaster to reoccur. Enjambment is once again used to link stanzas two and three. One saw I was alive. Loosened / his belt. This technique is used
  • 52. Reasons Why Motorola s Fundamentals Are Strong And Why... This memo will outline the reasons why Motorola s fundamentals are strong and why PricewaterhouseCoopers should consider their investment opportunity. I utilized the 4+2 company evaluation method from the Harvard Business Review article, What Really Works. I conclude from my review that two out of four primary indicators I determined as healthy , two out of four for the secondary, and one out of two for the additional categories. This does not fulfill the 4+2 winner system. Although I can t classify this as a winner I do consider Motorola to definitely be a climber. This system considers four primary and four secondary factors that indicate the overall health of a company. Please review the information below and be ready to meet and... Show more content on ... Motorola must innovate current technology to keep users connected beyond their phones and to other applications as well. In other words, for Motorola to win the game, perhaps they have to change the rules of the trade (in terms of innovative technology such as Snapchat and Facebook). Motorola is extremely focused on their own research and development and place a large emphasis on the importance of innovation. Strong liquidity within the company proves to be a large advantage for Motorola compared to its less so liquid competitors. Companies with cash flow problems tend to have many difficulties while operating within day to day business activities. Execution Motorola passes this requirement with flying colors. Employees rely on their ability to effectively and efficiently execute consistent business practices. Many municipalities and disaster relief efforts use Motorola s hardware and software technology as a foundation for their own practices and work. Chad Werkema emphasized in a video interview that Motorola s current supply chain execution within the company is the underlying driver of their continued success, Execution, it s just that plain simple, our customers rely on us . He further stressed the importance of timing and delivery; disasters need immediate relief, simply put. Motorola may be widely known among Americans as
  • 53. Global Airline Industry Essay The airline industry has seen drastic changes since September 11, 2001. The government ordered a complete shutdown for three days of not only all commercial aircraft but such carriers as domestic flights and emergency aircraft. For days after September 11th, all aircraft stayed on the ground. Even military aircraft had to receive special clearance to fly. In a ripple effect, the entire economy of the United States and the world was put on hold. The New York Stock Exchange shut its doors because of the attacks on the towers of the World Trade Center. The airline industry is classified into four categories by the Department of Transportation. The four categories are International, National, Regional and Cargo. The following are ... Show more content on ... Because of their cheaper fares, the larger airlines are forced to hold down the cost of their flights in order to still attract customers. Of course when a smaller regional carrier does not service a destination that one of the larger carriers does, then any potential cost savings is lost. Another point worth noting is that several of these regional carriers are subsidiaries of a larger airline. After September 11th, passenger traffic dropped off severely, causing the airlines to cut flights, layoff workers and park surplus aircraft (College Grad, n.d.). Conditions are favorable for a turn around in passenger traffic. With the ever expanding world economy, business travel has become more necessary. One area that is not expected to grow is the domestic cargo segment in comparison to international cargo flights. Airlines need to examine the destinations where they fly. If one of the destinations becomes unpopular, then the airline will need to make adjustments or profits will suffer. A good example would be back in the late 50 s where one of airlines main destinations would have been Cuba. Some of the ways costs are figured in the airline industry are as follows: available seat miles, revenue passenger miles, load factor, and revenue per available seat miles. The available seat miles calculation is the number of seats available multiplied by the number of miles flown (Wikipedia, 2007). The revenue passenger miles calculation is the
  • 54. Bilateral Review System Analysis Bilateral review systems are ultimately unreliable. Many customers are forced to say positive, but not necessarily true, traits about themselves or hotels and are usually rated by companies unfairly. For Uber, customers are rated on their behavior, but there are no real standards suggesting what is meant by good, bad, or mediocre behavior. It is purely up to the designation of the driver, which can be more opinionated than factual. Thus, it is not a surprise when a passenger feels perplexed to find out his or her passenger score has been lowered even if the passenger did everything in his or her power to leave a lasting impression on the driver. This then puts an overwhelming amount of pressure people to write a review about themselves, which
  • 55. Baseball In The 90 s Essay Baseball in the 1990 s, a throwing, running, hitting sport, started in 1845. Baseball in the 90 s was a good year for baseball. In the late 90 s there was some really good players and really big hitters. The best hitter was Tony Gwynn ( Thompson 1). . There was a lot of Hall of fame players in the 90 s. There were some young ones and old ones. One of the best players to play in the 90 s had a steroid controversy. The player to have the steroid controversy was Mark McGwire. He owed a lot of money, but using the steroids actually helped him. There was a home runderby in the 90 s too. They have one every year. In the derby, there has to be a winner and a loser. Everybody loses but the one who does not hit as much as the other players is the biggest loser. Baseballtoday is a lot more different than it used to be by a lot. The players are better than they used to be. There is a leading player today and there is a not so good player. In the late 90 s there were some good players who played and left some big shoes to fill for the next people going in after they retire. Just like when Carl Ripken Jr. went way over Lou Gehrig s playing streak on September 6, 1995 (Johnson 68). Ripken even beat his own playing streak with 2, 632 in 1998 (Johnson 68). We even had really good hitters too. Tony Gwynn was the career leading hitter, according to Thompson (1).... Show more content on ... When a player wins the home run derby they win some money and bring more business to their team. To get into the Home Run Derby you have to be able to hit a lot of home runs and have a lot during the regular season. Mark Mcgwire hit a lot of home runs in the 90 s and so did Sammy Sosa. They are some of the top home run hitters in the National league. Frank Thomas was the winner in 1995. He won a match for the American League. Tom Brown was the pitcher for Frank Thomas in 1995 and he could of helped Frank win the Derby because his pitching skills (Newsday
  • 56. Oedipus The King Feminist Analysis Comparison Contract Feminist Approach to Metamorphosis Oedipus the King The feminist approach is based on finding and exposing negative attitudes toward women in literature. Feminists are interested in exposing the undervaluing of women in literature that has long been accepted as the norm by both men and women. Women characters in both Metamorphosis and Oedipus the King have different and similar characteristics based on the general norms so that they can be exposed by the feminist approach. In Metamorphosis and Oedipus the King, feminist approach is through the description of women about the traditional gendervalues of women, women s inequality of power and importance, and women s effect to the whole society. Traditional gender value for women that most people is used to accepting is weak . When Gregor s mother saw Gregor in the vermin form for the first time since his metamorphosis, she screamed in a loud, harsh voice: Oh God! Oh God! and collapsed, arms out flung in total abandon, onto the sofa and did not move. Though these lines exaggerate Gregor s... Show more content on ... When Oedipus rushes out of the city and tells everyone that he murdered his father and married his mother, everyone pities him but not his mother Jocasta who also experienced this nauseating situation. In Metamorphosis, we can see that Grete is so essential in the process of taking care of her brother Gregor. She thinks of smart ways to find out what foods do her brother likes and moves the furniture in order to get more moving spaces for him. Grete changes into a cold blood, strong woman and slightly starts to live on herself, this is the difference between Metamorphosis and Oedipus the King which Grete in Metamorphosis sometimes does act as a important place in the family while Jocasta almost has no importance in the society except her