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Unit 4


Abiotic – non-biological factor that makes up part of an ecosystem
Biotic – biological factor that makes up part of an ecosystem
Biodiversity – the range and variety of living organisms within a particular area
Biomass – total mass of living material in a specific area at a given time. (usually dry mass as
amount of water varies)
Climax Community – the organisms that make up the final stage of ecological succession
Community – the organisms of all species that live in the same area.
Conservation – method of maintaining ecosystems and the living organisms that occupy
Consumer – any organism that obtains energy by ‘eating’ another
Ecological Niche – all conditions and resources required for an organism to
survive, reproduce and maintain a viable population
Ecosystem – self-contained functional unit made up of all the interacting biotic and abiotic
factors in a specific area
Habitat – the place where an organism lives
Limiting Factor – a variable that limits the rate of a chemical reaction
Population – a group of individuals of the same species that occupy the same habitat at the
same time
Producer – an organism that synthesises organic molecules from simple inorganic ones.
(photosynthetic, 1st trophic level etc.)
Species – a group of similar organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring
• Fill in words to check understanding of key words:
The study of the inter-relationships between
organisms and their environment is called ____.
The layer of land, air and water that surrounds the
Earth is called the ____. An ecosystem is a more or
less self-contained functional unit made up of all
the living or ____ features and non-living or _____
features in a specific area. Within each ecosystem
are groups of different organisms called a
_____, which live and interact in a particular place
at the same time. A group of interbreeding
organisms occupying the same place at the same
time is called a _____, and the place where they
live is know as a _____.
• The study of the inter-relationships between
organisms and their environment is called
ecology. The layer of land, air and water that
surrounds the Earth is called the biosphere. An
ecosystem is a more or less self-contained
functional unit made up of all the living or biotic
features and non-living or abiotic features in a
specific area. Within each ecosystem are groups
of different organisms called a community, which
live and interact in a particular place at the same
time. A group of interbreeding organisms
occupying the same place at the same time is
called a population, and the place where they
live is know as a habitat.
Investigating Populations

Random Sampling
Transects and Systematic Sampling
Measuring abundance
Analysing data
Ethics and Fieldwork
• 3 factors to consider when using quadrats:
- size to use. When studying larger species, you will require larger
quadrats and vice versa. Although when the species in bunched in groups
in random places in the area, (ie. the species are not evenly distributed
throughout the area), a large number of small quadrats will give more
representative results than a small number of large quadrats.
- number of sample quadrats to record within area. The more sample
quadrats, the more reliable the results will be. However it can be time
consuming if too many samples are taken, so there must be a balance
between result reliability and time available. The greater the number of
the different species present in the area being studied, the more quadrats
required to produce valid results.
- position of each quadrat within the area. Random sampling is used, in
order to produce statistically significant results.
• Point quadrats
• Frame quadrats
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Next to Population Size
Point Quadrats
• A horizontal bar supported by 2 legs.
• At set intervals along the bar are ten
holes, through each of which a long pin may
be dropped.
• Each species that the pin touches is recorded.
• Frame quadrats
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Next to Population Size
Frame Quadrats
• A square frame divided by string or wire into
equal size subdivisions.
• The quadrat is randomly placed in different
locations within the area being studied.
• The abundance of each species is recorded.

• Point quadrats
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Next to Population Size
Random Sampling
• It is important to sample randomly in order to
avoid bias.
1. Lay out 2 tap measures at right angles along
two sides of the study area.
2. Obtain a series of coordinates by using random
numbers taken from a table/random number
3. Place a quadrat at the intersection of these
coordinates and record the species within it.
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Next to Population Size
Transects and Systematic Sampling
• Systematic sampling is when samples are taken at fixed
intervals, usually along a line.
• A line transect uses a tape measure stretched across
the ground in a straight line. Any species that touches
the line are recorded.
• A belt transect uses 2 lines, and all the species present
between the 2 lines are recorded.
• An interrupted belt transect uses quadrats that are
placed at intervals, and species within them are
• Transects are used across areas where there are clear
environmental gradients.
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Next to Population Size
Measuring Abundance
• How abundance is measured depends upon the size of
the species being counted and the habitat.
• Frequency – the likelihood of a particular species
occuring in a quadrat. Useful when a species is hard to
count, e.g. Grass. For example, if grass occurs in 15/30
quadrats, the frequency of it’s occurence is 50%.
• Percentage cover – an estimate of the area within a
quadrat that a particular plant species covers. Again
useful if a species is hard to count. This method
enables data to be collected rapidly.
• To ensure reliable results, a large sample size is
necessary. The larger the sample size the more
representative of the community the results will be.
Back to Investigating Populations

Next to Population Size
• A known number of animals are
caught, marked in some way, and then
released back into the community. Later, a
number of individuals are collected randomly
and the number of marked individuals is
Total number of individuals in the first sample x
Estimated population size =


Back to Investigating Populations

Total number of individuals in the second sample
Number of marked individuals recaptured

Next to Population Size

Analysing Data
1. Present data in a table/graph. This makes it easier to
compare data (e.g. 2 different locations.)
2. Statistical analysis of data.
3. Check whether results are due to chance.
4. Data analysed for possible correlations and causes.
5. Statistical tests can be used to calculate the strength
of the correlation.
However, the two factors may correlate very well, but it is
possible that both of them are affected by the same
environmental factor.
Back to Investigating Populations

Next to Population Size
Ethics and Fieldwork
• Where possible, the organisms should be studied in situ.
(Where they are found) If it is necessary to remove
them, the numbers taken should be kept to the absolute
• Any organisms removed from a site should be returned to
their original habitat as soon as possible. This applies even
if they are dead.
• A sufficient period of time should elapse before a site is
used for future studies.
• Disturbance and damage to the habitat should be avoided.
Trampling, overturning stones, permanently removing
organisms etc. Can all adversely affect a habitat.
• There must be an appropriate balance between the
damage done and the value of the information gained.
Back to Investigating Populations

Next to Population Size
Population Size
No population continues to grow indefinitely
because certain factors limit growth, for
example; availability of
food, light, water, oxygen and shelter, the
accumulation of toxic waste, disease and
Population Growth Curves
• The usual pattern of growth for a natural population has 3 phases.
1. Slow growth. Initially small numbers of individuals reproduce.
2. Rapid growth. The ever-increasing number of individuals continue to
reproduce. The population size doubles during each interval of
3. Stable state, no growth. Growth is limited by factors such as
increased predation or food supply. The graph therefore levels
out, some cyclic fluctuations due to variations in factors.

Abiotic Factors
• The non-living part of the environment conditions that influence
the size of a population:
- Temperature; Each species has a different optimum temperature at
which it is best able to survive.
Cold-blooded animals + plants: temperatures below
optimum, enzymes work more slowly and so their metabolic rate is
reduced. Populations therefore grow at a slower rate. Temperatures
above optimum, enzymes undergo denaturation and therefore they
work less efficiently. Again the population grows more slowly.
Warm-blooded animals: can maintain a relatively constant body
temperature. However, the further the temperature of the external
environment gets from their optimum temperature, the more
energy these organisms expend in trying to maintain their normal
body temperature.
This leaves less energy for growth and so they mature more
slowly, and their reproductive rate slows. The population size
therefore decreases.
Abiotic Factors cont.
- Light; is a source of energy for ecosystems. The rate of
photosynthesis increases as light intensity increases. The
greater the rate of photosynthesis, the faster plants grow
and the more seeds they produce. There population size is
therefore potentially greater and in turn the populations
size of the animals that feed on the plants is too greater.
- pH; Enzymes operate most effectively at their optimum pH.
Population size is larger where the appropriate pH exists
and decreases/becomes non-existent where the pH is too
far from optimum.
- Water and humidity; Where water is scarce, populations
are small and consist of species well adapted to living in dry
conditions. Humidity affects the transpiration rates in
plants and the evaporation of water from the bodies of
animals. The population of species adapted to low humidity
will be larger than those without these adaptations.
Practice questions

An ecologist was estimating the population of sandhoppers on a beach. 100
sandhoppers were collected, marked and released again. A week later 80
sandhoppers were collected, of which five were marked. Calculate the estimated
size of the sandhopper population on the beach.


When using mark-release-recapture technique, explain how each of the following
might affect the final estimate of a population:
a.) The marks put on the individuals captured in the first sample make them more
noticable to predation and so proportionally more are eaten than unmarked
b.) Between the release of marked individuals and the collection of a second sample
an increased ‘birth’ rate leads to a very large increase in the population.
c.) Between the release of marked individuals and the collection of a second
sample, disease kills large numbers of all types of individual.

100 x 80 =1600


a.) Population over-estimated as there will be proportionally fewer marked
individuals in the second sample.
b.) Population over-estimated as there will be proportionally fewer marked
individuals in the second sample because all the ‘new’ individuals will be
c.) No difference because the proportion of marked and unmarked individuals
killed should be the same.
Application Questions


Suggest a reason why even dead organisms should be returned to the habitat
from which they came.


Suggest why it is beneficial to a habitat that further investigations are not
carried too soon after an initial study.


In the study of a seashore, students turn over large stones to record the
numbers of different organisms on their underside. Suggest reasons why it is
important that these stones are replaced the same way up as they were


In the case of experienced ecologists obtaining data that enables habitats to be
conserved, the benefits usually outweigh any damage that they cause to the
habitats. This makes their work ethically justifiable. It might be said that the
same is not true of school or college students performing field studies. Give
reasons for and against A-level students carrying out ecological investigations in
this field.



They can be eaten by other organisms and so provide energy and nutrients to the
It allows the habitat to recover from any disturbance/removal of organisms. The
results of a further study carried out too soon after may result in data that are not
typical of the habitat under ‘normal’ conditions.
The organisms live beneath stones so they remain moist when not covered by the
tide. If the stone is left upside down the organism may become desiccated and die.
Practical experience aids learning/better than theoretical study
Experienced ecologists have to start somewhere
Students may become ecologists and so aid conservation in the long term
Students are inexperienced and therefore more likely to damage habitats
Informations could be provided by theory/videos
Large number of A-level students puts pressure on/increase damage on popular
• Intraspecific – individuals of same species compete for the
same resources. (food, water, breeding sites etc.) Lower the
availability, the smaller the population and vice versa.
e.g. Limpets competing for algae
Oak trees competing for resources (some grow larger and
restrict light availability)
Robins competing for breeding territory. (females only
attracted to those who have established breeding
• Interspecific – individuals of different species compete for
resources such as food, light, water etc. Where 2 species
occupy the same niche, the competitive exclusion principle
applies. This principle states that where 2 species are
competing for limited resources, the one that uses these
resources most effectively will ultimately eliminate the
• A predator is an organism that feeds on
another organism, known as their prey.
• In laboratory, the prey is usually exterminated
by the predator. This is because the situation in
their natural environment is different. In their
own habitat, the area over which the
population can travel is greater and there are
more potential refuges. In these
circumstances, some of the prey can escape
Predator-Prey Relationship +
Population Size
• Predators eat prey, prey population decreases.
• Fewer prey available for predator food and
limits chances of survival for some
predators, predator population decreases.
• Fewer predators, so fewer prey eaten. Prey
population increases.
• More prey available as food, so predator
population increases.
Human Populations
• Recent explosion in human population size:
- the development of agriculture.
- the development of manufacturing and trade
that created the industrial revolution.
• We are currently in the exponential phase, in
which our population grows rapidly rather
than gives way to the stationary phase in
which the population stabilises.
Factors affecting growth
• Immigration (Individuals join from outside.)
• Emigration (Individuals leave a population.)
Population growth = (births + immigration) – (deaths + emigration)
% Population growth rate = population change during period
-------------------------------------------- x100
population at the start of the period
Factors affecting birth rate
• Economic conditions – countries with a low per capita income tend
to have higher birth rates.
• Cultural and religious backgrounds – Some countries encourage
larger families and some religions oppose birth control.
• Social pressures and conditions – In some countries a large family
improves social standing.
• Birth control – The extent to which contraception and abortion are
used markedly influences the birth rate.
• Political factors – Governments influence birth rates through
education and taxation policies.
number of births per year
Birth rate = total population in the same year

x 1000
Factors affecting death rate
• Age profile. The greater the proportion of elderly people in a
population, the higher the death rate is likely to be.
• Life expectancy at birth. The residents of economically developed
countries live longer than those of economically less develooped
• Food supply. (Nutrition.)
• Safe drinking water. Reduces the risk of water-borne diseases such
as cholera.
• Medical care.
• Natural disasters. How prone a region is to drought, famine or
• War. Deaths during war produces an immediate drop in population
and a longer term fall as a result of fewer fertile adults.
number of deaths per year
Death rate = total population in the same year

x 1000
Population Structure
• Demographic transition – A change in population
from those where life expectancy is short and
birth rates are high, to those where life
expectancy is long and birth rates are low.
• Stable population – Birth and death rate are
same, so there is no change in population size.
• Increasing population – High birth rate. Typical of
economically less-developed countries.
• Decreasing population – Low birth rate + low
mortality rate. E.g. Japan.
Average life expectancy =
age at which 50% of
population are still alive.
ATP + Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration
ATP Synthesis
Summary of aerobic respiration
Link Reaction
Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Anaerobic Respiration




Lactic acid








ATP + Respiration


ATP Synthesis

ADP + Pi  ATP
Photophosphorylation (During photosynthesis)
Oxidative phosphorylation (During respiration)
Substrate-level phosphorylation (When phosphate groups are transferred
from donor molecules to ADP to make ATP.)
Role of ATP:
The instability of its phosphate bonds makes ATP a good energy donor, but also
stops it from being a good long term energy store. ATP is better as an
immediate energy source (than glucose) because ATP can be broken down
to ADP + Pi in a single reaction releasing energy. The breakdown of glucose
is a long series of reactions and therefore the energy release takes longer.
ATP Is the Source of Energy for:
- Metabolic processes
- Movement
- Active transport
- Activation of molecules
- Secretion
ATP + Respiration

Aerobic Respiration
• C6 H12 O6 + 6O2  energy + 6H20 + 6CO2
• requires oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, water and
lots of ATP. Aerobic Respiration can be summarised into
four stages 1. Glycolysis - splitting of a 6 carbon molecule into two 3
carbon pyruvates
2. Link Reaction - conversion of pyruvate into C02 and 2
carbon molecule Acetyl coA.
3. Krebs Cycle - intro of Acetyl coA into a cycle of oxidationreduction reactions that creates some ATP and a large
number of electrons.
4. Electron Transport Chain - electrons from the Krebs cycle
are used to synthesise ATP with water produced as a by
ATP + Respiration

• Occurs in cytoplasm
• 2 ATP go in as activation energy
• 4 ATP produced, net gain of 2 ATP
1. Glucose (6C) is phosphorylated.
2. Breaks down into 2 x triose phosphate (3C).
3. Phosphate donated to ATP.
4. NAD reduced.
5. 3+4 happen twice per glucose molecule, as 2
triose phosphate molecules are produced
6. This creates 2 x pyruvate (3C).
ATP + Respiration

Link Reaction
• Occurs in mitochondrial matrix
1. Co-enzyme A combines with pyruvate (3C).
2. CO2 is removed.
3. 2H removed, donated to NAD, produces
4. Resultant molecule is Acetyl CoA (2C)

ATP + Respiration

Krebs Cycle
• Occurs in mitochondrial matrix
1. 4C compound combines with Acetyl CoA to
produce 6C compound.
2. CoA is removed and recycled.
3. NAD + FAD are reduced.
4. ATP created.
5. 2 CO2 removed, regenerating 4C compound

ATP + Respiration

Electron Transport Chain
• Occurs in mitochondria cristae
1. NAD and FAD are reduced.
2. They then donate electrons to the first molecule in the electron
transport chain.
3. This releases protons which are then actively transported across the
inner mitochondrial membrane.
4. Meanwhile, the electrons pass along the chain of electron transport
carrier molecules in a series of oxidation-reduction reactions. The
electrons lose energy as they travel down the chain and some of
this energy is used to combine ADP and Pi to form ATP. The rest is
released as heat.
5. Protons accumulate in intermembrane space before they diffuse
back into the mitochondrial matrix through special channel
6. At the end of the chain, the electrons combine with the protons and
oxygen to make water. O2 is the final acceptor of electrons in ETC.
ATP + Respiration

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of the plant cell. They
consist of a double membrane, thylakoids which are stacked up
into grana, lamellae which link grana molecules, photosynthetic
pigments, stroma and starch grains.
• Photosynthetic pigments (e.g chlorophyll and carotene) are
coloured substances that absorb light energy for
photosynthesis, they are found in the thylakoid membrane and are
attached to proteins. The protein and pigment are called a
• Plants use two types of photosystems to capture light energy, 1
which absorbs light at 700nm and number 2 which absorbs light at
• Stroma is the gel liquid which fills the rest of the chloroplast and
surrounds the thykaloids. It contains some sugars, enzymes and
organic acids.
• Carbs produced by photosynthesis and not used up straight away
are stored as starch grains (round blobs) in the stroma.
The equation for Photosynthesis is • 6 CO2 + 6 H2O ------------> C6H12O6 + 6 02
Light Dependent Reaction
• Photosynthesis takes place in two stages - light dependant and
light independent.
• The light dependant stage takes place in the thykaloid membranes
of the chloroplast.
• The light energy is used to create ATP (adding another phosphate
to ADP), and to reduce NADP to form Reduced NADP.
• The products of the light dependant stage (ATP, Reduced NADP) are
used in the light independent stage. The ATP is used as energy and
the reduced NADP transfers a hydrogen.
• During the light dependant stage, photolysis of water occurs (use
of light to break water). Water is split into proton (H+), electron (e-)
and oxygen, which is released into the atmosphere. The e- is used
to replace the excited electron emitted from chlorophyll, the H+
goes back to the e- (after it has passed through electron carriers) to
reduce NADP.
Light Independent Reaction
• The light independent reaction takes place in the
stroma of the chloroplast. This reaction is also
known as The Calvin Cycle. Carbon fixation takes
place in the Calvin Cycle, this is where carbon is
'fixed' into an organic molecule.
• The products of the light independent stage are
triose phosphate which can be used to make
glucose and other useful organic substances.
Limiting Factors
There are optimum conditions for
• High light intensity of a certain wavelength
• temperature around 25 degrees
• C02 at 0.4%.
All of these factors can limit photosynthesis, if
one or any of the factors are too high or too
low it will slow down photosynthesis
• Producer – Photosynthetic organisms that manufacture
organic substances.
• Consumer – Organisms that obtain their energy by feeding
on other organisms rather than using the energy of
sunlight directly.
• Decomposer - An organism who recycles nutrients by
performing decomposition as it feeds on dead or decaying
• Detritivore - An organism that feeds on detritus or organic
• Trophic level – The position of an organism in a food
• Net production = gross production – respiratory losses.
Energy transfer between trophic levels
• Plants normally convert 1-3% of the Sun’s
available energy into organic matter. This is
- 90%+ is reflected back into space by clouds and
dust or absorbed into the atmosphere.
- Not all wavelengths can be absorbed and used for
- Light may not fall on a chlorophyll molecule.
- A factor e.g. Low CO2 levels, may limit the rate of
Energy transfer between trophic levels
• The total quantity of energy that the plants in
a community convert to organic matter is
called the gross production.
• However plants use 20-50% of this in
• The rate at which they store the remaining
energy is called net production.
• Net production = gross production –
respiratory losses.
Energy transfer between trophic levels
• 10% of energy stored in plants is used by primary
consumers for growth.
• Secondary and tertiary consumers are slightly more
efficient (transferring 20%). Low % energy transfer is due
- Some of organism is not eaten.
- Some parts are eaten but not digested and therefore lost in
- Some of energy is lost in urine.
- Some energy losses are due to heat from the body to the
environment and heat loss during respiration. These losses
are high in mammals and birds because they require more
energy to maintain their high body temperature.
Energy transfer between trophic levels
• Because energy transfer between trophic
levels is inefficient. It explains why:
- Most food chains have only 4/5 trophic levels.
Insufficient energy to support a large enough
breeding population at trophic levels higher
than these.
- The biomass is less at higher trophic levels.
- Total amount of energy stored is less at each
level as you go up the food chain.
Calculating the efficiency of energy
• Energy transfer = energy available after the transfer
----------------------------------------------energy available before the transfer

X 100
Ecological pyramids

Pyramids of number
Pyramids of biomass
Pyramids of energy

Pyramids of Number


• An ecological pyramid of numbers shows graphically the population
of each trophic level in a food chain.
• No account is taken of size – this sometimes results in an inverted
shape, or a shape that does not resemble a pyramid at all.
• The number of individuals is so great that it is not possible to
represent them accurately on the same scale as other species in the
food chain. E.g. 1 tree may accommodate for millions of greenfly.

Pyramids of Biomass


• Biomass is the total mass of the plants/animals in a
particular place.
• Measured in gm-2 for an area (grassland etc.), gm-3
for a volume (sea etc.)

Pyramids of Energy


• A representation of the energy flow through a
food chain, measuring the energy stored in
organisms at each level.






Doesn’t take into account size of

Does take into account size of

Collecting the data can be
difficult and complex.

Number of individuals are so
great that it is impossible to
represent them accurately.

Fresh mass easy to access and
measure, however varying
amounts of water make it

More reliable data than
biomass, because 2 organisms
of the same dry mass may store
different amounts of energy.

Dry mass is harder to
access, organisms must be killed
and so it is usually only made on
a small sample – which may be
unrepresentative of the
Seasonal differences not taken
into account, as only organisms
at a particular are shown.

Seasonal differences not taken
into account, as only organisms
at a particular are shown.

Data collected for a year and so
can take into account seasonal
Agricultural Ecosystems
• Net productivity = gross productivity – respiratory losses
Natural Ecosystem

Agricultural Ecosystem

Solar energy only – no additional energy

Solar energy + energy from food (labour)
and fossil fuels (machinery and transport)

Lower productivity

Higher productivity

More species diversity

Less species diversity

More genetic diversity

Less genetic diversity

Nutrients recycled naturally within the
ecosystem with little addition from outside

Natural recycling is more limited and
supplemented by the addition of artificial

Populations are controlled by natural means, Population are controlled naturally and by
e.g. Competition and climate
use of pesticides and cultivation
A natural climax community

An artificial community prevented from
reaching its natural climax community.
Pest and Pesticides
• A pest is an organism that competes with humans
for food/space/could be a danger to health.
An effective pesticide must be:
- Specific (toxic to the pest only.)
- Biodegradable (once applied, it will break down
into harmless substances in the soil.)
- Cost-effective (development costs are high and
new pesticides remain useful only for a limited
time as pests can develop genetic resistance.)
- Not accumulate (so that it does not build up in an
organism or as it passes along food chains.)
Biological control
• Controlling pests using organisms that are
either predators or parasites of the pest
• The aim is to control, not eradicate. If the
pests were eradicated, the predators would
die out from lack of food and therefore the
pests could reinstate themselves. The pest and
control agent should exist in a balance at a
level where the pest causes little damage.
Pesticides vs. Biological control
Biological Control


Very specific

Not as specific – often have an effect on
non-target species.

Once introduced the control organism
reproduces itself.

Must be reapplied at regular intervals,
this means they are expensive.

Pests do not become resistant.

Pests develop genetic resistance and new
pesticides have to be developed.

Does not leave chemical in environment /
on crop / no bioaccumulation.

Can bioaccumulate.

May become a pest itself.

Does not become a pest itself.

Does not get rid of pest completely.

Aim is to eradicate pest completely.

Takes time to reduce pest population.

Fast effect.
Integrated pest-control systems
• Integrates all forms of pest control rather than being reliant on one type.
• Aim is to reduce pest population to an acceptable level. Eradication is
costly, counterproductive and almost impossible to achieve.
• Integrated control involves:
- Choose animal/plant varieties suitable for the area and as pest-resistant as
- Managing the environment to provide suitable habitats close to the crops
for natural predators
- Regularly monitor crop for signs of pests and take early action if need be
- Removing the pests mechanically (hand-picking/erecting barriers...) if pest
exceeds acceptable population level
- Use biological agents if necessary and available
- Pesticides are to be used as a last resort, when pest population is starting
to get out of control
Pest control and productivity
• Pests reduce productivity, any resources taken by the
pest means less is available for crop.
• One may become a limiting factor in
photosynthesis, reducing the rate and subsequently
• Pests also eat leaves of crops, limiting photosynthesis
and leaving less crop for harvest.
• Many crops are grown in MONOCULTURE. This means
insect and fungal pests as well as diseases can spread
rapidly. Animals may not grow as rapidly, die, be unfit
for human consumption – due to pests and therefore
would lead to reduced productivity.
Intensive Rearing of Domestic
• Aim: to convert the smallest amount of food energy into
the greatest quantity of animal mass.
• How to increase energy-conversion rate:
- Restrict movement, less energy used by muscle contraction
- Environment kept warm in order to reduce heat loss as
most livestock are warm-blooded
- Feeding can be controlled so that the animals receive
optimum amount and type of food for maximum growth
- Predators are excluded
- Selective breeding to produce varieties that are more
efficient at converting the food they eat into body mass
- Use hormones to increase growth rates
Features of Intensive Rearing of
Domestic Livestock



Efficient energy conversion
Low cost products
Less space used
Safety, smaller concentrated units are easier to regulate
Disease, living in close proximity results in easily spread
Use of drugs (over use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic
Animal welfare, better healthcare but confined space can
cause distress
Pollution, large concentration of waste in small area
Use of fossil fuels to heat buildings
Reduced genetic diversity due to selective breeding, resulting
in the loss of genes that may have been beneficial
Nutrient Cycles

Basic Sequence
Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Consequences of Nitrogen fertilisers
Basic Nutrient Cycle Sequence
or ion
molecules in

Feeding and

molecules in


Nutrient Cycles

molecules in

Carbon Cycle
CO2 in
C containing
compounds in





molecules in


Nutrient Cycles

molecules in

Decay Prevented

Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen fixation by free-living bacteria





Nitrate in

Feeding and

molecules in



Nutrient Cycles

molecules in


molecules in

• The product of ammonia from organic
ammonium containing compounds
• These compounds include
urea, proteins, nucleic acids and vitamins
• Saprobiotic microorganisms feed on these
materials, releasing ammonia, forming
ammonium ions in the soil.

Nutrient Cycles

Nitrogen Cycle

• The conversion of ammonium ions to nitrate ions. The
conversion occurs in 2 stages:
1. Oxidation of ammonium ions to nitrite ions (NO2-)
2. Oxidation of nitrite ions to nitrate ions (NO3-)
• This is an oxidation reaction, and so releases energy
• It is carried out by free-living soil microorganisms
called nitrifying bacteria
• The bacteria require oxygen to carry out this
conversion and so they need soil with many air spaces
• To raise productivity, it is important for farmers to keep
soil structure light and well aerated by ploughing.
• Good drainage prevents air spaces from being filled
with water
Nutrient Cycles

Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen Fixation
• Nitrogen gas is converted into nitrogen-containing
• It is carried out by 2 different microorganisms:
1. Free-living Nitrogen-fixing bacteria – these reduce
gaseous nitrogen to ammonia, which they then use to
manufacture amino acids. When they die and
decay, they release nitrogen-rich compounds.
2. Mutualistic Nitrogen-fixing bacteria – these live in
nodules on the roots of plants such as peas and
beans. They obtain carbohydrates from the plant, and
the plant acquires amino acids from the bacteria.
Nutrient Cycles

Nitrogen Cycle

• When soils become waterlogged, the conditions
become anaerobic.
• Therefore fewer aerobic nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing
bacteria are found, and more anaerobic denitrifying
• These convert soil nitrates into gaseous nitrogen.
• As this process reduces the availability of nitrogencontaining compounds for plants.
• This reduces productivity. To increase productivity, the
soils on which crops grow must therefore be kept well
aerated to prevent the build-up of denitrifying bacteria
Nutrient Cycles

Nitrogen Cycle

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage below in order to
check your understanding of the nitrogen cycle.

A few organisms can convert nitrogen gas into
compounds useful to other organisms is a process
known as (1). These organisms can be free-living or live
in a relationship with certain (2). Most plants obtain
their nitrogen by absorbing (3) from soil through their
(4) by active transport. They then convert this to
(5), which is passed to animals when they eat plants.
On death, (6) break down these organisms, releasing
(7), which can then be oxidised to form nitrates by (8)
bacteria. Further oxidation by the same type of
bacteria forms (9) ions. These ions may be converted
back to the atmospheric nitrogen by the activities of
(10) bacteria.
A few organisms can convert nitrogen gas into compounds
useful to other organisms is a process known as (1 –
Nitrogen fixation). These organisms can be free-living or
live in a relationship with certain (2 - Plants). Most plants
obtain their nitrogen by absorbing (3 – Nitrate ions) from
soil through their (4 – Root hairs) by active transport. They
then convert this to (5 – Proteins/Amino acids/Nucleic
acids), which is passed to animals when they eat plants. On
death, (6 - Decomposers) break down these
organisms, releasing (7 – Ammonium ions), which can then
be oxidised to form nitrates by (8 - Nitrifying) bacteria.
Further oxidation by the same type of bacteria forms (9 Nitrate) ions. These ions may be converted back to the
atmospheric nitrogen by the activities of (10 - Denitrifying)
Nutrient Cycles

• In natural ecosystems, the minerals that are removed from
the soil by plants are returned when the plant is broken
down by microorganisms on its death.
• In agricultural ecosystems, the crop is harvested and the
dead remains are rarely returned to the same area of land.
Therefore the levels of mineral ions in agricultural land
falls, and in order to be replenished, fertiliser must be
added to the soil.
2 types of fertiliser:
1. Natural (organic) fertilisers – dead and decaying remains
of plants and animals, as well as animal waste.
2. Artificial (inorganic) fertilisers – mined from rock and
deposits and converted into compounds containing
nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium.
Nutrient Cycles

Consequences of nitrogen fertilisers
• Reduced species diversity (nitrogen-rich soils
favour the species grown, which outcompetes
other species.
• Leaching – Rain dissolves soluble nutrients such
as nitrates, carrying them deep into soil beyond
the reach of plant roots. The leached nitrates can
then find their way into watercourses, such as
streams and rivers. They may then pollute the
source of human drinking water.
• Eutrophication – the process by which nutrients
build up into bodies of water.
Nutrient Cycles

Nutrient Cycles



In most lakes and rivers there is naturally very little nitrate (a limiting factor for plant and
algal growth).
2. As nitrate concentration increases as a result of leaching, it is no longer a limiting factor for
the growth of plants and algae.
3. As algae mostly grow at the surface, the upper layers of water become densely populated.
This is an ‘algal bloom’.
4. This dense surface layer of algae absorbs light and prevents it from reaching lower depths.
5. Light becomes a limiting factor for the growth of plants and algae at lower depths so they
eventually die.
6. There are more dead plants and algae for the growth of saprobiotic algae which grow
7. The saprobiotic bacteria require oxygen of respiration, creating a demand for it.
8. The concentration of oxygen in the water is reduced and nitrates are released from
decaying organisms.
9. Oxygen then becomes the limiting factor for the population of aerobic organisms. These
organisms ultimately die as the oxygen is used up.
10. Without the aerobic organisms, there is less competition for the anaerobic organisms
whose population rises exponentially.
11. The anaerobic organisms further decompose dead material, releasing more nitrates and
some toxic waste, which make the water putrid.
Animal slurry, organic manures, human sewage and natural leaching can all contribute to
eutrophication, but the main cause is leaching of artificial fertilisers.
Succession Key Words
• Biodiversity – the range and variety of living organisms within a
particular area
• Biomass – total mass of living material in a specific area at a given
time. (usually dry mass as amount of water varies)
• Climax Community – the organisms that make up the final stage of
ecological succession
• Community – the organisms of all species that live in the same
• Conservation –
• Ecosystem – self-contained functional unit made up of all the
interacting biotic and abiotic factors in a specific area
• Pioneer species –
• Succession –
• Succession is
e.g. When bare rock/barren land is colonised
This may occur as a result of:
- a glacier retreating and depositing rock
- sand being piled into dunes by wind or sea
- volcanoes erupting and depositing lava
- lakes or ponds being creating by land subsiding
- silt and mud being deposited at river estuaries
Primary Succession
1. The hostile environment that inhospitable to other
species, is colonised a pioneer species.
2. The pioneer species dies, decomposes and adds
nutrients to the environment. This change in the
abiotic environment caused by the pioneer species...
3. Enables other species to colonise/survive the area.
4. This results in a change in diversity/biodiversity.
5. Therefore stability increases, the environment
becomes less hostile.
6. A climax community is established.
Example of ecological succession:
- Area of bare rock
- Pioneer species are Lichens as they can survive
considerable drying out
- Over time, weathering of the rock produces sand/soil
- The lichens die and decompose releasing nutrients
- These two stages change the abiotic environment and
enable it to support a community of small plants
- Next typical stages in succession are mosses and ferns.
- More soil is built up from continuing rock erosion and
more organic matter available from death of the plants
- This again changes the abiotic environment, more suitable
for organisms that follow e.g. Shrubs, trees
- Climax community establishes
Common features during a succession
- Non-living environment becomes less hostile (Soil
forms, more nutrients, shelter provided)
- A greater number/variety of habitats (Due to less
hostile environment)
- Increased biodiversity (Evident in early stages, peaks at
mid-succession, decreasing when climax community is
reached due to dominant species out-competing other
- More complex food webs (Due to increased
- Increased biomass (Due to the more complex food
Secondary Succession
• Another type of succession is when land that already
supports life is suddenly altered.
• This could be due to a forest fire or agriculture.
• In this case, the stages are the same but they occur and
reach the climax community much more rapidly
^ This is because...
Spores and seeds often remain alive in the soil and there is
an influx of animals and plants through dispersal and
migration in the surrounding area
*This succession does not have a pioneer species as the
organisms are from subsequent successional stages.
BUT as the land has been altered, the climax community will
be different.
Conservation of Habitats
• Conservation is the management of the Earth’s natural
resources so that use of them in the future is
Reasons for conservation:
• Ethical (Respect for living things. Other species have
occupied the Earth far longer than us, therefore should
be allowed to coexist with us.)
• Economic (Many species have the capacity to make
substances, many of which may prove valuable in the
• Cultural and Aesthetic (Variety adds interest to
everyday lives and inspires writers etc.)
Inheritance and Selection
Phenotype - The observable characteristics of an organism. (Appearance.)
Genotype - The genetic composition of an organism.
Gene - A section of DNA, a sequence of nucleotide bases that usually determines a single characteristic of an organism.
Allele - Different forms of a gene.
Homologous chromosomes - A pair of chromosomes that have the same gene loci and therefore determine the same
Homozygous - Two of the same alleles present.
Heterozygous - One of each allele present.
Dominant - The allele that is expressed even when present with the recessive allele.
Recessive - The allele that is not expressed. Expressed only in the presence of another identical allele.
Homozygous dominant - Two dominant alleles.
Homozygous recessive - Two recessive alleles.
Diploid - 2 copies of each allele in cells.
Co-dominant - Two alleles that both contribute to the phenotype.
Multiple alleles - A gene that has more than 2 allelic forms e.g. blood type.
Gene pool - All the alleles of all the genes of all the individuals in a population at any one time.
Allelic frequency - The number of times an allele occurs within the gene pool is referred to as the allelic frequency,
Hardy-Weinberg Principle - p + q = 1
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Directional selection - Selection may favour individuals that vary in one direction from the mean of the population. It
changes the characteristics of the population.
Stabilising selection - Selection may favour average individuals. It preserves the characteristics of a population.
Speciation - The evolution of a new species from existing species.
Geographical isolation - Occurs when a physical barrier prevents two populations from breeding with one another.
Monohydrid Inheritance – Genetic
cross diagram example
Parental Phenotype:
Green pods
Parental Genotype:

Yellow pods
Male gametes

Female gametes









100% green
Sex Inheritance/Linkage
• Any gene that is carried on either the X or Y
chromosomes is said to be sex linked.
• However, the X chromosome is longer than the Y
chromosome, meaning for most of the X chromosome
there is no homologous equivalent portion of the Y
• Those characteristics that are controlled by recessive
alleles on this non-homologous portion of the X
chromosome will appear more frequently in the male.
• This is because there is no homologous portion on the
Y chromosome that could possess the dominant
allele, in which circumstances the recessive allele
would not present itself.
• p+q=1
• p2 + 2pq + q2 =1
Types of Selection
• Directional selection
• Stabilising selection
Directional selection
• If environmental conditions change, so will the
phenotypes needed for survival. Some
individuals, which fall to the left or right of the
mean, will possess a phenotype more suited to
the new conditions. These individuals will be
more likely to survive and breed. Over time, the
mean will then move in the direction of these
Stabilising selection
• If environmental conditions remain stable, it is
the individuals with phenotypes closest to the
mean that are favoured. These individuals are
more likely to pass their alleles on to the next
generation. The individuals with extreme
phenotypes are less likely to pass on their
alleles. Therefore stabilising selection tends to
eliminate the extremes
1. Geographical isolation occurs. A physical barrier splitting
the species into two groups, and preventing them from
2. This also prevents interbreeding and forms 2 separate gene
3. Variation is created between both due to mutation.
4. In each group, there are different
environmental/abiotic/biotic conditions creating selection
5. Selection favours the advantageous
features/characteristics/mutation/ allele.
6. This results in only selected organisms surviving to
7. This leads to a change in allele frequency in the groups.
This process occurs over a long period of time.

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Aqa a2 biology unit 4

  • 2. POPULATIONS KEY WORDS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Abiotic – non-biological factor that makes up part of an ecosystem Biotic – biological factor that makes up part of an ecosystem Biodiversity – the range and variety of living organisms within a particular area Biomass – total mass of living material in a specific area at a given time. (usually dry mass as amount of water varies) Climax Community – the organisms that make up the final stage of ecological succession Community – the organisms of all species that live in the same area. Conservation – method of maintaining ecosystems and the living organisms that occupy them Consumer – any organism that obtains energy by ‘eating’ another Ecological Niche – all conditions and resources required for an organism to survive, reproduce and maintain a viable population Ecosystem – self-contained functional unit made up of all the interacting biotic and abiotic factors in a specific area Habitat – the place where an organism lives Limiting Factor – a variable that limits the rate of a chemical reaction Population – a group of individuals of the same species that occupy the same habitat at the same time Producer – an organism that synthesises organic molecules from simple inorganic ones. (photosynthetic, 1st trophic level etc.) Species – a group of similar organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring
  • 3. • Fill in words to check understanding of key words: The study of the inter-relationships between organisms and their environment is called ____. The layer of land, air and water that surrounds the Earth is called the ____. An ecosystem is a more or less self-contained functional unit made up of all the living or ____ features and non-living or _____ features in a specific area. Within each ecosystem are groups of different organisms called a _____, which live and interact in a particular place at the same time. A group of interbreeding organisms occupying the same place at the same time is called a _____, and the place where they live is know as a _____.
  • 4. ANSWER: • The study of the inter-relationships between organisms and their environment is called ecology. The layer of land, air and water that surrounds the Earth is called the biosphere. An ecosystem is a more or less self-contained functional unit made up of all the living or biotic features and non-living or abiotic features in a specific area. Within each ecosystem are groups of different organisms called a community, which live and interact in a particular place at the same time. A group of interbreeding organisms occupying the same place at the same time is called a population, and the place where they live is know as a habitat.
  • 5. Investigating Populations • • • • • • • Quadrats Random Sampling Transects and Systematic Sampling Measuring abundance Mark-release-recapture Analysing data Ethics and Fieldwork
  • 6. Quadrats • 3 factors to consider when using quadrats: - size to use. When studying larger species, you will require larger quadrats and vice versa. Although when the species in bunched in groups in random places in the area, (ie. the species are not evenly distributed throughout the area), a large number of small quadrats will give more representative results than a small number of large quadrats. - number of sample quadrats to record within area. The more sample quadrats, the more reliable the results will be. However it can be time consuming if too many samples are taken, so there must be a balance between result reliability and time available. The greater the number of the different species present in the area being studied, the more quadrats required to produce valid results. - position of each quadrat within the area. Random sampling is used, in order to produce statistically significant results. • Point quadrats • Frame quadrats Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 7. Point Quadrats • A horizontal bar supported by 2 legs. • At set intervals along the bar are ten holes, through each of which a long pin may be dropped. • Each species that the pin touches is recorded. • Frame quadrats Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 8. Frame Quadrats • A square frame divided by string or wire into equal size subdivisions. • The quadrat is randomly placed in different locations within the area being studied. • The abundance of each species is recorded. • Point quadrats Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 9. Random Sampling • It is important to sample randomly in order to avoid bias. • METHOD: 1. Lay out 2 tap measures at right angles along two sides of the study area. 2. Obtain a series of coordinates by using random numbers taken from a table/random number generator. 3. Place a quadrat at the intersection of these coordinates and record the species within it. Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 10. Transects and Systematic Sampling • Systematic sampling is when samples are taken at fixed intervals, usually along a line. • A line transect uses a tape measure stretched across the ground in a straight line. Any species that touches the line are recorded. • A belt transect uses 2 lines, and all the species present between the 2 lines are recorded. • An interrupted belt transect uses quadrats that are placed at intervals, and species within them are recorded. • Transects are used across areas where there are clear environmental gradients. Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 11. Measuring Abundance • How abundance is measured depends upon the size of the species being counted and the habitat. • Frequency – the likelihood of a particular species occuring in a quadrat. Useful when a species is hard to count, e.g. Grass. For example, if grass occurs in 15/30 quadrats, the frequency of it’s occurence is 50%. • Percentage cover – an estimate of the area within a quadrat that a particular plant species covers. Again useful if a species is hard to count. This method enables data to be collected rapidly. • To ensure reliable results, a large sample size is necessary. The larger the sample size the more representative of the community the results will be. Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 12. Mark-Release-Recapture • A known number of animals are caught, marked in some way, and then released back into the community. Later, a number of individuals are collected randomly and the number of marked individuals is Total number of individuals in the first sample x recorded. Estimated population size = ( Back to Investigating Populations Total number of individuals in the second sample Number of marked individuals recaptured Next to Population Size )
  • 13. Analysing Data 1. Present data in a table/graph. This makes it easier to compare data (e.g. 2 different locations.) 2. Statistical analysis of data. 3. Check whether results are due to chance. 4. Data analysed for possible correlations and causes. 5. Statistical tests can be used to calculate the strength of the correlation. However, the two factors may correlate very well, but it is possible that both of them are affected by the same environmental factor. Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 14. Ethics and Fieldwork • Where possible, the organisms should be studied in situ. (Where they are found) If it is necessary to remove them, the numbers taken should be kept to the absolute minimum. • Any organisms removed from a site should be returned to their original habitat as soon as possible. This applies even if they are dead. • A sufficient period of time should elapse before a site is used for future studies. • Disturbance and damage to the habitat should be avoided. Trampling, overturning stones, permanently removing organisms etc. Can all adversely affect a habitat. • There must be an appropriate balance between the damage done and the value of the information gained. Back to Investigating Populations Next to Population Size
  • 15. Population Size No population continues to grow indefinitely because certain factors limit growth, for example; availability of food, light, water, oxygen and shelter, the accumulation of toxic waste, disease and predators.
  • 16. Population Growth Curves • The usual pattern of growth for a natural population has 3 phases. 1. Slow growth. Initially small numbers of individuals reproduce. 2. Rapid growth. The ever-increasing number of individuals continue to reproduce. The population size doubles during each interval of time. 3. Stable state, no growth. Growth is limited by factors such as increased predation or food supply. The graph therefore levels out, some cyclic fluctuations due to variations in factors. p
  • 17. Abiotic Factors • The non-living part of the environment conditions that influence the size of a population: - Temperature; Each species has a different optimum temperature at which it is best able to survive. Cold-blooded animals + plants: temperatures below optimum, enzymes work more slowly and so their metabolic rate is reduced. Populations therefore grow at a slower rate. Temperatures above optimum, enzymes undergo denaturation and therefore they work less efficiently. Again the population grows more slowly. Warm-blooded animals: can maintain a relatively constant body temperature. However, the further the temperature of the external environment gets from their optimum temperature, the more energy these organisms expend in trying to maintain their normal body temperature. This leaves less energy for growth and so they mature more slowly, and their reproductive rate slows. The population size therefore decreases.
  • 18. Abiotic Factors cont. - Light; is a source of energy for ecosystems. The rate of photosynthesis increases as light intensity increases. The greater the rate of photosynthesis, the faster plants grow and the more seeds they produce. There population size is therefore potentially greater and in turn the populations size of the animals that feed on the plants is too greater. - pH; Enzymes operate most effectively at their optimum pH. Population size is larger where the appropriate pH exists and decreases/becomes non-existent where the pH is too far from optimum. - Water and humidity; Where water is scarce, populations are small and consist of species well adapted to living in dry conditions. Humidity affects the transpiration rates in plants and the evaporation of water from the bodies of animals. The population of species adapted to low humidity will be larger than those without these adaptations.
  • 19. Practice questions 1. An ecologist was estimating the population of sandhoppers on a beach. 100 sandhoppers were collected, marked and released again. A week later 80 sandhoppers were collected, of which five were marked. Calculate the estimated size of the sandhopper population on the beach. 2. When using mark-release-recapture technique, explain how each of the following might affect the final estimate of a population: a.) The marks put on the individuals captured in the first sample make them more noticable to predation and so proportionally more are eaten than unmarked individuals. b.) Between the release of marked individuals and the collection of a second sample an increased ‘birth’ rate leads to a very large increase in the population. c.) Between the release of marked individuals and the collection of a second sample, disease kills large numbers of all types of individual.
  • 20. Answers 1. 100 x 80 =1600 5 1. a.) Population over-estimated as there will be proportionally fewer marked individuals in the second sample. b.) Population over-estimated as there will be proportionally fewer marked individuals in the second sample because all the ‘new’ individuals will be unmarked. c.) No difference because the proportion of marked and unmarked individuals killed should be the same.
  • 21. Application Questions 1. Suggest a reason why even dead organisms should be returned to the habitat from which they came. 2. Suggest why it is beneficial to a habitat that further investigations are not carried too soon after an initial study. 3. In the study of a seashore, students turn over large stones to record the numbers of different organisms on their underside. Suggest reasons why it is important that these stones are replaced the same way up as they were originally. 4. In the case of experienced ecologists obtaining data that enables habitats to be conserved, the benefits usually outweigh any damage that they cause to the habitats. This makes their work ethically justifiable. It might be said that the same is not true of school or college students performing field studies. Give reasons for and against A-level students carrying out ecological investigations in this field.
  • 22. Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. - They can be eaten by other organisms and so provide energy and nutrients to the ecosystem. It allows the habitat to recover from any disturbance/removal of organisms. The results of a further study carried out too soon after may result in data that are not typical of the habitat under ‘normal’ conditions. The organisms live beneath stones so they remain moist when not covered by the tide. If the stone is left upside down the organism may become desiccated and die. FOR: Practical experience aids learning/better than theoretical study Experienced ecologists have to start somewhere Students may become ecologists and so aid conservation in the long term AGAINST: Students are inexperienced and therefore more likely to damage habitats Informations could be provided by theory/videos Large number of A-level students puts pressure on/increase damage on popular sites
  • 23. Competition • Intraspecific – individuals of same species compete for the same resources. (food, water, breeding sites etc.) Lower the availability, the smaller the population and vice versa. e.g. Limpets competing for algae Oak trees competing for resources (some grow larger and restrict light availability) Robins competing for breeding territory. (females only attracted to those who have established breeding territories) • Interspecific – individuals of different species compete for resources such as food, light, water etc. Where 2 species occupy the same niche, the competitive exclusion principle applies. This principle states that where 2 species are competing for limited resources, the one that uses these resources most effectively will ultimately eliminate the other.
  • 24. Predation • A predator is an organism that feeds on another organism, known as their prey. • In laboratory, the prey is usually exterminated by the predator. This is because the situation in their natural environment is different. In their own habitat, the area over which the population can travel is greater and there are more potential refuges. In these circumstances, some of the prey can escape predation.
  • 25. Predator-Prey Relationship + Population Size • Predators eat prey, prey population decreases. • Fewer prey available for predator food and limits chances of survival for some predators, predator population decreases. • Fewer predators, so fewer prey eaten. Prey population increases. • More prey available as food, so predator population increases.
  • 26. Human Populations • Recent explosion in human population size: - the development of agriculture. - the development of manufacturing and trade that created the industrial revolution. • We are currently in the exponential phase, in which our population grows rapidly rather than gives way to the stationary phase in which the population stabilises.
  • 27. Factors affecting growth • Immigration (Individuals join from outside.) • Emigration (Individuals leave a population.) Population growth = (births + immigration) – (deaths + emigration) % Population growth rate = population change during period -------------------------------------------- x100 population at the start of the period
  • 28. Factors affecting birth rate • Economic conditions – countries with a low per capita income tend to have higher birth rates. • Cultural and religious backgrounds – Some countries encourage larger families and some religions oppose birth control. • Social pressures and conditions – In some countries a large family improves social standing. • Birth control – The extent to which contraception and abortion are used markedly influences the birth rate. • Political factors – Governments influence birth rates through education and taxation policies. number of births per year Birth rate = total population in the same year x 1000
  • 29. Factors affecting death rate • Age profile. The greater the proportion of elderly people in a population, the higher the death rate is likely to be. • Life expectancy at birth. The residents of economically developed countries live longer than those of economically less develooped countries. • Food supply. (Nutrition.) • Safe drinking water. Reduces the risk of water-borne diseases such as cholera. • Medical care. • Natural disasters. How prone a region is to drought, famine or disease. • War. Deaths during war produces an immediate drop in population and a longer term fall as a result of fewer fertile adults. number of deaths per year Death rate = total population in the same year x 1000
  • 30. Population Structure • Demographic transition – A change in population from those where life expectancy is short and birth rates are high, to those where life expectancy is long and birth rates are low. • Stable population – Birth and death rate are same, so there is no change in population size. • Increasing population – High birth rate. Typical of economically less-developed countries. • Decreasing population – Low birth rate + low mortality rate. E.g. Japan.
  • 31. Average life expectancy = age at which 50% of population are still alive.
  • 32. ATP + Respiration • • • • • • • Anaerobic Respiration ATP Synthesis Summary of aerobic respiration Glycolysis Link Reaction Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain
  • 34. • • • • ATP Synthesis ADP + Pi  ATP Photophosphorylation (During photosynthesis) Oxidative phosphorylation (During respiration) Substrate-level phosphorylation (When phosphate groups are transferred from donor molecules to ADP to make ATP.) Role of ATP: The instability of its phosphate bonds makes ATP a good energy donor, but also stops it from being a good long term energy store. ATP is better as an immediate energy source (than glucose) because ATP can be broken down to ADP + Pi in a single reaction releasing energy. The breakdown of glucose is a long series of reactions and therefore the energy release takes longer. ATP Is the Source of Energy for: - Metabolic processes - Movement - Active transport - Activation of molecules - Secretion ATP + Respiration Photosynthesis
  • 35. Aerobic Respiration • C6 H12 O6 + 6O2  energy + 6H20 + 6CO2 • requires oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, water and lots of ATP. Aerobic Respiration can be summarised into four stages 1. Glycolysis - splitting of a 6 carbon molecule into two 3 carbon pyruvates 2. Link Reaction - conversion of pyruvate into C02 and 2 carbon molecule Acetyl coA. 3. Krebs Cycle - intro of Acetyl coA into a cycle of oxidationreduction reactions that creates some ATP and a large number of electrons. 4. Electron Transport Chain - electrons from the Krebs cycle are used to synthesise ATP with water produced as a by product. ATP + Respiration Photosynthesis
  • 36. Glycolysis • Occurs in cytoplasm • 2 ATP go in as activation energy • 4 ATP produced, net gain of 2 ATP 1. Glucose (6C) is phosphorylated. 2. Breaks down into 2 x triose phosphate (3C). 3. Phosphate donated to ATP. 4. NAD reduced. 5. 3+4 happen twice per glucose molecule, as 2 triose phosphate molecules are produced 6. This creates 2 x pyruvate (3C). ATP + Respiration Photosynthesis
  • 37. Link Reaction • Occurs in mitochondrial matrix 1. Co-enzyme A combines with pyruvate (3C). 2. CO2 is removed. 3. 2H removed, donated to NAD, produces NADH. 4. Resultant molecule is Acetyl CoA (2C) ATP + Respiration Photosynthesis
  • 38. Krebs Cycle • Occurs in mitochondrial matrix 1. 4C compound combines with Acetyl CoA to produce 6C compound. 2. CoA is removed and recycled. 3. NAD + FAD are reduced. 4. ATP created. 5. 2 CO2 removed, regenerating 4C compound ATP + Respiration Photosynthesis
  • 39. Electron Transport Chain • Occurs in mitochondria cristae 1. NAD and FAD are reduced. 2. They then donate electrons to the first molecule in the electron transport chain. 3. This releases protons which are then actively transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane. 4. Meanwhile, the electrons pass along the chain of electron transport carrier molecules in a series of oxidation-reduction reactions. The electrons lose energy as they travel down the chain and some of this energy is used to combine ADP and Pi to form ATP. The rest is released as heat. 5. Protons accumulate in intermembrane space before they diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix through special channel proteins. 6. At the end of the chain, the electrons combine with the protons and oxygen to make water. O2 is the final acceptor of electrons in ETC. ATP + Respiration Photosynthesis
  • 40. Photosynthesis • CHLOROPLAST STRUCTURE: Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of the plant cell. They consist of a double membrane, thylakoids which are stacked up into grana, lamellae which link grana molecules, photosynthetic pigments, stroma and starch grains. • Photosynthetic pigments (e.g chlorophyll and carotene) are coloured substances that absorb light energy for photosynthesis, they are found in the thylakoid membrane and are attached to proteins. The protein and pigment are called a photosystem. • Plants use two types of photosystems to capture light energy, 1 which absorbs light at 700nm and number 2 which absorbs light at 680nm. • Stroma is the gel liquid which fills the rest of the chloroplast and surrounds the thykaloids. It contains some sugars, enzymes and organic acids. • Carbs produced by photosynthesis and not used up straight away are stored as starch grains (round blobs) in the stroma.
  • 41. The equation for Photosynthesis is • 6 CO2 + 6 H2O ------------> C6H12O6 + 6 02
  • 42. Light Dependent Reaction • Photosynthesis takes place in two stages - light dependant and light independent. • The light dependant stage takes place in the thykaloid membranes of the chloroplast. • The light energy is used to create ATP (adding another phosphate to ADP), and to reduce NADP to form Reduced NADP. • The products of the light dependant stage (ATP, Reduced NADP) are used in the light independent stage. The ATP is used as energy and the reduced NADP transfers a hydrogen. • During the light dependant stage, photolysis of water occurs (use of light to break water). Water is split into proton (H+), electron (e-) and oxygen, which is released into the atmosphere. The e- is used to replace the excited electron emitted from chlorophyll, the H+ goes back to the e- (after it has passed through electron carriers) to reduce NADP.
  • 43.
  • 44. Light Independent Reaction • The light independent reaction takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast. This reaction is also known as The Calvin Cycle. Carbon fixation takes place in the Calvin Cycle, this is where carbon is 'fixed' into an organic molecule. • The products of the light independent stage are triose phosphate which can be used to make glucose and other useful organic substances.
  • 45.
  • 46. Limiting Factors There are optimum conditions for photosynthesis: • High light intensity of a certain wavelength • temperature around 25 degrees • C02 at 0.4%. All of these factors can limit photosynthesis, if one or any of the factors are too high or too low it will slow down photosynthesis
  • 47. ENERGY AND ECOSYSTEMS KEYWORDS • Producer – Photosynthetic organisms that manufacture organic substances. • Consumer – Organisms that obtain their energy by feeding on other organisms rather than using the energy of sunlight directly. • Decomposer - An organism who recycles nutrients by performing decomposition as it feeds on dead or decaying organisms. • Detritivore - An organism that feeds on detritus or organic waste. • Trophic level – The position of an organism in a food chain. • Net production = gross production – respiratory losses.
  • 48. Energy transfer between trophic levels • Plants normally convert 1-3% of the Sun’s available energy into organic matter. This is because: - 90%+ is reflected back into space by clouds and dust or absorbed into the atmosphere. - Not all wavelengths can be absorbed and used for photosynthesis. - Light may not fall on a chlorophyll molecule. - A factor e.g. Low CO2 levels, may limit the rate of photosynthesis.
  • 49. Energy transfer between trophic levels • The total quantity of energy that the plants in a community convert to organic matter is called the gross production. • However plants use 20-50% of this in respiration. • The rate at which they store the remaining energy is called net production. • Net production = gross production – respiratory losses.
  • 50. Energy transfer between trophic levels • 10% of energy stored in plants is used by primary consumers for growth. • Secondary and tertiary consumers are slightly more efficient (transferring 20%). Low % energy transfer is due to: - Some of organism is not eaten. - Some parts are eaten but not digested and therefore lost in faeces. - Some of energy is lost in urine. - Some energy losses are due to heat from the body to the environment and heat loss during respiration. These losses are high in mammals and birds because they require more energy to maintain their high body temperature.
  • 51. Energy transfer between trophic levels • Because energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. It explains why: - Most food chains have only 4/5 trophic levels. Insufficient energy to support a large enough breeding population at trophic levels higher than these. - The biomass is less at higher trophic levels. - Total amount of energy stored is less at each level as you go up the food chain.
  • 52. Calculating the efficiency of energy transfer • Energy transfer = energy available after the transfer ----------------------------------------------energy available before the transfer X 100
  • 53. Ecological pyramids • • • • Pyramids of number Pyramids of biomass Pyramids of energy Comparison
  • 54. Ecological Pyramids Pyramids of Number Agricultural Ecosystems • An ecological pyramid of numbers shows graphically the population of each trophic level in a food chain. • No account is taken of size – this sometimes results in an inverted shape, or a shape that does not resemble a pyramid at all. • The number of individuals is so great that it is not possible to represent them accurately on the same scale as other species in the food chain. E.g. 1 tree may accommodate for millions of greenfly.
  • 55. Ecological Pyramids Pyramids of Biomass Agricultural Ecosystems • Biomass is the total mass of the plants/animals in a particular place. • Measured in gm-2 for an area (grassland etc.), gm-3 for a volume (sea etc.)
  • 56. Ecological Pyramids Pyramids of Energy Agricultural Ecosystems • A representation of the energy flow through a food chain, measuring the energy stored in organisms at each level.
  • 57. Ecological Pyramids Agricultural Ecosystems Comparison Number Biomass Energy Doesn’t take into account size of organisms. Does take into account size of organisms. Collecting the data can be difficult and complex. Number of individuals are so great that it is impossible to represent them accurately. Fresh mass easy to access and measure, however varying amounts of water make it unreliable. More reliable data than biomass, because 2 organisms of the same dry mass may store different amounts of energy. Dry mass is harder to access, organisms must be killed and so it is usually only made on a small sample – which may be unrepresentative of the population. Seasonal differences not taken into account, as only organisms at a particular are shown. Seasonal differences not taken into account, as only organisms at a particular are shown. Data collected for a year and so can take into account seasonal differences.
  • 58. Agricultural Ecosystems • Net productivity = gross productivity – respiratory losses Natural Ecosystem Agricultural Ecosystem Solar energy only – no additional energy input Solar energy + energy from food (labour) and fossil fuels (machinery and transport) Lower productivity Higher productivity More species diversity Less species diversity More genetic diversity Less genetic diversity Nutrients recycled naturally within the ecosystem with little addition from outside Natural recycling is more limited and supplemented by the addition of artificial fertilisers Populations are controlled by natural means, Population are controlled naturally and by e.g. Competition and climate use of pesticides and cultivation A natural climax community An artificial community prevented from reaching its natural climax community.
  • 59. Pest and Pesticides • A pest is an organism that competes with humans for food/space/could be a danger to health. An effective pesticide must be: - Specific (toxic to the pest only.) - Biodegradable (once applied, it will break down into harmless substances in the soil.) - Cost-effective (development costs are high and new pesticides remain useful only for a limited time as pests can develop genetic resistance.) - Not accumulate (so that it does not build up in an organism or as it passes along food chains.)
  • 60. Biological control • Controlling pests using organisms that are either predators or parasites of the pest organism. • The aim is to control, not eradicate. If the pests were eradicated, the predators would die out from lack of food and therefore the pests could reinstate themselves. The pest and control agent should exist in a balance at a level where the pest causes little damage.
  • 61. Pesticides vs. Biological control Biological Control Pesticides Very specific Not as specific – often have an effect on non-target species. Once introduced the control organism reproduces itself. Must be reapplied at regular intervals, this means they are expensive. Pests do not become resistant. Pests develop genetic resistance and new pesticides have to be developed. Does not leave chemical in environment / on crop / no bioaccumulation. Can bioaccumulate. May become a pest itself. Does not become a pest itself. Does not get rid of pest completely. Aim is to eradicate pest completely. Takes time to reduce pest population. Fast effect.
  • 62. Integrated pest-control systems • Integrates all forms of pest control rather than being reliant on one type. • Aim is to reduce pest population to an acceptable level. Eradication is costly, counterproductive and almost impossible to achieve. • Integrated control involves: - Choose animal/plant varieties suitable for the area and as pest-resistant as possible - Managing the environment to provide suitable habitats close to the crops for natural predators - Regularly monitor crop for signs of pests and take early action if need be - Removing the pests mechanically (hand-picking/erecting barriers...) if pest exceeds acceptable population level - Use biological agents if necessary and available - Pesticides are to be used as a last resort, when pest population is starting to get out of control
  • 63. Pest control and productivity • Pests reduce productivity, any resources taken by the pest means less is available for crop. • One may become a limiting factor in photosynthesis, reducing the rate and subsequently productivity. • Pests also eat leaves of crops, limiting photosynthesis and leaving less crop for harvest. • Many crops are grown in MONOCULTURE. This means insect and fungal pests as well as diseases can spread rapidly. Animals may not grow as rapidly, die, be unfit for human consumption – due to pests and therefore would lead to reduced productivity.
  • 64. Intensive Rearing of Domestic Livestock • Aim: to convert the smallest amount of food energy into the greatest quantity of animal mass. • How to increase energy-conversion rate: - Restrict movement, less energy used by muscle contraction - Environment kept warm in order to reduce heat loss as most livestock are warm-blooded - Feeding can be controlled so that the animals receive optimum amount and type of food for maximum growth - Predators are excluded - Selective breeding to produce varieties that are more efficient at converting the food they eat into body mass - Use hormones to increase growth rates
  • 65. Features of Intensive Rearing of Domestic Livestock • • • • • • • • • • Efficient energy conversion Low cost products Less space used Safety, smaller concentrated units are easier to regulate Disease, living in close proximity results in easily spread infection Use of drugs (over use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance) Animal welfare, better healthcare but confined space can cause distress Pollution, large concentration of waste in small area Use of fossil fuels to heat buildings Reduced genetic diversity due to selective breeding, resulting in the loss of genes that may have been beneficial
  • 66. Nutrient Cycles • • • • • Basic Sequence Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Fertilisers Consequences of Nitrogen fertilisers
  • 67. Basic Nutrient Cycle Sequence Inorganic molecule or ion Absorption Organic molecules in Producers Feeding and digestion Organic molecules in Consumers Death Decomposition Nutrient Cycles Organic molecules in Decomposers Succession
  • 68. Carbon Cycle CO2 in atmosphere Photosynthesis C containing compounds in Producers Combustion Fossil Fuels Respiration Feeding Organic molecules in Consumers Death Decomposition Nutrient Cycles Organic molecules in Decomposers Decay Prevented Succession
  • 69. Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen fixation by free-living bacteria Denitrification Ammonium Ions Nitrification Nitrate Ions Nitrification Nitrate Ions Nitrate in atmosphere Absorption Feeding and digestion Ammonium containing molecules in Producers Death Ammonification Nutrient Cycles Organic molecules in Decomposers Succession Ammonium containing molecules in Consumers Death and excretion
  • 70. Ammonification • The product of ammonia from organic ammonium containing compounds • These compounds include urea, proteins, nucleic acids and vitamins • Saprobiotic microorganisms feed on these materials, releasing ammonia, forming ammonium ions in the soil. Nutrient Cycles Nitrogen Cycle Succession
  • 71. Nitrification • The conversion of ammonium ions to nitrate ions. The conversion occurs in 2 stages: 1. Oxidation of ammonium ions to nitrite ions (NO2-) 2. Oxidation of nitrite ions to nitrate ions (NO3-) • This is an oxidation reaction, and so releases energy • It is carried out by free-living soil microorganisms called nitrifying bacteria • The bacteria require oxygen to carry out this conversion and so they need soil with many air spaces • To raise productivity, it is important for farmers to keep soil structure light and well aerated by ploughing. • Good drainage prevents air spaces from being filled with water Nutrient Cycles Nitrogen Cycle Succession
  • 72. Nitrogen Fixation • Nitrogen gas is converted into nitrogen-containing compounds. • It is carried out by 2 different microorganisms: 1. Free-living Nitrogen-fixing bacteria – these reduce gaseous nitrogen to ammonia, which they then use to manufacture amino acids. When they die and decay, they release nitrogen-rich compounds. 2. Mutualistic Nitrogen-fixing bacteria – these live in nodules on the roots of plants such as peas and beans. They obtain carbohydrates from the plant, and the plant acquires amino acids from the bacteria. Nutrient Cycles Nitrogen Cycle Succession
  • 73. Denitrification • When soils become waterlogged, the conditions become anaerobic. • Therefore fewer aerobic nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria are found, and more anaerobic denitrifying bacteria. • These convert soil nitrates into gaseous nitrogen. • As this process reduces the availability of nitrogencontaining compounds for plants. • This reduces productivity. To increase productivity, the soils on which crops grow must therefore be kept well aerated to prevent the build-up of denitrifying bacteria Nutrient Cycles Nitrogen Cycle Succession
  • 74. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage below in order to check your understanding of the nitrogen cycle. A few organisms can convert nitrogen gas into compounds useful to other organisms is a process known as (1). These organisms can be free-living or live in a relationship with certain (2). Most plants obtain their nitrogen by absorbing (3) from soil through their (4) by active transport. They then convert this to (5), which is passed to animals when they eat plants. On death, (6) break down these organisms, releasing (7), which can then be oxidised to form nitrates by (8) bacteria. Further oxidation by the same type of bacteria forms (9) ions. These ions may be converted back to the atmospheric nitrogen by the activities of (10) bacteria. Answers
  • 75. Answers: A few organisms can convert nitrogen gas into compounds useful to other organisms is a process known as (1 – Nitrogen fixation). These organisms can be free-living or live in a relationship with certain (2 - Plants). Most plants obtain their nitrogen by absorbing (3 – Nitrate ions) from soil through their (4 – Root hairs) by active transport. They then convert this to (5 – Proteins/Amino acids/Nucleic acids), which is passed to animals when they eat plants. On death, (6 - Decomposers) break down these organisms, releasing (7 – Ammonium ions), which can then be oxidised to form nitrates by (8 - Nitrifying) bacteria. Further oxidation by the same type of bacteria forms (9 Nitrate) ions. These ions may be converted back to the atmospheric nitrogen by the activities of (10 - Denitrifying) bacteria. Nutrient Cycles Succession
  • 76. Fertilisers • In natural ecosystems, the minerals that are removed from the soil by plants are returned when the plant is broken down by microorganisms on its death. • In agricultural ecosystems, the crop is harvested and the dead remains are rarely returned to the same area of land. Therefore the levels of mineral ions in agricultural land falls, and in order to be replenished, fertiliser must be added to the soil. 2 types of fertiliser: 1. Natural (organic) fertilisers – dead and decaying remains of plants and animals, as well as animal waste. 2. Artificial (inorganic) fertilisers – mined from rock and deposits and converted into compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium. Nutrient Cycles Succession
  • 77. Consequences of nitrogen fertilisers • Reduced species diversity (nitrogen-rich soils favour the species grown, which outcompetes other species. • Leaching – Rain dissolves soluble nutrients such as nitrates, carrying them deep into soil beyond the reach of plant roots. The leached nitrates can then find their way into watercourses, such as streams and rivers. They may then pollute the source of human drinking water. • Eutrophication – the process by which nutrients build up into bodies of water. Nutrient Cycles Succession
  • 78. Nutrient Cycles Succession Eutrophication 1. In most lakes and rivers there is naturally very little nitrate (a limiting factor for plant and algal growth). 2. As nitrate concentration increases as a result of leaching, it is no longer a limiting factor for the growth of plants and algae. 3. As algae mostly grow at the surface, the upper layers of water become densely populated. This is an ‘algal bloom’. 4. This dense surface layer of algae absorbs light and prevents it from reaching lower depths. 5. Light becomes a limiting factor for the growth of plants and algae at lower depths so they eventually die. 6. There are more dead plants and algae for the growth of saprobiotic algae which grow exponentially. 7. The saprobiotic bacteria require oxygen of respiration, creating a demand for it. 8. The concentration of oxygen in the water is reduced and nitrates are released from decaying organisms. 9. Oxygen then becomes the limiting factor for the population of aerobic organisms. These organisms ultimately die as the oxygen is used up. 10. Without the aerobic organisms, there is less competition for the anaerobic organisms whose population rises exponentially. 11. The anaerobic organisms further decompose dead material, releasing more nitrates and some toxic waste, which make the water putrid. Animal slurry, organic manures, human sewage and natural leaching can all contribute to eutrophication, but the main cause is leaching of artificial fertilisers.
  • 79. Succession Key Words KEY WORDS: • Biodiversity – the range and variety of living organisms within a particular area • Biomass – total mass of living material in a specific area at a given time. (usually dry mass as amount of water varies) • Climax Community – the organisms that make up the final stage of ecological succession • Community – the organisms of all species that live in the same area. • Conservation – • Ecosystem – self-contained functional unit made up of all the interacting biotic and abiotic factors in a specific area • Pioneer species – • Succession –
  • 80. Succession • Succession is e.g. When bare rock/barren land is colonised This may occur as a result of: - a glacier retreating and depositing rock - sand being piled into dunes by wind or sea - volcanoes erupting and depositing lava - lakes or ponds being creating by land subsiding - silt and mud being deposited at river estuaries
  • 81. Primary Succession 1. The hostile environment that inhospitable to other species, is colonised a pioneer species. 2. The pioneer species dies, decomposes and adds nutrients to the environment. This change in the abiotic environment caused by the pioneer species... 3. Enables other species to colonise/survive the area. 4. This results in a change in diversity/biodiversity. 5. Therefore stability increases, the environment becomes less hostile. 6. A climax community is established.
  • 82. Example of ecological succession: - Area of bare rock - Pioneer species are Lichens as they can survive considerable drying out - Over time, weathering of the rock produces sand/soil - The lichens die and decompose releasing nutrients - These two stages change the abiotic environment and enable it to support a community of small plants - Next typical stages in succession are mosses and ferns. - More soil is built up from continuing rock erosion and more organic matter available from death of the plants - This again changes the abiotic environment, more suitable for organisms that follow e.g. Shrubs, trees - Climax community establishes
  • 84. Common features during a succession - Non-living environment becomes less hostile (Soil forms, more nutrients, shelter provided) - A greater number/variety of habitats (Due to less hostile environment) - Increased biodiversity (Evident in early stages, peaks at mid-succession, decreasing when climax community is reached due to dominant species out-competing other species.) - More complex food webs (Due to increased biodiversity) - Increased biomass (Due to the more complex food web)
  • 85. Secondary Succession • Another type of succession is when land that already supports life is suddenly altered. • This could be due to a forest fire or agriculture. • In this case, the stages are the same but they occur and reach the climax community much more rapidly ^ This is because... Spores and seeds often remain alive in the soil and there is an influx of animals and plants through dispersal and migration in the surrounding area *This succession does not have a pioneer species as the organisms are from subsequent successional stages. BUT as the land has been altered, the climax community will be different.
  • 86. Conservation of Habitats • Conservation is the management of the Earth’s natural resources so that use of them in the future is maximised. Reasons for conservation: • Ethical (Respect for living things. Other species have occupied the Earth far longer than us, therefore should be allowed to coexist with us.) • Economic (Many species have the capacity to make substances, many of which may prove valuable in the future.) • Cultural and Aesthetic (Variety adds interest to everyday lives and inspires writers etc.)
  • 87. Inheritance and Selection KEYWORDS • Phenotype - The observable characteristics of an organism. (Appearance.) • Genotype - The genetic composition of an organism. • Gene - A section of DNA, a sequence of nucleotide bases that usually determines a single characteristic of an organism. • Allele - Different forms of a gene. • Homologous chromosomes - A pair of chromosomes that have the same gene loci and therefore determine the same features. • Homozygous - Two of the same alleles present. • Heterozygous - One of each allele present. • Dominant - The allele that is expressed even when present with the recessive allele. • Recessive - The allele that is not expressed. Expressed only in the presence of another identical allele. • Homozygous dominant - Two dominant alleles. • Homozygous recessive - Two recessive alleles. • Diploid - 2 copies of each allele in cells. • Co-dominant - Two alleles that both contribute to the phenotype. • Multiple alleles - A gene that has more than 2 allelic forms e.g. blood type. • Gene pool - All the alleles of all the genes of all the individuals in a population at any one time. • Allelic frequency - The number of times an allele occurs within the gene pool is referred to as the allelic frequency, • Hardy-Weinberg Principle - p + q = 1 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 • Directional selection - Selection may favour individuals that vary in one direction from the mean of the population. It changes the characteristics of the population. • Stabilising selection - Selection may favour average individuals. It preserves the characteristics of a population. • Speciation - The evolution of a new species from existing species. • Geographical isolation - Occurs when a physical barrier prevents two populations from breeding with one another.
  • 88. Monohydrid Inheritance – Genetic cross diagram example Parental Phenotype: Green pods Parental Genotype: GG Gametes: G+G Yellow pods gg g+g Male gametes Female gametes G G g Gg Gg g Gg Gg 100% green
  • 89. Sex Inheritance/Linkage • Any gene that is carried on either the X or Y chromosomes is said to be sex linked. • However, the X chromosome is longer than the Y chromosome, meaning for most of the X chromosome there is no homologous equivalent portion of the Y chromosome. • Those characteristics that are controlled by recessive alleles on this non-homologous portion of the X chromosome will appear more frequently in the male. • This is because there is no homologous portion on the Y chromosome that could possess the dominant allele, in which circumstances the recessive allele would not present itself.
  • 91. Types of Selection • Directional selection • Stabilising selection
  • 92. Directional selection • If environmental conditions change, so will the phenotypes needed for survival. Some individuals, which fall to the left or right of the mean, will possess a phenotype more suited to the new conditions. These individuals will be more likely to survive and breed. Over time, the mean will then move in the direction of these individuals.
  • 93. Stabilising selection • If environmental conditions remain stable, it is the individuals with phenotypes closest to the mean that are favoured. These individuals are more likely to pass their alleles on to the next generation. The individuals with extreme phenotypes are less likely to pass on their alleles. Therefore stabilising selection tends to eliminate the extremes
  • 94. Speciation 1. Geographical isolation occurs. A physical barrier splitting the species into two groups, and preventing them from mixing. 2. This also prevents interbreeding and forms 2 separate gene pools. 3. Variation is created between both due to mutation. 4. In each group, there are different environmental/abiotic/biotic conditions creating selection pressures. 5. Selection favours the advantageous features/characteristics/mutation/ allele. 6. This results in only selected organisms surviving to reproduce. 7. This leads to a change in allele frequency in the groups. This process occurs over a long period of time.