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AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 020059 (2019); 2202, 020059
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Analysis of student argumentation skills on
static fluid topics
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 020059 (2019);
Published Online: 27 December 2019
Cari, Scundy Nourma Pratiwi, Nonoh Siti Aminah, and Dewanta Arya Nugraha
Committee: International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS 2019)
AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 010002 (2019);
Analysis of undergraduate student concept understanding-three-tier test: Simple harmonic
motion on mass-spring system
AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 020062 (2019);
Analysis of Student Argumentation Skills on Static Fluid
, Scundy Nourma Pratiwi2,b)
, Nonoh Siti Aminah2
, and
Dewanta Arya Nugraha3
Physics Department, Master Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,INDONESIA
Physics Education, Master Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, INDONESIA
Science Education, Doctorate Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, INDONESIA
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan, Jebres, , 57126, INDONESIA
Corresponding author: a); b)
Abstract. Argumentation skills can be seen from the activities of students when thinking about working on the
questions so that ideas can be analyzed through writing. This study aims to an analysis of student argumentation
skills on the static fluid topic. The sample used in this study was 24 students in physics programs Sebelas Maret
University, who were taking basic physics courses. Data on argumentation skills were obtained through test
techniques, then scored with a 4 category polytomous scale. The test instrument was developed based on an
argumentation scheme of 10 items consisting of five aspects of argumentation skills claims, data, warrant, backing,
and qualifier. The estimation results of test reliability with Quest show that the value of person reliability is 0.77, and
the reliability item is 0.70. It can be concluded that the consistency of the answers from either the testee or the items
in the instrument used to have high reliability. The results of data analysis students' argumentation skills on
static fluid material indicate that student argumentation is still low, that is on the data aspect, qualifier,
and warrant. Argumentation skills are strongly influenced by understanding concepts, that is on concepts
in a static fluid material.
Classroom learning will be successful if the teacher realizes that students' knowledge of the
previous material influences the learning process, and how the teacher prepares prior knowledge in
learning [1]. Knowledge in the previous material can be used as a guide for analyzing knowledge and
addressing student learning difficulties [2]. Knowledge in previous material can actively improve
learning outcomes and foster high-level cognitive skills [1].
High-level cognitive skills in physics learning can be started by involving students through simple
explanations about physical phenomena in everyday life. The 21st
-century skills in the “21st
knowledge-skills rainbow” scheme are (1) life and career skills, (2) learning and innovation skills, and
(3) Information media and technology skills. Learning and innovation skills involve (a) Critical
Thinking and Problem Solving, (b) Communication, (c) Collaboration, and (d) Creativity and
Innovation [3]. To communicate well, one of the abilities that must be empowered is argumentation
Argumentation is one of the important skills for students and is an effective way to build concepts
in physics learning [4]. The argumentation model has developed by Toulmin [5], and become an
important part of physics learning today in the 2013 curriculum. Argumentation skills are very
effective if taught with inquiry learning models, which are used as explorations of students' abilities to
understand concepts and elaborate on the process of constructing student knowledge [4].
Argumentation skills can be seen from the activities of students when thinking about working on
the questions so that ideas can be analyzed through writing. One form of an assessment instrument
International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS) 2019
AIP Conf. Proc. 2202, 020059-1–020059-11;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1953-7/$30.00
that can be used to access argumentation skills is reasoned multiple choice or modification multiple-
choice (MMC), which can allow students to convey their ideas and arguments through writing [6].
The criterion of quality argumentation that can measure the quality of arguing students' has a
positive effect on fostering argumentation skills in the development of science learning [7]. One of the
material in physics learning related to argumentation skills is static fluid material. Empowerment of
argumentation skills refers to understanding the concept of floating and sinking matter [8]. The
investigation of the sinking and floating of simple objects has long been a part of the study of science
in elementary school [9]. The results of the investigation indicate that, serious conceptual difficulties
with Newton's resources for attempting to analyze sinking and floating from a dynamic perspective
[9]. Based on this, the authors are interested in analyzing students' arguing skills in a static fluid
The sample used in this study was 24 students in physics programs Sebelas Maret University
(UNS), who were taking basic physics courses. Data on argumentation skills were obtained through
test techniques, and the scores are divided into 4 category polytomous scale. The number of categories
chosen depends on the guiding guidelines used, one of which can be chosen the provisions of each
category, as follows in Table 1.
Table 1. Category Assessment on The Politomus Scale
Category Description
Category 1
If the student misrepresents the concept used and the results are wrong. This is
indicated when the student answers the wrong question and gives the wrong
Category 2
If the student misrepresents the concept used and the results are likely correct. This
is shown when students answer questions correctly and incorrectly in giving
Category 3
If the student is correct in giving the concept used but the result is wrong. This is
shown when students are wrong in answering questions and correctly giving
Category 4
If the student is right in giving the concept used and the result is correct. This is
shown when students are right in answering questions and correctly giving
Argumentation skills can be seen from the activities of students when thinking about working on
the questions so that ideas can be analyzed through writing. The test instrument was developed based
on an argumentation scheme of 10 items consisting of five aspects of argumentation skills claims,
data, warrant, backing, and qualifier. The distribution of the test instruments used is presented in
Table 2.
Table 2. Matrix of Data Collection Instrument
Aspect Indicator Items
Claim Asking question 3, 8
Data Questions are strengthened with data 4, 10
Relationship between questions and data
from observations
The quality of the evidence and the
reasons that support the claim
The word is important to narrow the
focus of the claim
5, 9
Quantitative data analysis is used to see the quality of the instrument for assessing argumentation
skills. The estimation results of test reliability with Quest show that the value of person reliability is
0.77, and the reliability item is 0.70. It can be concluded that the consistency of the answers from
either the testee or the items in the instrument used to have high reliability. The next analysis is to
determine the category of argumentation skills ( ), based on the ideal standard deviation (SDi). The
score of argumentation skills is obtained by summing 2 questions in each aspect so that there are five
categories: very high, high, medium, low, and very low, with the provisions presented in Table 3.
Table 3. The scale of Argumentation Skills
Equation Score Range Category
> + 1.5
+ 0.5 < ≤ + 1.5
− 0.5 < ≤ + 0.5
− 1.5 < ≤ − 0.5
< − 1.5
> 7.50
5.83 < ≤ 7.50
4.16 < ≤ 5.83
2.50 < ≤ 4.16
2.50 <
Very high
Very Low
Analysis of Achievement of Argumentation Skills
The results of the research data were processed using the Microsoft Excel program, and then
analyzed the achievement of argumentation skills. Aspects of argumentation skills consist of claims,
data, warrant, backing, and qualifier. The results of the argumentation skill achievement analysis are
presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Results of Analysis of Argumentation Skills Achievement
Aspect Category
Claim 5.5 High
Data 3 Low
Warrant 4.5 Medium
Backing 4.8 Medium
Qualifier 4.5 Medium
The results of data analysis in Table 4 show that the aspects of the claim are in the high category.
Whereas the aspects of the warrant, backing, and qualifier are in the medium category, and the data
aspect is in a low category. The findings of this study are by the results of a study conducted by
Viyanti et al., shows that students' argumentation skills are still in the low category, in the range of
50%, this result means that argumentation skills are still in the medium category [10]. These results
indicate that students have not been able to master the skills of argumentation on aspects of data,
warrant, backing, and qualifier. So it is necessary to empower argumentation skills through problem
The results of the study were used to determine the performance of students' argumentation skills
by identifying elements of argumentation that are often produced/emerging during learning and the
components/elements of argumentation that can encourage understanding of concepts. The argument
affects the way students accept or reject statements. To support the purpose of this study, researchers
minimize the possibility of students evaluating arguments with expert evidence provided.
Argumentation consists of 1) the center of argumentation on the claim; 2) evidence
(ground/reason) that supports the claim; 3) the relationship between evidence/claim and claim refers
to the chain of reasoning as a warrant; 4) quality and type of reasoning involved (backing); 5) rebuttal
identify exceptions to claims or counter-arguments; 6) claims including qualifiers, limits or explicit
conditions that are part of the claim.
Argumentation skills are closely related to students' problem-solving skills because they are the
most important skills to be able to improve argumentation skills. Problem-solving is arguably the
most important skill students can have; progress has been very limited in finding effective ways to
measure and teach these skills [11]. The willingness and ability of students to submit statements and
challenge each other's thinking increase over time by using The Physics and Everyday Thinking
(PET), the results show that they become increasingly comfortable engaging in the practice of
scientific argumentation [12]. Also, one of the learning models that can empower argumentation skills
is to use experimental based problem-based learning [13].
Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Claim
The claim aspect is a statement based on observations, observations or scientific experiments that
aim to influence the statements of others [5]. The claim aspect in this study consisted of 2 items,
namely in points number 3 and 8. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4 categories.
The percentage of the answer categories in item 3 and 8 is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Percentage of scores for each category on the claim aspect
Based on Figure 1, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this shows
that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum
score. From the 2 questions about the skill of arguing on the aspect of the claim, the percentage of
student acquisition in item 3 in categories 1 and 2 is sequentially 25% and 21%. Whereas in item 8 in
categories 1 and 2 sequentially 21% and 13%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in
item 3. Item number 3 is presented in Figure 2.
If the U pipe (Figure 2) is filled with two liquid substances of
different density, then the statement relating to the correct
hydrostatic pressure is. . .
a. At point A = B and C = D d. At point A = B and C
≠ D
b. At point A = B and C
≠ D e. At point A = D and B ≠ C
c. At point A = C and B = D
Figure 2.
Your statement:
Figure 2. Item Number 3 in The Aspect of Claim.
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Item 3 25% 21% 17% 38%
Item 8 21% 13% 29% 38%
The indicator number 3 on the claim aspect is asking questions. Students are asked to give a
correct statement, relating to the hydrostatic pressure on the U pipe. Pipe U is a simple vessel that is
interconnected in the form of a letter U. This pipe if it is filled with a certain liquid then on both sides
has the same height by the vessel law relating. The law of the vessel related does not apply to liquids
with different density more than one, but the pressure on both surfaces of the liquid in both ends of
the pipe is always the same. The results of the students' answers to the claim aspect are presented in
Figure 3.
EN: The answer is D. Because points A and B are equations of 2 fluids and 2 C and D to measure
the height of the liquid.
Figure 3. Example of Student Answers to Claim Aspect
Figure 3 shows that these students are in category 2; this is because the student is correct in giving
answers but is incorrect in giving an argument. Students' incorrect in giving arguments are located in
the inability to interpret the meaning and data presented in the problem. Referring to Facione's
opinion which states that the interpretation is "to understand and express meaning or significance
various kinds of experiences, situations, data, events, judgments, conventions, beliefs, rules,
procedures or criteria [14]. The inability of students to provide or produce claims is one indication
that in learning, students are accustomed to memorizing without understanding. Skills in producing
claims can be increased by using guided inquiry learning methods. This is by the results of research
by Iwan, Suyatna, & Wasito [15] which states that the skill to produce claims using guided inquiry
learning methods can increase by 47.50% when viewed from the N-Gain value, the average gain is
0.7. The value of gain 0.70 indicates that inquiry learning can be an alternative to improve student
skills in producing claims.
Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Data
Data aspects can be expressed in numbers (quantitative) or words (statements) obtained from
observing data objects or events that are measured [5]. The data aspect in this study consisted of 2
items, namely in points number 4 and 10. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4
categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 4 and 10 is presented in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Data Aspect
Based on Figure 4, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this indicates
that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Item 4 46% 42% 8% 4%
Item 10 71% 21% 4% 4%
score. From the 2 questions about argumentation skills in the aspect of data, the percentage of student
acquisition in item 4 in categories 1 and 2 was respectively 46% and 42%. Whereas in item 10 in
categories 1 and 2 sequentially 71% and 21%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in
item 10. Item number 10 is presented in Figure 5.
Look at Figure 8!
If the left piston is given a force of F1, then the pressure acting on the right
piston is…..
a. Right piston pressure is smaller than the left piston
b. Right piston pressure is greater than the left piston
c. The right piston pressure is the same as the left piston
d. The left piston pressure is smaller than the right piston because it is
e. The right piston pressure is smaller than the left piston because it is
Figure 8. Your statement: ……...…………………………………………………....
Figure 5. Item Number 10 in Aspect of Data
Indicators question number 10, namely questions are strengthened with data. The items can be
resolved based on Pascal's law. Because the left piston pressure is forwarded to the right piston, the
pressure acting on both pistons is the same. Based on the fact that fluid pressure depends on the depth
and value of P0, each addition to the surface pressure must be passed to all other points in the fluid.
Pascal's law states that the change in pressure acting on the fluid is passed without decreasing
completely to all points on the fluid and also to the walls of the container. Examples of student
answers are shown in Figure 6.
EN: The answer is C. Based on Pascal's Law, namely P1 = P2. So that the F1 force can be calculated
when it is known the value of its surface area.
Figure 6. Example of Student Answers to the Data Aspect
Based on figure 6 shows that these students only provide makeshift arguments. That is proposing
the idea that in solving these problems can use Pascal's law that is when the area is known. Most
students answer question number 10 in categories 1 and 2, which is only able to give correct answers
in multiple choices but is wrong in proposing problem-solving strategies. Based on these findings,
students' argumentation skills are still weak in the data aspect. Data aspects are aspects obtained from
observations of objects or events that are measured, both qualitatively and quantitatively [5]. This
means that argumentation on aspects of data is not just a matter of presenting information but rather is
solving problems in the form of conclusions based on information in qualitative and quantitative
forms [8].
Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Warrant
The warrant aspect is the relationship between claim and data, namely by establishing a rational
relationship to make reasonable conclusions. If the claim based on data means that the conclusions or
statements or claims are correct based on the data [5]. The warrant aspect in this study consisted of 2
items, namely in points number 1 and 6. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4
categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 1 and 6 is presented in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Warrant Aspect
Based on Figure 7, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this shows
that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum
score. From the 2 questions of argumentation skills in the aspect of the warrant, the percentage of
student acquisition in item 1 in categories 1 and 2 sequentially 67% and 8%. Whereas in item 6 in
categories 1 and 2 respectively 17% and 8%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in item
1. Item 1 is presented in Figure 8.
Cubes cut in the water. If the volume of wood is 1.000 cm3
and the wood is
immersed in water ¾ section (ρair = 1 gr/cm3
and g = 10 m/s2
), then to
calculate the force required to lift the piece of wood using ...
a. Bernoulli's Law d. Archimedes' Law
b. Hydrostatic Pressure e. Continuity
c. Pascal's Law
Calculate how much force is needed to lift the piece of
Figure 8. Item Number 1 in The Aspect of Warrant
Archimedes' law states that the lifting force of an object is equal to the gravity of the displaced
fluid. By including the amount of wood volume and density of water in the Archimedes law equation,
obtained the magnitude of buoyancy force of 7.5 Newton.
EN: The answer is D. If an object is inserted into a liquid it will get an upward force. The result of
the calculation is 10 Newton.
Figure 9. Example of Student Answers to Warrant Aspect
The Student is included in category 2; this is because the student is correct in giving answers but is
incorrect in giving an argument. Students' incorrect in giving arguments are located in the inability to
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Item 1 67% 8% 25% 0%
Item 6 17% 8% 38% 38%
interpret the meaning and data presented in the problem. The Archimedes equation given by students
is correct, which is equal to . Referring to Facione's opinion which states that the interpretation is
"to understand and express meaning or significance various kinds of experiences, situations, data,
events, judgments, conventions, beliefs, rules, procedures or criteria [14].
Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Backing
The backing aspect is quality and type of reason, which indicates the extent to which evidence and
logic support claim. The underlying reason can be based on authority, logic, or theory [5]. The
backing aspect in this study consisted of 2 items, namely in points number 2 and 7. The results of
student answers were analyzed using 4 categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 2
and 7 is presented in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Backing Aspect
Based on Figure 10 it can be seen that most students get scores in category 1, this indicates that
students are only able to complete at the next stage. From the 2 questions about argumentation skills
on the backing aspect, the percentage of student acquisition in item 2 in category 1 was 25%, while in
item 7 in category 1 was 42%. This shows that most students have difficulties in item 7. Item number
7 is presented in Figure 11.
Look at Figure 5!
At depth 2 there are points A, B, C, and D that are
connected in a straight line. The pressure acting on these
points is. . . .
a. The hydrostatic
pressure at point A is equal to C and at point B is equal
to D
b. The hydrostatic
pressure at point A is equal to C because the bottom of
the vessel is equal
c. The hydrostatic pressure at
point A is equal to B because the end of the vessel is
d. Hydrostatic pressure at points
A, B, and C is the same but at point D is different
e. Hydrostatic pressure at all points together
Your statement:
Figure 11. Item Number 7 in Aspect of Backing
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Item 2 25% 17% 25% 33%
Item 7 42% 21% 21% 17%
Figure 5
The problem in Figure 11 can be solved using the concept of hydrostatic pressure. Hydrostatic
pressure is the pressure caused by a liquid which is stationary at a certain depth, the amount of which
is influenced by the height of the liquid, the density of the liquid, and the acceleration of gravity.
Examples of student answers are shown in Figure 12.
EN: The answer is D. The pressure at points A, B, C is the same because it uses the same density.
While point D uses a different type of fluid mass.
Figure 12. Example of Student Answers to Backing Aspect
Based on Figure 12 shows that students are only able to provide simple arguments and have not
been able to provide complex arguments based on understanding the concept of hydrostatic pressure.
In the problems presented (Figure 11), all points are at the same depth but at point D have different
pressures from points A, B, and C because point D is in a different liquid, namely mercury. If the
pressure on two different fluids with different density, then the pressure will be greater because the
greater the density (water + mercury) then the pressure that works also gets bigger. Based on the
hydrostatic pressure equation which is P0 + ρgh indicates that the pressure gradient is in the upright
direction, meaning that the pressure will decrease when the object moves upwards in a fluid. The
pressure changes linearly with the depth and density of the fluid.
Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Qualifier
Aspects Qualifiers are important words or short phrases used in the Claim to narrow the focus of
the Claim [5]. The qualifier aspect in this study consisted of 2 items, namely in points number 5 and
9. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4 categories. The percentage of the answer
categories in item 5 and 9 is presented in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Qualifier Aspect
Based on Figure 13, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this indicates
that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum
score. From the 2 questions about argumentation skills in the aspect of the qualifier, the percentage of
student acquisition in item 5 in categories 1 and 2 was respectively 33% and 29%. Whereas in item 9
in categories 1 and 2 sequentially 17% and 46%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in
item 5. Item number 5 is presented in Figure 14.
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Item 5 33% 29% 21% 17%
Item 9 17% 46% 25% 13%
Look at Figure 3 below!
The correct equation for determining the third density of liquid
(ρ3) is….
h 
 d.
h 
h 
 e.
h 
h 
Give the solution:
Figure 14. Item Number 5 in Aspect of Qualifier
The approach used in solving this problem, using the hydrostatic equation. Because in the
hydrostatic equation the pressure is dependent on the height of the liquid, density, and acceleration of
gravity. In the problem presented (Figure 14) a related vessel is inserted into three different types of
fluid with different masses. If measured from the lowest boundary between point A and point B, point
A has a height of h1 and point B has a height of h2 and h3. The total pressure at Adan point B is as
large. According to the hydrostatic pressure equation, the magnitude of the pressure at point A and
point B depends on the fluid density and the fluid in the tube. The results of student answers to this
problem are presented in Figure 15.
EN: The answer is B. Because high P1.h1 = P2.h2 + P3.h3 (easier).
Figure 15. Example of Student Answers to Qualifier Aspect
The student is included in category 1 because it is incorrect to give an answer and the argument is
also wrong. Student E is only able to answer based on the basic equation of hydrostatic pressure,
without understanding the meaning and not knowing how to solve the problem. Based on these
findings, students' argumentation skills are still relatively weak in all aspects. Scientific argumentation
is a process of finding claims using interpreted data and evidence to compile the knowledge. This
means that argumentation is not just a matter of presenting information but rather is solving problems
in the form of conclusions based on information and facts [8].
Skills of argumentation are needed, to integrate and apply concepts and to construct and
reconstruct the understanding of concepts. The results of data analysis students' argumentation skills
on static fluid material indicate that student argumentation is still low, namely on the data aspect,
Figure 3.
qualifier, and warrant. So that further research is needed in the form of developing instruments for
assessing argumentation skills in these aspects. Argumentation skills are strongly influenced by
understanding concepts, namely on concepts in a static fluid material. Knowledge of understanding
the initial concepts can be familiarized with intensive guidance by giving a test that requires high-
level thinking. High-level thinking skills in physics learning can be started by involving students
through simple explanations about everyday phenomena.
This research was partly supported by Universitas Sebelas Maret - Hibah Penelitian Unggulan
Terapan with contract No. 516/UN27.21/PP/2019.
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Analysis Of Student Argumentation Skills On Static Fluid Topics

  • 1. AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 020059 (2019); 2202, 020059 © 2019 Author(s). Analysis of student argumentation skills on static fluid topics Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 020059 (2019); Published Online: 27 December 2019 Cari, Scundy Nourma Pratiwi, Nonoh Siti Aminah, and Dewanta Arya Nugraha ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Committee: International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS 2019) AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 010002 (2019); Analysis of undergraduate student concept understanding-three-tier test: Simple harmonic motion on mass-spring system AIP Conference Proceedings 2202, 020062 (2019);
  • 2. Analysis of Student Argumentation Skills on Static Fluid Topics Cari1,a) , Scundy Nourma Pratiwi2,b) , Nonoh Siti Aminah2 , and Dewanta Arya Nugraha3 1 Physics Department, Master Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,INDONESIA 2 Physics Education, Master Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, INDONESIA 3 Science Education, Doctorate Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, INDONESIA Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan, Jebres, , 57126, INDONESIA Corresponding author: a); b) Abstract. Argumentation skills can be seen from the activities of students when thinking about working on the questions so that ideas can be analyzed through writing. This study aims to an analysis of student argumentation skills on the static fluid topic. The sample used in this study was 24 students in physics programs Sebelas Maret University, who were taking basic physics courses. Data on argumentation skills were obtained through test techniques, then scored with a 4 category polytomous scale. The test instrument was developed based on an argumentation scheme of 10 items consisting of five aspects of argumentation skills claims, data, warrant, backing, and qualifier. The estimation results of test reliability with Quest show that the value of person reliability is 0.77, and the reliability item is 0.70. It can be concluded that the consistency of the answers from either the testee or the items in the instrument used to have high reliability. The results of data analysis students' argumentation skills on static fluid material indicate that student argumentation is still low, that is on the data aspect, qualifier, and warrant. Argumentation skills are strongly influenced by understanding concepts, that is on concepts in a static fluid material. INTRODUCTION Classroom learning will be successful if the teacher realizes that students' knowledge of the previous material influences the learning process, and how the teacher prepares prior knowledge in learning [1]. Knowledge in the previous material can be used as a guide for analyzing knowledge and addressing student learning difficulties [2]. Knowledge in previous material can actively improve learning outcomes and foster high-level cognitive skills [1]. High-level cognitive skills in physics learning can be started by involving students through simple explanations about physical phenomena in everyday life. The 21st -century skills in the “21st -century knowledge-skills rainbow” scheme are (1) life and career skills, (2) learning and innovation skills, and (3) Information media and technology skills. Learning and innovation skills involve (a) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, (b) Communication, (c) Collaboration, and (d) Creativity and Innovation [3]. To communicate well, one of the abilities that must be empowered is argumentation skills. Argumentation is one of the important skills for students and is an effective way to build concepts in physics learning [4]. The argumentation model has developed by Toulmin [5], and become an important part of physics learning today in the 2013 curriculum. Argumentation skills are very effective if taught with inquiry learning models, which are used as explorations of students' abilities to understand concepts and elaborate on the process of constructing student knowledge [4]. Argumentation skills can be seen from the activities of students when thinking about working on the questions so that ideas can be analyzed through writing. One form of an assessment instrument International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS) 2019 AIP Conf. Proc. 2202, 020059-1–020059-11; Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1953-7/$30.00 020059-1
  • 3. that can be used to access argumentation skills is reasoned multiple choice or modification multiple- choice (MMC), which can allow students to convey their ideas and arguments through writing [6]. The criterion of quality argumentation that can measure the quality of arguing students' has a positive effect on fostering argumentation skills in the development of science learning [7]. One of the material in physics learning related to argumentation skills is static fluid material. Empowerment of argumentation skills refers to understanding the concept of floating and sinking matter [8]. The investigation of the sinking and floating of simple objects has long been a part of the study of science in elementary school [9]. The results of the investigation indicate that, serious conceptual difficulties with Newton's resources for attempting to analyze sinking and floating from a dynamic perspective [9]. Based on this, the authors are interested in analyzing students' arguing skills in a static fluid material. METHODS The sample used in this study was 24 students in physics programs Sebelas Maret University (UNS), who were taking basic physics courses. Data on argumentation skills were obtained through test techniques, and the scores are divided into 4 category polytomous scale. The number of categories chosen depends on the guiding guidelines used, one of which can be chosen the provisions of each category, as follows in Table 1. Table 1. Category Assessment on The Politomus Scale Category Description Category 1 If the student misrepresents the concept used and the results are wrong. This is indicated when the student answers the wrong question and gives the wrong argument. Category 2 If the student misrepresents the concept used and the results are likely correct. This is shown when students answer questions correctly and incorrectly in giving arguments. Category 3 If the student is correct in giving the concept used but the result is wrong. This is shown when students are wrong in answering questions and correctly giving arguments. Category 4 If the student is right in giving the concept used and the result is correct. This is shown when students are right in answering questions and correctly giving arguments. Argumentation skills can be seen from the activities of students when thinking about working on the questions so that ideas can be analyzed through writing. The test instrument was developed based on an argumentation scheme of 10 items consisting of five aspects of argumentation skills claims, data, warrant, backing, and qualifier. The distribution of the test instruments used is presented in Table 2. Table 2. Matrix of Data Collection Instrument Aspect Indicator Items Claim Asking question 3, 8 Data Questions are strengthened with data 4, 10 Warrant Relationship between questions and data from observations 1,6 Backing The quality of the evidence and the reasons that support the claim 2,7 Qualifier The word is important to narrow the focus of the claim 5, 9 020059-2
  • 4. Quantitative data analysis is used to see the quality of the instrument for assessing argumentation skills. The estimation results of test reliability with Quest show that the value of person reliability is 0.77, and the reliability item is 0.70. It can be concluded that the consistency of the answers from either the testee or the items in the instrument used to have high reliability. The next analysis is to determine the category of argumentation skills ( ), based on the ideal standard deviation (SDi). The score of argumentation skills is obtained by summing 2 questions in each aspect so that there are five categories: very high, high, medium, low, and very low, with the provisions presented in Table 3. Table 3. The scale of Argumentation Skills Equation Score Range Category > + 1.5 + 0.5 < ≤ + 1.5 − 0.5 < ≤ + 0.5 − 1.5 < ≤ − 0.5 < − 1.5 > 7.50 5.83 < ≤ 7.50 4.16 < ≤ 5.83 2.50 < ≤ 4.16 2.50 < Very high High Medium Low Very Low RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Analysis of Achievement of Argumentation Skills The results of the research data were processed using the Microsoft Excel program, and then analyzed the achievement of argumentation skills. Aspects of argumentation skills consist of claims, data, warrant, backing, and qualifier. The results of the argumentation skill achievement analysis are presented in Table 4. Table 4. Results of Analysis of Argumentation Skills Achievement Aspect Category Claim 5.5 High Data 3 Low Warrant 4.5 Medium Backing 4.8 Medium Qualifier 4.5 Medium The results of data analysis in Table 4 show that the aspects of the claim are in the high category. Whereas the aspects of the warrant, backing, and qualifier are in the medium category, and the data aspect is in a low category. The findings of this study are by the results of a study conducted by Viyanti et al., shows that students' argumentation skills are still in the low category, in the range of 50%, this result means that argumentation skills are still in the medium category [10]. These results indicate that students have not been able to master the skills of argumentation on aspects of data, warrant, backing, and qualifier. So it is necessary to empower argumentation skills through problem exercises. The results of the study were used to determine the performance of students' argumentation skills by identifying elements of argumentation that are often produced/emerging during learning and the components/elements of argumentation that can encourage understanding of concepts. The argument affects the way students accept or reject statements. To support the purpose of this study, researchers minimize the possibility of students evaluating arguments with expert evidence provided. Argumentation consists of 1) the center of argumentation on the claim; 2) evidence (ground/reason) that supports the claim; 3) the relationship between evidence/claim and claim refers to the chain of reasoning as a warrant; 4) quality and type of reasoning involved (backing); 5) rebuttal identify exceptions to claims or counter-arguments; 6) claims including qualifiers, limits or explicit conditions that are part of the claim. 020059-3
  • 5. Argumentation skills are closely related to students' problem-solving skills because they are the most important skills to be able to improve argumentation skills. Problem-solving is arguably the most important skill students can have; progress has been very limited in finding effective ways to measure and teach these skills [11]. The willingness and ability of students to submit statements and challenge each other's thinking increase over time by using The Physics and Everyday Thinking (PET), the results show that they become increasingly comfortable engaging in the practice of scientific argumentation [12]. Also, one of the learning models that can empower argumentation skills is to use experimental based problem-based learning [13]. Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Claim The claim aspect is a statement based on observations, observations or scientific experiments that aim to influence the statements of others [5]. The claim aspect in this study consisted of 2 items, namely in points number 3 and 8. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4 categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 3 and 8 is presented in Figure 1. Figure 1. Percentage of scores for each category on the claim aspect Based on Figure 1, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this shows that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum score. From the 2 questions about the skill of arguing on the aspect of the claim, the percentage of student acquisition in item 3 in categories 1 and 2 is sequentially 25% and 21%. Whereas in item 8 in categories 1 and 2 sequentially 21% and 13%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in item 3. Item number 3 is presented in Figure 2. If the U pipe (Figure 2) is filled with two liquid substances of different density, then the statement relating to the correct hydrostatic pressure is. . . a. At point A = B and C = D d. At point A = B and C ≠ D b. At point A = B and C ≠ D e. At point A = D and B ≠ C c. At point A = C and B = D Figure 2. Your statement: …………………………………………………………………………………….... Figure 2. Item Number 3 in The Aspect of Claim. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Item 3 25% 21% 17% 38% Item 8 21% 13% 29% 38% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Percentage of categories 020059-4
  • 6. The indicator number 3 on the claim aspect is asking questions. Students are asked to give a correct statement, relating to the hydrostatic pressure on the U pipe. Pipe U is a simple vessel that is interconnected in the form of a letter U. This pipe if it is filled with a certain liquid then on both sides has the same height by the vessel law relating. The law of the vessel related does not apply to liquids with different density more than one, but the pressure on both surfaces of the liquid in both ends of the pipe is always the same. The results of the students' answers to the claim aspect are presented in Figure 3. EN: The answer is D. Because points A and B are equations of 2 fluids and 2 C and D to measure the height of the liquid. Figure 3. Example of Student Answers to Claim Aspect Figure 3 shows that these students are in category 2; this is because the student is correct in giving answers but is incorrect in giving an argument. Students' incorrect in giving arguments are located in the inability to interpret the meaning and data presented in the problem. Referring to Facione's opinion which states that the interpretation is "to understand and express meaning or significance various kinds of experiences, situations, data, events, judgments, conventions, beliefs, rules, procedures or criteria [14]. The inability of students to provide or produce claims is one indication that in learning, students are accustomed to memorizing without understanding. Skills in producing claims can be increased by using guided inquiry learning methods. This is by the results of research by Iwan, Suyatna, & Wasito [15] which states that the skill to produce claims using guided inquiry learning methods can increase by 47.50% when viewed from the N-Gain value, the average gain is 0.7. The value of gain 0.70 indicates that inquiry learning can be an alternative to improve student skills in producing claims. Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Data Data aspects can be expressed in numbers (quantitative) or words (statements) obtained from observing data objects or events that are measured [5]. The data aspect in this study consisted of 2 items, namely in points number 4 and 10. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4 categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 4 and 10 is presented in Figure 4. Figure 4. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Data Aspect Based on Figure 4, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this indicates that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Item 4 46% 42% 8% 4% Item 10 71% 21% 4% 4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Percentage of categories 020059-5
  • 7. score. From the 2 questions about argumentation skills in the aspect of data, the percentage of student acquisition in item 4 in categories 1 and 2 was respectively 46% and 42%. Whereas in item 10 in categories 1 and 2 sequentially 71% and 21%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in item 10. Item number 10 is presented in Figure 5. Look at Figure 8! If the left piston is given a force of F1, then the pressure acting on the right piston is….. a. Right piston pressure is smaller than the left piston b. Right piston pressure is greater than the left piston c. The right piston pressure is the same as the left piston d. The left piston pressure is smaller than the right piston because it is lower e. The right piston pressure is smaller than the left piston because it is higher Figure 8. Your statement: ……...………………………………………………….... Figure 5. Item Number 10 in Aspect of Data Indicators question number 10, namely questions are strengthened with data. The items can be resolved based on Pascal's law. Because the left piston pressure is forwarded to the right piston, the pressure acting on both pistons is the same. Based on the fact that fluid pressure depends on the depth and value of P0, each addition to the surface pressure must be passed to all other points in the fluid. Pascal's law states that the change in pressure acting on the fluid is passed without decreasing completely to all points on the fluid and also to the walls of the container. Examples of student answers are shown in Figure 6. EN: The answer is C. Based on Pascal's Law, namely P1 = P2. So that the F1 force can be calculated when it is known the value of its surface area. Figure 6. Example of Student Answers to the Data Aspect Based on figure 6 shows that these students only provide makeshift arguments. That is proposing the idea that in solving these problems can use Pascal's law that is when the area is known. Most students answer question number 10 in categories 1 and 2, which is only able to give correct answers in multiple choices but is wrong in proposing problem-solving strategies. Based on these findings, students' argumentation skills are still weak in the data aspect. Data aspects are aspects obtained from observations of objects or events that are measured, both qualitatively and quantitatively [5]. This means that argumentation on aspects of data is not just a matter of presenting information but rather is solving problems in the form of conclusions based on information in qualitative and quantitative forms [8]. Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Warrant The warrant aspect is the relationship between claim and data, namely by establishing a rational relationship to make reasonable conclusions. If the claim based on data means that the conclusions or statements or claims are correct based on the data [5]. The warrant aspect in this study consisted of 2 020059-6
  • 8. items, namely in points number 1 and 6. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4 categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 1 and 6 is presented in Figure 7. Figure 7. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Warrant Aspect Based on Figure 7, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this shows that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum score. From the 2 questions of argumentation skills in the aspect of the warrant, the percentage of student acquisition in item 1 in categories 1 and 2 sequentially 67% and 8%. Whereas in item 6 in categories 1 and 2 respectively 17% and 8%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in item 1. Item 1 is presented in Figure 8. Cubes cut in the water. If the volume of wood is 1.000 cm3 and the wood is immersed in water ¾ section (ρair = 1 gr/cm3 and g = 10 m/s2 ), then to calculate the force required to lift the piece of wood using ... a. Bernoulli's Law d. Archimedes' Law b. Hydrostatic Pressure e. Continuity c. Pascal's Law Calculate how much force is needed to lift the piece of wood!.......................................................... Figure 8. Item Number 1 in The Aspect of Warrant Archimedes' law states that the lifting force of an object is equal to the gravity of the displaced fluid. By including the amount of wood volume and density of water in the Archimedes law equation, obtained the magnitude of buoyancy force of 7.5 Newton. EN: The answer is D. If an object is inserted into a liquid it will get an upward force. The result of the calculation is 10 Newton. Figure 9. Example of Student Answers to Warrant Aspect The Student is included in category 2; this is because the student is correct in giving answers but is incorrect in giving an argument. Students' incorrect in giving arguments are located in the inability to Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Item 1 67% 8% 25% 0% Item 6 17% 8% 38% 38% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Percentage of categories 020059-7
  • 9. interpret the meaning and data presented in the problem. The Archimedes equation given by students is correct, which is equal to . Referring to Facione's opinion which states that the interpretation is "to understand and express meaning or significance various kinds of experiences, situations, data, events, judgments, conventions, beliefs, rules, procedures or criteria [14]. Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Backing The backing aspect is quality and type of reason, which indicates the extent to which evidence and logic support claim. The underlying reason can be based on authority, logic, or theory [5]. The backing aspect in this study consisted of 2 items, namely in points number 2 and 7. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4 categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 2 and 7 is presented in Figure 10. Figure 10. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Backing Aspect Based on Figure 10 it can be seen that most students get scores in category 1, this indicates that students are only able to complete at the next stage. From the 2 questions about argumentation skills on the backing aspect, the percentage of student acquisition in item 2 in category 1 was 25%, while in item 7 in category 1 was 42%. This shows that most students have difficulties in item 7. Item number 7 is presented in Figure 11. Look at Figure 5! At depth 2 there are points A, B, C, and D that are connected in a straight line. The pressure acting on these points is. . . . a. The hydrostatic pressure at point A is equal to C and at point B is equal to D b. The hydrostatic pressure at point A is equal to C because the bottom of the vessel is equal c. The hydrostatic pressure at point A is equal to B because the end of the vessel is equal d. Hydrostatic pressure at points A, B, and C is the same but at point D is different e. Hydrostatic pressure at all points together Your statement: …………………………………………………………………………………….... Figure 11. Item Number 7 in Aspect of Backing Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Item 2 25% 17% 25% 33% Item 7 42% 21% 21% 17% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Percentage of categories Figure 5 020059-8
  • 10. The problem in Figure 11 can be solved using the concept of hydrostatic pressure. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure caused by a liquid which is stationary at a certain depth, the amount of which is influenced by the height of the liquid, the density of the liquid, and the acceleration of gravity. Examples of student answers are shown in Figure 12. EN: The answer is D. The pressure at points A, B, C is the same because it uses the same density. While point D uses a different type of fluid mass. Figure 12. Example of Student Answers to Backing Aspect Based on Figure 12 shows that students are only able to provide simple arguments and have not been able to provide complex arguments based on understanding the concept of hydrostatic pressure. In the problems presented (Figure 11), all points are at the same depth but at point D have different pressures from points A, B, and C because point D is in a different liquid, namely mercury. If the pressure on two different fluids with different density, then the pressure will be greater because the greater the density (water + mercury) then the pressure that works also gets bigger. Based on the hydrostatic pressure equation which is P0 + ρgh indicates that the pressure gradient is in the upright direction, meaning that the pressure will decrease when the object moves upwards in a fluid. The pressure changes linearly with the depth and density of the fluid. Performance of Student Argumentation Skills Aspect Qualifier Aspects Qualifiers are important words or short phrases used in the Claim to narrow the focus of the Claim [5]. The qualifier aspect in this study consisted of 2 items, namely in points number 5 and 9. The results of student answers were analyzed using 4 categories. The percentage of the answer categories in item 5 and 9 is presented in Figure 13. Figure 13. Percentage of Scores for Each Category on the Qualifier Aspect Based on Figure 13, it can be seen that most students get scores in categories 1 and 2, this indicates that students are only able to complete at that stage and have not been able to reach the maximum score. From the 2 questions about argumentation skills in the aspect of the qualifier, the percentage of student acquisition in item 5 in categories 1 and 2 was respectively 33% and 29%. Whereas in item 9 in categories 1 and 2 sequentially 17% and 46%, this indicates that most students have difficulties in item 5. Item number 5 is presented in Figure 14. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Item 5 33% 29% 21% 17% Item 9 17% 46% 25% 13% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Percentage of categories 020059-9
  • 11. Look at Figure 3 below! The correct equation for determining the third density of liquid (ρ3) is…. a. 2 3 1 2 2 3 h h h      d. 1 2 2 3 1 3 h h h      b. 3 1 1 2 2 3 h h h      e. 3 2 2 1 1 3 h h h      c. 3 2 1 3 1 3 h h h      Give the solution: …………………………………………………………………………… Figure 14. Item Number 5 in Aspect of Qualifier The approach used in solving this problem, using the hydrostatic equation. Because in the hydrostatic equation the pressure is dependent on the height of the liquid, density, and acceleration of gravity. In the problem presented (Figure 14) a related vessel is inserted into three different types of fluid with different masses. If measured from the lowest boundary between point A and point B, point A has a height of h1 and point B has a height of h2 and h3. The total pressure at Adan point B is as large. According to the hydrostatic pressure equation, the magnitude of the pressure at point A and point B depends on the fluid density and the fluid in the tube. The results of student answers to this problem are presented in Figure 15. EN: The answer is B. Because high P1.h1 = P2.h2 + P3.h3 (easier). Figure 15. Example of Student Answers to Qualifier Aspect The student is included in category 1 because it is incorrect to give an answer and the argument is also wrong. Student E is only able to answer based on the basic equation of hydrostatic pressure, without understanding the meaning and not knowing how to solve the problem. Based on these findings, students' argumentation skills are still relatively weak in all aspects. Scientific argumentation is a process of finding claims using interpreted data and evidence to compile the knowledge. This means that argumentation is not just a matter of presenting information but rather is solving problems in the form of conclusions based on information and facts [8]. CONCLUSION Skills of argumentation are needed, to integrate and apply concepts and to construct and reconstruct the understanding of concepts. The results of data analysis students' argumentation skills on static fluid material indicate that student argumentation is still low, namely on the data aspect, Figure 3. 020059-10
  • 12. qualifier, and warrant. So that further research is needed in the form of developing instruments for assessing argumentation skills in these aspects. Argumentation skills are strongly influenced by understanding concepts, namely on concepts in a static fluid material. Knowledge of understanding the initial concepts can be familiarized with intensive guidance by giving a test that requires high- level thinking. High-level thinking skills in physics learning can be started by involving students through simple explanations about everyday phenomena. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was partly supported by Universitas Sebelas Maret - Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Terapan with contract No. 516/UN27.21/PP/2019. REFERENCES [1] Viyanti., Cari., W Sunarno., & Z K Prastyo 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 895 012043 [2] Taber K S 2001 Edu Studies 27 (2) pp 159-171 [3] Trilling B and Fadel C 2009 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. John Wiley & Sons [4] Wang, J. & Buck, G. A. 2016 Journal of Science Teacher Education. 27 (5) pp 577-604 [5] Toulmin, S. 1958, The uses of argument, Cambridge, UK: University Press [6] H Affandy, N S Aminah, & A Supriyanto 2019. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1153 012132 [7] Viyanti, Cari, W Sunarno, Z K Prasetyo 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 909 012057 [8] Viyanti, Cari, W Sunarno, Z K Prasetyo 2016 Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Fisika. pp 43-48 [9] P. R. L. Heron, M. E. Loverude, P. S. Shaffer, and L. C. McDermott, 2003. Am. Journal of Physics [10] Viyanti, Cari, W Sunarno, Z K Prasetyo, & S Widoretno. 2015. Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Sains: UNS [11] Wendy K. Adams. & Carl E. Wieman 2015. American Journal of Physics 83 pp 459 [12] Shelly N. Belleau, Mike J. Ross, & Valerie K. Otero 2012. AIP Conf. Proc. 1413. Pp 127-130 [13] S N Pratiwi, Cari, N S Aminah, & H Affandy 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1155 012065 [14] Facione, Peter A. 2011. Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts. Insight Assessment. [15] Iwan, Muhammad., Agus Suyatna, & Warsito. 2018. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 6(6), Pp. 296-309 020059-11