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Alphos Poisoning
What is Poisoning ?
   By definition, anything which when used
    internally or on the body surface in a dose
    or in repeated doses, if acts chemically
    and physiologically, causing disturbances
    of body functions and leads to disease or
    death is a poison.
Aluminum phosphide
- a solid fumigant
- an inorganic pesticide (has got
  insecticidal, rodenticidal and fungicidal effects)
- has been used extensively since 1940
- used all over the world but freely and easily
  available in developing countries.
Why is it used ?
Because of its properties which are considered
 near ideal:

   1) toxic to all stages of insects.
   2) highly potent
   3) does not affect seed viability
   4) free from toxic residues
   5) leaves little residues on food grains.
In what all forms is it available?
   commonly available as:
    ◦ 3 gm tablets or 0.6 gm pellets

   tablets are dark brown or
     grayish in color.

   also available in porous blister
    packs, sachets or as dusts
                      Crop Storage

                   Crop Transport (Rail)

                  Crop Processing Units

AlP               As fumigant in field for
                    burrowing rodents

                     As bait for rodents
Study* conducted over a year from 2004-2005 at
JNMCH, Aligarh highlighted the following demographic
profile, socio-economic conditions and intent of poisoning.

          Gender distribution (80 cases)



              * Gupta et al, A STUDY OF ALPHOS POISONING IN WESTERN UP
4%    Mode of death


 Out of 96 % suicide cases (adults)
                                         Domestic conflict

                                         Marital discord

     * Causes were in overlapping patterns
AlP suicides amongst
 teenage population


                       Exam results and
                       relationship failures

    In UK, AlP is available in the form of tablets or
    pellets (Phostoxin, Talunex, and Degesch) used
    as rodenticides, and supply is restricted under
    the Pesticides Act 1998 to qualified users.

   In US also, its supply is restricted and given
    only to certified users.

   Whereas In India, it is freely and easily
Chemical composition of the tablet

   Tablets contain 2             ◦ AlP= active
    compounds:                      component
    ◦ 1) AlP
    ◦ 2)Al carbonate              ◦ AlCO3= added to
                                    prevent self ignition
                                    of phosphine gas
    ◦ Ratio = AlP: AlCO3= 56:44     which is liberated
                                    when AlP reacts with
   In Air:
    ◦ AlP + 3 H2O  Al(OH)3 + PH3

    Al(OH)3 = non toxic grayish colored residue which is left behind

   In Stomach:
    ◦ AlP + 3HCl  AlCl3 + PH3
    ◦ AlP + 3 H2O  Al(OH)3 + PH3

   Each 3 gm tab  1 gm PH3
   And 0.6 gm pellet  0.2 gm PH3
Properties of Phosphine
 Phosphine gas is colourless and odourless.
 However on exposure to air it gives a foul
  odour(garlicky or decaying fish)

    ◦ due to the presence: substituted phosphines
      and diphosphines

 Majority of AlP reacts with
                                    Small amount of AlP is
 H20 and HCL, releasing
                                      directly absorbed

    Released PH3 gets                And subsequently
  absorbed into circulation          metabolized in liver

 Resulting in Early Signs &         Resulting in Delayed
         Symptoms                     onset of toxicity
Mechanism of Injury/ Action
                     PH3 causes

      N.C.I. of         ↑ Superoxide
     Cytochrome                             ↓ Catalase
       Oxidase            dismutase
    (mitochondria)         activity

     Resulting in
                          ↑ Formation of free radicals

       damage                           ↑
Increased formation of free radicals

                                                   Acclerated lipid peroxidation

                                                        Disruption of ionic            Damage to nucelic
                           Damage to cell mb.
                                                             barriers                       acid

Alterations in Na, K, Mg permeabiltiy

                                                                                        Altered membrane
                                                                                        potential and focal
                                                                                        myocardial necrosis

              ECG abnormalities and cardiac arrhythmias.
 The presenting symptoms depend on the
  route of administration.
 Routes are: inhalation, ingestion, dermally
 Most cases are due to ingestion of AlP
Poisoning – Clinical Picture
                                       Irritation of
                            mucosa, dizziness, easy fatigability
                                 , N, V , H and diarrhea

                                    Ataxia, Numbness,
              Moderate            Paresthesia, Ms wk, Ms
Inhalation                             ply, diplopia

                                  ARDS, convulsions,
                                     CCF, coma
Ingestion leads to a worse clinical picture:

 Earliest symptoms: N, V and Abd Pain
 Failure of each and every system of body sets in but at
  different pace.
 GI symptoms:
      Excessive thirst
      Abd pain
      Epigastric tenderness

   CVS:
        Profound hypotension
        Dry pericarditis
        Myocarditis
        Acute CHF
        Arrythmias
   Resp symptoms:
       Dyspnoea may progress to resp failure

   Nervous System:
       Headache, Dizziness, Altered mental status
       Convulsion
       Acute hypoxic enchelopathy
       Coma

 Renal and Hepatic failure
 Ms wasting, limb tenderness
 Bleeding diathesis
Microscopic changes (Kapoor et al, IIJFMT, 2006)
ML autopsies of 83 established AlP cases showed various microscopic changes
in all the vital organs

          100    92
   90                   74
   80                          57
   70                                55     49
   60                                             43
   50                                                    29
   40                                                           20
         100   98
 100                92
  90                     81
  80                          66
  70                               58

 70                                     62
 50                                                   38
      Congestion     Tubular      Infiltration    Tubular
                   degeration &                  dilatation





          Liver   Lungs   Kidneys Stomach   Brain

A striking feature about microscopic changes due to AlP
poisoning is that all vital organs showed congestion in all
the cases.
   1) Positive h/o ingestion/ inhalation
   2) Typical clinical features (including profound hypotension
    and shock)
   3) Garlicky odor
   4) Highly variable arrhythmias in a young patient with shock
   5) No prior h/o cardiac disease

Confirmatory Test (Nitrate test):
  a) On gastric aspirate: 5ml Asp + 15 ml H20, flask & AgNO3
  b) On exhaled air: AgNO3 impregnated filter paper
• *Sensitivity a:b= 100:50
• * Most sensitive & specific method: gas chromatography
Lab Investigation
   Lab evaluation mainly done to assess the prognosis.
   HMG: anemia (hemolytic anemia)
   PBF: may show fragemented RBCs
   ↑SGOT, SGPT and metabolic acidosis: moderate to
    severe ingestional poisoning.
   Electrolyte: Mg ↑ , K ↑ or ↓
   Urine volume: decreased (oliguria / anuria)
   Urine R/E: Inc in proteins, RBCs
   Measurement of Plasma renin: significant
    ◦ Level in plasma α dose of pesticide, ↑ renin= ↑ mortality
   Serum cortisol: usually low in severe poisoning
   CXR: hilar or perihilar congestion/ ARDS skiagram

   ECG: shows various manifestations of cardiac injury
        ST depression or elevation,
       bundle branch block,
       ventricular tachycardia,
       ventricular fibrillation

   Echo:
         Wall motion abnormalities,
         generalised hypokinesia of the left ventricle,
         decreased ejection fraction and
         pericardial effusion
ECG findings:(Paper: Mathai et al, Indian J Anaesthesia, 2010)
APACHE II Vs Mortality
 In the same study, the mean
APACHE II score at
admission to the hospital
was 12.14 6.608

 Study found that, in patients
with APACHE II scores
of more than 8, the rates of
mortality were 73% .
   The APACHE II score at admission correlated well with
    mortality and survivors had significantly lower score
    than non-survivors (score 8.64 5.27 vs 14.56
    6.66, respectively, P = 0.019).
Fatal dose
   The specified fatal dose is 0.15-0.5 gm.
   However, most of the patients present with ingestion of
    three or more tablets which invariably results in death.
   First Aid- On the spot
   Immediate resuscitation of shock + supportive
    measures ASAP
   A, B, C
    ◦ Establish i.v. access
    ◦ Administer 2-3 lit of NS within first 8-12 hrs guided by
      CVP and PCWP
    ◦ Aim: keep CVP at around 12-14 cm
    ◦ Few studies* have recommended rapid infusion of saline
      (3-6 litres) in the initial 3 hrs

                                        *Siwach et al, J API 1995
i.v. access – wide bore cannula

    NS infusion- 3 lit (first 8 hr or rapid
    within first 3 hrs)

        If hypotension still persists( sys<90)
         low dose dopamine,4-6

            Hydrocortisone   200- 400 mg i.v. q4-6 h
Oxygen: for hypoxia

   If ARDS has set in  I.C.U +
   Mechanical ventilation

       If ECG  arrhythmias

           If bicarb < 15 meq/l  give
           NaHCO3 (50-100 meq i.v. 8hrly) till
           level reaches 18-20 meq/l
                To eliminate PH3 from
                     body: 2 ways

           1) ↓ Absorption      2) ↑ Excretion

          gastric lavage with
       potassium permanganate
         (1:10,000) is done

   KMNO4 oxidizes PH3 non toxic
2) Excretion

  Catharsis: liquid
paraffin via NG tube       Maintain hydration
                           & Renal perfusion

         By giving i.v.          Give diuretics
         fluids & low           (furosemide) if
        dose dopamine          BP>90: to enhance
       (4-6 ug/kg/min)             excretion
    Dialysis may be required for severe acidosis and acute renal failure


   Magnesium sulphate use (both high and low dose) did not improve
    survival in controlled clinical trials *. Hence its use is not
    recommended but on the contrary few past studies (Chugh et al)
    emphasize on the role of MgSO4 as anti-peroxidant agent, they
    carried out a study on 50 pts divided them into 2 gps mortality
    was shown higher in gp which did not receive MgSO4( 44 % Vs

Coconut oil: lavage beneficial
Other management modalities
   Novel therapies such as N‐acetylcysteine, replenishing
    cellular glutathione which has been reported to have
    antioxidant properties, have been suggested (Chugh et al).
   A characteristic feature of AlP poisoning is myocardial
    suppression and resistant hypotension.
    In rats exposed to AlP, N‐acetylcysteine increased
    survival time and reduced myocardial oxidative injury
    (Azad et al).
   Other agents include trimetazidine, which switches
    myocyte metabolism to glucose from fatty acids, thus
    reducing oxygen consumption, and may have a potential
    role (Duenas et al).
Poor Prognosis
Development of:
 refractory shock,
 ARDS, aspiration pneumonitis,
 anaemia,
 metabolic acidosis, Electrolyte imbalance,
 coma,
 severe hypoxia,
 gastrointestinal bleeding, and
 pericarditis.

All these leads to poor outcome
 The average time interval between intake of poison and
  death is 3 hours with a range of 1-48 hours.
 95% of the patients die within 24 hours and the
  commonest cause of death in this group of pts. is
 Death after 24 hours is due to shock, acidosis, ARDS
  and arrhythmia.
 The mortality rate is highly variable, ranging from 37-
  100% and can reach more than 60% even in experienced
  and well equipped centers.
Thank you
   Chugh S N, Kolley T, Kakkar R. et al A critical evaluation of
    anti‐peroxidant effect of intravenous magnesium in acute
    aluminium phosphide poisoning. Magnes Res 1997. 10225–230.
   10. Azad A, Lall S B, Mittra S. Effect of N‐acetylcysteine and
    L‐NAME on aluminium phosphide induced cardiovascular toxicity
    in rats. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2001. 22298–304. [PubMed]
   11. Duenas A, Perez‐Castrillon J L, Cobos M A. et al Treatment of
    the cardiovascular manifestations of phosphine poisoning with
    trimetazidine, a new anti‐ischemic drug. Am J Emerg Med 1999.
    17219–220. [PubMed]
Routes of exposure      First Aid

   Inhalation   Management position. Artificial respiration if
                    Fresh air, rest. Half-upright

   Skin                 Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse and then wash skin
                        with water and soap.

  Eyes                  First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes.

  Ingestion             Induce vomiting (ONLY IN CONSCIOUS PERSONS!).
                        Refer for medical attention.

Hydrocortisone 200-400 mg every 4-6 h i.v.
       a)to combat shock
       b) reduce the dose of dopamine
       c)check capillary leakage (as seen in ARDS)
       d)to potentiate the responsiveness of the body to
       endogenous and exogenous catecholamine's

Hemolytic anemia and MAHA
 Aluminum phosphide is a redox substance; so theoretically, it
  can cause hemolytic anemia.
 Aluminum phosphide could be associated with disseminated
  intravascular coagulation, disseminated intravascular
  coagulation (DIC) is a well-recognized cause of MAHA.
 Case review by Khurrana et al published in J GID 2009
  emphasizes on the possibility of AlP causing MAHA.
  Mechanism of MAHA is the formation of a fibrin mesh due
  to increased activation of the coagulation system. The red
  blood cells are physically cut by these protein networks, and
  the fragments are identical to the schistocytes seen on light

   Back

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Alphos poisoning demo

  • 2. What is Poisoning ?  By definition, anything which when used internally or on the body surface in a dose or in repeated doses, if acts chemically and physiologically, causing disturbances of body functions and leads to disease or death is a poison.
  • 3. Aluminum phosphide - a solid fumigant - an inorganic pesticide (has got insecticidal, rodenticidal and fungicidal effects) - has been used extensively since 1940 - used all over the world but freely and easily available in developing countries.
  • 4. Why is it used ? Because of its properties which are considered near ideal:  1) toxic to all stages of insects.  2) highly potent  3) does not affect seed viability  4) free from toxic residues  5) leaves little residues on food grains.
  • 5. In what all forms is it available?  commonly available as: ◦ 3 gm tablets or 0.6 gm pellets  tablets are dark brown or grayish in color.  also available in porous blister packs, sachets or as dusts
  • 6. Usage Crop Storage Crop Transport (Rail) Indoor Crop Processing Units AlP As fumigant in field for burrowing rodents Outdoor As bait for rodents
  • 7. Study* conducted over a year from 2004-2005 at JNMCH, Aligarh highlighted the following demographic profile, socio-economic conditions and intent of poisoning. Gender distribution (80 cases) 18.80% Male Female 81.20% * Gupta et al, A STUDY OF ALPHOS POISONING IN WESTERN UP
  • 8. 4% Mode of death Suicidal Accidental 96% Out of 96 % suicide cases (adults) 16% Domestic conflict Marital discord 39% 88% economic hardships * Causes were in overlapping patterns
  • 9. AlP suicides amongst teenage population 10% Exam results and relationship failures Others 90%
  • 10. Comparison  In UK, AlP is available in the form of tablets or pellets (Phostoxin, Talunex, and Degesch) used as rodenticides, and supply is restricted under the Pesticides Act 1998 to qualified users.  In US also, its supply is restricted and given only to certified users.  Whereas In India, it is freely and easily available.
  • 11. Chemical composition of the tablet  Tablets contain 2 ◦ AlP= active compounds: component ◦ 1) AlP ◦ 2)Al carbonate ◦ AlCO3= added to prevent self ignition of phosphine gas ◦ Ratio = AlP: AlCO3= 56:44 which is liberated when AlP reacts with moisture.
  • 12. Rx  In Air: ◦ AlP + 3 H2O  Al(OH)3 + PH3 Al(OH)3 = non toxic grayish colored residue which is left behind  In Stomach: ◦ AlP + 3HCl  AlCl3 + PH3 ◦ AlP + 3 H2O  Al(OH)3 + PH3  Each 3 gm tab  1 gm PH3  And 0.6 gm pellet  0.2 gm PH3
  • 13. Properties of Phosphine  Phosphine gas is colourless and odourless.  However on exposure to air it gives a foul odour(garlicky or decaying fish) ◦ due to the presence: substituted phosphines and diphosphines
  • 14. Route: AlP ingested Majority of AlP reacts with Small amount of AlP is H20 and HCL, releasing directly absorbed PH3 Released PH3 gets And subsequently absorbed into circulation metabolized in liver Resulting in Early Signs & Resulting in Delayed Symptoms onset of toxicity
  • 15. Mechanism of Injury/ Action Absorbed PH3 causes N.C.I. of ↑ Superoxide Cytochrome ↓ Catalase Oxidase dismutase levels (mitochondria) activity Resulting in Cellular hypoxia ↑ Formation of free radicals Cellular damage ↑
  • 16. Increased formation of free radicals Acclerated lipid peroxidation Disruption of ionic Damage to nucelic Damage to cell mb. barriers acid Alterations in Na, K, Mg permeabiltiy Altered membrane potential and focal myocardial necrosis ECG abnormalities and cardiac arrhythmias.
  • 17.  The presenting symptoms depend on the route of administration.  Routes are: inhalation, ingestion, dermally  Most cases are due to ingestion of AlP
  • 18. Poisoning – Clinical Picture Irritation of mucosa, dizziness, easy fatigability , N, V , H and diarrhea Mild Ataxia, Numbness, Moderate Paresthesia, Ms wk, Ms Inhalation ply, diplopia Severe ARDS, convulsions, CCF, coma
  • 19. Ingestion leads to a worse clinical picture:  Earliest symptoms: N, V and Abd Pain  Failure of each and every system of body sets in but at different pace.  GI symptoms:  Excessive thirst  Abd pain  Epigastric tenderness  CVS:  Profound hypotension  Dry pericarditis  Myocarditis  Acute CHF  Arrythmias
  • 20. Resp symptoms:  Dyspnoea may progress to resp failure  Nervous System:  Headache, Dizziness, Altered mental status  Convulsion  Acute hypoxic enchelopathy  Coma  Renal and Hepatic failure  Ms wasting, limb tenderness  Bleeding diathesis
  • 21. Microscopic changes (Kapoor et al, IIJFMT, 2006) ML autopsies of 83 established AlP cases showed various microscopic changes in all the vital organs LIVER 100 92 100 90 74 80 57 70 55 49 60 43 50 29 40 20 30 20 10 0
  • 22. Lungs: 100 98 100 92 90 81 80 66 70 58 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
  • 23. Kidneys 100 100 90 74 80 70 62 60 50 38 40 30 20 10 0 Congestion Tubular Infiltration Tubular degeration & dilatation necrosis
  • 24. Congestion 120 100 80 60 Congestion 40 20 0 Liver Lungs Kidneys Stomach Brain A striking feature about microscopic changes due to AlP poisoning is that all vital organs showed congestion in all the cases.
  • 25. Diagnosis  1) Positive h/o ingestion/ inhalation  2) Typical clinical features (including profound hypotension and shock)  3) Garlicky odor  4) Highly variable arrhythmias in a young patient with shock  5) No prior h/o cardiac disease Confirmatory Test (Nitrate test): a) On gastric aspirate: 5ml Asp + 15 ml H20, flask & AgNO3 b) On exhaled air: AgNO3 impregnated filter paper • *Sensitivity a:b= 100:50 • * Most sensitive & specific method: gas chromatography
  • 26. Lab Investigation  Lab evaluation mainly done to assess the prognosis.  HMG: anemia (hemolytic anemia)  PBF: may show fragemented RBCs  ↑SGOT, SGPT and metabolic acidosis: moderate to severe ingestional poisoning.  Electrolyte: Mg ↑ , K ↑ or ↓  Urine volume: decreased (oliguria / anuria)  Urine R/E: Inc in proteins, RBCs  Measurement of Plasma renin: significant ◦ Level in plasma α dose of pesticide, ↑ renin= ↑ mortality
  • 27. Serum cortisol: usually low in severe poisoning  CXR: hilar or perihilar congestion/ ARDS skiagram  ECG: shows various manifestations of cardiac injury ST depression or elevation,  bundle branch block,  ventricular tachycardia,  ventricular fibrillation  Echo:  Wall motion abnormalities,  generalised hypokinesia of the left ventricle,  decreased ejection fraction and  pericardial effusion
  • 28. ECG findings:(Paper: Mathai et al, Indian J Anaesthesia, 2010)
  • 29. APACHE II Vs Mortality  In the same study, the mean APACHE II score at admission to the hospital was 12.14 6.608  Study found that, in patients with APACHE II scores of more than 8, the rates of mortality were 73% .
  • 30. APACHE II  The APACHE II score at admission correlated well with mortality and survivors had significantly lower score than non-survivors (score 8.64 5.27 vs 14.56 6.66, respectively, P = 0.019).
  • 31. Fatal dose  The specified fatal dose is 0.15-0.5 gm.  However, most of the patients present with ingestion of three or more tablets which invariably results in death.
  • 32. Management  First Aid- On the spot  Immediate resuscitation of shock + supportive measures ASAP  A, B, C ◦ Establish i.v. access ◦ Administer 2-3 lit of NS within first 8-12 hrs guided by CVP and PCWP ◦ Aim: keep CVP at around 12-14 cm ◦ Few studies* have recommended rapid infusion of saline (3-6 litres) in the initial 3 hrs *Siwach et al, J API 1995
  • 33. i.v. access – wide bore cannula NS infusion- 3 lit (first 8 hr or rapid within first 3 hrs) If hypotension still persists( sys<90)  low dose dopamine,4-6 ug/kg/min Hydrocortisone 200- 400 mg i.v. q4-6 h
  • 34. Oxygen: for hypoxia If ARDS has set in  I.C.U + Mechanical ventilation If ECG  arrhythmias antiarrhyhmic If bicarb < 15 meq/l  give NaHCO3 (50-100 meq i.v. 8hrly) till level reaches 18-20 meq/l
  • 35. Meanwhile, To eliminate PH3 from body: 2 ways 1) ↓ Absorption 2) ↑ Excretion gastric lavage with potassium permanganate (1:10,000) is done KMNO4 oxidizes PH3 non toxic phosphate
  • 36. 2) Excretion Catharsis: liquid paraffin via NG tube Maintain hydration & Renal perfusion By giving i.v. Give diuretics fluids & low (furosemide) if dose dopamine BP>90: to enhance (4-6 ug/kg/min) excretion
  • 37. Dialysis Dialysis may be required for severe acidosis and acute renal failure MgSO4  Magnesium sulphate use (both high and low dose) did not improve survival in controlled clinical trials *. Hence its use is not recommended but on the contrary few past studies (Chugh et al) emphasize on the role of MgSO4 as anti-peroxidant agent, they carried out a study on 50 pts divided them into 2 gps mortality was shown higher in gp which did not receive MgSO4( 44 % Vs 20%) Coconut oil: lavage beneficial
  • 38. Other management modalities  Novel therapies such as N‐acetylcysteine, replenishing cellular glutathione which has been reported to have antioxidant properties, have been suggested (Chugh et al).  A characteristic feature of AlP poisoning is myocardial suppression and resistant hypotension.  In rats exposed to AlP, N‐acetylcysteine increased survival time and reduced myocardial oxidative injury (Azad et al).  Other agents include trimetazidine, which switches myocyte metabolism to glucose from fatty acids, thus reducing oxygen consumption, and may have a potential role (Duenas et al).
  • 39. Poor Prognosis Development of:  refractory shock,  ARDS, aspiration pneumonitis,  anaemia,  metabolic acidosis, Electrolyte imbalance,  coma,  severe hypoxia,  gastrointestinal bleeding, and  pericarditis. All these leads to poor outcome
  • 40.  The average time interval between intake of poison and death is 3 hours with a range of 1-48 hours.  95% of the patients die within 24 hours and the commonest cause of death in this group of pts. is arrhythmia.  Death after 24 hours is due to shock, acidosis, ARDS and arrhythmia.  The mortality rate is highly variable, ranging from 37- 100% and can reach more than 60% even in experienced and well equipped centers.
  • 42. References  Chugh S N, Kolley T, Kakkar R. et al A critical evaluation of anti‐peroxidant effect of intravenous magnesium in acute aluminium phosphide poisoning. Magnes Res 1997. 10225–230. [PubMed]  10. Azad A, Lall S B, Mittra S. Effect of N‐acetylcysteine and L‐NAME on aluminium phosphide induced cardiovascular toxicity in rats. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2001. 22298–304. [PubMed]  11. Duenas A, Perez‐Castrillon J L, Cobos M A. et al Treatment of the cardiovascular manifestations of phosphine poisoning with trimetazidine, a new anti‐ischemic drug. Am J Emerg Med 1999. 17219–220. [PubMed]
  • 43. Routes of exposure First Aid Inhalation Management position. Artificial respiration if Fresh air, rest. Half-upright indicated. Skin Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse and then wash skin with water and soap. Eyes First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes. Ingestion Induce vomiting (ONLY IN CONSCIOUS PERSONS!). Refer for medical attention. Back
  • 44. Hydrocortisone 200-400 mg every 4-6 h i.v. to: a)to combat shock b) reduce the dose of dopamine c)check capillary leakage (as seen in ARDS) d)to potentiate the responsiveness of the body to endogenous and exogenous catecholamine's Back
  • 45. Hemolytic anemia and MAHA  Aluminum phosphide is a redox substance; so theoretically, it can cause hemolytic anemia.  Aluminum phosphide could be associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a well-recognized cause of MAHA.  Case review by Khurrana et al published in J GID 2009 emphasizes on the possibility of AlP causing MAHA. Mechanism of MAHA is the formation of a fibrin mesh due to increased activation of the coagulation system. The red blood cells are physically cut by these protein networks, and the fragments are identical to the schistocytes seen on light microscopy.  Back