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as per Yaqeen Institute)
Contact Us
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is a nonprofit organization that
must serve the public in some way, through the offering of multiple
services.We have made operating information public so that people can be
informed about how their contributions have been used.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research cannot be political, which is
explicitly written in the organizing papers that it will not participate in any
political campaign on the behalf of any candidate or make expenditures for
political purposes.
Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Organizations
1. Service Motive: These organisations have a motive to provide service
to its members or a specific group or to the general public. They provide
services free of cost or at a bare minimum price as their aim is not to earn
the profit. They do not discriminate among people on the basis of their
caste, creed or colour. Examples of services provided by them are
education, food,health care, recreation, sports facility, clothing, shelter, etc.
2. Members: These organisations are formed as charitable trusts or
societies. The subscribers to these organisations are their members.
3. Management: The managing committee or the executive committee
manages these organisations. The members elect the committee.
4. Source of Income: The major sources of income of not-for-profit
organisations are subscriptions, donations, government grants, legacies,
income from investments, etc.
5. Surplus: The surplus generated in the due course is distributed
among its members.
6. Reputation: These organisations earn their reputation or goodwill on
the basis of the good work done for the welfare of the public.
7. Users of accounting information: The users of the accounting
information of these organisations are present and potential contributors as
well as the statutory bodies.
Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations
As we know that the not-for-profit organisations do not trade in goods or
provide services with a profit motive. But, they also require to keep proper
records of incomes,expenses, assets, and liabilities. Their major source of
income is donations, subscriptions, grants, etc. Therefore, most of their
transactions are in cash or through the bank account.
They need to keep properbooks firstly because they are accountable to the
members and the contributors and secondlybecause the law requires them
to maintain proper books so that the government can keep proper control
over the grants. Also, proper accounting reduces the risk of fraud and
embezzlement. In addition to the ledgers and cash book, they are also
required to maintain a stock register. Also, in a Stock register, a complete
record of all fixed assets and consumables is maintained.
In accounting for non-profit organizations, instead of maintaining a Capital
A/c, these organizations maintain Capital Fund or General Fund A/c. They
credit this account with the surplus, life membership fees, donations,
legacies, etc.
Social organizations
Social organizations strive to improve or cater to social causes. These
organizations may assist the homeless,provide free legal services, or help
veterans find work.
A social organization’s earnings typically come from donations or profits
made from selling goods. Social organizations might use any profits to
provide services to those in need or to fund the organization’s goals and
operations (e.g., supplies).
Community organizations
Most not-for-profit organizations are considered community organizations.
They could range from small local groups to larger agencies with branches
across the country.
Individuals establish community organizations to help with causes around
the community. Some causes that community organizations might help with
include cleaning up the community, improving neighborhoods, and
promoting recycling locally.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is the brainchild of Dr Seraj Ahmad
Misbahi, a pioneering, influential Indian Muslim who grew up in Delhi, with
the aim of spreading the universal message of Islam...
Al Hasanath Center for Islamic Research Youtube Channel is the exclusive
media library of Al Hasanath Center for Islamic Research. Our online
streaming portal features over 20 hours of video content available online.
The programs, lectures and public speeches by founder, Dr Seraj Ahmad
Misbahi and other influential scholars are specially structured to guide
learners on their Quran and Arabic journey. Check out Al Hasanat Center
for Islamic Research YouTube Channel.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research Dream
Everyone in the world will be able to learn the original Arabic language of
the Quran if they want to. It will be made accessible and easy to learn
regardless of a person's language of origin.
That is the vision at the heart of the Dream Worldwide program. We
understand that materializing that dream is a step by step process and we
hope to share with you how we can together be part of making this dream a
Children, adults and curious non-Muslims are all welcome to sign up for
these engaging one or two-day seminars presented by Al Hasanat Center
for Islamic Research’s instructors nationally and internationally. The lightly
structured sessions and casual atmosphere are a fun way to spend the
weekend mingling with like-minded people wishing to learn more about
Allah’s word. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about upcoming
Using a laptop and an Internet connection, Dr Seraj Ahmad Misbahi
launches Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research. He also begins teaching
Fundamentals of Classical Arabic across the world. Soon after, he starts
teaching Tajweed and Reading Essentials.
Bayyinah launches a 30-day intensive Quran studies program in Carrollton,
Texas. It is the subject of a documentary series.
About Us
Islam has a centuries’ long tradition of inspiring its adherents to contribute
to humanity based on conviction in its tenets. Previous generations of
Muslims were on the forefront of contributing to medicine, philosophy,
architecture, and governance among other areas. We are an institute
aiming to rekindle this tradition.
With the rise of Islamophobia on one side, and extremism on the other,
Islam has been cast as irrational, incompatible with modern civilization, and
inherently violent. This has put Muslims in a defensive position in which
they constantly have to justify their convictions, while fighting off the natural
doubts and insecurities that arise from such a climate. In fact, Atheism and
Agnosticism is on the rise in the Muslim community at an alarming rate. As
described by Luke Savage in his article New Atheism, Old Empire:
“It is simply impossible to imagine the commercial and intellectual success
of the New Atheist project in a pre-9/11 world without both rising anti-
Muslim sentiments across Western societies or neoconservative
We aim to address relevant topics head-on with the help of the foremost
experts in this space. In addition to translating and analyzing classical
works on the subject matter, we also aim to actively participate in the
current day discourse touching on all topics that are related to establishing
conviction in the hearts and minds of Muslims, and battling the false
notions that underlie Islamophobia and extremism. The institute aims to be
the trusted source regarding these topics by creating engaging content in
various formats, including journals, papers, articles, surveys, videos,
conferences, and curriculum.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is a non-profit research initiative
that will make all of its content free and accessible. This will allow everyone
looking for answers, and those tasked with giving answers, to always have
a comprehensive resource readily available to them.
We believe that telling our own story is the only way to counter the
narrative that has been forced upon our community.
Our Areas of Focus
We aim to address relevant topics head-on with the help of the foremost
experts in this space. Our work concentrates in the following areas:
Since its early days, Islamic scholarship has highlighted reason-based
approaches to faith. In line with this tradition, we aim to explore both
traditional and contemporary topics on the subject matter. Research will
include topics such as the miraculous nature of the Quran, proofs of the
prophethood, God’s mercy, atheism, evolution, and other topics.
With the rise of Islamophobia on one hand and extremism on the other,
Islam has been cast as irrational, incompatible with modern civilization and
inherently violent. This has put Muslims in a defensive position in which
they constantly have to justify their convictions, while fighting off the natural
doubts and insecurities that arise from such a climate. Research in this
area will include topics such as Jihad, Shariah, gender issues, Muslim/Non-
Muslim relations, slavery and explaining controversial texts in Islam.
Islam has a centuries long tradition of inspiring its adherents to contribute
to humanity based on conviction in its tenets. Previous Muslims were on
the forefront of contributing to medicine, philosophy, architecture, art and
governance among other areas. In our efforts to rekindle this tradition, we
will highlight presentday efforts of Muslims who have been inspired by their
faith to contribute positively to humanity.
Our Approach
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is not your typical research center.
Our audience is ‘you’ – not policy makers. As a result, we believe that a
unique approach is necessary in order to stay true to our mission.
100% Free Accessibility
We aim to raise the discourse in the Muslim community by making
academic grade research material accessible to everyone.
We pledge to make every last piece of content we ever create free for
Intellectual Integrity
We urge our researchers to speak and write their minds. Even if unpopular.
Even if contradictory to the opinions of other researchers.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research will not take sides on any research
topic. We believe our neutrality is the optimum way to foster dialog on the
important topics of the day.
By providing a ‘behind the scenes’view throughout the research process, a
more nuanced understanding of the subject matter can be attained.
Disclaimer: The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in
these papers and articles are strictly those of the authors. Furthermore, Al
Hasanat Center for Islamic Research does not endorse any of the personal
views of the authors on any platform. Our team is diverse on all fronts
allowing for constant enriching dialogue that helps us produce only the
finest research.
About Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research
In order to understand Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research, it is
essential to have a good grasp on its views on Islam, student and
organization. The Arabic word Islam signifies peace, dedication and
absolute submission. In other words it is the path to peace through
complete surrender to God.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research believes that the real function of
education should be to impart genuine knowledge about life, existence and
future. A real student is therefore one seeking for the realities about life and
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research believes that the function of the
organization should not be to assemble as many people as possible by any
means. But it is to transform the cadre into a crop of activists committed to
ideals and gifted with inner strength.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research Aims
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research finds itself committed to impart
genuine knowledge and awareness to people and getting them ready to
become torch bearers of morality and ethics to fight against evils by
reinforcing their own life. The organization also strives for promoting values
in educational system and better academic and moral atmosphere in
educational institutions. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research focuses its
efforts to nurture the talents of students in such a way as to benefit the
society. Above all, preference is given to spread the truths as understood
by the organization among the most critical group of civil society.
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research Works
All the above mentioned aims are striven for only within the limits of
morality and constructive, peacefulmanner. The organization abstains from
anything that is contrary to truth and honesty and that which may result in
communal hatred and class struggle.
The conference aims at promoting Islamic solidarity by coordinating social,
economic, scientific, and cultural activities. Under the banner of
strengthening the struggle of Muslims, the conference pledges to eliminate
racial segregation and discrimination, especially in regard to the
Palestinians. Projects include the International Islamic News Agency, the
Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and the World
Centre for Islamic Education.
Religious organizations promote and regulate relations between human
beings and divinities, supernatural orders, or supreme metaphysical
principles.Religious organizations typically aim to promote worship, prayer,
meditation, teaching, healing, and spiritual well-being in accordance with
authoritative texts, codes, and laws. Their distinctiveness clearly lies in, for
example, worship and doctrine, but they also have much in common with
nonreligious organizations. This article will seek to maintain a dual focus on
the distinctive and the generic. The early development of the study of
religious organization took two forms. The first analyzed types and
subtypes of religious organizations, while the second focused on their
organizational dynamics. Subsequent research has highlighted the crucial
importance of authority and leadership in shaping such features of religious
organizations as forms of polity, types of leadership roles, forms of local
groups, and patterns of recruitment and training. The article concludes with
three broad questions about the future of religious organizations.
Religious Organization
The world is filled with many different faiths. Religion is a source of
strength to many people, especially during tough times. Religion can also
be the source of friction between people of different faiths. Regardless of
the actual beliefs of the religion in question, organized religions all have
associated organizations to help them advance their goals.
Religious organization is the complex of institutionalized roles and
procedures which regulate the relations of men with the supernatural order,
however such an order may be conceived. It may involve the regulation of
religious practice and the promulgation of true, and suppression of false,
doctrine; procedures for the recruitment, education, and professional
socialization of religious specialists; the structure of authority among them;
the basis, extent, and nature of their authority over the laity and its territorial
and temporal coordination; the control of religious places, periods,
premises,and equipment and such property and temporalities as accrue in
the establishment of this control.
The following are the characteristic features of Al Hasanat Center for
Islamic Research:
1. Voluntary Association:
A cooperative so¬ciety is a voluntary association of persons and not of
capital. Any person can join a cooperative society of his free will and can
leave it at any time. When he leaves, he can withdraw his capital from the
society. He cannot transfer his share to another person.
2. Spirit of Cooperation:
The spirit of cooperation works under the motto, ‘each for all and all for
each.’ This means that every member of a cooperative organization shall
work in the general interest of the organization as a whole and not for his
self-interest.Under cooperation,service is of supreme importance and self-
interest is of secondary importance.
3. Democratic Management:
An individual member is considered not as a capitalist but as a human
being and under cooperation, economic equality is fully ensured by a
general rule—one man one vote. Whether one contributes 50 rupees or
100 rupees as share capital, all enjoy equal rights and equal duties. A
person having only one share can even become the president of
cooperative society.
4. Capital:
Capital of a cooperative society is raised from members through share
capital. Coop-eratives are formed by relatively poorer sections of society;
share capital is usually very limited. Since it is a part of govt. policy to
encourage coopera¬tives, a cooperative society can increase its capital by
taking loans from the State and Central Coop¬erative Banks.
7. Moral Emphasis:
A cooperative organization generally originates in the poorer section of
population; hence more emphasis is laid on the development of moral
character of the individual member.The absence of capital is compensated
by honesty, integrity and loyalty. Under cooperation,honesty is regarded as
the best security. Thus cooperationprepares a band of honest and selfless
workers for the good of humanity.
According to its charter, the Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research aims
to preserve Islamic social and economic values; promote solidarity
amongst memberstates; increase cooperationin social, economic, cultural,
scientific, areas; uphold international peace and security; and advance
education, particularly in the fields of science and technology.
The emblem of the Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research contains three
main elements that reflect its vision and mission as incorporated in its new
Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research conducted a formal revision of its
charter. The revised charter set out to promote human rights, fundamental
freedoms, and good governance in all member states. The revisions also
removed any mention of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.
Within the revised charter, the OIC has chosen to support the Charter of
the United Nations and international law, without mentioning the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Our Mission Al Hasanath Center for Islamic Research provides relief and
development in a dignified manner regardless of gender, race, or religion,
and works to empower individuals in their communities and give them a
voice in the world.
Our Vision Working together for a world as a better place.
Our Values Our five values express the beliefs and define the culture of our
humanitarian organization. We remain guided by the timeless values and
teachings provided by the revelations contained within the Qur’an and
prophetic example:
Sincerity (Ikhlas) – In responding to poverty and suffering, our efforts are
driven by sincerity to God and the need to fulfil our obligations to humanity.
Excellence (Ihsan) – Our actions in tackling poverty are marked by
excellence in our operations and the conduct through which we help the
deserving people we serve.
Compassion (Rahma) – We believe the protection and well-being of every
life is of paramount importance and we shall join with other humanitarian
actors to act as one in responding to suffering brought on by disasters,
poverty and injustice.
Social Justice (Adl) – Our work is founded on enabling people and
institutions to fulfill the rights of the poor and vulnerable. We work to
empower the dispossessed towards realizing their God-given human
potential and develop their capabilities and resources.
Custodianship (Amana) – We uphold our duty of custodianship over Earth
and its resources, and the trust people place in us as a humanitarian and
development practitioner to be transparent and accountable.

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Alhasanath Center for Islamic Research

  • 1. 1 Al-Hasanath Center for Islamic Research 1)About Us, 2) Vision and Goals, 3) Photo Gallery, 4) Articles and Books, 5)Videos, 6)Newsletters, 7) Donate Us. (Classification and Categorization as per Yaqeen Institute) Contact Us Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is a nonprofit organization that must serve the public in some way, through the offering of multiple services.We have made operating information public so that people can be informed about how their contributions have been used. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research cannot be political, which is explicitly written in the organizing papers that it will not participate in any political campaign on the behalf of any candidate or make expenditures for political purposes. Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Organizations 1. Service Motive: These organisations have a motive to provide service to its members or a specific group or to the general public. They provide services free of cost or at a bare minimum price as their aim is not to earn the profit. They do not discriminate among people on the basis of their caste, creed or colour. Examples of services provided by them are education, food,health care, recreation, sports facility, clothing, shelter, etc. 2. Members: These organisations are formed as charitable trusts or societies. The subscribers to these organisations are their members. 3. Management: The managing committee or the executive committee manages these organisations. The members elect the committee.
  • 2. 2 4. Source of Income: The major sources of income of not-for-profit organisations are subscriptions, donations, government grants, legacies, income from investments, etc. 5. Surplus: The surplus generated in the due course is distributed among its members. 6. Reputation: These organisations earn their reputation or goodwill on the basis of the good work done for the welfare of the public. 7. Users of accounting information: The users of the accounting information of these organisations are present and potential contributors as well as the statutory bodies. Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations As we know that the not-for-profit organisations do not trade in goods or provide services with a profit motive. But, they also require to keep proper records of incomes,expenses, assets, and liabilities. Their major source of income is donations, subscriptions, grants, etc. Therefore, most of their transactions are in cash or through the bank account. They need to keep properbooks firstly because they are accountable to the members and the contributors and secondlybecause the law requires them to maintain proper books so that the government can keep proper control over the grants. Also, proper accounting reduces the risk of fraud and embezzlement. In addition to the ledgers and cash book, they are also required to maintain a stock register. Also, in a Stock register, a complete record of all fixed assets and consumables is maintained. In accounting for non-profit organizations, instead of maintaining a Capital A/c, these organizations maintain Capital Fund or General Fund A/c. They credit this account with the surplus, life membership fees, donations, legacies, etc.
  • 3. 3 Social organizations Social organizations strive to improve or cater to social causes. These organizations may assist the homeless,provide free legal services, or help veterans find work. A social organization’s earnings typically come from donations or profits made from selling goods. Social organizations might use any profits to provide services to those in need or to fund the organization’s goals and operations (e.g., supplies). Community organizations Most not-for-profit organizations are considered community organizations. They could range from small local groups to larger agencies with branches across the country. Individuals establish community organizations to help with causes around the community. Some causes that community organizations might help with include cleaning up the community, improving neighborhoods, and promoting recycling locally. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is the brainchild of Dr Seraj Ahmad Misbahi, a pioneering, influential Indian Muslim who grew up in Delhi, with the aim of spreading the universal message of Islam... Al Hasanath Center for Islamic Research Youtube Channel is the exclusive media library of Al Hasanath Center for Islamic Research. Our online streaming portal features over 20 hours of video content available online. The programs, lectures and public speeches by founder, Dr Seraj Ahmad Misbahi and other influential scholars are specially structured to guide learners on their Quran and Arabic journey. Check out Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research YouTube Channel. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research Dream
  • 4. 4 Everyone in the world will be able to learn the original Arabic language of the Quran if they want to. It will be made accessible and easy to learn regardless of a person's language of origin. That is the vision at the heart of the Dream Worldwide program. We understand that materializing that dream is a step by step process and we hope to share with you how we can together be part of making this dream a reality. TRAVELING SEMINARS Children, adults and curious non-Muslims are all welcome to sign up for these engaging one or two-day seminars presented by Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research’s instructors nationally and internationally. The lightly structured sessions and casual atmosphere are a fun way to spend the weekend mingling with like-minded people wishing to learn more about Allah’s word. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about upcoming seminars. BAYYINAH BEGINS Using a laptop and an Internet connection, Dr Seraj Ahmad Misbahi launches Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research. He also begins teaching Fundamentals of Classical Arabic across the world. Soon after, he starts teaching Tajweed and Reading Essentials. QURAN INTENSIVE Bayyinah launches a 30-day intensive Quran studies program in Carrollton, Texas. It is the subject of a documentary series.
  • 5. 5 About Us Islam has a centuries’ long tradition of inspiring its adherents to contribute to humanity based on conviction in its tenets. Previous generations of Muslims were on the forefront of contributing to medicine, philosophy, architecture, and governance among other areas. We are an institute aiming to rekindle this tradition. With the rise of Islamophobia on one side, and extremism on the other, Islam has been cast as irrational, incompatible with modern civilization, and inherently violent. This has put Muslims in a defensive position in which they constantly have to justify their convictions, while fighting off the natural doubts and insecurities that arise from such a climate. In fact, Atheism and Agnosticism is on the rise in the Muslim community at an alarming rate. As described by Luke Savage in his article New Atheism, Old Empire: “It is simply impossible to imagine the commercial and intellectual success of the New Atheist project in a pre-9/11 world without both rising anti- Muslim sentiments across Western societies or neoconservative geopolitics.” We aim to address relevant topics head-on with the help of the foremost experts in this space. In addition to translating and analyzing classical works on the subject matter, we also aim to actively participate in the current day discourse touching on all topics that are related to establishing conviction in the hearts and minds of Muslims, and battling the false notions that underlie Islamophobia and extremism. The institute aims to be the trusted source regarding these topics by creating engaging content in various formats, including journals, papers, articles, surveys, videos, conferences, and curriculum. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is a non-profit research initiative that will make all of its content free and accessible. This will allow everyone looking for answers, and those tasked with giving answers, to always have a comprehensive resource readily available to them.
  • 6. 6 We believe that telling our own story is the only way to counter the narrative that has been forced upon our community. Our Areas of Focus We aim to address relevant topics head-on with the help of the foremost experts in this space. Our work concentrates in the following areas: Conviction Since its early days, Islamic scholarship has highlighted reason-based approaches to faith. In line with this tradition, we aim to explore both traditional and contemporary topics on the subject matter. Research will include topics such as the miraculous nature of the Quran, proofs of the prophethood, God’s mercy, atheism, evolution, and other topics. Islamophobia/Extremism With the rise of Islamophobia on one hand and extremism on the other, Islam has been cast as irrational, incompatible with modern civilization and inherently violent. This has put Muslims in a defensive position in which they constantly have to justify their convictions, while fighting off the natural doubts and insecurities that arise from such a climate. Research in this area will include topics such as Jihad, Shariah, gender issues, Muslim/Non- Muslim relations, slavery and explaining controversial texts in Islam. Contribution Islam has a centuries long tradition of inspiring its adherents to contribute to humanity based on conviction in its tenets. Previous Muslims were on the forefront of contributing to medicine, philosophy, architecture, art and governance among other areas. In our efforts to rekindle this tradition, we will highlight presentday efforts of Muslims who have been inspired by their faith to contribute positively to humanity. Our Approach
  • 7. 7 Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research is not your typical research center. Our audience is ‘you’ – not policy makers. As a result, we believe that a unique approach is necessary in order to stay true to our mission. 100% Free Accessibility We aim to raise the discourse in the Muslim community by making academic grade research material accessible to everyone. We pledge to make every last piece of content we ever create free for everyone. Intellectual Integrity We urge our researchers to speak and write their minds. Even if unpopular. Even if contradictory to the opinions of other researchers. Neutrality Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research will not take sides on any research topic. We believe our neutrality is the optimum way to foster dialog on the important topics of the day. Transparency By providing a ‘behind the scenes’view throughout the research process, a more nuanced understanding of the subject matter can be attained. Disclaimer: The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in these papers and articles are strictly those of the authors. Furthermore, Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research does not endorse any of the personal views of the authors on any platform. Our team is diverse on all fronts allowing for constant enriching dialogue that helps us produce only the finest research. About Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research In order to understand Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research, it is essential to have a good grasp on its views on Islam, student and organization. The Arabic word Islam signifies peace, dedication and
  • 8. 8 absolute submission. In other words it is the path to peace through complete surrender to God. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research believes that the real function of education should be to impart genuine knowledge about life, existence and future. A real student is therefore one seeking for the realities about life and universe. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research believes that the function of the organization should not be to assemble as many people as possible by any means. But it is to transform the cadre into a crop of activists committed to ideals and gifted with inner strength. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research Aims Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research finds itself committed to impart genuine knowledge and awareness to people and getting them ready to become torch bearers of morality and ethics to fight against evils by reinforcing their own life. The organization also strives for promoting values in educational system and better academic and moral atmosphere in educational institutions. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research focuses its efforts to nurture the talents of students in such a way as to benefit the society. Above all, preference is given to spread the truths as understood by the organization among the most critical group of civil society. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research Works All the above mentioned aims are striven for only within the limits of morality and constructive, peacefulmanner. The organization abstains from anything that is contrary to truth and honesty and that which may result in communal hatred and class struggle. The conference aims at promoting Islamic solidarity by coordinating social, economic, scientific, and cultural activities. Under the banner of strengthening the struggle of Muslims, the conference pledges to eliminate racial segregation and discrimination, especially in regard to the Palestinians. Projects include the International Islamic News Agency, the
  • 9. 9 Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and the World Centre for Islamic Education. Religious organizations promote and regulate relations between human beings and divinities, supernatural orders, or supreme metaphysical principles.Religious organizations typically aim to promote worship, prayer, meditation, teaching, healing, and spiritual well-being in accordance with authoritative texts, codes, and laws. Their distinctiveness clearly lies in, for example, worship and doctrine, but they also have much in common with nonreligious organizations. This article will seek to maintain a dual focus on the distinctive and the generic. The early development of the study of religious organization took two forms. The first analyzed types and subtypes of religious organizations, while the second focused on their organizational dynamics. Subsequent research has highlighted the crucial importance of authority and leadership in shaping such features of religious organizations as forms of polity, types of leadership roles, forms of local groups, and patterns of recruitment and training. The article concludes with three broad questions about the future of religious organizations. Religious Organization The world is filled with many different faiths. Religion is a source of strength to many people, especially during tough times. Religion can also be the source of friction between people of different faiths. Regardless of the actual beliefs of the religion in question, organized religions all have associated organizations to help them advance their goals. Religious organization is the complex of institutionalized roles and procedures which regulate the relations of men with the supernatural order, however such an order may be conceived. It may involve the regulation of religious practice and the promulgation of true, and suppression of false, doctrine; procedures for the recruitment, education, and professional socialization of religious specialists; the structure of authority among them; the basis, extent, and nature of their authority over the laity and its territorial and temporal coordination; the control of religious places, periods,
  • 10. 10 premises,and equipment and such property and temporalities as accrue in the establishment of this control. The following are the characteristic features of Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research: 1. Voluntary Association: A cooperative so¬ciety is a voluntary association of persons and not of capital. Any person can join a cooperative society of his free will and can leave it at any time. When he leaves, he can withdraw his capital from the society. He cannot transfer his share to another person. 2. Spirit of Cooperation: The spirit of cooperation works under the motto, ‘each for all and all for each.’ This means that every member of a cooperative organization shall work in the general interest of the organization as a whole and not for his self-interest.Under cooperation,service is of supreme importance and self- interest is of secondary importance. 3. Democratic Management: An individual member is considered not as a capitalist but as a human being and under cooperation, economic equality is fully ensured by a general rule—one man one vote. Whether one contributes 50 rupees or 100 rupees as share capital, all enjoy equal rights and equal duties. A person having only one share can even become the president of cooperative society. 4. Capital: Capital of a cooperative society is raised from members through share capital. Coop-eratives are formed by relatively poorer sections of society; share capital is usually very limited. Since it is a part of govt. policy to encourage coopera¬tives, a cooperative society can increase its capital by taking loans from the State and Central Coop¬erative Banks.
  • 11. 11 7. Moral Emphasis: A cooperative organization generally originates in the poorer section of population; hence more emphasis is laid on the development of moral character of the individual member.The absence of capital is compensated by honesty, integrity and loyalty. Under cooperation,honesty is regarded as the best security. Thus cooperationprepares a band of honest and selfless workers for the good of humanity. Goals According to its charter, the Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research aims to preserve Islamic social and economic values; promote solidarity amongst memberstates; increase cooperationin social, economic, cultural, scientific, areas; uphold international peace and security; and advance education, particularly in the fields of science and technology. The emblem of the Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research contains three main elements that reflect its vision and mission as incorporated in its new Charter. Al Hasanat Center for Islamic Research conducted a formal revision of its charter. The revised charter set out to promote human rights, fundamental freedoms, and good governance in all member states. The revisions also removed any mention of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam. Within the revised charter, the OIC has chosen to support the Charter of the United Nations and international law, without mentioning the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our Mission Al Hasanath Center for Islamic Research provides relief and development in a dignified manner regardless of gender, race, or religion, and works to empower individuals in their communities and give them a voice in the world. Our Vision Working together for a world as a better place. Our Values Our five values express the beliefs and define the culture of our humanitarian organization. We remain guided by the timeless values and
  • 12. 12 teachings provided by the revelations contained within the Qur’an and prophetic example: Sincerity (Ikhlas) – In responding to poverty and suffering, our efforts are driven by sincerity to God and the need to fulfil our obligations to humanity. Excellence (Ihsan) – Our actions in tackling poverty are marked by excellence in our operations and the conduct through which we help the deserving people we serve. Compassion (Rahma) – We believe the protection and well-being of every life is of paramount importance and we shall join with other humanitarian actors to act as one in responding to suffering brought on by disasters, poverty and injustice. Social Justice (Adl) – Our work is founded on enabling people and institutions to fulfill the rights of the poor and vulnerable. We work to empower the dispossessed towards realizing their God-given human potential and develop their capabilities and resources. Custodianship (Amana) – We uphold our duty of custodianship over Earth and its resources, and the trust people place in us as a humanitarian and development practitioner to be transparent and accountable.