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Qur’an tells us: “Allah taught Prophet Adam each and every names(i.e.
facts about things)” It basically means that Adam had the knowledge
of earth,geography,medicines,languages,religion,astrology,astronomy,
all hidden facts of the nature and all things that we can imagine as well
as all those particles that are beyond our imagination even the smallest
thing of the universe like a little cup of the mud that is commonly used
as per description of Mufassareen. This actually points out that to know
about everything is the Sunnah of Adam (May Allah’s blessings be upon
him). In other verse of the holy Quran, Allah says: “O! (Prophet), Tell,
the people who know and those who do not know are equal?” Verily
are not equal.
All of you would have read the some books of Hadith in which you
would have found the chapter of medicine of Prophet Mohammad
(May Allah’s blessings be upon him). That is called Al Tibb Ul Nabvi. It
emphasizes actually the need to learn about medicine and healthcare
as a common sense.
You would have heard about that particular Hadith in which Prophet
Mohammad (May Allah’s blessings be upon him) instructed to learn the
languages of other nations so that you could become aware of their
programs, strategies and conspiracies as well.
You would also have gone through the biography of great caliph Hazrat
Omar (May Allah be pleased with him) and you would have realized
that the expansion of boundaries of lands and administration were so
powerful, role model and ideal for every generations and significant
phenomena to follow in times to come.
After being similar with these facts and realities, the question arises
here for all of us. Were these examples just only for listening and being
proud or implementing them practically in our lives and spreading them
to make our community more conscious, enlightened and developed
like Hazrat Omar ((May Allah be pleased with him)) did. So none other
than we have to assume responsibility to impart them in the entire
society. Because, as a matter of fact, we are the builders of community
hereof especially in India. Today we are facing so many challenges at
the level of education, economy, trade, administration, business and
Muslim Personal law. Taking this scourge into account, we have move
forward with tremendous strategies and paramount goals.
We should remember also that we all would be considered the good
citizens of our country when we would be well educated.
Here are some key points that I would explain briefly one by one to
make understand easily that what the position that we had grasped in
the past and where we are standing today.
Here are some milestones about the uprising of Abbasid era in Islamic
History that I would like to share with everyone, as All of you know very
well about Abbasid period that is called “Golden Islamic Age”. Did you
analyze anytime that why this period was golden age. It was because
Muslims in that period were so prosperous and developed religiously,
educationally, economically and socially around the whole world. At
that time, Bagdad located in Iraq was the global center of education
and trade for the entire world. Students across the world even America
used to come to Bagdad to gain knowledge. It is said at that time, in
streets of America, mud was running instead of progress and
I just intend to illustrate that we are unacquainted with our
phenomenal and iconic history and true teachings of Islam for a long
decades. So now we have to struggle constantly then the fruitful
outcomes of these efforts will appear obviously.
Actually Islam is not just a system of Prayers like some people think but
it is a complete code of guidance for every corners of life.
Do you know about the period before 1857 in India? What is the
biggest conspiracy before 1857? Let me elaborate this fatal secret that
was planned to sabotage our identity. If you look at the world history in
specially Indian history, you find that Muslim scholars who were
educated in Madras’s, they also had the ability and capacity to work in
different government sectors as judges of courts, barristers, doctors
and administrators in government system. But after 1857, English rule
has decided to divide our unity and strength into two parts –moderates
and fundamentals. Both of them would have right to get education but
first one would have to go colleges and universities for education and
second one would have to go to Madras’s for same purpose.
This is why you never find the specific term “Mulla” before 1857
because Alim and Fazil were usually judge, barrister or administrator at
the same time. This was English conspiracy that had been mechanized
everywhere particularly in India but the most hurting thing was that we
had accepted this antagonized ideology deliberately or unwillingly and
had become subjected to this separation. This is called” Divide and
Rule” in English terminology.
So one thing we all have to keep in our minds whenever the situation is
against, speed up fast yourself.
The Grave Impact of Sufia:
We need not to bother ourselves if we believe that success comes from
Allah Almighty. First of all, you have to believe in sovereignty of Allah.
You should remember also that India belongs to Khawaja Garib Nawaz.
India is the land of beloveds of Allah. Every Indian, regardless of caste
and creed, bow in front of their shrines. Hazrat Khawaja Qutbuddin
Bakhtiyar Kaki was the spiritual Peer of Mughal king Qutbuddin Aibak
and the meeting point of so many great personalities at the time of
Mughal kingdom.
If you think that what would be changed only by me, then you should
never forget that if one candle would put off, could affect the light of
the place where several candles are lit.
The Malaysian minister earlier said that Muslim youth are these days
more concerned to Halal foods than Halal earnings.
It is commonly said that the students of Madras’s are genius and
talented. If they find proper chance then they can prove that they are
truly genius and deserve the privileges and rights. But here is opposite
scenario because neither they move forward to discover their hidden
talents nor they sometimes find the proper chance. So we have to think
to create more and more awareness and means of success by
interacting and communicating with them.
All of you are generally aware of this fact that here in India are some
granted madras’s that are absolutely not enough to cover and fill the all
requirements of students who are graduated from Madrsas or getting
education in Madras’s. We can connect them with the main stream
only by giving them an opportunity of employment to grow more. So in
fact, there is no true option except that the students of Madras’s
determine to move forward and take big steps.
You all know that most of Sunni Madras’s in U.P. and Bihar are running
by the contributions and donations of people. Trust me if you decide to
change these circumstances in India then you have to make true efforts
to break the barriers. Believe me if you are going to pursue higher study
in universities, after a few years you will be capable to manage and
administrate at least one Madras’s at your own expanses even it could
be a Maktab of your village, irrespective of small or big. As it would be
obviously happen because the mindset and the concept would be
reformed in term of the spirit of giving in place of taking.
In fact, we know about so many Muslim countries where Madras’s
funded by government supports are running but a little of bit, we are
familiar with their functionalities. I was totally surprised that the
graduates of Madras’s in Muslim countries not only assume the
responsibility to practice the religious obligations as scholars but also
they serve in different departments of governing rule. It is good for
them but what about us here in India. We have to think about that.
As all of us are familiar with that there are near about eight thousands
universities in India. Some of them are related to management, some
are especially for technology, and some are related to aero, bio,
anatomy, agriculture and other respective sciences etc ect. But there
are some universities that are ,according to my perception, good and
suitable for Madras’s students and scholars to pursue their higher
academic studies like JMI, DU, JNU, AMU, MANUU, USMANIA, EFLU and
MUMBAI UNIVERSITIES. If you go through these universities you find
that the most of teachers, lecturers and professors of Madras’s
background completed their studies in these aforementioned
universities as well as the most of the Madras’s students and scholars
are pursuing their higher studies in the above mentioned universities.
These universities are relatively appropriate for scholars and students
of Madrsa’s background. If you ask me reason then I will say that our
precedents have completed their studies in these universities and the
departments and environment concerned with us are good in
comparison with other Indian universities.
As it is clear that there are lots of courses and programs that are
imparted in central and esteemed universities these days. Madras’s
students can choose any one of the courses and programs offered by
universities like B.A. (Hons) ARABIC, ENGLISH, URDU, PERSIAN, and
There are several universities in India that provide the chance of
enrollment in Ph.D. after completion of post graduate degree like JMI,
JNU, DU and AMU in some of the above mentioned departments.
B.U.M.S. is a medical course of five years including internship. After
graduation, students can apply to take admission in this course post
passing out entrance exam and interview. Those students who are not
graduates and seeking to apply for B.U.M.S., they have to complete one
year course Pretib then they would be eligible to be nominated in this
course following written entrance test.
There are some of the students who are interested in cracking civil
services exams like UPSC. They can prepare for this competition after
completion of their graduation in any departs. They should remember
that at least five years would be required for this great aim for
Madras’s students as it is observed throughout but some genius guys
have cracked within three and four years. There are some students of
Madras’s background who are preparing for this exam right now.
In regards with this purpose, I would like to point out that there are so
many coaching centers for civil services that provide coaching facility at
affordable fee as well as there are some universities that offer
opportunity to prepare for civil services exams for interested
candidates like JMI and AMU. But there are some procedures adopted
by universities to register in this competition like to beat the admission
As it is distinct by few examples of successful ones whose efforts and
struggle did not go in vain but they proved that if anyone decides to
make efforts for the wellbeing of nation and community then his efforts
eventually bring good consequences.
This is why there are so many graduates and post graduates who are
currently working in a leading role in different fields of academics and
corporate world. Suppose that if you are a graduates or post graduates
at the level of university then there are lots of opportunities and
chances in forms of the different scopes and designations like NET, JRF,
Here are some role models in term of academic achievements who
have set the guidelines to follow them at firm pace. There are a lot of
Madras’s scholars who are post graduates and Ph.D. holders. Some of
them are college teachers right now. Some are lecturers. Some are
professors. Some are translators in Indian cabinet or companies. Some
are working abroad as translators. As a matter of fact, Gulf is expanding
and lots of job opportunities are going to be created in years to come
as well as there are good number of vacancies in schools and colleges
that are yet to be filled due to lack of candidates in departments of
Urdu, Arabic, Persian and Islamic Studies. So we have exert efforts to
prepare them to enable them applicable for the posts and vacancies
that are going to initiate so that they can grasp these opportunities as
soon as possible. We have to adopt the methodologies that can invoke
in them the spirit of progress with true enlightens. This is not the talk
of materialism but it is the task of making community more
responsible and powerful for the wellbeing of Ummah.
May be you think this is against our traditional academic approach but
this is totally coincided with our past tendencies. Today there are so
called orthodox religious scholars who say not to go to universities as it
might inflict harm to their religious identity but in fact they are not
aware of the globalized concept of Islam that demand us to represent
Islam at the larger platform and storm in the misconceptions,
misinterpretations, misrepresentation and misunderstanding urge the
dire need to be rooted out from the DNA of so called media and make
the widespread mentality changed. You should remember that the
efforts made by Sayed Suliman Ashraf Bihari and Allama Abdul Alim
Merthi for propagation of Islamic academic approach were appreciated
by Alaa Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza (May Allah’s mercy be upon him)
They were graduates from universities and former was professor in
AMU at his time. Amin-e-Millat Sayed Amin Miyan Barkati also was
designated as professor in AMU for long time. There are other Islamic
scholars who are teaching at the position of lecturers and professors
like Prof. Sayed Alim Ashraf Jaisi in Osmania University and Dr. Ghulam
Yahiya Anjum and Dr Fazlullah Chishti in Hamdard University.
Some colleagues whom I know closely are selected for teaching of Urdu
and Arabic subjects in different colleges of different states. There are
some fellows who are preparing for civil services exams and they are
close to crack the civil services exam that is one of the toughest exams
across the world. This is a good movement of pleasure for us that the
changing is at its pace of height but we have to move further with those
who are eager and keen to cross the oceans of obstacles and
This is actually urgent need and dire call of the modern era and
situation that is deteriorating day by day, to correct our condition,
resolve the issues and face the challenges that are happening in our
education, economy, finance and development sectors.
We have to lift our graph by increasing our ratio in education, trade,
and government sectors along with protecting our identity.
Thus we can create an environment for the new generations to come
and can boost and improve our career and spiritual enhancement. This
is called holistic progress that we have to achieve for goodness of
Duniya and Akhirah
There are some reputed Jamia like Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Darul
Uloom like Alimia in northern India that is located in east U.P. As it is
obvious throughout the usual inspections that the most of students of
Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Alimia are proportionally talented, genius and
intellectuals on the background of their capabilities in comparison to
others. Ther are many other Madrsas that have played vital role in this
regard. There are so many alumni’s of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Alimia
who are sincerely fulfilling their responsibilities in different forms as
Imam, teacher, preacher, speaker, social activist, doctor, barrister,
lecturer, professor, translator and writer in India and abroad like
Europe, America, Africa, and several Asian countries.
So especially, the scholars and students of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and
Alimia as well as many big others are humbly requested to come
forward with their strategies and plans and showcase their hidden
talents to make their community feel proud.
I would like to share one experience that I have seen in the past few
years. I have received many calls of my some colleagues who contacted
me on the pretext of inquiry about guidelines of admission process and
fee and self expanses. This is being addressed in respect of their
assistance. Trust me you have to bear no extra expanses more than
your usual expenditure in Madras’s. It is actually necessary to clarify
that the expanses at the level of university education are nearly same
with minor differences to Madras’s expanses as there are so many who
do not dare to come to universities because of fear of financial
expenditure. Here most of the thing is affordable.
I think, nothing will accelerate us more than that, at this time,
according to the census and statistical report of the MRHD, we are
lower than the backward classes at the level of education by 15% in
India. So we have to educate ourselves and the younger generation at
any cost and at any rate to curb this curse of ignorance.
Here is a motivational example for us that I’m going to share with all of
you at the end of this article. As it is fact that the migratory birds come
from Siberia to the sanctuaries of Kashmir and other parts of India and
Pakistan just in search of their livelihood by flying near about 10000 or
12000 thousand miles distance. When those can do that even they are
birds then why we would not try to achieve our rights that we deserve
on fair basis even we would have to go to so far distance for the same.

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A daring step towards destination

  • 1. 1 A STEP TOWARD DESTINATION FOR NEW GENERATION DO LET ME DISCOVER MY HIDDEN INTELECTS SERAJ AHMAD MISBAHI, M. PHIL. (ARABIC) UNIVERSITY OF DELHI. IMPORTANCE OF KNOWLEDGE: Qur’an tells us: “Allah taught Prophet Adam each and every names(i.e. facts about things)” It basically means that Adam had the knowledge of earth,geography,medicines,languages,religion,astrology,astronomy, all hidden facts of the nature and all things that we can imagine as well as all those particles that are beyond our imagination even the smallest thing of the universe like a little cup of the mud that is commonly used as per description of Mufassareen. This actually points out that to know about everything is the Sunnah of Adam (May Allah’s blessings be upon him). In other verse of the holy Quran, Allah says: “O! (Prophet), Tell, the people who know and those who do not know are equal?” Verily are not equal. All of you would have read the some books of Hadith in which you would have found the chapter of medicine of Prophet Mohammad (May Allah’s blessings be upon him). That is called Al Tibb Ul Nabvi. It emphasizes actually the need to learn about medicine and healthcare as a common sense.
  • 2. 2 You would have heard about that particular Hadith in which Prophet Mohammad (May Allah’s blessings be upon him) instructed to learn the languages of other nations so that you could become aware of their programs, strategies and conspiracies as well. You would also have gone through the biography of great caliph Hazrat Omar (May Allah be pleased with him) and you would have realized that the expansion of boundaries of lands and administration were so powerful, role model and ideal for every generations and significant phenomena to follow in times to come. After being similar with these facts and realities, the question arises here for all of us. Were these examples just only for listening and being proud or implementing them practically in our lives and spreading them to make our community more conscious, enlightened and developed like Hazrat Omar ((May Allah be pleased with him)) did. So none other than we have to assume responsibility to impart them in the entire society. Because, as a matter of fact, we are the builders of community hereof especially in India. Today we are facing so many challenges at the level of education, economy, trade, administration, business and Muslim Personal law. Taking this scourge into account, we have move forward with tremendous strategies and paramount goals. We should remember also that we all would be considered the good citizens of our country when we would be well educated. Here are some key points that I would explain briefly one by one to make understand easily that what the position that we had grasped in the past and where we are standing today.
  • 3. 3 GOLDEN ISLAMIC AGE: Here are some milestones about the uprising of Abbasid era in Islamic History that I would like to share with everyone, as All of you know very well about Abbasid period that is called “Golden Islamic Age”. Did you analyze anytime that why this period was golden age. It was because Muslims in that period were so prosperous and developed religiously, educationally, economically and socially around the whole world. At that time, Bagdad located in Iraq was the global center of education and trade for the entire world. Students across the world even America used to come to Bagdad to gain knowledge. It is said at that time, in streets of America, mud was running instead of progress and advancement. I just intend to illustrate that we are unacquainted with our phenomenal and iconic history and true teachings of Islam for a long decades. So now we have to struggle constantly then the fruitful outcomes of these efforts will appear obviously. Actually Islam is not just a system of Prayers like some people think but it is a complete code of guidance for every corners of life. ENGLISH CONSPIRACY BEFORE 1857: Do you know about the period before 1857 in India? What is the biggest conspiracy before 1857? Let me elaborate this fatal secret that was planned to sabotage our identity. If you look at the world history in specially Indian history, you find that Muslim scholars who were educated in Madras’s, they also had the ability and capacity to work in different government sectors as judges of courts, barristers, doctors
  • 4. 4 and administrators in government system. But after 1857, English rule has decided to divide our unity and strength into two parts –moderates and fundamentals. Both of them would have right to get education but first one would have to go colleges and universities for education and second one would have to go to Madras’s for same purpose. This is why you never find the specific term “Mulla” before 1857 because Alim and Fazil were usually judge, barrister or administrator at the same time. This was English conspiracy that had been mechanized everywhere particularly in India but the most hurting thing was that we had accepted this antagonized ideology deliberately or unwillingly and had become subjected to this separation. This is called” Divide and Rule” in English terminology. So one thing we all have to keep in our minds whenever the situation is against, speed up fast yourself. The Grave Impact of Sufia: We need not to bother ourselves if we believe that success comes from Allah Almighty. First of all, you have to believe in sovereignty of Allah. You should remember also that India belongs to Khawaja Garib Nawaz. India is the land of beloveds of Allah. Every Indian, regardless of caste and creed, bow in front of their shrines. Hazrat Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki was the spiritual Peer of Mughal king Qutbuddin Aibak and the meeting point of so many great personalities at the time of Mughal kingdom.
  • 5. 5 If you think that what would be changed only by me, then you should never forget that if one candle would put off, could affect the light of the place where several candles are lit. STUDENTS AND SCHOLARS OF MADRAS’S: The Malaysian minister earlier said that Muslim youth are these days more concerned to Halal foods than Halal earnings. It is commonly said that the students of Madras’s are genius and talented. If they find proper chance then they can prove that they are truly genius and deserve the privileges and rights. But here is opposite scenario because neither they move forward to discover their hidden talents nor they sometimes find the proper chance. So we have to think to create more and more awareness and means of success by interacting and communicating with them. All of you are generally aware of this fact that here in India are some granted madras’s that are absolutely not enough to cover and fill the all requirements of students who are graduated from Madrsas or getting education in Madras’s. We can connect them with the main stream only by giving them an opportunity of employment to grow more. So in fact, there is no true option except that the students of Madras’s determine to move forward and take big steps. You all know that most of Sunni Madras’s in U.P. and Bihar are running by the contributions and donations of people. Trust me if you decide to change these circumstances in India then you have to make true efforts to break the barriers. Believe me if you are going to pursue higher study in universities, after a few years you will be capable to manage and
  • 6. 6 administrate at least one Madras’s at your own expanses even it could be a Maktab of your village, irrespective of small or big. As it would be obviously happen because the mindset and the concept would be reformed in term of the spirit of giving in place of taking. MADRS’S EDUCATION IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES: In fact, we know about so many Muslim countries where Madras’s funded by government supports are running but a little of bit, we are familiar with their functionalities. I was totally surprised that the graduates of Madras’s in Muslim countries not only assume the responsibility to practice the religious obligations as scholars but also they serve in different departments of governing rule. It is good for them but what about us here in India. We have to think about that. INDIAN UNIVERSITIES: As all of us are familiar with that there are near about eight thousands universities in India. Some of them are related to management, some are especially for technology, and some are related to aero, bio, anatomy, agriculture and other respective sciences etc ect. But there are some universities that are ,according to my perception, good and suitable for Madras’s students and scholars to pursue their higher academic studies like JMI, DU, JNU, AMU, MANUU, USMANIA, EFLU and MUMBAI UNIVERSITIES. If you go through these universities you find that the most of teachers, lecturers and professors of Madras’s background completed their studies in these aforementioned universities as well as the most of the Madras’s students and scholars
  • 7. 7 are pursuing their higher studies in the above mentioned universities. These universities are relatively appropriate for scholars and students of Madrsa’s background. If you ask me reason then I will say that our precedents have completed their studies in these universities and the departments and environment concerned with us are good in comparison with other Indian universities. COURSES AND SCOPES: As it is clear that there are lots of courses and programs that are imparted in central and esteemed universities these days. Madras’s students can choose any one of the courses and programs offered by universities like B.A. (Hons) ARABIC, ENGLISH, URDU, PERSIAN, and ISLAMIC STUDIES. CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA AND ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN TURKISH, JAPANESE, PURTAGESEE, SPANISH, FRENCH, JERMAN, RUSSIAN, CHINESE. B.ED., M.A., M.ED., M.PHIL., PH.D., in ARABIC, ENGLISH, URDU, PERSIAN, and ISLAMIC STUDIES .B.U.M.S. (MEDICAL) There are several universities in India that provide the chance of enrollment in Ph.D. after completion of post graduate degree like JMI, JNU, DU and AMU in some of the above mentioned departments. B.U.M.S. is a medical course of five years including internship. After graduation, students can apply to take admission in this course post passing out entrance exam and interview. Those students who are not graduates and seeking to apply for B.U.M.S., they have to complete one year course Pretib then they would be eligible to be nominated in this course following written entrance test.
  • 8. 8 There are some of the students who are interested in cracking civil services exams like UPSC. They can prepare for this competition after completion of their graduation in any departs. They should remember that at least five years would be required for this great aim for Madras’s students as it is observed throughout but some genius guys have cracked within three and four years. There are some students of Madras’s background who are preparing for this exam right now. In regards with this purpose, I would like to point out that there are so many coaching centers for civil services that provide coaching facility at affordable fee as well as there are some universities that offer opportunity to prepare for civil services exams for interested candidates like JMI and AMU. But there are some procedures adopted by universities to register in this competition like to beat the admission competition. OPPERTUNITIES AND CHANCES: As it is distinct by few examples of successful ones whose efforts and struggle did not go in vain but they proved that if anyone decides to make efforts for the wellbeing of nation and community then his efforts eventually bring good consequences. This is why there are so many graduates and post graduates who are currently working in a leading role in different fields of academics and corporate world. Suppose that if you are a graduates or post graduates at the level of university then there are lots of opportunities and chances in forms of the different scopes and designations like NET, JRF, LECTURERS, TRANSLATORS IN ARABIC AND ENGLISH AND VICE VERSA,
  • 9. 9 TURKISH, JAPANESE, PURTAGESEE, SPANISH, FRENCH, JERMAN, RUSSIAN, CHINESE. TEACHERS, OWN BUSINESS, PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, HUGE OPPORTUNITIES OF GOVERNMENT JOBS, ONLINE JOBS OPPORTUNITIES, FOREIGN JOB OPPORTUNITIES AND MANY APPRAISALS AND INCREMENTS IN THE CAREER PATHS. MADRASA’S GRADUATES IN UNIVERSITIES: Here are some role models in term of academic achievements who have set the guidelines to follow them at firm pace. There are a lot of Madras’s scholars who are post graduates and Ph.D. holders. Some of them are college teachers right now. Some are lecturers. Some are professors. Some are translators in Indian cabinet or companies. Some are working abroad as translators. As a matter of fact, Gulf is expanding and lots of job opportunities are going to be created in years to come as well as there are good number of vacancies in schools and colleges that are yet to be filled due to lack of candidates in departments of Urdu, Arabic, Persian and Islamic Studies. So we have exert efforts to prepare them to enable them applicable for the posts and vacancies that are going to initiate so that they can grasp these opportunities as soon as possible. We have to adopt the methodologies that can invoke in them the spirit of progress with true enlightens. This is not the talk of materialism but it is the task of making community more responsible and powerful for the wellbeing of Ummah.
  • 10. 10 SOME GREAT ISLAMIC SCHOLARS IN UNIVERSITIES: May be you think this is against our traditional academic approach but this is totally coincided with our past tendencies. Today there are so called orthodox religious scholars who say not to go to universities as it might inflict harm to their religious identity but in fact they are not aware of the globalized concept of Islam that demand us to represent Islam at the larger platform and storm in the misconceptions, misinterpretations, misrepresentation and misunderstanding urge the dire need to be rooted out from the DNA of so called media and make the widespread mentality changed. You should remember that the efforts made by Sayed Suliman Ashraf Bihari and Allama Abdul Alim Merthi for propagation of Islamic academic approach were appreciated by Alaa Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza (May Allah’s mercy be upon him) They were graduates from universities and former was professor in AMU at his time. Amin-e-Millat Sayed Amin Miyan Barkati also was designated as professor in AMU for long time. There are other Islamic scholars who are teaching at the position of lecturers and professors like Prof. Sayed Alim Ashraf Jaisi in Osmania University and Dr. Ghulam Yahiya Anjum and Dr Fazlullah Chishti in Hamdard University. Some colleagues whom I know closely are selected for teaching of Urdu and Arabic subjects in different colleges of different states. There are some fellows who are preparing for civil services exams and they are close to crack the civil services exam that is one of the toughest exams across the world. This is a good movement of pleasure for us that the changing is at its pace of height but we have to move further with those who are eager and keen to cross the oceans of obstacles and hindrances.
  • 11. 11 CONCLUSION: NEED TO RAISE THE EDUCATIONAL GRAPH AMONGST MUSLIMS: This is actually urgent need and dire call of the modern era and situation that is deteriorating day by day, to correct our condition, resolve the issues and face the challenges that are happening in our education, economy, finance and development sectors. We have to lift our graph by increasing our ratio in education, trade, and government sectors along with protecting our identity. Thus we can create an environment for the new generations to come and can boost and improve our career and spiritual enhancement. This is called holistic progress that we have to achieve for goodness of Duniya and Akhirah THE STATUS OF MADRSAS IN OUR COUNTRY: There are some reputed Jamia like Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Darul Uloom like Alimia in northern India that is located in east U.P. As it is obvious throughout the usual inspections that the most of students of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Alimia are proportionally talented, genius and intellectuals on the background of their capabilities in comparison to others. Ther are many other Madrsas that have played vital role in this regard. There are so many alumni’s of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Alimia who are sincerely fulfilling their responsibilities in different forms as Imam, teacher, preacher, speaker, social activist, doctor, barrister,
  • 12. 12 lecturer, professor, translator and writer in India and abroad like Europe, America, Africa, and several Asian countries. So especially, the scholars and students of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Alimia as well as many big others are humbly requested to come forward with their strategies and plans and showcase their hidden talents to make their community feel proud. I would like to share one experience that I have seen in the past few years. I have received many calls of my some colleagues who contacted me on the pretext of inquiry about guidelines of admission process and fee and self expanses. This is being addressed in respect of their assistance. Trust me you have to bear no extra expanses more than your usual expenditure in Madras’s. It is actually necessary to clarify that the expanses at the level of university education are nearly same with minor differences to Madras’s expanses as there are so many who do not dare to come to universities because of fear of financial expenditure. Here most of the thing is affordable. I think, nothing will accelerate us more than that, at this time, according to the census and statistical report of the MRHD, we are lower than the backward classes at the level of education by 15% in India. So we have to educate ourselves and the younger generation at any cost and at any rate to curb this curse of ignorance. Here is a motivational example for us that I’m going to share with all of you at the end of this article. As it is fact that the migratory birds come from Siberia to the sanctuaries of Kashmir and other parts of India and Pakistan just in search of their livelihood by flying near about 10000 or 12000 thousand miles distance. When those can do that even they are
  • 13. 13 birds then why we would not try to achieve our rights that we deserve on fair basis even we would have to go to so far distance for the same.