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Part I
What is
Todorov’s Equilibrium
Breaks down stories in to
five simple steps.
Great for generating
story ideas.
Helps you bring structure
and order to your
This is how humans have
told stories for thousands
of years.
Propp’s Characters:
Propp suggested that in all of folklore and fairy tales, there were just 8 types of characters. Every character fits in to one
of the following:
• The villain — an evil character that creates struggles for the hero.
• The dispatcher — any character who illustrates the need for the hero's quest and sends the hero off. This often overlaps with the
princess's father.
• The helper — a typically magical entity that comes to help the hero in their quest.
• The princess or prize — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her as a consequence of some evil or
injustice, perhaps the work of the villain. The hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess, which constitutes the
villain's defeat.
• The Princess's Father — is a key figure for the Hero to persuade, as the Father is almost always protective of his daughter. The Father
may also be in competition in some way with the Hero for the Princess's affections and a triangle may form.
• The donor — a character that prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object, sometimes after testing them.
• The hero — the character who reacts to the dispatcher and donor characters, thwarts the villain, resolves any lacking or
wronghoods and weds the princess.
• The false hero —Figure who tries to take credit for the hero's actions or tries to marry the princess. They appear heroic but they are
Use this page to
breakdown an
existing film, using
the Hero’s Quest
theory. How does
your chosen film
fit with this?
The Ordinary World
The Mandalorian is a orphaned child that was saved by the Mandalorian’s after the battle
droids killed his parents, he was raised by the Mandalorian’s and has now joined them.
The Call to Adventure
The Mandalorian are trained assassins and are bounty hunters, so the Mandalorian is set to
assassinate Grogu which is a alien child but is very dangerous. Mando doesn’t know who the
target is until he sees the child and decides to spare his life
The Refusal
Mando soon found out that his target was going to be child instead of retrieving the target
Mando decided to go on the run with the child, this left many enemies for Mando and the
Mentor Help
The child was later kidnapped by Moff Gideon the main villain in the series. The Mandalorian
needed help to retrieve the child and get him to safety. He then meets a character called Cara
Dune who has previously worked along side the villain and knows the in and outs of the
operation, she then guides and works alongside the Mandalorian through his journey to
retrieve the child. However before Mando met the child he also was introduced to Quill who
shows him where the child is located.
Crossing the Threshold
After Mando meets the child he decides to spare his life and bring him back to the client in
exchange for some new armour. When he is later on another mission he has a memory of the
child and decides to turn back and infiltrate the area in which the child was kept
Allies – Quill, Cara Dune, Grog, Mandalorian, Greeff Karga
Enemies – Moff Gideon, The Client, Imperial Force, Other Bounty Hunters.
Mando heads to a airship in order to retrieve Baby Yoda, on his way there are some
interferences that comes his way, such as the introduction to Boba Fett from previous Star
Wars films
Mando and Boba Fett team up and fight of the assassins that are trying to kill them and Baby
Reward The reward is to have possession of Baby Yoda and make it out alive
Road Back
Mando and Baby Yoda head back on there airship back to there hometown, with the company
of Boba Fett, Mando drops off Baby Yoda at a safe place.
Mando heads back to the place he left baby Yoda because he missed him and wanted to have
him back in his company
Mando was living a normal life
and was trying to stay out of
He received an offer he could not
refuse, The bounty is a 50 year
old and the prize is a lot of Baskar
which can be used to create more
Mando decides to travel to the planet
where the target is and discovers that
the target is a child
Attempt to repair the damage
Mando then spares the child's life and
starts to go on the run with the child,
bounty hunters and the imperials are
after the child's because he has special
New Equilibrium
The Child is brought to safety and
Mando decides to part ways with the
child and continue his life as a
Character type How they appear in your story
The Hero Mando
The Villain Moff Gideon
The Helper Cara Dune, Quill, Greeff Karga
The Donor Greeff Karga gives Mando Baskar for the bounty reward
The Dispatcher Greeff Karga sets Mando on a bounty hunt
The Princess or prize After Baby Yoda gets kidnapped, Mando decides to rescue Baby Yoda
The Princess’s Father Quill persuades Mando to go after the Child
The False Hero Mayfield pretends to be nice and help Mando however he later turns on him and locks
him inside a prison and then calls an airstrike on the prison
Use this template to apply Propp’s character types to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain which character acts as each
type in your film.
Who The Mandalorian/ Din Djarin
What The Mandalorian is a bounty hunter who either kills or brings back targets alive for a reward. Mando is set out to kill a 50yr old target
Which he then later travels to another planet in order to reach him. He then sees the target and decides to spare his life.
Why Mando spares his life because he didn’t want to kill a child, Mando and Baby Yoda are now being hunted by fellow bounty hunters
because the reward for capturing the child was a lot more because he has special powers that the boss wanted to test on.
When The Mandalorian was set In 9 ABY
Where The Mandalorian takes place in many different locations, such as Tatooine, Navarro
How The Mandalorian has gets help from Cara and Quill in order to locate Baby Yoda
Use this template to apply Who, What, Where, When, Why and How to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is
happening in your story at each point.
Idea 1
Who Aaron is the main character, Axal is the main antagonist, The unnamed man who got chased away, Masked Men.
What Aaron is a recently discharged solider therefore he is on the streets begging for anything to keep him alive. Aaron then
gets kidnapped by masked men who gas him and wakes up in an unknown location. All Aaron can see around him is a
black room with one dim light hovering above one of the masked men. The Main antagonist enters the room and sits
opposite him and offers Aaron a deal he can't refuse which is €1,000,000 or get back to living on the streets. The main
antagonist reveals his nickname as Axal and explains that Aaron needs to complete a special quest to receive the money.
Aaron decides to take up the offer and Axal leads him to a mysterious door, Aaron wharfs into the door and there is no
escape. He wakes up and notices changes to his body and looks like a younger version of himself. He then later stumbles
across a busy village where there are lots of unusual people when he is approached by a man who seems to be concerned
and explains that he made the wrong decision coming here, he then gets chased away by the masked men. Aaron finds
out that to survive and win the final prize jackpot he must kill 2 men 1 child and pregnant woman and a horse. Aaron is an
innocent man and wants to reject the offer, but he knows that if he doesn't kill anyone, he will die poor. Aaron is starting
to wonder if killing these men will be worth it in the end however he comes to his senses and realises it’s the only option
to choose himself.
Why • The masked men had been watching him for days and noticed he was struggling living in poverty.
• He accepts the deal because he is desperate.,
When Aaron served 4 years in the army and left in 1945 when the world war 2 ended. When he enters the mysterious door, the
time has changed to the 21st century.
Where Aaron arrives back from the army to his home country France, but the mysterious door leads him to the North Pole.
How . Aaron chooses and kills the whole family in a house fire and shoots the horse in backyard.
. Aaron wakes up one morning to a man holding a bank card with the pin code to access it, this is how he receives the
. Aaron feels guilty and feels ashamed of himself, but he realises he needs to have the same mindset he did when he was
at war.
Idea 2
Who Erin the older sister, Archie and Ameila the two younger siblings, Lenny the gremlin, The Hunter, Lennys friend, The kids
mum and dad.
What It was summer the McKay's went on abroad to their family home and the oldest of the 3 children Erin snuck off
to a party that her parents refused to let her go to. Her friends Sabrina and Maddie peer pressured her into
drinking alcohol and to taking cocaine as they quoted "You're boring, don’t be such a goody too shoes". Erin
then went to the bathroom to take a breather and she seen out the corner of her eye a gremlin taking a
shower. She then proceeds to wipe her eyes as she thought it was just the drugs. Erin went back to her friends
and acted as if everything was normal and headed outside for a smoke, when there was a shimmer of light in
the midnight sea when she saw the gremlin again. She asked her friends if they could see anything in the water
and they said, "no it’s the drugs Erin". She ignored the gremlin and went home unnoticed. The gremlin then
gathers a plan to see Erin because he feels there is a special bond between them both. The following morning
the 2 younger kids Archie and Ameila head out to their private beach where the gremlin has set up a booby
trap hoping that they will help him and take him to their house. Archie and Ameila are running alongside the
beach when they hear a faint sound of chocking by the rocks they was warned not to go near by their parents.
They are concerned about this noise, so they head back and get their older sister Erin who then follows them
out to the rocks (Erin was sceptical at first). When they arrive at the beach Erin notices that the sound is
coming from the forbidden rocks and has no interest in going so, she turns around and heads back to the
house. UNTIL Lenny the gremlin his first official appearance by launching himself into the air and landing
Infront of Erin. Erin pulls in her younger siblings to protect them, and Lenny explains that he means no harm
and he just needs their help. Archie and Ameila was eager to help but Erin was wary of the situation. Archie
and Ameila convince Erin to help, and Lenny explains to the 3 of them what they need to do.
Why Lenny feels like he has a special bond with Erin because he has special senses, and he can sense a feel of
familiarity and like he knows her from a previous life and that’s why he chose her and her family to help.
When In present time.
Where Originally the family live in California, but their family house abroad is in the North of Scotland near the sea
How Lenny needs the help of the 3 siblings by making them transform him into a human look alike. They do this by
using a wig and sunglasses and clothing as a disguise so that he can rescue his friend from a gremlin hunter.
Mood board
Existing Product
One of the main colours in
this magazine cover is
black to match the theme
of the film. The contrast
between the black and the
white really makes this
magazine cover stand out
The main colours used on
the magazine cover are
black blue and white, they
have used the white colour
on the main title for it be
bold and stand out.
There are quotes from
different actors which
would promote the film
because people would see
that famous actors are
enjoying and commenting
on the film
The image to text ratio is
good because the amount
of text is not clumping the
image. The text is placed in
certain locations of the
magazine in order to still
be able to see the main
image at hand
Existing Product
The layout of this poster is
quite unique because of
the way they have cut and
pasted different images
form the series in order to
give the viewer a clear
idea as to what they
would get out of watching
this series.
There are many different colours
used in this poster such as
green, yellow, blue and white.
They could have used these
colours in order to entice the
viewer and grab their attention.
It also shows that the series is
quite exotic and there are many
different adventures.
The costumes used in
the poster are quite
ragged and summery.
This gives the poster a
more warmer feel. The lighting in some of the
shots are darker than others
to create contrast between
the different images
There is the abbreviation of the
title of the series going down the
middle of the poster to grab the
viewers attention
The overall mood for this poster is
quite dark with the main subject
image wearing darker clothes and
looking downwards with his face
partially shadowed. This could
make the audience intrigued by
the film and the poster because of
the way his face darker
The location is in Paris as of
the Eiffel tower in the
background of the poster.
The tower is quite a
significant part of the
poster as it tells the
audience as to where the
film is located
There are special effects at the bottom of
the poster, these effects are trying to imitate
fire particles which gives the poster a
different feel , almost as if he is amongst a
ball of fire. The colour of the text also
correlates to the fire and works with the
whole aesthetic.
The angle of the shot is a
slightly lower with the
camera capturing the whole
Eiffel tower and also the
misty sky with some kind of
grain effect on top of it
Existing Product
In this poster you can
judge that the mood
is quite intense just
by the use of colour
and the overall
emptiness of the
poster. Also the
colours are quite
There is also a faded out
image of a girl in the
background which could be a
reference to the show as the
girl could fade
away/disappear. There is also
mist going over the title of
gone girl which could also
reflect onto the story
There is a small print of the credits
at the bottom of the screen in
order to keep the main focus of
the poster onto the upper half
however having the credits is
sometimes needed in some cases
so they have managed to make the
credits less visible but is till there
This poster leaves the viewers
wondering what the show is about
as they are not revealing too much
in the poster. There is quite a lot of
empty space which works well I
think because the man is at the
bottom of the screen which leaves
space above for the title and the
image of the woman that is faded
Research Summary
• What have you learned from your research?
I have learned how to compose and construct images in order for it to
fit in the poster and how it works with the main title of the film. I have
also learned about how important colours are and how they can
change what the poster looks like completely.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• I will try to include different effects such as fire particles as I feel like it really
makes the image stand out. I also want to include a red glow on my poster as I
want the poster to look quite sinister
Movie Poster
. When I first heard the name of the title for the poster, I already started
getting some ideas together in my head. I also looked at existing movie posters
to understand the layout and colours used to make them look better.
. Using photoshop started off a bit rocky however once I found a suitable
background everything started to come together, I was looking for a dark eerie
background to match the title of the poster. After finding a background I then
was wanting to a man that would be dark dressed facing away from the
camera. After applying the man into the picture, I decided to reduce the
opacity of him because he felt like he was standing out too much and I wanted
him to almost blend with the image.
Pre-production and Planning
Style Sheet
My idea with this colour scheme is like a warm but also dark, which is the perfect
combination for my idea, as my idea is related to searching and is almost a mystery,
which I feel like these colours portray very well. I want the setting of my poster to be
a neutral
Another idea I have with the colour scheme is that I could implement red into the
poster in order to give it a more evil feel to it, I also wanted to have red because it
contrasts well with the black which will then make the red pop out more.
Magazine and advert layouts
Chosen Font
Different types of shots
• Shot of all actors standing in pose in front of brick building
• Singular shot of actor 1
• Singular shot of actor 2
• Singular shot of actor 3
• Main shot of main Actor
• Shot of scarf on hanger
Shot in front of wall Hannah, Flynn, Alex, Elli Wall outside college
Singular photos of actors Hannah, Flynn, Alex, Elli Car park
Shot of scarf No one Staff room
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
People I may need could be in the wrong clothes or
simply could not be available
Either have spare actors available or wait until
everyone is ready to take part in my project and would
have to do it another time.
The Camera could run out or it could have limited
space left on the SD card
Check before if the camera is about to run out and if it
is put it on charge
The Weather could wet and could damage equipment Check the weather status the day before filming so I
know that there could be a lesser chance of getting
caught in the rain
The camera could come out blurry Make sure that the camera is on automatic focus
mode as if not then the photos will most likely come
out blurry and then have to retake them
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or the
How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What
will you do if it does?
There is a risk that me or people who I need could
lose the equipment or if left unattended it could be
I would be in charge of the equipment and have eyes
on it the whole time
I need to make sure the camera is probably secured
on the tripod. If not then the camera will fall of the
tripod and most likely take heavy damage to lens.
Check that the camera is on the tripod properly and is
I need to make sure that wherever I am filming that
there is no hazards such as loose cables on the floor
that could cause someone to fall
Double check that wherever I am filming will be safe
enough to film and take phots on, I will do this just by
scanning the location of recording to make sure that
there is no hazards.
Idea 3
Who Samuel Wilson, Imagine Harris, Ettie Smith, Bonnie Lewis, Annie Wilson, Mike Wilson, The long-lost child
What Samuel is a independent teenage boy whose father went missing 3 years ago and has recently received the news that his
fathers body has been found washed up on a deserted island near Spain. The night that Samuel heard the news about
his dad, a storm hit and the mother then disappeared. Samuel found this awful suspicious and was wondering why there
was no informant of her leaving, Samuel then asked his friends to join him in order to really see what has happened to
his mother. After some time passed Samuel accepted that his mothers disappearance and started to look through and
chuck out any unneeded items of hers, when he then discovers a bundle of addresses to adoption centres. Samuel and
his friends then spot his dad with a child hostage and the mother hostage, Samuel then finds out that the father has
been alive this whole time and decided to go searching for his lost child that was brought Into a adoption centre.
Why Annie went to search for her daughter that she gave up for adoption a long time ago and she disappeared for
days. Her son Samuel got very suspicious because its not like her to just go out and not come back As the time
went on, he began to accept his mother wasn’t coming back so he started to clear out her stuff. He found
addresses and information on these places and dug deeper. He found out his dad was alive, and he kidnapped
her. Mike kidnapped Annie because she was threatening to call the police after he took the long- lost daughter
away from her.
When In Present time
Where In Australia
How Mike was following Annie all along and saw she was attempting to locate their child at the adoption centre, in
order to prevent her from taking the child Mike decided to kidnap her and keep her hostage. He did this
because Annie was threatening to call the police, so therefore he kept her hostage. He kidnapped her by
learning, her daily routine and he waited for a time when she was alone and made his move.
Mike also studied the time the staff went on break so that he could take their daughter and the mother
wouldn’t get involved and know he did this.
• There is small village beside the sea where Sam and his mother live, a large storm hit the village Samuel's mother disappeared on the night
storm Katrina hit a small village they live in. Police didn’t really investigate so Samuel and his friends decided to take it upon themselves to discover
what really happened to his mother. His dad is not here to help him because he died a few years back and he doesn’t have any family left so all he
has is his close friends Imogen, Ettie and Bonnie. Mike (The Father) has also been transporting gold in and out of the country and he is suspected to
be transporting around a £1,000,000 worth of gold into a private island that he has been living on for all these years. Samuel started to accept the
loss of his mother and clear out all her things from her office when he came across a folder with many different addresses in them which he thought
was suspicious, he then became curious as to where those addresses were located and searched them up where he noticed a similarity, all the
addresses were adoption centers. He later told his friends and they all agreed that he should ring all the adoption centers up asking if his mother has
stopped by. The Adoption Centre receptionist informs him that Annie Wilson (his mother) hasn’t visited but someone by the name Mike Wilson
recently contacted all different adoption centers in our region looking for his daughter. Samuel makes the receptionist aware that Mike Wilson is his
father, and he asks for an updated address, but she refuses as I against the company's policy. Ettie hacks into the data base and easily gathers the
new address.
• Samuel is convinced that his dad is dead therefore he sees no reason to go to this random address. His friends are suspicious and travel there the
next morning without Samuel. When they arrive at the address, they peer in through a window and spot Samuel's dad, so they take a picture and
quickly leave. The friends head back to show Samuel the picture, he is shocked that his dad is alive, however he is more fixated on the fact that he
has his mothers scarf covered in blood. Samuel and his friends go to confront his dad, but they see him leaving on a boat with a woman. They all
jump on to the back of the boat and they see Annie tied up. Ettie quickly notices a kid in a locked room tied up with a passcode securing the door, he
tries to hack the system to free the girl. The dad spots them and quickly pushes Annie into the ocean, Bonnie and Imogen jumps in to save Annie.
Mike and Samuel argue, until the dad picks up a metal bar and knocks Samuel unconscious. Mike spots Ettie trying to free the girl and he is on his
way to stop him until Samuel wakes up and pushes him away, but he hits his head off a metal pole, and he bled to death. When they got back to
safety, Annie explains that the girl is his sister, who was a mistake and she wanted to get back in contact with her, but the dad wouldn’t allow that,
so he kidnapped them both.
. First of all I looked at already existing adventure movie posters to gain a better idea of how they are laid out and how I could implement
that into my poster. I then decided to gather a group of people to model for me so I could take photos of them for my poster. We went
into the studio and used the bright studio lights and also a RGB LED bar to create light in different areas of the faces. I tried to get lots of
different angles and different positions for the models to be in in order to try and get a range of shots so that I could have more choice
when deciding on which ones to use for the final outcome. After using different angles and colours I felt as if I had enough photos,
however I wanted to get some group pictures and decided to go outside and take them, I looked for a place outside that has a plain
background so it would therefore be easier to edit out the people from the background.
During the production I feel like it went good and bad, for example I feel like the quality of the photos look really professional however I
don’t feel like it fits my idea too well as it doesn’t include much of the colours on the style sheet that I made beforehand, I wanted to
create pictures that have a more warmer feel to them because of the idea of the film. In addition to that I could try and edit the images
on photoshop and change the hue and saturation to make the temperature a bit more warmer. I wanted to use my time more wisely as
for most of the duration I was taking in part of other peoples photos so I didn’t get as much time to take photos for my own project. I still
need to actually implement the photos onto photoshop and start making the poster.
With my synopsis I thought I completed it well however I got Scott and Dave to have a look at it and there was a good amount of things
that need to be added or changed. But I felt like the first draft of the synopsis was good as I could finally go into detail about how the
story is laid out and what is happening with the different characters.
I could definitely improve on my synopsis as its not fully complete and I need to change things like how I worded certain sections, I also
didn’t include certain details that without them the story wouldn’t make much sense. I could also potentially improve the amount of
photos I have taken as I feel like the selection I have doesn’t fit the theme for my poster.
I am going to work on my synopsis and make another draft and then have a fully complete synopsis. After I have completed that I will
start my poster and get the photos from my phone onto the computer, I will then look over all the photos and choose which ones would
be most suitable for my poster. Once I have decided on the photos I am going to use I will then make a plan as to how I will layout the
poster and which images will go where.
Part II
Pre-production and Planning
Mind Map
Mind Map DRAFT
Idea No.1
Idea No.1
This idea would be a point
and click adventure game
which would include
many different characters
to interact with such as
his best friends that have
joined this island with him
Some side missions for Sam would be to locate his
friends that have gone missing on the island and
needs to retrieve them in order to progress
through the main story of the game. Sam will also
unlock small amounts of gold which can then be
used to purchase goods from different shops
around the map that can sell potions and food in
order to regenerate his health and stamina
Sam and his friends can
lose health if they get
attacked by guards which
are featured in different
levels. There are some
other enemies that Sam
could come across such as
wolfs, Eagles, local gangs
There will also be hidden
objects around the map for
Sam to find that will help him
with progress through the
story, one example for one of
these objects could be a
ladder to then reach a new
area in the map that the
player can then explore.
The setting will be on
a abandoned island
Idea No.2
For this idea I have decided to go
for an adventure puzzle game
because I think the genre fits well
with my story and should make
sense if there are puzzles and side
quests to complete in the game.
There will be a range of puzzles that you can
play however you have to complete them in
order to then be able to complete the game, if
the player gets stuck on a puzzle there will be
optional tips that could then help them
complete the level
The player will have multiple
rooms to look around for clues,
there will be hidden items that
the player can only unlock by
having another item before, the
game wont be too hard and
should be obvious as to where
these objects are
There would be simple
movements like,
forward, backwards and
In order to perform
those movements, the
player will have to use
WASD to move, A and
D will move the
character left to right.
Using W and D
will make the
character jump
and also crouch in
order to reach
certain locations.
The location of the game will be
indoors almost in some sort of temple
where the gold is hidden
Mood Board
• Monkey Island 2 is a point and click adventure game where you play as a pirate called Guy Brush searching
for hidden treasure but has to face the main antagonist who is named Chuck. There are many different
characters that the pirate can interact with and those characters are all have quests for the player to
complete. Such as locating certain objects and items that can then be used to complete the story further.
This game as one of the first games to offer the player different difficulties on different levels.
• There are 2 different types of graphics that have been made for this game, there is a pixel art version or the
special edition to the game which includes high res graphics.
• Monkey Island 2 is taken place after the previous game which was called The Secret of Monkey Island where
the main character (Guy Brush) is now searching for the legendary treasure of ‘Big Whoop’. Guy Brush
defeats the main villain in the previous game however it was only a ghost version of him and the pirate
(Chuck) is now back but as a zombie and is ready to seek his revenge. Guy Brush makes a friend named the
Voodoo Lady and tells Guy that the ‘Big Whoop’ contains a secret to another world which would then allow
him to be able to escape Chuck forever.
• There are many different game mechanics used in this game such as, simply being able to move in any
direction, you can move left right forwards and backwards, this is all done simply by clicking on wherever
you want to go. There are different animations used in certain scenes, for example there is a scene where
Guy Brush needs to look through a book and there is an animation of him tearing the pages out of the book.
Monkey Island 2 (1991)
Ever gate (2020)
• Ever gate is about a lost soul named Ki who found herself in the after life, however her
path back to earth is blocked by the ‘Ever Gate’. Ki then has to make it through the paths
by using her power with a unknown spirit. She has to use the crystals that are placed
around the map to her advantage in order to progress with the level. Ever gate is a 2D
puzzle platformer game, with the graphics being hand drawn and then made into high
res graphics with loads of different effects and cool backgrounds for the player to
• The player has to use WASD to move the character, W makes the character jump, S make
the character lower itself (crouch) and A and D moves them forward and backwards. You
press E when you want to enable the unknown energy, this mechanic is a main feature of
the game and is used throughout to complete the majority of the levels.
• This game would appeal to the younger market as the character is quite child like, the
story is quite simple to follow as well, however the game is quiet difficult and takes time
to master so therefore I feel as if the target market would be 14+.
Tux and Fanny (2019)
• Tux and Fanny is a point and click game that is made in
the form of pixel art, the story throughout is what
intrigues people to play it as it very well thought out and
is quite comedic. It is about 2 friends called Tux and
Fanny and the game is basically what Tux and Fanny get
up to and you have to complete tasks and walk around
the map with using point and click. There are many mini
games to play throughout the story, such as using a
machine to spin and make the happiest animal. This
captivates the player as you can free roam around the
map and access lots of fun and interesting activates. This
game has inspired me the most because of the pixel art,
I feel as if it is quite simple yet effective and works with
the style of game, the characters haven't gone into much
thought however they are supposed to be comedic
characters that the player can enjoy using and
interacting with them.
Day of the Tentacle
• DOTT is another point and click adventure
game that uses pixel art for the graphic design.
The story is about the main character
(Bernard) and his friends who try to take down
an evil tentacle that is trying to take over he
world. The player has control over the three
characters and can pick and choose which ones
he wants to use and when. Certain characters
can reach certain locations and complete
specific missions and puzzles, after completing
the puzzles the player will advance further into
the story and have more cutscenes to
experience. The game also involves time travel
which makes the players want to continue to
play this game because there is an element of
a separate dimension that they can explore.
With this experiment I decided to make a few shapes and play
around with the layers and how I can make it look like the
character is moving by using the timeline to my advantage. I
created multiple layers that I then would sue to hide one shape
and then add a new layer and un hide that one and then hide
the other shape, to give it the effect that it is moving and
flashing. I enjoyed experimenting with this because it has taught
me a lot ad I am now more confident in knowing how to use
certain features in photoshop to help me with creating my
animation for my game.
Experiment N0.2
I first all created a timeline so I could then start animating and
creating new layers. One I created a timeline I then used the
shape making tool to form a character that I can then use to
make it look like he is moving. I done this by adding a new layer
every time I move the shape with the move tool, when the
shape would reach the floor I would duplicate the layer and
squash down the new layer to. This experiments really helped
me understand how to use the timeline feature that is on
photoshop to create something to make it look like it is moving.
Before going into these experiments I didn’t know how to make
something look like it is animated and also thought that it was a
really difficult task. However I soon realised that after a few try's
I managed to make the ball move alongside the sun beam. One
thing I did find difficult was the fact that it a lot harder to change
things later on and is best to get everything you need at the
start so then it becomes a easier task later on.
Style Sheet
Game layouts
Game Summary
A quick summary of the game.
• My game will be a point and click adventure game as that is what I have researched into
the most.
• The player will control the main playable character named ‘Samuel’.
• The player will walk around different areas of the map meeting new people and
experiencing new levels and mini-games.
• You will be able to access these minigames at certain stages of the game
• There will be an arcade machine that the player can click on and it will turn into a plat
form minigame that the player can play from time to time
• There will be the main storyline throughout the game however there will be open world
opportunities that the player can then take the opportunity to explore the map.
Game Overview
Theme / Setting / Genre
Different themes within the game are Adventure, Single player,
2D,Exploration, Mystery, Point and Click and Atmospheric.
The game will take place on a dark night on a mysterious island that the
player can later explore further, When the game first loads up the character
will spawn in their house and can later leave the house to explore further into
the map. The setting gives off a mysterious vibe because of the dark colours
and floating islands that you can see in the background of the game.
The main genre to my game is adventure as you as a player are constantly
exploring and finding out new things about the world, while also keeping the
main storyline throughout which is the main character chasing after his dad
because of his stolen gold and needs to retrieve his sister that has been
However the game is not completely serious because you can play fun little
minigames to take a break from the main aspect of the game.
Story and Gameplay
The story begins with a storm that hits Samuels village and destroys many parts of the village, in the morning Sam then
realises that his mum is missing so he gathers his friends that are close by to try and discover and solve why his mother has
disappeared, there will then be a cutscene which will show Sam finding loads of different addresses that were hidden away
in a secret cabinet in their house. These addresses are on a secret island so Sam and his friends head over to this island to
try and find out where his mother is, however when they arrive at the island, they soon realise that it isn’t a usual island
and they see different islands floating around and different creatures walking about the island, Sam then spots his Father
who was supposedly dead. After this point the game will go from a cutscene to when the player can play the game and walk
around, at this stage it will be a chase and the character will chase after the father. The game will then take place in a house
where Sam will be living for the time being. At this point there will be many different opportunities to explore the world and
see what is about, there will be hidden pieces of gold around the map that the player can unlock through completing
different puzzles to allow them to bypass locked areas.
Explain how the story will be told -- cut-scenes? A ‘talking head’?
Enter Island Locate Puzzle Complete Puzzle
New level
Core loop
There will be about 10 levels and each level will eventually get harder, there will be a different puzzle in each of
the levels so that it isn’t always the same thing and keeps the interest for the player.
One example of a beginner level would be that the player must locate a key that is around the house, there will
be clues left around the house to help the player find this key, once the key has been found they will then have
to travel to the location that is marked on the map that will then allow them to bypass the locked area, however
before the player is let through they have to complete a puzzle to allow them to explore the new are of the map.
An example of a complex level would be that the player has fight against a boss level character which would be
some type of creature only found in the forest, however in order to progress further into the game the player will
have to go into the forest from time to time, there is then a risk to this as the player could potentially die
because of all the unknown creatures.
Time Management
Technical Qualities
Aesthetic Qualities
Aural Qualities
Audience Appeal
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final

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Adventure pro forma in progress 4

  • 2.
  • 5. Todorov’s Equilibrium Breaks down stories in to five simple steps. Great for generating story ideas. Helps you bring structure and order to your narrative. This is how humans have told stories for thousands of years.
  • 6. Propp’s Characters: Propp suggested that in all of folklore and fairy tales, there were just 8 types of characters. Every character fits in to one of the following: • The villain — an evil character that creates struggles for the hero. • The dispatcher — any character who illustrates the need for the hero's quest and sends the hero off. This often overlaps with the princess's father. • The helper — a typically magical entity that comes to help the hero in their quest. • The princess or prize — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her as a consequence of some evil or injustice, perhaps the work of the villain. The hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess, which constitutes the villain's defeat. • The Princess's Father — is a key figure for the Hero to persuade, as the Father is almost always protective of his daughter. The Father may also be in competition in some way with the Hero for the Princess's affections and a triangle may form. • The donor — a character that prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object, sometimes after testing them. • The hero — the character who reacts to the dispatcher and donor characters, thwarts the villain, resolves any lacking or wronghoods and weds the princess. • The false hero —Figure who tries to take credit for the hero's actions or tries to marry the princess. They appear heroic but they are not.
  • 7. Use this page to breakdown an existing film, using the Hero’s Quest theory. How does your chosen film fit with this? The Ordinary World The Mandalorian is a orphaned child that was saved by the Mandalorian’s after the battle droids killed his parents, he was raised by the Mandalorian’s and has now joined them. The Call to Adventure The Mandalorian are trained assassins and are bounty hunters, so the Mandalorian is set to assassinate Grogu which is a alien child but is very dangerous. Mando doesn’t know who the target is until he sees the child and decides to spare his life The Refusal Mando soon found out that his target was going to be child instead of retrieving the target Mando decided to go on the run with the child, this left many enemies for Mando and the child Mentor Help The child was later kidnapped by Moff Gideon the main villain in the series. The Mandalorian needed help to retrieve the child and get him to safety. He then meets a character called Cara Dune who has previously worked along side the villain and knows the in and outs of the operation, she then guides and works alongside the Mandalorian through his journey to retrieve the child. However before Mando met the child he also was introduced to Quill who shows him where the child is located. Crossing the Threshold After Mando meets the child he decides to spare his life and bring him back to the client in exchange for some new armour. When he is later on another mission he has a memory of the child and decides to turn back and infiltrate the area in which the child was kept Test/Allies/Enemies Allies – Quill, Cara Dune, Grog, Mandalorian, Greeff Karga Enemies – Moff Gideon, The Client, Imperial Force, Other Bounty Hunters. Approach Mando heads to a airship in order to retrieve Baby Yoda, on his way there are some interferences that comes his way, such as the introduction to Boba Fett from previous Star Wars films Ordeal Mando and Boba Fett team up and fight of the assassins that are trying to kill them and Baby Yoda Reward The reward is to have possession of Baby Yoda and make it out alive Road Back Mando and Baby Yoda head back on there airship back to there hometown, with the company of Boba Fett, Mando drops off Baby Yoda at a safe place. Atonement Mando heads back to the place he left baby Yoda because he missed him and wanted to have him back in his company
  • 8. Equilibrium Mando was living a normal life and was trying to stay out of trouble Disruption He received an offer he could not refuse, The bounty is a 50 year old and the prize is a lot of Baskar which can be used to create more armour Recognition Mando decides to travel to the planet where the target is and discovers that the target is a child Attempt to repair the damage Mando then spares the child's life and starts to go on the run with the child, bounty hunters and the imperials are after the child's because he has special powers New Equilibrium The Child is brought to safety and Mando decides to part ways with the child and continue his life as a Mandalorian
  • 9. Character type How they appear in your story The Hero Mando The Villain Moff Gideon The Helper Cara Dune, Quill, Greeff Karga The Donor Greeff Karga gives Mando Baskar for the bounty reward The Dispatcher Greeff Karga sets Mando on a bounty hunt The Princess or prize After Baby Yoda gets kidnapped, Mando decides to rescue Baby Yoda The Princess’s Father Quill persuades Mando to go after the Child The False Hero Mayfield pretends to be nice and help Mando however he later turns on him and locks him inside a prison and then calls an airstrike on the prison Use this template to apply Propp’s character types to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain which character acts as each type in your film.
  • 10. WWWWWH Who The Mandalorian/ Din Djarin What The Mandalorian is a bounty hunter who either kills or brings back targets alive for a reward. Mando is set out to kill a 50yr old target Which he then later travels to another planet in order to reach him. He then sees the target and decides to spare his life. Why Mando spares his life because he didn’t want to kill a child, Mando and Baby Yoda are now being hunted by fellow bounty hunters because the reward for capturing the child was a lot more because he has special powers that the boss wanted to test on. When The Mandalorian was set In 9 ABY Where The Mandalorian takes place in many different locations, such as Tatooine, Navarro How The Mandalorian has gets help from Cara and Quill in order to locate Baby Yoda Use this template to apply Who, What, Where, When, Why and How to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is happening in your story at each point.
  • 11. Idea 1 Who Aaron is the main character, Axal is the main antagonist, The unnamed man who got chased away, Masked Men. What Aaron is a recently discharged solider therefore he is on the streets begging for anything to keep him alive. Aaron then gets kidnapped by masked men who gas him and wakes up in an unknown location. All Aaron can see around him is a black room with one dim light hovering above one of the masked men. The Main antagonist enters the room and sits opposite him and offers Aaron a deal he can't refuse which is €1,000,000 or get back to living on the streets. The main antagonist reveals his nickname as Axal and explains that Aaron needs to complete a special quest to receive the money. Aaron decides to take up the offer and Axal leads him to a mysterious door, Aaron wharfs into the door and there is no escape. He wakes up and notices changes to his body and looks like a younger version of himself. He then later stumbles across a busy village where there are lots of unusual people when he is approached by a man who seems to be concerned and explains that he made the wrong decision coming here, he then gets chased away by the masked men. Aaron finds out that to survive and win the final prize jackpot he must kill 2 men 1 child and pregnant woman and a horse. Aaron is an innocent man and wants to reject the offer, but he knows that if he doesn't kill anyone, he will die poor. Aaron is starting to wonder if killing these men will be worth it in the end however he comes to his senses and realises it’s the only option to choose himself. Why • The masked men had been watching him for days and noticed he was struggling living in poverty. • He accepts the deal because he is desperate., When Aaron served 4 years in the army and left in 1945 when the world war 2 ended. When he enters the mysterious door, the time has changed to the 21st century. Where Aaron arrives back from the army to his home country France, but the mysterious door leads him to the North Pole. How . Aaron chooses and kills the whole family in a house fire and shoots the horse in backyard. . Aaron wakes up one morning to a man holding a bank card with the pin code to access it, this is how he receives the money. . Aaron feels guilty and feels ashamed of himself, but he realises he needs to have the same mindset he did when he was at war.
  • 12. Idea 2 Who Erin the older sister, Archie and Ameila the two younger siblings, Lenny the gremlin, The Hunter, Lennys friend, The kids mum and dad. What It was summer the McKay's went on abroad to their family home and the oldest of the 3 children Erin snuck off to a party that her parents refused to let her go to. Her friends Sabrina and Maddie peer pressured her into drinking alcohol and to taking cocaine as they quoted "You're boring, don’t be such a goody too shoes". Erin then went to the bathroom to take a breather and she seen out the corner of her eye a gremlin taking a shower. She then proceeds to wipe her eyes as she thought it was just the drugs. Erin went back to her friends and acted as if everything was normal and headed outside for a smoke, when there was a shimmer of light in the midnight sea when she saw the gremlin again. She asked her friends if they could see anything in the water and they said, "no it’s the drugs Erin". She ignored the gremlin and went home unnoticed. The gremlin then gathers a plan to see Erin because he feels there is a special bond between them both. The following morning the 2 younger kids Archie and Ameila head out to their private beach where the gremlin has set up a booby trap hoping that they will help him and take him to their house. Archie and Ameila are running alongside the beach when they hear a faint sound of chocking by the rocks they was warned not to go near by their parents. They are concerned about this noise, so they head back and get their older sister Erin who then follows them out to the rocks (Erin was sceptical at first). When they arrive at the beach Erin notices that the sound is coming from the forbidden rocks and has no interest in going so, she turns around and heads back to the house. UNTIL Lenny the gremlin his first official appearance by launching himself into the air and landing Infront of Erin. Erin pulls in her younger siblings to protect them, and Lenny explains that he means no harm and he just needs their help. Archie and Ameila was eager to help but Erin was wary of the situation. Archie and Ameila convince Erin to help, and Lenny explains to the 3 of them what they need to do. Why Lenny feels like he has a special bond with Erin because he has special senses, and he can sense a feel of familiarity and like he knows her from a previous life and that’s why he chose her and her family to help. When In present time. Where Originally the family live in California, but their family house abroad is in the North of Scotland near the sea How Lenny needs the help of the 3 siblings by making them transform him into a human look alike. They do this by using a wig and sunglasses and clothing as a disguise so that he can rescue his friend from a gremlin hunter.
  • 15. Existing Product One of the main colours in this magazine cover is black to match the theme of the film. The contrast between the black and the white really makes this magazine cover stand out The main colours used on the magazine cover are black blue and white, they have used the white colour on the main title for it be bold and stand out. There are quotes from different actors which would promote the film because people would see that famous actors are enjoying and commenting on the film The image to text ratio is good because the amount of text is not clumping the image. The text is placed in certain locations of the magazine in order to still be able to see the main image at hand
  • 16. Existing Product The layout of this poster is quite unique because of the way they have cut and pasted different images form the series in order to give the viewer a clear idea as to what they would get out of watching this series. There are many different colours used in this poster such as green, yellow, blue and white. They could have used these colours in order to entice the viewer and grab their attention. It also shows that the series is quite exotic and there are many different adventures. The costumes used in the poster are quite ragged and summery. This gives the poster a more warmer feel. The lighting in some of the shots are darker than others to create contrast between the different images There is the abbreviation of the title of the series going down the middle of the poster to grab the viewers attention
  • 17. Existing Product The overall mood for this poster is quite dark with the main subject image wearing darker clothes and looking downwards with his face partially shadowed. This could make the audience intrigued by the film and the poster because of the way his face darker The location is in Paris as of the Eiffel tower in the background of the poster. The tower is quite a significant part of the poster as it tells the audience as to where the film is located There are special effects at the bottom of the poster, these effects are trying to imitate fire particles which gives the poster a different feel , almost as if he is amongst a ball of fire. The colour of the text also correlates to the fire and works with the whole aesthetic. The angle of the shot is a slightly lower with the camera capturing the whole Eiffel tower and also the misty sky with some kind of grain effect on top of it
  • 18. Existing Product In this poster you can judge that the mood is quite intense just by the use of colour and the overall emptiness of the poster. Also the colours are quite neutral There is also a faded out image of a girl in the background which could be a reference to the show as the girl could fade away/disappear. There is also mist going over the title of gone girl which could also reflect onto the story There is a small print of the credits at the bottom of the screen in order to keep the main focus of the poster onto the upper half however having the credits is sometimes needed in some cases so they have managed to make the credits less visible but is till there This poster leaves the viewers wondering what the show is about as they are not revealing too much in the poster. There is quite a lot of empty space which works well I think because the man is at the bottom of the screen which leaves space above for the title and the image of the woman that is faded out.
  • 19. Research Summary • What have you learned from your research? I have learned how to compose and construct images in order for it to fit in the poster and how it works with the main title of the film. I have also learned about how important colours are and how they can change what the poster looks like completely. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • I will try to include different effects such as fire particles as I feel like it really makes the image stand out. I also want to include a red glow on my poster as I want the poster to look quite sinister
  • 20. Movie Poster . When I first heard the name of the title for the poster, I already started getting some ideas together in my head. I also looked at existing movie posters to understand the layout and colours used to make them look better. . Using photoshop started off a bit rocky however once I found a suitable background everything started to come together, I was looking for a dark eerie background to match the title of the poster. After finding a background I then was wanting to a man that would be dark dressed facing away from the camera. After applying the man into the picture, I decided to reduce the opacity of him because he felt like he was standing out too much and I wanted him to almost blend with the image.
  • 22. Style Sheet My idea with this colour scheme is like a warm but also dark, which is the perfect combination for my idea, as my idea is related to searching and is almost a mystery, which I feel like these colours portray very well. I want the setting of my poster to be a neutral Another idea I have with the colour scheme is that I could implement red into the poster in order to give it a more evil feel to it, I also wanted to have red because it contrasts well with the black which will then make the red pop out more.
  • 23. Magazine and advert layouts Chosen Font
  • 24. Different types of shots • Shot of all actors standing in pose in front of brick building • Singular shot of actor 1 • Singular shot of actor 2 • Singular shot of actor 3 • Main shot of main Actor • Shot of scarf on hanger
  • 25. Shot in front of wall Hannah, Flynn, Alex, Elli Wall outside college Singular photos of actors Hannah, Flynn, Alex, Elli Car park Shot of scarf No one Staff room
  • 26. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? People I may need could be in the wrong clothes or simply could not be available Either have spare actors available or wait until everyone is ready to take part in my project and would have to do it another time. The Camera could run out or it could have limited space left on the SD card Check before if the camera is about to run out and if it is put it on charge The Weather could wet and could damage equipment Check the weather status the day before filming so I know that there could be a lesser chance of getting caught in the rain The camera could come out blurry Make sure that the camera is on automatic focus mode as if not then the photos will most likely come out blurry and then have to retake them
  • 27. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? There is a risk that me or people who I need could lose the equipment or if left unattended it could be stolen I would be in charge of the equipment and have eyes on it the whole time I need to make sure the camera is probably secured on the tripod. If not then the camera will fall of the tripod and most likely take heavy damage to lens. Check that the camera is on the tripod properly and is tightened I need to make sure that wherever I am filming that there is no hazards such as loose cables on the floor that could cause someone to fall Double check that wherever I am filming will be safe enough to film and take phots on, I will do this just by scanning the location of recording to make sure that there is no hazards.
  • 29. Idea 3 Who Samuel Wilson, Imagine Harris, Ettie Smith, Bonnie Lewis, Annie Wilson, Mike Wilson, The long-lost child What Samuel is a independent teenage boy whose father went missing 3 years ago and has recently received the news that his fathers body has been found washed up on a deserted island near Spain. The night that Samuel heard the news about his dad, a storm hit and the mother then disappeared. Samuel found this awful suspicious and was wondering why there was no informant of her leaving, Samuel then asked his friends to join him in order to really see what has happened to his mother. After some time passed Samuel accepted that his mothers disappearance and started to look through and chuck out any unneeded items of hers, when he then discovers a bundle of addresses to adoption centres. Samuel and his friends then spot his dad with a child hostage and the mother hostage, Samuel then finds out that the father has been alive this whole time and decided to go searching for his lost child that was brought Into a adoption centre. Why Annie went to search for her daughter that she gave up for adoption a long time ago and she disappeared for days. Her son Samuel got very suspicious because its not like her to just go out and not come back As the time went on, he began to accept his mother wasn’t coming back so he started to clear out her stuff. He found addresses and information on these places and dug deeper. He found out his dad was alive, and he kidnapped her. Mike kidnapped Annie because she was threatening to call the police after he took the long- lost daughter away from her. When In Present time Where In Australia How Mike was following Annie all along and saw she was attempting to locate their child at the adoption centre, in order to prevent her from taking the child Mike decided to kidnap her and keep her hostage. He did this because Annie was threatening to call the police, so therefore he kept her hostage. He kidnapped her by learning, her daily routine and he waited for a time when she was alone and made his move. Mike also studied the time the staff went on break so that he could take their daughter and the mother wouldn’t get involved and know he did this.
  • 30. Synopsis • There is small village beside the sea where Sam and his mother live, a large storm hit the village Samuel's mother disappeared on the night storm Katrina hit a small village they live in. Police didn’t really investigate so Samuel and his friends decided to take it upon themselves to discover what really happened to his mother. His dad is not here to help him because he died a few years back and he doesn’t have any family left so all he has is his close friends Imogen, Ettie and Bonnie. Mike (The Father) has also been transporting gold in and out of the country and he is suspected to be transporting around a £1,000,000 worth of gold into a private island that he has been living on for all these years. Samuel started to accept the loss of his mother and clear out all her things from her office when he came across a folder with many different addresses in them which he thought was suspicious, he then became curious as to where those addresses were located and searched them up where he noticed a similarity, all the addresses were adoption centers. He later told his friends and they all agreed that he should ring all the adoption centers up asking if his mother has stopped by. The Adoption Centre receptionist informs him that Annie Wilson (his mother) hasn’t visited but someone by the name Mike Wilson recently contacted all different adoption centers in our region looking for his daughter. Samuel makes the receptionist aware that Mike Wilson is his father, and he asks for an updated address, but she refuses as I against the company's policy. Ettie hacks into the data base and easily gathers the new address. • Samuel is convinced that his dad is dead therefore he sees no reason to go to this random address. His friends are suspicious and travel there the next morning without Samuel. When they arrive at the address, they peer in through a window and spot Samuel's dad, so they take a picture and quickly leave. The friends head back to show Samuel the picture, he is shocked that his dad is alive, however he is more fixated on the fact that he has his mothers scarf covered in blood. Samuel and his friends go to confront his dad, but they see him leaving on a boat with a woman. They all jump on to the back of the boat and they see Annie tied up. Ettie quickly notices a kid in a locked room tied up with a passcode securing the door, he tries to hack the system to free the girl. The dad spots them and quickly pushes Annie into the ocean, Bonnie and Imogen jumps in to save Annie. Mike and Samuel argue, until the dad picks up a metal bar and knocks Samuel unconscious. Mike spots Ettie trying to free the girl and he is on his way to stop him until Samuel wakes up and pushes him away, but he hits his head off a metal pole, and he bled to death. When they got back to safety, Annie explains that the girl is his sister, who was a mistake and she wanted to get back in contact with her, but the dad wouldn’t allow that, so he kidnapped them both.
  • 32. Reflection . First of all I looked at already existing adventure movie posters to gain a better idea of how they are laid out and how I could implement that into my poster. I then decided to gather a group of people to model for me so I could take photos of them for my poster. We went into the studio and used the bright studio lights and also a RGB LED bar to create light in different areas of the faces. I tried to get lots of different angles and different positions for the models to be in in order to try and get a range of shots so that I could have more choice when deciding on which ones to use for the final outcome. After using different angles and colours I felt as if I had enough photos, however I wanted to get some group pictures and decided to go outside and take them, I looked for a place outside that has a plain background so it would therefore be easier to edit out the people from the background. During the production I feel like it went good and bad, for example I feel like the quality of the photos look really professional however I don’t feel like it fits my idea too well as it doesn’t include much of the colours on the style sheet that I made beforehand, I wanted to create pictures that have a more warmer feel to them because of the idea of the film. In addition to that I could try and edit the images on photoshop and change the hue and saturation to make the temperature a bit more warmer. I wanted to use my time more wisely as for most of the duration I was taking in part of other peoples photos so I didn’t get as much time to take photos for my own project. I still need to actually implement the photos onto photoshop and start making the poster. With my synopsis I thought I completed it well however I got Scott and Dave to have a look at it and there was a good amount of things that need to be added or changed. But I felt like the first draft of the synopsis was good as I could finally go into detail about how the story is laid out and what is happening with the different characters. I could definitely improve on my synopsis as its not fully complete and I need to change things like how I worded certain sections, I also didn’t include certain details that without them the story wouldn’t make much sense. I could also potentially improve the amount of photos I have taken as I feel like the selection I have doesn’t fit the theme for my poster. I am going to work on my synopsis and make another draft and then have a fully complete synopsis. After I have completed that I will start my poster and get the photos from my phone onto the computer, I will then look over all the photos and choose which ones would be most suitable for my poster. Once I have decided on the photos I am going to use I will then make a plan as to how I will layout the poster and which images will go where.
  • 36. Idea No.1 Idea No.1 This idea would be a point and click adventure game which would include many different characters to interact with such as his best friends that have joined this island with him Some side missions for Sam would be to locate his friends that have gone missing on the island and needs to retrieve them in order to progress through the main story of the game. Sam will also unlock small amounts of gold which can then be used to purchase goods from different shops around the map that can sell potions and food in order to regenerate his health and stamina Sam and his friends can lose health if they get attacked by guards which are featured in different levels. There are some other enemies that Sam could come across such as wolfs, Eagles, local gangs etc. There will also be hidden objects around the map for Sam to find that will help him with progress through the story, one example for one of these objects could be a ladder to then reach a new area in the map that the player can then explore. Location The setting will be on a abandoned island
  • 37. Idea No.2 For this idea I have decided to go for an adventure puzzle game because I think the genre fits well with my story and should make sense if there are puzzles and side quests to complete in the game. There will be a range of puzzles that you can play however you have to complete them in order to then be able to complete the game, if the player gets stuck on a puzzle there will be optional tips that could then help them complete the level The player will have multiple rooms to look around for clues, there will be hidden items that the player can only unlock by having another item before, the game wont be too hard and should be obvious as to where these objects are Movements There would be simple movements like, forward, backwards and sideways. In order to perform those movements, the player will have to use WASD to move, A and D will move the character left to right. Using W and D will make the character jump and also crouch in order to reach certain locations. Location The location of the game will be indoors almost in some sort of temple where the gold is hidden
  • 39. Research • Monkey Island 2 is a point and click adventure game where you play as a pirate called Guy Brush searching for hidden treasure but has to face the main antagonist who is named Chuck. There are many different characters that the pirate can interact with and those characters are all have quests for the player to complete. Such as locating certain objects and items that can then be used to complete the story further. This game as one of the first games to offer the player different difficulties on different levels. • There are 2 different types of graphics that have been made for this game, there is a pixel art version or the special edition to the game which includes high res graphics. • Monkey Island 2 is taken place after the previous game which was called The Secret of Monkey Island where the main character (Guy Brush) is now searching for the legendary treasure of ‘Big Whoop’. Guy Brush defeats the main villain in the previous game however it was only a ghost version of him and the pirate (Chuck) is now back but as a zombie and is ready to seek his revenge. Guy Brush makes a friend named the Voodoo Lady and tells Guy that the ‘Big Whoop’ contains a secret to another world which would then allow him to be able to escape Chuck forever. • There are many different game mechanics used in this game such as, simply being able to move in any direction, you can move left right forwards and backwards, this is all done simply by clicking on wherever you want to go. There are different animations used in certain scenes, for example there is a scene where Guy Brush needs to look through a book and there is an animation of him tearing the pages out of the book. Monkey Island 2 (1991)
  • 40. Ever gate (2020) • Ever gate is about a lost soul named Ki who found herself in the after life, however her path back to earth is blocked by the ‘Ever Gate’. Ki then has to make it through the paths by using her power with a unknown spirit. She has to use the crystals that are placed around the map to her advantage in order to progress with the level. Ever gate is a 2D puzzle platformer game, with the graphics being hand drawn and then made into high res graphics with loads of different effects and cool backgrounds for the player to experience. • The player has to use WASD to move the character, W makes the character jump, S make the character lower itself (crouch) and A and D moves them forward and backwards. You press E when you want to enable the unknown energy, this mechanic is a main feature of the game and is used throughout to complete the majority of the levels. • This game would appeal to the younger market as the character is quite child like, the story is quite simple to follow as well, however the game is quiet difficult and takes time to master so therefore I feel as if the target market would be 14+.
  • 41. Tux and Fanny (2019) • Tux and Fanny is a point and click game that is made in the form of pixel art, the story throughout is what intrigues people to play it as it very well thought out and is quite comedic. It is about 2 friends called Tux and Fanny and the game is basically what Tux and Fanny get up to and you have to complete tasks and walk around the map with using point and click. There are many mini games to play throughout the story, such as using a machine to spin and make the happiest animal. This captivates the player as you can free roam around the map and access lots of fun and interesting activates. This game has inspired me the most because of the pixel art, I feel as if it is quite simple yet effective and works with the style of game, the characters haven't gone into much thought however they are supposed to be comedic characters that the player can enjoy using and interacting with them.
  • 42. Day of the Tentacle (1993) • DOTT is another point and click adventure game that uses pixel art for the graphic design. The story is about the main character (Bernard) and his friends who try to take down an evil tentacle that is trying to take over he world. The player has control over the three characters and can pick and choose which ones he wants to use and when. Certain characters can reach certain locations and complete specific missions and puzzles, after completing the puzzles the player will advance further into the story and have more cutscenes to experience. The game also involves time travel which makes the players want to continue to play this game because there is an element of a separate dimension that they can explore.
  • 43. Experiments With this experiment I decided to make a few shapes and play around with the layers and how I can make it look like the character is moving by using the timeline to my advantage. I created multiple layers that I then would sue to hide one shape and then add a new layer and un hide that one and then hide the other shape, to give it the effect that it is moving and flashing. I enjoyed experimenting with this because it has taught me a lot ad I am now more confident in knowing how to use certain features in photoshop to help me with creating my animation for my game.
  • 44. Experiment N0.2 I first all created a timeline so I could then start animating and creating new layers. One I created a timeline I then used the shape making tool to form a character that I can then use to make it look like he is moving. I done this by adding a new layer every time I move the shape with the move tool, when the shape would reach the floor I would duplicate the layer and squash down the new layer to. This experiments really helped me understand how to use the timeline feature that is on photoshop to create something to make it look like it is moving. Before going into these experiments I didn’t know how to make something look like it is animated and also thought that it was a really difficult task. However I soon realised that after a few try's I managed to make the ball move alongside the sun beam. One thing I did find difficult was the fact that it a lot harder to change things later on and is best to get everything you need at the start so then it becomes a easier task later on.
  • 47. Game Summary A quick summary of the game. • My game will be a point and click adventure game as that is what I have researched into the most. • The player will control the main playable character named ‘Samuel’. • The player will walk around different areas of the map meeting new people and experiencing new levels and mini-games. • You will be able to access these minigames at certain stages of the game • There will be an arcade machine that the player can click on and it will turn into a plat form minigame that the player can play from time to time • There will be the main storyline throughout the game however there will be open world opportunities that the player can then take the opportunity to explore the map.
  • 48. Game Overview Theme / Setting / Genre Different themes within the game are Adventure, Single player, 2D,Exploration, Mystery, Point and Click and Atmospheric. The game will take place on a dark night on a mysterious island that the player can later explore further, When the game first loads up the character will spawn in their house and can later leave the house to explore further into the map. The setting gives off a mysterious vibe because of the dark colours and floating islands that you can see in the background of the game. The main genre to my game is adventure as you as a player are constantly exploring and finding out new things about the world, while also keeping the main storyline throughout which is the main character chasing after his dad because of his stolen gold and needs to retrieve his sister that has been kidnapped However the game is not completely serious because you can play fun little minigames to take a break from the main aspect of the game.
  • 49. Story and Gameplay Story The story begins with a storm that hits Samuels village and destroys many parts of the village, in the morning Sam then realises that his mum is missing so he gathers his friends that are close by to try and discover and solve why his mother has disappeared, there will then be a cutscene which will show Sam finding loads of different addresses that were hidden away in a secret cabinet in their house. These addresses are on a secret island so Sam and his friends head over to this island to try and find out where his mother is, however when they arrive at the island, they soon realise that it isn’t a usual island and they see different islands floating around and different creatures walking about the island, Sam then spots his Father who was supposedly dead. After this point the game will go from a cutscene to when the player can play the game and walk around, at this stage it will be a chase and the character will chase after the father. The game will then take place in a house where Sam will be living for the time being. At this point there will be many different opportunities to explore the world and see what is about, there will be hidden pieces of gold around the map that the player can unlock through completing different puzzles to allow them to bypass locked areas. Explain how the story will be told -- cut-scenes? A ‘talking head’?
  • 50. Enter Island Locate Puzzle Complete Puzzle New level Unlocked Core loop
  • 51. Levels There will be about 10 levels and each level will eventually get harder, there will be a different puzzle in each of the levels so that it isn’t always the same thing and keeps the interest for the player. One example of a beginner level would be that the player must locate a key that is around the house, there will be clues left around the house to help the player find this key, once the key has been found they will then have to travel to the location that is marked on the map that will then allow them to bypass the locked area, however before the player is let through they have to complete a puzzle to allow them to explore the new are of the map. An example of a complex level would be that the player has fight against a boss level character which would be some type of creature only found in the forest, however in order to progress further into the game the player will have to go into the forest from time to time, there is then a risk to this as the player could potentially die because of all the unknown creatures.
  • 61. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  5. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  6. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  7. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  8. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  9. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  10. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  11. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.