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Character type How they appear in your story
The Hero does everything to get to his goal 17 year old boy selfless powered by will.
The Villian Hateful only goal is to stop the boy from reaching his goal.
The Helper His best friend
The Donor This character doesn’t appear in my game
The Dispatcher This character doesn’t appear in my game
The Princess or prize The prize is him and his friends being free
The Princess’s Father This character isn’t in the story
The False Hero Trys to take credit for everything good but in reality is just jealous
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
Who Jiro Yuta
What 17 year old boy who wants to be free from all the burdens his father left behind and decides to do
something bad with lots of risk but he feels its worth it for the outcome as he will finally be able to live his
life without needing to look over his shoulder and to finally live the life he had always dreamed of.
Why He has had a burden of owing money to a gang his whole life because of his dads stupidity and disregard for
the burden he leaves on his son. All he wants is to be free and to leave japan for good and go make
something of himself and to be a better man than his father was.
When 2030
Where Tokyo japan
Idea 2
Who Daiki
What Gets involved is the drift scene but picks race with wrong person and loses then cant pay him. He keeps
being hustled by the men he owes money to and decides the best way to pay him back is to cghallenege him
to a race so he begins training to become good enough to beat them but encountres many things along the
Why He thought it would have been easy as he was cvery naïve and learnt the hard way just how hard drifting is
and gets taught a lesson and pays the price but when he overcomes his naivety and learns how to drift he
finally feels like he belongs somewhere and knows his place in life.
When 2000
Where Osaka japan
Idea 3
Who jaden reeves
What Gets involved in street gangs after getting kicked out of school
Why Has no parents and feels like the world hates him
When 2089
Where London England
Mind Map:
Mood board:
Existing Product
Cyberpunk 2077
This was one of if not the most anticipated games of the year selling
13 million copies by December 23 after being released 13 days earlier
with its futuristic design and its immersive gameplay and its amazing
graphics which take you into a whole new world this game soon took
over the gaming word its amazing advertisements showing of
everything the game has to offer also using Keanu reeves as a main
selling point the advertisements were some of the best the gaming
world has seen. The game using music from all generations to fit
anyone ears and also uses things from past generations with a
futuristic twist to really add to this wild map they call night city with
bright lights and huge skyscrapers this was soon seen to be one of the
best looking games we had ever seen.
Existing Product
I chose this poster as it is quite similar to mine in the fact that the car
is the main focus whilst also showing the characters . It also has the
title of the film in a nice font which can be seen clearly as its black
over a white background so it grabs your attention and draws you in. I
also really like the way that only certain parts of the poster are in
colour as it not something that’s used often and it also adds depth to
the poster itself and makes it more pleasing on the eye. Also it has a
nice contrast between the top being black with white writing and the
bottom being white with black writing just adds another layer and
makes it stand out even more. This poster especially for the time
period really appealed to the audience with the street cars and the
bold colours with the bold font as the 200s were very bold and the car
scene was very big at that time so this was a huge deal for teens when
it released.
Existing Product
This magazine has a really nice layout with the title being very large
but also behind the character so it doesn’t draw all the attention I also
like how the light behind the character matches the lightsabre to
really imply which side is good and which side is bad and is also
aesthetically pleasing and visually pleasing. Also the subtle quote adds
depth and also the film, title with the text underneath adds a
professional look and also stands out so you know what the main
point of interest and the thing that we should pay most attention too.
I also took inspiration with adding the titles to the upcoming releases
in the bottom right by adding that to my magazine cover. Although
the fonts are different they still compliment each other and are still in
the same sort of bracket and don’t vary to much which makes it look
intriguing and nicer to look at. The white writing with the yellow
accents and writing really adds contrast and draws you in and keeps
the cover interesting.
Research Summary
• What have you learned from your research?
• The aesthetic and style I'm going for and the audience it appeals to
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• The colour schemes and types of font and aesthetics
1. Cyberpunk 2077
2. Fast and furious Tokyo drift
3. Total film magazine with star wars as headline
Pre-production and Planning
Style Sheet
These are things ill use to give me inspiration and to use in my
game and the style and aesthetic I want to go for. Ill use traffic
cones and error signs to deduct points and the main focus of the
game will be the car. I'm using this color scheme to add contrast
but also to give it a feeling of being at night.
Magazine and advert layouts
Picture of
and car
List of
Title of movie over
the photos
for other
things in the
Video Game layouts
This is the layout I want
to go for with my game
with the car being the
main focus of the game
gaining and loosing
points to add depth to
the game and to keep
it interesting. I also
want the background
to have buildings in
with a night sky to add
to the aesthetic of the
game and to make it
visually pleasing.
• The script itself isn’t very long as due to COVID-19 I will have to animate the cut scene so it would of taken
too long .
Jiro yuta “I need to go”
Daiki “but where will you go? You know they wont stop until they find you.”
Jiro yuta “I know but as long as I stay you wont be safe “
Daiki “that doesn’t matter”
Jiro yuta “yes it does. I don’t want to be the reason you get hurt”
Jiro yuto “ill be back”
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Collecting coin Beep box or use a royalty free sound
Game over Beep box or use a royalty free sound
Hit roadblock Beep box or use a royalty free sound
Hit error coin Beep box or use a royalty free sound
Game start Beep box or use a royalty free sound
Actor Role Location for recording
Due to covid there where no actors involved and there were no locations needed and nothing
was recorded. I animated my characters and I also animated speech bubbles on the screen for
the cut scene.
I used my own track that I made using beep box so this is copyright free and it also
really fits the style and aesthetic of the game.
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
Work not saving Turn on auto save or save work every 20 mins
Computer crashing Make sure to save the work
Software not working Try find other software to use until the normal
software works
Internet not working Make sure theres some part of the work you can do
that doesn’t require internet
Lost work Make a folder just for that work and make sure to save
the work to that folder. If it gets lost forever make sure
theres a way to redo that work
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or the
How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What
will you do if it does?
I don’t really know what I should do with this as I havnt been out filming anything ive done all the
work at my desk due to covid.
Using your plans, produce:
• A synopsis for your film
• A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen,
demo level and cut scene
• Sound track for the video game
• A magazine front cover, promoting the film
• Additional advertising to promote the film
Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma.
Animation to be embedded in your blog.
I feel the strengths of my research was that I found facts
about the product and how that linked to the question
of how did this appeal to the audience and if it made
people want to buy it. I also think a strength was that I
picked a game with a similar aesthetic to mine and that
it also had lots of advertising about it which I was able
to talk about which really helped with inspiration for my
product and game me an idea on what my
advertisements should look like and it just really helped
with the inspiration for the aesthetic of my game. I feel
the weaknesses of my research was that I could off
added clips of the game or added some music that was
involved with the game. I feel this could of helped me
get a better idea what sort of music would fit my game
and also could of helped to make my game look more
I feel the strengths of this research was that it helped
immensely with the design and ideas for my own
advertisements due to the layout especially with the
magazine to help make it look very professional and to keep
it from look tacky or messy and instead helped it look clean
and aesthetically pleasing for the viewer whilst also
displaying the necessary information that a magazine cover
should display. I feel like the film poster really helped with
showing how to display the main aspect of the film and the
main focus whilst also keeping it nice to look at and also
displaying the other information required and also helped
with the style of font for my style of film and also how to
complement the colours and not make it look messy. I feel
the weaknesses of my research is that I only picked one of
each being the magazine and film poster as that could of
benefitted my work by showing me other ways I could of
done certain things or shown me that doing something
different could of help my product look better or display
the information better.
Research on advertisement
Experimental research
I think the experiment's really helped as it really gave us a feel for the software and what was expected of us
and also made us feel familiar with the software as most of us were new to the software especially photoshop
which we did almost all of the project on it really helped to practise the animation so we knew what was
possible when it came to our own game and also with the magazine covers and how we learnt about
wha5tbfonts go together and what colours look good with each other whilst also learning little tricks and
techniques of the software which really helped further down the line with our own product . This helped our
product as it meant we already had an understanding of what was asked of us and also as it meant we had
experience using the software so that we weren't clueless when it came to finally doing our production. I
think the weaknesses of my research was that I didn’t do a poster so when it came to doing the poster it was
difficult but I feel in the end it turned out really well as I did some extra research in my own time on posters as
seen in the previous slide which went on to really benefit my work.
I found planning difficult as I struggled to think of three different ideas and only really had one in mind
that I was set on and I found it difficult to then have to think of others when I was dead set on one from
the starts luckily I had a good idea of what I wanted to do straight from the off. But the strengths were
that I had a detailed idea at hand and knew exactly what I wanted to do when it came to production so it
made it very easy to begin production by first making my magazine and poster which really set the
aesthetic for the whole production with then going on to the game which I knew exactly what I wanted to
do, the game itself was very different from everyone else but I was adamant that’s what I wanted to do it
turned out to be much harder than I expected but that was due to things that had nothing to do with
planning . I feel like I could of done more detail on the other ideas just in case my idea worked which is
something I will make sure to do next time as it would mean if anything went wrong I would have had
two back up plans to fall onto and I wouldn’t be left stuck which would waste a lot of time therefore
hindering my production and leading to a lack in productivity and quality of production. I think another
strength was the layout plans I did which really helped with the outcome of both my game and magazine
especially my magazine as I took the research I gathered and planned out the best layout possible for my
magazine which helped make it loom very professional and meant I knew straight away wear everything
should go which in turn improved production time which meant I had longer to spend on other parts odf
production. I also feel my style sheet was very beneficial as it helped me see what sort of things in terms
of design I needed to fit the style and aesthetic of my game by helping with the colours needed and
things that I should include.
Time Management
I managed my time very well when we were at college as it was easy to stick to a routine and being in class
with a teacher also helped with concentration but when we started working from home due to covid I found it
extremely hard to manage my time and to concentrate on the work at hand which I feel in the end took a tole
on my work as a whole as it was very hard to do the work and also to do the work on time. I finished my work
on time but I feel with a bit of extra time it could of maybe improved but I feel more than anything being at
college would of improved my work massively as I would have been in a more natural learning environment
and also with an easier way of interacting with my teacher which would of made solving certain problems
much easier I also feel my proforma would of greatly improved and I found it really hard to do that from home
as with the stress of production made it very hard to find the time and effort to get it completed to a high
standard so I feel as a whole working from home wasn’t easy for me which then made my work not as good as
I feel it could have been. If I had more time id go back over my proforma and added my detail especially to my
ideas but I would also have added a few things to my game but I was impressed with how my game turned out
after all the problems I faced throughout the duration of the project.
Technical Qualities
I'm start my comparing my magazine to other similar
magazines. As you can see, I have all the factors that go
into a professional as I added a mast head and quotes to
keep it as realistic as possible whilst also showing the
main product by adding the title of the film over the main
character of the whole production, I also made up a
magazine company name and created its own logo using a
font that compliments all the other fonts used whilst also
standing out and also suiting the brand name itself which
I feel adds something unique to my magazine I added
little things like the barcode and also the upcoming films
in the bottom right as I noticed that a lot of magazines did
that and I felt its something not many others had done
and I wanted mine to look like it belonged in the world of
magazine covers whilst also keeping unique and adding
something new. I used different tools on photoshop to
make things blend in and also messed around with the
colours so everything looked like it was meant to be there
and to make sure it didn’t look messy and unprofessional.
Game technical qualities
I felt my game was very unique but this meant I didn’t really have anything to compare it with but
this then means I had too take inspiration where I could like with most arcade games you get points
my collecting coins which is what I added to mine as my idea was to create a new concept but adds
parts from old arcade games to give it that simplistic but retro feel that you get from those old
games like Mario and Pac-man whilst adding something fresh and original . The techniques I used
where simple but affective I used photoshop to create my animation by drawing the main parts and
using frames to create the animation and due to certain issue I had to screen record my game as I
couldn’t export it then edit it all together on premiere pro adding music and sound effects to make
it seem more like a real game. I made the music on beepbox which was relatively simple to use but
actually gave you a lot of freedom and enabled you to make a song that suits an old retro game. My
work is detailed although its simple and took a while to design and put together.
I think all my work is very aesthetically pleasing and suits the whole retro neo Tokyo
vibe I was going for I think its really nice to look at and each individual piece is
pleasing in different ways like my poster is simple but bold its black background
contrasts so well with the car and the character and the font just stands out so
much but isn’t messy and I feel the whole things just compliments each other where
as my magazine is very colourful but still fits the aesthetic and style I was going for as
I use white writing so it stands out over the bold colours which is a nice contrast to
my poster. My game is aesthetically pleasing as it suits the style I was going for whilst
also bringing an old retro arcade game feel but also keeping modern which I feel is
very cool to look at and things like my loading screen are kept simple so that the
game itself stands out more than the rest of the production in terms of animation. I
feel like my magazine is the most similar to existing products as it includes all the
normal features of a magazine but I still feel its quite unique and very much fits the
style and aesthetic I was going for. To improve I could maybe of done another poster
which had a bit more going on but I do really like the simplicity of my poster as its
straight to the point but still nice to look at and is very clean and uncluttered.
Aural Qualities
I think my music I made suits the retro game
aesthetic but I also feel like it doesn’t quite suit
my game and I feel it might be a bit to upbeat
whereas I feel my game would have been better
with something not slow but not to fast but also
low pitch with a loud beat but I feel these are all
things I can improve on in future projects but
saying that I do still like my audio and its not
completely out of place but just for how I
envisioned my project that’s the improvements id
make to suit how id want it but I only noticed this
when I put the music over the animation. I think
the music itself was very creative and to say it
was made on the internet actually sounds
professional which I was very pleased with and I
also like how I edited the music so its loud on the
menu screen but quiet on the game so you can
hear the other sound effects in the game;.
Audience Appeal
• I feel ive applied to my audience because ive mixed both modern
and retro to give them something completely unique whilst also
keeping to the neo Tokyo aesthetic I was going for ive got elements
of street racing streetwear which I feel widen my audience even
more whilst also giving my main target audience exactly what they
want. I think the poster is the most appealing thing whilst keeping
so simple and clean which is something my target audience like as
things being clean but cool at the same time really appeal rather
than it be full of colour and in your face. I think the game appeals
as it mixes new and old to create something fun but also nice to
look at and to also bring old arcade games into the 21st century as
my generation love retro and vintage things.
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final
I feel the main strengths of the project is that they fit a certain style and are very aesthetically pleasing I feel
although parts are simple they are very effective and help everything come together I was very pleased with how
the whole animation came out that being the menu screen loading screen cut scene and the game itself although
there were a lot of technical difficulties which definitely made the production not as good as it maybe could have
been I still feel its fits together perfectly and combines modern and retro styles with the magazine and poster
adding that more modern feel and the game adding the retro vibe I think overall taking ther circumstances into
consideration and how hard it was working from home I'm pleased with how it came out although I do strongley
feel it would have been better if id been in college. To improve I feel I could of maybe added a bit more to my
game and maybe done some more advertising and done multiple songs.

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  • 2. Character type How they appear in your story The Hero does everything to get to his goal 17 year old boy selfless powered by will. The Villian Hateful only goal is to stop the boy from reaching his goal. The Helper His best friend The Donor This character doesn’t appear in my game The Dispatcher This character doesn’t appear in my game The Princess or prize The prize is him and his friends being free The Princess’s Father This character isn’t in the story The False Hero Trys to take credit for everything good but in reality is just jealous
  • 4. Idea 1 Who Jiro Yuta What 17 year old boy who wants to be free from all the burdens his father left behind and decides to do something bad with lots of risk but he feels its worth it for the outcome as he will finally be able to live his life without needing to look over his shoulder and to finally live the life he had always dreamed of. Why He has had a burden of owing money to a gang his whole life because of his dads stupidity and disregard for the burden he leaves on his son. All he wants is to be free and to leave japan for good and go make something of himself and to be a better man than his father was. When 2030 Where Tokyo japan How
  • 5. Idea 2 Who Daiki What Gets involved is the drift scene but picks race with wrong person and loses then cant pay him. He keeps being hustled by the men he owes money to and decides the best way to pay him back is to cghallenege him to a race so he begins training to become good enough to beat them but encountres many things along the way. Why He thought it would have been easy as he was cvery naïve and learnt the hard way just how hard drifting is and gets taught a lesson and pays the price but when he overcomes his naivety and learns how to drift he finally feels like he belongs somewhere and knows his place in life. When 2000 Where Osaka japan How
  • 6. Idea 3 Who jaden reeves What Gets involved in street gangs after getting kicked out of school Why Has no parents and feels like the world hates him When 2089 Where London England How
  • 10. Existing Product Cyberpunk 2077 This was one of if not the most anticipated games of the year selling 13 million copies by December 23 after being released 13 days earlier with its futuristic design and its immersive gameplay and its amazing graphics which take you into a whole new world this game soon took over the gaming word its amazing advertisements showing of everything the game has to offer also using Keanu reeves as a main selling point the advertisements were some of the best the gaming world has seen. The game using music from all generations to fit anyone ears and also uses things from past generations with a futuristic twist to really add to this wild map they call night city with bright lights and huge skyscrapers this was soon seen to be one of the best looking games we had ever seen.
  • 11. Existing Product I chose this poster as it is quite similar to mine in the fact that the car is the main focus whilst also showing the characters . It also has the title of the film in a nice font which can be seen clearly as its black over a white background so it grabs your attention and draws you in. I also really like the way that only certain parts of the poster are in colour as it not something that’s used often and it also adds depth to the poster itself and makes it more pleasing on the eye. Also it has a nice contrast between the top being black with white writing and the bottom being white with black writing just adds another layer and makes it stand out even more. This poster especially for the time period really appealed to the audience with the street cars and the bold colours with the bold font as the 200s were very bold and the car scene was very big at that time so this was a huge deal for teens when it released.
  • 12. Existing Product This magazine has a really nice layout with the title being very large but also behind the character so it doesn’t draw all the attention I also like how the light behind the character matches the lightsabre to really imply which side is good and which side is bad and is also aesthetically pleasing and visually pleasing. Also the subtle quote adds depth and also the film, title with the text underneath adds a professional look and also stands out so you know what the main point of interest and the thing that we should pay most attention too. I also took inspiration with adding the titles to the upcoming releases in the bottom right by adding that to my magazine cover. Although the fonts are different they still compliment each other and are still in the same sort of bracket and don’t vary to much which makes it look intriguing and nicer to look at. The white writing with the yellow accents and writing really adds contrast and draws you in and keeps the cover interesting.
  • 13. Research Summary • What have you learned from your research? • The aesthetic and style I'm going for and the audience it appeals to • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • The colour schemes and types of font and aesthetics
  • 14. Bibliography 1. Cyberpunk 2077 2. Fast and furious Tokyo drift 3. Total film magazine with star wars as headline
  • 16. Style Sheet These are things ill use to give me inspiration and to use in my game and the style and aesthetic I want to go for. Ill use traffic cones and error signs to deduct points and the main focus of the game will be the car. I'm using this color scheme to add contrast but also to give it a feeling of being at night.
  • 17. Magazine and advert layouts TITLE Picture of character and car List of upcoming movies Small quote Title of movie over the photos Another quote Advertisement for other things in the magazine cover
  • 18. Video Game layouts This is the layout I want to go for with my game with the car being the main focus of the game gaining and loosing points to add depth to the game and to keep it interesting. I also want the background to have buildings in with a night sky to add to the aesthetic of the game and to make it visually pleasing.
  • 19. Script • The script itself isn’t very long as due to COVID-19 I will have to animate the cut scene so it would of taken too long . Jiro yuta “I need to go” Daiki “but where will you go? You know they wont stop until they find you.” Jiro yuta “I know but as long as I stay you wont be safe “ Daiki “that doesn’t matter” Jiro yuta “yes it does. I don’t want to be the reason you get hurt” Jiro yuto “ill be back”
  • 20. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Collecting coin Beep box or use a royalty free sound Game over Beep box or use a royalty free sound Hit roadblock Beep box or use a royalty free sound Hit error coin Beep box or use a royalty free sound Game start Beep box or use a royalty free sound
  • 21. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Due to covid there where no actors involved and there were no locations needed and nothing was recorded. I animated my characters and I also animated speech bubbles on the screen for the cut scene.
  • 22. Music I used my own track that I made using beep box so this is copyright free and it also really fits the style and aesthetic of the game.
  • 23. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? Work not saving Turn on auto save or save work every 20 mins Computer crashing Make sure to save the work Software not working Try find other software to use until the normal software works Internet not working Make sure theres some part of the work you can do that doesn’t require internet Lost work Make a folder just for that work and make sure to save the work to that folder. If it gets lost forever make sure theres a way to redo that work
  • 24. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? I don’t really know what I should do with this as I havnt been out filming anything ive done all the work at my desk due to covid.
  • 26. Using your plans, produce: • A synopsis for your film • A video game that would support your film, to include a menu screen, demo level and cut scene • Sound track for the video game • A magazine front cover, promoting the film • Additional advertising to promote the film Include synopsis, magazine cover and advertising in this pro forma. Animation to be embedded in your blog.
  • 29. Research I feel the strengths of my research was that I found facts about the product and how that linked to the question of how did this appeal to the audience and if it made people want to buy it. I also think a strength was that I picked a game with a similar aesthetic to mine and that it also had lots of advertising about it which I was able to talk about which really helped with inspiration for my product and game me an idea on what my advertisements should look like and it just really helped with the inspiration for the aesthetic of my game. I feel the weaknesses of my research was that I could off added clips of the game or added some music that was involved with the game. I feel this could of helped me get a better idea what sort of music would fit my game and also could of helped to make my game look more interesting.
  • 30. I feel the strengths of this research was that it helped immensely with the design and ideas for my own advertisements due to the layout especially with the magazine to help make it look very professional and to keep it from look tacky or messy and instead helped it look clean and aesthetically pleasing for the viewer whilst also displaying the necessary information that a magazine cover should display. I feel like the film poster really helped with showing how to display the main aspect of the film and the main focus whilst also keeping it nice to look at and also displaying the other information required and also helped with the style of font for my style of film and also how to complement the colours and not make it look messy. I feel the weaknesses of my research is that I only picked one of each being the magazine and film poster as that could of benefitted my work by showing me other ways I could of done certain things or shown me that doing something different could of help my product look better or display the information better. Research on advertisement
  • 31. Experimental research I think the experiment's really helped as it really gave us a feel for the software and what was expected of us and also made us feel familiar with the software as most of us were new to the software especially photoshop which we did almost all of the project on it really helped to practise the animation so we knew what was possible when it came to our own game and also with the magazine covers and how we learnt about wha5tbfonts go together and what colours look good with each other whilst also learning little tricks and techniques of the software which really helped further down the line with our own product . This helped our product as it meant we already had an understanding of what was asked of us and also as it meant we had experience using the software so that we weren't clueless when it came to finally doing our production. I think the weaknesses of my research was that I didn’t do a poster so when it came to doing the poster it was difficult but I feel in the end it turned out really well as I did some extra research in my own time on posters as seen in the previous slide which went on to really benefit my work.
  • 32. Planning I found planning difficult as I struggled to think of three different ideas and only really had one in mind that I was set on and I found it difficult to then have to think of others when I was dead set on one from the starts luckily I had a good idea of what I wanted to do straight from the off. But the strengths were that I had a detailed idea at hand and knew exactly what I wanted to do when it came to production so it made it very easy to begin production by first making my magazine and poster which really set the aesthetic for the whole production with then going on to the game which I knew exactly what I wanted to do, the game itself was very different from everyone else but I was adamant that’s what I wanted to do it turned out to be much harder than I expected but that was due to things that had nothing to do with planning . I feel like I could of done more detail on the other ideas just in case my idea worked which is something I will make sure to do next time as it would mean if anything went wrong I would have had two back up plans to fall onto and I wouldn’t be left stuck which would waste a lot of time therefore hindering my production and leading to a lack in productivity and quality of production. I think another strength was the layout plans I did which really helped with the outcome of both my game and magazine especially my magazine as I took the research I gathered and planned out the best layout possible for my magazine which helped make it loom very professional and meant I knew straight away wear everything should go which in turn improved production time which meant I had longer to spend on other parts odf production. I also feel my style sheet was very beneficial as it helped me see what sort of things in terms of design I needed to fit the style and aesthetic of my game by helping with the colours needed and things that I should include.
  • 33. Time Management I managed my time very well when we were at college as it was easy to stick to a routine and being in class with a teacher also helped with concentration but when we started working from home due to covid I found it extremely hard to manage my time and to concentrate on the work at hand which I feel in the end took a tole on my work as a whole as it was very hard to do the work and also to do the work on time. I finished my work on time but I feel with a bit of extra time it could of maybe improved but I feel more than anything being at college would of improved my work massively as I would have been in a more natural learning environment and also with an easier way of interacting with my teacher which would of made solving certain problems much easier I also feel my proforma would of greatly improved and I found it really hard to do that from home as with the stress of production made it very hard to find the time and effort to get it completed to a high standard so I feel as a whole working from home wasn’t easy for me which then made my work not as good as I feel it could have been. If I had more time id go back over my proforma and added my detail especially to my ideas but I would also have added a few things to my game but I was impressed with how my game turned out after all the problems I faced throughout the duration of the project.
  • 34. Technical Qualities I'm start my comparing my magazine to other similar magazines. As you can see, I have all the factors that go into a professional as I added a mast head and quotes to keep it as realistic as possible whilst also showing the main product by adding the title of the film over the main character of the whole production, I also made up a magazine company name and created its own logo using a font that compliments all the other fonts used whilst also standing out and also suiting the brand name itself which I feel adds something unique to my magazine I added little things like the barcode and also the upcoming films in the bottom right as I noticed that a lot of magazines did that and I felt its something not many others had done and I wanted mine to look like it belonged in the world of magazine covers whilst also keeping unique and adding something new. I used different tools on photoshop to make things blend in and also messed around with the colours so everything looked like it was meant to be there and to make sure it didn’t look messy and unprofessional.
  • 35. Game technical qualities I felt my game was very unique but this meant I didn’t really have anything to compare it with but this then means I had too take inspiration where I could like with most arcade games you get points my collecting coins which is what I added to mine as my idea was to create a new concept but adds parts from old arcade games to give it that simplistic but retro feel that you get from those old games like Mario and Pac-man whilst adding something fresh and original . The techniques I used where simple but affective I used photoshop to create my animation by drawing the main parts and using frames to create the animation and due to certain issue I had to screen record my game as I couldn’t export it then edit it all together on premiere pro adding music and sound effects to make it seem more like a real game. I made the music on beepbox which was relatively simple to use but actually gave you a lot of freedom and enabled you to make a song that suits an old retro game. My work is detailed although its simple and took a while to design and put together.
  • 36. Aesthetic Qualities I think all my work is very aesthetically pleasing and suits the whole retro neo Tokyo vibe I was going for I think its really nice to look at and each individual piece is pleasing in different ways like my poster is simple but bold its black background contrasts so well with the car and the character and the font just stands out so much but isn’t messy and I feel the whole things just compliments each other where as my magazine is very colourful but still fits the aesthetic and style I was going for as I use white writing so it stands out over the bold colours which is a nice contrast to my poster. My game is aesthetically pleasing as it suits the style I was going for whilst also bringing an old retro arcade game feel but also keeping modern which I feel is very cool to look at and things like my loading screen are kept simple so that the game itself stands out more than the rest of the production in terms of animation. I feel like my magazine is the most similar to existing products as it includes all the normal features of a magazine but I still feel its quite unique and very much fits the style and aesthetic I was going for. To improve I could maybe of done another poster which had a bit more going on but I do really like the simplicity of my poster as its straight to the point but still nice to look at and is very clean and uncluttered.
  • 37. Aural Qualities I think my music I made suits the retro game aesthetic but I also feel like it doesn’t quite suit my game and I feel it might be a bit to upbeat whereas I feel my game would have been better with something not slow but not to fast but also low pitch with a loud beat but I feel these are all things I can improve on in future projects but saying that I do still like my audio and its not completely out of place but just for how I envisioned my project that’s the improvements id make to suit how id want it but I only noticed this when I put the music over the animation. I think the music itself was very creative and to say it was made on the internet actually sounds professional which I was very pleased with and I also like how I edited the music so its loud on the menu screen but quiet on the game so you can hear the other sound effects in the game;.
  • 38. Audience Appeal • I feel ive applied to my audience because ive mixed both modern and retro to give them something completely unique whilst also keeping to the neo Tokyo aesthetic I was going for ive got elements of street racing streetwear which I feel widen my audience even more whilst also giving my main target audience exactly what they want. I think the poster is the most appealing thing whilst keeping so simple and clean which is something my target audience like as things being clean but cool at the same time really appeal rather than it be full of colour and in your face. I think the game appeals as it mixes new and old to create something fun but also nice to look at and to also bring old arcade games into the 21st century as my generation love retro and vintage things.
  • 39. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. I feel the main strengths of the project is that they fit a certain style and are very aesthetically pleasing I feel although parts are simple they are very effective and help everything come together I was very pleased with how the whole animation came out that being the menu screen loading screen cut scene and the game itself although there were a lot of technical difficulties which definitely made the production not as good as it maybe could have been I still feel its fits together perfectly and combines modern and retro styles with the magazine and poster adding that more modern feel and the game adding the retro vibe I think overall taking ther circumstances into consideration and how hard it was working from home I'm pleased with how it came out although I do strongley feel it would have been better if id been in college. To improve I feel I could of maybe added a bit more to my game and maybe done some more advertising and done multiple songs.