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HSC321-Legal & Ethical
     Group # 2
If it isn't a baby, then you aren't pregnant, so
   what are you aborting? -Author Unknown
What is Abortion?
• Abortion is described as the expulsion of the
  products of conception before the embryo or
  fetus is viable. Any interruption of human
  pregnancy prior to the 28th week of gestation
  or the delivery of a fetus weighing less than
  500 grams is known as abortion.
Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage)
• This is defined as the delivery of a nonviable embryo or
  fetus (the fetus cannot survive) before the 20th week of
  pregnancy due to fetal or maternal factors.

• Recurrent spontaneous abortion- the occurrence of three or
  more consecutive losses of clinically recognized
  pregnancies prior to the 20th week of gestation
  (Immunological reactions, in which maternal antibodies
  mistake the fetus for foreign tissue, have been implicated in
  recurrent, or habitual spontaneous abortions).
• It is estimated that at least 20% of all pregnancies end in
  miscarriage (estimates range from 15% to 75%). Most occur
  in the first two weeks after conception, and in many cases
  the mother is not aware of the pregnancy.
Therapeutic Abortion
• This procedure is performed to preserve the
  health or life of the mother. It can be induced for
  medical reasons or an elective decision to end the
  pregnancy (eg.prevent the birth of a deformed
  child or a child conceived as a result of rape or

      Elective (Induced) Abortion
• Defined as a procedure intended to terminate a
  suspected or known intrauterine pregnancy and to
  produce a nonviable fetus at any gestational
  age(CDC, 2010), deemed necessary by the
  woman carrying it and performed at her request.
Methods Of Conducting Abortions
-The cervix is stretched to allow
passage of a hollow suction tube
with a sharp-edged openings
near its tip into the uterus.
 -Powerful suction force is then
applied, allowing the fetus to be
ripped apart then suctioned out
 of the uterus into a collection
-Most 1st trimester abortions in
North America and the United
Kingdom are done in this manner.
 -Used for 2nd trimester abortions, at which point in fetal
 development the fetal bones become calcified.
-Used after 16 weeks, this technique is
employed often in third world nations because
of its cost effectiveness and ease of
-A syringe of a concentrated salt solution is
injected into the amniotic fluid via a long needle
through the mother‘s abdomen. The fetus then
breathes and swallows the hyper-salted amniotic
fluid. The fetus struggles and sometimes seizes
until dead within usually one hour.
 -The mother typically then delivers a dead fetus
within one to two days. The fetal skin upon
delivery, having been chemically burned away,
usually presents as a glazed red surface.
-This abortion procedure was first developed in
Nazi concentration camps during WorldWar II.
Used in well developed 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnancies.
-Used for late term abortions in rare
-Identical to a Caesarian Section delivery
used to deliver a live baby in the presence of
certain pregnancy/fetal complications, except
the objective there is to deliver a dead fetus.
-The live fetus is first terminated while still in
the mother‘s womb, such as by cutting of the
umbilical cord.
-Once the fetus is dead, the fetus is then
physically lifted out of the mother‘s womb and
the abortion is completed.
Used to abort mid and later term pregnancies. The
hormone is administered to the pregnant woman into the
amniotic fluid or by vaginal suppositories. It induces
violent premature labor contractions, thus expelling the
fetus which usually dies in the process of delivery. Drugs
lethal to the fetus are often injected into the amniotic fluid,
to assure fetal death before delivery.
Premature delivery of a commonly midterm fetus is
induced via various means, the objective being to deliver a
premature baby that is not capable of surviving outside the
When such abortions typically produce the complication of
live birth, the now delivered living baby is provided only
―comfort care― - wrapping the infant in a blanket - and
denied all medical and nursing care. Such infants can
linger for hours before dying of ―natural causes.‖
Background History of Abortion
• The moral and legal issues raised by the practice
  of abortion has tested the philosophers,
  theologians, and statesmen of every age since
  the dawn of civilization.

• The Stoics' belief that abortion should be
  allowed up to the moment of birth was vigorously
  opposed by the Pythagoreans who believed that
  the soul was infused into the body at conception
  and that to abort a fetus would be to commit
• Early Roman law was silent as to abortion; and
  abortion and infanticide was common in
  Rome, especially among the upper classes.

• Abortion induced by herbs or manipulation was used as
  a form of birth control in ancient Egypt, Greece, and
  Rome and probably earlier. In the Middle Ages in
  Western Europe it was generally accepted in the early
  months of pregnancy.

• Opposition by scholars and the growing influence of
  the Christian religion brought about the first prohibition
  of abortion during the reign of Severus ( 193-211 A.D.).
  These laws made abortion a high criminal offense and
  subjected a woman who violated the provisions to
• Chinese folklore dates back to 3000 BC where
  Emperor Shennong prescribed mercury to induce
  an abortion.

• In 2nd & 3rd century, Tertullian (A Christian
  theologian) described surgical methods for
  carrying out abortions.

• In the eight century Sanskrit text instructed
  women wishing to induce an abortion to sit over a
  pot of steam or stewed onions.

• However, in the 19th century opinion about
  abortion changed.
• In 1803, Britain first passed antiabortion laws, which
  then became stricter throughout the century.

• In 1869 the Roman Catholic Church prohibited
  abortion under any circumstances.

• The U.S. followed as individual states began to outlaw
  abortion. By 1880, most abortions were illegal in the
  U.S., except those ``necessary to save the life of the

• However, In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions
  a year were performed in the U.S. Poor women and
  women of colour ran the greatest risks with illegal
• Techniques used in those days were non-surgical; the
  most common methods used were either dosing the
  pregnant woman with a near- fatal amount of poison
  so that a miscarriage could occur, or letting poison
  directly into the uterus with one of a variety of ― long
  needles, hooks, and knives.‖

• Attitudes toward abortion became more liberal in the
  20th cent. By the 1970s, abortion had been legalized
  in most European countries and Japan; as well as in
  the United States, under a 1973 Supreme Court ruling
  which took precedence over state laws that banned
  abortion. However, there were restrictions in the
  legislation for later stage abortions.
Abortion & the Laws of Guyana
Prior to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, the
performance of abortions in Guyana was found to be illegal under
the Criminal Law (Offences) Act.

The 1995 Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act was passed so
To preserve or enhance both the dignity and the sanctity of ―life‖
by decreasing the incidence of induced abortion
To enhance the attainment of ―safe motherhood‖ by the
elimination of deaths and complications stemmed from unsafe
To specifically stipulate the circumstances in which a woman is
granted termination of her pregnancy
Definition of Terms
   Approved Institution- any institution proved by the
    Minister for the purposes of this act, such as that of a
    clinic, hospital, maternity home, etc.

   Authorized Medical Practitioner- any person registered as
    duly qualified practitioner
    under the Medical Practitioner Act.

   Fetus- An unborn human baby which also includes an

   Person of Unsound Mind- a person who is suffering from
    mental derangement.
   Pregnancy- an intra-uterine human pregnancy where the
    fetus is viable.

   Termination of Pregnancy- termination of human
    pregnancy with an intention other than to produce a live

   Pro-Life -This is defined as the responsibility or
    obligation of the government to preserve all human life
    regardless of intent, viability or quality of life concerns.

   Pro-Choice -This is the belief that women have the right
    to choose to abort the baby. (A pro-choice view is that a
    baby does not have the human rights).
 The Act states with regards to
  counselling, that any female
  seeking treatment for the
  termination of her pregnancy must
  undergo both pre and post abortion

 The pregnant woman is also
  expected to wait for a 48 hour time
  period after she has made a request
  for medical termination of
  pregnancy to facilitate these
  requirements or regulations.
Laws Regarding A Woman’s
         Termination of Pregnancy
  The Act distinctly states four different time periods; all of
  which carries separate regulations that must be abided or
  adhered to before termination of the pregnancy can
  lawfully take place. These time periods include:

 Termination of pregnancy of NOT more than eight (8)
 Termination of pregnancy of MORE than eight weeks (8)
  but NOT more than twelve (12) weeks
 Termination of pregnancy of MORE than twelve weeks
  (12) but NOT more than sixteen (16) weeks
 Termination of pregnancy of MORE than sixteen (16)
Termination of pregnancy of NOT
      more than eight (8) weeks
 The treatment for the termination of a pregnancy of
  not more than eight weeks by the use of any other
  ―lawful‖ method outside that of surgical procedures
  must at all times be administered or supervised by a
  medical practitioner.

 However, it is not necessary
  for this termination process
   to be carried out in an
  approved institution such as
  hospitals or clinics.
Termination of pregnancy of MORE than
eight weeks (8) but NOT more than twelve (12)
 This must also be administered by a medical practitioner or an
  assistant under the supervision of an authorised medical practitioner.
  In this case, however it is mandatory that this termination process
  takes place within an approved institution.

   Additionally, the treatment regarding the termination of a
   pregnancy can only be administered if:
 It is an institution approved for that particular purpose
 The medical practitioner administering the treatment believes that
-the continuance of pregnancy
 would involve risk to the
 pregnant woman or may be
 of grave injury to her physical
or mental health
- there is substantial risk that if the child were born, it would
  suffer from physical or mental abnormalities and can be
  seriously handicapped
  - on account of being a person of ―unsound mind‖, the
  pregnant woman will not be capable of taking care of the

 Where the pregnant woman reasonably believes that her
  pregnancy was caused by an act of rape or incest and submits a
  paper to that effect.

 Where the pregnant woman is known to be HIV positive.

 Where there is clear evidence that the pregnancy resulted in
  spite of the use of a recognized contraceptive method by the
  pregnant woman or her partner.
Termination of pregnancy of MORE than
twelve weeks (12) but NOT more than sixteen
                 (16) weeks
 This treatment must also be administered by a medical
  practitioner and the termination process must take place
  within an approved institution.
 Treatment can only be administered if TWO medical
  practitioners are of the opinion of matters previously
  listed or specified in the time period ―more than 8 weeks
  but not less than 12 weeks‖.
Termination of pregnancy of MORE
         than sixteen (16) weeks

 The treatment of termination of pregnancy of more
  than sixteen weeks must be administered by only an
  authorised medical practitioner in an approved

 Treatment can only be administered if THREE medical
  practitioners are of the opinion of matters also
  previously listed or specified in the time period ―more
  than 8 weeks but not less than 12 weeks‖.
The Act also thoroughly states the circumstances under which consent
is required and the restrictions with which a medical practitioner must
have. These include:
 Written or oral consent must be given from a pregnant woman of
    sound mind before administering treatment for the termination of
    her pregnancy.
 Conversely, in the case of the treatment or termination of a
  pregnancy of a woman of “unsound mind”, medical practitioner
  must be given a written or oral consent by her guardian.

 In the treatment concerning abortion for a child of any age, the
  medical practitioner should encourage the child to inform her
  parents /guardians, but is NOT required to obtain any consent from
  them or even notify them.

 In relation to a pregnant woman of any marital status, the
  medical practitioner may encourage the patient to inform her
  partner, but again is NOT required to obtain this partner‘s consent
  or even notify them.
Non-liability of a Medical
    No medical practitioner including persons authorised by a
     medical practitioner is held liable or legally responsible for
     the treatment and supervision of the termination of a
     pregnancy once consent has been given. unless of course
     the actual procedure was conducted in a negligent manner.

    Non-Application of Particular Provisions
    Counseling, consent and the number of medical opinions
     may not be required where the termination of the
     pregnancy is immediately necessary to save the life of the
     woman or to prevent permanent injury to her physical or
     mental health. Under such circumstances any authorised
     medical practitioner can administer the treatment.
   No person should be held under legal duty to
    participate in any part of a termination of pregnancy
    when he is said to hold a conscientious objection.

   Conscientious objection to participate in the
    treatment may be discharged by a statement on oath
    or affirmation to the effect.

   Nothing should affect the duty of a person to
    participate in the treatment for termination of a
    pregnancy where the immediate treatment is
    necessary to save the life of the patient or prevent
    grave permanent injury.
 Inadequate Record Keeping
  Should any individual or approved institution deliberately
  refuse, incompletely maintain, document misleading information
  of the patient or completely fails to maintain medical records
  concerning termination, that person or the owner or manager of
  that institution will be held responsible or liable and can be fined
  $20,000 along with 6 months of imprisonment.

 False Grounds for Abortion
  Any statement made by a pregnant woman is deemed to be
  intentionally false or misleading, this patient shall be held liable
  for this offence and can be fined $7000 fine in addition to 6
  months of imprisonment.
 Breach of Confidentiality
  Should any medical practitioner, approved institution or
  person employed or working in this institution with lawful
  access to records and shares this information with any
  member of the general public or other parties, thereby
  breaching confidentiality, he or she can be fined $100,000
  as well as 1 year of imprisonment.

 Failure to Comply With Any Provision of this Act
  Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any
  provision of the this Act, for which no penalties has been
  stated by the Act or Criminal Law (Offences) Act, shall be
  held liable and can be fined $10, 000 along with 3 months
  of imprisonment.
Guyana’s Abortion Laws vs. The
     Morality of Society- Our Findings
                Number of Persons that Participated In survey




                                                                number of



        Males             Females
Religious Backgrounds Of Participants

                                                     Number of Participants

0   5          10         15         20         25
Graph showing the various age groups interviewed

No. of persons


                                                                                No. of Persons


                       <18        18-25        25-35        35-45        >45

                 As visible in the graph above, a majority of the persons were
                 between the ages 18- 25 while a minority of persons were below
                 18 years old. The second most interviewed group was between
                 the ages 35- 45.
Graph showing how the different genders view abortion







                 Pro-life                            Pro-choice

                                    M   F

The Graph above shows that 8 males and 17 females view an
abortion as pro-life while 10 males and 15 females view an
abortion as pro- choice. It can be seen that there is an equal
distribution between the choice of pro-life and pro- choice.
Chart showing religion influence the views of abortion.




From the above graph it can be seen that 56% of the
people say that religion influence their views on abortion.
The other 42% claimed that religion has no influence on
their views while another 2% were unsure.

30                26
25                                            total persons that respond
20                                            total males that respond
15           12         12
                                              total females that respond
10                                5   6
           yes               no
Pie chart showing what are persons' views of an abortion


                                                                Killing a Fetus
                                                               Killing a clump of tissues
                                                               Killing a baby

The above figure shows a pie chart which displays persons‘ views of
an abortion. 64%, which is the majority of persons, view an abortion
as killing a fetus, followed by 26% who view an abortion as killing a
clump of tissues. A very small percentage (10%) view an abortion a
killing a baby.
Graph showing the various considerations that should be made if
                        Abortion was illegal in Guyana.

                           foetus examined to be            teenage pregnancy
                                 abnormal.                        21%

              women who are dependent on

                                                                    pregnancy as the result of
                                                                       sexual assault/rape
                          single women

As displayed on the graph, Majority of the respondents (34%) considered
that Pregnancy as a result of sexual assault/rape should be kept for
consideration if abortion was illegal, then followed by Teenage
pregnancy (21%). However, a small quantity of the respondents agreed that
single women are to be considered in relation to abortion.
                   ABORTION IS A WOMAN'S ISSUE

     total females that respond

      total males that respond                      12
     total persons that respond

                                  0   5       10         15   20             25        30
  brown= yes pink= no
Out of 50 participants, 27 viewed abortion is a woman‘s issue while
23 persons disagreed.
For males, 6 persons said yes and 12 persons said it is not a woman‘s
30                                                                           4
20              44
10                                              16
     total persons that respond       total males that respond   total females that respond

                            Blue- yes red= no
• Total persons that responded positive to this question were 44
  while 6 persons responded negative.
            PINK= YESGREEN= NO
                              HUMAN RIGHTS
                                                        PINK- YES GREEN- NO




                                 9             9

total persons that respond   total males that respond            total females that respond
Pie chart showing persons' opinion as whether abortion should be a
                         free/fee procedure




As visible in the pie chart 74% of the population
interviewed believes that a fee should be paid for an
abortion while 26% believes that an abortion must be
free of cost.


           10                 10

                                                4                6
                total persons that
                      respond      total males that
                                       respond        total females
                                                       that respond
Graph showing who is responsible for the woman death during and after an abortion.


                20     19




                     patient               doctor                relative              counsellor            all

As showed in the graph above majority of the respondents claim that
the Patients (19) as well as the Doctor (22) are responsible for the
death, if the woman dies during or after an abortion. 5 of
respondents also agreed that all of the persons involved during the
abortion are responsible.
Group’s Position on Abortion





                                 45%                          YES
                55%                                           NO
Countries Worldwide & Abortion
       Laws Liberalization
• Between 1950 and 1985, nearly all industrialized
  countries-and several others-liberalized their abortion
  laws. Since 1994, more than 25 countries worldwide
  have liberalized their abortion laws-while only a
  handful have tightened legal restrictions on abortion.

• Liberal abortion laws do not increase abortion
  The World Health Organization has recognized that
  "women all over the world are highly likely to have
  an induced abortion when faced with an unplanned
  pregnancy - irrespective of legal conditions."
• Countries in the Global North and north Asia
  generally have the most liberal abortion laws
• These countries generally permit abortion either
  without restriction as to reason or on broad
  grounds, such as for socioeconomic reasons.
  However, some countries in these regions, including
  Poland, Malta, and the Republic of Korea, maintain
  restrictive abortion laws that run counter to the
  regional trend.

• In contrast, countries in the Global South have
  generally adopted restrictive abortion laws
• Most countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle
  East, and southern Asia have severe abortion laws.
  Furthermore, three of the four countries generally
  considered to prohibit abortion altogether-Chile, El
  Salvador, and Nicaragua-are located in Latin
• Between 1995 and 2003, the abortion rate (per 1,000
  Women aged 15–44) for the world overall dropped from 35
  to 29, but remained virtually unchanged, at 28, in 2008.

• Since 2003, the number of abortions fell by 600,000 in the
  developed world but increased by 2.8 million in the
  developing world.

• In 2008, six million abortions were performed in developed
  countries and 38 million in developing countries.

• Globally there is no consensus on the issue of abortion, but
  in order to prevent the misuse of induced abortions, most
  countries have created independent abortion laws.
   Declaration on Therapeutic Abortion
This international organization postulates that:
-The physician is morally obligated to ―maintain respect for
human life from beginning to end.‖
-Further, the decision to terminate a pregnancy is a ―matter of
individual conviction and conscience that must be respected.‖
-―Where the law allows therapeutic abortion to be performed,
the procedure should be performed by a physician competent
to do so in premises approved by an appropriate authority.‖
-If the physician's convictions do not allow for this, they may
withdraw while ensuring the continuity of medical care by a
another qualified physician.
Abortion by country
• Russia was the first country in the world to legalize
  abortion, in 1920. The procedure was briefly driven
  underground, but was lifted in 1953.
• A decade later, the practice had become so common that the
  USSR registered 5.5 million abortions, compared to 2
  million live births.
• 2006 showed 1.6 million abortions compared to 1.5 million
  live births -- a dismal figure, especially in a country
  struggling with a looming demographic crisis.
• The most recent law cap abortions at 12 weeks, imposes a
  waiting period of up to one week from initial consultations
  and requires women over six weeks pregnant to see the
  embryo on ultrasound, hear its heartbeat and have
  counseling to determine how to proceed.
• Its abortion rate - 1.3 million, or 73 per 100 births in 2009 -
  is the world's highest.
• In consultation with their physician, women have
  a constitutionally protected right to have an
  abortion in the early stages of pregnancy—that
  is, before viability upon request—free from
  government interference.

• Abortion has been legal in the USA since
  1973, but may be restricted by any of the 56 states
  to varying degrees.

• Approximately 3700 abortions are conducted
  daily in the United States.
Enacted in 1971, India‘s abortion laws stipulated the following
conditions to execute an act of abortion:
1. A pregnancy may be terminated by a registered medical
   practitioner where pregnancy does not exceed 12 consultation of
   two registered practitioners required weeks(between 12-20 weeks)
   under the belief that-
   (i) the continuance of pregnancy would involve risk to the life of
   the pregnant woman or grave injury to her physical or mental
   health ; or
   (ii) substantial risk exists that if the child were born, it would
   suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be
   seriously handicapped
2. A pregnancy occurring as a result of rape
3. Failure of contraceptive device used by a couple
A 1977 law ensures a legal abortion to any woman who fills one
  of four criteria:
• She is under 18 or over 40
• She is carrying a fetus with a serious mental or physical
• She claims that the fetus results from forbidden relations such
  as rape or incest or, in the case of a married woman, that the
  baby is not her husband‘s
• She shows that by continuing the pregnancy, her physical or
  mental health would be damaged

Of the 19,544 cases of abortion granted of the 20,900 submitted
that took place in Israel in 2007, data showed that 55% of
abortions were a result of incest, illegal relations or out-of
wedlock conception.
• China began trying to control its massive population
  growth in 1970 and introduced a one-child-per-family
  policy in 1980. As such has made abortion legal in
  order to maintain population control. Approximately 13
  Million abortions are carried out each year in China.

“ Illegal Births and Legal Abortion”
• Illegal Birth-The birth of a
Child outside the approval of
 the government.
• Legal Abortion- The abortion
of a child to comply with the
one-child policy.
 In Venezuela abortion is only permitted to save the life of the
 woman in which case the woman, her husband or her legal
 representative must present her written consent. The law
 establishes up to 2 years prison for the woman who aborts while
 whoever practices the abortion faces up to 30 months prison.

 Cuba was the first country to sign and the second to ratify the
 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
 against Women (CEDAW). Abortion is legal in the country since
 1965. The maximum period of time to file for legal abortion is
 10 weeks of pregnancy, from then onwards abortion is only legal
 if the health of the woman is at risk. Abortions practiced outside
 the public health system are penalized.
Christians believe that life begins at the instant of
conception. Therefore, abortion is murder and is
prohibited by the Ten Commandments. (Exodus

The Church today firmly holds that "the first right
of the human person is his life" and that life is
assumed to begin at fertilization. The equality of
all human life is fundamental and complete, any
discrimination is evil.
A notable verse from the Qur‘an reads: ―Do not kill your
children for fear of poverty: we shall provide sustenance
for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is
a great sin‖ (17:31).

For a woman carrying an illegitimate child from extra
marital sex or rape, the consensus is that she should give
birth, however, if the scar of rape is too heavy, then the
decision is hers.

However, All schools of Muslim law accept that abortion
is permitted only if continuing the pregnancy would put
the mother's life in real danger.
Classical Hindu texts strongly opposed abortion:
one compares abortion to the killing of a priest,
one considers abortion a greater sin than killing
of one‘s parents and another says that a woman
who aborts her child will lose her caste.

Unless a mother's health is at risk, traditional
Hindu teachings and texts condemn abortion
because it is thought to violate the religion's
teachings of non-violence (Ahisma).
Many people are very, very concerned with the
children in India, with the children in Africa
where quite a number die, maybe of
malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions
are dying deliberately by the will of the mother.
And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace
today. Because if a mother can kill her own child -
what is left for me to kill you and you kill me --
there is nothing between- MOTHER
TERESA, Nobel Lecture, Dec 11, 1979
Abortion. (2004). Retrieved from:

Abortion. (2010). Retrieved from:

Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:

Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:

Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:

Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:

Abortion. (2010). Retrieved from:

Abortion internationally. (2012). Retrieved from:
Abortion laws in India. (2011). Retrieved from:

Abortion laws in Israel. (2010). Retrieved from:,7340,L-3642871,00.html

Abortion laws in Israel. (2010). Retrieved from:

Abortion laws in Russia. (2007). Retrieved from:

Abortion laws in Russia. (2007). Retrieved from:

Boland, R. & Katzive, L., (2008) Developments in laws on induced abortion: 1998-
   2007, 34(3) International Family Planning Perspectives. pp.110-113

Boston Women's Health Book Collective, (1998) Our Bodies, Ourselves for the New Century

Complete abortion. (2011). Retrieved from:

Definition of abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:
Horrors of abortions. (2012). http://www.jesus-is-

Muldoon, M., (1991) The Abortion Debate in the United States and Canada: A Source
   BookProgramme of Action of the International Conference on Population and
   Development , Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 5-13, 1994, para. 8.25, U.N. Doc A/CONF.171/13/Rev.1 (1995).

Rahman, A. et al.,(1998) A Global Review of Laws on Induced Abortion from 1985-1997, 24(2)
   International Family Planning Perspectives 56, 60

Riddle, J.M., (1994) Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance

Rubin, E.R.(1994). The Abortion Controversy: A Documentary History. Greenwood Press. pp. 3.

Recurrent abortion. (2010). Retrieved from:

Sedgh, G. et al.,(2012) Induced Abortiom: incidence and trends worldwide from 1995-
   2008, Lancet, (forthcoming).

Spontaneous abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright© (2004), Columbia University Press. Licensed
    from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.

Theraputic abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:

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abortion ppt

  • 1. HSC321-Legal & Ethical Issues Group # 2 Abortion
  • 2. If it isn't a baby, then you aren't pregnant, so what are you aborting? -Author Unknown
  • 3. What is Abortion? • Abortion is described as the expulsion of the products of conception before the embryo or fetus is viable. Any interruption of human pregnancy prior to the 28th week of gestation or the delivery of a fetus weighing less than 500 grams is known as abortion.
  • 4. Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage) • This is defined as the delivery of a nonviable embryo or fetus (the fetus cannot survive) before the 20th week of pregnancy due to fetal or maternal factors. • Recurrent spontaneous abortion- the occurrence of three or more consecutive losses of clinically recognized pregnancies prior to the 20th week of gestation (Immunological reactions, in which maternal antibodies mistake the fetus for foreign tissue, have been implicated in recurrent, or habitual spontaneous abortions). • It is estimated that at least 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage (estimates range from 15% to 75%). Most occur in the first two weeks after conception, and in many cases the mother is not aware of the pregnancy.
  • 5. Therapeutic Abortion • This procedure is performed to preserve the health or life of the mother. It can be induced for medical reasons or an elective decision to end the pregnancy (eg.prevent the birth of a deformed child or a child conceived as a result of rape or incest). Elective (Induced) Abortion • Defined as a procedure intended to terminate a suspected or known intrauterine pregnancy and to produce a nonviable fetus at any gestational age(CDC, 2010), deemed necessary by the woman carrying it and performed at her request.
  • 6. Methods Of Conducting Abortions SUCTION (VACUUM ASPIRATION) ABORTION -The cervix is stretched to allow passage of a hollow suction tube with a sharp-edged openings near its tip into the uterus. -Powerful suction force is then applied, allowing the fetus to be ripped apart then suctioned out of the uterus into a collection container. -Most 1st trimester abortions in North America and the United Kingdom are done in this manner.
  • 7. DILATATION & EVACUATION (D and E) ABORTION -Used for 2nd trimester abortions, at which point in fetal development the fetal bones become calcified.
  • 8. SALT POISONING ABORTION -Used after 16 weeks, this technique is employed often in third world nations because of its cost effectiveness and ease of administration. -A syringe of a concentrated salt solution is injected into the amniotic fluid via a long needle through the mother‘s abdomen. The fetus then breathes and swallows the hyper-salted amniotic fluid. The fetus struggles and sometimes seizes until dead within usually one hour. -The mother typically then delivers a dead fetus within one to two days. The fetal skin upon delivery, having been chemically burned away, usually presents as a glazed red surface. -This abortion procedure was first developed in Nazi concentration camps during WorldWar II.
  • 9. DILATION and EXTRACTION (D and X); aka PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION Used in well developed 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnancies.
  • 10. HYSTEROTOMY ABORTION -Used for late term abortions in rare instances. -Identical to a Caesarian Section delivery used to deliver a live baby in the presence of certain pregnancy/fetal complications, except the objective there is to deliver a dead fetus. -The live fetus is first terminated while still in the mother‘s womb, such as by cutting of the umbilical cord. -Once the fetus is dead, the fetus is then physically lifted out of the mother‘s womb and the abortion is completed.
  • 11. PROSTOGLANDIN ABORTION Used to abort mid and later term pregnancies. The hormone is administered to the pregnant woman into the amniotic fluid or by vaginal suppositories. It induces violent premature labor contractions, thus expelling the fetus which usually dies in the process of delivery. Drugs lethal to the fetus are often injected into the amniotic fluid, to assure fetal death before delivery. INDUCED LABOUR (LIVE BIRTH) ABORTION Premature delivery of a commonly midterm fetus is induced via various means, the objective being to deliver a premature baby that is not capable of surviving outside the uterus. When such abortions typically produce the complication of live birth, the now delivered living baby is provided only ―comfort care― - wrapping the infant in a blanket - and denied all medical and nursing care. Such infants can linger for hours before dying of ―natural causes.‖
  • 12. Background History of Abortion • The moral and legal issues raised by the practice of abortion has tested the philosophers, theologians, and statesmen of every age since the dawn of civilization. • The Stoics' belief that abortion should be allowed up to the moment of birth was vigorously opposed by the Pythagoreans who believed that the soul was infused into the body at conception and that to abort a fetus would be to commit murder.
  • 13. • Early Roman law was silent as to abortion; and abortion and infanticide was common in Rome, especially among the upper classes. • Abortion induced by herbs or manipulation was used as a form of birth control in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome and probably earlier. In the Middle Ages in Western Europe it was generally accepted in the early months of pregnancy. • Opposition by scholars and the growing influence of the Christian religion brought about the first prohibition of abortion during the reign of Severus ( 193-211 A.D.). These laws made abortion a high criminal offense and subjected a woman who violated the provisions to banishment.
  • 14. • Chinese folklore dates back to 3000 BC where Emperor Shennong prescribed mercury to induce an abortion. • In 2nd & 3rd century, Tertullian (A Christian theologian) described surgical methods for carrying out abortions. • In the eight century Sanskrit text instructed women wishing to induce an abortion to sit over a pot of steam or stewed onions. • However, in the 19th century opinion about abortion changed.
  • 15. • In 1803, Britain first passed antiabortion laws, which then became stricter throughout the century. • In 1869 the Roman Catholic Church prohibited abortion under any circumstances. • The U.S. followed as individual states began to outlaw abortion. By 1880, most abortions were illegal in the U.S., except those ``necessary to save the life of the woman.'‗ • However, In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S. Poor women and women of colour ran the greatest risks with illegal abortions.
  • 16. • Techniques used in those days were non-surgical; the most common methods used were either dosing the pregnant woman with a near- fatal amount of poison so that a miscarriage could occur, or letting poison directly into the uterus with one of a variety of ― long needles, hooks, and knives.‖ • Attitudes toward abortion became more liberal in the 20th cent. By the 1970s, abortion had been legalized in most European countries and Japan; as well as in the United States, under a 1973 Supreme Court ruling which took precedence over state laws that banned abortion. However, there were restrictions in the legislation for later stage abortions.
  • 17. Abortion & the Laws of Guyana Prior to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, the performance of abortions in Guyana was found to be illegal under the Criminal Law (Offences) Act. The 1995 Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act was passed so as To preserve or enhance both the dignity and the sanctity of ―life‖ by decreasing the incidence of induced abortion To enhance the attainment of ―safe motherhood‖ by the elimination of deaths and complications stemmed from unsafe abortion To specifically stipulate the circumstances in which a woman is granted termination of her pregnancy
  • 18. Definition of Terms  Approved Institution- any institution proved by the Minister for the purposes of this act, such as that of a clinic, hospital, maternity home, etc.  Authorized Medical Practitioner- any person registered as duly qualified practitioner under the Medical Practitioner Act.  Fetus- An unborn human baby which also includes an embryo.  Person of Unsound Mind- a person who is suffering from mental derangement.
  • 19. Pregnancy- an intra-uterine human pregnancy where the fetus is viable.  Termination of Pregnancy- termination of human pregnancy with an intention other than to produce a live birth.  Pro-Life -This is defined as the responsibility or obligation of the government to preserve all human life regardless of intent, viability or quality of life concerns.  Pro-Choice -This is the belief that women have the right to choose to abort the baby. (A pro-choice view is that a baby does not have the human rights).
  • 20. Counselling  The Act states with regards to counselling, that any female seeking treatment for the termination of her pregnancy must undergo both pre and post abortion counselling.  The pregnant woman is also expected to wait for a 48 hour time period after she has made a request for medical termination of pregnancy to facilitate these requirements or regulations.
  • 21. Laws Regarding A Woman’s Termination of Pregnancy The Act distinctly states four different time periods; all of which carries separate regulations that must be abided or adhered to before termination of the pregnancy can lawfully take place. These time periods include:  Termination of pregnancy of NOT more than eight (8) weeks  Termination of pregnancy of MORE than eight weeks (8) but NOT more than twelve (12) weeks  Termination of pregnancy of MORE than twelve weeks (12) but NOT more than sixteen (16) weeks  Termination of pregnancy of MORE than sixteen (16) weeks
  • 22. Termination of pregnancy of NOT more than eight (8) weeks  The treatment for the termination of a pregnancy of not more than eight weeks by the use of any other ―lawful‖ method outside that of surgical procedures must at all times be administered or supervised by a medical practitioner.  However, it is not necessary for this termination process to be carried out in an approved institution such as hospitals or clinics.
  • 23. Termination of pregnancy of MORE than eight weeks (8) but NOT more than twelve (12) weeks  This must also be administered by a medical practitioner or an assistant under the supervision of an authorised medical practitioner. In this case, however it is mandatory that this termination process takes place within an approved institution. Additionally, the treatment regarding the termination of a pregnancy can only be administered if:  It is an institution approved for that particular purpose  The medical practitioner administering the treatment believes that -the continuance of pregnancy would involve risk to the pregnant woman or may be of grave injury to her physical or mental health
  • 24. - there is substantial risk that if the child were born, it would suffer from physical or mental abnormalities and can be seriously handicapped - on account of being a person of ―unsound mind‖, the pregnant woman will not be capable of taking care of the infant  Where the pregnant woman reasonably believes that her pregnancy was caused by an act of rape or incest and submits a paper to that effect.  Where the pregnant woman is known to be HIV positive.  Where there is clear evidence that the pregnancy resulted in spite of the use of a recognized contraceptive method by the pregnant woman or her partner.
  • 25. Termination of pregnancy of MORE than twelve weeks (12) but NOT more than sixteen (16) weeks  This treatment must also be administered by a medical practitioner and the termination process must take place within an approved institution.  Treatment can only be administered if TWO medical practitioners are of the opinion of matters previously listed or specified in the time period ―more than 8 weeks but not less than 12 weeks‖.
  • 26. Termination of pregnancy of MORE than sixteen (16) weeks  The treatment of termination of pregnancy of more than sixteen weeks must be administered by only an authorised medical practitioner in an approved institution.  Treatment can only be administered if THREE medical practitioners are of the opinion of matters also previously listed or specified in the time period ―more than 8 weeks but not less than 12 weeks‖.
  • 27. Consent The Act also thoroughly states the circumstances under which consent is required and the restrictions with which a medical practitioner must have. These include:  Written or oral consent must be given from a pregnant woman of sound mind before administering treatment for the termination of her pregnancy.  Conversely, in the case of the treatment or termination of a pregnancy of a woman of “unsound mind”, medical practitioner must be given a written or oral consent by her guardian.  In the treatment concerning abortion for a child of any age, the medical practitioner should encourage the child to inform her parents /guardians, but is NOT required to obtain any consent from them or even notify them.  In relation to a pregnant woman of any marital status, the medical practitioner may encourage the patient to inform her partner, but again is NOT required to obtain this partner‘s consent or even notify them.
  • 28. Non-liability of a Medical Practitioner  No medical practitioner including persons authorised by a medical practitioner is held liable or legally responsible for the treatment and supervision of the termination of a pregnancy once consent has been given. unless of course the actual procedure was conducted in a negligent manner. Non-Application of Particular Provisions  Counseling, consent and the number of medical opinions may not be required where the termination of the pregnancy is immediately necessary to save the life of the woman or to prevent permanent injury to her physical or mental health. Under such circumstances any authorised medical practitioner can administer the treatment.
  • 29. No person should be held under legal duty to participate in any part of a termination of pregnancy when he is said to hold a conscientious objection.  Conscientious objection to participate in the treatment may be discharged by a statement on oath or affirmation to the effect.  Nothing should affect the duty of a person to participate in the treatment for termination of a pregnancy where the immediate treatment is necessary to save the life of the patient or prevent grave permanent injury.
  • 30. Penalties  Inadequate Record Keeping Should any individual or approved institution deliberately refuse, incompletely maintain, document misleading information of the patient or completely fails to maintain medical records concerning termination, that person or the owner or manager of that institution will be held responsible or liable and can be fined $20,000 along with 6 months of imprisonment.  False Grounds for Abortion Any statement made by a pregnant woman is deemed to be intentionally false or misleading, this patient shall be held liable for this offence and can be fined $7000 fine in addition to 6 months of imprisonment.
  • 31.  Breach of Confidentiality Should any medical practitioner, approved institution or person employed or working in this institution with lawful access to records and shares this information with any member of the general public or other parties, thereby breaching confidentiality, he or she can be fined $100,000 as well as 1 year of imprisonment.  Failure to Comply With Any Provision of this Act Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of the this Act, for which no penalties has been stated by the Act or Criminal Law (Offences) Act, shall be held liable and can be fined $10, 000 along with 3 months of imprisonment.
  • 32. Guyana’s Abortion Laws vs. The Morality of Society- Our Findings Number of Persons that Participated In survey 35 30 25 20 number of Participants 15 10 5 0 Males Females
  • 33. Religious Backgrounds Of Participants Number of Participants 0 5 10 15 20 25
  • 34. Graph showing the various age groups interviewed 25 20 No. of persons 15 No. of Persons 10 5 0 <18 18-25 25-35 35-45 >45 Age As visible in the graph above, a majority of the persons were between the ages 18- 25 while a minority of persons were below 18 years old. The second most interviewed group was between the ages 35- 45.
  • 35. Graph showing how the different genders view abortion 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Pro-life Pro-choice M F The Graph above shows that 8 males and 17 females view an abortion as pro-life while 10 males and 15 females view an abortion as pro- choice. It can be seen that there is an equal distribution between the choice of pro-life and pro- choice.
  • 36. Chart showing religion influence the views of abortion. 2% 42% 56% yes no unsure From the above graph it can be seen that 56% of the people say that religion influence their views on abortion. The other 42% claimed that religion has no influence on their views while another 2% were unsure.
  • 37. CHART SHOWING RESPONSES TO IF ABORTION IS MURDER 38 40 35 30 26 25 total persons that respond 20 total males that respond 15 12 12 total females that respond 10 5 6 5 0 yes no
  • 38. Pie chart showing what are persons' views of an abortion 26% Killing a Fetus Killing a clump of tissues Killing a baby 10% 64% The above figure shows a pie chart which displays persons‘ views of an abortion. 64%, which is the majority of persons, view an abortion as killing a fetus, followed by 26% who view an abortion as killing a clump of tissues. A very small percentage (10%) view an abortion a killing a baby.
  • 39. Graph showing the various considerations that should be made if Abortion was illegal in Guyana. others 2% foetus examined to be teenage pregnancy abnormal. 21% 20% women who are dependent on drugs/alcohol 16% pregnancy as the result of sexual assault/rape 34% single women 7% As displayed on the graph, Majority of the respondents (34%) considered that Pregnancy as a result of sexual assault/rape should be kept for consideration if abortion was illegal, then followed by Teenage pregnancy (21%). However, a small quantity of the respondents agreed that single women are to be considered in relation to abortion.
  • 40. CHART SHOWING RESPONSES TO IF ABORTION IS A WOMAN'S ISSUE 11 total females that respond 21 total males that respond 12 6 23 total persons that respond 27 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 brown= yes pink= no Out of 50 participants, 27 viewed abortion is a woman‘s issue while 23 persons disagreed. For males, 6 persons said yes and 12 persons said it is not a woman‘s issue.
  • 41. CHART SHOWING IF ABORTION IS DANGEROUS 60 B 50 6 40 30 4 20 44 2 28 10 16 0 total persons that respond total males that respond total females that respond Blue- yes red= no • Total persons that responded positive to this question were 44 while 6 persons responded negative.
  • 42. CHART SHOWING IF THE FETUS SHOULD BE GIVEN PINK= YESGREEN= NO HUMAN RIGHTS PINK- YES GREEN- NO 34 25 16 9 9 7 total persons that respond total males that respond total females that respond
  • 43. Pie chart showing persons' opinion as whether abortion should be a free/fee procedure 26% FEE FREE 74% As visible in the pie chart 74% of the population interviewed believes that a fee should be paid for an abortion while 26% believes that an abortion must be free of cost.
  • 44. CHART SHOWING RESPONSES TO WHEN ABORTION SHOULD TAKE PLACE 40 40 30 26 20 14 10 10 4 6 0 total persons that respond total males that respond total females that respond BLUE= BEFORE 4TH MTH PINK=AFTER 4TH MTH BUT BEFORE 6TH MTH
  • 45. Graph showing who is responsible for the woman death during and after an abortion. 25 22 20 19 15 Respondents. 10 5 5 1 0 0 patient doctor relative counsellor all Responce As showed in the graph above majority of the respondents claim that the Patients (19) as well as the Doctor (22) are responsible for the death, if the woman dies during or after an abortion. 5 of respondents also agreed that all of the persons involved during the abortion are responsible.
  • 47.
  • 48. Countries Worldwide & Abortion Laws Liberalization • Between 1950 and 1985, nearly all industrialized countries-and several others-liberalized their abortion laws. Since 1994, more than 25 countries worldwide have liberalized their abortion laws-while only a handful have tightened legal restrictions on abortion. • Liberal abortion laws do not increase abortion rates The World Health Organization has recognized that "women all over the world are highly likely to have an induced abortion when faced with an unplanned pregnancy - irrespective of legal conditions."
  • 49. • Countries in the Global North and north Asia generally have the most liberal abortion laws • These countries generally permit abortion either without restriction as to reason or on broad grounds, such as for socioeconomic reasons. However, some countries in these regions, including Poland, Malta, and the Republic of Korea, maintain restrictive abortion laws that run counter to the regional trend. • In contrast, countries in the Global South have generally adopted restrictive abortion laws • Most countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and southern Asia have severe abortion laws. Furthermore, three of the four countries generally considered to prohibit abortion altogether-Chile, El Salvador, and Nicaragua-are located in Latin America.
  • 50. WORLDWIDE INCIDENCE AND TRENDS • Between 1995 and 2003, the abortion rate (per 1,000 Women aged 15–44) for the world overall dropped from 35 to 29, but remained virtually unchanged, at 28, in 2008. • Since 2003, the number of abortions fell by 600,000 in the developed world but increased by 2.8 million in the developing world. • In 2008, six million abortions were performed in developed countries and 38 million in developing countries. • Globally there is no consensus on the issue of abortion, but in order to prevent the misuse of induced abortions, most countries have created independent abortion laws.
  • 51. WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION- Declaration on Therapeutic Abortion This international organization postulates that: -The physician is morally obligated to ―maintain respect for human life from beginning to end.‖ -Further, the decision to terminate a pregnancy is a ―matter of individual conviction and conscience that must be respected.‖ -―Where the law allows therapeutic abortion to be performed, the procedure should be performed by a physician competent to do so in premises approved by an appropriate authority.‖ -If the physician's convictions do not allow for this, they may withdraw while ensuring the continuity of medical care by a another qualified physician.
  • 53. RUSSIA • Russia was the first country in the world to legalize abortion, in 1920. The procedure was briefly driven underground, but was lifted in 1953. • A decade later, the practice had become so common that the USSR registered 5.5 million abortions, compared to 2 million live births. • 2006 showed 1.6 million abortions compared to 1.5 million live births -- a dismal figure, especially in a country struggling with a looming demographic crisis. • The most recent law cap abortions at 12 weeks, imposes a waiting period of up to one week from initial consultations and requires women over six weeks pregnant to see the embryo on ultrasound, hear its heartbeat and have counseling to determine how to proceed. • Its abortion rate - 1.3 million, or 73 per 100 births in 2009 - is the world's highest.
  • 54. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA • In consultation with their physician, women have a constitutionally protected right to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy—that is, before viability upon request—free from government interference. • Abortion has been legal in the USA since 1973, but may be restricted by any of the 56 states to varying degrees. • Approximately 3700 abortions are conducted daily in the United States.
  • 55. INDIA Enacted in 1971, India‘s abortion laws stipulated the following conditions to execute an act of abortion: 1. A pregnancy may be terminated by a registered medical practitioner where pregnancy does not exceed 12 consultation of two registered practitioners required weeks(between 12-20 weeks) under the belief that- (i) the continuance of pregnancy would involve risk to the life of the pregnant woman or grave injury to her physical or mental health ; or (ii) substantial risk exists that if the child were born, it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped 2. A pregnancy occurring as a result of rape 3. Failure of contraceptive device used by a couple
  • 56. ISRAEL A 1977 law ensures a legal abortion to any woman who fills one of four criteria: • She is under 18 or over 40 • She is carrying a fetus with a serious mental or physical defect • She claims that the fetus results from forbidden relations such as rape or incest or, in the case of a married woman, that the baby is not her husband‘s • She shows that by continuing the pregnancy, her physical or mental health would be damaged Of the 19,544 cases of abortion granted of the 20,900 submitted that took place in Israel in 2007, data showed that 55% of abortions were a result of incest, illegal relations or out-of wedlock conception.
  • 57. CHINA • China began trying to control its massive population growth in 1970 and introduced a one-child-per-family policy in 1980. As such has made abortion legal in order to maintain population control. Approximately 13 Million abortions are carried out each year in China. “ Illegal Births and Legal Abortion” • Illegal Birth-The birth of a Child outside the approval of the government. • Legal Abortion- The abortion of a child to comply with the one-child policy.
  • 58. VENEZUELA In Venezuela abortion is only permitted to save the life of the woman in which case the woman, her husband or her legal representative must present her written consent. The law establishes up to 2 years prison for the woman who aborts while whoever practices the abortion faces up to 30 months prison. CUBA Cuba was the first country to sign and the second to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Abortion is legal in the country since 1965. The maximum period of time to file for legal abortion is 10 weeks of pregnancy, from then onwards abortion is only legal if the health of the woman is at risk. Abortions practiced outside the public health system are penalized.
  • 59. RELIGION & ABORTION CHRISTIANITY Christians believe that life begins at the instant of conception. Therefore, abortion is murder and is prohibited by the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:13) The Church today firmly holds that "the first right of the human person is his life" and that life is assumed to begin at fertilization. The equality of all human life is fundamental and complete, any discrimination is evil.
  • 60. ISLAM A notable verse from the Qur‘an reads: ―Do not kill your children for fear of poverty: we shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin‖ (17:31). For a woman carrying an illegitimate child from extra marital sex or rape, the consensus is that she should give birth, however, if the scar of rape is too heavy, then the decision is hers. However, All schools of Muslim law accept that abortion is permitted only if continuing the pregnancy would put the mother's life in real danger.
  • 61. HINDUISM Classical Hindu texts strongly opposed abortion: one compares abortion to the killing of a priest, one considers abortion a greater sin than killing of one‘s parents and another says that a woman who aborts her child will lose her caste. Unless a mother's health is at risk, traditional Hindu teachings and texts condemn abortion because it is thought to violate the religion's teachings of non-violence (Ahisma).
  • 62. Many people are very, very concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today. Because if a mother can kill her own child - what is left for me to kill you and you kill me -- there is nothing between- MOTHER TERESA, Nobel Lecture, Dec 11, 1979
  • 63. References Abortion. (2004). Retrieved from: udent/4%20-%20Abortion/2004%20PPP%20Abortion.pdf Abortion. (2010). Retrieved from: Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from: Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from: Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from: Abortion. (2012). Retrieved from: Abortion. (2010). Retrieved from: tion_2012.pdf Abortion internationally. (2012). Retrieved from:
  • 64. Abortion laws in India. (2011). Retrieved from: Abortion laws in Israel. (2010). Retrieved from:,7340,L-3642871,00.html Abortion laws in Israel. (2010). Retrieved from: Abortion laws in Russia. (2007). Retrieved from: 1.1176756 Abortion laws in Russia. (2007). Retrieved from: 45849.html Boland, R. & Katzive, L., (2008) Developments in laws on induced abortion: 1998- 2007, 34(3) International Family Planning Perspectives. pp.110-113 Boston Women's Health Book Collective, (1998) Our Bodies, Ourselves for the New Century Complete abortion. (2011). Retrieved from: Definition of abortion. (2012). Retrieved from: definitions/definition-of-abortion.html
  • 65. Horrors of abortions. (2012). http://www.jesus-is- Muldoon, M., (1991) The Abortion Debate in the United States and Canada: A Source BookProgramme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development , Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 5-13, 1994, para. 8.25, U.N. Doc A/CONF.171/13/Rev.1 (1995). Rahman, A. et al.,(1998) A Global Review of Laws on Induced Abortion from 1985-1997, 24(2) International Family Planning Perspectives 56, 60 Riddle, J.M., (1994) Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance Rubin, E.R.(1994). The Abortion Controversy: A Documentary History. Greenwood Press. pp. 3. Recurrent abortion. (2010). Retrieved from: etiology-of-recurrent-pregnancy-loss Sedgh, G. et al.,(2012) Induced Abortiom: incidence and trends worldwide from 1995- 2008, Lancet, (forthcoming). Spontaneous abortion. (2012). Retrieved from: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright© (2004), Columbia University Press. Licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved. Theraputic abortion. (2012). Retrieved from:

Editor's Notes

  1. Most females chose pro- choice because they believe that it’s a woman’s decision to have an abortion while a majority of males chose pro-life as they believe that the government has an obligation to preserve life. This trend is probably due the fact that an abortion concerns a woman and her body and therefore her views are different from a male’s view.
  2. Some reasons were that both partner should be responsible since it takes both male and female to have a baby, if she was raped its not her issue alone, that relatives should be involved if she is a minor, and abortion should concern everyone, not only those affected.And 11 other females said no because, men should be equally involved, abortion decision must not be singly handled by women alone, but must be a mutual decision between parties and relatives involved.
  3. Out of 18 males, 16 said it is dangerous. Some reasons for this were abortion affects the mental status of women thus causing psychological problems after an abortion, it could lead to death, patients may not ever become pregnant again and that can take a toll on her emotional and mental stability.Out of 32 females, 28 responded that abortion is dangerous because, there are a lot of side effects to abortion like, women who undergo abortions sometimes experience: numbness and emptiness, false euphoria (a feeling of great, usually exaggerated, elation), the need to keep excessively busy, general depression, sudden bouts of crying, anger and/or guilt &amp; sexual or relationship difficulties. And 4 other females said no and gave reasons like, side effects vary upon every individual and it may not be dangerous to everyone, it depends on stringent circumstances, like rape victims
  4. Some males that said yes to the question gave reasons such as it is a life form, and it deserves a right to live. However, other 9 males that responded negatively gave reasons like, its not human until certain stages, and if unborn does not deserve any right.Conversely, out of 32 females, 25 said abortion is dangerous since they believe that it is a life, and everyone whether inside or outside the womb has a right to live and God shall provide for them.However, 7 females said that the fetus should not have human rights because human rights should be given to the baby when it is born and not to a fetus.
  5. The majority probably chose the ‘Fee’ option since this could be a limiting factor when deciding to have an abortion whereas if it was a free option then cost would not be a factor. The minority probably chose that an abortion should be a free option since many persons may not be able to afford an abortion and may be in a life threatening situation.
  6. Most persons chose pro-choice because it’s the woman’s body so its her decision to make if she wants an abortion, while the minority chose prolife because the believe it’s the government’s decision to preserve life.Most person also said that their religion did not influence their choice because it depends on various circumstances which they either prohibit or encourage abortion while the minority, said yes since they are strongly led by their morality/religion and believed that God made provisions for everything.