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, Murat Tutkun 1
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, 61080, Trabzon,
Historical structures and their environments that define cultural identity play a major role in the formation of
collective memory. These places, which are mirrors of social, economic and cultural life, are defined as the areas
where common values are shared. In order to ensure cultural sustainability, historical buildings and their
surroundings are protected, maintained and repaired with the least amount of intervention. However, as a result
of some natural and artificial threats, the structures cannot be preserved in their original places. This situation
brings relocation applications together in historical buildings. In architectural conservation, relocation is defined
as a restoration technique that requires precise and rigorous planning. Because of the high risk, serious labor and
professional competence, relocation is a preferred technique by conservationists only in mandatory cases.
Today, although there are increases in domestic protective relocation application, there are deficiencies in the
implementation. This situation leads to irreversible damage to the structures and their environments that are
intended to be protected. It is considered that preparing a guide for the decisions to be taken and the practices in
the relocation of historical buildings will help to solve the problems in future relocation applications.
Within the scope of the study, the decision-making, preparation, implementation and post-implementation
process will be evaluated. The main criteria for selecting the structure to be moved, the pre-preparations before
the structure is moved, the techniques to be selected for the lifting and transport of the structure, the factors that
play a role in the selection of these techniques, the negative situations that may arise as a result of the relocation
of the historical structure, will be examined comparatively over the selected examples. As a result of the
analyzes and examination, it is aimed to create an offer relocation application guide with common inferences in
the study in order to make more accurate decisions about the relocation of historical buildings.
At the end of the research; it is aimed to make common and correct decisions in relocation applications, to
contribute to future studies and to partially overcome the lack of literature on the relocation of historical
Keywords: Relocation; moving; architectural conservation; restoration; restoration techniques
1. Introduction
Historical buildings are thought with their environment rather than individual assets. The built environment,
which connects and shapes the building to its location, is an important factor in conservation practices. While the
buildings of historical buildings contain structures, they help the buildings to gain a place in cultural memory.
The structure is living as a natural component of the environment, rather than a special component. Historical
buildings, which are called historical and cultural values, are born and grew up with their environment. The
structure is influenced by many physical, economic, social and cultural factors of the period in which the
building was built. Therefore, the structure is designed in the light of these values (Kuban, 2003).
As a result of changing times and circumstances, the interaction of historical buildings with their environment is
changing. The environment in which the building is located has a direct impact on the structure whether it is
abandoned or not. The unfavorable conditions around the building cause damage to the structure and the
environment. For this reason, environmental conservation should be taken into consideration in conservation
decisions and practice (Heritage New Zealand, 2019).
Today, historical structures are intended to be protected with their surroundings, which define their cultural
identity. However, special and unfavorable conditions caused by changing time may prevent the structure from
being conserved in place (General Directorate of Foundations, 2017). As a result of negative factors such as
natural disasters, geological conditions, public works activities (road, dam, subway construction, etc.) and social
requirements (psychological, economic), it may be possible to protect the historical structure from the
environment to a more suitable place (Zakar, 2013). The relocation of a historic building is the only way to save
the structure from extinction in some cases. However, they have an environmental connection with their
historical buildings, gardens, streets, fences and landscapes. This context is created by the integration of the
structure with the environment historically. Moving the historical structure to another place has both the
possibility of damaging the structure and the possibility of changing the context of the structure with its
surroundings (Goblet, 2006; Zakar, 2013). In order to avoid damage to the environmental context and the
original texture that make the historical structure exist, the relocation should be chosen as a last remedy. All
other techniques must be researched to conserve the structure before the relocation decision is taken. (City of
Stone Mountain, 2019). The relocation of historical buildings should be carried out in a planned manner with
interdisciplinary coordinated work. (Curtis, 1979; Goblet, 2006; Zakar, 2013).
Although historical buildings are risky and require professional competence, they have applications in history.
Despite the fact that the logic and concept of transport does not change, the tools and methods used in practice
are shaped according to the age. In the last quarter of the 18th century, William Birch and his son engraved (Fig.
1) show that a team of horses carried a small wooden structure with Walnut Street Prison in the background. In
this engraving, Paravalos (2006) draws attention to the wooden cross supports, which prevent the slippage and
dispersion of the structure, and the wooden wheels that are probably placed in a wooden frame.
Figure 1. The engraving of the house carried by horses in Philadelphia Walnut Street in the United States in
1799. Willam Birch and his son, (URL-1).
In the first quarter of the 19th century, David Stevenson, a civil engineer from Scotland, explained the relocation
of a four-story, brick house in sketches (Fig. 2) from his book
published in London in 1838. Stevenson details the transport of the structure, which is placed on a
wooden frame and supported by wooden beams, by sliding over the oiled wooden beams (Curtis, 1979; Goblet,
Figure 2. When the brick house in New York 130 Chatham was moved, Published by David Stevenson, Sketch
of the Civil Engineering of North America 1838, London (URL-2, 2019).
The technology developed with the Industrial Revolution has begun to pave the way for the relocation of larger
buildings. The relocation methods developed with industry and technology have enabled the development of
tools and materials used. Built in Boston in the middle of the 19th century, Hotel Pelham (Fig. 3a) has been
moved to 450 m west in 1869 due to the extension of Tremont Street. Rolls were added to the masonry structure
of approximately 5,000 tons and pushed on the rail rails. In the period, it is referred to as the largest stacking
structure. In this project, besides the transportation of a large masonry structure with modern materials, it is
noteworthy that the inhabitants of the apartment were in the structure and the installation was used during the 3-
month transportation process. (Paravalos, 2006).
a) b)
Figure 3. a) When Hotel Pelham moving, Boston, USA, 1869 (URL-3, 2019). b) When Courthouse moving,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, USA, 1889 (URL-4, 2019).
By the last quarter of the 19th century, the Courthouse building (Fig. 3b) in Nebraska, which has 95 square
meters of floor space and 95 tonnes weight, has placed in train wagons and moved 14,5 km. The structure has
placed between the four large coal wagons mounted on nine pairs of rail freight cars and installed as balance
elements (Goblet, 2006).
Figure 4. When Captain Samuel Brown Mansion moving, Pennsylvania, USA, 1903
(URL-5, 2019; URL-6, 2019).
Structures have been moved vertically as well as horizontally. An example of this is the mansion of Samuel
Brown, which was built on a hillside in Pennsylvania in 1868. It has been moved in 1903 due to the construction
of the nearby railway. The building, which has a weight of approximately 180 tons, has been moved to a height
of 48 m above 60 m from its current location (Curtis, 1979).
With the development of technology and conservation awareness, relocation practices of buildings of different
scales has been encountered in different countries. In 1919, approximately one-third of the town of Hibbing in
the United States was moved due to underground deposits. In 1970, the structure of Lucy, which was built in
Margate in the United States of America, was moved by using hydraulic jacks, cribbing and transporting means.
(Curtis, 1979; Paravalos, 2006). Located in Spain The Bernard de Clairvaux Monastery was moved to the United
States in 1925 by sea and land. The cottage, owned by James Cook, moved from England in 1933 to Australia.
The temple of Abu Simbel which was built in Egypt was moved to a higher place in 1964 by partial dismantling
so as not to remain under the dam water. In 1965, the Dendur Temple in Egypt was partially disassembled due to
the construction of the dam and was moved to the United States by sea and land. In 1968, London Bridge due to
the dysfunctional was sold and moved to the United States. In the same year, a building in the Connecticut
United States of America was moved with a helicopter. In 1974, the Cudecom Building in Colombia was
relocated for public works. Belle Tout Lighthouse, located on a hillside in Eastbourne in England, moved to a
safe area in 1999 due to geological activities (URL-7, 2019; URL-8, 2019; URL-9, 2019; ICOMOS, 2019).
Applications related to the relocation of structure in Turkey is proceeding in parallel with the samples overseas.
In our country, the oldest known application in relation to the relocation of buildings is the move of the mansion
in Yalova province. The mansion for the preservation of the landscape texture was carried in 1930 at the request
The structure was excavated up to the foundation level and moved on rails
to approximately 4.8 m (URL- In 1977, the Sahil Mosque in Rize-
Of Keler Village was moved to the village of Hoca in the town of Kalkandere. The building was moved to its
new area in 2011, approximately 20 meters away, due to the wrong choice of the previous location. The structure
has been moved by lifting the crane in one piece without being dismantled (Sav, 2012). In 2017, the Zeynel Bey
Tomb belonging to the Akkoyunlu Period in the Hasankeyf district of Batman was moved due to the
Artuklu Bathhouse, which was transported in 2018, is located in the same area as the Zeynel Bey Tomb. The
bath has also been moved as a tomb (URL-11, 2019).
1.1. Pre-Process of Relocation
There are some important preparations that need to be done before a historical building is moved. These
preliminary preparations are listed as decision making, selecting a structural mover, condition assessment of
structure, choosing a method for relocation, selecting a new site, route planning, permitting, structure-owner
responsibilities (Curtis, 1979).
The historical buildings are meaningful with the context they establish with their historical environment. The
buildings are not only in their singular physical assets but also located in the memory with the landscape,
environmental planning, streets, atmosphere that feeds it (Orbasi, 2008; Ahunbay, 2016). The historical building
influences the environment with its values as much as it is affected by the environment. Although relocation
practices are carried out for protection purposes, they can damage values on a structural and environmental scale.
When all remedies are exhausted for conserving a historic structure, the relocation of the structure is considered
to be the most appropriate method of protection (Zakar, 2013).
The structures were moved in the early periods due to pragmatic and economic reasons. The relocation of an
existing structure was found to be easier, faster and more economical than the new structure with limited
facilities. In the following periods, relocation has turned into the relocation for the conservation of historical
buildings with the change of the idea of conservation. In the early stages, while the historical structures were
moved within the borders of the country in a national conservation effort, after the emergence of the concept of
world cultural heritage, relocation practices between countries became widespread (Curtis, 1979; Goblet, 2006).
Since the relocation of historical buildings is a very risky and costly practice, it is necessary to the assessment of
the condition of the building is suitable for moving and to prepare a detailed report on the situation. Because
failures made before and after relocation may cause irreversible damage to the building and its surroundings,
applications that need to be done with caution (Peltola, 2008). In order to be able to choose the structure to be
moved, should be it is not suitable to be protected in its current position, it is threatened with destruction and all
conservation techniques should be questioned. In addition, the structure must remain structurally stable during
relocation (Raleigh Historic Development Commission, 2019).
The Structural mover and contractor firm should be selected as soon as possible in order to plan the relocation of
the building and to obtain the permits. Working with a structure mover that can work in coordination with public
institutions, have experience, have appropriate licenses and provide reassurance, makes risky and
multidirectional transport more applicable. Besides, the fact that the structure mover is equipped both in the
vehicle and the employee is considered as an important factor. When selecting the structure mover, the quality of
the work and the experience must come before the price factor. In addition, the contract with the structure mover,
the responsibilities of the company and the owner, insurance coverage, sanctions due to setbacks and delays,
additional expenses, the termination of the contract should be explained in detail, such as the headings
(Auckland Council, 2019; City of Roanoke, 2019).
Following the selection of the contractor who will perform the relocation, the internal and external condition of
the structure must be assessment. It is very important to give the answer to the question "Is the structure
sufficiently qualified to withstand the transport stages structurally?" at the decision-making stage. Structure
mover, restorer architect, civil engineer, conservation project consultant or architect should identify existing or
potential damage to the structure. First conservation analyzes should be done in this direction. Since the
relocation includes risky practices, the documentation of the structure to be carried out in detail is necessary for
the sustainability of the conservation. It also documentation, the assessment of condition, and registration shed
light on the steps to be followed. In order for the structure to be an assessment of condition in a planned manner,
Paravalos (2000) recommends the following substances:
1. Photographic documents. It is important to follow planning when documenting the photograph. This kind of
planning includes symbols and texts describing where the photograph was taken from which part of the structure
and why. In addition, tools such as leveling rod can be used during photographing. When photographing the
building, attention should be paid to the fact that the interior details, all facades of the building in the exterior,
the relations with other structures, the urban reinforcements, the landscape and the chimneys in the surrounding
2. Notes. All kinds of notes describing the drawings and photographs and explaining the structure are necessary
for recording the structure. The remaining points can be closed to a great extent with before and after the
relocation process notes taken, drawings, photographs.
3. Dimensional drawings. The scale drawing of the building is the most important stage of the documentation
phase. A complete drawing team should include the site plan, floor plans, sections, views and details describing
the structure. Optionally, 3-D drawings are also included in the drawing set, which helps to understand the
structure more clearly.
1.1.1. Choosing a Method for Relocation
In order to transport the historical structure successfully, a suitable transportation method should be determined.
The distance, the structure, weight, material, dimension affects moving and lifting methods of the relocation.
Curtis (1979) and Paravalos (2006) list the three methods used to moving historical buildings as follows.
Relocate in One Piece: Relocate of historical buildings as in one piece is usually a desired situation. This method
can cause the least damage in relocation methods. However, prior to this method, restoration applications
including consolidation and strengthening are needed. Although it is a costly method in some cases, the fact that
the construction system is not suitable for relocation with disassembly makes it attractive (Zhang, Li, & Liu,
Total Disassembly: With the total dismantling, the systematic cataloging of the building elements and
components is carried out in the relocation of the structure. Numbered disassembled structure is stacked in
accordance with a planned layout. The dismantled parts are move to the new area and reassembled according to
the planning in the dismantling. This application is not preferred in large-scale structures. In this application,
structural elements that have been damaged over time can be damaged during disassembling. The structural
elements that are broken or lost during the disassembly are replaced by new elements with suitable properties.
Disassembling can damage the original texture of the structure. The structure may lose its original texture when
it is completely disassembling. In addition, complete disassembly can result in excessive labor and cost
(Crowther, 1999; Curtis, 1979). Before complete disassembly and assembly, plans must be made. During the
disassembling process, a specific system should be used. In marking applications, methods which are resistant
but do not harm the structure should be preferred. Documentation and recording of the building must be done
carefully. Simulations and 3 dimensions drawings can be used for the disassembly and assembly of the structure.
It is very important that the personnel in charge of disassembling and assembling the structure are experienced
and conscious (Paravalos, 2006; An, 2018).
Partial Disassembly: In the relocation of historical buildings, due to the dimensions, weight or current condition
of the structure, partial disassembly is applied when there is no in one piece relocation possibility. This
application uses the positive aspects of in one piece relocation and total disassembly. The structure is divided
into large sections. This method enables the structures that cannot be moved to the new area as a one-piece, can
be moving into pieces without damaging the texture. Thanks to this application, labor cost can be reduced in
total disassembling. Instead, cranes can be used to lift large parts. In this method, the sections to be divided into
parts should be planned before moving. Each piece moved must be carefully combined in the new area
(Crowther, 1999; Zhang, Li, & Liu, 2010).
In case of a short distance to be moved to the structure, it is selected in one piece relocation, and when it is long,
it is selected as in one piece or disassembled relocation. The dimensions of the building, the transport route, the
obstacles, the current state of the structure, depending on the distance, are selected as in one piece or
disassembled relocation. In some cases, the construction system is not suitable for disassembled relocation.
While frame structures are able to carry disassembled relocation, in one piece relocation is preferred in masonry
structures. The mass of the structure affects the lifting and conveying method. The building material may have a
structural character that may prevent the structure to be moved in one piece. In addition, the current condition of
the structure, damage to the structure can cause the structure to be moved disassembled relocation. There are
factors such as time and cost affecting the relocation of the structure. In the case of structures that need to be
conserved immediately in limited time, practical and fast solutions should be applied in the relocation method.
The budget affects the preferred transport method, the tools and tools used (Peltola, 2008).
While historical buildings are relocated on land in short distances, they can be moved on rails, on dolly trucks or
by crane. In long distance relocations, railways and dolly trucks are preferred (Paravalos, 2006; An, 2018). The
waterway can also be used for long distance relocation of structures. The structure can be relocated as
disassembled and in one piece when it is moved on water. In transporting the buildings on water, non-decked
boats called barges can be used. Because it is an expensive application, it is not preferred (Peltola, 2008). When
relocating historic buildings by air, disassembled and in one piece relocation is preferred. However, this
application is not preferred because it is expensive and includes limited structures. Small, lightweight building
materials are preferred (Curtis, 1979).
Historical buildings are gaining meaning together with their environment. When the structure is moved, both the
environment and the structure itself may lose some of the inheritance. Therefore, the selection of a new area for
the structure to be moved is very important. The building must be placed in an area of structure layout, which
has similar characteristics to its historical texture. For the selection of the new area, experts should be consulted
(Heritage Council of Victoria [HCV], 2019; Gregory, 2008). According to the data collected in the original field
(size of the building, location, height, the relationship with the environment, landscape, climate conditions, etc.)
appropriate arrangements should be made in the new field. The climatic and topographical data of the newly
selected area should be similar to the original area in order to avoid physical damage (Paravalos, 2006). Subsoil
exploration of the area where the building is to be placed is required to prevent future structural damages. In
addition, the new area is expected to have a similar space perception, landscape and historical texture with the
original area. The positioning of the building to be placed in the new area according to the current structures
should be similar to the original area. In the new area where the building is moved, appropriate arrangements
should be made in order to restore the historical and cultural texture and landscape layout (City of Stone
Mountain, 2019; Heritage New Zealand, 2019).
After the analysis and documentation of the structure to be moved, it is necessary to determine a transport route
that is suitable for the selected transport method and the new area. When determining the relocation route, it is
necessary to choose the route which is the most suitable for the method of relocation, which leads to the selected
area, causing the least damage to the structure. The first route selected for relocation may change due to physical
and topographical barriers. Although there are different alternative ways to move while building, each road
In land, iron, water and air transportation applications, arrangements should be made for obstacles such as trees,
electrical cables and viaducts on the route, and permits should be obtained from public and private institutions.
In all relocation techniques, it is expected that vehicles suitable for the size and weight of the structure will be
preferred. When relocating the building, weather conditions should be followed, and arrangements should be
made according to the situation. The road and bridge widths on the route must be suitable for the structure to be
moved and must be strong enough to support the weight of the structure and the carrier. When transporting
structures, attention should be paid to the widths on which the vehicles can maneuver in appropriate spaces on
the roads used. The slopes of the roads to be used on the route are expected to be suitable for the weight of the
vehicle and the structure. Vehicle traffic on the move route should be considered. In addition, when moving by
way of water, tide timing, the natural cycle of sea creatures should be followed and necessary arrangements
should be made (Garavaglia Architecture, 2019; Peltola, 2008; Paravalos, 2006).
Obtaining permits to move the structure means informing all parties involved in the project. The permission
phase, which is in the first place before the structure is moved, prevents your project from getting unnecessary
obstacles. The permit phase generally lasts longer than the relocation itself. Before the relocation, permits from
public institutions and organizations and private institutions should be obtained such as the documentation of the
structure, the approval of the relocation method to be used in the moving of the building, the approval of the
conformity of the newly chosen area with the historical structure, the placement of the historical structure in the
new place, the interruption and connection of the installation, the approval of the relocation plan, the
arrangement of the relocation route in accordance with the relocation method. In order for the public welfare not
to interfere and the time and cost of the relocation process to be increased, obtaining the permits allows the
project to progress healthy (Curtis, 1979; Peltola, 2008).
Before the building is moved, the arrangements which are usually not in the contracts with the structure mover
must be made by the structure owner. If the required fees are met, the structural mover can make the
arrangements expected from the owner. It is expected that the components and equipment which prevent the
relocation of the structure such as a furnace, tank, etc. will be changed, dismantling, cutting the existing network
infrastructure of the structure from the building owner. It is also expected that the structure owner will pack his /
her personal belongings and make alternative living arrangements for the structure to be carried (City of
Roanoke, 2019; Paravalos, 2006).
1.2. Process of Relocation
In the process of relocating historical buildings, there are stages of carrying out the test relocation for the
structure, preparing for lifting and moving the structure, lifting and moving the structure and setting the
The moving of historical buildings includes risky practices. Therefore, before moving the building, practice the
test relocation will benefit the security of the structure. In the test relocation, the structure with similar
dimensions and weight is moved by the determined method. Although this practice increases the cost of
relocation, it allows for early resolution of potential problems (DSI, 2019).
The first process for the preparation of the historical buildings for lifting and moving is the condition assessment
of the structure. After the documentation and condition assessment of the structure, the vehicle and tools to be
used in accordance with the lifting and relocation method chosen should be arranged and the land prepared. The
necessary excavation works should be done in order for the structure to be cut off from the foundation and the
vehicles to approach the structure. In order for the excavation work to be carried out rapidly, annex structures
and landscaping elements such as water tanks, furnaces, and trees should be removed. During the excavation
works, damage to the building must be repaired. At this stage, it is sufficient to make enough repairs to move the
structure without being damaged, rather than a detailed repair work (Paravalos, 2006). Before the structure is cut
off from the foundation, the required structural elements must be removed or stabilized. The parts of the building
that should not be damaged should be fixed with wooden elements or wrapped with linoleum. There are different
ways to stabilize the bearing or non bearing walls walls in the structure. Wooden planks, steel cables or FRP
bands are wrapped around the walls to prevent crushing of the structural element (Garavaglia Architecture, 2019;
An, 2018; Curtis, 1979; Zhang, Li, & Liu, 2010).
Before the structure is removed, it is necessary to excavate the around the foundation to accommodate the beams
and cribbings. The axle spacing for the needle beams is determined according to the size and weight of the
structure. After the foundation is evacuated, openings are formed in the foundation wall with the determined axle
intervals. Workers and machines passing through these openings open tunnels under the foundation in the
direction of openness. In this way, while the workers reach the basement floor, they open the area where the
needle beams will be placed with the help of the tools by breakingly. The cribbing is stacked at a height that can
be temporarily supported for the beams to be passed under the foundation. These cribbings also form a platform
for hydraulic jacks to be used for lifting the structure. Then the needle beams are placed along the length of the
structure from the openings in the foundation. In the next process, I-shaped lifting beams are placed which can
carry large loads under the needle beams. For this stage, there must be sufficient space for the lifting beams
under the needle beams. The lifting beams convey the building load from the needle beams to the cribbing. In
addition, the lifting beams behave like a frame that is attached to the dollies during moving and which carries the
structure. The spacing and dimensions of these lifting beams are based on according to factors such as the
dimensions of the structure, the strength of the needle beams and so on. All the beams placed in the structure
must be capable of dealing with the obstacles encountered along the relocation route (FEMA, 2009; Goblet,
2006). In the next step, hydraulic jacks are pressurized, and the structure is raised and break away from the
foundation. In the next operation, the rollers are placed under the lifting beams, the lower of which is discharged.
In order to complete this process, several attempts have to be made. Thereafter the roll beams are placed on the
cribbing. The working principle of these roll beams is similar to that rails of railways. The structure is then
lowered until it reaches the roll beams. In the next step, the structure is shifted on the rollers to the desired
position. The procedures for short distance relocation are terminated at this stage. The next steps should be
followed if the structure is to be moved long distance. After the structure is shifted, the dolly connected to each
other is placed under the structure. The truck is then connected to the dolly, which will draw the structure and
support system. Finally, the structure is relocated according to the plans made by making the necessary
arrangements on the designated route (Zhang, Li, & Liu, 2010; Peltola, 2008; Paravalos, 2006).
Before the construction of the building in the new area, excavation and cleaning works should be carried out in
order to start the basic construction and to maneuver the vehicles in the area. In addition, there are a number of
procedures to be done in the area. In order to build the new foundation, construction permits and installation
connections must be made. In condition new foundation is built before the building reaches the site, some
sections are temporarily left empty for the placement of the support beams. The settlement of the structure in its
new position acts as the inverse of the removal process.
When constructing the new foundation, attention should be paid to the subsoil exploration, the size and weight of
the building. Failure to take appropriate measures against poor soil conditions can lead to serious damage to the
building. Apart from the ground properties, the seasonal conditions of the time when the structure is placed
affect the settlement of the structure on the ground. Damage to the structure may occur due to the structure of the
building placement in winter conditions. In addition, the new foundation must be well designed for
waterproofing. Reductions in the strength of the basic elements exposed to moist air occur. This situation affects
the whole structure.
In the settlement of the structure in the area, firstly, the cribbings are placed under the lifting beams together with
the jacks. The cribbings and jacks are placed in order to allow the dollies to come out of the structure. In the next
step, the structure is shifted until it rests on the new foundations. Then the support beams in the structure are
removed and the openings areas on the structure are closed (Garavaglia Architecture, 2019; Curtis, 1979).
1.3. Post Process of Relocation
In condition the historical structure is moved to a new area with original historical texture, care should be taken
not to damage the existing area. The space perception, street texture, and landscape of the new area should not be
crushed under the influence of the carried structure. Relocation should not contradict the idea of protection as a
result of the deterioration of another original area. In addition to this, a function must be given to the structure
moved accordance with the function distributions of the structures in the new area. As a result of improper
function or abandonment of the moving structure, the relocation should be meaningless. For this reason, it is
necessary to make all necessary arrangements for the integration of the relocated structure with the new site
(Heritage Council of Victoria [HCV], 2019; Peltola, 2008).
If the original area will maintain its current state after the structure has been moved, there are some steps to be
taken in the field. The pits opened as a result of the excavation and installation works carried out during the
transportation phase of the building should be closed. Water and sewer lines should be properly arranged. The
old foundation of the building should be cleaned from the land. The required areas should be filled (City of
Roanoke, 2019; Paravalos, 2006). In addition, arrangements should be made for the area to prevent gaps in the
existing historical texture of the evacuation area. Although the historical structure has been moved from its
original area, the evacuated area accommodates the structure-related contexts.
2. Relocation Sample Analysis and Results
Within the context of the study, 5 samples were selected from Turkey and 10 samples were selected from
overseas. The samples selected from abroad were taken from different countries. The effects of structural
properties on moving-lifting methods and techniques were analyzed comparatively in the relocation applications
over the selected samples. Thanks to analysis and literature studies, a relocation guide proposal was created. This
guideline consists of pre-relocation, relocation, and post-relocation process sections. The headings that should be
done in each section are explained in detail.
2.1. Domestic Relocated Structure Samples
The building was built in 1929 as a frame construction in the province of Yalova. The building
material is made of wood. The two-storey building was moved in 1930 at the request of the President of the
The condition was assessment
before the construction. The structure is placed on the rails by opening up to the basic level. The structure was
moved over rails 4,8 m. The mansion continued its function in its new place and was preserved as a museum in
the following years. Landscaped in the evacuated area of the building (URL-
Zeytinlik Village Mosque: The mosque was built in 1857 in the village of Artvin Zeytinlik. It was built as a
masonry building with rubble stone.
altitude of 700 m due to Artvin Deriner Dam. The building materials were completely disassembled and rebuilt
in the new area. Highway and trucks were used for relocation. The building continues to function as a mosque in
new site. Since the evacuated area remained under the dam waters, no landscaping was carried out (Orhan and
The building was built in 1824 in Keler Village of Of district of Rize. The
framing technique
and in 1977 it moved to Hoca Village of Kalkandere district. The building was moved to its new location at a
distance of 20 m. It was lifted with the help of a crane suitable for the building weight. The building continues to
function as a mosque. The data on the old area arrangement where the building was moved could not be reached
(Sav, 2012).
It was buil
in the 19th century. The structure was made by using steel truss beam system. The bridge weighs approximately
100 tons. The building has been moved to approximately 25 km in 2014 as it is located within the reservoir area
of Kars Dam Lake. Building condition analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the
building was moved. In order to remove the structure, 2 cranes were used to suitable the weight of the structure.
The building was transported on dolly trucks as an in one piece. The structure continues to function in its new
Zeynel Bey Tomb: The building was built in the 15th century in Hasankeyf District of Batman Province. It was
built as a masonry building with rubble and dimension stone. The tomb weighs approximately 1100 tons. The
structure is located in the reservoir area of
analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. In addition,
before the building was moved, a test relocation with similar structures was moved. First of all, the structure is
broken off from the foundation with a 30 cm high lifting foundation and 28 lifting beams. The building is placed
on the SPMT (Self Propelled Moduler Transporter) with a 90 cm height lift plate and 44 hydraulic jacks. The
route has already been created and the conditions have been met. The building is used as a tomb and a museum
2.2. Overseas Relocated Structure Samples
Captain Samuel Brown's Mansion: The building was built on a hillside in Pennsylvania, USA in 1868. The
structure weighs approximately 800 tons. Due to the railway construction of the nearby, the building was moved
in 1903 to a height of 48 m and 60 m back from its current position. As the first step, the building was supported
on the slope and was prepared for lifting. To support the structure, it added 200 lifting beams with a diameter of
about 20 cm. Then 8 large wooden beams were placed under the lifting beams. While the structure was
suspended, the slope where the structure would be carried was excavated to form 4 stages. A small amount was
removed by hand jacks when the structure was moved to each terrace. In this way, the frame formed with the
wooden under the structure could be built. When the structure is raised enough to settle on each terrace, it is
pushed horizontally to the next terrace with the help of a crane. This process was repeated 4 times until the
structure was in the desired position. The structure has continued its function in the new field. The data related to
the old area arrangement where the building was moved could not be reached (Curtis, 1979; Paravalos, 2006).
Captain Cooks Cottage: The cottage was built in 1755 in England as a masonry with rubble stone. The building
was purchased by an investor in 1934 and moved from England to Australia. As a first step, the structure is
partially disassembled, and each part is numbered. Separated pieces are carefully packed and placed in barges.
The parts that reach the area to be built were reconstructed in the same construction system. The building is used
in the new area with a museum function. No data on the evacuated area arrangement has been reached (Young,
Abu Simbel Temple: The building was built in the 12th century BC by the use of sandstone in Egypt. The
structure has a weight of approximately 31,000 tons. The temple was moved in 1964 to 208 m back to 65 m
upwards because it remained in the Aswan High Dam reservoir area. The structure is first disassembled into
blocks that will cause the least damage to the structure and its weight will not exceed 20 tons. Each block was
moved to the new area with trucks. Moved blocks are stored in a suitable area and reconstruction with the
creation of new space. Cranes were used for lifting blocks. After the building was reconstructed at the new site,
it was covered with a concrete dome. The reinforced concrete dome is closed to form a hill like in the evacuated
area. The building continued to function as a museum in the new site. Since the evacuated area remained under
the dam water, no regulation was made (ICOMOS, 2019).
London Bridge: The building was built in 1830 as a masonry construction with stone materials. The bridge was
purchased by an investor in 1967 as it could not lift the load of vehicle traffic. The structure is numbered and
disassembled into pieces before moving. Then moved to the United States from the United Kingdom via ships.
The building was rebuilt in its new location. The bridge maintains an existing function. A new bridge was built
in the old area of the building according to the needs (Lake Havasu City, 2019; URL-17, 2019).
The Cudecom Building: The building was built in 1955 as a masonry structure with stone material in Columbia.
The structure has a weight of approximately 7,000 tons. As a result of the public works around the building, it
was moved in 1974 about 30 m. The in one piece relocated structure was moved on the rails. The sliding
operation is done by hydraulic jacks. The structure has continued to existing function (Restrepo, 2013).
Belle Tout Lighthouse: The lighthouse was built in 1832 in England as a masonry construction with stone
materials. The structure weighs approximately 850 tons. The building was moved about 17 m due to erosion on
the slope where it was built. The structure was moved over the rails in one piece. Building condition analyzes,
route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. The building was used as a
restaurant in the new site. Arrangements were made in the old area where the building was moved (University of
Sussex, 2019; Wright, 2013).
Shubert Theatre: Theater structure was built in 1910 in America. The building was built as masonry construction
with stone material. The structure has a weight of approximately 3,000 tons. The building was moved from its
location due to public works. Building condition analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted
before the building was moved. The building was moved in one piece. The structure was removed from the
foundation using support beams, lifting beams and hydraulic jacks. The structure was placed on the dolly trucks
and moved to 335 m. The structure continues to function at the new site (International Chimney Corporation,
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse: The building was built masonry construction with the stone in 1870 in America. The
structure has a weight of approximately 4.830 tons. The lighthouse was moved on 421 m rails due to coastal
erosion in the area. The building was placed on the rails in one piece and then moved with the help of jacks. The
structure continues to function at the new site (Cloyd, 1999; Snead, 2010).
Hamilton Grange Museum: The museum was built in 1802 with frame construction using wood materials in
America. The building has been relocated for protection. Building condition analyzes, route planning and new
field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. The building was moved in one piece. The
structure was removed from the foundation using support beams, lifting beams and hydraulic jacks. The museum
was placed on top of the trucks and moved 76 meters. The structure continues to function at the new site
(National Park Service, 2019).
Belleview Biltmore Hotel: The building was built in 1897 with frame construction using wood materials in
America. The building has been moved for protection and economic purposes. The hotel weighs approximately
1,740 tons. Before the building was moved, preliminary preparations were made. The building was moved in one
piece. The structure was removed from the foundation using support beams, lifting beams and hydraulic jacks. It
was placed on the trucks and moved to 97,5 meters. Landscaping was done in the old area of the building. The
building continues to function as a hotel in the new area (BSB Desing, 2019).
Table 1. Relocated Structure Samples (Domestic).
Sample No: 1 2 3 4 5
Village Mosque Village Mosque Bridge
Zeynel Bey
Year and
1929 / Yalova-
1857 / Artvin-
1824 / Rize-
19.yy /Kars-
15 yy. /Batman-
Year of
1930 2011 2011 2014 2017
Rubble Stone
Wood Steel
Rubble Stone
Frame Cons. Masonry Cons. Frame Cons. Truss Beam Masonry Cons.
Mass of
- 100 tons 1100 tons
Condition of
Durable Durable Durable Durable Durable
Distance of
4,80 m ~700 m 20 m 25 km 2 km
Condition Assessment
of Structure
Selecting a Structural
Relocate in
One Piece
Dolly Trailer
Crane -
Jack -
New Site/Function
The Vacated Site Edited
Under the water
of the dam
Under the water
of the dam
Under the water
of the dam
Table 2. Relocated Structure Samples (Overseas).
Sample No: 1 2 3 4 5
Samuel Captain Cooks
Abu Simbel
London Bridge
The Cudecom
Year and
1868 / USA 1755 / England
Egypt England
1955 /
Year of
1903 1934 1964 1967 1974
Brick Rubble Stone Sand Stone
Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons.
Mass of
- 31.000 tons - 7,000 tons
Condition of
Durable Durable Durable Durable Durable
Distance of
60 m back 48 m
from England to
65 m
from England to
30 m
Condition Assessment
of Structure
Selecting a Structural
Structure Owner Structure Owner
Structure Owner
Relocate in
One Piece
Dolly Trailer
Crane - -
Jack - -
New Site/Function
The Vacated Site - -
Under the water
of the dam
New Bridge -
Table 2. Cont.
Sample No: 6 7 8 9 10
Belle Tout
Cape Hatteras
Biltmore Hotel
Year and
1832 / England 1910 / USA 1870 / USA 1802 / USA 1897 / USA
Year of
1999 1999 1999 2008 2016
Wood Wood
Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Frame Cons. Frame Cons.
Mass of
850 tons 3.000 tons 4,830 tons 1.740 tons
Condition of
Durable Durable Durable Durable Durable
Distance of
17 m 335 m 421 m 76 m 97,5 m
Condition Assessment
of Structure
Selecting a Structural
Structure Owner
Relocate in
One Piece
Dolly Trailer
New Site/Function Restaurant
The Vacated Site
- -
Table 3. Relocation Guide Proposal.
Decision Making There are a few key questions to help with decision-making:
structure important enough to guarantee its architectural or
historical relocation?
and adapting to the new area?
been removed from its current location?
historical area or the character of the remaining historical structures?
landscaping) on the road or on the field?
architectural quality, size and scale of the structure consistent with the
characteristics of the area?
n proposed for the structure in the
new area?
Selecting a Structural
Mover and Contract
Structure mover
oordinated work with public institutions
have experience and appropriate licenses
rovide reassurance
equipped both in the vehicle and the employee
The contract with the structure mover, the responsibilities of the
company and the owner, insurance coverage, sanctions due to setbacks
and delays, additional expenses, the termination of the contract should
be explained in detail, such as the headings
Condition Assessment
of Structure
Experts, the internal and external condition of the structure must be
the assess, document the structure with photographic documents, notes,
and dimensional drawings, identify existing or potential damage to the
Choosing a Method
for Relocation
Appropriate transportation methods should be selected for the
distance, the structure, the material of the building, the dimensions and
weight of the building, the route and structure conditions.
1. Relocate in One Piece
2. Total Disassembly
3. Partial Disassembly
Selecting the New Site The building must be placed in an area of structure layout, which has
similar characteristics to its historical texture.
According to the data collected in the original field appropriate
arrangements should be made in the new field.
The climatic and topographical data of the newly selected area should
be similar to the original area in order to avoid physical damage.
The new area has a similar space perception, landscape and historical
texture with the original area.
The positioning of the building to be placed in the new area according
to the current structures should be similar to the original area.
Route Planning The relocation route must be suitable for the method of relocation.
The route must be leads to the selected area which causes the least
damage to the structure and environment.
Table 3. Cont.
Permitting the documentation of the structure
historical structure
ture in the new place
Replacing and removing the elements that may prevent the building.
Disconnection of mains, such as water, sewage, electricity.
Removal of equipment such as furnace, tank located around the
Removal of landscape elements around the building
Packing the personal belongings of the building owner.
The building owner to make alternative living arrangements to the
structure to be moved.
Test Relocation It is required to carry a structure with similar features to the area
selected by the methods and techniques of transport.
Preparing the
Structure for the
Lifting and Relocation
Condition ssessment of structure.
The necessary excavation works in order for the structure to be cut off
from the foundation and the vehicles to approach the structure.
Removing annex structures and landscaping elements such as water
tanks, furnaces, and trees.
Repairing the damage of the structure.
Lifting and Relocation of Structure
Setting the Structure in Site
New Site and
Structure Function
According to the data collected in the original field appropriate
arrangements should be made in the new field.
structure moved in accordance with
the function distributions of the structures in the new area.
The Vacated Site The pits opened as a result of the excavation should be closed.
of the building should be cleaned from the land.
existing historical texture of the evacuation area.
3. Conclusion
Maintenance and repair works are carried out with appropriate restoration techniques at the first stage of the
damaged historical buildings. Due to various reasons, it may be necessary to move structures which cannot be
preserved in the surrounding environment. This situation brings up the concept of relocation. Moving the
historical building from one place to another is a multi-stage, expensive, coordination, experience and attention-
requiring application. For this reason, relocation applications need to be carefully planned to be placed in the
new area of the building from the decision stage and even until later. It is necessary to take decisions as to why
the structure should be moved as the first step before the relocation. Then, the condition of the building must be
assessed and documented. In the next steps, the structure, the existing area, the new area, the route should be
prepared by the movers and the building owner. Relocation of the building must be applied by the structural
mover. Every process that requires attention, experience and effort should be applied with precision. Before the
structure is placed in the new area, new regulations should be made. Finally, the structure should be settlements
in place by applying the reverse operation. In addition to the transportation of the building, the evacuated area
and new area-related arrangements should be made. The new area should be arranged in a similar way to the
original texture of the structure and must be given the appropriate function.
Although relocation is a multi-stage and complicated road, it is implemented from the last quarter of the 18th
century. Nowadays, it is increasing relocation applications of historical buildings with the developing
technology. Relocation can be applied as a last resort to protect the structure from extinction. In the scope of this
study, a relocation guide proposal was prepared with the examples and literature surveys in order to follow the
correct steps in the relocation applications. At the end of the research; it is aimed to make common and correct
decisions in relocation applications, to contribute to future studies and to partially overcome the lack of literature
on the relocation of historical buildings.
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  • 1. A GUIDE PROPOSAL FOR RELOCATION PRACTICES IN CONSERVATION OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 1 , Murat Tutkun 1 1 Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, 61080, Trabzon, TURKEY. Abstract Historical structures and their environments that define cultural identity play a major role in the formation of collective memory. These places, which are mirrors of social, economic and cultural life, are defined as the areas where common values are shared. In order to ensure cultural sustainability, historical buildings and their surroundings are protected, maintained and repaired with the least amount of intervention. However, as a result of some natural and artificial threats, the structures cannot be preserved in their original places. This situation brings relocation applications together in historical buildings. In architectural conservation, relocation is defined as a restoration technique that requires precise and rigorous planning. Because of the high risk, serious labor and professional competence, relocation is a preferred technique by conservationists only in mandatory cases. Today, although there are increases in domestic protective relocation application, there are deficiencies in the implementation. This situation leads to irreversible damage to the structures and their environments that are intended to be protected. It is considered that preparing a guide for the decisions to be taken and the practices in the relocation of historical buildings will help to solve the problems in future relocation applications. Within the scope of the study, the decision-making, preparation, implementation and post-implementation process will be evaluated. The main criteria for selecting the structure to be moved, the pre-preparations before the structure is moved, the techniques to be selected for the lifting and transport of the structure, the factors that play a role in the selection of these techniques, the negative situations that may arise as a result of the relocation of the historical structure, will be examined comparatively over the selected examples. As a result of the analyzes and examination, it is aimed to create an offer relocation application guide with common inferences in the study in order to make more accurate decisions about the relocation of historical buildings. At the end of the research; it is aimed to make common and correct decisions in relocation applications, to contribute to future studies and to partially overcome the lack of literature on the relocation of historical buildings. Keywords: Relocation; moving; architectural conservation; restoration; restoration techniques 1. Introduction Historical buildings are thought with their environment rather than individual assets. The built environment, which connects and shapes the building to its location, is an important factor in conservation practices. While the buildings of historical buildings contain structures, they help the buildings to gain a place in cultural memory. The structure is living as a natural component of the environment, rather than a special component. Historical buildings, which are called historical and cultural values, are born and grew up with their environment. The structure is influenced by many physical, economic, social and cultural factors of the period in which the building was built. Therefore, the structure is designed in the light of these values (Kuban, 2003). As a result of changing times and circumstances, the interaction of historical buildings with their environment is changing. The environment in which the building is located has a direct impact on the structure whether it is abandoned or not. The unfavorable conditions around the building cause damage to the structure and the
  • 2. environment. For this reason, environmental conservation should be taken into consideration in conservation decisions and practice (Heritage New Zealand, 2019). Today, historical structures are intended to be protected with their surroundings, which define their cultural identity. However, special and unfavorable conditions caused by changing time may prevent the structure from being conserved in place (General Directorate of Foundations, 2017). As a result of negative factors such as natural disasters, geological conditions, public works activities (road, dam, subway construction, etc.) and social requirements (psychological, economic), it may be possible to protect the historical structure from the environment to a more suitable place (Zakar, 2013). The relocation of a historic building is the only way to save the structure from extinction in some cases. However, they have an environmental connection with their historical buildings, gardens, streets, fences and landscapes. This context is created by the integration of the structure with the environment historically. Moving the historical structure to another place has both the possibility of damaging the structure and the possibility of changing the context of the structure with its surroundings (Goblet, 2006; Zakar, 2013). In order to avoid damage to the environmental context and the original texture that make the historical structure exist, the relocation should be chosen as a last remedy. All other techniques must be researched to conserve the structure before the relocation decision is taken. (City of Stone Mountain, 2019). The relocation of historical buildings should be carried out in a planned manner with interdisciplinary coordinated work. (Curtis, 1979; Goblet, 2006; Zakar, 2013). Although historical buildings are risky and require professional competence, they have applications in history. Despite the fact that the logic and concept of transport does not change, the tools and methods used in practice are shaped according to the age. In the last quarter of the 18th century, William Birch and his son engraved (Fig. 1) show that a team of horses carried a small wooden structure with Walnut Street Prison in the background. In this engraving, Paravalos (2006) draws attention to the wooden cross supports, which prevent the slippage and dispersion of the structure, and the wooden wheels that are probably placed in a wooden frame. Figure 1. The engraving of the house carried by horses in Philadelphia Walnut Street in the United States in 1799. Willam Birch and his son, (URL-1). In the first quarter of the 19th century, David Stevenson, a civil engineer from Scotland, explained the relocation of a four-story, brick house in sketches (Fig. 2) from his book published in London in 1838. Stevenson details the transport of the structure, which is placed on a wooden frame and supported by wooden beams, by sliding over the oiled wooden beams (Curtis, 1979; Goblet, 2006).
  • 3. Figure 2. When the brick house in New York 130 Chatham was moved, Published by David Stevenson, Sketch of the Civil Engineering of North America 1838, London (URL-2, 2019). The technology developed with the Industrial Revolution has begun to pave the way for the relocation of larger buildings. The relocation methods developed with industry and technology have enabled the development of tools and materials used. Built in Boston in the middle of the 19th century, Hotel Pelham (Fig. 3a) has been moved to 450 m west in 1869 due to the extension of Tremont Street. Rolls were added to the masonry structure of approximately 5,000 tons and pushed on the rail rails. In the period, it is referred to as the largest stacking structure. In this project, besides the transportation of a large masonry structure with modern materials, it is noteworthy that the inhabitants of the apartment were in the structure and the installation was used during the 3- month transportation process. (Paravalos, 2006). a) b) Figure 3. a) When Hotel Pelham moving, Boston, USA, 1869 (URL-3, 2019). b) When Courthouse moving, Box Butte County, Nebraska, USA, 1889 (URL-4, 2019). By the last quarter of the 19th century, the Courthouse building (Fig. 3b) in Nebraska, which has 95 square meters of floor space and 95 tonnes weight, has placed in train wagons and moved 14,5 km. The structure has placed between the four large coal wagons mounted on nine pairs of rail freight cars and installed as balance elements (Goblet, 2006).
  • 4. Figure 4. When Captain Samuel Brown Mansion moving, Pennsylvania, USA, 1903 (URL-5, 2019; URL-6, 2019). Structures have been moved vertically as well as horizontally. An example of this is the mansion of Samuel Brown, which was built on a hillside in Pennsylvania in 1868. It has been moved in 1903 due to the construction of the nearby railway. The building, which has a weight of approximately 180 tons, has been moved to a height of 48 m above 60 m from its current location (Curtis, 1979). With the development of technology and conservation awareness, relocation practices of buildings of different scales has been encountered in different countries. In 1919, approximately one-third of the town of Hibbing in the United States was moved due to underground deposits. In 1970, the structure of Lucy, which was built in Margate in the United States of America, was moved by using hydraulic jacks, cribbing and transporting means. (Curtis, 1979; Paravalos, 2006). Located in Spain The Bernard de Clairvaux Monastery was moved to the United States in 1925 by sea and land. The cottage, owned by James Cook, moved from England in 1933 to Australia. The temple of Abu Simbel which was built in Egypt was moved to a higher place in 1964 by partial dismantling so as not to remain under the dam water. In 1965, the Dendur Temple in Egypt was partially disassembled due to the construction of the dam and was moved to the United States by sea and land. In 1968, London Bridge due to the dysfunctional was sold and moved to the United States. In the same year, a building in the Connecticut United States of America was moved with a helicopter. In 1974, the Cudecom Building in Colombia was relocated for public works. Belle Tout Lighthouse, located on a hillside in Eastbourne in England, moved to a safe area in 1999 due to geological activities (URL-7, 2019; URL-8, 2019; URL-9, 2019; ICOMOS, 2019). Applications related to the relocation of structure in Turkey is proceeding in parallel with the samples overseas. In our country, the oldest known application in relation to the relocation of buildings is the move of the mansion in Yalova province. The mansion for the preservation of the landscape texture was carried in 1930 at the request The structure was excavated up to the foundation level and moved on rails to approximately 4.8 m (URL- In 1977, the Sahil Mosque in Rize- Of Keler Village was moved to the village of Hoca in the town of Kalkandere. The building was moved to its new area in 2011, approximately 20 meters away, due to the wrong choice of the previous location. The structure has been moved by lifting the crane in one piece without being dismantled (Sav, 2012). In 2017, the Zeynel Bey Tomb belonging to the Akkoyunlu Period in the Hasankeyf district of Batman was moved due to the The Artuklu Bathhouse, which was transported in 2018, is located in the same area as the Zeynel Bey Tomb. The bath has also been moved as a tomb (URL-11, 2019). 1.1. Pre-Process of Relocation There are some important preparations that need to be done before a historical building is moved. These preliminary preparations are listed as decision making, selecting a structural mover, condition assessment of structure, choosing a method for relocation, selecting a new site, route planning, permitting, structure-owner responsibilities (Curtis, 1979).
  • 5. The historical buildings are meaningful with the context they establish with their historical environment. The buildings are not only in their singular physical assets but also located in the memory with the landscape, environmental planning, streets, atmosphere that feeds it (Orbasi, 2008; Ahunbay, 2016). The historical building influences the environment with its values as much as it is affected by the environment. Although relocation practices are carried out for protection purposes, they can damage values on a structural and environmental scale. When all remedies are exhausted for conserving a historic structure, the relocation of the structure is considered to be the most appropriate method of protection (Zakar, 2013). The structures were moved in the early periods due to pragmatic and economic reasons. The relocation of an existing structure was found to be easier, faster and more economical than the new structure with limited facilities. In the following periods, relocation has turned into the relocation for the conservation of historical buildings with the change of the idea of conservation. In the early stages, while the historical structures were moved within the borders of the country in a national conservation effort, after the emergence of the concept of world cultural heritage, relocation practices between countries became widespread (Curtis, 1979; Goblet, 2006). Since the relocation of historical buildings is a very risky and costly practice, it is necessary to the assessment of the condition of the building is suitable for moving and to prepare a detailed report on the situation. Because failures made before and after relocation may cause irreversible damage to the building and its surroundings, applications that need to be done with caution (Peltola, 2008). In order to be able to choose the structure to be moved, should be it is not suitable to be protected in its current position, it is threatened with destruction and all conservation techniques should be questioned. In addition, the structure must remain structurally stable during relocation (Raleigh Historic Development Commission, 2019). The Structural mover and contractor firm should be selected as soon as possible in order to plan the relocation of the building and to obtain the permits. Working with a structure mover that can work in coordination with public institutions, have experience, have appropriate licenses and provide reassurance, makes risky and multidirectional transport more applicable. Besides, the fact that the structure mover is equipped both in the vehicle and the employee is considered as an important factor. When selecting the structure mover, the quality of the work and the experience must come before the price factor. In addition, the contract with the structure mover, the responsibilities of the company and the owner, insurance coverage, sanctions due to setbacks and delays, additional expenses, the termination of the contract should be explained in detail, such as the headings (Auckland Council, 2019; City of Roanoke, 2019). Following the selection of the contractor who will perform the relocation, the internal and external condition of the structure must be assessment. It is very important to give the answer to the question "Is the structure sufficiently qualified to withstand the transport stages structurally?" at the decision-making stage. Structure mover, restorer architect, civil engineer, conservation project consultant or architect should identify existing or potential damage to the structure. First conservation analyzes should be done in this direction. Since the relocation includes risky practices, the documentation of the structure to be carried out in detail is necessary for the sustainability of the conservation. It also documentation, the assessment of condition, and registration shed light on the steps to be followed. In order for the structure to be an assessment of condition in a planned manner, Paravalos (2000) recommends the following substances: 1. Photographic documents. It is important to follow planning when documenting the photograph. This kind of planning includes symbols and texts describing where the photograph was taken from which part of the structure and why. In addition, tools such as leveling rod can be used during photographing. When photographing the building, attention should be paid to the fact that the interior details, all facades of the building in the exterior, the relations with other structures, the urban reinforcements, the landscape and the chimneys in the surrounding area. 2. Notes. All kinds of notes describing the drawings and photographs and explaining the structure are necessary for recording the structure. The remaining points can be closed to a great extent with before and after the relocation process notes taken, drawings, photographs. 3. Dimensional drawings. The scale drawing of the building is the most important stage of the documentation phase. A complete drawing team should include the site plan, floor plans, sections, views and details describing the structure. Optionally, 3-D drawings are also included in the drawing set, which helps to understand the structure more clearly.
  • 6. 1.1.1. Choosing a Method for Relocation In order to transport the historical structure successfully, a suitable transportation method should be determined. The distance, the structure, weight, material, dimension affects moving and lifting methods of the relocation. Curtis (1979) and Paravalos (2006) list the three methods used to moving historical buildings as follows. Relocate in One Piece: Relocate of historical buildings as in one piece is usually a desired situation. This method can cause the least damage in relocation methods. However, prior to this method, restoration applications including consolidation and strengthening are needed. Although it is a costly method in some cases, the fact that the construction system is not suitable for relocation with disassembly makes it attractive (Zhang, Li, & Liu, Total Disassembly: With the total dismantling, the systematic cataloging of the building elements and components is carried out in the relocation of the structure. Numbered disassembled structure is stacked in accordance with a planned layout. The dismantled parts are move to the new area and reassembled according to the planning in the dismantling. This application is not preferred in large-scale structures. In this application, structural elements that have been damaged over time can be damaged during disassembling. The structural elements that are broken or lost during the disassembly are replaced by new elements with suitable properties. Disassembling can damage the original texture of the structure. The structure may lose its original texture when it is completely disassembling. In addition, complete disassembly can result in excessive labor and cost (Crowther, 1999; Curtis, 1979). Before complete disassembly and assembly, plans must be made. During the disassembling process, a specific system should be used. In marking applications, methods which are resistant but do not harm the structure should be preferred. Documentation and recording of the building must be done carefully. Simulations and 3 dimensions drawings can be used for the disassembly and assembly of the structure. It is very important that the personnel in charge of disassembling and assembling the structure are experienced and conscious (Paravalos, 2006; An, 2018). Partial Disassembly: In the relocation of historical buildings, due to the dimensions, weight or current condition of the structure, partial disassembly is applied when there is no in one piece relocation possibility. This application uses the positive aspects of in one piece relocation and total disassembly. The structure is divided into large sections. This method enables the structures that cannot be moved to the new area as a one-piece, can be moving into pieces without damaging the texture. Thanks to this application, labor cost can be reduced in total disassembling. Instead, cranes can be used to lift large parts. In this method, the sections to be divided into parts should be planned before moving. Each piece moved must be carefully combined in the new area (Crowther, 1999; Zhang, Li, & Liu, 2010). In case of a short distance to be moved to the structure, it is selected in one piece relocation, and when it is long, it is selected as in one piece or disassembled relocation. The dimensions of the building, the transport route, the obstacles, the current state of the structure, depending on the distance, are selected as in one piece or disassembled relocation. In some cases, the construction system is not suitable for disassembled relocation. While frame structures are able to carry disassembled relocation, in one piece relocation is preferred in masonry structures. The mass of the structure affects the lifting and conveying method. The building material may have a structural character that may prevent the structure to be moved in one piece. In addition, the current condition of the structure, damage to the structure can cause the structure to be moved disassembled relocation. There are factors such as time and cost affecting the relocation of the structure. In the case of structures that need to be conserved immediately in limited time, practical and fast solutions should be applied in the relocation method. The budget affects the preferred transport method, the tools and tools used (Peltola, 2008). While historical buildings are relocated on land in short distances, they can be moved on rails, on dolly trucks or by crane. In long distance relocations, railways and dolly trucks are preferred (Paravalos, 2006; An, 2018). The waterway can also be used for long distance relocation of structures. The structure can be relocated as disassembled and in one piece when it is moved on water. In transporting the buildings on water, non-decked boats called barges can be used. Because it is an expensive application, it is not preferred (Peltola, 2008). When relocating historic buildings by air, disassembled and in one piece relocation is preferred. However, this application is not preferred because it is expensive and includes limited structures. Small, lightweight building materials are preferred (Curtis, 1979). Historical buildings are gaining meaning together with their environment. When the structure is moved, both the environment and the structure itself may lose some of the inheritance. Therefore, the selection of a new area for the structure to be moved is very important. The building must be placed in an area of structure layout, which has similar characteristics to its historical texture. For the selection of the new area, experts should be consulted
  • 7. (Heritage Council of Victoria [HCV], 2019; Gregory, 2008). According to the data collected in the original field (size of the building, location, height, the relationship with the environment, landscape, climate conditions, etc.) appropriate arrangements should be made in the new field. The climatic and topographical data of the newly selected area should be similar to the original area in order to avoid physical damage (Paravalos, 2006). Subsoil exploration of the area where the building is to be placed is required to prevent future structural damages. In addition, the new area is expected to have a similar space perception, landscape and historical texture with the original area. The positioning of the building to be placed in the new area according to the current structures should be similar to the original area. In the new area where the building is moved, appropriate arrangements should be made in order to restore the historical and cultural texture and landscape layout (City of Stone Mountain, 2019; Heritage New Zealand, 2019). After the analysis and documentation of the structure to be moved, it is necessary to determine a transport route that is suitable for the selected transport method and the new area. When determining the relocation route, it is necessary to choose the route which is the most suitable for the method of relocation, which leads to the selected area, causing the least damage to the structure. The first route selected for relocation may change due to physical and topographical barriers. Although there are different alternative ways to move while building, each road In land, iron, water and air transportation applications, arrangements should be made for obstacles such as trees, electrical cables and viaducts on the route, and permits should be obtained from public and private institutions. In all relocation techniques, it is expected that vehicles suitable for the size and weight of the structure will be preferred. When relocating the building, weather conditions should be followed, and arrangements should be made according to the situation. The road and bridge widths on the route must be suitable for the structure to be moved and must be strong enough to support the weight of the structure and the carrier. When transporting structures, attention should be paid to the widths on which the vehicles can maneuver in appropriate spaces on the roads used. The slopes of the roads to be used on the route are expected to be suitable for the weight of the vehicle and the structure. Vehicle traffic on the move route should be considered. In addition, when moving by way of water, tide timing, the natural cycle of sea creatures should be followed and necessary arrangements should be made (Garavaglia Architecture, 2019; Peltola, 2008; Paravalos, 2006). Obtaining permits to move the structure means informing all parties involved in the project. The permission phase, which is in the first place before the structure is moved, prevents your project from getting unnecessary obstacles. The permit phase generally lasts longer than the relocation itself. Before the relocation, permits from public institutions and organizations and private institutions should be obtained such as the documentation of the structure, the approval of the relocation method to be used in the moving of the building, the approval of the conformity of the newly chosen area with the historical structure, the placement of the historical structure in the new place, the interruption and connection of the installation, the approval of the relocation plan, the arrangement of the relocation route in accordance with the relocation method. In order for the public welfare not to interfere and the time and cost of the relocation process to be increased, obtaining the permits allows the project to progress healthy (Curtis, 1979; Peltola, 2008). Before the building is moved, the arrangements which are usually not in the contracts with the structure mover must be made by the structure owner. If the required fees are met, the structural mover can make the arrangements expected from the owner. It is expected that the components and equipment which prevent the relocation of the structure such as a furnace, tank, etc. will be changed, dismantling, cutting the existing network infrastructure of the structure from the building owner. It is also expected that the structure owner will pack his / her personal belongings and make alternative living arrangements for the structure to be carried (City of Roanoke, 2019; Paravalos, 2006). 1.2. Process of Relocation In the process of relocating historical buildings, there are stages of carrying out the test relocation for the structure, preparing for lifting and moving the structure, lifting and moving the structure and setting the structure. The moving of historical buildings includes risky practices. Therefore, before moving the building, practice the test relocation will benefit the security of the structure. In the test relocation, the structure with similar dimensions and weight is moved by the determined method. Although this practice increases the cost of relocation, it allows for early resolution of potential problems (DSI, 2019).
  • 8. The first process for the preparation of the historical buildings for lifting and moving is the condition assessment of the structure. After the documentation and condition assessment of the structure, the vehicle and tools to be used in accordance with the lifting and relocation method chosen should be arranged and the land prepared. The necessary excavation works should be done in order for the structure to be cut off from the foundation and the vehicles to approach the structure. In order for the excavation work to be carried out rapidly, annex structures and landscaping elements such as water tanks, furnaces, and trees should be removed. During the excavation works, damage to the building must be repaired. At this stage, it is sufficient to make enough repairs to move the structure without being damaged, rather than a detailed repair work (Paravalos, 2006). Before the structure is cut off from the foundation, the required structural elements must be removed or stabilized. The parts of the building that should not be damaged should be fixed with wooden elements or wrapped with linoleum. There are different ways to stabilize the bearing or non bearing walls walls in the structure. Wooden planks, steel cables or FRP bands are wrapped around the walls to prevent crushing of the structural element (Garavaglia Architecture, 2019; An, 2018; Curtis, 1979; Zhang, Li, & Liu, 2010). Before the structure is removed, it is necessary to excavate the around the foundation to accommodate the beams and cribbings. The axle spacing for the needle beams is determined according to the size and weight of the structure. After the foundation is evacuated, openings are formed in the foundation wall with the determined axle intervals. Workers and machines passing through these openings open tunnels under the foundation in the direction of openness. In this way, while the workers reach the basement floor, they open the area where the needle beams will be placed with the help of the tools by breakingly. The cribbing is stacked at a height that can be temporarily supported for the beams to be passed under the foundation. These cribbings also form a platform for hydraulic jacks to be used for lifting the structure. Then the needle beams are placed along the length of the structure from the openings in the foundation. In the next process, I-shaped lifting beams are placed which can carry large loads under the needle beams. For this stage, there must be sufficient space for the lifting beams under the needle beams. The lifting beams convey the building load from the needle beams to the cribbing. In addition, the lifting beams behave like a frame that is attached to the dollies during moving and which carries the structure. The spacing and dimensions of these lifting beams are based on according to factors such as the dimensions of the structure, the strength of the needle beams and so on. All the beams placed in the structure must be capable of dealing with the obstacles encountered along the relocation route (FEMA, 2009; Goblet, 2006). In the next step, hydraulic jacks are pressurized, and the structure is raised and break away from the foundation. In the next operation, the rollers are placed under the lifting beams, the lower of which is discharged. In order to complete this process, several attempts have to be made. Thereafter the roll beams are placed on the cribbing. The working principle of these roll beams is similar to that rails of railways. The structure is then lowered until it reaches the roll beams. In the next step, the structure is shifted on the rollers to the desired position. The procedures for short distance relocation are terminated at this stage. The next steps should be followed if the structure is to be moved long distance. After the structure is shifted, the dolly connected to each other is placed under the structure. The truck is then connected to the dolly, which will draw the structure and support system. Finally, the structure is relocated according to the plans made by making the necessary arrangements on the designated route (Zhang, Li, & Liu, 2010; Peltola, 2008; Paravalos, 2006). Before the construction of the building in the new area, excavation and cleaning works should be carried out in order to start the basic construction and to maneuver the vehicles in the area. In addition, there are a number of procedures to be done in the area. In order to build the new foundation, construction permits and installation connections must be made. In condition new foundation is built before the building reaches the site, some sections are temporarily left empty for the placement of the support beams. The settlement of the structure in its new position acts as the inverse of the removal process. When constructing the new foundation, attention should be paid to the subsoil exploration, the size and weight of the building. Failure to take appropriate measures against poor soil conditions can lead to serious damage to the building. Apart from the ground properties, the seasonal conditions of the time when the structure is placed affect the settlement of the structure on the ground. Damage to the structure may occur due to the structure of the building placement in winter conditions. In addition, the new foundation must be well designed for waterproofing. Reductions in the strength of the basic elements exposed to moist air occur. This situation affects the whole structure. In the settlement of the structure in the area, firstly, the cribbings are placed under the lifting beams together with the jacks. The cribbings and jacks are placed in order to allow the dollies to come out of the structure. In the next step, the structure is shifted until it rests on the new foundations. Then the support beams in the structure are removed and the openings areas on the structure are closed (Garavaglia Architecture, 2019; Curtis, 1979).
  • 9. 1.3. Post Process of Relocation In condition the historical structure is moved to a new area with original historical texture, care should be taken not to damage the existing area. The space perception, street texture, and landscape of the new area should not be crushed under the influence of the carried structure. Relocation should not contradict the idea of protection as a result of the deterioration of another original area. In addition to this, a function must be given to the structure moved accordance with the function distributions of the structures in the new area. As a result of improper function or abandonment of the moving structure, the relocation should be meaningless. For this reason, it is necessary to make all necessary arrangements for the integration of the relocated structure with the new site (Heritage Council of Victoria [HCV], 2019; Peltola, 2008). If the original area will maintain its current state after the structure has been moved, there are some steps to be taken in the field. The pits opened as a result of the excavation and installation works carried out during the transportation phase of the building should be closed. Water and sewer lines should be properly arranged. The old foundation of the building should be cleaned from the land. The required areas should be filled (City of Roanoke, 2019; Paravalos, 2006). In addition, arrangements should be made for the area to prevent gaps in the existing historical texture of the evacuation area. Although the historical structure has been moved from its original area, the evacuated area accommodates the structure-related contexts. 2. Relocation Sample Analysis and Results Within the context of the study, 5 samples were selected from Turkey and 10 samples were selected from overseas. The samples selected from abroad were taken from different countries. The effects of structural properties on moving-lifting methods and techniques were analyzed comparatively in the relocation applications over the selected samples. Thanks to analysis and literature studies, a relocation guide proposal was created. This guideline consists of pre-relocation, relocation, and post-relocation process sections. The headings that should be done in each section are explained in detail. 2.1. Domestic Relocated Structure Samples The building was built in 1929 as a frame construction in the province of Yalova. The building material is made of wood. The two-storey building was moved in 1930 at the request of the President of the The condition was assessment before the construction. The structure is placed on the rails by opening up to the basic level. The structure was moved over rails 4,8 m. The mansion continued its function in its new place and was preserved as a museum in the following years. Landscaped in the evacuated area of the building (URL- Zeytinlik Village Mosque: The mosque was built in 1857 in the village of Artvin Zeytinlik. It was built as a masonry building with rubble stone. altitude of 700 m due to Artvin Deriner Dam. The building materials were completely disassembled and rebuilt in the new area. Highway and trucks were used for relocation. The building continues to function as a mosque in new site. Since the evacuated area remained under the dam waters, no landscaping was carried out (Orhan and The building was built in 1824 in Keler Village of Of district of Rize. The framing technique and in 1977 it moved to Hoca Village of Kalkandere district. The building was moved to its new location at a distance of 20 m. It was lifted with the help of a crane suitable for the building weight. The building continues to function as a mosque. The data on the old area arrangement where the building was moved could not be reached (Sav, 2012). It was buil in the 19th century. The structure was made by using steel truss beam system. The bridge weighs approximately 100 tons. The building has been moved to approximately 25 km in 2014 as it is located within the reservoir area of Kars Dam Lake. Building condition analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. In order to remove the structure, 2 cranes were used to suitable the weight of the structure. The building was transported on dolly trucks as an in one piece. The structure continues to function in its new 2015).
  • 10. Zeynel Bey Tomb: The building was built in the 15th century in Hasankeyf District of Batman Province. It was built as a masonry building with rubble and dimension stone. The tomb weighs approximately 1100 tons. The structure is located in the reservoir area of analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. In addition, before the building was moved, a test relocation with similar structures was moved. First of all, the structure is broken off from the foundation with a 30 cm high lifting foundation and 28 lifting beams. The building is placed on the SPMT (Self Propelled Moduler Transporter) with a 90 cm height lift plate and 44 hydraulic jacks. The route has already been created and the conditions have been met. The building is used as a tomb and a museum 2019). 2.2. Overseas Relocated Structure Samples Captain Samuel Brown's Mansion: The building was built on a hillside in Pennsylvania, USA in 1868. The structure weighs approximately 800 tons. Due to the railway construction of the nearby, the building was moved in 1903 to a height of 48 m and 60 m back from its current position. As the first step, the building was supported on the slope and was prepared for lifting. To support the structure, it added 200 lifting beams with a diameter of about 20 cm. Then 8 large wooden beams were placed under the lifting beams. While the structure was suspended, the slope where the structure would be carried was excavated to form 4 stages. A small amount was removed by hand jacks when the structure was moved to each terrace. In this way, the frame formed with the wooden under the structure could be built. When the structure is raised enough to settle on each terrace, it is pushed horizontally to the next terrace with the help of a crane. This process was repeated 4 times until the structure was in the desired position. The structure has continued its function in the new field. The data related to the old area arrangement where the building was moved could not be reached (Curtis, 1979; Paravalos, 2006). Captain Cooks Cottage: The cottage was built in 1755 in England as a masonry with rubble stone. The building was purchased by an investor in 1934 and moved from England to Australia. As a first step, the structure is partially disassembled, and each part is numbered. Separated pieces are carefully packed and placed in barges. The parts that reach the area to be built were reconstructed in the same construction system. The building is used in the new area with a museum function. No data on the evacuated area arrangement has been reached (Young, 2008). Abu Simbel Temple: The building was built in the 12th century BC by the use of sandstone in Egypt. The structure has a weight of approximately 31,000 tons. The temple was moved in 1964 to 208 m back to 65 m upwards because it remained in the Aswan High Dam reservoir area. The structure is first disassembled into blocks that will cause the least damage to the structure and its weight will not exceed 20 tons. Each block was moved to the new area with trucks. Moved blocks are stored in a suitable area and reconstruction with the creation of new space. Cranes were used for lifting blocks. After the building was reconstructed at the new site, it was covered with a concrete dome. The reinforced concrete dome is closed to form a hill like in the evacuated area. The building continued to function as a museum in the new site. Since the evacuated area remained under the dam water, no regulation was made (ICOMOS, 2019). London Bridge: The building was built in 1830 as a masonry construction with stone materials. The bridge was purchased by an investor in 1967 as it could not lift the load of vehicle traffic. The structure is numbered and disassembled into pieces before moving. Then moved to the United States from the United Kingdom via ships. The building was rebuilt in its new location. The bridge maintains an existing function. A new bridge was built in the old area of the building according to the needs (Lake Havasu City, 2019; URL-17, 2019). The Cudecom Building: The building was built in 1955 as a masonry structure with stone material in Columbia. The structure has a weight of approximately 7,000 tons. As a result of the public works around the building, it was moved in 1974 about 30 m. The in one piece relocated structure was moved on the rails. The sliding operation is done by hydraulic jacks. The structure has continued to existing function (Restrepo, 2013). Belle Tout Lighthouse: The lighthouse was built in 1832 in England as a masonry construction with stone materials. The structure weighs approximately 850 tons. The building was moved about 17 m due to erosion on the slope where it was built. The structure was moved over the rails in one piece. Building condition analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. The building was used as a restaurant in the new site. Arrangements were made in the old area where the building was moved (University of Sussex, 2019; Wright, 2013).
  • 11. Shubert Theatre: Theater structure was built in 1910 in America. The building was built as masonry construction with stone material. The structure has a weight of approximately 3,000 tons. The building was moved from its location due to public works. Building condition analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. The building was moved in one piece. The structure was removed from the foundation using support beams, lifting beams and hydraulic jacks. The structure was placed on the dolly trucks and moved to 335 m. The structure continues to function at the new site (International Chimney Corporation, 2019). Cape Hatteras Lighthouse: The building was built masonry construction with the stone in 1870 in America. The structure has a weight of approximately 4.830 tons. The lighthouse was moved on 421 m rails due to coastal erosion in the area. The building was placed on the rails in one piece and then moved with the help of jacks. The structure continues to function at the new site (Cloyd, 1999; Snead, 2010). Hamilton Grange Museum: The museum was built in 1802 with frame construction using wood materials in America. The building has been relocated for protection. Building condition analyzes, route planning and new field surveys were conducted before the building was moved. The building was moved in one piece. The structure was removed from the foundation using support beams, lifting beams and hydraulic jacks. The museum was placed on top of the trucks and moved 76 meters. The structure continues to function at the new site (National Park Service, 2019). Belleview Biltmore Hotel: The building was built in 1897 with frame construction using wood materials in America. The building has been moved for protection and economic purposes. The hotel weighs approximately 1,740 tons. Before the building was moved, preliminary preparations were made. The building was moved in one piece. The structure was removed from the foundation using support beams, lifting beams and hydraulic jacks. It was placed on the trucks and moved to 97,5 meters. Landscaping was done in the old area of the building. The building continues to function as a hotel in the new area (BSB Desing, 2019).
  • 12. Table 1. Relocated Structure Samples (Domestic). Sample No: 1 2 3 4 5 Name Zeytinlik Village Mosque Village Mosque Bridge Zeynel Bey Tomb Year and Location 1929 / Yalova- Turkey 1857 / Artvin- Turkey 1824 / Rize- Turkey 19.yy /Kars- Turkey 15 yy. /Batman- Turkey Year of Relocation 1930 2011 2011 2014 2017 Structure Material Wood Dimension/ Rubble Stone Wood Steel Dimension/ Rubble Stone Construction System Frame Cons. Masonry Cons. Frame Cons. Truss Beam Masonry Cons. Mass of Structure - 100 tons 1100 tons Condition of Structure Durable Durable Durable Durable Durable Distance of Relocation 4,80 m ~700 m 20 m 25 km 2 km Conservation Purpose Economic Purpose Condition Assessment of Structure Selecting a Structural Mover Public Institution Public Institution Public Institution Public Institution Public Institution Relocate in One Piece Total Disassembly Partial Disassembly Highway /Railway Waterway Airway Rails Dolly Trailer Crane Helicopter Barge Crane - Jack - New Site/Function Existing Function Existing Function Existing Function Existing Function Existing Function The Vacated Site Edited Under the water of the dam - Under the water of the dam Under the water of the dam
  • 13. Table 2. Relocated Structure Samples (Overseas). Sample No: 1 2 3 4 5 Name Samuel Captain Cooks Cottage Abu Simbel Temple London Bridge The Cudecom Building Year and Location 1868 / USA 1755 / England Egypt England 1955 / Columbia Year of Relocation 1903 1934 1964 1967 1974 Structure Material Brick Rubble Stone Sand Stone Dimension Stone Dimension Stone Construction System Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Mass of Structure - 31.000 tons - 7,000 tons Condition of Structure Durable Durable Durable Durable Durable Distance of Relocation 60 m back 48 m above from England to Avustralia 65 m from England to USA 30 m Conservation Purpose Economic Purpose Condition Assessment of Structure Selecting a Structural Mover Structure Owner Structure Owner Public Institution Structure Owner Public Institution Relocate in One Piece Total Disassembly Partial Disassembly Highway /Railway Waterway Airway Rails Dolly Trailer Crane Helicopter Barge Crane - - Jack - - New Site/Function Existing Function Museum Existing Function Existing Function - The Vacated Site - - Under the water of the dam New Bridge -
  • 14. Table 2. Cont. Sample No: 6 7 8 9 10 Name Belle Tout Lighthouse Schubert Theatre Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Hamilton Grange Belleview Biltmore Hotel Year and Location 1832 / England 1910 / USA 1870 / USA 1802 / USA 1897 / USA Year of Relocation 1999 1999 1999 2008 2016 Structure Material Dimension Stone Dimension Stone Dimension Stone Wood Wood Construction System Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Masonry Cons. Frame Cons. Frame Cons. Mass of Structure 850 tons 3.000 tons 4,830 tons 1.740 tons Condition of Structure Durable Durable Durable Durable Durable Distance of Relocation 17 m 335 m 421 m 76 m 97,5 m Conservation Purpose Economic Purpose Condition Assessment of Structure - Selecting a Structural Mover Public Institution Public Institution Public Institution Public Institution Structure Owner Relocate in One Piece Total Disassembly Partial Disassembly Highway /Railway Waterway Airway Rails Dolly Trailer Crane Helicopter Barge Crane Jack New Site/Function Restaurant Existing Function Existing Function Existing Function Existing Function The Vacated Site Landscape Design - - Landscape Design Landscape Design
  • 15. Table 3. Relocation Guide Proposal. Decision Making There are a few key questions to help with decision-making: structure important enough to guarantee its architectural or historical relocation? and adapting to the new area? been removed from its current location? historical area or the character of the remaining historical structures? landscaping) on the road or on the field? architectural quality, size and scale of the structure consistent with the characteristics of the area? n proposed for the structure in the new area? Selecting a Structural Mover and Contract Structure mover oordinated work with public institutions have experience and appropriate licenses rovide reassurance equipped both in the vehicle and the employee The contract with the structure mover, the responsibilities of the company and the owner, insurance coverage, sanctions due to setbacks and delays, additional expenses, the termination of the contract should be explained in detail, such as the headings Condition Assessment of Structure Experts, the internal and external condition of the structure must be the assess, document the structure with photographic documents, notes, and dimensional drawings, identify existing or potential damage to the structure. Choosing a Method for Relocation Appropriate transportation methods should be selected for the distance, the structure, the material of the building, the dimensions and weight of the building, the route and structure conditions. 1. Relocate in One Piece 2. Total Disassembly 3. Partial Disassembly Selecting the New Site The building must be placed in an area of structure layout, which has similar characteristics to its historical texture. According to the data collected in the original field appropriate arrangements should be made in the new field. The climatic and topographical data of the newly selected area should be similar to the original area in order to avoid physical damage. The new area has a similar space perception, landscape and historical texture with the original area. The positioning of the building to be placed in the new area according to the current structures should be similar to the original area. Route Planning The relocation route must be suitable for the method of relocation. The route must be leads to the selected area which causes the least damage to the structure and environment.
  • 16. Table 3. Cont. Permitting the documentation of the structure building historical structure ture in the new place Structure-Owner Responsibilities Replacing and removing the elements that may prevent the building. Disconnection of mains, such as water, sewage, electricity. Removal of equipment such as furnace, tank located around the building. Removal of landscape elements around the building Packing the personal belongings of the building owner. The building owner to make alternative living arrangements to the structure to be moved. Test Relocation It is required to carry a structure with similar features to the area selected by the methods and techniques of transport. Preparing the Structure for the Lifting and Relocation Condition ssessment of structure. The necessary excavation works in order for the structure to be cut off from the foundation and the vehicles to approach the structure. Removing annex structures and landscaping elements such as water tanks, furnaces, and trees. Repairing the damage of the structure. Lifting and Relocation of Structure Setting the Structure in Site New Site and Structure Function According to the data collected in the original field appropriate arrangements should be made in the new field. structure moved in accordance with the function distributions of the structures in the new area. The Vacated Site The pits opened as a result of the excavation should be closed. of the building should be cleaned from the land. existing historical texture of the evacuation area. 3. Conclusion Maintenance and repair works are carried out with appropriate restoration techniques at the first stage of the damaged historical buildings. Due to various reasons, it may be necessary to move structures which cannot be preserved in the surrounding environment. This situation brings up the concept of relocation. Moving the historical building from one place to another is a multi-stage, expensive, coordination, experience and attention- requiring application. For this reason, relocation applications need to be carefully planned to be placed in the new area of the building from the decision stage and even until later. It is necessary to take decisions as to why the structure should be moved as the first step before the relocation. Then, the condition of the building must be assessed and documented. In the next steps, the structure, the existing area, the new area, the route should be prepared by the movers and the building owner. Relocation of the building must be applied by the structural mover. Every process that requires attention, experience and effort should be applied with precision. Before the structure is placed in the new area, new regulations should be made. Finally, the structure should be settlements in place by applying the reverse operation. In addition to the transportation of the building, the evacuated area
  • 17. and new area-related arrangements should be made. The new area should be arranged in a similar way to the original texture of the structure and must be given the appropriate function. Although relocation is a multi-stage and complicated road, it is implemented from the last quarter of the 18th century. Nowadays, it is increasing relocation applications of historical buildings with the developing technology. Relocation can be applied as a last resort to protect the structure from extinction. In the scope of this study, a relocation guide proposal was prepared with the examples and literature surveys in order to follow the correct steps in the relocation applications. At the end of the research; it is aimed to make common and correct decisions in relocation applications, to contribute to future studies and to partially overcome the lack of literature on the relocation of historical buildings. References An, D. W. (2018). Sustainability and Variability of Korean Wooden Architectural Heritage: The Relocation and Alteration. Sustainability Journal. Auckland Council. (2019). Moving or Relocating a Building. consents/building-renovation-projects/relocate-a-building/Documents/ac1810-moving-or-relocating- building.pdf. Accessed 25 Feb 2019. BSB Desing. (2019). Restored Biltmore Hotel to . BSB Design. belleview-place/. Accessed 11 March 2019. City of Roanoke. (2019). Relocation & Demolition Architectural Design Guidelines. Accessed 25 Feb 2019. City of Stone Mountain. (2019). Chapter 8: Maintenance, Demolition, Undue Hardship and Relocation Guidelines. df. Accessed 25 Feb 2019. Cloyd, P. (1999). Saving the Cape Hatteras Light Station from the Sea. International Council on Monuments and Sites 12th General Assembly and Symposium, s.17-23. Mexico. County Rocky View. (2019). Relocation of Building. Building.pdf. Accessed 25 Feb 2019. Crowther, P. (1999). Design for Disassembly. BDP Environment Design Guide. Royal Australian Institute of Architects. Curtis, J. O. (1979). Moving Historic Buildings. Washinton D.C., United States of America: G.S. Department of the Interior Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Technical Preservation Services Division. zeynel-bey-t%C3%BCrbesi-.pdf?sfvrsn=0. Accessed 25 Feb 2019. flooding, 2nd ed., s. 87- on, DC. Garavaglia Architecture. (2019). Relocation Feasibility Study: Presidio of San Francisco National Landmark District Buildings 201, 204 and 228. 1637U4/Reference%20Documents/Design%20and%20Construction/Phase%202/Environmental%20- %20Reference%20Documents/Cultural%20Resources/Building%20Relocation%20Feasibility%20Study/ Relocation%20Study%20f. Accessed 25 Feb 2019. Goblet, N. (2006). Moving Historic Buildings: One Means of Preservation. New York, United States of America: Master of Arts, Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University. Gregory, J. (2008). Reconsidering Relocated Buildings: ICOMOS, Authenticity and Mass Relocation. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14(2), 112-130. Heritage Council of Victoria [HCV]. (2019). The Heritage Overlay 4 Removal and Relocation. Accessed 25 Feb 2019. Heritage New Zealand. (2019). Sustainable Management of Historic Heritage Guidance Information Sheet 13. ICOMOS. (2019). The Salvage of The Abu Simbel Temples. ICOMOS: Accessed 25 Feb 2019. International Chimney Corporation. (2019). Shubert Theater Relocation. International Chimney Corporation:
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