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The evolving role of brands for the world’s
largest and most impactful generation
Continuing the 8095 Conversation

Edelman 8095® is an insights group studying
the Millennial generation, born between 1980
and 1995, to understand their evolving
relationship with brands.

In 2012, we refreshed our research with a
survey of 4,000 Millennials in 11 countries.
•   Millennials in 2013
•   Why Millennials Matter To Marketers
•   Global Trends
•   8095 – Where We’ve Been

•   8095 2.0

     • New data and insights
     • Implications for marketers
The Millennial Generation Goes By Many Names
Millennials in 2013
•   The oldest are 33 years-old, the
    youngest are 18

•   Life defining moments include
    the Global Recession, 9/11,
    Asian Tsunami, Arab Spring,
    Facebook, smart phones

•   First generation that may be
    worse off economically than
    their parents

•   Most diverse and educated
    generation in history
Their World Is Smaller, More Connected
            of Millennials across all 11 markets surveyed see their
country as being influential on the world stage.

  *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Why Millennials Matter To Marketers
BIG: The largest generation alive today
       • 1.8 billion globally1 (out of 7 billion world population)
       • 75% of workforce by 20252
INFLUENTIAL: Impact purchase decisions of peers & parents
       • Will outpace Boomer earnings by 2018 ($2.5+ trillion spending power)3
       • 74% say they influence purchase decisions of other generations4
UNIQUE: The first inherently digital generation
       • Don’t know a world without the Internet or smart phones

1.   (U.S. Census Bureau International Database 2012)
2.   (Business and Professional Women’s Foundation 2011)
3.   (Harris Interactive and Deloitte study 2011)
4.   (Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Millennials are more likely to
recommend products and start
trends…more involved in pop
culture and activities that would
compel them to try new products
and recommend them to friends.
Trends That 8095ers
Are Leading Today
Global Urbanization
                         For the first time in world history, more
                       people live in cities or suburbs than rural

                       Millennial identities will be closely tied to
                      the cities they live in, and marketers need
                           to customize and target engagement.

1.   United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division
     World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision
Experiences Over Stuff
  The economy is forcing Millennials to
    delay purchases and demand a new
level of value from the brands they buy.

Marketers must demonstrate how their
      products or services enable life
        experiences and deliver value.
Rise (or fall) of the Millennial Dad
                          Traditional gender roles are shifting.
                   Six in 10 college students are female1, and
                    men are taking over more household and
                                   purchasing responsibilities.

                  Marketers should lessen the focus on
                   gender and other traditional audience
               segmentation. Appeal to the new blended
                nature of humanity and to the audiences
                                influencing your target.

1.   (Digest of Education Statistics, 2010)
Where We’ve Been
In 2010, Edelman launched 8095®,
an insights group founded on an
eight-country study of the
Millennial generation, born
between 1980 and 1995.

The goal? To understand their
relationship with brands, the
actions they take on behalf of
brands and how those actions
create new opportunities for
8095   ®

The benchmark 8095® study in 2010 revealed four insights.

    Brands are a partnership and form of self-expression

    Information is a key to influence

    Taking action on behalf of brands is a core value

    There is a reverberation effect taking place online, offline and
    increasingly on mobile devices
Brands are a Partnership and
        Form of Self-Expression

                                      1 in 3 look for
                                      brands to make a
                                      positive impact on
        is the #1 personal            the world.
     identifier Millennials are
      willing to share online.

*(Edelman Berland 8095 Survey 2010)
Information is a Key to Influence

                                      Of Millennials consult four or
                                      more sources of information
                                      when making brand purchase

*(Edelman Berland 8095 Survey 2010)
Taking Action on Behalf of
         Brands is a Core Value

                                      take action
                                      on behalf of their trusted brands.

                                      are brand loyal and
                                      keep purchasing brands they like.

*(Edelman Berland 8095 Survey 2010)
Reverberation Effect Taking Place
         Online, Offline And Increasingly On
         Mobile Devices

                                                     Average number of text messages young
                                                     Millennials send every month1.

                                                       Weekly volume of word-of-mouth
                                                       impressions. Of which, 13.5 billion are
                                                       offline and 1.2 billion are online2.

1.   The Nielsen Company, 2010
2.   Keller Fay Groups TalkTrack, U.S. July 2010 – June 2011
8095 2.0
In October 2012, Edelman 8095® and
research partner Edelman Berland
surveyed 4,000 Millennials in 11 countries
A Caveat

A challenge in defining Millennials is that they are progressing
through fundamentally different life stages.

Millennials are not a monolithic bloc.
The best Millennial study is directional rather than absolute, and digs
deep into the behaviors and cultural nuances of Millennials in
individual countries.

8095 attempts to give a snapshot of commonalities that tie the
generation together.
8095 2.0  ®

The rise of realism, with a twist.
Compared to the 2010 study, we see a shift in the
ways Millennials perceive their lives and future.
While idealistic and optimistic, there is a new
measure of realism.
Millennials are growing up, and so too are their
views of success. Their aspirations are surprisingly
traditional, but coming of age in the global
recession has forced them to push back typical
stages of adulthood and has created a new breed of
For brands to matter to Millennials, “average” is no
longer enough. A whole new level of engagement,
authenticity and purpose is necessary.
The Global Recession has Created a Mix of
Traditional and Non-Traditional Values for
Millennials, Sparking a New Type of Consumer
The economy sucks for most, and it’s
devastating to Millennials
Average $28,500 in student loans1
Unemployment rates for Millennials are typically double the national average.
  • In the U.S., Millennial unemployment is 12+% (7.9% is national average)2
  • In Spain, Millennial unemployment is 48% (22% is national average)3
In the U.S., median net worth of people under 35 fell 37% between 2005 and
2010; those over 65 took only a 13% hit.4

1.   (Institute of Education Science 2012)
2.   (U.S. Department of Labor) 2012
3.   (National Statistics Institute of Spain 2012)
4.   (U.S. Census 2012)
Millennials Have a PR Problem

If you follow recent headlines,
Millennials are lazy, self-entitled, or

We believe much of the criticism is
undeserved. They are coming of
age during one of the hardest
economic and social environments
the world has seen.

They are blazing new paths and
finding a new way through life.
Despite Challenges, They Remain
Optimistic, and Their Aspirations Surprisingly
What are your most important life goals?

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)

    of Millennials say that
owning their own business
           is a top life goal

                         76% in Turkey
                            65% Brazil
                            61% China
                               44% US

    *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Global Survey 2012)
What products or services are Millennials willing to pay a premium for?
Health-related items rule. Beauty and Apparel don’t.

0%                                                              100%

      *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Global Survey 2012)
Implications for Marketers
• Millennials aren’t kids anymore. The oldest are 33, the youngest 18.
  They are not the next frontier, they are the here-and-now consumer
  target influencing the purchase of EVERY brand.

• Shift away from traditional segmentation. Diversity is everywhere and
  gender lines are blurred. Speak to your target AND their influencers.

• Marketers need to think about how they assist the generation’s new
  life goals and revised timeline of life events.

• Think about how your brand can help Millennials in other parts of
  their lives.
Millennials are Alpha-Influencers

                                          of Millennials think they
                                          influence the purchase
                                          decisions of peers and
                                          those in other generations

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Like Daughter, like Mother

• Children have a strong influence over the
  purchase decisions of items used by their
  family, such as cars, food and vacations1.

• New research2 also suggests children
  influence goods their parents use for
  themselves, such as clothing. Many
  mothers intentionally mimic their
  daughters style.

1.   (Mintel “Kids as Influencers” U.S. study 2010)
2.   (Journal of Consumer Behavior study, 2011)
Shopping is a Social Activity
For Millennials, shopping is a social activity, and many won’t make
a purchase their friends disapprove.

                                          of Millennials typically shop
                                          with friends, family or
                                          significant other

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Two-Way Dialogue

                Millennials think it’s their responsibility to share
feedback with companies after a good or bad brand experience.

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Millennials crowd-source to make brand purchase decisions.

                                           use at least one outside
                                           source for guidance

                                           use four or more sources of

 *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Inherently Digital, But Craving Offline Conversation
Millennials most often go to search engines as a source to help them
make brand purchase decisions, but face-to-face engagement with
friends and family are the second and third most used sources.

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Implications for Marketers
•   Every brand needs to consider Millennials as a core target, or at
    least a significant influencer for their target.

•   As masters of crowd-sourcing to make purchase decisions,
    engage Millennials in surround sound. Online and offline.

•   Help Millennials become an expert on your brand, purpose and
    story. They have a strong desire to share and learn. Sell unique
    and real product benefits and you will drive reverberation.

Millennials Are Surprisingly Open To Brand
Engagement and Advertising, But Only If
Brands Have the Right Approach.
Willing to Engage With Brands

While skeptical of brand messages, they are open to
engaging with brands, but…

1. Brands must act and engage differently to get attention
   and loyalty. We are in an age of surprise-and-delight. If
   you don’t, they will tune you out.

2. Authenticity rules. Focus on selling unique and real
   product benefits. Millennials want to share and learn. Give
   them messages that show value and are worth repeating.
Willing to Engage With Brands

                                          of Millennials think all
                                          advertising is boring

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
8 in 10 Millennials want brands to entertain them.
How do they want to be entertained?

                                 Allow me to influence your products (co-creation)

                                 Answer my questions/comments in real time via social media

                                 Sponsor entertaining events

                                 Create online content such as videos, photos, games and blogs

                                 Connect me to the other fans of the brand/company

                                 I don’t expect brands/companies to entertain me

                                 Partner with a celebrity or public figure I admire

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Millennials want brands to help them in other areas of their lives.
How do they want brands to help them?

                                  Provide me with financial assistance
                                  (e.g., grants, scholarships)

                                  Provide me with the opportunity for more life experiences (e.g., send
                                  me on trips, give me lessons in something I have an interest in)

                                  Provide me with a mentor who can help guide me

                                  Allow me to use your audiences (e.g., Facebook pages, ads, etc.)
                                  to connect with others with similar interests and ideas

                                  Allow me to use your audiences (e.g., Facebook pages, ads, etc.)
                                  to share my message/story with a wide group

  *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
Humor, Value & Engagement Rule
What is the most effective way for a company to
capture your attention?

*(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Global Survey 2012)
Implications for Marketers
         •      It’s not your brand anymore. It belongs to your customers. Be
                agile, collaborative and prepared for the worst and best

         •      Experiences over stuff. Focus on how your brand enables life
                experiences. They want to buy into new ideas and share them
                with friends and family. Be social and enable sharing.

         •      “Smart and funny is the new rock and roll.”1 Business is often
                serious, but don’t always take yourself so seriously.

1.   (Nick Shore, Strategic Insights & Research at MTV)
Continuing the                 8095 2.0 Survey
      Conversation                    Methodology
                                Survey conducted by Edelman Berland
                                and consisted of online interviews in 11
                                countries among 4,000 adults born
Our blog for all things 8095.
                                between 1980 and 1995.

                                The survey was conducted in the
                                following countries: Australia (N= 300),
                                Brazil (N=300), Canada (N=300), China
Updates and insights in 140
                                (N=300), France (N=300), Germany
characters or less.
                                (N=300), India (N=300), Turkey (N=300),
                                United Arab Emirates (N=300), United
                                Kingdom (N=300), United States (N=1,000)
                                with weighting to ensure equal
                                representation from each country.
Updates and insights in 140
characters or less.
                                The survey has an overall margin of error
                                of 1.55% at the 95% level of confidence.
A Final Reason
     Millennials Matter

 The iGeneration/Generation Z is
now fully formed, with their oldest
   turning 17 years-old. They will
        soon become the new “it”

 If we can’t understand Gen Y,
         we’ll never get Gen Z.
8095 Refreshed

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8095 Refreshed

  • 1. 8095 REFRESHED ® The evolving role of brands for the world’s largest and most impactful generation
  • 2. Continuing the 8095 Conversation ® Edelman 8095® is an insights group studying the Millennial generation, born between 1980 and 1995, to understand their evolving relationship with brands. In 2012, we refreshed our research with a survey of 4,000 Millennials in 11 countries.
  • 3. Millennials in 2013 • Why Millennials Matter To Marketers • Global Trends • 8095 – Where We’ve Been ® • 8095 2.0 ® • New data and insights • Implications for marketers
  • 4. The Millennial Generation Goes By Many Names
  • 5. Millennials in 2013 • The oldest are 33 years-old, the youngest are 18 • Life defining moments include the Global Recession, 9/11, Asian Tsunami, Arab Spring, Facebook, smart phones • First generation that may be worse off economically than their parents • Most diverse and educated generation in history
  • 6. Their World Is Smaller, More Connected of Millennials across all 11 markets surveyed see their country as being influential on the world stage. *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 7. Why Millennials Matter To Marketers BIG: The largest generation alive today • 1.8 billion globally1 (out of 7 billion world population) • 75% of workforce by 20252 INFLUENTIAL: Impact purchase decisions of peers & parents • Will outpace Boomer earnings by 2018 ($2.5+ trillion spending power)3 • 74% say they influence purchase decisions of other generations4 UNIQUE: The first inherently digital generation • Don’t know a world without the Internet or smart phones 1. (U.S. Census Bureau International Database 2012) 2. (Business and Professional Women’s Foundation 2011) 3. (Harris Interactive and Deloitte study 2011) 4. (Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 8. Millennials are more likely to recommend products and start trends…more involved in pop culture and activities that would compel them to try new products and recommend them to friends. -MINTEL, WORD OF MOUTH AND VIRAL MARKETING
  • 9. Trends That 8095ers Are Leading Today
  • 10. Global Urbanization For the first time in world history, more people live in cities or suburbs than rural locales1. Implication Millennial identities will be closely tied to the cities they live in, and marketers need to customize and target engagement. 1. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision
  • 11. Experiences Over Stuff The economy is forcing Millennials to delay purchases and demand a new level of value from the brands they buy. Implication Marketers must demonstrate how their products or services enable life experiences and deliver value.
  • 12. Rise (or fall) of the Millennial Dad Traditional gender roles are shifting. Six in 10 college students are female1, and men are taking over more household and purchasing responsibilities. Implication Marketers should lessen the focus on gender and other traditional audience segmentation. Appeal to the new blended nature of humanity and to the audiences influencing your target. 1. (Digest of Education Statistics, 2010)
  • 14. In 2010, Edelman launched 8095®, an insights group founded on an eight-country study of the Millennial generation, born between 1980 and 1995. The goal? To understand their relationship with brands, the actions they take on behalf of brands and how those actions create new opportunities for marketers.
  • 15. 8095 ® The benchmark 8095® study in 2010 revealed four insights. Brands are a partnership and form of self-expression Information is a key to influence Taking action on behalf of brands is a core value There is a reverberation effect taking place online, offline and increasingly on mobile devices
  • 16. Brands are a Partnership and Form of Self-Expression 1 in 3 look for brands to make a positive impact on is the #1 personal the world. identifier Millennials are willing to share online. *(Edelman Berland 8095 Survey 2010)
  • 17. Information is a Key to Influence Of Millennials consult four or more sources of information when making brand purchase decisions. *(Edelman Berland 8095 Survey 2010)
  • 18. Taking Action on Behalf of Brands is a Core Value take action on behalf of their trusted brands. are brand loyal and keep purchasing brands they like. *(Edelman Berland 8095 Survey 2010)
  • 19. Reverberation Effect Taking Place Online, Offline And Increasingly On Mobile Devices Average number of text messages young Millennials send every month1. Weekly volume of word-of-mouth impressions. Of which, 13.5 billion are offline and 1.2 billion are online2. 1. The Nielsen Company, 2010 2. Keller Fay Groups TalkTrack, U.S. July 2010 – June 2011
  • 20. 20
  • 21. ® 8095 2.0 In October 2012, Edelman 8095® and research partner Edelman Berland surveyed 4,000 Millennials in 11 countries
  • 22. A Caveat A challenge in defining Millennials is that they are progressing through fundamentally different life stages. Millennials are not a monolithic bloc. The best Millennial study is directional rather than absolute, and digs deep into the behaviors and cultural nuances of Millennials in individual countries. 8095 attempts to give a snapshot of commonalities that tie the generation together.
  • 23. 8095 2.0 ® The rise of realism, with a twist. Compared to the 2010 study, we see a shift in the ways Millennials perceive their lives and future. While idealistic and optimistic, there is a new measure of realism. Millennials are growing up, and so too are their views of success. Their aspirations are surprisingly traditional, but coming of age in the global recession has forced them to push back typical stages of adulthood and has created a new breed of entrepreneurs. For brands to matter to Millennials, “average” is no longer enough. A whole new level of engagement, authenticity and purpose is necessary.
  • 24. The Global Recession has Created a Mix of Traditional and Non-Traditional Values for Millennials, Sparking a New Type of Consumer
  • 25. The economy sucks for most, and it’s devastating to Millennials DEFINED BY DEBT Average $28,500 in student loans1 WEAK JOB PROSPECTS Unemployment rates for Millennials are typically double the national average. • In the U.S., Millennial unemployment is 12+% (7.9% is national average)2 • In Spain, Millennial unemployment is 48% (22% is national average)3 LOW NET WORTH In the U.S., median net worth of people under 35 fell 37% between 2005 and 2010; those over 65 took only a 13% hit.4 1. (Institute of Education Science 2012) 2. (U.S. Department of Labor) 2012 3. (National Statistics Institute of Spain 2012) 4. (U.S. Census 2012)
  • 26. Millennials Have a PR Problem If you follow recent headlines, Millennials are lazy, self-entitled, or worse. We believe much of the criticism is undeserved. They are coming of age during one of the hardest economic and social environments the world has seen. They are blazing new paths and finding a new way through life.
  • 27. Despite Challenges, They Remain Optimistic, and Their Aspirations Surprisingly Traditional What are your most important life goals? *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 28. Entrepreneurial of Millennials say that owning their own business is a top life goal 76% in Turkey 65% Brazil 61% China 44% US *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Global Survey 2012)
  • 29. Sensible What products or services are Millennials willing to pay a premium for? Health-related items rule. Beauty and Apparel don’t. 0% 100% *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Global Survey 2012)
  • 30. Implications for Marketers • Millennials aren’t kids anymore. The oldest are 33, the youngest 18. They are not the next frontier, they are the here-and-now consumer target influencing the purchase of EVERY brand. • Shift away from traditional segmentation. Diversity is everywhere and gender lines are blurred. Speak to your target AND their influencers. • Marketers need to think about how they assist the generation’s new life goals and revised timeline of life events. • Think about how your brand can help Millennials in other parts of their lives.
  • 32. Alpha-Influencers of Millennials think they influence the purchase decisions of peers and those in other generations *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 33. Like Daughter, like Mother • Children have a strong influence over the purchase decisions of items used by their family, such as cars, food and vacations1. • New research2 also suggests children influence goods their parents use for themselves, such as clothing. Many mothers intentionally mimic their daughters style. 1. (Mintel “Kids as Influencers” U.S. study 2010) 2. (Journal of Consumer Behavior study, 2011)
  • 34. Shopping is a Social Activity For Millennials, shopping is a social activity, and many won’t make a purchase their friends disapprove. of Millennials typically shop with friends, family or significant other *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 35. Two-Way Dialogue Millennials think it’s their responsibility to share feedback with companies after a good or bad brand experience. *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 36. Alpha-Influencers Millennials crowd-source to make brand purchase decisions. use at least one outside source for guidance use four or more sources of information *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 37. Inherently Digital, But Craving Offline Conversation Millennials most often go to search engines as a source to help them make brand purchase decisions, but face-to-face engagement with friends and family are the second and third most used sources. *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 38. Implications for Marketers • Every brand needs to consider Millennials as a core target, or at least a significant influencer for their target. • As masters of crowd-sourcing to make purchase decisions, engage Millennials in surround sound. Online and offline. • Help Millennials become an expert on your brand, purpose and story. They have a strong desire to share and learn. Sell unique and real product benefits and you will drive reverberation. 38
  • 39. Millennials Are Surprisingly Open To Brand Engagement and Advertising, But Only If Brands Have the Right Approach.
  • 40. Willing to Engage With Brands While skeptical of brand messages, they are open to engaging with brands, but… 1. Brands must act and engage differently to get attention and loyalty. We are in an age of surprise-and-delight. If you don’t, they will tune you out. 2. Authenticity rules. Focus on selling unique and real product benefits. Millennials want to share and learn. Give them messages that show value and are worth repeating.
  • 41. Willing to Engage With Brands of Millennials think all advertising is boring *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 42. 8 in 10 Millennials want brands to entertain them. How do they want to be entertained? Allow me to influence your products (co-creation) Answer my questions/comments in real time via social media Sponsor entertaining events Create online content such as videos, photos, games and blogs Connect me to the other fans of the brand/company I don’t expect brands/companies to entertain me Partner with a celebrity or public figure I admire *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 43. Millennials want brands to help them in other areas of their lives. How do they want brands to help them? Provide me with financial assistance (e.g., grants, scholarships) Provide me with the opportunity for more life experiences (e.g., send me on trips, give me lessons in something I have an interest in) Provide me with a mentor who can help guide me Allow me to use your audiences (e.g., Facebook pages, ads, etc.) to connect with others with similar interests and ideas Allow me to use your audiences (e.g., Facebook pages, ads, etc.) to share my message/story with a wide group *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Survey 2012)
  • 44. Humor, Value & Engagement Rule What is the most effective way for a company to capture your attention? *(Edelman Berland 8095 2.0 Global Survey 2012)
  • 45. Implications for Marketers • It’s not your brand anymore. It belongs to your customers. Be agile, collaborative and prepared for the worst and best • Experiences over stuff. Focus on how your brand enables life experiences. They want to buy into new ideas and share them with friends and family. Be social and enable sharing. • “Smart and funny is the new rock and roll.”1 Business is often serious, but don’t always take yourself so seriously. 1. (Nick Shore, Strategic Insights & Research at MTV)
  • 46. Continuing the 8095 2.0 Survey Conversation Methodology Survey conducted by Edelman Berland and consisted of online interviews in 11 countries among 4,000 adults born Our blog for all things 8095. between 1980 and 1995. The survey was conducted in the following countries: Australia (N= 300), Brazil (N=300), Canada (N=300), China Updates and insights in 140 (N=300), France (N=300), Germany characters or less. (N=300), India (N=300), Turkey (N=300), United Arab Emirates (N=300), United Kingdom (N=300), United States (N=1,000) with weighting to ensure equal representation from each country. Updates and insights in 140 characters or less. The survey has an overall margin of error of 1.55% at the 95% level of confidence.
  • 47. A Final Reason Millennials Matter The iGeneration/Generation Z is now fully formed, with their oldest turning 17 years-old. They will soon become the new “it” generation. If we can’t understand Gen Y, we’ll never get Gen Z.

Editor's Notes

  1. 8095, named for the years in which the Millennial generation was born (1980 to 1995), is an insights group that focuses on the Millennial generation and their relationship with brands. Following the launch of our benchmark study in 2010, Edelman 8095 has refreshed the research in October 2012 with a new study of 4,000 Millennials in 11 countries.
  2. The Millennial generation goes by many names.
  3. They are not kids anymore. Many in this group are parents, have careers and an incredible amount of spending power. They are also coming of age during one of the most turbulent economic times in history.
  4. The world today is smaller and Millennials are more global-minded than ever. Millennials in all of the 11 countries surveyed see their country as playing a key role on the world stage.
  5. The median age of the world population is 28
  6. Their mentality of change and action translates to their relationship with brands. They have powerful influence and demand two-way dialogue with companies. They drive popular culture.
  7. Today, 50% of the world population lives in cities or suburbs. By 2050 that number will swell to 70% globally. In the U.S., for the first time in more than a century, more people are moving to cities than suburbs, and this trend is led primarily by Millennials.
  8. The recession and new social norms have led more Millennials to delay traditional purchases, like homes and cars. The rise of social buying and rent/share businesses are also shifting purchasing behavior. To stand out and be relevant, brands will need to show how they enable life experiences and allow Millennials to buy into new ideas.
  9. More men are confidently taking on traditional female roles in terms of parenting and purchasing household products. More women are confidently taking on traditional male roles in terms of being the main earner in the family and going to college/university.
  10. The 2010 study revealed four insights that remain highly relevant today.
  11. In other words, brands help Millennials define their personal “brand”
  12. Millennials are crowd-sourcing in amazing ways to help them make brand purchase decisions, and they look first to friends and family for advice.
  13. Millennials are less resistant to branding than other generations, and they will take action for brands, but they demand authenticity, transparency, to be entertained and for your brand to contribute to the greater good in this world.
  14. Reverberation, or word-of-mouth sharing, is taking place online and via mobile devices for sure, but many people forget that most WOM is shared offline, in face-to-face discussions. Keller Fay Group tracked chatter in the U.S. and finds 14.7 billion WOM impressions EVERY WEEK, with the large majority of those taking place offline. Regardless of medium, the main point is that there is an incredible amount of sharing and crowd-sourcing taking place, online and offline,
  15. Their aspirations are surprisingly traditional. They want a meaningful career, to own a home and to get married and have children.
  16. American Millennials say the #1 person who defines their generation is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook. Nearly half of Millennials aspire to own their own company. In the down economy, they realize that an entrepreneurial spirit is likely their best path to success.
  17. When it comes to buying luxury items, Millennials are quite sensible. When you average all 11 countries in the survey, they are most likely to pay a premium for health-related goods and services, followed by electronics. They are least likely to pay a premium for beauty-related items of apparel. Chinese Millennials are most willing to pay a premium for all of the items in this chart, but they too ranked health-related items the highest. French Millennials were least likely to pay a premium for the categories collectively.
  18. 3 in 4 Millennials across our 11 markets say they influence the purchase decisions of peers and those in older generations.
  19. The influence of parents on Millennials is astounding. Millennials overall have a different and more friendly relationship with their parents than most past generations. The influence goes both ways, with parents heavily influencing their children, and children influencing their parents.
  20. Consider these statistics. What they mean is that when a Millennial goes to the grocery store (for example), they are typically going with friends or family. And, they since many won’t make a purchase their friends don’t approve of, they need to justify why they are choosing items off the shelf. They need to be able to tell their friends why they are buying that product – they need a back-story. It’s our job as marketers to give them that back-story.
  21. Most Millennials see it as their responsibility to share feedback with brands. They are more likely to share positive feedback than negative feedback, which is counter to most assumptions.
  22. Information is a key to influence for Millennials. They crowd-source to make brand purchase decisions. Compared to our 2010 data, more Millennials are crowd-sourcing in 2012 (up 19 points), but they are using slightly fewer sources of information today.
  23. Many marketers think that the only way to reach Millennials is through social media. Not true. Search engines rule, but then face-to-face communications with friends and family are #2 and #3 respectively. The vast majority of Word-Of-Mouth happens offline (90%).