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Model Assessment and Selection
      Machine Learning Seminar Series'11

                Nikita Zhiltsov

 Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia

             18 November 2011

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1   Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

2   Nature of Prediction Error

3   Error Estimation: Analytical methods
      SRM Approach

4   Error Estimation: Sample re-use

5   Model Assessment in R

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1   Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

2   Nature of Prediction Error

3   Error Estimation: Analytical methods
      SRM Approach

4   Error Estimation: Sample re-use

5   Model Assessment in R

                                           3 / 34
   x = (x1 , . . . , xD ) ∈ X  a vector of inputs
   t ∈ T  a target variable
   y(x)  a prediction model

   L(t, y(x))  the loss function for measuring errors.
   Usual choices for regression:
                            (y(x) − t)2 squared error
        L(t, y(x)) =
                             |y(x) − t| absolute error
   ... and classication:
                        I(y(x) = t) 0-1 loss
      L(t, y(x)) =
                        −2 log pt (x) log-likelihood loss
                                                            4 / 34
Notation (cont.)

             1   N
     err =   N   i=1   L(ti , xi )    training error

     ErrD = ED [L(t, y(x))]           test error (prediction error) for a given
     training set D

     Err = E[ErrD ] = E[L(t, y(x))]            expected test error

Most methods eectively estimate only           Err.

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Typical behavior of test and training error

     Training error is not a good estimate of the test error

     There is some intermediate model complexity that gives
     minimum expected test error

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Dening our goals

Model Selection
Estimating the performance of dierent models in order to choose
the best one

Model Assessment
Having chosen a nal model, estimating its generalization error on
new data

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Data-rich situation

   Training set is used to learn the models

   Validation set is used to estimate prediction error for model

   Test set is used for assessment of the generalization error of the
   chosen model

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1   Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

2   Nature of Prediction Error

3   Error Estimation: Analytical methods
      SRM Approach

4   Error Estimation: Sample re-use

5   Model Assessment in R

                                           9 / 34
Bias-Variance Decomposition
Let's consider expected loss       E[L]   for regression task:

                     E[L] =            L(t, y(x)) p(x, t)dxdt
                               R   X

Under squared error loss,      h(x) = E[t|x] =       tp(t|x)dt   is the optimal
Then,   E[L]   can be decomposed into the sum of three parts:

                      E[L] = bias2 + variance + noise

          bias        =   (ED [y(x; D)] − h(x))2 p(x)dx
        variance      =       ED [(y(x; D) − ED [y(x; D)])2 ] p(x)dx
          noise       =   (h(x) − t)2 p(x, t)dxdt

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Bias-Variance Decomposition

     For a linear model      y(x, w) =       j=1   wj xj , ∀wj = 0,
     the in-sample error is:

                        1                                   p 2
                  Err =              (¯(xi ) − h(xi ))2 +
                                      y                       σ + σ2
                        N      i=1

     For a ridge regression model (Tikhonov regularization):

     Err =              {(ˆ(xi ) − h(xi ))2 + (ˆ(xi ) − y (xi ))2 } + V ar + σ 2
                          y                    y        ¯
           N      i=1

     where   y (xi )
             ˆ          the best-tting linear approximation to      h

                                                                            11 / 34
Behavior of bias and variance

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Bias-variance tradeo

                     Regression with squared loss

                     Classication with 0-1 loss

                     In the 2nd case, prediction error is no
                     longer the sum of squared bias and

                 ⇒   The best choices of tuning parameters
                     may dier substantially in the two

                                                               13 / 34
1   Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

2   Nature of Prediction Error

3   Error Estimation: Analytical methods
      SRM Approach

4   Error Estimation: Sample re-use

5   Model Assessment in R

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Analytical methods: AIC, BIC, SRM

   They give the in-sample estimates in the general form:

                               Err = err + w

   where   w
           ˆ   is an estimate of the average optimism

   By using    w,
               ˆ    the methods penalize too complex models

   Unlike regularization, they do not impose a specic
   regularization parameter    λ
   Each criterion denes its notion of model complexity involved in
   the penalizing term

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Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

   Applicable for linear models

   Either log-likelihood loss or squared error loss is used

   Given a set of models indexed by a tuning parameter        α,   denote
   by   d(α)   number of parameters for each model. Then,

                                            d(α) 2
                         AIC(α) = err + 2       σ
   where   σ2
           ˆ    is typically estimated by the mean squared error of a
   low-bias model

   Finally, we choose the model giving smallest AIC

                                                                       16 / 34
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

                     Phoneme recognition task (N      = 1000)
                     Input vector is the log-periodogram of
                     the spoken vowel quantized to 256
                     uniformly space frequencies

                     Linear logistic regression is used to
                     predict the phonem class

                     Here   d(α)   is a number of basis

                                                             17 / 34
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
   BIC, like AIC, is applicable in settings where log-likehood
   maximization is involved

                              N                  d
                     BIC =      2
                                  (err + (log N ) σ 2 )
                              ˆ                  N

   BIC is proportional to AIC with the factor 2 replaced by    log N
   Having   N  8,   BIC tends to penalize complex models more
   heavily than AIC

   BIC also provides the posterior probability of each model     m:
                                 e− 2 BICm
                                 M      1
                                      − 2 BICl
                                 l=1 e

   BIC is asympotically consistent as   N →∞
                                                                      18 / 34
Structural Risk Minimization
   The Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theory provides a general
   measure of the model complexity and gives associated bounds
   on the optimism

   Such a complexity measure, VC dimension, is dened as follows:

             VC dimension of the class functions {f (x, α)} is
             the largest number of points that can be shattered by
             members of {f (x, α)}

   E.g. a linear indicator function in   p   dimensions has VC
   dimension   p + 1; sin(αx)   has innite VC dimension

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Structural Risk Minimization (cont.)
    If we t   N   training points using   {f (x, α)} having VC dimension
    h,   then with probability at least    1 − η the following bound holds:

                                       h     2N        ln η
                    Err  err +          (ln    + 1) −      )
                                       N      h         N
    SRM approach ts a nested sequence of models of increasing VC
    dimensions     h1  h2 . . .   and then chooses the model with the
    smallest upper bound

    SVM classier eciently carries out the SRM approach

  ˆ There exists the diculty in calculating the VC dimension of a class
    of functions
  ˆ In practice, often the upper bound is very loose

                                                                         20 / 34
1   Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

2   Nature of Prediction Error

3   Error Estimation: Analytical methods
      SRM Approach

4   Error Estimation: Sample re-use

5   Model Assessment in R

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Sample re-use: cross-validation, bootstrapping

   These methods directly (and quite accurately) estimate
   the average generalization error
   The extra-sample error is evaluated rather than
   in-sample one (test input vectors do not need to
   coincide with training ones)
   They can be used with any loss function, and with
   nonlinear, adaptive and tting techniques
   However, they may underestimate true error for such
   tting methods as trees

                                                       22 / 34
   Probably the simplest and widely used method

   However, time-consuming method

   CV procedure looks as follows:
     1   Split data into K roughly equal-sized parts
     2   For k-th part we t the model y −k (x) to other K − 1 parts
     3   Then the cross-validation estimate of the prediction error is
                          CV =             L(ti , y −k(i) (xi ))

   The case   K=N      (leave-one-out cross-validation) is roughly
   unbiased, but can have high variance
                                                                         23 / 34
Cross-validation (cont.)
    In practice, 5- or 10-fold cross-validation is recommended

    CV tends to overestimate the true prediction error on small

    Often one-standard error rule is used with CV. See example:

                                         We choose the most
                                         parsimonious model
                                         whose error is no more
                                         than one standard error
                                         above the error of the
                                         best model

                                         A model with   p=9
                                         would be chosen

                                                                   24 / 34
   General method for assessing statistical accuracy
   Given a training set, here the bootstrapping procedure steps are:
     1   Randomly draw datasets of with replacement from it; each
         sample is of the same size as the original one
     2   This is done by B times, producing B bootstrap datasets
     3   Fit the model to each of the bootstrap datasets
     4   Examine the prediction error using the original training set as a
         test set:
                             1            1
                   Errboot =                               L(ti , y ∗b (xi ))
                             N          |C −i |
                                  i=1             b∈C −i

         where C (−i) is the set of indices of the bootstrap samples that
         do not contain observation i
   To alleviate the upward bias, the .632 estimator is used:

                   ˆ (.632) = 0.368 err + 0.632 Errboot
                  Err                            ˆ
                                                                                25 / 34
1   Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

2   Nature of Prediction Error

3   Error Estimation: Analytical methods
      SRM Approach

4   Error Estimation: Sample re-use

5   Model Assessment in R

                                           26 / 34

     Free software environment for statistical
     computing and graphics
     R packages for machine learning and data
     mining: kernlab, rpart, randomForest,
     animation, gbm, tm etc.
     R packages for evaluation: bootstrap,boot
     RStudio IDE
                                                 27 / 34
Housing dataset at UCI Machine learning

     Housing values in suburbs of Boston

     506 intances, 13 attributes + 1 numeric class attribute

                                                                 28 / 34
Loading data in R

 housing - read.table(∼/projects/r/,
+ header=T)

                                                       29 / 34
Cross-validation example in R
Helper function

Creating a function using crossval() from bootstrap package

   eval - function(fit,k=10){
+   require(bootstrap)
+ - function(x,y){lsfit(x,y)}
+   theta.predict - function(fit,x){cbind(1,x)%*%fit$coef}
+   x - fit$model[,2:ncol(fit$model)]
+   y - fit$model[,1]
+   results - crossval(x,y,,theta.predict,
+   ngroup=k)
+   squared.error=sum((y-results$^2)/length(y)
+   cat(Cross-validated squared error =,
+   squared.error, n)}

                                                              30 / 34
Cross-validation example in R
Model assessment

 fit - lm(MEDV∼.,data=housing) # A linear model that uses
 all the attributes
Cross-validated squared error = 23.15827
+ data=housing) # Less complex model
Cross-validated squared error = 23.24319
 fit - lm(MEDV∼ RM,data=housing) # Too simple model
Cross-validated squared error = 44.38424

                                                             31 / 34
Bootstrapping example in R
Helper function

Creating a function using boot() function from boot package

   sqer - function(formula,data,indices){
+   d - data[indices,]
+   fit - lm(formula, data=d)
+   return (sum(fit$residuals^2)/length(fit$residuals))
+   }

                                                              32 / 34
Bootstrapping example in R
Model assessment

 results - boot(data=housing,statistic=sqer,R=1000,
formula=MEDV∼.) # 1000 bootstrapped datasets
Bootstrap Statistics :
    original   bias     std. error
t1* 21.89483 -0.76001     2.296025
 results - boot(data=housing,statistic=sqer,R=1000,
Bootstrap Statistics :
    original     bias     std. error
t1* 22.88726 -0.5400892     2.744437
 results - boot(data=housing,statistic=sqer,R=1000,
formula=MEDV∼ RM)
Bootstrap Statistics :
    original     bias     std. error
t1* 43.60055 -0.3379168     5.407933
                                                             33 / 34

   T.Hastie, R.Tibshirani, J.Friedman. The Elements of Statistical
   Learning, 2008
   Stanford Engineering Everywhere CS229  Machine Learning.
   Handouts 4 and 5

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7 - Model Assessment and Selection

  • 1. Model Assessment and Selection Machine Learning Seminar Series'11 Nikita Zhiltsov Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia 18 November 2011 1 / 34
  • 2. Outline 1 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity 2 Nature of Prediction Error 3 Error Estimation: Analytical methods AIC BIC SRM Approach 4 Error Estimation: Sample re-use Cross-validation Bootstrapping 5 Model Assessment in R 2 / 34
  • 3. Outline 1 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity 2 Nature of Prediction Error 3 Error Estimation: Analytical methods AIC BIC SRM Approach 4 Error Estimation: Sample re-use Cross-validation Bootstrapping 5 Model Assessment in R 3 / 34
  • 4. Notation x = (x1 , . . . , xD ) ∈ X a vector of inputs t ∈ T a target variable y(x) a prediction model L(t, y(x)) the loss function for measuring errors. Usual choices for regression: (y(x) − t)2 squared error L(t, y(x)) = |y(x) − t| absolute error ... and classication: I(y(x) = t) 0-1 loss L(t, y(x)) = −2 log pt (x) log-likelihood loss 4 / 34
  • 5. Notation (cont.) 1 N err = N i=1 L(ti , xi ) training error ErrD = ED [L(t, y(x))] test error (prediction error) for a given training set D Err = E[ErrD ] = E[L(t, y(x))] expected test error NB Most methods eectively estimate only Err. 5 / 34
  • 6. Typical behavior of test and training error Example Training error is not a good estimate of the test error There is some intermediate model complexity that gives minimum expected test error 6 / 34
  • 7. Dening our goals Model Selection Estimating the performance of dierent models in order to choose the best one Model Assessment Having chosen a nal model, estimating its generalization error on new data 7 / 34
  • 8. Data-rich situation Training set is used to learn the models Validation set is used to estimate prediction error for model selection Test set is used for assessment of the generalization error of the chosen model 8 / 34
  • 9. Outline 1 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity 2 Nature of Prediction Error 3 Error Estimation: Analytical methods AIC BIC SRM Approach 4 Error Estimation: Sample re-use Cross-validation Bootstrapping 5 Model Assessment in R 9 / 34
  • 10. Bias-Variance Decomposition Let's consider expected loss E[L] for regression task: E[L] = L(t, y(x)) p(x, t)dxdt R X Under squared error loss, h(x) = E[t|x] = tp(t|x)dt is the optimal prediction. Then, E[L] can be decomposed into the sum of three parts: E[L] = bias2 + variance + noise where 2 bias = (ED [y(x; D)] − h(x))2 p(x)dx variance = ED [(y(x; D) − ED [y(x; D)])2 ] p(x)dx noise = (h(x) − t)2 p(x, t)dxdt 10 / 34
  • 11. Bias-Variance Decomposition Examples p For a linear model y(x, w) = j=1 wj xj , ∀wj = 0, the in-sample error is: N 1 p 2 Err = (¯(xi ) − h(xi ))2 + y σ + σ2 N i=1 N For a ridge regression model (Tikhonov regularization): N 1 Err = {(ˆ(xi ) − h(xi ))2 + (ˆ(xi ) − y (xi ))2 } + V ar + σ 2 y y ¯ N i=1 where y (xi ) ˆ the best-tting linear approximation to h 11 / 34
  • 12. Behavior of bias and variance 12 / 34
  • 13. Bias-variance tradeo Example Regression with squared loss Classication with 0-1 loss In the 2nd case, prediction error is no longer the sum of squared bias and variance ⇒ The best choices of tuning parameters may dier substantially in the two settings 13 / 34
  • 14. Outline 1 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity 2 Nature of Prediction Error 3 Error Estimation: Analytical methods AIC BIC SRM Approach 4 Error Estimation: Sample re-use Cross-validation Bootstrapping 5 Model Assessment in R 14 / 34
  • 15. Analytical methods: AIC, BIC, SRM They give the in-sample estimates in the general form: ˆ Err = err + w ˆ where w ˆ is an estimate of the average optimism By using w, ˆ the methods penalize too complex models Unlike regularization, they do not impose a specic regularization parameter λ Each criterion denes its notion of model complexity involved in the penalizing term 15 / 34
  • 16. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) Applicable for linear models Either log-likelihood loss or squared error loss is used Given a set of models indexed by a tuning parameter α, denote by d(α) number of parameters for each model. Then, d(α) 2 AIC(α) = err + 2 σ ˆ N where σ2 ˆ is typically estimated by the mean squared error of a low-bias model Finally, we choose the model giving smallest AIC 16 / 34
  • 17. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) Example Phoneme recognition task (N = 1000) Input vector is the log-periodogram of the spoken vowel quantized to 256 uniformly space frequencies Linear logistic regression is used to predict the phonem class Here d(α) is a number of basis functions 17 / 34
  • 18. Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) BIC, like AIC, is applicable in settings where log-likehood maximization is involved N d BIC = 2 (err + (log N ) σ 2 ) ˆ σ ˆ N BIC is proportional to AIC with the factor 2 replaced by log N Having N 8, BIC tends to penalize complex models more heavily than AIC BIC also provides the posterior probability of each model m: 1 e− 2 BICm M 1 − 2 BICl l=1 e BIC is asympotically consistent as N →∞ 18 / 34
  • 19. Structural Risk Minimization The Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theory provides a general measure of the model complexity and gives associated bounds on the optimism Such a complexity measure, VC dimension, is dened as follows: VC dimension of the class functions {f (x, α)} is the largest number of points that can be shattered by members of {f (x, α)} E.g. a linear indicator function in p dimensions has VC dimension p + 1; sin(αx) has innite VC dimension 19 / 34
  • 20. Structural Risk Minimization (cont.) If we t N training points using {f (x, α)} having VC dimension h, then with probability at least 1 − η the following bound holds: h 2N ln η Err err + (ln + 1) − ) N h N SRM approach ts a nested sequence of models of increasing VC dimensions h1 h2 . . . and then chooses the model with the smallest upper bound SVM classier eciently carries out the SRM approach Issues ˆ There exists the diculty in calculating the VC dimension of a class of functions ˆ In practice, often the upper bound is very loose 20 / 34
  • 21. Outline 1 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity 2 Nature of Prediction Error 3 Error Estimation: Analytical methods AIC BIC SRM Approach 4 Error Estimation: Sample re-use Cross-validation Bootstrapping 5 Model Assessment in R 21 / 34
  • 22. Sample re-use: cross-validation, bootstrapping These methods directly (and quite accurately) estimate the average generalization error The extra-sample error is evaluated rather than in-sample one (test input vectors do not need to coincide with training ones) They can be used with any loss function, and with nonlinear, adaptive and tting techniques However, they may underestimate true error for such tting methods as trees 22 / 34
  • 23. Cross-validation Probably the simplest and widely used method However, time-consuming method CV procedure looks as follows: 1 Split data into K roughly equal-sized parts 2 For k-th part we t the model y −k (x) to other K − 1 parts 3 Then the cross-validation estimate of the prediction error is N 1 CV = L(ti , y −k(i) (xi )) N i=1 The case K=N (leave-one-out cross-validation) is roughly unbiased, but can have high variance 23 / 34
  • 24. Cross-validation (cont.) In practice, 5- or 10-fold cross-validation is recommended CV tends to overestimate the true prediction error on small datasets Often one-standard error rule is used with CV. See example: We choose the most parsimonious model whose error is no more than one standard error above the error of the best model A model with p=9 would be chosen 24 / 34
  • 25. Bootstrapping General method for assessing statistical accuracy Given a training set, here the bootstrapping procedure steps are: 1 Randomly draw datasets of with replacement from it; each sample is of the same size as the original one 2 This is done by B times, producing B bootstrap datasets 3 Fit the model to each of the bootstrap datasets 4 Examine the prediction error using the original training set as a test set: N 1 1 ˆ Errboot = L(ti , y ∗b (xi )) N |C −i | i=1 b∈C −i where C (−i) is the set of indices of the bootstrap samples that do not contain observation i To alleviate the upward bias, the .632 estimator is used: ˆ (.632) = 0.368 err + 0.632 Errboot Err ˆ 25 / 34
  • 26. Outline 1 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity 2 Nature of Prediction Error 3 Error Estimation: Analytical methods AIC BIC SRM Approach 4 Error Estimation: Sample re-use Cross-validation Bootstrapping 5 Model Assessment in R 26 / 34
  • 27. Free software environment for statistical computing and graphics R packages for machine learning and data mining: kernlab, rpart, randomForest, animation, gbm, tm etc. R packages for evaluation: bootstrap,boot RStudio IDE 27 / 34
  • 28. Housing dataset at UCI Machine learning repository Housing values in suburbs of Boston 506 intances, 13 attributes + 1 numeric class attribute (MEDV) 28 / 34
  • 29. Loading data in R housing - read.table(∼/projects/r/, + header=T) attach(housing) 29 / 34
  • 30. Cross-validation example in R Helper function Creating a function using crossval() from bootstrap package eval - function(fit,k=10){ + require(bootstrap) + - function(x,y){lsfit(x,y)} + theta.predict - function(fit,x){cbind(1,x)%*%fit$coef} + x - fit$model[,2:ncol(fit$model)] + y - fit$model[,1] + results - crossval(x,y,,theta.predict, + ngroup=k) + squared.error=sum((y-results$^2)/length(y) + cat(Cross-validated squared error =, + squared.error, n)} 30 / 34
  • 31. Cross-validation example in R Model assessment fit - lm(MEDV∼.,data=housing) # A linear model that uses all the attributes eval(fit) Cross-validated squared error = 23.15827 fit - lm(MEDV∼ ZN+NOX+RM+DIS+RAD+TAX+PTRATIO+B+LSTAT+CRIM+CHAS, + data=housing) # Less complex model eval(fit) Cross-validated squared error = 23.24319 fit - lm(MEDV∼ RM,data=housing) # Too simple model eval(fit) Cross-validated squared error = 44.38424 31 / 34
  • 32. Bootstrapping example in R Helper function Creating a function using boot() function from boot package sqer - function(formula,data,indices){ + d - data[indices,] + fit - lm(formula, data=d) + return (sum(fit$residuals^2)/length(fit$residuals)) + } 32 / 34
  • 33. Bootstrapping example in R Model assessment results - boot(data=housing,statistic=sqer,R=1000, formula=MEDV∼.) # 1000 bootstrapped datasets print(results) Bootstrap Statistics : original bias std. error t1* 21.89483 -0.76001 2.296025 results - boot(data=housing,statistic=sqer,R=1000, formula=MEDV∼ ZN+NOX+RM+DIS+RAD+TAX+PTRATIO+B+LSTAT+CRIM+CHAS) print(results) Bootstrap Statistics : original bias std. error t1* 22.88726 -0.5400892 2.744437 results - boot(data=housing,statistic=sqer,R=1000, formula=MEDV∼ RM) print(results) Bootstrap Statistics : original bias std. error t1* 43.60055 -0.3379168 5.407933 33 / 34
  • 34. Resources T.Hastie, R.Tibshirani, J.Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2008 Stanford Engineering Everywhere CS229 Machine Learning. Handouts 4 and 5 learning/ 34 / 34