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By Olivia Groom
Style sheet
After I had done research on styles of fonts for pregnancy and
children's fashion magazines, I focused on the feminine styles
that most of them portrayed and the child like alphabet
lettering. I really like the idea of the alphabet fonts for taglines
and headlines for my article, as I think this is really appealing
for a child friendly magazine and mothers, as it links to the
topic. Most the styles of font are very delicate and minimal,
which signifies children and child nature. I like the idea of a
thin and dainty font, that isn’t too bold or harsh. I tried to
explore a few different font styles from pregnancy and
children's fashion magazines so I had a wider range to get
inspiration from. The use of the alphabet letters is a style you
would see in a nursery for a baby, so when I talk about
designing your nursery for your new born in one of my articles
I will use this style for the headline for effect. I will be using
the website to download my fonts from for my
production, as there are many to choose from that I could use.
Personally I could see all these fonts used for my production as
I think they would work exceptionally well for my magazine. I
think a font similar to these would work well for my target
audience of mother in there late 20’s to 40’s because it is a
specific kind of style women would associate new-borns and
children and would bring out their maternal instincts. The
alphabet style letters are quite chic and modern which is what
I like, adding a bit of graphic design and it contrasts well with
the minimalism of a child magazine.
This font I especially like for a masthead on my cover, however I
would want it to be in capitals instead of lower case as most
magazines don’t have lower case for a masthead. I think this font
has elements of a child nature and is dainty emphasising femininity,
especially through the use of flicks on the end of letters as this
represents elegance and class. I got this font off the website, so for my production I could download this font and
use it very easily. I would use a large sized font for my masthead.
Style sheet 2- font colour schemes.
This color of baby pink is a very popular
color for existing child fashion and
pregnancy magazines. This color has a
big association to new born girls and
tends to be the main color that is used
for their clothing and toys. I would like to
use this color for my fonts as it signifies
love and maternal instincts. I find it also
in particular conveys care and comfort in
a mother and daughter, and of course is
very feminine, therefore this color will
apply to my target audience. I do
however think this color is too female
associated and I was hoping to have
some gender neutral colors involved.
However, baby pink can be exciting and
youthful (which is why it is asscociated
with new borns) it tones down the
passion of red with the purity of white
resulting in a harmony that is linked with
happiness and love between a mother
and baby.
A font like this in the color pink is
something I would like to involve
in my production. This font is off
the website, from the
calligraphy brush section. I really
like the use of this brush
technique that symbolizes the
same effect writing with a
paintbrush has. This type of font is
perfect for taglines, as it is quite
subtle and will blend in with any
images or backgrounds I involve. It
has a soft touch to it and is very
aesthetically pleasing being so
dainty. It would give the magazine
an overall artistic look, which in a
way creates more depth instead of
just basic bold letters.
I like the idea especially of a
gold color scheme for my font. I
find this gives off connotations
of luxury and importance, as
well as class and expense which
I want my magazine to
represent. Gold is also
associated with celebration, so
with my topic being children
and new borns it helps embrace
the celebration of new life and
birth. As gold is a bold and
outgoing color, I would use a
font that is less dainty and
more of a statement, with
spacings in between.
Style sheet (color schemes)
For my color schemes, I used the website This website was
really useful as it has given me an over all idea of what colors I really need to
involve in my production. To create my color schemes, I found a photograph
from existing pregnancy and child fashion magazines and downloaded it then
placed it into color scheme. It then came up with a strip of colors involved, all
which I find very aesthetically pleasing. I really like these choice of colors as
they are all tones you would associate with new born babies as some are
very gender neutral. In my magazine, I want to write an article based on
designing your babies nursery but using colors that are not gender
stereotyped such as blues and pinks, so the colors such as beige, brown and
white are perfectly linked to this topic. I also like the idea of not just using
feminine colors as then it widens the target not just for females, but also
fathers who are interested. The colors like the white and pinks represent a lot
of purity and innocence which is conveyed within a child, especially their
clothing. As I also want to talk about female child fashion, these whites and
pinks are perfect for this as most children who are girls wear these pastel
colors as they are young and youthful- if I use these in my production it will
be a child friendly magazine. I also find this colors are quite earthly and
natural, which is what I want my magazine to represent. Children also are
seen as natural and not artificial so I should create this them throughout. The
browns and beige colors also link to gold which signifies luxury and class, as
my target audience is middle to upper class I feel this color scheme is
relevant. When doing my production, I will ensure to produce an overall color
scheme where I mix the colors within my title, images, background and
taglines as I want to include different colors that create an overall theme of
the topic. As I am also doing an article of skincare during pregnancy, I will be
producing a different color scheme for this. However within the topic of
children's fashion and pregnancy I want to involve pastel and summery
colors, as I am basing the clothing on the summer season and therefore
bright and cheerful tones are necessary.
Style sheet (color schemes)
For my article on skincare, these colors are exactly the kind of style I
want to go ahead with. These colors have a natural outlook and earthly
tones that you relate to being fresh and exposed. For my article on
skincare, I will be writing about natural home made remedies for
skincare and a more earthly approach proving the less artificial ways
work best. After researching other existing skincare magazines, I noticed
these colors are used often over any others. They have connotations of
positivity and happiness, as well as sunlight and natural products. Green
for instance strongly signifies well being and self respect, it is soothing
and safe which represents good skin and health. I really want include
green and white a lot in my production, as these colors are pure and non
artificial. I will be taking a few of my photographs outside, as I want them
to be natural and clear lighting. For my front cover and article on
skincare, I think this colors are very suitable instead of being in a studio. I
think the use of brown tones down the vibrant colors of yellow and
green, so this could work well for my production as I don’t want to go too
bright, I would like to keep my color scheme pastel tones and that don’t
distract from the images of topic too, but blend in together.
Existing magazines
These magazines are all the topics I would like to involve in my production. I want to do a magazine combined with
all these topics. Mainly focusing on children's fashion, but also surrounding other elements of pregnancy such as the
mothers health and feeling good about themselves, skincare, and designing a nursery. I really like the colors that are
used in all 3 of these existing designs, and I feel they are all colors included in my color schemes I created. For my
front cover, I want to use colors such as white with a full body close up picture of a child in a dress, similar to the
one I have placed above, as I feel it conveys a lot of purity and innocence bringing out children's characteristics.
However I want to have my background outside with greenery to have a naturalistic approach rather than a child
stuck in a studio posing, as it seems a bit forced. For my audience of mothers, I think that the products will sell more
if there is a photograph of a child happily playing. This especially will work if there isn't a direct mode of address, as
this also looks forced like the image above. Mothers will see a child playing happily in a nice piece of clothing and
want their child to be happy and comfortable too.
Color scheme of existing magazine
This color scheme is exactly what colors I would like to
involve in my production. I feel this image is very
natural and approachable for my target audience of
mothers, and the baby comes across as innocent and
not forced. I like the use of font for the masthead, and
with the use of lower case as it comes across more
subtle and gentle. I really like the variety of greens and
turquoise tones that are used, as they have
connotations of emotion and well being, care and
healing- all associated with babies. The image is direct
mode of address to connect with the audience,
however I like the use of this in this circumstance as
the baby isn't aware of the effect it has, and you can
tell it wasn't imposed. I definitely think this kind of
cover has an overall link to my topics I want to include
in my magazine, as it overall is about babies and that
links to their clothing, pregnancy, mothers and looking
after yourself. I like the way all the colors link in
together, such as the pink outline on the dress is then
carried on through the title, and the babies rosy
cheeks. This technique is also used with the child's big
blue eyes, then there is similar tones of the blue subtly
placed in the background. As you can see using this
color scheme technique ties in the whole cover to
make a theme that gives off a certain effect for the
audience. I hope to use this in my production with
similar use of colors.
Exisitng skincare article
These existing double page spreads have a variety of colors that I
would like to include in my FMP. I will be using the different tones of
green for sure, as it has a lot of connotations of everything skincare
represents. For my production, I will be using these colors for my DPS
on skincare. I especially like the pinks with the greens, as it combines
care and love for yourself and a woman's health during pregnancy. I
have decide colors I will be using for my production will be greens,
white, yellows, and baby pink. After researching these color schemes
I realize these are the most common colors for the topics I am
approaching in my final major project. On the second existing
product, I like the use of a large number to attract the audiences
attention. The use of '40' being a bigger size font than 'best natural
beauty products' draws the reader in and you immediately look at
the tagline and want to know the best products for your skin. Id like
to have a similar layout to this for my magazine, with lots of images
of skincare products and text around or below it, with images at the
top. I like the fact the images on the second existing DPS have more
artistic images that look like they've been hand painted with water
colors. This is an interesting approach to images, and I like the idea of
doing this for my own production. I like the fonts that are used,
they're very feminine and delicate which symbolizes beauty on a
whole. This paint like technique for the images is very pretty, and
enhances the choice of colors that are used such as the greens an
yellows, created different tones and shading. I think this would be a
good technique for my images as the painting effect is quite child
friendly and would make sense being used in a magazine based on
pregnancy and babies. This existing product has drawn me towards a
more artistic approach for my design, and is something I could
produce on a software such as photoshop then download it into
Layout 1
What is Lorem Ipsum?
Lorem Ipsum is simply
dummy text of the
printing and
typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum has
been the industry's
standard dummy text
ever since the 1500s,
when an unknown
printer took a galley
of type and scrambled
it to make a type
specimen book. It has
It is a long established
fact that a reader will
be distracted by the
readable content of a
page when looking at
its layout. The point of
using Lorem Ipsum is
that it has a more-or-
less normal
distribution of letters,
as opposed to using
'Content here, content
here', making it look
like readable English.
Many desktop
and web page
editors now use
Lorem Ipsum as
their default model
text, and a search
for 'lorem ipsum'
will uncover many
web sites still in
their infancy.
Various versions
What is Lorem Ipsum?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the
printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
Ipsum has been the industry's standard
dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an
unknown printer took a galley of type and
scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
It has survived not only five centuries, but
also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It
was popularised in the 1960s with the
release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem
Ipsum passages, and more recently with
desktop publishing software like Aldus
PageMaker including versions of Lorem
Reflection of layout 1
• I am really pleased with the color scheme I have designed within this layout
practice for skincare. I didn’t think I would be able to achieve something that still
looked professional with the colors used such as greens and browns. However,
these colors seem to really work with the images I used off google, and the topic
of skincare of course. I think the layout of my DPS is what I will be using for my
final production, with the use of images at the top almost like a header, then text
and a few smaller images next to this. I like this layout as it covers the topic with
the photographs straight away and you know exactly what you will be reading,
then there is photos displayed next to the text to ensure you are interested and
intrigued by the products the whole way through. I didn’t use guidelines for this as
it was done on power point, but I think it still looks In proportion. For the header
of images, I copy and pasted photos off google and placed them like a mood board
almost, to fit them all together. I think this makes the whole layout look really
fresh, and is something you would see in an existing magazine. I then went onto
doing a layout for my cover, this consists of a close up image of model Kate Moss,
with a masthead and taglines around the image. I think this cover is natural and
exotic with the use of greens and browns, and with the image right in center it
catches the eye. I like the use of a close up image for skincare as it focus' more on
the kin and endorses the audience, especially with the image taking up most the
cover. I will be re creating a very similar layout to these for my production, as I feel
for skincare this works the best.
Layout 2
Lorem Ipsum is simply
dummy text of the
printing and typesetting
industry. Lorem Ipsum
has been the industry's
standard dummy text
ever since the 1500s,
when an unknown
printer took a galley of
type and scrambled it to
make a type specimen
book. It has survived not
only five centuries, but
also the leap into
electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially
unchanged. It was
popularised in the 1960s
with the release of
Letraset sheets
containing Lorem Ipsum
passages, and more
recently with desktop
publishing software like
Aldus PageMaker
including versions of
Lorem Ipsum
Top 10
What is Lorem Ipsum?
Lorem Ipsum is simply
dummy text of the
printing and
typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum has been
the industry's standard
dummy text ever since
the 1500s, when an
unknown printer took a
galley of type and
scrambled it
to make a type specimen book. It has survived
not only five centuries, but also the leap into
electronic typesetting, remaining essentially
unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with
the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem
Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop
publishing software like Aldus PageMaker
including versions of Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is simply
dummy text of the
printing and
typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum has been
the industry's standard
dummy text ever since
the 1500s, when an
unknown printer took
a galley of type and
scrambled it to make a
type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is
simply dummy
text of the printing
and typesetting
industry. Lorem
Ipsum has been
the industry's
standard dummy
text ever since the
1500s, when an
unknown printer
Reflection of layout 2
• For my second cover and DPS layout, I created a different design that worked
better for this topic. I wanted to have a close up of head and shoulders image that
took up most of cover, with a bit of background behind it, however in my final
production I will just have a full body photograph that takes up the whole cover. I
like the way I have taglines around the image, but in my final cover I will have
more. I will also use the cover issue for a professional layout at the top right corner
of the cover, as I feel this works well. I have my masthead in the middle and the
top of the cover, but I would make this a lot bigger for my production and make it
less center and more to the left. For the DPS, as it was on children's fashion I
wanted to leave room around the text for images. I think this works for this as I
could have photographs of children in clothing and then talk about the clothing in
the image next to it, as then it is a relevant layout. I really like the way the title of
the DPS Is really big, then with a large image on the left hand side with text down
the right hand side. I will definitely re create this exactly for my final production. I
then had two images of children in clothing with text around, however I would like
to have more smaller images and then more text, instead of having two medium
size photographs with not enough text. The text also is weirdly set out as it was
placed around the photographs, and this kind of layout is hard to follow when
reading. However I really like the left hand side on the DPS and will re create it for
my production.
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed/soft
Locations needed
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Lose SD card Make sure I keep the SD card in a safe area where it
will be easily found and I can try upload the content
up on to a computer as quick as possible so that if
the card does get lost you already have the images
Lose memory stick Make sure you always keep a back up of your work
on one drive or sent to your email so that if you do
lose it you still have it backed up.
Work wont save If the work isn't saving to certain things try and use
another method for example if it wont save to the
computer or one drive save to a memory stick or
email it to yourself.
Memory stick corrupts Always make sure you're not just saving your work
to a memory stick as they are easily lost or
corrupted or make sure you save it somewhere
backed up.
Images are blurry or not in good quality Make sure you're checking your images as you go
so that you don’t have to go back and do them all
over again and if something is not right try change
the setting and see if it improves anything.
Computer crashes Make sure you're constantly saving your week so
that if it does crash you know you wont have lost
too much work, if using one drive it saves
automatically so this would be a good option to use.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Electric shock Make sure they are no drinks or too many wires
together, as if water spills people will get an
electric shock especially if there are lots of wires
all next to one another, and report bare wires as
they cause electric shocks.
Eye strain Have 5 minute breaks between looking at your
screen for too long as eye strains cause
headaches, have some painkillers and a drink
with you in case you need to go outside for a
Falling over chair Ensure all chairs are tucked under tables and
not in the way of others so nobody can trip.
Weather conditions Have back up locations for when taking your
photographs and check the weather before you
plan to take your images.
Safety with camera Make sure you're watching where you're
standing and have the tripod out the way so
you can't trip over it, as well as the camera
being out the way of people knocking it.
Lose wires Make sure all wires are tucked away to
ensure you can't fall over or pull anyway out

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Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four fmp planning and production primer(2)
Production diary
Production diaryProduction diary
Production diary
Production diary
Production diaryProduction diary
Production diary
Fmp production diary
Fmp production diaryFmp production diary
Fmp production diary
Portfolio work
Portfolio workPortfolio work
Portfolio work
Portfolio work
Portfolio workPortfolio work
Portfolio work
Task four fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)Task four    fmp planning and production primer(2)
Task four fmp planning and production primer(2)
Fmp task !!
Fmp task !!Fmp task !!
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5. pre production

  • 2. Style sheet After I had done research on styles of fonts for pregnancy and children's fashion magazines, I focused on the feminine styles that most of them portrayed and the child like alphabet lettering. I really like the idea of the alphabet fonts for taglines and headlines for my article, as I think this is really appealing for a child friendly magazine and mothers, as it links to the topic. Most the styles of font are very delicate and minimal, which signifies children and child nature. I like the idea of a thin and dainty font, that isn’t too bold or harsh. I tried to explore a few different font styles from pregnancy and children's fashion magazines so I had a wider range to get inspiration from. The use of the alphabet letters is a style you would see in a nursery for a baby, so when I talk about designing your nursery for your new born in one of my articles I will use this style for the headline for effect. I will be using the website to download my fonts from for my production, as there are many to choose from that I could use. Personally I could see all these fonts used for my production as I think they would work exceptionally well for my magazine. I think a font similar to these would work well for my target audience of mother in there late 20’s to 40’s because it is a specific kind of style women would associate new-borns and children and would bring out their maternal instincts. The alphabet style letters are quite chic and modern which is what I like, adding a bit of graphic design and it contrasts well with the minimalism of a child magazine. This font I especially like for a masthead on my cover, however I would want it to be in capitals instead of lower case as most magazines don’t have lower case for a masthead. I think this font has elements of a child nature and is dainty emphasising femininity, especially through the use of flicks on the end of letters as this represents elegance and class. I got this font off the website, so for my production I could download this font and use it very easily. I would use a large sized font for my masthead.
  • 3. Style sheet 2- font colour schemes. This color of baby pink is a very popular color for existing child fashion and pregnancy magazines. This color has a big association to new born girls and tends to be the main color that is used for their clothing and toys. I would like to use this color for my fonts as it signifies love and maternal instincts. I find it also in particular conveys care and comfort in a mother and daughter, and of course is very feminine, therefore this color will apply to my target audience. I do however think this color is too female associated and I was hoping to have some gender neutral colors involved. However, baby pink can be exciting and youthful (which is why it is asscociated with new borns) it tones down the passion of red with the purity of white resulting in a harmony that is linked with happiness and love between a mother and baby. A font like this in the color pink is something I would like to involve in my production. This font is off the website, from the calligraphy brush section. I really like the use of this brush technique that symbolizes the same effect writing with a paintbrush has. This type of font is perfect for taglines, as it is quite subtle and will blend in with any images or backgrounds I involve. It has a soft touch to it and is very aesthetically pleasing being so dainty. It would give the magazine an overall artistic look, which in a way creates more depth instead of just basic bold letters. I like the idea especially of a gold color scheme for my font. I find this gives off connotations of luxury and importance, as well as class and expense which I want my magazine to represent. Gold is also associated with celebration, so with my topic being children and new borns it helps embrace the celebration of new life and birth. As gold is a bold and outgoing color, I would use a font that is less dainty and more of a statement, with spacings in between.
  • 4. Style sheet (color schemes) For my color schemes, I used the website This website was really useful as it has given me an over all idea of what colors I really need to involve in my production. To create my color schemes, I found a photograph from existing pregnancy and child fashion magazines and downloaded it then placed it into color scheme. It then came up with a strip of colors involved, all which I find very aesthetically pleasing. I really like these choice of colors as they are all tones you would associate with new born babies as some are very gender neutral. In my magazine, I want to write an article based on designing your babies nursery but using colors that are not gender stereotyped such as blues and pinks, so the colors such as beige, brown and white are perfectly linked to this topic. I also like the idea of not just using feminine colors as then it widens the target not just for females, but also fathers who are interested. The colors like the white and pinks represent a lot of purity and innocence which is conveyed within a child, especially their clothing. As I also want to talk about female child fashion, these whites and pinks are perfect for this as most children who are girls wear these pastel colors as they are young and youthful- if I use these in my production it will be a child friendly magazine. I also find this colors are quite earthly and natural, which is what I want my magazine to represent. Children also are seen as natural and not artificial so I should create this them throughout. The browns and beige colors also link to gold which signifies luxury and class, as my target audience is middle to upper class I feel this color scheme is relevant. When doing my production, I will ensure to produce an overall color scheme where I mix the colors within my title, images, background and taglines as I want to include different colors that create an overall theme of the topic. As I am also doing an article of skincare during pregnancy, I will be producing a different color scheme for this. However within the topic of children's fashion and pregnancy I want to involve pastel and summery colors, as I am basing the clothing on the summer season and therefore bright and cheerful tones are necessary.
  • 5. Style sheet (color schemes) For my article on skincare, these colors are exactly the kind of style I want to go ahead with. These colors have a natural outlook and earthly tones that you relate to being fresh and exposed. For my article on skincare, I will be writing about natural home made remedies for skincare and a more earthly approach proving the less artificial ways work best. After researching other existing skincare magazines, I noticed these colors are used often over any others. They have connotations of positivity and happiness, as well as sunlight and natural products. Green for instance strongly signifies well being and self respect, it is soothing and safe which represents good skin and health. I really want include green and white a lot in my production, as these colors are pure and non artificial. I will be taking a few of my photographs outside, as I want them to be natural and clear lighting. For my front cover and article on skincare, I think this colors are very suitable instead of being in a studio. I think the use of brown tones down the vibrant colors of yellow and green, so this could work well for my production as I don’t want to go too bright, I would like to keep my color scheme pastel tones and that don’t distract from the images of topic too, but blend in together.
  • 6. Existing magazines These magazines are all the topics I would like to involve in my production. I want to do a magazine combined with all these topics. Mainly focusing on children's fashion, but also surrounding other elements of pregnancy such as the mothers health and feeling good about themselves, skincare, and designing a nursery. I really like the colors that are used in all 3 of these existing designs, and I feel they are all colors included in my color schemes I created. For my front cover, I want to use colors such as white with a full body close up picture of a child in a dress, similar to the one I have placed above, as I feel it conveys a lot of purity and innocence bringing out children's characteristics. However I want to have my background outside with greenery to have a naturalistic approach rather than a child stuck in a studio posing, as it seems a bit forced. For my audience of mothers, I think that the products will sell more if there is a photograph of a child happily playing. This especially will work if there isn't a direct mode of address, as this also looks forced like the image above. Mothers will see a child playing happily in a nice piece of clothing and want their child to be happy and comfortable too.
  • 7. Color scheme of existing magazine This color scheme is exactly what colors I would like to involve in my production. I feel this image is very natural and approachable for my target audience of mothers, and the baby comes across as innocent and not forced. I like the use of font for the masthead, and with the use of lower case as it comes across more subtle and gentle. I really like the variety of greens and turquoise tones that are used, as they have connotations of emotion and well being, care and healing- all associated with babies. The image is direct mode of address to connect with the audience, however I like the use of this in this circumstance as the baby isn't aware of the effect it has, and you can tell it wasn't imposed. I definitely think this kind of cover has an overall link to my topics I want to include in my magazine, as it overall is about babies and that links to their clothing, pregnancy, mothers and looking after yourself. I like the way all the colors link in together, such as the pink outline on the dress is then carried on through the title, and the babies rosy cheeks. This technique is also used with the child's big blue eyes, then there is similar tones of the blue subtly placed in the background. As you can see using this color scheme technique ties in the whole cover to make a theme that gives off a certain effect for the audience. I hope to use this in my production with similar use of colors.
  • 8. Exisitng skincare article These existing double page spreads have a variety of colors that I would like to include in my FMP. I will be using the different tones of green for sure, as it has a lot of connotations of everything skincare represents. For my production, I will be using these colors for my DPS on skincare. I especially like the pinks with the greens, as it combines care and love for yourself and a woman's health during pregnancy. I have decide colors I will be using for my production will be greens, white, yellows, and baby pink. After researching these color schemes I realize these are the most common colors for the topics I am approaching in my final major project. On the second existing product, I like the use of a large number to attract the audiences attention. The use of '40' being a bigger size font than 'best natural beauty products' draws the reader in and you immediately look at the tagline and want to know the best products for your skin. Id like to have a similar layout to this for my magazine, with lots of images of skincare products and text around or below it, with images at the top. I like the fact the images on the second existing DPS have more artistic images that look like they've been hand painted with water colors. This is an interesting approach to images, and I like the idea of doing this for my own production. I like the fonts that are used, they're very feminine and delicate which symbolizes beauty on a whole. This paint like technique for the images is very pretty, and enhances the choice of colors that are used such as the greens an yellows, created different tones and shading. I think this would be a good technique for my images as the painting effect is quite child friendly and would make sense being used in a magazine based on pregnancy and babies. This existing product has drawn me towards a more artistic approach for my design, and is something I could produce on a software such as photoshop then download it into Indesign.
  • 9. Layout 1 5 TOP TIPS FOR PERFECT SKIN What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or- less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
  • 11. Reflection of layout 1 • I am really pleased with the color scheme I have designed within this layout practice for skincare. I didn’t think I would be able to achieve something that still looked professional with the colors used such as greens and browns. However, these colors seem to really work with the images I used off google, and the topic of skincare of course. I think the layout of my DPS is what I will be using for my final production, with the use of images at the top almost like a header, then text and a few smaller images next to this. I like this layout as it covers the topic with the photographs straight away and you know exactly what you will be reading, then there is photos displayed next to the text to ensure you are interested and intrigued by the products the whole way through. I didn’t use guidelines for this as it was done on power point, but I think it still looks In proportion. For the header of images, I copy and pasted photos off google and placed them like a mood board almost, to fit them all together. I think this makes the whole layout look really fresh, and is something you would see in an existing magazine. I then went onto doing a layout for my cover, this consists of a close up image of model Kate Moss, with a masthead and taglines around the image. I think this cover is natural and exotic with the use of greens and browns, and with the image right in center it catches the eye. I like the use of a close up image for skincare as it focus' more on the kin and endorses the audience, especially with the image taking up most the cover. I will be re creating a very similar layout to these for my production, as I feel for skincare this works the best.
  • 12. Layout 2 SUMMER SEASON FASHION TIPS Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum Top 10 summer outfits What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer
  • 14. Reflection of layout 2 • For my second cover and DPS layout, I created a different design that worked better for this topic. I wanted to have a close up of head and shoulders image that took up most of cover, with a bit of background behind it, however in my final production I will just have a full body photograph that takes up the whole cover. I like the way I have taglines around the image, but in my final cover I will have more. I will also use the cover issue for a professional layout at the top right corner of the cover, as I feel this works well. I have my masthead in the middle and the top of the cover, but I would make this a lot bigger for my production and make it less center and more to the left. For the DPS, as it was on children's fashion I wanted to leave room around the text for images. I think this works for this as I could have photographs of children in clothing and then talk about the clothing in the image next to it, as then it is a relevant layout. I really like the way the title of the DPS Is really big, then with a large image on the left hand side with text down the right hand side. I will definitely re create this exactly for my final production. I then had two images of children in clothing with text around, however I would like to have more smaller images and then more text, instead of having two medium size photographs with not enough text. The text also is weirdly set out as it was placed around the photographs, and this kind of layout is hard to follow when reading. However I really like the left hand side on the DPS and will re create it for my production.
  • 16. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Lose SD card Make sure I keep the SD card in a safe area where it will be easily found and I can try upload the content up on to a computer as quick as possible so that if the card does get lost you already have the images somewhere. Lose memory stick Make sure you always keep a back up of your work on one drive or sent to your email so that if you do lose it you still have it backed up. Work wont save If the work isn't saving to certain things try and use another method for example if it wont save to the computer or one drive save to a memory stick or email it to yourself. Memory stick corrupts Always make sure you're not just saving your work to a memory stick as they are easily lost or corrupted or make sure you save it somewhere backed up. Images are blurry or not in good quality Make sure you're checking your images as you go so that you don’t have to go back and do them all over again and if something is not right try change the setting and see if it improves anything. Computer crashes Make sure you're constantly saving your week so that if it does crash you know you wont have lost too much work, if using one drive it saves automatically so this would be a good option to use.
  • 17. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Electric shock Make sure they are no drinks or too many wires together, as if water spills people will get an electric shock especially if there are lots of wires all next to one another, and report bare wires as they cause electric shocks. Eye strain Have 5 minute breaks between looking at your screen for too long as eye strains cause headaches, have some painkillers and a drink with you in case you need to go outside for a break. Falling over chair Ensure all chairs are tucked under tables and not in the way of others so nobody can trip. Weather conditions Have back up locations for when taking your photographs and check the weather before you plan to take your images. Safety with camera Make sure you're watching where you're standing and have the tripod out the way so you can't trip over it, as well as the camera being out the way of people knocking it. Lose wires Make sure all wires are tucked away to ensure you can't fall over or pull anyway out

Editor's Notes

  1. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  2. Mock up of a potential design using the colours and fonts established in your style sheet and sourced images Alter this slide to make it appropriate for your planned product types. Add further layout slides to create at least one for each product you plan to make.
  3. Mock up of a potential design using the colours and fonts established in your style sheet and sourced images. Alter this slide to make it appropriate for your planned product types. Add further layout slides to create at least one for each product you plan to make.