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Graphic Narrative
Use this template to help you evaluate your project.
You should give specific details about your work.
You should provide both written and visual examples to explain your project.
You should find areas to praise in your work. Be specific about why you think they are
good or why you are proud of them.
You should also find areas that could be improved. Look for areas that you could make
better if you went back to them. Be specific about what you would improve.
Add additional slides as you need to. Don’t be restricted by what is here.
Any blank slides should be deleted before submission.
Does your final product reflect your
original intentions?
• Compare your planning/digital flat plans/
storyboards to your final product
My final product reflects my original intentions, I made some digital flat plans which look very similar to
my final product, I also drew out some which look very similar to my final product. I have kept nearly all
the story the same throughout planning and making the final product, I did change the ending slightly,
in my planning it said there would be a shooter that shoots the bear because the bear got angry and
hungry, but in my final one I have changed it so that the bear doesn't get shot, other than changing that
I don’t think I have made any other drastic changes, other than maybe the colors. I changed page 5 a
little bit, I added in a fence and didn't’t put any flowers in, I planned to put a fence in but I've changed
where it it is because I thought it looked better, somehow I have managed to flip the whole image and
make it from a different angle to what I planned, I have also changed the positing of the text and added
a floral corner border on the text, I did this to make it look more girly as my book is aimed at young
This is page 8 in my story, the only page that has had a drastic change, as you can see in
the first image there is a shooter and a lot more text, this is the image I planned to do.
The image on the right is my final image with no shooter in and less text, I decided to get
rid of this violent bit as I thought a young girl wont want to hear that a bear has been
shot, I was also running out of time as I had completely forgotten to make the shooter
character at the beginning I got to the end of making my story and I realized I had
forgotten to make his character, but I think my story is better without him as the girl
who's reading this story will be happy that everyone lives happily every after and there is
no violence happening in it, which makes the story happier for a child to read.
Other ways that I also think my final product meets my original intentions
is because it meets the audience that I intended to make this book for, in
my planning I said that my book would be for ages 3-6 I think my audience
has been met because the sentences are shot and the pictures are big and
the words go with each picture, there is more pictures than text, there is
only very little text because children 3-6 prefer pictures than to read loads
so therefor I think my book meets my original intentions. Another reason
that I think my book meet my original intentions is because I intended to
make my book for mostly females and young girls, which I think I have
highly achieved because my characters are girls, there isn't a boy character
in my story, the story is sweet which is more for girls than boys, I have used
girly colors and objects, like flowers.
How well have you constructed your
• How well have you constructed your images?
You could talk about the overall visual
appearance and well as the use of texture and
In my own opinion I think that I have constructed my images quite well because they reflect
on my planning so well, I have created the images I was planning and hoping to create, I have
succeeded my outcomes so therefor I think I have constructed my images well.
I think that the colors I have used look well because its realistic all the colors of the objects
and characters are how they should be for example the sky in my story images is blue how it
should be and and not pink. I have kept the colors natural to suit the objects and characters.
There is also texture within some of my images, for example the path in the image’s you can
see bellow.
These images all contain texture, the path in all of these images is
textured, I have made them look like this to make them look realistic.
Each of these paths have a different texture to suit where it is for
example the path that’s in the forest doesn't’t look like stone it looks
muddy because its in the middle of trees in a forest, you wouldn't’t
usually see a stone path in a forest, where as the paths that are
outside the houses are made to look like stone because it suits where
they are, I created these by taking a picture of the ground and
creating a clipping mask in Photoshop and I put that image over the
path I drew out.
I have taken this image from an existing children's book, you can see they have got a forest path
in there image, which is similar to the one I have made in my story, they have used texture to
give the feel to the path that its in a forest. They have used very different colors to me, they
have used darker colors and less bright and vibrant there book has a vintage feel to it where as
mine is modern.
The image on the left is one of my final story pages; the image on the right is an existing
children's book page, as you can see these pages have similarities as the page sizes are the
same, they also have the same layout. And the text is also similar on both because its in the
corners of the images, however mine has a flower border where as the existing story page
doesn’t. Both of these pages mine and the already existing one both use similar colors, my
contrast is darker than theirs is more vibrant than mine the colors they have used mix in where
as mine is just block color, you can see if you look the the leafs on the existing story page that
there's a yellowy tone on the tips of the leafs the colors blend in whereas if you look at mine I
haven't used that technique.
The image on the right is a lot more detailed than mine there is a lot more happening within
the image, there are loads of animals/characters, the image is busy.
How well have you used text to anchor
your images
• You should talk about the combination of
words, images and text.
I personally think that I have used text to anchor my images well, I have tried to match the text
with the picture for example if you look at the image bellow you can clearly see that the text
matches the whole image, without the text there you could clearly see what is going on and
have a gist of what it would say if there was text there. In the image below you can clearly see
the text matches the picture it shows that the characters have got to the house and the text tells
you that.
Another reason that I think this is because I have used a
font which I found on Photoshop called “ chalk duster” I
picked this font because My book Is for children and the
font looks fun and its easy to read. It anchors my book
on a whole because the text looks fun and it isn't boring
which shows its aimed at children.
This story page is very different to all
my other pages, this one has speech
bubbles instead of blocks of text in the
However I still think the text anchors
the image just as well as the others do
because there stood next to each other
and its clear to see their both having a
This is a story page from an already existing children's book. This one also uses text
to anchor their images they have used a picture of a hero and the text anchors it by
saying “he heard his pals cry for help”
I think that my children's book is similar to this one because of how they both
anchor there images using text, they both use characters that match the text along
with colors and certain words.
Is your product suitable for your
• Reference your proposal
• Give an audience profile and describe
suitability in reference to content
When I created my proposal I said that my intended audience would be the ages 3 – 6. I also
said that I wanted my book to be aimed at and suitable for girls, I know that I have achieved this
because the characters I have used are females; the main character is a female, boys are not
going to want to read a story about girls at that age. The colors that I have used also appeal to a
girl rather than a boy for example I have used purple and pink flowers which appeal to girls.
Boys like dark colors. If you look at the image below you can clearly see by looking at it that it’s
aimed at a young girl. A boy would not want to look at this as much as a girl would. The house
has pink on it, the flowers are pink and purple which appeal to a girl, the main character is a girl
who were red which is a girly color.
This is an already existing children's book
that I have found which is aimed at young
boys, you can tell this is aimed at boys
because the word “ fart” isn't girly, also the
colors that have been used are not bright
they are dull which also shows this book is
aimed at boys, a big one that is easy to tell
that the book is aimed at boys is the
character, the main character is a little boy.
In comparison to my book you can clearly
see they are aimed at different audiences,
because of the colors used the characters
and the words. I have also used a flower
border around my text whereas they have
not used a border to make it look more
manly for little boys to read as there not
going to want to look at pretty flower like
girls. The main characters in both my book
and theirs are who they are aimed it for
example their main character is a young boy
because its aimed at young boys, and my
main character is a young girl because its
aimed at young girls.
What do you like/dislike about the
techniques you have used?
• Reference specific tools you used with images
I have used a range of techniques within my book, I used rotascoping to create my bear, and
other aspects such as the houses and objects such as flowers and trees. The rotascoping
technique came in really handy and useful, and was also the tool that gave me the best
outcome, I enjoyed rotascoping. I also went out and took some images which I have used to
create textures for example the paths I have created for my story pages, the two images you can
see below I have used pictures for the path textures, the one on the left I took a picture of some
mud and used it for the path to create the path in the forest kind of look. And the image on the
right I actually took a picture of a path and used it to create a clipping mask to create the path
for my story page, I like this technique because the paths look realistic even though they have
been drawn.
This is the image of a real bear that I used to rotascope my bear for
my book. The image underneath is the final image I created by
roatascoping. I really enjoyed rotascoping this bear, I did find it
difficult at first but once I got going I was fine, the outline of the
bear was easy to do, it’s the facial details that worried me and that I
found hard. If I had a lot more time I think the bear would look a lot
more realistic I spent ages trying to create the bear. But overall I
would use rotascoping again especially for animals and people. My
bear was the hardest character to do because of the fur it has. I kept
having to use different colors and tones in order to make it look
I also used rotascoping to create some flowers, I also used the paint
bucket tool and the gradient tool to give them color. I used the
gradient tool to make the color's fade instead of them been one
pure block color I thought having tones in them would look more
What do you like/dislike about how
your final product looks?
In my opinion I think that I like the way my final product looks, over all I think it looks good but
there are some things I dislike that I wish I could have spent more time on. One thing I dislike
about my final product is my two female characters they don’t have noses, because it was tricky
and I ran out of time to figure out how to do it.
This is a story page that I dislike. I dislike this because its boring. There is nothing going on in the
background, although I did this to show that the text was focusing on the girl and her red hood.
If I was to re create this I would add in some trees because she lives in a forest. However I do
really like the green grass because its textured I think it looks slightly realistic which is what I was
aiming for so this is a feature I really like about this page. Another reason I dislike this page is
because my other outside pages have houses and trees in the background this has nothing.
Another feature that I really like about my books is that I have used a flower border around
the text, which I think looks lovely and stands out, its eye catching and very appealing to my
audience of young girls. The flower borders also make the text stand out because most of my
text is over trees and can be quite hard to see it.
Another feature I really like about my book is the page where the
bear and little red riding hood are having a conversation, I particularly
like this page because I have used speech bubbles which are color
coded to the character the speech comes from. I like this feature
because it makes my book appeal to my chosen audience, its childish
which is what I was going for. What I don’t like about it is that this is
the only page that has speech bubbles although this is the main
conversation within the book so I quite like it but then again I don’t.
Another reason I dislike my book is because of the last page,( page 8)
it looks almost identical to page 7, and you cant really see a clear
ending other than reading the text. If I was to re create this I would
change the picture to show an actual ending rather than keeping the
page identical to the previous page. I think that if anyone really looks
at this book they wont know how the ending looks because its
identical to the previous page, the reader will be hoping for a nice
happy ending page that is different from the rest of the pages.
Why did you include the content you
• Images, fonts, effects, colours
The content I included was because I had a specific audience that I wanted it all to fit with for
example young girls ages 3- 6 I used flowers and pretty images so that my book would appeal to
them has my chosen audience. My images fill up the whole of the page with foreground for
example the sky and grass then the trees in the background and the houses and characters to
tell the story. I have kept the images quite simple with little detail within them, because children
are not bothered about detail they just like pretty pictures.
The font that I used was because in my plans I decided I would use something clear, simple and
easy to read and for children to be able to understand so I used a font I felt would be
appropriate for my story and target audience. I didn't’t use any techniques I just picked a font
which I thought would be ideal and easy to read over the big pictures.
The colors I have used in my book are quite bright and exaggerated and bold mostly block color
I have used bright blue for the sky and bright green for the grass I have also used bright colors
for my characters I have used bright red for Little red riding hoods outfit. I have used these
specific colors to appeal to my audience and so that my book would be eye catching. When I
was doing research and finding existing children's book I found that quite a few had used bright
colors to catch the child's eye so I decided to follow this convention and use bright colors also.
I have not really used any effects while making my children's book, The only effect I can actually
think of that I have used is the gradient tool, I have used this on the flowers but only subtly. I
used it on the flowers to add more depth to them and also to make them look realistic. I have
previously mentioned that I have taken images and used them to create clipping masks for the
paths in my book which could also be classed as an effect, I have also used the brightness bar to
adjust these to make them look realistic.
This is the original
image of the flower o
used to create mine for
my story.
This is the only
font I have used in
my book.
I have used bright
colors in my book.
What signs, symbols or codes have
your used in your work?
• Choices of colour, style, locations, character
design and tone all give additional meaning to
your work.
I have created the images in my book so that the location is outside and inside because of the
characters, the bear lives outside so I have created a forest to connote this. The forest fits in
well with the story because The main character the girl goes on a journey to see her friend
and she meets a bear, and bears live in forests and somewhere with a lot of trees so to
connote this I had to create a forest otherwise my book would not be realistic it would be
fake and fantasy. Below are some pages from my story you can see that the trees have been
repeated quite a lot, this is because I wanted to get the point across that she lives in a forest
and meets a bear.
A lot of the colors that I have used in my book connote feelings, I wanted
to come across to my target audience. For example throughout the book I
have used bright colors, for the backgrounds and characters I have used
red for the the girl because its bright and gives the impression of the book
been girly. And you can tell that the main character is little red riding
hood because she’s wearing red with a red hood on so this connotates
that this is her.
The style I have created in my work is cartoon like and professional, I have
done this by creating my characters, for example the bear looks real but in
a cartoony style which follows the codes and conventions of a children's
book for my target audience age range. I have created my own version of
this book by looking at the original Little Red Riding Hood book, and
changing the character and the backgrounds to fit my style.
I have also used tone in my book to create certain signs/symbols and
codes. I have used tone in my book to connate to my audience with
certain feelings and signs throughout the book.
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
Media texts require us to have a certain level of cultural understanding to
be able to interpret them.
At a basic level, this could mean being able to read the language that a
magazine is written in.
At a deeper level, it means being able to interpret signs and symbols that
we use a visual shorthand to communicate ideas.
We recognise these signs in our own culture but find it harder to
understand when looking at others.
We create and attach meaning to signs and symbols in many different
21Creative Media Production 2012
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
What is this?
This is a Norwegian Pine tree, covered in
snow and with a red ribbon on.
Our cultural understanding allows us to
interpret its meaning.
To us, in British society, it means
Christmas, presents and family.
This is because we share a cultural
22Creative Media Production 2012
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
There are many other signs and symbols
that we attach meaning to.
A leather jacket can imply rebellion.
A sports car can imply wealth and power.
A cross can represent religion.
23Creative Media Production 2012
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
Visual representations of everyday objects are often the same the world
over. A car appears as a car, no matter what country it appears in.
What that car means however, can be very different depending on your
cultural background.
24Creative Media Production 2012
What representations can be found in
your work?
• How are men, women or children shown in
your work? Does your work feature different
ages, races, social groups or religions? Does a
lack of any variety of character types create its
own representation?
My book is an old story so some of the representation can be quite old and dated, in particular
the attitudes towards the gender in my story, for instance all the characters in my book are
female this shows how the story is set to the attitude of females and young girls. Young girls
and boys are very different and this is connoted as the girls in my story care about each other
as one goes on a long journey to see her friend who’s unwell, men wouldn't really do this for
their friend. If my story had a male In it he would probably react horribly to the bear where as
the girl in my story is nice to it.
My whole story is representing young girls are lovely and caring because he goes on a long
journey to see her friend who’s unwell and meets a bear and she still carries on her journey
because she cares for her friend.
My work doesn’t’t show any social groups because all the characters in my story are friends
and we don’t know much about the social group or class also the bears class is unknown
because we don’t know much about it’s life because this story is a single strand narrative
where the only story line is what’s happening as the main part of the story I have done this
so its easier for my target audience to understand because they are young.
Religion does not come up in my work also race. I have chosen not to add any of this in
because the traditional story or my adaption of it. I think it wouldn’t add anything to my
story anyway and the representation of religion could be confusing for my target audience
they could get the wrong side of it because they are young and they wont understand
religion and race yet.
What style have you employed in your
• Discuss influences/ existing products
• What visual style does your work have and
why did you choose it?
I feel that my visual style in my book is cartoon like but also professional. I am happy with my
visual style that I have created because I feel that I have created something that relates to
children and easy for them to read but also professional enough ho accurately tell and show
the story. I have also chose the visual style of making it look professional so that it fitted in
with the codes and conventions of other children's books because that is a well known trusted
style and parents associating that style with my book would encourage them to buy it.
I also chose to make it look cartoony because that style is more appealing to children because
the characters are simple and there is a lot of block colors, its clear for them to understand.
Influences for my book where other children's book which I researched such as Little Red
Riding Hood, I have basically re written this and changed the wolf to a bear in my book. I
knew straight away I wanted to base my book on young girls. I also researched children's
books for girls and they were all sweet and caring, no violence in them, and had a girl as the
main character.
The Little Red Riding Hood has been re-written so many times, that I thought I would do my
own and instead of having a wolf have a bear something different to the others.
What were the strengths and weaknesses
of the pre-production and planning
• How did the planning and research help
• How well did you manage your time
• Reference specific examples
My planning and pre-production had many strengths and weaknesses. I found that the
planning helped me more than I thought it would, particularly during the making of my
story, when I started to make my final pages I knew exactly what I was doing because I had
references from my planning that I could look and think yeah, I want it to look like that in
more detail. My story board came in most useful because it was exactly like my final idea
just in less detail. From looking at my planning I knew what I had to do to make my book
look like the book I wanted to make.
I also think that my research helped me because it enabled me to see some of the typical
codes and conventions of other children's books before creating my own for example
cartoon characters and text and images on the same page. It also helped me to figure out
the best techniques to use whilst making a children's book for example rotascoping, creating
clipping masks.
I also think that the timetable helped me to manage my time throughout the project, this
helped to make the process of the book easier and quicker as I had planned what I was going
to do and when so when I was going to create the characters then the backgrounds, I stuck
to my time schedule that I made, if I didn't’t do this I would have probably gone over time on
making my children's book.
Historical and cultural context
• How does your work compare to what has
come before? What other similar products
have existed in the past? What current
products exist?
Its obvious that my book is very similar to the original book (The Little Red Riding Hood)
There are a lot of different versions of the book The Little Red Riding Hood, so my book is
similar to a range of books because I have taken out the wolf and changed it to a bear I have
also changed it from seeing her grandmother to seeing her friend so my book is similar but
different, the text in mine is similar to these existing ones. I changed the story line to appeal
more to my target audience because I didn't’t want any violence in it as young girls were my
target audience. My images are also more simple compared to the original book this is also
because I wanted to appeal more to my target audience.
I also found that some older books were more visually detailed and the drawings were very
intricate because when the first book was written that was a popular style for the writers and
the makers of the books back then.
As you can see that the original book
in comparison to mine is far more
detailed using more tones, colors and
shapes. The original book also uses
darker colors where as mine is bright
and stands out, there text font is very
different to mine, I have used
something plain and easy to read they
have used something different with
more to it.
Also when comparing my work to versions that already exist and come before, they all seem
to have used darker and more subtle colors with more tones and shadows. This shows that my
work is modern compared to the older versions of the book because they were done in a time
that bright colors would not have been in, they wouldn't’t have been popular whereas darker
colors where, because when I’ve looked at most children's book they have been quite vintage
and old looking with darker colors and more detail. Where as if you look at ones day there
more simplistic and brighter.
Peer Feedback
• Summarise peer feedback and discuss
– Responses you agree with
– Responses you disagree with
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Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro formaDigital graphics evaluation pro forma
Digital graphics evaluation pro forma

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Digital graphics evaluation finished pro forma

  • 2. Use this template to help you evaluate your project. You should give specific details about your work. You should provide both written and visual examples to explain your project. You should find areas to praise in your work. Be specific about why you think they are good or why you are proud of them. You should also find areas that could be improved. Look for areas that you could make better if you went back to them. Be specific about what you would improve. Add additional slides as you need to. Don’t be restricted by what is here. Any blank slides should be deleted before submission.
  • 3. Does your final product reflect your original intentions? • Compare your planning/digital flat plans/ storyboards to your final product My final product reflects my original intentions, I made some digital flat plans which look very similar to my final product, I also drew out some which look very similar to my final product. I have kept nearly all the story the same throughout planning and making the final product, I did change the ending slightly, in my planning it said there would be a shooter that shoots the bear because the bear got angry and hungry, but in my final one I have changed it so that the bear doesn't get shot, other than changing that I don’t think I have made any other drastic changes, other than maybe the colors. I changed page 5 a little bit, I added in a fence and didn't’t put any flowers in, I planned to put a fence in but I've changed where it it is because I thought it looked better, somehow I have managed to flip the whole image and make it from a different angle to what I planned, I have also changed the positing of the text and added a floral corner border on the text, I did this to make it look more girly as my book is aimed at young girls.
  • 4. This is page 8 in my story, the only page that has had a drastic change, as you can see in the first image there is a shooter and a lot more text, this is the image I planned to do. The image on the right is my final image with no shooter in and less text, I decided to get rid of this violent bit as I thought a young girl wont want to hear that a bear has been shot, I was also running out of time as I had completely forgotten to make the shooter character at the beginning I got to the end of making my story and I realized I had forgotten to make his character, but I think my story is better without him as the girl who's reading this story will be happy that everyone lives happily every after and there is no violence happening in it, which makes the story happier for a child to read.
  • 5. Other ways that I also think my final product meets my original intentions is because it meets the audience that I intended to make this book for, in my planning I said that my book would be for ages 3-6 I think my audience has been met because the sentences are shot and the pictures are big and the words go with each picture, there is more pictures than text, there is only very little text because children 3-6 prefer pictures than to read loads so therefor I think my book meets my original intentions. Another reason that I think my book meet my original intentions is because I intended to make my book for mostly females and young girls, which I think I have highly achieved because my characters are girls, there isn't a boy character in my story, the story is sweet which is more for girls than boys, I have used girly colors and objects, like flowers.
  • 6. How well have you constructed your images? • How well have you constructed your images? You could talk about the overall visual appearance and well as the use of texture and colour. In my own opinion I think that I have constructed my images quite well because they reflect on my planning so well, I have created the images I was planning and hoping to create, I have succeeded my outcomes so therefor I think I have constructed my images well. I think that the colors I have used look well because its realistic all the colors of the objects and characters are how they should be for example the sky in my story images is blue how it should be and and not pink. I have kept the colors natural to suit the objects and characters. There is also texture within some of my images, for example the path in the image’s you can see bellow.
  • 7. These images all contain texture, the path in all of these images is textured, I have made them look like this to make them look realistic. Each of these paths have a different texture to suit where it is for example the path that’s in the forest doesn't’t look like stone it looks muddy because its in the middle of trees in a forest, you wouldn't’t usually see a stone path in a forest, where as the paths that are outside the houses are made to look like stone because it suits where they are, I created these by taking a picture of the ground and creating a clipping mask in Photoshop and I put that image over the path I drew out. I have taken this image from an existing children's book, you can see they have got a forest path in there image, which is similar to the one I have made in my story, they have used texture to give the feel to the path that its in a forest. They have used very different colors to me, they have used darker colors and less bright and vibrant there book has a vintage feel to it where as mine is modern.
  • 8. The image on the left is one of my final story pages; the image on the right is an existing children's book page, as you can see these pages have similarities as the page sizes are the same, they also have the same layout. And the text is also similar on both because its in the corners of the images, however mine has a flower border where as the existing story page doesn’t. Both of these pages mine and the already existing one both use similar colors, my contrast is darker than theirs is more vibrant than mine the colors they have used mix in where as mine is just block color, you can see if you look the the leafs on the existing story page that there's a yellowy tone on the tips of the leafs the colors blend in whereas if you look at mine I haven't used that technique. The image on the right is a lot more detailed than mine there is a lot more happening within the image, there are loads of animals/characters, the image is busy.
  • 9. How well have you used text to anchor your images • You should talk about the combination of words, images and text. I personally think that I have used text to anchor my images well, I have tried to match the text with the picture for example if you look at the image bellow you can clearly see that the text matches the whole image, without the text there you could clearly see what is going on and have a gist of what it would say if there was text there. In the image below you can clearly see the text matches the picture it shows that the characters have got to the house and the text tells you that. Another reason that I think this is because I have used a font which I found on Photoshop called “ chalk duster” I picked this font because My book Is for children and the font looks fun and its easy to read. It anchors my book on a whole because the text looks fun and it isn't boring which shows its aimed at children.
  • 10. This story page is very different to all my other pages, this one has speech bubbles instead of blocks of text in the corners. However I still think the text anchors the image just as well as the others do because there stood next to each other and its clear to see their both having a conversation This is a story page from an already existing children's book. This one also uses text to anchor their images they have used a picture of a hero and the text anchors it by saying “he heard his pals cry for help” I think that my children's book is similar to this one because of how they both anchor there images using text, they both use characters that match the text along with colors and certain words.
  • 11. Is your product suitable for your audience? • Reference your proposal • Give an audience profile and describe suitability in reference to content When I created my proposal I said that my intended audience would be the ages 3 – 6. I also said that I wanted my book to be aimed at and suitable for girls, I know that I have achieved this because the characters I have used are females; the main character is a female, boys are not going to want to read a story about girls at that age. The colors that I have used also appeal to a girl rather than a boy for example I have used purple and pink flowers which appeal to girls. Boys like dark colors. If you look at the image below you can clearly see by looking at it that it’s aimed at a young girl. A boy would not want to look at this as much as a girl would. The house has pink on it, the flowers are pink and purple which appeal to a girl, the main character is a girl who were red which is a girly color.
  • 12. This is an already existing children's book that I have found which is aimed at young boys, you can tell this is aimed at boys because the word “ fart” isn't girly, also the colors that have been used are not bright they are dull which also shows this book is aimed at boys, a big one that is easy to tell that the book is aimed at boys is the character, the main character is a little boy. In comparison to my book you can clearly see they are aimed at different audiences, because of the colors used the characters and the words. I have also used a flower border around my text whereas they have not used a border to make it look more manly for little boys to read as there not going to want to look at pretty flower like girls. The main characters in both my book and theirs are who they are aimed it for example their main character is a young boy because its aimed at young boys, and my main character is a young girl because its aimed at young girls.
  • 13. What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used? • Reference specific tools you used with images I have used a range of techniques within my book, I used rotascoping to create my bear, and other aspects such as the houses and objects such as flowers and trees. The rotascoping technique came in really handy and useful, and was also the tool that gave me the best outcome, I enjoyed rotascoping. I also went out and took some images which I have used to create textures for example the paths I have created for my story pages, the two images you can see below I have used pictures for the path textures, the one on the left I took a picture of some mud and used it for the path to create the path in the forest kind of look. And the image on the right I actually took a picture of a path and used it to create a clipping mask to create the path for my story page, I like this technique because the paths look realistic even though they have been drawn.
  • 14. This is the image of a real bear that I used to rotascope my bear for my book. The image underneath is the final image I created by roatascoping. I really enjoyed rotascoping this bear, I did find it difficult at first but once I got going I was fine, the outline of the bear was easy to do, it’s the facial details that worried me and that I found hard. If I had a lot more time I think the bear would look a lot more realistic I spent ages trying to create the bear. But overall I would use rotascoping again especially for animals and people. My bear was the hardest character to do because of the fur it has. I kept having to use different colors and tones in order to make it look realistic. I also used rotascoping to create some flowers, I also used the paint bucket tool and the gradient tool to give them color. I used the gradient tool to make the color's fade instead of them been one pure block color I thought having tones in them would look more realistic.
  • 15. What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks? In my opinion I think that I like the way my final product looks, over all I think it looks good but there are some things I dislike that I wish I could have spent more time on. One thing I dislike about my final product is my two female characters they don’t have noses, because it was tricky and I ran out of time to figure out how to do it. This is a story page that I dislike. I dislike this because its boring. There is nothing going on in the background, although I did this to show that the text was focusing on the girl and her red hood. If I was to re create this I would add in some trees because she lives in a forest. However I do really like the green grass because its textured I think it looks slightly realistic which is what I was aiming for so this is a feature I really like about this page. Another reason I dislike this page is because my other outside pages have houses and trees in the background this has nothing.
  • 16. Another feature that I really like about my books is that I have used a flower border around the text, which I think looks lovely and stands out, its eye catching and very appealing to my audience of young girls. The flower borders also make the text stand out because most of my text is over trees and can be quite hard to see it. Another feature I really like about my book is the page where the bear and little red riding hood are having a conversation, I particularly like this page because I have used speech bubbles which are color coded to the character the speech comes from. I like this feature because it makes my book appeal to my chosen audience, its childish which is what I was going for. What I don’t like about it is that this is the only page that has speech bubbles although this is the main conversation within the book so I quite like it but then again I don’t. Another reason I dislike my book is because of the last page,( page 8) it looks almost identical to page 7, and you cant really see a clear ending other than reading the text. If I was to re create this I would change the picture to show an actual ending rather than keeping the page identical to the previous page. I think that if anyone really looks at this book they wont know how the ending looks because its identical to the previous page, the reader will be hoping for a nice happy ending page that is different from the rest of the pages.
  • 17. Why did you include the content you used? • Images, fonts, effects, colours The content I included was because I had a specific audience that I wanted it all to fit with for example young girls ages 3- 6 I used flowers and pretty images so that my book would appeal to them has my chosen audience. My images fill up the whole of the page with foreground for example the sky and grass then the trees in the background and the houses and characters to tell the story. I have kept the images quite simple with little detail within them, because children are not bothered about detail they just like pretty pictures. The font that I used was because in my plans I decided I would use something clear, simple and easy to read and for children to be able to understand so I used a font I felt would be appropriate for my story and target audience. I didn't’t use any techniques I just picked a font which I thought would be ideal and easy to read over the big pictures. The colors I have used in my book are quite bright and exaggerated and bold mostly block color I have used bright blue for the sky and bright green for the grass I have also used bright colors for my characters I have used bright red for Little red riding hoods outfit. I have used these specific colors to appeal to my audience and so that my book would be eye catching. When I was doing research and finding existing children's book I found that quite a few had used bright colors to catch the child's eye so I decided to follow this convention and use bright colors also.
  • 18. I have not really used any effects while making my children's book, The only effect I can actually think of that I have used is the gradient tool, I have used this on the flowers but only subtly. I used it on the flowers to add more depth to them and also to make them look realistic. I have previously mentioned that I have taken images and used them to create clipping masks for the paths in my book which could also be classed as an effect, I have also used the brightness bar to adjust these to make them look realistic. This is the original image of the flower o used to create mine for my story. This is the only font I have used in my book. I have used bright colors in my book.
  • 19. What signs, symbols or codes have your used in your work? • Choices of colour, style, locations, character design and tone all give additional meaning to your work. I have created the images in my book so that the location is outside and inside because of the characters, the bear lives outside so I have created a forest to connote this. The forest fits in well with the story because The main character the girl goes on a journey to see her friend and she meets a bear, and bears live in forests and somewhere with a lot of trees so to connote this I had to create a forest otherwise my book would not be realistic it would be fake and fantasy. Below are some pages from my story you can see that the trees have been repeated quite a lot, this is because I wanted to get the point across that she lives in a forest and meets a bear.
  • 20. A lot of the colors that I have used in my book connote feelings, I wanted to come across to my target audience. For example throughout the book I have used bright colors, for the backgrounds and characters I have used red for the the girl because its bright and gives the impression of the book been girly. And you can tell that the main character is little red riding hood because she’s wearing red with a red hood on so this connotates that this is her. The style I have created in my work is cartoon like and professional, I have done this by creating my characters, for example the bear looks real but in a cartoony style which follows the codes and conventions of a children's book for my target audience age range. I have created my own version of this book by looking at the original Little Red Riding Hood book, and changing the character and the backgrounds to fit my style. I have also used tone in my book to create certain signs/symbols and codes. I have used tone in my book to connate to my audience with certain feelings and signs throughout the book.
  • 21. Audience Responses Cultural competence: Media texts require us to have a certain level of cultural understanding to be able to interpret them. At a basic level, this could mean being able to read the language that a magazine is written in. At a deeper level, it means being able to interpret signs and symbols that we use a visual shorthand to communicate ideas. We recognise these signs in our own culture but find it harder to understand when looking at others. We create and attach meaning to signs and symbols in many different forms. 21Creative Media Production 2012
  • 22. Audience Responses Cultural competence: What is this? This is a Norwegian Pine tree, covered in snow and with a red ribbon on. Our cultural understanding allows us to interpret its meaning. To us, in British society, it means Christmas, presents and family. This is because we share a cultural knowledge. 22Creative Media Production 2012
  • 23. Audience Responses Cultural competence: There are many other signs and symbols that we attach meaning to. A leather jacket can imply rebellion. A sports car can imply wealth and power. A cross can represent religion. 23Creative Media Production 2012
  • 24. Audience Responses Cultural competence: Visual representations of everyday objects are often the same the world over. A car appears as a car, no matter what country it appears in. What that car means however, can be very different depending on your cultural background. 24Creative Media Production 2012
  • 25. What representations can be found in your work? • How are men, women or children shown in your work? Does your work feature different ages, races, social groups or religions? Does a lack of any variety of character types create its own representation? My book is an old story so some of the representation can be quite old and dated, in particular the attitudes towards the gender in my story, for instance all the characters in my book are female this shows how the story is set to the attitude of females and young girls. Young girls and boys are very different and this is connoted as the girls in my story care about each other as one goes on a long journey to see her friend who’s unwell, men wouldn't really do this for their friend. If my story had a male In it he would probably react horribly to the bear where as the girl in my story is nice to it. My whole story is representing young girls are lovely and caring because he goes on a long journey to see her friend who’s unwell and meets a bear and she still carries on her journey because she cares for her friend.
  • 26. My work doesn’t’t show any social groups because all the characters in my story are friends and we don’t know much about the social group or class also the bears class is unknown because we don’t know much about it’s life because this story is a single strand narrative where the only story line is what’s happening as the main part of the story I have done this so its easier for my target audience to understand because they are young. Religion does not come up in my work also race. I have chosen not to add any of this in because the traditional story or my adaption of it. I think it wouldn’t add anything to my story anyway and the representation of religion could be confusing for my target audience they could get the wrong side of it because they are young and they wont understand religion and race yet.
  • 27. What style have you employed in your products? • Discuss influences/ existing products • What visual style does your work have and why did you choose it? I feel that my visual style in my book is cartoon like but also professional. I am happy with my visual style that I have created because I feel that I have created something that relates to children and easy for them to read but also professional enough ho accurately tell and show the story. I have also chose the visual style of making it look professional so that it fitted in with the codes and conventions of other children's books because that is a well known trusted style and parents associating that style with my book would encourage them to buy it. I also chose to make it look cartoony because that style is more appealing to children because the characters are simple and there is a lot of block colors, its clear for them to understand.
  • 28. Influences for my book where other children's book which I researched such as Little Red Riding Hood, I have basically re written this and changed the wolf to a bear in my book. I knew straight away I wanted to base my book on young girls. I also researched children's books for girls and they were all sweet and caring, no violence in them, and had a girl as the main character. The Little Red Riding Hood has been re-written so many times, that I thought I would do my own and instead of having a wolf have a bear something different to the others.
  • 29. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning • How did the planning and research help • How well did you manage your time • Reference specific examples My planning and pre-production had many strengths and weaknesses. I found that the planning helped me more than I thought it would, particularly during the making of my story, when I started to make my final pages I knew exactly what I was doing because I had references from my planning that I could look and think yeah, I want it to look like that in more detail. My story board came in most useful because it was exactly like my final idea just in less detail. From looking at my planning I knew what I had to do to make my book look like the book I wanted to make.
  • 30. I also think that my research helped me because it enabled me to see some of the typical codes and conventions of other children's books before creating my own for example cartoon characters and text and images on the same page. It also helped me to figure out the best techniques to use whilst making a children's book for example rotascoping, creating clipping masks. I also think that the timetable helped me to manage my time throughout the project, this helped to make the process of the book easier and quicker as I had planned what I was going to do and when so when I was going to create the characters then the backgrounds, I stuck to my time schedule that I made, if I didn't’t do this I would have probably gone over time on making my children's book.
  • 31. Historical and cultural context • How does your work compare to what has come before? What other similar products have existed in the past? What current products exist? Its obvious that my book is very similar to the original book (The Little Red Riding Hood) There are a lot of different versions of the book The Little Red Riding Hood, so my book is similar to a range of books because I have taken out the wolf and changed it to a bear I have also changed it from seeing her grandmother to seeing her friend so my book is similar but different, the text in mine is similar to these existing ones. I changed the story line to appeal more to my target audience because I didn't’t want any violence in it as young girls were my target audience. My images are also more simple compared to the original book this is also because I wanted to appeal more to my target audience. I also found that some older books were more visually detailed and the drawings were very intricate because when the first book was written that was a popular style for the writers and the makers of the books back then.
  • 32. As you can see that the original book in comparison to mine is far more detailed using more tones, colors and shapes. The original book also uses darker colors where as mine is bright and stands out, there text font is very different to mine, I have used something plain and easy to read they have used something different with more to it. Also when comparing my work to versions that already exist and come before, they all seem to have used darker and more subtle colors with more tones and shadows. This shows that my work is modern compared to the older versions of the book because they were done in a time that bright colors would not have been in, they wouldn't’t have been popular whereas darker colors where, because when I’ve looked at most children's book they have been quite vintage and old looking with darker colors and more detail. Where as if you look at ones day there more simplistic and brighter.
  • 33. Peer Feedback • Summarise peer feedback and discuss – Responses you agree with – Responses you disagree with