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4-Fats and Exercises

             Nutrition and Fitness
Prepared by
Dr. Siham Gritly

                    Dr. Siham Gritly
Lipids and fats

• Introduction;-
• *Lipids are chemical compound naturally
  occurring substance; consist of carbon,
  hydrogen, and oxygen, widely found in plant
  and animal kingdoms. main foods contributing
  fats to our diet are butter, margarine, lard,
  vegetable oil, fat of meat, cream, milk, milk
  product, egg yolk, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds,
  olives, whole grain cereals.

                     Dr. Siham Gritly
• A molecule of dietary fat consists of several
  fatty acids (containing long chains of carbon
  and hydrogen atoms), bonded to a glycerol.
  They are typically found as triglycerides
  (three fatty acids attached to one glycerol
• Fats may be classified as saturated or
  unsaturated depending on the structure of the
  fatty acids involved.

                     Dr. Siham Gritly
 discus role of Bile salt and fat digestion

                   Dr. Siham Gritly
major functions of lipids in human body;

• *main source of energy, provide the body with 2/3
  of energy (9 kal)
• *main source of fat soluble vitamins A, K, E D
• *protection against traumatic injury an shock
• *maintain body temperature
• *provide pleasant feeling of satiety after a meal
• *add to the palatability to diet
• *help in formation of tissues and other important
  organs in the body such as brain and bone marrow

                      Dr. Siham Gritly
Classification of fats according to National
Academy of Sciences
• Total fat, provide 20-35 % of total energy intake
• Saturated fatty acids, risk of (Coronary Heart
  Disease CHD) milk fat, coconut
• Cis monounsaturated fatty acids, (olive oil) prevent
  (CHD), peanut oil
• Cis polyunsaturated fatty acids of two type health
  benefit; fish oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, fish oil
• 1-Omega 6 fatty acids
• 2-Omega 3 fatty acids
• Trans fatty acids, risk of (CHD), margin, shortening
                        Dr. Siham Gritly

        • discus the role of liver in fat

                     Dr. Siham Gritly
Lipids and fats present in the body in three different

• 1-neutral fats (triglycerides)

• 2-cholesterol (present only in animal origin)

• 3-phospholipids (largest lipid components in
  the body)

                        Dr. Siham Gritly
1-Triglycerides or neutral fat
• Triglycerides are the main dietary fats in
  human body. Triglycerides are alcohol glycerol
  and three fatty acids. The main fatty acids ;
• 1-stearic acid a (saturated fatty acid)
• 2-oleic acid (unsaturated one double bond,
• 3-palmitic acid (saturated, poultry, beef, milk,
  palm oil)

                      Dr. Siham Gritly
• *Are member of groups called sterols, it is alcohol
  found only in tissues and cells of animals' origin.
• *main function of cholesterol;

• It enter in the formation of bile acids,
• *Essential component of the structural membranes of
  all cells especially brain and nerve cells
• *They form a part of certain enzymes
• *Enter in the formation of steroid hormones such as
  esterogens, progesterone and testosterones
• *Enter in the formation of vitamin D.

                         Dr. Siham Gritly

• *phospholipids are any lipids containing
  phosphorus. they are the largest lipid components
  of the body after triglycerides
• *they form in all cells of the body
• *in plasma, they are present in combination with
  proteins and lipoproteins, which evolved in
  transport of fat and cholesterol
• *they form part of certain enzymes
• *main constituents of all cell membranes

                      Dr. Siham Gritly
• *example of phospholipids in the body;
• -lecithin; neurotransmitter consist of glycerol, fatty
  acids, phosphoric acid and cholin (nitrogen-containing
  base). found in liver, egg yolk, soy beans. the main
  function; transport and utilization of fatty acids with the
  action of enzyme as well as it prevent mental
• *cephalins; for blood clotting (thromboplastin)
• *sphingomyelins; nerve tissues and brain, function act
  as insulator around the verve fibers, found in egg yolk,
• *glycolipids; serve tissues, cell membranes and help in
  fat transport.

                          Dr. Siham Gritly
Fats and exercise
• *Fat is a great fuel for or survival but it is not
  adequate for high intensity exercise therefore fat
  is essential for longer, slower lower intensity
  and endurance exercise such as cycling and

• *If exercising at a low intensity and enough
  stored fat available to fuel activity for hours or
  even days as long as there is sufficient oxygen to
  allow fat metabolism to occur.
                       Dr. Siham Gritly
• *As exercise strength increases, carbohydrate
  metabolism takes over. It is more efficient than
  fat metabolism, but has limited energy stores.

• This stored carbohydrate (glycogen) can
  fuel about 2 hours of moderate to high level

• After that, glycogen depletion occurs (stored
  carbohydrates are used up) and if that fuel
  isn't replaced athletes performance may
                      Dr. Siham Gritly
• When carbohydrate intake is depleted,
  oxidation of fatty acids accelerate to provide
  energy through the production of acetyl CoA
  (TCA substrate)

                      Dr. Siham Gritly
Using fat for fuel for exercise,
Some factors might affect using fat as fueling
  intense exercise
• 1-Fat is slow to digest and be converted into a
  usable form of energy but it can take up to 6

• 2-Converting stored body fat into energy takes
  time. The body needs to breakdown fat and
  transport it to the working muscles before it can
  be used as energy.

                       Dr. Siham Gritly
• 3-Converting stored body fat into energy takes
  a great deal of oxygen,

• -For these reasons, athletes need to carefully
  time when they eat fat, how much they eat and
  the type of fat they eat. In general, it’s not a
  great idea to eat fat immediately before or
  during intense exercise

                      Dr. Siham Gritly
Fat metabolism during exercise

• *People store large amounts of body fat in the
  form of triglyceride within adipose tissue as
  well as within muscle fibers.

• *These stores fat must be metabolize into FFA
  and transported to muscle mitochondria for
  oxidation during exercise.

                     Dr. Siham Gritly
lipolysis (breakdown of lipids)

Energy utilization from Triglycerides (lipolysis)
• *for energy utilization, triglycerides
  breakdown or hydrolysis by the action of
  enzyme to fatty acids and glycerol, transport to
  the active tissues for oxidation to energy.

• *The glycerol released from this reaction is
  water soluble and diffuses freely into the blood

                      Dr. Siham Gritly
• -glycerols ; When entering tissue glycerols
  change by enzymes to glycerol 3phosphate the
  entering glycolytic pathway (glycolysis).

• -fatty acids; enter mitochondria only, in the
  mitochondria degradation or break down of fatty
  acids occur.

• it combine first with carrier substance
  carnitine, the fatty acids split from carnitine to be
  oxidize then enter Kerb's cycle for energy
                        Dr. Siham Gritly
• At rest, about 70% of the FFA released during
  lipolysis are reattached to glycerol molecules to
  form new triglycerides within the adipose tissues

• -During low-intensity exercise, this process is at
  the same time as the overall rate of lipolysis
  increases; as a result, the rate of appearance of
  FFA in the plasma increases.

• Once they enter the plasma, the FFA molecules
  are loosely bound to albumin, a plasma
  protein, and transported in the circulation.
                      Dr. Siham Gritly
lipogenesis (building of lipids)
• *lipogenesis is the process of fat formation and
  building up inside the body.

• *the liver is the main organ where lipids formed
  as it contain enzymes that needed during

• *the liver enzymes resynthesize fatty acids and
  glycerol again to triglycerides.

                       Dr. Siham Gritly
β oxidation of fatty acids
• *Beta oxidation is the process by which fatty acids, in
  the form of Acyl-CoA molecules, are broken down in
  mitochondria to generate Acetyl-CoA, then Acetyl-CoA
  entre to the Krebs Cycle for production of energy.

All acetyl Co A formed in metabolism occurs in the
Formed from;
1-pyruvate oxidation
2-oxidation of fatty acids (β oxidation of fatty acid)
3-degradation of carbon skeletons of some amino acid

                         Dr. Siham Gritly
*-Free fatty acids can enter into the plasma membrane due
  to their poor water solubility and high fat solubility.
  Once in the cytosol of the cell, a fatty acid reacts with
  ATP to give a fatty acyl adenylate, plus inorganic

*-This reactive acyl adenylate then reacts with free Co-
  enzyme A to give a fatty acyl-CoA ester plus AMP

*-The fatty acyl-CoA is then reacted with carnitine to
  form acyl-carnitine, which is transported across the
  inner mitochondrial membrane by a translocase enzyme
  in the membrane.

                          Dr. Siham Gritly
Steps of beta oxidation of fatty acids in
1-in mitochondria; by series of chemical
  reaction, fatty acid combined with acetyl Co A
  and then converted to fatty acyl Co A, (loss of
  carbon) this step need ATP.

2- fatty acyl Co A losses 2 hydrogen atoms
  leaving double bond. the hydrogen atoms
  combine with flavoprotein (FAD) to be
  oxidized later.

                     Dr. Siham Gritly
3-water (H2O) react at all site of double bond

4-2hydrogen atoms are removed, leaving double
  bond. hydrogen combine with NAD
  (nicotinmide adenine dinucleotide).

5-the split of fatty acid between the α and β
  carbon produce long and short chain of fatty
                      Dr. Siham Gritly
6-short chain combine with original Acetyl Co A and enter
   Kerb's cycle for more energy extraction.
this process is repeated until all fatty acids is split into
   acyl C0 enzyme A.
  Co-A enter Citric acid cycle combine first with
   oxaloacetate to form citric acid and later degradation to
   carbon dioxide and hydrogen atoms.
Co-A +oxaloacetate---citric acid
  final breakdown of FA is the same as that of acetyl Co-A
   formed from pyruvic acid during glucose oxidation

                          Dr. Siham Gritly
steps of the formation of Acetyl CoA (β oxidation of fatty acids
1- Dehydrogenation by FAD: The first step is the oxidation of the
fatty acid by Acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase. The enzyme catalyzes
the formation of a double bond between the C-2 and C-3. enzyme
acylCoA dehydrogenase.
End product trans-2-enoyl-CoA

                            Dr. Siham Gritly
2- Hydration: The next step is the hydration of the bond
between C-2 and C-3.
Enzyme enoyl CoA hydratase
End product L-β-hydroxy-acyl CoA

                           Dr. Siham Gritly
3- Oxidation by NAD+: The third step is the oxidation
of L-β-hydroxyacyl CoA by NAD+. This converts the
hydroxyl group (COOH) into a keto group (CH3-
CO-CH3). Enzyme hydroxy-acyl CoA dehydrogenase,
end product β-ketoacyl CoA

                       Dr. Siham Gritly
4-thiolysis-: The final step is the cleavage of β-
ketoacyl CoA by the thiol (ketone) group of
another molecule of Co A. Enzyme β-
Ketothiolase. end product An acetyl CoA
molecule, and an acyl CoA molecule,.

                      Dr. Siham Gritly
Integration of metabolic pathways
Fatty acid oxidation occurs in the mitochondria , feeds acetyl
CoA into citric acid cycle and NADH/FADH2 into the electron
transport chain.

                            Dr. Siham Gritly
Formation of Ketone bodies

Ketone bodies are names given to acetoacetate, β-
 hydroxybutyrate and acetone.
 Serve as source of energy or fuel to peripheral
 tissues. It is the overflow pathway for acetyl CoA

Acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate are transported
 by the blood to peripheral tissues, where they can
 converted back to acetyl CoA and oxidized
 through TCA cycle.
                      Dr. Siham Gritly
• Normally the concentration of ketone bodies in
  the blood is very low,

• some times ketone bodies reach high level
  when fatty acid oxidation increase

• Increase in ketone body formation result in a
  condition known as ketosis
                     Dr. Siham Gritly
• *if the concentration of acetoacetic acid and β
  hydroxybutyric rises to as high as 30 mg % above
  the normal (3mg %), thus leading to extreme

• *acidosis is a condition where the pH of the blood
  is below normal (pH 7.35). pH is a value
  expressing the concentration of hydrogen ions in
  the blood, the accumulation of ketone bodies can
  disturb the body' acid-base.
                       Dr. Siham Gritly
• When carbohydrate intake is low, oxidation of
  fatty acids accelerate to provide energy
  through the production of acetyl CoA (TCA

                     Dr. Siham Gritly
• Sareen Gropper, Jack Smith and James Groff, Advanced Nutrition and
  Human Metabolism, fifth ed. WADSWORTH

• Melvin H Williams 2010; Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport. 9th
  ed, McGraw Hill
• Heymsfield, SB.; Baumgartner N.; Richard and Sheau-Fang P. 1999.
  Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease; Shils E Maurice, Olson A.
  James, Shike Moshe and Ross A. Catharine eds. 9th edition

• Ellie Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes; Under standing Nutrition, Twelfth
  Edition. 2011, 2008 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

• Guyton, C. Arthur. 1985. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 6th
  edition, W.B. Company

                                Dr. Siham Gritly
Saturated fat

    Dr. Siham Gritly
Mono-saturated fat

       Dr. Siham Gritly

     Dr. Siham Gritly
Saturated and trans fatty acids have

               Dr. Siham Gritly
Trans and cis fatty acid

        Dr. Siham Gritly
Lipoproteins found in the blood

            Dr. Siham Gritly

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4 fats and exercise nutrition and fitness

  • 1. 4-Fats and Exercises Nutrition and Fitness Prepared by Dr. Siham Gritly Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 2. Lipids and fats • Introduction;- • *Lipids are chemical compound naturally occurring substance; consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, widely found in plant and animal kingdoms. main foods contributing fats to our diet are butter, margarine, lard, vegetable oil, fat of meat, cream, milk, milk product, egg yolk, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, olives, whole grain cereals. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 3. • A molecule of dietary fat consists of several fatty acids (containing long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms), bonded to a glycerol. They are typically found as triglycerides (three fatty acids attached to one glycerol backbone). • Fats may be classified as saturated or unsaturated depending on the structure of the fatty acids involved. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 4. exercise; discus role of Bile salt and fat digestion Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 5. major functions of lipids in human body; • *main source of energy, provide the body with 2/3 of energy (9 kal) • *main source of fat soluble vitamins A, K, E D • *protection against traumatic injury an shock • *maintain body temperature • *provide pleasant feeling of satiety after a meal • *add to the palatability to diet • *help in formation of tissues and other important organs in the body such as brain and bone marrow Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 6. Classification of fats according to National Academy of Sciences • Total fat, provide 20-35 % of total energy intake • Saturated fatty acids, risk of (Coronary Heart Disease CHD) milk fat, coconut • Cis monounsaturated fatty acids, (olive oil) prevent (CHD), peanut oil • Cis polyunsaturated fatty acids of two type health benefit; fish oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, fish oil • 1-Omega 6 fatty acids • 2-Omega 3 fatty acids • Trans fatty acids, risk of (CHD), margin, shortening Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 7. Exercise; • discus the role of liver in fat metabolism Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 8. Lipids and fats present in the body in three different forms • 1-neutral fats (triglycerides) • 2-cholesterol (present only in animal origin) • 3-phospholipids (largest lipid components in the body) Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 9. 1-Triglycerides or neutral fat • Triglycerides are the main dietary fats in human body. Triglycerides are alcohol glycerol and three fatty acids. The main fatty acids ; • 1-stearic acid a (saturated fatty acid) • 2-oleic acid (unsaturated one double bond, olive) • 3-palmitic acid (saturated, poultry, beef, milk, palm oil) Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 10. 2-Cholesterols • *Are member of groups called sterols, it is alcohol found only in tissues and cells of animals' origin. • *main function of cholesterol; • It enter in the formation of bile acids, • *Essential component of the structural membranes of all cells especially brain and nerve cells • *They form a part of certain enzymes • *Enter in the formation of steroid hormones such as esterogens, progesterone and testosterones • *Enter in the formation of vitamin D. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 11. 3-phospholipids • *phospholipids are any lipids containing phosphorus. they are the largest lipid components of the body after triglycerides • *they form in all cells of the body • *in plasma, they are present in combination with proteins and lipoproteins, which evolved in transport of fat and cholesterol • *they form part of certain enzymes • *main constituents of all cell membranes Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 12. • *example of phospholipids in the body; • -lecithin; neurotransmitter consist of glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid and cholin (nitrogen-containing base). found in liver, egg yolk, soy beans. the main function; transport and utilization of fatty acids with the action of enzyme as well as it prevent mental retardation. • *cephalins; for blood clotting (thromboplastin) • *sphingomyelins; nerve tissues and brain, function act as insulator around the verve fibers, found in egg yolk, liver. • *glycolipids; serve tissues, cell membranes and help in fat transport. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 13. Fats and exercise • *Fat is a great fuel for or survival but it is not adequate for high intensity exercise therefore fat is essential for longer, slower lower intensity and endurance exercise such as cycling and walking. • *If exercising at a low intensity and enough stored fat available to fuel activity for hours or even days as long as there is sufficient oxygen to allow fat metabolism to occur. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 14. • *As exercise strength increases, carbohydrate metabolism takes over. It is more efficient than fat metabolism, but has limited energy stores. • This stored carbohydrate (glycogen) can fuel about 2 hours of moderate to high level exercise. • After that, glycogen depletion occurs (stored carbohydrates are used up) and if that fuel isn't replaced athletes performance may impaired Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 15. • When carbohydrate intake is depleted, oxidation of fatty acids accelerate to provide energy through the production of acetyl CoA (TCA substrate) Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 16. Using fat for fuel for exercise, Some factors might affect using fat as fueling intense exercise • 1-Fat is slow to digest and be converted into a usable form of energy but it can take up to 6 hours. • 2-Converting stored body fat into energy takes time. The body needs to breakdown fat and transport it to the working muscles before it can be used as energy. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 17. • 3-Converting stored body fat into energy takes a great deal of oxygen, • -For these reasons, athletes need to carefully time when they eat fat, how much they eat and the type of fat they eat. In general, it’s not a great idea to eat fat immediately before or during intense exercise Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 18. Fat metabolism during exercise • *People store large amounts of body fat in the form of triglyceride within adipose tissue as well as within muscle fibers. • *These stores fat must be metabolize into FFA and transported to muscle mitochondria for oxidation during exercise. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 19. lipolysis (breakdown of lipids) Energy utilization from Triglycerides (lipolysis) • *for energy utilization, triglycerides breakdown or hydrolysis by the action of enzyme to fatty acids and glycerol, transport to the active tissues for oxidation to energy. • *The glycerol released from this reaction is water soluble and diffuses freely into the blood Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 20. • -glycerols ; When entering tissue glycerols change by enzymes to glycerol 3phosphate the entering glycolytic pathway (glycolysis). • -fatty acids; enter mitochondria only, in the mitochondria degradation or break down of fatty acids occur. • it combine first with carrier substance carnitine, the fatty acids split from carnitine to be oxidize then enter Kerb's cycle for energy production Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 21. • At rest, about 70% of the FFA released during lipolysis are reattached to glycerol molecules to form new triglycerides within the adipose tissues • -During low-intensity exercise, this process is at the same time as the overall rate of lipolysis increases; as a result, the rate of appearance of FFA in the plasma increases. • Once they enter the plasma, the FFA molecules are loosely bound to albumin, a plasma protein, and transported in the circulation. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 22. lipogenesis (building of lipids) • *lipogenesis is the process of fat formation and building up inside the body. • *the liver is the main organ where lipids formed as it contain enzymes that needed during anabolism. • *the liver enzymes resynthesize fatty acids and glycerol again to triglycerides. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 23. β oxidation of fatty acids • *Beta oxidation is the process by which fatty acids, in the form of Acyl-CoA molecules, are broken down in mitochondria to generate Acetyl-CoA, then Acetyl-CoA entre to the Krebs Cycle for production of energy. All acetyl Co A formed in metabolism occurs in the mitochondria Formed from; 1-pyruvate oxidation 2-oxidation of fatty acids (β oxidation of fatty acid) 3-degradation of carbon skeletons of some amino acid Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 24. *-Free fatty acids can enter into the plasma membrane due to their poor water solubility and high fat solubility. Once in the cytosol of the cell, a fatty acid reacts with ATP to give a fatty acyl adenylate, plus inorganic pyrophosphate. *-This reactive acyl adenylate then reacts with free Co- enzyme A to give a fatty acyl-CoA ester plus AMP *-The fatty acyl-CoA is then reacted with carnitine to form acyl-carnitine, which is transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane by a translocase enzyme in the membrane. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 25. Steps of beta oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondria 1-in mitochondria; by series of chemical reaction, fatty acid combined with acetyl Co A and then converted to fatty acyl Co A, (loss of carbon) this step need ATP. 2- fatty acyl Co A losses 2 hydrogen atoms leaving double bond. the hydrogen atoms combine with flavoprotein (FAD) to be oxidized later. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 26. 3-water (H2O) react at all site of double bond 4-2hydrogen atoms are removed, leaving double bond. hydrogen combine with NAD (nicotinmide adenine dinucleotide). 5-the split of fatty acid between the α and β carbon produce long and short chain of fatty acid Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 27. 6-short chain combine with original Acetyl Co A and enter Kerb's cycle for more energy extraction. this process is repeated until all fatty acids is split into acyl C0 enzyme A. Co-A enter Citric acid cycle combine first with oxaloacetate to form citric acid and later degradation to carbon dioxide and hydrogen atoms. Co-A +oxaloacetate---citric acid final breakdown of FA is the same as that of acetyl Co-A formed from pyruvic acid during glucose oxidation Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 28. steps of the formation of Acetyl CoA (β oxidation of fatty acids 1- Dehydrogenation by FAD: The first step is the oxidation of the fatty acid by Acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase. The enzyme catalyzes the formation of a double bond between the C-2 and C-3. enzyme acylCoA dehydrogenase. End product trans-2-enoyl-CoA Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 29. 2- Hydration: The next step is the hydration of the bond between C-2 and C-3. Enzyme enoyl CoA hydratase End product L-β-hydroxy-acyl CoA Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 30. 3- Oxidation by NAD+: The third step is the oxidation of L-β-hydroxyacyl CoA by NAD+. This converts the hydroxyl group (COOH) into a keto group (CH3- CO-CH3). Enzyme hydroxy-acyl CoA dehydrogenase, end product β-ketoacyl CoA Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 31. 4-thiolysis-: The final step is the cleavage of β- ketoacyl CoA by the thiol (ketone) group of another molecule of Co A. Enzyme β- Ketothiolase. end product An acetyl CoA molecule, and an acyl CoA molecule,. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 32. Integration of metabolic pathways Fatty acid oxidation occurs in the mitochondria , feeds acetyl CoA into citric acid cycle and NADH/FADH2 into the electron transport chain. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 33. Formation of Ketone bodies Ketone bodies are names given to acetoacetate, β- hydroxybutyrate and acetone. Serve as source of energy or fuel to peripheral tissues. It is the overflow pathway for acetyl CoA Acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate are transported by the blood to peripheral tissues, where they can converted back to acetyl CoA and oxidized through TCA cycle. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 34. • Normally the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood is very low, • some times ketone bodies reach high level when fatty acid oxidation increase • Increase in ketone body formation result in a condition known as ketosis Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 35. • *if the concentration of acetoacetic acid and β hydroxybutyric rises to as high as 30 mg % above the normal (3mg %), thus leading to extreme acidosis. • *acidosis is a condition where the pH of the blood is below normal (pH 7.35). pH is a value expressing the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood, the accumulation of ketone bodies can disturb the body' acid-base. Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 36. • When carbohydrate intake is low, oxidation of fatty acids accelerate to provide energy through the production of acetyl CoA (TCA substrate) Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 37. references • Sareen Gropper, Jack Smith and James Groff, Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, fifth ed. WADSWORTH • Melvin H Williams 2010; Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport. 9th ed, McGraw Hill • • Heymsfield, SB.; Baumgartner N.; Richard and Sheau-Fang P. 1999. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease; Shils E Maurice, Olson A. James, Shike Moshe and Ross A. Catharine eds. 9th edition • Ellie Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes; Under standing Nutrition, Twelfth Edition. 2011, 2008 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning • Guyton, C. Arthur. 1985. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 6th edition, W.B. Company Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 38. Saturated fat Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 39. Mono-saturated fat Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 40. Polyunsaturated Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 41. Saturated and trans fatty acids have Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 42. Trans and cis fatty acid Dr. Siham Gritly
  • 43. Lipoproteins found in the blood Dr. Siham Gritly