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ACADEMIC OVERVIEW……………………………………………………………………2-3
INQUIRY-DRIVEN DESIGN……………………………………………………….5
RESET STUDENT COMPETENCY RUBRIC-----------------------------------15-29
THEMATIC UNITS……………………………………………………….31
RESET ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS……………………………………………...32
GRADING AND CREDITS…………………………………………………………33
GRADING SCALE………………………………………………………...33
MASTERNG COMPETENCIES…………………………………………...35
PROGRESS MONITORING……………………………………………………….35
MOVING UP STAGES…………………………………………………………….37
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Reset creates a personalized learning
experience that is student-centered and
customized to meet each student’s personal
needs. Founded upon a competency-based
approach to learning, we employ diverse and
innovative inquiry-driven pedagogy in a unique
interdisciplinary design. We believe that a
transformative and empowering education must
be culturally responsive and authentic for our
Reset’s program is designed to support a student body with varied backgrounds, needs and strengths.
Each student develops an individual personal learning plan, based on his competency goals, academic
credit needs, employment experience, learning styles, socio-emotional needs, family information,
goals, interests, sentencing information, and transition plan. Though the Reset journey is integrated
across our four pillars – academics, wellness, career and life skills – several learning blocks are built into
the schedule to more heavily support academic learning. These include:
Interdisciplinary unit blocks: Thematic units that incorporate cross-content knowledge and
Reset competencies. These occur in flexible blocks Monday – Thursday for up to five hours per
Literacy: Guided reading groups of up to 5 students and a facilitator in which students read,
analyze and discuss engaging text at their instructional reading level. Literacy groups are
scheduled Monday – Friday for 45 minutes per day.
Project work time: Open blocks of time that students may use as needed to meet their
learning goals. Work options include, but are not limited to, continued project work,
independent work, collaborative group work, check-ins, targeted skill building or on-campus
work. These open work times are every Friday for up to five hours.
Targeted support: These sessions are flexible blocks that may be used for seminars, small
group instruction, one on one support, or short units and courses that cover competencies not
addressed in the interdisciplinary unit. These sessions are one hour Monday – Thursday and
will vary every week depending on student needs.
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Blended learning modules: Built into flexible work times, targeted support and
interdisciplinary learning are blocks for blended learning in which students will be able to
focus on foundational academic skill building.
Fitness: Both a wellness and academic endeavor, fitness time includes a wide variety of
physical activities, coaching and training. These blocks occur every morning, before breakfast
for one hour.
Field Trips: Educational experiential learning trips will enhance and supplement the overall
academic experience. These trips may be directly tied to interdisciplinary units or act as stand
alone lessons. They will support student competency growth and credit earning through
related learning tasks.
1:1 Advisor check-ins: Students will lead weekly check-ins with their advisor. These check-ins
will cover personal updates, successes, questions, challenges, and progress updates about
competency goals and credits earned. Check-ins occur on Fridays during project work time.
Educator check-ins: Students will check-in frequently with the educators facilitating the
interdisciplinary units and targeted support sessions. Through this process, educators may
better understand the supports a student needs to reach his outline competency and project
goals. These check-ins may occur during interdisciplinary work time, project work time, or
office hours. They may also be scheduled in advance during other parts of the day.
Evening and weekend tutoring: Students will receive tutoring during the evenings and
weekends based on their needs. Tutors may be Reset educators, peers or external volunteers.
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Our program enables students to maintain cultural integrity while succeeding academically. We work
to address the fundamental injustices that exist and continue to oppress the communities from which
our students come. Our staff is trained to offer a pedagogy that is emancipatory rather than one that
maintains the status quo of structural oppression that exists in traditional education. Students develop
a critical consciousness that allows them to challenge assumptions, understand and recognize
internalized and institutionalized forms of oppression, and are ultimately empowered to create positive
Relationships: The development of strong, trusting relationships with students is the heart of
the Reset program. Educators are invested in building close, personal relationships and
demonstrate a connectedness with all students. This enables us to better be able to support
each individuals’ learning and growth.
High Expectations: Students are consistently reinforced with a message of high expectations
from the Reset team. They are expected to develop academically and to reach high standards
of work and growth.
Curriculum: Unlike the curriculum in traditional schools that focuses on one dominant
narrative, curriculum at Reset is inclusive and reflective of multiple perspectives and voices.
Students will see their cultures and backgrounds reflected in the content of academic units
and be challenged to develop higher-order knowledge and skills.
Cultural Context: Reset educators work to develop a deep understanding of students’ cultural
backgrounds and adapt their practices to reflect ways of communication and learning that
serve student more effectively. Students are affirmed in their cultural connections. The
learning space is designed to be relevant to students and encourage the inclusion of all voices.
Restorative Practices: Educators engage in restorative practices that uphold consistent, firm
expectations for behavior while reinforcing relationships and building understanding.
Restorative engagement includes proactive strategies, redirection, communication and
questioning techniques and when necessary, circles and conferences.
Critical Consciousness: Students are taught to develop a critical consciousness of knowledge.
Rather than take a right-answer approach to learning, students foster the ability to
intellectually challenge the knowledge and learning they construct and receive. They learn to
challenge status quo our sociopolitical and historical context.
Community of Leaners: Educators nurture an environment in which students learn together.
Students are encouraged to collaborate and be responsible for each others’ academic success.
At Reset, learning is cooperative, collaborative and community-oriented. Students actively direct their
own learning and work together on lessons, learning tasks and projects. In our classrooms, students’
voices, experiences, strengths and perspectives are highly valued and considered in all parts of the
planning to instruction and assessment process.
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Voice and Choice: Students participate in planning interdisciplinary units, assignments,
assessments and school policies. They may work at their own pace and are able to make
choices about their learning tasks and goals. Students become self-directed and owners of
their own learning.
Personalization: Instruction is necessarily designed to accommodate the varying academic
needs and learning styles of our students. Educators are trained to plan differentiated
instruction, resources and assessments to meet student needs.
Educator as Facilitator: Educators act as facilitators of learning more than didactic purveyors
of knowledge. Reset staff members spend several hours together each day planning units and
lessons to create experiences and structure that allow students to direct their own learning.
Educators utilize a wide range of instructional strategies to facilitate student learning.
Collaborative Work: Students work together to achieve their learning goals. They learn to
value each others’ perspectives and strengths and begin to build knowledge and skills as a
community. This type of collaboration is both culturally responsive and career-oriented.
Dialogic Discourse: We foster authentic discussion in which students create and discover
meaning through open-ended questions. Through a dialogic process, students shift their
mindset away from a “right-answer” mentality to one in which they are more willing to explore
and challenge ideas.
Inquiry-driven learning is an approach to learning in which students generate questions and explore
them in-depth to construct knowledge and make meaning together. Reset educators facilitate this
cyclical learning process as students make discoveries that generate more questions. The umbrella of
inquiry includes constructivist teaching, project-based learning, design thinking and action research.
Constructivist teaching: Our teachers create opportunities for students to actively construct
their own knowledge and learning—unlike more traditional approaches to instruction, where
students are passive recipients of knowledge.
Project-based learning: In this model, students design and create a project for an authentic
purpose. Discovery is a result of the project, rather than the project being a result of the
Design thinking: An innovative, collaborative, problem-solving approach that involves
defining problems, building empathy, uncovering needs, brainstorming, prototyping solutions,
testing ideas, soliciting feedback, revising and retesting.
Action research: A problem-solving process in which students identify a real need, create a
theory of action based on research-supported ideas and then implement their change actions.
In this process, students go through multiple iterations of reflection, adjustment and action.
Students are both researchers and actors in this type of learning.
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Reset’s program is designed around explicit, measurable, transferable learning goals that empower
students. These competencies, aligned with CCSS, NGSS and CASEL learning standards, encompass the
development, application and teaching of a diverse range of important skills and core knowledge
intended to generate student success beyond Reset. Based on a student’s individual strengths and
learning needs, he is able to design his time at Reset to progress toward mastery of each competency.
Reset competencies include a framework of 20 competencies. These competencies are divided into
sub-competencies; sub-competencies are separated into specific attainments. Reset educators
backwards plan units and lessons from these competencies and students use them to measure their
growth through the program.
Understand Myself
Practice Growth
Self-Manage Stay Healthy
Be Critically Conscious
Develop and Maintain
Healthy Relationships
Make Responsible
Think and Reason
Read Critically Research Write Effectively
Mathematical Literacy
Demonstrate Scientific
Use Technology and
Media Purposefully
Persuasively Present
Myself and My Ideas
Excel Professionally Manage My Finances Take Care of Others Be a Leader
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Competency Sub-Competency Attainments
! I can recognize my own emotions
! I can acknowledge my thoughts and feelings without judging them
! I can connect my physical responses to specific emotions
! I can recognize and understand my personal triggers
! I can understand why I behave or react in a certain way in different situations
! I can recognize the immediate and historical causes of the feelings I experience
! I can gain deeper understanding of myself through creative and/or artistic outlets
! I can analyze aspects of my identity that include race, gender, personality, sexual-
orientation, religion, history etc…
! I can explain how various aspects of my identity affect my beliefs, thoughts and
! I can explain how various aspects of my identity affect the way I experience the world
! I can analyze the intersectionality of various aspects of my identity
! I can evaluate the privileges and barriers that come from various aspects of my
Personal Brand ! I can create a personal brand that reflects my story, strengths and values
! I can share my personal brand in multiple ways to fit my audience and purpose
! I can create and maintain an online presence that reflects my personal brand
! I can use social media purposefully to support my long-term goals
Social Media
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
! I can try new and unfamiliar things
! I can see mistakes and failure as learning opportunities
! I can learn from my mistakes and failures
! I can welcome the possibility of failure in myself and others
! I can recognize my own areas of growth
! I can take feedback and use it to grow
! I can welcome and encourage feedback
! I can stay with a task or goal even when faced with difficulty and delay
! I can be passionately committed and motivated to work for long-goals
! I can control my impulses
! I can effectively manage my behavior when I am triggered
! I can effectively regulate my emotions, and manage my behaviors in different
! I can self-motivate in different situations
! I can identify my stress triggers
! I can identify situational factors that are in my control to change
! I can seek help to manage stress when I need it
! I can build a personal toolbox of stress management strategies
! I can use appropriate stress management techniques to manage stress in various
! I can identify my anger triggers
! I can analyze my physical, mental and behavioral responses to anger
! I can analyze the root emotions behind my anger
! I can seek help to manage anger when I need it
! I can build a personal toolbox of anger management strategies
! I can use appropriate anger management techniques to manage anger in various
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! I can recognize my dependence on substances that alter my natural state of being
! I can seek support from a community on my recovery pathway
! I can identify the triggers that lead me to use
! I can recognize the role I played in my addition
! I can use appropriate strategies to avoid or manage my using triggers
! I can self-assess my role and progress on my recovery pathway
! I can share my story and experiences to support my peers
! I can make and follow a plan to maintain long-term recovery
Stay Healthy
! I can create a physical fitness plan the meets my needs and interests
! I can engage consistently in a variety of physical activities for a sustained period of
Nutrition and
! I can evaluate my food choices based on nutritional value
! I can plan and prepare balanced meals
! I can create a healthy nutritional plan within a budget
! I can re-energize through diverse physical activities
! I can heal and rejuvenate through creative and/or artistic activities
! I can practice active listening skills to decipher meaning including knowledge, values,
intentions, attitudes and emotions
! I can use reinforcement strategies that include encouraging words, head nods, eye
contact and warm expressions to support openness
! I can reflect a speaker’s feelings, content, and/or meaning by paraphrasing and/or
! I can use both open and clarifying questions to deepen understanding of the speaker’s
! I can articulate thoughts, ideas and feelings effectively using oral, written, and
nonverbal skills in a variety of forms and contexts
! I can use and interpret various modes of non-verbal communication with an
awareness of cultural and contextual factors
! I can use various forms of communication (verbal, electronic, written, media etc) to
convey a message
! I can express myself through multiple creative and/or artistic mediums
! I can work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams
! I can exercise flexibility and make necessary compromises to accomplish a common
! I can assume shared responsibility for collaborative work
! I can value the individual contributions made by each team member
! I can develop a team that honors and harnesses the working styles, expertise and
experiences of individuals toward a common goal
Code Switching
! I can communicate in diverse contexts using the language, speech patterns and body
language that are appropriate to my audience and purpose.
Develop and
! I can recognize social cues from individuals
! I can recognize social cues and dynamics in group settings
! I can form and maintain healthy relationships with diverse individuals
! I can recognize and/or see from the perspective of another person
! I can sense and/or recognize another person’s emotions or thoughts without judgment
! I can communicate my recognition of another’s feelings
! I can generate insights from understanding another person’s perspective
Interact with
Social Awareness
! I can understand social norms
! I can make ethical behavior choices
! I can empathize with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
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! I can explain how I am affected by the actions of others
! I can take responsibility for my actions and their consequences
! I can create plans to support myself and others
! I can independently repair relationships after I have been harmed or caused harm
! I can resolve conflict when I have the support of a facilitator
! I can explain the benefits and costs of different conflict management styles
! I can practice appropriate conflict management styles in various circumstances to
meet my long-term goals
! I can consider relevant factors when making decisions
! I can realistically evaluate the immediate and long-term consequences of my choices
before acting
! I can make decisions without being influenced by peer or social pressure
Legal Decisions
! I can explain the legal framework around arrest
! I can explain the process of arraignment
! I can explain my rights in a trial
! I can advise my attorney about relevant context related to my case
! I can explain the potential consequences of decisions to be made in my case
! I can advise my attorney about decisions to be made in my case
! I can teach others about their constitutional rights
and Media
Typing ! I can type between 60-75 words per minute
Microsoft Office
! I can use Word to create a document that follows MLA formatting guidelines
! I can title and save a file to an appropriate place and device
! I can use editing commands to cut, paste, copy
! I can create a table in a Word document
! I can use text boxes and insert images
! I can create an Excel worksheet with column headings and format data
! I can calculate sums using formulas or functions in Excel
! I can create an Excel table, chart and/or graph with a title, legend and axis labels
! I can use PowerPoint to create a themed presentation with a title slide and various
slide formats
! I can insert images, tables and/or graphs into a PowerPoint presentation
! I can create a PowerPoint handout with four slides per page
! I can organize and save my files into folders, drives and/or Google Docs
! I can use GoogleDocs to create a document that follows MLA formatting guidelines
! I can create an Google Spreadsheet with column headings and format data
! I can use Google Spreadsheet to create a table and chart with a title, legend and axis
! I can create Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentations to share with collaborators
or viewers
! I can compose and send emails with a subject line, text and a signature
! I can add attachments to emails
! I can include links in emails
! I can organize my inbox to stay on top of my emails
Present Myself
and My Ideas
! I can ask questions and seek information and/or support when I need it
! I can speak up for myself and my needs in an effective manner in various situations
! I can clearly and persuasively communicate ideas orally
! I can evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning and use of evidence
! I can agree, disagree and/or build on a speaker’s ideas with consideration and respect
! I can ask questions to clarify or probe deeper into a speaker’s point and/or to generate
more discourse
! I can encourage people to participate in a discussion in a safe, inviting manner
! I can negotiate to meet goals
! 10!
! I can use effective body language, eye contact and voice control to convey my ideas
! I can present myself and my ideas in a persuasive and confident manner
! I can organize my ideas in an effective manner that is appropriate for my audience and
! I can create appropriate visuals and materials to support my message
! I can prepare thoroughly for an interview
! I can engage in an interview with a confident, personable and professional demeanor
! I can use interviewing techniques that are appropriate for the situation, context and
! I can ask insightful questions
! I can follow through and follow up with referrals and contacts in a timely fashion
! I can maintain genuine relationships with networking contacts to further my career
and future goals
! I can connect people I know with each other to further their career/professional
Be Critically
! I can evaluate the institutional, structural and individual constructs of oppression in
! I can analyze the historical causes and effects of social privilege and oppression
! I can recognize the impact of historical and institutional structures on my life
! I can evaluate current events with a critical lens
! I can analyze the micro and macro factors that perpetuate our current systems
! I can evaluate the privileges and inequities of current systems for different people
! I can evaluate the social and cultural influences on my expectations of gender roles
and norms
! I can evaluate my personal mindsets and expectations about gender and gender roles
! I can create a personal definition of manhood
! I can empathize with people who have diverse gender identities
Think and
! I can analyze key ideas from multiple sources
! I can connect ideas from one source to personal experience, other sources and/or the
! I can synthesize ideas from multiple sources to find themes, patterns, differences and
! I can draw insightful conclusions based on information drawn from various sources
! I can support my claims using relevant, specific information from multiple sources
! I can identify the needs of a person/group and/or an issue to be solved
! I can generate creative and out-of-the-box ideas to address a need or issue
! I can create low resolution prototypes of my ideas
! I can test my ideas to gain insights and gather feedback
! I can revise and iterate on my ideas to improve their efficacy
Design Solutions
! I can analyze a problem from multiple angles
! I can plan a solution pathway or theory of action for specific problems
! I can monitor my progress while problem-solving and/or implementing action steps
toward change
! I can make adjustments to my problem-solving pathway or action steps when
! I can evaluate the reasonableness of a solution given the context of a problem
! 11!
Read Critically ---
! I can summarize the main ideas of a text with supporting details
! I can make inferences from explicit text
! I can interpret the technical, connotative and figurative meanings of words and
phrases in a text
! I can analyze how word choice in a text shapes tone or meaning
! I can analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the
course of a text
! I can evaluate the claims and arguments in a text
! I can analyze how the point of view, purpose and audience of a text shapes the content
and style
! I can analyze how the structures in a text (sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters,
scenes, stanzas) relate to each other and the whole
! I can improve my independent reading level by at least 3-5 years from when I started
at Reset
! I can assess the credibility and accuracy of my sources
! I can synthesize relevant information from multiple print and digital sources based on
focused questions
! I can demonstrate critical understanding of a subject I am investigating
! I can draw evidence from literary and/or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection and research
! I can cite and reference sources according to MLA formatting guidelines
Critical Media
! I can determine sources of media content
! I can critically evaluate messages in a variety of media, genres and forms for bias and
! I can analyze the methods and effects of various forms of media messaging
! I can create messages in a wide variety of media to create an intended effect
! I can communicate ideas in my own words while avoiding plagiarism
! I can use technology to produce and publish my writing
! I can produce coherent writing in which the development, organization and style are
appropriate to the task, purpose and audience
! I can write multiple types of text including: argumentative/analytical texts,
informative/explanatory texts, narrative texts
! I can develop and improve my writing by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or trying
a new approach
Real Numbers
and Quantities
! Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents
! Use properties of rational and irrational numbers
! Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems
Complex Number
! Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers
! Represent complex numbers and their operations on the complex plane
! Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and equations
Structure in
! Interpret the structure of expressions
! Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems
Polynomials and
! Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials
! Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials
! Use polynomial identities to solve problems
! Rewrite rational expressions
Equations and
! Create equations that describe numbers or relationships
! Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning
! Solve equations and inequalities in one variable
! Solve systems of equations
! Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically
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! I can measure accurately in a variety of situations and contexts
! I can prove geometric theorems
! I can make geometric constructions
Similarity ! I understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations
! I can understand and apply theorems about circles
! I can find arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles
Properties with
! I can translate between the geometric description and the equation for a conic section
! I can use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically
and Dimension
! I can explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems
! I can visualize relationships between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects
Modeling ! I can apply geometric concepts in modeling situation
! I can explain the difference between a scientific theory, law and hypothesis
! I can apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation of phenomena
and solve design problems
! I can!communicate scientific and technical information (e.g. the process and
performance of the design) in multiple formats (e.g. orally, graphically, textually,
and/or mathematically)
! I can develop a model based on evidence to illustrate relationships between systems
! I can explain the potential implications of scientific knowledge for society
Scientific Inquiry
! I can identify the question explored in a given scientific study
! I can!distinguish questions that are possible to investigate scientifically
! I can propose a way of exploring a given question scientifically and evaluate the
different ways of exploring the given question scientifically
! I can!plan and conduct an investigation individually and collaboratively to produce
data to serve as the basis for evidence
! I can!generate questions that challenge the premise(s) of an argument, the
interpretation of data, or the suitability of a design
! I can describe and evaluate a range of ways that scientists use to ensure the reliability
of data and the objectivity and generalisability of explanations
! I can!identify the assumptions, evidence and reasoning in science-related texts
! I can!distinguish between arguments which are based on scientific evidence and
theory and those based on other considerations
! I can construct and revise an explanation based on valid and reliable evidence
obtained from a variety of sources
! I can evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind currently accepted
explanations or solutions to determine the merits of arguments
! I can!refine a solution to a complex real-world problem, based on scientific knowledge
and student-generated sources of evidence
! I can!evaluate the validity and reliability of multiple claims that appear in scientific
and technical texts or media reports
! I can!analyze data using tools, technologies, and/or models in order to make valid and
reliable scientific claims
! I can!apply scientific reasoning to link evidence to claims in order to assess the extent
to which the reasoning and data support the explanation/conclusion
! I can!make and defend a claim based on evidence about the natural world that reflects
scientific knowledge, and student-generated evidence
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! I can create and maintain systems of organization to track personal information and
! I can break projects down into manageable steps
! I can create and maintain systems of organization to track multiple tasks, to-dos,
assignments and scheduled events
! I can manage my strategies to adapt to changing work environments, assignments
and expectations
! I can set SMART goals
! I can create balanced schedules to maximize productivity and meet personal needs
! I can plan and manage my time to meet deadlines and goals
! I can prioritize my time to effectively accomplish short-term and long-term goals
! I can represent an organization by upholding professional expectations that include
timeliness, professional language, timely communication and productivity
! I can maintain a respectful, professional relationship with co-workers, managers,
customers (if applicable), assistants
! I can select attire that is appropriate to context, purpose and audience
Managing Others
! I can develop relationships of trust with and on my team
! I can develop an understanding of the strengths and areas of growth of the people on
my team
! I can utilize a variety of leadership styles depending on my audience and purpose
! I can co-create growth plans with members of my team to support their development
! I can delegate tasks to match the strengths and developmental needs of my team
! I can set and support my expectations for team members
! I can establish and maintain consistent systems and processes to maximize teamwork,
trust and productivity
! I can provide tools and resources to support the advancement of people, projects and
! I can motivate my team
! I can foster an open atmosphere that values team member ideas and perspectives
! I can keep organized documentation of team activities and notes
Managing Up
! I can develop an understanding of my manager’s working style, strengths, areas of
growth, pressures and goals
! I can develop a healthy working relationships with my manager
! I can develop and maintain an understanding of my manager’s expectations
! I can communicate effectively about my work, progress and ideas in a manner that is
appropriate for my purpose and managers’ needs
! I can interact effectively with all relevant stakeholders in a project
! I can facilitate efficient, productive meetings
! I can implement project management disciplines at various points in a project
! I can implement and create buy-in for project organization tools on a project and team
Manage My
! I can evaluate my needs, wants and goals and align them with my income and
financial obligations
! I can create short and long-term budgets to manage my finances and achieve goals
! I can revise my budgets as my financial needs and income changes
! I can navigate the banking system to support my short and long-term goals
! I can use various forms of monetary currency (cash, checks, credit cards, online
exchange) in various situations to my advantage
! I can create a well-informed long-term savings and investment strategy
! 14!
Take Care of
Child Care
! I can identify a child’s physical needs through various forms of verbal and non-verbal
! I can effectively perform basic child care tasks that include feeding, changing, clothing,
washing and putting a child down to nap/sleep
! I can create experiences to support a child/youth’s learning and growth based on
her/his developmental stage and needs
! I can prioritize my life in a way that will support a child
Nurturing Youth
! I can communicate with a child/young person in a nurturing and age-appropriate
! I can set and uphold clear expectations in a safe, restorative and consistent manner
! I can value the experiences, opinions and ideas of a child/young person
Caring for Elders
! I can create a system of support to participate in the care of an elder
! I can engage in communication with an elder (if possible) and other relevant parties to
create a plan of care for her/him
! I can create a plan of care with/for an elder that considers factors including: physical
and mental healthcare, finances, paperwork
! I can navigate the resources and supports available to the elderly to make informed
decisions with/for an elder in my life
! I can create a plan for self-care to manage the stress and life changes that come with
Be a Leader
! I can consistently do what I say I will do
! I can show integrity
! I can be flexible in changing circumstances and/or uncertainty
! I can take action without being asked or told to do something
! I can identify, seek out and act on ideas and opportunities
! I can create my own solutions and opportunities
! I can explain the benefits and costs of various styles of leadership
! I can analyze my personal leadership style
! I can use various styles of leadership in alignment with my purpose and audience
! I can follow others
! I can demonstrate a genuine personal interest in my mentee.
! I can recognize the strengths and areas of growth of my mentee
! I can provide guidance and honest feedback to my mentee.
! I can share my skills, knowledge and experiences openly
! I can model ongoing learning and growth as well as expertise
! 15!
Ready Focus Competentices Reset Focus Competencies Renew Focus Competencies
Attainments: All the criteria for a specific competency Power Attainments: required for advancement to next stage
Competency Emerging Developing Practicing Leading
Understand Myself
! I can recognize my own
! I can acknowledge my
thoughts and feelings
without judging them
! I can gain deeper
understanding of myself
through creative and/or
artistic outlets
! I can analyze aspects of my
identity that include race,
gender, personality, sexual-
orientation, religion, history
! I can explain how various
aspects of my identity affect
my beliefs, thoughts and
In addition:
! I can connect my physical
responses to specific
emotions that I feel
! I can explain how various
aspects of my identity affect
the way I experience the
Personal Brand
! I can create a personal brand
that reflects my story,
strengths and values
Social Media Presence
! I can create and maintain an
online presence that reflects
my personal brand
In addition:
! I can recognize and
understand my personal
! I can understand why I
behave or react in a certain
way in different situations
! I can analyze the
intersectionality of various
aspects of my identity
! I can evaluate the privileges
and barriers that come from
various aspects of my
Social Media Presence
! I can use social media
purposefully to support my
long-term goals
In addition:
! I can recognize the immediate
and historical causes of the
feelings I experience
Personal Brand
! I can share my personal
brand in multiple ways to fit
my audience and purpose
Practice a Growth
Growth Mindset
! I can try new and unfamiliar
! I can see mistakes and
failure as learning
In addition:
Growth Mindset
! I can learn from my
mistakes and failures
Personal Reflection
! I can recognize my own
areas of growth
In addition:
Personal Reflection
! I can take feedback and use
it to grow
! I can stay with a task or goal
even when faced with
In addition:
Growth Mindset
! I can welcome the
possibility of failure in
myself and others
Personal Reflection
! I can welcome and
! 16!
difficulty and delay encourage feedback
! I can be passionately
committed to work toward
long-term goals
! I can control my impulses
Stress Management
! I can identify my stress
! I can identify situational
factors that are in my control
to change
Anger Management
! I can identify my anger
! I can analyze my physical,
mental and behavioral
responses to anger
! I can analyze the root
emotions behind my anger
Addiction Recovery
! I can recognize my
dependence on substances
that alter my natural state
of being
! I can seek support from a
community on my recovery
In addition:
! I can effectively manage my
behavior when I am
Stress Management
! I can seek help to manage
stress when I need it
Anger Management
! I can seek help to manage
anger when I need it
Addiction Recovery
! I can identify the triggers
that lead me to use
! I can recognize the role I
played in my addition
In addition:
! I can effectively regulate my
emotions, and manage my
behaviors in different
Stress Management
! I can build a personal toolbox
of stress management
Anger Management
! I can build a personal toolbox
of anger management
Addiction Recovery
! I can use appropriate
strategies to avoid or manage
my using triggers
! I can self-assess my role and
progress on my recovery
In addition:
! I can self-motivate in
different situations
Stress Management
! I can use appropriate stress
management strategies to
manage stress in various
Anger Management
! I can use appropriate anger
management techniques to
mange anger in various
Addiction Recovery
! I can share my story and
experiences to support my
! I can make and follow a plan
to maintain long-term
Stay Healthy
Nutrition and Diet
! I can evaluate my food
choices based on nutritional
In addition:
! I can create a physical fitness
plan the meets my needs and
In addition:
Nutrition and Diet
! I can create a healthy
nutritional plan within a
In addition:
! I can engage consistently in
a variety of physical
activities for a sustained
period of time
! 17!
! I can re-energize through
diverse physical activities
Nutrition and Diet
! I can plan and prepare
balanced meals
! I can heal and rejuvenate
through creative and/or
artistic activities
Communication Skills
! I can use both open and
clarifying questions to
deepen understanding of
the speaker’s perspective
! I can use reinforcement
strategies that include
encouraging words, head
nods, eye contact and warm
expressions to support
! I can work effectively and
respectfully with diverse
In addition:
Communication Skills
! I can reflect a speaker’s
feelings, content, and/or
meaning by paraphrasing
and/or restating
! I can use both open and
clarifying questions to
deepen understanding of
the speaker’s perspective
! I can exercise flexibility and
make necessary
compromises to accomplish
a common goal
In addition:
Communication Skills
! I can articulate thoughts,
ideas and feelings
effectively using oral,
written, and nonverbal skills
in a variety of forms and
Code Switching
! I can communicate in
diverse contexts using the
language, speech patterns
and body language that are
appropriate to my audience
and purpose
! I can assume shared
responsibility for
collaborative work
! I can value the individual
contributions made by each
team member
In addition:
Communication Skills
! I can use and interpret various
modes of non-verbal
communication with an
awareness of cultural and
contextual factors
! I can use various forms of
communication (verbal,
electronic, written, media
etc) to convey a message
! I can express myself through
multiple creative and/or
artistic mediums
! I can develop a team that
honors and harnesses the
working styles, expertise
and experiences of
individuals toward a
common goal
Develop and
Maintain Healthy
Relationship Skills
! I can recognize social cues
from individuals
! I can recognize and/or see
from the perspective of
another person
In addition:
Relationship Skills
! I can recognize social cues
and dynamics in group
! I can sense and/or recognize
another person’s emotions
In addition:
Relationship Skills
! I can form and maintain
healthy relationships with
diverse individuals
! I can communicate my
recognition of another’s
In addition:
! I can generate insights from
understanding another
person’s perspective
Restorative Practices
! I can independently repair
relationships after I have
! 18!
Interact with Social Awareness
! I can understand social norms
Restorative Practices
! I can explain how I am
affected by the actions of
Conflict Management
! I can resolve conflict when I
have the support of a
or thoughts without
Interact with Social Awareness
! I can make ethical behavior
Restorative Practices
! I can take responsibility for
my actions and their
Conflict Management
! I can explain the benefits and
costs of different conflict
management styles
Interact with Social Awareness
! I can empathize with people
from diverse backgrounds
and cultures
Restorative Practices
! I can create plans to support
myself and others
been harmed or caused
Conflict Management
! I can practice appropriate
conflict management styles in
various circumstances to
meet my long-term goals
Make Responsible
! I can consider relevant
factors when making
Legal Decisions
! I can explain the legal
framework around arrest
In addition:
! I can realistically evaluate
the immediate and long-
term consequences of my
choices before acting
Legal Decisions
! I can explain the process of
! I can explain my rights in a
In addition:
! I can make decisions
without being influenced by
peer or social pressure
Legal Decisions
! I can advise my attorney
about relevant context
related to my case
! I can explain the potential
consequences of decisions to
be made in my case
In addition:
Legal Decisions
! I can advise my attorney
about decisions to be made
in my case
! I can teach others about
their constitutional rights
Use Technology and
Media Purposefully
Microsoft Office Suite
! I can use Word to create a
document that follows MLA
formatting guidelines
! I can title and save a file to
an appropriate place and
! I can use editing commands to
cut, paste, copy
In addition:
Microsoft Office Suite
! I can create a table in a Word
! I can use text boxes and
insert images
! I can create an Excel
worksheet with column
headings and format data
! I can use PowerPoint to
In addition:
! I can type between 60-75
words per minute
Microsoft Office Suite
! I can insert images, tables
and/or graphs into a
PowerPoint presentation
! I can create a PowerPoint
In addition:
Microsoft Office Suite
! I can calculate sums using
formulas or functions in
! I can create an Excel table,
chart and/or graph with a
title, legend and axis labels
! 19!
create a themed
presentation with a title
slide and various slide
! I can organize and save my
files into folders, drives
and/or Google Docs
! I can use GoogleDocs to
create a document that
follows MLA formatting
handout with four slides per
! I can create an Google
Spreadsheet with column
headings and format data
! I can create Google Docs,
Spreadsheets, and
Presentations to share with
collaborators or viewers
! I can add attachments to
! I can use Google
Spreadsheet to create a
table and chart with a title,
legend and axis labels
! I can organize my inbox to
stay on top of my emails
! I can include links in emails
Persuasively Present
Myself and My Ideas
! I can ask questions and seek
information and/or support
when I need it
! I can clearly and
persuasively communicate
ideas orally
! I can use effective body
language, eye contact and
voice control to convey my
In addition:
! I can evaluate a speaker’s
point of view, reasoning and
use of evidence
! I can agree, disagree and/or
build on a speaker’s ideas
with consideration and
! I can present myself and my
ideas in a persuasive and
confident manner
! I can organize my ideas in an
effective manner that is
appropriate for my audience
and purpose
! I can prepare thoroughly for
an interview
In addition:
! I can speak up for myself
and my needs in an effective
manner in various situations
! I can ask questions to clarify
or probe deeper into a
speaker’s point and/or to
generate more discourse
! I can engage in an interview
with a confident, personable
and professional demeanor
! I can use interviewing
techniques that are
appropriate for the situation,
context and audience
! I can maintain genuine
relationships with
networking contacts to
In addition:
! I can encourage people to
participate in a discussion in
a safe, inviting manner
! I can negotiate to meet goals
! I can create appropriate
visuals and materials to
support my message
! I can ask insightful
! I can connect people I know
with each other to further
their career/professional
! 20!
! I can follow through and
follow up with referrals and
contacts in a timely fashion
further my career and future
Be Critically
Gender Consciousness
! I can evaluate the social and
cultural influences on my
expectations of gender roles
and norms
In addition:
Systems Consciousness
! I can evaluate the
institutional, structural and
individual constructs of
oppression in society
! I can analyze the historical
causes and effects of social
privilege and oppression
Gender Consciousness
! I can evaluate my personal
mindsets and expectations
about gender and gender
In addition:
Systems Consciousness
! I can recognize the impact of
historical and institutional
structures on my life
! I can evaluate current events
with a critical lens
Gender Consciousness
! I can create a personal
definition of manhood
In addition:
Systems Consciousness
! I can analyze the micro and
macro factors that perpetuate
our current systems
! I can evaluate the privileges
and inequities of current
systems for different people
Gender Consciousness
! I can empathize with people
who have diverse gender
Think and Reason
Critically and
Information Synthesis
! I can analyze key ideas from
multiple sources
! I can identify the needs of a
person/group and/or an
issue to be solved
Design Solutions
! I can analyze a problem
from multiple angles
In addition:
Information Synthesis
! I can connect ideas from one
source to personal
experience, other sources
and/or the world
! I can synthesize ideas from
multiple sources to find
themes, patterns,
differences and
! I can generate creative and
out-of-the-box ideas to
address a need or issue
Design Solutions
In addition:
Information Synthesis
! I can draw insightful
conclusions based on
information drawn from
various sources
! I can support my claims
using relevant, specific
information from multiple
! I can create low resolution
prototypes of my ideas
! I can test my ideas to gain
insights and gather feedback
Design Solutions
In addition:
! I can revise and iterate on
my ideas and actions to
improve their efficacy
Design Solutions
! I can evaluate the
reasonableness of a solution
given the context of a problem
! 21!
! I can plan a solution
pathway or theory of action
for specific problems
! I can monitor my progress
while problem-solving and/or
implementing action steps
toward change
! I can make adjustments to
my problem-solving
pathway or action steps
when necessary
Read Critically
! I can summarize the main
ideas of a text with
supporting details
! I can make inferences from
explicit text
! I can interpret the technical,
connotative and figurative
meanings of words and
phrases in a text
! I can analyze how word choice
in a text shapes tone or
! I can analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas
develop and interact over the
course of a text.
! I can evaluate the claims
and arguments in a text
! I can improve my independent
reading level by at least 3-5
years from when I started at
! I can analyze how the point
of view, purpose and
audience of a text shapes
the content and style
! I can analyze how the
structures in a text (sentences,
paragraphs, sections,
chapters, scenes, stanzas)
relate to each other and the
! I can assess the credibility
and accuracy of my sources
Critical Media Literacy
! I can determine sources of
media content
In addition:
! I can synthesize relevant
information from multiple
print and digital sources
based on focused questions
Critical Media Literacy
! I can critically evaluate
messages in a variety of
media, genres and forms for
bias and intention
In addition:
! I can demonstrate critical
understanding of a subject I
am investigating
! I can draw evidence from
literary and/or
informational texts to
support analysis, reflection
and research
Critical Media Literacy
! I can analyze the methods and
effects of various forms of
media messaging
In addition:
! I can cite and reference
sources according to MLA
formatting guidelines
Critical Media Literacy
! I can create messages in a
wide variety of media to
create an intended effect
Write Effectively
! I can communicate ideas in
my own words while
avoiding plagiarism
! I can use technology to
produce and publish my
! I can produce coherent
writing in which the
development, organization
and style are appropriate to
the task, purpose and
! I can write multiple types of
text including:
texts, narrative texts
! I can develop and improve
my writing by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting
or trying a new approach
! 22!
Real Numbers and Quantities
! Extend the properties of
exponents to rational
! Use properties of rational
and irrational numbers
! Reason quantitatively and
use units to solve problems
! I can measure accurately in
a variety of situations and
! I understand similarity in
terms of similarity
In addition:
Complex Number System
! Perform arithmetic
operations with complex
! Represent complex numbers
and their operations on the
complex plane
! Use complex numbers in
polynomial identities and
! I can prove geometric
! I can make geometric
! I can understand and apply
theorems about circles
! I can find arc lengths and
areas of sectors of circles
In addition:
Structure in Expressions
! Interpret the structure of
! Write expressions in
equivalent forms to solve
Polynomials and Rational
! Perform arithmetic
operations on polynomials
! Understand the relationship
between zeros and factors
of polynomials
! Use polynomial identities to
solve problems
! Rewrite rational expressions
Expressing Geometric Properties
with Equations
! I can translate between the
geometric description and
the equation for a conic
! I can use coordinates to prove
simple geometric theorems
Geometric Measurement and
! I can explain volume
formulas and use them to
solve problems
! I can visualize relationships
between two-dimensional
and three-dimensional
In addition:
Equations and Inequalities
! Create equations that
describe numbers or
! Understand solving
equations as a process of
reasoning and explain the
! Solve equations and
inequalities in one variable
! Solve systems of equations
! Represent and solve
equations and inequalities
I can apply geometric concepts in
modeling situation
! 23!
Scientific Literacy
Scientific Explanation
! I can explain the difference
between a scientific theory,
law and hypothesis
Scientific Inquiry
! I can identify the question
explored in a given scientific
! I can!distinguish questions
that are possible to
investigate scientifically
Scientific Interpretation
! I can!identify the
assumptions, evidence and
reasoning in science-related
! I can!distinguish between
arguments which are based
on scientific evidence and
theory and those based on
other considerations
In addition:
Scientific Explanation
! I can apply scientific
principles and evidence to
provide an explanation of
phenomena and solve
design problems
Scientific Inquiry
! I can propose a way of
exploring a given question
scientifically and evaluate the
different ways of exploring the
given question scientifically
Scientific Interpretation
! I can construct and revise an
explanation based on valid
and reliable evidence
obtained from a variety of
! I can evaluate the claims,
evidence, and reasoning
behind currently accepted
explanations or solutions to
determine the merits of
In addition:
Scientific Explanation
! I can!communicate scientific
and technical information
(e.g. the process and
performance of the design)
in multiple formats (e.g.
orally, graphically,
textually, and/or
! I can develop a model based
on evidence to illustrate
relationships between
Scientific Inquiry
! I can!plan and conduct an
investigation individually
and collaboratively to
produce data to serve as the
basis for evidence
Scientific Interpretation
! I can!refine a solution to a
complex real-world
problem, based on scientific
knowledge and student-
generated sources of
! I can!evaluate the validity
and reliability of multiple
claims that appear in
scientific and technical texts
or media reports
! I can!analyze data using
tools, technologies, and/or
models in order to make
valid and reliable scientific
In addition:
Scientific Explanation
! I can explain the potential
implications of scientific
knowledge for society
Scientific Inquiry
! I can!generate questions
that challenge the
premise(s) of an argument,
the interpretation of data,
or the suitability of a design
! I can describe and evaluate a
range of ways that scientists
use to ensure the reliability of
data and the objectivity and
generalisability of
Scientific Interpretation
! I can!apply scientific
reasoning to link evidence to
claims in order to assess the
extent to which the reasoning
and data support the
! I can!make and defend a
claim based on evidence
about the natural world that
reflects scientific
knowledge, and student-
generated evidence
! 24!
Apply Professional
! I can create and maintain
systems of organization to
track personal information
and materials
Professional Practices
! I can represent an
organization by upholding
professional expectations
that include timeliness,
professional language,
timely communication and
Managing Others
! I can develop relationships
of trust with and on my
! I can develop an
understanding of the
strengths and areas of
growth of the people on my
Managing Up
! I can develop an
understanding of my
manager’s working style,
strengths, areas of growth,
pressures and goals
In addition:
! I can break projects down
into manageable steps
Time Management
! I can create balanced
schedules to maximize
productivity and meet
personal needs
Professional Practices
! I can maintain a respectful,
professional relationship
with co-workers, managers,
customers (if applicable),
Managing Others
! I can utilize a variety of
leadership styles depending
on my audience and purpose
! I can co-create growth plans
with members of my team to
support their development
! I can delegate tasks to
match the strengths and
developmental needs of my
Managing Up
! I can develop a healthy
working relationships with my
Project Management
! I can interact effectively
with all relevant
stakeholders in a project
! I can facilitate efficient,
In addition:
! I can create and maintain
systems of organization to
track multiple tasks, to-dos,
assignments and scheduled
Time Management
! I can plan and manage my
time to meet deadlines and
Managing Others
! I can set and support my
expectations for team
! I can establish and maintain
consistent systems and
processes to maximize
teamwork, trust and
! I can provide tools and
resources to support the
advancement of people,
projects and goals
Managing Up
! I can develop and maintain an
understanding of my
manager’s expectations
Project Management
! I can implement project
management disciplines at
various points in a project
! I can select attire that is
appropriate to context,
In addition:
! I can manage my strategies
to adapt to changing work
environments, assignments
and expectations
Time Management
! I can prioritize my time to
effectively accomplish
short-term and long-term
Managing Others
! I can motivate my team
! I can foster an open
atmosphere that values team
member ideas and
! I can keep organized
documentation of team
activities and notes
Managing Up
! I can communicate
effectively about my work,
progress and ideas in a
manner that is appropriate
for my purpose and
managers’ needs
Project Management
! I can implement and create
buy-in for project
organization tools on a
project and team
! 25!
productive meetings purpose and audience
Manage My Finances
! I can navigate the banking
system to support my short
and long-term goals
In addition:
! I can evaluate my needs,
wants and goals and align
them with my income and
financial obligations
In addition:
! I can create short and long-
term budgets to manage my
finances and achieve goals
! I can use various forms of
monetary currency (cash,
checks, credit cards, online
exchange) in various
situations to my advantage
In addition:
! I can revise my budgets as
my financial needs and
income changes
! I can create a well-informed
long-term savings and
investment strategy
Take Care of Others
Child Care
! I can identify a child’s physical
needs through various forms
of verbal and non-verbal
Caring for Elders
! I can create a system of
support to participate in the
care of an elder
In addition:
Child Care
! I can effectively perform
basic child care tasks that
include feeding, changing,
clothing, washing and
putting a child down to
Nurturing Youth
! I can communicate with a
child/young person in a
nurturing and age-
appropriate manner
Caring for Elders
! I can engage in
communication with an elder
(if possible) and other
relevant parties to create a
plan of care for her/him
In addition:
Child Care
! I can create experiences to
support a child/youth’s
learning and growth based on
her/his developmental stage
and needs
Nurturing Youth
! I can set and uphold clear
expectations in a safe,
restorative and consistent
Caring for Elders
! I can create a plan of care
with/for an elder that
considers factors including:
physical and mental
healthcare, finances,
In addition:
Child Care
! I can prioritize my life in a way
that will support a child
Nurturing Youth
! I can value the experiences,
opinions and ideas of a
child/young person
Caring for Elders
! I can navigate the resources
and supports available to the
elderly to make informed
decisions with/for an elder in
my life
! I can create a plan for self-
care to manage the stress and
life changes that come with
! 26!
Be a Leader
! I can explain the benefits and
costs of various styles of
! I can demonstrate a genuine
personal interest in my
! I can recognize the strengths
and areas of growth of my
In addition:
! I can consistently do what I
say I will do
! I can analyze my personal
leadership style
! I can provide guidance and
honest feedback to my
In addition:
! I can show integrity
! I can identify, seek out and
act on ideas and
! I can use various styles of
leadership in alignment with
my purpose and audience
! I can share my skills,
knowledge and experiences
In addition:
! I can be flexible in changing
circumstances and/or
! I can create my own solutions
and opportunities
! I can follow others
! I can model ongoing
learning and growth as well
as expertise
! 27!
Theme Items Description Progress Comments
Transition Fundamentals
I can explain the options and
terms of my transition out of
Reset. I can obtain a valid
government ID.
Government ID
Student has obtained his CA ID, social
security card and birth certificate.
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Cell Phone
Student has obtained a cell phone and
is enrolled on an affordable plan
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Free Food
Students knows where to obtain free
food if needed
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Understanding Options
Student can clearly articulate
restrictions resulting from his record
(housing, voting, employment)
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Continuing Legal Action
If applicable, student has initiated
process to regain rights and/or clear his
record. And, if necessary, has found
support for any continued court cases.
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Terms of Probation/Parole
Student can clearly articulate the terms
of his parole or probation, including
disclosure requirements.
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
5.1 Housing
I can obtain housing and
establish a safe environment
in which to pursue my goals
Emergency Shelter
Student knows where and how to find
emergency shelter if needed
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Transitional Housing
Student has obtained a safe transitional
residence that will support his re-entry
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Credit Check
Student has obtained an official credit
score and is working toward building a
stronger personal credit rating
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Student has completed relevant
housing paperwork and understands
the agreements made
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
First Rental
Student has obtained an independent
rental residence
Work In Progress
! 28!
Not Yet
Not Applicable
5.2 Employment
I can obtain employment
that can support me (and
their families, if applicable)
and help them to pursue my
professional goals
Paperwork and Contracts
Student has completed relevant work-
related paperwork and understands the
agreements made
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
First Job
Student has obtained a full-time
professional placement that pays a
living wage
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Student has completed tax paperwork
and understands where to find
resources for support
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Employer Letter(s) of
Student has obtained at least 3
professional letters of recommendation
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
5.3 Health Care
I can obtain comprehensive
health care to meet my
medical needs
Health Insurance
Student has obtained comprehensive
health insurance to cover himself and
any dependents
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Navigating the System
Student knows how to find the
necessary services to meet his or his
dependents’ medical needs
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Student has joined recovery group(s) to
support a healthy lifestyle (if necessary)
5.4 Education
I can continue to pursue
academic learning in their
fields of interest
College Diploma Student has earned his college diploma
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Continuing Education
Student has completed some form of
post-high school continuing education
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Scholarships and Financial
Student has applied for and received
sufficient financial aid to help cover
costs of further education.
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
! 29!
5.5 Community
I can establish networks and
communities to support their
transitional and long-term
goals. I can maintain my
connections to previously
established communities
and networks to which I
Supporting Allies
Student can identify at least 5
individuals who he can depend on to
support his future goals and on whom
he can rely on for help when needed;
student maintains constant
communication with these people
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Resource Networks
Student can identify multiple networks
or support organizations where he can
turn to for help; student regularly seeks
support from these networks
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
Reset Community
Student maintains regular contact with
Reset staff: Weekly in the first 6 months,
monthly after 6 months.
Work In Progress
Not Yet
Not Applicable
The Reset program weaves different academic content areas, skills, social-emotional foci and career
pathways together throughout our classes, learning groups and weekly schedule. Our teachers
collaborate and co-plan together for at least two hours each day to create interdisciplinary thematic
units that bundle competencies and standards from multiple disciplines. This approach provides rich
opportunities to demonstrate mastery in deeply contextual, authentic and multi-faceted life situations.
Stage 1: Ready
Thematic Unit focused
on understanding self,
wellness, social-
emotional skills and
Stage 2: Reset
Thematic units that
spiral through all the
competencies to
deepen student learning
and growth
Stage 3: Renew
Continue in the
thematic unit cycle as
needed. Begin
preparing for transition
outside Reset
Point of entry into the Stage 2:
Reset Interdisciplinary Unit Cycle
is flexible. Students may enter in
the current cycle and projects
will be adjusted to
accommodate their needs.
Interdisciplinary Thematic Units
Unlike traditional subject-specific courses with disconnected content, Reset’s learning units are
thematic and interdisciplinary. With students coming with varying academic histories, skills and earned
credits, these units are intentionally created to be customizable to each students’ unique needs. Units
are designed as a series of learning tasks that lead to a final culminating project. These learning tasks
are specifically tied either to a Reset competency or a high school subject.
Units run between four to eight weeks, span multiple content areas and cover Reset competencies from
all four of Reset’s pillars: academics, wellness, life skills and career. Students are able to design their
own pathway through a project by choosing the content, tasks, products, group structures and work
pace that best meet their competency and credit needs. Reset staff will provide multiple layers of
support, instruction and feedback throughout each unit.
Placeholder image…more to come as we complete the first unit.
We measure growth and learning through multiple assessment types. We recognize that every student
demonstrates his skills and knowledge in different ways and we design our assessments to allow
multiple opportunities to show competency mastery. We have a bank of assessment tools that are used
throughout a student's time at Reset. Our assessments are built on four principles:
Authenticity: Assessments are designed to be relevant to students’ lives and the world.
Students perform tasks that are analogous to the types of problems and situations that may be
faced in the “real world.” These types of assessments demonstrate meaningful application of
essential knowledge and skills.
Mastery: Assessments are created to measure a student’s knowledge and/or mastery of a
specific competency or subject area. Through these assessments, students are able to
demonstrate their development, improvement and mastery of skills and knowledge based on
specific indicators and criteria.
Differentiation: We recognize that our students come with a variety of learning styles,
strengths and needs. Assessments are differentiated based on learners’ needs and students
have options covering multiple modalities for demonstrating competency mastery.
Failure As Opportunity: Students have multiple opportunities to show their skills and
knowledge. They are given the opportunity and encouraged to learn from mistakes and to
improve upon prior work. This means that no assessment is final; students can always redo
part or all of an assignment, project or task to demonstrate increased learning and growth.
Reset Academic Assessments
Assessment Measurement Type Description Frequency
Grade level
lexile score
Computer-based literacy and basic math
Intake; Ready: every six
weeks; Reset and Renew:
every three months
My Story Essay Rubric Formative Personal essay with guiding prompts Intake
JMCS Writing
Rubric Formative
JMCS essay prompts focused on specific writing
Informal or formal assessments used by Reset
Dependent on
assessment and purpose
Student Self-
Survey, rubric
Self-assessments for specific competencies,
Dependent on
assessment and purpose
Peer Feedback Survey, rubric
Peer-assessments for specific competencies,
knowledge in a student
Dependent on
assessment and purpose
Staff Assessment Survey, rubric
Staff-assessments for specific competencies,
knowledge in a student
Dependent on
assessment and purpose
Learning Tasks Varied Summative
Learning tasks that ultimately lead to a completed
unit project.
Multiple throughout each
Unit Projects Rubric Summative
Culminating assessment of an Interdisciplinary
One per Interdisciplinary
Rubric Summative
Student presentations to propose advancement to
next Reset stage
Whenever a student feels
Portfolio (SAP)
Rubric Summative
A compilation of a student’s work, learning and
growth at Reset
Presented prior to Reset
EPT/ELM Standardized Formative CSU placement tests for English and Mathematics Prior to enrolling in CSU
ACT or SAT Standardized --- Standardized tests necessary for most applications Prior to application
Grading and Credits
At Reset, student grades clearly communicate a student’s knowledge and/or mastery of a specific
competency or subject area. Grades in the academic pillar and other forms of assessment in the
wellness, life skills and career pillars are transferrable to high school course credit.
Grading Scale
Our grading scale is comparable to the four-point scale used by many schools and colleges. Points are
converted to credits earned toward a diploma, letter grades for a student’s transcript, and attainment
achievement toward growth on the Reset competency rubric.
Score Meaning
Credits or
Does not
meet the
A student's work does not demonstrate substantive
progress towards meeting the criteria of a given
assessment or competency attainment. This may
mean that a student has not met the majority of
performance indicators or criteria for that
assessment, or the student has not made an
attempt to meet criteria.
No credit
No evidence of
No grade
A student's work demonstrates a substantive
attempt to meet the criteria of a given assessment
or competency attainment. But, it does not meet the
majority of performance indicators or criteria for
that assessment or the student has not made an
attempt to meet all the criteria.
No credit
No evidence of
No grade
Very close to
meeting the
A student's work is very close to meeting the criteria
of a given assessment or competency attainment.
This score allows a student to see that he does not
have far to go before meeting the criteria of an
attainment or assessment.
No credit
No evidence of
No grade
Meets the
A student's work meets the criteria of a given
assessment or competency attainment. All of the
performance indicators or criteria are demonstrated
in the work.
Credit earned
Evidence of
A student's work goes just above the criteria of a
given assessment or competency attainment in
quality. All of the performance indicators or criteria
are demonstrated in the work.
Credit earned
Evidence of
Exceeds the
The student’s work goes substantially above and
beyond the criteria of a given assessment or
competency attainment in quality. All of the
performance indicators or criteria are demonstrated
in the work. Additional challenge work may be
Credit earned
Evidence of
To earn a high school diploma, students much complete a total of 210 credits. Students may replace
both the PE and Computer Apps credit requirements with the associated demo; students who elect to
complete the PE and/or Computer Demo may graduate with fewer credits. Students’ credits from their
previous schools are transferred to Reset and counted toward their diploma.
High School Diploma Requirements
*Students may earn up to 10 credits for remedial courses **Credit = hours in PE/12.75
Credits for learning tasks and unit projects are awarded based on the extent and rigor of the
assignments. Credits are earned based on demonstrated mastery based on clearly outline criteria. In
addition to Reset work, students may earn credit for textbook work, various computer-based modules,
community college courses and work experience.
Credit Assignment Guidelines
***credits/chapter and credits/textbook can be found in the JMCS Benchmark Course Outlines
English* 30 Math* 10
World History 10 Algebra I 10
US History 10 Health 5
Civics/US Government 5 P.E.** 20 or Demo
Economics 5
Computer Apps (LS
10 or Demo
Earth Science 10 Life Skills Electives 15
Life Science 10 Electives 60
Total: 210 credits or 190-200 credits (with demos)
Description Some Examples Credit
Tasks or assessments that focus on one part of a specific
standard, skill, attainment. These tasks can generally be
completed in-class or in one evening
In-class learning tasks, daily
assignments, exit tickets,
Slightly more involved tasks that cover one or more specific
attainments, standards, skills. These tasks may take several
days to prepare or complete
Labs, debates, text-based
discussion, tests
1 – 1.5
Slightly more involved tasks that cover one or more specific
attainments, standards, skills. These tasks may take several
days to prepare or complete
Final essays with evidence
of planning and revision,
1.5 – 3
Unit Project
Culminating project for an interdisciplinary unit that covers
several specific attainments, standards and skills across
multiple Reset pillars. These span 4-8 weeks
Feature documentary,
action research project,
community event
3.5 – 5
Learning tasks to demonstrate mastery of PE and Computer
Physical exercises,
technological tasks
Section questions, chapter review and chapter test in AGS
subject textbooks
% textbook chapters completed x
credits possible for textbook***
Courses taken at an accredited community college 1 CC credit = 1.66 high school credits
Hours logged in on-campus or off-campus work # hours/12.75 = # credits
Mastering Competencies
To improve in mastery of a competency, a student must demonstrate at least two pieces of evidence of
achievement for all the attainments in his current mastery level: Emerging, Developing, Practicing or
Leading. The evidence for each attainment may be drawn from a variety of assessments and
experiences depending on appropriateness for the specific attainment. Students may select any
combination of evidence type to demonstrate achievement of an attainment.
Progress Monitoring
Students receive consistent feedback about their progress throughout the learning and assessment
process. Regular communication with students about their progress supports deeper learning.
Check-ins: Students meet weekly with their advisors and regularly with the educators running
the interdisciplinary units. Students may seek help, set and revisit goals, and/or get updates on
their progress across a broad range of measurements, tasks and attainments
Tools: Students and educators use a broad range of tools to track academic progress. These
tools include: Reset competency rubric, graduation progress tracker, transcripts, report cards,
high school credit tracker and student goal worksheets.
Feedback: Students receive consistent feedback from Reset educators and peers on their
work, learning tasks and assessments. This feedback allows students to continue to improve.
Student Achievement Portfolio (SAP)
Students will compile a comprehensive portfolio of their learning and growth across all Reset
competencies and pillars throughout their time at Reset. Students will select a subset of their academic
work to showcase both growth and accomplishment. In addition, students will creatively include
evidence of growth, reflection and mastery of competencies measured in less concrete ways. The SAP
will serve as a tool to inform instruction, planning and goal setting for the student and Reset staff; it will
also demonstrate student growth and achievement over time. Each SAP is organized into five sections
with these components:
Student Information:
! Enrollment form
! JMCS Documents: Student Achievement Contract, Conduct Agreement
! CAHSEE rights form
! Immunization Records
! Special Education Documents (past/present IEP or 504)
! Language Documents (ELs)
! Socio-emotional Assessment Information
Progress Monitoring:
! Student Goal Worksheets
! Reset Competency Self-Assessment
! Reset Competency Tracking Tool
! Credit Tracker
! Graduation Progress Reports
! JMCS Transcripts
! JMCS Report Cards
! Previous School Transcripts
Career Pathway:
! Reset Career Pathway Tracker
! On-Campus Work Log
! Off-Campus Work Log
! Volunteer Work Log
! Performance Reviews
! Resume
! Reference Letters x3
! Summary Page
! Standardized Test Results (CAHSEE, GED, RenSTAR etc.)
! PE Demo Checklist
! Computer Demo Checklist
Competency Growth Evidence:
Organized into sub-sections by competency with an appropriate combination of the following to show
growth and mastery. Students should be creative in determining evidence. Hard copy work samples, DVDs
of student-made videos, images etc. may be included here.
! Work Samples
! Experiential Descriptors with a Personal Reflection
! Peer and/or Staff Testimonies with a Personal Reflection
! Certificates and/or Awards with a Personal Reflection
Moving Up Stages
The Reset program is split into three growth stages: Ready, Reset and Renew. These stages mark a
shifting focus on competencies that advance toward transition readiness. To move up from one stage
to the next, a student must demonstrate evidence for achievement of all the power attainments in his
current stage’s focus competencies. A student initiates this process when he feels ready to move
Step 1: Student Preparation Students constantly work with their advisors and educators to
compile work and evidence of their achievement of competency attainments. These samples
and reflections are kept in their SAP.
Step 2: Formal Proposal When a student feels ready and has achieved at least all the power
attainments of his current stage, he may submit a formal proposal of advancement to the next
stage. The proposal is considered by Reset staff who ensure that all necessary attainments are
achieved. A student may revise his proposal if necessary.
Step 3: Panel Presentation When a proposal is accepted, students prepare a formal
presentation for advancement before a panel of their peers and Reset staff. This presentation
should showcase the student’s growth and achievement in the competencies, personal
reflections and stories. The presentation should include portions of a student’s SAP as well as a
strong visual element.
Final SAP Presentation: Prior to graduation from Reset, students prepare extensively
for their final presentation. This presentation showcases a student’s growth, learning
and achievement during his time at Reset. Students present a short personal video,
reflections, personal experiences, plans for the future and advice for current students.
This presentation occurs before the entire Reset student and staff community and
may also include invited external guests and potential employers.
Step 4: Decision The panel of students and staff consider a student’s presentation and may
make one of two decisions. The panel will inform the student of their decision within 24 hours.
Move up: The student has demonstrated readiness to continue to the next stage
Ready when: The student is not yet ready to move up, but will be ready when
specifically outlined next steps are taken. Student may re-present to the group,
without resubmitting a proposal, when these steps have been completed and the
competency goals achieved.
Step 5: Rite of Passage and Celebration When a student demonstrates readiness to move to
the next stage, the entire campus prepares for his rite of passage and a community celebration
to usher him into the next phase of growth.

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2016.1.12 Academic Overview

  • 1. RESET ACADEMIC OVERVIEW TABLE OF CONTENTS ACADEMIC OVERVIEW……………………………………………………………………2-3 CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE PEDAGOGY………………………………………..4 STUDENT-CENTERED…………………………………………………...………4-5 INQUIRY-DRIVEN DESIGN……………………………………………………….5 COMPETENCY-BASED…………………………………………………………...6 RESET STUDENT COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK………………………..6 RESET STUDENT COMPETENCY ATTAINMENTS……………………...7-14 RESET STUDENT COMPETENCY RUBRIC-----------------------------------15-29 RESET’S INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNEY………………………………………30 THEMATIC UNITS……………………………………………………….31 ASSESSMENT…………………………………………………………………………….32 RESET ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS……………………………………………...32 GRADING AND CREDITS…………………………………………………………33 GRADING SCALE………………………………………………………...33 CREDITS…………………………………………………………………34 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS……………………34 CREDIT ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES……………………………34 MASTERNG COMPETENCIES…………………………………………...35 PROGRESS MONITORING……………………………………………………….35 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT PORTFOLIO (SAP)………………………………….36 MOVING UP STAGES…………………………………………………………….37
  • 2. ! 2! RESET ACADEMIC OVERVIEW Reset creates a personalized learning experience that is student-centered and customized to meet each student’s personal needs. Founded upon a competency-based approach to learning, we employ diverse and innovative inquiry-driven pedagogy in a unique interdisciplinary design. We believe that a transformative and empowering education must be culturally responsive and authentic for our students. Reset’s program is designed to support a student body with varied backgrounds, needs and strengths. Each student develops an individual personal learning plan, based on his competency goals, academic credit needs, employment experience, learning styles, socio-emotional needs, family information, goals, interests, sentencing information, and transition plan. Though the Reset journey is integrated across our four pillars – academics, wellness, career and life skills – several learning blocks are built into the schedule to more heavily support academic learning. These include: Interdisciplinary unit blocks: Thematic units that incorporate cross-content knowledge and Reset competencies. These occur in flexible blocks Monday – Thursday for up to five hours per day. Literacy: Guided reading groups of up to 5 students and a facilitator in which students read, analyze and discuss engaging text at their instructional reading level. Literacy groups are scheduled Monday – Friday for 45 minutes per day. Project work time: Open blocks of time that students may use as needed to meet their learning goals. Work options include, but are not limited to, continued project work, independent work, collaborative group work, check-ins, targeted skill building or on-campus work. These open work times are every Friday for up to five hours. Targeted support: These sessions are flexible blocks that may be used for seminars, small group instruction, one on one support, or short units and courses that cover competencies not addressed in the interdisciplinary unit. These sessions are one hour Monday – Thursday and will vary every week depending on student needs.
  • 3. ! 3! Blended learning modules: Built into flexible work times, targeted support and interdisciplinary learning are blocks for blended learning in which students will be able to focus on foundational academic skill building. Fitness: Both a wellness and academic endeavor, fitness time includes a wide variety of physical activities, coaching and training. These blocks occur every morning, before breakfast for one hour. Field Trips: Educational experiential learning trips will enhance and supplement the overall academic experience. These trips may be directly tied to interdisciplinary units or act as stand alone lessons. They will support student competency growth and credit earning through related learning tasks. 1:1 Advisor check-ins: Students will lead weekly check-ins with their advisor. These check-ins will cover personal updates, successes, questions, challenges, and progress updates about competency goals and credits earned. Check-ins occur on Fridays during project work time. Educator check-ins: Students will check-in frequently with the educators facilitating the interdisciplinary units and targeted support sessions. Through this process, educators may better understand the supports a student needs to reach his outline competency and project goals. These check-ins may occur during interdisciplinary work time, project work time, or office hours. They may also be scheduled in advance during other parts of the day. Evening and weekend tutoring: Students will receive tutoring during the evenings and weekends based on their needs. Tutors may be Reset educators, peers or external volunteers.
  • 4. ! 4! CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE PEDAGOGY Our program enables students to maintain cultural integrity while succeeding academically. We work to address the fundamental injustices that exist and continue to oppress the communities from which our students come. Our staff is trained to offer a pedagogy that is emancipatory rather than one that maintains the status quo of structural oppression that exists in traditional education. Students develop a critical consciousness that allows them to challenge assumptions, understand and recognize internalized and institutionalized forms of oppression, and are ultimately empowered to create positive change. Relationships: The development of strong, trusting relationships with students is the heart of the Reset program. Educators are invested in building close, personal relationships and demonstrate a connectedness with all students. This enables us to better be able to support each individuals’ learning and growth. High Expectations: Students are consistently reinforced with a message of high expectations from the Reset team. They are expected to develop academically and to reach high standards of work and growth. Curriculum: Unlike the curriculum in traditional schools that focuses on one dominant narrative, curriculum at Reset is inclusive and reflective of multiple perspectives and voices. Students will see their cultures and backgrounds reflected in the content of academic units and be challenged to develop higher-order knowledge and skills. Cultural Context: Reset educators work to develop a deep understanding of students’ cultural backgrounds and adapt their practices to reflect ways of communication and learning that serve student more effectively. Students are affirmed in their cultural connections. The learning space is designed to be relevant to students and encourage the inclusion of all voices. Restorative Practices: Educators engage in restorative practices that uphold consistent, firm expectations for behavior while reinforcing relationships and building understanding. Restorative engagement includes proactive strategies, redirection, communication and questioning techniques and when necessary, circles and conferences. Critical Consciousness: Students are taught to develop a critical consciousness of knowledge. Rather than take a right-answer approach to learning, students foster the ability to intellectually challenge the knowledge and learning they construct and receive. They learn to challenge status quo our sociopolitical and historical context. Community of Leaners: Educators nurture an environment in which students learn together. Students are encouraged to collaborate and be responsible for each others’ academic success. STUDENT-CENTERED At Reset, learning is cooperative, collaborative and community-oriented. Students actively direct their own learning and work together on lessons, learning tasks and projects. In our classrooms, students’ voices, experiences, strengths and perspectives are highly valued and considered in all parts of the planning to instruction and assessment process.
  • 5. ! 5! Voice and Choice: Students participate in planning interdisciplinary units, assignments, assessments and school policies. They may work at their own pace and are able to make choices about their learning tasks and goals. Students become self-directed and owners of their own learning. Personalization: Instruction is necessarily designed to accommodate the varying academic needs and learning styles of our students. Educators are trained to plan differentiated instruction, resources and assessments to meet student needs. Educator as Facilitator: Educators act as facilitators of learning more than didactic purveyors of knowledge. Reset staff members spend several hours together each day planning units and lessons to create experiences and structure that allow students to direct their own learning. Educators utilize a wide range of instructional strategies to facilitate student learning. Collaborative Work: Students work together to achieve their learning goals. They learn to value each others’ perspectives and strengths and begin to build knowledge and skills as a community. This type of collaboration is both culturally responsive and career-oriented. Dialogic Discourse: We foster authentic discussion in which students create and discover meaning through open-ended questions. Through a dialogic process, students shift their mindset away from a “right-answer” mentality to one in which they are more willing to explore and challenge ideas. INQUIRY-DRIVEN DESIGN Inquiry-driven learning is an approach to learning in which students generate questions and explore them in-depth to construct knowledge and make meaning together. Reset educators facilitate this cyclical learning process as students make discoveries that generate more questions. The umbrella of inquiry includes constructivist teaching, project-based learning, design thinking and action research. Constructivist teaching: Our teachers create opportunities for students to actively construct their own knowledge and learning—unlike more traditional approaches to instruction, where students are passive recipients of knowledge. Project-based learning: In this model, students design and create a project for an authentic purpose. Discovery is a result of the project, rather than the project being a result of the learning. Design thinking: An innovative, collaborative, problem-solving approach that involves defining problems, building empathy, uncovering needs, brainstorming, prototyping solutions, testing ideas, soliciting feedback, revising and retesting. Action research: A problem-solving process in which students identify a real need, create a theory of action based on research-supported ideas and then implement their change actions. In this process, students go through multiple iterations of reflection, adjustment and action. Students are both researchers and actors in this type of learning.
  • 6. ! 6! COMPETENCY-BASED Reset’s program is designed around explicit, measurable, transferable learning goals that empower students. These competencies, aligned with CCSS, NGSS and CASEL learning standards, encompass the development, application and teaching of a diverse range of important skills and core knowledge intended to generate student success beyond Reset. Based on a student’s individual strengths and learning needs, he is able to design his time at Reset to progress toward mastery of each competency. Reset competencies include a framework of 20 competencies. These competencies are divided into sub-competencies; sub-competencies are separated into specific attainments. Reset educators backwards plan units and lessons from these competencies and students use them to measure their growth through the program. RESET STUDENT COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK Understand Myself Practice Growth Mindset Self-Manage Stay Healthy Be Critically Conscious Communicate Effectively Develop and Maintain Healthy Relationships Make Responsible Decisions Think and Reason Critically Read Critically Research Write Effectively Demonstrate Mathematical Literacy Demonstrate Scientific Literacy Use Technology and Media Purposefully Persuasively Present Myself and My Ideas Excel Professionally Manage My Finances Take Care of Others Be a Leader
  • 7. ! 7! RESET STUDENT COMPETENCY ATTAINMENTS ! Competency Sub-Competency Attainments Understand Myself Self-Awareness ! I can recognize my own emotions ! I can acknowledge my thoughts and feelings without judging them ! I can connect my physical responses to specific emotions ! I can recognize and understand my personal triggers ! I can understand why I behave or react in a certain way in different situations ! I can recognize the immediate and historical causes of the feelings I experience Identity ! I can gain deeper understanding of myself through creative and/or artistic outlets ! I can analyze aspects of my identity that include race, gender, personality, sexual- orientation, religion, history etc… ! I can explain how various aspects of my identity affect my beliefs, thoughts and actions ! I can explain how various aspects of my identity affect the way I experience the world ! I can analyze the intersectionality of various aspects of my identity ! I can evaluate the privileges and barriers that come from various aspects of my identity Personal Brand ! I can create a personal brand that reflects my story, strengths and values ! I can share my personal brand in multiple ways to fit my audience and purpose ! I can create and maintain an online presence that reflects my personal brand ! I can use social media purposefully to support my long-term goals Social Media Presence Practice Growth Mindset Growth Mindset ! I can try new and unfamiliar things ! I can see mistakes and failure as learning opportunities ! I can learn from my mistakes and failures ! I can welcome the possibility of failure in myself and others Personal Reflection ! I can recognize my own areas of growth ! I can take feedback and use it to grow ! I can welcome and encourage feedback Perseverance ! I can stay with a task or goal even when faced with difficulty and delay ! I can be passionately committed and motivated to work for long-goals Self-Manage Self-Management ! I can control my impulses ! I can effectively manage my behavior when I am triggered ! I can effectively regulate my emotions, and manage my behaviors in different situations ! I can self-motivate in different situations Stress Management ! I can identify my stress triggers ! I can identify situational factors that are in my control to change ! I can seek help to manage stress when I need it ! I can build a personal toolbox of stress management strategies ! I can use appropriate stress management techniques to manage stress in various situations Anger Management ! I can identify my anger triggers ! I can analyze my physical, mental and behavioral responses to anger ! I can analyze the root emotions behind my anger ! I can seek help to manage anger when I need it ! I can build a personal toolbox of anger management strategies ! I can use appropriate anger management techniques to manage anger in various situations
  • 8. ! 8! Addiction Recovery ! I can recognize my dependence on substances that alter my natural state of being ! I can seek support from a community on my recovery pathway ! I can identify the triggers that lead me to use ! I can recognize the role I played in my addition ! I can use appropriate strategies to avoid or manage my using triggers ! I can self-assess my role and progress on my recovery pathway ! I can share my story and experiences to support my peers ! I can make and follow a plan to maintain long-term recovery Stay Healthy Fitness ! I can create a physical fitness plan the meets my needs and interests ! I can engage consistently in a variety of physical activities for a sustained period of time Nutrition and Diet ! I can evaluate my food choices based on nutritional value ! I can plan and prepare balanced meals ! I can create a healthy nutritional plan within a budget Recreation ! I can re-energize through diverse physical activities ! I can heal and rejuvenate through creative and/or artistic activities Communicate Effectively Communication Skills ! I can practice active listening skills to decipher meaning including knowledge, values, intentions, attitudes and emotions ! I can use reinforcement strategies that include encouraging words, head nods, eye contact and warm expressions to support openness ! I can reflect a speaker’s feelings, content, and/or meaning by paraphrasing and/or restating ! I can use both open and clarifying questions to deepen understanding of the speaker’s perspective ! I can articulate thoughts, ideas and feelings effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal skills in a variety of forms and contexts ! I can use and interpret various modes of non-verbal communication with an awareness of cultural and contextual factors ! I can use various forms of communication (verbal, electronic, written, media etc) to convey a message ! I can express myself through multiple creative and/or artistic mediums Collaboration ! I can work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams ! I can exercise flexibility and make necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal ! I can assume shared responsibility for collaborative work ! I can value the individual contributions made by each team member ! I can develop a team that honors and harnesses the working styles, expertise and experiences of individuals toward a common goal Code Switching ! I can communicate in diverse contexts using the language, speech patterns and body language that are appropriate to my audience and purpose. Develop and Maintain Healthy Relationships Relationship Skills ! I can recognize social cues from individuals ! I can recognize social cues and dynamics in group settings ! I can form and maintain healthy relationships with diverse individuals Empathy ! I can recognize and/or see from the perspective of another person ! I can sense and/or recognize another person’s emotions or thoughts without judgment ! I can communicate my recognition of another’s feelings ! I can generate insights from understanding another person’s perspective Interact with Social Awareness ! I can understand social norms ! I can make ethical behavior choices ! I can empathize with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
  • 9. ! 9! Restorative Practices ! I can explain how I am affected by the actions of others ! I can take responsibility for my actions and their consequences ! I can create plans to support myself and others ! I can independently repair relationships after I have been harmed or caused harm Conflict Management ! I can resolve conflict when I have the support of a facilitator ! I can explain the benefits and costs of different conflict management styles ! I can practice appropriate conflict management styles in various circumstances to meet my long-term goals Make Responsible Decisions Decision-Making ! I can consider relevant factors when making decisions ! I can realistically evaluate the immediate and long-term consequences of my choices before acting ! I can make decisions without being influenced by peer or social pressure Legal Decisions ! I can explain the legal framework around arrest ! I can explain the process of arraignment ! I can explain my rights in a trial ! I can advise my attorney about relevant context related to my case ! I can explain the potential consequences of decisions to be made in my case ! I can advise my attorney about decisions to be made in my case ! I can teach others about their constitutional rights Use Technology and Media Purposefully Typing ! I can type between 60-75 words per minute Microsoft Office Suite ! I can use Word to create a document that follows MLA formatting guidelines ! I can title and save a file to an appropriate place and device ! I can use editing commands to cut, paste, copy ! I can create a table in a Word document ! I can use text boxes and insert images ! I can create an Excel worksheet with column headings and format data ! I can calculate sums using formulas or functions in Excel ! I can create an Excel table, chart and/or graph with a title, legend and axis labels ! I can use PowerPoint to create a themed presentation with a title slide and various slide formats ! I can insert images, tables and/or graphs into a PowerPoint presentation ! I can create a PowerPoint handout with four slides per page GoogleDocs ! I can organize and save my files into folders, drives and/or Google Docs ! I can use GoogleDocs to create a document that follows MLA formatting guidelines ! I can create an Google Spreadsheet with column headings and format data ! I can use Google Spreadsheet to create a table and chart with a title, legend and axis labels ! I can create Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentations to share with collaborators or viewers Email ! I can compose and send emails with a subject line, text and a signature ! I can add attachments to emails ! I can include links in emails ! I can organize my inbox to stay on top of my emails Persuasively Present Myself and My Ideas Self-Advocate ! I can ask questions and seek information and/or support when I need it ! I can speak up for myself and my needs in an effective manner in various situations Discourse ! I can clearly and persuasively communicate ideas orally ! I can evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning and use of evidence ! I can agree, disagree and/or build on a speaker’s ideas with consideration and respect ! I can ask questions to clarify or probe deeper into a speaker’s point and/or to generate more discourse ! I can encourage people to participate in a discussion in a safe, inviting manner ! I can negotiate to meet goals
  • 10. ! 10! Presentation ! I can use effective body language, eye contact and voice control to convey my ideas ! I can present myself and my ideas in a persuasive and confident manner ! I can organize my ideas in an effective manner that is appropriate for my audience and purpose ! I can create appropriate visuals and materials to support my message Interviewing ! I can prepare thoroughly for an interview ! I can engage in an interview with a confident, personable and professional demeanor ! I can use interviewing techniques that are appropriate for the situation, context and audience ! I can ask insightful questions Networking ! I can follow through and follow up with referrals and contacts in a timely fashion ! I can maintain genuine relationships with networking contacts to further my career and future goals ! I can connect people I know with each other to further their career/professional interests Be Critically Conscious Systems Consciousness ! I can evaluate the institutional, structural and individual constructs of oppression in society ! I can analyze the historical causes and effects of social privilege and oppression ! I can recognize the impact of historical and institutional structures on my life experiences ! I can evaluate current events with a critical lens ! I can analyze the micro and macro factors that perpetuate our current systems ! I can evaluate the privileges and inequities of current systems for different people Gender Consciousness ! I can evaluate the social and cultural influences on my expectations of gender roles and norms ! I can evaluate my personal mindsets and expectations about gender and gender roles ! I can create a personal definition of manhood ! I can empathize with people who have diverse gender identities Think and Reason Critically Information Synthesis ! I can analyze key ideas from multiple sources ! I can connect ideas from one source to personal experience, other sources and/or the world ! I can synthesize ideas from multiple sources to find themes, patterns, differences and relationships ! I can draw insightful conclusions based on information drawn from various sources ! I can support my claims using relevant, specific information from multiple sources Innovate ! I can identify the needs of a person/group and/or an issue to be solved ! I can generate creative and out-of-the-box ideas to address a need or issue ! I can create low resolution prototypes of my ideas ! I can test my ideas to gain insights and gather feedback ! I can revise and iterate on my ideas to improve their efficacy Design Solutions ! I can analyze a problem from multiple angles ! I can plan a solution pathway or theory of action for specific problems ! I can monitor my progress while problem-solving and/or implementing action steps toward change ! I can make adjustments to my problem-solving pathway or action steps when necessary ! I can evaluate the reasonableness of a solution given the context of a problem
  • 11. ! 11! Read Critically --- ! I can summarize the main ideas of a text with supporting details ! I can make inferences from explicit text ! I can interpret the technical, connotative and figurative meanings of words and phrases in a text ! I can analyze how word choice in a text shapes tone or meaning ! I can analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text ! I can evaluate the claims and arguments in a text ! I can analyze how the point of view, purpose and audience of a text shapes the content and style ! I can analyze how the structures in a text (sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, scenes, stanzas) relate to each other and the whole ! I can improve my independent reading level by at least 3-5 years from when I started at Reset Research Research ! I can assess the credibility and accuracy of my sources ! I can synthesize relevant information from multiple print and digital sources based on focused questions ! I can demonstrate critical understanding of a subject I am investigating ! I can draw evidence from literary and/or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research ! I can cite and reference sources according to MLA formatting guidelines Critical Media Literacy ! I can determine sources of media content ! I can critically evaluate messages in a variety of media, genres and forms for bias and intention ! I can analyze the methods and effects of various forms of media messaging ! I can create messages in a wide variety of media to create an intended effect Write Effectively --- ! I can communicate ideas in my own words while avoiding plagiarism ! I can use technology to produce and publish my writing ! I can produce coherent writing in which the development, organization and style are appropriate to the task, purpose and audience ! I can write multiple types of text including: argumentative/analytical texts, informative/explanatory texts, narrative texts ! I can develop and improve my writing by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or trying a new approach Demonstrate Mathematical Literacy Real Numbers and Quantities ! Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents ! Use properties of rational and irrational numbers ! Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems Complex Number System ! Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers ! Represent complex numbers and their operations on the complex plane ! Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and equations Structure in Expressions ! Interpret the structure of expressions ! Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems Polynomials and Rational Expressions ! Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials ! Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials ! Use polynomial identities to solve problems ! Rewrite rational expressions Equations and Inequalities ! Create equations that describe numbers or relationships ! Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning ! Solve equations and inequalities in one variable ! Solve systems of equations ! Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically
  • 12. ! 12! Congruence ! I can measure accurately in a variety of situations and contexts ! I can prove geometric theorems ! I can make geometric constructions Similarity ! I understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations Circles ! I can understand and apply theorems about circles ! I can find arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations ! I can translate between the geometric description and the equation for a conic section ! I can use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically Geometric Measurement and Dimension ! I can explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems ! I can visualize relationships between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects Modeling ! I can apply geometric concepts in modeling situation Demonstrate Scientific Literacy Scientific Explanation ! I can explain the difference between a scientific theory, law and hypothesis ! I can apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation of phenomena and solve design problems ! I can!communicate scientific and technical information (e.g. the process and performance of the design) in multiple formats (e.g. orally, graphically, textually, and/or mathematically) ! I can develop a model based on evidence to illustrate relationships between systems ! I can explain the potential implications of scientific knowledge for society Scientific Inquiry ! I can identify the question explored in a given scientific study ! I can!distinguish questions that are possible to investigate scientifically ! I can propose a way of exploring a given question scientifically and evaluate the different ways of exploring the given question scientifically ! I can!plan and conduct an investigation individually and collaboratively to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence ! I can!generate questions that challenge the premise(s) of an argument, the interpretation of data, or the suitability of a design ! I can describe and evaluate a range of ways that scientists use to ensure the reliability of data and the objectivity and generalisability of explanations Scientific Interpretation ! I can!identify the assumptions, evidence and reasoning in science-related texts ! I can!distinguish between arguments which are based on scientific evidence and theory and those based on other considerations ! I can construct and revise an explanation based on valid and reliable evidence obtained from a variety of sources ! I can evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind currently accepted explanations or solutions to determine the merits of arguments ! I can!refine a solution to a complex real-world problem, based on scientific knowledge and student-generated sources of evidence ! I can!evaluate the validity and reliability of multiple claims that appear in scientific and technical texts or media reports ! I can!analyze data using tools, technologies, and/or models in order to make valid and reliable scientific claims ! I can!apply scientific reasoning to link evidence to claims in order to assess the extent to which the reasoning and data support the explanation/conclusion ! I can!make and defend a claim based on evidence about the natural world that reflects scientific knowledge, and student-generated evidence
  • 13. ! 13! Excel Professionally Organization ! I can create and maintain systems of organization to track personal information and materials ! I can break projects down into manageable steps ! I can create and maintain systems of organization to track multiple tasks, to-dos, assignments and scheduled events ! I can manage my strategies to adapt to changing work environments, assignments and expectations Time Management ! I can set SMART goals ! I can create balanced schedules to maximize productivity and meet personal needs ! I can plan and manage my time to meet deadlines and goals ! I can prioritize my time to effectively accomplish short-term and long-term goals Professional Practices ! I can represent an organization by upholding professional expectations that include timeliness, professional language, timely communication and productivity ! I can maintain a respectful, professional relationship with co-workers, managers, customers (if applicable), assistants ! I can select attire that is appropriate to context, purpose and audience Managing Others ! I can develop relationships of trust with and on my team ! I can develop an understanding of the strengths and areas of growth of the people on my team ! I can utilize a variety of leadership styles depending on my audience and purpose ! I can co-create growth plans with members of my team to support their development ! I can delegate tasks to match the strengths and developmental needs of my team ! I can set and support my expectations for team members ! I can establish and maintain consistent systems and processes to maximize teamwork, trust and productivity ! I can provide tools and resources to support the advancement of people, projects and goals ! I can motivate my team ! I can foster an open atmosphere that values team member ideas and perspectives ! I can keep organized documentation of team activities and notes Managing Up ! I can develop an understanding of my manager’s working style, strengths, areas of growth, pressures and goals ! I can develop a healthy working relationships with my manager ! I can develop and maintain an understanding of my manager’s expectations ! I can communicate effectively about my work, progress and ideas in a manner that is appropriate for my purpose and managers’ needs Project Management ! I can interact effectively with all relevant stakeholders in a project ! I can facilitate efficient, productive meetings ! I can implement project management disciplines at various points in a project ! I can implement and create buy-in for project organization tools on a project and team Manage My Finances Budgeting ! I can evaluate my needs, wants and goals and align them with my income and financial obligations ! I can create short and long-term budgets to manage my finances and achieve goals ! I can revise my budgets as my financial needs and income changes Banking ! I can navigate the banking system to support my short and long-term goals ! I can use various forms of monetary currency (cash, checks, credit cards, online exchange) in various situations to my advantage ! I can create a well-informed long-term savings and investment strategy
  • 14. ! 14! ! ! Take Care of Others Child Care ! I can identify a child’s physical needs through various forms of verbal and non-verbal communication ! I can effectively perform basic child care tasks that include feeding, changing, clothing, washing and putting a child down to nap/sleep ! I can create experiences to support a child/youth’s learning and growth based on her/his developmental stage and needs ! I can prioritize my life in a way that will support a child Nurturing Youth ! I can communicate with a child/young person in a nurturing and age-appropriate manner ! I can set and uphold clear expectations in a safe, restorative and consistent manner ! I can value the experiences, opinions and ideas of a child/young person Caring for Elders ! I can create a system of support to participate in the care of an elder ! I can engage in communication with an elder (if possible) and other relevant parties to create a plan of care for her/him ! I can create a plan of care with/for an elder that considers factors including: physical and mental healthcare, finances, paperwork ! I can navigate the resources and supports available to the elderly to make informed decisions with/for an elder in my life ! I can create a plan for self-care to manage the stress and life changes that come with caretaking Be a Leader Reliability ! I can consistently do what I say I will do ! I can show integrity ! I can be flexible in changing circumstances and/or uncertainty Initiative ! I can take action without being asked or told to do something ! I can identify, seek out and act on ideas and opportunities ! I can create my own solutions and opportunities Style ! I can explain the benefits and costs of various styles of leadership ! I can analyze my personal leadership style ! I can use various styles of leadership in alignment with my purpose and audience ! I can follow others Mentoring ! I can demonstrate a genuine personal interest in my mentee. ! I can recognize the strengths and areas of growth of my mentee ! I can provide guidance and honest feedback to my mentee. ! I can share my skills, knowledge and experiences openly ! I can model ongoing learning and growth as well as expertise
  • 15. ! 15! RESET STUDENT COMPETENCIES RUBRIC Ready Focus Competentices Reset Focus Competencies Renew Focus Competencies Attainments: All the criteria for a specific competency Power Attainments: required for advancement to next stage Competency Emerging Developing Practicing Leading Understand Myself Self-Awareness ! I can recognize my own emotions. ! I can acknowledge my thoughts and feelings without judging them Identity ! I can gain deeper understanding of myself through creative and/or artistic outlets ! I can analyze aspects of my identity that include race, gender, personality, sexual- orientation, religion, history etc ! I can explain how various aspects of my identity affect my beliefs, thoughts and actions In addition: Self-Awareness ! I can connect my physical responses to specific emotions that I feel Identity ! I can explain how various aspects of my identity affect the way I experience the world Personal Brand ! I can create a personal brand that reflects my story, strengths and values Social Media Presence ! I can create and maintain an online presence that reflects my personal brand In addition: Self-Awareness ! I can recognize and understand my personal triggers ! I can understand why I behave or react in a certain way in different situations Identity ! I can analyze the intersectionality of various aspects of my identity ! I can evaluate the privileges and barriers that come from various aspects of my identity Social Media Presence ! I can use social media purposefully to support my long-term goals In addition: Self-Awareness ! I can recognize the immediate and historical causes of the feelings I experience Personal Brand ! I can share my personal brand in multiple ways to fit my audience and purpose Practice a Growth Mindset Growth Mindset ! I can try new and unfamiliar things ! I can see mistakes and failure as learning opportunities In addition: Growth Mindset ! I can learn from my mistakes and failures Personal Reflection ! I can recognize my own areas of growth In addition: Personal Reflection ! I can take feedback and use it to grow Perseverance ! I can stay with a task or goal even when faced with In addition: Growth Mindset ! I can welcome the possibility of failure in myself and others Personal Reflection ! I can welcome and
  • 16. ! 16! difficulty and delay encourage feedback Perseverance ! I can be passionately committed to work toward long-term goals Self-Manage Self-Management ! I can control my impulses Stress Management ! I can identify my stress triggers ! I can identify situational factors that are in my control to change Anger Management ! I can identify my anger triggers ! I can analyze my physical, mental and behavioral responses to anger ! I can analyze the root emotions behind my anger Addiction Recovery ! I can recognize my dependence on substances that alter my natural state of being ! I can seek support from a community on my recovery pathway In addition: Self-Management ! I can effectively manage my behavior when I am triggered Stress Management ! I can seek help to manage stress when I need it Anger Management ! I can seek help to manage anger when I need it Addiction Recovery ! I can identify the triggers that lead me to use ! I can recognize the role I played in my addition In addition: Self-Management ! I can effectively regulate my emotions, and manage my behaviors in different situations Stress Management ! I can build a personal toolbox of stress management strategies Anger Management ! I can build a personal toolbox of anger management strategies Addiction Recovery ! I can use appropriate strategies to avoid or manage my using triggers ! I can self-assess my role and progress on my recovery pathway In addition: Self-Management ! I can self-motivate in different situations Stress Management ! I can use appropriate stress management strategies to manage stress in various situations Anger Management ! I can use appropriate anger management techniques to mange anger in various situations Addiction Recovery ! I can share my story and experiences to support my peers ! I can make and follow a plan to maintain long-term recovery Stay Healthy Nutrition and Diet ! I can evaluate my food choices based on nutritional value In addition: Fitness ! I can create a physical fitness plan the meets my needs and interests In addition: Nutrition and Diet ! I can create a healthy nutritional plan within a budget In addition: Fitness ! I can engage consistently in a variety of physical activities for a sustained period of time
  • 17. ! 17! Recreation ! I can re-energize through diverse physical activities Nutrition and Diet ! I can plan and prepare balanced meals Recreation ! I can heal and rejuvenate through creative and/or artistic activities Communicate Effectively Communication Skills ! I can use both open and clarifying questions to deepen understanding of the speaker’s perspective ! I can use reinforcement strategies that include encouraging words, head nods, eye contact and warm expressions to support openness Collaborate ! I can work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams In addition: Communication Skills ! I can reflect a speaker’s feelings, content, and/or meaning by paraphrasing and/or restating ! I can use both open and clarifying questions to deepen understanding of the speaker’s perspective Collaborate ! I can exercise flexibility and make necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal In addition: Communication Skills ! I can articulate thoughts, ideas and feelings effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal skills in a variety of forms and contexts Code Switching ! I can communicate in diverse contexts using the language, speech patterns and body language that are appropriate to my audience and purpose Collaborate ! I can assume shared responsibility for collaborative work ! I can value the individual contributions made by each team member In addition: Communication Skills ! I can use and interpret various modes of non-verbal communication with an awareness of cultural and contextual factors ! I can use various forms of communication (verbal, electronic, written, media etc) to convey a message ! I can express myself through multiple creative and/or artistic mediums Collaborate ! I can develop a team that honors and harnesses the working styles, expertise and experiences of individuals toward a common goal Develop and Maintain Healthy Relationships Relationship Skills ! I can recognize social cues from individuals Empathy ! I can recognize and/or see from the perspective of another person In addition: Relationship Skills ! I can recognize social cues and dynamics in group settings Empathy ! I can sense and/or recognize another person’s emotions In addition: Relationship Skills ! I can form and maintain healthy relationships with diverse individuals Empathy ! I can communicate my recognition of another’s In addition: Empathy ! I can generate insights from understanding another person’s perspective Restorative Practices ! I can independently repair relationships after I have
  • 18. ! 18! Interact with Social Awareness ! I can understand social norms Restorative Practices ! I can explain how I am affected by the actions of others Conflict Management ! I can resolve conflict when I have the support of a facilitator or thoughts without judgment Interact with Social Awareness ! I can make ethical behavior choices Restorative Practices ! I can take responsibility for my actions and their consequences Conflict Management ! I can explain the benefits and costs of different conflict management styles feelings Interact with Social Awareness ! I can empathize with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures Restorative Practices ! I can create plans to support myself and others been harmed or caused harm Conflict Management ! I can practice appropriate conflict management styles in various circumstances to meet my long-term goals Make Responsible Decisions Decision-Making ! I can consider relevant factors when making decisions Legal Decisions ! I can explain the legal framework around arrest In addition: Decision-Making ! I can realistically evaluate the immediate and long- term consequences of my choices before acting Legal Decisions ! I can explain the process of arraignment ! I can explain my rights in a trial In addition: Decision-Making ! I can make decisions without being influenced by peer or social pressure Legal Decisions ! I can advise my attorney about relevant context related to my case ! I can explain the potential consequences of decisions to be made in my case In addition: Legal Decisions ! I can advise my attorney about decisions to be made in my case ! I can teach others about their constitutional rights Use Technology and Media Purposefully Microsoft Office Suite ! I can use Word to create a document that follows MLA formatting guidelines ! I can title and save a file to an appropriate place and device ! I can use editing commands to cut, paste, copy In addition: Microsoft Office Suite ! I can create a table in a Word document ! I can use text boxes and insert images ! I can create an Excel worksheet with column headings and format data ! I can use PowerPoint to In addition: Typing ! I can type between 60-75 words per minute Microsoft Office Suite ! I can insert images, tables and/or graphs into a PowerPoint presentation ! I can create a PowerPoint In addition: Microsoft Office Suite ! I can calculate sums using formulas or functions in Excel ! I can create an Excel table, chart and/or graph with a title, legend and axis labels GoogleDocs
  • 19. ! 19! create a themed presentation with a title slide and various slide formats GoogleDocs ! I can organize and save my files into folders, drives and/or Google Docs ! I can use GoogleDocs to create a document that follows MLA formatting guidelines handout with four slides per page GoogleDocs ! I can create an Google Spreadsheet with column headings and format data ! I can create Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentations to share with collaborators or viewers Email ! I can add attachments to emails ! I can use Google Spreadsheet to create a table and chart with a title, legend and axis labels Email ! I can organize my inbox to stay on top of my emails ! I can include links in emails Persuasively Present Myself and My Ideas Self-Advocate ! I can ask questions and seek information and/or support when I need it Discourse ! I can clearly and persuasively communicate ideas orally Presentation ! I can use effective body language, eye contact and voice control to convey my ideas In addition: Discourse ! I can evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning and use of evidence ! I can agree, disagree and/or build on a speaker’s ideas with consideration and respect Presentation ! I can present myself and my ideas in a persuasive and confident manner ! I can organize my ideas in an effective manner that is appropriate for my audience and purpose Interviewing ! I can prepare thoroughly for an interview Networking In addition: Self-Advocate ! I can speak up for myself and my needs in an effective manner in various situations Discourse ! I can ask questions to clarify or probe deeper into a speaker’s point and/or to generate more discourse Interviewing ! I can engage in an interview with a confident, personable and professional demeanor ! I can use interviewing techniques that are appropriate for the situation, context and audience Networking ! I can maintain genuine relationships with networking contacts to In addition: Discourse ! I can encourage people to participate in a discussion in a safe, inviting manner ! I can negotiate to meet goals Presentation ! I can create appropriate visuals and materials to support my message Interviewing ! I can ask insightful questions Networking ! I can connect people I know with each other to further their career/professional interests
  • 20. ! 20! ! I can follow through and follow up with referrals and contacts in a timely fashion further my career and future goals Be Critically Conscious Gender Consciousness ! I can evaluate the social and cultural influences on my expectations of gender roles and norms In addition: Systems Consciousness ! I can evaluate the institutional, structural and individual constructs of oppression in society ! I can analyze the historical causes and effects of social privilege and oppression Gender Consciousness ! I can evaluate my personal mindsets and expectations about gender and gender roles In addition: Systems Consciousness ! I can recognize the impact of historical and institutional structures on my life experiences ! I can evaluate current events with a critical lens Gender Consciousness ! I can create a personal definition of manhood In addition: Systems Consciousness ! I can analyze the micro and macro factors that perpetuate our current systems ! I can evaluate the privileges and inequities of current systems for different people Gender Consciousness ! I can empathize with people who have diverse gender identities Think and Reason Critically and Creatively Information Synthesis ! I can analyze key ideas from multiple sources Innovate ! I can identify the needs of a person/group and/or an issue to be solved Design Solutions ! I can analyze a problem from multiple angles In addition: Information Synthesis ! I can connect ideas from one source to personal experience, other sources and/or the world ! I can synthesize ideas from multiple sources to find themes, patterns, differences and relationships Innovate ! I can generate creative and out-of-the-box ideas to address a need or issue Design Solutions In addition: Information Synthesis ! I can draw insightful conclusions based on information drawn from various sources ! I can support my claims using relevant, specific information from multiple sources Innovate ! I can create low resolution prototypes of my ideas ! I can test my ideas to gain insights and gather feedback Design Solutions In addition: Innovate ! I can revise and iterate on my ideas and actions to improve their efficacy Design Solutions ! I can evaluate the reasonableness of a solution given the context of a problem
  • 21. ! 21! ! I can plan a solution pathway or theory of action for specific problems ! I can monitor my progress while problem-solving and/or implementing action steps toward change ! I can make adjustments to my problem-solving pathway or action steps when necessary Read Critically ! I can summarize the main ideas of a text with supporting details ! I can make inferences from explicit text ! I can interpret the technical, connotative and figurative meanings of words and phrases in a text ! I can analyze how word choice in a text shapes tone or meaning ! I can analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. ! I can evaluate the claims and arguments in a text ! I can improve my independent reading level by at least 3-5 years from when I started at Reset ! I can analyze how the point of view, purpose and audience of a text shapes the content and style ! I can analyze how the structures in a text (sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, scenes, stanzas) relate to each other and the whole Research Research ! I can assess the credibility and accuracy of my sources Critical Media Literacy ! I can determine sources of media content In addition: Research ! I can synthesize relevant information from multiple print and digital sources based on focused questions Critical Media Literacy ! I can critically evaluate messages in a variety of media, genres and forms for bias and intention In addition: Research ! I can demonstrate critical understanding of a subject I am investigating ! I can draw evidence from literary and/or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research Critical Media Literacy ! I can analyze the methods and effects of various forms of media messaging In addition: Research ! I can cite and reference sources according to MLA formatting guidelines Critical Media Literacy ! I can create messages in a wide variety of media to create an intended effect Write Effectively ! I can communicate ideas in my own words while avoiding plagiarism ! I can use technology to produce and publish my writing ! I can produce coherent writing in which the development, organization and style are appropriate to the task, purpose and audience ! I can write multiple types of text including: argumentative/analytical texts, informative/explanatory texts, narrative texts ! I can develop and improve my writing by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or trying a new approach
  • 22. ! 22! Demonstrate Mathematical Literacy Real Numbers and Quantities ! Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents ! Use properties of rational and irrational numbers ! Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems Congruence ! I can measure accurately in a variety of situations and contexts Similarity ! I understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations In addition: Complex Number System ! Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers ! Represent complex numbers and their operations on the complex plane ! Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and equations Congruence ! I can prove geometric theorems ! I can make geometric constructions Circles ! I can understand and apply theorems about circles ! I can find arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles In addition: Structure in Expressions ! Interpret the structure of expressions ! Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems Polynomials and Rational Expressions ! Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials ! Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials ! Use polynomial identities to solve problems ! Rewrite rational expressions Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations ! I can translate between the geometric description and the equation for a conic section ! I can use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically Geometric Measurement and Dimension ! I can explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems ! I can visualize relationships between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects In addition: Equations and Inequalities ! Create equations that describe numbers or relationships ! Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning ! Solve equations and inequalities in one variable ! Solve systems of equations ! Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically Modeling I can apply geometric concepts in modeling situation
  • 23. ! 23! Demonstrate Scientific Literacy Scientific Explanation ! I can explain the difference between a scientific theory, law and hypothesis Scientific Inquiry ! I can identify the question explored in a given scientific study ! I can!distinguish questions that are possible to investigate scientifically Scientific Interpretation ! I can!identify the assumptions, evidence and reasoning in science-related texts ! I can!distinguish between arguments which are based on scientific evidence and theory and those based on other considerations In addition: Scientific Explanation ! I can apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation of phenomena and solve design problems Scientific Inquiry ! I can propose a way of exploring a given question scientifically and evaluate the different ways of exploring the given question scientifically Scientific Interpretation ! I can construct and revise an explanation based on valid and reliable evidence obtained from a variety of sources ! I can evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind currently accepted explanations or solutions to determine the merits of arguments In addition: Scientific Explanation ! I can!communicate scientific and technical information (e.g. the process and performance of the design) in multiple formats (e.g. orally, graphically, textually, and/or mathematically) ! I can develop a model based on evidence to illustrate relationships between systems Scientific Inquiry ! I can!plan and conduct an investigation individually and collaboratively to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence Scientific Interpretation ! I can!refine a solution to a complex real-world problem, based on scientific knowledge and student- generated sources of evidence ! I can!evaluate the validity and reliability of multiple claims that appear in scientific and technical texts or media reports ! I can!analyze data using tools, technologies, and/or models in order to make valid and reliable scientific claims In addition: Scientific Explanation ! I can explain the potential implications of scientific knowledge for society Scientific Inquiry ! I can!generate questions that challenge the premise(s) of an argument, the interpretation of data, or the suitability of a design ! I can describe and evaluate a range of ways that scientists use to ensure the reliability of data and the objectivity and generalisability of explanations Scientific Interpretation ! I can!apply scientific reasoning to link evidence to claims in order to assess the extent to which the reasoning and data support the explanation/conclusion ! I can!make and defend a claim based on evidence about the natural world that reflects scientific knowledge, and student- generated evidence
  • 24. ! 24! Apply Professional Skills Organization ! I can create and maintain systems of organization to track personal information and materials Professional Practices ! I can represent an organization by upholding professional expectations that include timeliness, professional language, timely communication and productivity Managing Others ! I can develop relationships of trust with and on my team ! I can develop an understanding of the strengths and areas of growth of the people on my team Managing Up ! I can develop an understanding of my manager’s working style, strengths, areas of growth, pressures and goals In addition: Organization ! I can break projects down into manageable steps Time Management ! I can create balanced schedules to maximize productivity and meet personal needs Professional Practices ! I can maintain a respectful, professional relationship with co-workers, managers, customers (if applicable), assistants Managing Others ! I can utilize a variety of leadership styles depending on my audience and purpose ! I can co-create growth plans with members of my team to support their development ! I can delegate tasks to match the strengths and developmental needs of my team Managing Up ! I can develop a healthy working relationships with my manager Project Management ! I can interact effectively with all relevant stakeholders in a project ! I can facilitate efficient, In addition: Organization ! I can create and maintain systems of organization to track multiple tasks, to-dos, assignments and scheduled events Time Management ! I can plan and manage my time to meet deadlines and goals Managing Others ! I can set and support my expectations for team members ! I can establish and maintain consistent systems and processes to maximize teamwork, trust and productivity ! I can provide tools and resources to support the advancement of people, projects and goals Managing Up ! I can develop and maintain an understanding of my manager’s expectations Project Management ! I can implement project management disciplines at various points in a project Attire ! I can select attire that is appropriate to context, In addition: Organization ! I can manage my strategies to adapt to changing work environments, assignments and expectations Time Management ! I can prioritize my time to effectively accomplish short-term and long-term goals Managing Others ! I can motivate my team ! I can foster an open atmosphere that values team member ideas and perspectives ! I can keep organized documentation of team activities and notes Managing Up ! I can communicate effectively about my work, progress and ideas in a manner that is appropriate for my purpose and managers’ needs Project Management ! I can implement and create buy-in for project organization tools on a project and team
  • 25. ! 25! productive meetings purpose and audience Manage My Finances Banking ! I can navigate the banking system to support my short and long-term goals In addition: Budgeting ! I can evaluate my needs, wants and goals and align them with my income and financial obligations In addition: Budgeting ! I can create short and long- term budgets to manage my finances and achieve goals Banking ! I can use various forms of monetary currency (cash, checks, credit cards, online exchange) in various situations to my advantage In addition: Budgeting ! I can revise my budgets as my financial needs and income changes Banking ! I can create a well-informed long-term savings and investment strategy Take Care of Others Child Care ! I can identify a child’s physical needs through various forms of verbal and non-verbal communication Caring for Elders ! I can create a system of support to participate in the care of an elder In addition: Child Care ! I can effectively perform basic child care tasks that include feeding, changing, clothing, washing and putting a child down to nap/sleep Nurturing Youth ! I can communicate with a child/young person in a nurturing and age- appropriate manner Caring for Elders ! I can engage in communication with an elder (if possible) and other relevant parties to create a plan of care for her/him In addition: Child Care ! I can create experiences to support a child/youth’s learning and growth based on her/his developmental stage and needs Nurturing Youth ! I can set and uphold clear expectations in a safe, restorative and consistent manner Caring for Elders ! I can create a plan of care with/for an elder that considers factors including: physical and mental healthcare, finances, In addition: Child Care ! I can prioritize my life in a way that will support a child Nurturing Youth ! I can value the experiences, opinions and ideas of a child/young person Caring for Elders ! I can navigate the resources and supports available to the elderly to make informed decisions with/for an elder in my life ! I can create a plan for self- care to manage the stress and life changes that come with caretaking
  • 26. ! 26! paperwork Be a Leader Style ! I can explain the benefits and costs of various styles of leadership Mentoring ! I can demonstrate a genuine personal interest in my mentee. ! I can recognize the strengths and areas of growth of my mentee In addition: Reliability ! I can consistently do what I say I will do Style ! I can analyze my personal leadership style Mentoring ! I can provide guidance and honest feedback to my mentee In addition: Reliability ! I can show integrity Initiative ! I can identify, seek out and act on ideas and opportunities Style ! I can use various styles of leadership in alignment with my purpose and audience Mentoring ! I can share my skills, knowledge and experiences openly In addition: Reliability ! I can be flexible in changing circumstances and/or uncertainty Initiative ! I can create my own solutions and opportunities Style ! I can follow others Mentoring ! I can model ongoing learning and growth as well as expertise
  • 27. ! 27! Theme Items Description Progress Comments Transition Fundamentals I can explain the options and terms of my transition out of Reset. I can obtain a valid government ID. Government ID Student has obtained his CA ID, social security card and birth certificate. Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Cell Phone Student has obtained a cell phone and is enrolled on an affordable plan Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Free Food Students knows where to obtain free food if needed Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Understanding Options Student can clearly articulate restrictions resulting from his record (housing, voting, employment) Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Continuing Legal Action If applicable, student has initiated process to regain rights and/or clear his record. And, if necessary, has found support for any continued court cases. Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Terms of Probation/Parole Student can clearly articulate the terms of his parole or probation, including disclosure requirements. Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable 5.1 Housing I can obtain housing and establish a safe environment in which to pursue my goals Emergency Shelter Student knows where and how to find emergency shelter if needed Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Transitional Housing Student has obtained a safe transitional residence that will support his re-entry goals Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Credit Check Student has obtained an official credit score and is working toward building a stronger personal credit rating Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Contracts Student has completed relevant housing paperwork and understands the agreements made Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable First Rental Student has obtained an independent rental residence Achieved Work In Progress
  • 28. ! 28! Not Yet Not Applicable 5.2 Employment I can obtain employment that can support me (and their families, if applicable) and help them to pursue my professional goals Paperwork and Contracts Student has completed relevant work- related paperwork and understands the agreements made Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable First Job Student has obtained a full-time professional placement that pays a living wage Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Taxes Student has completed tax paperwork and understands where to find resources for support Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Employer Letter(s) of Recommendation Student has obtained at least 3 professional letters of recommendation Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable 5.3 Health Care I can obtain comprehensive health care to meet my medical needs Health Insurance Student has obtained comprehensive health insurance to cover himself and any dependents Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Navigating the System Student knows how to find the necessary services to meet his or his dependents’ medical needs Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Recovery Student has joined recovery group(s) to support a healthy lifestyle (if necessary) 5.4 Education I can continue to pursue academic learning in their fields of interest College Diploma Student has earned his college diploma Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Continuing Education Student has completed some form of post-high school continuing education Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Scholarships and Financial Aid Student has applied for and received sufficient financial aid to help cover costs of further education. Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable
  • 29. ! 29! 5.5 Community Connections I can establish networks and communities to support their transitional and long-term goals. I can maintain my connections to previously established communities and networks to which I belong. Supporting Allies Student can identify at least 5 individuals who he can depend on to support his future goals and on whom he can rely on for help when needed; student maintains constant communication with these people Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Resource Networks Student can identify multiple networks or support organizations where he can turn to for help; student regularly seeks support from these networks Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable Reset Community Student maintains regular contact with Reset staff: Weekly in the first 6 months, monthly after 6 months. Achieved Work In Progress Not Yet Not Applicable !
  • 30. RESET’S INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNEY The Reset program weaves different academic content areas, skills, social-emotional foci and career pathways together throughout our classes, learning groups and weekly schedule. Our teachers collaborate and co-plan together for at least two hours each day to create interdisciplinary thematic units that bundle competencies and standards from multiple disciplines. This approach provides rich opportunities to demonstrate mastery in deeply contextual, authentic and multi-faceted life situations. ! Stage 1: Ready Thematic Unit focused on understanding self, wellness, social- emotional skills and identity Stage 2: Reset Thematic units that spiral through all the competencies to deepen student learning and growth ! ! Stage 3: Renew Continue in the thematic unit cycle as needed. Begin preparing for transition outside Reset Point of entry into the Stage 2: Reset Interdisciplinary Unit Cycle is flexible. Students may enter in the current cycle and projects will be adjusted to accommodate their needs. ! !
  • 31. Interdisciplinary Thematic Units Unlike traditional subject-specific courses with disconnected content, Reset’s learning units are thematic and interdisciplinary. With students coming with varying academic histories, skills and earned credits, these units are intentionally created to be customizable to each students’ unique needs. Units are designed as a series of learning tasks that lead to a final culminating project. These learning tasks are specifically tied either to a Reset competency or a high school subject. Units run between four to eight weeks, span multiple content areas and cover Reset competencies from all four of Reset’s pillars: academics, wellness, life skills and career. Students are able to design their own pathway through a project by choosing the content, tasks, products, group structures and work pace that best meet their competency and credit needs. Reset staff will provide multiple layers of support, instruction and feedback throughout each unit. Placeholder image…more to come as we complete the first unit. THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME.
  • 32. ASSESSMENT We measure growth and learning through multiple assessment types. We recognize that every student demonstrates his skills and knowledge in different ways and we design our assessments to allow multiple opportunities to show competency mastery. We have a bank of assessment tools that are used throughout a student's time at Reset. Our assessments are built on four principles: Authenticity: Assessments are designed to be relevant to students’ lives and the world. Students perform tasks that are analogous to the types of problems and situations that may be faced in the “real world.” These types of assessments demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills. Mastery: Assessments are created to measure a student’s knowledge and/or mastery of a specific competency or subject area. Through these assessments, students are able to demonstrate their development, improvement and mastery of skills and knowledge based on specific indicators and criteria. Differentiation: We recognize that our students come with a variety of learning styles, strengths and needs. Assessments are differentiated based on learners’ needs and students have options covering multiple modalities for demonstrating competency mastery. Failure As Opportunity: Students have multiple opportunities to show their skills and knowledge. They are given the opportunity and encouraged to learn from mistakes and to improve upon prior work. This means that no assessment is final; students can always redo part or all of an assignment, project or task to demonstrate increased learning and growth. Reset Academic Assessments Assessment Measurement Type Description Frequency RenSTAR Grade level equivalence, lexile score Formative Computer-based literacy and basic math assessment Intake; Ready: every six weeks; Reset and Renew: every three months My Story Essay Rubric Formative Personal essay with guiding prompts Intake JMCS Writing Tasks Rubric Formative JMCS essay prompts focused on specific writing skills Monthly Classroom Assessments Varied Formative/ Summative Informal or formal assessments used by Reset educators Dependent on assessment and purpose Student Self- Assessment Survey, rubric Formative/ Summative Self-assessments for specific competencies, knowledge. Dependent on assessment and purpose Peer Feedback Survey, rubric Formative/ Summative Peer-assessments for specific competencies, knowledge in a student Dependent on assessment and purpose Staff Assessment Survey, rubric Formative/ Summative Staff-assessments for specific competencies, knowledge in a student Dependent on assessment and purpose Learning Tasks Varied Summative Learning tasks that ultimately lead to a completed unit project. Multiple throughout each unit Unit Projects Rubric Summative Culminating assessment of an Interdisciplinary Unit One per Interdisciplinary unit Advancement Presentations Rubric Summative Student presentations to propose advancement to next Reset stage Whenever a student feels ready Student Achievement Portfolio (SAP) Rubric Summative A compilation of a student’s work, learning and growth at Reset Presented prior to Reset graduation EPT/ELM Standardized Formative CSU placement tests for English and Mathematics Prior to enrolling in CSU ACT or SAT Standardized --- Standardized tests necessary for most applications Prior to application
  • 33. Grading and Credits At Reset, student grades clearly communicate a student’s knowledge and/or mastery of a specific competency or subject area. Grades in the academic pillar and other forms of assessment in the wellness, life skills and career pillars are transferrable to high school course credit. Grading Scale Our grading scale is comparable to the four-point scale used by many schools and colleges. Points are converted to credits earned toward a diploma, letter grades for a student’s transcript, and attainment achievement toward growth on the Reset competency rubric. Score Meaning Credits or Competencies Letter Grade Equivalent 1 Does not meet the standard A student's work does not demonstrate substantive progress towards meeting the criteria of a given assessment or competency attainment. This may mean that a student has not met the majority of performance indicators or criteria for that assessment, or the student has not made an attempt to meet criteria. No credit No evidence of attainment No grade Incomplete 2 Approaching the standard A student's work demonstrates a substantive attempt to meet the criteria of a given assessment or competency attainment. But, it does not meet the majority of performance indicators or criteria for that assessment or the student has not made an attempt to meet all the criteria. No credit No evidence of attainment No grade Incomplete 2.5 Very close to meeting the standard A student's work is very close to meeting the criteria of a given assessment or competency attainment. This score allows a student to see that he does not have far to go before meeting the criteria of an attainment or assessment. No credit No evidence of attainment No grade Incomplete 3 Meets the standard A student's work meets the criteria of a given assessment or competency attainment. All of the performance indicators or criteria are demonstrated in the work. Credit earned Evidence of attainment achieved B 3.5- 3.99 Slightly above standard A student's work goes just above the criteria of a given assessment or competency attainment in quality. All of the performance indicators or criteria are demonstrated in the work. Credit earned Evidence of attainment achieved B+ 4 Exceeds the standard The student’s work goes substantially above and beyond the criteria of a given assessment or competency attainment in quality. All of the performance indicators or criteria are demonstrated in the work. Additional challenge work may be included. Credit earned Evidence of attainment achieved A
  • 34. Credits To earn a high school diploma, students much complete a total of 210 credits. Students may replace both the PE and Computer Apps credit requirements with the associated demo; students who elect to complete the PE and/or Computer Demo may graduate with fewer credits. Students’ credits from their previous schools are transferred to Reset and counted toward their diploma. High School Diploma Requirements *Students may earn up to 10 credits for remedial courses **Credit = hours in PE/12.75 Credits for learning tasks and unit projects are awarded based on the extent and rigor of the assignments. Credits are earned based on demonstrated mastery based on clearly outline criteria. In addition to Reset work, students may earn credit for textbook work, various computer-based modules, community college courses and work experience. Credit Assignment Guidelines ***credits/chapter and credits/textbook can be found in the JMCS Benchmark Course Outlines English* 30 Math* 10 World History 10 Algebra I 10 US History 10 Health 5 Civics/US Government 5 P.E.** 20 or Demo Economics 5 Computer Apps (LS Elective) 10 or Demo Earth Science 10 Life Skills Electives 15 Life Science 10 Electives 60 Total: 210 credits or 190-200 credits (with demos) Learning Task Description Some Examples Credit Value Small Learning Task Tasks or assessments that focus on one part of a specific standard, skill, attainment. These tasks can generally be completed in-class or in one evening In-class learning tasks, daily homework-type assignments, exit tickets, quizzes 0.25- 0.75 credits Medium Learning Task Slightly more involved tasks that cover one or more specific attainments, standards, skills. These tasks may take several days to prepare or complete Labs, debates, text-based discussion, tests 1 – 1.5 credits Large Learning Task Slightly more involved tasks that cover one or more specific attainments, standards, skills. These tasks may take several days to prepare or complete Final essays with evidence of planning and revision, presentation 1.5 – 3 credits Unit Project Culminating project for an interdisciplinary unit that covers several specific attainments, standards and skills across multiple Reset pillars. These span 4-8 weeks Feature documentary, action research project, community event 3.5 – 5 credits Demos Learning tasks to demonstrate mastery of PE and Computer requirements Physical exercises, technological tasks Pass Textbook Work Section questions, chapter review and chapter test in AGS subject textbooks % textbook chapters completed x credits possible for textbook*** Community College Courses taken at an accredited community college 1 CC credit = 1.66 high school credits Work Experience Hours logged in on-campus or off-campus work # hours/12.75 = # credits
  • 35. Mastering Competencies To improve in mastery of a competency, a student must demonstrate at least two pieces of evidence of achievement for all the attainments in his current mastery level: Emerging, Developing, Practicing or Leading. The evidence for each attainment may be drawn from a variety of assessments and experiences depending on appropriateness for the specific attainment. Students may select any combination of evidence type to demonstrate achievement of an attainment. Progress Monitoring Students receive consistent feedback about their progress throughout the learning and assessment process. Regular communication with students about their progress supports deeper learning. Check-ins: Students meet weekly with their advisors and regularly with the educators running the interdisciplinary units. Students may seek help, set and revisit goals, and/or get updates on their progress across a broad range of measurements, tasks and attainments Tools: Students and educators use a broad range of tools to track academic progress. These tools include: Reset competency rubric, graduation progress tracker, transcripts, report cards, high school credit tracker and student goal worksheets. Feedback: Students receive consistent feedback from Reset educators and peers on their work, learning tasks and assessments. This feedback allows students to continue to improve.
  • 36. Student Achievement Portfolio (SAP) Students will compile a comprehensive portfolio of their learning and growth across all Reset competencies and pillars throughout their time at Reset. Students will select a subset of their academic work to showcase both growth and accomplishment. In addition, students will creatively include evidence of growth, reflection and mastery of competencies measured in less concrete ways. The SAP will serve as a tool to inform instruction, planning and goal setting for the student and Reset staff; it will also demonstrate student growth and achievement over time. Each SAP is organized into five sections with these components: Student Information: ! Enrollment form ! JMCS Documents: Student Achievement Contract, Conduct Agreement ! CAHSEE rights form ! Immunization Records ! Special Education Documents (past/present IEP or 504) ! Language Documents (ELs) ! Socio-emotional Assessment Information Progress Monitoring: ! Student Goal Worksheets ! Reset Competency Self-Assessment ! Reset Competency Tracking Tool ! Credit Tracker ! Graduation Progress Reports ! JMCS Transcripts ! JMCS Report Cards ! Previous School Transcripts Career Pathway: ! Reset Career Pathway Tracker ! On-Campus Work Log ! Off-Campus Work Log ! Volunteer Work Log ! Performance Reviews ! Resume ! Reference Letters x3 Assessments: ! Summary Page ! Standardized Test Results (CAHSEE, GED, RenSTAR etc.) ! PE Demo Checklist ! Computer Demo Checklist Competency Growth Evidence: Organized into sub-sections by competency with an appropriate combination of the following to show growth and mastery. Students should be creative in determining evidence. Hard copy work samples, DVDs of student-made videos, images etc. may be included here. ! Work Samples ! Experiential Descriptors with a Personal Reflection ! Peer and/or Staff Testimonies with a Personal Reflection ! Certificates and/or Awards with a Personal Reflection
  • 37. Moving Up Stages The Reset program is split into three growth stages: Ready, Reset and Renew. These stages mark a shifting focus on competencies that advance toward transition readiness. To move up from one stage to the next, a student must demonstrate evidence for achievement of all the power attainments in his current stage’s focus competencies. A student initiates this process when he feels ready to move forward. Step 1: Student Preparation Students constantly work with their advisors and educators to compile work and evidence of their achievement of competency attainments. These samples and reflections are kept in their SAP. Step 2: Formal Proposal When a student feels ready and has achieved at least all the power attainments of his current stage, he may submit a formal proposal of advancement to the next stage. The proposal is considered by Reset staff who ensure that all necessary attainments are achieved. A student may revise his proposal if necessary. Step 3: Panel Presentation When a proposal is accepted, students prepare a formal presentation for advancement before a panel of their peers and Reset staff. This presentation should showcase the student’s growth and achievement in the competencies, personal reflections and stories. The presentation should include portions of a student’s SAP as well as a strong visual element. Final SAP Presentation: Prior to graduation from Reset, students prepare extensively for their final presentation. This presentation showcases a student’s growth, learning and achievement during his time at Reset. Students present a short personal video, reflections, personal experiences, plans for the future and advice for current students. This presentation occurs before the entire Reset student and staff community and may also include invited external guests and potential employers. Step 4: Decision The panel of students and staff consider a student’s presentation and may make one of two decisions. The panel will inform the student of their decision within 24 hours. Move up: The student has demonstrated readiness to continue to the next stage Ready when: The student is not yet ready to move up, but will be ready when specifically outlined next steps are taken. Student may re-present to the group, without resubmitting a proposal, when these steps have been completed and the competency goals achieved. Step 5: Rite of Passage and Celebration When a student demonstrates readiness to move to the next stage, the entire campus prepares for his rite of passage and a community celebration to usher him into the next phase of growth. !