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These screenshots are from the ‘New Mutants’ trailer from 20th Century Fox. The images have a similar tone and look that I
want for my trailer, in terms of dim lighting, secluded location and camera work. It starts off with a long shot of the main
hallway of what appears to be a sort of mental hospital(For mutants since it is X-Men) in the film and slowly fades to an
establishing shot of some gravestones. The 20th Century Fox logo appears with a creepy edit of ‘Brick in the Wall’ by Pink
Floyd playing over in the back ground which adds to the creepy atmosphere. The shot of the that is one of the characters,
Mirage, sitting in a chair (Blu Hunt) and seems to be hooked up to some sort of lie detecting machine. This character is
clearly one of the main characters and seems to be feeling some guilt from her dialogue. This is followed by a zoomed out
shot of a woman who appears to be a sort of doctor at the hospital watching all the characters through a bunch of security
camera screens, making her look like a sort of stalker that is given the job to look over these characters. She is shown
taking a sample of Hunts blood so she is obviously given the task o keeping them sedated in a way and ensuring they do
not harm anybody.(Similar to Mason who doesn’t want to hurt anybody so he tries to control himself). We then see a single
shot and then a close up shot of Magik (Anya Taylor Joy) sitting on the floor drawing something. She is being kept where
she does not seem happy or comfortable so I have a feeling that the goal every character has will be to get out of this
hospital and as they do they discover how dangerous to the world they really are and this will be the plot of the movie. We
get new shots of Wolfsbane and Sunspot and we are then introduced to Cannonball (Charlie Heaton) as he notices
movement coming from the washing machine, he approaches it and looks inside to see what is causing it but a hand
touches the glass followed by a massive flame of fire appearing around the edges, which could be him meeting Sunspot, A
shot of the doctor with bloody claw marks on her face and then a birds eye view shot of Mirage lying in a forest with snow
or ash falling on her, we then see her lying on a bed in a room looking at blood on her finger and is interrupted by
screaming faces appearing and trying to tear through the wall. This could be her discovering the ability of her powers
which are similar to her characters name or it could be a vision shown by the Demon-bear(the rumoured villain of the film).
We then see an over the shoulder shot of Magik and Cannonball looking threw a doorway into a room with what appears to
be a young version of Magik. The camera zooms in on a weird man-like creature, wearing a mask leaning over to the bed,
faces them and pulls the mask away as Cannonball pulls Magik out of the room as she screams in horror. We then see
other shots of the films play as the lyrics ‘leave those kids alone’ plays over them. And the trailer ends with the doctor
These screenshots are from the Brightburn trailer. I like the use of dim lighting here as well. As well as the
little use of saturation. The trailer starts off with establishing shots of local town the movie is set in, which
coincidentally is called Brightburn. We are introduced to our main character, 12 year old Brandon (played by
Jackson A. Dunn) and his mother Tori (Elizabeth Banks) through a two shot as she tells her son ‘he is a gift’
whilst his dad, Kyle, (David Denman) drives him to school. We see some shots of him at school sitting alone
with a close up shot of him doing mysterious drawings. We cut to his parents in the bedroom as a spaceship
crashes in their back garden. They go to investigate and Tori picks a small human like baby. I think they
choose to raise the baby because Tori then says “we prayed for a baby for so long”. I feel she is always going
to try and be on Brandon's side because she is too tied to her son. She goes outside looking for Brandon and
sees him walking towards the barn where she finds him trying to get to his ship, which is obviously came
from his planet. Tori explains what happens to Kyle, telling him “it was like he was drawn to it”. We then see
Brandon chewing on a fork in his mouth, Kyle pulls it out and the fork is all bent and misshapen. We see a
close up of him giving a slow, creepy smile. He is probably beginning to realise who he is and what he can
do. We see Brandon standing in front of a car at night and the man in the car is confused as Brandon starts
to float in the air. We get some over the shoulder shots of a waitress in a diner looking at the same
mysterious drawings Brandon was drawing, only on the windows, Brandon looking at Tori through a window,
a long shot of a pair of police officers walking towards the house, Tori running up the stairs (Supposedly
hiding from Brandon), Tori looks at some scary drawings Brandon has done of him destroying the world,
Brandon floating over the ship with a red light shining from it as Tori watches. We cut back to the diner
where we see a long shot of the waitress with blood pouring from her eye as Brandon zooms past the
camera, the waitress runs to the back of the kitchen and close the door and hide as Brandon on the other
side of the steel door, which he uses his lasers to cut through. The camera zooms in on him standing across
from the waitress as we get a good look at his mask. We have an older the shoulder shot as he jumps
towards her as we hear a large crunching sound as it cuts to title and the trailer ends.
So the film is basically if superman evil and if Man of Steel was a horror film.
The film is aimed at teenagers aged 15+ (since 15 is it’s official age rating).
These images are from Overlord (2018). The trailer starts off with establishing shots of army planes and boats
flying over the ocean as we cut inside one of the planes to a group of soldiers on a plane on their way to Nazi
France on the eve of D-Day in 1944. We hear some narration from our main character, Boyce(Jovan Adepo),
saying “3 months ago I was cutting grass in my front lawn, now I’m here, and I don’t know where I’m going to
end up”. The plane is then shot down killing half the soldiers as Boyce, Ford (Wyatt Russell)and a few others
jump out as well. Boyce looks at the plane as it explodes. In the film the whole scene is done in one shot until
Boyce lands in the water. The studio logos play as the song Hells Bells by AC/DC followed by 5 of the
remaining soldiers walking through the remains of a French village with an long shot of a Jesus statue on the
ground. A soldier asks “what happened?” and Ford replies “Some questions don’t have good answers”. The
soldiers walk into a house where we see a close up of Chloe (Mathilde Olivier). In the film Chloe and Boyce
have a chemistry and she is really the only character who has any development whatsoever in the movie. Boyce
looks down a corridor as the camera slowly zooms in on an old wooden door and hears some kind of
groaning. He goes over to see what it is and he sees a topless, veiny man wriggling around on the floor,
screaming. The song plays louder as we see some more action shots of the movie, such as Boyce kicking a
vent gate, Nazi soldiers shooting at someone, Chloe lighting a flame thrower, we see an evil scientist looking
over some burning dead bodies, Chloe and Boyce searching a lab with guns, a shot of one of the soldiers tied
to a bed in the lab with a tube in his mouth and chest, Boyce taking the soldier through a tunnel and picking
up a syringe. We then see Ford interrogating Wagner (Pilou Absaek) asking him what the syringe is and he
replies with “a thousand year army means thousand year soldiers” as we see Boyce look at a bag when a hand
tries to reach through it and Boyce backs off and sees a head of a woman looking at him. We see one of the
deformed human-like monsters chasing Chloe through a tunnel, Boyce running from an explosion, all the
soldiers loading their guns, ready for battle, an establishing shot of some a plane flying over the village, an air
shot of some soldiers falling to the ground with an explosion behind them, Wagner holding Ford up to a post
by his neck and throwing Boyce through a window, Ford shooting some Nazis, this shot gives us an idea of the
films action. A close up of a soldier being dragged into a cell which teases the sense of horror the film has. A
two shot of Chloe and Boyce looking behind them and a medium close up shot of Wagner smiling with a bullet
hole in his cheek. Boyce hears a woman's voice coming from behind a concrete wall, we have close up of Boyce
walking up towards a hole in the wall, he looks in the hole and the trailer ends. The trailer doesn’t tell us a lot
about the films plot but it does give us hints through the use of editing and the trailer does set the tone for
The film was released in 1979 and
has a gory feel due to its creepy
premise and use of body horror. Its
poster has a colour mix of mainly
black and green(with white text). It
doesn’t spoil what the movie is
about or what the aliens look like
and the tagline is scary enough to
make anyone want to watch it. I like
the mixed use of black and green.
• What common features do the researched products have?
• They are all from horror movies. They all have common horror features
such as colour schemes, camera angles. E.g. Close ups, establishing
shots, long-shots. These can be seen in New Mutants and Overlord.
They are done to set the scene and/or make us very close to the action
which is important in horror films.
• Some share the same colours in there shots. (Overlord, Alien and New
Mutants share a blue/green/red like colour scheme in some shots).
They use these colours to establish a horror vibe so the audience can
have a sense of eeriness and mystery. These are common horror colours
so the audience can assume the genre of the film. There are similar
eerie sound effects used in the trailers such as New Mutants and
Brightburn. These are used to add mystery and tension.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• I will include what is happening in some of the images in the product.
Such as veins being visible on the arm and glowing eyes(Overlord and
Brightburn). I will also use similar camera angles and shots in the trailer
to make it similar to the other trailers and possibly make it seem like an
actual horror movie trailer. I will add some eerie music and sound
• Observation: 50% of my audience is male, 40% of people are
female and 10% are other.
• What this says about my audience: Most of them are male and
will prefer male related subjects.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include
male characters
• Observation: All of my audience are teenagers. 70% of them are 17 years
• What this says about my audience: Most of my audience are at least
teenagers and will like to see subjects that most teenagers can relate to.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include teenage
characters and things that teenagers can relate too. (Maybe such as
relationships, school-work, exams, teen angst, etc.)
• Observation: 70% of my audience do like horror movies 30% do not.
• What this says about my audience: Horror is mostly popular with my
audience but some people are not as keen on it as others.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include horror
aspects as well as other genre references to appeal to the 30% who aren’t
keen on horror. (Such as maybe romance, coming of age, drama and
comedy, etc.)
• Observation: 70% of my audience do like superhero movies and 30% do
• What this says about my audience: Superhero films are mostly popular
with my audience but a few people aren’t keen on the genre.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will add superhero
references into the trailer but include references to other genres. . (Such
as maybe romance, coming of age, drama and comedy, etc.)
• Observation: 20% of my audience voted It as their favourite horror film,
15% voted Us, 10% voted scary movie, 15% voted Halloween, 30% didn’t
answer the question.
• What this says about my audience: My audience are into classic horror
movies like these and may want to see references these films.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include these classic
horror themes and pay homages to other films such as ones mentioned in
the survey.
• Observation: 25% of my audience voted Black Panther as their favourite superhero film, 10% voted Guardians of
the Galaxy, 10% voted Spider-man: Homecoming, 5% voted Wonder Woman, 5% voted Aquaman, 25% voted
batman, 10% voted King Kong, and 10% said they don’t have a favourite.
• What this says about my audience: My audience like more modern superhero films and themes as well as classic
one like Batman and might want to see references to these films.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will look and analyse how heroes and villains are framed within
certain shots, and I will influence myself with their body language and how they communicate (good/bad) and use
it in my product.
• Observation: From the valid responses I received (7) the common theme I got was
excitement, jump scares, tension, blood and gore and good overcoming evil.
• What this says about my audience: They want something that is going to grip/excite
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I can surprise them with the content
that will be included in the product such as an interesting character, fast editing, a
few jump scares and tension music.
• Observation: 70% of my audience like blood in films and 30% are not keen
on the sight of it and could be sensitive to it.
• What this says about my audience: A majority of my audience are into
bloody violence but some may not like the sight of it and could prefer
something less gruesome.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use a bit of blood in
my trailer but not too much so the 30% of my audience will not be upset.
• Observation: I asked audiences what they would expect from a horror movie trailer and a
majority said they would expect jump-scares but some people said they would prefer the
jump-scares should be saved for the final film. Others said ‘suspense’, ‘a fast cutting pace
and to see some of the key main characters’ and ‘a good hook into the story-line’.
• What this says about my audience: They are used to typical horror movie clichés such as
jump-scares and suspenseful scenes.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will have similar things to jump-scares in
the trailer as well as suspenseful scenes to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
• Observation: 70% of my audience think jump-scares are good and 30% do not like
them and probably think that they ruin a scary scene.
• What this says about my audience: My audience mostly likes jump-scares but some
people aren’t so keen on them and might not want them in the trailer.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include a couple of jump-
scares in my product but not many because personally I feel like it become
repetitive and ruin the theme of the product.
• What kind of horror movies interest you? Why?
- Supernatural, because the mystery that is shown intrigues me.
• What is your favourite horror movie? Why?
- The Shining, because it is intense and the music increases the experience for
• What is your favourite superhero movie? Why?
- Avengers: Assemble, because it was the first real superhero film I saw where
they all come together.
• Do you watch a lot of superhero and horror movies?
-Yes, yes I do.
• What was the last superhero or horror movie you watched?
- The last horror movie was Us by Jordan Peele and the superhero movie I watched
was Aquaman.
• Observation: From the interview I have conducted I learnt more
about my audience. I t appears that the person being
interviewed is interested in both horror movies and superhero
movies. This is not a surprise since the interviewee is a young
man at college and it was expected that he would like this sort
of topic.
• What this says about my audience: They might like my product
since it involves both of these genres.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: The product
will include references to both of these genres. I will create
story arcs for the characters that are similar to popular
superheroes and reference certain horror films.
• What kind of horror movies interest you? Why?
- Slasher films because I love the blood and gore
• What is your favourite horror movie? Why?
- The Shining, because I like the storyline and the intense music that surrounds it.
• What is your favourite superhero movie? Why?
- Spider-Man (2002) because I like the action and costume design also the use of the green
screen effect.
• Do you watch a lot of superhero and horror movies?
- Yes.
• What was the last superhero or horror movie you watched?
- Last superhero movie I watched was Captain Marvel and the last horror movie I watched was
• Observation: This member of my audiences favourite
superhero movie is Spider-Man(2002) and he likes
blood and gore. There are similarities between this
interviewee and the previous one. For example they
both say that The Shining is their favourite horror film
and the last horror film they saw was Us.
• What this says about my audience: Some audiences
share the same opinions and like the same things.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: The
product will include a bit of violence and blood.
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
15-35 • I will add a creepy atmosphere, scary
scenes and possibly blood to the
Mainly aimed
at males (but
not gender
• Have mostly male characters, use
dark colour scheme which mostly
appeals to males more than girls.
Needs driven • Have the main character try to
complete a certain goal in the
trailer. Like trying to fit in with
society which he has always found
hard to do.
Social Status
Middle class • Use locations that middle class
people would relate to like anywhere
a higher class person wouldn’t
usually go.
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of each method
• Product Research
• I managed to find other products that were similar to my product such as New Mutants, Brightburn
and Overlord on the internet and reflect on what they included and was able to figure out what I
could include in my final product such as colour scheme, angles and camera work. But it took a lot
of time to find the right resources.
• Questionnaires
• I did my questionnaire on survey monkey which is a website where you can do questionnaires for
free. You are able to understand your audience more and what they are interested in. But it you
may have trouble thinking of the right questions to ask, but you can ask them personal questions
like what their age or gender is.
• Interviews
With interviews I got to know more about what my audience was into by asking questions such as
what their favourite superhero and/or horror films was. But it was hard to find the right questions to ask and
some times the interviewee found them hard to answer. I got to do the interviews in person which is easy
because I got to target the person I was interviewing better and it’s easier to ask the questions you want.
• What sort of a response did you get?
I got mixed results from the survey, some people said they liked jump-
scares but some said they didn’t and I shouldn’t include them in the
trailer. Some people said they liked blood and some said they did not.
• How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a
I used Survey Monkey to create the survey. I copy and pasted the link to
it and sent it to everyone in my class via email. This was quick, easy and
free to do.
Survey Monkey is a very helpful website and I was able to get all my
response. The only problem with it is it only limits you to 10 questions.
Any more you have to pay for.

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2. fmp research

  • 2. EXISTING PRODUCT These screenshots are from the ‘New Mutants’ trailer from 20th Century Fox. The images have a similar tone and look that I want for my trailer, in terms of dim lighting, secluded location and camera work. It starts off with a long shot of the main hallway of what appears to be a sort of mental hospital(For mutants since it is X-Men) in the film and slowly fades to an establishing shot of some gravestones. The 20th Century Fox logo appears with a creepy edit of ‘Brick in the Wall’ by Pink Floyd playing over in the back ground which adds to the creepy atmosphere. The shot of the that is one of the characters, Mirage, sitting in a chair (Blu Hunt) and seems to be hooked up to some sort of lie detecting machine. This character is clearly one of the main characters and seems to be feeling some guilt from her dialogue. This is followed by a zoomed out shot of a woman who appears to be a sort of doctor at the hospital watching all the characters through a bunch of security camera screens, making her look like a sort of stalker that is given the job to look over these characters. She is shown taking a sample of Hunts blood so she is obviously given the task o keeping them sedated in a way and ensuring they do not harm anybody.(Similar to Mason who doesn’t want to hurt anybody so he tries to control himself). We then see a single shot and then a close up shot of Magik (Anya Taylor Joy) sitting on the floor drawing something. She is being kept where she does not seem happy or comfortable so I have a feeling that the goal every character has will be to get out of this hospital and as they do they discover how dangerous to the world they really are and this will be the plot of the movie. We get new shots of Wolfsbane and Sunspot and we are then introduced to Cannonball (Charlie Heaton) as he notices movement coming from the washing machine, he approaches it and looks inside to see what is causing it but a hand touches the glass followed by a massive flame of fire appearing around the edges, which could be him meeting Sunspot, A shot of the doctor with bloody claw marks on her face and then a birds eye view shot of Mirage lying in a forest with snow or ash falling on her, we then see her lying on a bed in a room looking at blood on her finger and is interrupted by screaming faces appearing and trying to tear through the wall. This could be her discovering the ability of her powers which are similar to her characters name or it could be a vision shown by the Demon-bear(the rumoured villain of the film). We then see an over the shoulder shot of Magik and Cannonball looking threw a doorway into a room with what appears to be a young version of Magik. The camera zooms in on a weird man-like creature, wearing a mask leaning over to the bed, faces them and pulls the mask away as Cannonball pulls Magik out of the room as she screams in horror. We then see other shots of the films play as the lyrics ‘leave those kids alone’ plays over them. And the trailer ends with the doctor
  • 3. EXISTING PRODUCT These screenshots are from the Brightburn trailer. I like the use of dim lighting here as well. As well as the little use of saturation. The trailer starts off with establishing shots of local town the movie is set in, which coincidentally is called Brightburn. We are introduced to our main character, 12 year old Brandon (played by Jackson A. Dunn) and his mother Tori (Elizabeth Banks) through a two shot as she tells her son ‘he is a gift’ whilst his dad, Kyle, (David Denman) drives him to school. We see some shots of him at school sitting alone with a close up shot of him doing mysterious drawings. We cut to his parents in the bedroom as a spaceship crashes in their back garden. They go to investigate and Tori picks a small human like baby. I think they choose to raise the baby because Tori then says “we prayed for a baby for so long”. I feel she is always going to try and be on Brandon's side because she is too tied to her son. She goes outside looking for Brandon and sees him walking towards the barn where she finds him trying to get to his ship, which is obviously came from his planet. Tori explains what happens to Kyle, telling him “it was like he was drawn to it”. We then see Brandon chewing on a fork in his mouth, Kyle pulls it out and the fork is all bent and misshapen. We see a close up of him giving a slow, creepy smile. He is probably beginning to realise who he is and what he can do. We see Brandon standing in front of a car at night and the man in the car is confused as Brandon starts to float in the air. We get some over the shoulder shots of a waitress in a diner looking at the same mysterious drawings Brandon was drawing, only on the windows, Brandon looking at Tori through a window, a long shot of a pair of police officers walking towards the house, Tori running up the stairs (Supposedly hiding from Brandon), Tori looks at some scary drawings Brandon has done of him destroying the world, Brandon floating over the ship with a red light shining from it as Tori watches. We cut back to the diner where we see a long shot of the waitress with blood pouring from her eye as Brandon zooms past the camera, the waitress runs to the back of the kitchen and close the door and hide as Brandon on the other side of the steel door, which he uses his lasers to cut through. The camera zooms in on him standing across from the waitress as we get a good look at his mask. We have an older the shoulder shot as he jumps towards her as we hear a large crunching sound as it cuts to title and the trailer ends. So the film is basically if superman evil and if Man of Steel was a horror film. The film is aimed at teenagers aged 15+ (since 15 is it’s official age rating).
  • 4. EXISTING PRODUCT These images are from Overlord (2018). The trailer starts off with establishing shots of army planes and boats flying over the ocean as we cut inside one of the planes to a group of soldiers on a plane on their way to Nazi France on the eve of D-Day in 1944. We hear some narration from our main character, Boyce(Jovan Adepo), saying “3 months ago I was cutting grass in my front lawn, now I’m here, and I don’t know where I’m going to end up”. The plane is then shot down killing half the soldiers as Boyce, Ford (Wyatt Russell)and a few others jump out as well. Boyce looks at the plane as it explodes. In the film the whole scene is done in one shot until Boyce lands in the water. The studio logos play as the song Hells Bells by AC/DC followed by 5 of the remaining soldiers walking through the remains of a French village with an long shot of a Jesus statue on the ground. A soldier asks “what happened?” and Ford replies “Some questions don’t have good answers”. The soldiers walk into a house where we see a close up of Chloe (Mathilde Olivier). In the film Chloe and Boyce have a chemistry and she is really the only character who has any development whatsoever in the movie. Boyce looks down a corridor as the camera slowly zooms in on an old wooden door and hears some kind of groaning. He goes over to see what it is and he sees a topless, veiny man wriggling around on the floor, screaming. The song plays louder as we see some more action shots of the movie, such as Boyce kicking a vent gate, Nazi soldiers shooting at someone, Chloe lighting a flame thrower, we see an evil scientist looking over some burning dead bodies, Chloe and Boyce searching a lab with guns, a shot of one of the soldiers tied to a bed in the lab with a tube in his mouth and chest, Boyce taking the soldier through a tunnel and picking up a syringe. We then see Ford interrogating Wagner (Pilou Absaek) asking him what the syringe is and he replies with “a thousand year army means thousand year soldiers” as we see Boyce look at a bag when a hand tries to reach through it and Boyce backs off and sees a head of a woman looking at him. We see one of the deformed human-like monsters chasing Chloe through a tunnel, Boyce running from an explosion, all the soldiers loading their guns, ready for battle, an establishing shot of some a plane flying over the village, an air shot of some soldiers falling to the ground with an explosion behind them, Wagner holding Ford up to a post by his neck and throwing Boyce through a window, Ford shooting some Nazis, this shot gives us an idea of the films action. A close up of a soldier being dragged into a cell which teases the sense of horror the film has. A two shot of Chloe and Boyce looking behind them and a medium close up shot of Wagner smiling with a bullet hole in his cheek. Boyce hears a woman's voice coming from behind a concrete wall, we have close up of Boyce walking up towards a hole in the wall, he looks in the hole and the trailer ends. The trailer doesn’t tell us a lot about the films plot but it does give us hints through the use of editing and the trailer does set the tone for
  • 5. EXISTING PRODUCT The film was released in 1979 and has a gory feel due to its creepy premise and use of body horror. Its poster has a colour mix of mainly black and green(with white text). It doesn’t spoil what the movie is about or what the aliens look like and the tagline is scary enough to make anyone want to watch it. I like the mixed use of black and green.
  • 6. RESEARCH ANALYSIS • What common features do the researched products have? • They are all from horror movies. They all have common horror features such as colour schemes, camera angles. E.g. Close ups, establishing shots, long-shots. These can be seen in New Mutants and Overlord. They are done to set the scene and/or make us very close to the action which is important in horror films. • Some share the same colours in there shots. (Overlord, Alien and New Mutants share a blue/green/red like colour scheme in some shots). They use these colours to establish a horror vibe so the audience can have a sense of eeriness and mystery. These are common horror colours so the audience can assume the genre of the film. There are similar eerie sound effects used in the trailers such as New Mutants and Brightburn. These are used to add mystery and tension. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • I will include what is happening in some of the images in the product. Such as veins being visible on the arm and glowing eyes(Overlord and Brightburn). I will also use similar camera angles and shots in the trailer to make it similar to the other trailers and possibly make it seem like an actual horror movie trailer. I will add some eerie music and sound
  • 8. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: 50% of my audience is male, 40% of people are female and 10% are other. • What this says about my audience: Most of them are male and will prefer male related subjects. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include male characters
  • 9. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: All of my audience are teenagers. 70% of them are 17 years old. • What this says about my audience: Most of my audience are at least teenagers and will like to see subjects that most teenagers can relate to. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include teenage characters and things that teenagers can relate too. (Maybe such as relationships, school-work, exams, teen angst, etc.)
  • 10. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: 70% of my audience do like horror movies 30% do not. • What this says about my audience: Horror is mostly popular with my audience but some people are not as keen on it as others. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include horror aspects as well as other genre references to appeal to the 30% who aren’t keen on horror. (Such as maybe romance, coming of age, drama and comedy, etc.)
  • 11. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: 70% of my audience do like superhero movies and 30% do not. • What this says about my audience: Superhero films are mostly popular with my audience but a few people aren’t keen on the genre. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will add superhero references into the trailer but include references to other genres. . (Such as maybe romance, coming of age, drama and comedy, etc.)
  • 12. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: 20% of my audience voted It as their favourite horror film, 15% voted Us, 10% voted scary movie, 15% voted Halloween, 30% didn’t answer the question. • What this says about my audience: My audience are into classic horror movies like these and may want to see references these films. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include these classic horror themes and pay homages to other films such as ones mentioned in the survey.
  • 13. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: 25% of my audience voted Black Panther as their favourite superhero film, 10% voted Guardians of the Galaxy, 10% voted Spider-man: Homecoming, 5% voted Wonder Woman, 5% voted Aquaman, 25% voted batman, 10% voted King Kong, and 10% said they don’t have a favourite. • What this says about my audience: My audience like more modern superhero films and themes as well as classic one like Batman and might want to see references to these films. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will look and analyse how heroes and villains are framed within certain shots, and I will influence myself with their body language and how they communicate (good/bad) and use it in my product.
  • 14. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: From the valid responses I received (7) the common theme I got was excitement, jump scares, tension, blood and gore and good overcoming evil. • What this says about my audience: They want something that is going to grip/excite them. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I can surprise them with the content that will be included in the product such as an interesting character, fast editing, a few jump scares and tension music.
  • 15. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: 70% of my audience like blood in films and 30% are not keen on the sight of it and could be sensitive to it. • What this says about my audience: A majority of my audience are into bloody violence but some may not like the sight of it and could prefer something less gruesome. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use a bit of blood in my trailer but not too much so the 30% of my audience will not be upset.
  • 16. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: I asked audiences what they would expect from a horror movie trailer and a majority said they would expect jump-scares but some people said they would prefer the jump-scares should be saved for the final film. Others said ‘suspense’, ‘a fast cutting pace and to see some of the key main characters’ and ‘a good hook into the story-line’. • What this says about my audience: They are used to typical horror movie clichés such as jump-scares and suspenseful scenes. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will have similar things to jump-scares in the trailer as well as suspenseful scenes to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
  • 17. AUDIENCE RESEARCH • Observation: 70% of my audience think jump-scares are good and 30% do not like them and probably think that they ruin a scary scene. • What this says about my audience: My audience mostly likes jump-scares but some people aren’t so keen on them and might not want them in the trailer. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include a couple of jump- scares in my product but not many because personally I feel like it become repetitive and ruin the theme of the product.
  • 19. INTERVIEW 1 • What kind of horror movies interest you? Why? - Supernatural, because the mystery that is shown intrigues me. • What is your favourite horror movie? Why? - The Shining, because it is intense and the music increases the experience for me. • What is your favourite superhero movie? Why? - Avengers: Assemble, because it was the first real superhero film I saw where they all come together. • Do you watch a lot of superhero and horror movies? -Yes, yes I do. • What was the last superhero or horror movie you watched? - The last horror movie was Us by Jordan Peele and the superhero movie I watched was Aquaman.
  • 20. INTERVIEW 1 • Observation: From the interview I have conducted I learnt more about my audience. I t appears that the person being interviewed is interested in both horror movies and superhero movies. This is not a surprise since the interviewee is a young man at college and it was expected that he would like this sort of topic. • What this says about my audience: They might like my product since it involves both of these genres. • How will your product appeal to this audience: The product will include references to both of these genres. I will create story arcs for the characters that are similar to popular superheroes and reference certain horror films. •
  • 21. INTERVIEW 2 • What kind of horror movies interest you? Why? - Slasher films because I love the blood and gore • What is your favourite horror movie? Why? - The Shining, because I like the storyline and the intense music that surrounds it. • What is your favourite superhero movie? Why? - Spider-Man (2002) because I like the action and costume design also the use of the green screen effect. • Do you watch a lot of superhero and horror movies? - Yes. • What was the last superhero or horror movie you watched? - Last superhero movie I watched was Captain Marvel and the last horror movie I watched was Us.
  • 22. INTERVIEW 2 • Observation: This member of my audiences favourite superhero movie is Spider-Man(2002) and he likes blood and gore. There are similarities between this interviewee and the previous one. For example they both say that The Shining is their favourite horror film and the last horror film they saw was Us. • What this says about my audience: Some audiences share the same opinions and like the same things. • How will your product appeal to this audience: The product will include a bit of violence and blood.
  • 23. AUDIENCE PROFILE Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range 15-35 • I will add a creepy atmosphere, scary scenes and possibly blood to the trailer. Gender Mainly aimed at males (but not gender specific) • Have mostly male characters, use dark colour scheme which mostly appeals to males more than girls. Psychographic Needs driven • Have the main character try to complete a certain goal in the trailer. Like trying to fit in with society which he has always found hard to do. Social Status Middle class • Use locations that middle class people would relate to like anywhere a higher class person wouldn’t usually go.
  • 25. RESEARCH EVALUATION • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method • Product Research • I managed to find other products that were similar to my product such as New Mutants, Brightburn and Overlord on the internet and reflect on what they included and was able to figure out what I could include in my final product such as colour scheme, angles and camera work. But it took a lot of time to find the right resources. • Questionnaires • I did my questionnaire on survey monkey which is a website where you can do questionnaires for free. You are able to understand your audience more and what they are interested in. But it you may have trouble thinking of the right questions to ask, but you can ask them personal questions like what their age or gender is. • Interviews With interviews I got to know more about what my audience was into by asking questions such as what their favourite superhero and/or horror films was. But it was hard to find the right questions to ask and some times the interviewee found them hard to answer. I got to do the interviews in person which is easy because I got to target the person I was interviewing better and it’s easier to ask the questions you want.
  • 26. RESEARCH EVALUATION • What sort of a response did you get? I got mixed results from the survey, some people said they liked jump- scares but some said they didn’t and I shouldn’t include them in the trailer. Some people said they liked blood and some said they did not. • How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage I used Survey Monkey to create the survey. I copy and pasted the link to it and sent it to everyone in my class via email. This was quick, easy and free to do. Survey Monkey is a very helpful website and I was able to get all my response. The only problem with it is it only limits you to 10 questions. Any more you have to pay for.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  6. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally