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Original Paper

                                                    Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232                                        Received: January 23, 2007
                                                                                                                          Accepted: October 4, 2007
                                                    DOI: 10.1159/000140514
                                                                                                                          Published online: June 19, 2008

Common Predictors of Excessive
Adiposity in Children from a Region
with High Prevalence of Overweight
Nancy Basaldúa Erwin Chiquete
Hospital Civil de Guadalajara ‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud,
Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México

Key Words                                                                having first-degree relatives with obesity (OR 2.59, 95% CI
Adiposity Body mass index Overweight children                            1.41–4.74), female gender (OR 5.60, 95% CI 3.22–9.77) and be-
Obesity, Mexico Overweight, risk factors                                 ing the third child or younger in offspring (OR 2.07, 95% CI
                                                                         1.22–3.51). These effects could not be explained by social
                                                                         class, ethnicity, maternal age and duration of breastfeeding.
Abstract                                                                 Conclusions: Risk factors easily identified by history-taking
Aim: To identify risk factors other than energy intake or                can predict childhood adiposity and the high risk of obesity
expenditure that can predict adiposity and overweight in                 in adulthood. Having a first-degree relative with obesity un-
children from a region with high prevalence of obesity.                  derscores the impact of genes and the family lifestyle on ex-
Methods: We studied 551 children aged 6–12 years (50.5%                  cessive adiposity. Being the third child or younger may de-
girls) from a city in the North of Mexico. Tetrapolar bioimped-          note different nurture practices in offspring; however, this
ance was used to assess body fat content. Overweight was                 factor deserves more exploration.
estimated by analysis of age- and gender-standardized body                                                           Copyright © 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
mass index (BMI) relative to reference data of the Interna-
tional Obesity Task Force (BMIs that predict obesity in adult-
hood). Multivariate analyses were modeled to find indepen-                   Introduction
dent predictors of adiposity. Results: The frequency of
overweight/obesity was 37.6%. There were no differences                     The prevalence of childhood overweight has increased
between genders with respect to weight, height and BMI;                  in most populations [1]. This picture is also observed in
however, age-standardized percentage of body fat and a                   low-income countries, where undernutrition is still a ma-
sedentary lifestyle were higher in girls than in boys (p !               jor issue [2–5]. These problems integrate the paradox of
0.001). Independent predictors of overweight/obesity were                the low-income populations living the transition towards
having first-degree relatives with obesity [adjusted odds ra-            a developed or ‘occidental’ lifestyle, in which both obe-
tio (OR) 2.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.40–3.64], seden-           sity and undernutrition concur affecting the less privi-
tary lifestyle (OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.05–2.37) and being the third           leged classes [2, 6].
child or younger in offspring (OR 1.59, 95% CI 1.02–2.47). Pre-             It is commonly thought that the medical illnesses as-
dictors of body fat in the highest quartile of the sample were           sociated with obesity preferentially affect to adults; how-

                          © 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel                     Dr. Erwin Chiquete
                          0250–6807/08/0523–0227$24.50/0                 Subdirección General de Enseñanza e Investigación
Fax +41 61 306 12 34                                                     Hospital Civil de Guadalajara ‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’
E-Mail   Accessible online at:                          Hospital 278, Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44280 (México)                               Tel./Fax +52 33 3613 3951, E-Mail
ever, in recent years it has been demonstrated that most                ational physical activities), for at least 3 days per week. For an-
of the biological conditions that mediate the harmful                   thropometrics, children were measured in light sportwear after
                                                                        they had emptied their bladders. Height was measured without
consequences of the excessive amount of adipose tissue                  shoes to the nearest 0.5 cm using a wall-mounted metric rule.
also occur early in life [7–11]. Childhood overweight pre-              Waist and hip circumferences (cm) were measured with an an-
dicts obesity in the following decades [12, 13] and implies             thropometric tape. Waist was measured at the minimum cir-
a high risk of cardiovascular disease and early mortality               cumference between the iliac crest and the rib cage, below the
in adulthood [11]. Therefore, prevention and effective                  sternum. The hip measurement was taken at the maximum pos-
                                                                        terior protrusion of the buttocks, around the greater trochanter.
treatment of overweight in children is essential to pro-                Weight and body fat content were assessed by bioimpedance
mote a longer and healthier lifespan.                                   analysis (BIA) with a four-pole impedance meter at 800 mAmp
   There are several reports that have described deter-                 and 50 kHz (BIA 310 Bioimpedance Analyzer, Biodynamics, Se-
minants of childhood overweight, mainly lifestyle hab-                  attle, Wash., USA), at least 2 h after food ingestion. This instru-
its [14–16]. Nevertheless, little is known on whether                   ment has a maximum possible difference between any two mea-
                                                                        surements for the same subject of 0.68 kg [95% confidence inter-
common early factors, other than caloric intake and en-                 val (CI) 0.58–0.84 kg] for estimation of body fat content in
ergy expenditure can predict adiposity in children per-                 children [21]. Children were asked to stand barefoot and without
taining to a population with a high prevalence of over-                 metals on an insulating sole, and electrodes were placed in the
weight. Therefore, we sought to identify independent                    four limbs, as corresponded. Gender and height details were en-
predictors of adiposity in childhood and of the high risk               tered manually into the electronic system via a keyboard. Body
                                                                        weight and total as well as percentage body fat (PBF) were esti-
of obesity in adulthood, in a cohort of schoolchildren                  mated using the standard built-in prediction algorithms for
from a region in the North of Mexico with one of the                    children. The printed report provided readings of fat mass, lean
highest prevalences of overweight in children and adults                mass, bone mineral content, total body mass (sum of fat mass,
[17–19].                                                                lean mass and bone mineral content), body mass index (BMI)
                                                                        and PBF. The whole body scan time was 2–3 min. Overweight
                                                                        was estimated by comparing BMI standardized for age and sex,
                                                                        relative to reference data of the International Obesity Task Force
   Materials and Methods                                                (IOTF, standardized BMI cut-off points that predict overweight
                                                                        and obesity at age 18 years) [13].
    Study Population
    This cross-sectional study was performed between February               Statistical Analysis
and July 2004, in the urban population of Magdalena de Kino,                The main dependent variables were PBF and the composite
State of Sonora. This city in the North of Mexico has a total pop-      overweight/obesity, defined as the current BMI that predicts a fu-
ulation of about 24,447 inhabitants and is located at 80 km (49.6       ture BMI 625 when adult, according to IOTF reference tables
miles) from the frontier with the USA. The city of Magdalena de         [13]. BMI and PBF were divided in percentiles, taking the highest
Kino has 33.5% of people aged !15 years [20], and pertain to a          quartiles (percentile 75th or more) as dependent variables. Pear-
state of the Mexican Republic with an estimated prevalence of           son 2 and Fisher exact tests were used to assess nominal variables
overweight and obesity combined of near 35%, in persons aged            in bivariate and homogeneity analyses. To compare quantitative
3–17 years [18]. The internal Committee of Ethics of our institu-       variables between two groups, Student’s t test and Mann-Whitney
tion approved the present study. Informed consent was obtained          U test were performed in distributions of parametric and non-
from the children’s parents or legal proxy.                             parametric variables, respectively. Pearson correlation was used
                                                                        in continuous variables (e.g. BMI, body fat content, height, weight,
   Design                                                               and other somatometric variables). To find independent predic-
   Parents and teachers of children from 2 public institutions of       tors of adiposity, BMI in the highest quartile of the sample and of
the 16 elementary schools (either public or private) of the city were   overweight/obesity, multivariate models were constructed by
asked for their alumni to participate in the analysis (669 children     stepwise logistic regression. Input variables were those that re-
aged 6–13 years). Parents of 551 (82.3%) children responded to our      sulted significantly associated with adiposity in bivariate analy-
request. A standardized, structured questionnaire was used to           ses, but demographic variables and known risk factors for over-
collect data directly from the parents regarding demography, rel-       weight (other than caloric intake) were also included in logistic
evant antecedents and current alimentary and exercise habits.           regression analyses for adjustment, as potential confounders. Ad-
The questionnaire was administered as an interview by trained           justed odds ratios with the respective 95% CIs are provided. The
personnel. Informed consent was obtained from the parents or            fitness of the models was evaluated by using the Hosmer-Leme-
legal proxies.                                                          show goodness-of-fit test, which was considered as reliable if p 1
                                                                        0.2. All p values are two-sided and considered significant when
   Anthropometry and Assessment of Body Fat Content                     p ! 0.05. SPSS Version 13.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill.,
   A sedentary lifestyle was defined as 13 h per day spent sitting      USA) was used for all statistical calculations.
down during leisure time (i.e., television watching, computer
use, and similar activities) in a child who is not engaged in a sys-
tematic exercise practice (i.e., sports, dance, and other recre-

228                     Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232                                         Basaldúa/Chiquete
Table 1. Main characteristics of the 551 children analyzed

Variable                                           Total               Girls (n = 278)                     Boys (n = 273)         p valuea

Age, median (range), years                           9 (6–12)            9 (6–12)                            9 (6–12)             0.58
Age, years                                         8.981.8             8.981.8                             8.981.8                0.59
Child number 3 or more in offspring, n (%)        124 (28.9)            59 (26.6)                           65 (31.4)             0.27
First-degree relative with obesity, n (%)         307 (71.7)          157 (69.8)                          150 (73.9)              0.34
First-degree relative with diabetes, n (%)        225 (52.6)          120 (53.3)                          105 (51.7)              0.74
Sedentary lifestyle, n (%)b                       187 (43.7)          122 (54.2)                            65 (32)              <0.001
Height, m                                         1.3580.12           1.3580.13                           1.3480.12               0.14
Weight, kg                                        35.1812.1           35.4812.2                           34.9812.1               0.65
Waist circumference, cm                           66.7810.5           66.2810.4                           66.4810.6               0.51
BMI, kg/m2                                        18.784.0            18.683.9                            18.984.1                0.51
BMI in the highest quartile, n (%)                138 (25)              69 (24.8)                           69 (25.3)             0.90
PBF                                               17.487.3            20.486.4                            14.487.0               <0.001
PBF in the highest quartile, n (%)                124 (24.7)            95 (37.5)                           29 (11.6)            <0.001
Overweight/obesity, n (%)c                        207 (37.6)          106 (38.1)                          101 (37)                0.78
Obesity, n (%)c                                     73 (13)             31 (11.2)                           42 (15.4)             0.14
    BMI = Body mass index; PBF = percentage of body fat.                   >3 h per day spent sitting down during leisure time (i.e., oth-
    a p value for differences between boys and girls; Pearson 2 ,   er than school hours) and absence of systematic exercise practice
Student t test (for means) or Mann-Whitney U test (for medians),    (i.e., sports, dance, and similar activities).
as corresponded.                                                        c
                                                                           Current BMI that predicts overweight or obesity in adult-
                                                                    hood, according to the International Obesity Task Force reference

   A total of 551 children aged 6–12 years were included                                     Homogeneity, p = 0.02                        *
in the final analysis (table 1). All the children were of Lat-
                                                                        Frequency (%)

in-American ethnicity and their family had an annual                                          *                          *
income of USD !15,000.                                                                  30                     *
   Age, ethnicity, social class, relevant antecedents,                                  20

height, weight, BMI, waist circumferences, the relative                                 10
frequency of obesity and the composite overweight/obe-                                   0
sity did not differ according to gender. However, seden-                                      6       7        8          9      10       11   12
                                                                                                                     Age (years)
tary lifestyle and a high body fat content were more fre-
quent in girls than in boys (table 1). Although the natural
increment of BMI with every year of age was identified,
                                                                    Fig. 1. Distribution of the percentage of body fat in the highest
the relative frequency of overweight/obesity was homo-              quartile across the age groups in girls (g), boys (k) and both
geneous across the age groups. PBF standardized as in-              genders combined (i). * p ! 0.05.
crements of 1 year remained higher in girls than in boys
in age 6, and from 8 to 11 years (in all, p ! 0.01), but not
in age 7 and 12 years (fig. 1).
   As expected, PBF positively correlated with height,
weight, BMI and waist circumference (fig. 2). Age also              relative with obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and being the
moderately correlated with PBF (r = 0.174, r2 = 0.030, p !          third child or more in offspring. Independent predictors
0.001) and total body fat content (r = 0.426, r2 = 0.181,           of PBF in the highest quartile were female gender, having
p ! 0.001).                                                         a first-degree relative with obesity and being the third
   After multivariate analyses (table 2), independent pre-          child or more in offspring. BMI in the highest quartile
dictors of overweight/obesity were having a first-degree            was predicted only by the antecedent of a first-degree rel-

Predicting Excessive Adiposity in                                   Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232                                                  229
50                                                              50
                                                                         r = 0.224, r2 = 0.059, p < 0.001                                r = 0.639, r2 = 0.408, p < 0.001
                                                                    40                                                              40

                                                     Body fat (%)

                                                                                                                     Body fat (%)
                                                                    30                                                              30

                                                                    20                                                              20

                                                                    10                                                              10

                                                                     0                                                               0
                                                                         1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7                                 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
                                                     a                              Height (m)                       b                            Weight (kg)

                                                                    50                                                              50
                                                                         r = 0.791, r2 = 0.625, p < 0.001                                r = 0.637, r2 = 0.406, p < 0.001
                                                                    40                                                              40
                                                     Body fat (%)

                                                                                                                     Body fat (%)
                                                                    30                                                              30

                                                                    20                                                              20

                                                                    10                                                              10

                                                                     0                                                               0
Fig. 2. Correlations between percentage                                  10    15    20    25 30        35   40                          20    40      60    80     100     120
of body fat with height (a), weight (b), BMI         c                                BMI (kg/m2)                    d                         Waist circumference (cm)
(c) and waist circumference (d). S = Girls,
U = boys.

Table 2. Determinants of excessive adiposity and overweight: three binary logistic regression models

Variables                                      Multivariate odds ratios (95% CI)
                                               overweight/obesitya                    PBF in the highest quartileb                  BMI in the highest quartilec

Female gender                                  NS                                     5.60 (3.22–9.77)                              NS
First-degree relative with obesity             2.26 (1.40–3.64)                       2.59 (1.41–4.74)                              2.50 (1.40–4.44)
Sedentary lifestyle                            1.58 (1.05–2.37)                       NS                                            1.95 (1.24–3.05)
Third child or more in offspring               1.59 (1.02–2.47)                       2.07 (1.22–3.51)                              NS
    BMI = Body mass index; PBF = percentage of body fat; NS =                                  Hosmer-Lemeshow test for goodness-of-fit in the final step
non-significant variable, hence, not appearing as predictor after                        of the regression model: 2 = 5.67, 6 d.f., p = 0.46. Only significant
multivariate analysis, but included in prediction models as a con-                       predictors are shown. Adjusted for age, birth weight, duration of
founder.                                                                                 breastfeeding, maternal age, sedentary lifestyle and family his-
      Hosmer-Lemeshow test for goodness-of-fit in the final step                         tory of diabetes mellitus.
of the regression model: 2 = 1.14, 6 d.f., p = 0.98. Only significant                        c
                                                                                               Hosmer-Lemeshow test for goodness-of-fit in the final step
predictors are shown. Adjusted for age, gender, birth weight, du-                        of the regression model: 2 = 0.03, 2 d.f., p = 0.99. Only significant
ration of breastfeeding, maternal age and family history of diabe-                       predictors are shown. Adjusted for age, gender, birth weight, du-
tes mellitus.                                                                            ration of breastfeeding, maternal age, being the third child or
                                                                                         more in offspring and family history of diabetes mellitus.

230                     Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232                                                                 Basaldúa/Chiquete
ative with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the   tions in weight [26]. However, with the methodology used
antecedent of obesity in family members was the con-           in this study we could not account for other non-system-
stant predictor for the three measures of overweight.          atic physical activities like playing outside or bicycle rid-
                                                               ing, as these activities were very inconstant in nature and
                                                               duration in the sample studied, but that can indeed affect
   Discussion                                                  energy expenditure [26].
                                                                   The constant predictor of the three measures of exces-
    We found a high relative frequency of overweight/obe-      sive adiposity was having a first-degree relative with obe-
sity. Over the past years, the prevalence of pediatric over-   sity. This risk factor has been identified iteratively [11, 12,
weight has risen dramatically, so that 115% of the chil-       27] and underscores the impact of genes and a shared life-
dren are now considered overweight [22]. Our findings          style on the accumulation of adipose tissue. The exact
are in agreement with previous reports about the preva-        meaning of being the third child or younger in offspring
lence of overweight in Mexican children [17, 18]. Compa-       and its relationship with overweight could not be deter-
rable dietary patterns are shared between persons living       mined with the original methodology of our study. A
in the North of Mexico with those of southern USA [15,         plausible explanation to this finding may be that with a
17], but, as is shown in the present report, with a higher     large offspring the breastfeeding practice becomes more
frequency of overweight in the Mexican people, as com-         difficult, leaving without this protective factor for child-
pared with US inhabitants [22]. It has been demonstrated       hood overweight [28] to the younger offspring. This find-
that similar dietary habits in persons living in the same      ing, however, deserves more exploration, since we did not
region, but with distinct backgrounds (i.e., race), are as-    assess breastfeeding practices on patient’s siblings. An-
sociated with a higher frequency of overweight [23]. In a      other deficiency that can be accounted on our study is the
previous study on 1,350 children from the North of Mex-        method used to assess body fat content (i.e., bioimped-
ico, a 39% prevalence of overweight was found and a risk       ance), which, although simple, inexpensive and accept-
factor related to this condition was the regular ‘crossing’    ably reliable when analyzing large cohorts [21], it is not
from Mexico to USA [17]. Different genes concurring in         the most accurate method to estimate adiposity.
a similar environment imply different interactions and             In summary, common variables included in a regular
consequences on health [24].                                   history-taking can predict childhood adiposity and the
    In the present report, except for a more sedentary life-   high risk of obesity in adulthood. In a population with
style and a higher body fat content in the female gender,      high prevalence of obesity, the constant predictor of over-
there were no relevant differences between genders. Sed-       weight in childhood is the family history of this condi-
entarism is a risk factor that is more common in girls than    tion, which might underscore the importance of heritage
in boys [25] and together with the hormonal changes that       or more likely the shared dietary and exercise habits.
characterize puberty, it may contribute to the higher body     Identification of children at risk before they develop ex-
fat content observed in girls. We found that independent       cessive adiposity is necessary to prevent unhealthy prac-
predictors of overweight/obesity were having a first-de-       tices that led to a positive energy balance.
gree relative with obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and being
the third child or younger in offspring. Factors associated
with PBF differed in that sedentarism was replaced by the         Acknowledgments
female gender, as a predictor. On the other hand, BMI in
                                                                  The authors are indebted to Dr. Sandra M. De la Herrán and
the highest quartile was associated with a sedentary life-
                                                               Dr. Martín A. Grijalva for their invaluable efforts and assistance
style and the family history of obesity. A concern may         in anthropometry, interviews and important suggestions to this
arise on whether a sedentary lifestyle may be the conse-       work. Also, the authors gratefully acknowledge the interest for
quence of excess weight rather than a cause. Indeed, with      this study of the school authorities, directors and personnel of the
the cross-sectional design of this study we can only con-      local health system in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora; as well as the
                                                               children’s parents.
clude that a lower physical activity is present in over-
weight children, but cannot assess whether the sedentary
lifestyle has preceded the weight gain. Recently it has
been demonstrated that variations in posture and simple
movements that are associated with the routines of daily
life could be biologically determined and precede varia-

Predicting Excessive Adiposity in                              Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232                                  231

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11. obesity in children from sonora

  • 1. Original Paper Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232 Received: January 23, 2007 Accepted: October 4, 2007 DOI: 10.1159/000140514 Published online: June 19, 2008 Common Predictors of Excessive Adiposity in Children from a Region with High Prevalence of Overweight Nancy Basaldúa Erwin Chiquete Hospital Civil de Guadalajara ‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México Key Words having first-degree relatives with obesity (OR 2.59, 95% CI Adiposity Body mass index Overweight children 1.41–4.74), female gender (OR 5.60, 95% CI 3.22–9.77) and be- Obesity, Mexico Overweight, risk factors ing the third child or younger in offspring (OR 2.07, 95% CI 1.22–3.51). These effects could not be explained by social class, ethnicity, maternal age and duration of breastfeeding. Abstract Conclusions: Risk factors easily identified by history-taking Aim: To identify risk factors other than energy intake or can predict childhood adiposity and the high risk of obesity expenditure that can predict adiposity and overweight in in adulthood. Having a first-degree relative with obesity un- children from a region with high prevalence of obesity. derscores the impact of genes and the family lifestyle on ex- Methods: We studied 551 children aged 6–12 years (50.5% cessive adiposity. Being the third child or younger may de- girls) from a city in the North of Mexico. Tetrapolar bioimped- note different nurture practices in offspring; however, this ance was used to assess body fat content. Overweight was factor deserves more exploration. estimated by analysis of age- and gender-standardized body Copyright © 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel mass index (BMI) relative to reference data of the Interna- tional Obesity Task Force (BMIs that predict obesity in adult- hood). Multivariate analyses were modeled to find indepen- Introduction dent predictors of adiposity. Results: The frequency of overweight/obesity was 37.6%. There were no differences The prevalence of childhood overweight has increased between genders with respect to weight, height and BMI; in most populations [1]. This picture is also observed in however, age-standardized percentage of body fat and a low-income countries, where undernutrition is still a ma- sedentary lifestyle were higher in girls than in boys (p ! jor issue [2–5]. These problems integrate the paradox of 0.001). Independent predictors of overweight/obesity were the low-income populations living the transition towards having first-degree relatives with obesity [adjusted odds ra- a developed or ‘occidental’ lifestyle, in which both obe- tio (OR) 2.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.40–3.64], seden- sity and undernutrition concur affecting the less privi- tary lifestyle (OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.05–2.37) and being the third leged classes [2, 6]. child or younger in offspring (OR 1.59, 95% CI 1.02–2.47). Pre- It is commonly thought that the medical illnesses as- dictors of body fat in the highest quartile of the sample were sociated with obesity preferentially affect to adults; how- © 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Erwin Chiquete 0250–6807/08/0523–0227$24.50/0 Subdirección General de Enseñanza e Investigación Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Hospital Civil de Guadalajara ‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’ E-Mail Accessible online at: Hospital 278, Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44280 (México) Tel./Fax +52 33 3613 3951, E-Mail
  • 2. ever, in recent years it has been demonstrated that most ational physical activities), for at least 3 days per week. For an- of the biological conditions that mediate the harmful thropometrics, children were measured in light sportwear after they had emptied their bladders. Height was measured without consequences of the excessive amount of adipose tissue shoes to the nearest 0.5 cm using a wall-mounted metric rule. also occur early in life [7–11]. Childhood overweight pre- Waist and hip circumferences (cm) were measured with an an- dicts obesity in the following decades [12, 13] and implies thropometric tape. Waist was measured at the minimum cir- a high risk of cardiovascular disease and early mortality cumference between the iliac crest and the rib cage, below the in adulthood [11]. Therefore, prevention and effective sternum. The hip measurement was taken at the maximum pos- terior protrusion of the buttocks, around the greater trochanter. treatment of overweight in children is essential to pro- Weight and body fat content were assessed by bioimpedance mote a longer and healthier lifespan. analysis (BIA) with a four-pole impedance meter at 800 mAmp There are several reports that have described deter- and 50 kHz (BIA 310 Bioimpedance Analyzer, Biodynamics, Se- minants of childhood overweight, mainly lifestyle hab- attle, Wash., USA), at least 2 h after food ingestion. This instru- its [14–16]. Nevertheless, little is known on whether ment has a maximum possible difference between any two mea- surements for the same subject of 0.68 kg [95% confidence inter- common early factors, other than caloric intake and en- val (CI) 0.58–0.84 kg] for estimation of body fat content in ergy expenditure can predict adiposity in children per- children [21]. Children were asked to stand barefoot and without taining to a population with a high prevalence of over- metals on an insulating sole, and electrodes were placed in the weight. Therefore, we sought to identify independent four limbs, as corresponded. Gender and height details were en- predictors of adiposity in childhood and of the high risk tered manually into the electronic system via a keyboard. Body weight and total as well as percentage body fat (PBF) were esti- of obesity in adulthood, in a cohort of schoolchildren mated using the standard built-in prediction algorithms for from a region in the North of Mexico with one of the children. The printed report provided readings of fat mass, lean highest prevalences of overweight in children and adults mass, bone mineral content, total body mass (sum of fat mass, [17–19]. lean mass and bone mineral content), body mass index (BMI) and PBF. The whole body scan time was 2–3 min. Overweight was estimated by comparing BMI standardized for age and sex, relative to reference data of the International Obesity Task Force Materials and Methods (IOTF, standardized BMI cut-off points that predict overweight and obesity at age 18 years) [13]. Study Population This cross-sectional study was performed between February Statistical Analysis and July 2004, in the urban population of Magdalena de Kino, The main dependent variables were PBF and the composite State of Sonora. This city in the North of Mexico has a total pop- overweight/obesity, defined as the current BMI that predicts a fu- ulation of about 24,447 inhabitants and is located at 80 km (49.6 ture BMI 625 when adult, according to IOTF reference tables miles) from the frontier with the USA. The city of Magdalena de [13]. BMI and PBF were divided in percentiles, taking the highest Kino has 33.5% of people aged !15 years [20], and pertain to a quartiles (percentile 75th or more) as dependent variables. Pear- state of the Mexican Republic with an estimated prevalence of son 2 and Fisher exact tests were used to assess nominal variables overweight and obesity combined of near 35%, in persons aged in bivariate and homogeneity analyses. To compare quantitative 3–17 years [18]. The internal Committee of Ethics of our institu- variables between two groups, Student’s t test and Mann-Whitney tion approved the present study. Informed consent was obtained U test were performed in distributions of parametric and non- from the children’s parents or legal proxy. parametric variables, respectively. Pearson correlation was used in continuous variables (e.g. BMI, body fat content, height, weight, Design and other somatometric variables). To find independent predic- Parents and teachers of children from 2 public institutions of tors of adiposity, BMI in the highest quartile of the sample and of the 16 elementary schools (either public or private) of the city were overweight/obesity, multivariate models were constructed by asked for their alumni to participate in the analysis (669 children stepwise logistic regression. Input variables were those that re- aged 6–13 years). Parents of 551 (82.3%) children responded to our sulted significantly associated with adiposity in bivariate analy- request. A standardized, structured questionnaire was used to ses, but demographic variables and known risk factors for over- collect data directly from the parents regarding demography, rel- weight (other than caloric intake) were also included in logistic evant antecedents and current alimentary and exercise habits. regression analyses for adjustment, as potential confounders. Ad- The questionnaire was administered as an interview by trained justed odds ratios with the respective 95% CIs are provided. The personnel. Informed consent was obtained from the parents or fitness of the models was evaluated by using the Hosmer-Leme- legal proxies. show goodness-of-fit test, which was considered as reliable if p 1 0.2. All p values are two-sided and considered significant when Anthropometry and Assessment of Body Fat Content p ! 0.05. SPSS Version 13.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., A sedentary lifestyle was defined as 13 h per day spent sitting USA) was used for all statistical calculations. down during leisure time (i.e., television watching, computer use, and similar activities) in a child who is not engaged in a sys- tematic exercise practice (i.e., sports, dance, and other recre- 228 Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232 Basaldúa/Chiquete
  • 3. Table 1. Main characteristics of the 551 children analyzed Variable Total Girls (n = 278) Boys (n = 273) p valuea Age, median (range), years 9 (6–12) 9 (6–12) 9 (6–12) 0.58 Age, years 8.981.8 8.981.8 8.981.8 0.59 Child number 3 or more in offspring, n (%) 124 (28.9) 59 (26.6) 65 (31.4) 0.27 First-degree relative with obesity, n (%) 307 (71.7) 157 (69.8) 150 (73.9) 0.34 First-degree relative with diabetes, n (%) 225 (52.6) 120 (53.3) 105 (51.7) 0.74 Sedentary lifestyle, n (%)b 187 (43.7) 122 (54.2) 65 (32) <0.001 Height, m 1.3580.12 1.3580.13 1.3480.12 0.14 Weight, kg 35.1812.1 35.4812.2 34.9812.1 0.65 Waist circumference, cm 66.7810.5 66.2810.4 66.4810.6 0.51 BMI, kg/m2 18.784.0 18.683.9 18.984.1 0.51 BMI in the highest quartile, n (%) 138 (25) 69 (24.8) 69 (25.3) 0.90 PBF 17.487.3 20.486.4 14.487.0 <0.001 PBF in the highest quartile, n (%) 124 (24.7) 95 (37.5) 29 (11.6) <0.001 Overweight/obesity, n (%)c 207 (37.6) 106 (38.1) 101 (37) 0.78 Obesity, n (%)c 73 (13) 31 (11.2) 42 (15.4) 0.14 b BMI = Body mass index; PBF = percentage of body fat. >3 h per day spent sitting down during leisure time (i.e., oth- a p value for differences between boys and girls; Pearson 2 , er than school hours) and absence of systematic exercise practice Student t test (for means) or Mann-Whitney U test (for medians), (i.e., sports, dance, and similar activities). as corresponded. c Current BMI that predicts overweight or obesity in adult- hood, according to the International Obesity Task Force reference tables. Results 60 A total of 551 children aged 6–12 years were included Homogeneity, p = 0.02 * in the final analysis (table 1). All the children were of Lat- 50 * Frequency (%) 40 in-American ethnicity and their family had an annual * * income of USD !15,000. 30 * Age, ethnicity, social class, relevant antecedents, 20 height, weight, BMI, waist circumferences, the relative 10 frequency of obesity and the composite overweight/obe- 0 sity did not differ according to gender. However, seden- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Age (years) tary lifestyle and a high body fat content were more fre- quent in girls than in boys (table 1). Although the natural increment of BMI with every year of age was identified, Fig. 1. Distribution of the percentage of body fat in the highest the relative frequency of overweight/obesity was homo- quartile across the age groups in girls (g), boys (k) and both geneous across the age groups. PBF standardized as in- genders combined (i). * p ! 0.05. crements of 1 year remained higher in girls than in boys in age 6, and from 8 to 11 years (in all, p ! 0.01), but not in age 7 and 12 years (fig. 1). As expected, PBF positively correlated with height, weight, BMI and waist circumference (fig. 2). Age also relative with obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and being the moderately correlated with PBF (r = 0.174, r2 = 0.030, p ! third child or more in offspring. Independent predictors 0.001) and total body fat content (r = 0.426, r2 = 0.181, of PBF in the highest quartile were female gender, having p ! 0.001). a first-degree relative with obesity and being the third After multivariate analyses (table 2), independent pre- child or more in offspring. BMI in the highest quartile dictors of overweight/obesity were having a first-degree was predicted only by the antecedent of a first-degree rel- Predicting Excessive Adiposity in Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232 229 Children
  • 4. 50 50 r = 0.224, r2 = 0.059, p < 0.001 r = 0.639, r2 = 0.408, p < 0.001 40 40 Body fat (%) Body fat (%) 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 a Height (m) b Weight (kg) 50 50 r = 0.791, r2 = 0.625, p < 0.001 r = 0.637, r2 = 0.406, p < 0.001 40 40 Body fat (%) Body fat (%) 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Fig. 2. Correlations between percentage 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 20 40 60 80 100 120 of body fat with height (a), weight (b), BMI c BMI (kg/m2) d Waist circumference (cm) (c) and waist circumference (d). S = Girls, U = boys. Table 2. Determinants of excessive adiposity and overweight: three binary logistic regression models Variables Multivariate odds ratios (95% CI) overweight/obesitya PBF in the highest quartileb BMI in the highest quartilec Female gender NS 5.60 (3.22–9.77) NS First-degree relative with obesity 2.26 (1.40–3.64) 2.59 (1.41–4.74) 2.50 (1.40–4.44) Sedentary lifestyle 1.58 (1.05–2.37) NS 1.95 (1.24–3.05) Third child or more in offspring 1.59 (1.02–2.47) 2.07 (1.22–3.51) NS b BMI = Body mass index; PBF = percentage of body fat; NS = Hosmer-Lemeshow test for goodness-of-fit in the final step non-significant variable, hence, not appearing as predictor after of the regression model: 2 = 5.67, 6 d.f., p = 0.46. Only significant multivariate analysis, but included in prediction models as a con- predictors are shown. Adjusted for age, birth weight, duration of founder. breastfeeding, maternal age, sedentary lifestyle and family his- a Hosmer-Lemeshow test for goodness-of-fit in the final step tory of diabetes mellitus. of the regression model: 2 = 1.14, 6 d.f., p = 0.98. Only significant c Hosmer-Lemeshow test for goodness-of-fit in the final step predictors are shown. Adjusted for age, gender, birth weight, du- of the regression model: 2 = 0.03, 2 d.f., p = 0.99. Only significant ration of breastfeeding, maternal age and family history of diabe- predictors are shown. Adjusted for age, gender, birth weight, du- tes mellitus. ration of breastfeeding, maternal age, being the third child or more in offspring and family history of diabetes mellitus. 230 Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232 Basaldúa/Chiquete
  • 5. ative with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the tions in weight [26]. However, with the methodology used antecedent of obesity in family members was the con- in this study we could not account for other non-system- stant predictor for the three measures of overweight. atic physical activities like playing outside or bicycle rid- ing, as these activities were very inconstant in nature and duration in the sample studied, but that can indeed affect Discussion energy expenditure [26]. The constant predictor of the three measures of exces- We found a high relative frequency of overweight/obe- sive adiposity was having a first-degree relative with obe- sity. Over the past years, the prevalence of pediatric over- sity. This risk factor has been identified iteratively [11, 12, weight has risen dramatically, so that 115% of the chil- 27] and underscores the impact of genes and a shared life- dren are now considered overweight [22]. Our findings style on the accumulation of adipose tissue. The exact are in agreement with previous reports about the preva- meaning of being the third child or younger in offspring lence of overweight in Mexican children [17, 18]. Compa- and its relationship with overweight could not be deter- rable dietary patterns are shared between persons living mined with the original methodology of our study. A in the North of Mexico with those of southern USA [15, plausible explanation to this finding may be that with a 17], but, as is shown in the present report, with a higher large offspring the breastfeeding practice becomes more frequency of overweight in the Mexican people, as com- difficult, leaving without this protective factor for child- pared with US inhabitants [22]. It has been demonstrated hood overweight [28] to the younger offspring. This find- that similar dietary habits in persons living in the same ing, however, deserves more exploration, since we did not region, but with distinct backgrounds (i.e., race), are as- assess breastfeeding practices on patient’s siblings. An- sociated with a higher frequency of overweight [23]. In a other deficiency that can be accounted on our study is the previous study on 1,350 children from the North of Mex- method used to assess body fat content (i.e., bioimped- ico, a 39% prevalence of overweight was found and a risk ance), which, although simple, inexpensive and accept- factor related to this condition was the regular ‘crossing’ ably reliable when analyzing large cohorts [21], it is not from Mexico to USA [17]. Different genes concurring in the most accurate method to estimate adiposity. a similar environment imply different interactions and In summary, common variables included in a regular consequences on health [24]. history-taking can predict childhood adiposity and the In the present report, except for a more sedentary life- high risk of obesity in adulthood. In a population with style and a higher body fat content in the female gender, high prevalence of obesity, the constant predictor of over- there were no relevant differences between genders. Sed- weight in childhood is the family history of this condi- entarism is a risk factor that is more common in girls than tion, which might underscore the importance of heritage in boys [25] and together with the hormonal changes that or more likely the shared dietary and exercise habits. characterize puberty, it may contribute to the higher body Identification of children at risk before they develop ex- fat content observed in girls. We found that independent cessive adiposity is necessary to prevent unhealthy prac- predictors of overweight/obesity were having a first-de- tices that led to a positive energy balance. gree relative with obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and being the third child or younger in offspring. Factors associated with PBF differed in that sedentarism was replaced by the Acknowledgments female gender, as a predictor. On the other hand, BMI in The authors are indebted to Dr. Sandra M. De la Herrán and the highest quartile was associated with a sedentary life- Dr. Martín A. Grijalva for their invaluable efforts and assistance style and the family history of obesity. A concern may in anthropometry, interviews and important suggestions to this arise on whether a sedentary lifestyle may be the conse- work. Also, the authors gratefully acknowledge the interest for quence of excess weight rather than a cause. Indeed, with this study of the school authorities, directors and personnel of the the cross-sectional design of this study we can only con- local health system in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora; as well as the children’s parents. clude that a lower physical activity is present in over- weight children, but cannot assess whether the sedentary lifestyle has preceded the weight gain. Recently it has been demonstrated that variations in posture and simple movements that are associated with the routines of daily life could be biologically determined and precede varia- Predicting Excessive Adiposity in Ann Nutr Metab 2008;52:227–232 231 Children
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