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Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): Substance
produced by the unborn baby as it grows
inside the uterus.
Amino acids: Substances that act as
building blocks in the developing embryo
and fetus.
Amniocentesis: Removal of amniotic
fluid from the amniotic sac. Fluid is tested
for some genetic defects
Amnion: Membrane around the fetus. It
surrounds the amniotic cavity.
Amniotic fluid: Liquid surrounding the
baby inside the amniotic sac.
Amniotic fluid
Amniotic sac: Sac that surrounds
baby inside the uterus. It contains
the baby, the placenta and the
amniotic fluid.
Amniotic sac
Anencephaly: Defective development of
the brain combined with the absence of
the bones normally surrounding the brain.
Anovulatory: Lack of or cessation of

Areola:      Pigmented   or   colored   ring
surrounding the nipple of the breast.
Arrhythmia:     Irregular   or    missed
Aspiration: Swallowing or sucking a
foreign body or fluid, such as vomit, into
an airway.
Auto antibodies: Antibodies that attack
parts of your body or your own tissues.
Atonic uterus: Flaccid; relaxed; lack of
Bilirubin: Breakdown product of pigment
formed in the liver from hemoglobin
during the destruction of red blood cells.

Biophysical      profile:    Method      of
evaluating a fetus before birth.
Biopsy: Removal of a small piece of
tissue for microscopic study.
Blastomere: One of the cells egg divides
into after it has been fertilized.
Bloody show: Small amount of vaginal
bleeding   late   in   pregnancy;   often
precedes labor.
Bloody show
Braxton-Hicks contractions: Irregular,
painless   tightening   of   uterus   during

Cataract, congenital: Cloudiness of the
eye lens present at birth.
Breech presentation: Abnormal position
of the fetus. Buttocks or legs come into
the birth canal ahead of the head.
Breech presentation
Cesarean section (delivery): Delivery of
a baby through an abdominal incision
rather than through the vagina.
Cesarean section
Chadwick's sign: Dark-blue or purple
discoloration of the mucosa of the vagina
and cervix during pregnancy.
Chloasma: Extensive brown patches of
irregular shape and size on the face or
other parts of the body.
Choriocarcinoma:    Highly   malignant
cancer that grows in the uterus during
pregnancy or at the site of an ectopic

Chorion: Outermost fetal membrane
found around the amnion.
Chorionic villus sampling: Diagnostic
test done early in pregnancy. A biopsy of
tissue is taken from inside the uterus
through the cervical opening to determine
abnormalities of pregnancy.

Colostrum: Thin, yellow fluid, which is
the first milk to come from the breast.
Chorionic villus sampling
Colostrum: Thin, yellow fluid, which is
the first milk to come from the breast.
Conization of the cervix: Surgical
procedure performed on premalignant
and malignant conditions of the cervix. A
large biopsy of the cervix is taken in the
shape of a cone.
Conization of the cervix
Conjoined twins: Twins connected at
the body; they may share vital organs.
Also called Siamese twins.
Conjoined twins
Constipation: Bowel movements are
infrequent or incomplete.

Contraction stress test: Response of
fetus to uterine contractions to evaluate
fetal well-being.
Contraction stress test
Corpusluteum: Area in the ovary where
the egg is released at ovulation.
Crown-to-rump length: Measurement
from the top of the baby's head to the
buttocks of the baby.
Crown-to-rump length
Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder.

Cytomegalovirus      (CMV)     infection:
Group of viruses from the herpes virus
D&C     (dilatation   and    curettage):
Surgical procedure in which the cervix is
dilated and the lining of the uterus is
Dilatation and curettage
Developmental delay: Condition in
which the development of the baby or
child is slower than normal.
Diastasis recti: Separation of abdominal
Diastasis recti
Dizygotic twins: Twins derived from two
different eggs. Often called fraternal
Dizygotic twins
Dysplasia:     Abnormal,     precancerous
changes in the cells of the cervix.
Dysuria: Difficulty or pain urinating.
EDC (estimated date of confinement):
Anticipated due date for delivery of the
baby. Calculated from the first day of the
last menstrual period.

Eclampsia: Convulsions and coma in a
woman with pre-eclampsia. Not related to
Ectodermal germ layer: Layer in the
developing embryo that gives rise to
developing structures in the fetus. These
include skin, teeth and glands of the
mouth, the nervous system and the
pituitary gland.
Ectodermal germ layer
Ectopic pregnancy: Pregnancy that
occurs outside the uterine cavity.
Ectopic pregnancy
Effacement: Thinning of cervix.
Embryo: Organism in the early stages of

Embryonic period: First 10 weeks of
Endodermal germ layer: Area of tissue
in early development of the embryo that
gives rise to other structures. These
include the digestive tract, respiratory
organs, vagina, bladder and urethra.
Also called endoderm or entoderm.
Endometrial          cycle:        Regular
development of the mucous membrane
lining the inside of the uterus. It begins
with the preparation for acceptance of a
pregnancy and ends with the shedding of
the lining during a menstrual period.
Endometrium: Mucous membrane that
lines inside of the uterine wall.
Engorgement: Congested; filled with

Enzyme: Protein made by cells. It acts as
a catalyst to improve or cause chemical
changes in other substances.
Epidural block: Type of anesthesia.
Medication is injected around the spinal
cord during labor or other types of
Epidural block
Episiotomy: Surgical incision of the
vulva (area behind the vagina, above the
rectum). Used during delivery to avoid
tearing or laceration of the vaginal
opening and rectum.
Face presentation: Baby comes into the
birth canal face first.
Face presentation
Fallopian tube: Tube that leads from the
cavity of the uterus to the area of the
ovary. Also called uterine tube.
False labor: Tightening of uterus without
dilatation of the cervix.
Fasting blood sugar: Blood test to
evaluate the amount of sugar in the blood
following a time period of fasting.
Joining of the
sperm and egg.
Fertilization age

Dating a pregnancy from the time of
fertilization. 2 weeks earlier than the
gestational age.
Fetal anomaly: Fetal malformation or
abnormal development.

Fetal goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid
in the fetus.
Fetal-growth retardation (IUGR)

growth    of    the
fetus during the
last   stages    of
Fetal monitor: Device used before or
during labor to listen to and record the
fetal   heartbeat.   Can   be    external
monitoring (through maternal abdomen)
or internal monitoring (through maternal
vagina) of the baby inside the uterus.
Fetal monitor
Fetus: Refers to the unborn baby after
10 weeks of gestation until birth.
Fetal period: Time period following
the embryonic period (first 10 weeks of
gestation) until birth.
Fetal period
Forceps: Instrument used to help
remove baby from the birth canal
during delivery.
Frank breech: Baby presenting buttocks
first. Legs are flexed and knees extended.
Genetic    counseling:     Consultation
between a couple and a specialist about
genetic defects and the possibility of
genetic problems in a pregnancy.
Genital      herpes     simplex:      Herpes
simplex infection involving the genital
area.   It   can   be   significant   during
pregnancy because of the danger to a
newborn fetus infected with herpes
Genitourinary problems: Defects or
problems involving genital organs and
the bladder or kidneys.
Gestational age

Dating a pregnancy from the first day
of the last menstrual period; 2 weeks
longer than fertilization age.
Gestational diabetes

Occurrence or worsening of diabetes
during pregnancy (gestation).
Gestational     trophoblastic       disease
(GTN): Abnormal pregnancy with cystic
growth of the placenta. Characterized by
bleeding     during   early   and    middle
Gestational trophoblastic
     disease (GTN)
Glucose-tolerance test: Blood test
done to evaluate the body's response
to sugar.

Glucosuria: Glucose in the urine.
Gonorrhea:         Contagious         venereal
infection,     transmitted    primarily     by
intercourse. Caused by the bacteria
Neisseria gonorrhea.

Group-B        streptococcal         infection:
Serious      infection   occurring     in   the
mother's vagina and throat.
Habitual    abortion:   Occurrence   of
three      or   more      spontaneous
Habitual abortion
Heartburn: Discomfort or pain that
occurs in the chest. Often occurs after
Hematocrit: Determines the proportion of
blood cells to plasma. Important in
diagnosing anemia.
Hemoglobin: Pigment in red blood cell
that carries oxygen to body tissues.
Hematocrit: Determines the proportion
of blood cells to plasma. Important in
diagnosing anemia.

Hemoglobin: Pigment in red blood cell
that carries oxygen to body tissues.
Hemolytic disease: Destruction of red
blood cells.

Hemorrhoids: Dilated blood vessels in
the rectum or rectal canal.
Human    chorionic   gonadatropin
(HCG): Hormone produced in early
pregnancy. Measured in a pregnancy
Human placental lactogen: Hormone
of pregnancy produced by the placenta.
Found in the bloodstream.

Hyaline      membrane        disease:
Respiratory disease of the newborn
Hydramnios: Increased amniotic fluid.
accumulation         of
fluid   around     the
brain of the baby.
Sometimes        called
water on the brain.
Hyperbilirubinemia:        Extremely    high
level of bilirubin in the blood.

Hyperemesis        gravidarum:       Severe
nausea, dehydration and vomiting during
pregnancy.     Occurs     most     frequently
during the first trimester.

Hyperglycemia: Increased blood sugar.
Hypertension: Pregnancy-induced-high
blood   pressure    that   occurs    during
pregnancy. Defined by an increase in the
diastolic and/or systolic blood pressure.

Hyperthyroidism:      Elevation     of   the
thyroid hormone in the bloodstream.
Hypoplasia: Defective or incomplete
development or formation of tissue.

Hypotension: Low blood pressure.

Hypothyroidism: Low or inadequate
levels   of   thyroid   hormone   in   the
Immune        globulin         preparation:
Substance    used    to   protect   against
infection with certain diseases, such as
hepatitis or measles.

In utero: Within the uterus.
Incompetent cervix : Cervix that is
unable to remain closed until pregnancy
reaches term because of a mechanical
defect in the cervix resulting in the
dilatation and effacement usually second
or early third trimester of pregnancy.
Incompetent cervix
Incomplete abortion: Miscarriage in
which part, but not all, of the uterine
contents are expelled.
Incomplete abortion
Inevitable     abortion:     Pregnancy
complicated     with     bleeding    and
cramping.      Usually     results    in
Insulin: Peptide hormone made by the
pancreas.   It   promotes   the   use   of

Invasive squamous-cell carcinoma:
Cancer of the cervix that extends beyond
the cervix into surrounding tissues or
deeper layers.
Iron-deficiency      anemia:       Anemia
produced by lack of iron in the diet. Often
seen in pregnancy.
Isoimmunization:     Development     of
specific antibody directed at the red
blood cells of another individual, such
as a baby in utero. Often occurs when
an Rh-negative woman carries an Rh-
positive baby or is given Rh-positive
Jaundice: Yellow staining of the skin,
sclera (eyes) and deeper tissues of the
body. Caused by excessive amounts of
bilirubin. Treated with phototherapy.
Ketones:      Breakdown         product   of
metabolism     found       in   the   blood,
particularly in starvation or uncontrolled

Kidney stones: Small mass or lesion
found in the kidney or urinary tract. Can
block the flow of urine.
Laaoo: Process of expelling a fetus from
the uterus.

Laparoscopy: Minor surgical procedure
performed for tubal ligation, diagnosis of
pelvic pain or diagnosis of ectopic
Leukorrhea:      Vaginal      discharge
characterized by a white or yellowish
color. Primarily composed of mucus.

Lightening: Change in the shape of the
pregnant uterus a few weeks before
labor. Often described as the baby
Lineanigra:    Line    of   increased
pigmentation running down the abdomen
from the bellybutton to the pubic area
during pregnancy.
Linea nigra
Malignant GTN: Cancerous change of
gestational trophoblastic disease.

Mammogram:       X-ray   study   of   the
breasts to identify normal and abnormal
breast tissue.
Mask     of    pregnancy:    Increased
pigmentation over the area of the face
under each eye. Commonly has the
appearance of a butterfly.
Meconium: First intestinal discharge of
the newborn; green or yellow in colour. It
consists of epithelial or surface cells,
mucus and bile. Discharge may occur
before or during labor or soon after birth.
Melanoma: Pigmented mole or tumor. It
may or may not be cancerous.

Meningomyelocele: Congenital defect
of the central nervous system of the
baby. Membranes and the spinal cord
protrude through an opening or defect in
the vertebral column.
Menstruation: Regular or periodic discharge
of a bloody fluid from the uterus.
Mesodermal germ layer: Tissue of the
embryo that forms connective tissue,
muscles, kidneys, ureters and other organs.
Metaplasia: Change in the structure of a
tissue into another type that is not normal for
that tissue.
Abnormally small
development     of
the head in the
developing fetus.
Microphthalmia:   Abnormally   small
Miscarriage: Abortion.

Missed    abortion:   Failed      pregnancy
without bleeding or cramping. Often
diagnosed   by   ultrasound    weeks     or
months after a pregnancy fails.
Mittelschmerz: Pain that coincides with
release of an egg from the ovary.

Monilial     vulvovaginitis:        Infection
caused by yeast or monilia. Usually
affects the vagina and vulva.
Monozygotic twins: Twins conceived
from one egg. Often called identical

Morning      sickness:       Nausea     and
vomiting,    without   ill   health,   found
primarily during the first trimester of
Morula: Cells resulting from the early
division of the fertilized egg at the
beginning of pregnancy.
Mucus plug: Secretions in cervix; often
released just before labor.
Mutations: Change in the character of a
gene. Passed from one cell division to
Neural-tube defects: Abnormalities in
the development of the spinal cord and
brain   in   a   fetus.   Anencephaly;
Hydrocephalus; Spina bifida.
Lack              or
deficiency        of
amniotic fluid.
Presence              of
congenital          out-
pouching       of   the
umbilicus containing
internal organs in the
fetus     or   newborn
Organogenesis: Development of the
organ systems in the embryo.

Ossification: Bone formation.

Ovarian cycle: Regular production of
hormones from the ovary in response to
hormonal messages from the brain. The
ovarian cycle governs the endometrial
Ovulation: Cyclical production of an
egg from the ovary.

Oxytocin:    Medication   that   causes
uterine contractions.
Pap smear: A routine screening test that
evaluates the presence of premalignant
or cancerous conditions of the cervix.
Para cervical block: Local anesthetic for
cervical dilatation.
Para cervical block
Pelvimetry: Evaluation of the size of the
birth canal or pelvis. Performed by X-ray.
Physiologic anemia of pregnancy:
Anemia during pregnancy caused by an
increase in the amount of plasma (fluid)
in the blood compared to the number of
cells in the blood.
Placenta: Organ inside the uterus that is
attached to the baby by the umbilical
cord. Essential during pregnancy for
growth and development of the embryo
and fetus.
Placenta     accreta:    Placenta   that
attaches to muscle of uterus.

Placenta increta: Placenta that grows
into muscle of uterus.

Placenta    percreta:    Placenta   that
penetrates muscle of uterus.
Placenta previa: Low attachment of the
placenta, covering or very close to the

Placental abruption: Premature separation
of the placenta from the uterus.

Placentamegaly: Abnormally large growth
of the placenta during pregnancy.
Placenta previa
Placental   abruption:    Premature
separation of the placenta from the
Placental abruption
Placentamegaly:     Abnormally     large
growth of the placenta during pregnancy.
Pneumonitis:   Inflammation   of   the

Premature baby: Baby born before 37
Premature baby
Postnatal blues: Mild depression after

Postpartum depression: Depression
after delivery.
Postpartum depression
Postpartum     hemorrhage:   Bleeding
greater than 15 ounces (450ml) at time
of delivery.
Postpartum hemorrhage
Pre-eclampsia:       Combination       of
symptoms    significant   to   pregnancy,
including high blood pressure, edema,
swelling and changes in reflexes.
Premature delivery: Delivery before
37 weeks gestation.

Presentation: Describes which part of
the baby comes into the birth canal
Proteinuria: Protein in urine.
Pruritis   gravidarum:    Itching   during
Pubic symphysis: Bony prominence in
the pelvic bone found in the midline.
Landmark from which the doctor often
measures during pregnancy to follow
growth of the uterus.
Pubic symphysis
Pulmonary embolism: Blood clot from
another part of the body that travels to
the lungs. Can cause closed passages
in the lungs and decrease oxygen
Pulmonary embolism
Pyelonephritis:      Serious   kidney

Quickening: Feeling the baby move
inside the uterus.
Rh-negative:    Absence    of   rhesus
antibody in the blood.

RhoGAM: Medication given during
pregnancy and following delivery to
prevent isoimmunization.
Round-ligament pain: Pain caused by
stretching ligament on the sides of the
uterus during pregnancy.

Rupture of membranes: Loss of fluid
from   the   amniotic   sac.   Also   called
breaking of waters.
Spinabifida:    Congenital    abnormality
characterized by a defect in the vertebral
column. Membranes of the spinal cord
and the spinal cord protrude outside the
protective bony canal of the spine.

Spinal anesthesia: Anesthesia given in
the spinal canal.
Spontaneous      abortion:    Loss     of
pregnancy during the first 20 weeks of
Surfactant: Phospholipids present in the
lungs. Controls surface tension of lungs.
Premature babies often lack sufficient
amounts of surfactant to breathe without
Syphilis: Sexually transmitted venereal
infection caused by treponema pallidum.

Tay-Sachs disease: Inherited disease
characterized by mental and physical
retardation, convulsions, enlargement of
the head and eventually death.
Telangiectasias: Dilatation or swelling of
a small blood vessel. Sometimes called
an angioma. During pregnancy, another
common name is a spider angioma.

Teratogenic:       Causes       abnormal
Thalassemia:       Group   of     inherited
disorders of hemoglobin metabolism,
which results in a decrease in the amount
of hemoglobin formed.
Threatened abortion: Bleeding during
the first trimester of pregnancy without
cramping or contractions.
Thrombosis: Formation of a blood clot
Thrush:   Monilial   or   yeast   infection
occurring in the mouth or mucous
membranes of a newborn infant.

Tocolysis: Stopping contractions during
premature labor.

Toxoplasmosis: Infection caused by
toxoplasma gondii.
Transverse lie: Fetus is turned sideways
in uterus.

Trichomonal      vaginitis:     Venereal
infection caused by trichomonas.

Trimester: Method of dividing pregnancy
into three equal time periods of about 13
weeks each.
Trophoblast: Cell layer important in
early development of the embryo and
fetus. It provides nourishment from the
mother to the fetus and participates in the
formation of the placenta.
Umbilical cord: Cord that connects the
placenta to the developing baby. It
removes waste products and carbon
dioxide   from   the   baby   and   brings
oxygenated blood and nutrients from the
mother through the placenta to the baby.
Umbilical cord
Ureters: Tubes from the kidneys to the
bladder that drain urine.

Uterine atony: Lack of tone of uterus.

Uterus: Organ an embryo/fetus grows in.
Also called a womb.
Vacuum extractor: Device used to
provide traction on fetal head during
Vacuum extractor
Varicose veins: Blood vessels (veins)
that are dilated or enlarged.
Varicose veins
Vernix: Fatty substance made up of
epithelial cells that cover fetal skin inside
the uterus.
Vertex: Head first.

Villi:   Projection   from   a   mucous
membrane; most important within the
placenta in the exchange of nutrients
from maternal blood to the placenta and
Womb: Organ an embryo/fetus grows
in. Also called a uterus.

Zygote: Cell that results from the union
of a sperm and egg at fertilization
Abdominal Gestation : Implantation of a
fertilized ovum outside the uterus but
inside the peritoneal cavity.
Abdominal Gestation
Abortion : Termination of pregnancy
before the fetus is viable and capable of
extra uterine existence, usually less than
20 weeks of gestation or when the fetus
weighs less than 500 g.
Acini cells : Milk producing cells in the
AGA : Appropriate for Gestational Age.
Amnioinfusion : Infusion of normal saline
warmed to body temperature through an intra
uterine catheter into the uterine cavity in an
attempt to increase the fluid around the
umbilical cord and prevent compression during
uterine contractions.
Amnionitis : Inflammation of the
amnion, occurring most frequently after
early rupture of membrane.
Amniotic fluid embolism : Embolism
Resulting from amniotic fluid entering
The maternal blood stream during labor
and birth after rupture of Membranes.
Amniotomy : Artificial rupture of the
Fetal membranes (AROM).
Apt test : Differentiation of maternal
And fetal Blood when there is vaginal
Artificial rupture of membrane :
Rupture of membranes using a plastic
amnihook or surgical clamp.
Augmentation of labor : Artificial
Stimulation of uterine contractions after
labor has started spontaneously but it
is not progressing satisfactorily.
Biophysical     profile      :    Noninvasive
assessment     of      the   fetus   and     its
environment using ultrasonography and
uterine fetal monitoring; includes fetal
breathing    movements,          gross     body
movements,     fetal     tone,    FHR,     and
qualitative amniotic fluid volume.
Bishop’s score : Rating system to
evaluate inducibility of the cervix; a higher
score increases the rate of successful
induction of labor.
Bishop’s score
Cephalopelvic dispropotion : The accurate
definition   of   cephalopelvic   disproportion
(CPD) is when a baby's head or body is too
large to fit through the mother’s pelvis
Cerclage : Use of non-absorbable suture to
keep an incompetent cervix closed; released
when pregnancy is at term to allow labor to
Curettage : Scrapping of endometrium lining
of the uterus with a curette to remove the
contents of the uterus or to obtain specimens
for diagnostic
Daily Fetal Movement Counts : Maternal
assessment of fetal activity; the number of
fetal movements within specific time are
Disparate twins : Twins who are
different and distinct from one another.
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
(DIC) : Pathologic form of coagulation in
which clotting factors are consumed to an
extent that generalized bleeding can occur;
associated    with    Abruptio     Placentae,
eclampsia, intrauterine fetal demise, amniotic
fluid embolism, and hemorrhage.
Disseminated Intravascular
Dizygotic : Related to or proceeding from
two zygotes.

Dubowitz assessment : Estimation of

gestational age of a newborn based on
criteria developed for that purpose.
Dysfunctional labor : Abnormal uterine
contractions that prevent normal progress
of cervical dilatation and progress

Dysfunctional     Uterine     Bleeding      :
Abnormal bleeding from the uterus for
reasons that are not readily established.
Dystocia    :   Prolonged,   painful   or
difficult birth because of mechanical
factors produced by the passenger or
the passage, inadequate powers, or

maternal position.
Gynecology : Study of disease of the
female, especially of the genital, urinary
and rectal organs.

HELLP      syndrome        :    Condition
characterized by hemolysis, elevated
liver enzymes, and low platelet count; is
a form of severe eclampsia.
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction:
Weak,neffective uterine contractions usually
occurring in the Active phase of labor; often
related to CPD or Malposition of the fetus.
TAH-BSO : Total abdominal hysterectomy and
bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy; removal of
uterus, both tubes and ovaries.
External Cephalic Version (ECV) :
Turning the fetus to a vertex position by
exertion of pressure on the fetus
externally   through     the    maternal
External Cephalic Version (ECV)
Kangaroo Care : Skin-to-skin infant
care, especially for preterm infants,
which provides warmth to infant. Infant
is placed naked or diapered against
mother’s or father’s bare chest and is
covered with parent’s shirt or a warm
Kangaroo Care
Large for Dates (Large for gestational
age [LGA]): exhibiting excessive growth
for gestational age.
Large for Dates (Large for
 gestational age [LGA])
Low Birth Weight (LBW) : An infant
birth weight of less than 2500 g.
Low Birth Weight
Multigravida : Woman who has been
pregnant two or more times

Multipara : Women who has carried
two or more pregnancies to viability,
whether they ended in live infants or
Nulligravida : Women who has never
been pregnant.

Nullipara : Women who has not yet
carried a pregnancy to viability.
Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling
(PUBS) : Procedure during which the fetal
umbilical vessel is accessed for blood
sampling of for transfusions.
Percutaneous Umbilical
   Blood Sampling
Postdate Birth : Birth of an infant after
42 weeks of gestation.

Post-mature Infant : Infant born at or
after the beginning of week 43 of
gestation or later and exhibiting signs
of dysmaturity.
Precipitous Labor : Rapid or sudden labor of
less 3 hours beginning from onset of cervical
changes to completed birth of neonate.

Preeclampsia : Disease encountered after
20 weeks of gestation or early in the
puerperium; a vasospastic disease process
characterized by increasing hypertension,
proteinuria, and hemoconcentration
Pregestational Diabetes : Diabetes mellitus
type I or type II that exists before pregnancy

Pregnancy0Induced Hypertension (PIH) :
Hypertensive     disorders     of    pregnancy
including   preeclampsia,     eclampsia,    and
transient hypertension

Preterm Birth : Birth occurring before 37
weeks of gestation.
Preterm Rupture of Membranes :
Spontaneous rupture of membranes
before 37 weeks of gestation.

PROM : Premature (before 38 weeks
of gestation) rupture of members.
Preterm Rupture of Membranes
Prolapsed Cord : Protrusion of the
umbilical   cord in advance of the
presenting part.
Prolapsed Cord
Small for Dates (Small for gestational
age [SGA]) : Refers to inadequate
growth for gestational age.

Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes :
Rupture   of   membranes      by   natural
Stillbirth : The birth of a baby after 20
weeks of gestation and 1 day or 350 g.
(depending on the state code) that does not
show any signs of life.

Sub-involution : failure of a part (for
example, the uterus) to reduce to its normal
size and condition after enlargement form
functional activity (for example, pregnancy).
Tocolytic Drug : Drug used to relax the uterus, to
suppress preterm labor, or for version.
TORCH      Infections   :   Infections    caused   by
organisms that damage the embryo or fetus;
acronym for toxoplasmosis, other (for example,
syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes
Toxemia : Term previously used for hypertensive
states of pregnancy.
Uteroplacental Insufficiency (UPI) : Decline
in placental function-exchange of gases,
nutrients and wastes-leading to fetal hypoxia
and acidosis; evidenced by late fetal heart
rate decelerations in response to uterine

Vacuum Curettage : Uterine aspiration
method of early abortion
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) :
Giving birth vaginally after having had a
previous cesarean birth.

Vasectomy : Ligation or removal of a segment
of the vas deferens, usually done bilaterally to
produce sterility in the male.

Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) : Refers to
infant weighing 1500 g or less at birth.
Viable, Viability : Capable, capability of
living, as in a fetus that has reached a
stage   of   development,    usually   22
menstrual    weeks     (20    weeks     of
gestation), which will permit it to live
outside the uterus.
Puberty – It is the period of sexual
maturation accompanied by development
of secondary sexual characteristics and
the capacity to reproduce.

Menarche – Onset of Menstruation
Menstruation    –    Periodic   vaginal
discharge of bloody fluid from the non-
pregnant uterus ( From puberty to
menopause )
Amenorrhea       –     Absence       of
Gamete - Reproductive cell
Ovum – Female reproductive cell
Sperm – Male reproductive cell
Gametogenesis       –   Development      and
Maturation of the sperm and ovum
Spermatogenesis     –   Formation   of   male
gametes in the testes
Oogenesis – Formation of female gametes in
the ovary
Gonad – Reproductive gland that produces
gametes and sex hormones
Ovary – Female gonad
Testes – Male Gonad
Ovulation – Release of mature ovum from the
Pregnancy – Period between conception
through complete birth of products of
280 days in human
9 calendar months/ 10 lunar months
Coitus – Sexual union of male and female
   Ejaculation – Expulsion of semen from
   Conceptus – Cell & Membranes
    resulting from fertilization of the ovum at
    any stage of prenatal development
   Zygote – Cell formed by union of ovum
   Nidation – Implantation of the fertilized
    ovum in the uterine endometrium
   Embryo – The developing baby from the
    beginning of 3rd week through 8th week
    after conception
   Fetus - The developing baby from 9th
    week after conception until birth
 Endometrium – Lining of the uterus
 Decidua – Name of the Endometrium
  during pregnancy
   Placenta – Fetal structure that provides
    nourishment, removes wastes from the
    developing baby and secretes hormones
    necessary for the pregnancy to continue
   Abortion – A spontaneous or elective
    termination of pregnancy before 20th
    week of gestation
   Trimester – A division of pregnancy into
    3 equal parts
   Preterm birth – A birth that occurs after
    the 20th week & before the start of 38th
    week of gestation
   Quickening – The first movement of the
    fetus in the uterus felt by the mother
   Term birth – A birth that occurs between
    the 38th and 42 weeks of gestation
   Striae gravidarum - Irregular reddish
    streaks on the abdomen, breasts or
    thighs resulting from tare in connective
   Chloasma – Brownish pigmentation of
    the face during pregnancy - Mask of
   Braxton Hicks contractions – Irregular,
    mild uterine contractions that occur
    throughout the pregnancy
 A pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks’
 gestation, either spontaneously or electively.
 Miscarriage is a lay term for a spontaneous
       Artificial rupture of the amniotic sac
(fetal membranes).
     Relationship of fetal body parts to one
Bloody Show
Mixture of cervical mucus and blood from
ruptured capillaries in the cervix. Bloody show
often precedes labor and increases with
cervical dilation.
Braxton Hicks Contractions
      Irregular, mild uterine contractions that
occur throughout pregnancy. These
contractions become stronger in the last
Caput Succedaneum
       Area of edema over the presenting part of
the fetus or newborn, resulting from pressure
against the cervix. Usually called simply
      Appearance of the fetal scalp or
presenting part at the vaginal opening.
      Abbreviation for estimated date of
delivery. This date may also be abbreviated
EDB (estimated date of birth).
       Descent of the widest diameter of the
fetal presenting part to at least a zero station
(the level of the ischial spines in the maternal
      Surgical incision of the perineum to
enlarge the vaginal opening
     Space at the intersection of sutures
connecting fetal or infant skull bones.
      A pregnant woman. Also refers to a
woman’s total number of pregnancies,
including the one in progress, it applicable.
       Relationship of the long axis of the fetus
to the long axis of the mother.
       Descent of the fetus toward the pelvic
inlet before labor.
   Vaginal drainage after birth.
    Shaping of the fetal head during
movement through the birth canal.
       A woman who has given birth after two
or more pregnancies of at least 20 weeks’
gestation. Also informally used to describe a
pregnant woman before the birth of her second
or later child.
Nuchal Cord
   Umbilical cord around the fetal neck.
     A woman who has not completed a
pregnancy to at least 20 weeks’ gestation.
A woman who has given birth after a
pregnancy of at least 20 weeks’ gestation. Para
also designate the number of pregnancies that
end after at least 20 weeks of gestation. (A
multifetal gestation, such as twins, is
considered one birth when calculating parity.)
       Relation of a fixed reference point on the
fetus to the quadrants of the maternal pelvis.
       A woman who has given birth after a
pregnancy of at least 20 weeks of gestation.
The term is also used informally to describe a
pregnant woman before the birth of her first
       Measurement of fetal descent in relation
to the ischial spines of the maternal pelvis. See
also engagement.
     Narrow areas of flexible tissue that
connect the fetal skull bones, permitting slight
movement during labor.
      Abbreviation for vaginal birth after
cesarean birth.
      Cells and membranes resulting from
 fertilization of the ovum at any stage of
            prenatal development.
     Graffian follicle cells remaining after
ovulation. These cells produce estrogen
and progesterone.
  Expulsion of semen from the penis.
     The developing baby from the
beginning of the third week through the
eighth week after conception.
      Lining of the uterus.
     Prenatal age of the developing baby,
calculated from the date of conception.
Also called post conceptional age.
      The developing baby from 9 weeks
after conception until birth. In everyday
practice, this term is of ten used to
describe a developing baby during
pregnancy, regardless of age.
    Reproductive cell: in the female an
ovum, and in the male a spermatozoon.
       Prenatal age of the developing baby
(measured in weeks) calculated from the
first day of the woman’s last menstrual
period. Also called menstrual age, about 2
weeks longer than the fertilization age.
      A small sac within the ovary. The
graafian follicle contains the maturing
     Implantation of the fertilized ovum
(Zygote) in the uterine endomertrium.
     Formation of gametes (ova) in the
     Release of the mature ovum from the
     Fetal structure that provides
nourishment, removes wastes from the
developing baby, and secrete hormones
necessary for the pregnancy to continue.
         Formation of male gametes, or germ

Cell formed by union of an ovum and sperm.
 Amniotic      fluid   embolism    :     Embolism
  resulting from amniotic fluid entering the
  maternal bloodstream during labor and birth
  after rupture of membranes; this is often fatal
  to the woman if it is a pulmonary embolism.

 Attitude:   Body posture or position.
 Bearing-down     effort:“Secondary powers”;
  energy   exerted    by   the   woman   during
  contractions to push out the baby.

 Biparietal    diameter :Largest transverse
  diameter of the fetal head; extends from one
  parietal bone to the other.
   Bloody show: Vaginal discharge that originates
    in the cervix and consists of blood and mucus;
    increase as cervix dilates during labor.
   Breech presentation: Presentation in which
    buttocks or feet are nearest the cervical
    opening    and   are   born    first;   occurs   in
    approximately 3% of all births.
 Caul:   Hood of fetal membranes covering
 fetal head during birth.

 Cephalic   :Pertaining to the head.

 Crowning:   Stage of birth when the top of the
 fetal head can be seen at the vaginal orifice.
   Dilatation of cervix: Stretching of the external
    os from an opening a few millimeters in size to
    an opening large enough to allow the passage
    of the infant.
    Effacement : Thinning and shortening or
    obliteration of the cervix that occurs during late
    pregnancy or labor or both.
   Engagement :In obstetrics, the entrance of the
    fetal presenting part into the superior pelvic
    strait and the beginning of the descent through
    the pelvic canal.
   Episiotomy : Surgical incision of the perineum
    at the end of the second stage     of labor to
    facilitate birth and to avoid laceration of the
 External     cephalic        version     (ECV):
 Turning the fetus to a vertex position by
 exertion    of     pressure    on   the    fetus
 externally through the maternal abdomen..

 Ferguson’s      reflex: Reflex contractions of
 the uterus after stimulation of the cervix.
 Fontanel   :Broad area, or soft spot,
 consisting of a strong band of connective
 tissue continuous with cranial bones and
 located at the junctions of the bones.
 Gynecoid   pelvis: Pelvis in which the inlet
 is round instead of oval or blunt; heart
 shaped. Typical female pelvis.
   Kangaroo care: Skin-to-skin infant care, especially
    for preterm infants, which provides warmth to
    infant. Infant is placed naked or diapered against
    mother’s or father’s bare chest and is covered with
    parent’s shirt or a warm blanket.
   Labor :Series of processes by which the fetus is
    expelled from the uterus; parturition; childbirth
   Large for dates (large for gestational age (LGA)):
Exhibiting excessive growth for gestational age.
   Lie: Relationship existing between the long axis of the
    fetus and the long axis of the mother. In a longitudinal
    lie, the fetus is lying lengthwise or vertically, whereas in
    a transverse lie, the fetus is lying crosswise or
    horizontally in the mother’s uterus.
   Lightening :Sensation of decreased abdominal
    distention produced by uterine descent into pelvic
    cavity as the fetal presenting part settles into the
    pelvis. It usually occurs 2 weeks before the onset
    of labor in nulliparas.
   Lithotomy position :Position in which the woman
    lies on her back with her knees flexed and with
    abducted thighs drawn up toward her chest.
   Low birth weight (LBW): An infant birth weight
    of less than 2500 g.
   Molding: Overlapping of cranial bones or
    shaping of the fetal head to accommodate and
    conform to the bony and soft parts of the
    mother’s birth canal during labor.
   Multigravida: Woman who has been pregnant
    two or more times.
 Multipara   : Woman who has carried two or
 more pregnancies to viability, whether they
 ended in live infants or stillbirths.

 Nonstress    test (NST) : Evaluation of fetal
 response (fetal heart rate) to natural contractile
 uterine activity or to an increase in fetal activity.

 Nuchal   cord : Encircling of fetal neck
 Nulligravida   : Woman who has never been

 Nullipara:   Woman who has not yet carried a
  pregnancy to viability.

 Oligohydramnios:      Abnormally small amount
  or absence of amniotic fluid; often indicative
  of fetal urinary tract defect.
   Percutaneous      umbilical     blood   sampling
    (PUBS) : Procedure during which the fetal
    umbilical vessel is accessed for blood sampling
    or for transfusions.
   Position: Relationship of an arbitrarily chosen
    fetal reference point, such as the occiput,
    sacrum, chin, or scapula on the presenting part
    of the fetus to its location in the front, back, or
    sides of the maternal pelvis.
 Postdate   birth: Birth of an infant after 42
 weeks of gestation.

 Post   mature infant: Infant born at or after
 the beginning of week 43 of gestation or later
 and exhibiting signs of dysmaturity.
   Precipitous labor: Rapid or sudden labor of
    less than 3 hours beginning from onset of
    cervical changes to completed birth of neonate.

   Preeclampsia: Disease encountered after 20
    weeks of gestation or early in the puerperium; a
    vasospastic disease process characterized by
    increasing   hypertension,   proteinuria,   and
 Pregestational   diabetes: Diabetes mellitus
 type I or type II that exists before pregnancy.

 Pregnancy-induced        hypertension (PIH):
 Hypertensive      disorders    of   pregnancy
 including   preeclampsia,     eclampsia,    and
 transient hypertension.
 Presentation:   That part of the fetus that first
 enters the pelvis and lies over the inlet: may
 be head, face, breech, or shoulder.

 Presenting   part: That part of the fetus that
 lies closest to the internal os of the cervix

 Preterm   birth : Birth occurring before 37
 weeks of gestation.
 Preterm      rupture     of    membranes:
 Spontaneous rupture of membranes before
 37 weeks of gestation

 Prolapsed   cord: Protrusion of the umbilical
 cord in advance of the presenting part.

 PROM:     Premature (before 38 weeks of
 gestation) rupture of membranes.
 Ring   of fire: Burning sensation as vagina
 stretches and fetal head crowns.

 Ritgen   maneuver:      Procedure     used    to
 control the birth of the head.

 Second    stage: Stage of labor from full
 dilatation of the cervix to the birth of the baby.
 Sims’   position: Position in which the client lies
 on the left side with the right knee and thigh
 drawn upward toward the chest.
 Small   for dates (small for gestational age
 (SGA)): Refers to inadequate growth for
 gestational age.
 Spontaneous        rupture     of    membranes
 :Rupture of membranes by natural means.
 Station   : Relationship of the presenting fetal
  part to an imaginary line drawn between the
  ischial spines of the pelvis.

 Stillbirth:   The birth of a baby after 20 weeks of
  gestation and I day or 350 g (depending on the
  state code) that does not show any signs of
 Subinvolution   : Failure of a part (for example,
 the uterus) to reduce to its normal size and
 condition after enlargement from functional
 activity (for example, pregnancy).

 Suboccipito   bregmatic diameter : Smallest
 diameter of the fetal head-follows a line drawn
 from the middle of the occipital bone.
 Third   stage : Stage of labor from the birth of
 the baby to the expulsion of the placenta.

 Tocolytic   drug: Drug used to relax the uterus,
 to suppress preterm labor, or for version
 TORCH    infections : Infections caused by
 organisms that damage the embryo or fetus;
 acronym     for    toxoplasmosis,   other   (for
 example, syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus,
 and herpes simplex.

 Toxemia:    Term      previously   used    for
 hypertensive states of pregnancy.
 Uteroplacental     insufficiency (UPI): Decline
 in placental function-exchange of gases,
 nutrients, and wastes-leading to fetal hypoxia
 and acidosis; evidenced by late fetal heart rate
 decelerations       in   response   to   uterine
 Vaccum   curettage: Uterine aspiration method
 of early abortion
 Vaccum       extraction:    Birth   involving
 attachment of vaccum cup fetal head and
 using negative pressure to assist in birth of
 the fetus.

 Vaginal   birth after cesarean (VBAC): Giving
 birth vaginally after having had a previous
 cesarean birth.
 Valsalva   maneuver : The process of making
 a forceful attempt at expulsion while holding
 one’s breath and tightening the abdominal
 muscles (as in pushing during the second
 stage of labor).
 Vasectomy:     Ligation   or   removal     of   a
 segment of the vas deferens, usually done
 bilaterally to produce sterility in the male.
 Vertex    : Crown or top of the head.
 Very   low birth weight (VLBW): Refers to
  infant weighing 1500 g or less at birth.
 Viable,   viability: Capable, capability of living,
  as in a fetus that has reached a stage of
  development, usually 22 menstrual weeks (20
  weeks of gestation), which will permit it to live
  outside the uterus.
   After Pain – Cramping pain following
    childbirth , caused by alternating
    relaxation & contraction of uterine
   Atony – Absence or lack of usual muscle
 Attachment :
     Development of strong affectional ties
  as a result of interaction between an infant
  and a significant other
(mother, father, sibling, caretaker).
   Catabolism:
             A destructive process that converts
    living cells into simpler compounds.
    Process involved in involution (changes) of
    the uterus after child birth
   Decidua:
              Term referring to the endometrium
    during pregnancy. All except the deepest
    layer is shed after childbirth
   Diastasis Recti:
             Separation of the longitudinal muscles
    of the abdomen (rectus abdominis) during
   Dysparenuia:
           Difficult or painful coitus in women
   En Face:
       Position that allows eye-to-eye contact
    between the newborn and a parent. Optimal
    distance is 20 to 22cm ( 8 to 9 inches)
   Engorgement:
            Swelling of the breasts resulting
    from increased blood flow and the presence
    of milk
   Engrossment:
             Intense fascination and close face-
    to-face observation between father and
   Episiotomy:
            Surgical incision of the perineum to
    enlarge the vaginal opening
   Involution:
             Retrogressive changes that return
    the reproductive organs, particularly the
    uterus, to their nonpregnant size and
   Kegel Exercises:
             Alternate contraction and relaxing
    of the pelvic muscles
   Lactation :
            Secretion of milk from the breasts
    The period of time of breast feeding
   Lochia alba:
            Whitish or clear vaginal discharge
   Lochia rubra:
             Reddish vaginal discharge
   Lochia Serosa
            Pinkish or brown-tinged vaginal
   Milk-ejection reflex:
             Release of milk from the alveoli
    into the ducts. (letdown reflex)
   Oxytocin:
             Posterior pituitary hormone that
    stimulates uterine contractions and Milk-
    ejection reflex
   Postpartum Blues:
                 Temporary, self-limiting
    period of weepiness
   Prolactin:
             anterior pituitary hormone
    (growth of breast tissue and production
    of milk)
   Puerperium:
              Period from the end of childbirth
    until involution of the uterus is complete,
    approximately 6 weeks
   REEDA:
           Acronym   for    Redness,
    Ecchymosis, Edema, Discharge and
Abdominal Gestation : Implantation of a
fertilized ovum outside the uterus but inside the
peritoneal cavity.
Abortion : Termination of pregnancy before the
fetus is viable and capable of extrauterine
existence, usually less than 20 weeks of gestation
or when the fetus weighs less than 500 g.
Abruptio Placentae : Partial or complete
premature separation of a normally implanted
Acini cells : Milk producing cells in the
AGA : Appropriate for Gestational Age.
Amniocentesis : Procedure in which needle is
inserted through the abdominal and uterine walls
into the amniotic fluid; used for assessment of
fetal health and maturity and for therapeutic
Amnioinfusion : Infusion of normal saline
warmed to body temperature through an intra
uterine catheter into the uterine cavity in an
attempt to increase the fluid around the umbilical
cord and prevent compression during uterine
Amnionitis : Inflammation of the amnion,
occurring most frequently after early rupture of
Amniotic fluid embolism : Embolism resulting
from amniotic fluid entering the maternal blood
stream during labor and birth after rupture of
Amniotomy : Artificial rupture of the fetal
membranes (AROM).
Anencephaly : Congenital deformity
characterized by the absence of cerebrum,
cerebellum, and flat bones of the skull.
Apt test : Differentiation of maternal and fetal
Blood when there is vaginal bleeding.
Artificial rupture of membrane : Rupture of
membranes using a plastic amnihook or surgical
Augmentation of labor : Artificial stimulation
of uterine contractions after labor has started
spontaneously but it is not progressing
Biophysical profile : Noninvasive assessment of
the fetus and its environment using
ultrasonography and uterine fetal monitoring;
includes fetal breathing movements, gross body
movements, fetal tone, FHR, and qualitative
amniotic fluid volume.
Bishop’s score : Rating system to evaluate
inducibility of the cervix; a higher score
increases the rate of successful induction of
Breech presentation : Presentation in which
buttocks or feet or nearest the cervical opening
and are born first.
Cephalopelvic disproposition
Cerclage : Use of nonabsorbable suture to keep
an incompetent cervix closed; released when
pregnancy is at term to allow labor to begin.
Cesarean Birth : Birth of fetus by an incision
through the abdominal wall and uterus.
Chorioamnionitis : Inflammatory reaction in
fetal membranes to bacteria or viruses in the
amniotic fluid, which then become infiltrated
with polymorphonuclear leucocytes.
Chorionic villi sampling (CVS) : Removal of
fetal tissue from placenta for genetic diagnostic
Conjoined twins : Twins who are physically
united. Siamese Twins
Curettage : Scrapping of endometrium lining of
the uterus with a curet to remove the contents of
the uterus or to obtain specimens for diagnostic
Daily Fetal Movement Counts : Maternal
assessment of fetal activity; the number of fetal
movements within specific time are counted.
Dilatation and Curettage (D and C) : Vaginal
procedure in which the cervical canal is stretched
enough to admit passage of an instrument.
Disparate twins : Twins who are different and
distinct from one another.
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
(DIC) : Pathologic form of coagulation in which
clotting factors are consumed to an extent that
generalized bleeding can occur; associated with
Abruptio Placentae, eclampsia, intrauterine fetal
demise, amniotic fluid embolism, and
Dizygotic : Related to or proceeding from two
Dizygotic Twins : Twins developed from two
separate ova fertilized by two separate sperm at
the same time. Fraternal Twins
Dubowitz assessment : Estimation of
gestational age of a newborn based on criteria
developed for that purpose.
Dysfunctional labor : Abnormal uterine contractions
that prevent normal progress of cervical dilatation and
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding : Abnormal
bleeding from the uterus for reasons that are not
readily established.
Dystocia : Prolonged, painful or difficult birth
because of mechanical factors produced by the
passenger or the passage, inadequate powers, or
maternal position.
Eclampsia : Severe complication of pregnancy,
more often in primi gravida, characterized by
tonic and clonic convulsions, coma, high BP,
albuminuria, and oliguria occurring during
pregnancy or shortly after birth.
False labor : Uterine contraction that do not
result in cervical dilatation, are irregular often do
not lost more than 20 seconds, and don’t become
longer and stronger.
Forceps assisted birth : Birth in which two
curved bladed instruments are used to assist in
delivery of the fetal head.
Gestational Diabetes : Glucose intolerance first
recognized during pregnancy.
Gynecology : Study of disease of the female,
especially of the genital, urinary and rectal
HELLP syndrome : Condition characterized by
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low
platelet count; is a form of severe eclampsia.
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction:weak,ineffective
uterine contractions usually occurring in the
Active phase of labor; often related to CPD or
Malposition of the fetus.
TAH-BSO : Total abdominal hysterectomy and
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; removal of
uterus, both tubes and ovaries.
Incompetent cervix : Cervix that is unable to
remain closed until pregnancy reaches term
because of a mechanical defect in the cervix
resulting in the dilatation and effacement usually
second or early third trimester of pregnancy.
IUGR : Fetal under growth of any cause, such as
deficient nutrient supply or intrauterine
infection, or associated with congenital
Intrauterine resuscitation : Interventions
initiated when nonreassuring fetal heart rate
patterns are noted and are directed at improving
intrauterine blood flow.
External Cephalic Version (ECV) : Turning the
  fetus to a vertex position by exertion of pressure
  on the fetus externally through the maternal
Kangaroo Care : Skin-to-skin infant care,
  especially for preterm infants, which provides
  warmth to infant. Infant is placed naked or
  diapered against mother’s or father’s bare chest
  and is covered with parent’s shirt or a warm
Large for Dates (Large for festational age
  [LGA]): exhibiting excessive growth for
  gestational age.
Low Birth Weight (LBW) : An infant birth weight
  of less than 2500 g.
Multigravida : Woman who has been pregnant two
  or more times
Multipara : Women who has carried two or more
  pregnancies to viability, whether they ended in
  live infants or stillbirths.
Non-stress Test (NST) : Evaluation of fetal
  response (fetal heart rate) to natural contractile
  uterine activity or to an increase in fetal activity.

Nulligravida : Women who has never been

Nullipara : Women who has not yet carried a
  pregnancy to viability.
Oligohydramnios : Abnormally small amount or
  absence of amniotic fluid; often indicative of
  fetal urinary tract defect.

Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS)
  : Procedure during which the fetal umbilical
  vessel is accessed for blood sampling of for

Postdate Birth : Birth of an infant after 42 weeks
  of gestation.
Post-mature Infant : Infant born at or after the
  beginning of week 43 of gestation or later and
  exhibiting signs of dysmaturity.
Precipitous Labor : Rapid or sudden labor of less 3
  hours beginning from onset of cervical changes
  to completed birth of neonate.
Preeclampsia : Disease encountered after 20 weeks
  of gestation or early in the puerperium; a
  vasospastic disease process characterized by
  increasing hypertension, proteniuria, and
Pregestational Diabetes : Diabetes mellitus type I
  or type II that exists before pregnancy

Pregnancy0Induced Hypertension (PIH) :
  Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including
  preeclampsia, eclampsia, and transient

Preterm Birth : Birth occurring before 37 weeks of
Preterm Rupture of Membranes : Spontaneous
  rupture of membranes before 37 weeks of
Prolapsed Cord : Protrusion of the umbilical cord
  in advance of the presenting part.
PROM : Premature (before 38 weeks of gestation)
  rupture of members.
Small for Dates (Small for gestational age [SGA])
  : Refers to inadequate growth for gestational age.
Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes : Rupture of
  membranes by natural means.
Stillbirth : The birth of a baby after 20 weeks of
  gestation and 1 day or 350 g. (depending on the
  state code) that does not show any signs of life.

Sub-involution : failure of a part (for example, the
  uterus) to reduce to its normal size and condition
  after enlargement form functional activity (for
  example, pregnancy).
Tocolytic Drug : Drug used to relax the uterus, to
  suppress preterm labor, or for version.

TORCH Infections : Infections caused by
 organisms that damage the embryo or fetus;
 acronym for toxoplasmosis, other (for example,
 syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus and berpes

Toxemia : Term previously used for hypertensive
  states of pregnancy.
Uteroplacental Insufficiency (UPI) : Decline in
  placental function-exchange of gases, nutrients
  and wastes-leading to fetal hypoxia and acidosis;
  evidenced by late fetal heart rate decelerations in
  response to uterine contractions.

Vacuum Curettage : Uterine aspiration method of
  early abortion
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) : Giving
  birth vaginally after having had a previous
  cesarean birth.

Vasectomy : Ligation or removal of a segment of
  the vas deferens, usually done bilaterally to
  produce sterility in the male.

Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) : Refers to infant
  weighing 1500 g or less at birth.
Viable, Viability : Capable, capability of living, as
  in a fetus that has reached a stage of
  development, usually 22 menstrual weeks (20
  weeks of gestation), which will permit it to live
  outside the uterus.

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1. obg glossaries

  • 2. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): Substance produced by the unborn baby as it grows inside the uterus. Amino acids: Substances that act as building blocks in the developing embryo and fetus. Amniocentesis: Removal of amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac. Fluid is tested for some genetic defects
  • 4. Amnion: Membrane around the fetus. It surrounds the amniotic cavity.
  • 7.
  • 8. Amniotic fluid: Liquid surrounding the baby inside the amniotic sac.
  • 10. Amniotic sac: Sac that surrounds baby inside the uterus. It contains the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid.
  • 12. Anencephaly: Defective development of the brain combined with the absence of the bones normally surrounding the brain.
  • 14. Anovulatory: Lack of or cessation of ovulation. Areola: Pigmented or colored ring surrounding the nipple of the breast.
  • 15. Arrhythmia: Irregular or missed heartbeat. Aspiration: Swallowing or sucking a foreign body or fluid, such as vomit, into an airway. Auto antibodies: Antibodies that attack parts of your body or your own tissues.
  • 16. Atonic uterus: Flaccid; relaxed; lack of tone.
  • 17.
  • 18. Bilirubin: Breakdown product of pigment formed in the liver from hemoglobin during the destruction of red blood cells. Biophysical profile: Method of evaluating a fetus before birth.
  • 19. Biopsy: Removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic study.
  • 20. Blastomere: One of the cells egg divides into after it has been fertilized.
  • 22. Bloody show: Small amount of vaginal bleeding late in pregnancy; often precedes labor.
  • 24. Braxton-Hicks contractions: Irregular, painless tightening of uterus during pregnancy. Cataract, congenital: Cloudiness of the eye lens present at birth.
  • 25. Breech presentation: Abnormal position of the fetus. Buttocks or legs come into the birth canal ahead of the head.
  • 27. Cesarean section (delivery): Delivery of a baby through an abdominal incision rather than through the vagina.
  • 29. Chadwick's sign: Dark-blue or purple discoloration of the mucosa of the vagina and cervix during pregnancy.
  • 30. Chloasma: Extensive brown patches of irregular shape and size on the face or other parts of the body.
  • 32. Choriocarcinoma: Highly malignant cancer that grows in the uterus during pregnancy or at the site of an ectopic pregnancy. Chorion: Outermost fetal membrane found around the amnion.
  • 34. Chorionic villus sampling: Diagnostic test done early in pregnancy. A biopsy of tissue is taken from inside the uterus through the cervical opening to determine abnormalities of pregnancy. Colostrum: Thin, yellow fluid, which is the first milk to come from the breast.
  • 36. Colostrum: Thin, yellow fluid, which is the first milk to come from the breast.
  • 38. Conization of the cervix: Surgical procedure performed on premalignant and malignant conditions of the cervix. A large biopsy of the cervix is taken in the shape of a cone.
  • 40. Conjoined twins: Twins connected at the body; they may share vital organs. Also called Siamese twins.
  • 42. Constipation: Bowel movements are infrequent or incomplete. Contraction stress test: Response of fetus to uterine contractions to evaluate fetal well-being.
  • 44. Corpusluteum: Area in the ovary where the egg is released at ovulation.
  • 46. Crown-to-rump length: Measurement from the top of the baby's head to the buttocks of the baby.
  • 48. Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection: Group of viruses from the herpes virus family.
  • 49. D&C (dilatation and curettage): Surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the lining of the uterus is scraped.
  • 51. Developmental delay: Condition in which the development of the baby or child is slower than normal.
  • 52. Diastasis recti: Separation of abdominal muscles.
  • 54. Dizygotic twins: Twins derived from two different eggs. Often called fraternal twins.
  • 56. Dysplasia: Abnormal, precancerous changes in the cells of the cervix. Dysuria: Difficulty or pain urinating.
  • 57. EDC (estimated date of confinement): Anticipated due date for delivery of the baby. Calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. Eclampsia: Convulsions and coma in a woman with pre-eclampsia. Not related to epilepsy.
  • 58. Ectodermal germ layer: Layer in the developing embryo that gives rise to developing structures in the fetus. These include skin, teeth and glands of the mouth, the nervous system and the pituitary gland.
  • 60. Ectopic pregnancy: Pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine cavity.
  • 64. Embryo: Organism in the early stages of development. Embryonic period: First 10 weeks of gestation.
  • 67. Endodermal germ layer: Area of tissue in early development of the embryo that gives rise to other structures. These include the digestive tract, respiratory organs, vagina, bladder and urethra. Also called endoderm or entoderm.
  • 68. Endometrial cycle: Regular development of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the uterus. It begins with the preparation for acceptance of a pregnancy and ends with the shedding of the lining during a menstrual period.
  • 69. Endometrium: Mucous membrane that lines inside of the uterine wall.
  • 71. Engorgement: Congested; filled with fluid. Enzyme: Protein made by cells. It acts as a catalyst to improve or cause chemical changes in other substances.
  • 72. Epidural block: Type of anesthesia. Medication is injected around the spinal cord during labor or other types of surgery.
  • 74. Episiotomy: Surgical incision of the vulva (area behind the vagina, above the rectum). Used during delivery to avoid tearing or laceration of the vaginal opening and rectum.
  • 76. Face presentation: Baby comes into the birth canal face first.
  • 78. Fallopian tube: Tube that leads from the cavity of the uterus to the area of the ovary. Also called uterine tube. False labor: Tightening of uterus without dilatation of the cervix. Fasting blood sugar: Blood test to evaluate the amount of sugar in the blood following a time period of fasting.
  • 80. Fertilization age Dating a pregnancy from the time of fertilization. 2 weeks earlier than the gestational age.
  • 81. Fetal anomaly: Fetal malformation or abnormal development. Fetal goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid in the fetus.
  • 82. Fetal-growth retardation (IUGR) Inadequate growth of the fetus during the last stages of pregnancy.
  • 83. Fetal monitor: Device used before or during labor to listen to and record the fetal heartbeat. Can be external monitoring (through maternal abdomen) or internal monitoring (through maternal vagina) of the baby inside the uterus.
  • 85. Fetus: Refers to the unborn baby after 10 weeks of gestation until birth.
  • 86. Fetus
  • 87. Fetal period: Time period following the embryonic period (first 10 weeks of gestation) until birth.
  • 89. Forceps: Instrument used to help remove baby from the birth canal during delivery.
  • 91. Frank breech: Baby presenting buttocks first. Legs are flexed and knees extended.
  • 93. Genetic counseling: Consultation between a couple and a specialist about genetic defects and the possibility of genetic problems in a pregnancy.
  • 94. Genital herpes simplex: Herpes simplex infection involving the genital area. It can be significant during pregnancy because of the danger to a newborn fetus infected with herpes simplex.
  • 95. Genitourinary problems: Defects or problems involving genital organs and the bladder or kidneys.
  • 96. Gestational age Dating a pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period; 2 weeks longer than fertilization age.
  • 97. Gestational diabetes Occurrence or worsening of diabetes during pregnancy (gestation).
  • 98.
  • 99. Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTN): Abnormal pregnancy with cystic growth of the placenta. Characterized by bleeding during early and middle pregnancy.
  • 100. Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTN)
  • 101. Glucose-tolerance test: Blood test done to evaluate the body's response to sugar. Glucosuria: Glucose in the urine.
  • 102. Gonorrhea: Contagious venereal infection, transmitted primarily by intercourse. Caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea. Group-B streptococcal infection: Serious infection occurring in the mother's vagina and throat.
  • 103. Habitual abortion: Occurrence of three or more spontaneous miscarriages.
  • 105. Heartburn: Discomfort or pain that occurs in the chest. Often occurs after eating. Hematocrit: Determines the proportion of blood cells to plasma. Important in diagnosing anemia. Hemoglobin: Pigment in red blood cell that carries oxygen to body tissues.
  • 107. Hematocrit: Determines the proportion of blood cells to plasma. Important in diagnosing anemia. Hemoglobin: Pigment in red blood cell that carries oxygen to body tissues.
  • 108. Hemolytic disease: Destruction of red blood cells. Hemorrhoids: Dilated blood vessels in the rectum or rectal canal.
  • 109. Human chorionic gonadatropin (HCG): Hormone produced in early pregnancy. Measured in a pregnancy test.
  • 110. Human placental lactogen: Hormone of pregnancy produced by the placenta. Found in the bloodstream. Hyaline membrane disease: Respiratory disease of the newborn
  • 113. Hydrocephalus: Excessive accumulation of fluid around the brain of the baby. Sometimes called water on the brain.
  • 114. Hyperbilirubinemia: Extremely high level of bilirubin in the blood. Hyperemesis gravidarum: Severe nausea, dehydration and vomiting during pregnancy. Occurs most frequently during the first trimester. Hyperglycemia: Increased blood sugar.
  • 115. Hypertension: Pregnancy-induced-high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy. Defined by an increase in the diastolic and/or systolic blood pressure. Hyperthyroidism: Elevation of the thyroid hormone in the bloodstream.
  • 116. Hypoplasia: Defective or incomplete development or formation of tissue. Hypotension: Low blood pressure. Hypothyroidism: Low or inadequate levels of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream
  • 117. Immune globulin preparation: Substance used to protect against infection with certain diseases, such as hepatitis or measles. In utero: Within the uterus.
  • 118. Incompetent cervix : Cervix that is unable to remain closed until pregnancy reaches term because of a mechanical defect in the cervix resulting in the dilatation and effacement usually second or early third trimester of pregnancy.
  • 120. Incomplete abortion: Miscarriage in which part, but not all, of the uterine contents are expelled.
  • 122. Inevitable abortion: Pregnancy complicated with bleeding and cramping. Usually results in miscarriage.
  • 123. Insulin: Peptide hormone made by the pancreas. It promotes the use of glucose. Invasive squamous-cell carcinoma: Cancer of the cervix that extends beyond the cervix into surrounding tissues or deeper layers.
  • 124. Iron-deficiency anemia: Anemia produced by lack of iron in the diet. Often seen in pregnancy.
  • 125. Isoimmunization: Development of specific antibody directed at the red blood cells of another individual, such as a baby in utero. Often occurs when an Rh-negative woman carries an Rh- positive baby or is given Rh-positive blood.
  • 126. Jaundice: Yellow staining of the skin, sclera (eyes) and deeper tissues of the body. Caused by excessive amounts of bilirubin. Treated with phototherapy.
  • 127. Ketones: Breakdown product of metabolism found in the blood, particularly in starvation or uncontrolled diabetes. Kidney stones: Small mass or lesion found in the kidney or urinary tract. Can block the flow of urine.
  • 128. Laaoo: Process of expelling a fetus from the uterus. Laparoscopy: Minor surgical procedure performed for tubal ligation, diagnosis of pelvic pain or diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.
  • 129. Leukorrhea: Vaginal discharge characterized by a white or yellowish color. Primarily composed of mucus. Lightening: Change in the shape of the pregnant uterus a few weeks before labor. Often described as the baby "dropping.“
  • 130. Lineanigra: Line of increased pigmentation running down the abdomen from the bellybutton to the pubic area during pregnancy.
  • 132. Malignant GTN: Cancerous change of gestational trophoblastic disease. Mammogram: X-ray study of the breasts to identify normal and abnormal breast tissue.
  • 133. Mask of pregnancy: Increased pigmentation over the area of the face under each eye. Commonly has the appearance of a butterfly.
  • 134. Meconium: First intestinal discharge of the newborn; green or yellow in colour. It consists of epithelial or surface cells, mucus and bile. Discharge may occur before or during labor or soon after birth.
  • 135. Melanoma: Pigmented mole or tumor. It may or may not be cancerous. Meningomyelocele: Congenital defect of the central nervous system of the baby. Membranes and the spinal cord protrude through an opening or defect in the vertebral column.
  • 136. Menstruation: Regular or periodic discharge of a bloody fluid from the uterus. Mesodermal germ layer: Tissue of the embryo that forms connective tissue, muscles, kidneys, ureters and other organs. Metaplasia: Change in the structure of a tissue into another type that is not normal for that tissue.
  • 137. Microcephaly Abnormally small development of the head in the developing fetus.
  • 138. Microphthalmia: Abnormally small eyeballs.
  • 139. Miscarriage: Abortion. Missed abortion: Failed pregnancy without bleeding or cramping. Often diagnosed by ultrasound weeks or months after a pregnancy fails.
  • 140. Mittelschmerz: Pain that coincides with release of an egg from the ovary. Monilial vulvovaginitis: Infection caused by yeast or monilia. Usually affects the vagina and vulva.
  • 141. Monozygotic twins: Twins conceived from one egg. Often called identical twins. Morning sickness: Nausea and vomiting, without ill health, found primarily during the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • 142. Morula: Cells resulting from the early division of the fertilized egg at the beginning of pregnancy. Mucus plug: Secretions in cervix; often released just before labor. Mutations: Change in the character of a gene. Passed from one cell division to another.
  • 143. Neural-tube defects: Abnormalities in the development of the spinal cord and brain in a fetus. Anencephaly; Hydrocephalus; Spina bifida.
  • 146. Oligohydramnios Lack or deficiency of amniotic fluid.
  • 147. Omphalocele Presence of congenital out- pouching of the umbilicus containing internal organs in the fetus or newborn infant.
  • 148. Organogenesis: Development of the organ systems in the embryo. Ossification: Bone formation. Ovarian cycle: Regular production of hormones from the ovary in response to hormonal messages from the brain. The ovarian cycle governs the endometrial cycle.
  • 149. Ovulation: Cyclical production of an egg from the ovary. Oxytocin: Medication that causes uterine contractions.
  • 150. Pap smear: A routine screening test that evaluates the presence of premalignant or cancerous conditions of the cervix.
  • 151.
  • 152. Para cervical block: Local anesthetic for cervical dilatation.
  • 154. Pelvimetry: Evaluation of the size of the birth canal or pelvis. Performed by X-ray.
  • 156. Physiologic anemia of pregnancy: Anemia during pregnancy caused by an increase in the amount of plasma (fluid) in the blood compared to the number of cells in the blood.
  • 157. Placenta: Organ inside the uterus that is attached to the baby by the umbilical cord. Essential during pregnancy for growth and development of the embryo and fetus.
  • 159. Placenta accreta: Placenta that attaches to muscle of uterus. Placenta increta: Placenta that grows into muscle of uterus. Placenta percreta: Placenta that penetrates muscle of uterus.
  • 160.
  • 161. Placenta previa: Low attachment of the placenta, covering or very close to the cervix. Placental abruption: Premature separation of the placenta from the uterus. Placentamegaly: Abnormally large growth of the placenta during pregnancy.
  • 163. Placental abruption: Premature separation of the placenta from the uterus.
  • 165. Placentamegaly: Abnormally large growth of the placenta during pregnancy.
  • 166. Pneumonitis: Inflammation of the lungs. Premature baby: Baby born before 37 weeks.
  • 168. Postnatal blues: Mild depression after delivery. Postpartum depression: Depression after delivery.
  • 170. Postpartum hemorrhage: Bleeding greater than 15 ounces (450ml) at time of delivery.
  • 172. Pre-eclampsia: Combination of symptoms significant to pregnancy, including high blood pressure, edema, swelling and changes in reflexes.
  • 173. Premature delivery: Delivery before 37 weeks gestation. Presentation: Describes which part of the baby comes into the birth canal first.
  • 174. Proteinuria: Protein in urine. Pruritis gravidarum: Itching during pregnancy. Pubic symphysis: Bony prominence in the pelvic bone found in the midline. Landmark from which the doctor often measures during pregnancy to follow growth of the uterus.
  • 176. Pulmonary embolism: Blood clot from another part of the body that travels to the lungs. Can cause closed passages in the lungs and decrease oxygen exchange.
  • 178. Pyelonephritis: Serious kidney infection. Quickening: Feeling the baby move inside the uterus.
  • 179. Rh-negative: Absence of rhesus antibody in the blood. RhoGAM: Medication given during pregnancy and following delivery to prevent isoimmunization.
  • 180. Round-ligament pain: Pain caused by stretching ligament on the sides of the uterus during pregnancy. Rupture of membranes: Loss of fluid from the amniotic sac. Also called breaking of waters.
  • 181. Spinabifida: Congenital abnormality characterized by a defect in the vertebral column. Membranes of the spinal cord and the spinal cord protrude outside the protective bony canal of the spine. Spinal anesthesia: Anesthesia given in the spinal canal.
  • 182. Spontaneous abortion: Loss of pregnancy during the first 20 weeks of gestation. Surfactant: Phospholipids present in the lungs. Controls surface tension of lungs. Premature babies often lack sufficient amounts of surfactant to breathe without assistance.
  • 183. Syphilis: Sexually transmitted venereal infection caused by treponema pallidum. Tay-Sachs disease: Inherited disease characterized by mental and physical retardation, convulsions, enlargement of the head and eventually death.
  • 184. Telangiectasias: Dilatation or swelling of a small blood vessel. Sometimes called an angioma. During pregnancy, another common name is a spider angioma. Teratogenic: Causes abnormal development.
  • 185. Thalassemia: Group of inherited disorders of hemoglobin metabolism, which results in a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin formed. Threatened abortion: Bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy without cramping or contractions. Thrombosis: Formation of a blood clot (thrombus).
  • 186. Thrush: Monilial or yeast infection occurring in the mouth or mucous membranes of a newborn infant. Tocolysis: Stopping contractions during premature labor. Toxoplasmosis: Infection caused by toxoplasma gondii.
  • 187. Transverse lie: Fetus is turned sideways in uterus. Trichomonal vaginitis: Venereal infection caused by trichomonas. Trimester: Method of dividing pregnancy into three equal time periods of about 13 weeks each.
  • 188. Trophoblast: Cell layer important in early development of the embryo and fetus. It provides nourishment from the mother to the fetus and participates in the formation of the placenta.
  • 190. Umbilical cord: Cord that connects the placenta to the developing baby. It removes waste products and carbon dioxide from the baby and brings oxygenated blood and nutrients from the mother through the placenta to the baby.
  • 192. Ureters: Tubes from the kidneys to the bladder that drain urine. Uterine atony: Lack of tone of uterus. Uterus: Organ an embryo/fetus grows in. Also called a womb.
  • 193. Vacuum extractor: Device used to provide traction on fetal head during delivery.
  • 195. Varicose veins: Blood vessels (veins) that are dilated or enlarged.
  • 197. Vernix: Fatty substance made up of epithelial cells that cover fetal skin inside the uterus.
  • 198. Vernix
  • 199. Vertex: Head first. Villi: Projection from a mucous membrane; most important within the placenta in the exchange of nutrients from maternal blood to the placenta and fetus.
  • 200. Villi
  • 201. Womb: Organ an embryo/fetus grows in. Also called a uterus. Zygote: Cell that results from the union of a sperm and egg at fertilization
  • 202. Zygote
  • 203. Abdominal Gestation : Implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the uterus but inside the peritoneal cavity.
  • 205. Abortion : Termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable and capable of extra uterine existence, usually less than 20 weeks of gestation or when the fetus weighs less than 500 g.
  • 206. Acini cells : Milk producing cells in the breast. AGA : Appropriate for Gestational Age. Amnioinfusion : Infusion of normal saline warmed to body temperature through an intra uterine catheter into the uterine cavity in an attempt to increase the fluid around the umbilical cord and prevent compression during uterine contractions.
  • 208. Amnionitis : Inflammation of the amnion, occurring most frequently after early rupture of membrane. Amniotic fluid embolism : Embolism Resulting from amniotic fluid entering The maternal blood stream during labor and birth after rupture of Membranes.
  • 209. Amniotomy : Artificial rupture of the Fetal membranes (AROM).
  • 211. Apt test : Differentiation of maternal And fetal Blood when there is vaginal bleeding.
  • 212. Artificial rupture of membrane : Rupture of membranes using a plastic amnihook or surgical clamp.
  • 213. Augmentation of labor : Artificial Stimulation of uterine contractions after labor has started spontaneously but it is not progressing satisfactorily.
  • 214. Biophysical profile : Noninvasive assessment of the fetus and its environment using ultrasonography and uterine fetal monitoring; includes fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, FHR, and qualitative amniotic fluid volume.
  • 215. Bishop’s score : Rating system to evaluate inducibility of the cervix; a higher score increases the rate of successful induction of labor.
  • 217. Cephalopelvic dispropotion : The accurate definition of cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is when a baby's head or body is too large to fit through the mother’s pelvis Cerclage : Use of non-absorbable suture to keep an incompetent cervix closed; released when pregnancy is at term to allow labor to begin.
  • 219. Curettage : Scrapping of endometrium lining of the uterus with a curette to remove the contents of the uterus or to obtain specimens for diagnostic purpose. Daily Fetal Movement Counts : Maternal assessment of fetal activity; the number of fetal movements within specific time are counted.
  • 220. Disparate twins : Twins who are different and distinct from one another.
  • 221. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) : Pathologic form of coagulation in which clotting factors are consumed to an extent that generalized bleeding can occur; associated with Abruptio Placentae, eclampsia, intrauterine fetal demise, amniotic fluid embolism, and hemorrhage.
  • 223. Dizygotic : Related to or proceeding from two zygotes. Dubowitz assessment : Estimation of gestational age of a newborn based on criteria developed for that purpose.
  • 224. Dysfunctional labor : Abnormal uterine contractions that prevent normal progress of cervical dilatation and progress Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding : Abnormal bleeding from the uterus for reasons that are not readily established.
  • 225. Dystocia : Prolonged, painful or difficult birth because of mechanical factors produced by the passenger or the passage, inadequate powers, or maternal position.
  • 226. Gynecology : Study of disease of the female, especially of the genital, urinary and rectal organs. HELLP syndrome : Condition characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count; is a form of severe eclampsia.
  • 227. Hypotonic uterine dysfunction: Weak,neffective uterine contractions usually occurring in the Active phase of labor; often related to CPD or Malposition of the fetus. TAH-BSO : Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy; removal of uterus, both tubes and ovaries.
  • 228. External Cephalic Version (ECV) : Turning the fetus to a vertex position by exertion of pressure on the fetus externally through the maternal abdomen.
  • 230. Kangaroo Care : Skin-to-skin infant care, especially for preterm infants, which provides warmth to infant. Infant is placed naked or diapered against mother’s or father’s bare chest and is covered with parent’s shirt or a warm blanket.
  • 232. Large for Dates (Large for gestational age [LGA]): exhibiting excessive growth for gestational age.
  • 233. Large for Dates (Large for gestational age [LGA])
  • 234. Low Birth Weight (LBW) : An infant birth weight of less than 2500 g.
  • 236. Multigravida : Woman who has been pregnant two or more times Multipara : Women who has carried two or more pregnancies to viability, whether they ended in live infants or stillbirths.
  • 237. Nulligravida : Women who has never been pregnant. Nullipara : Women who has not yet carried a pregnancy to viability.
  • 238. Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) : Procedure during which the fetal umbilical vessel is accessed for blood sampling of for transfusions.
  • 239. Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling
  • 240. Postdate Birth : Birth of an infant after 42 weeks of gestation. Post-mature Infant : Infant born at or after the beginning of week 43 of gestation or later and exhibiting signs of dysmaturity.
  • 241. Precipitous Labor : Rapid or sudden labor of less 3 hours beginning from onset of cervical changes to completed birth of neonate. Preeclampsia : Disease encountered after 20 weeks of gestation or early in the puerperium; a vasospastic disease process characterized by increasing hypertension, proteinuria, and hemoconcentration
  • 242. Pregestational Diabetes : Diabetes mellitus type I or type II that exists before pregnancy Pregnancy0Induced Hypertension (PIH) : Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including preeclampsia, eclampsia, and transient hypertension Preterm Birth : Birth occurring before 37 weeks of gestation.
  • 243. Preterm Rupture of Membranes : Spontaneous rupture of membranes before 37 weeks of gestation. PROM : Premature (before 38 weeks of gestation) rupture of members.
  • 244. Preterm Rupture of Membranes
  • 245. Prolapsed Cord : Protrusion of the umbilical cord in advance of the presenting part.
  • 247. Small for Dates (Small for gestational age [SGA]) : Refers to inadequate growth for gestational age. Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes : Rupture of membranes by natural means.
  • 248. Stillbirth : The birth of a baby after 20 weeks of gestation and 1 day or 350 g. (depending on the state code) that does not show any signs of life. Sub-involution : failure of a part (for example, the uterus) to reduce to its normal size and condition after enlargement form functional activity (for example, pregnancy).
  • 249. Tocolytic Drug : Drug used to relax the uterus, to suppress preterm labor, or for version. TORCH Infections : Infections caused by organisms that damage the embryo or fetus; acronym for toxoplasmosis, other (for example, syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex. Toxemia : Term previously used for hypertensive states of pregnancy.
  • 250. Uteroplacental Insufficiency (UPI) : Decline in placental function-exchange of gases, nutrients and wastes-leading to fetal hypoxia and acidosis; evidenced by late fetal heart rate decelerations in response to uterine contractions. Vacuum Curettage : Uterine aspiration method of early abortion
  • 251. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) : Giving birth vaginally after having had a previous cesarean birth. Vasectomy : Ligation or removal of a segment of the vas deferens, usually done bilaterally to produce sterility in the male. Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) : Refers to infant weighing 1500 g or less at birth.
  • 252. Viable, Viability : Capable, capability of living, as in a fetus that has reached a stage of development, usually 22 menstrual weeks (20 weeks of gestation), which will permit it to live outside the uterus.
  • 253. Terminologies Puberty – It is the period of sexual maturation accompanied by development of secondary sexual characteristics and the capacity to reproduce. Menarche – Onset of Menstruation
  • 254. Menstruation – Periodic vaginal discharge of bloody fluid from the non- pregnant uterus ( From puberty to menopause ) Amenorrhea – Absence of Menstruation Gamete - Reproductive cell
  • 255. Ovum – Female reproductive cell Sperm – Male reproductive cell Gametogenesis – Development and Maturation of the sperm and ovum Spermatogenesis – Formation of male gametes in the testes Oogenesis – Formation of female gametes in the ovary
  • 256. Gonad – Reproductive gland that produces gametes and sex hormones Ovary – Female gonad Testes – Male Gonad Ovulation – Release of mature ovum from the ovary Pregnancy – Period between conception through complete birth of products of conception 280 days in human 9 calendar months/ 10 lunar months
  • 257. Coitus – Sexual union of male and female
  • 258. Ejaculation – Expulsion of semen from penis
  • 259. Conceptus – Cell & Membranes resulting from fertilization of the ovum at any stage of prenatal development
  • 260. Zygote – Cell formed by union of ovum
  • 261. Nidation – Implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterine endometrium
  • 262. Embryo – The developing baby from the beginning of 3rd week through 8th week after conception
  • 263. Fetus - The developing baby from 9th week after conception until birth
  • 264.  Endometrium – Lining of the uterus  Decidua – Name of the Endometrium during pregnancy
  • 265. Placenta – Fetal structure that provides nourishment, removes wastes from the developing baby and secretes hormones necessary for the pregnancy to continue
  • 266. Abortion – A spontaneous or elective termination of pregnancy before 20th week of gestation
  • 267. Trimester – A division of pregnancy into 3 equal parts
  • 268. Preterm birth – A birth that occurs after the 20th week & before the start of 38th week of gestation
  • 269. Quickening – The first movement of the fetus in the uterus felt by the mother
  • 270. Term birth – A birth that occurs between the 38th and 42 weeks of gestation
  • 271. Striae gravidarum - Irregular reddish streaks on the abdomen, breasts or thighs resulting from tare in connective tissue
  • 272. Chloasma – Brownish pigmentation of the face during pregnancy - Mask of pregnancy
  • 273. Braxton Hicks contractions – Irregular, mild uterine contractions that occur throughout the pregnancy
  • 274. Abortion A pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks’ gestation, either spontaneously or electively. Miscarriage is a lay term for a spontaneous abortion.
  • 275. Amniotomy Artificial rupture of the amniotic sac (fetal membranes).
  • 276. Attitude Relationship of fetal body parts to one another.
  • 277. Bloody Show Mixture of cervical mucus and blood from ruptured capillaries in the cervix. Bloody show often precedes labor and increases with cervical dilation.
  • 278. Braxton Hicks Contractions Irregular, mild uterine contractions that occur throughout pregnancy. These contractions become stronger in the last trimester.
  • 279. Caput Succedaneum Area of edema over the presenting part of the fetus or newborn, resulting from pressure against the cervix. Usually called simply caput.
  • 280. Crowning Appearance of the fetal scalp or presenting part at the vaginal opening.
  • 281. EDD Abbreviation for estimated date of delivery. This date may also be abbreviated EDB (estimated date of birth).
  • 282. Engagement Descent of the widest diameter of the fetal presenting part to at least a zero station (the level of the ischial spines in the maternal pelvis).
  • 283. Episiotomy Surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening
  • 284. Fontanel Space at the intersection of sutures connecting fetal or infant skull bones.
  • 285. Gravida A pregnant woman. Also refers to a woman’s total number of pregnancies, including the one in progress, it applicable.
  • 286. Lie Relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mother.
  • 287. Lightening Descent of the fetus toward the pelvic inlet before labor.
  • 288. Lochia Vaginal drainage after birth.
  • 289. Molding Shaping of the fetal head during movement through the birth canal.
  • 290. Multipara A woman who has given birth after two or more pregnancies of at least 20 weeks’ gestation. Also informally used to describe a pregnant woman before the birth of her second or later child.
  • 291. Nuchal Cord Umbilical cord around the fetal neck.
  • 292. Nullipara A woman who has not completed a pregnancy to at least 20 weeks’ gestation.
  • 293. Para A woman who has given birth after a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks’ gestation. Para also designate the number of pregnancies that end after at least 20 weeks of gestation. (A multifetal gestation, such as twins, is considered one birth when calculating parity.)
  • 294. Position Relation of a fixed reference point on the fetus to the quadrants of the maternal pelvis.
  • 295. Primipara A woman who has given birth after a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks of gestation. The term is also used informally to describe a pregnant woman before the birth of her first child.
  • 296. Station Measurement of fetal descent in relation to the ischial spines of the maternal pelvis. See also engagement.
  • 297. Sutures Narrow areas of flexible tissue that connect the fetal skull bones, permitting slight movement during labor.
  • 298. VBAC Abbreviation for vaginal birth after cesarean birth.
  • 299. CONCEPTUS Cells and membranes resulting from fertilization of the ovum at any stage of prenatal development.
  • 300. CORPUS LUTEUM Graffian follicle cells remaining after ovulation. These cells produce estrogen and progesterone.
  • 301. EJACULATION Expulsion of semen from the penis.
  • 302. EMBRYO The developing baby from the beginning of the third week through the eighth week after conception.
  • 303. ENDOMETRIUM Lining of the uterus.
  • 304. FERTILIZATION AGE Prenatal age of the developing baby, calculated from the date of conception. Also called post conceptional age.
  • 305. FETUS The developing baby from 9 weeks after conception until birth. In everyday practice, this term is of ten used to describe a developing baby during pregnancy, regardless of age.
  • 306. GAMETE Reproductive cell: in the female an ovum, and in the male a spermatozoon.
  • 307. GESTATIONAL AGE Prenatal age of the developing baby (measured in weeks) calculated from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period. Also called menstrual age, about 2 weeks longer than the fertilization age.
  • 308. GRAAFIAN FOLLICLE A small sac within the ovary. The graafian follicle contains the maturing ovum.
  • 309. NIDATION Implantation of the fertilized ovum (Zygote) in the uterine endomertrium.
  • 310. OOGENESIS Formation of gametes (ova) in the female.
  • 311. OVULATION Release of the mature ovum from the ovary.
  • 312. PLACENTA Fetal structure that provides nourishment, removes wastes from the developing baby, and secrete hormones necessary for the pregnancy to continue.
  • 313. SPERMATOGENESIS Formation of male gametes, or germ cells.
  • 314. ZYGOTE Cell formed by union of an ovum and sperm.
  • 315. Terminologies  Amniotic fluid embolism : Embolism resulting from amniotic fluid entering the maternal bloodstream during labor and birth after rupture of membranes; this is often fatal to the woman if it is a pulmonary embolism.  Attitude: Body posture or position.
  • 316. Terminologies  Bearing-down effort:“Secondary powers”; energy exerted by the woman during contractions to push out the baby.  Biparietal diameter :Largest transverse diameter of the fetal head; extends from one parietal bone to the other.
  • 317. Terminologies  Bloody show: Vaginal discharge that originates in the cervix and consists of blood and mucus; increase as cervix dilates during labor.  Breech presentation: Presentation in which buttocks or feet are nearest the cervical opening and are born first; occurs in approximately 3% of all births.
  • 318. Terminologies  Caul: Hood of fetal membranes covering fetal head during birth.  Cephalic :Pertaining to the head.  Crowning: Stage of birth when the top of the fetal head can be seen at the vaginal orifice.
  • 319. Terminologies  Dilatation of cervix: Stretching of the external os from an opening a few millimeters in size to an opening large enough to allow the passage of the infant.  Effacement : Thinning and shortening or obliteration of the cervix that occurs during late pregnancy or labor or both.
  • 320. Terminologies  Engagement :In obstetrics, the entrance of the fetal presenting part into the superior pelvic strait and the beginning of the descent through the pelvic canal.  Episiotomy : Surgical incision of the perineum at the end of the second stage of labor to facilitate birth and to avoid laceration of the perineum.
  • 321. Terminologies  External cephalic version (ECV): Turning the fetus to a vertex position by exertion of pressure on the fetus externally through the maternal abdomen..  Ferguson’s reflex: Reflex contractions of the uterus after stimulation of the cervix.
  • 322. Terminologies  Fontanel :Broad area, or soft spot, consisting of a strong band of connective tissue continuous with cranial bones and located at the junctions of the bones.  Gynecoid pelvis: Pelvis in which the inlet is round instead of oval or blunt; heart shaped. Typical female pelvis.
  • 323. Terminologies  Kangaroo care: Skin-to-skin infant care, especially for preterm infants, which provides warmth to infant. Infant is placed naked or diapered against mother’s or father’s bare chest and is covered with parent’s shirt or a warm blanket.  Labor :Series of processes by which the fetus is expelled from the uterus; parturition; childbirth
  • 324. Terminologies  Large for dates (large for gestational age (LGA)): Exhibiting excessive growth for gestational age.  Lie: Relationship existing between the long axis of the fetus and the long axis of the mother. In a longitudinal lie, the fetus is lying lengthwise or vertically, whereas in a transverse lie, the fetus is lying crosswise or horizontally in the mother’s uterus.
  • 325. Terminologies  Lightening :Sensation of decreased abdominal distention produced by uterine descent into pelvic cavity as the fetal presenting part settles into the pelvis. It usually occurs 2 weeks before the onset of labor in nulliparas.  Lithotomy position :Position in which the woman lies on her back with her knees flexed and with abducted thighs drawn up toward her chest.
  • 326. Terminologies  Low birth weight (LBW): An infant birth weight of less than 2500 g.  Molding: Overlapping of cranial bones or shaping of the fetal head to accommodate and conform to the bony and soft parts of the mother’s birth canal during labor.  Multigravida: Woman who has been pregnant two or more times.
  • 327. Terminologies  Multipara : Woman who has carried two or more pregnancies to viability, whether they ended in live infants or stillbirths.  Nonstress test (NST) : Evaluation of fetal response (fetal heart rate) to natural contractile uterine activity or to an increase in fetal activity.  Nuchal cord : Encircling of fetal neck
  • 328. Terminologies  Nulligravida : Woman who has never been pregnant.  Nullipara: Woman who has not yet carried a pregnancy to viability.  Oligohydramnios: Abnormally small amount or absence of amniotic fluid; often indicative of fetal urinary tract defect.
  • 329. Terminologies  Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) : Procedure during which the fetal umbilical vessel is accessed for blood sampling or for transfusions.  Position: Relationship of an arbitrarily chosen fetal reference point, such as the occiput, sacrum, chin, or scapula on the presenting part of the fetus to its location in the front, back, or sides of the maternal pelvis.
  • 330. Terminologies  Postdate birth: Birth of an infant after 42 weeks of gestation.  Post mature infant: Infant born at or after the beginning of week 43 of gestation or later and exhibiting signs of dysmaturity.
  • 331. Terminologies  Precipitous labor: Rapid or sudden labor of less than 3 hours beginning from onset of cervical changes to completed birth of neonate.  Preeclampsia: Disease encountered after 20 weeks of gestation or early in the puerperium; a vasospastic disease process characterized by increasing hypertension, proteinuria, and hemoconcentration.
  • 332. Terminologies  Pregestational diabetes: Diabetes mellitus type I or type II that exists before pregnancy.  Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH): Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including preeclampsia, eclampsia, and transient hypertension.
  • 333. Terminologies  Presentation: That part of the fetus that first enters the pelvis and lies over the inlet: may be head, face, breech, or shoulder.  Presenting part: That part of the fetus that lies closest to the internal os of the cervix  Preterm birth : Birth occurring before 37 weeks of gestation.
  • 334. Terminologies  Preterm rupture of membranes: Spontaneous rupture of membranes before 37 weeks of gestation  Prolapsed cord: Protrusion of the umbilical cord in advance of the presenting part.  PROM: Premature (before 38 weeks of gestation) rupture of membranes.
  • 335. Terminologies  Ring of fire: Burning sensation as vagina stretches and fetal head crowns.  Ritgen maneuver: Procedure used to control the birth of the head.  Second stage: Stage of labor from full dilatation of the cervix to the birth of the baby.
  • 336. Terminologies  Sims’ position: Position in which the client lies on the left side with the right knee and thigh drawn upward toward the chest.  Small for dates (small for gestational age (SGA)): Refers to inadequate growth for gestational age.  Spontaneous rupture of membranes :Rupture of membranes by natural means.
  • 337. Terminologies  Station : Relationship of the presenting fetal part to an imaginary line drawn between the ischial spines of the pelvis.  Stillbirth: The birth of a baby after 20 weeks of gestation and I day or 350 g (depending on the state code) that does not show any signs of life.
  • 338. Terminologies  Subinvolution : Failure of a part (for example, the uterus) to reduce to its normal size and condition after enlargement from functional activity (for example, pregnancy).  Suboccipito bregmatic diameter : Smallest diameter of the fetal head-follows a line drawn from the middle of the occipital bone.
  • 339. Terminologies  Third stage : Stage of labor from the birth of the baby to the expulsion of the placenta.  Tocolytic drug: Drug used to relax the uterus, to suppress preterm labor, or for version
  • 340. Terminologies  TORCH infections : Infections caused by organisms that damage the embryo or fetus; acronym for toxoplasmosis, other (for example, syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex.  Toxemia: Term previously used for hypertensive states of pregnancy.
  • 341. Terminologies  Uteroplacental insufficiency (UPI): Decline in placental function-exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes-leading to fetal hypoxia and acidosis; evidenced by late fetal heart rate decelerations in response to uterine contractions.  Vaccum curettage: Uterine aspiration method of early abortion
  • 342. Terminologies  Vaccum extraction: Birth involving attachment of vaccum cup fetal head and using negative pressure to assist in birth of the fetus.  Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC): Giving birth vaginally after having had a previous cesarean birth.
  • 343. Terminologies  Valsalva maneuver : The process of making a forceful attempt at expulsion while holding one’s breath and tightening the abdominal muscles (as in pushing during the second stage of labor).  Vasectomy: Ligation or removal of a segment of the vas deferens, usually done bilaterally to produce sterility in the male.
  • 344. Terminologies  Vertex : Crown or top of the head.  Very low birth weight (VLBW): Refers to infant weighing 1500 g or less at birth.  Viable, viability: Capable, capability of living, as in a fetus that has reached a stage of development, usually 22 menstrual weeks (20 weeks of gestation), which will permit it to live outside the uterus.
  • 345. Terminologies  After Pain – Cramping pain following childbirth , caused by alternating relaxation & contraction of uterine muscles
  • 346. Atony – Absence or lack of usual muscle tone
  • 347.  Attachment : Development of strong affectional ties as a result of interaction between an infant and a significant other (mother, father, sibling, caretaker).
  • 348. Catabolism: A destructive process that converts living cells into simpler compounds. Process involved in involution (changes) of the uterus after child birth
  • 349. Decidua: Term referring to the endometrium during pregnancy. All except the deepest layer is shed after childbirth
  • 350. Diastasis Recti: Separation of the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen (rectus abdominis) during pregnancy
  • 351. Dysparenuia: Difficult or painful coitus in women
  • 352. En Face: Position that allows eye-to-eye contact between the newborn and a parent. Optimal distance is 20 to 22cm ( 8 to 9 inches)
  • 353. Engorgement: Swelling of the breasts resulting from increased blood flow and the presence of milk
  • 354. Engrossment: Intense fascination and close face- to-face observation between father and newborn
  • 355. Episiotomy: Surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening
  • 356. Involution: Retrogressive changes that return the reproductive organs, particularly the uterus, to their nonpregnant size and condition
  • 357. Kegel Exercises: Alternate contraction and relaxing of the pelvic muscles
  • 358. Lactation : Secretion of milk from the breasts The period of time of breast feeding
  • 359. Lochia alba: Whitish or clear vaginal discharge
  • 360. Lochia rubra: Reddish vaginal discharge
  • 361. Lochia Serosa Pinkish or brown-tinged vaginal discharge
  • 362. Milk-ejection reflex: Release of milk from the alveoli into the ducts. (letdown reflex)
  • 363. Oxytocin: Posterior pituitary hormone that stimulates uterine contractions and Milk- ejection reflex
  • 364. Postpartum Blues: Temporary, self-limiting period of weepiness
  • 365. Prolactin: anterior pituitary hormone (growth of breast tissue and production of milk)
  • 366. Puerperium: Period from the end of childbirth until involution of the uterus is complete, approximately 6 weeks
  • 367. REEDA: Acronym for Redness, Ecchymosis, Edema, Discharge and Approximation
  • 368.
  • 369. Abdominal Gestation : Implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the uterus but inside the peritoneal cavity. Abortion : Termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable and capable of extrauterine existence, usually less than 20 weeks of gestation or when the fetus weighs less than 500 g. Abruptio Placentae : Partial or complete premature separation of a normally implanted placenta
  • 370. Acini cells : Milk producing cells in the breast. AGA : Appropriate for Gestational Age. Amniocentesis : Procedure in which needle is inserted through the abdominal and uterine walls into the amniotic fluid; used for assessment of fetal health and maturity and for therapeutic abortion.
  • 371. Amnioinfusion : Infusion of normal saline warmed to body temperature through an intra uterine catheter into the uterine cavity in an attempt to increase the fluid around the umbilical cord and prevent compression during uterine contractions. Amnionitis : Inflammation of the amnion, occurring most frequently after early rupture of membrane.
  • 372. Amniotic fluid embolism : Embolism resulting from amniotic fluid entering the maternal blood stream during labor and birth after rupture of Membranes. Amniotomy : Artificial rupture of the fetal membranes (AROM). Anencephaly : Congenital deformity characterized by the absence of cerebrum, cerebellum, and flat bones of the skull.
  • 373. Apt test : Differentiation of maternal and fetal Blood when there is vaginal bleeding. Artificial rupture of membrane : Rupture of membranes using a plastic amnihook or surgical clamp. Augmentation of labor : Artificial stimulation of uterine contractions after labor has started spontaneously but it is not progressing satisfactorily.
  • 374. Biophysical profile : Noninvasive assessment of the fetus and its environment using ultrasonography and uterine fetal monitoring; includes fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, FHR, and qualitative amniotic fluid volume. Bishop’s score : Rating system to evaluate inducibility of the cervix; a higher score increases the rate of successful induction of labor.
  • 375. Breech presentation : Presentation in which buttocks or feet or nearest the cervical opening and are born first. Cephalopelvic disproposition Cerclage : Use of nonabsorbable suture to keep an incompetent cervix closed; released when pregnancy is at term to allow labor to begin. Cesarean Birth : Birth of fetus by an incision through the abdominal wall and uterus.
  • 376. Chorioamnionitis : Inflammatory reaction in fetal membranes to bacteria or viruses in the amniotic fluid, which then become infiltrated with polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Chorionic villi sampling (CVS) : Removal of fetal tissue from placenta for genetic diagnostic studies. Conjoined twins : Twins who are physically united. Siamese Twins
  • 377. Curettage : Scrapping of endometrium lining of the uterus with a curet to remove the contents of the uterus or to obtain specimens for diagnostic purpose. Daily Fetal Movement Counts : Maternal assessment of fetal activity; the number of fetal movements within specific time are counted. Dilatation and Curettage (D and C) : Vaginal procedure in which the cervical canal is stretched enough to admit passage of an instrument.
  • 378. Disparate twins : Twins who are different and distinct from one another. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) : Pathologic form of coagulation in which clotting factors are consumed to an extent that generalized bleeding can occur; associated with Abruptio Placentae, eclampsia, intrauterine fetal demise, amniotic fluid embolism, and hemorrhage.
  • 379. Dizygotic : Related to or proceeding from two zygotes. Dizygotic Twins : Twins developed from two separate ova fertilized by two separate sperm at the same time. Fraternal Twins Dubowitz assessment : Estimation of gestational age of a newborn based on criteria developed for that purpose. Dysfunctional labor : Abnormal uterine contractions that prevent normal progress of cervical dilatation and progress
  • 380. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding : Abnormal bleeding from the uterus for reasons that are not readily established. Dystocia : Prolonged, painful or difficult birth because of mechanical factors produced by the passenger or the passage, inadequate powers, or maternal position.
  • 381. Eclampsia : Severe complication of pregnancy, more often in primi gravida, characterized by tonic and clonic convulsions, coma, high BP, albuminuria, and oliguria occurring during pregnancy or shortly after birth. False labor : Uterine contraction that do not result in cervical dilatation, are irregular often do not lost more than 20 seconds, and don’t become longer and stronger.
  • 382. Forceps assisted birth : Birth in which two curved bladed instruments are used to assist in delivery of the fetal head. Gestational Diabetes : Glucose intolerance first recognized during pregnancy. Gynecology : Study of disease of the female, especially of the genital, urinary and rectal organs.
  • 383. HELLP syndrome : Condition characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count; is a form of severe eclampsia. Hypotonic uterine dysfunction:weak,ineffective uterine contractions usually occurring in the Active phase of labor; often related to CPD or Malposition of the fetus.
  • 384. TAH-BSO : Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; removal of uterus, both tubes and ovaries. Incompetent cervix : Cervix that is unable to remain closed until pregnancy reaches term because of a mechanical defect in the cervix resulting in the dilatation and effacement usually second or early third trimester of pregnancy.
  • 385. IUGR : Fetal under growth of any cause, such as deficient nutrient supply or intrauterine infection, or associated with congenital malformation. Intrauterine resuscitation : Interventions initiated when nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns are noted and are directed at improving intrauterine blood flow.
  • 386. External Cephalic Version (ECV) : Turning the fetus to a vertex position by exertion of pressure on the fetus externally through the maternal abdomen. Kangaroo Care : Skin-to-skin infant care, especially for preterm infants, which provides warmth to infant. Infant is placed naked or diapered against mother’s or father’s bare chest and is covered with parent’s shirt or a warm blanket.
  • 387. Large for Dates (Large for festational age [LGA]): exhibiting excessive growth for gestational age. Low Birth Weight (LBW) : An infant birth weight of less than 2500 g. Multigravida : Woman who has been pregnant two or more times Multipara : Women who has carried two or more pregnancies to viability, whether they ended in live infants or stillbirths.
  • 388. Non-stress Test (NST) : Evaluation of fetal response (fetal heart rate) to natural contractile uterine activity or to an increase in fetal activity. Nulligravida : Women who has never been pregnant. Nullipara : Women who has not yet carried a pregnancy to viability.
  • 389. Oligohydramnios : Abnormally small amount or absence of amniotic fluid; often indicative of fetal urinary tract defect. Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) : Procedure during which the fetal umbilical vessel is accessed for blood sampling of for transfusions. Postdate Birth : Birth of an infant after 42 weeks of gestation.
  • 390. Post-mature Infant : Infant born at or after the beginning of week 43 of gestation or later and exhibiting signs of dysmaturity. Precipitous Labor : Rapid or sudden labor of less 3 hours beginning from onset of cervical changes to completed birth of neonate. Preeclampsia : Disease encountered after 20 weeks of gestation or early in the puerperium; a vasospastic disease process characterized by increasing hypertension, proteniuria, and hemoconcentration
  • 391. Pregestational Diabetes : Diabetes mellitus type I or type II that exists before pregnancy Pregnancy0Induced Hypertension (PIH) : Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including preeclampsia, eclampsia, and transient hypertension Preterm Birth : Birth occurring before 37 weeks of gestation.
  • 392. Preterm Rupture of Membranes : Spontaneous rupture of membranes before 37 weeks of gestation. Prolapsed Cord : Protrusion of the umbilical cord in advance of the presenting part. PROM : Premature (before 38 weeks of gestation) rupture of members. Small for Dates (Small for gestational age [SGA]) : Refers to inadequate growth for gestational age.
  • 393. Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes : Rupture of membranes by natural means. Stillbirth : The birth of a baby after 20 weeks of gestation and 1 day or 350 g. (depending on the state code) that does not show any signs of life. Sub-involution : failure of a part (for example, the uterus) to reduce to its normal size and condition after enlargement form functional activity (for example, pregnancy).
  • 394. Tocolytic Drug : Drug used to relax the uterus, to suppress preterm labor, or for version. TORCH Infections : Infections caused by organisms that damage the embryo or fetus; acronym for toxoplasmosis, other (for example, syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus and berpes simplex. Toxemia : Term previously used for hypertensive states of pregnancy.
  • 395. Uteroplacental Insufficiency (UPI) : Decline in placental function-exchange of gases, nutrients and wastes-leading to fetal hypoxia and acidosis; evidenced by late fetal heart rate decelerations in response to uterine contractions. Vacuum Curettage : Uterine aspiration method of early abortion
  • 396. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) : Giving birth vaginally after having had a previous cesarean birth. Vasectomy : Ligation or removal of a segment of the vas deferens, usually done bilaterally to produce sterility in the male. Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) : Refers to infant weighing 1500 g or less at birth.
  • 397. Viable, Viability : Capable, capability of living, as in a fetus that has reached a stage of development, usually 22 menstrual weeks (20 weeks of gestation), which will permit it to live outside the uterus.