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HIST147 Historical Documents – Working at the Lowell Mills
(10 points)
Due April 17 by 11:59pm (post response to Canvas)
This assignment assumes you have read Chapter 9 of the online
textbook. This assignment is designed to provide students with
different points of view regarding the Lowell Mills and is
divided into two parts.
Part 1 presents the point of view of people who visited the
Lowell Mills and published their thought and opinions about
life at the textile factory. After reading the document excerpts,
students will write a response to the question presented at the
end of the document excerpts. Student should write their
response in complete sentences. The response for Part 1 should
be at least 150 words. Students are welcome to go over the
minimum word count requirement. If you include the question
in your response, it does not count toward the word count
requirement. The response should be written in your own words.
DO NOT use quotes from the historical documents.
Part 2 presents the point of view of some of the women who
worked at the Lowell Mills. After reading the document
excerpts, students will write a response to the question
presented at the end of the document excerpts. Student should
write their response in complete sentences. The response for
Part 2 should be at least 150 words. Students are welcome to go
over the minimum word count requirement. If you include the
question in your response, it does not count toward the word
count requirement. The response should be written in your own
words. DO NOT use quotes from the historical documents.
These responses will be evaluated on how well the responses
reflect the information presented in the historical documents.
Students should submit their responses as ONE Word doc or
PDF file to Canvas.
The documents start on the next page.
Lowell Mills, Part 1
The following excerpts represent information and attitudes
presented by people who do not work in the mills.
The Harbinger, Female Workers of Lowell (1836)
We have lately visited the cities of Lowell [Mass.] and
Manchester [N.H.] and have had an opportunity of examining
the factory system more closely than before. … We went
through many of the mills, talked particularly to a large number
of the operatives, and ate at their boardinghouses, on purpose to
ascertain by personal inspection the facts of the case. …
In Lowell live between seven and eight thousand young women,
who are generally daughters of farmers of the different states of
New England. Some of them are members of families that were
rich in the generation before. . . . The operatives work thirteen
hours a day in the summertime, and from daylight to dark in the
winter. At half past four in the morning the factory bell rings,
and at five the girls must be in the mills. A clerk, placed as a
watch, observes those who are a few minutes behind the time,
and effectual means are taken to stimulate to punctuality. This
is the morning commencement of the industrial discipline
(should we not rather say industrial tyranny?) which is
established in these associations of this moral and Christian
At seven the girls are allowed thirty minutes for breakfast, and
at noon thirty minutes more for dinner, except during the first
quarter of the year, when the time is extended to forty-five
minutes. But within this time they must hurry to their
boardinghouses and return to the factory, and that through the
hot sun or the rain or the cold. A meal eaten under such
circumstances must be quite unfavorable to digestion and
health, as any medical man will inform us. After seven o'clock
in the evening the factory bell sounds the close of the day's
Thus thirteen hours per day of close attention and monotonous
labor are extracted from the young women in these
manufactories. . . . So fatigued-we should say, exhausted and
worn out, but we wish to speak of the system in the simplest
language-are numbers of girls that they go to bed soon after
their evening meal, and endeavor by a comparatively long sleep
to resuscitate their weakened frames for the toil of the coming
Now let us examine the nature of the labor itself, and the
conditions under which it is performed. Enter with us into the
large rooms, when the looms are at work. The largest that we
saw is in the Amoskeag Mills at Manchester. . . . The din and
clatter of these five hundred looms, under full operation, struck
us on first entering as something frightful and infernal, for it
seemed such an atrocious violation of one of the faculties of the
human soul, the sense of hearing. After a while we became
somewhat used to it, and by speaking quite close to the ear of
an operative and quite loud, we could hold a conversation and
make the inquiries we wished.
The girls attended upon an average three looms; many attended
four, but this requires a very active person, and the most
unremitting care. However, a great many do it. Attention to two
is as much as should be demanded of an operative. This gives us
some idea of the application required during the thirteen hours
of daily labor.
The atmosphere of such a room cannot of course be pure; on the
contrary, it is charged with cotton filaments and dust, which, we
are told, are very injurious to the lungs.
On entering the room, although the day was warm, we remarked
that the windows were down. We asked the reason, and a young
woman answered very naively, and without seeming to be in
the least aware that this privation of fresh air was anything else
than perfectly natural, that "when the wind blew, the threads
did not work well." After we had been in the room for fifteen or
twenty minutes, we found ourselves, as did the persons who
accompanied us, in quite a perspiration, produced by a certain
moisture which we observed in the air, as well as by the heat. . .
The young women sleep upon an average six in a room, three
beds to a room. There is no privacy, no retirement, here. It is
almost impossible to read or write alone, as the parlor is full
and so many sleep in the same chamber. A young woman
remarked to us that if she had a letter to write, she did it on the
head of a bandbox, sitting on a trunk, as there was no space for
a table.
So live and toil the young women of our country in the
boardinghouses and manufactories which the rich and
influential of our land have built for them.
Orestes Brownson, The Laboring Classes from the Boston
Quarterly Review (1840)
The operatives are well dressed, and we are told, well paid.
They are said to be healthy, contented, and happy. This is the
fair side of the picture . . . There is a dark side, moral as well as
physical. Of the common operatives, few, if any, by their
wages, acquire a competence . . . the great mass wear out their
health, spirits, and morals, without becoming one whit better off
than when they commenced labor. The bills of mortality in these
factory villages are not striking, we admit, for the poor girls
when they can toil no longer go home to die. The average life,
working life we mean, of the girls that come to Lowell, for
instance, from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, we have
been assured, is only about three years. What becomes of them
then? Few of them ever marry; fewer still ever return to their
native places with reputations unimpaired. “She has worked in a
Factory,” is almost enough to damn to infamy the most worthy
and virtuous girl.
From this perspective, what was it like for women working in
the mills? What bias might be present in these views?
Lowell Mills, Part 2
The following excerpts represent information and attitudes
presented by the women working in the mills.
“Factory Girls,” Lowell Offering (1840)
. . [the] girls who generally come from quiet country homes,
where their minds and manners have been formed under the eyes
of the worthy sons of the Pilgrims, and their virtuous partners
[wives], and who return again to become the wives of the free
intelligent yeomanry of New England and the mothers of quite a
proportion of our future republicans [Republican Motherhood].
Think, for a moment, how many of the next generation are to
spring from mothers doomed to infamy! . . .
It has been asserted that to put ourselves under the influence
and restraints of corporate bodies [businesses or companies], is
contrary to the spirit of our institutions, and to that love of
independence which we ought to cherish. . . . We are under
restraints, but they are voluntarily assumed; and we are at
liberty to withdraw from them, whenever they become galling or
irksome. Neither have I ever discovered that any restraints were
imposed upon us but those which were necessary for the peace
and comfort of the whole, and for the promotion of the design
for which we are collected, namely, to get money, as much of it
and as fast as we can; and it is because our toil is so
unremitting, that the wages of factory girls are higher than those
of females engaged in most other occupations. It is these wages
which, in spite of toil, restraint, discomfort, and prejudice, have
drawn so many worthy, virtuous, intelligent, and well-educated
girls to Lowell, and other factories; and it is the wages which
are in great degree to decide the characters of the factory girls
as a class. . . . [should] one of the most lucrative female
employments should be rejected because it is toilsome, or
because some people are prejudiced against it. Yankee girls
have too much independence for that. . . .
“Dignity of Labor” Lowell Offering (1842)
From whence originated the idea, that it was derogatory to a
lady’s dignity, or a blot upon the female character, to labor? and
who was the first to say, sneeringly, “Oh, she works for a
living”? Surely, such ideas and expressions ought not to grow
on republican soil. The time has been, when ladies of the first
rank were accustomed to busy themselves in domestic
Few American fortunes will support a woman who is above the
calls of her family; and a man of sense, in choosing a
companion to jog with him through all the up-hills and down-
hills of life, would sooner choose one who had to work for a
living, than one who thought it beneath her to soil her pretty
hands with manual labor, although she possessed her thousands.
To be able to earn one’s own living by laboring with the hands,
should be reckoned among female accomplishments; and I hope
the time is not far distant when none of my countrywomen will
be ashamed to have it known that they are better versed in
useful, than they are in ornamental accomplishments.
Letter from Mary Paul (1845)
Dear Father
I received your letter on Thursday the 14th with much pleasure.
I am well which is one comfort. My life and health are spared
while others are cut off. Last Thursday one girl fell down and
broke her neck which caused instant death. She was going in or
coming out of the mill and slipped down it being very icy. The
same day a man was killed by the cars. Another had nearly all
of his ribs broken. Another was nearly killed by falling down
and having a bale of cotton fall on him. Last Tuesday we were
paid. In all I had six dollars and sixty cents [and] paid four
dollars and sixty-eight cents for board. With the rest I got me a
pair of [rubber boots] and a pair of 50.cts shoes…. Perhaps you
would like something about our regulations about going in and
coming out of the mill. At 5 o’clock in the morning the bell
rings for the folks to get up and get breakfast. At half past six it
rings for the girls to get up and at seven they are called into the
mill. At half past 12 we have dinner are called back again at one
and stay till half past seven. I get along very well with my
work. I can doff as fast as any girl in our room. I think I shall
have frames before long. The usual time allowed for learning is
six months but I think I shall have frames before I have been in
three as I get along so fast. I think that the factory is the best
place for me and if any girl wants employment I advise them to
come to Lowell. Tell Harriet that though she does not hear from
me she is not forgotten. I have little time to devote to writing
that I cannot write all I want to. . .
This from, Mary S Paul
A New England Girlhood by Lucy Larcom (1889)
In the older times it was seldom said to little girls, as it always
has been said to boys, that they ought to have some definite
plan, while they were children, what to be and do when they
were grown up. There was usually but one path open before
them, to become good wives and housekeepers. And the
ambition of most girls was to follow their mothers’ footsteps in
this direction; a natural and laudable ambition. But girls, as
well as boys, must often have been conscious of their own
peculiar capabilities,—must have desired to cultivate and make
use of their individual powers. …
One great advantage which came to these many stranger girls
through being brought together, away from their own homes,
was that it taught them to go out of themselves, and enter into
the lives of others. Home-life, when one always stays at home,
is necessarily narrowing. That is one reason why so many
women are petty and unthoughtful of any except their own
family’s interests. We have hardly begun to live until we can
take in the idea of the whole human family as the one to which
we truly belong. To me, it was an incalculable help to find
myself among so many working-girls, all of us thrown upon our
own resources, but thrown much more upon each others’
From this perspective, what was it like for women working in
the mills? What bias might be present in these views?
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You have been working on your Unit 9 Assignment throughout
this entire term, so none of this information will be new to you.
Your primary objective in this course is to demonstrate your
mastery of the skills noted in the program outcomes by
developing your Unit 9 final research paper - a 10 page
analysis of a significant historic/cultural event that has
influenced human behaviors, human expression, ethics, and
which you can analyze and provide future recommendations.
Before you submit your paper, take another look at the
Assignment Requirements below to make sure you have
included all the necessary elements:
Final Research Paper Overview (written in third person):
1. Introduction (1 page)
a. Brief background of topic
b. Why topic is important to analyze
c. Thesis
2. Analysis of Humanities (3 pages)
a. Human Behavior
b. Human Expression
c. Ethics
3. Critical Analysis of Situation & Recommendations (3 pages)
a. Relevance to contemporary issues/future concerns
b. Recommendations for future considerations and future
areas of study
c. Evaluation of recommendations: rationale for
recommendations to address the topic, and why they
would be successful
4. Conclusion (end of research paper) (1 page)
a. Reiteration of thesis
b. Reiteration of why topic is important
Assignment Details
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5. Personal Reflection (separate section written in first person)
a. Lessons learned from completing this project
b. Critical analysis of process challenges: what would you do
c. Critical analysis of process positives: what did you do well?
d. Application of critical analysis to professional/personal life
e. Final thoughts
Title Page
The title page needs to adhere to the APA format required by
the University. There is a sample of an APA formatted title
page in the Writing Center. For the title page, create an
interesting and catchy title that motivates your audience to
read your paper.
Introduction (1 page)
Your paper’s introduction should include the background or
history of your chosen event, why the topic is important to
research and analyze, and your thesis.
First, the introduction should provide a bit of background for
your reader. Do not assume your reader knows about the topic
and its history. Share with your reader the time and place that
the event occurred and provide a little background. Include a
brief review of what led up to the event, why it was such a
significant or historic moment, who it involved, etc.
Then, add in the introduction why this is an important topic for
research and analysis both for current and future concerns.
Finally, the thesis is the main point of your paper. You should
consider your objective (what is the main point you want your
reader to remember), consider your audience, and make the
thesis connect to what will be covered in your paper. Since the
Final Research Paper specifically requires that you discuss
how the event influenced human behavior, human expression,
and ethics, your thesis should reflect this. For example, “World
War II was a significant historic event that had a tremendous
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effect on society’s behaviors, resulted in a diverse range of
human expression, and raised ethical considerations that may
influence society for years to come.” You will want to make a
connection between your thesis and the discussion to follow. In
this way, your reader is given a preview of the content of the
paper and why it is important.
This is the main body of your paper. Now that your reader
knows your main point and has the necessary historic context
for the event, you can analyze how the topic influenced human
behavior, human expression, the ethical considerations related
to the event, your critical analysis, recommendations and
evaluation of the recommendations.
Human Behavior, Human Expression, & Ethics (3 pages)
In your discussion on human behavior, you should identify the
behavioral response to the event. Keep in mind that sometimes
behaviors are connected to human expression; therefore, you
may find that your discussion on human behavior overlaps with
human expression. As you explore the human behavior related
to the event, consider the following:
What were some of the behavioral responses to the event
(war, riots, celebrations, the manner people dressed, actions
they took, causes they joined, etc.)?
What emotions were tied to these behaviors (anger, joy, grief,
Why did people respond the way that they did?
Did distinctive groups (cultural, religious, genders,
geographically different, socioeconomically different, etc.)
respond differently to the event? If so, why?
What were the effects on the way people dressed, how
political they became, changes in traditional roles or society’s
When you discuss human expression, keep in mind that often,
human expression is exhibited through behaviors. Therefore,
you may find overlap as you write about these two areas. For
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example, joining a political movement is both a behavior and
an expression of beliefs. Some examples of human expression
literature, poetry, plays
art, architecture, photography, sculpture
political/social causes
culinary art (food dishes)
social causes
pop culture
Other questions to consider as you research human
expression related to your topic are:
What was the emotion that led to the expression (shock,
horror, triumph, fear, joy, etc.)?
How does diversity affect the expression (example: do some
ethnic groups produce certain forms of art, how is art
connected to gender, religion, race, etc.)?
When analyzing ethical issues, there are two ways to approach
this topic. You can either consider how ethical issues led to the
event (for example, the morality of slavery leading to the Civil
War) or how the event itself resulted in ethical
dilemmas/conflicts. An example of this might be the ability of
technology to conduct stem-cell research, is it ethical to do so?
In your paper, you may opt to take either approach or address
both of these aspects if they both apply to your topic. Some
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questions that will help you develop this discussion of your
paper are:
What are the opposing perspectives on this issue?
Are there extenuating circumstances that sometimes make
this event viewed as “right” or “wrong”?
How do religious beliefs, nationality, ethnicity, gender,
economic status, and other aspects of diversity influence the
interpretation of this event?
Who is (was) talking about this event and whose voice is
(was) not heard or included?
What are the elements of power and privilege that are relevant
to this event?
What bias, agendas, stereotypes and/or prejudices are
Has hindsight changed the views of the ethical issues?
Be sure to present a balanced view in your ethical discussion.
Even if you strongly affiliate yourself with a particular view on
the topic, use your critical thinking and research skills to also
present opposing viewpoints to provide an objective
presentation. Remember, this is a research paper, not an
opinion paper.
Critical Analysis of Situation & Recommendations (3
For this section, use critical thinking skills to analyze the event
and provide discussion on the relevance of the topic to
contemporary issues, as well as future concerns that the event
may create. Since your topic is on a significant historic/cultural
event, there are likely some lasting consequences or
influences that resulted from it. Questions to help with the
analysis in your discussion:
How did the event change the world or at least change some
aspect of society?
How did the event raise concerns for the future and/or how
does the issue continue to evolve?
What are the “lessons learned” from the event?
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What will people do differently now than they did before?
How are governments, education or other parts of the social
structure responding to the event?
What laws have been put in place because of the event?
What organizations or movements continue to be active?
How does the topic background/ context/ outcome relate to
current issues?
Is the topic ongoing or can it happen again?
What can be learned from the topic/ outcome that can be
applied to future considerations?
What areas of future study would you recommend to
understand this topic?
The last aspect of this discussion area should be
recommendations to address the topic/ event and rationale for
why the recommendations would work.
If the topic is ongoing, how to manage it, end it and/or how
society can take steps either that it does not happen again or
to promote its further existence and broadening (depending
on if the topic is a societal positive or negative).
What specific recommendations could be/ can be applied to
the situation?
Explain why these recommendations would work short and
long term.
Conclusion (1 page)
Your conclusion should tie your entire paper together. It should
strongly reconnect with your thesis (the main point of your
paper), briefly summarize the discussion section and reiterate
why the topic is important.
The conclusion is the end of your research paper that is written
in third person. However, for the critical thinking process, it is
necessary to analyze and evaluate your reflection into the
process. Add a separate section that is written in first person
(your personal narrative) including these elements:
Personal Reflection (separate section written in first
person) (2 pages)
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1. Lessons learned from completing this project
2. Analysis of process challenges – what would you do
3. Analysis of process positives - what did you do well?
4. Application of critical analysis to professional/personal life
5. Final thoughts
Remember that your References page must be completed in
APA format. There are many sample papers in the Writing
Center and there are helpful documents throughout the class
on proper editing and formatting of an APA paper. An academic
paper such as this one must include proper APA in text
citations throughout that correspond to the Reference page
Requirements for the Capstone Paper Sources
There must be at least 10 sources and the sources need to
include the following:
1 primary source (interview, speech, etc.)
3 peer reviewed articles from scholarly journals (from the
1 source originally published as a book
5 other sources (book, scholarly journals, newspapers,
primary/secondary sources, websites, etc.)
Your paper must also include the additional elements listed
below. When adding these to your paper, include a summary of
each in terms of the content, the meaning, what the topic of the
information is, and why it is relevant to support your Final
Research Paper topic.
Five examples of quantitative data: Four noted as statistics
and at least one chart or graph incorporated in the discussion
One video: Add the website link to the video in your discussion
on the topic (could be your primary source of interview,
speech, etc., or something else that is relevant to the topic).
Remember to check the link to make sure it works before
submitting the final version.
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Be sure to accurately cite these materials in APA format with
both in text citations in the discussion (body of the paper) and
with a corresponding reference on the Reference page.
This Assignment is assessed by the following course level
LI499-3: Professional Competencies: Use critical thinking and
effective communications in locating, presenting, and analyzing
Submitting Your Assignment:
Create your Assignment as a Word document. Save it in a
location and with a name that you will remember. When you
are ready to submit, select the Unit 9 Assignment
Dropbox and upload your file. To view your graded work after
your instructor has evaluated it, please use the Dropbox or the
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© 2019 by Purdue University Global Academic Success Center.
All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or
redistributed without permission.
Top 10 Mistakes in Research
10. Not Giving Yourself Enough Time to Research
In a connected world where a single Google search returns
15,382 hits in a matter of seconds,
students frequently underestimate how long it takes to complete
good-quality research and/or expect a
library search to function the same as a Google search. When
we research for personal or
professional reasons, a couple of quick Internet searches can
usually get us the bit of information we
However, academic research sets higher standards and
expectations. Academic indexes must be
searched differently than the basic Internet search engine and
the kinds of resources you need for
quality academic writing and thinking require precise searches
in many different databases.
A good rule of thumb is to designate one to two hours of
research per page of text. A three-page
essay would reasonably require about three to five hours of
9. Using Unacceptable Websites or Other Problematic Sources
Academic writing requires academic-quality resources. That
means you should be using sources that
are catalogued in libraries, such as Purdue Global's Online
Library or a local library. Remember that
anyone can post anything to the Internet. Just because it is on a
website does not mean that it is
accurate or that the source is reliable. In fact, most websites are
either selling a product or an agenda.
Avoid websites unless they are government or professional
organization sites, such as the American
Diabetes Association, the American Lung Association, the
American Bar Association, etc. These
organizations have professionals in the field who review and
approve the content. In order for your
research to be credible and convincing, it must draw from the
best resources available. Your best
alternative is to simply learn how to efficiently use the Purdue
Global Online Library.
8. Expecting to Find Sources That Say Everything You Want
Do not expect one, two, or even three sources to have all the
information you need or to say exactly
what you want. Sometimes, none of the available sources will
have the information you want. In this
situation, you have two choices: build your argument based on
the available evidence and logic, or
revise the thesis. It may be that you are trying to argue an
indefensible position or that there is no
research on the specific point you wish to make.
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7. Assuming You Can Find Everything in One or Two Searches
in One Database
Each database is unique and rarely do they overlap. Each
database has its own method of indexing
that is best for the types of sources it lists. If you want to do
effective research, you will need to get in
the habit of going to multiple databases and conducting multiple
searches in each database. If you
expect to go to one database and find all the sources you need,
you will be disappointed—and
6. Not Using Sources to Find Other Sources
If you are using academic-quality sources, then those sources
are going to be well documented and
include a reference list. Use those lists! First, look to see where
the authors found their information.
Look at the titles of the sources and the journals that those
sources were published in. You may want
to find one of these specific articles, or, if one journal seems to
be publishing a number of articles on
the topic, you may want to find what database the journal is
indexed in and search that database.
Pay particular attention to names that reoccur: The more a
source is quoted by other sources, the
more likely they are to be the experts that other professionals in
the field look to.
5. Not Taking the Time to Learn About the Databases
Not all databases are the same! No database can or should index
everything. Each one has a specific
list of publications that it tracks, and it indexes the articles
published in those specific publications.
Some databases are devoted to newspaper articles, others to
criminal justice or nursing. Some are
more general. You can conduct more comprehensive searches
when you understand what kinds of
resources are available in each database.
Each time you research a new topic, rethink which databases
might be helpful and do not
automatically return to the ones you have previously used.
4. Thinking Too Narrowly About the Topic
Many students have too narrow of a topic focus, and thus ignore
databases that could provide a
wealth of information on their topics. For example, suppose
your topic is the problems and costs of
obesity. Here are the database possibilities in the Purdue Global
Health Source—Consumer Edition: Offers articles for the
general public and overviews, and is
generally a good starting place.
Academic Search Elite: Offers articles from professional
journals, rather than those for the
general public.
Business Source Elite: Offers a business perspective on what
obesity is costing companies and
how some companies are responding.
ERIC: Offers an educational perspective on how obesity affects
the classroom.
LexisNexis: Offers newspaper articles that discuss how the
popular press is handling the topic.
Health Source—Nursing: Offers the professional nursing
PubMed: Offers the most specific and technical research
available on the topic—the articles
doctors use and refer to.
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You would probably not use information from all of these
databases, but you want to look in all of them
to find the best information. You might find some gems in
unexpected places!
3. Taking Sources at Face Value, Especially If You Agree
Always be a skeptic! That makes for the best research. Question
who wrote the book or article, and
question where they got their information. Question whether the
data really proves the point they want
to make. Always, always, always question statistics.
Percentages can be particularly misleading.
Someone can claim a 100 percent increase in crime, but if the
actual crime rate went from two crimes
to four per year, we can question the statement’s significance.
2. Using the First Sources You Find on the Topic
Simply finding articles on your topic is not sufficient. You want
to find the best quality sources you can
because it makes your writing more credible and the writing
task a bit easier in the long run.
Using the example introduced above in number four, if you
search the seven databases on the
problems and costs of obesity, you might find dozens of articles
in each database. You want to select
the ones written by the most credible sources, probably
You also want to select sources that have the clearest
explanations and that are the most closely
related to your topic. For most topics, you will want to pay
particular attention to the publication date as
well. Knowledge changes very quickly and you do not want to
use sources with outdated information.
With a topic like obesity, sources older than 3 years will
probably be out of date because rates of the
disease and subsequent costs have changed dramatically in
recent years.
1. Choosing Poor Key Words and/or Search Strategies
Do not get into the habit of searching using the same words!
Determining which key words provide the
best results is often a process of trial and error that uses
previous searches to help narrow subsequent
ones. Look through the titles of the sources retrieved for terms
that will narrow the topic and for terms
to exclude from the search.
Learn to effectively use multiple terms, as well as advanced
searches and limits to searches. For
example, for most topics you will want to narrow your search by
limiting the publication dates. This will
reduce the number of articles returned and will immediately
provide you with the newest information.
(The exception to this is if you need background information,
i.e. the rates of obesity from the 1980s as
a comparison example).
If you search in PubMed using the keyword “obesity” it will
return nearly 4,000 articles. If you search
using “health risk obesity” it drops to 215. The reduced number
of hits will allow you to browse the
articles that were returned and decide how to further narrow the
topic. After viewing the information,
maybe you decide to focus on female adolescents.
In this example, if you search using the phrase “obesity causes
and prevention,” then limit the search
to adolescent females, human studies only, entries with full
abstracts or articles, publication dates
since 2000, and only in English, that will reduce the number of
articles to 132. You can browse through
these articles very quickly by reading the titles and determining
which might be helpful. Out of the first
5/9/2020 PG Campus
research 4/4
twenty, probably only one or two will be helpful. You can also
limit the search further to Hispanic
females, and it will return only five articles on the topic.
Unit 5 Assignment: We Can Do It! Women in Real Estate
Student Name
Purdue University Global
I. We Can Do It! Introduction
A. In the early years of U.S. independence, our great
nation underwent many battles to establish its place in the
world. As husbands, fathers, and sons fought abroad wives,
mothers, and daughters fought domestically. Comment by
ProfesssorPatricia: Try to avoid using our- third person would
be best for the draft and final project.
B. Women initially entered this country as property to
their husbands or burdens to society. However, as time
progressed, women began to assert their presence in society by
maintaining the economy while the men away at war; founding
advocacy and coalition groups; and essential beginning an equal
rights movement. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Use the
name instead of pointing to a slide or globe. Comment by
ProfesssorPatricia: Of?
C. American history is filled with political and social
movements for female equality in a male dominated country:
equal rights, equal pay, and equal career opportunities.
Whatever the case, Rosie the Riveter has been emulated time
and time again as a symbol of women’s strength. Comment by
ProfesssorPatricia: You need a strong thesis statement about
how an event changed the three subpoints.
II. Equal Rights Analysis Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: The
section header should be how the moment in history changed
human expression and use Rosie as an example of the arts.
A. Although not extended to all races, the woman suffrage
movement pioneered the rigorous race to equality for all women
in America.
B. In the early years of U.S. independence, state
government defined the voting statutes. Ergo in 1776, New
Jersey’s state constitution declared that all inhabitants that met
specific property and residency requirements were entitled to
vote; in which, did not exclude white women or black persons,
male or female (Dubois & Dumenil, 2018). In the 1780s, a few
property owning women exercised their right, inciting a re-
evaluation of the state’s constitution, which took place in 1796
specifically exclude black men and women (Dubois & Dumenil,
C. New Jersey received grave criticism over the years for
allowing women to vote occasionally. When a referendum
election revealed extensive fraud in 1807, all women were
excluded to vote on that they were easily manipulated (Dubois
& Dumenil, 2018). Throughout the 19th century, woman
suffrage groups formed immensely. The 19th Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution was not ratified until 1920, enfranchising
women (NWHM, n.d.).
III. Equal Pay Analysis Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: The
section should focus on how behavior changed after the event-
maybe that more women entered the work force?
A. Although, equal pay for equal work began in the 1800s,
it wasn’t until the Equal Pay of 1963 that women working in
identical jobs would receive equal pay, which only covered a
small number of female wage earners (Dubois & Dumenil,
2018). Notably, these issues were not established by Fair Labor
Standards Act of 1938. “The first piece of national legislation
proposed to address gender pay inequality was the Women’s
Equal Pay Act of 1945” (DuBose, 2017). Comment by
ProfesssorPatricia: Try not to use contractions in a formal
essay. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Did? Comment by
ProfesssorPatricia: Please provide exact small number and
explain if the change was a direct result of the historic event.
Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Good, but the words are
not famous, so there is no need to use a quotation. You can use
your own words and just refer to his research and statement.
B. The Progressive Era, a name quite befitting for the
time period, as the flames of social activism and political
reform burned bright in the American oppressed. Women’s
Suffrage Groups continued to form across the states, the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) was formed, there were strike up rises and unions
formed, the National Woman’s Party (NWP) picketed the white,
and although this era closed with the ratification of the
Nineteenth Amendment the fight was still not over.
C. At this point, one would think that women had proven
their worth to society; as they had supported the country
through the Civil War, the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII,
and many battles in between. Throughout these wars woman
supported the troops, kept the family farms and businesses
running, gained employment, learned trades and so on. Despite
their efforts, many loss their husbands, their land, their dignity,
all that they had—until they said no more, and began to fight to
keep what was rightfully theirs.
IV. Equal Career Analysis Comment by ProfesssorPatricia:
The section header should be about an ethical issue that arose
because of history. Maybe the ethical issue should be around
equal pay- except that you would need to argue both sides fairly
and without bias.
V. Critical Analysis and Recommendations
A. Although the Woman Suffrage Movement pioneered the
women’s rights movements to follow, it took far too long to
achieve the goal. Advancing beyond peaceful protest may have
sped things up just a little. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia:
Opinion or do you have a graph showing the correct time and
how long it took?
B. An example of advanced measure would be the “no-sex
strike” of 1970 led by the Women in the Puerto Rican Young
Lords Party against male leaders with whom the had personal
relations. The women remained on strike until their demands
were met, resulting in the endorsement of women’s rights
(Dubois & Dumenil, 2018). Comment by ProfesssorPatricia:
Interesting global discussion!
C. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy
Research, the national data analysis for gender wage gap in
America in 2020 is still at an 18 percent gap, with women
earning 82 cents for every dollar that men earn for full-time,
year-round workers. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Good
point, but needs correct APA format for the in-text citation.
VI. Self Expression Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Needs to
be in the first half of the project.
VII. Conclusion
Despite the adversity’s women faced throughout the years, as a
whole they have not allowed their struggles to define them or
give up their dreams. American women of different races, creed,
and cultural background have fought tirelessly and selflessly to
achieve their goals in unity. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia:
No need for possessive- plural is adversities Comment by
ProfesssorPatricia: Adversities or Afghani or American women?
Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Missing the reiteration of
the thesis statement and three results from the first half as well
as missing the main points o f the second half. The concluding
page should be very powerful- like a lawyer’s closing argument.
VIII. References Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Good so
far, but the outline should also list the type of reference.
DuBois, E. C., Dumenil, L. (2018). Through Women's Eyes,
5th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from
DuBose, R. (2017). Compliance Requires Inspection: The
Failure of Gender Equal Pay Efforts in the United States.
Mercer Law Review, 68(2), 445.
National Women’s History Museum. retrieved May 18, 2020.
VIIII. Personal Reflection Comment by ProfesssorPatricia:
The reflection section will need to be two pages and answer the
questions in the Unit 9 directions.
The humanities can be described as the study of how people
process and document the human experience. Since humans
have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion,
art, music, history and language to understand and record our
world. 5
Assignment – Outline
Grading Criteria
Points Possible
Points Earned
2-4 page outline, not including title and reference page. Outline
should include headings and details for all necessary elements
for the Unit 9 Assignment. The thesis statement seems to be
missing from the introduction and conclusion?
Missing headings for the first half body.
Missing details for the second half.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, organization, and editing
reflect college-level writing. Any sources are properly cited and
referenced according to APA format. Missing types of sources.
Several sources seem to be missing.

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HIST147 Historical Documents – Working at the Lowell Mills (10 poi.docx

  • 1. HIST147 Historical Documents – Working at the Lowell Mills (10 points) Due April 17 by 11:59pm (post response to Canvas) Instructions This assignment assumes you have read Chapter 9 of the online textbook. This assignment is designed to provide students with different points of view regarding the Lowell Mills and is divided into two parts. Part 1 presents the point of view of people who visited the Lowell Mills and published their thought and opinions about life at the textile factory. After reading the document excerpts, students will write a response to the question presented at the end of the document excerpts. Student should write their response in complete sentences. The response for Part 1 should be at least 150 words. Students are welcome to go over the minimum word count requirement. If you include the question in your response, it does not count toward the word count requirement. The response should be written in your own words. DO NOT use quotes from the historical documents. Part 2 presents the point of view of some of the women who worked at the Lowell Mills. After reading the document excerpts, students will write a response to the question presented at the end of the document excerpts. Student should write their response in complete sentences. The response for Part 2 should be at least 150 words. Students are welcome to go over the minimum word count requirement. If you include the question in your response, it does not count toward the word count requirement. The response should be written in your own words. DO NOT use quotes from the historical documents.
  • 2. These responses will be evaluated on how well the responses reflect the information presented in the historical documents. Students should submit their responses as ONE Word doc or PDF file to Canvas. The documents start on the next page. Lowell Mills, Part 1 The following excerpts represent information and attitudes presented by people who do not work in the mills. The Harbinger, Female Workers of Lowell (1836) We have lately visited the cities of Lowell [Mass.] and Manchester [N.H.] and have had an opportunity of examining the factory system more closely than before. … We went through many of the mills, talked particularly to a large number of the operatives, and ate at their boardinghouses, on purpose to ascertain by personal inspection the facts of the case. … In Lowell live between seven and eight thousand young women, who are generally daughters of farmers of the different states of New England. Some of them are members of families that were rich in the generation before. . . . The operatives work thirteen hours a day in the summertime, and from daylight to dark in the winter. At half past four in the morning the factory bell rings, and at five the girls must be in the mills. A clerk, placed as a watch, observes those who are a few minutes behind the time, and effectual means are taken to stimulate to punctuality. This is the morning commencement of the industrial discipline (should we not rather say industrial tyranny?) which is established in these associations of this moral and Christian community.
  • 3. At seven the girls are allowed thirty minutes for breakfast, and at noon thirty minutes more for dinner, except during the first quarter of the year, when the time is extended to forty-five minutes. But within this time they must hurry to their boardinghouses and return to the factory, and that through the hot sun or the rain or the cold. A meal eaten under such circumstances must be quite unfavorable to digestion and health, as any medical man will inform us. After seven o'clock in the evening the factory bell sounds the close of the day's work. Thus thirteen hours per day of close attention and monotonous labor are extracted from the young women in these manufactories. . . . So fatigued-we should say, exhausted and worn out, but we wish to speak of the system in the simplest language-are numbers of girls that they go to bed soon after their evening meal, and endeavor by a comparatively long sleep to resuscitate their weakened frames for the toil of the coming day. Now let us examine the nature of the labor itself, and the conditions under which it is performed. Enter with us into the large rooms, when the looms are at work. The largest that we saw is in the Amoskeag Mills at Manchester. . . . The din and clatter of these five hundred looms, under full operation, struck us on first entering as something frightful and infernal, for it seemed such an atrocious violation of one of the faculties of the human soul, the sense of hearing. After a while we became somewhat used to it, and by speaking quite close to the ear of an operative and quite loud, we could hold a conversation and make the inquiries we wished. The girls attended upon an average three looms; many attended four, but this requires a very active person, and the most unremitting care. However, a great many do it. Attention to two
  • 4. is as much as should be demanded of an operative. This gives us some idea of the application required during the thirteen hours of daily labor. The atmosphere of such a room cannot of course be pure; on the contrary, it is charged with cotton filaments and dust, which, we are told, are very injurious to the lungs. On entering the room, although the day was warm, we remarked that the windows were down. We asked the reason, and a young woman answered very naively, and without seeming to be in the least aware that this privation of fresh air was anything else than perfectly natural, that "when the wind blew, the threads did not work well." After we had been in the room for fifteen or twenty minutes, we found ourselves, as did the persons who accompanied us, in quite a perspiration, produced by a certain moisture which we observed in the air, as well as by the heat. . . . The young women sleep upon an average six in a room, three beds to a room. There is no privacy, no retirement, here. It is almost impossible to read or write alone, as the parlor is full and so many sleep in the same chamber. A young woman remarked to us that if she had a letter to write, she did it on the head of a bandbox, sitting on a trunk, as there was no space for a table. So live and toil the young women of our country in the boardinghouses and manufactories which the rich and influential of our land have built for them. Orestes Brownson, The Laboring Classes from the Boston Quarterly Review (1840) The operatives are well dressed, and we are told, well paid.
  • 5. They are said to be healthy, contented, and happy. This is the fair side of the picture . . . There is a dark side, moral as well as physical. Of the common operatives, few, if any, by their wages, acquire a competence . . . the great mass wear out their health, spirits, and morals, without becoming one whit better off than when they commenced labor. The bills of mortality in these factory villages are not striking, we admit, for the poor girls when they can toil no longer go home to die. The average life, working life we mean, of the girls that come to Lowell, for instance, from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, we have been assured, is only about three years. What becomes of them then? Few of them ever marry; fewer still ever return to their native places with reputations unimpaired. “She has worked in a Factory,” is almost enough to damn to infamy the most worthy and virtuous girl. From this perspective, what was it like for women working in the mills? What bias might be present in these views? Lowell Mills, Part 2 The following excerpts represent information and attitudes presented by the women working in the mills. “Factory Girls,” Lowell Offering (1840) . . [the] girls who generally come from quiet country homes, where their minds and manners have been formed under the eyes of the worthy sons of the Pilgrims, and their virtuous partners [wives], and who return again to become the wives of the free intelligent yeomanry of New England and the mothers of quite a proportion of our future republicans [Republican Motherhood]. Think, for a moment, how many of the next generation are to spring from mothers doomed to infamy! . . .
  • 6. It has been asserted that to put ourselves under the influence and restraints of corporate bodies [businesses or companies], is contrary to the spirit of our institutions, and to that love of independence which we ought to cherish. . . . We are under restraints, but they are voluntarily assumed; and we are at liberty to withdraw from them, whenever they become galling or irksome. Neither have I ever discovered that any restraints were imposed upon us but those which were necessary for the peace and comfort of the whole, and for the promotion of the design for which we are collected, namely, to get money, as much of it and as fast as we can; and it is because our toil is so unremitting, that the wages of factory girls are higher than those of females engaged in most other occupations. It is these wages which, in spite of toil, restraint, discomfort, and prejudice, have drawn so many worthy, virtuous, intelligent, and well-educated girls to Lowell, and other factories; and it is the wages which are in great degree to decide the characters of the factory girls as a class. . . . [should] one of the most lucrative female employments should be rejected because it is toilsome, or because some people are prejudiced against it. Yankee girls have too much independence for that. . . . “Dignity of Labor” Lowell Offering (1842) From whence originated the idea, that it was derogatory to a lady’s dignity, or a blot upon the female character, to labor? and who was the first to say, sneeringly, “Oh, she works for a living”? Surely, such ideas and expressions ought not to grow on republican soil. The time has been, when ladies of the first rank were accustomed to busy themselves in domestic employment…. Few American fortunes will support a woman who is above the calls of her family; and a man of sense, in choosing a companion to jog with him through all the up-hills and down- hills of life, would sooner choose one who had to work for a
  • 7. living, than one who thought it beneath her to soil her pretty hands with manual labor, although she possessed her thousands. To be able to earn one’s own living by laboring with the hands, should be reckoned among female accomplishments; and I hope the time is not far distant when none of my countrywomen will be ashamed to have it known that they are better versed in useful, than they are in ornamental accomplishments. Letter from Mary Paul (1845) Dear Father I received your letter on Thursday the 14th with much pleasure. I am well which is one comfort. My life and health are spared while others are cut off. Last Thursday one girl fell down and broke her neck which caused instant death. She was going in or coming out of the mill and slipped down it being very icy. The same day a man was killed by the cars. Another had nearly all of his ribs broken. Another was nearly killed by falling down and having a bale of cotton fall on him. Last Tuesday we were paid. In all I had six dollars and sixty cents [and] paid four dollars and sixty-eight cents for board. With the rest I got me a pair of [rubber boots] and a pair of 50.cts shoes…. Perhaps you would like something about our regulations about going in and coming out of the mill. At 5 o’clock in the morning the bell rings for the folks to get up and get breakfast. At half past six it rings for the girls to get up and at seven they are called into the mill. At half past 12 we have dinner are called back again at one and stay till half past seven. I get along very well with my work. I can doff as fast as any girl in our room. I think I shall have frames before long. The usual time allowed for learning is six months but I think I shall have frames before I have been in three as I get along so fast. I think that the factory is the best place for me and if any girl wants employment I advise them to come to Lowell. Tell Harriet that though she does not hear from me she is not forgotten. I have little time to devote to writing
  • 8. that I cannot write all I want to. . . This from, Mary S Paul A New England Girlhood by Lucy Larcom (1889) In the older times it was seldom said to little girls, as it always has been said to boys, that they ought to have some definite plan, while they were children, what to be and do when they were grown up. There was usually but one path open before them, to become good wives and housekeepers. And the ambition of most girls was to follow their mothers’ footsteps in this direction; a natural and laudable ambition. But girls, as well as boys, must often have been conscious of their own peculiar capabilities,—must have desired to cultivate and make use of their individual powers. … One great advantage which came to these many stranger girls through being brought together, away from their own homes, was that it taught them to go out of themselves, and enter into the lives of others. Home-life, when one always stays at home, is necessarily narrowing. That is one reason why so many women are petty and unthoughtful of any except their own family’s interests. We have hardly begun to live until we can take in the idea of the whole human family as the one to which we truly belong. To me, it was an incalculable help to find myself among so many working-girls, all of us thrown upon our own resources, but thrown much more upon each others’ sympathies. From this perspective, what was it like for women working in the mills? What bias might be present in these views?
  • 9. 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic wContent/9705006/View 1/8 You have been working on your Unit 9 Assignment throughout this entire term, so none of this information will be new to you. Your primary objective in this course is to demonstrate your mastery of the skills noted in the program outcomes by developing your Unit 9 final research paper - a 10 page analysis of a significant historic/cultural event that has influenced human behaviors, human expression, ethics, and which you can analyze and provide future recommendations. Before you submit your paper, take another look at the Assignment Requirements below to make sure you have included all the necessary elements: Final Research Paper Overview (written in third person): 1. Introduction (1 page) a. Brief background of topic b. Why topic is important to analyze c. Thesis 2. Analysis of Humanities (3 pages) a. Human Behavior b. Human Expression c. Ethics
  • 10. 3. Critical Analysis of Situation & Recommendations (3 pages) a. Relevance to contemporary issues/future concerns b. Recommendations for future considerations and future areas of study c. Evaluation of recommendations: rationale for recommendations to address the topic, and why they would be successful 4. Conclusion (end of research paper) (1 page) a. Reiteration of thesis b. Reiteration of why topic is important Assignment Details 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic wContent/9705006/View 2/8 5. Personal Reflection (separate section written in first person) (2 pages) a. Lessons learned from completing this project b. Critical analysis of process challenges: what would you do differently? c. Critical analysis of process positives: what did you do well?
  • 11. d. Application of critical analysis to professional/personal life e. Final thoughts Title Page The title page needs to adhere to the APA format required by the University. There is a sample of an APA formatted title page in the Writing Center. For the title page, create an interesting and catchy title that motivates your audience to read your paper. Introduction (1 page) Your paper’s introduction should include the background or history of your chosen event, why the topic is important to research and analyze, and your thesis. First, the introduction should provide a bit of background for your reader. Do not assume your reader knows about the topic and its history. Share with your reader the time and place that the event occurred and provide a little background. Include a brief review of what led up to the event, why it was such a significant or historic moment, who it involved, etc. Then, add in the introduction why this is an important topic for research and analysis both for current and future concerns. Finally, the thesis is the main point of your paper. You should consider your objective (what is the main point you want your reader to remember), consider your audience, and make the thesis connect to what will be covered in your paper. Since the Final Research Paper specifically requires that you discuss how the event influenced human behavior, human expression, and ethics, your thesis should reflect this. For example, “World
  • 12. War II was a significant historic event that had a tremendous 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic wContent/9705006/View 3/8 effect on society’s behaviors, resulted in a diverse range of human expression, and raised ethical considerations that may influence society for years to come.” You will want to make a connection between your thesis and the discussion to follow. In this way, your reader is given a preview of the content of the paper and why it is important. Discussion/Analysis This is the main body of your paper. Now that your reader knows your main point and has the necessary historic context for the event, you can analyze how the topic influenced human behavior, human expression, the ethical considerations related to the event, your critical analysis, recommendations and evaluation of the recommendations. Human Behavior, Human Expression, & Ethics (3 pages) In your discussion on human behavior, you should identify the behavioral response to the event. Keep in mind that sometimes behaviors are connected to human expression; therefore, you may find that your discussion on human behavior overlaps with human expression. As you explore the human behavior related to the event, consider the following: What were some of the behavioral responses to the event (war, riots, celebrations, the manner people dressed, actions
  • 13. they took, causes they joined, etc.)? What emotions were tied to these behaviors (anger, joy, grief, etc.)? Why did people respond the way that they did? Did distinctive groups (cultural, religious, genders, geographically different, socioeconomically different, etc.) respond differently to the event? If so, why? What were the effects on the way people dressed, how political they became, changes in traditional roles or society’s expectations? When you discuss human expression, keep in mind that often, human expression is exhibited through behaviors. Therefore, you may find overlap as you write about these two areas. For 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic wContent/9705006/View 4/8 example, joining a political movement is both a behavior and an expression of beliefs. Some examples of human expression are: films literature, poetry, plays music/songs
  • 14. art, architecture, photography, sculpture political/social causes dance fashion protests/tributes culinary art (food dishes) politics/debate social causes philosophy/religion pop culture technology Other questions to consider as you research human expression related to your topic are: What was the emotion that led to the expression (shock, horror, triumph, fear, joy, etc.)? How does diversity affect the expression (example: do some ethnic groups produce certain forms of art, how is art connected to gender, religion, race, etc.)? When analyzing ethical issues, there are two ways to approach this topic. You can either consider how ethical issues led to the event (for example, the morality of slavery leading to the Civil War) or how the event itself resulted in ethical
  • 15. dilemmas/conflicts. An example of this might be the ability of technology to conduct stem-cell research, is it ethical to do so? In your paper, you may opt to take either approach or address both of these aspects if they both apply to your topic. Some 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic wContent/9705006/View 5/8 questions that will help you develop this discussion of your paper are: What are the opposing perspectives on this issue? Are there extenuating circumstances that sometimes make this event viewed as “right” or “wrong”? How do religious beliefs, nationality, ethnicity, gender, economic status, and other aspects of diversity influence the interpretation of this event? Who is (was) talking about this event and whose voice is (was) not heard or included? What are the elements of power and privilege that are relevant to this event? What bias, agendas, stereotypes and/or prejudices are evident? Has hindsight changed the views of the ethical issues? Be sure to present a balanced view in your ethical discussion.
  • 16. Even if you strongly affiliate yourself with a particular view on the topic, use your critical thinking and research skills to also present opposing viewpoints to provide an objective presentation. Remember, this is a research paper, not an opinion paper. Critical Analysis of Situation & Recommendations (3 pages) For this section, use critical thinking skills to analyze the event and provide discussion on the relevance of the topic to contemporary issues, as well as future concerns that the event may create. Since your topic is on a significant historic/cultural event, there are likely some lasting consequences or influences that resulted from it. Questions to help with the analysis in your discussion: How did the event change the world or at least change some aspect of society? How did the event raise concerns for the future and/or how does the issue continue to evolve? What are the “lessons learned” from the event? 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic wContent/9705006/View 6/8 What will people do differently now than they did before? How are governments, education or other parts of the social structure responding to the event?
  • 17. What laws have been put in place because of the event? What organizations or movements continue to be active? How does the topic background/ context/ outcome relate to current issues? Is the topic ongoing or can it happen again? What can be learned from the topic/ outcome that can be applied to future considerations? What areas of future study would you recommend to understand this topic? The last aspect of this discussion area should be recommendations to address the topic/ event and rationale for why the recommendations would work. If the topic is ongoing, how to manage it, end it and/or how society can take steps either that it does not happen again or to promote its further existence and broadening (depending on if the topic is a societal positive or negative). What specific recommendations could be/ can be applied to the situation? Explain why these recommendations would work short and long term. Conclusion (1 page) Your conclusion should tie your entire paper together. It should strongly reconnect with your thesis (the main point of your paper), briefly summarize the discussion section and reiterate
  • 18. why the topic is important. The conclusion is the end of your research paper that is written in third person. However, for the critical thinking process, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate your reflection into the process. Add a separate section that is written in first person (your personal narrative) including these elements: Personal Reflection (separate section written in first person) (2 pages) 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic wContent/9705006/View 7/8 1. Lessons learned from completing this project 2. Analysis of process challenges – what would you do differently? 3. Analysis of process positives - what did you do well? 4. Application of critical analysis to professional/personal life 5. Final thoughts References Remember that your References page must be completed in APA format. There are many sample papers in the Writing Center and there are helpful documents throughout the class on proper editing and formatting of an APA paper. An academic paper such as this one must include proper APA in text
  • 19. citations throughout that correspond to the Reference page entries. Requirements for the Capstone Paper Sources There must be at least 10 sources and the sources need to include the following: 1 primary source (interview, speech, etc.) 3 peer reviewed articles from scholarly journals (from the Library) 1 source originally published as a book 5 other sources (book, scholarly journals, newspapers, primary/secondary sources, websites, etc.) Your paper must also include the additional elements listed below. When adding these to your paper, include a summary of each in terms of the content, the meaning, what the topic of the information is, and why it is relevant to support your Final Research Paper topic. Five examples of quantitative data: Four noted as statistics and at least one chart or graph incorporated in the discussion One video: Add the website link to the video in your discussion on the topic (could be your primary source of interview, speech, etc., or something else that is relevant to the topic). Remember to check the link to make sure it works before submitting the final version. 4/22/2020 Sample Content Topic
  • 20. wContent/9705006/View 8/8 Be sure to accurately cite these materials in APA format with both in text citations in the discussion (body of the paper) and with a corresponding reference on the Reference page. This Assignment is assessed by the following course level outcome: LI499-3: Professional Competencies: Use critical thinking and effective communications in locating, presenting, and analyzing information. Submitting Your Assignment: Create your Assignment as a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit, select the Unit 9 Assignment Dropbox and upload your file. To view your graded work after your instructor has evaluated it, please use the Dropbox or the Gradebook. 5/9/2020 PG Campus research 1/4 © 2019 by Purdue University Global Academic Success Center. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.
  • 21. Top 10 Mistakes in Research 10. Not Giving Yourself Enough Time to Research In a connected world where a single Google search returns 15,382 hits in a matter of seconds, students frequently underestimate how long it takes to complete good-quality research and/or expect a library search to function the same as a Google search. When we research for personal or professional reasons, a couple of quick Internet searches can usually get us the bit of information we need. However, academic research sets higher standards and expectations. Academic indexes must be searched differently than the basic Internet search engine and the kinds of resources you need for quality academic writing and thinking require precise searches in many different databases. A good rule of thumb is to designate one to two hours of research per page of text. A three-page essay would reasonably require about three to five hours of research. 9. Using Unacceptable Websites or Other Problematic Sources Academic writing requires academic-quality resources. That means you should be using sources that are catalogued in libraries, such as Purdue Global's Online Library or a local library. Remember that anyone can post anything to the Internet. Just because it is on a website does not mean that it is accurate or that the source is reliable. In fact, most websites are either selling a product or an agenda.
  • 22. Avoid websites unless they are government or professional organization sites, such as the American Diabetes Association, the American Lung Association, the American Bar Association, etc. These organizations have professionals in the field who review and approve the content. In order for your research to be credible and convincing, it must draw from the best resources available. Your best alternative is to simply learn how to efficiently use the Purdue Global Online Library. 8. Expecting to Find Sources That Say Everything You Want Do not expect one, two, or even three sources to have all the information you need or to say exactly what you want. Sometimes, none of the available sources will have the information you want. In this situation, you have two choices: build your argument based on the available evidence and logic, or revise the thesis. It may be that you are trying to argue an indefensible position or that there is no research on the specific point you wish to make. 5/9/2020 PG Campus research 2/4 7. Assuming You Can Find Everything in One or Two Searches in One Database Each database is unique and rarely do they overlap. Each database has its own method of indexing that is best for the types of sources it lists. If you want to do
  • 23. effective research, you will need to get in the habit of going to multiple databases and conducting multiple searches in each database. If you expect to go to one database and find all the sources you need, you will be disappointed—and frustrated. 6. Not Using Sources to Find Other Sources If you are using academic-quality sources, then those sources are going to be well documented and include a reference list. Use those lists! First, look to see where the authors found their information. Look at the titles of the sources and the journals that those sources were published in. You may want to find one of these specific articles, or, if one journal seems to be publishing a number of articles on the topic, you may want to find what database the journal is indexed in and search that database. Pay particular attention to names that reoccur: The more a source is quoted by other sources, the more likely they are to be the experts that other professionals in the field look to. 5. Not Taking the Time to Learn About the Databases Not all databases are the same! No database can or should index everything. Each one has a specific list of publications that it tracks, and it indexes the articles published in those specific publications. Some databases are devoted to newspaper articles, others to criminal justice or nursing. Some are more general. You can conduct more comprehensive searches when you understand what kinds of resources are available in each database.
  • 24. Each time you research a new topic, rethink which databases might be helpful and do not automatically return to the ones you have previously used. 4. Thinking Too Narrowly About the Topic Many students have too narrow of a topic focus, and thus ignore databases that could provide a wealth of information on their topics. For example, suppose your topic is the problems and costs of obesity. Here are the database possibilities in the Purdue Global Library: Health Source—Consumer Edition: Offers articles for the general public and overviews, and is generally a good starting place. Academic Search Elite: Offers articles from professional journals, rather than those for the general public. Business Source Elite: Offers a business perspective on what obesity is costing companies and how some companies are responding. ERIC: Offers an educational perspective on how obesity affects the classroom. LexisNexis: Offers newspaper articles that discuss how the popular press is handling the topic. Health Source—Nursing: Offers the professional nursing perspective PubMed: Offers the most specific and technical research available on the topic—the articles doctors use and refer to. 5/9/2020 PG Campus
  • 25. research 3/4 You would probably not use information from all of these databases, but you want to look in all of them to find the best information. You might find some gems in unexpected places! 3. Taking Sources at Face Value, Especially If You Agree Always be a skeptic! That makes for the best research. Question who wrote the book or article, and question where they got their information. Question whether the data really proves the point they want to make. Always, always, always question statistics. Percentages can be particularly misleading. Someone can claim a 100 percent increase in crime, but if the actual crime rate went from two crimes to four per year, we can question the statement’s significance. 2. Using the First Sources You Find on the Topic Simply finding articles on your topic is not sufficient. You want to find the best quality sources you can because it makes your writing more credible and the writing task a bit easier in the long run. Using the example introduced above in number four, if you search the seven databases on the problems and costs of obesity, you might find dozens of articles in each database. You want to select the ones written by the most credible sources, probably physicians. You also want to select sources that have the clearest
  • 26. explanations and that are the most closely related to your topic. For most topics, you will want to pay particular attention to the publication date as well. Knowledge changes very quickly and you do not want to use sources with outdated information. With a topic like obesity, sources older than 3 years will probably be out of date because rates of the disease and subsequent costs have changed dramatically in recent years. 1. Choosing Poor Key Words and/or Search Strategies Do not get into the habit of searching using the same words! Determining which key words provide the best results is often a process of trial and error that uses previous searches to help narrow subsequent ones. Look through the titles of the sources retrieved for terms that will narrow the topic and for terms to exclude from the search. Learn to effectively use multiple terms, as well as advanced searches and limits to searches. For example, for most topics you will want to narrow your search by limiting the publication dates. This will reduce the number of articles returned and will immediately provide you with the newest information. (The exception to this is if you need background information, i.e. the rates of obesity from the 1980s as a comparison example). If you search in PubMed using the keyword “obesity” it will return nearly 4,000 articles. If you search using “health risk obesity” it drops to 215. The reduced number of hits will allow you to browse the articles that were returned and decide how to further narrow the topic. After viewing the information,
  • 27. maybe you decide to focus on female adolescents. In this example, if you search using the phrase “obesity causes and prevention,” then limit the search to adolescent females, human studies only, entries with full abstracts or articles, publication dates since 2000, and only in English, that will reduce the number of articles to 132. You can browse through these articles very quickly by reading the titles and determining which might be helpful. Out of the first 5/9/2020 PG Campus research 4/4 twenty, probably only one or two will be helpful. You can also limit the search further to Hispanic females, and it will return only five articles on the topic. Running head: WE CAN DO IT! WOMEN IN REAL ESTATE INVESTING 1 WE CAN DO IT! WOMEN IN REAL ESTATE INVESTING 6
  • 28. Unit 5 Assignment: We Can Do It! Women in Real Estate Investing Student Name Purdue University Global LI499_01 I. We Can Do It! Introduction A. In the early years of U.S. independence, our great nation underwent many battles to establish its place in the world. As husbands, fathers, and sons fought abroad wives, mothers, and daughters fought domestically. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Try to avoid using our- third person would be best for the draft and final project. B. Women initially entered this country as property to their husbands or burdens to society. However, as time progressed, women began to assert their presence in society by maintaining the economy while the men away at war; founding advocacy and coalition groups; and essential beginning an equal rights movement. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Use the name instead of pointing to a slide or globe. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Of? C. American history is filled with political and social movements for female equality in a male dominated country: equal rights, equal pay, and equal career opportunities. Whatever the case, Rosie the Riveter has been emulated time and time again as a symbol of women’s strength. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: You need a strong thesis statement about how an event changed the three subpoints. II. Equal Rights Analysis Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: The
  • 29. section header should be how the moment in history changed human expression and use Rosie as an example of the arts. A. Although not extended to all races, the woman suffrage movement pioneered the rigorous race to equality for all women in America. B. In the early years of U.S. independence, state government defined the voting statutes. Ergo in 1776, New Jersey’s state constitution declared that all inhabitants that met specific property and residency requirements were entitled to vote; in which, did not exclude white women or black persons, male or female (Dubois & Dumenil, 2018). In the 1780s, a few property owning women exercised their right, inciting a re- evaluation of the state’s constitution, which took place in 1796 specifically exclude black men and women (Dubois & Dumenil, 2018). C. New Jersey received grave criticism over the years for allowing women to vote occasionally. When a referendum election revealed extensive fraud in 1807, all women were excluded to vote on that they were easily manipulated (Dubois & Dumenil, 2018). Throughout the 19th century, woman suffrage groups formed immensely. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was not ratified until 1920, enfranchising women (NWHM, n.d.). III. Equal Pay Analysis Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: The section should focus on how behavior changed after the event- maybe that more women entered the work force? A. Although, equal pay for equal work began in the 1800s, it wasn’t until the Equal Pay of 1963 that women working in identical jobs would receive equal pay, which only covered a small number of female wage earners (Dubois & Dumenil, 2018). Notably, these issues were not established by Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. “The first piece of national legislation proposed to address gender pay inequality was the Women’s Equal Pay Act of 1945” (DuBose, 2017). Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Try not to use contractions in a formal essay. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Did? Comment by
  • 30. ProfesssorPatricia: Please provide exact small number and explain if the change was a direct result of the historic event. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Good, but the words are not famous, so there is no need to use a quotation. You can use your own words and just refer to his research and statement. B. The Progressive Era, a name quite befitting for the time period, as the flames of social activism and political reform burned bright in the American oppressed. Women’s Suffrage Groups continued to form across the states, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed, there were strike up rises and unions formed, the National Woman’s Party (NWP) picketed the white, and although this era closed with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment the fight was still not over. C. At this point, one would think that women had proven their worth to society; as they had supported the country through the Civil War, the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, and many battles in between. Throughout these wars woman supported the troops, kept the family farms and businesses running, gained employment, learned trades and so on. Despite their efforts, many loss their husbands, their land, their dignity, all that they had—until they said no more, and began to fight to keep what was rightfully theirs. IV. Equal Career Analysis Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: The section header should be about an ethical issue that arose because of history. Maybe the ethical issue should be around equal pay- except that you would need to argue both sides fairly and without bias. A. B. C. V. Critical Analysis and Recommendations A. Although the Woman Suffrage Movement pioneered the women’s rights movements to follow, it took far too long to achieve the goal. Advancing beyond peaceful protest may have
  • 31. sped things up just a little. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Opinion or do you have a graph showing the correct time and how long it took? B. An example of advanced measure would be the “no-sex strike” of 1970 led by the Women in the Puerto Rican Young Lords Party against male leaders with whom the had personal relations. The women remained on strike until their demands were met, resulting in the endorsement of women’s rights (Dubois & Dumenil, 2018). Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Interesting global discussion! C. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, the national data analysis for gender wage gap in America in 2020 is still at an 18 percent gap, with women earning 82 cents for every dollar that men earn for full-time, year-round workers. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Good point, but needs correct APA format for the in-text citation. VI. Self Expression Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Needs to be in the first half of the project. VII. Conclusion Despite the adversity’s women faced throughout the years, as a whole they have not allowed their struggles to define them or give up their dreams. American women of different races, creed, and cultural background have fought tirelessly and selflessly to achieve their goals in unity. Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: No need for possessive- plural is adversities Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Adversities or Afghani or American women? Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Missing the reiteration of the thesis statement and three results from the first half as well as missing the main points o f the second half. The concluding page should be very powerful- like a lawyer’s closing argument. VIII. References Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: Good so far, but the outline should also list the type of reference. DuBois, E. C., Dumenil, L. (2018). Through Women's Eyes, 5th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from
  • 32. vbk://9781319156107 DuBose, R. (2017). Compliance Requires Inspection: The Failure of Gender Equal Pay Efforts in the United States. Mercer Law Review, 68(2), 445. National Women’s History Museum. retrieved May 18, 2020. From: suffrage-movement VIIII. Personal Reflection Comment by ProfesssorPatricia: The reflection section will need to be two pages and answer the questions in the Unit 9 directions. The humanities can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world. 5 Assignment – Outline Grading Criteria Points Possible Points Earned 2-4 page outline, not including title and reference page. Outline should include headings and details for all necessary elements for the Unit 9 Assignment. The thesis statement seems to be missing from the introduction and conclusion? Missing headings for the first half body. Missing details for the second half. 25 23 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, organization, and editing reflect college-level writing. Any sources are properly cited and referenced according to APA format. Missing types of sources. Several sources seem to be missing. 10 8 TOTAL
  • 33. 35 31