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3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
Implementing Project-Based Learning with Video Creation in
Shipping English to Embrace Education 4.0
Heni Dwi Iryanti
Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Himawan Aditya Pratama
Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract: Education 4.0 comes to existence in response to the needs of Industrial
Revolution 4.0 where humans and technology are aligned to enable new possibilities for
learning. It offers new trends in learning which can take place without boundaries. Thus,
educators need to adapt to changes in instructional designs, for example, by involving
students in project-based learning and integrating the use of digital tools and online
platforms in learning. Concerning this issue, this study aimed to examine the
implementation of project-based learning with video creation in Shipping English. It
involved 40 cadets from Maritime Transport Management Program who were assigned
to complete a video project in groups about basic communication in port and shipping
contexts. The videos were then uploaded by the cadets in Edmodo for further evaluation.
The data were collected through observations and interviews during the stages of
project completion. Findings from this study showed that this project-based learning
was effectively implemented. This project provided the cadets with meaningful and
engaging hands-on learning through their personal involvement in the project
completion. After completing the project, the cadets perceived that their confidence in
English language learning increased. They also gradually developed digital literacy skills
as well as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking (known as 4Cs
of 21st
century skills) that they can use further to embrace this highly competitive and
technologically transformed era.
Key words: education 4.0, project-based learning, video creation, English language learning
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
The strong wave of Industrial Revolution 4.0 has consequently transformed many
aspects of life including education. The transformation of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution (4IR) in education means that education and industry will have to consider
enhancing reskilling and upscaling talents with the possibilities of synergising the core
of existence of humanistic values and intelligent machines (Hamisah & Puteh, 2018) .
Hence, the term ‘education 4.0’ comes to existence in response to the demands of the
4IR where humans and technology are aligned to enable new possibilities for learning.
Education 4.0 is mainly characterized by utilization of digital technology which allows
learning to take place anytime and anywhere.
Today, education 4.0 has been enthusiastically embraced, especially by developed
countries through a number of transformation efforts in teaching and learning aspects.
As stated by Hussin (2018) , similar transformation has already taken place in the
tertiary education setting in Malaysia such as the layout of the classroom which has
gradually changed to flexible seating arrangement for individual and collaborative
workspaces, student assignments which are no longer in the form of constructed
responses only, alternative assessments (e.g. portfolio and project papers) which have
been introduced to accommodate multiple learning styles, and online learning
platforms which have been widely used in teaching and learning. These transformation
efforts are made to prepare future graduates who are able to thrive in the 4IR.
For Indonesia, education 4.0 brings forward both opportunities and challenges that
should be positively responded. With millions of Generation Z students who are so
revolutionized by digital technology, this country has a huge advantage to keep up with
a number of challenges brought by education 4.0. In the context of English language
learning particularly, many changes need to be made related to how and what to teach
in order to meet the current demands and preferences of the Generation Z students.
Educators need to adapt to changes in instructional designs following new trends in
education 4.0, for example, by involving students in project-based learning and
integrating the use of digital tools and online platforms.
Project-based learning with video creation is one of increasingly popular instructional
designs implemented in English language classrooms amid the advancements of digital
technology. A number of studies have been conducted to investigate the benefits of
video project-based learning in language classrooms (Forester & Meyer, 2015; Gareis,
2000; Hirata, 2009; Huang, 2015; Ting, 2013), and yet, very limited knowledge of
positive learning outcomes in regard to education 4.0 is available. Concerning this issue,
this present study aimed to examine the implementation of project-based learning with
video creation in Shipping English to embrace education 4.0.
Literature review
Education 4.0
As a response to the demands of the 4IR, education 4.0 promotes a new vision of
learning which takes place without boundaries. Compared to the previous education,
the key concepts of education 4.0 and the differences in impact, according to Salmon
(2019), are the massive ubiquitous connectivity and the symbiosis between humans
and machines and consequently inability to understand or predict what this might
mean in the long-term. In order to stay relevant and competitive in the 4IR, educational
institutions need to take the best of the past and move to education 4.0.
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
There are nine trends that stands out in Education 4.0 (Fisk, 2017). First, learning will
take place at different times in different places. Second, learning will be more
personalized to individual students based on their own capabilities. Third, students will
have a choice to determine how they want to learn. Fourth, students will be exposed to
project-based learning in which they are required to learn how to apply their skills
useful for their future academic careers. Fifth, students will be exposed to more hands-
on learning through field experience (such as internships, mentoring projects, and
collaboration projects) in order to obtain real-world skills. Sixth, students will be
exposed to data interpretation in which they are required to apply their theoretical
knowledge to numbers and use logical reasoning to make inferences based on logic and
trends from given sets of data. Seventh, students will be assessed differently and
conventional platforms to assess students may become irrelevant. Eighth, students will
be involved in designing and updating the curricula. Lastly, students will become more
independent in their learning, and thus mentoring will become fundamental to their
Preferences of Gen-Z Students
Gen-Z students refer to those born since 2000 onwards. These students are often
labeled as digital natives as they are so much into digital tools. Kozinski (2017) outlines
a number of learning preferences of the Gen-Z students as the following:
1. They are fully engaged in their learning process.
2. They welcome challenges and enjoy group discussion and highly interactive learning
3. For them, learning is without boundaries; they can learn anywhere and anytime and
have unlimited access to new information.
4. They are more interested in learning that involves active collaboration with their
members and learning at places other than their classroom.
5. They prefer digital tools and online forums to be integrated in their learning process.
6. They expect digital tools are available whenever they need with at low access
To accommodate the preferences of Gen Z students, teachers need to facilitate Gen-Z
students in order to be able to function well in work-related roles in the future. As the
students already interact daily with technology, teachers need to adapt to changes in
instructional designs by integrating the use of digital tools and online platforms in
learning. It is also necessary to help students develop their digital literacy skills
including how to operate digital tools, create authentic products and participate in
social platforms.
Project-based learning with video creation
One popular trend in education 4.0 is involving students in project-based learning.
According to Holm (2011) , project-based learning is student-centred instruction that
occurs over an extended time period, during which students select, plan, investigate,
and produce a product, presentation or performance that answers a real world question
or responds to an authentic challenge. In this case, educators act as facilitators who
provide scaffolding, guidance and strategic teaching throughout the process. Thomas &
Mergendoller (2000) state that project-based learning has a number of characteristics,
including: (1) Centrality (the project is the focus of learning), (2) Driving question
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
(project-based learning begins with questions or problems that lead students to find
solutions with concepts or appropriate principles of science), (3) Constructive
investigation (students build their knowledge by conducting investigations
independently where the teacher is a facilitator), (4) Autonomy (students act as
problem solvers), and (5) Realism ( student activities adapted to the actual situation)
In order to help teachers improve their practice in project-based learning, a
comprehensive, research-based model for PBL called a gold standard is created (Larmer,
Mergendoller, & Boss, 2015). This model consists of student learning goals and essential
project design elements as illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 1: Gold Standard PBL
As shown in Figure 1, the student learning goals are at the centre of any well-designed
project which include key knowledge, understanding and success skills. The essential
elements in project design include seven aspects namely challenging problem or
question, sustained inquiry, authenticity, student voice and choice, reflection, critique
and revision, and public products.
One type of project based learning is video based projects that use video media in their
assignments. Gareis (2000) states that video-based projects are an appropriate means
to integrate skills training, authentic communication, and group activities that focus on
the process, where the involvement of students in this case will be difficult to realize if
using other media. To complete a project, students must be actively involved in decision
making, critical thinking, and work cooperatively with their team members who
sometimes come from diverse cultural backgrounds and language skills. They also need
to apply a number of competencies including the creation of video content and the use
of digital technology.
This video-based project is in line with the philosophy of constructivist learning which
is defined by Weinstein (2006) as an element that supports language learners’ efforts to
shift from a pure orientation only on mastery to a constructivist approach. This means
that mastery of certain skills, grammar, and competencies is still considered important
in the learning process, but that is only part of the effort to interpret meanings. In this
case, educators act as mediators and facilitators who create a learning climate that is
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
conducive to the construction of knowledge in learners themselves. Students will be
given the opportunity to find and apply their own ideas (what should be learned and
how to learn it). A study conducted by Ting (2013) found that, although there were
initially some hesitations due to lack of experience in film-making, the students were
generally positive and excited about the video project. Thus, input on operating video-
editing applications prior to the implementation of the project was found to be
In terms of learning English in particular, video-based projects can provide a more
authentic learning experience. As stated by Huang (2015), video projects provide
opportunities for students to interact with authentic material in the real world by
finding relevant information, developing their own interpretations, and producing
multimedia videos. During the project, students will be actively involved in learning
activities that have relevance to their daily lives or future work. They will also have the
opportunity to use the target language in natural communication contexts. At the end of
project completion, students can give each other evaluations in the form of feedback
and criticism of the results of their own projects, so that later they can improve their
performance, especially in communication skills.
In general, video-based projects consist of three stages of work, namely project
planning, implementing, and reporting. The planning phase includes project
assignments, project planning design, and project schedule formulation. The
implementation phase includes making videos as well as monitoring project
development activities. The reporting phase includes the assessment of results and
evaluation of activities or experiences. Regarding the implementation of video-based
projects in the context of language learning, Forester & Meyer (2015) provides a
description of the procedure which includes the following stages: (1) Deciding the
nature and scope the project; (2) Writing the script; (3) Video recording (shooting); (4)
Video editing; (5) Disseminating the project result through social media platforms; (6)
Assessing and reflecting on the project result.
This research is a qualitative study conducted to investigate the implementation of
video-based projects in the Shipping English I course in relation to developing the
competencies needed by cadets in the educational era 4.0. Qualitative research usually
begins with assumptions, theoretical views and studies of research problems that are
investigated according to the context in which they occur in individuals or groups
(Creswell, 2007). As suggested by Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle (2010), this study used
inductive reasoning methods and believed there were a variety of perspectives revealed
during the research process. This study was carried out at the Yogyakarta Maritime
College in approximately 3 weeks. It involved 40 cadets of Maritime Transportation
Management as the research participants who were divided into 8 groups. The cadets
were actively involved in a video-based project implemented as the final assignment of
the Shipping English I course.
The data were collected through observation and interviews at each stage of the project
completion. At the end of the project, the cadets were asked to fill out a questionnaire
administered via Google form regarding their responses in implementing the project.
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
The data obtained were then analysed qualitatively following the six steps in analysing
qualitative data as suggested by Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle (2010, p. 180) , including
preparing and organizing data, reviewing and exploring data, coding data into several
categories, constructing participant descriptions, places and activities, constructing
major themes, reporting and interpreting data.
Findings and Discussions
The Implementation of Project-Based Learning with Video Creation
Based on the data collected, the implementation of the video making project consisted
of 3 stages, namely project planning, implementing and monitoring, and also reporting.
Each of the stages of this project is described as follows.
1. Planning
This stage consisted of preparation activities including project planning design and
timeline. At this stage, the lecturer outlined and explained the details of the project to
the cadets including the description and objectives of the project, the video concept, a
brief overview of technical procedures in video production, the timeline and target of
project completion, and the assessment technique. In grouping the cadets, the lecturer
divided them randomly into 8 groups to allow them to work together without any
tendency to choose friends. After that, they defined the roles for each member according
to their respective tasks in the project completion such as a video director, script writer,
camera operator, set designer, editor, and cast members.
In designing the concept, the cadets were given the freedom to choose and develop
ideas for their video content based on the topics learned during the Shipping English 1
course. The topics were related to freight forwarding, clearance, loading and unloading
containers, occupational health and safety (OHS), port facilities and document
application at the immigration office. After choosing the appropriate topic, they were
asked to explore ideas through various sources from the internet or related textbooks.
The lecturer also showed the cadets several examples of similar videos for better
understanding of the aspects needed in video creation. Each group was then asked to
design their project structure by following the guidelines. They were also asked to
complete a paperwork related to the video concept.
During the project planning, the lecturer provides guidance for the cadets in the form of
consultation sessions given to each group outside of class hours. In this consultation
session, the cadets discuss the concepts and structure of the video project with the
lecturer. Based on the observation, each group had a clear concept with interesting
topics and scenarios, but some groups faced problems in writing texts related to the use
of English in oral communication. Based on the draft of the manuscript made by the
cadets, some English phrases were literally translated, and thus seemed to be less
natural. In addition, some grammatical mistakes and inaccurate word choices were still
found in the dialogue script. In this case, a lot of constructive feedback was given by the
lecturer for improving their script. Some useful advice related to the use of verbal
language (body language) in oral communication was also given, including appropriate
facial expressions and gestures to convey meanings.
After completing the concept, the cadets prepared for video production. The
preparation included doing simulation or dialog practice, preparing the necessary
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
equipment such as cameras and supporting properties, and preparing the location to
take the video. In general, each group performed dialogue practice for 3 or 5 times
before real video recording. The cadets used some techniques such as reading the script
based on their respective roles and practicing dialogue without text and trying to
improvise the dialogue. For the equipment needed for video recording, all of the groups
used their personal mobile camera equipped with video recording features. A number
of properties to support video recording were also prepared by each group such as
uniforms, personal protective equipment (wear packs, protective goggles, gloves, shoes
and helmets), laptops, and documents. They used their own property and also borrow
some from the campus. To prepare the video recording location, each group conducted
a location survey in the campus area prior to implementation of the project.
2. Implementing and Monitoring
The next stage included video production and monitoring. The entire recording process
was carried out around the campus area such as in the classroom, in front of the lecture
building, in the container yard, and in the seamanship practice room. The cadets
conducted this video recording outside of regular class hours (generally in the
afternoon) and lasted for 2 or 3 days, especially for groups having a fairly long storyline
(consisting of 5 or more scenes in different locations). Due to the tight campus schedule,
the cadets were only able to allocate 3-4 hours each day to the video recording process.
During the video recording process, the lecturer also provided assistance to the cadets
by monitoring their activities and their progress. This monitoring was aimed to find out
how far the progress made by the groups in working on the project and what problems
arising in the process of video recording. In this case, the lecturer observed directly the
process of video recording, monitored their progress through reports provided by each
group and also provides useful feedback. Based on observation, the cadets were actively
involved performing their duties and roles in the video recording. At first, some players
seemed a little awkward and even nervous to act in front of the camera, but over time,
they seemed more relaxed. In fact, many groups conducted their video recording with
laughter because some cadets made funny mistakes such as mispronouncing unfamiliar
words and forgetting what to say next. However, this actually made them more
enthusiastic to provide mutual support and correction to improve their performance.
During the video recording, the cadets also showed how they dealt with the problems in
their respective groups. In some cases, this happened because of different perception or
miscommunication between members, for example related to the right angle,
movement, and framing for recording a scene. Therefore, they always discussed the
existing problems together to find the best solution. They also tried various video
recording techniques and learned from mistakes to get maximum results. Figure 2
below shows some examples of video recording techniques used by the cadets.
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
Figure 1: Video recording/shooting activities
After finishing the video recording, each group continued to the video editing process.
This step was carried out to combine video recordings with various other visual
elements, such as the addition of text, transition effects, sound settings, back sound,
soundtrack, and so forth. Various applications used by the cadets in video editing
include Filmora, FilmoraGo, VideoShow, VivaVideo, and KineMaster. They chose these
applications because of their attractive effect features, relatively easy operation, and
faster editing process. Each group completed the editing process in different times,
some within hours (no more than 1 day), 2-3 days, even 4-5 days, depending on their
skills and speed in video editing. In addition, differences in artistic aspects prioritized
by each group also affected the time required for video editing. The finished videos
were then saved in .mov, .mv4, and .mp4 formats. Next, each group uploaded the video
to Edmodo, an online learning platform used in the Shipping English 1 course.
3. Reporting
This reporting stage consisted of assessing the result and evaluating the experience. In
assessing the result of this project, all of the videos that made by the cadets were
assessed from the aspect of video quality and the content. In general, the videos were
very well produced according to the targeted learning material. The topics related to
port and shipping contexts were successfully developed by the cadets into real
conversations with interesting video concepts. Furthermore, the content of the videos
showed clear and coherent story lines according to the concept they made at the
beginning of the project. An example of a story line created by one the project groups
can be seen in Figure 3.
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
Figure 3: Plot story (Occupational health and safety procedures)
Figure 3 above illustrates some of the scenes in the video made by the cadets about the
implementation of occupational health and safety (OSH) in the workplace. In scene A, a
team leader of port workers had a morning briefing on OSH implementation in the
workplace with his team. The team leader emphasized the importance of OSH
implementation and also demonstrated the use of several personal protective
equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, helmets, wear packs, and shoes. After the
briefing, they started their respective work. Then in scene B, a worker fell asleep and
left the room messy after working. In scene C, his colleague came and wake him up.
Then she told him about his mistake for not tidying up the equipment in the room after
completing his work. Realizing his mistake, the man apologized and asked his colleague
to help him tidy up the messy stuff in the room with proper procedures. As seen in
scene D, the worker put various tools in the right place. Next, in scene E, a worker who
did not wear a helmet suddenly experienced a minor accident while working at the
container. His head was hit by a tool accidently fell from the top fell by another worker.
Then the worker advised him to always wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
when working, for example a helmet, to anticipate injuries to his head. Realizing his
mistake, as seen in scene F, the worker promised not to repeat it and immediately put
on his helmet.
Most of the videos in general appeared to be interesting made with clear and simple
storylines with contextual location settings and appropriate properties. For location, the
cadets used 3 different places located in the campus area, namely a lecture building
lobby, a seamanship practice room, and a container yard. For properties, they wore
uniforms with personal protective equipment including helmets, shoes and wear packs.
Their acts also looked natural and confident with their respective roles. They performed
dialogues in English (without reading the text) quite smoothly although there were still
some mistakes in pronunciation and grammar. In performing the dialogues, they also
used appropriate body language and gestures to convey meanings.
The next interesting aspect about the videos made by the cadets is the moral message
delivered. One example is the video about the OHS implementation in the workplace.
Through real examples related to negligence of using PPE and also minor accidents
experienced by workers, the video illustrates how important it is to implement OHS
properly in the workplace to anticipate and minimize the risk of injury.
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
The videos made in this project also reflect the creativity of the cadets in the use of
digital technology during the video production. This creativity is clearly seen in the
artistic aspect including the back sounds, soundtracks, texts, images, videos, image
transition effects, and so on. This artistic aspect is created by the cadets to make the
videos more interesting. An example of using an interesting transition effect in a video
made by the cadets can be seen in Figure 4 below.
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
Figure 4: Use of interesting transition effects in video editing
In addition, several groups also inserted relevant clips to complement the story line in
their videos such as videos related to port facilities, shipping, loading and unloading of
containers, and occupational health and safety. One example can be seen in the video
about the process of shipping in a freight forwarding company as illustrated in Figure 5
(scenes E and F).
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
Figure 5: Use of clip inserts to complete the plot story
The final assessment of this project included both the process and the product of the
video-based project implementation. For the process of video-based project, the
assessment was done in groups comprising five aspects including originality of ideas,
creativity, completion time, project relevance, and collaboration. The maximum score
given for each aspect was 20, so the total score was 100. For the product, the
assessment was focused on the role-play performance displayed by the cadets. The
assessment of the video content comprising six aspects including clarity, pronunciation,
fluency, understanding, tone and intonation, and content. The maximum score given for
each aspect was 50, so the total score was 300 then divided by 3. Thus, the final score
was 100.
In addition, the assessment was also given by the lecturer in the form of appreciation
both in oral and written forms. To create a culture of mutual appreciation, the cadets
were asked to watch and give likes and comments for videos made by the other groups.
This was also used as a reflective evaluation on the final result of the project. This
appreciation was given by the lecturer in the comment column in Edmodo for each
video uploaded by each group. An example of appreciation given by the lecturer in
Edmodo can be seen in Figure 6 below.
3rd ICMET 2019
Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
Figure 6: Positive feedback and encouragement
From the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that the implementation of
project-based learning with video creation in Shipping English provided meaningful,
contextual, and engaging hands-on learning with four integrated language skills. During
the project completion, the students learned how to apply their knowledge and skills
into practice for creating a video related to about basic communication in port and
shipping contexts. After completing the project, the cadets perceived that their
confidence in English language learning increased. They also gradually developed
digital literacy skills as well as collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking
(commonly known as 4Cs of 21st
century skills) that they can use further to embrace
this highly competitive and technologically transformed era. Despite the positive
learning outcomes, some pitfalls of this project were also found such as time constraints,
the students using L1, groups working at different speed, and limited IT support. For
further research, the challenges faced by the cadets during project completion in similar
projects need to be thoroughly investigated. Prior to the project, students should be
facilitated with more intense learning in video production using digital technology in
order to improve the quality of end products.
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Implementing Project-Based Learning with Video Creation in Shipping English

  • 1. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya Implementing Project-Based Learning with Video Creation in Shipping English to Embrace Education 4.0 Heni Dwi Iryanti Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta, Indonesia Himawan Aditya Pratama Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract: Education 4.0 comes to existence in response to the needs of Industrial Revolution 4.0 where humans and technology are aligned to enable new possibilities for learning. It offers new trends in learning which can take place without boundaries. Thus, educators need to adapt to changes in instructional designs, for example, by involving students in project-based learning and integrating the use of digital tools and online platforms in learning. Concerning this issue, this study aimed to examine the implementation of project-based learning with video creation in Shipping English. It involved 40 cadets from Maritime Transport Management Program who were assigned to complete a video project in groups about basic communication in port and shipping contexts. The videos were then uploaded by the cadets in Edmodo for further evaluation. The data were collected through observations and interviews during the stages of project completion. Findings from this study showed that this project-based learning was effectively implemented. This project provided the cadets with meaningful and engaging hands-on learning through their personal involvement in the project completion. After completing the project, the cadets perceived that their confidence in English language learning increased. They also gradually developed digital literacy skills as well as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking (known as 4Cs of 21st century skills) that they can use further to embrace this highly competitive and technologically transformed era. Key words: education 4.0, project-based learning, video creation, English language learning
  • 2. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya The strong wave of Industrial Revolution 4.0 has consequently transformed many aspects of life including education. The transformation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in education means that education and industry will have to consider enhancing reskilling and upscaling talents with the possibilities of synergising the core of existence of humanistic values and intelligent machines (Hamisah & Puteh, 2018) . Hence, the term ‘education 4.0’ comes to existence in response to the demands of the 4IR where humans and technology are aligned to enable new possibilities for learning. Education 4.0 is mainly characterized by utilization of digital technology which allows learning to take place anytime and anywhere. Today, education 4.0 has been enthusiastically embraced, especially by developed countries through a number of transformation efforts in teaching and learning aspects. As stated by Hussin (2018) , similar transformation has already taken place in the tertiary education setting in Malaysia such as the layout of the classroom which has gradually changed to flexible seating arrangement for individual and collaborative workspaces, student assignments which are no longer in the form of constructed responses only, alternative assessments (e.g. portfolio and project papers) which have been introduced to accommodate multiple learning styles, and online learning platforms which have been widely used in teaching and learning. These transformation efforts are made to prepare future graduates who are able to thrive in the 4IR. For Indonesia, education 4.0 brings forward both opportunities and challenges that should be positively responded. With millions of Generation Z students who are so revolutionized by digital technology, this country has a huge advantage to keep up with a number of challenges brought by education 4.0. In the context of English language learning particularly, many changes need to be made related to how and what to teach in order to meet the current demands and preferences of the Generation Z students. Educators need to adapt to changes in instructional designs following new trends in education 4.0, for example, by involving students in project-based learning and integrating the use of digital tools and online platforms. Project-based learning with video creation is one of increasingly popular instructional designs implemented in English language classrooms amid the advancements of digital technology. A number of studies have been conducted to investigate the benefits of video project-based learning in language classrooms (Forester & Meyer, 2015; Gareis, 2000; Hirata, 2009; Huang, 2015; Ting, 2013), and yet, very limited knowledge of positive learning outcomes in regard to education 4.0 is available. Concerning this issue, this present study aimed to examine the implementation of project-based learning with video creation in Shipping English to embrace education 4.0. Literature review Education 4.0 As a response to the demands of the 4IR, education 4.0 promotes a new vision of learning which takes place without boundaries. Compared to the previous education, the key concepts of education 4.0 and the differences in impact, according to Salmon (2019), are the massive ubiquitous connectivity and the symbiosis between humans and machines and consequently inability to understand or predict what this might mean in the long-term. In order to stay relevant and competitive in the 4IR, educational institutions need to take the best of the past and move to education 4.0.
  • 3. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya There are nine trends that stands out in Education 4.0 (Fisk, 2017). First, learning will take place at different times in different places. Second, learning will be more personalized to individual students based on their own capabilities. Third, students will have a choice to determine how they want to learn. Fourth, students will be exposed to project-based learning in which they are required to learn how to apply their skills useful for their future academic careers. Fifth, students will be exposed to more hands- on learning through field experience (such as internships, mentoring projects, and collaboration projects) in order to obtain real-world skills. Sixth, students will be exposed to data interpretation in which they are required to apply their theoretical knowledge to numbers and use logical reasoning to make inferences based on logic and trends from given sets of data. Seventh, students will be assessed differently and conventional platforms to assess students may become irrelevant. Eighth, students will be involved in designing and updating the curricula. Lastly, students will become more independent in their learning, and thus mentoring will become fundamental to their success. Preferences of Gen-Z Students Gen-Z students refer to those born since 2000 onwards. These students are often labeled as digital natives as they are so much into digital tools. Kozinski (2017) outlines a number of learning preferences of the Gen-Z students as the following: 1. They are fully engaged in their learning process. 2. They welcome challenges and enjoy group discussion and highly interactive learning environment. 3. For them, learning is without boundaries; they can learn anywhere and anytime and have unlimited access to new information. 4. They are more interested in learning that involves active collaboration with their team members and learning at places other than their classroom. 5. They prefer digital tools and online forums to be integrated in their learning process. 6. They expect digital tools are available whenever they need with at low access barriers. To accommodate the preferences of Gen Z students, teachers need to facilitate Gen-Z students in order to be able to function well in work-related roles in the future. As the students already interact daily with technology, teachers need to adapt to changes in instructional designs by integrating the use of digital tools and online platforms in learning. It is also necessary to help students develop their digital literacy skills including how to operate digital tools, create authentic products and participate in social platforms. Project-based learning with video creation One popular trend in education 4.0 is involving students in project-based learning. According to Holm (2011) , project-based learning is student-centred instruction that occurs over an extended time period, during which students select, plan, investigate, and produce a product, presentation or performance that answers a real world question or responds to an authentic challenge. In this case, educators act as facilitators who provide scaffolding, guidance and strategic teaching throughout the process. Thomas & Mergendoller (2000) state that project-based learning has a number of characteristics, including: (1) Centrality (the project is the focus of learning), (2) Driving question
  • 4. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya (project-based learning begins with questions or problems that lead students to find solutions with concepts or appropriate principles of science), (3) Constructive investigation (students build their knowledge by conducting investigations independently where the teacher is a facilitator), (4) Autonomy (students act as problem solvers), and (5) Realism ( student activities adapted to the actual situation) In order to help teachers improve their practice in project-based learning, a comprehensive, research-based model for PBL called a gold standard is created (Larmer, Mergendoller, & Boss, 2015). This model consists of student learning goals and essential project design elements as illustrated in the following figure. Figure 1: Gold Standard PBL As shown in Figure 1, the student learning goals are at the centre of any well-designed project which include key knowledge, understanding and success skills. The essential elements in project design include seven aspects namely challenging problem or question, sustained inquiry, authenticity, student voice and choice, reflection, critique and revision, and public products. One type of project based learning is video based projects that use video media in their assignments. Gareis (2000) states that video-based projects are an appropriate means to integrate skills training, authentic communication, and group activities that focus on the process, where the involvement of students in this case will be difficult to realize if using other media. To complete a project, students must be actively involved in decision making, critical thinking, and work cooperatively with their team members who sometimes come from diverse cultural backgrounds and language skills. They also need to apply a number of competencies including the creation of video content and the use of digital technology. This video-based project is in line with the philosophy of constructivist learning which is defined by Weinstein (2006) as an element that supports language learners’ efforts to shift from a pure orientation only on mastery to a constructivist approach. This means that mastery of certain skills, grammar, and competencies is still considered important in the learning process, but that is only part of the effort to interpret meanings. In this case, educators act as mediators and facilitators who create a learning climate that is
  • 5. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya conducive to the construction of knowledge in learners themselves. Students will be given the opportunity to find and apply their own ideas (what should be learned and how to learn it). A study conducted by Ting (2013) found that, although there were initially some hesitations due to lack of experience in film-making, the students were generally positive and excited about the video project. Thus, input on operating video- editing applications prior to the implementation of the project was found to be necessary. In terms of learning English in particular, video-based projects can provide a more authentic learning experience. As stated by Huang (2015), video projects provide opportunities for students to interact with authentic material in the real world by finding relevant information, developing their own interpretations, and producing multimedia videos. During the project, students will be actively involved in learning activities that have relevance to their daily lives or future work. They will also have the opportunity to use the target language in natural communication contexts. At the end of project completion, students can give each other evaluations in the form of feedback and criticism of the results of their own projects, so that later they can improve their performance, especially in communication skills. In general, video-based projects consist of three stages of work, namely project planning, implementing, and reporting. The planning phase includes project assignments, project planning design, and project schedule formulation. The implementation phase includes making videos as well as monitoring project development activities. The reporting phase includes the assessment of results and evaluation of activities or experiences. Regarding the implementation of video-based projects in the context of language learning, Forester & Meyer (2015) provides a description of the procedure which includes the following stages: (1) Deciding the nature and scope the project; (2) Writing the script; (3) Video recording (shooting); (4) Video editing; (5) Disseminating the project result through social media platforms; (6) Assessing and reflecting on the project result. Method This research is a qualitative study conducted to investigate the implementation of video-based projects in the Shipping English I course in relation to developing the competencies needed by cadets in the educational era 4.0. Qualitative research usually begins with assumptions, theoretical views and studies of research problems that are investigated according to the context in which they occur in individuals or groups (Creswell, 2007). As suggested by Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle (2010), this study used inductive reasoning methods and believed there were a variety of perspectives revealed during the research process. This study was carried out at the Yogyakarta Maritime College in approximately 3 weeks. It involved 40 cadets of Maritime Transportation Management as the research participants who were divided into 8 groups. The cadets were actively involved in a video-based project implemented as the final assignment of the Shipping English I course. The data were collected through observation and interviews at each stage of the project completion. At the end of the project, the cadets were asked to fill out a questionnaire administered via Google form regarding their responses in implementing the project.
  • 6. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya The data obtained were then analysed qualitatively following the six steps in analysing qualitative data as suggested by Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle (2010, p. 180) , including preparing and organizing data, reviewing and exploring data, coding data into several categories, constructing participant descriptions, places and activities, constructing major themes, reporting and interpreting data. Findings and Discussions The Implementation of Project-Based Learning with Video Creation Based on the data collected, the implementation of the video making project consisted of 3 stages, namely project planning, implementing and monitoring, and also reporting. Each of the stages of this project is described as follows. 1. Planning This stage consisted of preparation activities including project planning design and timeline. At this stage, the lecturer outlined and explained the details of the project to the cadets including the description and objectives of the project, the video concept, a brief overview of technical procedures in video production, the timeline and target of project completion, and the assessment technique. In grouping the cadets, the lecturer divided them randomly into 8 groups to allow them to work together without any tendency to choose friends. After that, they defined the roles for each member according to their respective tasks in the project completion such as a video director, script writer, camera operator, set designer, editor, and cast members. In designing the concept, the cadets were given the freedom to choose and develop ideas for their video content based on the topics learned during the Shipping English 1 course. The topics were related to freight forwarding, clearance, loading and unloading containers, occupational health and safety (OHS), port facilities and document application at the immigration office. After choosing the appropriate topic, they were asked to explore ideas through various sources from the internet or related textbooks. The lecturer also showed the cadets several examples of similar videos for better understanding of the aspects needed in video creation. Each group was then asked to design their project structure by following the guidelines. They were also asked to complete a paperwork related to the video concept. During the project planning, the lecturer provides guidance for the cadets in the form of consultation sessions given to each group outside of class hours. In this consultation session, the cadets discuss the concepts and structure of the video project with the lecturer. Based on the observation, each group had a clear concept with interesting topics and scenarios, but some groups faced problems in writing texts related to the use of English in oral communication. Based on the draft of the manuscript made by the cadets, some English phrases were literally translated, and thus seemed to be less natural. In addition, some grammatical mistakes and inaccurate word choices were still found in the dialogue script. In this case, a lot of constructive feedback was given by the lecturer for improving their script. Some useful advice related to the use of verbal language (body language) in oral communication was also given, including appropriate facial expressions and gestures to convey meanings. After completing the concept, the cadets prepared for video production. The preparation included doing simulation or dialog practice, preparing the necessary
  • 7. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya equipment such as cameras and supporting properties, and preparing the location to take the video. In general, each group performed dialogue practice for 3 or 5 times before real video recording. The cadets used some techniques such as reading the script based on their respective roles and practicing dialogue without text and trying to improvise the dialogue. For the equipment needed for video recording, all of the groups used their personal mobile camera equipped with video recording features. A number of properties to support video recording were also prepared by each group such as uniforms, personal protective equipment (wear packs, protective goggles, gloves, shoes and helmets), laptops, and documents. They used their own property and also borrow some from the campus. To prepare the video recording location, each group conducted a location survey in the campus area prior to implementation of the project. 2. Implementing and Monitoring The next stage included video production and monitoring. The entire recording process was carried out around the campus area such as in the classroom, in front of the lecture building, in the container yard, and in the seamanship practice room. The cadets conducted this video recording outside of regular class hours (generally in the afternoon) and lasted for 2 or 3 days, especially for groups having a fairly long storyline (consisting of 5 or more scenes in different locations). Due to the tight campus schedule, the cadets were only able to allocate 3-4 hours each day to the video recording process. During the video recording process, the lecturer also provided assistance to the cadets by monitoring their activities and their progress. This monitoring was aimed to find out how far the progress made by the groups in working on the project and what problems arising in the process of video recording. In this case, the lecturer observed directly the process of video recording, monitored their progress through reports provided by each group and also provides useful feedback. Based on observation, the cadets were actively involved performing their duties and roles in the video recording. At first, some players seemed a little awkward and even nervous to act in front of the camera, but over time, they seemed more relaxed. In fact, many groups conducted their video recording with laughter because some cadets made funny mistakes such as mispronouncing unfamiliar words and forgetting what to say next. However, this actually made them more enthusiastic to provide mutual support and correction to improve their performance. During the video recording, the cadets also showed how they dealt with the problems in their respective groups. In some cases, this happened because of different perception or miscommunication between members, for example related to the right angle, movement, and framing for recording a scene. Therefore, they always discussed the existing problems together to find the best solution. They also tried various video recording techniques and learned from mistakes to get maximum results. Figure 2 below shows some examples of video recording techniques used by the cadets.
  • 8. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya Figure 1: Video recording/shooting activities After finishing the video recording, each group continued to the video editing process. This step was carried out to combine video recordings with various other visual elements, such as the addition of text, transition effects, sound settings, back sound, soundtrack, and so forth. Various applications used by the cadets in video editing include Filmora, FilmoraGo, VideoShow, VivaVideo, and KineMaster. They chose these applications because of their attractive effect features, relatively easy operation, and faster editing process. Each group completed the editing process in different times, some within hours (no more than 1 day), 2-3 days, even 4-5 days, depending on their skills and speed in video editing. In addition, differences in artistic aspects prioritized by each group also affected the time required for video editing. The finished videos were then saved in .mov, .mv4, and .mp4 formats. Next, each group uploaded the video to Edmodo, an online learning platform used in the Shipping English 1 course. 3. Reporting This reporting stage consisted of assessing the result and evaluating the experience. In assessing the result of this project, all of the videos that made by the cadets were assessed from the aspect of video quality and the content. In general, the videos were very well produced according to the targeted learning material. The topics related to port and shipping contexts were successfully developed by the cadets into real conversations with interesting video concepts. Furthermore, the content of the videos showed clear and coherent story lines according to the concept they made at the beginning of the project. An example of a story line created by one the project groups can be seen in Figure 3. A B C D
  • 9. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya
  • 10. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya E F Figure 3: Plot story (Occupational health and safety procedures) Figure 3 above illustrates some of the scenes in the video made by the cadets about the implementation of occupational health and safety (OSH) in the workplace. In scene A, a team leader of port workers had a morning briefing on OSH implementation in the workplace with his team. The team leader emphasized the importance of OSH implementation and also demonstrated the use of several personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, helmets, wear packs, and shoes. After the briefing, they started their respective work. Then in scene B, a worker fell asleep and left the room messy after working. In scene C, his colleague came and wake him up. Then she told him about his mistake for not tidying up the equipment in the room after completing his work. Realizing his mistake, the man apologized and asked his colleague to help him tidy up the messy stuff in the room with proper procedures. As seen in scene D, the worker put various tools in the right place. Next, in scene E, a worker who did not wear a helmet suddenly experienced a minor accident while working at the container. His head was hit by a tool accidently fell from the top fell by another worker. Then the worker advised him to always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when working, for example a helmet, to anticipate injuries to his head. Realizing his mistake, as seen in scene F, the worker promised not to repeat it and immediately put on his helmet. Most of the videos in general appeared to be interesting made with clear and simple storylines with contextual location settings and appropriate properties. For location, the cadets used 3 different places located in the campus area, namely a lecture building lobby, a seamanship practice room, and a container yard. For properties, they wore uniforms with personal protective equipment including helmets, shoes and wear packs. Their acts also looked natural and confident with their respective roles. They performed dialogues in English (without reading the text) quite smoothly although there were still some mistakes in pronunciation and grammar. In performing the dialogues, they also used appropriate body language and gestures to convey meanings. The next interesting aspect about the videos made by the cadets is the moral message delivered. One example is the video about the OHS implementation in the workplace. Through real examples related to negligence of using PPE and also minor accidents experienced by workers, the video illustrates how important it is to implement OHS properly in the workplace to anticipate and minimize the risk of injury.
  • 11. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya The videos made in this project also reflect the creativity of the cadets in the use of digital technology during the video production. This creativity is clearly seen in the artistic aspect including the back sounds, soundtracks, texts, images, videos, image transition effects, and so on. This artistic aspect is created by the cadets to make the videos more interesting. An example of using an interesting transition effect in a video made by the cadets can be seen in Figure 4 below.
  • 12. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya Figure 4: Use of interesting transition effects in video editing In addition, several groups also inserted relevant clips to complement the story line in their videos such as videos related to port facilities, shipping, loading and unloading of containers, and occupational health and safety. One example can be seen in the video about the process of shipping in a freight forwarding company as illustrated in Figure 5 (scenes E and F). A B C D E F
  • 13. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya Figure 5: Use of clip inserts to complete the plot story The final assessment of this project included both the process and the product of the video-based project implementation. For the process of video-based project, the assessment was done in groups comprising five aspects including originality of ideas, creativity, completion time, project relevance, and collaboration. The maximum score given for each aspect was 20, so the total score was 100. For the product, the assessment was focused on the role-play performance displayed by the cadets. The assessment of the video content comprising six aspects including clarity, pronunciation, fluency, understanding, tone and intonation, and content. The maximum score given for each aspect was 50, so the total score was 300 then divided by 3. Thus, the final score was 100. In addition, the assessment was also given by the lecturer in the form of appreciation both in oral and written forms. To create a culture of mutual appreciation, the cadets were asked to watch and give likes and comments for videos made by the other groups. This was also used as a reflective evaluation on the final result of the project. This appreciation was given by the lecturer in the comment column in Edmodo for each video uploaded by each group. An example of appreciation given by the lecturer in Edmodo can be seen in Figure 6 below.
  • 14. 3rd ICMET 2019 Surabaya 21 November 2019 – Sheraton Hotel Surabaya Figure 6: Positive feedback and encouragement Conclusion From the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that the implementation of project-based learning with video creation in Shipping English provided meaningful, contextual, and engaging hands-on learning with four integrated language skills. During the project completion, the students learned how to apply their knowledge and skills into practice for creating a video related to about basic communication in port and shipping contexts. After completing the project, the cadets perceived that their confidence in English language learning increased. They also gradually developed digital literacy skills as well as collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking (commonly known as 4Cs of 21st century skills) that they can use further to embrace this highly competitive and technologically transformed era. Despite the positive learning outcomes, some pitfalls of this project were also found such as time constraints, the students using L1, groups working at different speed, and limited IT support. For further research, the challenges faced by the cadets during project completion in similar projects need to be thoroughly investigated. Prior to the project, students should be facilitated with more intense learning in video production using digital technology in order to improve the quality of end products. References Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc. Fisk, P. (2017). Education 4.0 … the future of learning will be dramatically different, in school and throughout life. Retrieved from young-everyone-taught-together
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