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A Maritime Education and Training Challenge on Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0:
The Concept of Integration of Formal and Non-formal Maritime Education Using A Recognition Prior
Learning (RPL) Scheme.
Antoni Arif Priadi
STIP Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract: The 4IR by various industries and countries has been running around 2010. The 4IR has fundamentally changed the
ways for human life and work. New technological advances that integrate physical world, digital and biological have influenced
all disciplines, economics, industry and governments. In line, this also influences in maritime education and training schemes.
The human resources needed has shifted from the potential basis to the competency based. Further, the formal education is
not as primary source for preparing human resources, but the non-formal vocational education is more required by student to
enhance their competency. Therefore, there is need to bridge between formal and non – formal education to enrich the student
competency through the Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) scheme. The Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) for maritime
vocational lecturers at the appropriate level of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework has been taken place. Yet, the
implementation of Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) for the non-formal education to formal education or vice versa on
maritime fields has not been conducted. This paper conveyed a conceptual model for the challenge of integration of formal and
non-formal education through the Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) to provide human resources who have excellent
competency and link -match with industry as well as prepared in facing the era of the 4IR. The integration model is developed
through the content analysis and conceptual framework.
Key words: Recognition Prior Learning (RPL), Maritime education and training, Formal Education, Non-formal education, Industrial
Revolution 4.0.
4IR (4IR) has fundamentally changed human life and work (Schawab, 2017). The development of new technological
advancements has been remembered that the integration between the physical, digital and biological issues has influenced all
disciplines, economics, government and industry. Some fields that experienced a breakthrough as a positive impact such as:
artificial intelligence robotic, biotechnology, internet-based technology, 3D printers. Gojek, bukalapak, teacher's room and
grab show the integration of human activities with information technology and the economy is becoming increasingly
developed. The development of autonomous vehicle technology (autonomous cars), autonomous ships, drones and social
media applications increasingly confirms that the world and human life have fundamentally changed. To simplify, the
Industrial Revolution mile stone is presented in figure1.
Figure 1. Industrial Revolution Milestone
In overcoming the 4IR, one strategy that needs to be developed is the new literacy concepts. The literacy concepts cover data,
technology and human resources literacy. Data literacy is the ability to read, to analyze and to use information from data in the
digital world. Data literacy is quite important to facing the internet of things. The second literacy, technological literacy is the
ability to understand mechanical systems and technology in the world of work. This is the strategy to deal with the
advancement of technology such on automation, robotic, etc. The third strategy, human resource literacy, namely the ability to
interact well, not rigid, and characterized (Sudlow, 2018). Human resource literacy should be merged with the 4IR and it does
not against 4IR. This strategy could be implemented in the most segments as well as the education and training sector. For
instance, in education sector, there are nine trends or trends related to education 4.0 (Fisk, 2017), which are as follows at the
figure 2. The trend in education 4.0 may be used as the base line to further develop the education model in the future in facing
up the 4IR.
Figure 2. Trend on Education 4.0 (Peter Fisk, 2017)
Furthermore, to respond to the needs of 4IR, universities need to focus on aspects related to exploiting the potential of digital
technology, personalized data, open source content, and new humanity from this globally connected world. Universities need
to build and to develop blueprints for the future of learning including lifelong learning, learning from childhood schools,
continuous learning at work, learning to play a better role in society. (Kabashkin, 2018). New trends in education and training
open the challenge of doing more with the recognition of individu competency in the learning system which is known as
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Through RPL, individuals may obtain several benefits including trusted alternative ways
of learning. This can be used to anticipate the normal prerequisites used to enter formal education that have not been fulfilled.
Individuals can use previous learning experiences considered in qualifications. The RPL is considered in qualifications
regardless of how or where learning takes place. Furthermore, RPL will play a role in increasing self-confidence and
motivation. Furthermore, RPL is progress in qualifications that have social uses, values, and positions in employment.
To conclude the introduction of this research, the problem raised for this research is how learning integration between formal
education, non-formal education, independent learning and work experience in maritime education and training may be
delivered for maritime education and training field. Based on this problem, the research aim is formulated as to develop the
integration learning proposed model between Maritime Vocational Higher Education (MVHE) and Maritime Education and
Training Institutions (METI) through RPL for complementing each other.
To answer the research question, the study is conducted through the conceptual framework from literature reviews and
content analysis. Based on the conceptual framework, the proposed model of integration between between Maritime
Vocational Higher Education (MVHE) and Maritime Education and Training Institutions (METI) is developed. Having the
literature review, content analysis is applied. Content analysis is a research model which is applied to make valid replicators
and conclusions according to the interpretation and text material of the coding scheme (Krippendorf, 2004). Then, the
conceptual framework is arranged in a logical structure to assist in composing images or visual displays of how the concepts in
the study relate to one another as well as an integrated way of looking at the problems under study (Adom, et., al., 2018).
Having the conceptual framework, the integration learning model is developed. The detail methology is illustrated in figure 3.
Figure 3. Methodology of Research.
The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In the context of daily life, people do many activities for their needs and these activities are actually included in the learning
component. Even people working in the office or in the fields or at school or other places, they all learn something related to
their activities through life experiences. This shows that learning can take place anywhere and is integrated with activities
carried out by individuals. Learning can come in the form of formal education or non-formal education. However, the goal is
the same, how can people live together in their community. Because of the various ways in which people learn, they may have
different levels of competency even for the same job. Therefore, a form of recognition of their competency in the community
needs to be formed and developed. RPL is defined as the recognition of competencies currently held by a person without
considering, regardless of how, when or where the learning took place. (Australian National Training Authority (ANTA), 2003).
The introduction of RPL can be an effective way to bring or involve people into a learning system that is usually not considered
from formal education and subsequently they fail to benefit from academic credentials, social status or even subsequent work.
(Hargreaves, 2006). RPL is not only a way for students to reach an accelerated path to a certain level of qualification, but also
increases self-confidence and self-esteem. (Smith, 2004 & Cleary, et. al., 2002). So indirectly this RPL is a conversion tool from
life experience into formal education or non-formal education. It is quite clear that RPL may be used as a model of learning to
facing 4IR.
To answer the question relating RPL, the first step of doing this is the qualification framework the qualifiacation framework is
used to qualify indivduals in certain level which explaining their competency. The Indonesian National Qualifications
Framework (IQF) is developed and governed by Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012. In the regulation, article 1
paragraph (1), it is explained that IQF is a competency qualification framework that can juxtapose, equalize and integrate
education and training and work experience in the framework of giving recognition of work competencies in accordance with
the structure of work in various sectors. Every level of qualifications under the IQF has meaning and equality with learning
outcomes owned by all Indonesian workers in creating quality work and contributions in their respective fields of work. In
brief concept, IQF is the competency qualification scheme which can juxtapose, equalize and integrate between the education
field and job training field, as well as work experience in the framework of granting recognition of work competencies in
accordance with the work structure in various sectors. (President Decree 8: 2012). In detail, the matrix of IQF is illustrated in
figure 4.
Figure 4. Matrix of Indonesian Qualifiaction Framework
The IQF level consists of 9 levels of qualifications, started lowest level which is level 1 to the highest level which is level 9. The
figure 4 also explains of four side of IQF such as formal education background, career advancement, profesion certification and
experience. It is obvious that person from experience background could be on the same level with person from formal
education background. Every level of IQF level consists of four element achievement learning aspects which is named as
descriptor such as attitudes and value, mastery of knowledge, work ability, and authority and responsibility.
The practice of applying RPL has been carried out in several countries from the levels of universities, polytechnics and training
institutions as well as in several sectors. For example, in universitie level, RPL is implemented in Ireland. (Goggin, et. al., 2015).
The RPL used for various need for instance advanced entry, module exemption, non standard entry, credit for module, partial
fulfillment of award and full award. Mostly, the RPL is used by candidate for advanced entry, module exemption and non
standard entry at universities. (Goggin, et al., 2015). A qualifications framework which allows for credit accumulation and
transfer has recently been introduced in Bahrain Polytechnic (Coombridge & Alansari, 2018). For one institution to recognize
the learning achieved by students transferring from another – there must be an overall confidence in the quality of that
learning. Regulatory and Quality Assurance bodies, both nationally and globally, have a clear role to play in contributing to this
confidence. Institutions with a focus on applied learning, such as the Polytechnic, have a desire to recognize appropriate prior
work or other life learning experiences as both non-formal and informal learning should be recognized as a means to broaden
educational opportunities across a wider section of society. The implementation of a whole learning model is Problem Based
Learning (PBL)
In addition, the concept of PBL becomes one of the entrances that PBL can be used in the learning system in Bahrain's
polytechnic. The architecture of PBL is presented in the following figure 5.
Figure 5. Learning Pathway with Problem Based Learning (PBL)
The figure 9 reviews in detail the PBL in which there are course-based PBL, theme-based PBL, project-based learning and
course-supported, project-based learning. Basically, course-based graduate competencies will be achieved with several
course-based learning achievements. For example, a competency consists of several course modules. Unlike a course-based
PBL, a theme-based consists of several learning themes to achieve a competency. In a theme consists of several problems that
must be resolved. The next form is project-based learning consisting of several projects to achieve competence, this project is
broader because it consists of several problems that must be resolved and more to problems in the workplace. Another form is
a combination of course-based with the project. By looking at the diagram, it can be concluded that actually someone who has
worked in a company in a certain position can be considered as a project-based learning that is held by study program at a
higher education institution.
One of the implementations of RPL is in the fisheries sector where this has been exemplified in India. (Swarupa,2019). It was
observed that there is a good demand for RPL since a large number of fish farmer with domain skills are yet to be certified.
Therefore, the program may be up scaled. In general, fish farmers were identified with basic skills, given orientation to fill the
gap, assessed and certified in 3 job roles which are Inland Capture Fisherman, Freshwater Aquatic Farmer and Shrimp Farmer.
The implementation of RPL in Indonesia is based on the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher education institutions
Regulation Number 26 of 2016 concerning Recognition Prior Learning. In the article 2 states that RPL is classified into 2 (two)
types, namely RPL to continue formal education (type A) and RPL to obtain equivalency recognition with qualifications certain
level of Indonesian Qualification Framework (type B). The society can use RPL to continue formal education (type A) to apply
for credit recognition (semester credit units / credits) for learning outcome or work experience that they already have to
continue their education to a higher level, so that they do not need to take all credits. After completing the remaining credits in
universities, the community can obtain a diploma.
The assessment of RPL
Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments whether someone has achieved certain competencies
or not. This confirms that an individual after learning can achieve certain competencies as expected at work, or after
graduating from college. Assessor also need to be very familiar with the competencies to the point they can put aside the
performance criteria and make professional judgments based on a holistic view of a candidate’s abilities. The relationship
between the assessor and the candidate’s in perceptions of success is the participant has meant achieving a qualification or
partial credit, or being able to examine skills and plan a learning program and career goals without necessarily achieving
competencies. This perception bring to the understanding of the key success of RPL assessment is the process in which
participants are treated and supported by the assessor. The assessment method used for conducting RPL is explained in table
Table 1. Assessment Method Used for RPL
ASSESSMENT METHOD (Modified from Mahapoonyanont, 2018)
1. Formal statements of results
2. Sample of work produced
3. Performance appraisal reports
4. References from current or previous employers
5. Job descriptions
6. Details of formal training, seminars, conferences and
workshops attended which are relevant to the RPL
7. Certificates of participation/achievements/awards/
letters of recommendation
8. Video tapes, tape recordings and/or photographs of
work activities
9. Specific details of work and/or participation in
10. Written testimonials from managers or colleagues
Written papers, articles, reports, case studies
11. Written observations of learner performance
contributed by the instructor or assessor
12. Examination or test papers and results
13. Learner journal, memos, or personal responses
14. Videotapes of learner actions or presentations
15. Assessment inventories (such as personality or
learning style inventories)
16. Written papers, articles, reports, case studies
The Challenge and opportunity
Referring to the literature studies that have been carried out in previous sections such as those conducted in Ireland, Finland,
Bahrain, India and Indonesia, the author conveys the concept of how Maritime Vocational Higher Education (MVHE) and
Maritime Education and Training Institutions (METI) can integrate to produce competent graduates. This concept is based on
the RPL regulations that apply in Indonesia. The regulation referred to is the Regulation of the Minister of Research,
Technology and Higher education institutions Republic of Indonesia Number 26 of 2016 concerning Recognition Prior
Learning and Decree of the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research and Technology
Number 123 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Procedure for Conducting Recognition Prior Learning.
The first is a mechanism that allows a person who has a certain competency obtained from METI to become credit that is
recognized in MVHE after going through the RPL Type A stage. Of course, this recognition of competence is limited to the type
of higher education institutions that is followed and in accordance with the learning outcomes that have been set at the study
program at the MVHE. In detail, this first concept can be illustrated in figure 6.
Figure 6. Courses to Academic Path
The second concept is the RPL mechanism from MVHE to METI. This mechanism is intended for someone in a MVHE ETIwho
wants to get recognition by METI in order to obtain certain competency certificates needed in the maritime industry. This
mechanism differs from the mechanism in concept 1 where in concept 1 uses RPL type A then in concept 2 it uses RPL type B.
Indeed, the mechanism for concept 2 needs to juxtapose learning outcome in higher education institutions with learning in
educational and training institutions. In more detail, the mechanism of concept 2 is conveyed in the following figure 7.
Figure 7. Academic to Courses Path
From concept 1 and concept 2, an RPL architecture can be made as in figure 8. It can be seen that RPL is very possible for 2
directions of implementation, namely from MVHE to METI or vice versa. The challenge is the need for quality system
accreditation, curriculum accreditation, and accreditation of RPL test standards. Accreditation of the quality assurance system
is needed by the MVHE and METI. This is based on a situation where the quality assurance system has several standards that
need to be implemented so that the components in the quality management system can be guarantors of the quality of the
graduates. One component of quality assurance is the standard of educators or instructors. In addition, there are also
graduates standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, educational staff standards and other standards. It is advised a
quality assurance system should be accredited by a credible institution.
Furthermore, related to the curriculum, the curriculum also needs to get accreditation from credible institutions. This is
associated with learning outcomes. Because with these learning outcomes, RPL will be easily carried out between MVHE and
METI. Curriculum accreditation can use an independent accreditation body. For example, in the maritime industry, the
classification bureau can be used as an institution that accredits the curriculum. There is a thought, whether universities and
educational and training institutions that will implement RPL must have accreditation from the same accreditation body?
Obviously, accreditation from the same accreditation body will make it easier for the parties to see the processes in each party.
However, it does not rule out the possibility of using a different accreditation institution because the accreditation institution
certainly also has a process that might be the same in providing accreditation services.
The last challenge is the accreditation of test standards or selection standards. These selection standards need to be set by
MVHE and METI. This selection standard is the beginning of the process of maintaining the quality of graduates. Good selection
standards generally consist of transparency of the process, self-evaluation of qualifications according to learning outcomes
and also transparency of selection results. With a good selection standard, it will certainly make it easier for the public to
participate in the RPL and naturally will increase the capacity building of human resources in the maritime field.
Furthermore, based on concept 1 and concept 2, the author summarizes it into a road map for someone to get a bachelor
through several paths. The first path is a formal path where one can follow it through study programs offered by MVHE. As an
example, the study program D-IV Nautika takes 4 years and consists of eight semesters. The second pathway is someone with
experience in METI by taking a number of competency courses using RPL type A to enter the study program in this case the
study program D-IV Nautica is exemplified. With some competencies previously obtained, there will be some credit semester
exemptions. So that it will give students flexibility in continuing their studies to get a formal bachelor's degree. The third path
is a pathway for someone who already has a diplome and has taken a competency course and also has experience in maritime
industry. The student wants to continue to higher education. For example, a seafarer with a Diplome 3 would like to continue
his education to get a bachelor degree in the field of Nautica. In this pathway students get recognition through RPL type A so as
to get some credit exemptions for several subjects. This will provide benefits to students not to take formal education from the
beginning the same as students who do not have diplome education or experience in industry. The detail paths are described
as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8.
Bachelor Degree with 3 Path Scenario
4IR has impacted education and training globally and fundamentally. This presents a challenge to higher education institutions
and educational and training institutions especially in the maritime field to work with changes in the 4IR. It is time for higher
education institutions and educational and training institutions in the maritime field to prepare themselves to 4IR education
and training based. 4IR presents challenges in how future maritime education and training can be formulated. One
opportunity to face these challenges is to develop the existing RPL system. This RPL also provides an opportunity to deal with
current trends in education 4.0. The Indonesian regulation of the Minister of Education Number 26 of 2016 governing RPL, it
provides opportunities for MVHE and METI to integrate and to provide opportunities for students to attend education in
MVHE or METI by using the RPL mechanism. In the integration, there are challenges that must be dealt with, that is related to
the quality assurance system accreditation, curriculum accreditation and selection system accreditation. The existence of this
accreditation will guarantee that graduates will have good quality. In addition, the support from the maritime industry and
professional associations in the maritime sectors is needed to make the RPL in this field better in facing the 4IR era. The
concept of integration using the RPL mechanism needs to be developed further in detail.
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A Maritime Education and Training Challenge on Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0: The Concept of Integration of Formal and Non-formal Maritime Education Using A Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) Scheme

  • 1. A Maritime Education and Training Challenge on Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0: The Concept of Integration of Formal and Non-formal Maritime Education Using A Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) Scheme. Antoni Arif Priadi STIP Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract: The 4IR by various industries and countries has been running around 2010. The 4IR has fundamentally changed the ways for human life and work. New technological advances that integrate physical world, digital and biological have influenced all disciplines, economics, industry and governments. In line, this also influences in maritime education and training schemes. The human resources needed has shifted from the potential basis to the competency based. Further, the formal education is not as primary source for preparing human resources, but the non-formal vocational education is more required by student to enhance their competency. Therefore, there is need to bridge between formal and non – formal education to enrich the student competency through the Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) scheme. The Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) for maritime vocational lecturers at the appropriate level of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework has been taken place. Yet, the implementation of Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) for the non-formal education to formal education or vice versa on maritime fields has not been conducted. This paper conveyed a conceptual model for the challenge of integration of formal and non-formal education through the Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) to provide human resources who have excellent competency and link -match with industry as well as prepared in facing the era of the 4IR. The integration model is developed through the content analysis and conceptual framework. Key words: Recognition Prior Learning (RPL), Maritime education and training, Formal Education, Non-formal education, Industrial Revolution 4.0. Introduction 4IR (4IR) has fundamentally changed human life and work (Schawab, 2017). The development of new technological advancements has been remembered that the integration between the physical, digital and biological issues has influenced all disciplines, economics, government and industry. Some fields that experienced a breakthrough as a positive impact such as: artificial intelligence robotic, biotechnology, internet-based technology, 3D printers. Gojek, bukalapak, teacher's room and grab show the integration of human activities with information technology and the economy is becoming increasingly developed. The development of autonomous vehicle technology (autonomous cars), autonomous ships, drones and social
  • 2. media applications increasingly confirms that the world and human life have fundamentally changed. To simplify, the Industrial Revolution mile stone is presented in figure1. Figure 1. Industrial Revolution Milestone In overcoming the 4IR, one strategy that needs to be developed is the new literacy concepts. The literacy concepts cover data, technology and human resources literacy. Data literacy is the ability to read, to analyze and to use information from data in the digital world. Data literacy is quite important to facing the internet of things. The second literacy, technological literacy is the ability to understand mechanical systems and technology in the world of work. This is the strategy to deal with the advancement of technology such on automation, robotic, etc. The third strategy, human resource literacy, namely the ability to interact well, not rigid, and characterized (Sudlow, 2018). Human resource literacy should be merged with the 4IR and it does not against 4IR. This strategy could be implemented in the most segments as well as the education and training sector. For instance, in education sector, there are nine trends or trends related to education 4.0 (Fisk, 2017), which are as follows at the figure 2. The trend in education 4.0 may be used as the base line to further develop the education model in the future in facing up the 4IR. Figure 2. Trend on Education 4.0 (Peter Fisk, 2017)
  • 3. Furthermore, to respond to the needs of 4IR, universities need to focus on aspects related to exploiting the potential of digital technology, personalized data, open source content, and new humanity from this globally connected world. Universities need to build and to develop blueprints for the future of learning including lifelong learning, learning from childhood schools, continuous learning at work, learning to play a better role in society. (Kabashkin, 2018). New trends in education and training open the challenge of doing more with the recognition of individu competency in the learning system which is known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Through RPL, individuals may obtain several benefits including trusted alternative ways of learning. This can be used to anticipate the normal prerequisites used to enter formal education that have not been fulfilled. Individuals can use previous learning experiences considered in qualifications. The RPL is considered in qualifications regardless of how or where learning takes place. Furthermore, RPL will play a role in increasing self-confidence and motivation. Furthermore, RPL is progress in qualifications that have social uses, values, and positions in employment. To conclude the introduction of this research, the problem raised for this research is how learning integration between formal education, non-formal education, independent learning and work experience in maritime education and training may be delivered for maritime education and training field. Based on this problem, the research aim is formulated as to develop the integration learning proposed model between Maritime Vocational Higher Education (MVHE) and Maritime Education and Training Institutions (METI) through RPL for complementing each other. Methodology To answer the research question, the study is conducted through the conceptual framework from literature reviews and content analysis. Based on the conceptual framework, the proposed model of integration between between Maritime Vocational Higher Education (MVHE) and Maritime Education and Training Institutions (METI) is developed. Having the literature review, content analysis is applied. Content analysis is a research model which is applied to make valid replicators and conclusions according to the interpretation and text material of the coding scheme (Krippendorf, 2004). Then, the conceptual framework is arranged in a logical structure to assist in composing images or visual displays of how the concepts in the study relate to one another as well as an integrated way of looking at the problems under study (Adom, et., al., 2018). Having the conceptual framework, the integration learning model is developed. The detail methology is illustrated in figure 3.
  • 4. Figure 3. Methodology of Research. The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) In the context of daily life, people do many activities for their needs and these activities are actually included in the learning component. Even people working in the office or in the fields or at school or other places, they all learn something related to their activities through life experiences. This shows that learning can take place anywhere and is integrated with activities carried out by individuals. Learning can come in the form of formal education or non-formal education. However, the goal is the same, how can people live together in their community. Because of the various ways in which people learn, they may have different levels of competency even for the same job. Therefore, a form of recognition of their competency in the community needs to be formed and developed. RPL is defined as the recognition of competencies currently held by a person without considering, regardless of how, when or where the learning took place. (Australian National Training Authority (ANTA), 2003). The introduction of RPL can be an effective way to bring or involve people into a learning system that is usually not considered from formal education and subsequently they fail to benefit from academic credentials, social status or even subsequent work. (Hargreaves, 2006). RPL is not only a way for students to reach an accelerated path to a certain level of qualification, but also increases self-confidence and self-esteem. (Smith, 2004 & Cleary, et. al., 2002). So indirectly this RPL is a conversion tool from life experience into formal education or non-formal education. It is quite clear that RPL may be used as a model of learning to facing 4IR. To answer the question relating RPL, the first step of doing this is the qualification framework the qualifiacation framework is used to qualify indivduals in certain level which explaining their competency. The Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (IQF) is developed and governed by Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012. In the regulation, article 1 paragraph (1), it is explained that IQF is a competency qualification framework that can juxtapose, equalize and integrate
  • 5. education and training and work experience in the framework of giving recognition of work competencies in accordance with the structure of work in various sectors. Every level of qualifications under the IQF has meaning and equality with learning outcomes owned by all Indonesian workers in creating quality work and contributions in their respective fields of work. In brief concept, IQF is the competency qualification scheme which can juxtapose, equalize and integrate between the education field and job training field, as well as work experience in the framework of granting recognition of work competencies in accordance with the work structure in various sectors. (President Decree 8: 2012). In detail, the matrix of IQF is illustrated in figure 4. Figure 4. Matrix of Indonesian Qualifiaction Framework The IQF level consists of 9 levels of qualifications, started lowest level which is level 1 to the highest level which is level 9. The figure 4 also explains of four side of IQF such as formal education background, career advancement, profesion certification and experience. It is obvious that person from experience background could be on the same level with person from formal education background. Every level of IQF level consists of four element achievement learning aspects which is named as descriptor such as attitudes and value, mastery of knowledge, work ability, and authority and responsibility. The practice of applying RPL has been carried out in several countries from the levels of universities, polytechnics and training institutions as well as in several sectors. For example, in universitie level, RPL is implemented in Ireland. (Goggin, et. al., 2015).
  • 6. The RPL used for various need for instance advanced entry, module exemption, non standard entry, credit for module, partial fulfillment of award and full award. Mostly, the RPL is used by candidate for advanced entry, module exemption and non standard entry at universities. (Goggin, et al., 2015). A qualifications framework which allows for credit accumulation and transfer has recently been introduced in Bahrain Polytechnic (Coombridge & Alansari, 2018). For one institution to recognize the learning achieved by students transferring from another – there must be an overall confidence in the quality of that learning. Regulatory and Quality Assurance bodies, both nationally and globally, have a clear role to play in contributing to this confidence. Institutions with a focus on applied learning, such as the Polytechnic, have a desire to recognize appropriate prior work or other life learning experiences as both non-formal and informal learning should be recognized as a means to broaden educational opportunities across a wider section of society. The implementation of a whole learning model is Problem Based Learning (PBL) In addition, the concept of PBL becomes one of the entrances that PBL can be used in the learning system in Bahrain's polytechnic. The architecture of PBL is presented in the following figure 5. Figure 5. Learning Pathway with Problem Based Learning (PBL)
  • 7. The figure 9 reviews in detail the PBL in which there are course-based PBL, theme-based PBL, project-based learning and course-supported, project-based learning. Basically, course-based graduate competencies will be achieved with several course-based learning achievements. For example, a competency consists of several course modules. Unlike a course-based PBL, a theme-based consists of several learning themes to achieve a competency. In a theme consists of several problems that must be resolved. The next form is project-based learning consisting of several projects to achieve competence, this project is broader because it consists of several problems that must be resolved and more to problems in the workplace. Another form is a combination of course-based with the project. By looking at the diagram, it can be concluded that actually someone who has worked in a company in a certain position can be considered as a project-based learning that is held by study program at a higher education institution. One of the implementations of RPL is in the fisheries sector where this has been exemplified in India. (Swarupa,2019). It was observed that there is a good demand for RPL since a large number of fish farmer with domain skills are yet to be certified. Therefore, the program may be up scaled. In general, fish farmers were identified with basic skills, given orientation to fill the gap, assessed and certified in 3 job roles which are Inland Capture Fisherman, Freshwater Aquatic Farmer and Shrimp Farmer. The implementation of RPL in Indonesia is based on the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher education institutions Regulation Number 26 of 2016 concerning Recognition Prior Learning. In the article 2 states that RPL is classified into 2 (two) types, namely RPL to continue formal education (type A) and RPL to obtain equivalency recognition with qualifications certain level of Indonesian Qualification Framework (type B). The society can use RPL to continue formal education (type A) to apply for credit recognition (semester credit units / credits) for learning outcome or work experience that they already have to continue their education to a higher level, so that they do not need to take all credits. After completing the remaining credits in universities, the community can obtain a diploma. The assessment of RPL Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments whether someone has achieved certain competencies or not. This confirms that an individual after learning can achieve certain competencies as expected at work, or after graduating from college. Assessor also need to be very familiar with the competencies to the point they can put aside the performance criteria and make professional judgments based on a holistic view of a candidate’s abilities. The relationship between the assessor and the candidate’s in perceptions of success is the participant has meant achieving a qualification or partial credit, or being able to examine skills and plan a learning program and career goals without necessarily achieving competencies. This perception bring to the understanding of the key success of RPL assessment is the process in which participants are treated and supported by the assessor. The assessment method used for conducting RPL is explained in table 1.
  • 8. Table 1. Assessment Method Used for RPL ASSESSMENT METHOD (Modified from Mahapoonyanont, 2018) 1. Formal statements of results 2. Sample of work produced 3. Performance appraisal reports 4. References from current or previous employers 5. Job descriptions 6. Details of formal training, seminars, conferences and workshops attended which are relevant to the RPL application 7. Certificates of participation/achievements/awards/ letters of recommendation 8. Video tapes, tape recordings and/or photographs of work activities 9. Specific details of work and/or participation in projects 10. Written testimonials from managers or colleagues Written papers, articles, reports, case studies 11. Written observations of learner performance contributed by the instructor or assessor 12. Examination or test papers and results 13. Learner journal, memos, or personal responses 14. Videotapes of learner actions or presentations 15. Assessment inventories (such as personality or learning style inventories) 16. Written papers, articles, reports, case studies The Challenge and opportunity Referring to the literature studies that have been carried out in previous sections such as those conducted in Ireland, Finland, Bahrain, India and Indonesia, the author conveys the concept of how Maritime Vocational Higher Education (MVHE) and Maritime Education and Training Institutions (METI) can integrate to produce competent graduates. This concept is based on the RPL regulations that apply in Indonesia. The regulation referred to is the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher education institutions Republic of Indonesia Number 26 of 2016 concerning Recognition Prior Learning and Decree of the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research and Technology Number 123 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Procedure for Conducting Recognition Prior Learning. The first is a mechanism that allows a person who has a certain competency obtained from METI to become credit that is recognized in MVHE after going through the RPL Type A stage. Of course, this recognition of competence is limited to the type of higher education institutions that is followed and in accordance with the learning outcomes that have been set at the study program at the MVHE. In detail, this first concept can be illustrated in figure 6.
  • 9. Figure 6. Courses to Academic Path The second concept is the RPL mechanism from MVHE to METI. This mechanism is intended for someone in a MVHE ETIwho wants to get recognition by METI in order to obtain certain competency certificates needed in the maritime industry. This mechanism differs from the mechanism in concept 1 where in concept 1 uses RPL type A then in concept 2 it uses RPL type B. Indeed, the mechanism for concept 2 needs to juxtapose learning outcome in higher education institutions with learning in educational and training institutions. In more detail, the mechanism of concept 2 is conveyed in the following figure 7. Figure 7. Academic to Courses Path
  • 10. From concept 1 and concept 2, an RPL architecture can be made as in figure 8. It can be seen that RPL is very possible for 2 directions of implementation, namely from MVHE to METI or vice versa. The challenge is the need for quality system accreditation, curriculum accreditation, and accreditation of RPL test standards. Accreditation of the quality assurance system is needed by the MVHE and METI. This is based on a situation where the quality assurance system has several standards that need to be implemented so that the components in the quality management system can be guarantors of the quality of the graduates. One component of quality assurance is the standard of educators or instructors. In addition, there are also graduates standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, educational staff standards and other standards. It is advised a quality assurance system should be accredited by a credible institution. Furthermore, related to the curriculum, the curriculum also needs to get accreditation from credible institutions. This is associated with learning outcomes. Because with these learning outcomes, RPL will be easily carried out between MVHE and METI. Curriculum accreditation can use an independent accreditation body. For example, in the maritime industry, the classification bureau can be used as an institution that accredits the curriculum. There is a thought, whether universities and educational and training institutions that will implement RPL must have accreditation from the same accreditation body? Obviously, accreditation from the same accreditation body will make it easier for the parties to see the processes in each party. However, it does not rule out the possibility of using a different accreditation institution because the accreditation institution certainly also has a process that might be the same in providing accreditation services. The last challenge is the accreditation of test standards or selection standards. These selection standards need to be set by MVHE and METI. This selection standard is the beginning of the process of maintaining the quality of graduates. Good selection standards generally consist of transparency of the process, self-evaluation of qualifications according to learning outcomes and also transparency of selection results. With a good selection standard, it will certainly make it easier for the public to participate in the RPL and naturally will increase the capacity building of human resources in the maritime field. Furthermore, based on concept 1 and concept 2, the author summarizes it into a road map for someone to get a bachelor through several paths. The first path is a formal path where one can follow it through study programs offered by MVHE. As an example, the study program D-IV Nautika takes 4 years and consists of eight semesters. The second pathway is someone with experience in METI by taking a number of competency courses using RPL type A to enter the study program in this case the study program D-IV Nautica is exemplified. With some competencies previously obtained, there will be some credit semester exemptions. So that it will give students flexibility in continuing their studies to get a formal bachelor's degree. The third path is a pathway for someone who already has a diplome and has taken a competency course and also has experience in maritime industry. The student wants to continue to higher education. For example, a seafarer with a Diplome 3 would like to continue his education to get a bachelor degree in the field of Nautica. In this pathway students get recognition through RPL type A so as
  • 11. to get some credit exemptions for several subjects. This will provide benefits to students not to take formal education from the beginning the same as students who do not have diplome education or experience in industry. The detail paths are described as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8. Bachelor Degree with 3 Path Scenario Conclusion 4IR has impacted education and training globally and fundamentally. This presents a challenge to higher education institutions and educational and training institutions especially in the maritime field to work with changes in the 4IR. It is time for higher education institutions and educational and training institutions in the maritime field to prepare themselves to 4IR education and training based. 4IR presents challenges in how future maritime education and training can be formulated. One opportunity to face these challenges is to develop the existing RPL system. This RPL also provides an opportunity to deal with current trends in education 4.0. The Indonesian regulation of the Minister of Education Number 26 of 2016 governing RPL, it provides opportunities for MVHE and METI to integrate and to provide opportunities for students to attend education in MVHE or METI by using the RPL mechanism. In the integration, there are challenges that must be dealt with, that is related to the quality assurance system accreditation, curriculum accreditation and selection system accreditation. The existence of this
  • 12. accreditation will guarantee that graduates will have good quality. In addition, the support from the maritime industry and professional associations in the maritime sectors is needed to make the RPL in this field better in facing the 4IR era. The concept of integration using the RPL mechanism needs to be developed further in detail. References Adom, D., Hussein, E., & Joe, A. (2018). Theoretical and conceptual framework: mandatory ingredients of a quality research. International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 7, 438-441. Australian National Training Authority (2003). Report to the Australian National Training Authority on its high level review of training packages. Brisbane: ANTA. Cleary, P., Whittaker, R., Gallacher, J., Merrill, B., Jokinen, L. & Carette, M. (2002). Social inclusion through APEL: The learner’s perspective. Comparative report, Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, Glasgow Caledonian University. Coombridge, R. & Alansari, S. (2018). Operationalising recognition of prior learning (RPL): a case study from Bahrain Polytechnic. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, 15(2). Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Indonesia Ministry of Research and Technology. (2017). Decree of Number 123 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Procedure for Conducting Recognition Prior Learning. Fisk, P. (2017). Education 4.0: The Future of Learning Will Be Dramatically Different, in School and throughout Life. Accessed October 11, 2019 from young-everyone-taught-together/. Goggin, D. & Sheridan, I. & Leary, P., & Cassidy, S. (2015). Recognition of Prior Learning in higher education institutions in Ireland. 10.13140/RG.2.1.2821.6729. Cork Institute of Technology. Hargreaves, J. (2006). Recognition of prior learning: At a glance. Adelaide: National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Kabashkin, I. (2018). University 4.0: Reality and Expectations. Conference: International Scientific and Educational Conference “Actual Problems of Education” (MIP 2018) At: 22-23 March, 2018. Riga, Latvia. Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology (Second Edition). SAGE Publications. Mahapoonyanont, N. (2005). The Development of Portfolio Model for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition. Thesis for: Ed.D. Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Booncherd Pinyoanantapong, Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilok Dillakanon, Dr. Chaub Leechor. Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (2013). Regulation Number 73 of 2013 concerning Application of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework in the Field of Higher Education; Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (2014). Regulation Number 81 of 2014 concerning Diplomas, Competency Certificates, and Higher Education Professional Certificates; Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (2013). Regulation Number 2 of 2013 concerning Guidelines for the Development of Competency-Based Education and Training Systems within the Ministry of Home Affairs and Regional Government;
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