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Instagram: @brewise2018 Twitter: @BelleraProject & @brewise2018
Edició: Josep Vaquer
Maquetació: Àlex Méndez
Nil Bertrans
Paula Casasnovas
Mateo Fernández
Júlia Guerras
Paula Larrea
Artau Llobet
Guillem Llorens
Paula Robles
Disseny portada: Sara Reig
Erasmus és un programa
d'intercanvis de la Unió Europea;
nosaltres formem part del
projecte "BREWISE". És un
projecte impulsat per estudiants
de 5 països diferents: Polònia,
Croàcia, Portugal, Letònia i
L'objectiu és saber en quina
mesura un esmorzar saludable
afecta el nostre rendiment
Primerament, els estudiants ens
vam inscriure al projecte i els
mestres van seleccionar els que
formarien part d'ell. Una vegada a
la setmana tots els alumnes de les
diferents escoles treballen sobre
què faran en aquest projecte i
organitzen les activitats per
promoure els beneficis d'un
esmorzar saludable.
Erasmus is a European Union
student exchange programme,
we are part of the project called
«BREWISE». this is a project
driven by students from 5
differnt countries:
Poland, Croatia, Portugal, Latvia
and Catalonia.
It consists in knowing how a
healthy breakfast can affect our
academic results.
First of all students joined the
project and then teachers
selected the ones that will take
part of it. Once a week all
student from the different
schools discuss about what
they’re going to do in this
project and organize activities to
promote the benefits of a
healthy breakfast.
1- Something that is good for your health.
2- The first meal that you eat in the morning.
10- The name of the project.
3- It’s made with flour, eggs and milk and it is fried in a
4- IT’ a group of foods in which apples, oranges and
bananas belong to.
5- It is the group of foods in which carrots, potatoes
belong to.
6- It is a paste made with garlic, olive oil, tahine and
7- The third word in the Brewise Erasmus slogan.
8- Going to another country with the project.
9- Gathering of groups to do an activity.
1- Healthy 2- Breakfast 3- Pancakes 4- Fruits 5- Vegetables 6- Humus 7- Wiser
8- Mobility 9- Workshop 10- Brewise
16 1
Our project / El projecte Jocs
L'eslògan que l'Erasmus ha escollit és: healthier breakfast, wiser
minds (esmorzar més sa, ments més despertes). «Bre» ve de
breakfast, i «Wise» ve de wiser.
Les escoles que participen en el projecte són/The schools that
participate in the project are:
-Celestí Bellera (Catalunya)
-Manuel Cargaleiro (Portugal)
-Kozala (Croàcia)
-Szkola Podstawowa nr 3 (Sl·upsku)
-Pelecu primary school (Latvia)
D'ençà que es va posar en
marxa el projecte ja hem
organitzat un seguit de tallers,
esmorzars i altres activitats per
promoure l'esmorzar saludable
pels diferents països. Per grups,
els alumnes participants
viatjaran un cop a un d'aquests
països, on s'allotjaran a casa
dels seus corresponents i
exposaran el treball fet a cada
We prepare workshops,
breakfasts and other activities to
promote healthy breakfasts in
the different countries. Every
student will do a trip to a
different country during this
project, where they’re going to
stay in another student’s house.
1.A) apple B)pear C)hamburger
2.A)raspberries B)strawberries C)peach
3.A)lemon B)banana C)orange
4.A)carrot B)potato C)apple
5.A)grapes B)banana C)orange
6.A)tomato B)kiwi C)cherry
7.A)lettuce B)plum C)spinach
8.A)asparagus B)onion C)garlic
9.A)eggplant B)walnut C)almond
10.A)apricot B)watermelon C)limes
SOLUTIONS: 1.C) 2.C) 3.B) 4.C) 5.A) 6.A) 7.B) 8.A) 9.A) 10.B)
2 15
1r esmorzar saludable
14 3
El 12 de desembre de l’any 2018, algunes persones de Croàcia, Letònia,
Polònia, Portugal i Catalunya van celebrar el primer esmorzar saludable del
projecte Brewise. La nostra missió en aquest menjar era apropar les fruites a
aquelles persones que no en mengen amb freqüència, de manera que vam
“disfressar” la fruita perquè els estudiants la mirensin amb diferents ulls.
També vam haver de pensar en un menjar beneficiós per al nostre cos i vam
haver de pensar en les propietats de la fruita. Per donar resposta a aquesta
qüestió vam cercar algunes receptes i es va debatre sobre quin seria el millor
esmorzar i, finalment, vam decidir elaborar pancakes de banana i pals de
“Pankakes” de banana:
El potassi és molt bo per al nostre cos i no pot estar fora del menú, de manera
que el vam incloure “disfressat” de “pancakes”. En primer lloc, vam triturar els
plàtans fins que es van convertir en una massa, llavors els va amb barrejar amb
una mica de farina i ous i finalment, vam cuinar amb la paella la massa.
Pals de fruita:
Per donar-nos moltes vitamines i fibres, vam pensar en fer pals amb totes les
propietats de la fruita i sabors diferents, de manera que hem utilitzat maduixes,
gerds, Kiwis, plàtans i mandarines.
Catalunya va presentar tallers a nens
de 12 de l’escola de primària Mestres
Montaña i de 15 anys, alumnat de 3r
d’eso del Bellera. Van presentar un
taller del memory & organs a algunes
escoles de primària i després el taller
del sugar and drinks a les mateixes
classes. Després van fer el mateix per
a estudiants de 15 anys. Va ser 2
hores (4 presentacions) presentant els
dos tallers a la mateixa vegada però
en classes diferents.
Letònia va fer 5 tallers ala alumnes
més petits de l’escola. Van fer unes
preguntes sobre un cos saludable,
preguntes d’esmorzars saludables, un
taller d’esports i la construcció d’un
Polònia presentarà a final de curs un
taller sobre la verdura, l’hummus, les
fruites... Esperem que tindran molts
més tallers en un futur.
Portugal farà un taller sobre esmorzar
saludable a l’octubre a una escola de
primària de la ciutat.
En aquest projecte hi participen 5
escoles. En aquests 5 països hem fet
diferents tallers. Els nostres tallers es
diuen «Memory & Organs» i «Sugar &
Drinks». Croàcia va presentar tallers al
cicle infantil d’una escola (van
presentar dues vegades el taller del
sugar & drinks i dues vegades el de
memory & organs). Van presentar el
taller del sugar & drinks a nens de 8
anys. La presentació va durar uns 20
minuts. Primer els hi van ensenyar i
explicar de què anava el taller.
Després vam posar a prova el seu
aprenentatge a través de un
qüestionari i un memory. Els
estudiants van rebre un nou
Per començar, tots els equips i
estudiants van treballar junts, van
necessitar unes dues hores per
acabar el projecte. Els estudiants es
van sentir feliços, van gaudir de la
convivència, es van sorprendre pel
gust d’aquests aliments.. Per
compartir el gust del nostre
esmorzar, vam convidar els alumnes
de 1er i 2n d’ESO. Els altres cursos
no van poder tastar el nostre
1r esmorzar saludable Workshops
The 12th of December of the last year, some people from Croatia, Latvia, Poland,
Portugal and Catalonia celebrated the first healthy breakfast of the Brewise
project. Our mission in that meal was to approach fruit to that people that don’t
eat it frequently, so we dressed fruit to make it more attractive to students.
Also, we had to think a beneficial meal for our body, and we had to think about
fruit properties. So to respond that questions, we’ve searched some recipies, and
debated which one would be okay, finally, we decided to make banana pancakes
and fruit sticks.
Banana pancakes:
Potassium is very good for our body and it couldn’t be out of the
menu, so we included it dressed as a pancake, for it we did this:
First, we smashed the bananas until it converted into a mass, then we mixed it
with some flour and eggs, finally, we fried them.
Fruit sticks:
To give us plenty of vitamins and fiber, we thought about making some sticks
with all the fruit properties, and different flavors, so for it, we used strawberries,
raspberries, kiwis, apples, bananas, tangerines and blueberries
some classes of primary school
and then the workshop of
sugar and the drinks to the
same classes. Then they did
the same to the 15 years old
students. They were 2 hours (4
presentations) presenting the
two workshops at the same
time but in different classes.
They were rotating the two
workshops and they did the
two workshops. Latvia made 5
workshops. They did the
questions of healthy body,
questions of healthy breakfast,
sports workshops and a
building of a castle. Poland had
1 workshop about vegetables,
humus, fruits, … We hope that
they will have much more
workshops in the future.
Portugal had only a healthy
breakfast but we hope that
they will do some workshops in
the future too.
The experience:
To start , all teams and students
worked all together, they need
about 2 hours to finishthe project.
The students felt Happy , they
enjoyed the coexist, they got
surprised because of the taste and
how it looked like, they got exited
because was the first Erasmus
project that they were going to
participate. To share the
taste of our breakfast, we’ve
invited the 2 first grades. The
other grades couldn’t taste our
breakfast but they did it with the
second one, however, it’s other
In this project, there are 5
countries participating. In this 5
countries we made some
different workshops. Our
workshops called “Memory &
organs” and “Sugar and the
drinks”. Croatia presented
workshops in the kindergartens
(they presented two times the
workshop of sugar in drinks and
two times of memory & organs).
They presented the workshop
sugar and drinks to 8 years old
students. Presentation was lasted
about 20 minutes. I First we
showed and explained them
what workshop is about. Then we
tested their knowledge through
quiz and memory. Students
collected new knowledge.
Catalonia presented workshops
to 12 years old students and 15
years old students. They
presented the workshop of
memory & organs to
Tallers a Polònia 2n esmorzar
Tots els tallers a Polònia van ser
molt creatius i divertits. Els
alumnes van treballar molt. Els
portuguesos van ensenyar-nos
un taller de sandvitxos de pa
integral amb mozzarella,
tomàquets i pernil dolç. També
van preparar iogurt amb llavors
de chía. Els croates van
dissenyar una actvivitat on els
infants poguessin aprendre
sobre els aliments que
beneficien parts específiques
del cos.
Ho van fer a través d’un
memory i al final un Kahoot per
veure si els alumnes havien
entès els conceptes. També van
fer un taller sobre l’esmorzar
tradicional de Croàcia. Després
de la breu presentació, van fer
que els alumnes dibuixessin
l’esmorzar tradicional del seu
país i el presentessin mentre
preparaven l’esmorzar
tradicional de Croàcia que
consistia en gra de blat de
moro, julivert i cafè elaborat
amb cichori.
Els catalans van explicar als
alumnes sobre el sucre en les
begudes, van fer un joc de
preguntes i també van ensenyar
com fer sucs saludables, com a
segon taller, van ensenyar a fer
gaspatxo tot explicant les
propietats del pebrot i del
Els estudiants de Letònia van fer
un taller de dansa tradicional, i
després van fer un petit aperitiu
amb fruites del bosc, mel i
All of the workshops in Poland
were fun and very creative. The
students worked really hard on
them and enjoyed participating.
The Portuguese team showed
the students how to make
healthy sandwiches from
mozzarella cheese, cherry
tomatoes, prosciutto and bread
with seeds which were really
tasty. They also prepared a
yogurt with chia seeds. The
Croatian team educated the
students about food and the
human body by presenting
about the food that is good for
specific organs in your body.
2n esmorzar saludable
Com vam preparar el segon
esmorzar? El lema del nostre
projecte era "RUN OUT OF
SUGAR" (s’ha acabat el
sucre), de manera que vam
decidir preparar unes petites
mostres les quals podrien ser
un esmorzar saludable.
Durant el matí del 29 d'abril,
els estudiants croats,
portuguesos, polonesos,
letons i espanyols van
preparar esmorzars sense
sucre en el marc del projecte
A Portugal es van reunir a la
cafeteria de l'escola i van
dividir les tasques en grups
d'estudiants, alguns van ser
els encarregats de fer fotos i
vídeos i més tard penjar-ho a
BREWISE Instagram, mentre
que els altres van tallar les
verdures per al hummus i van
preparar les delícies de tahini.
En acabarr van anar a
diferents aules perquè els
estudiants de la nostra escola
poguessin tastar l’esmorzar
A Croàcia van preparar
llaminadures tahini a casa, però
l'hummus i les verdures a
l'escola, les altres escoles van
fer el mateix. A Letònia, els
estudiants es van dividir en nois
i noies, mentre que els nois
feien l'hummus. Les noies
tallaven les verdures, però tots
estaven junts quan feien les
delícies de tahini. I a Granollers
ho vam fer en grups durant les 3
primeres hores del matí i es va
servir a l’hora del pati a tot
l’alumnat de 3r i 4t d’eso.
12 5
2n Esmorzar Tallers a Polònia
A game of memory and at the
end they played Kahoot quiz to
show how much they remember
about the presentation. Croatian
team's second workshop was
about the traditional Croatian
breakfast. After the short
presentation they had the
students draw the traditional
breakfast of their country and
present it while they prepared
the Croatian traditional breakfast
which consists of corn grits,
prosciutto and coffee made from
cichory. The Catalonian team
learned the students about
sugar in drinks and the
reccommended daily sugar
intake through a fun guessing
game and showed them how to
make healthy fruit juice.
Their second workshop was on
how to prepare a Gazpacho-a
traditional Catalan tomato juice.
They explained how many
nutrients tomato and peper
contain. The Latvian team
exercised the students by
teaching them a dance that will
help them be healthier. They first
prepared them by showing a
move for warming up their arms
and then a move for their legs.
The girls learned the students
the steps of the dance and after
rehearsing the dance the
students preformed it. The
Latvian boys made a healthy
snack for the students. It was
made out of different berries,
honey and water.
In Latvia the students were
divided in boys and girls. While
the boys made the hummus, the
girls chopped the vegetables, but
they were all together when they
were doing the tahini treats.
And in Spain the students did this
in groups the first 3 hours of the
morning and distributed the meal
during the playground. We had
distributed for the boys and girls
of 3rt and 4th of ESO.
Why "run out of sugar"?
More and more children and
teens are consuming huge
amounts of sugar everyday
ruining their health and their
bodies. In this activity we tried to
show that you don't need to use
huge amounts of sugar to do a
delicious healthy breakfast!
2nd Healthy Breakfast
How did the students prepare
the second breakfast? The topic
of our second project was "run
out of sugar" so we decided to
prepare some healthy snacks.
On the 29th of April the
Croatian, Portuguese, Polish,
Latvian and Spanish students
prepared some sugar-free snacks
in their own schools as part of
the BREWISE project. In Portugal
the students got together at the
school cafeteria and divided the
tasks in groups of students,
some were responsible for
taking photos and videos for the
BREWISE Instagram while others
the vegetables for the
hummus and prepared the tahini
treats. When they finished, the
students went to different
classrooms so the rest of the
students could taste the healthy
breakfast. At the beginning the
breakfast was distributed it to
the pupils. Then, walked from
class to class and visited the
directors office too. Everyone
was satisfied with the snacks! In
Croatia they prepared tahini
treats at home, but hummus and
vegetables at school, the other
schools did the same thing.
6 11
There they had some free time
and then they divided in two
groups. One of them went to
the Radio Rijeka studios and
the other to the Novi List.
Next day they took a trip on a
boat to visit the Cres island
and they
took a walk there. After that
they had lunch on the boat.
On Friday students finished
their workshops and they
presented their work. Then
the Portuguese team left
Rijeka. Then on Saturday all
other groups came to their
homes. That was the end of
the meeting in Croatia.
The meeting in Croatia started
on 12th may of 2019, when all
people from Portugal, Poland,
Latvia and Catalonia came to
Rijeka. Catalonia’s team were
in Zagreb one day before
meeting in Rijeka. Then, in
Sunday, they met with their
hosts. In Monday they went
to the Stara Sušica castle for
two days and they started the
workshops. They were
working in 7 groups and they
were writing a newspaper
about Brewise.
In Tuesday morning they
went to take a walk to the
forest. When they arrived they
started presenting their
workshops. Then they had
lunch and they returned to
Rijeka. In Wednesday morning
they met at school and they
went to the centre of Rijeka.
10 7
La trobada a Croàcia va
començar el 12 de maig del
2019, quan van arribar els
grups de Portugal, Polònia,
Letònia, Catalunya i Croàcia a
Rijeka. El grup de Catalunya
va estar un dia a Zagreb abans
de la trobada a Rijeka. El
diumenge tots els grups van
anar a casa de les famílies per
instal·lar-se i conèixer la seva
parella. El dilluns van anar al
castell Stara Susica on es van
quedar a dormir i van
començar els workshops. Van
treballar en 7 grups els quals
van escriure laprimera revista
del Brewise. El dimarts al mati
van anar a fer una volta pel
bosc on no va fer gaire bon
temps i va nevar. Al tornar del
passeig van començar a
presentar els seus treballs. Van
dinar i van tornar cap a Rijeka.
El dimecres pel mati van
quedar a l’escola per anar a
fer una volta al centre de la
ciutat amb un guia turista.
Van tenir temps lliure per
descobrir una mica més la
ciutat al seu aire i aprofitar per
comprar quelcom cosa o
record. Després es van dividir
en 2 grups, uns van anar a
veure la radio Rijeka i els altres
Novi List on van poder veure
com es feien els diaris. Dijous
van anar amb vaixell, van
visitar les illes del voltant i van
tenir tenir temps lliure. El
divendres va ser el dia per
acabar els treballs, cada grup
va editar la seva revista i al
final van votar amb la finalitat
de triar la millor. Els estudiants
de Portugal van marxar i el
dissabte van marxar tots els
altres grups.
8 9

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Revista Brewise

  • 2. Brewise Edició: Josep Vaquer Maquetació: Àlex Méndez Redactors: Nil Bertrans Paula Casasnovas Mateo Fernández Júlia Guerras Paula Larrea Artau Llobet Guillem Llorens Paula Robles Disseny portada: Sara Reig
  • 3. Erasmus és un programa d'intercanvis de la Unió Europea; nosaltres formem part del projecte "BREWISE". És un projecte impulsat per estudiants de 5 països diferents: Polònia, Croàcia, Portugal, Letònia i Catalunya. L'objectiu és saber en quina mesura un esmorzar saludable afecta el nostre rendiment acadèmic. Primerament, els estudiants ens vam inscriure al projecte i els mestres van seleccionar els que formarien part d'ell. Una vegada a la setmana tots els alumnes de les diferents escoles treballen sobre què faran en aquest projecte i organitzen les activitats per promoure els beneficis d'un esmorzar saludable. Introducció/Introduction Erasmus is a European Union student exchange programme, we are part of the project called «BREWISE». this is a project driven by students from 5 differnt countries: Poland, Croatia, Portugal, Latvia and Catalonia. It consists in knowing how a healthy breakfast can affect our academic results. First of all students joined the project and then teachers selected the ones that will take part of it. Once a week all student from the different schools discuss about what they’re going to do in this project and organize activities to promote the benefits of a healthy breakfast. Jocs CROSSWORDS Horizontal 1- Something that is good for your health. 2- The first meal that you eat in the morning. 10- The name of the project. Vertical 3- It’s made with flour, eggs and milk and it is fried in a pan. 4- IT’ a group of foods in which apples, oranges and bananas belong to. 5- It is the group of foods in which carrots, potatoes belong to. 6- It is a paste made with garlic, olive oil, tahine and grain. 7- The third word in the Brewise Erasmus slogan. 8- Going to another country with the project. 9- Gathering of groups to do an activity. SOLUTIONS 1- Healthy 2- Breakfast 3- Pancakes 4- Fruits 5- Vegetables 6- Humus 7- Wiser 8- Mobility 9- Workshop 10- Brewise 4 16 1
  • 4. Our project / El projecte Jocs L'eslògan que l'Erasmus ha escollit és: healthier breakfast, wiser minds (esmorzar més sa, ments més despertes). «Bre» ve de breakfast, i «Wise» ve de wiser. Les escoles que participen en el projecte són/The schools that participate in the project are: -Celestí Bellera (Catalunya) -Manuel Cargaleiro (Portugal) -Kozala (Croàcia) -Szkola Podstawowa nr 3 (Sl·upsku) -Pelecu primary school (Latvia) D'ençà que es va posar en marxa el projecte ja hem organitzat un seguit de tallers, esmorzars i altres activitats per promoure l'esmorzar saludable pels diferents països. Per grups, els alumnes participants viatjaran un cop a un d'aquests països, on s'allotjaran a casa dels seus corresponents i exposaran el treball fet a cada escola. We prepare workshops, breakfasts and other activities to promote healthy breakfasts in the different countries. Every student will do a trip to a different country during this project, where they’re going to stay in another student’s house. CROSS OUT THE WRONG FOOD 1.A) apple B)pear C)hamburger 2.A)raspberries B)strawberries C)peach 3.A)lemon B)banana C)orange 4.A)carrot B)potato C)apple 5.A)grapes B)banana C)orange 6.A)tomato B)kiwi C)cherry 7.A)lettuce B)plum C)spinach 8.A)asparagus B)onion C)garlic 9.A)eggplant B)walnut C)almond 10.A)apricot B)watermelon C)limes SOLUTIONS: 1.C) 2.C) 3.B) 4.C) 5.A) 6.A) 7.B) 8.A) 9.A) 10.B) A O H E L T H Y R V R X B M R B T A E A X K U Y O K L P K Y R G R F G Z I B F E M T S A F K A E R B A D S S Q K E O R Y I N V C S P O R J S H R H A I F O A O N C D F G H K L T V Y J P Z J L D S Z S D L H R H I J U H J P V Q E E E M S U D E C K U G Q D T L J B E R V C U N G L O K N S I L P E E Q H Y W A Z S C A H I J K O P T N D Z X M R T R S T P R I S D R I P O L N Y I Z E R T 2 15
  • 5. 1r esmorzar saludable 14 3 Workshops El 12 de desembre de l’any 2018, algunes persones de Croàcia, Letònia, Polònia, Portugal i Catalunya van celebrar el primer esmorzar saludable del projecte Brewise. La nostra missió en aquest menjar era apropar les fruites a aquelles persones que no en mengen amb freqüència, de manera que vam “disfressar” la fruita perquè els estudiants la mirensin amb diferents ulls. També vam haver de pensar en un menjar beneficiós per al nostre cos i vam haver de pensar en les propietats de la fruita. Per donar resposta a aquesta qüestió vam cercar algunes receptes i es va debatre sobre quin seria el millor esmorzar i, finalment, vam decidir elaborar pancakes de banana i pals de fruites. “Pankakes” de banana: El potassi és molt bo per al nostre cos i no pot estar fora del menú, de manera que el vam incloure “disfressat” de “pancakes”. En primer lloc, vam triturar els plàtans fins que es van convertir en una massa, llavors els va amb barrejar amb una mica de farina i ous i finalment, vam cuinar amb la paella la massa. Pals de fruita: Per donar-nos moltes vitamines i fibres, vam pensar en fer pals amb totes les propietats de la fruita i sabors diferents, de manera que hem utilitzat maduixes, gerds, Kiwis, plàtans i mandarines. Catalunya va presentar tallers a nens de 12 de l’escola de primària Mestres Montaña i de 15 anys, alumnat de 3r d’eso del Bellera. Van presentar un taller del memory & organs a algunes escoles de primària i després el taller del sugar and drinks a les mateixes classes. Després van fer el mateix per a estudiants de 15 anys. Va ser 2 hores (4 presentacions) presentant els dos tallers a la mateixa vegada però en classes diferents. Letònia va fer 5 tallers ala alumnes més petits de l’escola. Van fer unes preguntes sobre un cos saludable, preguntes d’esmorzars saludables, un taller d’esports i la construcció d’un castell. Polònia presentarà a final de curs un taller sobre la verdura, l’hummus, les fruites... Esperem que tindran molts més tallers en un futur. Portugal farà un taller sobre esmorzar saludable a l’octubre a una escola de primària de la ciutat. ALS ALUMNES TAMBÉ ENS AGRADA FER DE MESTRES!! En aquest projecte hi participen 5 escoles. En aquests 5 països hem fet diferents tallers. Els nostres tallers es diuen «Memory & Organs» i «Sugar & Drinks». Croàcia va presentar tallers al cicle infantil d’una escola (van presentar dues vegades el taller del sugar & drinks i dues vegades el de memory & organs). Van presentar el taller del sugar & drinks a nens de 8 anys. La presentació va durar uns 20 minuts. Primer els hi van ensenyar i explicar de què anava el taller. Després vam posar a prova el seu aprenentatge a través de un qüestionari i un memory. Els estudiants van rebre un nou aprenentatge. L'experiència Per començar, tots els equips i estudiants van treballar junts, van necessitar unes dues hores per acabar el projecte. Els estudiants es van sentir feliços, van gaudir de la convivència, es van sorprendre pel gust d’aquests aliments.. Per compartir el gust del nostre esmorzar, vam convidar els alumnes de 1er i 2n d’ESO. Els altres cursos no van poder tastar el nostre esmorzar.
  • 6. 1r esmorzar saludable Workshops The 12th of December of the last year, some people from Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Portugal and Catalonia celebrated the first healthy breakfast of the Brewise project. Our mission in that meal was to approach fruit to that people that don’t eat it frequently, so we dressed fruit to make it more attractive to students. Also, we had to think a beneficial meal for our body, and we had to think about fruit properties. So to respond that questions, we’ve searched some recipies, and debated which one would be okay, finally, we decided to make banana pancakes and fruit sticks. Banana pancakes: Potassium is very good for our body and it couldn’t be out of the menu, so we included it dressed as a pancake, for it we did this: First, we smashed the bananas until it converted into a mass, then we mixed it with some flour and eggs, finally, we fried them. Fruit sticks: To give us plenty of vitamins and fiber, we thought about making some sticks with all the fruit properties, and different flavors, so for it, we used strawberries, raspberries, kiwis, apples, bananas, tangerines and blueberries 4 13 some classes of primary school and then the workshop of sugar and the drinks to the same classes. Then they did the same to the 15 years old students. They were 2 hours (4 presentations) presenting the two workshops at the same time but in different classes. They were rotating the two workshops and they did the two workshops. Latvia made 5 workshops. They did the questions of healthy body, questions of healthy breakfast, sports workshops and a building of a castle. Poland had 1 workshop about vegetables, humus, fruits, … We hope that they will have much more workshops in the future. Portugal had only a healthy breakfast but we hope that they will do some workshops in the future too. The experience: To start , all teams and students worked all together, they need about 2 hours to finishthe project. The students felt Happy , they enjoyed the coexist, they got surprised because of the taste and how it looked like, they got exited because was the first Erasmus project that they were going to participate. To share the taste of our breakfast, we’ve invited the 2 first grades. The other grades couldn’t taste our breakfast but they did it with the second one, however, it’s other story. In this project, there are 5 countries participating. In this 5 countries we made some different workshops. Our workshops called “Memory & organs” and “Sugar and the drinks”. Croatia presented workshops in the kindergartens (they presented two times the workshop of sugar in drinks and two times of memory & organs). They presented the workshop sugar and drinks to 8 years old students. Presentation was lasted about 20 minutes. I First we showed and explained them what workshop is about. Then we tested their knowledge through quiz and memory. Students collected new knowledge. Catalonia presented workshops to 12 years old students and 15 years old students. They presented the workshop of memory & organs to
  • 7. Tallers a Polònia 2n esmorzar Tots els tallers a Polònia van ser molt creatius i divertits. Els alumnes van treballar molt. Els portuguesos van ensenyar-nos un taller de sandvitxos de pa integral amb mozzarella, tomàquets i pernil dolç. També van preparar iogurt amb llavors de chía. Els croates van dissenyar una actvivitat on els infants poguessin aprendre sobre els aliments que beneficien parts específiques del cos. Ho van fer a través d’un memory i al final un Kahoot per veure si els alumnes havien entès els conceptes. També van fer un taller sobre l’esmorzar tradicional de Croàcia. Després de la breu presentació, van fer que els alumnes dibuixessin l’esmorzar tradicional del seu país i el presentessin mentre preparaven l’esmorzar tradicional de Croàcia que consistia en gra de blat de moro, julivert i cafè elaborat amb cichori. Els catalans van explicar als alumnes sobre el sucre en les begudes, van fer un joc de preguntes i també van ensenyar com fer sucs saludables, com a segon taller, van ensenyar a fer gaspatxo tot explicant les propietats del pebrot i del tomàquet. Els estudiants de Letònia van fer un taller de dansa tradicional, i després van fer un petit aperitiu amb fruites del bosc, mel i aigua. All of the workshops in Poland were fun and very creative. The students worked really hard on them and enjoyed participating. The Portuguese team showed the students how to make healthy sandwiches from mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, prosciutto and bread with seeds which were really tasty. They also prepared a yogurt with chia seeds. The Croatian team educated the students about food and the human body by presenting about the food that is good for specific organs in your body. 2n esmorzar saludable Com vam preparar el segon esmorzar? El lema del nostre projecte era "RUN OUT OF SUGAR" (s’ha acabat el sucre), de manera que vam decidir preparar unes petites mostres les quals podrien ser un esmorzar saludable. Durant el matí del 29 d'abril, els estudiants croats, portuguesos, polonesos, letons i espanyols van preparar esmorzars sense sucre en el marc del projecte BREWISE. A Portugal es van reunir a la cafeteria de l'escola i van dividir les tasques en grups d'estudiants, alguns van ser els encarregats de fer fotos i vídeos i més tard penjar-ho a BREWISE Instagram, mentre que els altres van tallar les verdures per al hummus i van preparar les delícies de tahini. En acabarr van anar a diferents aules perquè els estudiants de la nostra escola poguessin tastar l’esmorzar saludable. A Croàcia van preparar llaminadures tahini a casa, però l'hummus i les verdures a l'escola, les altres escoles van fer el mateix. A Letònia, els estudiants es van dividir en nois i noies, mentre que els nois feien l'hummus. Les noies tallaven les verdures, però tots estaven junts quan feien les delícies de tahini. I a Granollers ho vam fer en grups durant les 3 primeres hores del matí i es va servir a l’hora del pati a tot l’alumnat de 3r i 4t d’eso. 12 5
  • 8. 2n Esmorzar Tallers a Polònia A game of memory and at the end they played Kahoot quiz to show how much they remember about the presentation. Croatian team's second workshop was about the traditional Croatian breakfast. After the short presentation they had the students draw the traditional breakfast of their country and present it while they prepared the Croatian traditional breakfast which consists of corn grits, prosciutto and coffee made from cichory. The Catalonian team learned the students about sugar in drinks and the reccommended daily sugar intake through a fun guessing game and showed them how to make healthy fruit juice. Their second workshop was on how to prepare a Gazpacho-a traditional Catalan tomato juice. They explained how many nutrients tomato and peper contain. The Latvian team exercised the students by teaching them a dance that will help them be healthier. They first prepared them by showing a move for warming up their arms and then a move for their legs. The girls learned the students the steps of the dance and after rehearsing the dance the students preformed it. The Latvian boys made a healthy snack for the students. It was made out of different berries, honey and water. In Latvia the students were divided in boys and girls. While the boys made the hummus, the girls chopped the vegetables, but they were all together when they were doing the tahini treats. And in Spain the students did this in groups the first 3 hours of the morning and distributed the meal during the playground. We had distributed for the boys and girls of 3rt and 4th of ESO. Why "run out of sugar"? More and more children and teens are consuming huge amounts of sugar everyday ruining their health and their bodies. In this activity we tried to show that you don't need to use huge amounts of sugar to do a delicious healthy breakfast! 2nd Healthy Breakfast How did the students prepare the second breakfast? The topic of our second project was "run out of sugar" so we decided to prepare some healthy snacks. On the 29th of April the Croatian, Portuguese, Polish, Latvian and Spanish students prepared some sugar-free snacks in their own schools as part of the BREWISE project. In Portugal the students got together at the school cafeteria and divided the tasks in groups of students, some were responsible for taking photos and videos for the BREWISE Instagram while others chopped the vegetables for the hummus and prepared the tahini treats. When they finished, the students went to different classrooms so the rest of the students could taste the healthy breakfast. At the beginning the breakfast was distributed it to the pupils. Then, walked from class to class and visited the directors office too. Everyone was satisfied with the snacks! In Croatia they prepared tahini treats at home, but hummus and vegetables at school, the other schools did the same thing. 6 11
  • 9. Croàcia There they had some free time and then they divided in two groups. One of them went to the Radio Rijeka studios and the other to the Novi List. Next day they took a trip on a boat to visit the Cres island and they took a walk there. After that they had lunch on the boat. On Friday students finished their workshops and they presented their work. Then the Portuguese team left Rijeka. Then on Saturday all other groups came to their homes. That was the end of the meeting in Croatia. The meeting in Croatia started on 12th may of 2019, when all people from Portugal, Poland, Latvia and Catalonia came to Rijeka. Catalonia’s team were in Zagreb one day before meeting in Rijeka. Then, in Sunday, they met with their hosts. In Monday they went to the Stara Sušica castle for two days and they started the workshops. They were working in 7 groups and they were writing a newspaper about Brewise. In Tuesday morning they went to take a walk to the forest. When they arrived they started presenting their workshops. Then they had lunch and they returned to Rijeka. In Wednesday morning they met at school and they went to the centre of Rijeka. 10 7
  • 10. Croàcia La trobada a Croàcia va començar el 12 de maig del 2019, quan van arribar els grups de Portugal, Polònia, Letònia, Catalunya i Croàcia a Rijeka. El grup de Catalunya va estar un dia a Zagreb abans de la trobada a Rijeka. El diumenge tots els grups van anar a casa de les famílies per instal·lar-se i conèixer la seva parella. El dilluns van anar al castell Stara Susica on es van quedar a dormir i van començar els workshops. Van treballar en 7 grups els quals van escriure laprimera revista del Brewise. El dimarts al mati van anar a fer una volta pel bosc on no va fer gaire bon temps i va nevar. Al tornar del passeig van començar a presentar els seus treballs. Van dinar i van tornar cap a Rijeka. El dimecres pel mati van quedar a l’escola per anar a fer una volta al centre de la ciutat amb un guia turista. Van tenir temps lliure per descobrir una mica més la ciutat al seu aire i aprofitar per comprar quelcom cosa o record. Després es van dividir en 2 grups, uns van anar a veure la radio Rijeka i els altres Novi List on van poder veure com es feien els diaris. Dijous van anar amb vaixell, van visitar les illes del voltant i van tenir tenir temps lliure. El divendres va ser el dia per acabar els treballs, cada grup va editar la seva revista i al final van votar amb la finalitat de triar la millor. Els estudiants de Portugal van marxar i el dissabte van marxar tots els altres grups. 8 9