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Production Process Evaluation
Secondary Research
Weaknesses -
The weaknesses of my secondary research are that the detail and quality of the written work are not always consistent. This
is because of two main reasons, one being that I wasn’t really interested in all of the products I chose to research into. For
the products that I wasn’t so interested in I found it harder to write in a lot of depth as I just wasn’t as interested in them, so
was less inspired. Luckily I was interested in the majority of the products I chose to research so this wasn’t a big problem. It
is however evident in both my my poster and t-shirt research. Although the research for them both has still got detail I feel
as though it isn’t as thorough as my other slides.
The second reason my secondary research isn’t always so consistent is that my research took an incredibly long time as I
was trying to go into as much detail as possible. Towards the end I was growing fed up of research so I think some of my
writing gets to be a little sloppy with some of the products I researched into at the end. To try and hide this I moved the
slides around so that not all of the sloppier writing is positioned at the end making it a drag to read all at once. Another
weakness of my research is that I didn’t get the chance to research into all of the products I was thinking of creating namely
websites. This is because I ran out of time to spend on research. I think however it would have been beneficial to include a
slide or two on websites.
Another weakness of my secondary research is the audiences profiles I did for some. The products that I researched into
were very unique and therefore didn’t come up on the YouGov website. For a few of my products I did compromise and go
with profiles that didn’t fit my product completely but would still give me some relevant information that I could use to my
benefit. However for a lot of the products I couldn’t find a similar enough product or any product at all in some cases that
would give me useful information. An example of this was the Virtual Reality Headsets, nothing came up for them at all
which was quite frustrating as I wanted to see what people would be interested in them and whether that fits into my
target audience. Overall adding an audience profile was really frustrating to complete as there isn’t enough products listed
and so for a lot of my products they don’t have an audience profile as there was no relevant information about them.
Secondary Research
I believe that my secondary research is very strong in a number of ways. I looked in depth at a large range of products, this
strengthened my research as I didn’t go in to my research with a closed mind, deciding that I would only look at certain
products. Doing this would have stopped me from exploring what could possibly be created. Going into my research with an
open mind allowed me to look into one product realise that, that product led into others which would potentially also be
relevant to my product and research into them as well.
This thought process is especially clear in my map research. I started out with looking into simple maps, ones that would be
displayed on a wall or in a guidebook. This led into me looking at 3D digital maps, which then finally led into me looking at
3D raised relief maps. Looking into maps in such detail really helped me to see what was possible to create even under such
a basic product label as maps. It also shows how I did really explore into the product before deciding on what I would
actually create.
The range of products that I looked into also really helped to strengthen my research. I looked into products ranging from
Virtual Reality Headsets to my own digital art. I think having such a range in my researched products is incredibly helpful
when coming up with idea for my project. I did have an idea of what I wanted to do but I wasn’t sure how I wanted it to
look. Research helped me to finalise that and even come p with some new and exciting ideas.
Strengths -
If I were to do my secondary research again I would try my hardest to make all of the slides consistent in their detail. I think
that this is really important as then it looks like you have put equal effort into all of the work.
Although I did say that one of my research strengths was that I kept an open mind, and I do believe that, however keeping
such an open mind made me spend a lot of time on certain products, making me lose time on others. I think next time it
might be a good idea to write a list focused on the products I need to research and then when my research leads me to
other relevant products ill write them down and research into them only after I have completed everything on the list. This
way I will definitely complete all of the necessary research and will be able to also include some extra research. I think that
this would work really as the extra research will not be crucial and I’ll be able to add to it whenever I have a spare minute.
Overall -
Primary Research - Questionnaire
Weaknesses –
The weaknesses of my questionnaire research were mainly mad up of two things, one the lack of open questions and two
the lack of responses. The lack of open questions meant that there was no depth to them as they were a simple yes no
answer, which although helpful doesn’t tell me a lot on how to develop the ideas/ suggestions further. I think it would have
been beneficial to add in one or two open questions and just let the audience write about what they feel. It would also give
a more personal answer and would feel like I had been able to connect to the audience more and understand what they’re
really wanting out of this exhibition. I wouldn’t have wanted to add lots of open questions however as that would result in a
lot of analysis and would have taken a lot of precious time that I didn’t really have spare.
Secondly the lack of responses I felt prohibited my questionnaires usefulness, I wanted lots of people to answer my survey
thus why I posted it on social media and asked my family and friends to take part. However not that many people did end
up answering the survey. This was a little bit frustrating as I wanted a broad range of people from all areas, ages, genders
etc to answer so that I wasn’t getting the same type of people answering. Luckily despite the lack of responses I still did end
up with a range of answers which were very helpful to he progress of my research. I just think it would have been nice to
see what would have happened to the answers if more people had of answered.
Strengths –
I am pleased with my questionnaire as I believe that there are lots of strengths within it. To start with my analysis of the
questionnaires answers was although, short exact and in depth. I felt I had said everything that needed to be said that was
relevant to my project. At first I found it quite hard to analyse the answers as I wasn’t too sure what to write about apart
from simply stating the obvious. I ended up using this layout of Observation, what this says about my audience and how will
your product appeal to this audience to help me write what needed to be said. This layout of three very simple questions
helped me to say everything that could be said about the answers, allowing me to go in depth but without any rambling.
Primary Research - Questionnaire
Another strength of my Questionnaire was that the ten questions that I used in the questionnaire were all relevant and
would gain information that would be very important to developing ideas and suiting my target audience. I think choosing
the ten questions I wanted to ask was hard as you want to be asking questions that are actually going to be helpful. I felt like
I second guessed myself quite a bit when it came to writing these questions as I was constantly thinking how some
questions were better suited than others and then switching my mind again. Luckily in the end I feel like I did manage to
come up with ten very solid, very useful questions that did really help to develop my project to suit my audience.
Overall –
Overall I believe that my questionnaire along with its analysis was very strong and I am very happy with the responses I
gained and the information I got from them. If I were to do this again I would definitely think about adding in a one or two
open questions just to gain a bit of depth and range to my answers. I would also want to to take longer in collecting in the
survey answers so as many people would be able to answer it as possible. This is because I believe it is important to have a
variety in answers and the best way to do that is to have a wide variety of people answer them.
Primary Research – Questionnaire SummaryWeaknesses –
In my questionnaire summary I think that I could have definitely have gone into more detail about each
point that I picked out. I could have explained how I am going to create my project around that point in
more depth, how I’m going to adapt it to suit what my audience have said that they want to see. I think that
doing that would have made my thinking process a little bit more clear to see written down.
Strengths –
I think that the strengths in my questionnaire summary are quite clear to see. Firstly a summary wasn’t on
the criteria list so I used my own intuitive for that. I personally felt like I would be leaving the questionnaire
open ended if I hadn’t of concluded it in some way. Secondly having a summary helps to make it extremely
clear to me and to whoever looks at it, what I need to be focusing on in my project for it to centre around
my target audience and what they want. I think that this is very important as without it, it might not be so
clear as to where some of my major decisions have arisen from. Thirdly although I did state in my
weaknesses that I felt I could have gone into more detail, I do also like how the summary is very to the point
and exact as it makes for a very quick understanding of what needs to be happen.
Overall –
If I were to do the questionnaire summary again I would have done two summaries. One like the one I have
already got which is very to the point and exact, but also another which goes into more detail about what I
need to be doing. I think that this is very important as both summaries are equally as important and as
necessary as each other and need to be included.
Primary Research – InterviewsWeaknesses –
Conducting interviews face to face would help to gain longer answers where people haven’t gone into much detail.
I think that the weakness of my interviews were that some of the answers I got were not very detailed. I believe that if I had
of been able to conduct them face to face I would have gained a lot more detailed answers. Having detailed answers is very
important to me as it gives me a lot to go off, I can sense more what my audience is actually wanting if they tell me more.
Conducting them face to face would also give a more personal touch as you get to know the person a little bit more than if
you are just sending the questions over a computer screen.
Strengths –
I believe that my interviews are full of strengths which I am very happy about is they did take a lot of time to complete.
Firstly the questions were designed so that the person answering them was able to write as much as they wanted/ were
able to. I think that this was very useful as sometimes people start answering questions and then carry on talking as they
realise they’ve got more to say, sometime however they may be cut off by a word limit or a time limit etc, these questions
on the other hand did not have those limitations. I think that although I strongly believe that conducting these interviews
face to face would have helped, I also think having them on the computer also helped in this case as people didn’t feel any
pressure to come up with an answer straight away as they were able to sort of mull it over for a while and really think about
what they need/want to say.
With the questions I asked it allows the people to insert their own ideas and be as creative as they wish to be. This I found
was very useful as I got to really visualise what my audience wanted from me and from this exhibition. I also asked
questions that were extremely relevant to my project as otherwise there's no real point in asking them as the answers and
information you gain will also be completely irrelevant. My questions were also designed to help develop my project to be
in line with what my audience wants.
Another strength of my interviews was the number of interviews I conducted. We were given the suggestion of doing three
interviews however I didn’t feel as though I gained enough relevant information for my project from just those three. I went
on to conduct 7 interviews and after completing them definitely felt as though I had gained a lot more information and
variety of suggestions and answers. This is an extremely positive aspect as it makes my audience research very strong as I
looked at a wide variety of different people.
Primary Research – Interviews
Overall –
If I were to do this again I would want to conduct this face to face to try and develop peoples answers more
If I were to do this interview process again I would want to do a mixture of written down question and answers and face to
face interviews. A I believe that both styles of interviews would add something different to the information collected and
would help to really develop it and push it further.
Primary Research – Interview Analysis
Weaknesses –
One of the weaknesses of my interview analysis was that I think I would have been able to analyse some peoples answers a
bit more if they had written more which goes back to my point above that if I had of been able to conduct the interviews
face to face I would have been able to have gotten longer answers, which would have led to a more in-depth analysis.
Another not so much of a weakness but negative aspect of my interview analysis was that I had decided to go into so much
depth in my analysis that it took a very long time to finish analysing all of the interviews. This did end up stressing me out
quite a bit as I fell behind a little bit in other elements of my work, however looking back now I am very glad I did go into so
much depth as I think it has been a massive help to my project.
Strengths –
I think that there is lots of positive points to make about my interview analysis, which I am extremely happy about as it took
a very long time to complete due to the amount of interviews I decided to conduct. I believe that my analysis of all of the
interviews was very in depth and I really felt that I looked at everything that they had to say, even looking between the lines
on some interviews. I then took what they had to say and applied it to my own ideas which really helped to develop my
project. This was so useful as my project then became very relevant to my target audience which is very crucial as it needs
to appeal otherwise there's no point of even having made it.
I also believe that my analysis is consistent throughout all of the interviews, this is however relevant to the amount of
information I was given from the interviewees as obviously I wouldn’t be able to write the same amount of analysis for a
sentence compared to a paragraph. Keeping the same level of analysis throughout was very important to me as it makes it
clear I have applied the same consideration to every interview and have taken into account what everybody had to say.
Overall –
If I had the chance to do the interview analysis again I would go about it in exactly the same manner as I have done this
time as I believe that my analysis of the interviews is extremely strong and there really isn’t much that I am aware of that I
should be improving.
Primary Research – Interview Summary
Weaknesses –
Could have done a more in-depth summary explaining how I came up with the ideas, how satisfied I am with the
answers/analysis. I think that this would help to explain a bit more of my though process around this particular aspect of my
primary research.
I think the weakness of my interview summary was that I could have done a much more in depth summary. Such as talking
about how satisfied I am with the answers I got from my audience and also my analysis of those answers. I believe that this
would have helped to explain a bit more about my though process around this particular aspect of my primary research.
Strengths –
Although I do believe that one of the weaknesses of my summary was that I didn’t go into enough detail I also on the other
hand believe that one of the strengths of my interview summary is that it is very short and basic. The five bullet points
effectively summarize everything that was important in the interview questions and analysis. This is so effective as it saves
having to go through and reread all the separate analysis’s again.
Although these two points do effectively contradict each other I think that they are very valid points and highlight the fact
that I think it would have been beneficial much like in my questionnaire summary if I had of done two summaries, one short
and snappy and the other more in depth and detailed.
Overall –
If I were to do this summary again I would much like I said for my questionnaire summary do two. One like the one I have
already got which is very to the point and exact, but also another which goes into more detail about what I need to be
doing. I think that this is very important as both summaries are equally as important and as necessary as each other and
need to be included.
Planning – Initial ReactionWeaknesses –
Although I do think that my initial reaction is very detailed and contains a lot of information I also think it may have been
beneficial to go into more details about my very first thoughts when I heard the criteria for the first time. I talk quite a bit
about my feelings in it but not my initial reaction.
When I am reading through my initial reaction I can’t really gage how I was exactly feeling, I sort of just generalised it and
said I was excited and little bit nervous. I know I must have been feeling more emotions than that so it would have been a
good idea to have written about them, so I and anyone who reads it would almost be able to relive the experience and
understand what I felt.
Strengths –
I believe that my initial reaction is quite strong as I do talk about how I am feeling a lot. Any potential worries I wrote them
down so that I am directly addressing them and know that I should be careful and aware about them and similar aspects. I
also wrote about what I want to focus on and how I know that, that is what I want to focus on and how my previous work
throughout the year has helped me to decide this. I think this was a very important aspect to include as without it it
appears that I have come to the conclusion that I want to focus on a specific topic out of the blue, there's nothing to back
that up.
Talking about my thought process to that legitimises my focus and make it clear to the reader what I want to do and why. I
also added in a few images of my previous work from my last project into my initial reaction, I think this also further helps to
visually explain, what I am writing about.
Overall –
Although think that my initial reaction is strong, if I were to do I again I would really try and include more information
about my feelings. I think including information about my feelings would help the reader to understand why I made certain
My least favorite part about writing my initial reaction was talking about my feelings. I found this quite hard to do as it was
personal and honest, which I find hard to do as I am quite a close off person. Writing about my emotions forced me to open
My favorite part about writing my initial reaction was talking about what I wanted to focus on. I am very passionate about
my digital art and love to bring it up in any opportunity I get. So my initial reaction was the perfect opportunity to talk about
Planning –Potential IdeasWeaknesses –
In my potential ideas I did a big mind map which looked at a range of ideas, I colour coded these ideas so that it was clear which
ones I liked and which ones I didn’t. One of the weaknesses of this was that there aren't many ideas which were coloured red, I
think this shows that I didn’t really think about the ideas which didn’t interest me. I should have done more of these as it would
clearly show that I was thinking outside of the box and was open to trying new things. This is important to do as sometimes
ideas that you don’t think you’ll be interested in, once you give yourself time to think it over you can find that that idea is more
suited to you than another one which you were initially more interested in.
I think I also could of fitted in a few more ideas just to make the mind map look like it was really bursting full of ideas, I think that
this is also important as if the mind map was small, it would make it look like I hadn't thought about many ideas at all.
Strengths –
I think that there is quite clearly a lot of strengths within my Potential Ideas, firstly there is a massive range of ideas. This is
beneficial as it allowed me to look at a lot of different products, I think that if I had limited myself to only looking at so many
ideas I wouldn’t have come up with the project that I did.
My potential ideas mind map is also very clearly colour coded. This is very helpful t anyone who looks at it, as straight away they
can sense what my thought process is and what I am wanting to look into further. I think colour coding it was a very good idea as
I found it helpful to look at and see what I needed to look into further, without the colour coding it would have taken longer to
work out which ideas I was interested in pursing and which ones I wasn’t.
The mind map is also very clearly laid out so it is easy to see each separate idea and if that idea did lead onto other ideas. I
wanted to make my mind map very clear as I know that I find it hard to look at mind maps sometimes as they can be very
overwhelming with all the lines, words and boxes. I think with spreading the ideas out and with the colour doing as well, my
mind map is very easy to look at and see what is going on.
Overall –
I am very happy with how my mind map of potential ideas turned out, I think it is a very strong piece of work and I fi were to do
it again I would only want to add more ideas as I think that everything else is perfect and should therefore remain that way.
My Least Favourite Part of writing up my potential ideas is thinking of ideas that I’m not really interested in, this was hard
because I found it boring and irrelevant, however it was also important as I needed to show that I was thinking outside of what I
was interested in.
My Favourite Part of my potential ideas was seeing the development of ideas, how one idea lead to one a whole new selection
of ideas which maybe wouldn’t have come to mind if I hadn’t of thought of the first idea.
Planning – Mind Maps
Weaknesses –
Although I believe my mind maps to be very strong, I think that there is also a bit of inconsistency regarding detail
throughout. I think that this is because with some ideas I had a lot of ideas surrounding that already so I had a lot to write
as I got very inspired. With some of the other ideas I didn’t really have anything else to put down so was forcing myself to
think of relevant points and ideas that would develop that idea further.
Strengths –
There are lots of strengths to talk about with my mind maps, I think this is because I did have a lot of initial ideas and
wanted to explore each one in as much detail as possible to make sure that I did find the right final idea for myself and I
wasn’t settling for the first one I found I liked.
With my mind maps I did two mind maps for each idea as I felt as though I needed to get down as much information as
possible. I created a bubble mind maps and a paragraph mind map. The bubble mind map allowed me to very easily write
down anything that came to mind that I thought was relevant. I liked doing this as I didn’t have to explain the point I just
had to write it down and make sure it made sense. With the paragraph mind map I was able to go into more detail and just
explain certain points more. Doing these two mind maps shows that I had really thought about what information I
wanted/needed to put down and focusing on how was best to present that information clearly.
Overall –
Overall I am very happy with the content of this work, I believe it to be of a satisfactory high quality. If I were to do this
again however I would want to try and be more consistent in the detail of work. I think that in some areas it is clear that I
spent more time on them than others, ideally I wouldn’t want this as I want it to look equal across the board. Apart from
the inconsistency I wouldn’t change anything else as I don’t think there would be anything else to add.
Least Favorite Part –
My least favorite part of this aspect of planning was trying to write in so much detail for each and every idea. Writing in so
much detail did get quite mentally draining and boring to do. However I am glad I did do it as it really strengthens my mind
maps overall.
Most Favorite Part –
My favorite part of the mind maps was coming up with all the potential ideas and developing them out to see what could
be possible to create. I found this really exciting as I wasn’t limited to just one idea, I could have dozens.
Planning – Mood Board Pictures and Analysis
Weaknesses –
One of the weaknesses of my mood board is that the images are placed very close together so it is hard to see the full image. Although this is
not a massive deal it would have been better if it was possible to see the full image to get the full effect and understanding of why it was
picked to go onto the mood board. I also think that having the images so close together is quite overwhelming to anyone who looks at it.
They’re not quite sure where they’re supposed to be looking as there is so much going on. It would have worked better if I had spread my
mood boards over more pages and then would have been able to space the images.
With my mood board analysis I think I could have easily gone into more depth. Although there is some good detail there I don’t think that
there is enough. It might have been a good idea to pick out three or four of the images chosen and speak about them individually. Explaining
why I chose that image, any inspiration from that image, has it helped develop my ideas etc. Doing this would have ensured I would have
gotten a more in-depth analysis of my mood boards.
Strengths –
I believe my mood boards to be a very strong piece of work, this is because I have included a wide variety of products. Showing that I am
openminded to new ideas and inspirations which could influence my project and that I spent time researching for images that would be
relevant to my project. I also didn’t just stick to doing one mood board I split my ideas into categories and did a mood board on each one. This
makes my mood boards even stronger as you wont get confused looking at it because it only contains one genre of a product, this also helped
to keep it focused allowing more ideas to flow.
I spoke about repetition and any ideas that sprang from looking at the images in my analysis of my mood board which I think really helped to
strengthen my analysis. This is because I looked at an image was able to pick out a few details that I liked and was able to apply that to my
own project whilst keeping it relevant to my ideas.
Overall –
Overall I think both my mood boards and my analysis of them are very strong due to the fact I looked at such a broad range of
products/images and applied any inspirations I gained from them to my project. If I were to do this again I would space out the images more
and take over more pages so that you could see the whole image and really take take it in, instead of being overwhelmed by all the images.
Least Favorite Part –
My least favorite part of mood board was organizing all of the pictures as I didn’t want to take over lots of slides and I wanted the images to
look nice together. This proved harder than I thought as all the images were either too big or too small, I did manage to organize it in the end
My least favorite part of my analysis was finding enough to write about so that I felt I had done a thorough analysis of the mood boards.
Most Favorite Part –
MY favorite part of the mood boards was finding the images as I got to spend ages looking through and finding exciting images that I felt were
relevant to my project.
My favorite part of the analysis of the mood boards was writing about how I felt the images had developed my ideas.
Planning – Style SheetsWeaknesses –
I don’t believe that in my font style there are many weaknesses, I think the only thing I would say is that I could have written a little bit more and
gone into more depth when it comes to my analysis of all the fonts. Perhaps talking more about where it think I would have been able to use the
font in my project, or more about why it wouldn’t fit in with my project.
My colour style sheet doesn’t go into much depth however I did find hard to go into detail as there wasn’t much to say, due to the fact that
when I’m creating the art having a set colour palette would restrict my creative process.
In the Image styles I could have gone into more depth about what makes an image good to use for a piece of artwork, what doesn’t etc. I think
comparing a good photo and bad one and explaining the similarities and differences would help to further illustrate this point.
Strengths –
For my font style sheet I looked at a massive range of fonts all of which were very different, this shows that I was very openminded to choosing
fonts and wasn’t just choosing the ones I liked the look of. I also chose fonts that I didn’t really like the look of but ones that I thought would fit
in well with my project. I also made a whole slide on my favorite fonts and why they were my favorites, I think this really strengthened my style
sheet as it was very clear which fonts I was going to use and why I had chosen them in particular.
For my colour sheet I explained that there wasn’t many colour options as it is all based off of the art I create, to strengthen this I added in
pictures of my previous pieces of art. I think this really helped to visually explain what I meant as all of the art pieces turn out so differently there
is no way you could make a colour palette for it beforehand.
With my image styles style sheet I included visual examples of photos that I thought had worked really well for creating artwork, this makes it
very clear to whoever looked at the style sheet what kind of images I am hoping to take. I do also explain although in limited detail, what I look
for when I’m taking a picture. This was important as then the audience can understand my thinking process and decisions that I will be making
further down the production line.
Overall –
Overall I think my font style sheet is very strong and I wouldn’t change anything apart from the layout of how I presented it. I think that I could
have made it clearer and nicer to look at
Overall I do like my colour style sheet as it says everything I need it to say, however if I were to do this again I would want to go into more depth.
Talking in more detail about the text colour choices as I only very quickly skimmed over those and I think it is important to talk about.
For my image style sheet it is the same situation, more depth of detail is needed to make it clear what I am planning to do.
Least Favorite Part –
Overall my least favourite part of creating my style sheets was trying to write in enough detail as I found it hard to find enough relevant points to
Most Favorite Part –
Finding the fonts was my favorite part of my font style sheet as I got to look at a massive range of fonts and pick my favorite one.
Including my art images as I think it really helped to explain my point. I am also proud of these pieces so like to include them whenever I can.
Including the images I thought were useful, next time I would also include images that aren't so good just to really make it clear what I look for.
Planning – LayoutsWeaknesses –
I think overall my layouts are of a high standard and there’s not much to improve on. One thing that does stand out to me
however is some of the products layouts are not of as higher quality as some of the others. Although this is not the best as I
do prefer to have consistent high quality work across the board, it is not a crucial aspect that needs to be corrected. This is
because it is only a layout which is just meant to visually explain what you are wanting to create without actually going
through the proper process of creating it, so having a layout that isn’t of the highest quality is fine as long as it gets the idea
across clearly.
Strengths –
There are many strengths within my layouts, firstly the number of layouts I actually created. I made at least two layouts for
each idea that I am going to be making. This is beneficial as it gives me options when it comes to creating the real thing.
When creating my real products I may try out one layout, find that it doesn’t work the way I want it to and then I have the
other layout to try also. Another strength is that my analysis of each layout is very thorough, in-depth and detailed, I talk
about what I like within the layout and how that will work for my project and also what I don’t like and why it might not
work so well for my project.
Overall –
Overall I am very happy with my layouts, I think that they’re
going to be really useful when it comes to creating my final
pieces. If I were to do my layouts again I would just try and
make the work consistent throughout as then it would be
more obvious that I have put the same thought and
consideration throughout.
Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of making my
layouts was analysing them as I had to go over every aspect
and talk about it in lots of detail.
Most Favorite Part – The part that I enjoyed the most was
creating the layouts as I got to really use my imagination and
tryout lots of different creative ideas to see what worked
and what didn’t.
Planning – Resources, Contingency Planning, Health and SafetyResources:
Weaknesses – In my resources slide I think I could have gone into a lot more detail aboutwhy I didn’t need equipment and
explaining why other people would ned more equipment for their projects.
Strengths – Although there really isn’t much detail within my resources slide I have said everything that needs to be said, I
could definitely have gone into more detail but I haven’t skipped anything that I should have included.
Overall – Overall I am happy with the resources however I think I could have definitely tried harder to write more. If I were to
do this again I would definitely go into more detail to really explain what is going on.
Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part was writing about the equipment I needed to use as there really wasn’t that much
to write about and I struggled trying to find enough to write about.
Most Favorite Part – I don’t really have a favorite part as I didn’t really enjoy doing this slide i found it quite boring and dull.
Contingency Planning:
Weaknesses – I think I could have come up with a few more ideas for my contingency planning to strengthen it and make it
look like I really did think of every possible issue that could happen that would have an affect on my project.
Strengths – Although I think I could have come up with a few more ideas, for the ideas I have talked about there is a lot of
detail In what I have said, which shows that I have thought in depth.
Overall – Overall am happy with this slide as I don’t think that there is much to improve on. However if I were to do this again
I would want to think of some more ideas to bulk it out a little bit more.
Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of my contingency planning was coming up with the ideas of what could go
Most Favorite Part – What I enjoyed the most was coming up with the solutions to the problems.
Health and Safety:
Weaknesses –I don’t really think that there is any weaknesses within this slide, as I have covered everything that needs to be
said in lots of detail.
Strengths – I came up with lots potential risks and went into lots of detail explaining how I could avoid the potential problem.
Overall – I did quite enjoy this one as coming up with the ideas and then finding out how to avoid them was actually
surprisingly interesting
Least Favorite Part – I don’t really have one as I enjoyed writing this slide
Most Favorite Part – My favorite part of the health and safety was coming up with the ideas and then sorting out the
Weaknesses –
I think I could have explained the meaning behind the name of my project as it doesn’t really make much sense. To have an
explanation would help to explain to the audience what it mean and what connection it has to the project.
I did also find in some cases (the rationale) I didn’t get to say everything I felt I needed to say due to the word limit. I find
working with a word limit really hard as you have to condense everything you want to say down to a very limited word limit.
Strengths –
For the audience aspect we had a PowerPoint given to us that outlined everything that needed to be included. I spent a
very long time going over this as I wanted to include everything to make it as useful as possible. We also had no word limit
for this so I found it easier to write in lots of detail.
With the other aspects of the proposal, rationale, project concept and evaluation, we had a word limit that we had to stick
to. I know that I would find this hard to stick to so I wrote down everything that I felt I needed to say amd then started
condensing it down and picking out only the important points, I found this method to be really effective as it helped me to
condense everything without feeling like I was missing out any important information.
With my schedule for my proposal I wrote down each task I had to do every week and then what those individual tasks were
made up of. This was really helpful as it was so detailed, that It made it extremely clear what I was supposed to be doing
and when I was supposed to do it.
Overall –
Overall I am extremely happy with my proposal as I think it is very detailed and contains all the information I could possibly
need. If I were to do this again I would do everything exactly the same but just add an explanation for the title as it does
need some explanation.
Least Favorite Part –
My least favorite part of the proposal was the compulsory word limit. I didn’t like this as it took a long time for me to
condense what I had to say and I felt I missed out on some details that I would have preferred to be included.
Most Favorite Part –
My favorite part was writing the schedule, I enjoyed this as it was almost like writing a list of all the things I had to do. I
know that this helped to keep me on track when I fell behind as it was clearly written out what I had to do.
Planning – Proposal
Planning – Experiments
Weaknesses –
Variety of experiments – just focused on animations would have been nice to try something different to that
I think the weakness of my experiments was that I didn’t try anything other than animations, I think that although focusing on the
animations were important as I hadn’t done anything similar beforehand I think I should have also have tried something different just so
that I had variety and it looked like I had thought of other options.
Strengths –
I believe that there are lots of strengths about my experiments work, there is a strong variety of animations not one is similar. There is also
a variety of level of skill which shows how I started out easy and then just kept bumping up the skill level until I was creating something I
had never thought I would have been able to. I think that within my experiments you can quite clearly see my confidence growing, this is
nice to see as I was really nervous about trying animations out.
There is also an in depth analysis of each experiment along with a detailed reflection at the end. I think having this is really important as it
is one thing to be able to create the experiment but it is another to then write about what went well what didn’t, will this actually fit into
my project, did I have any major problems, etc. I did quite enjoy writing about all of that as I got to sort of take a step back and look at it
through someone else's eyes and wonder whether it was as good as I believed it to be or whether it was just me thinking that.
I also wrote a thorough process, step by step for each experiment, although I found this quite draining and boring to do I also found it
useful when it came to recreating the animations, so I do fully understand why it was necessary.
Overall –
Overall I am really happy with this particular PowerPoint as a lot of time and effort went into it, in creating the animations but also writing
about how to create them and how it will help to develop my project. I think that all of the animations are of high quality which I am
extremely pleased about as I had never done anything like that prior to these experiments. If I were to do this again I would want to focus
on looking at also creating some other experiments as well, maybe with some poster work. I would have done that this time however I did
run out of time due to the time it took to create the animations and then write it up. These experiments were also about stepping outside
of your comfort soon and trying something new, I think I did that exactly and am very pleased it turned out as well as it did.
Least Favorite Part –
My least favorite part of this was writing the process of the animations, I found this quite boring and just not something that I wanted to
spend my time doing. However I did find it useful when it came to recreating some of the animations, so I do understand why it was
necessary to be included
Most Favorite Part –
What I enjoyed the most about this was the creating of all of the animations. I had never done anything like this before so was sort of
intimidated to try it out, however it went so much better than I had thought and I now have a new skill that I can use for future projects.
Time Management
Throughout this project I think I handled my time very well, until I reached production that’s
when things started to go downhill. Before production I was able to get my PowerPoints and any
experiments finished on time to a standard that I felt happy with and felt would get a good
grade. This was very important to me as I really wanted a good grade in this project as I feel that
would show other people just how much work I put into this. However when we got to
production everything was taking a lot longer than I had planned to create. For that reason I was
unable to create a map/layout and a website. I was annoyed with myself for this as I really
wanted a complete project with everything I had planned to be included.
I do however also think that it wasn’t just my time keeping that let this down I think I had
chosen too many products to create in the time we had. If I had chosen a smaller amount they
would have definitely have been completed. However looking at the products that I do have
there’s no way of anyone knowing anything was ‘missing’ from them unless they had read all of
my PowerPoints beforehand.
Overall I think I did a very good job of completing everything on time to a high standard. I think
that I always forgot just how hard it is too do this as you have to remain focused for an
incredibly long time which I know I find very hard and stressful. So to come out at the end of the
project with just a few production pieces not created I am very happy with how I managed my
Technical Qualities
I am going to be comparing my digital artwork to one of the art pieces I picked out in my initial plans, as those art pieces
were ones I used for inspiration for this project. So it will be very interesting to see what the similarities and differences are,
given that I looked to that for creative help. I ended up taking a screenshot of all the images together as I wanted them all
but they are too big on the next slide I have included a full sized version.
I think there are a few similarities between my digital art pieces and other artists examples too. Obviously there are not a lot as each piece is
unique and completely different from anything else, however the basics are there. Firstly the colour usage, each and every pieces uses a lot of
colour, whether that be bright and bold are used in a calmer way it is still there. I think colour is very important to a piece of art, it brings it all
together and draws the audience in. Even in pieces where colour is used sparingly such as the two bottom left pieces in the existing products
examples, the colour helps to draw it all together and make people want to look at it. In my pieces of art I tried to use the colour in different
ways for each piece so that they all had a different element to them and wouldn’t bore the audience. In some the colour is very toned down
with a few bright and bold areas thrown in to bring it alive. In others the whole piece is made up of bright bold, in your face colours. I think this
mix really helps to keep the audience entertained and wanting to see more as they’re not sure what else will appear.
In terms of energy and movement I think it is safe to say that each and every piece has its own vibrant energy. I am very happy with this. As it
was one of the things that I felt each and every piece that I created had to have. It helps to demonstrate just how exciting art actually is. It also
gets the audience excited as they can almost see how excited the artist was when they created it. Obviously there is also going to be a few
differences as well, as no art piece is the same and if it was that would be boring and I don’t believe that art would be as special as it is. The
differences between my pieces and the other artists is that I feel like in some of mine you can see what the piece is made up of a little more, for
instance with my bee art work you can clearly see that there is a bee, much like with my rose flower work you can clearly see the flower. I
wanted to keep those elements intact as for those pieces I think it really brings it all together, as they are the center piece. In the existing
products for the majority of them you cant see what the image actually is.
Technical Qualities
YouTube Video
To look at technical qualities on this piece I have chosen the tutorial I used to create it. I chose this as I wasn’t too sure what
else I could use as it is so different and unique to anything else I have seen created before. For my animation I was going to
create a rotating cube however when I did go to create this it didn’t work due to the fact that all of my images are different
sizes and I didn’t want to crop them as then you wouldn’t be able to get the full effect. Due to this I decided to go for the
kaleidoscope animation as I still wanted to include an intricate animation and I thought this was the best one, that id
already had some experience with.
The existing products animation is more developed as a kaleidoscope, which looks incredible and works really well, I think
that that is because of the plain image he chose to create this animation with. The contrast of the simple image and the
complex animation works really well as they’re not trying to compete, they work side by side. With my images as they are
already quite complex I think trying to do something that complex again with them would be too much and it would be
overwhelming to look at. My animation is quite simple but is made to look more complicated with the complexity of my
I think the two main differences here are the colours and the length of the animation. In my piece the colours are very bright
and vibrant constantly changing, whereas the colours in the existing product are muted and don’t get very bright or bold.
However as explained above I think this works quite well due to the difference in animation as well.
The other difference length, mine is actually quite long as I had to include all the pieces of art as kaleidoscopes and I didn’t
want to make them really short as I think the audience would need to see all the pieces without feeling rushed. The existing
products length is quite short, as it just has to show everything for that one image, however this one ca be put on loop and
as it so complex a lot is going on so the audience probably wouldn’t realise that they are being shown the same 30second
long animation over and over again.
YouTube Video
Aesthetic Qualities
I think that my finished pieces look really good and I am very happy with them as I put a lot of
effort and time into making them look visually appealing. As my final pieces are artwork pieces I
think that they need to look appealing otherwise no one would want to look at them and they
wouldn’t work for being displayed in an art gallery which is what these ones were made for.
I also think that these pieces are extremely creative. They are very unique and don’t look like
anything that has been created before. When creating these pieces I tried to go for stuff that
was outside of the box and push the creative boundaries of what I could create. For example
using the water bottle in one of my pieces as the main image, was very creatively daring as a
water bottle is so plain, boring and just an everyday item you wouldn’t normally look at twice.
But in the art piece it is what ties it all together and completes the piece.
My kaleidoscope is what ties the whole project together it really completes the exhibition. As it
includes all of the pieces in a completely unique way. I think it is very aesthetically pleasing in
that it really draws in and engages the audience. If I had had more time I would have shown that
it could be interactive as well by projecting it onto people.
If I could improve my final pieces I think I would want to develop my final animation a bit more,
make it so it showed off the art pieces a bit more, i think that that would have worked really well
as although it does show off the pieces, it shows them off in a different manner to what they are
actually displayed as by themselves.
Audience Appeal
To look and see whether I catered for my target audience I have screenshotted my questionnaire
summary, which talks about what I need to do to ensure that I appeal to my target audience.
Some of the things stated don’t actually apply because I didn’t have enough time to create the
products they are discussing.
1- I believe that my product does indeed cater for both genders, there’s nothing in my pieces that would stereotypically
only cater for boys or only for girls. So I think that I definitely appeal to my audience with this.
2 – Although my main target audience was 16-19 year old's I was also trying to appeal to other ages as well
and I think I have successfully managed that. My pieces are young and modern so appeal to my target
audience, but they are also exciting, interesting, different and fun which appeals to the other ages as well.
3 – I was trying to focus on people who had never seen an exhibition or those who didn’t like the exhibition
they had already seen as I wanted to change their minds on art. I think that I could have potentially done this
as my pieces are exciting, different and unique and I think anyone that looks at them is going to want to look
4 – Although I didn’t really get around to making my artwork interactive I believe that there could have been
an element of interaction. If I had had time I would have projected my artwork so that people could walk
around in the projections so it would cover their body they would become part of the art. I think that this
appeals to my audience as they are interacting with the art.
5 – All of my art pieces are definitely unique and different so they definitely appeal to the audience in that
6 – Although again I never got around to creating it, merch was definitely one of the products I was going to
create. It was in my experiments so i think it is clear that it was one of the products.
7 – I never got around to discussing audio at all.
8 – I never got around to creating my guidebook
9 – I never got around to discussing this
10 – I created 7 pieces of art so I feel I definitely succeeded in this
Overall I think I did manage to appeal to my target audience as I ticked many of the boxes I set for myself
back in the beginning stages of the project. I am very happy with this as the audience is what this product is
created for without them there wouldn’t be any point in creating the product as there would be no one to
see it. The aspects that I missed out on because I ran out of time I am a bit disappointed about as I really
wanted to include everything however i think I have to take a step back look at what I have created and
realise that that is amazing and probably wouldn’t be as good if I had tried to cram in all the over products as
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
– I like the individuality, uniqueness and vibrancy of all the pieces. They are
something that you could look at for a while with a lot of interest as it makes
you think about the use of colour and the fractured images.
– With the animation I think it is engrossing, unique and not like anything I have
seen before, I can see it working really well in an art gallery as it would be very
engaging for visitors to look at if projected onto a big wall. It is absorbing and
leaves a lasting impression.
• What improvements could have been
made to the product?
• As I am a consumer of art and not a creator I leave it to the artists ingenuity and
creativity so i don’t think you can improve it as it is left to their expression of
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
– I like the colours used as they are all so bright and eye-
catching. All of the pieces of art are all so different and
look intricate.
• What improvements could have been made to the
– Obviously it’s art so I’m going to say what I don’t like and
you should take it that I like everything else. I think the one
with the flower could have been edited more to disguise
the flower and I don’t really like the one that looks like
night vision.
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
• I love the uniqueness of the images the fact that you can find something new to admire each
time you look at them. I am drawn to each one but for different reasons – the shapes in 12
and 4 and the colour in 1 and 5.
– I really love the animated images of each image. They are stunning and very relaxing.
• What improvements could have been made
to the product?
• For me I wouldn’t change anything as I think that is the artist’s prerogative. I personally
wouldn’t buy number 6 as the flower in the middle is too obvious, but that’s just my opinion.
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer feedback?
– I agree with my peer feedback that my artwork is very unique and
different from anything else. I am very happy that they actually said that
as that is what I was aiming for. I also agree that it is intricate, there is a
lot of care and decision making that has gone into my final pieces.
• What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?
• I disagree with my peer feedback where one person said that they believe they
couldn’t comment on whether they think it could be improved. I get what they are
saying when they state that it is left to the artist, however I believe that the
audience should have some opinion on whether they think something should be
improved or not.
• With what the other person said when they don’t like certain piece although I can
disagree with them as I like the pieces I have to respect the fact that not everyone

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7. evaluation

  • 3. Secondary Research Weaknesses - The weaknesses of my secondary research are that the detail and quality of the written work are not always consistent. This is because of two main reasons, one being that I wasn’t really interested in all of the products I chose to research into. For the products that I wasn’t so interested in I found it harder to write in a lot of depth as I just wasn’t as interested in them, so was less inspired. Luckily I was interested in the majority of the products I chose to research so this wasn’t a big problem. It is however evident in both my my poster and t-shirt research. Although the research for them both has still got detail I feel as though it isn’t as thorough as my other slides. The second reason my secondary research isn’t always so consistent is that my research took an incredibly long time as I was trying to go into as much detail as possible. Towards the end I was growing fed up of research so I think some of my writing gets to be a little sloppy with some of the products I researched into at the end. To try and hide this I moved the slides around so that not all of the sloppier writing is positioned at the end making it a drag to read all at once. Another weakness of my research is that I didn’t get the chance to research into all of the products I was thinking of creating namely websites. This is because I ran out of time to spend on research. I think however it would have been beneficial to include a slide or two on websites. Another weakness of my secondary research is the audiences profiles I did for some. The products that I researched into were very unique and therefore didn’t come up on the YouGov website. For a few of my products I did compromise and go with profiles that didn’t fit my product completely but would still give me some relevant information that I could use to my benefit. However for a lot of the products I couldn’t find a similar enough product or any product at all in some cases that would give me useful information. An example of this was the Virtual Reality Headsets, nothing came up for them at all which was quite frustrating as I wanted to see what people would be interested in them and whether that fits into my target audience. Overall adding an audience profile was really frustrating to complete as there isn’t enough products listed and so for a lot of my products they don’t have an audience profile as there was no relevant information about them.
  • 4. Secondary Research I believe that my secondary research is very strong in a number of ways. I looked in depth at a large range of products, this strengthened my research as I didn’t go in to my research with a closed mind, deciding that I would only look at certain products. Doing this would have stopped me from exploring what could possibly be created. Going into my research with an open mind allowed me to look into one product realise that, that product led into others which would potentially also be relevant to my product and research into them as well. This thought process is especially clear in my map research. I started out with looking into simple maps, ones that would be displayed on a wall or in a guidebook. This led into me looking at 3D digital maps, which then finally led into me looking at 3D raised relief maps. Looking into maps in such detail really helped me to see what was possible to create even under such a basic product label as maps. It also shows how I did really explore into the product before deciding on what I would actually create. The range of products that I looked into also really helped to strengthen my research. I looked into products ranging from Virtual Reality Headsets to my own digital art. I think having such a range in my researched products is incredibly helpful when coming up with idea for my project. I did have an idea of what I wanted to do but I wasn’t sure how I wanted it to look. Research helped me to finalise that and even come p with some new and exciting ideas. Strengths - If I were to do my secondary research again I would try my hardest to make all of the slides consistent in their detail. I think that this is really important as then it looks like you have put equal effort into all of the work. Although I did say that one of my research strengths was that I kept an open mind, and I do believe that, however keeping such an open mind made me spend a lot of time on certain products, making me lose time on others. I think next time it might be a good idea to write a list focused on the products I need to research and then when my research leads me to other relevant products ill write them down and research into them only after I have completed everything on the list. This way I will definitely complete all of the necessary research and will be able to also include some extra research. I think that this would work really as the extra research will not be crucial and I’ll be able to add to it whenever I have a spare minute. Overall -
  • 5. Primary Research - Questionnaire Weaknesses – The weaknesses of my questionnaire research were mainly mad up of two things, one the lack of open questions and two the lack of responses. The lack of open questions meant that there was no depth to them as they were a simple yes no answer, which although helpful doesn’t tell me a lot on how to develop the ideas/ suggestions further. I think it would have been beneficial to add in one or two open questions and just let the audience write about what they feel. It would also give a more personal answer and would feel like I had been able to connect to the audience more and understand what they’re really wanting out of this exhibition. I wouldn’t have wanted to add lots of open questions however as that would result in a lot of analysis and would have taken a lot of precious time that I didn’t really have spare. Secondly the lack of responses I felt prohibited my questionnaires usefulness, I wanted lots of people to answer my survey thus why I posted it on social media and asked my family and friends to take part. However not that many people did end up answering the survey. This was a little bit frustrating as I wanted a broad range of people from all areas, ages, genders etc to answer so that I wasn’t getting the same type of people answering. Luckily despite the lack of responses I still did end up with a range of answers which were very helpful to he progress of my research. I just think it would have been nice to see what would have happened to the answers if more people had of answered. Strengths – I am pleased with my questionnaire as I believe that there are lots of strengths within it. To start with my analysis of the questionnaires answers was although, short exact and in depth. I felt I had said everything that needed to be said that was relevant to my project. At first I found it quite hard to analyse the answers as I wasn’t too sure what to write about apart from simply stating the obvious. I ended up using this layout of Observation, what this says about my audience and how will your product appeal to this audience to help me write what needed to be said. This layout of three very simple questions helped me to say everything that could be said about the answers, allowing me to go in depth but without any rambling.
  • 6. Primary Research - Questionnaire Another strength of my Questionnaire was that the ten questions that I used in the questionnaire were all relevant and would gain information that would be very important to developing ideas and suiting my target audience. I think choosing the ten questions I wanted to ask was hard as you want to be asking questions that are actually going to be helpful. I felt like I second guessed myself quite a bit when it came to writing these questions as I was constantly thinking how some questions were better suited than others and then switching my mind again. Luckily in the end I feel like I did manage to come up with ten very solid, very useful questions that did really help to develop my project to suit my audience. Overall – Overall I believe that my questionnaire along with its analysis was very strong and I am very happy with the responses I gained and the information I got from them. If I were to do this again I would definitely think about adding in a one or two open questions just to gain a bit of depth and range to my answers. I would also want to to take longer in collecting in the survey answers so as many people would be able to answer it as possible. This is because I believe it is important to have a variety in answers and the best way to do that is to have a wide variety of people answer them.
  • 7. Primary Research – Questionnaire SummaryWeaknesses – In my questionnaire summary I think that I could have definitely have gone into more detail about each point that I picked out. I could have explained how I am going to create my project around that point in more depth, how I’m going to adapt it to suit what my audience have said that they want to see. I think that doing that would have made my thinking process a little bit more clear to see written down. Strengths – I think that the strengths in my questionnaire summary are quite clear to see. Firstly a summary wasn’t on the criteria list so I used my own intuitive for that. I personally felt like I would be leaving the questionnaire open ended if I hadn’t of concluded it in some way. Secondly having a summary helps to make it extremely clear to me and to whoever looks at it, what I need to be focusing on in my project for it to centre around my target audience and what they want. I think that this is very important as without it, it might not be so clear as to where some of my major decisions have arisen from. Thirdly although I did state in my weaknesses that I felt I could have gone into more detail, I do also like how the summary is very to the point and exact as it makes for a very quick understanding of what needs to be happen. Overall – If I were to do the questionnaire summary again I would have done two summaries. One like the one I have already got which is very to the point and exact, but also another which goes into more detail about what I need to be doing. I think that this is very important as both summaries are equally as important and as necessary as each other and need to be included.
  • 8. Primary Research – InterviewsWeaknesses – Conducting interviews face to face would help to gain longer answers where people haven’t gone into much detail. I think that the weakness of my interviews were that some of the answers I got were not very detailed. I believe that if I had of been able to conduct them face to face I would have gained a lot more detailed answers. Having detailed answers is very important to me as it gives me a lot to go off, I can sense more what my audience is actually wanting if they tell me more. Conducting them face to face would also give a more personal touch as you get to know the person a little bit more than if you are just sending the questions over a computer screen. Strengths – I believe that my interviews are full of strengths which I am very happy about is they did take a lot of time to complete. Firstly the questions were designed so that the person answering them was able to write as much as they wanted/ were able to. I think that this was very useful as sometimes people start answering questions and then carry on talking as they realise they’ve got more to say, sometime however they may be cut off by a word limit or a time limit etc, these questions on the other hand did not have those limitations. I think that although I strongly believe that conducting these interviews face to face would have helped, I also think having them on the computer also helped in this case as people didn’t feel any pressure to come up with an answer straight away as they were able to sort of mull it over for a while and really think about what they need/want to say. With the questions I asked it allows the people to insert their own ideas and be as creative as they wish to be. This I found was very useful as I got to really visualise what my audience wanted from me and from this exhibition. I also asked questions that were extremely relevant to my project as otherwise there's no real point in asking them as the answers and information you gain will also be completely irrelevant. My questions were also designed to help develop my project to be in line with what my audience wants. Another strength of my interviews was the number of interviews I conducted. We were given the suggestion of doing three interviews however I didn’t feel as though I gained enough relevant information for my project from just those three. I went on to conduct 7 interviews and after completing them definitely felt as though I had gained a lot more information and variety of suggestions and answers. This is an extremely positive aspect as it makes my audience research very strong as I looked at a wide variety of different people.
  • 9. Primary Research – Interviews Overall – If I were to do this again I would want to conduct this face to face to try and develop peoples answers more If I were to do this interview process again I would want to do a mixture of written down question and answers and face to face interviews. A I believe that both styles of interviews would add something different to the information collected and would help to really develop it and push it further.
  • 10. Primary Research – Interview Analysis Weaknesses – One of the weaknesses of my interview analysis was that I think I would have been able to analyse some peoples answers a bit more if they had written more which goes back to my point above that if I had of been able to conduct the interviews face to face I would have been able to have gotten longer answers, which would have led to a more in-depth analysis. Another not so much of a weakness but negative aspect of my interview analysis was that I had decided to go into so much depth in my analysis that it took a very long time to finish analysing all of the interviews. This did end up stressing me out quite a bit as I fell behind a little bit in other elements of my work, however looking back now I am very glad I did go into so much depth as I think it has been a massive help to my project. Strengths – I think that there is lots of positive points to make about my interview analysis, which I am extremely happy about as it took a very long time to complete due to the amount of interviews I decided to conduct. I believe that my analysis of all of the interviews was very in depth and I really felt that I looked at everything that they had to say, even looking between the lines on some interviews. I then took what they had to say and applied it to my own ideas which really helped to develop my project. This was so useful as my project then became very relevant to my target audience which is very crucial as it needs to appeal otherwise there's no point of even having made it. I also believe that my analysis is consistent throughout all of the interviews, this is however relevant to the amount of information I was given from the interviewees as obviously I wouldn’t be able to write the same amount of analysis for a sentence compared to a paragraph. Keeping the same level of analysis throughout was very important to me as it makes it clear I have applied the same consideration to every interview and have taken into account what everybody had to say. Overall – If I had the chance to do the interview analysis again I would go about it in exactly the same manner as I have done this time as I believe that my analysis of the interviews is extremely strong and there really isn’t much that I am aware of that I should be improving.
  • 11. Primary Research – Interview Summary Weaknesses – Could have done a more in-depth summary explaining how I came up with the ideas, how satisfied I am with the answers/analysis. I think that this would help to explain a bit more of my though process around this particular aspect of my primary research. I think the weakness of my interview summary was that I could have done a much more in depth summary. Such as talking about how satisfied I am with the answers I got from my audience and also my analysis of those answers. I believe that this would have helped to explain a bit more about my though process around this particular aspect of my primary research. Strengths – Although I do believe that one of the weaknesses of my summary was that I didn’t go into enough detail I also on the other hand believe that one of the strengths of my interview summary is that it is very short and basic. The five bullet points effectively summarize everything that was important in the interview questions and analysis. This is so effective as it saves having to go through and reread all the separate analysis’s again. Although these two points do effectively contradict each other I think that they are very valid points and highlight the fact that I think it would have been beneficial much like in my questionnaire summary if I had of done two summaries, one short and snappy and the other more in depth and detailed. Overall – If I were to do this summary again I would much like I said for my questionnaire summary do two. One like the one I have already got which is very to the point and exact, but also another which goes into more detail about what I need to be doing. I think that this is very important as both summaries are equally as important and as necessary as each other and need to be included.
  • 12. Planning – Initial ReactionWeaknesses – Although I do think that my initial reaction is very detailed and contains a lot of information I also think it may have been beneficial to go into more details about my very first thoughts when I heard the criteria for the first time. I talk quite a bit about my feelings in it but not my initial reaction. When I am reading through my initial reaction I can’t really gage how I was exactly feeling, I sort of just generalised it and said I was excited and little bit nervous. I know I must have been feeling more emotions than that so it would have been a good idea to have written about them, so I and anyone who reads it would almost be able to relive the experience and understand what I felt. Strengths – I believe that my initial reaction is quite strong as I do talk about how I am feeling a lot. Any potential worries I wrote them down so that I am directly addressing them and know that I should be careful and aware about them and similar aspects. I also wrote about what I want to focus on and how I know that, that is what I want to focus on and how my previous work throughout the year has helped me to decide this. I think this was a very important aspect to include as without it it appears that I have come to the conclusion that I want to focus on a specific topic out of the blue, there's nothing to back that up. Talking about my thought process to that legitimises my focus and make it clear to the reader what I want to do and why. I also added in a few images of my previous work from my last project into my initial reaction, I think this also further helps to visually explain, what I am writing about. Overall – Although think that my initial reaction is strong, if I were to do I again I would really try and include more information about my feelings. I think including information about my feelings would help the reader to understand why I made certain decisions. My least favorite part about writing my initial reaction was talking about my feelings. I found this quite hard to do as it was personal and honest, which I find hard to do as I am quite a close off person. Writing about my emotions forced me to open up. My favorite part about writing my initial reaction was talking about what I wanted to focus on. I am very passionate about my digital art and love to bring it up in any opportunity I get. So my initial reaction was the perfect opportunity to talk about it.
  • 13. Planning –Potential IdeasWeaknesses – In my potential ideas I did a big mind map which looked at a range of ideas, I colour coded these ideas so that it was clear which ones I liked and which ones I didn’t. One of the weaknesses of this was that there aren't many ideas which were coloured red, I think this shows that I didn’t really think about the ideas which didn’t interest me. I should have done more of these as it would clearly show that I was thinking outside of the box and was open to trying new things. This is important to do as sometimes ideas that you don’t think you’ll be interested in, once you give yourself time to think it over you can find that that idea is more suited to you than another one which you were initially more interested in. I think I also could of fitted in a few more ideas just to make the mind map look like it was really bursting full of ideas, I think that this is also important as if the mind map was small, it would make it look like I hadn't thought about many ideas at all. Strengths – I think that there is quite clearly a lot of strengths within my Potential Ideas, firstly there is a massive range of ideas. This is beneficial as it allowed me to look at a lot of different products, I think that if I had limited myself to only looking at so many ideas I wouldn’t have come up with the project that I did. My potential ideas mind map is also very clearly colour coded. This is very helpful t anyone who looks at it, as straight away they can sense what my thought process is and what I am wanting to look into further. I think colour coding it was a very good idea as I found it helpful to look at and see what I needed to look into further, without the colour coding it would have taken longer to work out which ideas I was interested in pursing and which ones I wasn’t. The mind map is also very clearly laid out so it is easy to see each separate idea and if that idea did lead onto other ideas. I wanted to make my mind map very clear as I know that I find it hard to look at mind maps sometimes as they can be very overwhelming with all the lines, words and boxes. I think with spreading the ideas out and with the colour doing as well, my mind map is very easy to look at and see what is going on. Overall – I am very happy with how my mind map of potential ideas turned out, I think it is a very strong piece of work and I fi were to do it again I would only want to add more ideas as I think that everything else is perfect and should therefore remain that way. My Least Favourite Part of writing up my potential ideas is thinking of ideas that I’m not really interested in, this was hard because I found it boring and irrelevant, however it was also important as I needed to show that I was thinking outside of what I was interested in. My Favourite Part of my potential ideas was seeing the development of ideas, how one idea lead to one a whole new selection of ideas which maybe wouldn’t have come to mind if I hadn’t of thought of the first idea.
  • 14.
  • 15. Planning – Mind Maps Weaknesses – Although I believe my mind maps to be very strong, I think that there is also a bit of inconsistency regarding detail throughout. I think that this is because with some ideas I had a lot of ideas surrounding that already so I had a lot to write as I got very inspired. With some of the other ideas I didn’t really have anything else to put down so was forcing myself to think of relevant points and ideas that would develop that idea further. Strengths – There are lots of strengths to talk about with my mind maps, I think this is because I did have a lot of initial ideas and wanted to explore each one in as much detail as possible to make sure that I did find the right final idea for myself and I wasn’t settling for the first one I found I liked. With my mind maps I did two mind maps for each idea as I felt as though I needed to get down as much information as possible. I created a bubble mind maps and a paragraph mind map. The bubble mind map allowed me to very easily write down anything that came to mind that I thought was relevant. I liked doing this as I didn’t have to explain the point I just had to write it down and make sure it made sense. With the paragraph mind map I was able to go into more detail and just explain certain points more. Doing these two mind maps shows that I had really thought about what information I wanted/needed to put down and focusing on how was best to present that information clearly. Overall – Overall I am very happy with the content of this work, I believe it to be of a satisfactory high quality. If I were to do this again however I would want to try and be more consistent in the detail of work. I think that in some areas it is clear that I spent more time on them than others, ideally I wouldn’t want this as I want it to look equal across the board. Apart from the inconsistency I wouldn’t change anything else as I don’t think there would be anything else to add. Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of this aspect of planning was trying to write in so much detail for each and every idea. Writing in so much detail did get quite mentally draining and boring to do. However I am glad I did do it as it really strengthens my mind maps overall. Most Favorite Part – My favorite part of the mind maps was coming up with all the potential ideas and developing them out to see what could be possible to create. I found this really exciting as I wasn’t limited to just one idea, I could have dozens.
  • 16.
  • 17. Planning – Mood Board Pictures and Analysis Weaknesses – One of the weaknesses of my mood board is that the images are placed very close together so it is hard to see the full image. Although this is not a massive deal it would have been better if it was possible to see the full image to get the full effect and understanding of why it was picked to go onto the mood board. I also think that having the images so close together is quite overwhelming to anyone who looks at it. They’re not quite sure where they’re supposed to be looking as there is so much going on. It would have worked better if I had spread my mood boards over more pages and then would have been able to space the images. With my mood board analysis I think I could have easily gone into more depth. Although there is some good detail there I don’t think that there is enough. It might have been a good idea to pick out three or four of the images chosen and speak about them individually. Explaining why I chose that image, any inspiration from that image, has it helped develop my ideas etc. Doing this would have ensured I would have gotten a more in-depth analysis of my mood boards. Strengths – I believe my mood boards to be a very strong piece of work, this is because I have included a wide variety of products. Showing that I am openminded to new ideas and inspirations which could influence my project and that I spent time researching for images that would be relevant to my project. I also didn’t just stick to doing one mood board I split my ideas into categories and did a mood board on each one. This makes my mood boards even stronger as you wont get confused looking at it because it only contains one genre of a product, this also helped to keep it focused allowing more ideas to flow. I spoke about repetition and any ideas that sprang from looking at the images in my analysis of my mood board which I think really helped to strengthen my analysis. This is because I looked at an image was able to pick out a few details that I liked and was able to apply that to my own project whilst keeping it relevant to my ideas. Overall – Overall I think both my mood boards and my analysis of them are very strong due to the fact I looked at such a broad range of products/images and applied any inspirations I gained from them to my project. If I were to do this again I would space out the images more and take over more pages so that you could see the whole image and really take take it in, instead of being overwhelmed by all the images. Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of mood board was organizing all of the pictures as I didn’t want to take over lots of slides and I wanted the images to look nice together. This proved harder than I thought as all the images were either too big or too small, I did manage to organize it in the end however. My least favorite part of my analysis was finding enough to write about so that I felt I had done a thorough analysis of the mood boards. Most Favorite Part – MY favorite part of the mood boards was finding the images as I got to spend ages looking through and finding exciting images that I felt were relevant to my project. My favorite part of the analysis of the mood boards was writing about how I felt the images had developed my ideas.
  • 18.
  • 19. Planning – Style SheetsWeaknesses – I don’t believe that in my font style there are many weaknesses, I think the only thing I would say is that I could have written a little bit more and gone into more depth when it comes to my analysis of all the fonts. Perhaps talking more about where it think I would have been able to use the font in my project, or more about why it wouldn’t fit in with my project. My colour style sheet doesn’t go into much depth however I did find hard to go into detail as there wasn’t much to say, due to the fact that when I’m creating the art having a set colour palette would restrict my creative process. In the Image styles I could have gone into more depth about what makes an image good to use for a piece of artwork, what doesn’t etc. I think comparing a good photo and bad one and explaining the similarities and differences would help to further illustrate this point. Strengths – For my font style sheet I looked at a massive range of fonts all of which were very different, this shows that I was very openminded to choosing fonts and wasn’t just choosing the ones I liked the look of. I also chose fonts that I didn’t really like the look of but ones that I thought would fit in well with my project. I also made a whole slide on my favorite fonts and why they were my favorites, I think this really strengthened my style sheet as it was very clear which fonts I was going to use and why I had chosen them in particular. For my colour sheet I explained that there wasn’t many colour options as it is all based off of the art I create, to strengthen this I added in pictures of my previous pieces of art. I think this really helped to visually explain what I meant as all of the art pieces turn out so differently there is no way you could make a colour palette for it beforehand. With my image styles style sheet I included visual examples of photos that I thought had worked really well for creating artwork, this makes it very clear to whoever looked at the style sheet what kind of images I am hoping to take. I do also explain although in limited detail, what I look for when I’m taking a picture. This was important as then the audience can understand my thinking process and decisions that I will be making further down the production line. Overall – Overall I think my font style sheet is very strong and I wouldn’t change anything apart from the layout of how I presented it. I think that I could have made it clearer and nicer to look at Overall I do like my colour style sheet as it says everything I need it to say, however if I were to do this again I would want to go into more depth. Talking in more detail about the text colour choices as I only very quickly skimmed over those and I think it is important to talk about. For my image style sheet it is the same situation, more depth of detail is needed to make it clear what I am planning to do. Least Favorite Part – Overall my least favourite part of creating my style sheets was trying to write in enough detail as I found it hard to find enough relevant points to make. Most Favorite Part – Finding the fonts was my favorite part of my font style sheet as I got to look at a massive range of fonts and pick my favorite one. Including my art images as I think it really helped to explain my point. I am also proud of these pieces so like to include them whenever I can. Including the images I thought were useful, next time I would also include images that aren't so good just to really make it clear what I look for.
  • 20. Planning – LayoutsWeaknesses – I think overall my layouts are of a high standard and there’s not much to improve on. One thing that does stand out to me however is some of the products layouts are not of as higher quality as some of the others. Although this is not the best as I do prefer to have consistent high quality work across the board, it is not a crucial aspect that needs to be corrected. This is because it is only a layout which is just meant to visually explain what you are wanting to create without actually going through the proper process of creating it, so having a layout that isn’t of the highest quality is fine as long as it gets the idea across clearly. Strengths – There are many strengths within my layouts, firstly the number of layouts I actually created. I made at least two layouts for each idea that I am going to be making. This is beneficial as it gives me options when it comes to creating the real thing. When creating my real products I may try out one layout, find that it doesn’t work the way I want it to and then I have the other layout to try also. Another strength is that my analysis of each layout is very thorough, in-depth and detailed, I talk about what I like within the layout and how that will work for my project and also what I don’t like and why it might not work so well for my project. Overall – Overall I am very happy with my layouts, I think that they’re going to be really useful when it comes to creating my final pieces. If I were to do my layouts again I would just try and make the work consistent throughout as then it would be more obvious that I have put the same thought and consideration throughout. Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of making my layouts was analysing them as I had to go over every aspect and talk about it in lots of detail. Most Favorite Part – The part that I enjoyed the most was creating the layouts as I got to really use my imagination and tryout lots of different creative ideas to see what worked and what didn’t.
  • 21. Planning – Resources, Contingency Planning, Health and SafetyResources: Weaknesses – In my resources slide I think I could have gone into a lot more detail aboutwhy I didn’t need equipment and explaining why other people would ned more equipment for their projects. Strengths – Although there really isn’t much detail within my resources slide I have said everything that needs to be said, I could definitely have gone into more detail but I haven’t skipped anything that I should have included. Overall – Overall I am happy with the resources however I think I could have definitely tried harder to write more. If I were to do this again I would definitely go into more detail to really explain what is going on. Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part was writing about the equipment I needed to use as there really wasn’t that much to write about and I struggled trying to find enough to write about. Most Favorite Part – I don’t really have a favorite part as I didn’t really enjoy doing this slide i found it quite boring and dull. Contingency Planning: Weaknesses – I think I could have come up with a few more ideas for my contingency planning to strengthen it and make it look like I really did think of every possible issue that could happen that would have an affect on my project. Strengths – Although I think I could have come up with a few more ideas, for the ideas I have talked about there is a lot of detail In what I have said, which shows that I have thought in depth. Overall – Overall am happy with this slide as I don’t think that there is much to improve on. However if I were to do this again I would want to think of some more ideas to bulk it out a little bit more. Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of my contingency planning was coming up with the ideas of what could go wrong. Most Favorite Part – What I enjoyed the most was coming up with the solutions to the problems. Health and Safety: Weaknesses –I don’t really think that there is any weaknesses within this slide, as I have covered everything that needs to be said in lots of detail. Strengths – I came up with lots potential risks and went into lots of detail explaining how I could avoid the potential problem. Overall – I did quite enjoy this one as coming up with the ideas and then finding out how to avoid them was actually surprisingly interesting Least Favorite Part – I don’t really have one as I enjoyed writing this slide Most Favorite Part – My favorite part of the health and safety was coming up with the ideas and then sorting out the solutions.
  • 22. Weaknesses – I think I could have explained the meaning behind the name of my project as it doesn’t really make much sense. To have an explanation would help to explain to the audience what it mean and what connection it has to the project. I did also find in some cases (the rationale) I didn’t get to say everything I felt I needed to say due to the word limit. I find working with a word limit really hard as you have to condense everything you want to say down to a very limited word limit. Strengths – For the audience aspect we had a PowerPoint given to us that outlined everything that needed to be included. I spent a very long time going over this as I wanted to include everything to make it as useful as possible. We also had no word limit for this so I found it easier to write in lots of detail. With the other aspects of the proposal, rationale, project concept and evaluation, we had a word limit that we had to stick to. I know that I would find this hard to stick to so I wrote down everything that I felt I needed to say amd then started condensing it down and picking out only the important points, I found this method to be really effective as it helped me to condense everything without feeling like I was missing out any important information. With my schedule for my proposal I wrote down each task I had to do every week and then what those individual tasks were made up of. This was really helpful as it was so detailed, that It made it extremely clear what I was supposed to be doing and when I was supposed to do it. Overall – Overall I am extremely happy with my proposal as I think it is very detailed and contains all the information I could possibly need. If I were to do this again I would do everything exactly the same but just add an explanation for the title as it does need some explanation. Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of the proposal was the compulsory word limit. I didn’t like this as it took a long time for me to condense what I had to say and I felt I missed out on some details that I would have preferred to be included. Most Favorite Part – My favorite part was writing the schedule, I enjoyed this as it was almost like writing a list of all the things I had to do. I know that this helped to keep me on track when I fell behind as it was clearly written out what I had to do. Planning – Proposal
  • 23. Planning – Experiments Weaknesses – Variety of experiments – just focused on animations would have been nice to try something different to that I think the weakness of my experiments was that I didn’t try anything other than animations, I think that although focusing on the animations were important as I hadn’t done anything similar beforehand I think I should have also have tried something different just so that I had variety and it looked like I had thought of other options. Strengths – I believe that there are lots of strengths about my experiments work, there is a strong variety of animations not one is similar. There is also a variety of level of skill which shows how I started out easy and then just kept bumping up the skill level until I was creating something I had never thought I would have been able to. I think that within my experiments you can quite clearly see my confidence growing, this is nice to see as I was really nervous about trying animations out. There is also an in depth analysis of each experiment along with a detailed reflection at the end. I think having this is really important as it is one thing to be able to create the experiment but it is another to then write about what went well what didn’t, will this actually fit into my project, did I have any major problems, etc. I did quite enjoy writing about all of that as I got to sort of take a step back and look at it through someone else's eyes and wonder whether it was as good as I believed it to be or whether it was just me thinking that. I also wrote a thorough process, step by step for each experiment, although I found this quite draining and boring to do I also found it useful when it came to recreating the animations, so I do fully understand why it was necessary. Overall – Overall I am really happy with this particular PowerPoint as a lot of time and effort went into it, in creating the animations but also writing about how to create them and how it will help to develop my project. I think that all of the animations are of high quality which I am extremely pleased about as I had never done anything like that prior to these experiments. If I were to do this again I would want to focus on looking at also creating some other experiments as well, maybe with some poster work. I would have done that this time however I did run out of time due to the time it took to create the animations and then write it up. These experiments were also about stepping outside of your comfort soon and trying something new, I think I did that exactly and am very pleased it turned out as well as it did. Least Favorite Part – My least favorite part of this was writing the process of the animations, I found this quite boring and just not something that I wanted to spend my time doing. However I did find it useful when it came to recreating some of the animations, so I do understand why it was necessary to be included Most Favorite Part – What I enjoyed the most about this was the creating of all of the animations. I had never done anything like this before so was sort of intimidated to try it out, however it went so much better than I had thought and I now have a new skill that I can use for future projects.
  • 24. Time Management Throughout this project I think I handled my time very well, until I reached production that’s when things started to go downhill. Before production I was able to get my PowerPoints and any experiments finished on time to a standard that I felt happy with and felt would get a good grade. This was very important to me as I really wanted a good grade in this project as I feel that would show other people just how much work I put into this. However when we got to production everything was taking a lot longer than I had planned to create. For that reason I was unable to create a map/layout and a website. I was annoyed with myself for this as I really wanted a complete project with everything I had planned to be included. I do however also think that it wasn’t just my time keeping that let this down I think I had chosen too many products to create in the time we had. If I had chosen a smaller amount they would have definitely have been completed. However looking at the products that I do have there’s no way of anyone knowing anything was ‘missing’ from them unless they had read all of my PowerPoints beforehand. Overall I think I did a very good job of completing everything on time to a high standard. I think that I always forgot just how hard it is too do this as you have to remain focused for an incredibly long time which I know I find very hard and stressful. So to come out at the end of the project with just a few production pieces not created I am very happy with how I managed my time.
  • 25. Technical Qualities I am going to be comparing my digital artwork to one of the art pieces I picked out in my initial plans, as those art pieces were ones I used for inspiration for this project. So it will be very interesting to see what the similarities and differences are, given that I looked to that for creative help. I ended up taking a screenshot of all the images together as I wanted them all but they are too big on the next slide I have included a full sized version. I think there are a few similarities between my digital art pieces and other artists examples too. Obviously there are not a lot as each piece is unique and completely different from anything else, however the basics are there. Firstly the colour usage, each and every pieces uses a lot of colour, whether that be bright and bold are used in a calmer way it is still there. I think colour is very important to a piece of art, it brings it all together and draws the audience in. Even in pieces where colour is used sparingly such as the two bottom left pieces in the existing products examples, the colour helps to draw it all together and make people want to look at it. In my pieces of art I tried to use the colour in different ways for each piece so that they all had a different element to them and wouldn’t bore the audience. In some the colour is very toned down with a few bright and bold areas thrown in to bring it alive. In others the whole piece is made up of bright bold, in your face colours. I think this mix really helps to keep the audience entertained and wanting to see more as they’re not sure what else will appear. In terms of energy and movement I think it is safe to say that each and every piece has its own vibrant energy. I am very happy with this. As it was one of the things that I felt each and every piece that I created had to have. It helps to demonstrate just how exciting art actually is. It also gets the audience excited as they can almost see how excited the artist was when they created it. Obviously there is also going to be a few differences as well, as no art piece is the same and if it was that would be boring and I don’t believe that art would be as special as it is. The differences between my pieces and the other artists is that I feel like in some of mine you can see what the piece is made up of a little more, for instance with my bee art work you can clearly see that there is a bee, much like with my rose flower work you can clearly see the flower. I wanted to keep those elements intact as for those pieces I think it really brings it all together, as they are the center piece. In the existing products for the majority of them you cant see what the image actually is.
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  • 28. Technical Qualities YouTube Video To look at technical qualities on this piece I have chosen the tutorial I used to create it. I chose this as I wasn’t too sure what else I could use as it is so different and unique to anything else I have seen created before. For my animation I was going to create a rotating cube however when I did go to create this it didn’t work due to the fact that all of my images are different sizes and I didn’t want to crop them as then you wouldn’t be able to get the full effect. Due to this I decided to go for the kaleidoscope animation as I still wanted to include an intricate animation and I thought this was the best one, that id already had some experience with. The existing products animation is more developed as a kaleidoscope, which looks incredible and works really well, I think that that is because of the plain image he chose to create this animation with. The contrast of the simple image and the complex animation works really well as they’re not trying to compete, they work side by side. With my images as they are already quite complex I think trying to do something that complex again with them would be too much and it would be overwhelming to look at. My animation is quite simple but is made to look more complicated with the complexity of my images. I think the two main differences here are the colours and the length of the animation. In my piece the colours are very bright and vibrant constantly changing, whereas the colours in the existing product are muted and don’t get very bright or bold. However as explained above I think this works quite well due to the difference in animation as well. The other difference length, mine is actually quite long as I had to include all the pieces of art as kaleidoscopes and I didn’t want to make them really short as I think the audience would need to see all the pieces without feeling rushed. The existing products length is quite short, as it just has to show everything for that one image, however this one ca be put on loop and as it so complex a lot is going on so the audience probably wouldn’t realise that they are being shown the same 30second long animation over and over again. YouTube Video
  • 29. Aesthetic Qualities I think that my finished pieces look really good and I am very happy with them as I put a lot of effort and time into making them look visually appealing. As my final pieces are artwork pieces I think that they need to look appealing otherwise no one would want to look at them and they wouldn’t work for being displayed in an art gallery which is what these ones were made for. I also think that these pieces are extremely creative. They are very unique and don’t look like anything that has been created before. When creating these pieces I tried to go for stuff that was outside of the box and push the creative boundaries of what I could create. For example using the water bottle in one of my pieces as the main image, was very creatively daring as a water bottle is so plain, boring and just an everyday item you wouldn’t normally look at twice. But in the art piece it is what ties it all together and completes the piece. My kaleidoscope is what ties the whole project together it really completes the exhibition. As it includes all of the pieces in a completely unique way. I think it is very aesthetically pleasing in that it really draws in and engages the audience. If I had had more time I would have shown that it could be interactive as well by projecting it onto people. If I could improve my final pieces I think I would want to develop my final animation a bit more, make it so it showed off the art pieces a bit more, i think that that would have worked really well as although it does show off the pieces, it shows them off in a different manner to what they are actually displayed as by themselves.
  • 30. Audience Appeal To look and see whether I catered for my target audience I have screenshotted my questionnaire summary, which talks about what I need to do to ensure that I appeal to my target audience. Some of the things stated don’t actually apply because I didn’t have enough time to create the products they are discussing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1- I believe that my product does indeed cater for both genders, there’s nothing in my pieces that would stereotypically only cater for boys or only for girls. So I think that I definitely appeal to my audience with this.
  • 31. 2 – Although my main target audience was 16-19 year old's I was also trying to appeal to other ages as well and I think I have successfully managed that. My pieces are young and modern so appeal to my target audience, but they are also exciting, interesting, different and fun which appeals to the other ages as well. 3 – I was trying to focus on people who had never seen an exhibition or those who didn’t like the exhibition they had already seen as I wanted to change their minds on art. I think that I could have potentially done this as my pieces are exciting, different and unique and I think anyone that looks at them is going to want to look more. 4 – Although I didn’t really get around to making my artwork interactive I believe that there could have been an element of interaction. If I had had time I would have projected my artwork so that people could walk around in the projections so it would cover their body they would become part of the art. I think that this appeals to my audience as they are interacting with the art. 5 – All of my art pieces are definitely unique and different so they definitely appeal to the audience in that sense. 6 – Although again I never got around to creating it, merch was definitely one of the products I was going to create. It was in my experiments so i think it is clear that it was one of the products. 7 – I never got around to discussing audio at all. 8 – I never got around to creating my guidebook 9 – I never got around to discussing this 10 – I created 7 pieces of art so I feel I definitely succeeded in this Overall I think I did manage to appeal to my target audience as I ticked many of the boxes I set for myself back in the beginning stages of the project. I am very happy with this as the audience is what this product is created for without them there wouldn’t be any point in creating the product as there would be no one to see it. The aspects that I missed out on because I ran out of time I am a bit disappointed about as I really wanted to include everything however i think I have to take a step back look at what I have created and realise that that is amazing and probably wouldn’t be as good if I had tried to cram in all the over products as well.
  • 33. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? – I like the individuality, uniqueness and vibrancy of all the pieces. They are something that you could look at for a while with a lot of interest as it makes you think about the use of colour and the fractured images. – With the animation I think it is engrossing, unique and not like anything I have seen before, I can see it working really well in an art gallery as it would be very engaging for visitors to look at if projected onto a big wall. It is absorbing and leaves a lasting impression. • What improvements could have been made to the product? • As I am a consumer of art and not a creator I leave it to the artists ingenuity and creativity so i don’t think you can improve it as it is left to their expression of creativity.
  • 34. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? – I like the colours used as they are all so bright and eye- catching. All of the pieces of art are all so different and look intricate. • What improvements could have been made to the product? – Obviously it’s art so I’m going to say what I don’t like and you should take it that I like everything else. I think the one with the flower could have been edited more to disguise the flower and I don’t really like the one that looks like night vision.
  • 35. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? • I love the uniqueness of the images the fact that you can find something new to admire each time you look at them. I am drawn to each one but for different reasons – the shapes in 12 and 4 and the colour in 1 and 5. – I really love the animated images of each image. They are stunning and very relaxing. • What improvements could have been made to the product? • For me I wouldn’t change anything as I think that is the artist’s prerogative. I personally wouldn’t buy number 6 as the flower in the middle is too obvious, but that’s just my opinion.
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  • 37. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? – I agree with my peer feedback that my artwork is very unique and different from anything else. I am very happy that they actually said that as that is what I was aiming for. I also agree that it is intricate, there is a lot of care and decision making that has gone into my final pieces. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? • I disagree with my peer feedback where one person said that they believe they couldn’t comment on whether they think it could be improved. I get what they are saying when they state that it is left to the artist, however I believe that the audience should have some opinion on whether they think something should be improved or not. • With what the other person said when they don’t like certain piece although I can disagree with them as I like the pieces I have to respect the fact that not everyone will.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  4. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  5. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  6. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  7. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  8. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  9. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  10. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  11. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  12. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  13. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  14. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows