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Weekly Reflective
Final Major Project
Week 1 Contextual Research
This is what my original idea was, and I was very excited about I did a
Pre-Proposal however my trainer thought I wouldn’t have the muscle
maturity for it and would be better to do a show in maybe a year or
two. So, I'll have to keep this idea in my pocket for a while and
hopefully do it in the future when I will also have more experience
with filming.
I got very invested doing my existing inspirations. Doing a project with a theme
(weightlifting) that I enjoy really helped as there was many inspirations that I could pick
from. I researched a variety of different products from YouTube videos, documentaries
and a book that all had different films as at this stage I am not fully set in stone what I
want to do, and my idea was constantly evolving.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do a rant related to today's society of glorification that you
shouldn’t be a man and not to do exercise, and I researched evidence from schools
cutting back on their sport curriculum for over 20 years, or a more personal story of the
journey I am going through with my own training at the start of my life as a
bodybuilder/athlete. I think now at the latter end of this week I have decided a focus of
life as a student athlete will be my idea with maybe some aspects of my other idea, this
choice was really helped back making 3 different synopses of my ideas to choose down
Week 1 Proposal
Here I did my proposal and I had to get my idea in actual
words which was a struggle as that’s one of my weakness's I
would say, as I can lack confidence with my own work and I
compare myself to others far too often. I felt good after
completing it however and was more confident on what my
project was and going to be. I also planned out when I
would be filming and that made me more confident as I am
now organised. For my Bibliography I used some of
my sources I had in my contextual and got a few more as
Week 2 research
What have I worked on?
I have been working on my existing products, my
documentary style, a survey and my audience profile
for my existing products. I have separated my different
existing products into sections and having a separate
slide for their audience profile. I'm trying to research
on these different products to get inspiration for my
own work. I've tried to get more structure to my
writing by subheading my paragraphs as Scott said this
was a weakness of mine. This week I got 3 different
products done, I'm happy with the progress I've made
on these however I'm looking to get a few more for
more research. I need to research more participatory
documentaries as this is the chosen style I've taken
and is how I'm going to shape my project. I still need
to analyse it but that’s a job I'll leave for next week.
Week 2 research
What have I learned on my research so far?
I've learnt about analysing other products and how I can add that knowledge of what I
would do differently to my own work. I've also learnt that using pervious media students
work as inspiration to your own written work is very beneficial, as my written work is not
my strongest area of work.
How will that influence my work?
It'll hopefully influence my project a lot. I'm hoping if I just put hard work in, I can get a good
grade. Analysing existing products and adding knowledge of that to my own product should
be helpful, as it gives me a better understanding of what I want to do, and it can prevent
future problems.
What else in my research do I need to look at?
For next week I need to analyse my survey results, apart from that I am looking to do more
existing products, especially some participatory ones. I will look at other things, but I work
better setting not too much at one point of time then keep adding to it in stages.
What problems might I face next week?
I think I could face more problems with my Primary research as I have already faced some
problems with that already. Finding more existing problems I
What problems have I faced?
I have had a big error in my survey as SurveyMonkey only allows 10 responses
and after that you must pay. However, I am still happy with 10 responses as I
would get less if I redid it. I will do other things like interviews to combat these
lack of responses. Also finding information on youtubers is not easy as you don’t
know how reliable sources are online and, they aren't always well-known
creating more obscure places to find correct information.
What type of research has been the most beneficial?
I think the survey will be the most beneficial even if I haven't completed
analysing it. I think it will be benefitting my project the most because its specific
to my project and questions I need answering so when I start planning, I will
have an idea of the vision.
Week 3 research
What have been my strengths been so far?
I'm very determined for this project as it's our last one
and I'm kind of sad because of that. This is why I want
to get a distinction because it's our last one and when
we got our predicted grades it said the highest, I
would ever get is a merit and that honestly angered
me so much because people have doubted me my
whole life. I've got loads more done for this project; I
was looking at my FMP research last year and I've
already done double the mount I did last year already
without feedback so I'm happy with my progression
in that aspect.
What else do I need to work on?
In terms of what I still need to achieve with
my research is I need to analyse my
different sections and say what I learnt
from them. I've just realised I haven't done
that for my existing products so when I get
all my feedback back sometime in week
four, I will complete that with everything
thing else Scott says to do.
Week 3 research
What have I worked on?
This week I have done many things, I think this has probably
been one of my most productive weeks and I've now handed
in my work waiting for feedback. I did a survey and got my
results from it, I did more existing products, I researched
about topics I would cover in my documentary like the
benefits of creatine etc, I researched how the video would
look like and some techniques I ned to learn to achieve that
look, music I would use for different sections and two
interviews with an analysis. I think that’s everything I did this
week, but I may be missing things out since we are now on
week three and what I did on different weeks can be
What specific pieces of research will be most helpful?
I would say the most beneficial areas that I researched would
be the scientific studies on creatine, training volume etc
because that Information will go directly into my video. I will
also say the video on how to do the drawing effect is helpful
because I wouldn’t have any clue how to do it without that
video so that’s also going directly into my video as well.
What have I enjoyed and disliked about research?
I didn’t enjoy doing the existing products as I find that there
isn't always things that are like what I want to do. For me
existing products was a slow process, especially the audience
profile because for YouTube videos there's no information or
data so I had to base most of my research on assumptions or
common sense. I prefer to have my information as fact but for
this I couldn’t so I'm not sure if my existing products will be
good enough for a distinction grade level. I didn’t enjoy doing
the survey results as it became repetitive and dull so what I
did for trying to combat getting braindead is that I would do
some other part of research and go back to it, that normally
what I did for many parts of my research, so I didn’t get bored.
I enjoyed producing my survey questions as I could get
creative making the questions, I also enjoyed getting a lot of
work done as I felt productive and that I was doing well.
Week 4 problem solving
What have I worked on?
Week 4 was the beginning of problem solving. This
involves trying to solve problems before they do or if
it is inevitable what can I do about it. I also have to
include experiments.
I basically just started at looking at previous students
work for inspiration; I then went on to go through
problems I could face and write about them and
possible solutions. I also made a table and had some
more information of backup solutions and an
evaluation that summarised the points included. I
ended up doing two tables, one for more
realistic practical problems I will more likely face and
another with theoretical things that is less likely but
still could happen.
Overview of problems
I was at first stuck with what problems I would
have as I believe it is quite hard to think about
what could be a problem. I first started with
equipment and how I would have to book out
equipment in weeks in advance because I would
have the best chance of getting all the
equipment I want. I also had a problem with how
when I would start putting my documentary
together it would be the best solution to start
getting doing all the work on my laptop as I can
get work done at college or at home. I also delved
into how crew inexperience could be an issue for
interviews and also filming, I made solutions with
that with experiments, I also may be able to get
Stephen Royle to help film parts of my workout
which will be great for footage as he does it for a
Week 4 problem solving
What is the biggest problem I could face?
I would say the biggest problem I could face is if the gym would close
down, as I would lose footage of the fantastic gym they have and also
my trainer goes there, and I have no idea what would happen if it
closed down for our training longterm. A more realistic problem could
be having good interviews and also myself being able to deliver good
voiceovers and be entertaining Infront of the camera also. I have
identified that a solution to that would be just practice Infront of the
camera and with voiceover as well.
What is my strength?
I think my strength is my work rate as I am very determined, and I
think I am getting a lot of work done. I may not be the best at filming
or editing but I try my hardest at everything I do.
What further problem solving am I looking to do?
Things that use equipment like the iPad scribble effect I will have to do
tests with, and also the microphone voiceover thing I will in the future test
out how I sound and see if I need to be more energetic or less so.
Why do we do problem solving?
Problem solving is an extremely Important part of my project. Normally with my experiences of
doing projects I have had at least one problem, normally quite a few. I am problem solving now to
minimise that chance of a big issue and to hopefully get none or at least a less severe one. Back
up plans are very important because something that may not be a problem can become one that
could ruin my project very quickly and also the project just benefits to having planning beforehand.
I have the best chance of making a high-quality project with the right planning and contingency
plan in place as instead of focusing on problems I have a quick fix for them and can concentrate on
other more important areas. Especially for an amateur of filmmaking back up plans are a must
because I will make mistakes this early on in my career its inevitable. Theoretical problems is also a
big risk as production can be unpredictable, especially with cast and crew. Weather also comes in
to play as in England one day to the next can be totally different so having that extra support to
lean on is going to be vital to having a great project.
Week 4 planning
What planning have I done this week?
I haven't done a lot of planning this week and I am quite
disappointed as I am now behind schedule. I was more
focused on finishing off my problem solving, as I was doing
some experiments. I have arranged one day of filming
though so far on the 7th of April at 7pm, Stephen Royle and
I are going to fil some stuff in the gym when I am doing a
gym session with Harry Strike, and he will document it with
his equipment
How do I feel going into production in week 7?
At the moment not to confident, this upcoming week I am
going to have to graft quite hard.
What impact will this week have on my project?
I think potentially it could have a big impact, but I can still
catch up and get back on track. Next week will decide a lot
on what the outcome of this project will be.
What am I pleased with some far?
I am pleased that I have now completed the proposal,
contextual , research and now problem solving.
Week 5 planning
What have I worked on?
I had a full week of just planning, as I had already done my previous sections of work. This was good as I needed to
make progress on planning as problem solving took time out of week 5. Week 7 I have planned to do some filming
with Stephen in my class, and I know he does it for a living, and I have confidence the footage will look good.
I have completed my script and interview questions. I have also done a storyboard and various other things that I
thought I needed planning.
I am awaiting a full check of my work by Scott on Wednesday but with what he said I am not too confident. A lot of
my work needs to be improved. I have always struggled with planning in my work and in my own life, so trying to
get this area of my work to a distinction will be a task. Personally, I am feeling a bit run down at the moment as I
am slightly unwell which isn't normal for me, and I feel overworked. I am going to try and get over this as I am still
determined to get that good grade. It is just annoying as I feel like this in the most important time period.
Enjoyed and disliked
I Enjoyed doing the script and voiceover,
even though I put these sections off for
quite a while. I liked this because it allowed
me to creatively think on a topic I love. I put
it off for a while because I think it is hard
now because instead of coming up with
concepts and things that may not matter, I
am coming up with real stuff that I have to
do and that is daunting to me, however I
feel like I can overcome this as I need to and
want to.
I disliked doing the shot list and schedule as
I feel I am quite stuck at this and at the
moment I only have 8 shots which is not
good enough and I don’t know what I did
wrong. To fix this I am going to ask Scott
what a good way of doing it is.
Week 6 production/planning
What have I worked on?
This week it was the last week before Easter, and I had decided since I got my planning back, I would continue that
and prioritise planning for the production I have coming up soon. I had planned doing production on the Thursday
with Steven, so I did that first. The feedback I got was pretty much that I understand what I will be filming just
formatting that differently and more efficiently is what I needed, and I agreed. I also went more into my structural
breakdown and shot list as they needed to be improved. I also coordinated my schedule of when I will be working.
This has given me a lot my structure and organisation which has come in handy for this production I have started.
What do I still have to do?
I still have a lot to do, health and safety is something I need to expand on I believe. I also need to finish off my slides
for each section I detail, which includes the shot list. This is a very time-consuming task, so I will have to plan the
time when I will complete this.
Daily Production diary
Shoot 1
Filming with Stephen
Day one I had a filming session with Steven as cameraman and Harry Strike
training me. I feel like this went really well. It was semi difficult to direct
while working out, but I did this by giving Steven a few ideas for angles and
ways I wanted it filmed before each set he filmed. I have looked at some of
the footage we filmed, and it looked very good, it definitely was a success
and was less stressful getting help from Steven. We talked about using
slow motion footage for clips as well so that should look good when I put it
all together as a montage. We did two separate introductions which took
place just outside the gym location. We did this as I thought it would look
better doing it in darker lighting, and I believe we got a good clip doing
this. It was nice getting feedback from Steven on what he thought about
my ideas, as I am always looking for different or better ways of
approaching things being new to filming. Having Stevens guidance as he is
experienced did become a great asset getting him on board this project.
Overall, a successful venture into the first day of production!
Shoot 2
My production horror story (part 1)
I started the day optimistic I woke up early to get to the gym for 10 am with my friend Archie to
get some boxing footage done. After some negotiating to get him to actually go, we got there. I
set up the tripod and the camera in the corner of the room. It took Archies's assistance to get the
camera on the tripod because I have now become aware that the tripod screw seems to be
broken or the camera hole is loose, it's very hard to explain but that was very annoying. Finally,
somehow it worked. The session went well apart from the camera had these problems where I
had to keep restarting the recording because it would just stop and go black for no reason. This
was incredibly frustrating. It seemed like I had gotten enough footage however, so all was good.
The plan was to get some videos with Archie and I at the gym later however he wanted to go
home, so that was stressful, but I asked Harry if he could film me in the gym, and he is fairly
familiar with cameras it seemed fine. This filming went really well, and I got a lot done and the
footage seemed good. I had to micromanage a bit more when filming with Harry and explain
exactly how I wanted each shot. I also got an interview with him, and he did really well, and he is
comfortable Infront of the camera, little did I know the same camera stopping problem
reoccurred and was only discovered when I got home. We then did the posing part of the day and
Shoot 3
My production horror story (part 2)
Now rescheduled, interview date I was frustrated with my equipment, and I decided maybe the
problem was I had too many videos, so I pressed delete all frames not knowing all frames wasn’t
the video I clicked on rather every footage on the camera. I manged to stop it before it became
too drastic. But what I did lose was my boxing footage and my interview footage which didn’t cut
off. This was incredibly horrible and made me want to quit the whole project. I redid the interview
and that went well, however disappointing as I feel he went more in depth the first time around. I
am now trying to reschedule my boxing. I will also request a new tripod and ask Scott what he
thinks is wrong with the camera.
Shoot 4
Interview reshoot
First day of the reshoot I was re filming my interview. It went well, I didn’t
have any problems with the camera this time, just the tripod that I couldn’t
get to go with the camera. I just balanced the camera on the tripod and
that worked fine. I am still disappointed with deleting my footage as even
though the footage I got went well, I think he gave better answers first time
around. I may possibly get him to go into more detail on a later date if I feel
during production that it would make the project better. I did actually have
a problem with the camera, because it was in picture mode and I couldn’t
exactly remember how to then put it back to video, so that took a few
minutes to fix, but that’s why I came early before production to fix these
Shoot 5
Cooking video
I got some good shots this day of filming. I preferred to film myself and to
let Lucy (my girlfriend) cook was the better thing to do, as I can do it how I
want it to look easier. She is also the better cook so the things she was
doing will look higher quality for the video. I think I may redo this as I filmed
at my girlfriend's house because my kitchen was under re-constuction but
since it is done now it may look better for the documentary as it is a new
Shoot 6
Ice bath
Ice bath shoot went well, I watched it back and it came across good I
thought and was quite amusing. This is exactly how I wanted it to look, and I
am happy with how it came across. I didn’t exactly remember the script,
but I think the video came out better than if I did because it seems more
Shoot 7
Boxing reshoot
This went better than I expected. This was a one to one so the footage will
be more tailored towards me. I enjoyed doing this as well and I think that
shows on the video. I got lots of different angles and the guy doing it even
suggested if I wanted to use a head mount that he had for footage. Overall,
a great success of a shoot. I did however use my phone for this footage,
because I had not remembered to charge the camera battery, which is a
shame but actually benefited me as I already had a phone tripod and
everything about filming was simplified using a phone.
Shoot 8
Cooking video reshoot
I decided to redo this as I think that filming in my kitchen at home which is
new will look more professional. I watched a few videos in preparation, and
it said that a clean workspace will look better as everyone as an unclean
one and why would they want to see that, so that was more reason to do it
at mine.
Shoot 9
My voice went well I believe. It took a while to do because I had a
lot to remember and I would get my words wrong. In the end it
went well and I look forward for it to be edited onto my footage.
Week 7
I was back at college and was looking at my footage and I realised I wasn’t happy with it. It
didn’t look how I wanted it to look for various reasons. I am now going to refilm most of my
scenes. The audio on my voiceover and recovery scene were both awful. I am not exactly sure
why this happened but it did. This is incredibly disappointing for me as it will give me less time
editing. I will now start rescheduling my production. My interview, cooking and boxing scenes
were the only ones I was happy using.
Rescheduling production
I am now doing my interview on the 28th of April at home in my garage. I will also do my
posing again on that Friday on the 29th. I will then do my voice over that weekend on the 30th
and 31st.
Shoot 10
I rebooked the light, audio equipment and also another camera for two different angles for
my interview on myself. The reason for this shoot and that it wasn't in my original planning is that
I wasn't happy with the footage I had already and feel it hadn't encapsulated my artistic vision of
what I wanted this to look like. My new approach is to take things more personnel and get this
footage of me as a person and try to understand my life and capture that. I hope that makes
sense, but in conclusion I believe getting more footage like this will be the setting stone for
making this video how I want it.
I got my girlfriend to film a side angle and we produced a few different questions to ask me about
my body building; and we really just winged it on the spot. I think I am no good with planning, as
if you try and plan too much it gets rid of your creativity. It becomes too much on 'I
have to do this as it's on the schedule', but what if the schedule is bad? I think this is what I found
out the hard way. With only a few weeks left and not all the footage I wanted; the pressure is
building on my brain. Surprisingly this was one of my favourite pieces of footage I had produced, it
felt natural and raw and a great edition to my documentary footage.
Shoot 11
Posing and bicep curl footage
Another night and day difference between the first time we filmed it, to this time. I am
much, much happier with how this turned out. My muscles aren't washed out, but they look
defined. I think this was down to using different lighting and angle. With testing from this
project and my personnel experimentation, I believe my physique looks best in a mirror. I also
tested out the lighting they have at the gym, and it turns out the ring light works really well for
getting that defined muscle look. We filmed through the ring light while I posed, and it went
really well. I got my coach to film me for this section.
I also re filmed my bicep 'money shot'. This went extremely well. I knew this spot looked really
good on camera as the lighting is great. I had a few attempts filming it, but I thought I was too
washed out still, so I actually turned down the brightness on the camera and it looked really
impressive the difference was clear. I quickly ran through how to use the camera to my mate
who has never touched a camera and we filmed the video, and it went well. I tried a few
different angles but the angle off the mirror with the brightness down over the shoulder,
worked the best.
Week 8
I have now come to terms with how awful my initial plan was and how it just didn’t work. I didn’t
go through with completing that version because if I am going to do this, I am going to do it right.
I am now going to film me buying food for my meal prep at shambles market and also, I will
myself talking about my supplementation and why I take them. This is very disappointing how I
have to do this, but I think as I am new to being a filmmaker it’s a step I will have to take.
Week 9
My progress is going slow but everything I have
done I have been beyond pleased with. I just need
more footage and more editing done. I am getting
feedback from my pals in class and that is what is
working best for me. I am always looking to improve
and getting feedback from people my age who is
part of my target audience is great help to making
this project special to me.
Shoot 12
Ice bath reshoot
Another one that messed up originally due to my audio being unsavable. I tried to redo what my
first perfect shoot went like. I think I did get a similar feeling and humour from this take however
that first time doing it was something special. My camera women did get the microphone in the
shot quite a lot accidently and that was partly because she didn’t want hr arms to get tired while
holding the camera and microphone for the whole take, so what she did was hold it on the stand
and put it down when I got into the bath. However, all in all I believe this was a good shoot and I
was very careful the audio was working, and it did, so I am thankful.
Shoot 12
I did an introduction for this in Shambles Market in York and I said why I
meal prep and where we are and stuff. I looked over the footage and it
seemed very good and some more filler for this documentary.
• Introduction
• My initial plan was going to be one shot with a
voiceover over this shot. This would be very similar
to what I did during my first documentary. I then
realized that doing a montage would one look better
and two would align more with my plan. To do this I
did various shots that I had gathered and
experimented with the duration and speed of the
clips initial I thought it flowed well. I also added a
song to that would come on during my next section
of editing, but it would start quiet and would
exponentially get louder with the exponential fade
• Introduction title
• I then added 3 titles using the
text tool onto a black screen and
made very short duration so you
could still read it, but it didn’t drag. I
also added light switch effects at the
start of every title sequence. I saw
this effect used by the likes of Joe
Fazer and Hal Dexter, two
influencers who do a similar type of
content to the one I made. This is
also when I took the fade off and d
just used the regular song. I used a
section of the song that had a lot of
energy to increase the excitement
feel of this section.
• Interview of myself
• Having two angles meant that I could swap between when one shot looked worse than the other. I
used the microphone in shot as I thought it created an intimacy between the viewer and me making it as it
seems down to earth and less set up and more documenting me answering the questions. The colour on
the side angle is also a lot warmer making the shot and scene a lot more down to earth, like it's at home, as
it is and that is the effect I was looking for. I did receive criticism about the shot being slightly wonky and
the microphone being in shot, but a shaky camera is a technique in documentary's that I researched upon
and also, I have thought a lot about this scene and justified my reasonings upon these decisions I have
made for how I wanted it to look, and for this I believe I made the right decisions in my creative role as
director. I also had criticism about the beginning not having enough context, this is where I would disagree.
If you were to click on my video you already know, that the video is a body transformation video, I work
out, and it’s a documentary; from the title on its own. From the interview on myself you know that I am
passionate about bodybuilding, I want to compete, I'm competitive, and I have recently started. Everything
you have learned carries over into the documentary, there's barely any more footage that will sweep you
off your feet, surprised with what you've watched, it's all very compact and in line with the topics I have
outlined. I have also received positive feedbacks from this section saying you really get a good
understanding of the whole documentary just from this one section, and these people are more towards
my target audience so there opinion technically should be more important. I also used a upbeat high
energy song for this section, a common trend for my bodybuilding content genre, is high intensity songs
like the one I have used.
• Sneako who is a content creator I had researched heavily upon, is someone who uses a microphone
in shots, this creates a sense of unity between the audience and creator as you can see how he made it and
It seems relatable. This also ties into my documentary styles I researched on. Participatory is one I picked to
dedicate my project to, and a characteristic of this chosen style is that showing almost behind the scene
and how it was made type content, creates a bond with the viewer; this is something I know I have been
interested in throughout this project.
I then used an intermission effect, I used this as I have
expressed throughout the project my desire to get more
aesthetic qualities, I have stated this in my contextual,
research, and planning. Although I haven't done as much
effects as I previously stated, I think this is one I am very
happy with. I also believe that the type of video I made
doesn’t really suit lots of edit effects, there's no video out
there in the same genre that use these types of effects, so
me using some is a unique aspect of my video that makes it
stand out in the genre. It adds that kind of weird yet
entertaining vibe that I completely intended to get. I sped up
these clips and reversed them as I think it would be quite
trippy and weird and add a nice aesthetic to it. I also used an
upbeat high energy song for this section, a common trend
for my bodybuilding content genre, is high intensity songs
like the one I have used. I then use a zoom in zoom out
transition, and linked it with the beat of the song, this helps
my sound design
• I then had 3 different questions for Harry
in this interview. I initially and recorded 4 but
decided not to use it as it deviated too much
from the documentary and was unnecessary,
I thought. I chose him to do an interview as
he knows the most out of anyone I know
about bodybuilding, and he has experience
in front of camera. I broke this interview into
3 sections throughout my video. I did this as I
still wanted short sections in my video, and
say if I kept the whole interview
continuously, it would feel too long and
boring. I re filmed this scene twice as the
first time I had unfortunately deleted my
own footage.
Supplement section
• A whole chunk of my project was to have my
video to also be educational. This section was all
educational. I went through my supplements I
take, and I said what they are and why they're
good. I also did b roll close up footage of them, to
make sure the people watching know what
products are good. I had to refilm this section
multiple times as, the first time the shot was too
shaky. It took away from the video. I went back
and analyzed what went wrong, and I concluded
that I had to use a tripod. I ended up using two
different angles and two tripods for this, as I
wanted the scene to what was my worst scene, to
being one of my best.
Shambles and food scene
• I first did a close-up introduction for this. I had to use the camera audio unfortunately for this
scene as, the audio messed up. I didn’t think it made much of a difference to the scene, so I didn’t
refilm it. I then went into a montage of me buying food, as part of my food prep. This part was also
educational. I also used quite a few transitions in this, as I think that it suited the style of the scene,
and I have expressed how I wanted my video to be more aesthetic throughout my project.
Ice bath
• I wanted this scene to be
entertaining and educational.
Therefore, I left in funny moments
as I had expressed my desire for
this in my planning. I had to refilm
this as I wanted better audio, and
the first time it messed up. I also
left in shots where my microphone
was showing because it links back
to my participation documentary
style and how I wanted to show
behind the scene type footage, to
relate more to the audience.
Gym montage
• The gym montage went well, it was only one take and I had lots of great equipment to use for it. I
think it was one of my best scenes. It is exactly how I planned it to be. The actual workout I planned
for was the most brutal one I have ever done. My colour scheme was red and black for this, and I
think I made this happen for this scene. I got Stephen to help me film for this and I learned a lot with
• I started with a montage of me before I started
working out and had a dramatic voiceover. I also had
an exponential fade, so the song gets louder as it
goes. This is to build for the final shot of my
Transformation. I had a few shots that were in
portrait, so I had to do two of the same image and
put it underneath, larger, and then make it blurry.
Final transformation
This was what the whole
video was for. It’s the final
scene, and its exactly how I
wanted it. I did this twice
as the first time the lighting
seemed off. I was really
happy with this. I used a
classic transformation song
that I identified in my
research, and it worked
really well. I then did a title
saying a
I will compete in 2022, so it
made my video come to a
full circle.
Finishing off my edit
I have now done my last final touches to my
video. I finished redoing my supplement
section, and the audio to go with it. I think it
works really well. If I am being honest, I am
glad to get it over with. I just need to
concentrate on my evaluation and
presentation now.
I have now started my evaluation. I have already completed 52 slides
so far. I believe it is going really well. I am efficient with this as need to
get my work done. I went through each bits of work I did and talked
about them. What went well and bad and so on. I said what I wish I
could’ve done if I did it again. Things I would have done differently
essentially. I have done a checklist for each PowerPoint I have done,
just to summarise everything that was added to each section. I have
also looked at comments on the video to see if there was positive
Presentation work
Banner work
I had a few problems with this as when I put it into YouTube to upload it, it was two big. I did some
research and YouTube` have size guidelines of what will fit where. I then downsized my photoshop I did
and that worked. I put black bars on the size as it blends with the background. I also put my Instagram
handle as then I can enhance my brand network of followers.
Presentation thoughts
I really enjoyed making these. In clothes I always prefer a simplistic style over wacky art. I tried to not go
over the top considering this. My favourite is the black T shirt. I did some tank tops as well, because it
goes into my bodybuilding project theme. The banner although had some problems, I think enhances my
YouTube Channel to look more professional
Presentation, video showing
I recently did a live showing at my house of my video, I did marketing for the event on Instagram,
and I got a whopping 22 people show up. Mostly people that go gym showed up. I pretty much
knew all participants that showed up, I either knew them or knew of them through my own friends.
I served pizza and drinks for this. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and I told everyone to tell their
friends who didn’t come to watch it.
Another problem I had
Another problem I faced that I haven’t really talked about is how my weight loss cut for my video
effected me. For my video since I would be shirtless I wanted to be leaner than I was before filming. I
only had about 6 weeks for this so I worked with my coach and I drastically cut my calorie intake in
half. I would usually have around 4000 calories a day and it dropped to 2000. My energy was abysmal
and I was constantly hungry, making work hard to do. I was extremely dedicated to this however, so I
was constantly trying to balance my gym life and my work life. There was a point half way through my
project that I felt like giving up both my gym and my project, it was very difficult for me. I am
unbelievably glad I kept going and had the support from friends and teachers to keep going.
Different ways I got feedback
Throughout my project I used feedback from screenings, I would
constantly show my work to my peers and teachers and ask what
they like or what they don’t like. I would use teams and send over
my PowerPoints to my teachers. This way was greatly beneficial to
me. I think my project would be much worse if I had not used
these methods.
Final week
The last push before the hand in. I am feeing quite happy with what I have produced. I am just doing a little bit
more of my presentation and evaluation, getting that to a place I am proud of. I have done many different vlogs, I
basically in this just covered topics which needed more detail, that I could talk about. Overall, very pleased about
my progress upon this project, and I am excited to see where I will be in a few years if I keep progressing. I am just
putting the last bits of detail in my work that I think I can improve.

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  • 2. Week 1 Contextual Research This is what my original idea was, and I was very excited about I did a Pre-Proposal however my trainer thought I wouldn’t have the muscle maturity for it and would be better to do a show in maybe a year or two. So, I'll have to keep this idea in my pocket for a while and hopefully do it in the future when I will also have more experience with filming. I got very invested doing my existing inspirations. Doing a project with a theme (weightlifting) that I enjoy really helped as there was many inspirations that I could pick from. I researched a variety of different products from YouTube videos, documentaries and a book that all had different films as at this stage I am not fully set in stone what I want to do, and my idea was constantly evolving. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do a rant related to today's society of glorification that you shouldn’t be a man and not to do exercise, and I researched evidence from schools cutting back on their sport curriculum for over 20 years, or a more personal story of the journey I am going through with my own training at the start of my life as a bodybuilder/athlete. I think now at the latter end of this week I have decided a focus of life as a student athlete will be my idea with maybe some aspects of my other idea, this choice was really helped back making 3 different synopses of my ideas to choose down
  • 3. Week 1 Proposal Here I did my proposal and I had to get my idea in actual words which was a struggle as that’s one of my weakness's I would say, as I can lack confidence with my own work and I compare myself to others far too often. I felt good after completing it however and was more confident on what my project was and going to be. I also planned out when I would be filming and that made me more confident as I am now organised. For my Bibliography I used some of my sources I had in my contextual and got a few more as well.
  • 4. Week 2 research What have I worked on? I have been working on my existing products, my documentary style, a survey and my audience profile for my existing products. I have separated my different existing products into sections and having a separate slide for their audience profile. I'm trying to research on these different products to get inspiration for my own work. I've tried to get more structure to my writing by subheading my paragraphs as Scott said this was a weakness of mine. This week I got 3 different products done, I'm happy with the progress I've made on these however I'm looking to get a few more for more research. I need to research more participatory documentaries as this is the chosen style I've taken and is how I'm going to shape my project. I still need to analyse it but that’s a job I'll leave for next week.
  • 5. Week 2 research What have I learned on my research so far? I've learnt about analysing other products and how I can add that knowledge of what I would do differently to my own work. I've also learnt that using pervious media students work as inspiration to your own written work is very beneficial, as my written work is not my strongest area of work. How will that influence my work? It'll hopefully influence my project a lot. I'm hoping if I just put hard work in, I can get a good grade. Analysing existing products and adding knowledge of that to my own product should be helpful, as it gives me a better understanding of what I want to do, and it can prevent future problems. What else in my research do I need to look at? For next week I need to analyse my survey results, apart from that I am looking to do more existing products, especially some participatory ones. I will look at other things, but I work better setting not too much at one point of time then keep adding to it in stages. What problems might I face next week? I think I could face more problems with my Primary research as I have already faced some problems with that already. Finding more existing problems I What problems have I faced? I have had a big error in my survey as SurveyMonkey only allows 10 responses and after that you must pay. However, I am still happy with 10 responses as I would get less if I redid it. I will do other things like interviews to combat these lack of responses. Also finding information on youtubers is not easy as you don’t know how reliable sources are online and, they aren't always well-known creating more obscure places to find correct information. What type of research has been the most beneficial? I think the survey will be the most beneficial even if I haven't completed analysing it. I think it will be benefitting my project the most because its specific to my project and questions I need answering so when I start planning, I will have an idea of the vision.
  • 6. Week 3 research What have been my strengths been so far? I'm very determined for this project as it's our last one and I'm kind of sad because of that. This is why I want to get a distinction because it's our last one and when we got our predicted grades it said the highest, I would ever get is a merit and that honestly angered me so much because people have doubted me my whole life. I've got loads more done for this project; I was looking at my FMP research last year and I've already done double the mount I did last year already without feedback so I'm happy with my progression in that aspect. What else do I need to work on? In terms of what I still need to achieve with my research is I need to analyse my different sections and say what I learnt from them. I've just realised I haven't done that for my existing products so when I get all my feedback back sometime in week four, I will complete that with everything thing else Scott says to do.
  • 7. Week 3 research What have I worked on? This week I have done many things, I think this has probably been one of my most productive weeks and I've now handed in my work waiting for feedback. I did a survey and got my results from it, I did more existing products, I researched about topics I would cover in my documentary like the benefits of creatine etc, I researched how the video would look like and some techniques I ned to learn to achieve that look, music I would use for different sections and two interviews with an analysis. I think that’s everything I did this week, but I may be missing things out since we are now on week three and what I did on different weeks can be confusing. What specific pieces of research will be most helpful? I would say the most beneficial areas that I researched would be the scientific studies on creatine, training volume etc because that Information will go directly into my video. I will also say the video on how to do the drawing effect is helpful because I wouldn’t have any clue how to do it without that video so that’s also going directly into my video as well. What have I enjoyed and disliked about research? I didn’t enjoy doing the existing products as I find that there isn't always things that are like what I want to do. For me existing products was a slow process, especially the audience profile because for YouTube videos there's no information or data so I had to base most of my research on assumptions or common sense. I prefer to have my information as fact but for this I couldn’t so I'm not sure if my existing products will be good enough for a distinction grade level. I didn’t enjoy doing the survey results as it became repetitive and dull so what I did for trying to combat getting braindead is that I would do some other part of research and go back to it, that normally what I did for many parts of my research, so I didn’t get bored. I enjoyed producing my survey questions as I could get creative making the questions, I also enjoyed getting a lot of work done as I felt productive and that I was doing well.
  • 8. Week 4 problem solving What have I worked on? Week 4 was the beginning of problem solving. This involves trying to solve problems before they do or if it is inevitable what can I do about it. I also have to include experiments. I basically just started at looking at previous students work for inspiration; I then went on to go through problems I could face and write about them and possible solutions. I also made a table and had some more information of backup solutions and an evaluation that summarised the points included. I ended up doing two tables, one for more realistic practical problems I will more likely face and another with theoretical things that is less likely but still could happen. Overview of problems I was at first stuck with what problems I would have as I believe it is quite hard to think about what could be a problem. I first started with equipment and how I would have to book out equipment in weeks in advance because I would have the best chance of getting all the equipment I want. I also had a problem with how when I would start putting my documentary together it would be the best solution to start getting doing all the work on my laptop as I can get work done at college or at home. I also delved into how crew inexperience could be an issue for interviews and also filming, I made solutions with that with experiments, I also may be able to get Stephen Royle to help film parts of my workout which will be great for footage as he does it for a living.
  • 9. Week 4 problem solving What is the biggest problem I could face? I would say the biggest problem I could face is if the gym would close down, as I would lose footage of the fantastic gym they have and also my trainer goes there, and I have no idea what would happen if it closed down for our training longterm. A more realistic problem could be having good interviews and also myself being able to deliver good voiceovers and be entertaining Infront of the camera also. I have identified that a solution to that would be just practice Infront of the camera and with voiceover as well. What is my strength? I think my strength is my work rate as I am very determined, and I think I am getting a lot of work done. I may not be the best at filming or editing but I try my hardest at everything I do. What further problem solving am I looking to do? Things that use equipment like the iPad scribble effect I will have to do tests with, and also the microphone voiceover thing I will in the future test out how I sound and see if I need to be more energetic or less so. Why do we do problem solving? Problem solving is an extremely Important part of my project. Normally with my experiences of doing projects I have had at least one problem, normally quite a few. I am problem solving now to minimise that chance of a big issue and to hopefully get none or at least a less severe one. Back up plans are very important because something that may not be a problem can become one that could ruin my project very quickly and also the project just benefits to having planning beforehand. I have the best chance of making a high-quality project with the right planning and contingency plan in place as instead of focusing on problems I have a quick fix for them and can concentrate on other more important areas. Especially for an amateur of filmmaking back up plans are a must because I will make mistakes this early on in my career its inevitable. Theoretical problems is also a big risk as production can be unpredictable, especially with cast and crew. Weather also comes in to play as in England one day to the next can be totally different so having that extra support to lean on is going to be vital to having a great project.
  • 10. Week 4 planning What planning have I done this week? I haven't done a lot of planning this week and I am quite disappointed as I am now behind schedule. I was more focused on finishing off my problem solving, as I was doing some experiments. I have arranged one day of filming though so far on the 7th of April at 7pm, Stephen Royle and I are going to fil some stuff in the gym when I am doing a gym session with Harry Strike, and he will document it with his equipment How do I feel going into production in week 7? At the moment not to confident, this upcoming week I am going to have to graft quite hard. What impact will this week have on my project? I think potentially it could have a big impact, but I can still catch up and get back on track. Next week will decide a lot on what the outcome of this project will be. What am I pleased with some far? I am pleased that I have now completed the proposal, contextual , research and now problem solving.
  • 11. Week 5 planning What have I worked on? I had a full week of just planning, as I had already done my previous sections of work. This was good as I needed to make progress on planning as problem solving took time out of week 5. Week 7 I have planned to do some filming with Stephen in my class, and I know he does it for a living, and I have confidence the footage will look good. I have completed my script and interview questions. I have also done a storyboard and various other things that I thought I needed planning. I am awaiting a full check of my work by Scott on Wednesday but with what he said I am not too confident. A lot of my work needs to be improved. I have always struggled with planning in my work and in my own life, so trying to get this area of my work to a distinction will be a task. Personally, I am feeling a bit run down at the moment as I am slightly unwell which isn't normal for me, and I feel overworked. I am going to try and get over this as I am still determined to get that good grade. It is just annoying as I feel like this in the most important time period. Enjoyed and disliked Like I Enjoyed doing the script and voiceover, even though I put these sections off for quite a while. I liked this because it allowed me to creatively think on a topic I love. I put it off for a while because I think it is hard now because instead of coming up with concepts and things that may not matter, I am coming up with real stuff that I have to do and that is daunting to me, however I feel like I can overcome this as I need to and want to. Dislike I disliked doing the shot list and schedule as I feel I am quite stuck at this and at the moment I only have 8 shots which is not good enough and I don’t know what I did wrong. To fix this I am going to ask Scott what a good way of doing it is.
  • 12. Week 6 production/planning What have I worked on? This week it was the last week before Easter, and I had decided since I got my planning back, I would continue that and prioritise planning for the production I have coming up soon. I had planned doing production on the Thursday with Steven, so I did that first. The feedback I got was pretty much that I understand what I will be filming just formatting that differently and more efficiently is what I needed, and I agreed. I also went more into my structural breakdown and shot list as they needed to be improved. I also coordinated my schedule of when I will be working. This has given me a lot my structure and organisation which has come in handy for this production I have started. What do I still have to do? I still have a lot to do, health and safety is something I need to expand on I believe. I also need to finish off my slides for each section I detail, which includes the shot list. This is a very time-consuming task, so I will have to plan the time when I will complete this.
  • 14. Shoot 1 Filming with Stephen Day one I had a filming session with Steven as cameraman and Harry Strike training me. I feel like this went really well. It was semi difficult to direct while working out, but I did this by giving Steven a few ideas for angles and ways I wanted it filmed before each set he filmed. I have looked at some of the footage we filmed, and it looked very good, it definitely was a success and was less stressful getting help from Steven. We talked about using slow motion footage for clips as well so that should look good when I put it all together as a montage. We did two separate introductions which took place just outside the gym location. We did this as I thought it would look better doing it in darker lighting, and I believe we got a good clip doing this. It was nice getting feedback from Steven on what he thought about my ideas, as I am always looking for different or better ways of approaching things being new to filming. Having Stevens guidance as he is experienced did become a great asset getting him on board this project. Overall, a successful venture into the first day of production!
  • 15. Shoot 2 My production horror story (part 1) I started the day optimistic I woke up early to get to the gym for 10 am with my friend Archie to get some boxing footage done. After some negotiating to get him to actually go, we got there. I set up the tripod and the camera in the corner of the room. It took Archies's assistance to get the camera on the tripod because I have now become aware that the tripod screw seems to be broken or the camera hole is loose, it's very hard to explain but that was very annoying. Finally, somehow it worked. The session went well apart from the camera had these problems where I had to keep restarting the recording because it would just stop and go black for no reason. This was incredibly frustrating. It seemed like I had gotten enough footage however, so all was good. The plan was to get some videos with Archie and I at the gym later however he wanted to go home, so that was stressful, but I asked Harry if he could film me in the gym, and he is fairly familiar with cameras it seemed fine. This filming went really well, and I got a lot done and the footage seemed good. I had to micromanage a bit more when filming with Harry and explain exactly how I wanted each shot. I also got an interview with him, and he did really well, and he is comfortable Infront of the camera, little did I know the same camera stopping problem reoccurred and was only discovered when I got home. We then did the posing part of the day and
  • 16. Shoot 3 My production horror story (part 2) Now rescheduled, interview date I was frustrated with my equipment, and I decided maybe the problem was I had too many videos, so I pressed delete all frames not knowing all frames wasn’t the video I clicked on rather every footage on the camera. I manged to stop it before it became too drastic. But what I did lose was my boxing footage and my interview footage which didn’t cut off. This was incredibly horrible and made me want to quit the whole project. I redid the interview and that went well, however disappointing as I feel he went more in depth the first time around. I am now trying to reschedule my boxing. I will also request a new tripod and ask Scott what he thinks is wrong with the camera.
  • 17. Shoot 4 Interview reshoot First day of the reshoot I was re filming my interview. It went well, I didn’t have any problems with the camera this time, just the tripod that I couldn’t get to go with the camera. I just balanced the camera on the tripod and that worked fine. I am still disappointed with deleting my footage as even though the footage I got went well, I think he gave better answers first time around. I may possibly get him to go into more detail on a later date if I feel during production that it would make the project better. I did actually have a problem with the camera, because it was in picture mode and I couldn’t exactly remember how to then put it back to video, so that took a few minutes to fix, but that’s why I came early before production to fix these things.
  • 18. Shoot 5 Cooking video I got some good shots this day of filming. I preferred to film myself and to let Lucy (my girlfriend) cook was the better thing to do, as I can do it how I want it to look easier. She is also the better cook so the things she was doing will look higher quality for the video. I think I may redo this as I filmed at my girlfriend's house because my kitchen was under re-constuction but since it is done now it may look better for the documentary as it is a new kitchen.
  • 19. Shoot 6 Ice bath Ice bath shoot went well, I watched it back and it came across good I thought and was quite amusing. This is exactly how I wanted it to look, and I am happy with how it came across. I didn’t exactly remember the script, but I think the video came out better than if I did because it seems more natural.
  • 20. Shoot 7 Boxing reshoot This went better than I expected. This was a one to one so the footage will be more tailored towards me. I enjoyed doing this as well and I think that shows on the video. I got lots of different angles and the guy doing it even suggested if I wanted to use a head mount that he had for footage. Overall, a great success of a shoot. I did however use my phone for this footage, because I had not remembered to charge the camera battery, which is a shame but actually benefited me as I already had a phone tripod and everything about filming was simplified using a phone.
  • 21. Shoot 8 Cooking video reshoot I decided to redo this as I think that filming in my kitchen at home which is new will look more professional. I watched a few videos in preparation, and it said that a clean workspace will look better as everyone as an unclean one and why would they want to see that, so that was more reason to do it at mine.
  • 22. Shoot 9 Voiceover My voice went well I believe. It took a while to do because I had a lot to remember and I would get my words wrong. In the end it went well and I look forward for it to be edited onto my footage.
  • 23. Week 7 I was back at college and was looking at my footage and I realised I wasn’t happy with it. It didn’t look how I wanted it to look for various reasons. I am now going to refilm most of my scenes. The audio on my voiceover and recovery scene were both awful. I am not exactly sure why this happened but it did. This is incredibly disappointing for me as it will give me less time editing. I will now start rescheduling my production. My interview, cooking and boxing scenes were the only ones I was happy using.
  • 24. Rescheduling production I am now doing my interview on the 28th of April at home in my garage. I will also do my posing again on that Friday on the 29th. I will then do my voice over that weekend on the 30th and 31st.
  • 25. Shoot 10 Interview I rebooked the light, audio equipment and also another camera for two different angles for my interview on myself. The reason for this shoot and that it wasn't in my original planning is that I wasn't happy with the footage I had already and feel it hadn't encapsulated my artistic vision of what I wanted this to look like. My new approach is to take things more personnel and get this footage of me as a person and try to understand my life and capture that. I hope that makes sense, but in conclusion I believe getting more footage like this will be the setting stone for making this video how I want it. I got my girlfriend to film a side angle and we produced a few different questions to ask me about my body building; and we really just winged it on the spot. I think I am no good with planning, as if you try and plan too much it gets rid of your creativity. It becomes too much on 'I have to do this as it's on the schedule', but what if the schedule is bad? I think this is what I found out the hard way. With only a few weeks left and not all the footage I wanted; the pressure is building on my brain. Surprisingly this was one of my favourite pieces of footage I had produced, it felt natural and raw and a great edition to my documentary footage.
  • 26. Shoot 11 Posing and bicep curl footage Another night and day difference between the first time we filmed it, to this time. I am much, much happier with how this turned out. My muscles aren't washed out, but they look defined. I think this was down to using different lighting and angle. With testing from this project and my personnel experimentation, I believe my physique looks best in a mirror. I also tested out the lighting they have at the gym, and it turns out the ring light works really well for getting that defined muscle look. We filmed through the ring light while I posed, and it went really well. I got my coach to film me for this section. I also re filmed my bicep 'money shot'. This went extremely well. I knew this spot looked really good on camera as the lighting is great. I had a few attempts filming it, but I thought I was too washed out still, so I actually turned down the brightness on the camera and it looked really impressive the difference was clear. I quickly ran through how to use the camera to my mate who has never touched a camera and we filmed the video, and it went well. I tried a few different angles but the angle off the mirror with the brightness down over the shoulder, worked the best.
  • 27. Week 8 I have now come to terms with how awful my initial plan was and how it just didn’t work. I didn’t go through with completing that version because if I am going to do this, I am going to do it right. I am now going to film me buying food for my meal prep at shambles market and also, I will myself talking about my supplementation and why I take them. This is very disappointing how I have to do this, but I think as I am new to being a filmmaker it’s a step I will have to take. Realisation
  • 28. Week 9 My progress is going slow but everything I have done I have been beyond pleased with. I just need more footage and more editing done. I am getting feedback from my pals in class and that is what is working best for me. I am always looking to improve and getting feedback from people my age who is part of my target audience is great help to making this project special to me.
  • 29. Shoot 12 Ice bath reshoot Another one that messed up originally due to my audio being unsavable. I tried to redo what my first perfect shoot went like. I think I did get a similar feeling and humour from this take however that first time doing it was something special. My camera women did get the microphone in the shot quite a lot accidently and that was partly because she didn’t want hr arms to get tired while holding the camera and microphone for the whole take, so what she did was hold it on the stand and put it down when I got into the bath. However, all in all I believe this was a good shoot and I was very careful the audio was working, and it did, so I am thankful.
  • 30. Shoot 12 Shambles I did an introduction for this in Shambles Market in York and I said why I meal prep and where we are and stuff. I looked over the footage and it seemed very good and some more filler for this documentary.
  • 31. Editing • Introduction • My initial plan was going to be one shot with a voiceover over this shot. This would be very similar to what I did during my first documentary. I then realized that doing a montage would one look better and two would align more with my plan. To do this I did various shots that I had gathered and experimented with the duration and speed of the clips initial I thought it flowed well. I also added a song to that would come on during my next section of editing, but it would start quiet and would exponentially get louder with the exponential fade effect.
  • 32. Editing • Introduction title • I then added 3 titles using the text tool onto a black screen and made very short duration so you could still read it, but it didn’t drag. I also added light switch effects at the start of every title sequence. I saw this effect used by the likes of Joe Fazer and Hal Dexter, two influencers who do a similar type of content to the one I made. This is also when I took the fade off and d just used the regular song. I used a section of the song that had a lot of energy to increase the excitement feel of this section.
  • 33. Editing • Interview of myself • Having two angles meant that I could swap between when one shot looked worse than the other. I used the microphone in shot as I thought it created an intimacy between the viewer and me making it as it seems down to earth and less set up and more documenting me answering the questions. The colour on the side angle is also a lot warmer making the shot and scene a lot more down to earth, like it's at home, as it is and that is the effect I was looking for. I did receive criticism about the shot being slightly wonky and the microphone being in shot, but a shaky camera is a technique in documentary's that I researched upon and also, I have thought a lot about this scene and justified my reasonings upon these decisions I have made for how I wanted it to look, and for this I believe I made the right decisions in my creative role as director. I also had criticism about the beginning not having enough context, this is where I would disagree. If you were to click on my video you already know, that the video is a body transformation video, I work out, and it’s a documentary; from the title on its own. From the interview on myself you know that I am passionate about bodybuilding, I want to compete, I'm competitive, and I have recently started. Everything you have learned carries over into the documentary, there's barely any more footage that will sweep you off your feet, surprised with what you've watched, it's all very compact and in line with the topics I have outlined. I have also received positive feedbacks from this section saying you really get a good understanding of the whole documentary just from this one section, and these people are more towards my target audience so there opinion technically should be more important. I also used a upbeat high energy song for this section, a common trend for my bodybuilding content genre, is high intensity songs like the one I have used. • Sneako who is a content creator I had researched heavily upon, is someone who uses a microphone in shots, this creates a sense of unity between the audience and creator as you can see how he made it and It seems relatable. This also ties into my documentary styles I researched on. Participatory is one I picked to dedicate my project to, and a characteristic of this chosen style is that showing almost behind the scene and how it was made type content, creates a bond with the viewer; this is something I know I have been interested in throughout this project.
  • 34. Editing Intermission I then used an intermission effect, I used this as I have expressed throughout the project my desire to get more aesthetic qualities, I have stated this in my contextual, research, and planning. Although I haven't done as much effects as I previously stated, I think this is one I am very happy with. I also believe that the type of video I made doesn’t really suit lots of edit effects, there's no video out there in the same genre that use these types of effects, so me using some is a unique aspect of my video that makes it stand out in the genre. It adds that kind of weird yet entertaining vibe that I completely intended to get. I sped up these clips and reversed them as I think it would be quite trippy and weird and add a nice aesthetic to it. I also used an upbeat high energy song for this section, a common trend for my bodybuilding content genre, is high intensity songs like the one I have used. I then use a zoom in zoom out transition, and linked it with the beat of the song, this helps my sound design
  • 35. editing • I then had 3 different questions for Harry in this interview. I initially and recorded 4 but decided not to use it as it deviated too much from the documentary and was unnecessary, I thought. I chose him to do an interview as he knows the most out of anyone I know about bodybuilding, and he has experience in front of camera. I broke this interview into 3 sections throughout my video. I did this as I still wanted short sections in my video, and say if I kept the whole interview continuously, it would feel too long and boring. I re filmed this scene twice as the first time I had unfortunately deleted my own footage.
  • 36. Supplement section • A whole chunk of my project was to have my video to also be educational. This section was all educational. I went through my supplements I take, and I said what they are and why they're good. I also did b roll close up footage of them, to make sure the people watching know what products are good. I had to refilm this section multiple times as, the first time the shot was too shaky. It took away from the video. I went back and analyzed what went wrong, and I concluded that I had to use a tripod. I ended up using two different angles and two tripods for this, as I wanted the scene to what was my worst scene, to being one of my best.
  • 37. Shambles and food scene • I first did a close-up introduction for this. I had to use the camera audio unfortunately for this scene as, the audio messed up. I didn’t think it made much of a difference to the scene, so I didn’t refilm it. I then went into a montage of me buying food, as part of my food prep. This part was also educational. I also used quite a few transitions in this, as I think that it suited the style of the scene, and I have expressed how I wanted my video to be more aesthetic throughout my project.
  • 38. Ice bath • I wanted this scene to be entertaining and educational. Therefore, I left in funny moments as I had expressed my desire for this in my planning. I had to refilm this as I wanted better audio, and the first time it messed up. I also left in shots where my microphone was showing because it links back to my participation documentary style and how I wanted to show behind the scene type footage, to relate more to the audience.
  • 39. Gym montage • The gym montage went well, it was only one take and I had lots of great equipment to use for it. I think it was one of my best scenes. It is exactly how I planned it to be. The actual workout I planned for was the most brutal one I have ever done. My colour scheme was red and black for this, and I think I made this happen for this scene. I got Stephen to help me film for this and I learned a lot with him.
  • 40. Transformation introduction • I started with a montage of me before I started working out and had a dramatic voiceover. I also had an exponential fade, so the song gets louder as it goes. This is to build for the final shot of my Transformation. I had a few shots that were in portrait, so I had to do two of the same image and put it underneath, larger, and then make it blurry.
  • 41. Final transformation This was what the whole video was for. It’s the final scene, and its exactly how I wanted it. I did this twice as the first time the lighting seemed off. I was really happy with this. I used a classic transformation song that I identified in my research, and it worked really well. I then did a title saying a I will compete in 2022, so it made my video come to a full circle.
  • 42. Finishing off my edit I have now done my last final touches to my video. I finished redoing my supplement section, and the audio to go with it. I think it works really well. If I am being honest, I am glad to get it over with. I just need to concentrate on my evaluation and presentation now.
  • 43. Evaluation I have now started my evaluation. I have already completed 52 slides so far. I believe it is going really well. I am efficient with this as need to get my work done. I went through each bits of work I did and talked about them. What went well and bad and so on. I said what I wish I could’ve done if I did it again. Things I would have done differently essentially. I have done a checklist for each PowerPoint I have done, just to summarise everything that was added to each section. I have also looked at comments on the video to see if there was positive feedback.
  • 47. Banner I had a few problems with this as when I put it into YouTube to upload it, it was two big. I did some research and YouTube` have size guidelines of what will fit where. I then downsized my photoshop I did and that worked. I put black bars on the size as it blends with the background. I also put my Instagram handle as then I can enhance my brand network of followers.
  • 48. Presentation thoughts I really enjoyed making these. In clothes I always prefer a simplistic style over wacky art. I tried to not go over the top considering this. My favourite is the black T shirt. I did some tank tops as well, because it goes into my bodybuilding project theme. The banner although had some problems, I think enhances my YouTube Channel to look more professional
  • 49. Presentation, video showing I recently did a live showing at my house of my video, I did marketing for the event on Instagram, and I got a whopping 22 people show up. Mostly people that go gym showed up. I pretty much knew all participants that showed up, I either knew them or knew of them through my own friends. I served pizza and drinks for this. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and I told everyone to tell their friends who didn’t come to watch it.
  • 50. Another problem I had Another problem I faced that I haven’t really talked about is how my weight loss cut for my video effected me. For my video since I would be shirtless I wanted to be leaner than I was before filming. I only had about 6 weeks for this so I worked with my coach and I drastically cut my calorie intake in half. I would usually have around 4000 calories a day and it dropped to 2000. My energy was abysmal and I was constantly hungry, making work hard to do. I was extremely dedicated to this however, so I was constantly trying to balance my gym life and my work life. There was a point half way through my project that I felt like giving up both my gym and my project, it was very difficult for me. I am unbelievably glad I kept going and had the support from friends and teachers to keep going.
  • 51. Different ways I got feedback Throughout my project I used feedback from screenings, I would constantly show my work to my peers and teachers and ask what they like or what they don’t like. I would use teams and send over my PowerPoints to my teachers. This way was greatly beneficial to me. I think my project would be much worse if I had not used these methods.
  • 52. Final week The last push before the hand in. I am feeing quite happy with what I have produced. I am just doing a little bit more of my presentation and evaluation, getting that to a place I am proud of. I have done many different vlogs, I basically in this just covered topics which needed more detail, that I could talk about. Overall, very pleased about my progress upon this project, and I am excited to see where I will be in a few years if I keep progressing. I am just putting the last bits of detail in my work that I think I can improve.