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Social Pharmacy (20115)
Mr. Omkar B. Tipugade
M-Pharm (Pharmaceutics)
Genesis Institute of Pharmacy, Radhanagari.
 Nutrition is the physiological process by which body utilizes food for
growth and maintenance and healthy living.
 A science of food and its relationship to health and concerned with the
part played by food factor (nutrients) in body growth, development and
 Nutrition is the combination of processes by which the living organism
receives and uses the food materials necessary for growth, maintence of
function and repair of component parts.
Objective of Nutrition's :
 To promote the physical and mental growth and development of human
 Building and repairing of tissue and cell damaged by infection and
 To provide energy for doing works.
 To Protect the human beings from infections and deficiency disorders.
 a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of
life and for growth.
 Macronutrients:
- are required in large quantities daily. Protein, carbohydrates and
fats are macronutrients. They are basis of any diet.
 Micronutrients:
- are needed in small quantities (usually in amounts less than
Milligrams). These are nutrients are involved in regulating metabolism and
energy processes. They are vitamins and minerals. 4
 The carbohydrates (e.g. pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose and some non-
carbohydrates substance like lignin) are collectively called dietary fiber.
Fiber is found in vegetable, fruits and grains.
 Is an indigestible carbohydrates present in food.
 By nature fiber are non-starch polysaccharides.
 Dietary fiber is not digested by the
enzymes of the human GI tract,
where most of the other
carbohydrates like starch , sugar
are digested and absorbed.
Importance of fiber in diet:
 Normalizes bowel movements/ Increase Stool Bulk:
- Dietary fiber increase the weight and size of your stool and soften
it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing chance of constipation. In case of
loose, watery stool, fiber may help to solidify the stool because it absorb
water and adds bulks to stool.
 Helps maintain bowel health:
- A high fiber diet may lower risk of developing hemorrhoids and
small pouches in our colon. Studies have also found that a high-fiber diet
likely lower the risk of colorectal cancer.
 Lower cholesterol levels:
- Soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat may help lower
total blood cholesterol level by lowering low density lipoprotein. Studies
Studies also have shown that higher fiber food may have other heart. Health
benefits such as reducing blood pressure and inflammation.
 Water holding Capacity:
- Property of holding water and swell it which increase viscosity.
- Increase transit time due to high viscosity.
 Aids in achieving healthy weight:
- High fiber foods tends to be more filling than low-fiber foods, so eat
less and stay satisfied longer and high fiber food tends to take longer to eat
and to be less “energy dense” which means they have fewer calories for the
same volume of food.
 Helps in live linger:
- Studies suggest that increasing dietary fiber intake especially
cereal fiber is associated with a reduced risk of dying from CVS disease.
 Helps in digestion of food.
 Helps in secretion of digestive
 Maintain electrolyte balance
in the body.
 Helps in the conduction of nerve impulses.
 Maintain the fluidity of blood, lymph and all secretion.
 Maintain body temp and act as a distributor of body heat.
 Helps in the excretion of waste product from the body.
 A diet which include a variety of food in adequate amount and correct
proportion to supply all essential nutrients which promote and preserve
good health.
 A normal balanced diet contain sufficient amount of fiber and other
nutrients provider the appropriate amount of energy and adequate
amount of water.
 A balanced diet should offer
around 60-70% to total calories
from carbohydrate , 10-20% from
protein and 20-25% from fat.
 A number of calories in a food state to the amount of energy stored in that
food. Body uses calories from food for walking, thinking and other
important function.
 Males tends to need more calories than female and people who exercise
need more calories than people who don’t.
 Food and drinks that contain no significant nutrients but are high in
calories are said to be empty calories. These are mainly foods and drinks
that have a high sugar, fat or alcohol content but little or no other
nutritional value.
 E.g. Cakes, cookies, energy drinks, ice-creams, chips.
 To maintain good health limit your consumption of empty calories and
instead try to get your calories from food that are rich in other nutrients.
Why a balanced diet is Important:
 A balanced diet is one that provide the body with all the essential nutrients
, vitamins and minerals required to maintain cell, tissue and organ as well
as to function correctly. A diet that is lacking in nutrients can lead to many
different health problem like tiredness and lack of energy and affects on
growth the development
 Manage weight and prevents overweight and obesity.
 Reduce the risk of chronic disease.
 Reduce the risk of early mortality.
 Nutrition deficiency disease occurs when there is a lack of nutrients
which are essential for growth and health.
 Deficiency of food leading to either malnutrition or starvation.
 Nutrients enable body tissue to grow and maintain themselves.
Carbohydrate , fats and protein provide energy to body.
 Malnutrition is a serious condition that happens when your diet does not
contain the right amount of nutrients. It means "poor nutrition“.
 Starvation means suffering or death caused by lack of food.
Vitamin Source Deficiency
A Animal : fish, butter, egg,
Plant: vegetables, carrot,
sweet potato, tomatoes,
 Nightblindness, anorexia
 Growth of bone and formation
of tooth are defective.
Formation of defective Tooth
Rickets: Rickets is a condition that
affects bone development in
children. It causes bone pain, poor
growth and soft, weak bones that
can lead to bone deformities.
Osteoporosis: A condition in which
bones become weak and brittle.
Vitamin Source Deficiency
D Fish, sardins, egg yolk, butter,
milk, mushrooms.
 Rickets
 Osteomalacia
 Osteoporosis.
Vitamin Source Deficiency
K Plant source: Cauliflower,
cabbage, peas and soyabens
Anima source: Dairy product
like cheese, butter and form
product like egg.
 haemorrhages
Vitamin Source Deficiency
B1 (Thiamine) Rice, wheat, pulses, nuts,
meat, eggs.
 Beriberi
Vitamin Source Deficiency
B2 (Riboflavin) whole grains, pulses, leafy
veg, eggs, milk, meat.
 Oral, facial lesions.
 Chelisis: Red swollen and
cracked lips.
Vitamin Source Deficiency
Niacin Whole grains, peanuts,
legumes, fish, meat, milk,
 Dermatitis,
 diarrhea and
 dementia
Vitamin C
Coriander, lemon, orange,
pineapple, papaya, mango,
 Scurvy
Scurvy: Gums are swollen and
become infected.
Minerals Source Deficiency
Calcium Milk, Cheese, dark green
leafy veg.
 Osteoporosis
 Osteomalacia
 Poor tooth and bone
 Rickets
 Tetany
Phosphorus Milk, Cheese, meat, fish,
cereals, nuts
 Poor teeth and bone
 Weakness
 Anorexia
Minerals Source Deficiency
Potassium Orange, Bananas, dried
fruits, veg, milks, meat.
 Hypokalemia
 Muscle weakness
 Abnormal heart beat.
Sodium Eggs, milks, cheese  Nausea, muscle cramps
Chloride Eggs, Seafood, milks  Imbalance in gastric body
 Maintain fluid &
Iodine Iodized salt, seafood  Goiter, Cretinism
 Myxedema
Zinc Eggs, milk, seafood  Dwarfism
 Anemia 22
Minerals Source Deficiency
Potassium Orange, Bananas, dried
fruits, veg, milks, meat.
 Hypokalemia
 Muscle weakness
 Abnormal heart beat.
Sodium Eggs, milks, cheese  Nausea, muscle cramps
Chloride Eggs, Seafood, milks  Imbalance in gastric body
 Maintain fluid &
Iodine Iodized salt, seafood  Goiter, Cretinism
 Myxedema
Zinc Eggs, milk, seafood  Dwarfism
 Anemia 23
• Dwarfism:
• Shortness in height that results from a
genetic or medical condition.
 Proteins can cause serious disease, like Kwashiorkor and Marasmic to
small children, if sufficient proteins are not given to them.
 If a person does not enough protein in his/her food for long time, he /she
is likely to have stunted growth, swelling of face , discoloration of hair,
skin disease and diarrhea.
 Is caused in the of protein and carbohydrates in the children. It affects
mainly after the breast feeding is stopped and result in improper growth.
 For this kwashirokar the child gets swelling of legs, stomachs and face
also occur. Sometimes the liver gets enlarged. It appears discoloration of
hair and seen patches on the skin.
 Is caused due to deficiency of carbohydrates in food. The deficiency of
marasmus the skin gets dry and wrinkles. Mainly it affects to children below
the age of one year.
Kwashirokar Marasmus
 Any food that has no or negligible nutritional value can be considered as
junk food.
 E.g. bakery product, pizza, burgers, oily snackers, soft drink.
 They have high calorie content , salt and fats.
 The more we consume these , the less is the intake of essential nutrients
and vitamin in body.
Effect on Health:
 Increased Obesity:
- Its composition of loads of sugar, calories and fats contribute to
weight gain. Obesity can cause many medical issues like diabetes, joint-pain
and heart disease.
 Lead to Depression:
- Junk food are loaded with high sugar and fats that can cause certain
chemical reaction in the brain which affect its functioning. By consuming too
much of it, the body loses essential nutrients and amino acid. These
symptoms eventually lead to inability of brain to deal with stress and can
leave you feeling depressed.
 Loss of memory and learning problem:
- Junk food can deteriorate memory and can leave with weaker
brain. It cause a sudden inflammation in the hippocampus in the brain which
is responsible for memory.
 Degrade Appetite and Digestion:
- Consumption of excess junk food leave the brain in dilemma.
Excessive sugar intake can cause blood sugar level to fluctuate and make the
brain demand more food , which eventually leads to overacting. It make its
difficult for the body to digest excessive junk food.
 Inadequate Growth and development:
- Junk food causes deficiency of essential nutrients and vitamins
required for the proper growth and development of body.
Calorific Value:
A calorie is a unit that is used to measure energy. The calorie see on
a food package is actually a kilocalorie or 1000 calories.
Nutritive Value:
Nutritional value as part of food quality is the measure of a well-
balanced ratio of the essential nutrients carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals
and vitamins in items of food or diet concerning the nutrients requirements
of their consumers.
 Fortification is the addition of key vitamins and minerals such as iron,
iodine, zinc, vitamin A & D to staple food such as rice, milk, and salt to
improve their nutritional content.
 These nutrients may or may not have been originally present in the food
before processing.
 Example of Fortified Food:
- Milk with Vit. D
- Salt with Iodine
- Fruit juice with Calcium
- Bread with Niacin.
 Purpose :
 Improve nutritional quality of food.
 Reduce nutritional disorder.
 Fortification for body building.
 Benefits of Fortifications:
 Nutrients are added to staple foods that are widely consumed , this is a
excellent method to improve the health of a large section of the population.
 Safe method of improving nutrition.
 It does not require any change in food habit and patterns of people.
 Does not alter the characteristic of the food the taste , the feel and the look.
 Can be implemented quickly as well as show results in improvement of
health in a relatively short period of time.
 Food safety refers to routines in the preparation, handlings and storage of
food meant to prevent foodborne illness and injury from farm to factory
to fork, food product may encounter any number of health hazards during
their journey through the supply chain. Safe food handling practices and
procedure are thus implemented at every stage of the food production life
cycle in order to curb these risk and prevent harm to consumers.
 Food safety is defined as keeping food safe to eat at every stage of
(purchasing, receiving, storage, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling,
reheating ) handling as it passes through the flow of food from farm to
table. 33
 Food production centers or kitchens provide all conditions necessary for
the growth of micro-organism, such as food, humidity and right temp. All
of which are conductive to the spread of infection, disease and infestation
if not controlled and monitored through strict regimen with respect to
hygiene and sanitation practices.
 Food safety Regulations in a Globalized World:
- Every country has different regulatory bodies that preside over the
definition and enforcement of domestic food safety standards. In order to sell
or manufacture food products in any given country, domestic and
international business alike are subject to the food safety legislation and
enforcement measure of that nation.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is a systemic, risk-based
approach to preventing the biological and distribution environment. The
HACCP concept to designed to counter health hazard by identifying potential
food safety problems before they happens, rater than inspect food product
for hazards after the fact. The HACCP concept entails controlling for
contaminants at a number of key junctures in the food production process
and strict adherence to hygiene practice throughout.
 GMP:
are internationally recognized quality assurance guidelines for
the production of food, beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, dietary
supplements and medical devices. These guidelines lay out the protocols
which manufactures must implements to assure that their product are
consistently high quality from batch and safe for human use.
 The addition or subtraction of any substance to or from food, so that the
natural composition and quality of food substance is affected.
 Adulteration is either intentional by either removing substance to food or
altering the existing natural properties of food knowing.
 The adulterant may be present in any form and in any quantity.
Adulterants are mostly harmful and pose the ability to lower the potency
of product.
 Even if the adulterant is not harmful, it reduce the nutritional value of the
food to a greater extent.
 Food is Considered Adulterated if:
 A substance that degrade the quality of food.
 Chapter or low quality substance are used as a substitute for whole or a
few ingredients.
 A constitute of food is a partly or wholly taken out reducing the quality of
 It is colored or otherwise treated, to improve its appearance or if it
contains any added substance injuries to health.
 Packing low quality food product with fresh and high quality ones.
 Examples:
 Mixing milk with water.
 Mixing oil with chemical derivative or cheaper oils.
 Packing low quality food products with fresh and high quality ones.
 Types of Food Adulteration:
1. Intentional Adulteration:
- Same looking substance to increase weight and gain more profit.
Example: Mixing of water in milk.
2. Incidental Adulteration:
- Occurs due to negligence while handling food.
Example: Like residue of pesticides in grains.
3. Metallic Adulteration:
- Addition of metallic material into food like lead or mercury is
metallic adulteration. It may happens accidentally or even intentionally.
4. Packaging Hazards:
- The packing material in which the food is packed may also interfere
and mix with the constitutes of food, leading to packaging hazards.
 Methods of Food Adulteration:
1. Mixing: mixing of sands, dust , clay with food particles.
2. Substituting: Some healthy constitute are replaced by cheaper and low
quality one which alter the nutritional values of the food and may even
impose a health hazards.
3. Using Decomposed Foods:
4. Addition of toxic substance: e.g. addition of color and dyes.
5. Misbranding: altering the manufacturing dates, expiry dates, list of
ingredients etc.
6. Artificial ripening:
 Ripening is the process by which fruits attain their desirable flavor,
quality, color, palatable nature and other textural properties.
 On the basis of ripening behavior , fruits are classified as climacteric and
Non- climacteric fruits.
 Artificial ripening is done to achieve faster and more uniform ripening
character tics.
 Climacteric:
 Climacteric fruits are defined as fruits that enter climacteric phase
harvest i.e. they continue to ripen. 41
 During the ripening process the fruits emit ethylene along with increased
rate of respiration.
 Ripe fruits are soft and delicate and generally cannot withstand rigours of
transport and repeated handling,
 E.g. Mango, Banana.
 Non- climacteric:
 Fruits once harvested do not ripen further. Non- climacteric fruits
produce very small amount of ethylene and do not responds to ethylene
 E.g. Orange.
Effect of artificial ripening on health:
It causes symptoms like headache, dizziness, high sleepiness, memory loss,
cerebral oedema, weakness, cold and damp skin, low blood pressure.
Is any substance used to kill, repel or control certain forms pf plant
or animal life that are considered to be pests.
Use of pesticides for foods:
 Pesticide are used to protect crops against insects weeds, fungi and other
 Are potentially toxic to human and can have both acute and chronic health
effects, depending on the quantity and way in which a person is exposed.
 Some of the older, cheaper pesticide can remain for years in soil and water.
There chemical have been banned from agricultural use in developed
countries, but they are still used in many developing countries.
 People who face the greatest health risk from exposure to pesticide are
those who come into contact with them at work in their home or garden.
 Play a significant role in food production. They protect or increase yield
and the number of times per year a crop can be grown on the same land.
 Genetically modified foods (GM foods), also known as genetically
engineered foods (GE foods), or bioengineered foods are foods produced
from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the
methods of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering technique allow for
the introduction of new traits as well as greater control over traits.
Genetically modified crops have been engineered for resistance to
pathogen and herbicides and for better nutrients profiles.
Advantages of genetically modified crops are:
 Higher yield
 Enhanced nutritional value
 Longer shelf life
 Increase resistance to insects, pests.
 Increase resistance to herbicides.
 Dramatic reduction in pesticide use.
Disadvantages of genetically modified crops are:
 Allergies
 Resistance to antibiotics
 Cancer
 Dietary supplements are substances you might use to add nutrients to
lower your risk of health problems such as osteoporosis or arthritis.
Dietary supplements come in the form of pills, capsules, powder, gel,
tablets or liquids. They might contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acid,
herbs or other plants or enzymes. A doctors prescription is not needed to
buy dietary supplements.
 Dietary supplements are product aimed at improving the health status and
wellness of an individual, which can be taken during meal or at specific
interval to supplements the individual daily diet. Supplements are
required when there is an imbalance in nutrients or absence of a
particular nutrients.
 Vitamin are micronutrients which play a vital function in the metabolism.
Therefore, vitamin or multivitamins are the most used category of dietary
supplements. Vitamin A, B vitamins including Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin
(B2), Pentothenic acid (B5), Vitamin B6, Biotin B7, Folate B9 and Vitamin
B12, C,D,E and K are the main forms of vitamin in supplements.
 Minerals are exogenous chemical elements required by the body. Other
minerals including sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
iron, zinc, manganese, copperm iodine, chromium, selenium can be taken
as dietary supplements.
 Protein are chain of amino acids which perform structural, metabolic and
regulatory function in the body. Some example of protein supplemnets are
whey protein , casein protein, egg protein etc.
 Bodybuilding supplements are another type of dietary supplements aiding
in bodybuildings, weightlifting and athletics they help to increase muscle.
 The term “Nutraceuticals” was coined by combining the term
“Nutrients” and “Pharmaceutical” in 1989 by Dr. Stephen De Felice.
 Nutraceutical is any substance i.e. a food or a part of food that
provide medicinal or health benefits including the prevention and
treatment of disease.
 It is any non-toxic food components that has scientifically proven
health benefits , including disease treatment or prevention.
 Pharmaceuticals: Drug used in he treatment od disease.
 Nutraceuticals: Nutrients that may prevent disease.
 Importance:
 Nutraceutical is the hybrid of nutrition and pharmaceuticals.
 Food or part of food playing a significant role in modifying and
maintaining normal physiological function that maintain healthy human
 The food product uses as nutraceuticals can be categorized as dietary
fibers, prebiotics, probiotics and other herbal/ natural foods.
 These nutraceuticals help in combating some of the major health problem
of the century such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis
or arthritis etc.
 A dietary supplements is a product taken by mouth that contain a “dietary
ingredient” intended to supplement the diet. E.g. Vitamin, minerals.
 Food supplements are concentrated source of nutrients or other
substances with nutritional effect that are marketed in “dose” form. E.g.
Pill, tablet, capsule, liquids is measure in doses.
 Food supplements are intended to correct nutritional deficiencies,
maintain adequate intake of certain nutrients.
 They are not medicinal product and as such cannot exert a
pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action. Therefore their use
is not intended to treat or prevent disease in human or to modify
physiological functions.
Benefits of Food Supplements:
 Supplements can provide extra nutrients when diet is lacking or certain
health conditions ( such as cancer, diabetes) trigger a deficiency.
 A multivitamins/ minerals supplements will provide all the micronutrients
to body. They are generally safe because they contain only small amount of
each nutrients.
 Individual nutrients are available as supplements.
 A drug-food interaction occurs when food and medicine interfere with
one another.
 Interaction can happen with both prescription and over the counter
 Not all medication are affected by food but some are affected by certain
 When drugs and food interfere with each others functionality this is
known as food-drug interaction.
 Food can interact with your medicine in one of three way it can enhance,
delay or decrease the absorption of medication.
 Example:
 Vitamin K Rich Food:
Blood thinner are often prescribed to people to prevent life
threatening blood cloth from developing. Eating foods that are rich in vit k
such as spinach, broccoli can decrease the effect of blood thinner.
 Dairy:
Calcium rich food including, cheese or other dairy product can
interfere with certain medication such as antibiotics. There medication can
bind to calcium and form can insoluble substance that is different for the
body to absorb.
 Alcohol:
- Most common type of medication that interact with alcohol are high blood
pressure, pain, diabetes, antipsychotics and antidepressant medication.
- Drinking alcohol while taking these medication may lead to harmful
reaction such as hypotension, liver injury, ulcer or disruption in breathing.
Thanking You !

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Nutrition and health

  • 1. NUTRITION AND HEALTH Social Pharmacy (20115) Mr. Omkar B. Tipugade M-Pharm (Pharmaceutics) Genesis Institute of Pharmacy, Radhanagari. 1
  • 2. NUTRITION  Nutrition is the physiological process by which body utilizes food for growth and maintenance and healthy living.  A science of food and its relationship to health and concerned with the part played by food factor (nutrients) in body growth, development and maientence.  Nutrition is the combination of processes by which the living organism receives and uses the food materials necessary for growth, maintence of function and repair of component parts. 2
  • 3. Objective of Nutrition's :  To promote the physical and mental growth and development of human being.  Building and repairing of tissue and cell damaged by infection and injuries.  To provide energy for doing works.  To Protect the human beings from infections and deficiency disorders. 3
  • 4. NUTRIENTS:  a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth.  Macronutrients: - are required in large quantities daily. Protein, carbohydrates and fats are macronutrients. They are basis of any diet.  Micronutrients: - are needed in small quantities (usually in amounts less than Milligrams). These are nutrients are involved in regulating metabolism and energy processes. They are vitamins and minerals. 4
  • 5. DIETARY FIBER:  The carbohydrates (e.g. pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose and some non- carbohydrates substance like lignin) are collectively called dietary fiber. Fiber is found in vegetable, fruits and grains.  Is an indigestible carbohydrates present in food.  By nature fiber are non-starch polysaccharides.  Dietary fiber is not digested by the enzymes of the human GI tract, where most of the other carbohydrates like starch , sugar are digested and absorbed. 5
  • 6. Importance of fiber in diet:  Normalizes bowel movements/ Increase Stool Bulk: - Dietary fiber increase the weight and size of your stool and soften it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing chance of constipation. In case of loose, watery stool, fiber may help to solidify the stool because it absorb water and adds bulks to stool.  Helps maintain bowel health: - A high fiber diet may lower risk of developing hemorrhoids and small pouches in our colon. Studies have also found that a high-fiber diet likely lower the risk of colorectal cancer.  Lower cholesterol levels: - Soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat may help lower total blood cholesterol level by lowering low density lipoprotein. Studies 6
  • 7. Studies also have shown that higher fiber food may have other heart. Health benefits such as reducing blood pressure and inflammation.  Water holding Capacity: - Property of holding water and swell it which increase viscosity. - Increase transit time due to high viscosity.  Aids in achieving healthy weight: - High fiber foods tends to be more filling than low-fiber foods, so eat less and stay satisfied longer and high fiber food tends to take longer to eat and to be less “energy dense” which means they have fewer calories for the same volume of food.  Helps in live linger: - Studies suggest that increasing dietary fiber intake especially cereal fiber is associated with a reduced risk of dying from CVS disease. 7
  • 8. IMPORTANCE OF WATER IN DIET:  Helps in digestion of food.  Helps in secretion of digestive juices.  Maintain electrolyte balance in the body.  Helps in the conduction of nerve impulses.  Maintain the fluidity of blood, lymph and all secretion.  Maintain body temp and act as a distributor of body heat.  Helps in the excretion of waste product from the body. 8
  • 9. BALANCED DIET:  A diet which include a variety of food in adequate amount and correct proportion to supply all essential nutrients which promote and preserve good health.  A normal balanced diet contain sufficient amount of fiber and other nutrients provider the appropriate amount of energy and adequate amount of water.  A balanced diet should offer around 60-70% to total calories from carbohydrate , 10-20% from protein and 20-25% from fat. 9
  • 10. Calories:  A number of calories in a food state to the amount of energy stored in that food. Body uses calories from food for walking, thinking and other important function.  Males tends to need more calories than female and people who exercise need more calories than people who don’t. 10
  • 11.  Food and drinks that contain no significant nutrients but are high in calories are said to be empty calories. These are mainly foods and drinks that have a high sugar, fat or alcohol content but little or no other nutritional value.  E.g. Cakes, cookies, energy drinks, ice-creams, chips.  To maintain good health limit your consumption of empty calories and instead try to get your calories from food that are rich in other nutrients. 11
  • 12. Why a balanced diet is Important:  A balanced diet is one that provide the body with all the essential nutrients , vitamins and minerals required to maintain cell, tissue and organ as well as to function correctly. A diet that is lacking in nutrients can lead to many different health problem like tiredness and lack of energy and affects on growth the development  Manage weight and prevents overweight and obesity.  Reduce the risk of chronic disease.  Reduce the risk of early mortality. 12
  • 13. NUTRITION DEFICIENCY DISEASE:  Nutrition deficiency disease occurs when there is a lack of nutrients which are essential for growth and health.  Deficiency of food leading to either malnutrition or starvation.  Nutrients enable body tissue to grow and maintain themselves. Carbohydrate , fats and protein provide energy to body.  Malnutrition is a serious condition that happens when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients. It means "poor nutrition“.  Starvation means suffering or death caused by lack of food. 13
  • 14. VITAMIN DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Vitamin Source Deficiency A Animal : fish, butter, egg, milk Plant: vegetables, carrot, sweet potato, tomatoes, fruits.  Nightblindness, anorexia  Growth of bone and formation of tooth are defective. 14
  • 16. Rickets: Rickets is a condition that affects bone development in children. It causes bone pain, poor growth and soft, weak bones that can lead to bone deformities. Osteoporosis: A condition in which bones become weak and brittle. Vitamin Source Deficiency D Fish, sardins, egg yolk, butter, milk, mushrooms.  Rickets  Osteomalacia  Osteoporosis. 16
  • 17. Vitamin Source Deficiency K Plant source: Cauliflower, cabbage, peas and soyabens Anima source: Dairy product like cheese, butter and form product like egg.  haemorrhages 17
  • 18. Vitamin Source Deficiency B1 (Thiamine) Rice, wheat, pulses, nuts, meat, eggs.  Beriberi 18
  • 19. Vitamin Source Deficiency B2 (Riboflavin) whole grains, pulses, leafy veg, eggs, milk, meat.  Oral, facial lesions.  Chelisis: Red swollen and cracked lips. 19
  • 20. Vitamin Source Deficiency Niacin Whole grains, peanuts, legumes, fish, meat, milk, eggs.  Dermatitis,  diarrhea and  dementia Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Coriander, lemon, orange, pineapple, papaya, mango, tomato.  Scurvy Scurvy: Gums are swollen and become infected. 20
  • 21. MINERALS DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Minerals Source Deficiency Calcium Milk, Cheese, dark green leafy veg.  Osteoporosis  Osteomalacia  Poor tooth and bone formation  Rickets  Tetany Phosphorus Milk, Cheese, meat, fish, cereals, nuts  Poor teeth and bone formation  Weakness  Anorexia 21
  • 22. Minerals Source Deficiency Potassium Orange, Bananas, dried fruits, veg, milks, meat.  Hypokalemia  Muscle weakness  Abnormal heart beat. Sodium Eggs, milks, cheese  Nausea, muscle cramps Chloride Eggs, Seafood, milks  Imbalance in gastric body  Maintain fluid & electrolyte. Iodine Iodized salt, seafood  Goiter, Cretinism  Myxedema Zinc Eggs, milk, seafood  Dwarfism  Anemia 22
  • 23. Minerals Source Deficiency Potassium Orange, Bananas, dried fruits, veg, milks, meat.  Hypokalemia  Muscle weakness  Abnormal heart beat. Sodium Eggs, milks, cheese  Nausea, muscle cramps Chloride Eggs, Seafood, milks  Imbalance in gastric body  Maintain fluid & electrolyte. Iodine Iodized salt, seafood  Goiter, Cretinism  Myxedema Zinc Eggs, milk, seafood  Dwarfism  Anemia 23
  • 24. • Dwarfism: • Shortness in height that results from a genetic or medical condition. 24
  • 25. PROTEIN DEFICIENCY DISEASE:  Proteins can cause serious disease, like Kwashiorkor and Marasmic to small children, if sufficient proteins are not given to them.  If a person does not enough protein in his/her food for long time, he /she is likely to have stunted growth, swelling of face , discoloration of hair, skin disease and diarrhea. KWASHIROKAR  Is caused in the of protein and carbohydrates in the children. It affects mainly after the breast feeding is stopped and result in improper growth.  For this kwashirokar the child gets swelling of legs, stomachs and face also occur. Sometimes the liver gets enlarged. It appears discoloration of hair and seen patches on the skin. 25
  • 26. MARASMUS  Is caused due to deficiency of carbohydrates in food. The deficiency of marasmus the skin gets dry and wrinkles. Mainly it affects to children below the age of one year. Kwashirokar Marasmus 26
  • 27. JUNK FOODS:  Any food that has no or negligible nutritional value can be considered as junk food.  E.g. bakery product, pizza, burgers, oily snackers, soft drink.  They have high calorie content , salt and fats.  The more we consume these , the less is the intake of essential nutrients and vitamin in body. 27
  • 28. Effect on Health:  Increased Obesity: - Its composition of loads of sugar, calories and fats contribute to weight gain. Obesity can cause many medical issues like diabetes, joint-pain and heart disease.  Lead to Depression: - Junk food are loaded with high sugar and fats that can cause certain chemical reaction in the brain which affect its functioning. By consuming too much of it, the body loses essential nutrients and amino acid. These symptoms eventually lead to inability of brain to deal with stress and can leave you feeling depressed.  Loss of memory and learning problem: - Junk food can deteriorate memory and can leave with weaker brain. It cause a sudden inflammation in the hippocampus in the brain which is responsible for memory. 28
  • 29.  Degrade Appetite and Digestion: - Consumption of excess junk food leave the brain in dilemma. Excessive sugar intake can cause blood sugar level to fluctuate and make the brain demand more food , which eventually leads to overacting. It make its difficult for the body to digest excessive junk food.  Inadequate Growth and development: - Junk food causes deficiency of essential nutrients and vitamins required for the proper growth and development of body. 29
  • 30. CALORIFIC AND NUTRITIVE VALUE Calorific Value: A calorie is a unit that is used to measure energy. The calorie see on a food package is actually a kilocalorie or 1000 calories. Nutritive Value: Nutritional value as part of food quality is the measure of a well- balanced ratio of the essential nutrients carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins in items of food or diet concerning the nutrients requirements of their consumers. 30
  • 31. FORTIFICATION OF FOODS:  Fortification is the addition of key vitamins and minerals such as iron, iodine, zinc, vitamin A & D to staple food such as rice, milk, and salt to improve their nutritional content.  These nutrients may or may not have been originally present in the food before processing.  Example of Fortified Food: - Milk with Vit. D - Salt with Iodine - Fruit juice with Calcium - Bread with Niacin. 31
  • 32.  Purpose :  Improve nutritional quality of food.  Reduce nutritional disorder.  Fortification for body building.  Benefits of Fortifications:  Nutrients are added to staple foods that are widely consumed , this is a excellent method to improve the health of a large section of the population.  Safe method of improving nutrition.  It does not require any change in food habit and patterns of people.  Does not alter the characteristic of the food the taste , the feel and the look.  Can be implemented quickly as well as show results in improvement of health in a relatively short period of time. 32
  • 33. INTRODUCTION OF FOOD SAFETY:  Food safety refers to routines in the preparation, handlings and storage of food meant to prevent foodborne illness and injury from farm to factory to fork, food product may encounter any number of health hazards during their journey through the supply chain. Safe food handling practices and procedure are thus implemented at every stage of the food production life cycle in order to curb these risk and prevent harm to consumers.  Food safety is defined as keeping food safe to eat at every stage of (purchasing, receiving, storage, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating ) handling as it passes through the flow of food from farm to table. 33
  • 34.  Food production centers or kitchens provide all conditions necessary for the growth of micro-organism, such as food, humidity and right temp. All of which are conductive to the spread of infection, disease and infestation if not controlled and monitored through strict regimen with respect to hygiene and sanitation practices. 34
  • 35.  Food safety Regulations in a Globalized World: - Every country has different regulatory bodies that preside over the definition and enforcement of domestic food safety standards. In order to sell or manufacture food products in any given country, domestic and international business alike are subject to the food safety legislation and enforcement measure of that nation.  HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is a systemic, risk-based approach to preventing the biological and distribution environment. The HACCP concept to designed to counter health hazard by identifying potential food safety problems before they happens, rater than inspect food product for hazards after the fact. The HACCP concept entails controlling for contaminants at a number of key junctures in the food production process and strict adherence to hygiene practice throughout. 35
  • 36.  GMP: are internationally recognized quality assurance guidelines for the production of food, beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements and medical devices. These guidelines lay out the protocols which manufactures must implements to assure that their product are consistently high quality from batch and safe for human use. 36
  • 37. ADULTERATION OF FOOD:  The addition or subtraction of any substance to or from food, so that the natural composition and quality of food substance is affected.  Adulteration is either intentional by either removing substance to food or altering the existing natural properties of food knowing.  The adulterant may be present in any form and in any quantity. Adulterants are mostly harmful and pose the ability to lower the potency of product.  Even if the adulterant is not harmful, it reduce the nutritional value of the food to a greater extent. 37
  • 38.  Food is Considered Adulterated if:  A substance that degrade the quality of food.  Chapter or low quality substance are used as a substitute for whole or a few ingredients.  A constitute of food is a partly or wholly taken out reducing the quality of food.  It is colored or otherwise treated, to improve its appearance or if it contains any added substance injuries to health.  Packing low quality food product with fresh and high quality ones.  Examples:  Mixing milk with water.  Mixing oil with chemical derivative or cheaper oils.  Packing low quality food products with fresh and high quality ones. 38
  • 39.  Types of Food Adulteration: 1. Intentional Adulteration: - Same looking substance to increase weight and gain more profit. Example: Mixing of water in milk. 2. Incidental Adulteration: - Occurs due to negligence while handling food. Example: Like residue of pesticides in grains. 3. Metallic Adulteration: - Addition of metallic material into food like lead or mercury is metallic adulteration. It may happens accidentally or even intentionally. 4. Packaging Hazards: - The packing material in which the food is packed may also interfere and mix with the constitutes of food, leading to packaging hazards. 39
  • 40.  Methods of Food Adulteration: 1. Mixing: mixing of sands, dust , clay with food particles. 2. Substituting: Some healthy constitute are replaced by cheaper and low quality one which alter the nutritional values of the food and may even impose a health hazards. 3. Using Decomposed Foods: 4. Addition of toxic substance: e.g. addition of color and dyes. 5. Misbranding: altering the manufacturing dates, expiry dates, list of ingredients etc. 6. Artificial ripening: 40
  • 41. ARTIFICIAL RIPENING OF FRUITS:  Ripening is the process by which fruits attain their desirable flavor, quality, color, palatable nature and other textural properties.  On the basis of ripening behavior , fruits are classified as climacteric and Non- climacteric fruits.  Artificial ripening is done to achieve faster and more uniform ripening character tics.  Climacteric:  Climacteric fruits are defined as fruits that enter climacteric phase harvest i.e. they continue to ripen. 41
  • 42.  During the ripening process the fruits emit ethylene along with increased rate of respiration.  Ripe fruits are soft and delicate and generally cannot withstand rigours of transport and repeated handling,  E.g. Mango, Banana.  Non- climacteric:  Fruits once harvested do not ripen further. Non- climacteric fruits produce very small amount of ethylene and do not responds to ethylene treatment.  E.g. Orange. Effect of artificial ripening on health: It causes symptoms like headache, dizziness, high sleepiness, memory loss, cerebral oedema, weakness, cold and damp skin, low blood pressure. 42
  • 43. PESTICIDES: Is any substance used to kill, repel or control certain forms pf plant or animal life that are considered to be pests. Use of pesticides for foods:  Pesticide are used to protect crops against insects weeds, fungi and other pest.  Are potentially toxic to human and can have both acute and chronic health effects, depending on the quantity and way in which a person is exposed.  Some of the older, cheaper pesticide can remain for years in soil and water. There chemical have been banned from agricultural use in developed countries, but they are still used in many developing countries. 43
  • 44.  People who face the greatest health risk from exposure to pesticide are those who come into contact with them at work in their home or garden.  Play a significant role in food production. They protect or increase yield and the number of times per year a crop can be grown on the same land. 44
  • 45. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD:  Genetically modified foods (GM foods), also known as genetically engineered foods (GE foods), or bioengineered foods are foods produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering technique allow for the introduction of new traits as well as greater control over traits. Genetically modified crops have been engineered for resistance to pathogen and herbicides and for better nutrients profiles. 45
  • 46. Advantages of genetically modified crops are:  Higher yield  Enhanced nutritional value  Longer shelf life  Increase resistance to insects, pests.  Increase resistance to herbicides.  Dramatic reduction in pesticide use. Disadvantages of genetically modified crops are:  Allergies  Resistance to antibiotics  Cancer 46
  • 47. DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS:  Dietary supplements are substances you might use to add nutrients to lower your risk of health problems such as osteoporosis or arthritis. Dietary supplements come in the form of pills, capsules, powder, gel, tablets or liquids. They might contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acid, herbs or other plants or enzymes. A doctors prescription is not needed to buy dietary supplements.  Dietary supplements are product aimed at improving the health status and wellness of an individual, which can be taken during meal or at specific interval to supplements the individual daily diet. Supplements are required when there is an imbalance in nutrients or absence of a particular nutrients. 47
  • 48.  Vitamin are micronutrients which play a vital function in the metabolism. Therefore, vitamin or multivitamins are the most used category of dietary supplements. Vitamin A, B vitamins including Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pentothenic acid (B5), Vitamin B6, Biotin B7, Folate B9 and Vitamin B12, C,D,E and K are the main forms of vitamin in supplements.  Minerals are exogenous chemical elements required by the body. Other minerals including sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copperm iodine, chromium, selenium can be taken as dietary supplements.  Protein are chain of amino acids which perform structural, metabolic and regulatory function in the body. Some example of protein supplemnets are whey protein , casein protein, egg protein etc.  Bodybuilding supplements are another type of dietary supplements aiding in bodybuildings, weightlifting and athletics they help to increase muscle. 48
  • 49. NUTRACEUTICALS  The term “Nutraceuticals” was coined by combining the term “Nutrients” and “Pharmaceutical” in 1989 by Dr. Stephen De Felice.  Nutraceutical is any substance i.e. a food or a part of food that provide medicinal or health benefits including the prevention and treatment of disease.  It is any non-toxic food components that has scientifically proven health benefits , including disease treatment or prevention.  Pharmaceuticals: Drug used in he treatment od disease.  Nutraceuticals: Nutrients that may prevent disease. 49
  • 50.  Importance:  Nutraceutical is the hybrid of nutrition and pharmaceuticals.  Food or part of food playing a significant role in modifying and maintaining normal physiological function that maintain healthy human beings.  The food product uses as nutraceuticals can be categorized as dietary fibers, prebiotics, probiotics and other herbal/ natural foods.  These nutraceuticals help in combating some of the major health problem of the century such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis or arthritis etc. 50
  • 51. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS:  A dietary supplements is a product taken by mouth that contain a “dietary ingredient” intended to supplement the diet. E.g. Vitamin, minerals.  Food supplements are concentrated source of nutrients or other substances with nutritional effect that are marketed in “dose” form. E.g. Pill, tablet, capsule, liquids is measure in doses. 51
  • 52.  Food supplements are intended to correct nutritional deficiencies, maintain adequate intake of certain nutrients.  They are not medicinal product and as such cannot exert a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action. Therefore their use is not intended to treat or prevent disease in human or to modify physiological functions. 52
  • 53. Benefits of Food Supplements:  Supplements can provide extra nutrients when diet is lacking or certain health conditions ( such as cancer, diabetes) trigger a deficiency.  A multivitamins/ minerals supplements will provide all the micronutrients to body. They are generally safe because they contain only small amount of each nutrients.  Individual nutrients are available as supplements. 53
  • 54. DRUG-FOOD INTERACTION:  A drug-food interaction occurs when food and medicine interfere with one another.  Interaction can happen with both prescription and over the counter medicine.  Not all medication are affected by food but some are affected by certain food.  When drugs and food interfere with each others functionality this is known as food-drug interaction.  Food can interact with your medicine in one of three way it can enhance, delay or decrease the absorption of medication. 54
  • 55.  Example:  Vitamin K Rich Food: Blood thinner are often prescribed to people to prevent life threatening blood cloth from developing. Eating foods that are rich in vit k such as spinach, broccoli can decrease the effect of blood thinner.  Dairy: Calcium rich food including, cheese or other dairy product can interfere with certain medication such as antibiotics. There medication can bind to calcium and form can insoluble substance that is different for the body to absorb. 55
  • 56.  Alcohol: - Most common type of medication that interact with alcohol are high blood pressure, pain, diabetes, antipsychotics and antidepressant medication. - Drinking alcohol while taking these medication may lead to harmful reaction such as hypotension, liver injury, ulcer or disruption in breathing. 56