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What will you learn in Unit 5
• This Unit introduces Time Management and explores effective ways in
working smarter, in less time.
• It is addressing workers in private and public organisations who want to
improve their daily management.
• It reflects flexible work models and various successful methods and
• It introduces the working staff with principles of functional planning of work
and approaches to effective performance.
• It prepares working staff to effectively apply in practice time management
tips and skills, and become aware of the essential needs and approaches
required in working with people with disabilities.
Key concepts
• Understand the importance and core-components of Time Management
• Understand the value of effective Time Management at individual and
organisational levels
• Learn how to assist employees with disabilities to develop and improve
their Time Management skills
• Become familiar with Time Management skills
• Explore Flexible Work Models and Time Management Models for
improving people with disabilities’ work in the workplace
• Get to know Employee Assistance Programs (Eaps) for the effective
collaboration with people with disabilities in the workplace
Introduction to Time
1. Time Management
2. Time Management core-components
3. Task Plan
4. SMART Model
5. Flexible Work Models
6. Time Management Models
7. Time Management skills
8. Workforce Planning
9. Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
10. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPS)
11. GROW Model
In this Unit
Time Management is the planning and organizing process of dividing one’s time between different
and various activities simultaneously and productively (Glassdoor, 2021). It is essential for workers to
acknowledge the value of time in order to success within a firm and be able to schedule their tasks
within a specific timeframe and arrange their performance in time estimation (MSG Management
Study Guide, 2021).
“You don’t need more time in
your day. You need to decide”
Seth Godin
1. Time Management
To improve life at work, it is significant to become familiarize with some
core-components of Time Management, which are illustrated in the
Diagram 1 below (Glassdoor, 2021).
organized is a
to quality work.
Stay focused
and keep your
calendar up-to-
The ability and
skills to choose
which work is
more essential
to be completed
and in which
Identify quality
goals and
milestones, and
set up
deadlines (start
and end day)
Know how to plan
your day:
meetings, tasks,
appointments and
identify useful
tools and
resources to
complete tasks
challenging and
tasks, prioritize
what must be
done first and
set up
Learn to be the
planner of
yourself and
mark your
Time Management creates essential benefits at individual and organizational
levels. It gives to employees the accouterments to work alone and in teams
efficiently, and to support their peers with their tasks when necessary. It can
create higher productivity, work quality and less stress, it can enhance self-
efficacy and self-disciplined. With this in mind, it boosts self-morale and self-
confidence and it develops healthier relationships among employees within
organizational culture. Dr. Tracey Marks (2020) speaks about Time Management,
organisation and planning, while focusing on adults with ADHD (Attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder). ADHD is a diagnosed brain and mental disorder affecting
attention and behavior control, and can cause among other (WebMD, 2021),
anxiety, relationship problems and problems at work, low concentration when
reading, low self-esteem, memory issues, boredom, frustration and depression.
2. Time Management at individual and
organisational level
Workers must assist their peers with disabilities in understanding the nature of their work
better, and identify among all their tasks those that should be prioritized and done
urgently, as well as those that can be completed at a later stage. Self-management is an
essential skill that workers with disabilities must develop in order to reach high levels of
autonomy at work, job engagement, job satisfaction and well-being.
A recent analysis (Yamatani, Teixeira & McDonough, 2015, p.834) on the rate of work
performance improvement of young people with disabilities trained within an organisation
has reported that “planning and organizing skills” was the most challenging job
performance area for a new employee with disability. However, between the first and the
second appraisal period, the rates of improvement in regards to planning and organizing
were increased by 11.4%, as workers with disabilities improved in setting priorities,
organizing and completing their work according to their schedule, and completed their
tasks on time.
To improve Time Management skills, co-workers must be able to assist their peers with disabilities in developing
their Task Plan, a high-priority tasks list organizer with assigned time slots for each activity that guide employees in
planning things better and keeping up with their deadlines. The below Task Plan (Diagram 2) works as an example.
Co-workers can use this template for assisting workers with disabilities to plan and arrange their tasks better.
Assist Maria in
material for the
Assisting on the
creation of the content
of the monthly online
Nicole 1.0 25.11.2021 Upcoming/
In Progress/
Diagram 2: Source: 10+ Task Plan Templates – Google Docs | MS Word | Pages | Editable PDF (2021).
3. Task Plan
4. Smart Model
The SMART goals is a tool which reflects a set of criteria in assisting individuals in accomplishing their goals (The
Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals, 2021):
Specific goals
Measurable goals
Achievable goals
Relevant goals
Time-Bound goals
Be specific on the goals your disabled peer
can achieve. Define:
- WHO will be responsible for completing a
- WHAT should be accomplished?
- WHEN the task should be completed?
- WHERE the task should be completed? Is
there a specific location?
- WHICH are the requirements in achieving
the task?
- WHY a certain task should be completed?
Define the metrics your
disabled peer can use to
define whether a task is
tangible and measure its
Determine the ways
tools and skills to
achieve a task.
Make it clear to
whether a task is
aligned with the
Create a realistic
timeframe in which a
task should be
completed. Assist a
disabled peer in setting
deadlines and
monitoring the progress.
Diagram 3: SMART goals
5. Flexible work models for disabled workers
The Diagram 4 below illustrates some Flexible Work Models that should be taken into account for meliorating
Time Management and work in general (Michailidis, 2021):
JOB SHARING Two people working on one task, but splitting the hours
MULTISKILLING Employees can switch jobs or carry out some tasks that were supposed to be undertaken by the team
WORKING FROM HOME Working from home or anywhere else rather than the normal working environment
PART-TIME Working less than full-time hours (usually by working fewer days)
COMPRESSED HOURS Working full-time hours but over fewer days
FLEXITIME The employee decides when to start and end work within agreed limits but usually certain ‘core working
hours’ are between 10am-4pm daily
ANNUALISED HOURS The employee works a certain number of hours over the year but there is flexibility about when they work,
i.e., ‘core hours’ or upon demand
No guarantee of a minimum number of working hours – Employees work upon demand and get paid only for
their working hours
For the authors (Anand & Sevak, 2017), flexible working, modified job schedules and
duties play a significant role in the participation of people with disabilities in the labour
market. A recent survey on employment and disability (2015) investigated the most
common accommodations that help the ease of their employment, concluding to 50%
of flexible work schedule, 41% of training and support by a job coach, 32% reported
assistance from their co-workers, 28% indicated the modification of job duties and
lastly, 9% reported the support by a personal assistant.
The flexibility to participate in different types of working such as, telecommunication,
teleworking, virtual or distance working, home-based working, work-shifting, etc.
Workers with disabilities have their own technological and other equipment (screen
readers, etc.) at home that they can use to manage their time more efficiently and
flexibly as per 71%.
“An employer’s willingness to rearrange the responsibilities and schedules associated with a particular job can
mean the difference between employment and unemployment for many persons with disabilities”.
(UN ESCAP 2015, p.18)
In addition, co-workers tend to have the role of mediators and coaches if it is needed to provide any
assistance or supervise their peers with disabilities’ progress within the workplace. They need to encourage
them on how to learn and think to do their job themselves, observe their knowledge, skills, competencies,
interests, strengths, weaknesses and future opportunities, and help them improve their self-management
and time-management skills accordingly. This is because they need to give them the space to explore their
potential through various and interactive practices, exercises and learning styles for future development
(Sandjojo et al., 2018).
• ABC Model of Time Management – based on three essential ideas (Nongmeikapam & Singh, 2018):
(a) Awareness: Time is precious. Identify urgent and not important tasks and prioritize accordingly.
(b) Believe: It is significant to understand the value of time and be confident on completing a task.
(c) Continuation: The continuous use and learning of time management techniques and tools
6. Time Management Models
• Pareto’s Principle: 80-20 Rule - 80-20 principle explains that 20% of our activities are vital and will
lead to 80% of productivity, performance, and therefore, positive results. It allows maximum results
and it enhances personal effectiveness in minimum time. The Diagram 5 below gives a detailed
analysis on the Pareto’s Principle:
20% = the most important task Up to 80% Achievement
80% = secondary affairs Only 20% Achievement
Source: A descriptive study of time management models and
theories (Nongmeikapam & Singh, 2018).
• Mind Map - a visual map information to promote
creative thinking. In other words, this time
management model can be used by the personnel
that wants to increase problem-solving and enrich
the development of critical thinking through various
perspectives. Co-workers can use this model for
assisting their peers with disabilities in organizing
information related to their tasks, generate the
necessary structure and visualize their ideas
(Nongmeikapam & Singh, 2018).
Source: Shutterstock
Time Management and Mind Maps!
7. Time Management skills
According to the author Shoemaker (2020), people with disabilities have proved that they are capable of performing
various tasks in working environments. This of course depends on the environmental system and culture that
managers and co-workers promote in welcoming and integrating their peers with disabilities within the workplace.
To continue, as explained by the authors Myers et. al., (2007, p.1), “Time management refers to the process of
helping a user manage actual and potential temporal commitments”. With this in mind, employees must be aware
and capable to balance their workload in collaboration with their peers with disabilities and schedule meetings and
appointments in order to discuss task delegation and completion od deadlines. Time Management is directly related
to Task management as it is consisted of activities and critical practices such as, planning, organizing and execution
of tasks based on certain responsibilities. On Diagram 6 below are some identified Time Management skills and on
the following video you can familiarize yourselves with some Time Management tips.
Job skills
Soft and hard
Regulation of
Goals setting
Task delegation
and evaluation
Source: Time management skills in relation to general self-efficacy and parental sense of competence in individuals with and without cognitive disabilities (Roshanai et al., 2019)
8. Workforce planning
Workforce Planning is the strategic process which focuses on the effective development of personnel, with the
main aim to achieve business goals and meet organizational effectiveness. Quinn Mills (1895) supported that
such a process reflects decision-making and focuses the scope on the identification of the right people who
possess the right skills and the ways in which they are motivated to reach high performance levels.
Following this perspective, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy is aiming at acknowledging individual differences
among the team members in the workplace. Managers and staff are responsible for including in their daily work
inclusion practices in order to make employees with disabilities feel more comfortable, confident and productive.
They also need to identify employees interests, talents and strengths when planning business tasks and define
the abilities and skills they possess in order to build in future potential and improvements.
9. Employee assistance programs (EAPS)
Employee Assistance Programs include workforce counselling, activities promoting health, identification of health
symptoms, etc. Since part of personnel working with people with disabilities may be coaches, counsellors or
mentors, they need to advise them through coaching, counselling or mentoring (Diagram 7)
Coaching Counselling Mentoring
Experienced person Person being coached Counsellor Mentor
Hypothesis about other
Coaching is for a person who wants to
improve in a specific area, function better and
be healthy in their workplace
For people who are dealing with a
pain, confusion, etc.
For people who need to be advised
by someone who’s experience can
be imitated or shared
Desired outcome Action Healing and understanding Successful application
Skills Listening, asking questions, designing action Listening, asking questions,
Telling, advising
Purpose of useful
Questions are asked by an experienced
coach to promote discovery for the person
who is being coached
Questions are asked by a
counsellor who wants to diagnose
Used by mentee to gain advices
Source: Mental health and stress management (Michailidis, 2021, p.27)
10. Grow model
The role of coaches, mentors or counsellors is to
identify employees’ barriers at work and assist them in
improving their performance and task planning, and
intervene when leaderships declines. Moreover, the
GROW model (Diagram 8) or otherwise the G-goal,
can be used by employees with disabilities with the
assistance of their coaches for better setting their
goals and improve their Time Management and career
development in general:
Coach asks the
employee to discuss the
current reality and
circumstances and
agree on the
Coach reviews
options, asks
employee to reflect
on them and decide
on the best options
What’s Next:
Coach and employee
plan the steps in detail
and decide on the date
that they will both
discuss employee’s
Coach ask employee what
he/she wants to achieve.
The goal must be SMART
(Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic, Time-
bound) and fit business
Source: Mental health and stress management (Michailidis, 2021, p.29-35)
Assessment Activity
A new employee with mild visual disability, Nicole, joined the company (a supermarket) the previous week. As
an experienced employee, you are assigned by your team manager to assist your new peer Nicole, to go
along with her tasks and deadlines, as you are both working together on the Marketing Department. Every
month, the Marketing Department develops and publishes the monthly online newsletter for promoting the
company’s products through their website and social media pages.
The Task Plan has already been provided by the team manager. You must discuss with Nicole and decide
on the content of the promotional material of the online newsletter before starting developing it. In order to
support her in her job, you are assigned to help her develop a GROW model and break down the four
steps for a better analysis of the respective task which must be completed within two weeks.
1. Nongmeikapam, J., & Singh, A. (2018). A descriptive study of time management models and theories [Ebook] (3rd ed., pp. 143-145). Mizoram, India: IJASRM. Retrieved
2. Classens, B., Roe, R. A. & Rutte, C. G. (2009). Time Management: Logic, effectiveness and challenges. In R.A. Roe, M. J. Waller & S. R. Clegg (1 ed.) Time in
organisational research, pp. 23- 41. Newyork: Routledge. Retrieved from
3. Covey, S.R. (2013). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Newyork: Simon & Schuster. Retrieved from
4. Chowdhury, M. (2013). The ABC model of effective time management. Retrieved from
5. Mueller, S. (2017). Stephen covey’s Time Management Matrix explained’. Retrieved from
6. Holmefur, M., Lidström-Holmqvist, K., Hayat Roshanay, A., Arvidsson, P., White, S., & Janeslätt, G. (2019). Pilot study of “Let’s get organized” - a group intervention for
improving time management. American Journal of Occupational Therapy (In press). Retrieved from
Further Reading
Further Reading
Glassdoor. (2021). Time Management: A Definition. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from
MSG Management Study Guide. (2021). Time Management - Meaning and its Importance. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from
Seth Godin. (2021). Pin on Productivity Quotes. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from
WebMD. (2021). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Retrieved 28 June 2021, from
Marks, T. (2020). How To Master Time Management – ADHD Skills Part 1 [Video].
Foster, D. (2017). The Health and Well-Being at Work Agenda: Good News for (Disabled) Workers or Just a Capital Idea? Work, Employment and Society, 32(1), 186–197.
Retrieved 28 June 2021, from
Yamatani, H., Teixeira, S. & McDonough, K. (2015). Employing People With Disabilities: A Preliminary Assessment of a Start-Up Initiative, Journal of Human Behavior in the
Social Environment, 25:8, 830-842, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2015.1028261. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from
10+ Task Plan Templates – Google Docs | MS Word | Pages | Editable PDF. (2021). Retrieved 29 June 2021, from
The Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals. (2021). Retrieved 29 June 2021, from
Michailidis, E. (2021). HRM strategies dealing with specific aspects of HRM [Ebook] (p. 48). Nicosia: Cyprus Institute of Marketing (CIM). Retrieved from
Anand, P., & Sevak, P. (2017). The role of workplace accommodations in the employment of people with disabilities [Ebook]. Springer. Retrieved from
Spark, R. (2017). Research Gate. Accessibility to Work from Home for the Disabled: The Need for a Shift in Management Style [Ebook] (pp. 4-5). South Fremantle. Retrieved
Sandjojo, J., Zedlitz, A., Gebhardt, W., Hoekman, J., Dusseldorp, E., den Haan, J., & Evers, A. (2018). Training staff to promote self-management in people with intellectual
disabilities [Ebook]. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Retrieved from
Nongmeikapam, J., & Singh, A. (2018). A descriptive study of time management models and theories [Ebook] (3rd ed., pp. 143-145). Mizoram, India: IJASRM. Retrieved from
Roshanai Afsaneh, H., Gunnel, J., Suzanne, W., & Holmqvist Kajsa, L. (2019). Time management skills in relation to general self-efficacy and parental sense of competence in
individuals with and without cognitive disabilities [Ebook]. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved from
Myers, K., Berry, P., Blythe, J., Conley, K., Gervasio, M., & McGuinness, D. et al. (2007). An Intelligent Personal Assistant for Task and Time Management [Ebook] (2nd ed., p.
1). Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved from http://file:///C:/Users/Panagiota/Downloads/2039-Article%20Text-2032-1-10-20080131.pdf
Shoemaker, L. (2020). Employment of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study of Time Management and Job Training Skills [Ebook]. Walden University. Retrieved
Michailidis, E. (2021). HRM strategies dealing with specific aspects of HRM [Ebook] (p.16-19). Nicosia: Cyprus Institute of Marketing (CIM). Retrieved from
Michailidis, E. (2021). Mental health and stress management [Ebook] (p.27). Nicosia: Cyprus Institute of Marketing (CIM). Retrieved from file:///E:/Master%202020-

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Time Management

  • 2. What will you learn in Unit 5 • This Unit introduces Time Management and explores effective ways in working smarter, in less time. • It is addressing workers in private and public organisations who want to improve their daily management. • It reflects flexible work models and various successful methods and techniques. • It introduces the working staff with principles of functional planning of work and approaches to effective performance. • It prepares working staff to effectively apply in practice time management tips and skills, and become aware of the essential needs and approaches required in working with people with disabilities.
  • 3. Key concepts • Understand the importance and core-components of Time Management • Understand the value of effective Time Management at individual and organisational levels • Learn how to assist employees with disabilities to develop and improve their Time Management skills • Become familiar with Time Management skills • Explore Flexible Work Models and Time Management Models for improving people with disabilities’ work in the workplace • Get to know Employee Assistance Programs (Eaps) for the effective collaboration with people with disabilities in the workplace
  • 5. 1. Time Management 2. Time Management core-components 3. Task Plan 4. SMART Model 5. Flexible Work Models 6. Time Management Models 7. Time Management skills 8. Workforce Planning 9. Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 10. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPS) 11. GROW Model In this Unit
  • 6. Time Management is the planning and organizing process of dividing one’s time between different and various activities simultaneously and productively (Glassdoor, 2021). It is essential for workers to acknowledge the value of time in order to success within a firm and be able to schedule their tasks within a specific timeframe and arrange their performance in time estimation (MSG Management Study Guide, 2021). “You don’t need more time in your day. You need to decide” Seth Godin 1. Time Management
  • 7. To improve life at work, it is significant to become familiarize with some core-components of Time Management, which are illustrated in the Diagram 1 below (Glassdoor, 2021). ORGANISATIO N Staying organized is a key-component to quality work. Stay focused and keep your calendar up-to- date DECISION- MAKING The ability and skills to choose which work is more essential to be completed and in which timeframe GOALS SETTING Identify quality goals and milestones, and set up deadlines (start and end day) PLANNING Know how to plan your day: schedule meetings, tasks, appointments and identify useful tools and resources to complete tasks PRIORITISING Identify challenging and time-consuming tasks, prioritize what must be done first and set up deadlines SETTING DEADLINES Learn to be the planner of yourself and mark your deadlines
  • 8. Time Management creates essential benefits at individual and organizational levels. It gives to employees the accouterments to work alone and in teams efficiently, and to support their peers with their tasks when necessary. It can create higher productivity, work quality and less stress, it can enhance self- efficacy and self-disciplined. With this in mind, it boosts self-morale and self- confidence and it develops healthier relationships among employees within organizational culture. Dr. Tracey Marks (2020) speaks about Time Management, organisation and planning, while focusing on adults with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). ADHD is a diagnosed brain and mental disorder affecting attention and behavior control, and can cause among other (WebMD, 2021), anxiety, relationship problems and problems at work, low concentration when reading, low self-esteem, memory issues, boredom, frustration and depression. 2. Time Management at individual and organisational level
  • 9. Workers must assist their peers with disabilities in understanding the nature of their work better, and identify among all their tasks those that should be prioritized and done urgently, as well as those that can be completed at a later stage. Self-management is an essential skill that workers with disabilities must develop in order to reach high levels of autonomy at work, job engagement, job satisfaction and well-being. A recent analysis (Yamatani, Teixeira & McDonough, 2015, p.834) on the rate of work performance improvement of young people with disabilities trained within an organisation has reported that “planning and organizing skills” was the most challenging job performance area for a new employee with disability. However, between the first and the second appraisal period, the rates of improvement in regards to planning and organizing were increased by 11.4%, as workers with disabilities improved in setting priorities, organizing and completing their work according to their schedule, and completed their tasks on time.
  • 10. To improve Time Management skills, co-workers must be able to assist their peers with disabilities in developing their Task Plan, a high-priority tasks list organizer with assigned time slots for each activity that guide employees in planning things better and keeping up with their deadlines. The below Task Plan (Diagram 2) works as an example. Co-workers can use this template for assisting workers with disabilities to plan and arrange their tasks better. TASK DESCRIPTION ASSIGNED TO VERSION DEADLINE STATUS Assist Maria in developing promotional material for the Marketing Department Assisting on the creation of the content of the monthly online magazine Nicole 1.0 25.11.2021 Upcoming/ In Progress/ Completed Diagram 2: Source: 10+ Task Plan Templates – Google Docs | MS Word | Pages | Editable PDF (2021). 3. Task Plan
  • 11. 4. Smart Model The SMART goals is a tool which reflects a set of criteria in assisting individuals in accomplishing their goals (The Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals, 2021): S Specific goals M Measurable goals A Achievable goals R Relevant goals T Time-Bound goals Be specific on the goals your disabled peer can achieve. Define: - WHO will be responsible for completing a task? - WHAT should be accomplished? - WHEN the task should be completed? - WHERE the task should be completed? Is there a specific location? - WHICH are the requirements in achieving the task? - WHY a certain task should be completed? Define the metrics your disabled peer can use to define whether a task is tangible and measure its progress Determine the ways tools and skills to achieve a task. Make it clear to whether a task is aligned with the overall organizational objectives. Create a realistic timeframe in which a task should be completed. Assist a disabled peer in setting deadlines and monitoring the progress. Diagram 3: SMART goals
  • 12. 5. Flexible work models for disabled workers The Diagram 4 below illustrates some Flexible Work Models that should be taken into account for meliorating Time Management and work in general (Michailidis, 2021): JOB SHARING Two people working on one task, but splitting the hours MULTISKILLING Employees can switch jobs or carry out some tasks that were supposed to be undertaken by the team WORKING FROM HOME Working from home or anywhere else rather than the normal working environment PART-TIME Working less than full-time hours (usually by working fewer days) COMPRESSED HOURS Working full-time hours but over fewer days FLEXITIME The employee decides when to start and end work within agreed limits but usually certain ‘core working hours’ are between 10am-4pm daily ANNUALISED HOURS The employee works a certain number of hours over the year but there is flexibility about when they work, i.e., ‘core hours’ or upon demand ZERO-HOURS CONTRACTS No guarantee of a minimum number of working hours – Employees work upon demand and get paid only for their working hours
  • 13. For the authors (Anand & Sevak, 2017), flexible working, modified job schedules and duties play a significant role in the participation of people with disabilities in the labour market. A recent survey on employment and disability (2015) investigated the most common accommodations that help the ease of their employment, concluding to 50% of flexible work schedule, 41% of training and support by a job coach, 32% reported assistance from their co-workers, 28% indicated the modification of job duties and lastly, 9% reported the support by a personal assistant. The flexibility to participate in different types of working such as, telecommunication, teleworking, virtual or distance working, home-based working, work-shifting, etc. Workers with disabilities have their own technological and other equipment (screen readers, etc.) at home that they can use to manage their time more efficiently and flexibly as per 71%.
  • 14. “An employer’s willingness to rearrange the responsibilities and schedules associated with a particular job can mean the difference between employment and unemployment for many persons with disabilities”. (UN ESCAP 2015, p.18) In addition, co-workers tend to have the role of mediators and coaches if it is needed to provide any assistance or supervise their peers with disabilities’ progress within the workplace. They need to encourage them on how to learn and think to do their job themselves, observe their knowledge, skills, competencies, interests, strengths, weaknesses and future opportunities, and help them improve their self-management and time-management skills accordingly. This is because they need to give them the space to explore their potential through various and interactive practices, exercises and learning styles for future development (Sandjojo et al., 2018).
  • 15. • ABC Model of Time Management – based on three essential ideas (Nongmeikapam & Singh, 2018): (a) Awareness: Time is precious. Identify urgent and not important tasks and prioritize accordingly. (b) Believe: It is significant to understand the value of time and be confident on completing a task. (c) Continuation: The continuous use and learning of time management techniques and tools 6. Time Management Models
  • 16. • Pareto’s Principle: 80-20 Rule - 80-20 principle explains that 20% of our activities are vital and will lead to 80% of productivity, performance, and therefore, positive results. It allows maximum results and it enhances personal effectiveness in minimum time. The Diagram 5 below gives a detailed analysis on the Pareto’s Principle: TIME EFFECTS 20% = the most important task Up to 80% Achievement 80% = secondary affairs Only 20% Achievement Source: A descriptive study of time management models and theories (Nongmeikapam & Singh, 2018).
  • 17. • Mind Map - a visual map information to promote creative thinking. In other words, this time management model can be used by the personnel that wants to increase problem-solving and enrich the development of critical thinking through various perspectives. Co-workers can use this model for assisting their peers with disabilities in organizing information related to their tasks, generate the necessary structure and visualize their ideas (Nongmeikapam & Singh, 2018). Source: Shutterstock
  • 18. Time Management and Mind Maps!
  • 19. 7. Time Management skills According to the author Shoemaker (2020), people with disabilities have proved that they are capable of performing various tasks in working environments. This of course depends on the environmental system and culture that managers and co-workers promote in welcoming and integrating their peers with disabilities within the workplace. To continue, as explained by the authors Myers et. al., (2007, p.1), “Time management refers to the process of helping a user manage actual and potential temporal commitments”. With this in mind, employees must be aware and capable to balance their workload in collaboration with their peers with disabilities and schedule meetings and appointments in order to discuss task delegation and completion od deadlines. Time Management is directly related to Task management as it is consisted of activities and critical practices such as, planning, organizing and execution of tasks based on certain responsibilities. On Diagram 6 below are some identified Time Management skills and on the following video you can familiarize yourselves with some Time Management tips.
  • 20. Job skills Critical Thinking Problem- solving Strategic planning Communication and collaboration Self-awareness Soft and hard skills Time- awareness Self-efficacy Organizing/ Scheduling Regulation of emotions Goals setting Task delegation Managing appointments Multitasking Teamwork Meeting deadlines Assessment and evaluation Source: Time management skills in relation to general self-efficacy and parental sense of competence in individuals with and without cognitive disabilities (Roshanai et al., 2019)
  • 21. 8. Workforce planning Workforce Planning is the strategic process which focuses on the effective development of personnel, with the main aim to achieve business goals and meet organizational effectiveness. Quinn Mills (1895) supported that such a process reflects decision-making and focuses the scope on the identification of the right people who possess the right skills and the ways in which they are motivated to reach high performance levels. Following this perspective, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy is aiming at acknowledging individual differences among the team members in the workplace. Managers and staff are responsible for including in their daily work inclusion practices in order to make employees with disabilities feel more comfortable, confident and productive. They also need to identify employees interests, talents and strengths when planning business tasks and define the abilities and skills they possess in order to build in future potential and improvements.
  • 22. 9. Employee assistance programs (EAPS) Employee Assistance Programs include workforce counselling, activities promoting health, identification of health symptoms, etc. Since part of personnel working with people with disabilities may be coaches, counsellors or mentors, they need to advise them through coaching, counselling or mentoring (Diagram 7) Coaching Counselling Mentoring Experienced person Person being coached Counsellor Mentor Hypothesis about other person Coaching is for a person who wants to improve in a specific area, function better and be healthy in their workplace For people who are dealing with a pain, confusion, etc. For people who need to be advised by someone who’s experience can be imitated or shared Desired outcome Action Healing and understanding Successful application Skills Listening, asking questions, designing action Listening, asking questions, diagnosing Telling, advising Purpose of useful questions Questions are asked by an experienced coach to promote discovery for the person who is being coached Questions are asked by a counsellor who wants to diagnose Used by mentee to gain advices Source: Mental health and stress management (Michailidis, 2021, p.27)
  • 23. 10. Grow model The role of coaches, mentors or counsellors is to identify employees’ barriers at work and assist them in improving their performance and task planning, and intervene when leaderships declines. Moreover, the GROW model (Diagram 8) or otherwise the G-goal, can be used by employees with disabilities with the assistance of their coaches for better setting their goals and improve their Time Management and career development in general: Reality: Coach asks the employee to discuss the current reality and circumstances and agree on the performance Options: Coach reviews options, asks employee to reflect on them and decide on the best options What’s Next: Coach and employee plan the steps in detail and decide on the date that they will both discuss employee’s progress Goal: Coach ask employee what he/she wants to achieve. The goal must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time- bound) and fit business objectives Source: Mental health and stress management (Michailidis, 2021, p.29-35)
  • 25. A new employee with mild visual disability, Nicole, joined the company (a supermarket) the previous week. As an experienced employee, you are assigned by your team manager to assist your new peer Nicole, to go along with her tasks and deadlines, as you are both working together on the Marketing Department. Every month, the Marketing Department develops and publishes the monthly online newsletter for promoting the company’s products through their website and social media pages. The Task Plan has already been provided by the team manager. You must discuss with Nicole and decide on the content of the promotional material of the online newsletter before starting developing it. In order to support her in her job, you are assigned to help her develop a GROW model and break down the four steps for a better analysis of the respective task which must be completed within two weeks.
  • 26. 1. Nongmeikapam, J., & Singh, A. (2018). A descriptive study of time management models and theories [Ebook] (3rd ed., pp. 143-145). Mizoram, India: IJASRM. Retrieved from 2. Classens, B., Roe, R. A. & Rutte, C. G. (2009). Time Management: Logic, effectiveness and challenges. In R.A. Roe, M. J. Waller & S. R. Clegg (1 ed.) Time in organisational research, pp. 23- 41. Newyork: Routledge. Retrieved from challenges 3. Covey, S.R. (2013). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Newyork: Simon & Schuster. Retrieved from 4. Chowdhury, M. (2013). The ABC model of effective time management. Retrieved from 5. Mueller, S. (2017). Stephen covey’s Time Management Matrix explained’. Retrieved from matrix-explained/ 6. Holmefur, M., Lidström-Holmqvist, K., Hayat Roshanay, A., Arvidsson, P., White, S., & Janeslätt, G. (2019). Pilot study of “Let’s get organized” - a group intervention for improving time management. American Journal of Occupational Therapy (In press). Retrieved from Further Reading Further Reading
  • 27. Glassdoor. (2021). Time Management: A Definition. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from MSG Management Study Guide. (2021). Time Management - Meaning and its Importance. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from management.htm Seth Godin. (2021). Pin on Productivity Quotes. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from WebMD. (2021). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Retrieved 28 June 2021, from disorder-adhd Marks, T. (2020). How To Master Time Management – ADHD Skills Part 1 [Video]. Foster, D. (2017). The Health and Well-Being at Work Agenda: Good News for (Disabled) Workers or Just a Capital Idea? Work, Employment and Society, 32(1), 186–197. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from Yamatani, H., Teixeira, S. & McDonough, K. (2015). Employing People With Disabilities: A Preliminary Assessment of a Start-Up Initiative, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 25:8, 830-842, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2015.1028261. Retrieved 28 June 2021, from 10+ Task Plan Templates – Google Docs | MS Word | Pages | Editable PDF. (2021). Retrieved 29 June 2021, from templates/ The Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals. (2021). Retrieved 29 June 2021, from Michailidis, E. (2021). HRM strategies dealing with specific aspects of HRM [Ebook] (p. 48). Nicosia: Cyprus Institute of Marketing (CIM). Retrieved from http://file:///E:/Master%202020-2021/SHRM/TOPICS/LECTURES/Lectures%2011-13_Resourcing%20strategies.pdf Anand, P., & Sevak, P. (2017). The role of workplace accommodations in the employment of people with disabilities [Ebook]. Springer. Retrieved from References
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