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Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Produce a glossary of terms specific to the methods and principles of Video Game Design and Video Game Terms. Using a provided template, 
you must research and gather definitions specific to provided glossary terms. Any definitions must be referenced with the URL link of the 
website you have obtained the definition. 
You must also, where possible, provide specific details of how researched definitions relate to your own production practice. 
Norris - 
(provide short internet 
researched definition 
and URL link) 
IMAGE SUPPORT (Provide an image and/or video link of said term being used in a 
Demo A game demo is a freely 
di s tributed demonstration 
or preview of an upcoming 
or recently released video 
game. Demos are typically 
released by the game's 
publisher to help consumers 
get a feel of the game 
before deciding whether to 
buy the full version. 
A demo is a version of a game 
where all features have not 
been released, demos are 
usually free these typically 
show of what the game is 
there to do. 
Thi s shows a demo game where you can’t a ccess ce rtain things in the ga me 
Beta Beta software refers to 
computer software that is 
undergoing testing and has 
not yet been officially 
Beta - this is a no fully 
compl ete version of the game 
where some bug fixes and 
features have not been 
compl etely implemented. 
https :// 
Mi ne craft “Building Game” Beta test
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Alpha Alpha software is computer 
software that is s till in the 
early testing phase. It is 
functional enough to be 
used, but is unpolished and 
often lacks many of the 
features that will be 
included in the final version 
of the program. 
Alpha – This stage of the 
game is before Beta where 
they have got a game that 
works well but s till has quite 
a lot of bugs in the game. 
Fi rs t s tage of BeamNG drive in alpha s tate 
Pre-Alpha The fi rst s tage of 
development is known as 
pre-production. During this 
phase, story concepts are 
wri tten, art i s concepted, 
and the s tructure of the 
project comes together. 
Pre-Alpha – this s tage of the 
game is where they have a 
game to show but have only 
finished the story, concept 
art and other small things. 
Fi rs t test of Unreal 
Tournament G.O.T.Y. Edition
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Gold A game has "Gone Gold" 
when the final master copy 
has been produced at the 
developer and sent off for 
repl ication, packaging and 
shipment. The game is not 
yet released, but i t will 
typically be around 2-3 
weeks (sometimes less) 
before i t begins appearing 
on s tore shelves and online 
pre-orders arriving at 
Gone gold Is where a 
company has sent of their 
game to be mass produced 
but not yet released. 
A ga me the has “gone gold” 
Debug Debugging is the routine 
process of locating and 
removing computer 
program bugs, errors or 
abnormalities, which is 
methodically handled by 
software programmers via 
debugging tools. Debugging 
checks , detects and corrects 
errors or bugs to allow 
proper program operation 
according to s et 
Where you go through the 
game and check for bugs 
Certa in threads have gone wrong
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Automation automatically controlled 
operation of an apparatus, 
process, or system by 
mechanical or electronic 
devices that take the place 
of human labour 
Automatic control of 
s ome thing so you don’t have 
to do i t 
A game where he has his factory automated
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
White-box testing i s a 
veri fication technique 
software engineers can use 
to examine if their 
code works as expected. In 
thi s chapter, we will explain 
the fol lowing: 
• a me thod for wri ting a set 
of white-box test cases that 
exerci se the paths in the 
• the us e of e quivalence 
parti tioning and boundary 
value analysis to manage the 
number of 
tes t cases that need to be 
wri tten and to examine 
“corne r” tes t cases 
• how to me asure how 
thoroughly the test cases 
exerci se the code 
Tes ting the game to see if you 
can find any glitches. 
A Whi te box test on a security team
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Bug A fault in a computer system 
or any phys ical entity 
including humanoids. 
A fault in the game where i t 
may not function correctly 
C.O.D’s e xtended neck bug 
Vertex shaders can be used 
to compl etely transform the 
shape of an object, pixel 
shaders are used to change 
the appearance of the 
pixels. Game developers 
push the envelope for fast 
graphics rendering and 
determine the right balance 
of vertex shading and pixel 
Vertex shaders completely 
change the shape of an 
Vertex shader on a teapot
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Pixel Shader Useful for someone who 
plays high-resolution games 
or watches high-definition 
movies on a computer, pixel 
shading executes various 
functions affecting how 
pixels on a computer screen 
wi l l display. Executed from a 
computer's graphics card, 
pixel shaders make many 
special effects seen in 
gaming and other vi sually 
complex programs possible. 
_8764308_pixel - 
Thi s effects where pixels end 
up on the screen it makes 
special effect and other 
complex vi sual effects 
Two pictures of the same area with different shaders 
A Pos t process shader is 
typically a Pixel shader that 
works on a quad rendered 
acros s the entire screen. The 
quad is textured with a copy 
of the frame buffer; the 
Pixel shader can then alter 
and modify the rendered 
output to create a variety of 
effects, such as basic colour 
modi fication to more 
advanced processes such as 
motion blur and bloom. 
https ://developer.valvesoft 
The s teps on how to post process
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Rendering Rendering is the process of 
generating an image from a 
model by means of 
computer software. 
Rendering is used in 
architecture, simulators, 
video games, movies and 
television vi sual effects and 
des ign visualization. 
Rendering is where an image 
i s generated on a s creen. 
A rendered image of a mans face
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Normal Map One of the most valuable 
maps for a 3D artist is the 
normal map. Rather than 
having a colour range of 
black to white, like a bump 
map uses, normal maps 
cons ist of red, green, and 
blue. These RGB values 
trans lates to x, y, and z 
coordinates, allowing a 2D 
image to represent depth. 
Thi s way, a 3D application is 
abl e to fake l ighting details 
based on the colour 
as sociated with the 3D 
A normal map is a map where 
i t i s in 3D has an RGB colour 
s cheme and is able to fake 
l ighting details 
Image with and without a normal map 
Entity An enti ty can have zero or 
more entity instances. For 
example, children in family, 
applicants on an application 
form taxable events in a tax 
period. Using entities you 
can apply the same rules, or 
col lect the same data, for 
mul tiple instances of an 
enti ty. 
An enti ty i s an object in the 
game that physics applys 
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Barrel entity in creation
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
UV Map Thi s means a shared vertex 
can have different UV 
coordinates in each of i ts 
triangles, so adjacent 
triangles can be cut apart 
and positioned on different 
areas of the texture map. 
The UV Mapping process at 
i ts s implest requires three 
s teps: unwrapping the 
mesh, creating the texture, 
and applying the texture. 
UV mapping is the 3d process 
of making a 2d image, this 
use the U and V axis which 
correspond to the X and Y 
axi s. 
A UV map of a gorillas head
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
A procedural texture is a 
computer-generated image 
created using an algorithm 
intended to create a realistic 
representation of natural 
elements such as wood, 
marbl e, granite, metal, 
s tone, and others. Usually, 
the natural look of the 
rendered result is achieved 
by the usage of fractal noise 
and turbulence functions. 
A Procedural Texture is an 
i ma ge made to l ook like i t’s a 
computer generated image 
so you can import them into 
Thi s is procedural texture blending
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Physics For other games, we must 
pay attention to the 
"complex" in "complex 
phys ics system". Take Super 
Mario Bros (for discussion 
purposes, the original 8-bit 
game). Here, the player is 
primarily focused on Mario's 
phys ical attributes: his 
pos ition, velocity, and 
potential range of motion. 
The player's internal 
dialogue will ask questions 
l ike, "Can I make that jump? 
How fast is that turtle shell 
coming towards me? 
Whoops, did I jump too 
early to clear i t?". 
Phys i cs is the games this is 
thi s and that is that and this 
does this while this i s doing 
tha t, i t’s the part of the game 
where everything you chose 
as the physics will happen 
Tes t of the games physics
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Collision Col l ision detection is used to 
detect the contact of objects 
within your game. 
When two entities collide 
Simple representation of two sprites colliding 
Lighting Bloom (sometimes referred 
to as l ight bloom or glow) is 
a computer graphics effect 
used in video games, demos 
and high dynamic range 
rendering (HDR) to 
reproduce an imaging 
arti fact of real-world 
A computers effect to show 
shades and shadows 
Lightings vi sual effect
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
AA – Anti- 
In computer graphics, 
antialiasing is a software 
technique for diminishing 
jaggies - s tairstep-like l ines 
that should be smooth. 
Jaggies occur because the 
output device, the monitor 
or printer, doesn't have a 
high enough resolution to 
represent a smooth line. 
Thi s stops Jagged edges and 
makes them smoothso they 
don’t l ook uneven 
The di fferent types of AA 
LoD – Level 
of Detail 
Des cribes technology that is 
used to save memory and 
processing power by using 
lower detail models or 
textures for objects in the 
di s tance. The Oblivion game 
engine makes extensive use 
of LOD, and the CS has some 
functions to create and 
manipulate LOD objects. 
The level of detail is how 
much processing power the 
computer uses to show 
deta iled objects 
The more triangles the higher quality the bunny will be
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Animation the technique of 
photographing successive 
drawings or positions of 
puppets or models to create 
an i llusion of movement 
when the film is shown as a 
https :// 
gws _rd=ssl#safe=active&q= 
Automated frame by frame 
Frames of a animation
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Sprite A spri te is a bitmap graphic 
that i s designed to be part of 
a larger scene. It can either 
be a s tatic image or an 
animated graphic. Examples 
of spri tes include objects in 
2D video games, icons that 
are part of an application 
user interface, and small 
images published on 
A spri te is something you can 
control it can either be a 
moving image or a animated 
Di fferent sprites of sonic 
Scene A s cene graph is simply a 
way of organising the scene. 
It's generally done as some 
sort of tree or graph 
s tructure (as in, this sort of 
s cene_graph_definition/ 
The surrounding area of the 
map, eg in a rain forest a 
des ert s cene will not fit 
https :// 
Shows the s cene
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Library a l ibrary i s just a collection 
of api used to code with. a 
l ibrary i s a subset of a game 
A col lection of code, a subset 
of the engine 
Steam workshop, where you can download content 
UI A user interface, also called 
a "UI" or s imply an 
"interface," is the means in 
which a person controls a 
software application or 
hardware device. A good 
user interface provides a 
"user-friendly" experience, 
al lowing the user to interact 
with the software or 
hardware in a natural and 
intuitive way. 
A ui i s something you control 
so you can interact with the 
game easily 
https :// 
Flash, there user interface
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Frames Frames per second (FPS) is a 
uni t that measures display 
device performance. It 
cons ists of the number of 
compl ete scans of the 
di splay screen that occur 
each second. This is the 
number of times the image 
on the s creen is refreshed 
each second, or the rate at 
which an imaging device 
produces unique sequential 
images called frames. 
Every image of the 
Concept A concept is a thought or 
idea. If you're redecorating 
your bedroom, you might 
want to s tart with a concept 
An idea of something 
BMW concept car
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Event something that happens or 
i s regarded as happening; an 
occurrence, especially one 
of some importance. 
Something that happens at a 
set point in time 
League of legends Esports 
Pathfinding a person who finds or makes 
a path, way, route, etc., 
especially through a 
previously unexplored or 
untraveled wilderness. a 
radar beacon beamed into a 
ta rget area to provide 
guidance for missiles 
seeking the target. 
Fol lows routes and does not 
Kodu game lab path finding

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Y1 gd engine_terminology - phillip wynne

  • 1. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 1 Produce a glossary of terms specific to the methods and principles of Video Game Design and Video Game Terms. Using a provided template, you must research and gather definitions specific to provided glossary terms. Any definitions must be referenced with the URL link of the website you have obtained the definition. You must also, where possible, provide specific details of how researched definitions relate to your own production practice. Name: Phillip Norris - Wynne RESEARCHED DEFINITION (provide short internet researched definition and URL link) DESCRIBE THE RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCHED TERM TO YOUR OWN PRODUCTION PRACTICE? IMAGE SUPPORT (Provide an image and/or video link of said term being used in a game) VIDEO GAMES / VIDEO GAME TESTING Demo A game demo is a freely di s tributed demonstration or preview of an upcoming or recently released video game. Demos are typically released by the game's publisher to help consumers get a feel of the game before deciding whether to buy the full version. /Video_game_demo A demo is a version of a game where all features have not been released, demos are usually free these typically show of what the game is there to do. Thi s shows a demo game where you can’t a ccess ce rtain things in the ga me Beta Beta software refers to computer software that is undergoing testing and has not yet been officially released. definition/beta_software Beta - this is a no fully compl ete version of the game where some bug fixes and features have not been compl etely implemented. https :// Mi ne craft “Building Game” Beta test
  • 2. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 2 Alpha Alpha software is computer software that is s till in the early testing phase. It is functional enough to be used, but is unpolished and often lacks many of the features that will be included in the final version of the program. definition/alpha_software Alpha – This stage of the game is before Beta where they have got a game that works well but s till has quite a lot of bugs in the game. Fi rs t s tage of BeamNG drive in alpha s tate Pre-Alpha The fi rst s tage of development is known as pre-production. During this phase, story concepts are wri tten, art i s concepted, and the s tructure of the project comes together. http://gameindustry.about.c om/od/glossary/fl/Alpha- Game-Software- Definition.htm Pre-Alpha – this s tage of the game is where they have a game to show but have only finished the story, concept art and other small things. Fi rs t test of Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y. Edition
  • 3. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 3 Gold A game has "Gone Gold" when the final master copy has been produced at the developer and sent off for repl ication, packaging and shipment. The game is not yet released, but i t will typically be around 2-3 weeks (sometimes less) before i t begins appearing on s tore shelves and online pre-orders arriving at doorsteps. http://www.urbandictionary .com/define.php?term=Gon e%20Gold Gone gold Is where a company has sent of their game to be mass produced but not yet released. A ga me the has “gone gold” Debug Debugging is the routine process of locating and removing computer program bugs, errors or abnormalities, which is methodically handled by software programmers via debugging tools. Debugging checks , detects and corrects errors or bugs to allow proper program operation according to s et specifications. /definition/16373/debuggin g Where you go through the game and check for bugs Certa in threads have gone wrong
  • 4. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 4 Automation automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labour http://www.merriam-webs omation Automatic control of s ome thing so you don’t have to do i t A game where he has his factory automated
  • 5. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 5 White-Box Testing White-box testing i s a veri fication technique software engineers can use to examine if their code works as expected. In thi s chapter, we will explain the fol lowing: • a me thod for wri ting a set of white-box test cases that exerci se the paths in the code • the us e of e quivalence parti tioning and boundary value analysis to manage the number of tes t cases that need to be wri tten and to examine error-prone/extreme “corne r” tes t cases • how to me asure how thoroughly the test cases exerci se the code Materials/WhiteBox.pdf Tes ting the game to see if you can find any glitches. A Whi te box test on a security team
  • 6. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 6 Bug A fault in a computer system or any phys ical entity including humanoids. http://www.urbandictionary .com/define.php?term=bug A fault in the game where i t may not function correctly C.O.D’s e xtended neck bug GAME ENGINES GAME ENGINES Vertex Shader Vertex shaders can be used to compl etely transform the shape of an object, pixel shaders are used to change the appearance of the pixels. Game developers push the envelope for fast graphics rendering and determine the right balance of vertex shading and pixel shading. dia/term/53754/vertex-shader Vertex shaders completely change the shape of an object Vertex shader on a teapot
  • 7. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 7 Pixel Shader Useful for someone who plays high-resolution games or watches high-definition movies on a computer, pixel shading executes various functions affecting how pixels on a computer screen wi l l display. Executed from a computer's graphics card, pixel shaders make many special effects seen in gaming and other vi sually complex programs possible. _8764308_pixel - shading.html Thi s effects where pixels end up on the screen it makes special effect and other complex vi sual effects Two pictures of the same area with different shaders Post Processing A Pos t process shader is typically a Pixel shader that works on a quad rendered acros s the entire screen. The quad is textured with a copy of the frame buffer; the Pixel shader can then alter and modify the rendered output to create a variety of effects, such as basic colour modi fication to more advanced processes such as motion blur and bloom. https ://developer.valvesoft The s teps on how to post process
  • 8. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 8 Rendering Rendering is the process of generating an image from a model by means of computer software. Rendering is used in architecture, simulators, video games, movies and television vi sual effects and des ign visualization. ng Rendering is where an image i s generated on a s creen. A rendered image of a mans face
  • 9. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 9 Normal Map One of the most valuable maps for a 3D artist is the normal map. Rather than having a colour range of black to white, like a bump map uses, normal maps cons ist of red, green, and blue. These RGB values trans lates to x, y, and z coordinates, allowing a 2D image to represent depth. Thi s way, a 3D application is abl e to fake l ighting details based on the colour as sociated with the 3D coordinate. http://gamedevelopment.tu v-glossary-what-is-a-normal-map-- gamedev-3893 A normal map is a map where i t i s in 3D has an RGB colour s cheme and is able to fake l ighting details Image with and without a normal map Entity An enti ty can have zero or more entity instances. For example, children in family, applicants on an application form taxable events in a tax period. Using entities you can apply the same rules, or col lect the same data, for mul tiple instances of an enti ty. /E27551_01/Content/Data% 20model/Define_an_entity. htm An enti ty i s an object in the game that physics applys Bar
  • 10. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 10 Barrel entity in creation
  • 11. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 11 UV Map Thi s means a shared vertex can have different UV coordinates in each of i ts triangles, so adjacent triangles can be cut apart and positioned on different areas of the texture map. The UV Mapping process at i ts s implest requires three s teps: unwrapping the mesh, creating the texture, and applying the texture. /UV_mapping UV mapping is the 3d process of making a 2d image, this use the U and V axis which correspond to the X and Y axi s. A UV map of a gorillas head
  • 12. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 12 Procedural Texture A procedural texture is a computer-generated image created using an algorithm intended to create a realistic representation of natural elements such as wood, marbl e, granite, metal, s tone, and others. Usually, the natural look of the rendered result is achieved by the usage of fractal noise and turbulence functions. /Procedural_texture A Procedural Texture is an i ma ge made to l ook like i t’s a computer generated image so you can import them into games. Thi s is procedural texture blending
  • 13. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 13 Physics For other games, we must pay attention to the "complex" in "complex phys ics system". Take Super Mario Bros (for discussion purposes, the original 8-bit game). Here, the player is primarily focused on Mario's phys ical attributes: his pos ition, velocity, and potential range of motion. The player's internal dialogue will ask questions l ike, "Can I make that jump? How fast is that turtle shell coming towards me? Whoops, did I jump too early to clear i t?". com/forums/showth read.php?t=2649 Phys i cs is the games this is thi s and that is that and this does this while this i s doing tha t, i t’s the part of the game where everything you chose as the physics will happen Tes t of the games physics
  • 14. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 14 Collision Col l ision detection is used to detect the contact of objects within your game. ng/java/SimpleCollisionDete ction.html When two entities collide together Simple representation of two sprites colliding Lighting Bloom (sometimes referred to as l ight bloom or glow) is a computer graphics effect used in video games, demos and high dynamic range rendering (HDR) to reproduce an imaging arti fact of real-world cameras. /Bloom_(shader_effect) A computers effect to show shades and shadows Lightings vi sual effect
  • 15. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 15 AA – Anti- Aliasing In computer graphics, antialiasing is a software technique for diminishing jaggies - s tairstep-like l ines that should be smooth. Jaggies occur because the output device, the monitor or printer, doesn't have a high enough resolution to represent a smooth line. /TERM/A/antialiasing.html Thi s stops Jagged edges and makes them smoothso they don’t l ook uneven The di fferent types of AA LoD – Level of Detail Des cribes technology that is used to save memory and processing power by using lower detail models or textures for objects in the di s tance. The Oblivion game engine makes extensive use of LOD, and the CS has some functions to create and manipulate LOD objects. http://cs onstwiki/index.php/Glossary The level of detail is how much processing power the computer uses to show deta iled objects The more triangles the higher quality the bunny will be
  • 16. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 16 Animation the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an i llusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence. https :// gws _rd=ssl#safe=active&q= Animation+definition Automated frame by frame images Frames of a animation
  • 17. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 17 Sprite A spri te is a bitmap graphic that i s designed to be part of a larger scene. It can either be a s tatic image or an animated graphic. Examples of spri tes include objects in 2D video games, icons that are part of an application user interface, and small images published on websites. definition/sprite A spri te is something you can control it can either be a moving image or a animated object Di fferent sprites of sonic Scene A s cene graph is simply a way of organising the scene. It's generally done as some sort of tree or graph s tructure (as in, this sort of graph). medev/comments/2d87tm/ s cene_graph_definition/ The surrounding area of the map, eg in a rain forest a des ert s cene will not fit https :// Shows the s cene
  • 18. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 18 Library a l ibrary i s just a collection of api used to code with. a l ibrary i s a subset of a game engine A col lection of code, a subset of the engine Steam workshop, where you can download content UI A user interface, also called a "UI" or s imply an "interface," is the means in which a person controls a software application or hardware device. A good user interface provides a "user-friendly" experience, al lowing the user to interact with the software or hardware in a natural and intuitive way. definition/user_interface A ui i s something you control so you can interact with the game easily https :// Flash, there user interface
  • 19. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 19 Frames Frames per second (FPS) is a uni t that measures display device performance. It cons ists of the number of compl ete scans of the di splay screen that occur each second. This is the number of times the image on the s creen is refreshed each second, or the rate at which an imaging device produces unique sequential images called frames. /definition/7297/frames-per- second-fps Every image of the anitmation Concept A concept is a thought or idea. If you're redecorating your bedroom, you might want to s tart with a concept /dictionary/concept An idea of something BMW concept car
  • 20. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 20 Event something that happens or i s regarded as happening; an occurrence, especially one of some importance. http://dictionary.reference.c om/browse/event Something that happens at a set point in time League of legends Esports Pathfinding a person who finds or makes a path, way, route, etc., especially through a previously unexplored or untraveled wilderness. a radar beacon beamed into a ta rget area to provide guidance for missiles seeking the target. http://dictionary.reference.c om/browse/pathfinding Fol lows routes and does not explore Kodu game lab path finding