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Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Produce a glossary of terms specific to the methods and principles of Video Game Design and Video Game Terms. Using a provided template, 
you must research and gather definitions specific to provided glossary terms. Any definitions must be referenced with the URL link of the 
website you have obtained the definition. 
You must also, where possible, provide specific details of how researched definitions relate to your own production practice. 
RESEARCHED DEFINITION (provide short internet 
researched definition and URL link) 
IMAGE SUPPORT (Provide an image and/or video 
link of said term being used in a game) 
Demo A vers ion of something such as computer software produced 
to demonstrate i ts capabilities or for use as a trial. 
I would use a demo in my own 
practice to see how the audience 
respond to a short preview of my 
game before the full version is 
https :// 
Thi s is a demo of the newest UFC games to be released. 
Beta A quality-control technique in which hardware or software is 
subjected to trial in the environment for which i t was 
des igned, usually after debugging by the manufacturer and 
immediately prior to marketing. 
I’d re l ease a beta of the game to 
see all the bugs within the game 
and how the audience l ike and 
reacts to it. 
Alpha A very early version of a software product that may not 
conta in all of the features that are planned for the final 
vers ion. It’s often performed only by users within the 
organization developing the software. 
I’d re l ease a n alpha to 
demonstrate an early example of 
the game to see i f the audience 
l ike it and what changes should 
be made. 
https :// 
Thi s is an early alpha footage of a car game.
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Pre-Alpha Pre-alpha refers to all activities performed during the 
software project before testing. These activities can include 
requi rements analysis, software design, software 
development, and unit testing. In typical open source 
development, there are several types of pre-alpha versions. 
Mi lestone versions include specific s ets of functions and are 
released as soon as the functionality i s complete. 
Whe n cre ating a game I’d use a 
pre-alpha when developing i t to 
be able to see which other 
re qui rements or s oftware I’d 
have to use to make the game 
more successful. 
Gold A golden master, or GM, i s the final version of a software 
program that is sent to manufacturing and is used to make 
reta il copies of the software. The golden master follows 
several other s tages in the software development process 
including the alpha, beta, and release candidate stages. The 
final release candidate (RC) becomes the "release to 
manufacturing" (RTM) version, which is also called the 
golden master. 
The gold stage within the game 
making is extremely useful as i t 
marks the end of the production 
with a complete and finalised 
https :// 
Thi s is a short cl ip explaining the gold definition within 
gaming and using gta 5 as an example. 
Debug Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing 
the number of bugs, or defects, in a computer program or a 
piece of electronic hardware, thus making it behave as 
expected. Debugging tends to be harder when various 
subsystems are tightly coupled, as changes in one may cause 
bugs to emerge in another. 
When creating my game 
debugging will come in handy 
when trying to figure out and 
resolve bugs which cause the 
game to mess up. 
Thi s is an image of a debug menu within a game, with 
thi s the player is able to fix and make changes within the 
Automation the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a 
sys tem operate automatically 
Automation within my game 
would be a useful tool i f I was to 
ha ve re sources and stamina e tc… 
Thi s is an example of automation as in this game items
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
automatically reproduce. 
White Box Testing i s a software testing method in which the 
internal structure/design/implementation of the item being 
tes ted is known to the tester. The tester chooses inputs to 
exerci se paths through the code and determines the 
appropriate outputs. Programming know-how and the 
implementation knowledge i s essential. White box testing i s 
tes ting beyond the user interface and into the nitty-gritty of 
a system. 
White box testing within my 
game production would come in 
helpful when testing the software 
to make sure it is s table for the 
game and other items within it. 
Thi s is a short cl ip explaining and demonstrating the 
techniques of white-box testing. 
Bug A bug i s a short-lived fault in a system. It is often used to 
des cribe a transient fault that corrects itself, and i s therefore 
di fficult to troubleshoot. 
Bug i s n’t a thing you’d want in 
your game so the earlier you find 
them within the testing s tages 
the better. 
On the cl ip is a varied amount of video games bugs 
showing you what is it and how i t can effect the game. 
Vertex shaders are run once for each vertex given to the 
graphics processor. The purpose is to transform each 
vertex's 3D position in vi rtual space to the 2D coordinate at 
which it appears on the screen (as well as a depth value for 
the Z-buffer). Vertex shaders can manipulate properties such 
as position, color and texture coordinate, but cannot create 
new vertices. 
Whe n cre ating my ga me I’d use a 
vertex shader when creating 
items and s cenery within the 
Thi s is a cl ip of different vertex shades within a 3D game 
envi ronment. 
Pixel Shader 
Pixel Shaders create ambiance with materials and surfaces 
that mimic reality. 
I’d us e a pixel s hader within my 
game to add higher levels of 
deta il to the surrounding scenery, 
the useable items and characters. 
Pos t processing allows different effects to be performed on 
the s cene after i t has been rendered, but before outputting 
i t to the viewport. The post process framework in Unreal 
Engine 3 allows for artist-configurable post process effects, 
through groupings of post process elements forming an 
overall effect. Examples of elements and effects include 
bloom (HDR blooming effect on bright objects), depth of 
The re ason I’d used post 
processing is to make sure those 
final bits after rendering are done 
so the game looks better in a 
whol e. 
On thi s clip i s goes into detail about the effects and why 
the game industry use post processing.
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
field, motion blur, ambient occlusion, and material effects, 
which are custom materials run on the final s cene image. 
Rendering In 3-D graphic design, rendering is the process of add 
shading, color and lamination to a 2-D or 3-D wireframe in 
order to create life-like images on a s creen. Rendering may 
be done ahead of time (pre-rendering) or i t can be done in 
on-the-fly in real time. Real-time rendering i s often used for 
3-D video games, which require a high level of interactivity 
with the player. Pre-rendering, which is CPU-intensive but 
can be used to create more realistic images, is typically used 
for movie creation. 
When creating my game the 
rendering part of i t will be a huge 
part when wanting to create 
higher detailed models within the 
Thi s is a cl ip of someone using sony vegas to render a 
video clip out in its best quality. 
Normal Map A 2D texture map is an image added to a 3D model that 
provides a higher level of detail, wrapping around whatever 
3D art you have to apply or modify certain attributes like 
color, transparency, shininess, reflection, and higher detail. 
I’d us e normal mapping when it 
came to creating characters so I 
have the ability to create higher 
and most precise detail within 
Entity An Enti ty re presents a concre te “thing” i n the world, such as 
a Tank. However an Entity has no Tank-specific logic; indeed, 
an Enti ty barely has any logic at all, and is little more than an 
Whe n cre ating my ga me I’d us an 
enti ty to create an unique ID tag 
for each item created so no 
duplicates are there causing less 
bugs to occur.
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
UV Map UV mapping is the 3D modeling process of making a 2D 
image representation of a 3D model's surface. 
Within the stages of creating my 
ga me I’d use UV mapping when 
wanting to creating a realistic and 
deta iled surface for my i tems and 
s cenery within i t. 
Procedural textures are textures that are defined 
mathematically. They are generally relatively s imple to use, 
because they don't need to be mapped in a special way - 
which doesn't mean that procedural textures can't become 
very complex. 
/Types /Procedural 
I used this to create quick and 
easy texture because I am able to 
place this to the whole item or 
map I am creating. 
Physics Computer animation physics or game physics involves the 
introduction of the laws of physics into a simulation or game 
engine, particularly in 3D computer graphics, for the purpose 
of making the effects appear more real to the observer. 
Typically, simulation physics is only a close approximation to 
real physics, and computation is performed using discrete 
Whe n cre ating my ga me I’d make 
sure I placed real physics within it 
so the movement and actions 
taking place in the game are a lot 
more realistic. 
Collision Col l ision detection algorithmically calculates impact time by 
identifying two or more object intersection points. Collision 
detection is also a vi rtual interface that determines user and 
object distance for collision prevention. 
I’d ma ke sure when creating I’d 
have a detailed and realistic 
col l ision factor within it so i t 
creates more realistic actions.
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Lighting High-dynamic-range rendering (HDRR or HDR rendering), 
al so known as high-dynamic-range lighting, i s the rendering 
of computer graphics scenes by using lighting calculations 
done in a larger dynamic range. This allows preservation of 
deta ils that may be lost due to l imiting contrast ratios. Video 
games and computer-generated movies and special effects 
benefit from this as i t creates more realistic s cenes than with 
the more simplistic lighting models used. 
Lighting i s a huge part when 
creating my game, without 
l i ghting we won’t s ee anything, 
AA – Anti- 
Antialiasing i s a way of smoothing edges. Computer monitors 
di splay pixels, but real objects have curves and lines. In order 
to di splay these on a computer monitor, the edge is often 
jagged. Antialiasing helps reduce the problem by s lightly 
blurring edges to the point where jagged lines don't show 
easily or at all. 
I would use Anti-Aliasing nearer 
to the final s tages of completing 
my games to smoothen out the 
rough e dges s o it doesn’t look 
LoD – Level 
of Detail 
Level of detail is a general design term for video game 
landscapes in which closer objects are rendered with more 
polygons than objects that are farther away. Generally 
speaking, the level of detail i s dictated by the game's system 
requi rements. Given the power of modern processors, very 
l i ttle degradation in the level of detail is noticeable anymore. 
Level of detail would be how 
much rendering I use when 
finalizing my items and 
landscape. Another example of 
thi s is how far my map is render 
even past the playable parts. 
Thi s is a short cl ip showing an example of the different 
levels of details applied to a game object. 
Animation A s imulation of movement created by displaying a series of 
pictures, or frames. 
When making a game you might 
create unique animation for a 
certa in character to make them 
s tand out. 
Thi s clip shows a demonstration of how to make an 
animation and the end design.
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
Sprite A spri te is a bitmap graphic that is designed to be part of a 
larger s cene. It can either be a s tatic image or an animated 
You would apply these when 
creating 2D games to represent 
the characters within the game. 
Scene A non-interactive portion of a game. A Cut Scene normally 
divides the action of a video game up a bit, and allows the 
s tory l ine to be presented more clearly. Areas of the game 
referred to as Cut Scenes are non-playable segments of the 
video game. 
I would use a cut s cene in a game 
to represent a important s tory 
tel ling part within the game, this 
would usually involve characters 
https :// 
Thi s is a short cl ip showing all the different stages of 
creating a s cene within the game the last of us 
UI The way a person interacts with a computer, tablet, 
smartphone or other electronic device. The user interface 
(UI) comprises the s creen menus and icons, keyboard 
shortcuts, mouse and gesture movements, command 
language and online help, as well as physical buttons, dials 
and levers. Also included are all input devices, such as a 
mous e, keyboard, touch s creen, remote control and game 
control ler. 
An UI i s a very important part 
within a game because without 
thi s the user wouldn’t be able to 
navigate around the game. 
Frames Frames per second (FPS) is a unit that measures display 
device performance. It consists of the number of complete 
The higher the frame rates the 
fas ter and smoother the games 
https :// 
Thi s is a short cl ip explaining the what frames are and
Salford City College 
Eccles Sixth Form Centre 
BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN 
Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games 
IG2 Task 1 
s cans of the display screen that occur each second. This is 
the number of times the image on the screen is refreshed 
each second, or the rate at which an imaging device 
produces unique sequential images called frames. 
runs without lag occurring. why we us e them. 
Concept Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea 
for use in (but not limited to) films, video games, animation, 
or comic books before i t is put into the final product.[1] 
Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or 
concept design. 
Concept i s the ideas generation 
part of the game making project, 
thi s would involve sketches and 
other methods to demonstrate 
the future designs within the 
Concept art is the drawing made in the creating process 
of the game to provide an example of the characters and 
game looks. 
Event A thing that happens or takes place, especially one of 
An event i s something which will 
occur within the game, usually 
have high importance within the 
https :// 
Thi s is a short cl ip of the game Destiny giving an example 
of the special events which take place within the game. 
Pathfinding Pathfinding or pathing is the plotting, by a computer 
application, of the shortest route between two points. It is a 
more practical variant on solving mazes. This field of 
research is based heavily on Dijkstra's algorithm for finding 
the shortest path on a weighted graph. 
Pathfinding would be where you 
set the movement for other 
characters and events happening 
in the game when something 
https :// 
Thi s clip shows a tutorial of pathfinding within the 
gamemaker software.

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Game Engine terminology

  • 1. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 1 Produce a glossary of terms specific to the methods and principles of Video Game Design and Video Game Terms. Using a provided template, you must research and gather definitions specific to provided glossary terms. Any definitions must be referenced with the URL link of the website you have obtained the definition. You must also, where possible, provide specific details of how researched definitions relate to your own production practice. Name: Sam Duxbury RESEARCHED DEFINITION (provide short internet researched definition and URL link) DESCRIBE THE RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCHED TERM TO YOUR OWN PRODUCTION PRACTICE? IMAGE SUPPORT (Provide an image and/or video link of said term being used in a game) VIDEO GAMES / VIDEO GAME TESTING Demo A vers ion of something such as computer software produced to demonstrate i ts capabilities or for use as a trial. o I would use a demo in my own practice to see how the audience respond to a short preview of my game before the full version is released. https :// Thi s is a demo of the newest UFC games to be released. Beta A quality-control technique in which hardware or software is subjected to trial in the environment for which i t was des igned, usually after debugging by the manufacturer and immediately prior to marketing. I’d re l ease a beta of the game to see all the bugs within the game and how the audience l ike and reacts to it. Alpha A very early version of a software product that may not conta in all of the features that are planned for the final vers ion. It’s often performed only by users within the organization developing the software. I’d re l ease a n alpha to demonstrate an early example of the game to see i f the audience l ike it and what changes should be made. https :// Thi s is an early alpha footage of a car game.
  • 2. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 2 Pre-Alpha Pre-alpha refers to all activities performed during the software project before testing. These activities can include requi rements analysis, software design, software development, and unit testing. In typical open source development, there are several types of pre-alpha versions. Mi lestone versions include specific s ets of functions and are released as soon as the functionality i s complete. e-alpha Whe n cre ating a game I’d use a pre-alpha when developing i t to be able to see which other re qui rements or s oftware I’d have to use to make the game more successful. Gold A golden master, or GM, i s the final version of a software program that is sent to manufacturing and is used to make reta il copies of the software. The golden master follows several other s tages in the software development process including the alpha, beta, and release candidate stages. The final release candidate (RC) becomes the "release to manufacturing" (RTM) version, which is also called the golden master. The gold stage within the game making is extremely useful as i t marks the end of the production with a complete and finalised game. https :// Thi s is a short cl ip explaining the gold definition within gaming and using gta 5 as an example. Debug Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, or defects, in a computer program or a piece of electronic hardware, thus making it behave as expected. Debugging tends to be harder when various subsystems are tightly coupled, as changes in one may cause bugs to emerge in another. When creating my game debugging will come in handy when trying to figure out and resolve bugs which cause the game to mess up. Thi s is an image of a debug menu within a game, with thi s the player is able to fix and make changes within the game. Automation the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a sys tem operate automatically Automation within my game would be a useful tool i f I was to ha ve re sources and stamina e tc… Thi s is an example of automation as in this game items
  • 3. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 3 automatically reproduce. White-Box Testing White Box Testing i s a software testing method in which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tes ted is known to the tester. The tester chooses inputs to exerci se paths through the code and determines the appropriate outputs. Programming know-how and the implementation knowledge i s essential. White box testing i s tes ting beyond the user interface and into the nitty-gritty of a system. White box testing within my game production would come in helpful when testing the software to make sure it is s table for the game and other items within it. Thi s is a short cl ip explaining and demonstrating the techniques of white-box testing. Bug A bug i s a short-lived fault in a system. It is often used to des cribe a transient fault that corrects itself, and i s therefore di fficult to troubleshoot. Bug i s n’t a thing you’d want in your game so the earlier you find them within the testing s tages the better. On the cl ip is a varied amount of video games bugs showing you what is it and how i t can effect the game. GAME ENGINES GAME ENGINES Vertex Shader Vertex shaders are run once for each vertex given to the graphics processor. The purpose is to transform each vertex's 3D position in vi rtual space to the 2D coordinate at which it appears on the screen (as well as a depth value for the Z-buffer). Vertex shaders can manipulate properties such as position, color and texture coordinate, but cannot create new vertices. Whe n cre ating my ga me I’d use a vertex shader when creating items and s cenery within the game. Thi s is a cl ip of different vertex shades within a 3D game envi ronment. Pixel Shader Pixel Shaders create ambiance with materials and surfaces that mimic reality. I’d us e a pixel s hader within my game to add higher levels of deta il to the surrounding scenery, the useable items and characters. Post Processing Pos t processing allows different effects to be performed on the s cene after i t has been rendered, but before outputting i t to the viewport. The post process framework in Unreal Engine 3 allows for artist-configurable post process effects, through groupings of post process elements forming an overall effect. Examples of elements and effects include bloom (HDR blooming effect on bright objects), depth of The re ason I’d used post processing is to make sure those final bits after rendering are done so the game looks better in a whol e. On thi s clip i s goes into detail about the effects and why the game industry use post processing.
  • 4. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 4 field, motion blur, ambient occlusion, and material effects, which are custom materials run on the final s cene image. html Rendering In 3-D graphic design, rendering is the process of add shading, color and lamination to a 2-D or 3-D wireframe in order to create life-like images on a s creen. Rendering may be done ahead of time (pre-rendering) or i t can be done in on-the-fly in real time. Real-time rendering i s often used for 3-D video games, which require a high level of interactivity with the player. Pre-rendering, which is CPU-intensive but can be used to create more realistic images, is typically used for movie creation. When creating my game the rendering part of i t will be a huge part when wanting to create higher detailed models within the game. Thi s is a cl ip of someone using sony vegas to render a video clip out in its best quality. Normal Map A 2D texture map is an image added to a 3D model that provides a higher level of detail, wrapping around whatever 3D art you have to apply or modify certain attributes like color, transparency, shininess, reflection, and higher detail. what-is-a-normal-map--gamedev-3893 I’d us e normal mapping when it came to creating characters so I have the ability to create higher and most precise detail within them. Entity An Enti ty re presents a concre te “thing” i n the world, such as a Tank. However an Entity has no Tank-specific logic; indeed, an Enti ty barely has any logic at all, and is little more than an ID. Whe n cre ating my ga me I’d us an enti ty to create an unique ID tag for each item created so no duplicates are there causing less bugs to occur.
  • 5. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 5 UV Map UV mapping is the 3D modeling process of making a 2D image representation of a 3D model's surface. Within the stages of creating my ga me I’d use UV mapping when wanting to creating a realistic and deta iled surface for my i tems and s cenery within i t. Procedural Texture Procedural textures are textures that are defined mathematically. They are generally relatively s imple to use, because they don't need to be mapped in a special way - which doesn't mean that procedural textures can't become very complex. /Types /Procedural I used this to create quick and easy texture because I am able to place this to the whole item or map I am creating. Physics Computer animation physics or game physics involves the introduction of the laws of physics into a simulation or game engine, particularly in 3D computer graphics, for the purpose of making the effects appear more real to the observer. Typically, simulation physics is only a close approximation to real physics, and computation is performed using discrete values. Whe n cre ating my ga me I’d make sure I placed real physics within it so the movement and actions taking place in the game are a lot more realistic. Collision Col l ision detection algorithmically calculates impact time by identifying two or more object intersection points. Collision detection is also a vi rtual interface that determines user and object distance for collision prevention. I’d ma ke sure when creating I’d have a detailed and realistic col l ision factor within it so i t creates more realistic actions.
  • 6. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 6 Lighting High-dynamic-range rendering (HDRR or HDR rendering), al so known as high-dynamic-range lighting, i s the rendering of computer graphics scenes by using lighting calculations done in a larger dynamic range. This allows preservation of deta ils that may be lost due to l imiting contrast ratios. Video games and computer-generated movies and special effects benefit from this as i t creates more realistic s cenes than with the more simplistic lighting models used. Lighting i s a huge part when creating my game, without l i ghting we won’t s ee anything, AA – Anti- Aliasing Antialiasing i s a way of smoothing edges. Computer monitors di splay pixels, but real objects have curves and lines. In order to di splay these on a computer monitor, the edge is often jagged. Antialiasing helps reduce the problem by s lightly blurring edges to the point where jagged lines don't show easily or at all. in-PC-games.htm I would use Anti-Aliasing nearer to the final s tages of completing my games to smoothen out the rough e dges s o it doesn’t look unrealistic. LoD – Level of Detail Level of detail is a general design term for video game landscapes in which closer objects are rendered with more polygons than objects that are farther away. Generally speaking, the level of detail i s dictated by the game's system requi rements. Given the power of modern processors, very l i ttle degradation in the level of detail is noticeable anymore. il-lod Level of detail would be how much rendering I use when finalizing my items and landscape. Another example of thi s is how far my map is render even past the playable parts. Thi s is a short cl ip showing an example of the different levels of details applied to a game object. Animation A s imulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures, or frames. When making a game you might create unique animation for a certa in character to make them s tand out. Thi s clip shows a demonstration of how to make an animation and the end design.
  • 7. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 7 Sprite A spri te is a bitmap graphic that is designed to be part of a larger s cene. It can either be a s tatic image or an animated graphic. You would apply these when creating 2D games to represent the characters within the game. Scene A non-interactive portion of a game. A Cut Scene normally divides the action of a video game up a bit, and allows the s tory l ine to be presented more clearly. Areas of the game referred to as Cut Scenes are non-playable segments of the video game. http://vgs ne.htm I would use a cut s cene in a game to represent a important s tory tel ling part within the game, this would usually involve characters interacting. https :// Thi s is a short cl ip showing all the different stages of creating a s cene within the game the last of us Library UI The way a person interacts with a computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device. The user interface (UI) comprises the s creen menus and icons, keyboard shortcuts, mouse and gesture movements, command language and online help, as well as physical buttons, dials and levers. Also included are all input devices, such as a mous e, keyboard, touch s creen, remote control and game control ler. An UI i s a very important part within a game because without thi s the user wouldn’t be able to navigate around the game. Frames Frames per second (FPS) is a unit that measures display device performance. It consists of the number of complete The higher the frame rates the fas ter and smoother the games https :// Thi s is a short cl ip explaining the what frames are and
  • 8. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games IG2 Task 1 8 s cans of the display screen that occur each second. This is the number of times the image on the screen is refreshed each second, or the rate at which an imaging device produces unique sequential images called frames. fps runs without lag occurring. why we us e them. Concept Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in (but not limited to) films, video games, animation, or comic books before i t is put into the final product.[1] Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or concept design. Concept i s the ideas generation part of the game making project, thi s would involve sketches and other methods to demonstrate the future designs within the game. Concept art is the drawing made in the creating process of the game to provide an example of the characters and game looks. Event A thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance. An event i s something which will occur within the game, usually have high importance within the game. https :// Thi s is a short cl ip of the game Destiny giving an example of the special events which take place within the game. Pathfinding Pathfinding or pathing is the plotting, by a computer application, of the shortest route between two points. It is a more practical variant on solving mazes. This field of research is based heavily on Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path on a weighted graph. Pathfinding would be where you set the movement for other characters and events happening in the game when something happened. https :// Thi s clip shows a tutorial of pathfinding within the gamemaker software.