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Word Essay Counter
Writing an essay on the topic of "Word Essay Counter" can be both challenging and intriguing.
On one hand, the subject seems straightforward – counting words in an essay. However,
delving deeper into the intricacies of word count, its importance, and the tools available for
counting words can make the task more complex than initially perceived.
Firstly, exploring the significance of word count involves understanding its role in academic,
professional, and creative writing. Word count requirements vary across different contexts, and
achieving the optimal length while conveying a clear and concise message can be a delicate
balance. The essay may need to address how word count impacts readability, the depth of
analysis, and adherence to specific guidelines or restrictions.
Additionally, discussing the various methods and tools used for word counting presents its own
set of challenges. From manual counting to automated software solutions, each approach has its
advantages and limitations. Analyzing the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of different word
counters adds a layer of complexity to the essay.
Moreover, exploring the evolving nature of word count in the digital age introduces
considerations like character count, online platforms with built-in counters, and the implications
of technology on writing practices. This requires delving into the ways in which word count
tools have adapted to the changing landscape of communication and content creation.
In conclusion, while the initial premise of an essay on "Word Essay Counter" might seem
straightforward, the depth of analysis required to create a comprehensive and insightful piece
makes the task quite challenging. Addressing the multifaceted aspects of word count, from its
significance to the tools available, demands careful research, critical thinking, and effective
If you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance with similar topics, various
resources are available. Professional writing services,, offer support for
crafting essays on diverse subjects. These services can provide valuable insights, well-researched
content, and assistance in meeting specific writing requirements.
Word Essay Counter Word Essay Counter
Bruce Springsteen s Almost Dreamlike Song Nebraska
In Bruce Springsteen s almost dreamlike song Nebraska he sings about Charles
Starkweather and his girlfriend Carol Fugate. A young couple that went on a
killing spree over eight days in Nebraska in the 1950s, killing ten people. The song
is short and intimate despite it being a first person narrative of a serial killer.
Springsteen writes, They wanted to know why I did what I did Well, sir, I guess
there s just a meanness in this world. as the last words of the song. This ending
coupled with the historical background expresses a few themes that I believe
Springsteen wanted to convey. The first being that people always seem to search for
meaning in things, that sometimes have no meaning at all. Secondly, that isolation
and loneliness can be a hard thing to cope with, and it is something that I have had to
experience and learn throughout my life.... Show more content on ...
The feeling of loneliness can be like a trap, the more you fall in, the more
challenging it can be to get out. I first felt how isolating it can be as a little kid. My
family picked up and moved to the Caribbean when I was in the second grade for
my father s work. Leaving all my friends behind was just the start. I felt trapped by
my lack of ability to communicate with the people around me, and unable to relate
to a culture that was so different from my own. I was only in the second grade so
over time though the feeling faded. Luckily I learned to connect and make friends,
but that memory has always stuck with me. That frustration with my inability to
connect with others. There is significance to me in being able to remember
something so clearly from so long ago. When some memories fade far too quickly. I
presume Springsteen and many others can relate to how I felt, and maybe Charles
Starkweather did as
General Eisenhower Research Paper
Introduction Paragraph
Can you recall any famous American generals of World War II? Two that come to
mind are General Douglas MacArthur and General Dwight Eisenhower. General
Eisenhower was definitely a more important general than General MacArthur. He was
a more important general because he was a supreme commander and also led the
largest invasion in World War history.
Body Paragraph 1
General Eisenhower was a very important General of World War II because he was
a supreme commander. General Eisenhower worked hard and accomplished many
things which appointed him as a supreme commander. In the article, Eisenhower
takes command it stated, As supreme commander of a mixed force of Allied
nationalities, services, and equipment, Eisenhower designed a system of unified
command and rapidly won the respect of his British and Canadian subordinates.
This evidence shows that as a supreme commander, General Eisenhower
accomplished many things in the war field and was able to gain respect from many
other nations. This supports my reason because he was able to show his amazing
abilities as a supreme commander which made him one of the greatest generals of ...
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This invasion lead to the ending of World War II and was commanded by no other
than General Eisenhower. In the article, General Dwight D. Eisenhower launches
Operation Overlord it stated, On June 8, 1944, after years of planning, preparation
and placating egos among his military peers, Eisenhower was able to report that the
Allies had made a harrowing and deadly, but ultimately successful, landing on the
beaches of Normandy. This evidence shows that General Eisenhower used very
smart tactics and had major preparation in order to successfully invade Europe. This
supports my reason because he was able to conduct such a large operation all by
himself and played a major role in ending World War
Augustus Prima Porta Sculpture Analysis
The establishment of the Roman Empire marked a pivotal change in Roman
society. This was accomplished by Augustus, Rome s first Emperor in 27 B.C. His
time in power marked a period of peace and prosperity within Rome. His
achievements established what historians refer to as the Pax Romana the 200 years
of relative peace in Rome. During his time in power, Augustus enacted many changes
and developments in the Roman Empire. His achievements were best encapsulated in
the Augustus Prima Porta statue. The statue is renown for its similarities to classical
Greek sculpture as well as its symbolic representation of Augustus s divine image as
the Emperor of Rome.
The Augustus Prima Porta was discovered in 1863. The name Prima Porta derives
from the city in which it was found at the site of Livia s Villa in Prima Porta on the
Greek island of Paros. It now resides at the Vatican Museum. The sculpture was made
entirely of Parian marble white semitransparent marble popularized for its sculptural
uses. The sculpture depicts Augustus as a powerful military figure with the
incorporation of divine imagery. The sculpture is both natural and idealistic in its
representation of Augustus. The statue exhibits personalized facial features indicating
a sense of natural realism. His facial expression is rather stern, evoking a sense of
power and prestige. His physique is athletic, predominantly muscular and measuring
to approximately 2.03 metres in height ultimately presenting an idealized form.
Review Of Searching For Sugar Man
Jinheng Zhang
Tanya Tercero
English 107
November 22, 2014
Essay 3 Second Draft
A Review of Searching for Sugar Man The film Searching for Sugar Man focuses on
a legend folk music star, Sixto Rudriguez, who is more popular than Elvis in South
Africa but fails to gain fame in the United States. He knows nothing about his fame in
South Africa and has no idea how he is deified there. The whole story is told in a
linear way to present a dramatic journey of finding Rudriguez. It is not followed an
old fashioned rough start road to success dream come true style (Ning). It is a
display of two parallel worlds of a legend music hermit. An artist who regards art as
his ultimate faith in life remains unmoved either by gain or loss. In describing music
journey of Rudriguez, the director shoots several full length shots of Rudriguez s
wandering. The first wandering shot appears at the sixth minute, where a lonely
figure wanders passing by slums, CD shops, the sewer club and Detroit steel factory.
He was just a wandering spirit around the city ( Searching for Sugar Man ). This shot
indicates several elements of that time, including working class, minority nation, and
large company. The solitude night of Detroit and the decaying atmosphere of this city
are perfectly matched, which coordinates with Rudriguez s music as background
melody. A modest man of modest means, he quietly reflects on the success he now
enjoys a continent away from his Detroit home and the hard times in
Where Does Plantar Fasciitis Hurt The Most And Ways
Where does plantar fasciitis hurt the most and ways to fix it
Description: An overview on plantar fasciitis. Here one can find how it affects the
body and its symptoms. This can really hurt someone very bad, and the problem may
stay permanent.
This is a disorder which leads to pain in the heel as well as foot s bottom. The pain is
normally very severe with the initial steps of a day or after periods of rest. Pain
frequently comes back if the foot is bending and toes are raised upwards. Conditions
may turn worse by tight Achilles tendon. These conditions occur slowly, which is a
regular thing. In some rare cases, both of the legs get affected. Here there is no
chance of fever as well as night sweats.
An overview of this disease:
The reason for this disease is not fully clear. Factors which can cause this disease
are waiting for long periods, an increase in weight due to increase in obesity, etc.
This can also be associated with rolling the foot inward as well as lifestyle
involving very few exercises. Wheel spurs are found many times, but it is not clear
of their involvement in this disease. This disease is disorder regarding the site of
insertion of the ligament on bones.
They have characteristics of micro tears, collagen being broken down as well as
scarring. Its diagnosis is based on symptoms as well as signs involving ultrasounds
for helping in the process of diagnosis. Maximum cases resolve with common
methods of treatment and time. Normally for early weeks people are
History. From Slavery Until Now, Ghana Is Considered One
From slavery until now, Ghana is considered one of the farthest growing country in
the continent of Africa because of several reasons. Ghana enters the historical data by
the end of the 8th century, through the narrative of Muslims traders traced to the
desert by the profitable exchange for gold by its leaders. Nevertheless, after the six
centuries the exchange attracted the Portuguese sailors down to the coastline of
Guinea. In addition, this led to the Trans Saharan trading and the Islamic politics,
reinforcing the activity of the building of the Sudanic Empire, with the increase to
that of Ghana descendants, and those cities that came along the way of the port from
the desert peripheral. According to Parker Rathbone, the ... Show more content on ...
According to Martin O Meara, Nkrumah later became a fascinating symbol, inspiring
his character as the Father of African Nationalism every time he was incarcerated (p.
163). Nevertheless, after been overthrown by the armed forces in 1966, the country
faced economic and political insecurity. However, with the appearance of Jerry
Rawlings, and general support from those around him, Rawlings personally dealt with
the problems of Ghana, putting things in the right order. Which lead to Ghana
becoming one of Africa success stories in 1999, when it came to economic
restructuring and improvement.
Some of the different cultures or regions in Ghana
Like many African countries, Ghana has many different cultures. They are not only
rich, but are different from one tribal group to another.
Ashanti (Asante) region
The region or empire founded by King Osei Tutu I between 1695 1717 became one
of the most powerful empire in Ghana. As people that were united, they originated
with a focus on the Oyoko tribe throughout Asantemanso. Although the empire was
faced with many years of suppressions as a result of the Akwamu and Denkyira
tribes, they ultimately develop as one of the remarkable empire in Ghana after
conquering the Denkyira King, Ntim Gyakari in1998 (battle of Feyiase). Primarily
located in the central belt of Ghana, the Ashanti region are a governmental region.
Summary Of The Response To Intervention
Chapter 3 The Response to Intervention, Referral, and Placement Process Reflection
and Summary By: S. Elizabeth Jackson Examining the Response to Intervention
(RTI) ProcessResponse to Intervention (RTI) is an in school service program
designed to guarantee that all students are getting a high quality education. Before
students are referred for special education services, it is essential that they receive
effective teaching designed to meet their own learning requirements. All students in
public schools are required to be included in the RTI program. While the different
program may vary from state to state, the basis of the models are the same. The RTI
process has three tiers. In tier one is labeled curriculum based classroom... Show more
content on ...
Teachers, during tier one, should closely follow the GREAT guidelines. Teachers
are also expected to differentiate instruction for those who are struggling. Tier two
teachers expected to collect extensive data on the at risk student. Teachers are to
collect data not only on information the student got wrong, but also when they were
correct. This aids in a more correct placement, if needed. The final tier of the RTI
process, tier three, is where all the data collection comes into play. In order for a
student to be admitted into tier three, there has to be adequate evidence to support
this claim. The teacher needs to continue to collect data to provide information on
whether or not the student has made progress with the interventions in place. The
teacher may asked to organize the data collected during the previous interventions.
The text suggest that the teacher may be asked to collect this data in the form of a
visual aid, such as a bar graph. Process of Determining if a Student has a Disability
and the Responsibilities of the Teacher When all the tiers of RTI have been utilized,
the Students Support Team (SST) decides if the next appropriate step for the student
is a referral to special education. Biased on the information gathered during the RTI
process, the SST will appraise and see if the student meets the criteria for one of the
IDEA categories of disability. The disability or impairment must have an unwanted
The Effects of Children Poverty in the UK Essay
My Case Study:
The effects of Children Poverty in the U.K
Introduction When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn t know it
had a name a quote by Lyndon B. Johnson.(Brainy Quotes) We all have witnessed
or experienced poverty in our lives whether we identify or not are not the points of
my study. I want people to see the numbers do not lie and we have to help with this
huge increase of poverty. Poverty affects families, groups and individuals especially
the children where the UK is concerned. The major reason for these kids and
families experiencing poverty are the low wages, low benefits or having no income
at all. The results of children poverty can lead to affect their social, educational and
personal development. ... Show more content on ...
In my research on child poverty, I read a scholarly journal entitled UNICEF Child
Poverty in Perspective Report: A view from the UK. In the journal they compared
the conditions of the children living across the world in the industrialized
countries. UK was found as the poorest of them all. This comparison was on
average against 21 countries. These reports were started in 2000, where they
resembled a report card of the comparisons but the latest one was February 2007.
The report has some interesting and detailed information on contributing factors
on children poverty. The first contributor I will discuss is emotional and social
issues for poor children. These problems include impulsive behaviors, lack of
social skills, anxiety, depression and low self esteem. These problems make it
difficult for future success in school or work as they grow. (UNICEF) Emotional
children may begin to feel helpless and start to separate from the crowd to avoid
embarrassment. They have to deal with the looks and comments of people who are
more fortunate talking down to them. There s a feeling of helplessness and questions
on why they have to be less fortunate. This may lead to counseling in more severe
situations. Then there is the part poverty plays in the educational development as
well. There are times when poverty may mean no dinner the night before or not
enough breakfast that morning. Poverty is the leading threat to children s
Case Report – Individual “Estore at Shell Canada
Executive Summary In 2002, Shell Canada launched its online store called eStore for
its customers. The objective was to keep costs low by having a self service
technology so that agricultural customers can buy their products without the need for
a sales representative. The statistics from eStore showed even though the number of
customers who signed up for eStore was close to the target, number of customers who
actually used eStore remained low. The problem seemed to be mainly due to
customers having difficulty with the service. According to customer s feedbacks,
many encountered various technical problems when they tried to place orders. Others
just preferred traditional methods of buying what they needed, while the remaining
group were... Show more content on ...
Source: ( Canada Oil Gas Report , 2011)
YearRevenue (in million US $)Net Profit (in million US $)
Table 3 Financial Statistics. Source: ( Canada Oil Gas Report , 2011)
Total shareholder return (%)17.117.0
Net cash from operating activities ($ billion)3727
Project delivery (%)7975
Production available for sale (thousand boe/d)3,2153,314
Sales of liquefied natural gas (million tonnes)18.816.8
Refinery and chemical plant availability (%)91.292.4
Total recordable case frequency (injuries per million working hours)1.21.2
Earnings on a current cost of supplies basis attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc
shareholders ($ million)28,62518, 643
Earnings per share on a current cost of supplies basis ($)4.613.04
Net capital investment ($ million)23,50323,680
Return on average capital employed (%)15.911.5
Gearing at December 31 (%)13.117.1
Table 4 Performance Indicators. Source: (Shell Annual Report 2011, n.d.)
Earnings (in billions)Revenues (in billions)
What Was The Great Society
The Great Society was not a misguided and ill conceived but rather an attempt to
help the economic situation of the time. There were struggle for black equality,
housing discrimination, job discrimination, poverty and President Lyndon B.
Johnson had to look at how to help improve American lives and the economy. The
Great Society programs were launched in the 1964 65 to eliminate poverty and
racial injustice. As a result, the number of Americans living below the poverty line
dropped from 22.2% to 12.6% between 1963 1970 (source). This dramatic reduction
in poverty was the combination of the different acts passed by the Congress to
change the role of the federal government to benefit the lives of millions of
Americans. The two major acts passed
The New Zealand Essay
The New Zealand (NZ) government essentially operates under the Westminster
Parliamentary system (Palmer, 3). This system was derived from the British structure
and adopted in 1947 (Palmer, 4). The defining characteristic of this system include the
separation of government into three branches, the judicatory, legislator and the
executive, with each preforming different roles in the law forming process (Palmer,
5). There is no absolute separation of power between these different branches,
especially between the legislatureand the executive branch of government. Although,
the introduction of the Mixed Member Proportionality (MMP) electoral system has
enhanced this separation through demanding more accountability from the executive
branch. While MMP has improved the system, there are numerous recommendations
that could be implemented to improve this accountability.
The separation of power in the New Zealand parliamentary system is pertinent for an
efficient and democratic government. The different branches of New Zealand
government have to be detached to ensure that one does not act unconstitutionally,
nor has undue power over another (New Zealand Parliament, 2014). Each branch
has separate roles and acts as breaks to hold the other sectors accountable for their
decisions (Palmer, 5). The legislator branch consists of members of Select
Committees, Parliament and the Governor General (Palmer, 5). Their role in the
system is to examine, debate and provide scrutiny over drafted
The Importance Of Honor And Glory In Homer s Iliad
Honour and glory are central to the Greek character. Since heroes are the essence
of the society from which they come, Greek heroes live their lives according to
honour and glory, in all their varied forms. Honour and glory trigger an epic war
that takes the lives of numerous men, and shape its development at every stage. The
fall of Troy is a thing... whose glory shall perish never (Homer, Iliad2.324) . The goal
of the Greeks is the fame that resounds even after death, and they let nothing bar their
way. The honour of the individual, family, and community guide every action and
response. Honour and glory define the hero, and therefore are the foundations for
everything that comes to pass in Homer s Iliad.
The concepts of honor and glory are critical to understanding the motivation of the
heroes in Homer s Iliad1 . Glory was gained by great, heroic actions and deeds and
was conferred upon an individual by others who witnessed and acclaimed the
glorious actions. Major battles provided an opportunity for many to find glory at
once. Honor was similar to glory, but while the public had to view actions and deem
them glorious, each individual maintained their own sense of personal honor which
did not always coincide with honor as defined or perceived by the masses. Honor was
gained through heroism in battle, but also through compelling speechmaking, loyalty
and other noble qualities that a person might demonstrate. Having honor and glory
allowed a Greek to gain influence in
The Nature Of The Poetry Of Percy Shelley s Mutability
Shelley Percy is one of the most highly regarded Romantic poets of the 19th century.
Many of Shelley s poem tell about the nature of the human condition. In many of his
poems Shelley use elements of nature (seashells, the wind, the ocean, etc.) to discuss
truths about the human condition. Percy Shelley examines the one consistent
characteristic of being human in his poem Mutability . In his poem Mutability
Shelley shows the fragility and unpredictability of the human condition.
The poem opens with the speaker comparing humans to clouds that veil the
midnight moon (Line 1). The clouds move radiantly across the sky and cover the
light of the moon. The words speed , gleam , quiver and streaking personify the
cloud image. Shelley describes the cloud s actions as a metaphor for human
actions, How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver, / streaking the darkness
radiantly! (Lines 2 3). He believes that humans go through life with speed, not
taking time to rest; like clouds at night, we do not last forever. Shelley s use of the
word of veil instead of covers creates a sense of purposefully hidden light. In lines
three to four of the poem the wondrous sight is eventually extinguished by the
darkness, yet soon/ Night closes round, and they are lost forever. By using this image
of the night Shelley shows the cycle of change and demonstrates human morality.
The speaker is pointing out that humans have short lives on Earth and regardless of
how radiantly we may shine, we are like clouds at night that are overshadowed.
In the second stanza Shelley describes the frailty of human existence. In lines five
through nine humans are describes as forgotten lyres, whose dissonant strings/ Give
various response to each varying blast,/ To whose frail frame no second motion
brings/ One mood or modulation like the last. Shelley uses this as a metaphor that
expands on the concept of human morality. In this stanza humans are compared to
forgotten lyres saying that we will be forgotten when we are dead and gone. The
different moods of the stanza are created by the different sounds of the lyre. Humans
are being compared to instruments with beautifully melodies have been forgotten.
Shelley is saying that once
Is Dolphin Assisted Therapy Beneficial For Special Needs...
Is Dolphin Assisted Therapy Beneficial for Special Needs Children?
Dayanara Roman
Keiser University
ENC 43131G
For over two decades Dolphin Assisted Therapy or DAT has been used as a type of
sensory therapy used with children and adults diagnosed with either physical or
neurological disorders. Through out this time dolphin assisted therapy has been used
to assist children with a varying type of disability. Children with autism, Down s
syndrome, developmental delay, ADHD, depression, and muscular paralysis, may all
benefit from dolphin assisted therapy. Some of the benefits of dolphin assisted
therapy that have been recorded with these children include an increase in attention
span and display of positive emotions, a calmer demeanor, better communication
skills, higher self esteem, confidence, improved coordination and motor skills,
increased social connections such as smiling and touching as well as a more
responsive immune system. For the purposes of this paper we will focus primarily
on children, not adults, with special needs and will answer the hypothesis Is dolphin
assisted therapy beneficial for special needs children?
History of DAT
In 1971, an educational anthropologist from Florida International University named
Betsy Smith, was the first person to conduct research in the Florida Keys involving
dolphins and children with neurological impairments. While placing her mentally
challenged brother Wade into the
The Next Generation Science Standards
The United States Department of Education is committed to ensuring that all students
have access to a quality Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
education ( Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math , n.d.). Despite this
commitment, reports indicate a decline in STEM proficiency as well as a lack of
qualified teachers to respond to the deficiency (Holdren, Lander, Varmus, 2009). The
lack of qualified STEM teachers has resulted in critical shortage areas in many
districts across the United States, prompting policy reform allowing alternative
certification pathways to alleviate shortages ( Alternative Routes , n.d.). Even with a
reduction in critical shortage areas, preliminary reports continue to show little or no...
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Stewart (2014) also proposes a shift from professional development to professional
learning, an ongoing job embedded, data driven concept that creates a learning
culture; accordingly, ongoing professional learning is a necessary strategy with
science knowledge changing at a faster rate than textbooks are being replaced. While
options such as job embedded professional development is a possible solution to time
constraints, additional teacher requirements have the potential to become detrimental,
limiting time to plan rigorous, engaging lessons and provide timely student
feedback. It is also possible that data derived in STEM classrooms is skewed due to
lack of student effort and extraneous variables such as reading level, prerequisite
knowledge, and poor class attendance, limiting the overall affect of data driven
activities. Learning Forward (2015) is an organization formed to build the capacity of
leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning (para. 1). While
creating a definition of professional development, seven key standards were identified
for effective professional learning. These standards include: 1.Professional Learning
Communities: Effective professional development utilizes communities of educators
committed to continuous
Essay on The Heightening of Airport Security after...
The Heightening of Airport Security after September 11th
Extraordinary challenges require extraordinary measures. The terrorist attacks on
America on September 11, 2001 required that we reform our nation s aviation
security system in fundamental ways. Three years after the Sept. 11 tragedies, how
far has airport and airlines come? It depends on the source. While it is important for
airports to heighten security after the attacks of 9/11, the policies of profiling
passengers are inadequate and a necessitate revision.
The most visible changes to boost airport securities may be on the airplanes
themselves. Many planes have installed bulletproof, locked cockpit doors to secure
the pilot and crew from the rest of the plane. Increased ... Show more content on ...
The process of screening and profiling has contributed to numerous complaints from
passengers who have been selected for additional screening. Passenger profiling at the
airport should not be the sole means of protecting our flying public from would be
terrorists. If a present security measure is found to prevent potential customers from
flying without providing a meaningful prevention to terrorism, that measure should
be relaxed or eliminated. Passengers profiling should be utilized in conjunction with
information received from our intelligence community. Close examination and
revision of this system is obviously necessary.
Our current profiling system is based on a computer program that was developed
several years ago. Many people have begun submitting formal comments to the
Privacy Office of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, urging it to stop airline
passenger screening programs that are administered by the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA). These programs allow travel authorities to access personal
information about each passenger from government and commercial databases
(Privacy Activism). Authorities who rely on these systems run the risk of
misidentifying individuals and tagging them as security risks. Some passengers have
even been forbidden to board planes (Street Beat). Travel authorities believe that this
sensitive data will help identify potential threats to
Cesar Chavez Hero s Journey
Cesar Chavez: A Hero s Journey We draw our strength from the very despair in
which we have been forced to live. We shall endure (Cesar Chavez). Growing up,
Cesar Chavez worked in many fields and labor camps, and he immigrated to many
different states, but he was able to become successful, despite his previous
hardships. Chavez was born on March 31st 1927 in a small town near Yuma,
Arizona, but because his family was in search of work, they never stayed in the
same town very long. During the Great Depression, his family had lost their farm,
so they had no choice but to move to California to become a migrant farm worker.
He hardly ever went to school because of his work in the fields, but when he did go
to school, he was discriminated... Show more content on ...
This 5 year protest, lasting from 1965 1970, made them march 300 miles across
California to Sacramento, and they made sure it was all a non violent protest .
Chavez was so passionate about his protest, he went 25 days without food, and he
only drank water. He chose to do this as an act of penitence toward the farm
workers. This risky tactic was a contributing factor to his death, 28 years later
( His final stage of the heros journey was the Return stage. Chavez had to
adjust to a new lifestyle because after he went 25 days without food, he lost 35
pounds, and he was too weak to speak for the next 28 years. He mastered the 2
worlds when he won 3 awards for his leadership in the public/community service.
He won the Pacem in Terris award in 1992 for public service with spanish cultures,
he won the Jefferson award for public service. The Jefferson award is the highest
award a civilian can get, so he was very honored to receive this award. Finally, he
received the ... The hero s journey followed by odysseus can be compared to the
one traveled by Cesar Chavez. In the Odyssey, Odysseus was told by Helios not to
eat the cattle he was provided with. He did as told and started to starve. Although
Chavez was not told to starve, he chose to stay famished, due to the non violent
protesting. Both Odysseus and Chavez starved for the purpose of their contrition
toward the men they were leading. Another way you can compare Odysseus to
Chavez, is the way they lead their people.
The Pros And Cons Of Deliberate Practise
The Society for Simulation in Healthcare defines Deliberate Practise as: A theory
of general psychology that states the differences between expert performers and
normal adults reflect a life long period of deliberate effort to improve performance
in a specific domain. (Ericsson, K. A). A systematically designed activity that has
been created specifically to improve an individual s performance in a given domain
(Ericsson, K. A., R. Th. Krampe, R.Th. and Tesch RoМ€mer, C, 1993). Gaining
expertise in a specific field is a subject matter that has garnered much attention from
researchers and opinions on how one becomes an expert in a given field can be
varied. A frequently quoted piece of research on the subject comes from K. Anders
Ericsson... Show more content on ...
These studies show that focused practice leads to significant improvement over a
shorter timeframe and that skills are transferrable to the operating theatre.
Deliberate practise also allows us to standardise exposure for all trainees and try to
combat stress that may arise from students feeling inadequately prepared for their
role. Simulation also allows for learners to choose which skills they feel they need
to improve and removes the need for a specific surgical scenario to arise before they
can practice it. adult learning thing. For more advanced surgical trainees, deliberate
practise and the use of simulation can give the opportunity to practise rare and
complicated procedures that may not often be encountered in the theatre. A recent
study of military pilots showed that those pilots who had trained for a specific
emergency situation in a simulator were more effective at responding to the same
situation when it occurred during an actual flight mission.In the same way, it could
be possible to help even more advanced surgeons prepare for procedures that they
would not often
Comparison Between Developing And Developed Nations
Both developing and developed nations were part of the set. The developed nations
consisted of 47% of the total set. We started with 43 nations and dropped a few
countries later from the analysis because of missing data.
Table 2 shows the correlation results among various variables. Average serviceis
correlated with all cultural dimensions, except for MF and the correlations are in
predicted directions of hypotheses 1 3.
The OLS regression results are shown in Table 3. Here also we find that the
coefficients of all cultural dimensions (except for MF) area significant and in
predicted directions. This provides support for hypotheses 1 3, but not for hypothesis
4. The model explains 54% of the variance of SVA in our sample.
To prove hypothesis 5 we selected average service values representing activities in
four service sectors: Avg. ICT, Avg. FinIns, Avg. Transport and Avg. Travel. The
OLS results are mixed. Results in Table 4 show that only model 2 (please refer to the
methodology section earlier) with Avg. ICT as dependent variable has three cultural
dimensions significant with expected signs, and Insurance service sector model
(model 3 with Avg. FinIns as dependent variable) has one dimensionUA significant
with expected sign. Transport service sector model with Avg. Transport as
dependent variable (model 4) has IC significant with a negative sign. Also Travel
services sector model (model 5 Avg. Travel) has MF significant with a positive sign.
Secondary Trauma
Secondary Trauma
So often, we focus on our clients and not enough on ourselves. The books read
remind me to be mindful of self care. Beginning with Dr. Wicks who is an engaging
writer. My perception is that he is very caring, and that is revealed in his work.
The seeds of secondary stress and the seeds of true passionate involvement in the
fields of counseling, psychology and social work are actually the same seeds.(Wicks,
2008) Secondary trauma or Burn out is a challenge for many individuals the field of
counseling. Secondary trauma is commonly referred to as the stress resulting from
helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person. Burnout is a state of
emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by ... Show more content on ...
They arrive consistently late to work and call in sick when healthy; they also express
becoming emotionally distant from co workers.
The job has taken a toll on their mental and/or physical health to the point where
friends and family express concern. (Remington) Upon hearing rumors of layoffs,
you pray, Please, God, take me! They do not have enough work to keep busy, but lack
motivation to seek new assignments.
(Remington)Time drags and they constantly watch the clock. The lights around their
desk or workspace burn out frequently.
Secondary Trauma
I think the most important thing about burnout is to recognize it s a cry for help from
the Clinicians poor, exhausted body and untapped spirit .
They say insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If a
Clinicians is experiencing burn out and continue working in the same job at the same
pace for the same long hours, they will only get an increased feeling of burnout. It is
time to try something, anything, different.
Discuss the importance of effective supervision while providing case management. If
a Clinicians finds they are going through Burn Out, they should schedule a heart to
heart with their supervisor. A good supervisor should be able to present a couple of
solutions to try. This can be delegating
Strengths And Strengths Of A Great Engineer Leader
In setting out the plan, it important to identify what I believe makes for a great
technical leader. The leader should be responsive to the needs and desires of those
below them, but should push people to improve and innovate. They should be aware
of and communicate with those above and below them as well as their own piers.
Personal conflict should be minimized, while encourage people to talk openly about
their opinions on the project. Overall this means that I see the ideal leader as a
facilitator that brings out the best in those around them.
I am fortunate to have many strengths to leverage to improve my career and become
a great engineering leader. The strengths I have to work with as discovered by the
various assessments and ... Show more content on ...
Too much personal and engaging conversation will eventually drain me. Favoring
feeling over thinking can be a disadvantage in some Engineering work as I tend to
assign emotions to the different types of work I do. If I don t like the people
involved in a project I will probably not care as much about the final results or I
will be come a contrarian who dislikes any suggestions from the group. My desire
for harmony will often mean I keep that to myself. Exploring ideas, while sometimes
a strength, can be a weakness when working with people not prepared to try out
many ways to solve a problem.
The opportunities that I see are that I am already flexible, personable and a good
communicator who enjoys a harmonious well running team. I can leverage my years
of drafting and design experience along with my high 3.8 GPA and English minor to
get into an innovative top tier company where creativity and innovation are prized.
The threats come from my desire to avoid conflict to the point where I am
comfortable staying at my current job where my personality is not that good of a
fit. Introversion can keep me from speaking up and taking charge. I also need to
become more mindful of the personalities of those around me so I can taylor my
leadership style around them. During the start of my engineering career I may do
more detail work than I like so I hope to avoid becoming discouraged by some early
grunt work.
The gap between success as an engineer
Night in William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s
Night in William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream One of the recurring
themes throughout Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream is the time of day
during which the play s major action takes place: night. This being the case, there are
certain words that are directly linked to this theme that appear numerous times
throughout the script. Four such words are moon, moonlight, moonshine, and lunatic.
Each comes from a feminine root that serves to identify the women in the play as
prizes to be won and controlled. It becomes clear when looking up the term moon in
the Oxford English Dictionary that the word is associated with the feminine. In
poetry, for instance, the moon is often personified, always as female... ... Show more
content on ...
Theseus looks to the moon to measure how soon he will wed his fiancГ©,
Hippolyta. Hippolyta responds in kind, commenting, And then the moon, like to a
silver bow / New bent in heaven, shall behold the night / Of our solemnities (1.1.7,
14). Not only does the bride speak of the moon as a measurement (for when it
becomes a silver bow, or crescent, they wed), but she also speaks of the night when
the moon wanes as a time of festive marriage ceremonies. It is important to take
into account the character of Hippolyta in this instance. Having Theseus wed
Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, takes away Hippolyta s power as a strong
female. She, too, is counting the nights by the waning of the moon until she is
legitimately wed and under the control of a husband. The lesser characters, below
royalty in the social order, take part in illicit happenings veiled by night, as the
moon oversees the activities of May Day/Midsummer s Eve. The moon is
considered a passive overseer or witness to (the actions of humankind) (Brown
1645). In the forest of Oberon and Titania, the moon is truly an observer. Within a
monologue by Titania, the fairy queen announces, Therefore the moon, the
governess of floods, / Pale in her anger, washes all the air, / That rheumatic diseases
do abound (2.1.102, 29). Titania speaks of her quarrel with Oberon in this instance
and how it affects all of nature. Their effect on the natural world is so strong that
when they
Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity...
Entwistle (2015) discusses the philosophical, historical, and practical approach to
integrating psychology and Christianity in his book, Integrative Approaches to
Psychology and Christianity. The author proposes that psychology and Christianity
are ultimately creations of a Sovereign God designed to give complementary
enlightenment to mankind for worshiping God and to care for the suffering.
Integration is defined as ...a multi faceted attempt to discern the underlying truths
about the nature and functioning of human beings from the unique vantage points of
psychology (in its various subdisciplines, utilizing diverse methodologies) and
Christianity (in theology, faith, and practice) (pp. 260 261, italics in original).
Psychology discerns truth through empirical means through the scientific process of
hypothesizing and testing. The author describes it as a study of the book of God s
Works . As a discipline, it focuses on methological naturalism, which canonizes only
what may be empirically tested. Theology is the discernment of truth through the
interpretation of God s Word, and of reason. As a discipline, it focuses on the
supernatural and morality, how man ought to live, not simply how man does live.
Psychology as a science, emerged in Europe during the nineteenth century from
modernism philosophy, in a world where science and religious establishment had a
history of conflict. Entwistle notes that the ...rise of science represented a shift in
how the world was understood
Racial Tensions In Countee Cullen s Incident
Countee Cullen s Incident shows the racial tension in America between whites and
blacks. The speaker of the poem experiences racism for the first time. The Jim
Crow Laws also played a part in the racial tension between whites and blacks, the
only thing that the speaker of the poem remembers from his time in Baltimore is
being called a nigger , and the persona of the boy that called him a nigger was from
others who taught him to hate blacks. First, the Jim Crow Laws segregated the
whites and the blacks. The laws made it seem like the whites were better than the
blacks. Many blacks were upset about the laws and the way the whites treated them.
This led to the racial tension between the whites and blacks. Conflicts between the
two would happen
Strong Financial System Essay
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A Strong Financial System Is Necessary for a Growing and Prosperous Economy
Financial managers and investors don t operate in a vacuum they make decisions
within a large and complex financial environment. This environment includes
financial markets and institutions, tax and regulatory policies, and the state of the
economy. The environment both determines the available financial alternatives and
affects the outcomes of various decisions. Thus, it is crucial that investors and
financial managers have a good understanding of the environment in which they
operate. History shows that a strong financial system is a necessary ... Show more
content on ...
To make good decisions, financial managers must understand the environment and
markets within which businesses operate. Therefore, in this chapter we describe the
markets where capital is raised, securities are traded, and stock prices are established,
as well as the institutions that operate in these markets. Because the overall
objective of financial managers is to maximize shareholder value, we also take a
closer look at how the stock market operates, and we discuss the concept of market
For example, some insurance companies allowed brokers to keep premiums for as
much as a year before remitting them to the insurance companies. The brokers
invested these premiums and earned interest on them, and this gave them an incentive
to steer business to these companies rather than to insurance companies whose
policies might be better for the brokers clients.
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Chapter 5 Financial Markets and Institutions
Businesses, individuals, and governments often need to raise capital. For example,
suppose Carolina Power Light (CP L) forecasts an increase in the demand for
electricity in North Carolina, and the company decides to build a new power plant.
Because CP L almost certainly
Who Is Dante s Journey In The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri s The Divine Comedy,
Purgatory Dante s The Divine Comedy section of Purgatory is a depiction of Dante
and his struggle to reach paradise. He is a character as well as a narrator. The
purgatory section deals with the seven deadly sins and Dante s task of cleansing
himself on his journey to heaven. He confronts many different people on his
journey to self righteousness, which help and guide him to his destiny.
Accompanied by Virgil or reason as he is depicted, his quest is a hard journey with
many answers to be found. Dante was born in May 1265 and lived his early life at
a time of change and of great economic and cultural expansion in Florence
(Kirkpatrick 2). The poet was critically... Show more content on ...
He wandered for the next twenty years depending on patrons to help him survive.
It is hard to find any documentation on Dante s journey outside of Florence. It is
know that his last days were spent in Ravenna, under the watchful eye of Guido da
Polenta. The city recognized him as a great poet and it was here the last of The
Divine Comedy was written. Dante died shortly after finishing his final and best
work in 1322. His ashes are still buried next to the church of San Francesco. Dante
s Purgatory section of The Divine Comedy covers Dante s journey through
Purgatory and the challenges he faces. Purgatory was an island with a huge
mountain towering from it. At the top was Paradise or heaven. It was sealed off
by a gate with angles guarding the entrance. The bottom was antepurgatory where
the souls that were not ready for the journey resided. The mountain itself was
composed of seven concentric ledges separated by steep cliffs. On each ledge, one
of the seven capital sins waited on a soul. They were composed of Pride, Envy,
Wrath Sloth, Avarice, Gluttony, and Lust. When the soul had released his sin, he
was able to proceed to the next level. When he ascends to the next level, an angle
would greet him and perform a cleansing ritual. In addition, on each ledge of
Purgatory, there were models of the sin as well as the virtues which opposed the
sin. These were a kind of test for the soul. Dante was guided by Virgil or
Specific Kinds Of Foods You Should Eat
Specific kinds of foods you should eat Note that the list below does not account for
condiments and toppings; it just lists good food items. For instance, turkey breast
is very good for you. Turkey breast covered in heavy cream sauce or deep fried in
lard is not. Use your brain here. Your dietary staples should include: Lean animal
protein sources (fattier meats are acceptable if trying to gain muscle mass),
including but not limited to: Most turkey and chicken in general, especially if it is
skinless. Turkey and chicken breasts especially. Ground turkey, chicken, beef or
pork. Virtually all forms of fish, even the fattier fishes are very good for you. Tuna,
while also good, should be eaten sparingly if you re concerned about mercury
consumption. More exotic type meats, if you can find them: buffalo, ostrich, lamb,
elk, venison, alligator, etc. Whole eggs Whole grains, including but not limited to:
Whole wheat bread, bagels, rolls, etc. Whole wheat pasta Brown rice Oatmeal
Whole grain breakfast cereals and muesli Virtually all fruits and vegetables,
including beans and dry roasted nuts. Vegetables are satiating, protect against a
variety of diseases, are rich in almost every essential micronutrient and help with
digestion. Healthy fats like olive oil (for sauces, dressings low temperature cooking)
and canola oil (for high temperature cooking), and Omega 3 rich fish oil. Dairy
products like plain yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, and milk. Notes for vegetarians Not
Is The Difference Between Henry David Thoreau And E. B.
Walden Pond, located in Concord, Massachusetts, was a place of inspiration for
two well known authors, Henry David Thoreau and E.B. White. Although, they
wrote about the same place, their experiences were a century apart. Thoreau
visited the lake in 1854 where technology still wasn t as advanced as it was in 1939
when White visited the historical site leading to a different feel for the place. The
authors style of approaching the view of the lake has both similar and different
effects when using point of view, imagery, and logos. In comparison, Thoreau and
White use the first person point of view in their writings, but in contrast they do not
have same writing style. Thoreau writes about his surroundings and writes with
serenity. With many details he describes how the forest brings calm to your soul and
you feel connected to God and there is nothing to really care for. He writes without a
real purpose, it seems as if he is rambling to the audience about his thoughts and
feelings indicating them that they should live in simplicity. Thoreau has no real
interest in convincing his audience to go live in the... Show more content on ...
Thoreau s main message in the story was that humans are supposed to live a simple
life and that getting closer to nature would help the human race reach that simplicity
in life. He compares us as mad ants that are always busy, rushing and we always have
something to do. Thoreau goes into details when he describes the mountains and the
morning dew and his morning routines and with the vivid vision he connects it all
back to serenity. White, on the other hand, uses imagery to describe how technology
has advanced since Thoreau had been there. He informs Thoreau that WaldenPond
had become the states property and there are signs all over the site such as no
swimming in the pond and that the pond now had water fountains and people would
take their boats to the
The Transcendental Meditation Technique
Have you ever noticed how individuals who meditate look and feel more relaxed
than those who do not meditate? With those thoughts in mind, wouldn t you like
to start meditating in order to feel great? Meditating is a great way to relax your
mind, body and soul, which is why so many people do it each day. Of course, you
can t just jump right in and start meditating you have to know what to do. In the
paragraphs below, we are going to give you some easy to follow meditationmethods
that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
The Transcendental Meditation Technique
The Transcendental Meditation technique or TM for short is easy to follow. People
of all religions, cultures and ages can do this. You can practice it for twenty minutes
... Show more content on ...
Instead of just sitting there, this one will require you to actually move around. With
walking meditation, you need to find a place where no one else is and just walk.
During this time, you need to focus on your own breathing as well as your
movement. You should also connect with your surroundings.
Clear Mind
Clear mind meditation is similar to the basic type. The difference is the fact that you
will be required to completely clear your mind. Basic meditation at least allows you
to have thoughts passing through your mind. Clear mind meditation is a great way to
empty our your mind and relieve stress.
Binaural Meditation
Binaural meditation is a bit like using music to meditate, but it uses what is known
as binaural beats. With the use of binaural beats, you will be able to put yourself in
relaxation mode. Individuals who use binaural meditation are surprised with how
powerful it is as it quickly transforms them into a calming state.
Those are 6 meditation methods that you should use. There are many different
meditation methods that you can turn to. If you have never meditated before, then it
would be a good idea for you to start with the basic meditation rituals. Meditation
will help ease any stress you may have. You should try to meditate at least once a
A Master s Degree Of Counseling Psychology
approximately the same time to complete. (Long Island University) For some
students their goal may be to achieve a master s degree in counseling psychology to
increase their acceptance to a Ph.D, or Phs.D program. (Capella University) Other
students may choose to enter the workforce with a master s in Counseling Psychology
. The licensing process varies from state to state, but most graduates will expect to
prove how they have met educational requirements, ability to practice, completion of
fieldwork, and examination. (Capella University) Capella University has a master s
degree in counseling psychologythat is offered online. The requirements for possible
program admittance are a prior bachelor s degree from a school that has been
accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. (Capella University) Also required
are the transcripts of the bachelor s degree and a minimum grade point average of
2.3 on a 4.0 scale. (Capella University) Earning the master s degree in counseling
psychology is a good building block for those who wish to peruse the Ph.D or Psy.D
after completion. Capella offers students the opportunity to study counseling theory,
diagnostics, research methods, testing, assessment, and interventional methods for
group and individuals. (Capella University) The program requires completion of
online coursework, residency, and in the field training. (Capella University) The
average student will complete Capella s master s degree in counseling psychology s
Analysis Of George Miller s Mad Max
Succeeding to composers Brian May and Maurice Jarre to score George Miller s
fourth Mad Max film Mad Max: Fury Road . Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL)
delivered a score that mix new technologies and techniques with vintage scores
cliches. Tom Holkenborg is a composer from the Netherland who has had a number
of hits as a solo artist in the music electronic scene back in the late 90s and more
this last decade for his work on film scores with his mentor Hans Zimmer. The pair
have provided the scores for some of Hollywood s biggest recent blockbusters
counting 300: Rise of an Empire , Man of Steel and The Dark Knight Rises among
others. Certainly in Holkenborg s score for Mad Max: Fury Road we can hear an
emulation of Zimmer sound . Zimmer create simple thematic sequence that he
would repeat and make evolve all along the movie. He s also especially famous for
blending electronic music sounds using computers and/or combination of
synthesizers with traditional orchestral arrangements. He is particularly adept at
blending diverse styles into a musical fusion of classical, pop and world music. His
style is very much to create simple thematic material, and then give them the Zimmer
treatment to craft them into highly effective pieces of film music embodying the
mood of a film, such that music and movie complement perfectly. (Paterson, 2016)
Holkenborg had a clear major vision for the score. He wanted to create an insane
apocalyptic rock opera that has to be over the top
Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy Essay
Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy
Christie Blackwell
HCA 322
Dr. Nine Bell
June 17, 2013
Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy Many individuals have a life plan
consisting of college, marriage, and then children. After numerous methods of
conception, many couples are still unable to conceive a child. A woman who enters
into a contract with a couple, agreeing to carry and birth a child, then hand that child
over to the contracted couple, who is often unable to conceive own their own
naturally is considered surrogacy (Pozgar, 2012). Surrogacy raises many ethical and
legal issues for all parties involved. Is it moral or immoral to enter into an agreement
with a woman to birth a child for money? What are the ... Show more content on ...
On the flipside on the issue, can it not also be viewed that allowing these women
to do as they see fit with their bodies as economic empowerment? The money
provided to these women can used for various financial means outside of taking
care of medical heath care for themselves and the child. The amount provided to
each female varies depending on what she and the couple feel is sufficient,
therefore any extra monetary compensation can used to help the women relieve
themselves from other debts. Autonomy does provide the right that women get to
choose their reproductive rights and that includes bearing children for those who
cannot do so or for monetary stability. Suggesting that surrogacy dehumanizes her
is another form of paternalism. Paternalism limits one s autonomy for their own
good (Pozgar, 2012). Some view altruistic surrogacy as a form of exploiting the
surrogate. There is no monetary compensation to woman placing her health and
well being on the line for another s benefit. However, it can also be held that the
woman knowingly entered into the agreement with full disclosure of the risks and
benefits to her health and body. Again, autonomy and justice are extremely
prevalent ethical principles to explore when discussing the topic of surrogacy. Same
sex marriage has become a hot topic in the United States in the last few years. The
idea of raising a family by homosexual
United Airlines Merger
United Airlines, Inc., commonly referred to as united, is the fourth largest airline in
the United States and one of the largest airlines in the world. It is one of the world s
largest airline when it comes to number of destinations served, and the second largest
when it measured by scheduled passenger kilometers flown. In the late 1920s, Boeing
Airplane Company and Pratt Whitney joined forces to form United Aircraft And
Transportation Corporation. The main purpose of the creation of this company was to
transport mail to various cities by air. Around July 1, 1931, the United Airlines
holding company established an operating division and the company itself established
United Airlines, Inc., in Chicago, Illinois. On April 16, 2010, United Airlines merged
with Continental Airlines. Both company came to reach an agreement to combine
operations to create the one of the world s largest airlineon May 2, 2010. One of the
agreement was to combine all of the carrier to take the United Airlines name
however, the company need to use the Continental s logo and livery. Also,
Continental Airlines Inc. had made an decision to completely change the name to
United Airlines in order to conserve the built in brand equity of pre merger legacy of
United Airlines.... Show more content on ...
with many options just as non stop or one stop service from anywhere within the
United States. Being the world s most comprehensive global route network it serves
an average nearly 5,000 daily to across six continents. For example, with 342
Destinations, 214 Domestic destinations, 128 International destinations served,
within 58 Countries, and with all of these departures in 2015 it come to 140 Million
passengers traveling with United Airlines. In the Pie chart below it demonstrates the
differences between United and its competitor on average
Manscaping Imgut Summary
Immergut is a professor of sociology at the University of New York Purchase; in
this piece, he uses the IMRAD format to convey his theories and information he has
collected on the modern act of Manscaping . IMRAD stands for Introduction,
Methods, Research, and Discussion. (Green, Lindinsky pg551) Though his essay is
not clearly labeled were he changes from one section to the next it is obvious to the
reader where he moves on from one section of the format to the next. In his opening
paragraph Immergut starts out by sharing his own personal experience with
manscaping. He attempts to appeal to his reader s pathos by telling the story of the
first time he decided to shave his stomach hair, giving the reader details of his
emotional reaction during the expectance. This also gives them an idea of his ethos
through showing the audience he has personal experience with the subject. When I
finished. I stroked my smooth abdomen and felt proud Like a suburbanite gazing with
satisfaction across his freshly mowed lawn (Immergut 1) This analogy is the first
time Immergut introduces his correlation between the word manscape and landscape.
His theory is that manscaping Reflects a culturally pervasive story about man against
an untamed nature . (Immergut 2) Which he goes into detail about in the second
paragraph.... Show more content on ...
The opening sentence is a directed at the logos though his suggestion that there is
no one answer It s challenging to pinpoint the exact cultural factors that contribute
to the desire for a hairless body, but I can suggest a few. (Immergut 11) Starting in
this paragraph and into paragraph 15 Immergut supports his claims of the cultural
reasons for the shift in body hair then ties it back into his theory of it being a need
to control nature. Because his subject is about a modern idea it is easy to use pathos
and logos to connect his ideas easily to his reader who has personal experience
Courage In The Movie The Sandlot
Kendrez Reed September 1, 2016
If your favorite ball goes over a fence, would you try to get it back from a fearsome
beast? The movie The Sandlot displays courage in many different ways. The
Sandlot is about a gang of kids who love to play baseball. These kids are afraid of the
Beast , which is behind the fence of the sandlot. The Babe Ruth baseball Scotty s dad
has is a valuable baseball, and it has Babe Ruth s official signature.
Scotty s mom wanted Scotty to make new friends in the new neighborhood they
moved in. His family moved into a new house in the summer of 1962. Scotty met a
group of kids who play baseball, and they were to be mean to Scotty. They didn t
like Scotty because he doesn t know much about baseball, so
Dixie Fare Research Paper
The Dixie Speedway, which has been operating for almost forty years, has an
interesting and rich history. It is as well known in Georgia as Coke ~a~Cola. It is
one of the most well known dirt track speedways in Georgia. It has been a great help
to the Georgia economy. The Dixie Speedway has been known to produce some great
racers. This essay will explain the beginnings of Dixie Speedway and some of the
things it s done to help Georgia. This is a history of Dixie Speedway. Dixie
Speedway has been in operation for more than forty years. Dixie speedway is a 3/8
mile dirt D shaped track. Its original owners were Bud Linsfered and Mac Simpson.
It was later sold to the Swims family. They have assumed control of Dixie
Speedway for more than forty years. The Swims turned Dixie Speedway, which was
originally a dirt track, into an asphalt track before being reconverted it back into a
dirt track. Having a dirt track... Show more content on ...
It makes almost four million dollars a year to run the track. It has 150,000 per year
when it comes to attendance, as it reads on Dixie Speedway s website. It also
states that they hope it will increase in the next few years. The money is fed back
into the community. With the popularity of Dixie Speedway growing, it has
attracted many tourists. The tourists money helps the state s economy, for when
these tourists come, their money goes back into the state. Dixie Speedway has
been known to attract many people with the reputation it has. It has been the
beginning of a career for a few famous racers such as Bill Elliott. He raced at Dixie
Speedway in the late 1970 s, driving a Ford Mercury. Dixie Speedway has been
introduced into the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame. It was also introduced into the
National Dirt Racing Hall of Fame. With all of these achievements, people want to
visit and watch the racing at Dixie Speedway. Having a reputation such as this, the
popularity is sure to continue
An Experimental Language Immersion Program
In the 1960 s, Canada was a multi cultural environment, with both English and French
speakers. Not only were people speaking different languages, they had their own
unique customs and practices that went along with their culture. Parents of school
age children convinced educators to test out an experimental language immersion
program. This program would facilitate learning of both the English and French
language, as well as the separate traditions and cultures of each. Programs like this are
still around today, teaching many different language combinations.
Elementary age children are put in a classroom to learn different skills, such as
English, mathematics, history, and reading. Is this a time when they should be
learning another language as well? Studies have been done on language immersion
programs, both for English speakers as well as English learners. Each program is
unique, but most consist of a certain amount of time each day being taught different
subjects in their native language, and then being taught the remaining time in a
different language. The results show that bilingualism has had positive effects on the
In an article titled Primary students proficiency and achievement: The difference two
way immersion programs can make, it says, Overall, language majority students
(referring to English speakers learning a new language) in the two way immersion
program significantly outperformed similar students in a control school on
The Case Of A Serious Health Hazard
Aii is dedicated to manufacturing the highest quality products possible. We take care
to insure that only our best leaves the premises. In the event that a product does get
shipped out which is of questionable quality, the recall program, as outlined in this
manual, will be put into action.
Product recall is indicated when a product we manufacture could represent a hazard to
the consumer. Our recall program will effectively remove that product from
All products manufactured at Aii have production dates, best before dates, and/or lot
codes attached to them. All products that are shipped out have the production codes
noted on the packing slips. In the event of a problem with any product, we will
contact all our customers who ... Show more content on ...
A product may be misbranded if:
a)The components of the cosmetics are not fully identified in the statement of
b)The weight or volume is inaccurate or not declared properly
Recall Terms and Definition
Market withdrawal of a product is the removal or correction from channels of
distribution of any product where no legal violations have occurred, or only minor
violations that under normal circumstances would not be subject to legal action, e.g.
normal stock rotation practices, incorrect barcode, tampering without evidence of
manufacturing or distribution problems, etc.
Stock recovery is a firm s removal or correction of a product that has not been
marketed or that has not left the direct control of the firm. For example, the product
is located on the premises owned by, or under the control of, the firm, and no
portions of that lot have been released for sale or use.
A product safety investigation is an internal trace of product origin/history prompted
by notification by the FDA or a customer or quality control/production personnel that
there may be a potential cosmetics quality or physical defect in a specific product.
The facts of the investigation will
Oskar Schindler Movie Analysis
Oskar Schindler wasn t always a nice man. It took him a long time to adapt into the
man he was at the end of the movie. At the beginning of the movie. He was a
perpetrator. Just like any other Nazi, he would treat the Jews like slaves. At first,
he used the Jews to make a big fortune. He knew about the Jewish black market, and
knew that they had items that could not be found locally during the time of the war.
He got items for himself through the black market, and even bought or took some
items to resell at a higher price. Although this was bad, it was the least of his crimes.
Oskar would use Jewsin his factory. He did not pay them, and they worked countless
hours getting as much material out the door as possible. His factories would make
materials that were sure to be used. Since war was going on, Schindler knew that
making war supplies would be the best option for making lot s of money. So, his
slaves went to work. And, as they starved and sweat, he got rich and sipped
expensive wine. He did not let just any Jew work for him. His workers were the
best working Jews available. In fact, there was one time that a worker was not up
to par with what Oskar expected, and he got very angry. This is to show that not
just any Jew could come into his factory and work. He made sure that the Jews on
his floor would be the ones to make him the most money possible. He did not care
about the lives of his workers, he cared about his wealth. Towards the middle of the
movie, Oskar sees how
What Is The Meaning Of The Lord Of The Flies By
Meanings of stories are something that many people study and wonder about.
Everyone can have their own answer for some of them and they would be right.
This story is not one of those that can be answered in that way. In The Lord of the
Flies by William Golding, the meaning is everyone is a tamed animal on the inside.
When put in extreme situations, people will become wild animals. Some people
might say they boys were just shocked at the sight of the naval officers and that s
what saved Ralph from a brutal murder. If so, then why did everyone start crying
when they saw them? They had just realized what savages they had all been and it
saddened them deeply. Jack and his tribe had been murdering people for no reason at
all and were taking pleasure in it and they had just figured this out only because they
saw the the officers who represent... Show more content on ...
When does one see a human figure, not know where all of the people on the island
are and assume it s some type of beast and not consider the very good chance it
could be one of them? To have that level of distorted judgement, it is guaranteed
the situation has made Jack lose his sense of civility. Also, after the fact, to not
admit what he did and insist it was not a human he killed further turns Jack into a
savage. The time spend on the island did this to jacks whole tribe. Looking at how
jacks tribe was hit so hard with the truth when the navy officers arrived, how where
one was when they arrived, and how bad the savagery got, it is certain this would
happen to the readers in any similar situation. With long exposures to the same
people and the same inhospitable place, anyone will eventually lose their grip on
civility and order and turn to being wild animals. The author wants his readers to be
aware of this so they can prolong losing it as long as they can if ever they are in an
Chapter 1
Part 1 Time Line 1.Rose Mary is spotted picking through the garbage can, Jeannette
spots her and ducks from the taxi cab so her mom doesn t recognize her.
2.Jeannette was 3 years old when she was hungry she learned how to make herself
something to eat since her dad was always out and her mom was busy painting, she
tried to make hot dogs but ended up with a burn. 3.Jeannette falls out the side door
of the car and tumbles down a hill, she was bleeding from her nose and bruised up
her knees.This was when they were returning from a casino. 4.Jeannette asks her
dad for a favor on her 10th birthday, not for food, or clothes a new toy, but for him
to stop drinking since she had realized that is what consumed the family s wealth.
5.Rex s mom the angry old lady with a bad attitude was getting angry with the kids
when Brian suggested that she touched him the wrong way, she went as far as
permanently banning them from her house. 6.Rose and Rex decided to buy an old
looking shack up on the hill. 7.Rex takes the check Jeannette has been waiting for
all summer and tries to trick her into believing it disappeared all along but she
knew he had it. 8.Rex tries to take advantage of his daughter once again by making
her believe he had a business associate wanting to meet her, but only to figure out he
scamed him of 80$. 9.Jeannette had enough when Rex had hit her with his belt, from
then she swore to never be beaten by anyone and also swore to leave the household.
10.Lori spills
Media Consumption Of Media
The proliferation of media consumption in the digital age is an unspoken public
health crisis. While what it brings us is not without merit, the means by which we are
permitted to connect has transformed our relationship with the media into an abusive
one. The methods and channels by which we are allowed to consume mediahave been
constructed in such a fashion as to drive us towards unhealthy habits. We ve all
been placed in a collection of skinner boxes, most of us paying handsomely for the
privilege. There exists today in the world a grave and perilous danger, lurking
behind the limitless opportunity we ve presented to ourselves in what the media has
become. Without modern media we would be blind, but our modern habits allow us
to choose not to see humanity up close or in any way.
Almost every aspect of our American culture, from bacon and eggs at breakfast to
our engagement rituals to the holidays we celebrate, has been sewn into the fabric
of our lives by the media. Consumption of media has become a means unto itself,
an ouroboros like pattern from which we can find no respite or escape. We may
wish to totally extract ourselves from exposure to media directly but it is
impossible to avoid how it has soaked into our culture and even our daily habits
and rituals. Social norms are now rapidly adapting to the appropriate use of our
interface of infinite knowledge that may once and still be called a cell phone. Even
if we divorce ourselves from our phones we re still jumping
Ahwahnee Hotel Case Summary
The iconic Ahwahnee Hotel sign stolen on eve of Yosemite name changes due to
be a cover up on the fierce legal battle between the park and its operator. The
spokesman Scott Gediman said the sign was taken sometime Saturday night or
Sunday morning. The Ahwahnee name has been in place since 1927, but will
change officially at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday of March first when Aramark takes over the
park s concessions contract from Delaware North. The park aroused the name
changes as of January of this year. Delaware North contends the trademark associated
with these buildings, the claim which lead to many outraged which led an intense
legal battle with the park still working its way through the courts. The name of
Yosemite has been with the park for 100... Show more content on ...
The 15 year, $2 billion contract was granted to Aramark instead. DNC sued the
federal government, arguing that it needs to be compensated $51 million, majorly
for trademarked the company filled on merchandise and other facilities it operates.
The government said that fees are too high but, DNC countered that they been
forced to pay $61.5 million when it first took over the contract from the previous
concessionaire, mainly for trademarks. The only solution that I could see in this is
legal battle is paying of those fees so that Yosemite National Park can keep its
name. Yosemite National Park is in a legal fight with DNC Parks Resorts at
Yosemite, Inc., a concessionaire at the park that has operated its hotels, trail rides,
and more since 1993. DNC is part of Buffalo based Delaware North, and operates
facilities in other parks and venues around the world. The legal battle started when
DNC lost its lucrative 15 year $2 billion contract to a subsidiary of Aramark. In
September of 2015, DNC sued the federal government arguing that it needed $51
million in compensation, mostly for trademarks the company filed on merchandise
and other facilities it operated.
A Study On Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
1.Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is one of the nine types of muscular dystrophy and
the most known, it s a genetic disorder distinguish by ongoing muscle degeneration
and weakness. DMD is cause by a mutation on the X chromosome that stops the
production of dystrophin, which is a normal protein in muscles.
2.The typical microscopic changes in the muscle changes noted in the muscle tissue
of someone with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the muscle fibers are darker and
denser than usual, there is a buildup of CT, and the muscles fibers are degenerating
unlike normal muscle fibers.
3.The muscles that are most severely affected by the disease process are the
muscles of the pelvic girdle. You can see early signs of the disease in the weakness
of the gluteal muscles. Proximal muscles of the upper limb are not affected until
later in the later progression of the disease, so individuals are still able to write, use
easing utensils, and use keyboard. Then there is the weakening of the respiratory
muscles gradually; finally, the weakness of the cardiac muscle fibers which in turn
leads to the weakening of the heart muscles, which can lead to heart failure.
4.The cause of James s claves to be enlarged is because as the skeletal muscle cells
in his calf dies, the tissues are then replaced by adipose tissue and collagen. The
muscles cells that remain hypertrophy to make up for the cells that were destroyed.
The connective tissue in the calf muscles especially for the gastrocnemius
What Is Jan Eisenhardt s Contribution To Canada
Amidst the chaos and disparity of the great depression, there was one man who
brought hope and happiness to British Columbia in the form of recreation. Jan
Eisenhardt, also known as Ian Eisenhardt, has been touted as a national hero and
treasure (as cited in Markham Starr Delamere, 2005, para. 2) for his contributions
to recreation in Canada and abroad. He was born in 1906 in Denmark and relocated
to Vancouver, Canada in 1928. Eisenhardt began his career in recreation as a
playground attendant in and was later promoted to Supervisor of Playgrounds for
Vancouver (Dunae, 1992) He was known to be an avid advocate of physical
activity and wellness as a means for personal and social freedom and wellbeing
(Macdonald, 2013). During The Great Depression of the 1930 s, Eisenhardt, with the
help of BC Minister of Education George Weir, spearheaded a revolutionary
recreational movement dubbed The Provincial Recreation Program or the Pro Rec
movement . At time when Vancouver was plagued with unemployment,
homelessness, and despair, the pro rec movement was intended to bring relief and
purpose to unemployed men (Schrodt, 1983).... Show more content on ...
These acts possessed similar interests despite their varying titles. All aimed to
investigate connections to fitness and recreation (Schrodt, 1983). In addition,
Eisenhardt worked on the Youth Employment Committee of the National
Employment Commission. His ideologies were used by these organizations to
develop programs meant to to prepare young people to enter the workforce
(Markham Starr Delamere,
Pablo Picasso s Guernic Close Visual Analysis
Utilising, The Study Diamond: effects, techniques, context and meaning (The Open
University, 2013, p. 76), this essay will argue through close visual analysis from an
art history point of view that Picasso s Guernica is a form of protest. The essay will
also argue that Guernica s meaning has changed to include becoming a symbol of
peace and continues to fulfil its purpose as a form of protest.
A large mural, Guernica is an example of Synthetic Cubism painted by Pablo Picasso
(1881 1973). Created using the medium of oil paint on canvas with a narrow palette
consisting of the neutral hues: white, grey and black; the formalist qualities of
Guernica can have harrowing effects on the spectator, But to see it in real life, in its
full size, is an even stronger emotional experience. Some people have said they
experienced an instant rush of many powerful, fearful emotions (The Open
University, 2016, Block 3, 2.2.2).
Stark colour value distribution in Guernica s figures creates the effect of palpable
tension. Correspondingly, light grey contrasts with a dark grey or black
background. A feature of Synthetic Cubism, There ... colours are muted, often
virtually monochromatic greys or browns. Clarke (cited in The Open University,
2016, Block 3, 2.2.4). The doorway at the centre of Guernica depicts a figure
carrying a lamp illuminating a scene of carnage within. This distinct contrast of
colour enhances the effect of Guernica s dark corners and can evoke feelings of
impending doom.
An Angry God Edwards
Hailey Smith September 14, 2015
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards memorable sermon,
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God , was first delivered in 1741 in Enfield,
Connecticut during the peak of New England s first Great Awakening. When he
delivered this sermon with horrid descriptions of hell, the congregation listened. It
left a dramatic effect on the listeners leaving them weeping, and some even
considering suicide! Jonathan Edwards conveyed his message to turn their lives back
to religion and repent to their god by his use of tone, emotional appeal, and imagery.
To begin, Jonathan Edwards got his message across to the congregation by his use of
tone. Edwards used repetition throughout his sermon to express ... Show more content
on ...
Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering... (Edwards 122).
Here he is giving very vivid imagery. He is showing that unconverted men, or
people not reborn again, are walking a very thin line to an unpleasant afterlife. The
God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some
loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked:his wrath
towards you burns like fire...: (Edwards 123). In this metaphor Edward does a
perfect job of comparing a spider to them. He is saying that they unworthy, like a
spider, and that they are worthy of nothing else but the fire. You hang by a slender
thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it... and you have no interest
in any Mediator, and nothing to lay hold of to save yourself, nothing to keep off the
flames of wrath, nothing of your own, nothing that you ever have done, nothing that
you can do, to induce God to spare you one moment... (Edwards 124) In the section
Edwards is trying to have the crowd imagine themselves hanging by a very small
thread, with nothing to help them. Nothing in the moment can help them with their
fate, and it has already been decided what will happen to them. To sum it up, Edward
s sermon is filled with an abundance of imagery to frighten listeners into seeking God
and avoiding

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Word Essay Counter.pdf

  • 1. Word Essay Counter Writing an essay on the topic of "Word Essay Counter" can be both challenging and intriguing. On one hand, the subject seems straightforward – counting words in an essay. However, delving deeper into the intricacies of word count, its importance, and the tools available for counting words can make the task more complex than initially perceived. Firstly, exploring the significance of word count involves understanding its role in academic, professional, and creative writing. Word count requirements vary across different contexts, and achieving the optimal length while conveying a clear and concise message can be a delicate balance. The essay may need to address how word count impacts readability, the depth of analysis, and adherence to specific guidelines or restrictions. Additionally, discussing the various methods and tools used for word counting presents its own set of challenges. From manual counting to automated software solutions, each approach has its advantages and limitations. Analyzing the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of different word counters adds a layer of complexity to the essay. Moreover, exploring the evolving nature of word count in the digital age introduces considerations like character count, online platforms with built-in counters, and the implications of technology on writing practices. This requires delving into the ways in which word count tools have adapted to the changing landscape of communication and content creation. In conclusion, while the initial premise of an essay on "Word Essay Counter" might seem straightforward, the depth of analysis required to create a comprehensive and insightful piece makes the task quite challenging. Addressing the multifaceted aspects of word count, from its significance to the tools available, demands careful research, critical thinking, and effective communication. If you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance with similar topics, various resources are available. Professional writing services,, offer support for crafting essays on diverse subjects. These services can provide valuable insights, well-researched content, and assistance in meeting specific writing requirements. Word Essay Counter Word Essay Counter
  • 2. Bruce Springsteen s Almost Dreamlike Song Nebraska In Bruce Springsteen s almost dreamlike song Nebraska he sings about Charles Starkweather and his girlfriend Carol Fugate. A young couple that went on a killing spree over eight days in Nebraska in the 1950s, killing ten people. The song is short and intimate despite it being a first person narrative of a serial killer. Springsteen writes, They wanted to know why I did what I did Well, sir, I guess there s just a meanness in this world. as the last words of the song. This ending coupled with the historical background expresses a few themes that I believe Springsteen wanted to convey. The first being that people always seem to search for meaning in things, that sometimes have no meaning at all. Secondly, that isolation and loneliness can be a hard thing to cope with, and it is something that I have had to experience and learn throughout my life.... Show more content on ... The feeling of loneliness can be like a trap, the more you fall in, the more challenging it can be to get out. I first felt how isolating it can be as a little kid. My family picked up and moved to the Caribbean when I was in the second grade for my father s work. Leaving all my friends behind was just the start. I felt trapped by my lack of ability to communicate with the people around me, and unable to relate to a culture that was so different from my own. I was only in the second grade so over time though the feeling faded. Luckily I learned to connect and make friends, but that memory has always stuck with me. That frustration with my inability to connect with others. There is significance to me in being able to remember something so clearly from so long ago. When some memories fade far too quickly. I presume Springsteen and many others can relate to how I felt, and maybe Charles Starkweather did as
  • 3. General Eisenhower Research Paper Introduction Paragraph Can you recall any famous American generals of World War II? Two that come to mind are General Douglas MacArthur and General Dwight Eisenhower. General Eisenhower was definitely a more important general than General MacArthur. He was a more important general because he was a supreme commander and also led the largest invasion in World War history. Body Paragraph 1 General Eisenhower was a very important General of World War II because he was a supreme commander. General Eisenhower worked hard and accomplished many things which appointed him as a supreme commander. In the article, Eisenhower takes command it stated, As supreme commander of a mixed force of Allied nationalities, services, and equipment, Eisenhower designed a system of unified command and rapidly won the respect of his British and Canadian subordinates. This evidence shows that as a supreme commander, General Eisenhower accomplished many things in the war field and was able to gain respect from many other nations. This supports my reason because he was able to show his amazing abilities as a supreme commander which made him one of the greatest generals of ... Show more content on ... This invasion lead to the ending of World War II and was commanded by no other than General Eisenhower. In the article, General Dwight D. Eisenhower launches Operation Overlord it stated, On June 8, 1944, after years of planning, preparation and placating egos among his military peers, Eisenhower was able to report that the Allies had made a harrowing and deadly, but ultimately successful, landing on the beaches of Normandy. This evidence shows that General Eisenhower used very smart tactics and had major preparation in order to successfully invade Europe. This supports my reason because he was able to conduct such a large operation all by himself and played a major role in ending World War
  • 4. Augustus Prima Porta Sculpture Analysis The establishment of the Roman Empire marked a pivotal change in Roman society. This was accomplished by Augustus, Rome s first Emperor in 27 B.C. His time in power marked a period of peace and prosperity within Rome. His achievements established what historians refer to as the Pax Romana the 200 years of relative peace in Rome. During his time in power, Augustus enacted many changes and developments in the Roman Empire. His achievements were best encapsulated in the Augustus Prima Porta statue. The statue is renown for its similarities to classical Greek sculpture as well as its symbolic representation of Augustus s divine image as the Emperor of Rome. The Augustus Prima Porta was discovered in 1863. The name Prima Porta derives from the city in which it was found at the site of Livia s Villa in Prima Porta on the Greek island of Paros. It now resides at the Vatican Museum. The sculpture was made entirely of Parian marble white semitransparent marble popularized for its sculptural uses. The sculpture depicts Augustus as a powerful military figure with the incorporation of divine imagery. The sculpture is both natural and idealistic in its representation of Augustus. The statue exhibits personalized facial features indicating a sense of natural realism. His facial expression is rather stern, evoking a sense of power and prestige. His physique is athletic, predominantly muscular and measuring to approximately 2.03 metres in height ultimately presenting an idealized form.
  • 5. Review Of Searching For Sugar Man Jinheng Zhang Tanya Tercero English 107 November 22, 2014 Essay 3 Second Draft A Review of Searching for Sugar Man The film Searching for Sugar Man focuses on a legend folk music star, Sixto Rudriguez, who is more popular than Elvis in South Africa but fails to gain fame in the United States. He knows nothing about his fame in South Africa and has no idea how he is deified there. The whole story is told in a linear way to present a dramatic journey of finding Rudriguez. It is not followed an old fashioned rough start road to success dream come true style (Ning). It is a display of two parallel worlds of a legend music hermit. An artist who regards art as his ultimate faith in life remains unmoved either by gain or loss. In describing music journey of Rudriguez, the director shoots several full length shots of Rudriguez s wandering. The first wandering shot appears at the sixth minute, where a lonely figure wanders passing by slums, CD shops, the sewer club and Detroit steel factory. He was just a wandering spirit around the city ( Searching for Sugar Man ). This shot indicates several elements of that time, including working class, minority nation, and large company. The solitude night of Detroit and the decaying atmosphere of this city are perfectly matched, which coordinates with Rudriguez s music as background melody. A modest man of modest means, he quietly reflects on the success he now enjoys a continent away from his Detroit home and the hard times in
  • 6. Where Does Plantar Fasciitis Hurt The Most And Ways Where does plantar fasciitis hurt the most and ways to fix it Description: An overview on plantar fasciitis. Here one can find how it affects the body and its symptoms. This can really hurt someone very bad, and the problem may stay permanent. This is a disorder which leads to pain in the heel as well as foot s bottom. The pain is normally very severe with the initial steps of a day or after periods of rest. Pain frequently comes back if the foot is bending and toes are raised upwards. Conditions may turn worse by tight Achilles tendon. These conditions occur slowly, which is a regular thing. In some rare cases, both of the legs get affected. Here there is no chance of fever as well as night sweats. An overview of this disease: The reason for this disease is not fully clear. Factors which can cause this disease are waiting for long periods, an increase in weight due to increase in obesity, etc. This can also be associated with rolling the foot inward as well as lifestyle involving very few exercises. Wheel spurs are found many times, but it is not clear of their involvement in this disease. This disease is disorder regarding the site of insertion of the ligament on bones. They have characteristics of micro tears, collagen being broken down as well as scarring. Its diagnosis is based on symptoms as well as signs involving ultrasounds for helping in the process of diagnosis. Maximum cases resolve with common methods of treatment and time. Normally for early weeks people are
  • 7. History. From Slavery Until Now, Ghana Is Considered One History From slavery until now, Ghana is considered one of the farthest growing country in the continent of Africa because of several reasons. Ghana enters the historical data by the end of the 8th century, through the narrative of Muslims traders traced to the desert by the profitable exchange for gold by its leaders. Nevertheless, after the six centuries the exchange attracted the Portuguese sailors down to the coastline of Guinea. In addition, this led to the Trans Saharan trading and the Islamic politics, reinforcing the activity of the building of the Sudanic Empire, with the increase to that of Ghana descendants, and those cities that came along the way of the port from the desert peripheral. According to Parker Rathbone, the ... Show more content on ... According to Martin O Meara, Nkrumah later became a fascinating symbol, inspiring his character as the Father of African Nationalism every time he was incarcerated (p. 163). Nevertheless, after been overthrown by the armed forces in 1966, the country faced economic and political insecurity. However, with the appearance of Jerry Rawlings, and general support from those around him, Rawlings personally dealt with the problems of Ghana, putting things in the right order. Which lead to Ghana becoming one of Africa success stories in 1999, when it came to economic restructuring and improvement. Some of the different cultures or regions in Ghana Like many African countries, Ghana has many different cultures. They are not only rich, but are different from one tribal group to another. Ashanti (Asante) region The region or empire founded by King Osei Tutu I between 1695 1717 became one of the most powerful empire in Ghana. As people that were united, they originated with a focus on the Oyoko tribe throughout Asantemanso. Although the empire was faced with many years of suppressions as a result of the Akwamu and Denkyira tribes, they ultimately develop as one of the remarkable empire in Ghana after conquering the Denkyira King, Ntim Gyakari in1998 (battle of Feyiase). Primarily located in the central belt of Ghana, the Ashanti region are a governmental region.
  • 8. Summary Of The Response To Intervention Chapter 3 The Response to Intervention, Referral, and Placement Process Reflection and Summary By: S. Elizabeth Jackson Examining the Response to Intervention (RTI) ProcessResponse to Intervention (RTI) is an in school service program designed to guarantee that all students are getting a high quality education. Before students are referred for special education services, it is essential that they receive effective teaching designed to meet their own learning requirements. All students in public schools are required to be included in the RTI program. While the different program may vary from state to state, the basis of the models are the same. The RTI process has three tiers. In tier one is labeled curriculum based classroom... Show more content on ... Teachers, during tier one, should closely follow the GREAT guidelines. Teachers are also expected to differentiate instruction for those who are struggling. Tier two teachers expected to collect extensive data on the at risk student. Teachers are to collect data not only on information the student got wrong, but also when they were correct. This aids in a more correct placement, if needed. The final tier of the RTI process, tier three, is where all the data collection comes into play. In order for a student to be admitted into tier three, there has to be adequate evidence to support this claim. The teacher needs to continue to collect data to provide information on whether or not the student has made progress with the interventions in place. The teacher may asked to organize the data collected during the previous interventions. The text suggest that the teacher may be asked to collect this data in the form of a visual aid, such as a bar graph. Process of Determining if a Student has a Disability and the Responsibilities of the Teacher When all the tiers of RTI have been utilized, the Students Support Team (SST) decides if the next appropriate step for the student is a referral to special education. Biased on the information gathered during the RTI process, the SST will appraise and see if the student meets the criteria for one of the IDEA categories of disability. The disability or impairment must have an unwanted
  • 9. The Effects of Children Poverty in the UK Essay My Case Study: The effects of Children Poverty in the U.K Introduction When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn t know it had a name a quote by Lyndon B. Johnson.(Brainy Quotes) We all have witnessed or experienced poverty in our lives whether we identify or not are not the points of my study. I want people to see the numbers do not lie and we have to help with this huge increase of poverty. Poverty affects families, groups and individuals especially the children where the UK is concerned. The major reason for these kids and families experiencing poverty are the low wages, low benefits or having no income at all. The results of children poverty can lead to affect their social, educational and personal development. ... Show more content on ... In my research on child poverty, I read a scholarly journal entitled UNICEF Child Poverty in Perspective Report: A view from the UK. In the journal they compared the conditions of the children living across the world in the industrialized countries. UK was found as the poorest of them all. This comparison was on average against 21 countries. These reports were started in 2000, where they resembled a report card of the comparisons but the latest one was February 2007. The report has some interesting and detailed information on contributing factors on children poverty. The first contributor I will discuss is emotional and social issues for poor children. These problems include impulsive behaviors, lack of social skills, anxiety, depression and low self esteem. These problems make it difficult for future success in school or work as they grow. (UNICEF) Emotional children may begin to feel helpless and start to separate from the crowd to avoid embarrassment. They have to deal with the looks and comments of people who are more fortunate talking down to them. There s a feeling of helplessness and questions on why they have to be less fortunate. This may lead to counseling in more severe situations. Then there is the part poverty plays in the educational development as well. There are times when poverty may mean no dinner the night before or not enough breakfast that morning. Poverty is the leading threat to children s
  • 10. Case Report – Individual “Estore at Shell Canada Limited”... Executive Summary In 2002, Shell Canada launched its online store called eStore for its customers. The objective was to keep costs low by having a self service technology so that agricultural customers can buy their products without the need for a sales representative. The statistics from eStore showed even though the number of customers who signed up for eStore was close to the target, number of customers who actually used eStore remained low. The problem seemed to be mainly due to customers having difficulty with the service. According to customer s feedbacks, many encountered various technical problems when they tried to place orders. Others just preferred traditional methods of buying what they needed, while the remaining group were... Show more content on ... Source: ( Canada Oil Gas Report , 2011) YearRevenue (in million US $)Net Profit (in million US $) 2010368,05620,474 2009278,18812,718 2008458,36126,277 2007355,78231,331 2006318,84525,422 Table 3 Financial Statistics. Source: ( Canada Oil Gas Report , 2011) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS20112010 Total shareholder return (%)17.117.0 Net cash from operating activities ($ billion)3727 Project delivery (%)7975 Production available for sale (thousand boe/d)3,2153,314 Sales of liquefied natural gas (million tonnes)18.816.8 Refinery and chemical plant availability (%)91.292.4 Total recordable case frequency (injuries per million working hours)1.21.2 ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Earnings on a current cost of supplies basis attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders ($ million)28,62518, 643 Earnings per share on a current cost of supplies basis ($)4.613.04 Net capital investment ($ million)23,50323,680 Return on average capital employed (%)15.911.5 Gearing at December 31 (%)13.117.1 Table 4 Performance Indicators. Source: (Shell Annual Report 2011, n.d.) Earnings (in billions)Revenues (in billions)
  • 11. What Was The Great Society The Great Society was not a misguided and ill conceived but rather an attempt to help the economic situation of the time. There were struggle for black equality, housing discrimination, job discrimination, poverty and President Lyndon B. Johnson had to look at how to help improve American lives and the economy. The Great Society programs were launched in the 1964 65 to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. As a result, the number of Americans living below the poverty line dropped from 22.2% to 12.6% between 1963 1970 (source). This dramatic reduction in poverty was the combination of the different acts passed by the Congress to change the role of the federal government to benefit the lives of millions of Americans. The two major acts passed
  • 12. The New Zealand Essay The New Zealand (NZ) government essentially operates under the Westminster Parliamentary system (Palmer, 3). This system was derived from the British structure and adopted in 1947 (Palmer, 4). The defining characteristic of this system include the separation of government into three branches, the judicatory, legislator and the executive, with each preforming different roles in the law forming process (Palmer, 5). There is no absolute separation of power between these different branches, especially between the legislatureand the executive branch of government. Although, the introduction of the Mixed Member Proportionality (MMP) electoral system has enhanced this separation through demanding more accountability from the executive branch. While MMP has improved the system, there are numerous recommendations that could be implemented to improve this accountability. The separation of power in the New Zealand parliamentary system is pertinent for an efficient and democratic government. The different branches of New Zealand government have to be detached to ensure that one does not act unconstitutionally, nor has undue power over another (New Zealand Parliament, 2014). Each branch has separate roles and acts as breaks to hold the other sectors accountable for their decisions (Palmer, 5). The legislator branch consists of members of Select Committees, Parliament and the Governor General (Palmer, 5). Their role in the system is to examine, debate and provide scrutiny over drafted
  • 13. The Importance Of Honor And Glory In Homer s Iliad Honour and glory are central to the Greek character. Since heroes are the essence of the society from which they come, Greek heroes live their lives according to honour and glory, in all their varied forms. Honour and glory trigger an epic war that takes the lives of numerous men, and shape its development at every stage. The fall of Troy is a thing... whose glory shall perish never (Homer, Iliad2.324) . The goal of the Greeks is the fame that resounds even after death, and they let nothing bar their way. The honour of the individual, family, and community guide every action and response. Honour and glory define the hero, and therefore are the foundations for everything that comes to pass in Homer s Iliad. The concepts of honor and glory are critical to understanding the motivation of the heroes in Homer s Iliad1 . Glory was gained by great, heroic actions and deeds and was conferred upon an individual by others who witnessed and acclaimed the glorious actions. Major battles provided an opportunity for many to find glory at once. Honor was similar to glory, but while the public had to view actions and deem them glorious, each individual maintained their own sense of personal honor which did not always coincide with honor as defined or perceived by the masses. Honor was gained through heroism in battle, but also through compelling speechmaking, loyalty and other noble qualities that a person might demonstrate. Having honor and glory allowed a Greek to gain influence in
  • 14. The Nature Of The Poetry Of Percy Shelley s Mutability Shelley Percy is one of the most highly regarded Romantic poets of the 19th century. Many of Shelley s poem tell about the nature of the human condition. In many of his poems Shelley use elements of nature (seashells, the wind, the ocean, etc.) to discuss truths about the human condition. Percy Shelley examines the one consistent characteristic of being human in his poem Mutability . In his poem Mutability Shelley shows the fragility and unpredictability of the human condition. The poem opens with the speaker comparing humans to clouds that veil the midnight moon (Line 1). The clouds move radiantly across the sky and cover the light of the moon. The words speed , gleam , quiver and streaking personify the cloud image. Shelley describes the cloud s actions as a metaphor for human actions, How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver, / streaking the darkness radiantly! (Lines 2 3). He believes that humans go through life with speed, not taking time to rest; like clouds at night, we do not last forever. Shelley s use of the word of veil instead of covers creates a sense of purposefully hidden light. In lines three to four of the poem the wondrous sight is eventually extinguished by the darkness, yet soon/ Night closes round, and they are lost forever. By using this image of the night Shelley shows the cycle of change and demonstrates human morality. The speaker is pointing out that humans have short lives on Earth and regardless of how radiantly we may shine, we are like clouds at night that are overshadowed. In the second stanza Shelley describes the frailty of human existence. In lines five through nine humans are describes as forgotten lyres, whose dissonant strings/ Give various response to each varying blast,/ To whose frail frame no second motion brings/ One mood or modulation like the last. Shelley uses this as a metaphor that expands on the concept of human morality. In this stanza humans are compared to forgotten lyres saying that we will be forgotten when we are dead and gone. The different moods of the stanza are created by the different sounds of the lyre. Humans are being compared to instruments with beautifully melodies have been forgotten. Shelley is saying that once
  • 15. Is Dolphin Assisted Therapy Beneficial For Special Needs... Is Dolphin Assisted Therapy Beneficial for Special Needs Children? Dayanara Roman Keiser University ENC 43131G Abstract For over two decades Dolphin Assisted Therapy or DAT has been used as a type of sensory therapy used with children and adults diagnosed with either physical or neurological disorders. Through out this time dolphin assisted therapy has been used to assist children with a varying type of disability. Children with autism, Down s syndrome, developmental delay, ADHD, depression, and muscular paralysis, may all benefit from dolphin assisted therapy. Some of the benefits of dolphin assisted therapy that have been recorded with these children include an increase in attention span and display of positive emotions, a calmer demeanor, better communication skills, higher self esteem, confidence, improved coordination and motor skills, increased social connections such as smiling and touching as well as a more responsive immune system. For the purposes of this paper we will focus primarily on children, not adults, with special needs and will answer the hypothesis Is dolphin assisted therapy beneficial for special needs children? History of DAT In 1971, an educational anthropologist from Florida International University named Betsy Smith, was the first person to conduct research in the Florida Keys involving dolphins and children with neurological impairments. While placing her mentally challenged brother Wade into the
  • 16. The Next Generation Science Standards The United States Department of Education is committed to ensuring that all students have access to a quality Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education ( Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math , n.d.). Despite this commitment, reports indicate a decline in STEM proficiency as well as a lack of qualified teachers to respond to the deficiency (Holdren, Lander, Varmus, 2009). The lack of qualified STEM teachers has resulted in critical shortage areas in many districts across the United States, prompting policy reform allowing alternative certification pathways to alleviate shortages ( Alternative Routes , n.d.). Even with a reduction in critical shortage areas, preliminary reports continue to show little or no... Show more content on ... Stewart (2014) also proposes a shift from professional development to professional learning, an ongoing job embedded, data driven concept that creates a learning culture; accordingly, ongoing professional learning is a necessary strategy with science knowledge changing at a faster rate than textbooks are being replaced. While options such as job embedded professional development is a possible solution to time constraints, additional teacher requirements have the potential to become detrimental, limiting time to plan rigorous, engaging lessons and provide timely student feedback. It is also possible that data derived in STEM classrooms is skewed due to lack of student effort and extraneous variables such as reading level, prerequisite knowledge, and poor class attendance, limiting the overall affect of data driven activities. Learning Forward (2015) is an organization formed to build the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning (para. 1). While creating a definition of professional development, seven key standards were identified for effective professional learning. These standards include: 1.Professional Learning Communities: Effective professional development utilizes communities of educators committed to continuous
  • 17. Essay on The Heightening of Airport Security after... The Heightening of Airport Security after September 11th Extraordinary challenges require extraordinary measures. The terrorist attacks on America on September 11, 2001 required that we reform our nation s aviation security system in fundamental ways. Three years after the Sept. 11 tragedies, how far has airport and airlines come? It depends on the source. While it is important for airports to heighten security after the attacks of 9/11, the policies of profiling passengers are inadequate and a necessitate revision. The most visible changes to boost airport securities may be on the airplanes themselves. Many planes have installed bulletproof, locked cockpit doors to secure the pilot and crew from the rest of the plane. Increased ... Show more content on ... The process of screening and profiling has contributed to numerous complaints from passengers who have been selected for additional screening. Passenger profiling at the airport should not be the sole means of protecting our flying public from would be terrorists. If a present security measure is found to prevent potential customers from flying without providing a meaningful prevention to terrorism, that measure should be relaxed or eliminated. Passengers profiling should be utilized in conjunction with information received from our intelligence community. Close examination and revision of this system is obviously necessary. Our current profiling system is based on a computer program that was developed several years ago. Many people have begun submitting formal comments to the Privacy Office of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, urging it to stop airline passenger screening programs that are administered by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). These programs allow travel authorities to access personal information about each passenger from government and commercial databases (Privacy Activism). Authorities who rely on these systems run the risk of misidentifying individuals and tagging them as security risks. Some passengers have even been forbidden to board planes (Street Beat). Travel authorities believe that this sensitive data will help identify potential threats to
  • 18. Cesar Chavez Hero s Journey Cesar Chavez: A Hero s Journey We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live. We shall endure (Cesar Chavez). Growing up, Cesar Chavez worked in many fields and labor camps, and he immigrated to many different states, but he was able to become successful, despite his previous hardships. Chavez was born on March 31st 1927 in a small town near Yuma, Arizona, but because his family was in search of work, they never stayed in the same town very long. During the Great Depression, his family had lost their farm, so they had no choice but to move to California to become a migrant farm worker. He hardly ever went to school because of his work in the fields, but when he did go to school, he was discriminated... Show more content on ... This 5 year protest, lasting from 1965 1970, made them march 300 miles across California to Sacramento, and they made sure it was all a non violent protest . Chavez was so passionate about his protest, he went 25 days without food, and he only drank water. He chose to do this as an act of penitence toward the farm workers. This risky tactic was a contributing factor to his death, 28 years later ( His final stage of the heros journey was the Return stage. Chavez had to adjust to a new lifestyle because after he went 25 days without food, he lost 35 pounds, and he was too weak to speak for the next 28 years. He mastered the 2 worlds when he won 3 awards for his leadership in the public/community service. He won the Pacem in Terris award in 1992 for public service with spanish cultures, he won the Jefferson award for public service. The Jefferson award is the highest award a civilian can get, so he was very honored to receive this award. Finally, he received the ... The hero s journey followed by odysseus can be compared to the one traveled by Cesar Chavez. In the Odyssey, Odysseus was told by Helios not to eat the cattle he was provided with. He did as told and started to starve. Although Chavez was not told to starve, he chose to stay famished, due to the non violent protesting. Both Odysseus and Chavez starved for the purpose of their contrition toward the men they were leading. Another way you can compare Odysseus to Chavez, is the way they lead their people.
  • 19. The Pros And Cons Of Deliberate Practise The Society for Simulation in Healthcare defines Deliberate Practise as: A theory of general psychology that states the differences between expert performers and normal adults reflect a life long period of deliberate effort to improve performance in a specific domain. (Ericsson, K. A). A systematically designed activity that has been created specifically to improve an individual s performance in a given domain (Ericsson, K. A., R. Th. Krampe, R.Th. and Tesch RoМ€mer, C, 1993). Gaining expertise in a specific field is a subject matter that has garnered much attention from researchers and opinions on how one becomes an expert in a given field can be varied. A frequently quoted piece of research on the subject comes from K. Anders Ericsson... Show more content on ... These studies show that focused practice leads to significant improvement over a shorter timeframe and that skills are transferrable to the operating theatre. Deliberate practise also allows us to standardise exposure for all trainees and try to combat stress that may arise from students feeling inadequately prepared for their role. Simulation also allows for learners to choose which skills they feel they need to improve and removes the need for a specific surgical scenario to arise before they can practice it. adult learning thing. For more advanced surgical trainees, deliberate practise and the use of simulation can give the opportunity to practise rare and complicated procedures that may not often be encountered in the theatre. A recent study of military pilots showed that those pilots who had trained for a specific emergency situation in a simulator were more effective at responding to the same situation when it occurred during an actual flight mission.In the same way, it could be possible to help even more advanced surgeons prepare for procedures that they would not often
  • 20. Comparison Between Developing And Developed Nations Both developing and developed nations were part of the set. The developed nations consisted of 47% of the total set. We started with 43 nations and dropped a few countries later from the analysis because of missing data. 4. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Table 2 shows the correlation results among various variables. Average serviceis correlated with all cultural dimensions, except for MF and the correlations are in predicted directions of hypotheses 1 3. The OLS regression results are shown in Table 3. Here also we find that the coefficients of all cultural dimensions (except for MF) area significant and in predicted directions. This provides support for hypotheses 1 3, but not for hypothesis 4. The model explains 54% of the variance of SVA in our sample. To prove hypothesis 5 we selected average service values representing activities in four service sectors: Avg. ICT, Avg. FinIns, Avg. Transport and Avg. Travel. The OLS results are mixed. Results in Table 4 show that only model 2 (please refer to the methodology section earlier) with Avg. ICT as dependent variable has three cultural dimensions significant with expected signs, and Insurance service sector model (model 3 with Avg. FinIns as dependent variable) has one dimensionUA significant with expected sign. Transport service sector model with Avg. Transport as dependent variable (model 4) has IC significant with a negative sign. Also Travel services sector model (model 5 Avg. Travel) has MF significant with a positive sign. All
  • 21. Secondary Trauma Secondary Trauma So often, we focus on our clients and not enough on ourselves. The books read remind me to be mindful of self care. Beginning with Dr. Wicks who is an engaging writer. My perception is that he is very caring, and that is revealed in his work. The seeds of secondary stress and the seeds of true passionate involvement in the fields of counseling, psychology and social work are actually the same seeds.(Wicks, 2008) Secondary trauma or Burn out is a challenge for many individuals the field of counseling. Secondary trauma is commonly referred to as the stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by ... Show more content on ... They arrive consistently late to work and call in sick when healthy; they also express becoming emotionally distant from co workers. (Remington) The job has taken a toll on their mental and/or physical health to the point where friends and family express concern. (Remington) Upon hearing rumors of layoffs, you pray, Please, God, take me! They do not have enough work to keep busy, but lack motivation to seek new assignments. (Remington)Time drags and they constantly watch the clock. The lights around their desk or workspace burn out frequently. Secondary Trauma I think the most important thing about burnout is to recognize it s a cry for help from the Clinicians poor, exhausted body and untapped spirit . They say insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If a Clinicians is experiencing burn out and continue working in the same job at the same pace for the same long hours, they will only get an increased feeling of burnout. It is time to try something, anything, different. Discuss the importance of effective supervision while providing case management. If a Clinicians finds they are going through Burn Out, they should schedule a heart to heart with their supervisor. A good supervisor should be able to present a couple of solutions to try. This can be delegating more
  • 22. Strengths And Strengths Of A Great Engineer Leader In setting out the plan, it important to identify what I believe makes for a great technical leader. The leader should be responsive to the needs and desires of those below them, but should push people to improve and innovate. They should be aware of and communicate with those above and below them as well as their own piers. Personal conflict should be minimized, while encourage people to talk openly about their opinions on the project. Overall this means that I see the ideal leader as a facilitator that brings out the best in those around them. I am fortunate to have many strengths to leverage to improve my career and become a great engineering leader. The strengths I have to work with as discovered by the various assessments and ... Show more content on ... Too much personal and engaging conversation will eventually drain me. Favoring feeling over thinking can be a disadvantage in some Engineering work as I tend to assign emotions to the different types of work I do. If I don t like the people involved in a project I will probably not care as much about the final results or I will be come a contrarian who dislikes any suggestions from the group. My desire for harmony will often mean I keep that to myself. Exploring ideas, while sometimes a strength, can be a weakness when working with people not prepared to try out many ways to solve a problem. The opportunities that I see are that I am already flexible, personable and a good communicator who enjoys a harmonious well running team. I can leverage my years of drafting and design experience along with my high 3.8 GPA and English minor to get into an innovative top tier company where creativity and innovation are prized. The threats come from my desire to avoid conflict to the point where I am comfortable staying at my current job where my personality is not that good of a fit. Introversion can keep me from speaking up and taking charge. I also need to become more mindful of the personalities of those around me so I can taylor my leadership style around them. During the start of my engineering career I may do more detail work than I like so I hope to avoid becoming discouraged by some early grunt work. The gap between success as an engineer
  • 23. Night in William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream... Night in William Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream One of the recurring themes throughout Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream is the time of day during which the play s major action takes place: night. This being the case, there are certain words that are directly linked to this theme that appear numerous times throughout the script. Four such words are moon, moonlight, moonshine, and lunatic. Each comes from a feminine root that serves to identify the women in the play as prizes to be won and controlled. It becomes clear when looking up the term moon in the Oxford English Dictionary that the word is associated with the feminine. In poetry, for instance, the moon is often personified, always as female... ... Show more content on ... Theseus looks to the moon to measure how soon he will wed his fiancГ©, Hippolyta. Hippolyta responds in kind, commenting, And then the moon, like to a silver bow / New bent in heaven, shall behold the night / Of our solemnities (1.1.7, 14). Not only does the bride speak of the moon as a measurement (for when it becomes a silver bow, or crescent, they wed), but she also speaks of the night when the moon wanes as a time of festive marriage ceremonies. It is important to take into account the character of Hippolyta in this instance. Having Theseus wed Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, takes away Hippolyta s power as a strong female. She, too, is counting the nights by the waning of the moon until she is legitimately wed and under the control of a husband. The lesser characters, below royalty in the social order, take part in illicit happenings veiled by night, as the moon oversees the activities of May Day/Midsummer s Eve. The moon is considered a passive overseer or witness to (the actions of humankind) (Brown 1645). In the forest of Oberon and Titania, the moon is truly an observer. Within a monologue by Titania, the fairy queen announces, Therefore the moon, the governess of floods, / Pale in her anger, washes all the air, / That rheumatic diseases do abound (2.1.102, 29). Titania speaks of her quarrel with Oberon in this instance and how it affects all of nature. Their effect on the natural world is so strong that when they
  • 24. Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity... Entwistle (2015) discusses the philosophical, historical, and practical approach to integrating psychology and Christianity in his book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity. The author proposes that psychology and Christianity are ultimately creations of a Sovereign God designed to give complementary enlightenment to mankind for worshiping God and to care for the suffering. Integration is defined as ...a multi faceted attempt to discern the underlying truths about the nature and functioning of human beings from the unique vantage points of psychology (in its various subdisciplines, utilizing diverse methodologies) and Christianity (in theology, faith, and practice) (pp. 260 261, italics in original). Psychology discerns truth through empirical means through the scientific process of hypothesizing and testing. The author describes it as a study of the book of God s Works . As a discipline, it focuses on methological naturalism, which canonizes only what may be empirically tested. Theology is the discernment of truth through the interpretation of God s Word, and of reason. As a discipline, it focuses on the supernatural and morality, how man ought to live, not simply how man does live. Psychology as a science, emerged in Europe during the nineteenth century from modernism philosophy, in a world where science and religious establishment had a history of conflict. Entwistle notes that the ...rise of science represented a shift in how the world was understood
  • 25. Racial Tensions In Countee Cullen s Incident Countee Cullen s Incident shows the racial tension in America between whites and blacks. The speaker of the poem experiences racism for the first time. The Jim Crow Laws also played a part in the racial tension between whites and blacks, the only thing that the speaker of the poem remembers from his time in Baltimore is being called a nigger , and the persona of the boy that called him a nigger was from others who taught him to hate blacks. First, the Jim Crow Laws segregated the whites and the blacks. The laws made it seem like the whites were better than the blacks. Many blacks were upset about the laws and the way the whites treated them. This led to the racial tension between the whites and blacks. Conflicts between the two would happen
  • 26. Strong Financial System Essay 19843_05_c05_p141 172.qxd 12/7/05 9:43 AM Page 141 C H APTE R 5 FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INSTITUTIONS A Strong Financial System Is Necessary for a Growing and Prosperous Economy Financial managers and investors don t operate in a vacuum they make decisions within a large and complex financial environment. This environment includes financial markets and institutions, tax and regulatory policies, and the state of the economy. The environment both determines the available financial alternatives and affects the outcomes of various decisions. Thus, it is crucial that investors and financial managers have a good understanding of the environment in which they operate. History shows that a strong financial system is a necessary ... Show more content on ... To make good decisions, financial managers must understand the environment and markets within which businesses operate. Therefore, in this chapter we describe the markets where capital is raised, securities are traded, and stock prices are established, as well as the institutions that operate in these markets. Because the overall objective of financial managers is to maximize shareholder value, we also take a closer look at how the stock market operates, and we discuss the concept of market efficiency. 1 For example, some insurance companies allowed brokers to keep premiums for as much as a year before remitting them to the insurance companies. The brokers invested these premiums and earned interest on them, and this gave them an incentive to steer business to these companies rather than to insurance companies whose policies might be better for the brokers clients. 19843_05_c05_p141 172.qxd 12/7/05 9:43 AM Page 143 Chapter 5 Financial Markets and Institutions 143
  • 27. 5.1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE CAPITAL ALLOCATION PROCESS Businesses, individuals, and governments often need to raise capital. For example, suppose Carolina Power Light (CP L) forecasts an increase in the demand for electricity in North Carolina, and the company decides to build a new power plant. Because CP L almost certainly
  • 28. Who Is Dante s Journey In The Divine Comedy The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri s The Divine Comedy, Purgatory Dante s The Divine Comedy section of Purgatory is a depiction of Dante and his struggle to reach paradise. He is a character as well as a narrator. The purgatory section deals with the seven deadly sins and Dante s task of cleansing himself on his journey to heaven. He confronts many different people on his journey to self righteousness, which help and guide him to his destiny. Accompanied by Virgil or reason as he is depicted, his quest is a hard journey with many answers to be found. Dante was born in May 1265 and lived his early life at a time of change and of great economic and cultural expansion in Florence (Kirkpatrick 2). The poet was critically... Show more content on ... He wandered for the next twenty years depending on patrons to help him survive. It is hard to find any documentation on Dante s journey outside of Florence. It is know that his last days were spent in Ravenna, under the watchful eye of Guido da Polenta. The city recognized him as a great poet and it was here the last of The Divine Comedy was written. Dante died shortly after finishing his final and best work in 1322. His ashes are still buried next to the church of San Francesco. Dante s Purgatory section of The Divine Comedy covers Dante s journey through Purgatory and the challenges he faces. Purgatory was an island with a huge mountain towering from it. At the top was Paradise or heaven. It was sealed off by a gate with angles guarding the entrance. The bottom was antepurgatory where the souls that were not ready for the journey resided. The mountain itself was composed of seven concentric ledges separated by steep cliffs. On each ledge, one of the seven capital sins waited on a soul. They were composed of Pride, Envy, Wrath Sloth, Avarice, Gluttony, and Lust. When the soul had released his sin, he was able to proceed to the next level. When he ascends to the next level, an angle would greet him and perform a cleansing ritual. In addition, on each ledge of Purgatory, there were models of the sin as well as the virtues which opposed the sin. These were a kind of test for the soul. Dante was guided by Virgil or
  • 29. Specific Kinds Of Foods You Should Eat Specific kinds of foods you should eat Note that the list below does not account for condiments and toppings; it just lists good food items. For instance, turkey breast is very good for you. Turkey breast covered in heavy cream sauce or deep fried in lard is not. Use your brain here. Your dietary staples should include: Lean animal protein sources (fattier meats are acceptable if trying to gain muscle mass), including but not limited to: Most turkey and chicken in general, especially if it is skinless. Turkey and chicken breasts especially. Ground turkey, chicken, beef or pork. Virtually all forms of fish, even the fattier fishes are very good for you. Tuna, while also good, should be eaten sparingly if you re concerned about mercury consumption. More exotic type meats, if you can find them: buffalo, ostrich, lamb, elk, venison, alligator, etc. Whole eggs Whole grains, including but not limited to: Whole wheat bread, bagels, rolls, etc. Whole wheat pasta Brown rice Oatmeal Whole grain breakfast cereals and muesli Virtually all fruits and vegetables, including beans and dry roasted nuts. Vegetables are satiating, protect against a variety of diseases, are rich in almost every essential micronutrient and help with digestion. Healthy fats like olive oil (for sauces, dressings low temperature cooking) and canola oil (for high temperature cooking), and Omega 3 rich fish oil. Dairy products like plain yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, and milk. Notes for vegetarians Not
  • 30. Is The Difference Between Henry David Thoreau And E. B. White Walden Pond, located in Concord, Massachusetts, was a place of inspiration for two well known authors, Henry David Thoreau and E.B. White. Although, they wrote about the same place, their experiences were a century apart. Thoreau visited the lake in 1854 where technology still wasn t as advanced as it was in 1939 when White visited the historical site leading to a different feel for the place. The authors style of approaching the view of the lake has both similar and different effects when using point of view, imagery, and logos. In comparison, Thoreau and White use the first person point of view in their writings, but in contrast they do not have same writing style. Thoreau writes about his surroundings and writes with serenity. With many details he describes how the forest brings calm to your soul and you feel connected to God and there is nothing to really care for. He writes without a real purpose, it seems as if he is rambling to the audience about his thoughts and feelings indicating them that they should live in simplicity. Thoreau has no real interest in convincing his audience to go live in the... Show more content on ... Thoreau s main message in the story was that humans are supposed to live a simple life and that getting closer to nature would help the human race reach that simplicity in life. He compares us as mad ants that are always busy, rushing and we always have something to do. Thoreau goes into details when he describes the mountains and the morning dew and his morning routines and with the vivid vision he connects it all back to serenity. White, on the other hand, uses imagery to describe how technology has advanced since Thoreau had been there. He informs Thoreau that WaldenPond had become the states property and there are signs all over the site such as no swimming in the pond and that the pond now had water fountains and people would take their boats to the
  • 31. The Transcendental Meditation Technique Have you ever noticed how individuals who meditate look and feel more relaxed than those who do not meditate? With those thoughts in mind, wouldn t you like to start meditating in order to feel great? Meditating is a great way to relax your mind, body and soul, which is why so many people do it each day. Of course, you can t just jump right in and start meditating you have to know what to do. In the paragraphs below, we are going to give you some easy to follow meditationmethods that you can do in the comfort of your own home. The Transcendental Meditation Technique The Transcendental Meditation technique or TM for short is easy to follow. People of all religions, cultures and ages can do this. You can practice it for twenty minutes ... Show more content on ... Instead of just sitting there, this one will require you to actually move around. With walking meditation, you need to find a place where no one else is and just walk. During this time, you need to focus on your own breathing as well as your movement. You should also connect with your surroundings. Clear Mind Clear mind meditation is similar to the basic type. The difference is the fact that you will be required to completely clear your mind. Basic meditation at least allows you to have thoughts passing through your mind. Clear mind meditation is a great way to empty our your mind and relieve stress. Binaural Meditation Binaural meditation is a bit like using music to meditate, but it uses what is known as binaural beats. With the use of binaural beats, you will be able to put yourself in relaxation mode. Individuals who use binaural meditation are surprised with how powerful it is as it quickly transforms them into a calming state. Those are 6 meditation methods that you should use. There are many different meditation methods that you can turn to. If you have never meditated before, then it would be a good idea for you to start with the basic meditation rituals. Meditation will help ease any stress you may have. You should try to meditate at least once a
  • 32. A Master s Degree Of Counseling Psychology approximately the same time to complete. (Long Island University) For some students their goal may be to achieve a master s degree in counseling psychology to increase their acceptance to a Ph.D, or Phs.D program. (Capella University) Other students may choose to enter the workforce with a master s in Counseling Psychology . The licensing process varies from state to state, but most graduates will expect to prove how they have met educational requirements, ability to practice, completion of fieldwork, and examination. (Capella University) Capella University has a master s degree in counseling psychologythat is offered online. The requirements for possible program admittance are a prior bachelor s degree from a school that has been accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. (Capella University) Also required are the transcripts of the bachelor s degree and a minimum grade point average of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale. (Capella University) Earning the master s degree in counseling psychology is a good building block for those who wish to peruse the Ph.D or Psy.D after completion. Capella offers students the opportunity to study counseling theory, diagnostics, research methods, testing, assessment, and interventional methods for group and individuals. (Capella University) The program requires completion of online coursework, residency, and in the field training. (Capella University) The average student will complete Capella s master s degree in counseling psychology s requirement
  • 33. Analysis Of George Miller s Mad Max Succeeding to composers Brian May and Maurice Jarre to score George Miller s fourth Mad Max film Mad Max: Fury Road . Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL) delivered a score that mix new technologies and techniques with vintage scores cliches. Tom Holkenborg is a composer from the Netherland who has had a number of hits as a solo artist in the music electronic scene back in the late 90s and more this last decade for his work on film scores with his mentor Hans Zimmer. The pair have provided the scores for some of Hollywood s biggest recent blockbusters counting 300: Rise of an Empire , Man of Steel and The Dark Knight Rises among others. Certainly in Holkenborg s score for Mad Max: Fury Road we can hear an emulation of Zimmer sound . Zimmer create simple thematic sequence that he would repeat and make evolve all along the movie. He s also especially famous for blending electronic music sounds using computers and/or combination of synthesizers with traditional orchestral arrangements. He is particularly adept at blending diverse styles into a musical fusion of classical, pop and world music. His style is very much to create simple thematic material, and then give them the Zimmer treatment to craft them into highly effective pieces of film music embodying the mood of a film, such that music and movie complement perfectly. (Paterson, 2016) Holkenborg had a clear major vision for the score. He wanted to create an insane apocalyptic rock opera that has to be over the top
  • 34. Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy Essay Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy Christie Blackwell HCA 322 Dr. Nine Bell June 17, 2013 Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy Many individuals have a life plan consisting of college, marriage, and then children. After numerous methods of conception, many couples are still unable to conceive a child. A woman who enters into a contract with a couple, agreeing to carry and birth a child, then hand that child over to the contracted couple, who is often unable to conceive own their own naturally is considered surrogacy (Pozgar, 2012). Surrogacy raises many ethical and legal issues for all parties involved. Is it moral or immoral to enter into an agreement with a woman to birth a child for money? What are the ... Show more content on ... On the flipside on the issue, can it not also be viewed that allowing these women to do as they see fit with their bodies as economic empowerment? The money provided to these women can used for various financial means outside of taking care of medical heath care for themselves and the child. The amount provided to each female varies depending on what she and the couple feel is sufficient, therefore any extra monetary compensation can used to help the women relieve themselves from other debts. Autonomy does provide the right that women get to choose their reproductive rights and that includes bearing children for those who cannot do so or for monetary stability. Suggesting that surrogacy dehumanizes her is another form of paternalism. Paternalism limits one s autonomy for their own good (Pozgar, 2012). Some view altruistic surrogacy as a form of exploiting the surrogate. There is no monetary compensation to woman placing her health and well being on the line for another s benefit. However, it can also be held that the woman knowingly entered into the agreement with full disclosure of the risks and benefits to her health and body. Again, autonomy and justice are extremely prevalent ethical principles to explore when discussing the topic of surrogacy. Same sex marriage has become a hot topic in the United States in the last few years. The idea of raising a family by homosexual
  • 35. United Airlines Merger United Airlines, Inc., commonly referred to as united, is the fourth largest airline in the United States and one of the largest airlines in the world. It is one of the world s largest airline when it comes to number of destinations served, and the second largest when it measured by scheduled passenger kilometers flown. In the late 1920s, Boeing Airplane Company and Pratt Whitney joined forces to form United Aircraft And Transportation Corporation. The main purpose of the creation of this company was to transport mail to various cities by air. Around July 1, 1931, the United Airlines holding company established an operating division and the company itself established United Airlines, Inc., in Chicago, Illinois. On April 16, 2010, United Airlines merged with Continental Airlines. Both company came to reach an agreement to combine operations to create the one of the world s largest airlineon May 2, 2010. One of the agreement was to combine all of the carrier to take the United Airlines name however, the company need to use the Continental s logo and livery. Also, Continental Airlines Inc. had made an decision to completely change the name to United Airlines in order to conserve the built in brand equity of pre merger legacy of United Airlines.... Show more content on ... with many options just as non stop or one stop service from anywhere within the United States. Being the world s most comprehensive global route network it serves an average nearly 5,000 daily to across six continents. For example, with 342 Destinations, 214 Domestic destinations, 128 International destinations served, within 58 Countries, and with all of these departures in 2015 it come to 140 Million passengers traveling with United Airlines. In the Pie chart below it demonstrates the differences between United and its competitor on average
  • 36. Manscaping Imgut Summary Immergut is a professor of sociology at the University of New York Purchase; in this piece, he uses the IMRAD format to convey his theories and information he has collected on the modern act of Manscaping . IMRAD stands for Introduction, Methods, Research, and Discussion. (Green, Lindinsky pg551) Though his essay is not clearly labeled were he changes from one section to the next it is obvious to the reader where he moves on from one section of the format to the next. In his opening paragraph Immergut starts out by sharing his own personal experience with manscaping. He attempts to appeal to his reader s pathos by telling the story of the first time he decided to shave his stomach hair, giving the reader details of his emotional reaction during the expectance. This also gives them an idea of his ethos through showing the audience he has personal experience with the subject. When I finished. I stroked my smooth abdomen and felt proud Like a suburbanite gazing with satisfaction across his freshly mowed lawn (Immergut 1) This analogy is the first time Immergut introduces his correlation between the word manscape and landscape. His theory is that manscaping Reflects a culturally pervasive story about man against an untamed nature . (Immergut 2) Which he goes into detail about in the second paragraph.... Show more content on ... The opening sentence is a directed at the logos though his suggestion that there is no one answer It s challenging to pinpoint the exact cultural factors that contribute to the desire for a hairless body, but I can suggest a few. (Immergut 11) Starting in this paragraph and into paragraph 15 Immergut supports his claims of the cultural reasons for the shift in body hair then ties it back into his theory of it being a need to control nature. Because his subject is about a modern idea it is easy to use pathos and logos to connect his ideas easily to his reader who has personal experience
  • 37. Courage In The Movie The Sandlot Kendrez Reed September 1, 2016 If your favorite ball goes over a fence, would you try to get it back from a fearsome beast? The movie The Sandlot displays courage in many different ways. The Sandlot is about a gang of kids who love to play baseball. These kids are afraid of the Beast , which is behind the fence of the sandlot. The Babe Ruth baseball Scotty s dad has is a valuable baseball, and it has Babe Ruth s official signature. Scotty s mom wanted Scotty to make new friends in the new neighborhood they moved in. His family moved into a new house in the summer of 1962. Scotty met a group of kids who play baseball, and they were to be mean to Scotty. They didn t like Scotty because he doesn t know much about baseball, so
  • 38. Dixie Fare Research Paper The Dixie Speedway, which has been operating for almost forty years, has an interesting and rich history. It is as well known in Georgia as Coke ~a~Cola. It is one of the most well known dirt track speedways in Georgia. It has been a great help to the Georgia economy. The Dixie Speedway has been known to produce some great racers. This essay will explain the beginnings of Dixie Speedway and some of the things it s done to help Georgia. This is a history of Dixie Speedway. Dixie Speedway has been in operation for more than forty years. Dixie speedway is a 3/8 mile dirt D shaped track. Its original owners were Bud Linsfered and Mac Simpson. It was later sold to the Swims family. They have assumed control of Dixie Speedway for more than forty years. The Swims turned Dixie Speedway, which was originally a dirt track, into an asphalt track before being reconverted it back into a dirt track. Having a dirt track... Show more content on ... It makes almost four million dollars a year to run the track. It has 150,000 per year when it comes to attendance, as it reads on Dixie Speedway s website. It also states that they hope it will increase in the next few years. The money is fed back into the community. With the popularity of Dixie Speedway growing, it has attracted many tourists. The tourists money helps the state s economy, for when these tourists come, their money goes back into the state. Dixie Speedway has been known to attract many people with the reputation it has. It has been the beginning of a career for a few famous racers such as Bill Elliott. He raced at Dixie Speedway in the late 1970 s, driving a Ford Mercury. Dixie Speedway has been introduced into the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame. It was also introduced into the National Dirt Racing Hall of Fame. With all of these achievements, people want to visit and watch the racing at Dixie Speedway. Having a reputation such as this, the popularity is sure to continue
  • 39. An Experimental Language Immersion Program Introduction In the 1960 s, Canada was a multi cultural environment, with both English and French speakers. Not only were people speaking different languages, they had their own unique customs and practices that went along with their culture. Parents of school age children convinced educators to test out an experimental language immersion program. This program would facilitate learning of both the English and French language, as well as the separate traditions and cultures of each. Programs like this are still around today, teaching many different language combinations. Elementary age children are put in a classroom to learn different skills, such as English, mathematics, history, and reading. Is this a time when they should be learning another language as well? Studies have been done on language immersion programs, both for English speakers as well as English learners. Each program is unique, but most consist of a certain amount of time each day being taught different subjects in their native language, and then being taught the remaining time in a different language. The results show that bilingualism has had positive effects on the children. In an article titled Primary students proficiency and achievement: The difference two way immersion programs can make, it says, Overall, language majority students (referring to English speakers learning a new language) in the two way immersion program significantly outperformed similar students in a control school on
  • 40. The Case Of A Serious Health Hazard Aii is dedicated to manufacturing the highest quality products possible. We take care to insure that only our best leaves the premises. In the event that a product does get shipped out which is of questionable quality, the recall program, as outlined in this manual, will be put into action. Product recall is indicated when a product we manufacture could represent a hazard to the consumer. Our recall program will effectively remove that product from circulation. All products manufactured at Aii have production dates, best before dates, and/or lot codes attached to them. All products that are shipped out have the production codes noted on the packing slips. In the event of a problem with any product, we will contact all our customers who ... Show more content on ... A product may be misbranded if: a)The components of the cosmetics are not fully identified in the statement of ingredients b)The weight or volume is inaccurate or not declared properly Recall Terms and Definition Market withdrawal of a product is the removal or correction from channels of distribution of any product where no legal violations have occurred, or only minor violations that under normal circumstances would not be subject to legal action, e.g. normal stock rotation practices, incorrect barcode, tampering without evidence of manufacturing or distribution problems, etc. Stock recovery is a firm s removal or correction of a product that has not been marketed or that has not left the direct control of the firm. For example, the product is located on the premises owned by, or under the control of, the firm, and no portions of that lot have been released for sale or use. A product safety investigation is an internal trace of product origin/history prompted by notification by the FDA or a customer or quality control/production personnel that there may be a potential cosmetics quality or physical defect in a specific product. The facts of the investigation will
  • 41. Oskar Schindler Movie Analysis Oskar Schindler wasn t always a nice man. It took him a long time to adapt into the man he was at the end of the movie. At the beginning of the movie. He was a perpetrator. Just like any other Nazi, he would treat the Jews like slaves. At first, he used the Jews to make a big fortune. He knew about the Jewish black market, and knew that they had items that could not be found locally during the time of the war. He got items for himself through the black market, and even bought or took some items to resell at a higher price. Although this was bad, it was the least of his crimes. Oskar would use Jewsin his factory. He did not pay them, and they worked countless hours getting as much material out the door as possible. His factories would make materials that were sure to be used. Since war was going on, Schindler knew that making war supplies would be the best option for making lot s of money. So, his slaves went to work. And, as they starved and sweat, he got rich and sipped expensive wine. He did not let just any Jew work for him. His workers were the best working Jews available. In fact, there was one time that a worker was not up to par with what Oskar expected, and he got very angry. This is to show that not just any Jew could come into his factory and work. He made sure that the Jews on his floor would be the ones to make him the most money possible. He did not care about the lives of his workers, he cared about his wealth. Towards the middle of the movie, Oskar sees how
  • 42. What Is The Meaning Of The Lord Of The Flies By William... Meanings of stories are something that many people study and wonder about. Everyone can have their own answer for some of them and they would be right. This story is not one of those that can be answered in that way. In The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the meaning is everyone is a tamed animal on the inside. When put in extreme situations, people will become wild animals. Some people might say they boys were just shocked at the sight of the naval officers and that s what saved Ralph from a brutal murder. If so, then why did everyone start crying when they saw them? They had just realized what savages they had all been and it saddened them deeply. Jack and his tribe had been murdering people for no reason at all and were taking pleasure in it and they had just figured this out only because they saw the the officers who represent... Show more content on ... When does one see a human figure, not know where all of the people on the island are and assume it s some type of beast and not consider the very good chance it could be one of them? To have that level of distorted judgement, it is guaranteed the situation has made Jack lose his sense of civility. Also, after the fact, to not admit what he did and insist it was not a human he killed further turns Jack into a savage. The time spend on the island did this to jacks whole tribe. Looking at how jacks tribe was hit so hard with the truth when the navy officers arrived, how where one was when they arrived, and how bad the savagery got, it is certain this would happen to the readers in any similar situation. With long exposures to the same people and the same inhospitable place, anyone will eventually lose their grip on civility and order and turn to being wild animals. The author wants his readers to be aware of this so they can prolong losing it as long as they can if ever they are in an extreme
  • 43. Chapter 1 Part 1 Time Line 1.Rose Mary is spotted picking through the garbage can, Jeannette spots her and ducks from the taxi cab so her mom doesn t recognize her. 2.Jeannette was 3 years old when she was hungry she learned how to make herself something to eat since her dad was always out and her mom was busy painting, she tried to make hot dogs but ended up with a burn. 3.Jeannette falls out the side door of the car and tumbles down a hill, she was bleeding from her nose and bruised up her knees.This was when they were returning from a casino. 4.Jeannette asks her dad for a favor on her 10th birthday, not for food, or clothes a new toy, but for him to stop drinking since she had realized that is what consumed the family s wealth. 5.Rex s mom the angry old lady with a bad attitude was getting angry with the kids when Brian suggested that she touched him the wrong way, she went as far as permanently banning them from her house. 6.Rose and Rex decided to buy an old looking shack up on the hill. 7.Rex takes the check Jeannette has been waiting for all summer and tries to trick her into believing it disappeared all along but she knew he had it. 8.Rex tries to take advantage of his daughter once again by making her believe he had a business associate wanting to meet her, but only to figure out he scamed him of 80$. 9.Jeannette had enough when Rex had hit her with his belt, from then she swore to never be beaten by anyone and also swore to leave the household. 10.Lori spills
  • 44. Media Consumption Of Media The proliferation of media consumption in the digital age is an unspoken public health crisis. While what it brings us is not without merit, the means by which we are permitted to connect has transformed our relationship with the media into an abusive one. The methods and channels by which we are allowed to consume mediahave been constructed in such a fashion as to drive us towards unhealthy habits. We ve all been placed in a collection of skinner boxes, most of us paying handsomely for the privilege. There exists today in the world a grave and perilous danger, lurking behind the limitless opportunity we ve presented to ourselves in what the media has become. Without modern media we would be blind, but our modern habits allow us to choose not to see humanity up close or in any way. Almost every aspect of our American culture, from bacon and eggs at breakfast to our engagement rituals to the holidays we celebrate, has been sewn into the fabric of our lives by the media. Consumption of media has become a means unto itself, an ouroboros like pattern from which we can find no respite or escape. We may wish to totally extract ourselves from exposure to media directly but it is impossible to avoid how it has soaked into our culture and even our daily habits and rituals. Social norms are now rapidly adapting to the appropriate use of our interface of infinite knowledge that may once and still be called a cell phone. Even if we divorce ourselves from our phones we re still jumping
  • 45. Ahwahnee Hotel Case Summary The iconic Ahwahnee Hotel sign stolen on eve of Yosemite name changes due to be a cover up on the fierce legal battle between the park and its operator. The spokesman Scott Gediman said the sign was taken sometime Saturday night or Sunday morning. The Ahwahnee name has been in place since 1927, but will change officially at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday of March first when Aramark takes over the park s concessions contract from Delaware North. The park aroused the name changes as of January of this year. Delaware North contends the trademark associated with these buildings, the claim which lead to many outraged which led an intense legal battle with the park still working its way through the courts. The name of Yosemite has been with the park for 100... Show more content on ... The 15 year, $2 billion contract was granted to Aramark instead. DNC sued the federal government, arguing that it needs to be compensated $51 million, majorly for trademarked the company filled on merchandise and other facilities it operates. The government said that fees are too high but, DNC countered that they been forced to pay $61.5 million when it first took over the contract from the previous concessionaire, mainly for trademarks. The only solution that I could see in this is legal battle is paying of those fees so that Yosemite National Park can keep its name. Yosemite National Park is in a legal fight with DNC Parks Resorts at Yosemite, Inc., a concessionaire at the park that has operated its hotels, trail rides, and more since 1993. DNC is part of Buffalo based Delaware North, and operates facilities in other parks and venues around the world. The legal battle started when DNC lost its lucrative 15 year $2 billion contract to a subsidiary of Aramark. In September of 2015, DNC sued the federal government arguing that it needed $51 million in compensation, mostly for trademarks the company filed on merchandise and other facilities it operated.
  • 46. A Study On Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 1.Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is one of the nine types of muscular dystrophy and the most known, it s a genetic disorder distinguish by ongoing muscle degeneration and weakness. DMD is cause by a mutation on the X chromosome that stops the production of dystrophin, which is a normal protein in muscles. 2.The typical microscopic changes in the muscle changes noted in the muscle tissue of someone with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the muscle fibers are darker and denser than usual, there is a buildup of CT, and the muscles fibers are degenerating unlike normal muscle fibers. 3.The muscles that are most severely affected by the disease process are the muscles of the pelvic girdle. You can see early signs of the disease in the weakness of the gluteal muscles. Proximal muscles of the upper limb are not affected until later in the later progression of the disease, so individuals are still able to write, use easing utensils, and use keyboard. Then there is the weakening of the respiratory muscles gradually; finally, the weakness of the cardiac muscle fibers which in turn leads to the weakening of the heart muscles, which can lead to heart failure. 4.The cause of James s claves to be enlarged is because as the skeletal muscle cells in his calf dies, the tissues are then replaced by adipose tissue and collagen. The muscles cells that remain hypertrophy to make up for the cells that were destroyed. The connective tissue in the calf muscles especially for the gastrocnemius
  • 47. What Is Jan Eisenhardt s Contribution To Canada Amidst the chaos and disparity of the great depression, there was one man who brought hope and happiness to British Columbia in the form of recreation. Jan Eisenhardt, also known as Ian Eisenhardt, has been touted as a national hero and treasure (as cited in Markham Starr Delamere, 2005, para. 2) for his contributions to recreation in Canada and abroad. He was born in 1906 in Denmark and relocated to Vancouver, Canada in 1928. Eisenhardt began his career in recreation as a playground attendant in and was later promoted to Supervisor of Playgrounds for Vancouver (Dunae, 1992) He was known to be an avid advocate of physical activity and wellness as a means for personal and social freedom and wellbeing (Macdonald, 2013). During The Great Depression of the 1930 s, Eisenhardt, with the help of BC Minister of Education George Weir, spearheaded a revolutionary recreational movement dubbed The Provincial Recreation Program or the Pro Rec movement . At time when Vancouver was plagued with unemployment, homelessness, and despair, the pro rec movement was intended to bring relief and purpose to unemployed men (Schrodt, 1983).... Show more content on ... These acts possessed similar interests despite their varying titles. All aimed to investigate connections to fitness and recreation (Schrodt, 1983). In addition, Eisenhardt worked on the Youth Employment Committee of the National Employment Commission. His ideologies were used by these organizations to develop programs meant to to prepare young people to enter the workforce (Markham Starr Delamere,
  • 48. Pablo Picasso s Guernic Close Visual Analysis Utilising, The Study Diamond: effects, techniques, context and meaning (The Open University, 2013, p. 76), this essay will argue through close visual analysis from an art history point of view that Picasso s Guernica is a form of protest. The essay will also argue that Guernica s meaning has changed to include becoming a symbol of peace and continues to fulfil its purpose as a form of protest. A large mural, Guernica is an example of Synthetic Cubism painted by Pablo Picasso (1881 1973). Created using the medium of oil paint on canvas with a narrow palette consisting of the neutral hues: white, grey and black; the formalist qualities of Guernica can have harrowing effects on the spectator, But to see it in real life, in its full size, is an even stronger emotional experience. Some people have said they experienced an instant rush of many powerful, fearful emotions (The Open University, 2016, Block 3, 2.2.2). Stark colour value distribution in Guernica s figures creates the effect of palpable tension. Correspondingly, light grey contrasts with a dark grey or black background. A feature of Synthetic Cubism, There ... colours are muted, often virtually monochromatic greys or browns. Clarke (cited in The Open University, 2016, Block 3, 2.2.4). The doorway at the centre of Guernica depicts a figure carrying a lamp illuminating a scene of carnage within. This distinct contrast of colour enhances the effect of Guernica s dark corners and can evoke feelings of impending doom.
  • 49. An Angry God Edwards Hailey Smith September 14, 2015 Essay Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards memorable sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God , was first delivered in 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut during the peak of New England s first Great Awakening. When he delivered this sermon with horrid descriptions of hell, the congregation listened. It left a dramatic effect on the listeners leaving them weeping, and some even considering suicide! Jonathan Edwards conveyed his message to turn their lives back to religion and repent to their god by his use of tone, emotional appeal, and imagery. To begin, Jonathan Edwards got his message across to the congregation by his use of tone. Edwards used repetition throughout his sermon to express ... Show more content on ... Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering... (Edwards 122). Here he is giving very vivid imagery. He is showing that unconverted men, or people not reborn again, are walking a very thin line to an unpleasant afterlife. The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked:his wrath towards you burns like fire...: (Edwards 123). In this metaphor Edward does a perfect job of comparing a spider to them. He is saying that they unworthy, like a spider, and that they are worthy of nothing else but the fire. You hang by a slender thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it... and you have no interest in any Mediator, and nothing to lay hold of to save yourself, nothing to keep off the flames of wrath, nothing of your own, nothing that you ever have done, nothing that you can do, to induce God to spare you one moment... (Edwards 124) In the section Edwards is trying to have the crowd imagine themselves hanging by a very small thread, with nothing to help them. Nothing in the moment can help them with their fate, and it has already been decided what will happen to them. To sum it up, Edward s sermon is filled with an abundance of imagery to frighten listeners into seeking God and avoiding