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Widget Self Assessment
Widget Self–Assessment
I am very proud of my performance of my widget speech. I prepared by writing my speech in
advanced and practicing it for 20 minutes every night. The only thing I regret about the preparation
of this speech was waiting till the last minute to make the poster. But I thought the delivery went
well. I think the only thing that went badly wrong was me having a brain fart on the speech when I
had had it memorized for two days. I think it was the intimidation of peers that made me nervous.
Overall, I achieved my speech calmly and confidently. I scored myself a 6 in this category because I
did not rush the speech and I did not have a shaky speaking voice. I also scored myself a 6 for
having no distracting behaviors. My feet were glued to the ground and a did not play with ... Show
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I am a quiet person when it comes to a group I am not used to talking in front of so I need to work
on voice projection. I am scoring myself a 6 in clear words and appropriate because I stated my
speech clearly and had no hesitations.
I definitely need to work on expressions. I scored myself 3 because I think a started the speech with
a smile and it slowly died and I looked like I was unhappy by the end. As for emotion I scored
myself a 2 because I was very monotoned and I had no change in pitch.
I thought I did a good job with eye contact. I scanned the room trying to look all directions but I
didn't look into every single person's eye's so scored myself a 5 in this category. The eye contact I
felt was mostly consistent but I still think I looked down too much so I scored myself a 4.
I felt I did poorly in gestures. I give myself a 2 because I felt I had little to no gestures most of the
time my hands were on the podium. I thought my face expressions were minimal so I scored myself
a 4. And I will also score myself a 4 in body language because I felt I had some but not nearly
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Visual Basic
#2. Available Credit. A retail store gives each of its customers a maximum amount of credit. A
customer's available credit is determined by subtracting the amount of credit used by the customer
from the customer's maximum amount of credit. As you did in programming challenge 1, perform
steps 1 through 6 of the programming process to design an application that determines a customer's
available credit. Steps 1–6 1. Clearly define what the application is to do. 2. Visualize the
application running on the computer and design its user interface. 3. Make a list of the controls
needed. 4. Define the values of each control's properties. 5. Make a list of methods needed for each
control. 6. Create a flowchart or pseudo ... Show more content on ...
Make a list of the controls you included in your sketch. List the control type and the name of each
control. Controls: Control type | Control name | Description | Form | (Default) | A form that serves as
a small window to put the other controls in | Label | (Default) | Displays the message Customers
Name | Label | (Default) | Displays the message Maximum Credit Received | Label | (Default) |
Displays the message Amount of Credit Used | Label | (Default) | Displays the message Total
Available Credit | TextBox | txtCustomerName | Allows user to enter Customers Name | TextBox |
txtMaximumCredit | Allows user to enter the Maximum Credit each customer receives | TextBox |
txtCreditUsed | Allows user to enter the amount of credit the customer has used | Label |
lblTotAvailableCredit | Displays the total credit remaining after the btnCalcAvailableCredit button
has been clicked | Button |
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Customer Service and Innovative Widgets
BSBCUS501C Manage quality customer service Presented to: Darren Creed Assessment 3 Name:
Jacinta Butterworth Date: 20 March 2015 Procedure: 1. Develop a set of Key Performance
Indicators for your Innovative Widgets customer service representatives. KPIs should address all the
areas of customer and business requirements identified 2. Develop a plan or procedure for
monitoring team members' performance again KPIs 3. Develop a questionnaire to collect customer
feedback related to KPIs and/or designed to uncover identifiable gaps between services provided
(including the quality of service) and customer expectations. 4. Must get at least 10 customers to
complete the questionnaires to receive performance data and feedback from these customers ...
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Some examples of performance measures include;     Key performance indicators (KPI's):
Are used as a measurable value to establish how competent the company is achieving key business
objectives. Innovative widgets use's KPIs at multiple levels to evaluate their success at reaching
targets. Mystery shopper: A mystery shopper plays the role of a buying customer. The employees
may be unaware of who the mystery shopper is. Using a mystery shopper is a great way for
Innovative Widgets to gain direct observation to monitor the level of customer service performance.
To avoid ethical issues, informed consent for these monitoring practices should be put into place
Customer feedback: While often not applying to individuals may be taken into consideration when
determining performance on a team level. Balanced score cards: Balanced scorecards are used to
record individual KPIs and are provided to employees at the commencement of the performance
period to explain what they must achieve and what is expected of the individual. The balanced score
card will consist of how it will be measured. Scorecards are a useful tool for both managers and
employees, as they can be referred to throughout the performance period to ensure that efforts are
focused in the areas that have been identified as delivering the most benefit to the organisation.
Questionnaire Customer questionnaire are the most
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Widgets R Us: Team Analysis
Section Two
2.1 Team Structures
Prompt recovery of Widgets "R" Us' critical business functions can only be achieved by all members
executing their roles. The following section will provide a summary of the teams and their roles
when responding to incidents.
2.2 Incident Response Team (IR Team)
The IR team is a group of IT staff who respond if an incident occurs at Widgets "R" Us. This team
will be the main team assisting in recovery from any incident that may occur on the premises. They
are responsible for:
Responding to incidents
Recovering from incidents
Writing reports on incidents
Collecting any equipment involved in an incident for either repair or forensic use
Notifying and working in tandem with any other teams where necessary ... Show more content on ...
If these are unavailable, the employee that became aware of the incident must immediately report it
to their local management.
3. Local management will then escalate it to the IR team and any other relevant teams mentioned in
Section Two.
3.2.3 Declaration Process
Once the IR team has been notified of an incident, they will contact the business leadership to brief
them on the incident. Once an incident has formally been declared, the notification process should
begin as soon as possible. If an automated notification system is in place, that should be activated
Widgets "R" Us' declaration process is as follows:
1. The IR team in charge of Widgets "R" Us or the appropriate alternates have the authority to
declare an incident.
2. An incident must meet at least one of the following criteria:
A. The incident is major and will lead to a definite, prolonged business disruption.
B. The incident will lead to significant loss to Widgets "R" Us' staff, resources, property or
C. The incident meets or exceeds the minimum threshold of declaration of related public–sector
organizations on a regional, national, or international level.
D. Not declaring an incident would result in a significant risk to Widgets "R" Us' ability to conduct
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Feedback Widget Case Study
Lynn, Bill, Chuck and myself have promoted widget through our signatures. Therefore, every
customer who has received emails from us(Support) gets informed about the widget feature. So we
have done our best to promote the widget. Sorry Josh, I never review your tickets. I am not sure you
put widget into your signature or not, but I remember mentioning to you. I believe the number of
tickets that we have received through the Feedback widget has dropped because of other factors, not
because of us not informing the customers about the widget. There are several kinds of requests that
have submitted to us through emails and they WILL continue sending to us through emails because
it is convenience for customers to submit the issues to us: 1. The
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Creating A User Interface Application
Step 1:
To create a user interface in the text editor application, file helps to accomplish this task
by creating a menu bar and a text area. There are many features which are provided to the end user
like creating a new file, saving a file, edit, format and lock the file. This interface creates the text
area where contents of existing file or new file gets displayed.
In file, editor class is acting as the basic class in the text editor application. It loads the
components like menu bar and text area in the main window and is also responsible in initialising
the interfaces.
In file, the main() method creates an object of the Editor class. This class creates the
main window in the text editor application.
The menu options in the Text Editor application are:
File Menu: Contains the following menu items:
o New: Invokes a newFile() method to create a new text file. o Open: Invokes an openFile() method
to open a text file which exists in the system. o Save: Invokes a saveFile() method to save a text file
in to the system. o Save As: Invokes a saveAsFile() method to save a newly created text file. o Print:
Invokes the printFile() method to print a particular document, based on the values in the print dialog
box o Exit: Calls an exitFile() method to close the Text Editor application.
Edit Menu: Contains the following menu items: o Undo: Invokes an undo() method to undo the last
operation performed on the file.
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Widget Corporation Case Summary
BA 621
Business Law and Ethics
Final Project
Widget Corporation Case Analysis
Case Discussion and Analysis
In the case regarding Widget Corporati on, local handyman Lyle, and a Texas customer who will be
referred to as Big Star, there are many possi bilities for cla i ms and counter arguments. Several
items must be considered in regards to substantive law and procedural law.
The summary of the case describes the widget that caused the injury as the
widget and wrong will be interpreted as defective o r irregular for purposes of this project.
Substantive law is the part of law that contains the actual laws and the rights and remedies of law. In
this case substantive law would be examined to determine several scenarios. Big Star could bring
suit due to ... Show more content on ...
Law as defined by Black's free online dictionary is as follows: 1. That which is laid down, ordained,
or established. A rule or method according to which phenomena or actions coexist or follow each
other, 2.
A system of principles and rules of human conduct, being the a ggregate of those commandments
and principles which are either prescribed or recognized by the governing power in an organized
jural society as its will in relation to the conduct of the members of such society, and which it
undertakes to maintain and sanc tion and to use as the criteria of the actions of such members (Law).
Big St ar clearly has a case for suit because they have a standing to sue based on the fact that their
employee was injured by the improperly installed or defective widget. Big Star has a few options to
pursue, they could bring suit solely against Lyle fo r negligence in installation, solely against Widget
Corporation for strict liability or sue them both due to the partnership relation that was formed.
believe the case against Lyle is the most winnable case for Big Star due to the admitted act of
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Widget Maker Case Summary
This paper requires that students assume the role of a HR manager for Widget Maker, a large US–
based company with offices in several states. Requests and grievances from employees were
submitted to the HR Department. They are a requests four months of unpaid maternity leave, with a
guarantee of job and salary security upon her return; a grievances from small group of employees
that are distressed about unsafe equipment and reluctant to return to work until the machines are safe
and the last grievance is an older male employee who believed that his department has repeatedly
treated him differently due to his sex, age, and religion. The first case presented is a pregnant female
employee requests four months of unpaid maternity leave. She ... Show more content on ...
Like Title VII, this law is administered by the EEOC ( Cascio, 2009) . In the case of the pregnant
female, the small group of employees concern about a safe work environment and the older male
employee that believed that his department is discriminating because of his age can be managed by
minimal actions and there are no national laws are being violated. The company and HR manager
should respond immediately to the allocations and contact the employees, instantly to let them know
that their concerns have been received by the HR department and they will receive a reply within the
next week. The recommendations do not go beyond the law requirements. Other factors were the
company was within legal compliance because the HR manager responds quickly with an action
plan that was received by the employees, and the leadership teams. The above was an important
because it is essential to maintain loyal and committed employees. Cascio, 2009, stated that the most
vital assets are people, there can be no true ownership. The best that corporations can do is to create
an environment that makes the best people want to stay.16 Therein lies the challenge of managing
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International Widgets Code Of Ethics
Ethics is a term that many people does not understand because there is no set code of ethics that
everyone must follow. There is not a "one size fits all" (Pasztor, 2015) when it comes to ethics. A
code of ethics determines how employees should act while working for the company. Each company
has their own code of ethics that they expect ALL their employees to follow. The employee is
supposed to show action that is for the best interest of the employer and clients above their own
interests. In John Anderson's case, he did not follow this, which, resulted in violating the code of
ethics. International Widgets Code of Ethics has eight different rules to follow: confidentiality,
ethics, duty of care, conflict of interest, intellectual property ... Show more content on ...
Fiduciaries are expected only to pursue the interests of beneficiaries when executing a fiduciary
mandate. To that end, the duty of loyalty strictly forbids conflicts of interest and conflicts of duty, on
pain of powerful remedies that strip fiduciaries of any gains realized in breach." (Miller, 2013, p.
972) With this statement, it proves that John was in a fiduciary relationship with International
Widget. This relationship John is obligated to be loyal to International Widget and should carry out
instructions set forth by International Widget; which, would result in John being controlled by
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Testimonials Widget
Testimonials Widget
In the universe of internet there are thousands of sites with different formats, objectives, specialties
and services, and today on the web we can find the same products that can be found walking the city
streets: newspapers, electronic stores, banks, grocery stores, transportation services, hospitals,
pharmacies, gift shops and hundreds of department stores.
And that is the main reason why also have increased the number of tools and plugins to improve and
optimize the websites, companies that offer such products and services. For those who plan and
conduct their websites with Wordpress, there are thousands of plugins that allow accomplishing
what you want for your company and want and how to communicate over the Internet.
In this article, we will recommend a plugin ... Show more content on ...
Instead, if they can see or read testimonials from other people who already know you and have used
your products or services. Each costumer can take videos, pictures and of course text to describe
your company.
Opinions, assessments or customer testimonials care about much, in fact, they are a determining
factor when deciding whether to acquire a certain product or service factor.
With Testimonials Widget you have the possibility to add text testimonies but also, you can add a
portfolio of projects, videos, photos and reviews.
The plugin allows you to organize by categories, and you can select how to show the testimonies.
The format of Testimonials Widget is simple and straightforward. So if you want something more
elaborate you have to use CSS to customize it to your liking. The plugin has two version, Free and
The free version of Testimonials Widget offers filter slideshows, simple and easy theme adaption,
transitions (slide, fade and carousel), testimonies with images, videos, text or mixed content, random
display and it is shortcode
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International Widgets : Code Of Ethics
International Widgets is a company that strives to satisfy its consumers through operating successful
and ensuring that it follows legal and ethical strategies in attaining its success. The company has
been in operation for several years, which has enabled it gain a larger market. The larger market
ensures that the company is constantly under pressure to perform effectively and remain
competitive. John, who is one of the employees in International Widgets Company, has been
successful in ensuring that the company gains more clients (Seth, 2010). However, in recent time he
has shown great change in his performance. Further, he seems to be diverting some of his attentions
to one of Widgets' competitors, which is causing worries to the company's management and it is also
going contrary to the company's codes of ethics.
The International Widgets has formulated a list of its code of ethics that govern the operation of the
company. A summary of the International Widgets' Code of Ethics is as follows:
Confidentiality: the company is committed to maintaining a high degree of integrity in its dealings
with its potential, current, as well as its past clients.
Ethics: the company conducts business honorably and honestly and expects supplies and clients to
do the same.
Duty of care: the company's advice and actions will at all times conform to relevant laws. The
company believes that every business should avoid causing any effect on different human rights and
the wider environment.
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Widget Fq Contact Research
About Widget FAQ Contact
The attitude and characteristics of a middle school teacher greatly influence student learning,
behaviour, confidence and sense of community. Middle school teachers should be aware of the
physical, social, emotional and cognitive developments of middle year students. It is very important
middle school teachers come prepared and design effective engaging lessons to impart knowledge to
students. Teachers must develop vividness and interest of students using creative and innovative
ways of learning strategies. They should also develop the capacity and flexibility to negotiate and
plan the curriculum around students' needs, interests, and learning styles. Effective teachers
motivate students with a positive attitude
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Widgets "R" Us
2612 Widget Parkway Los Angeles, California 95757
OFFICE (213–546–2803)
FAX (213–546–2805)
Request for Proposal
Training services for Workforce Employees Training on Microsoft Office Programs
Inquiries and Proposals Should Be Directed To: Ben Johnson Professional Development
Coordinator Widgets "R" Us
Introduction to the company
Widgets "R Us is a high performing company that provides the production of a wide range of
widgets to both the ... Show more content on ...
Employer and organizational reference requirements
The organization or individuals responding to this RFP must provide information on qualifications
to provide this training service. Evidence of substantial knowledge and experience in successfully
developing and delivering training. Evidence of knowledge and experience providing services to the
workforce development entities.
Submit specific questions regarding this via email to Ben Johnson at
In order to ensure equal dissemination of information pertaining to the RFP, all submitted inquires
via email will be forwarded to all proposal offerors who identified themselves as interested bidders.
Proposers must file a Intent–To–Bid email with Widgets "R" Us before submitting any questions in
response to this RFP. Electronic or hardcopy proposals must be received by Widgets "R" Us no later
than 4PM PDT Monday, June 6, 2011. Proposals that are received after the due date will not be
considered. Electronic proposals
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Essay On Widget Maker Career
Joe Student Oct 31, 2017 Career Report Widget Maker I am interested in a career as a widget maker.
This occupation requires only a high school diploma, and with a few weeks of on the job training, I
could be earning an annual salary of $32,000 with health and retirement benefits. This career meets
my interests as I would be working indoors at the same location, with minimal contact with co–
workers. I have abilities in standing for long periods, and completing repetitive tasks. Typical duties
for a widget maker correspond with the manufacturing process; injection molding, parts assembly,
quality control, and packaging. The injection molding process involves supervising and maintaining
automated molding machines that shape hot plastic into ... Show more content on ...
Most factories operate in a single shift of eight hours, 8am to 4:30pm. Entry level employees receive
supervision from team leaders, managers and executives. Widget makers can be required to wear
employer provided coveralls, safety glasses, hearing protection and gloves. Dangerous conditions
exist from hot surfaces and plastics, crush points from metal stamps and punch presses, spills from
acids and caustics used in cleaning. The industry averages 5 worker days lost to industrial accident
per year per 1000 employees. According to CareerCruising, pay and benefits for a widget maker are
typical for a unionized manufacturing job. Entry level wages are $17.00 per hour with steady annual
increases based on experience. Widget makers with 15 years experience earn $23.50 per hour on
average. All employers provide health, dental and vision insurance. Most employers contribute into
a union retirement program while others provide a 401(k) option with matched contributions.
Working hours are regular and stable as market demand for widgets is uniquely constant, unaffected
by seasonality, gluts or
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Desktop Widget Research Paper
In the computer world, there are two major widgets are the desktop and the web widget
Desktop widgets are a small generic section of independent button. These are placed on the
computer desktop and required a widget behind this button to move. It communicates between the
computer and this component to work. The widgets operate individual on each button or item on the
computer desktop. For example, A clock and a widget, or a battery and widget. Anything that is
placed on the laptop, there is the widget.
Keeping the Widgets are easy to organize on the desktop, in a folder called My documents/My
Widgets come in various styles, colors and whatever way that are created. The possibilities are
endless on what they can accomplish. The webpages to utilize and create a great widget are
numerous online. These widgets can be used on most web pages, except the ones that have SSL or
HTTP which require a certificate to use. The Web widget is the second type of widget and is a ...
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It also works at various places online as the voting poll, or the weather widget can be used.
Advertisements shown on the internet quite often utilize the widgets. If a user has an individual
blog, the widgets offer more functions. There are different web pages these widgets are used on. For
example, the personal and business web sites. The widgets are so fun and simple to create that it
takes no time at all to apply it. Appling bookmarks are a popular widget that most people do not
realize and not even know they operated it. The web widgets are found on the Facebook, Google,
Yahoo and Twitter and other popular social media web pages. The Yahoo widgets that are in the
system are Yahoo maps, mail, notepad, calendar, clocks and several others. Yahoo widgets are also
last longer than the others. In addition, the yahoo widgets can stay hidden or be seen. Additional
feature is that the Yahoo widgets can be resized and look more
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Social Penetration Theory : Research, Media And A Personal...
The Social Penetration Theory: Summarized and Identified
Using Research, Media and A Personal Example
If one was asked to describe the social penetration theory, the best example would be an onion. Just
as an onion requires its layers to be exposed to reach the core, social penetration requires a similar
type of unraveling. The social penetration theory deals with the progressive disclosure of one's true
self to others and the world. Individuals have many layers that ultimately combine to form a shield
that protects the true self at the core (Tang and Wang, 2012). In recent years social penetration has
been examined through many virtual interactions due to the digital age. In a study conducted by Jih–
Hsin Tang and Cheng–Chung Tang ... Show more content on ...
It was also shown that in the depth scale that bloggers disclose more to their best friends (average of
60%) versus parents (average 40%) and online users (20%) (Tang and Wang, 2012). Overall it was
found that bloggers disclose more to their best friends versus parents and online users. The study
concluded that bloggers are more open in their private lives than they are on the web.
Furthermore, social penetration is depicted in our everyday lives through the interactions we have
with others and how others interact with people. We indirectly learn about social penetration through
different forms of media such as books, videos, news, and most importantly films. Films provide a
reflection how to effectively and ineffectively disclose information. An example of a film that
depicts the social penetration theory would be 21 Jump Street directed by Phil Lord and Chris
Miller. In the film Jonah Hill plays an undercover cop named Schmidt who develops feelings for a
character named Molly. The scene that clearly shows good social penetration is when Schmidt
develops enough courage to call Molly and have a conversation with her. In the scene Schmidt is in
his room and uses his cell phone to call Molly. She picks up and immediately asks who is on the
other line, before Schmidt can respond his mother gets on the line and tries to make a phone call.
Filled with embarrassment Schmidt screams for her to get off the
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WCLR Widget Developers and Networking
WCLR Widget developers and networking LTD 1. Going it solo Many organizations are set with
different aims and objectives that are achieved through effective coordination of all departments.
These achievements are obtained when the company identifies its main business which is primary,
secondary or tertiary. The main primary business of WCLR limited is to come up with widget
developers groups with support and networking. Communication refers to the process of transferring
information in a given organization through the use of a medium (Lacar, 2011). This is very
essential to a business organization if done efficiently and information understood by the receiver. A
well planned overview of communication within an organizational department like HR is very
important as it allows effective implementation of business responsibilities. This benefits the
employees as they understand their responsibilities well through the communication department.
Supervisors, managers and board of directors also benefits from such a plan as they also understand
their roles and ensures effective running of the organization. Roles and responsibilities In every
organization, it is necessary for every stakeholder such as employees, supervisors and managers to
understand their roles. This reduces confrontations as each team understands its responsibility.
Employees are expected to play the following responsibilities: Technical expert: it is the role of
employees to ensure that they perform properly in
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The Best Widget Incorporated : Critical Success Factors
IT Mission Statement The Best Widget Incorporated will maintain an updated, secure network
infrastructure to ensure we continually to drive sales in the most cost effective manner while
maintaining the flexibility and mobility needed for a global operating structure.
Critical Success Factor In order for The best Widget Incorporated to remain successful and
profitable that are some key critical success. While you need to focus on all aspects of the business,
creating a list of the main points will help ensure that we remain successful. Success factors should
align with the goals and mission of the company. Critical success factors should represent the most
important areas of the business to help drive overall success ("Critical Success ... Show more
content on ...
For a website to remain successful it will require regular attention. The need to maintain the
information it contains to ensure it is accurate and reverent will help The Best Widget Incorporated
remains the top provider of widgets. As customers will be visiting our site from anywhere in the
world, the need to ensure that they always get the correct information will help to ensure it continues
to generate a profit. By using analytic data that is collected from the site, the addition, subtraction,
or modifying of feature will prove to be a profitable aspect of the company ("Website Maintance, "
2008). Analyze the collected data from the CRM software when developing new widgets for
deployment to better suit the needs of our customers, while researching better manufacturing
methods to decrease cost. To ensure that The Best Widget Incorporated remains successful we need
to ensure that they widgets that we offer are current and are being developed in the most profitable
manner. This can be achieved by adding to our existing line of widgets or by modify the existing one
we offer. The CRM solution we have in place will provide us with the necessary information to
project the buying trends of our customers. This information can be used to help develop new
widgets with a better chance that they will be a successful ("Using Market Research, " 2015).
Researching the global market to ensure that we are using the strength of the
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Widget Wonders Case Study
Widget Wonders is an overall pioneer in widgets and are presently assembling a best in class office
to make and circulate the up and coming era of widgets. This new office will be the primary
assembling and appropriation focus in the United States and will contain the accompanying five
offices: deals, fabricating, stock control, innovative work, and Management Information Systems
(MIS). SNHUConsulting, a pioneer in data innovation, has been held to execute data innovation on
the development and to join the system in the new office to the fundamental system that is situated
at their central command. I have been requested that make proposals on the PC equipment segments
for the development. Widget Wonders has given SNHUConsulting the relevant ... Show more
content on ...
The versatility in this division will advantage more with tablets since they might be moving around
the office, alongside docking stations for charging. Since these tablets need access to the database
frameworks I would propose no less than 32 GB of capacity alongside direct access to the database
frameworks. Stock control will likewise require printers. Surge defenders and UPSs ought to be
likewise used alongside USB 3.0. The innovative work office has 20 representatives that require
illustrations and PC supported outline (CAD) programs. I would suggest tablets and desktop PCs for
the bigger stockpiling. They will likewise require specific printers to print out their plans a UPS.
They would likewise require various LCD screens keeping in mind the end goal to see the
representation and plans, surge defenders and USB 3.0. The last division is the Management
Information Systems (MIS) comprises of just 5 workers and require extra processor and memory
prerequisites to bolster organization undertakings. MIS would profit by both desktop, tablets and
notepads that are good with every one of the applications all through the office. They would require
docking stations, media screen ability for the administrating errands, UPS, USB 3.0, and surge
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Swot Analysis For Widgets Inc
CODE OF CONDUCT for Widget's Inc.
Internet and computer usage, travel, and acceptance of gifts from vendors and or suppliers
Policy Mission Statement:
Widgets, Inc mission is to uphold company standards and by–laws as to the expectations regarding
usage of company machinery or electronics, such as the usage of the Internet, sending and receiving
facsimiles, printing of documents, business travel; and receiving gifts from outside sources are for
company use only. Although sending /or receiving faxes is acceptable in terms of company usage no
outside personal faxes are allowable during working hours, unless being used for training purposes,
or when one is on their own personal time; unless otherwise given permission by a management
team member. However, when using these electronic devices, it should be used in the best interest of
the company's policies and procedures, and should never be inappropriate, invasive, or harmful to
the company; and those standards to which we uphold. Remember, here at Widget, Inc. we value our
staff, colleagues, and vendors/supplier's expectations, and never want to be out of character as to the
companies' policies and procedures that may be unfair to others; or harmful to our reputation as a
business entity. We expect them to conduct themselves in a business manner always be respectful,
professional, honest, fair, and trustworthy when applying; and/ or practicing our company standards
in that of a collaborative environment.
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XYZ Widget Case
Question 1: You are the Safety Director at XYZ Widget Company in Anytown, USA. Your new boss
has asked you to develop a 1 hour presentation "hitting the highlights" regarding OSHA inspections
and violations. Please provide an OUTLINE and EXPLANATION of your presentation. 1. Rights
before the inspection a. Fourth Amendment allows the employer the right to demand a warrant to
establish probable cause for the inspection and the scope of the inspection. 2. Opening Conference a.
Can be used to narrow the scope of the inspection presented by OSHA. b. Questions can be asked
regarding the purpose and probable cause of the inspection. c. How OSHA can collect information
will be laid out. Documents can be collected via written requests, interviews can ... Show more
content on ...
The employer also has to comply with all standards, rules, and regulations that are set forth by
OSHA and the OSH Act. Employers are required to inspect the workplace to insure they are up to
OSHA standards. Insure that employees are only using safe tools and equipment that are in their
proper condition. It should be easy for the employees to be aware of potential hazards by the
employer posting signs, using color codes, labels, or signs to convey warning. Employees must be
trained in a language that they understand. Operating procedures must be in place and properly
communicated to the employees to assure the employees follow safety and health standards.
Employers that house or use hazardous chemicals will be required to have hazardous
communication program and for that all the employees to be trained on exposure and precautions.
Employers are to fund medical exams if required by OSHA standards. The OSHA poster must
placed in a prominent location at the workplace. Records need to be kept of work–related injuries
and illnesses. The log of these injuries and illnesses need to made available on February 1st for three
months. Assure employees have access to medical and exposure records. Provide a workplace free
of discrimination. OSHA citations must be posted at or near the work area where the infraction
occurred. The citation must be in place for three working days or until the
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Widgets Research Paper
Widgets A widget is a simple application extension that is often part of a larger application already
installed on the device. Widgets come in all shapes and sizes, are customizable, and reside on any
available Home screen for quick access. Widgets provide you with quick access to information
without requiring you to open the app that manages this information. An example is the Calendar
widget, which provides you a quick view of your upcoming calendar events without opening the
Calendar application. Widgets include icons, pull–down menus, buttons, selection boxes, progress
indicators, on–off checkmarks, scroll bars, windows, window edges (that let you resize the window),
toggle buttons, form, and many other devices for displaying information
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Amalgamated Widget Case Study
Assignment 6. You are the CISO for Amalgamated Widget. The company wants to protect the data
link when employees visit the company website to work from home. Alice argues for using SSL and
Tina argues for using IPsec. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are used to allow a remote public
connection to an internal network. A VPN is essentially a virtual tunnel connecting a remote user
(Tunnel Vision). The traffic within the VPN tunnel is encrypted, and there are two ways to do this.
One way is Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and the other is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
Alice is arguing in the favor of SSL. Some reasons she might argue that SSL is a common protocol
and most web browsers have SSL capabilities already built in (Tony, 2003). Because of this, almost
every computer in the world is already equipped with the necessary software to connect to an SSL
VPN. Another pro of SSL is that they provide tunnels to specific applications rather than to the
entire corporate LAN. Any users on the SSL VPN connections can only access the applications that
they are configured to access rather than ... Show more content on ...
Some arguments Tina might use are that IPSec secures all data that travels between two points
without an association to any specific application (Tunnel Vision). When connected on an IPsec
VPN, the client computer is a full member of the corporate network, being able to see and
potentially access the entire network. With most IPSec VPNs, they require third–party hardware
and/or software. In order to access an IPSec VPN, the workstation or device in question must have
an IPSec client software application installed. This is a pro because the third party must have it
properly configured since the company is paying for its services and means an extra layer of security
since the company should be monitoring their program. . These would be additional hurdles that an
attacker would have to get through before gaining access to your network (Tony,
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BSBCUS501C Innovative Widgets Assessmen
Customer Service Plan Vision Innovative Widgets to be considered a leader in superior quality
products and customer service. Mission Innovative Widgets will provide customers a positive
experience in customer service throughout all aspects of our business. Product Standards Standards
Description 1 Dimensions Widgets are manufactured in sizes: 5mm, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm and 18mm
2 Tolerances We guarantee our Widgets to +/– 3% of size indicated. Widgets which do not meet this
quality may be returned for a full refund. 3 Pricing Customers will be given 30days notice in the
case of pricing changes. A 10% discount is offered for orders placed online 4 Material Laminates:
are of a high quality Polyimide, thermoset with glass fibre Components: Copper ... Show more
content on ...
Procedure 1. Greet the customer courteously and given them your name. 2. Listen fully to what the
customer is saying. Try to gather all the facts about the complaint and write them down. Ask
questions and summarise what that are saying. 3. Never argue with the customer. 4. Apologise for
any product fault or poor service. Be sympathetic. Ask if the customer will allow us to send the
faulty item to our quality department for testing. 5. When you have all the details about the
complaint, ask the customer how they would like it to be resolved. 6. No product replacements are
within all staff members' authority. 7. All staff members can use their judgement and refund an
additional 10% of the value of the faulty product up to a maximum value of $25. In some instances
customer service staff will not be able to resolve the complaint at this level, in which case the
complaint will be escalated to the Manager. Recording, Monitoring and Reporting on Complaints
The following information will be recorded, as a minimum, for all complaints: The nature of the
complaint How the complaint was received Conduct, services or faults outlined in the complaint
Suggested improvement/resolution Action Taken The Manager will maintain a register of
complaints and be responsible for quarterly review of this register Response All complaints should
be responded to within 24hrs. Where this is not possible the Manager will advise the complainant of
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Widget Division Paper
I am writing in response to your inquiry into current sales numbers and the experienced decline the
Widget division has been experiencing. This issue has now been given the full attention of the team,
and I believe we need to approach this head on to determine the best course of action. As you are
aware a sales declines are an anomaly. The department has had sales increases every quarter since it
was created at the end of 2012. It has not gone unnoticed that an overall decline has been
progressively getting worse over the last three months. While seasonal variances and small declines
have been reported in the past, any negative growth was quick to rebound and was never sustained
past thirty days. A systematic sales decline is the symptom ... Show more content on
Evaluation: Simple problem solving looks at defining the problem, generating feasible outcomes,
choosing and implementing the solution (Adair, 2013). Moving forward I believe we need to
address an ongoing evaluation to our solutions as our current processes have focused on identifying
symptoms but not that of the root causes of a problem. I believe this approach needs to be addressed,
as active evaluation will allow our team to proactively diagnose if a solutions is effective or not,
triggering the problem solving process to start again. The widget department sales have declined and
we have identified a symptom. It is up to our team, using the process outlined here to identify the
root causes, create a course of action, decide, implement and evaluate. By focusing our efforts I
believe we will position our team to correct the current trend and be better positioned for future
problems as they arise. I will be glad to provide updates to the team's progress as we move forward
with this plan of
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Wrong Widget Case Summary
But for Widget Corporation supplying one wrong widget among those shipped to the subcontractor,
the injury would not have happened; But for the Texas customer's failure to detect the wrong widget
upon delivery and to consequently reject the delivery of the wrong widget, the injury would not
have happened; But for Lyle's failure to follow the specific installation instructions with regard to
the wrong widget, coupled with his failure to notice it was the wrong widget due to putting personal
interests above performing per the subcontract agreement, the injury would not have happened; But
for the Texas customer's failure to perform an inspection of Lyle's installation work prior to or after
Lyle left the work site, the injury would not have happened. ... Show more content on ...
If defendant's acts or omissions are found to be substantial contributing factors in the injury and
without these contributing factors the injury would not have happened, then cause in–fact will be
established. Beyond substantial factors, the other element of proximate cause is foreseeability. As
Smith and Johnson (2010) have observed, "Employers typically defend nonsubscriber claims on the
proximate cause of negligence... Foreseeability is a necessary element of the plaintiff's case that is
often not present in many employee injury cases" (p. 102). Consequently, defendants will likely
attack the foreseeability element. The burden will be on the plaintiff to argue that "more likely than
not" the defendant's acts and omissions were the proximate causes of the injury. Expert testimony
regarding how the injury occurred, as well as its foreseeability, will be key in determining whether
the plaintiff or defendants will prevail. This brings us to the final element should causation be
proved – that of
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Digital Widget Case
Digital Widget is very similar to most of the companies listed below. Net sales and EBIT are very
close to four of the seven companies compiled by the assistant. The Tax rates and WACC are also
very similar to the companies compiled. There are however a few outliers that may not help find the
correct intrinsic value of the shares of Digital Widget, Inc. Company C, Company E and Company F
seem to be outliers in this comparison. Company C sales are much larger and they pay out way more
dividends. Company E has the same issues that Company C does as far as sales and dividends paid
goes. Company F's sales are way too small compared to Digital Widget and the dividends paid out
are way too small. Also there retained earnings are negative. Calculated below is the EPS of Digital
Widget. We will use this EPS to help find what the intrinsic value of the shares of Digital Widget
are. Digital Widget, Inc. EPS = Net Income/Average outstanding common shares 2.08 ... Show more
content on ...
The first that will be excluded in this evaluation are Company C, E, and F because they are outliers
and we will not get back the desired data. Company A, B, D, and G are the companies that will be
retained for comparison because of how close the numbers are to Digital Widget. This will help get
a more realistic intrinsic value of the shares of Digital Widget, Inc. To estimate the target firm's
market value, the analyst would multiply the target's metric by the comparable firms' average market
multiple (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2017). In order to find the intrinsic value of the shares of Digital
Widget, Inc. we must find the P/E ratios of the companies in the comparison. Then take the average
of the four companies, which came out to 8.976988. Multiplying Digital Widget's EPS by the
average P/E ratios of the four companies being compared is what the intrinsic value will equal. The
work is posted
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Widget Corp
Widget Corp, a California–based 200 employee organization, has selected Gutierrez's Consultants to
assess the organization's Information Technology and information system needs. Widget Corp.
accounting and human resources department are both currently using Manuel processes, with an
increasing need to improve the productivity via implementing newer technologies, and harnessing
the power of the internet for every business Sector. Upgrading Widget Corp. software to a modern
system is not only an economic business decision. But, also matter of productivity, costs, and
morale. As software develops from version to version, it becomes more modernized and easier to
use. Since the employee salaries are a significant portion of business expenses, upgrading software
is synonymous with investing in employee productivity. As a simple example, suppose that
upgraded software saves one hundred employees twenty minutes of work per day per employee.
Over the course of a 250–day work year, that amounts to an increased ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, recommendations made herein are made within the organization's budget (as provided
in the cost analysis report attached to this proposal). Hardware: Miami IT Consultants recommends
that 25–desktop workstations be replaced with faster, capable towers, which would allow for
software updates and more efficient processing.
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Emergency Department Chief Compliant Data Entry Screen
Screen 1. Emergency Department Chief Compliant Data Entry Screen.
1. What is the purpose for the screen?
The chief compliant screen will allow clinicians to enter patient's reasons for visiting the emergency
department. The chief complaint data entry screen will be to obtain information from patient such as
symptoms, duration of symptoms, and what major problem they are experiencing as a result of
symptoms. The chief compliant data entry screen does not deals with obtaining information about
chronic illness or history of family disease. Rather, the data entry screen will enable clinicians to
prioritized treatment intervention based on severity of patient's condition. Furthermore, the data
capture in the chief complaint entry screen can be ... Show more content on ...
The data element will be highly instrumental when it comes to treatment regiments, and ordering
diagnostic test to further gain insights to medical concerns. The data element in chief compliant
screen can be used to prioritized patients treatment; patient with less severity can be identified at the
time of computation and classified for treatment priorities.
3. Why is the type of data entry appropriate for the data element?
The free text data and check box entry will appropriate for the purpose of obtaining chief complaint
from patients in sense that only human intelligence can prioritized and determine what the chief
complaint of patients really are, The free text data entry will allow clinicians to input narrative detail
about the patient's medical concerns, and due to the fact that complicated details are more easier to
describe through imputed texts. Furthermore, free text data entry will capture robust information
about patient's medical condition and can be used to support and improve quality of care. Check box
data can be used to gauge the severity of symptoms that will include duration of onset of symptoms,
pain scale measurement. Also, patient's age group, and race/ethnicity can used the check box data
entry tool.
4. How did you design data quality into the screen?
The design for data quality for the chief medical compliant screen
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Case Study Division's Widget
1. What is your division's widget? The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) provides numerous
services related to vehicle registration and licensing. The state agency is responsible for titling,
licensing, and inspecting vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles (Dresang, 2012). The DMV
vehicle inspection center examines the motorist's headlights, taillights, turn signals, horn, windshield
wipers, emergency flashers, emissions, and brakes prior to the driver proceeding to the relicensing
stage (Dresang, 2012). Therefore, the division's widget is vehicle inspections.
2. Who are the end users of the widget?
According to the case study, the DMV serves four million owners and operators of motor vehicles in
the state's seventeen counties (Dresang, 2012). Therefore, the end users are the motorists (the
customers), who utilize the services provided by the DMV. Often, the customers (the drivers) are in
constant interaction with the widget (vehicle inspections) because it is required by law rather than a
choice of the user. ... Show more content on ...
Who are the brokers for your widget?
In the DMV inspection and licensing center, it's staffed with civil servants, who inspect headlights
and windshield wipers, scrutinize proof of liability insurance, administer driving tests, collect fees,
and stamp forms for the millions of motorists that use their services (Dresang, 2012). In essence, the
internal staff (brokers) of the factory (the DMV) operate the widget (vehicle inspections) for the end
user (the
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The Widget: The Definition Of Life
A glance in the Merriam Webster English dictionary offers twenty definitions for the word "life."
These range in scope from theological context "spiritual existence transcending physical death"
(Life 4) to the obvious "the period from birth to death" (Life 5a), but all assume the reader already
understands what form life takes and its qualities. In response to these assumptions, there must be an
objective definition of life that establishes what features and qualities all things considered alive
possess. This definition should concisely determine what differences exist between a tree and a
wooden door that results in the first being alive and the latter inanimate. Ultimately, this distinction
is contingent on three categories of qualities: energy, reproduction, and molecular makeup.
For the purposes of juxtaposition, throughout this essay I will reference a "widget" that I will name
"Tot." Tot is an abstract unit of production just as we can say a ... Show more content on ...
Reproduction, among most living creatures, is less about enjoying the miracle of life with a
significant other and more about fulfilling the instinctual duty of ensuring a specie's continuation.
Life without reproduction is akin to an ice cream cone in July: it will not last long. As such, the
definition of life necessitates the inclusion of reproduction. Like metabolism, reproduction comes in
many forms. Some of the most basic prokaryotic organisms reproduce asexually. Asexual
reproduction involves the replication of genetic material, and then an even division into two "new"
individuals (Reece 1014). This method of reproduction, also known as mitosis, is also used in
eukaryotic cells to regenerate cells within tissues or organs. An issue surrounding this form of
reproduction is the lack of genetic variability. As it involves only one parent, the new generation has
the exact same genetic sequence as the original generation (Reece
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The Evolution Of Eclipse 1. 1 )
Eclipse 1.0 is an open source project released on November 7, 2001. Eclipse is "an integrated
development environment (IDE) for anything and nothing in particular." The framework for Eclipse
is modular and Scalable, rather than set of tools. It provided a component–based platform that serves
the building tools for developers. Eclipse SDK is a "proof–of–concept" product. The proof–of–
concept product idea helps the developers to self–host and build new customized versions of
The initial members of the Eclipse consortium were Borland, IBM, Merant, QNX Software
Systems, Rational software, RedHat, SuSE, and TogetherSoft. Today, the diversity of the Eclipse
community has expanded to include over 170–member companies and almost a ... Show more
content on ...
The extensible architecture is one of the keys to the successful growth of the Eclipse Ecosystem.
Companies or individuals could develop new plugins, and either releases them as open source or sell
them commercially. The Early Eclipse Architecture had the workbench as the most familiar UI
element for users to perform. The workbench consists of perspectives, views, and editors. Editors
are associated with the file type, so the correct one is launched when a file is opened. An example of
view would be the "problems" that indicate errors or warning in java code. Editors and views
together form a perspective which presents the tooling to the user in an organized fashion. The
Eclipse workbench is built on the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) and Jface. Widget toolkits are
classified as native or emulated. Unlike other computer languages such as C and C++, the first
version of Java came with a native widget toolkit library called the Abstract Window Toolkit(AWT).
AWT was limited, buggy, and inconsistent. Hence, a native widget toolkit was switched over to full–
featured emulated widget toolkit.
A native widget toolkit uses operating system calls to build UI components such as lists and push
buttons. Native widget toolkits are "pixel perfect." The widgets look and feel like their counterparts
in other applications on the Desktop. Operating system vendors continuously change the look and
enjoy their changes and add various new features to
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Input Controls
Input controls are an integral part in any form. Allows the user to perform a variety of functions, for
example, enter text, select items from a list, load a file, etc. Data entry checks ensure accuracy,
completeness and timeliness of data during the conversion from the source Original electronic data,
or entry into a computer application. Data can be imported into an application computer is online or
manual enrollment plan to automated processing. Control of entry Critic should determine the
adequacy of both automatic and manual controls on data entry to ensure that the data is entered
accurately the optimal use of electronic validation and processing procedures and treatment facilitate
timely and accurate resubmission all data errors corrected. Examples of input controls are error
events, field checks, limit checks, tips for self–control, the sequence controls, validation controls,
key ... Show more content on ...
Restrict the freedom to make the system knows that just do the right things so as not to ruin the
system. In addition, users will be more focused on the data entered in the system, reducing the risk
of incorrect or inaccurate information will be entered into. Another advantage is that it can protect
the private information of the system because users are only allowed to have access to public
information so that your private information will remain hidden. So even if there is an advantage of
reducing the user interface, there is also a disadvantage in this way. One of this is that users may
lose their interest in the system, because he / she can access information from only a few duty–free
import of information. In addition, users may not be sufficient knowledge of the system because of
their limited access to the system. Overall, if users acquire sufficient knowledge about the system,
limiting the user interface is not a bad idea and can help a lot the
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Chapter 9 Project 9D Recording and Assigning a Macro Essay
In project 9D that was assigned, it provided skills that were taught throughout chapter 9 that was
able to be mastered in order to complete project 9D. In this particular project we was responsible of
recording/assigning a macro, being able to activate the macro in sequence , writing a set of
commands, using ActiveX control buttons, and add or take away from the commands code (View
Code feature). Those 3 skills was the major lesson of the entire chapter 9. This was a pretty lengthy
chapter that's full of new, interesting, and useful material.
Starting off with the first task that was being taught in chapter 9 was learning how to record a
macro. Macro is a verbatim set of actions that can all be grouped into one action without the ...
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Now at this point in the chapter we have gotten to the Inserting ActiveX controls part but the chapter
only focused on the command button and the check box. The command button allows you to insert a
command control button that has a code attach activating the action when clicked on. With the
command button you're allowed to create it and set the code of demands behind it so whenever it
needs to be used when working on a particular assignment you are able to click it and it performs
the task that you assign for it to do. The check box allows you to turn on and turn off a function
when it's clicked on (check or unchecked). Other than the 2 ActiveX controls listed there are 10
ActiveX controls that could be quite useful whenever needed. As the book stated, the ActiveX
controls are not attach to and of the workbook cells, they place wherever one would want them to be
placed but in order to get the ActiveX controls active one must become really familiar with the
"design mode" button that enables and disables ActiveX controls.
All of these concepts that we have learned throughout this chapter will always stick with us and be
useful later in our careers. Being that the 2 other guys that worked on this assignment and I are
business majors no matter which career field we go in this material will be beneficial to its utter
most level. If we're working for ourselves or working for a superior, data will always be expected to
be collected. As of right now let's say that
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Customer Service Plan for Widgets
Widget Innovation
Customer Service Plan
Customer service and commitment to our customers has been the driving force behind our brand.
Widget strive to get it right first time, everytime.Incases where things don't come out right we
believe our professional workers will strive to correct the problem and our customers have the right
to know what level of service they can expect from us all the time even in these times when we fall
short of the very high standards we have set ourselves. Through our Vision and mission statement
we make a commitment to our customers both internal and external.
Mission Statement
Passionate about exceeding the delivery of our customers' service expectations by providing the
very best in professional, value ... Show more content on ...
No specific time of delivery can be provided. A four hour time frame will be advised but cannot be
2. A minimum delivery fee of $75 (outside the Metropolitan area) is payable separately to the
Carrier in cash or bank cheque.
Delivery is free inside the Metropolitan area
3. Cash or bank cheque must be used to pay any balance of monies owing at time of delivery.
Personal/Company cheques will NOT be accepted. For your convenience we can accept credit cards
in store 48 hours prior to delivery, surcharges may apply.
4. Once arrangement for a delivery day is confirmed, there will be a minimum re–delivery charge of
$75 if no person is at the delivery address on the day of delivery or the delivery is cancelled by the
customer on day of delivery.
5. When receiving goods, please inspect thoroughly before signing "Received in good order" as any
claims for scratches, marks, dents or other damages will not be accepted once signed.
6. Failure to collect or take delivery of the goods beyond 21 days from the date of contact by our
despatch department will result in the sales order being cancelled and all monies paid will be
7. All original packing & wrapping will be left at the premises (delivery address).
Customer collection of goods purchased from Widgets stores can also be collected by the customer
in any of our distribution centres..
The customer must contact the Delivery department prior to pick up on
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Smith Widget Case
In our group assignment we tried to analyse the problems in the Learning and Development
department in Smith Widget Corporation and use our knowledge about the system thinking and
system dynamics to solve the issues. We started to answer the provided questions and follow the
specific methods that we already learned from this course and applied the relevant parts in our work
to make it more systematic one. Smith Widget Corporation hasn't had productivity in the past 5
years. Managers found out that employees couldn't reach their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
and it impacted on the company's sales rate. Therefore, we tried to find out how the employees poor
performance can be related to learning and development practise. Our brainstorm revealed
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Innovative Widgets
Innovative Widgets
Innovative Widgets is small firm with about 50 employees. The firm provides widgets, which serve
as components for machinery used by companies across industries. Innovative Widgets is a very
customer centric company. Since it is small company with a specific focus on providing
components, it needs to pay attention to the requirements of its customers. Their business model
relies heavily in loyal customers, which lead repeat purchases over time. To achieve this, the
company has to develop a string service based model to deal with its clients.
Vision Statement: We want to create value for our customers so as to enable them achieve their
Mission Statement: To be the best components provider and service provider to ... Show more
content on ...
This would help build trust and strengthen the client/customer relationship.
Assurance: A customer of any organization must always feel assured that his investment in a
company's product or service will be worth the amount they pay. To this end it is important for the
company, in this case Innovative Widgets, to ensure that the products are of high quality and proper
after sales service is provided to its customers. Through this the company can build trust and thus
confirm a repeat sale through its clients over time.
Tangibles: It is important to create a positive impression on potential and more importantly existing
customers. All the touch points in any customer service design must communicate a company's
vision to its customers. These touch points would include the office space, the regular product
quality, the staff. In the case of Innovative Widgets, it would be the knowledgeable staff. It is always
comforting to any customer if the staff assigned to their case is knowledgeable.
Empathy: This aspect extends from the points expressed in the section described in the tangibles
factor. A staff of knowledgeable personnel can better understand the concerns of the clients and
thereby result in much more customized solutions leading to more satisfied customers. An
organization should be focused on its customers needs throughout any engagement.
Responsiveness: After sales service is a very critical component of any
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Ccu Widget Factory Assessment
CSU Widget Factory Assessment I have been asked to review three workplace injuries. The review
will consist of analysis's in the rate of recordable injuries (TRIR), the number of recordable injuries
that an employee missed work, resulted in a death, reduction in work duty, and transfers
(DART/LWDII), and the Severity Rate (SR) of incidents, on an average, of the number of lost days
to injuries and illness in the workplace. These lagging indicators are measured after the event, and
for comparison, leading indicators will be discussed to offer insight as to prevent the injuries in the
future. Data Analysis Leading Indicators During this assessment, three injuries were reported,
burned retinas in both eyes, lumbar strain, and a respiratory–related
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Eastern Widgets Security Policy
Security Policies
Joseph McCausland
Peirce College Acceptable Use Policy
1. Overview
This policy is designed to protect Eastern Widgets, its partners and its employees from illegal or
dangerous actions regarding the use of all Eastern Widgets' network, Internet/Intranet access, the use
of email system at all Eastern Widgets' locations and offices. This policy includes, but is not limited
to email, chat rooms, the Internet, news groups and electronic bulletin boards. (Institute, SANS,
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish acceptable and unacceptable use of electronic devices and
network resources at Eastern Widgets. Eastern Widgets provides computer devices, networks and
other electronic information to meet its ... Show more content on ...
However mobile devices also represent a significant risk to information security and data security
as, if the appropriate security applications and procedures are not applied, they can be a conduit for
unauthorized access to the Eastern Widgets' data and IT infrastructure. This can subsequently lead to
data leakage and system infection. Eastern Widgets has a requirement to protect its information
assets in order to safeguard its customers, intellectual property and reputation. This policy outlines a
set of practices and requirements for the safe use of mobile devices.
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Widget Self Assessment

  • 1. Widget Self Assessment Widget Self–Assessment I am very proud of my performance of my widget speech. I prepared by writing my speech in advanced and practicing it for 20 minutes every night. The only thing I regret about the preparation of this speech was waiting till the last minute to make the poster. But I thought the delivery went well. I think the only thing that went badly wrong was me having a brain fart on the speech when I had had it memorized for two days. I think it was the intimidation of peers that made me nervous. Overall, I achieved my speech calmly and confidently. I scored myself a 6 in this category because I did not rush the speech and I did not have a shaky speaking voice. I also scored myself a 6 for having no distracting behaviors. My feet were glued to the ground and a did not play with ... Show more content on ... I am a quiet person when it comes to a group I am not used to talking in front of so I need to work on voice projection. I am scoring myself a 6 in clear words and appropriate because I stated my speech clearly and had no hesitations. I definitely need to work on expressions. I scored myself 3 because I think a started the speech with a smile and it slowly died and I looked like I was unhappy by the end. As for emotion I scored myself a 2 because I was very monotoned and I had no change in pitch. I thought I did a good job with eye contact. I scanned the room trying to look all directions but I didn't look into every single person's eye's so scored myself a 5 in this category. The eye contact I felt was mostly consistent but I still think I looked down too much so I scored myself a 4. I felt I did poorly in gestures. I give myself a 2 because I felt I had little to no gestures most of the time my hands were on the podium. I thought my face expressions were minimal so I scored myself a 4. And I will also score myself a 4 in body language because I felt I had some but not nearly ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Visual Basic #2. Available Credit. A retail store gives each of its customers a maximum amount of credit. A customer's available credit is determined by subtracting the amount of credit used by the customer from the customer's maximum amount of credit. As you did in programming challenge 1, perform steps 1 through 6 of the programming process to design an application that determines a customer's available credit. Steps 1–6 1. Clearly define what the application is to do. 2. Visualize the application running on the computer and design its user interface. 3. Make a list of the controls needed. 4. Define the values of each control's properties. 5. Make a list of methods needed for each control. 6. Create a flowchart or pseudo ... Show more content on ... Make a list of the controls you included in your sketch. List the control type and the name of each control. Controls: Control type | Control name | Description | Form | (Default) | A form that serves as a small window to put the other controls in | Label | (Default) | Displays the message Customers Name | Label | (Default) | Displays the message Maximum Credit Received | Label | (Default) | Displays the message Amount of Credit Used | Label | (Default) | Displays the message Total Available Credit | TextBox | txtCustomerName | Allows user to enter Customers Name | TextBox | txtMaximumCredit | Allows user to enter the Maximum Credit each customer receives | TextBox | txtCreditUsed | Allows user to enter the amount of credit the customer has used | Label | lblTotAvailableCredit | Displays the total credit remaining after the btnCalcAvailableCredit button has been clicked | Button | ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Customer Service and Innovative Widgets BSBCUS501C Manage quality customer service Presented to: Darren Creed Assessment 3 Name: Jacinta Butterworth Date: 20 March 2015 Procedure: 1. Develop a set of Key Performance Indicators for your Innovative Widgets customer service representatives. KPIs should address all the areas of customer and business requirements identified 2. Develop a plan or procedure for monitoring team members' performance again KPIs 3. Develop a questionnaire to collect customer feedback related to KPIs and/or designed to uncover identifiable gaps between services provided (including the quality of service) and customer expectations. 4. Must get at least 10 customers to complete the questionnaires to receive performance data and feedback from these customers ... Show more content on ... Some examples of performance measures include;     Key performance indicators (KPI's): Are used as a measurable value to establish how competent the company is achieving key business objectives. Innovative widgets use's KPIs at multiple levels to evaluate their success at reaching targets. Mystery shopper: A mystery shopper plays the role of a buying customer. The employees may be unaware of who the mystery shopper is. Using a mystery shopper is a great way for Innovative Widgets to gain direct observation to monitor the level of customer service performance. To avoid ethical issues, informed consent for these monitoring practices should be put into place Customer feedback: While often not applying to individuals may be taken into consideration when determining performance on a team level. Balanced score cards: Balanced scorecards are used to record individual KPIs and are provided to employees at the commencement of the performance period to explain what they must achieve and what is expected of the individual. The balanced score card will consist of how it will be measured. Scorecards are a useful tool for both managers and employees, as they can be referred to throughout the performance period to ensure that efforts are focused in the areas that have been identified as delivering the most benefit to the organisation. Questionnaire Customer questionnaire are the most ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Widgets R Us: Team Analysis Section Two 2.1 Team Structures Prompt recovery of Widgets "R" Us' critical business functions can only be achieved by all members executing their roles. The following section will provide a summary of the teams and their roles when responding to incidents. 2.2 Incident Response Team (IR Team) The IR team is a group of IT staff who respond if an incident occurs at Widgets "R" Us. This team will be the main team assisting in recovery from any incident that may occur on the premises. They are responsible for: Responding to incidents Recovering from incidents Writing reports on incidents Collecting any equipment involved in an incident for either repair or forensic use Notifying and working in tandem with any other teams where necessary ... Show more content on ... If these are unavailable, the employee that became aware of the incident must immediately report it to their local management. 3. Local management will then escalate it to the IR team and any other relevant teams mentioned in Section Two. 3.2.3 Declaration Process Once the IR team has been notified of an incident, they will contact the business leadership to brief them on the incident. Once an incident has formally been declared, the notification process should begin as soon as possible. If an automated notification system is in place, that should be activated first. Widgets "R" Us' declaration process is as follows: 1. The IR team in charge of Widgets "R" Us or the appropriate alternates have the authority to declare an incident. 2. An incident must meet at least one of the following criteria: A. The incident is major and will lead to a definite, prolonged business disruption. B. The incident will lead to significant loss to Widgets "R" Us' staff, resources, property or operations.
  • 8. C. The incident meets or exceeds the minimum threshold of declaration of related public–sector organizations on a regional, national, or international level. D. Not declaring an incident would result in a significant risk to Widgets "R" Us' ability to conduct ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Feedback Widget Case Study Lynn, Bill, Chuck and myself have promoted widget through our signatures. Therefore, every customer who has received emails from us(Support) gets informed about the widget feature. So we have done our best to promote the widget. Sorry Josh, I never review your tickets. I am not sure you put widget into your signature or not, but I remember mentioning to you. I believe the number of tickets that we have received through the Feedback widget has dropped because of other factors, not because of us not informing the customers about the widget. There are several kinds of requests that have submitted to us through emails and they WILL continue sending to us through emails because it is convenience for customers to submit the issues to us: 1. The ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Creating A User Interface Application Step 1: CREATING THE USER INTERFACE To create a user interface in the text editor application, file helps to accomplish this task by creating a menu bar and a text area. There are many features which are provided to the end user like creating a new file, saving a file, edit, format and lock the file. This interface creates the text area where contents of existing file or new file gets displayed. In file, editor class is acting as the basic class in the text editor application. It loads the components like menu bar and text area in the main window and is also responsible in initialising the interfaces. In file, the main() method creates an object of the Editor class. This class creates the main window in the text editor application. The menu options in the Text Editor application are: File Menu: Contains the following menu items: o New: Invokes a newFile() method to create a new text file. o Open: Invokes an openFile() method to open a text file which exists in the system. o Save: Invokes a saveFile() method to save a text file in to the system. o Save As: Invokes a saveAsFile() method to save a newly created text file. o Print: Invokes the printFile() method to print a particular document, based on the values in the print dialog box o Exit: Calls an exitFile() method to close the Text Editor application. Edit Menu: Contains the following menu items: o Undo: Invokes an undo() method to undo the last operation performed on the file. o ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Widget Corporation Case Summary BA 621 – Business Law and Ethics Final Project – Widget Corporation Case Analysis Case Discussion and Analysis In the case regarding Widget Corporati on, local handyman Lyle, and a Texas customer who will be referred to as Big Star, there are many possi bilities for cla i ms and counter arguments. Several items must be considered in regards to substantive law and procedural law. The summary of the case describes the widget that caused the injury as the " wrong " widget and wrong will be interpreted as defective o r irregular for purposes of this project. Substantive law is the part of law that contains the actual laws and the rights and remedies of law. In this case substantive law would be examined to determine several scenarios. Big Star could bring suit due to ... Show more content on ... Law as defined by Black's free online dictionary is as follows: 1. That which is laid down, ordained, or established. A rule or method according to which phenomena or actions coexist or follow each other, 2. A system of principles and rules of human conduct, being the a ggregate of those commandments and principles which are either prescribed or recognized by the governing power in an organized jural society as its will in relation to the conduct of the members of such society, and which it undertakes to maintain and sanc tion and to use as the criteria of the actions of such members (Law). Big St ar clearly has a case for suit because they have a standing to sue based on the fact that their employee was injured by the improperly installed or defective widget. Big Star has a few options to pursue, they could bring suit solely against Lyle fo r negligence in installation, solely against Widget Corporation for strict liability or sue them both due to the partnership relation that was formed. I believe the case against Lyle is the most winnable case for Big Star due to the admitted act of ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Widget Maker Case Summary This paper requires that students assume the role of a HR manager for Widget Maker, a large US– based company with offices in several states. Requests and grievances from employees were submitted to the HR Department. They are a requests four months of unpaid maternity leave, with a guarantee of job and salary security upon her return; a grievances from small group of employees that are distressed about unsafe equipment and reluctant to return to work until the machines are safe and the last grievance is an older male employee who believed that his department has repeatedly treated him differently due to his sex, age, and religion. The first case presented is a pregnant female employee requests four months of unpaid maternity leave. She ... Show more content on ... Like Title VII, this law is administered by the EEOC ( Cascio, 2009) . In the case of the pregnant female, the small group of employees concern about a safe work environment and the older male employee that believed that his department is discriminating because of his age can be managed by minimal actions and there are no national laws are being violated. The company and HR manager should respond immediately to the allocations and contact the employees, instantly to let them know that their concerns have been received by the HR department and they will receive a reply within the next week. The recommendations do not go beyond the law requirements. Other factors were the company was within legal compliance because the HR manager responds quickly with an action plan that was received by the employees, and the leadership teams. The above was an important because it is essential to maintain loyal and committed employees. Cascio, 2009, stated that the most vital assets are people, there can be no true ownership. The best that corporations can do is to create an environment that makes the best people want to stay.16 Therein lies the challenge of managing human ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. International Widgets Code Of Ethics Ethics is a term that many people does not understand because there is no set code of ethics that everyone must follow. There is not a "one size fits all" (Pasztor, 2015) when it comes to ethics. A code of ethics determines how employees should act while working for the company. Each company has their own code of ethics that they expect ALL their employees to follow. The employee is supposed to show action that is for the best interest of the employer and clients above their own interests. In John Anderson's case, he did not follow this, which, resulted in violating the code of ethics. International Widgets Code of Ethics has eight different rules to follow: confidentiality, ethics, duty of care, conflict of interest, intellectual property ... Show more content on ... Fiduciaries are expected only to pursue the interests of beneficiaries when executing a fiduciary mandate. To that end, the duty of loyalty strictly forbids conflicts of interest and conflicts of duty, on pain of powerful remedies that strip fiduciaries of any gains realized in breach." (Miller, 2013, p. 972) With this statement, it proves that John was in a fiduciary relationship with International Widget. This relationship John is obligated to be loyal to International Widget and should carry out instructions set forth by International Widget; which, would result in John being controlled by International ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Testimonials Widget Testimonials Widget In the universe of internet there are thousands of sites with different formats, objectives, specialties and services, and today on the web we can find the same products that can be found walking the city streets: newspapers, electronic stores, banks, grocery stores, transportation services, hospitals, pharmacies, gift shops and hundreds of department stores. And that is the main reason why also have increased the number of tools and plugins to improve and optimize the websites, companies that offer such products and services. For those who plan and conduct their websites with Wordpress, there are thousands of plugins that allow accomplishing what you want for your company and want and how to communicate over the Internet. In this article, we will recommend a plugin ... Show more content on ... Instead, if they can see or read testimonials from other people who already know you and have used your products or services. Each costumer can take videos, pictures and of course text to describe your company. Opinions, assessments or customer testimonials care about much, in fact, they are a determining factor when deciding whether to acquire a certain product or service factor. With Testimonials Widget you have the possibility to add text testimonies but also, you can add a portfolio of projects, videos, photos and reviews. The plugin allows you to organize by categories, and you can select how to show the testimonies. The format of Testimonials Widget is simple and straightforward. So if you want something more elaborate you have to use CSS to customize it to your liking. The plugin has two version, Free and Premium. The free version of Testimonials Widget offers filter slideshows, simple and easy theme adaption, transitions (slide, fade and carousel), testimonies with images, videos, text or mixed content, random display and it is shortcode ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. International Widgets : Code Of Ethics International Widgets is a company that strives to satisfy its consumers through operating successful and ensuring that it follows legal and ethical strategies in attaining its success. The company has been in operation for several years, which has enabled it gain a larger market. The larger market ensures that the company is constantly under pressure to perform effectively and remain competitive. John, who is one of the employees in International Widgets Company, has been successful in ensuring that the company gains more clients (Seth, 2010). However, in recent time he has shown great change in his performance. Further, he seems to be diverting some of his attentions to one of Widgets' competitors, which is causing worries to the company's management and it is also going contrary to the company's codes of ethics. The International Widgets has formulated a list of its code of ethics that govern the operation of the company. A summary of the International Widgets' Code of Ethics is as follows: Confidentiality: the company is committed to maintaining a high degree of integrity in its dealings with its potential, current, as well as its past clients. Ethics: the company conducts business honorably and honestly and expects supplies and clients to do the same. Duty of care: the company's advice and actions will at all times conform to relevant laws. The company believes that every business should avoid causing any effect on different human rights and the wider environment. ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Widget Fq Contact Research Quetext About Widget FAQ Contact The attitude and characteristics of a middle school teacher greatly influence student learning, behaviour, confidence and sense of community. Middle school teachers should be aware of the physical, social, emotional and cognitive developments of middle year students. It is very important middle school teachers come prepared and design effective engaging lessons to impart knowledge to students. Teachers must develop vividness and interest of students using creative and innovative ways of learning strategies. They should also develop the capacity and flexibility to negotiate and plan the curriculum around students' needs, interests, and learning styles. Effective teachers motivate students with a positive attitude ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Widgets "R" Us 2612 Widget Parkway Los Angeles, California 95757 OFFICE (213–546–2803) FAX (213–546–2805) Request for Proposal Training services for Workforce Employees Training on Microsoft Office Programs Inquiries and Proposals Should Be Directed To: Ben Johnson Professional Development Coordinator Widgets "R" Us EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/TRAINER WIDGETS "R" US 1–800–649–3778 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/TRAINER WIDGETS "R" US 1–800–649–3778 Introduction to the company Widgets "R Us is a high performing company that provides the production of a wide range of widgets to both the ... Show more content on ... Employer and organizational reference requirements The organization or individuals responding to this RFP must provide information on qualifications to provide this training service. Evidence of substantial knowledge and experience in successfully developing and delivering training. Evidence of knowledge and experience providing services to the workforce development entities. Inquires Submit specific questions regarding this via email to Ben Johnson at In order to ensure equal dissemination of information pertaining to the RFP, all submitted inquires via email will be forwarded to all proposal offerors who identified themselves as interested bidders. Proposers must file a Intent–To–Bid email with Widgets "R" Us before submitting any questions in response to this RFP. Electronic or hardcopy proposals must be received by Widgets "R" Us no later than 4PM PDT Monday, June 6, 2011. Proposals that are received after the due date will not be considered. Electronic proposals ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Essay On Widget Maker Career Joe Student Oct 31, 2017 Career Report Widget Maker I am interested in a career as a widget maker. This occupation requires only a high school diploma, and with a few weeks of on the job training, I could be earning an annual salary of $32,000 with health and retirement benefits. This career meets my interests as I would be working indoors at the same location, with minimal contact with co– workers. I have abilities in standing for long periods, and completing repetitive tasks. Typical duties for a widget maker correspond with the manufacturing process; injection molding, parts assembly, quality control, and packaging. The injection molding process involves supervising and maintaining automated molding machines that shape hot plastic into ... Show more content on ... Most factories operate in a single shift of eight hours, 8am to 4:30pm. Entry level employees receive supervision from team leaders, managers and executives. Widget makers can be required to wear employer provided coveralls, safety glasses, hearing protection and gloves. Dangerous conditions exist from hot surfaces and plastics, crush points from metal stamps and punch presses, spills from acids and caustics used in cleaning. The industry averages 5 worker days lost to industrial accident per year per 1000 employees. According to CareerCruising, pay and benefits for a widget maker are typical for a unionized manufacturing job. Entry level wages are $17.00 per hour with steady annual increases based on experience. Widget makers with 15 years experience earn $23.50 per hour on average. All employers provide health, dental and vision insurance. Most employers contribute into a union retirement program while others provide a 401(k) option with matched contributions. Working hours are regular and stable as market demand for widgets is uniquely constant, unaffected by seasonality, gluts or ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Desktop Widget Research Paper In the computer world, there are two major widgets are the desktop and the web widget Desktop widgets are a small generic section of independent button. These are placed on the computer desktop and required a widget behind this button to move. It communicates between the computer and this component to work. The widgets operate individual on each button or item on the computer desktop. For example, A clock and a widget, or a battery and widget. Anything that is placed on the laptop, there is the widget. Keeping the Widgets are easy to organize on the desktop, in a folder called My documents/My Widgets. Widgets come in various styles, colors and whatever way that are created. The possibilities are endless on what they can accomplish. The webpages to utilize and create a great widget are numerous online. These widgets can be used on most web pages, except the ones that have SSL or HTTP which require a certificate to use. The Web widget is the second type of widget and is a ... Show more content on ... It also works at various places online as the voting poll, or the weather widget can be used. Advertisements shown on the internet quite often utilize the widgets. If a user has an individual blog, the widgets offer more functions. There are different web pages these widgets are used on. For example, the personal and business web sites. The widgets are so fun and simple to create that it takes no time at all to apply it. Appling bookmarks are a popular widget that most people do not realize and not even know they operated it. The web widgets are found on the Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Twitter and other popular social media web pages. The Yahoo widgets that are in the system are Yahoo maps, mail, notepad, calendar, clocks and several others. Yahoo widgets are also last longer than the others. In addition, the yahoo widgets can stay hidden or be seen. Additional feature is that the Yahoo widgets can be resized and look more ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Social Penetration Theory : Research, Media And A Personal... The Social Penetration Theory: Summarized and Identified Using Research, Media and A Personal Example Intro If one was asked to describe the social penetration theory, the best example would be an onion. Just as an onion requires its layers to be exposed to reach the core, social penetration requires a similar type of unraveling. The social penetration theory deals with the progressive disclosure of one's true self to others and the world. Individuals have many layers that ultimately combine to form a shield that protects the true self at the core (Tang and Wang, 2012). In recent years social penetration has been examined through many virtual interactions due to the digital age. In a study conducted by Jih– Hsin Tang and Cheng–Chung Tang ... Show more content on ... It was also shown that in the depth scale that bloggers disclose more to their best friends (average of 60%) versus parents (average 40%) and online users (20%) (Tang and Wang, 2012). Overall it was found that bloggers disclose more to their best friends versus parents and online users. The study concluded that bloggers are more open in their private lives than they are on the web. Media Furthermore, social penetration is depicted in our everyday lives through the interactions we have with others and how others interact with people. We indirectly learn about social penetration through different forms of media such as books, videos, news, and most importantly films. Films provide a reflection how to effectively and ineffectively disclose information. An example of a film that depicts the social penetration theory would be 21 Jump Street directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. In the film Jonah Hill plays an undercover cop named Schmidt who develops feelings for a character named Molly. The scene that clearly shows good social penetration is when Schmidt develops enough courage to call Molly and have a conversation with her. In the scene Schmidt is in his room and uses his cell phone to call Molly. She picks up and immediately asks who is on the other line, before Schmidt can respond his mother gets on the line and tries to make a phone call. Filled with embarrassment Schmidt screams for her to get off the ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. WCLR Widget Developers and Networking WCLR Widget developers and networking LTD 1. Going it solo Many organizations are set with different aims and objectives that are achieved through effective coordination of all departments. These achievements are obtained when the company identifies its main business which is primary, secondary or tertiary. The main primary business of WCLR limited is to come up with widget developers groups with support and networking. Communication refers to the process of transferring information in a given organization through the use of a medium (Lacar, 2011). This is very essential to a business organization if done efficiently and information understood by the receiver. A well planned overview of communication within an organizational department like HR is very important as it allows effective implementation of business responsibilities. This benefits the employees as they understand their responsibilities well through the communication department. Supervisors, managers and board of directors also benefits from such a plan as they also understand their roles and ensures effective running of the organization. Roles and responsibilities In every organization, it is necessary for every stakeholder such as employees, supervisors and managers to understand their roles. This reduces confrontations as each team understands its responsibility. Employees are expected to play the following responsibilities: Technical expert: it is the role of employees to ensure that they perform properly in ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Best Widget Incorporated : Critical Success Factors IT Mission Statement The Best Widget Incorporated will maintain an updated, secure network infrastructure to ensure we continually to drive sales in the most cost effective manner while maintaining the flexibility and mobility needed for a global operating structure. Critical Success Factor In order for The best Widget Incorporated to remain successful and profitable that are some key critical success. While you need to focus on all aspects of the business, creating a list of the main points will help ensure that we remain successful. Success factors should align with the goals and mission of the company. Critical success factors should represent the most important areas of the business to help drive overall success ("Critical Success ... Show more content on ... For a website to remain successful it will require regular attention. The need to maintain the information it contains to ensure it is accurate and reverent will help The Best Widget Incorporated remains the top provider of widgets. As customers will be visiting our site from anywhere in the world, the need to ensure that they always get the correct information will help to ensure it continues to generate a profit. By using analytic data that is collected from the site, the addition, subtraction, or modifying of feature will prove to be a profitable aspect of the company ("Website Maintance, " 2008). Analyze the collected data from the CRM software when developing new widgets for deployment to better suit the needs of our customers, while researching better manufacturing methods to decrease cost. To ensure that The Best Widget Incorporated remains successful we need to ensure that they widgets that we offer are current and are being developed in the most profitable manner. This can be achieved by adding to our existing line of widgets or by modify the existing one we offer. The CRM solution we have in place will provide us with the necessary information to project the buying trends of our customers. This information can be used to help develop new widgets with a better chance that they will be a successful ("Using Market Research, " 2015). Researching the global market to ensure that we are using the strength of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Widget Wonders Case Study Widget Wonders is an overall pioneer in widgets and are presently assembling a best in class office to make and circulate the up and coming era of widgets. This new office will be the primary assembling and appropriation focus in the United States and will contain the accompanying five offices: deals, fabricating, stock control, innovative work, and Management Information Systems (MIS). SNHUConsulting, a pioneer in data innovation, has been held to execute data innovation on the development and to join the system in the new office to the fundamental system that is situated at their central command. I have been requested that make proposals on the PC equipment segments for the development. Widget Wonders has given SNHUConsulting the relevant ... Show more content on ... The versatility in this division will advantage more with tablets since they might be moving around the office, alongside docking stations for charging. Since these tablets need access to the database frameworks I would propose no less than 32 GB of capacity alongside direct access to the database frameworks. Stock control will likewise require printers. Surge defenders and UPSs ought to be likewise used alongside USB 3.0. The innovative work office has 20 representatives that require illustrations and PC supported outline (CAD) programs. I would suggest tablets and desktop PCs for the bigger stockpiling. They will likewise require specific printers to print out their plans a UPS. They would likewise require various LCD screens keeping in mind the end goal to see the representation and plans, surge defenders and USB 3.0. The last division is the Management Information Systems (MIS) comprises of just 5 workers and require extra processor and memory prerequisites to bolster organization undertakings. MIS would profit by both desktop, tablets and notepads that are good with every one of the applications all through the office. They would require docking stations, media screen ability for the administrating errands, UPS, USB 3.0, and surge ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Swot Analysis For Widgets Inc CODE OF CONDUCT for Widget's Inc. Internet and computer usage, travel, and acceptance of gifts from vendors and or suppliers Policy Mission Statement: Widgets, Inc mission is to uphold company standards and by–laws as to the expectations regarding usage of company machinery or electronics, such as the usage of the Internet, sending and receiving facsimiles, printing of documents, business travel; and receiving gifts from outside sources are for company use only. Although sending /or receiving faxes is acceptable in terms of company usage no outside personal faxes are allowable during working hours, unless being used for training purposes, or when one is on their own personal time; unless otherwise given permission by a management team member. However, when using these electronic devices, it should be used in the best interest of the company's policies and procedures, and should never be inappropriate, invasive, or harmful to the company; and those standards to which we uphold. Remember, here at Widget, Inc. we value our staff, colleagues, and vendors/supplier's expectations, and never want to be out of character as to the companies' policies and procedures that may be unfair to others; or harmful to our reputation as a business entity. We expect them to conduct themselves in a business manner always be respectful, professional, honest, fair, and trustworthy when applying; and/ or practicing our company standards in that of a collaborative environment. ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. XYZ Widget Case Question 1: You are the Safety Director at XYZ Widget Company in Anytown, USA. Your new boss has asked you to develop a 1 hour presentation "hitting the highlights" regarding OSHA inspections and violations. Please provide an OUTLINE and EXPLANATION of your presentation. 1. Rights before the inspection a. Fourth Amendment allows the employer the right to demand a warrant to establish probable cause for the inspection and the scope of the inspection. 2. Opening Conference a. Can be used to narrow the scope of the inspection presented by OSHA. b. Questions can be asked regarding the purpose and probable cause of the inspection. c. How OSHA can collect information will be laid out. Documents can be collected via written requests, interviews can ... Show more content on ... The employer also has to comply with all standards, rules, and regulations that are set forth by OSHA and the OSH Act. Employers are required to inspect the workplace to insure they are up to OSHA standards. Insure that employees are only using safe tools and equipment that are in their proper condition. It should be easy for the employees to be aware of potential hazards by the employer posting signs, using color codes, labels, or signs to convey warning. Employees must be trained in a language that they understand. Operating procedures must be in place and properly communicated to the employees to assure the employees follow safety and health standards. Employers that house or use hazardous chemicals will be required to have hazardous communication program and for that all the employees to be trained on exposure and precautions. Employers are to fund medical exams if required by OSHA standards. The OSHA poster must placed in a prominent location at the workplace. Records need to be kept of work–related injuries and illnesses. The log of these injuries and illnesses need to made available on February 1st for three months. Assure employees have access to medical and exposure records. Provide a workplace free of discrimination. OSHA citations must be posted at or near the work area where the infraction occurred. The citation must be in place for three working days or until the ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Widgets Research Paper Widgets A widget is a simple application extension that is often part of a larger application already installed on the device. Widgets come in all shapes and sizes, are customizable, and reside on any available Home screen for quick access. Widgets provide you with quick access to information without requiring you to open the app that manages this information. An example is the Calendar widget, which provides you a quick view of your upcoming calendar events without opening the Calendar application. Widgets include icons, pull–down menus, buttons, selection boxes, progress indicators, on–off checkmarks, scroll bars, windows, window edges (that let you resize the window), toggle buttons, form, and many other devices for displaying information ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Amalgamated Widget Case Study Assignment 6. You are the CISO for Amalgamated Widget. The company wants to protect the data link when employees visit the company website to work from home. Alice argues for using SSL and Tina argues for using IPsec. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are used to allow a remote public connection to an internal network. A VPN is essentially a virtual tunnel connecting a remote user (Tunnel Vision). The traffic within the VPN tunnel is encrypted, and there are two ways to do this. One way is Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and the other is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Alice is arguing in the favor of SSL. Some reasons she might argue that SSL is a common protocol and most web browsers have SSL capabilities already built in (Tony, 2003). Because of this, almost every computer in the world is already equipped with the necessary software to connect to an SSL VPN. Another pro of SSL is that they provide tunnels to specific applications rather than to the entire corporate LAN. Any users on the SSL VPN connections can only access the applications that they are configured to access rather than ... Show more content on ... Some arguments Tina might use are that IPSec secures all data that travels between two points without an association to any specific application (Tunnel Vision). When connected on an IPsec VPN, the client computer is a full member of the corporate network, being able to see and potentially access the entire network. With most IPSec VPNs, they require third–party hardware and/or software. In order to access an IPSec VPN, the workstation or device in question must have an IPSec client software application installed. This is a pro because the third party must have it properly configured since the company is paying for its services and means an extra layer of security since the company should be monitoring their program. . These would be additional hurdles that an attacker would have to get through before gaining access to your network (Tony, ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. BSBCUS501C Innovative Widgets Assessmen Customer Service Plan Vision Innovative Widgets to be considered a leader in superior quality products and customer service. Mission Innovative Widgets will provide customers a positive experience in customer service throughout all aspects of our business. Product Standards Standards Description 1 Dimensions Widgets are manufactured in sizes: 5mm, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm and 18mm 2 Tolerances We guarantee our Widgets to +/– 3% of size indicated. Widgets which do not meet this quality may be returned for a full refund. 3 Pricing Customers will be given 30days notice in the case of pricing changes. A 10% discount is offered for orders placed online 4 Material Laminates: are of a high quality Polyimide, thermoset with glass fibre Components: Copper ... Show more content on ... Procedure 1. Greet the customer courteously and given them your name. 2. Listen fully to what the customer is saying. Try to gather all the facts about the complaint and write them down. Ask questions and summarise what that are saying. 3. Never argue with the customer. 4. Apologise for any product fault or poor service. Be sympathetic. Ask if the customer will allow us to send the faulty item to our quality department for testing. 5. When you have all the details about the complaint, ask the customer how they would like it to be resolved. 6. No product replacements are within all staff members' authority. 7. All staff members can use their judgement and refund an additional 10% of the value of the faulty product up to a maximum value of $25. In some instances customer service staff will not be able to resolve the complaint at this level, in which case the complaint will be escalated to the Manager. Recording, Monitoring and Reporting on Complaints The following information will be recorded, as a minimum, for all complaints: The nature of the complaint How the complaint was received Conduct, services or faults outlined in the complaint Suggested improvement/resolution Action Taken The Manager will maintain a register of complaints and be responsible for quarterly review of this register Response All complaints should be responded to within 24hrs. Where this is not possible the Manager will advise the complainant of the ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Widget Division Paper I am writing in response to your inquiry into current sales numbers and the experienced decline the Widget division has been experiencing. This issue has now been given the full attention of the team, and I believe we need to approach this head on to determine the best course of action. As you are aware a sales declines are an anomaly. The department has had sales increases every quarter since it was created at the end of 2012. It has not gone unnoticed that an overall decline has been progressively getting worse over the last three months. While seasonal variances and small declines have been reported in the past, any negative growth was quick to rebound and was never sustained past thirty days. A systematic sales decline is the symptom ... Show more content on ... Evaluation: Simple problem solving looks at defining the problem, generating feasible outcomes, choosing and implementing the solution (Adair, 2013). Moving forward I believe we need to address an ongoing evaluation to our solutions as our current processes have focused on identifying symptoms but not that of the root causes of a problem. I believe this approach needs to be addressed, as active evaluation will allow our team to proactively diagnose if a solutions is effective or not, triggering the problem solving process to start again. The widget department sales have declined and we have identified a symptom. It is up to our team, using the process outlined here to identify the root causes, create a course of action, decide, implement and evaluate. By focusing our efforts I believe we will position our team to correct the current trend and be better positioned for future problems as they arise. I will be glad to provide updates to the team's progress as we move forward with this plan of ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Wrong Widget Case Summary But for Widget Corporation supplying one wrong widget among those shipped to the subcontractor, the injury would not have happened; But for the Texas customer's failure to detect the wrong widget upon delivery and to consequently reject the delivery of the wrong widget, the injury would not have happened; But for Lyle's failure to follow the specific installation instructions with regard to the wrong widget, coupled with his failure to notice it was the wrong widget due to putting personal interests above performing per the subcontract agreement, the injury would not have happened; But for the Texas customer's failure to perform an inspection of Lyle's installation work prior to or after Lyle left the work site, the injury would not have happened. ... Show more content on ... If defendant's acts or omissions are found to be substantial contributing factors in the injury and without these contributing factors the injury would not have happened, then cause in–fact will be established. Beyond substantial factors, the other element of proximate cause is foreseeability. As Smith and Johnson (2010) have observed, "Employers typically defend nonsubscriber claims on the proximate cause of negligence... Foreseeability is a necessary element of the plaintiff's case that is often not present in many employee injury cases" (p. 102). Consequently, defendants will likely attack the foreseeability element. The burden will be on the plaintiff to argue that "more likely than not" the defendant's acts and omissions were the proximate causes of the injury. Expert testimony regarding how the injury occurred, as well as its foreseeability, will be key in determining whether the plaintiff or defendants will prevail. This brings us to the final element should causation be proved – that of ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Digital Widget Case Digital Widget is very similar to most of the companies listed below. Net sales and EBIT are very close to four of the seven companies compiled by the assistant. The Tax rates and WACC are also very similar to the companies compiled. There are however a few outliers that may not help find the correct intrinsic value of the shares of Digital Widget, Inc. Company C, Company E and Company F seem to be outliers in this comparison. Company C sales are much larger and they pay out way more dividends. Company E has the same issues that Company C does as far as sales and dividends paid goes. Company F's sales are way too small compared to Digital Widget and the dividends paid out are way too small. Also there retained earnings are negative. Calculated below is the EPS of Digital Widget. We will use this EPS to help find what the intrinsic value of the shares of Digital Widget are. Digital Widget, Inc. EPS = Net Income/Average outstanding common shares 2.08 ... Show more content on ... The first that will be excluded in this evaluation are Company C, E, and F because they are outliers and we will not get back the desired data. Company A, B, D, and G are the companies that will be retained for comparison because of how close the numbers are to Digital Widget. This will help get a more realistic intrinsic value of the shares of Digital Widget, Inc. To estimate the target firm's market value, the analyst would multiply the target's metric by the comparable firms' average market multiple (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2017). In order to find the intrinsic value of the shares of Digital Widget, Inc. we must find the P/E ratios of the companies in the comparison. Then take the average of the four companies, which came out to 8.976988. Multiplying Digital Widget's EPS by the average P/E ratios of the four companies being compared is what the intrinsic value will equal. The work is posted ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Widget Corp Widget Corp, a California–based 200 employee organization, has selected Gutierrez's Consultants to assess the organization's Information Technology and information system needs. Widget Corp. accounting and human resources department are both currently using Manuel processes, with an increasing need to improve the productivity via implementing newer technologies, and harnessing the power of the internet for every business Sector. Upgrading Widget Corp. software to a modern system is not only an economic business decision. But, also matter of productivity, costs, and morale. As software develops from version to version, it becomes more modernized and easier to use. Since the employee salaries are a significant portion of business expenses, upgrading software is synonymous with investing in employee productivity. As a simple example, suppose that upgraded software saves one hundred employees twenty minutes of work per day per employee. Over the course of a 250–day work year, that amounts to an increased ... Show more content on ... Additionally, recommendations made herein are made within the organization's budget (as provided in the cost analysis report attached to this proposal). Hardware: Miami IT Consultants recommends that 25–desktop workstations be replaced with faster, capable towers, which would allow for software updates and more efficient processing. ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Emergency Department Chief Compliant Data Entry Screen Screen 1. Emergency Department Chief Compliant Data Entry Screen. 1. What is the purpose for the screen? The chief compliant screen will allow clinicians to enter patient's reasons for visiting the emergency department. The chief complaint data entry screen will be to obtain information from patient such as symptoms, duration of symptoms, and what major problem they are experiencing as a result of symptoms. The chief compliant data entry screen does not deals with obtaining information about chronic illness or history of family disease. Rather, the data entry screen will enable clinicians to prioritized treatment intervention based on severity of patient's condition. Furthermore, the data capture in the chief complaint entry screen can be ... Show more content on ... The data element will be highly instrumental when it comes to treatment regiments, and ordering diagnostic test to further gain insights to medical concerns. The data element in chief compliant screen can be used to prioritized patients treatment; patient with less severity can be identified at the time of computation and classified for treatment priorities. 3. Why is the type of data entry appropriate for the data element? The free text data and check box entry will appropriate for the purpose of obtaining chief complaint from patients in sense that only human intelligence can prioritized and determine what the chief complaint of patients really are, The free text data entry will allow clinicians to input narrative detail about the patient's medical concerns, and due to the fact that complicated details are more easier to describe through imputed texts. Furthermore, free text data entry will capture robust information about patient's medical condition and can be used to support and improve quality of care. Check box data can be used to gauge the severity of symptoms that will include duration of onset of symptoms, pain scale measurement. Also, patient's age group, and race/ethnicity can used the check box data entry tool. 4. How did you design data quality into the screen? The design for data quality for the chief medical compliant screen ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Case Study Division's Widget 1. What is your division's widget? The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) provides numerous services related to vehicle registration and licensing. The state agency is responsible for titling, licensing, and inspecting vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles (Dresang, 2012). The DMV vehicle inspection center examines the motorist's headlights, taillights, turn signals, horn, windshield wipers, emergency flashers, emissions, and brakes prior to the driver proceeding to the relicensing stage (Dresang, 2012). Therefore, the division's widget is vehicle inspections. 2. Who are the end users of the widget? According to the case study, the DMV serves four million owners and operators of motor vehicles in the state's seventeen counties (Dresang, 2012). Therefore, the end users are the motorists (the customers), who utilize the services provided by the DMV. Often, the customers (the drivers) are in constant interaction with the widget (vehicle inspections) because it is required by law rather than a choice of the user. ... Show more content on ... Who are the brokers for your widget? In the DMV inspection and licensing center, it's staffed with civil servants, who inspect headlights and windshield wipers, scrutinize proof of liability insurance, administer driving tests, collect fees, and stamp forms for the millions of motorists that use their services (Dresang, 2012). In essence, the internal staff (brokers) of the factory (the DMV) operate the widget (vehicle inspections) for the end user (the ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. The Widget: The Definition Of Life A glance in the Merriam Webster English dictionary offers twenty definitions for the word "life." These range in scope from theological context "spiritual existence transcending physical death" (Life 4) to the obvious "the period from birth to death" (Life 5a), but all assume the reader already understands what form life takes and its qualities. In response to these assumptions, there must be an objective definition of life that establishes what features and qualities all things considered alive possess. This definition should concisely determine what differences exist between a tree and a wooden door that results in the first being alive and the latter inanimate. Ultimately, this distinction is contingent on three categories of qualities: energy, reproduction, and molecular makeup. For the purposes of juxtaposition, throughout this essay I will reference a "widget" that I will name "Tot." Tot is an abstract unit of production just as we can say a ... Show more content on ... Reproduction, among most living creatures, is less about enjoying the miracle of life with a significant other and more about fulfilling the instinctual duty of ensuring a specie's continuation. Life without reproduction is akin to an ice cream cone in July: it will not last long. As such, the definition of life necessitates the inclusion of reproduction. Like metabolism, reproduction comes in many forms. Some of the most basic prokaryotic organisms reproduce asexually. Asexual reproduction involves the replication of genetic material, and then an even division into two "new" individuals (Reece 1014). This method of reproduction, also known as mitosis, is also used in eukaryotic cells to regenerate cells within tissues or organs. An issue surrounding this form of reproduction is the lack of genetic variability. As it involves only one parent, the new generation has the exact same genetic sequence as the original generation (Reece ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. The Evolution Of Eclipse 1. 1 ) Eclipse 1.0 is an open source project released on November 7, 2001. Eclipse is "an integrated development environment (IDE) for anything and nothing in particular." The framework for Eclipse is modular and Scalable, rather than set of tools. It provided a component–based platform that serves the building tools for developers. Eclipse SDK is a "proof–of–concept" product. The proof–of– concept product idea helps the developers to self–host and build new customized versions of Eclipse. The initial members of the Eclipse consortium were Borland, IBM, Merant, QNX Software Systems, Rational software, RedHat, SuSE, and TogetherSoft. Today, the diversity of the Eclipse community has expanded to include over 170–member companies and almost a ... Show more content on ... The extensible architecture is one of the keys to the successful growth of the Eclipse Ecosystem. Companies or individuals could develop new plugins, and either releases them as open source or sell them commercially. The Early Eclipse Architecture had the workbench as the most familiar UI element for users to perform. The workbench consists of perspectives, views, and editors. Editors are associated with the file type, so the correct one is launched when a file is opened. An example of view would be the "problems" that indicate errors or warning in java code. Editors and views together form a perspective which presents the tooling to the user in an organized fashion. The Eclipse workbench is built on the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) and Jface. Widget toolkits are classified as native or emulated. Unlike other computer languages such as C and C++, the first version of Java came with a native widget toolkit library called the Abstract Window Toolkit(AWT). AWT was limited, buggy, and inconsistent. Hence, a native widget toolkit was switched over to full– featured emulated widget toolkit. A native widget toolkit uses operating system calls to build UI components such as lists and push buttons. Native widget toolkits are "pixel perfect." The widgets look and feel like their counterparts in other applications on the Desktop. Operating system vendors continuously change the look and enjoy their changes and add various new features to ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Input Controls Input controls are an integral part in any form. Allows the user to perform a variety of functions, for example, enter text, select items from a list, load a file, etc. Data entry checks ensure accuracy, completeness and timeliness of data during the conversion from the source Original electronic data, or entry into a computer application. Data can be imported into an application computer is online or manual enrollment plan to automated processing. Control of entry Critic should determine the adequacy of both automatic and manual controls on data entry to ensure that the data is entered accurately the optimal use of electronic validation and processing procedures and treatment facilitate timely and accurate resubmission all data errors corrected. Examples of input controls are error events, field checks, limit checks, tips for self–control, the sequence controls, validation controls, key ... Show more content on ... Restrict the freedom to make the system knows that just do the right things so as not to ruin the system. In addition, users will be more focused on the data entered in the system, reducing the risk of incorrect or inaccurate information will be entered into. Another advantage is that it can protect the private information of the system because users are only allowed to have access to public information so that your private information will remain hidden. So even if there is an advantage of reducing the user interface, there is also a disadvantage in this way. One of this is that users may lose their interest in the system, because he / she can access information from only a few duty–free import of information. In addition, users may not be sufficient knowledge of the system because of their limited access to the system. Overall, if users acquire sufficient knowledge about the system, limiting the user interface is not a bad idea and can help a lot the ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Chapter 9 Project 9D Recording and Assigning a Macro Essay In project 9D that was assigned, it provided skills that were taught throughout chapter 9 that was able to be mastered in order to complete project 9D. In this particular project we was responsible of recording/assigning a macro, being able to activate the macro in sequence , writing a set of commands, using ActiveX control buttons, and add or take away from the commands code (View Code feature). Those 3 skills was the major lesson of the entire chapter 9. This was a pretty lengthy chapter that's full of new, interesting, and useful material. Starting off with the first task that was being taught in chapter 9 was learning how to record a macro. Macro is a verbatim set of actions that can all be grouped into one action without the ... Show more content on ... Now at this point in the chapter we have gotten to the Inserting ActiveX controls part but the chapter only focused on the command button and the check box. The command button allows you to insert a command control button that has a code attach activating the action when clicked on. With the command button you're allowed to create it and set the code of demands behind it so whenever it needs to be used when working on a particular assignment you are able to click it and it performs the task that you assign for it to do. The check box allows you to turn on and turn off a function when it's clicked on (check or unchecked). Other than the 2 ActiveX controls listed there are 10 ActiveX controls that could be quite useful whenever needed. As the book stated, the ActiveX controls are not attach to and of the workbook cells, they place wherever one would want them to be placed but in order to get the ActiveX controls active one must become really familiar with the "design mode" button that enables and disables ActiveX controls. All of these concepts that we have learned throughout this chapter will always stick with us and be useful later in our careers. Being that the 2 other guys that worked on this assignment and I are business majors no matter which career field we go in this material will be beneficial to its utter most level. If we're working for ourselves or working for a superior, data will always be expected to be collected. As of right now let's say that ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Customer Service Plan for Widgets Widget Innovation Customer Service Plan Customer service and commitment to our customers has been the driving force behind our brand. Widget strive to get it right first time, everytime.Incases where things don't come out right we believe our professional workers will strive to correct the problem and our customers have the right to know what level of service they can expect from us all the time even in these times when we fall short of the very high standards we have set ourselves. Through our Vision and mission statement we make a commitment to our customers both internal and external. Mission Statement Passionate about exceeding the delivery of our customers' service expectations by providing the very best in professional, value ... Show more content on ... No specific time of delivery can be provided. A four hour time frame will be advised but cannot be guaranteed. 2. A minimum delivery fee of $75 (outside the Metropolitan area) is payable separately to the Carrier in cash or bank cheque. Delivery is free inside the Metropolitan area 3. Cash or bank cheque must be used to pay any balance of monies owing at time of delivery. Personal/Company cheques will NOT be accepted. For your convenience we can accept credit cards in store 48 hours prior to delivery, surcharges may apply. 4. Once arrangement for a delivery day is confirmed, there will be a minimum re–delivery charge of $75 if no person is at the delivery address on the day of delivery or the delivery is cancelled by the customer on day of delivery. 5. When receiving goods, please inspect thoroughly before signing "Received in good order" as any claims for scratches, marks, dents or other damages will not be accepted once signed. 6. Failure to collect or take delivery of the goods beyond 21 days from the date of contact by our despatch department will result in the sales order being cancelled and all monies paid will be forfeited. 7. All original packing & wrapping will be left at the premises (delivery address). CUSTOMER PICK UPS Customer collection of goods purchased from Widgets stores can also be collected by the customer in any of our distribution centres.. The customer must contact the Delivery department prior to pick up on
  • 71. ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Smith Widget Case In our group assignment we tried to analyse the problems in the Learning and Development department in Smith Widget Corporation and use our knowledge about the system thinking and system dynamics to solve the issues. We started to answer the provided questions and follow the specific methods that we already learned from this course and applied the relevant parts in our work to make it more systematic one. Smith Widget Corporation hasn't had productivity in the past 5 years. Managers found out that employees couldn't reach their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and it impacted on the company's sales rate. Therefore, we tried to find out how the employees poor performance can be related to learning and development practise. Our brainstorm revealed ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Innovative Widgets Innovative Widgets Innovative Widgets is small firm with about 50 employees. The firm provides widgets, which serve as components for machinery used by companies across industries. Innovative Widgets is a very customer centric company. Since it is small company with a specific focus on providing components, it needs to pay attention to the requirements of its customers. Their business model relies heavily in loyal customers, which lead repeat purchases over time. To achieve this, the company has to develop a string service based model to deal with its clients. Vision Statement: We want to create value for our customers so as to enable them achieve their vision. Mission Statement: To be the best components provider and service provider to ... Show more content on ... This would help build trust and strengthen the client/customer relationship. Assurance: A customer of any organization must always feel assured that his investment in a company's product or service will be worth the amount they pay. To this end it is important for the company, in this case Innovative Widgets, to ensure that the products are of high quality and proper after sales service is provided to its customers. Through this the company can build trust and thus confirm a repeat sale through its clients over time. Tangibles: It is important to create a positive impression on potential and more importantly existing customers. All the touch points in any customer service design must communicate a company's vision to its customers. These touch points would include the office space, the regular product quality, the staff. In the case of Innovative Widgets, it would be the knowledgeable staff. It is always comforting to any customer if the staff assigned to their case is knowledgeable. Empathy: This aspect extends from the points expressed in the section described in the tangibles factor. A staff of knowledgeable personnel can better understand the concerns of the clients and thereby result in much more customized solutions leading to more satisfied customers. An organization should be focused on its customers needs throughout any engagement. Responsiveness: After sales service is a very critical component of any ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Ccu Widget Factory Assessment CSU Widget Factory Assessment I have been asked to review three workplace injuries. The review will consist of analysis's in the rate of recordable injuries (TRIR), the number of recordable injuries that an employee missed work, resulted in a death, reduction in work duty, and transfers (DART/LWDII), and the Severity Rate (SR) of incidents, on an average, of the number of lost days to injuries and illness in the workplace. These lagging indicators are measured after the event, and for comparison, leading indicators will be discussed to offer insight as to prevent the injuries in the future. Data Analysis Leading Indicators During this assessment, three injuries were reported, burned retinas in both eyes, lumbar strain, and a respiratory–related ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Eastern Widgets Security Policy Security Policies Joseph McCausland Peirce College Acceptable Use Policy 1. Overview This policy is designed to protect Eastern Widgets, its partners and its employees from illegal or dangerous actions regarding the use of all Eastern Widgets' network, Internet/Intranet access, the use of email system at all Eastern Widgets' locations and offices. This policy includes, but is not limited to email, chat rooms, the Internet, news groups and electronic bulletin boards. (Institute, SANS, 2014) 2. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish acceptable and unacceptable use of electronic devices and network resources at Eastern Widgets. Eastern Widgets provides computer devices, networks and other electronic information to meet its ... Show more content on ... However mobile devices also represent a significant risk to information security and data security as, if the appropriate security applications and procedures are not applied, they can be a conduit for unauthorized access to the Eastern Widgets' data and IT infrastructure. This can subsequently lead to data leakage and system infection. Eastern Widgets has a requirement to protect its information assets in order to safeguard its customers, intellectual property and reputation. This policy outlines a set of practices and requirements for the safe use of mobile devices. ... Get more on ...