SlideShare a Scribd company logo
    2   HTML
    3   TABLES
    4   FORMS
    5   HTTP
    6   CSS
HTML Standard

       Hypertext Markup Language
       While initially developed by Tim Berners-Lee of
                      y       p     y
        CERN in 1990, the World Wide Web Consortium
        (W3C) now officially controls HTML standard.
              )             y
       In practice, Netscape, then Microsoft controlled the
        development of HTML
         Tags  added or supported by their browsers
          influence/control the HTML standard
HTML Standard

       From around 2002/3, there has been movement back to having
        F         d 2002/3 th      h b            tb kt h i
        W3C control the standard for HTML
       W3C standards:
           HTML 3.2
           HTML 4.01
           XHTML 1.0
           XHTML 1.1
           XHTML 2.0
       Now, most recent versions of browsers are h i to follow the
        N                    i     fb             having f ll    h
           FireFox supports XHTML 1.1
           IE 6 (almost) supports XHTML 1.0
           IE 7 (almost) supports XHTML 1.1

       XHTML (Extensible HTML) as a standard came
        about due to browser inconsistencies.
         Fewdifferences between HTML and XHTML
         XHTML is stricter than HTML and has additional rules.
           As well, several tags and many attributes are no longer
Tags Defined

        HTML d fi
               defines elements which are i di t d b t
                        l    t hi h       indicated by tags.
        The basic HTML tag has four parts:
             An opening delimeter, the < symbol
                   p    g            ,        y
             The Tag name
             Optional list of attributes that modify the way that tag works.
             A closing delimeter the > symbol
        A typical tag might look like this:
              <p align="center">
        Tags are not case sensitive.
             However, in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and XHTML, tags must
              be lower-case.
        If your browser encounters a tag it doesn’t support, it simply ignores

        See page(s): 94 ff

        Most
         M t HTML t tags are containers, meaning the beginning t
                                 t i         i th b i i tags must be  tb
         matched by a closing tag.
        The end tag will have same name as start tag but preceded with a
         slash (/).
          l h (/)
        For example:
                 This is <b>Bold text</b> but not this
                  This is <b>Bold text</b> but not this
                 Will result in:
                 This is Bold text but not this
        The text enclosed within the tags will follow the tag’s instructions.
        For some tags, the end tag is optional.
             XHTML standard requires all tags to be closed
             For those tags without end tags in the HTML original (e.g., <br>) then
              close tag is contained within tag (e.g., <br/>)

        See page(s): 71
Nested Tags

       Tags can be nested.
        Hello <b><i>emphasized</i></b> there 

        will result in
        hello emphasized there

       The order is important.
        <b>This word is <i>emphasized</i> here </b>      Correct (no overlapping lines)

        <b>This word is <i>emphasized</b> here </i>   ×   Incorrect (overlapping lines)

       Attributes t d
        Att ib t extend or modify the way a tag operates.
                                 dif th         t          t
       Most (but not all) tags accept several attributes.
           order of attributes is unimportant
       Most attributes take values, which follow an equal sign (=). For
        <p align=left>
        <font face="arial, tahoma">
        <a href="">
        <body bgcolor="#ffcc00">

       Strictly speaking, values should be enclosed in straight quotes (" "
               y p      g,                                   g q        (
        not “ ”).
           You can omit the quotes if the value contains only letters, digits, hyphens,
            or periods.
           XHTML requires quotes around attributes.
       Browsers ignore unknown attributes.
Information Browsers Ignore

        line breaks                             displays as
         He                                                    Hello there
         llo t

        tabs and multiple spaces
         Hello          there                                  Hello there

        multiple <P> tags                                     Hello

        unrecognized tags and attributes
         <randy nose=large>hello there</randy>                  Hello there

        text in comments
         <!-- this is a comment --!>
Character Entities

        In order to display special characters (such as ©, á,
         &, <, >, ñ, ü, etc), you must use character entities.
          You  can specify these with either the name code or the
             number code (not all special symbols have names). E.g.,
             This has &copy; Copyright &#169; today
                                                 results in
             This has © Copyright © today

        One of the more helpful character entities is that for
         a non-breakable space (&nbsp;)
                                                 results in
             Hello     there   
            However you should never need to use non-breakable spaces to achieve this
             type of look (we will use CSS instead)
XHTML Differences

        XHTML is case sensitive and thus tags must be
        XHTML requires attributes to be quoted
        XHTML requires all tags to be closed
HTML Editing

        HTML documents are simple ASCII text files
          as such, you can use Notepad, Word, or any other
           program that can write ASCII text files.
        There are specific HTML-creation tools. They fall
                    p                               y
         under two general categories:
          WYSIWYG    (What You See Is What You Get) authoring
          HTML Editors
WYSIWYG Authoring Tools

        Tools with graphical interfaces that make writing
         HTML more akin to working with a word processor.
          Instead of typing tags, you can select commands from
           pull down menus, and click and drag items.
          Th
           These programs t t shield th user f
                             try to hi ld the     from th t
                                                       the tags
          Theoretically, the user doesn’t need to know HTML

        Examples
         E    l
          Microsoft
                   FrontPage and Microsoft Visual Studio
          Adobe Dreamweaver
          Adobe GoLive
15   Microsoft Visual Studio
Macromedia Dreamweaver
WYSIWYG Authoring Tools

        Advantages
         Ad t
            good for beginners
            good for quick prototyping
            can save bother of writing
        Disadvantages
            often generate bad HTML or browser-specific HTML (e.g.,
            often will automatically change an HTML document when opened,
                                    y      g                            p ,
             removing tags it doesn’t like or support (e.g., FrontPage)
            never true WYSIWYG
                that is, the result often looks different in browser than in WYSIWYG
                 program, and unless you know HTML you cannot fix it.
                However, with better browser support of standardized XHTML,
                 WYSIWYG tools are getting better and better
                                          g     g
WYSIWYG Problems

    As displayed in Dreamweaver      As displayed in FrontPage

                                   Viewed in Netscape 4
18 Viewed in Internet Explorer 4
HTML Editors

        Programs that facilitate the process of
         entering/typing HTML
          user   still needs to know HTML
        Examples
          Notepad

          HomeSite

          BBEdit
Microsoft Notepad

Macromedia HomeSite
            di       i
Structure of HTML

        The two basic parts of a web page are:
          The head
          The body
HTML Skeleton

     <html>                  <html> defines the beginning of the HTML
      h d
                             <head> defines the beginning document
     <title>My Mom</title>   header, which contains information about
                             the document
                             <title> is displayed in browser title bar
     <body>                  and used for bookmarks
     Contents here           <body> contains the content to be
                             displayed in browser window
html element

        Should contain namespace and language
             <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

          Note: the xmlns attribute is required in XHTML but is
          invalid in HTML
DOCTYPE Declaration

         XHTML requires that an HTML document needs a
          DOCTYPE declaration as the first element.
            Itspecifies which document type definition (DTD) you
             are following.
            Current browsers can use this information to help
             determine which rules it should use to display the
             markup (i.e., should it use strict XHTML rules, no XHTML,
             or both).

         See page(s): 107
DOCTYPE Declaration

        Possible DOCTYPEs:
         P ibl DOCTYPE
            XHTML 1.1
                Only supported by FireFox
                 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1 1//EN"
                                        -//W3C//DTD       1.1//EN

            XHTML 1.0 strict
                Supported by Firefox and IE 7
                 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
            XHTML transitional
                Supported by FireFox, IE6 and later
                 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
            None / Q i k mode
             N      Quirks d
                No use of standards
                Default if no valid DOCTYPE present
The <head>
         Th <h d>

        The head
         Th h d section provides information
                       i      id i f       i
         about the document.
        The following elements can be within the
         <meta>          Provides additional information about the document
         <title>         Displayed by browser in title bar. Required
                         for HTML 3.2 compatibility.
         <script>        Contains Javascript code
         <style>         Contains style sheet information
         <link>          For linking to an external style sheet file
<meta> Element
     <meta> Element

        Meta tags were intended to provide additional semantic meaning (meta information) to web
        Early search engines used them, but due to abuses, most search engines now heavily discount
        Two styles:
         <meta http-equiv="name" content="content">
         <meta name="name" content="content">
        e.g.
         <meta name="description" content="randy’s home page">
         <meta name="keywords" content="first, second, third">
         <meta name="expires" content="01 j
                       p                  jun 2007">
         <meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow">
<script> Element
     <script> Element

        Used to contain a client-side script
          Usually   Javascript, but could also be VBScript (IE only)
        Often contained with the <head> but valid
        E.g.
         <script type="text/javascript">
                 type text/javascript >
            document.write("Hello World!");
<style> and <link> 
        Both contained within <head>
        <style>
            Used to define a CSS style(s) in a document.
         <style type="text/css" >
                type text/css
         h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt; }


        <link>
            Generally used to define a link to an external stylesheet.
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css" />
<b d > El    t
         <body> Element

        Contains the contents of the d
         C         h            f h document
            Can contain the following attributes, which allow
             you to specify global settings (i.e., for entire
                                            (i e
             document) for background image and color as
             well as text colors:
            background=url   Specifies a background picture, where url is
                              the name (and path) of the picture file. The
                              picture is tiled and set behind all images and text
            bgcolor=color    Specifies background color of page
            text=color       Sets the color of normal text
            link=color       Sets the color of hypertext links
            vlink=color      Sets the color of visited hypertext links

        For XHTML strict, do not use these attributes.
Body Margins

        By default, browsers have a margin of 10 to 12
          The margin varies depending upon the browser and

          Internet Explorer 5       Netscape 4
Body Settings

        To set colors images, and margins, and
                colors, images         margins
         other stylistic settings, you should use CSS.
        e.g.,
       body {
                background-color : #
                b k      d   l     #FFFFFF;
                background-image: url(images/Pattern1.gif);
                font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                color : #000088;
                margin: 0px;
         C l

        Color can be specified in three ways
                "#rrggbb"
                "#rgb"
                "color name"
        rrggbb is a hexadecimal RGB (red-green-blue)
         FFFFFF=white   000000=black    FF0000=red
         00FF00=green   FFFF00=yellow   OOFFFF=cyan

        rgb is converted to rrggbb by replicating digits.
         # 6C
         #F6C == # 66CC

        HTML 4.0 supports 16 color names
        Browsers supports 140 color names
Semantic markup

        To benefit from XHTML, you need to think about your
         T b fit f       XHTML            d t thi k b t
         markup in semantic (meaning) rather than visual
        XHTML markup is not about presentation; it's about
         document structure and content (meaning).
          That is, we should use XHTML as HTML was originally
          We should structure our document into headings, lists
                                                 headings lists,
          We should use HTML elements because of what they mean,
           not because of the way they "look."
              tb          f th      th "l k "
          We can change the way elements look via CSS.
Structuring Text

        There are a number of ways of structuring blocks of
          breaking text into paragraphs and lines
          using headings to create sections
               g       g
          grouping info into lists
Paragraph and Line Breaks

        You can't use carriage returns to create new
         paragraphs or to break lines
        The <br/> tag creates line breaks
          multiple   <br/> tags okay, but discouraged
        The <p> tag creates paragraph breaks
          multiple   <p> tags ignored
        <p> isa container and thus needs a </p>
        The <div> tag also creates paragraph breaks, but
         should be used to indicate a section (which might
         contain multiple <p> tags.
                      p p       g
<html><head><title>line and Paragraph Breaks</title></head>
     <body bgcolor="white">
     HyperText Markup

     Language, a markup <br/> language defined by an SGML Document Type Definition
     (DTD).To a document writer,<p>
     HTML is simply a collection of tags used to mark blocks of
     text and assign them <p align="right">special meanings.
                  g        p    g     g     p            g

Styling the <p> and <div>

        Do not use align attribute of <p> or <div>.
        Do not use <p> tags just to create space.
                     p    g j                p
          Use it to indicate a logical paragraph.
          Use the <div> tag to indicate a section of paragraphs
                    <div>                             paragraphs.
        Instead, you can use CSS to style or position the
         t t
CSS <p> and <div>
     <div id="preamble">
          id preamble >
       <p class="p1">
        Littering a dark and dreary road lay the past relics of browser-specific tags,
        incompatible DOMs, and broken CSS support.
       <p class="p2">
        Today, we must clear the mind of past practices. Web enlightenment h
          d              l    h   i d f            i       b   li h        has b
                                                                               been achieved thanks to the
                                                                                       hi  d h k        h
        tireless efforts of folk like the W3C, WaSP and the major browser creators.
Headings <h1>, <h2>, etc

        There are six levels of heading
        Level 1 is the largest and level 6 the smallest
        Most browsers allow user to alter relative size
        We
         W can use CSS to determine the precise
                           t d t     i th        i
        Examples
         <h1>This is a big heading</h1>
         <h3>smaller heading</h3>
Old School Headings

     <body bgcolor="white">
     <h1>HTML Defined</h1>
     HyperText Markup Language, a markup language defined by an
     SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) To a document writer HTML is simply a collection
                                   (DTD).               writer,
     of tags used to mark blocks of text and assign them special meanings.
     <h3 align=center>HTML Introduction</h3>
     Here is some more text
CSS School Headings

      <h2>The Beauty of CSS Design</h2>

        There are three types of lists
          Unordered,    or bulleted lists
          Ordered, or numbered lists

          Definition lists
Unordered Lists < l>
     U d d Li t <ul>
        <li>This is the first item</li>
        <li>This is the second item</li>
        <li>This is the third item</li>
Ordered Lists < l>
       O d d Li t <ol>
        <li>This is the first item</li>
        <li>This is the second item</li>
        <li>This is the third item</li>
Definition Lists <dl>
        <dd>feeling or expressing joy</dd>
        <dd>Expressive of sorrow or unhappiness</dd>
CSS Lists
Formatting Characters

        These tags change the emphasis and appearance
         of characters within blocks of text.
          These tags also referred to as inline type styles as the
           tags appear within lines of text.
        Two categories
          logicaltags
          physical tags
Logical Style Tags
         L i l St l T

        Describes the text's meaning, context,
         D    ib h         '      i
         or usage; it does not describe how it is
         to b displayed (the browser
            be d l      d(h b
         determines that).
        Examples:
           <em>        Characters are to be emphasized (often italic)
           <strong>    Emphasized more (often bold)
           <code>      Characters are code sample (often courier)
           <acronym>   Defines an acronym (e.g., ASP)
           <span>      Used to group inline elements
Physical Style Tags

        Indicates exactly the way the text is to be
        XHTML
          Some  of these (<font>, <u>, <s>) are prohibited
          Even if not prohibited, use of these is discouraged in
          Use logical style instead

        Examples
           <B>             Bold            <U> Underline
           <I>             Italic          <S> Strikethrough
           <TT>            Monospaced
                           M        d
           <FONT>          Font

        Your web site should be a collection of several
         separate pages connected together via hypertext
        Hyperlink is created via anchor tag <a> and the
           yp                               g
         document's unique address known as a URL (Uniform
         Resource Locator).
        Links can be to created to:
          jump  t an external site
                to      t    l it
          jump to another page in the current site

          jump to another part of the current page

        A link has three parts:
         a  destination
          a label

          a target

        The destination is the most important part. It
         specifies what page will be loaded when user clicks.
        The label specifies the text of the hyperlink.
        The target is optional It determines where the
         destination will be displayed.
          The  target might be a new window, a different frame
                                      window              frame,
           or, most common, the current window.
The Anchor Tag <a>

                                                            L b l

     <a href="">Click here</a>

     <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a>

                                        Target (this would display page in new window)

     <a name="top">

                Defines l
                D fi    location for internal link
                            ti   f i t      l li k

     <a href="#top">Click here to go to top of page</a>

                Destination is internal link (i.e., within current page)
Absolute URLs

        Absolute URL
          used to specify exactly where a file is located.
          used for linking to an external site.
            Three   parts:
                  protocol (e.g., HTTP://, FTP:// )
                  host/server name (e.g.,
                  path name, if necessary (e.g., / ff /
                                f                 /office/word )
                  file name (e.g., index.htm, exam.cgi, menu.jpg)
            Example:
Absolute URLs

        File-based b l
         Fil b d absolute references should not b
                                f          h ld t be
         used for referencing files within your own site. For
             C:/My Documents/comp1274/assign2/product.htm

          when   y
                  you move y your site to y
                                          your web server, y
                                                           , your
           links (and image references) will not work (since it is
           quite likely that your files will not be on the same
           drive and directory on the server).
          You should almost always use relative references
           for referencing files within your own site!!
Relative References

         A reference to another document relative to the
          location of the document that contains the reference.

         Some Folder


                        index.html    products.html
Root Reference

        Another thing to be aware of is that a reference
         that begins with the slash is a root reference.
        A root reference is an absolute references.
Root Reference

        A root reference has a different meaning on the
         web server than it does on your local machine.
          e.g.,/images/logo.gif
          On a local machine without a web server, the root
           reference (e.g., “/”) refers to the root of the physical
            Thus   the above example references a file in the folder
             images which is in the root of the drive.
            i.e., it will reference c:/images/logo.gif

    Root Reference
   e.g., /images/logo.gif
       On the web server, this references a file in the folder
        images which is in the root of the site.
   Remember that a web server can host multiple sites.
       Each site is contained within its own “virtual” folder that is
        independent of each site’s actual physical location.
            p                               p y                          

   So, on a web server the root reference (e.g., “/”)
    refers to the root of the site’s virtual folder, not the root
    of the physical drive.                                          

Referencing Syntax
                   The synatx used is based on the UNIX
                    operating system (but similar to DOS)
                   Slash separates folder from file name
                   Slash separates folder from folder name
                   A slash in front of first folder name means
                    root directory
                        /My Documents/file.htm
                            Documents/file htm
                   Use forward slash (/) not backslash ()
                   Use .. to move up a folder
                        ../My Documents/file.htm
<img src=????>
                                        img src ????
     Q: in sales.htm, how would we reference pants.htm ?
          )   p
         B)   products
         C)   C:/My Documents/web/products/pants.htm
         D)   /products/pants.htm
         E)   products/pants.htm
<img src=????>
                                        img src ????
     Q: in pants.htm, how would we reference sales.htm ?
          )   sales.htm
         B)   web/sales.htm
         C)   C:/My Documents/web/sales.htm
         D)   /products/sales.htm
         E)   ../sales.htm
<img src=????>
                                    img src ????

 Q1: in pants.htm, how would we reference hats.htm ?

 Q2: in sales.htm, how would we reference index.htm ?

Q: in fred.htm, how would we reference pants.htm ?
         A)   pants htm
         B)   ../products/pants.htm
         C)   /products/pants.htm
         D)   products/pants.htm
         E)   ../pants.htm

        Have the following syntax:
         protocol://server domain name/path/filename

        For
         F example:
                                                            absolute references

         courses/1235.html           Another page in the current site

         #bottom                     Defined location in current page   relative references

                                     Defined location in another
         1235.html#bottom            page in current site
Anchor Tag, continued

        Usual attributes:
         href="url"                      Defines destination.

         name "name"                     Defines target for i
                                         D fi           f internal h
                                                                 l hypertext li k

         target="window"                 Link should be loaded into window or frame.

                                         Not supported in XHTML Strict.
             window can have the following values:
                 bl k          loads d
                               l d document i new b w window
                                               t in w browser wi d w
               _parent         loads into parent of current document
               _self           loads into current window
               _top            loads into main browser window
               frame name      loads into named frameset (if doesn't exist then
                               loads i t
                               l d into new window)
                                                  i d )
Hyperlink Example
     Here is some text<br/>
     Click <a href="index.html">right here</a> will open the index
     page we created earlier<br/>
     Click <a href="#bottom">here</a> will take us to bottom of this
     p g
     blah, blah blah ...
     <a id="bottom">This is the bottom</a>

        Two general classes of images
          inline   images
            appear on a web page along with text and links and are
             automatically displayed by browser when page is loaded
          external   images
            stored
                  separately from web page and are loaded only on
             demand (usually as a result of a link).
        Images are graphical picture files that are
         downloaded and displayed by browser.
        Image files must be GIF or JPG or PNG format.
How Graphics Can Be Used

        As a simple graphic
        As a link
        As an imagemap
         a  simple graphic in which multiple hotspots/links have
           been defined
        As
         A spacing d i
               i devices
          many designers use a single transparent pixel that can
           be i d
           b resized to create white space
<img> Tag
         <i > T

        Graphics displayed by the <img> tag. For
             <img src="image.gif" />

        Accepted attributes:
         src="filename"         specifies path or filename of file
         alt="description"      text to be displayed in place of image
         width="n"              width of image in pixels
                                            g     p
         height="n"             height of image in pixels
         longdesc="url"         A URL to a document that contains a long description of the image
         usemap="url"           indicates image is client-side imagemap
Graphics as Links

        To make a graphic a link place anchor
         tags around the IMG tag. For example:
         <a href="mtequip htm"><img src="pack gif“ /></a>
            href mtequip.htm ><img src pack.gif

        When an image is a link, it will have a
         border around it to indicate it has a link
          Mostdesigners prefer not to have this
          We can use CSS to remove it

Alternative Text

        The alt attribute allows you to specify a string of
         alternative text to be displayed in place of an
          displayed  while image is downloaded
          displayed if graphic display is turned off

          Very important for accessibility reasons (i.e., for
           visually-impaired using Voice Reader software
          some browsers display alt attribute as pop-up tip
                                                     pop up
           when mouse positioned over image
Alternative Text

     <img src="pack.gif“ />

     <img src="pack.gif" alt="Really Blue Pack" />

                                                     Really Blue Pack
Image Width and Height

        width and height indicate the dimension of image.
        While optional, the use of these attributes is
                p      ,
         recommended because:
          they allow browser to lay out page even before images
           are downloaded
        You can use these attributes to resize an image
          however,it is generally better to resize image in an
           image editor because:
            image  editors often have better quality interpolation
             methods for resizing (i.e., it better quality resize)
            often faster download (see next slide)
Original image
                                                         Width: 511
                                                         Height: 205
                                                         File Size: 102K

  image resized in browser                   image resized in image editor
 Width: 511                                 Width: 200
 Height: 205                                Height: 133
 File Size: 102K downloaded                 File Size: 26K downloaded
 <img src="ski.gif" width=200 height=133>   <img src="ski2.gif" width=200 height=133>

Original image
     Width: 100
     Height: 249

                      Image resized in
                               esi ed    Image resized in
                                                  esi ed
                      image editor       browser
                      Width: 200         Width: 200
                      Height: 498        Height: 498

Q: in products.htm, how would we display menu.gif
           products htm                       menu gif

        <img src=????>

        <img src=menu.gif>
        <img src=c:/westgear/images/menu.gif>
        <img src=/westgear/images/menu.gif>
        <img src=westgear/images/menu.gif>
        <img src=images/menu.gif>

Q: in products.htm, how would we display menu.gif
           products htm                       menu gif
        <img src=????>

        <img src=images/menu.gif>
        <i       i     /      if>
        <img src=c:/westgear/menu.gif>
        <img src=/westgear/menu gif>
        <img src=westgear/menu.gif>
        <img src=c:menu.gif>
           g            g

        <img src=menu.gif>

Two Types of Image Map

        An image map is a graphic image in which multiple
         links have been defined.
        Two Types:
          Server-Side
           Server Side   Image Maps
            Implemented using an image displayed by the client and a
             program that runs on the server. Not really used anymore.
          Client-Side   Image Maps
            Works  the same as above except there is no program run on
                                              p            p g
             the server. All processing of coordinates occurs in the
Image Map


     index.htm   browse.htm   search.htm   about.htm
Creating a client-side IM
                client side

       The   first thing you need is the image onto which you
        want to map the link. This can be any GIF or JPEG
       The second step is to use map tags to define the image
        map. Y do this within your HTML fil
                You d hi i hi                 file.
       The final step is add a attribute to the image tag, to
        tell the b
          ll h browser to use the image as an image map
        instead of a normal image
<map> Tag

        <map> starts a map definition.
          Ithas one attribute, name. The name you are giving this
           map definition must be surrounded by quotation marks.
           For example:
           <map name="mainmap">
        In between comes one or more <area> tags.
        </map> ends the map definition.
<area> Tag

        <area> defines each clickable area on the image
         and its link. You may have many area tags within a
         map definition. It has 3 attributes:
            shape="rect/circle/poly/point"                       defines the
             shape of the linked area.
            coords="X,Y,X,Y" are the coordinates of the linked
                    For a rectangle you set the upper left and lower right x,y
                     coordinates. For a circle you set the center-point and a point
                                               y                  p           p
                     on the circumference, on a polygon you specify every angle.
            href="link"     sets the link for the specified area by
            identifying h linked URL. Th
            id if i the li k d URL The URL can be either a full or a
                                                      b ih       f ll
            relative URL.
Using the Image Map

        The final step in using an image map is inserting the
         image into your file and naming the image map
         definition. This is quite straightforward and involves
         simply adding a new image attribute called
        Example:

         <img src="mainmap jpg" width=46 height=26 usemap="#mainmap" />
              src= mainmap.jpg                     usemap= #mainmap
Example Map Definition

     <img src="menu.gif" width="369" height="31" usemap="#linkbar" />

     <map name="linkbar">
       <area shape="rect"   coords=" 11,5, 73,29"   href="products.htm"></area>
       <area shape="rect"   coords=" 75,5,137,29"   href="stories.htm"></area>
       <area shape="rect"   coords="140,5,198,29"   href="orders.htm"></area>
       <area shape="rect"   coords="200,5,288,29"   href="community.htm"></area>
       <area shape="rect"   coords="289,5,366,29"   href="contact.htm"></area>

                                                         As displayed in browser
                                                               p y

                                                         With hot spots indicated
Drawbacks to ImageMaps

        Imagemaps are almost unusable until most of image
         is downloaded.
                Image map menu      What it looks like while
                                    downloading (or if images
                                    turned off)
Alternatives to Image Maps

        Split image into smaller images, and reassemble
         using tables (our next topic) or CSS.
          Create    image links as per slides. E.g.,
          <a href="browse.htm"><img src="menur2c4.gif" alt="browse“/></a>
          < h f "b        ht "><i       "     2 4 if" lt "b       “/></ >

                                                                 Split i
                                                                 S lit image with table
                                                                               ith t bl
                                                                 borders displayed

                                                              Split image with table
                                                              borders turned
                                                              bo de s t ned off
Accessibility and XHTML

        Accessibility refers to the process of making web
         pages usable (accessible) to users with visual
          These users use screen reader software such as JAWS.
          A web page whose markup is cleanly focused on
           content and which contains no formatting is significantly
                                                  g      g         y
           easier to comprehend for the blind.
          US and Canadian governments require accessible sites.
                              g              q
Who is the Most Important Blind User?

        Search Engines!!!
Accessibility and XHTML
     http://www youtube com/watch?v tNFPHLiO os
        p       y                            y

        The next version of HTML
          Notice that it is NOT XHTML
          In 2009, W3C stopped work on XHTML 2.0, and
           switched focus to HTML5.
            Somecontroversy: perception that with HTML5 the browser
            manufacturers have taken back control of the web.
Browser Support

        Still uneven
          Main   problem, no HTML5 support in IE8 and below

        Design principles:
          Don’t break existing web pages
          Error handling

          Adding markup to simplify web page structure
                 g        p      p y      p g
Minimal Structure

      <! DOCTYPE html>
       ! OC      ht l
      <p>some text blah</p>
      <p>some te t blah</p>

     Yes, no head or body tags needed!
Typical HTML Layout Structure

      <div id=“header”>
       di id “h d ”
           <div id=“menu”>

      <div id=“sidebar”>

      </di >
      <div id=“content”>

New Tags

        New tags have been added to make the markup
         more semantic (more meaningful).
          Thatis, the usual <div id="something"> hodgepodge
          has been partially replaced with common markup
Structural Elements
Structural Elements

      <! DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML 5 Test</title>
         <h1>This is the Main Heading</h1>
       /h d
            <li>About Us</li>
         <h2>Page Title</h2>
         <h2>Page Title</h2>
         <p>blah blah blah</p>
         Copyright 2012
       /f t
Structural Elements
Old way of Audio/Video

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Web I - 02 - XHTML Introduction

  • 3. HTML Standard 3  Hypertext Markup Language  While initially developed by Tim Berners-Lee of y p y CERN in 1990, the World Wide Web Consortium ( (W3C) now officially controls HTML standard. ) y  In practice, Netscape, then Microsoft controlled the development of HTML HTML.  Tags added or supported by their browsers influence/control the HTML standard standard.
  • 4. HTML Standard 4  From around 2002/3, there has been movement back to having F d 2002/3 th h b tb kt h i W3C control the standard for HTML  W3C standards:  HTML 3.2  HTML 4.01  XHTML 1.0  XHTML 1.1  XHTML 2.0  Now, most recent versions of browsers are h i to follow the N i fb having f ll h standards  FireFox supports XHTML 1.1  IE 6 (almost) supports XHTML 1.0  IE 7 (almost) supports XHTML 1.1
  • 5. XHTML 5  XHTML (Extensible HTML) as a standard came about due to browser inconsistencies.  Fewdifferences between HTML and XHTML  XHTML is stricter than HTML and has additional rules.  As well, several tags and many attributes are no longer supported.
  • 6. Tags Defined 6  HTML d fi defines elements which are i di t d b t l t hi h indicated by tags.  The basic HTML tag has four parts:  An opening delimeter, the < symbol p g , y  The Tag name  Optional list of attributes that modify the way that tag works.  A closing delimeter the > symbol delimeter,  A typical tag might look like this: <p align="center">  Tags are not case sensitive.  However, in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and XHTML, tags must be lower-case.  If your browser encounters a tag it doesn’t support, it simply ignores it. See page(s): 94 ff
  • 7. Containers 7  Most M t HTML t tags are containers, meaning the beginning t t i i th b i i tags must be tb matched by a closing tag.  The end tag will have same name as start tag but preceded with a slash (/). l h (/)  For example:  This is <b>Bold text</b> but not this This is <b>Bold text</b> but not this  Will result in:  This is Bold text but not this  The text enclosed within the tags will follow the tag’s instructions.  For some tags, the end tag is optional.  XHTML standard requires all tags to be closed closed.  For those tags without end tags in the HTML original (e.g., <br>) then close tag is contained within tag (e.g., <br/>) See page(s): 71
  • 8. Nested Tags 8  Tags can be nested. Hello <b><i>emphasized</i></b> there  will result in hello emphasized there i  The order is important. <b>This word is <i>emphasized</i> here </b>  Correct (no overlapping lines) <b>This word is <i>emphasized</b> here </i> × Incorrect (overlapping lines)
  • 9. Attributes 9  Attributes t d Att ib t extend or modify the way a tag operates. dif th t t  Most (but not all) tags accept several attributes.  order of attributes is unimportant p  Most attributes take values, which follow an equal sign (=). For example, <p align=left> <font face="arial, tahoma"> <a href=""> <body bgcolor="#ffcc00">  Strictly speaking, values should be enclosed in straight quotes (" " y p g, g q ( not “ ”).  You can omit the quotes if the value contains only letters, digits, hyphens, or periods.  XHTML requires quotes around attributes.  Browsers ignore unknown attributes.
  • 10. Information Browsers Ignore 10  line breaks displays as He Hello there llo t here  tabs and multiple spaces Hello there Hello there  multiple <P> tags Hello Hello<P><P><P><P><P>There there  unrecognized tags and attributes <randy nose=large>hello there</randy> Hello there  text in comments <!-- this is a comment --!>
  • 11. Character Entities 11  In order to display special characters (such as ©, á, &, <, >, ñ, ü, etc), you must use character entities.  You can specify these with either the name code or the number code (not all special symbols have names). E.g., This has &copy; Copyright &#169; today results in This has © Copyright © today  One of the more helpful character entities is that for a non-breakable space (&nbsp;) Hello&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;there results in Hello     there     However you should never need to use non-breakable spaces to achieve this type of look (we will use CSS instead)
  • 12. XHTML Differences 12  XHTML is case sensitive and thus tags must be lowercase  XHTML requires attributes to be quoted  XHTML requires all tags to be closed
  • 13. HTML Editing 13  HTML documents are simple ASCII text files  as such, you can use Notepad, Word, or any other program that can write ASCII text files.  There are specific HTML-creation tools. They fall p y under two general categories:  WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) authoring tools  HTML Editors
  • 14. WYSIWYG Authoring Tools 14  Tools with graphical interfaces that make writing f HTML more akin to working with a word processor.  Instead of typing tags, you can select commands from pull down menus, and click and drag items.  Th These programs t t shield th user f try to hi ld the from th t the tags  Theoretically, the user doesn’t need to know HTML  Examples E l  Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft Visual Studio  Adobe Dreamweaver  Adobe GoLive
  • 15. 15 Microsoft Visual Studio
  • 17. WYSIWYG Authoring Tools 17  Advantages Ad t  good for beginners  good for quick prototyping  can save bother of writing  Disadvantages  often generate bad HTML or browser-specific HTML (e.g., FrontPage)  often will automatically change an HTML document when opened, y g p , removing tags it doesn’t like or support (e.g., FrontPage)  never true WYSIWYG  that is, the result often looks different in browser than in WYSIWYG is program, and unless you know HTML you cannot fix it.  However, with better browser support of standardized XHTML, WYSIWYG tools are getting better and better g g
  • 18. WYSIWYG Problems As displayed in Dreamweaver As displayed in FrontPage Viewed in Netscape 4 18 Viewed in Internet Explorer 4
  • 19. HTML Editors 19  Programs that facilitate the process of entering/typing HTML  user still needs to know HTML  Examples  Notepad  HomeSite  BBEdit
  • 22. Structure of HTML 22  The two basic parts of a web page are:  The head  The body
  • 23. HTML Skeleton 23 <html> <html> defines the beginning of the HTML document <head> h d <head> defines the beginning document <title>My Mom</title> header, which contains information about the document </head> <title> is displayed in browser title bar <body> and used for bookmarks Contents here <body> contains the content to be displayed in browser window </body> </html>
  • 24. html element 24  Should contain namespace and language declaration. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">  Note: the xmlns attribute is required in XHTML but is invalid in HTML HTML.
  • 25. DOCTYPE Declaration 25  XHTML requires that an HTML document needs a DOCTYPE declaration as the first element.  Itspecifies which document type definition (DTD) you are following.  Current browsers can use this information to help determine which rules it should use to display the markup (i.e., should it use strict XHTML rules, no XHTML, or both). See page(s): 107
  • 26. DOCTYPE Declaration 26  Possible DOCTYPEs: P ibl DOCTYPE  XHTML 1.1  Only supported by FireFox <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1 1//EN" -//W3C//DTD 1.1//EN "">  XHTML 1.0 strict  Supported by Firefox and IE 7 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">  XHTML transitional  Supported by FireFox, IE6 and later <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  None / Q i k mode N Quirks d  No use of standards  Default if no valid DOCTYPE present
  • 27. The <head> Th <h d> 27  The head Th h d section provides information i id i f i about the document.  The following elements can be within the head <meta> Provides additional information about the document <title> Displayed by browser in title bar. Required for HTML 3.2 compatibility. <script> Contains Javascript code <style> Contains style sheet information <link> For linking to an external style sheet file
  • 28. <meta> Element <meta> Element 28  Meta tags were intended to provide additional semantic meaning (meta information) to web (meta-information) pages.  Early search engines used them, but due to abuses, most search engines now heavily discount them.  Two styles: <meta http-equiv="name" content="content"> <meta name="name" content="content">  e.g. g <meta name="description" content="randy’s home page"> <meta name="keywords" content="first, second, third"> <meta name="expires" content="01 j p jun 2007"> <meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow">
  • 29. <script> Element <script> Element 29  Used to contain a client-side script  Usually Javascript, but could also be VBScript (IE only)  Often contained with the <head> but valid anywhere.  E.g. <script type="text/javascript"> type text/javascript > document.write("Hello World!"); </script>
  • 30. <style> and <link>  30 elements  Both contained within <head>  <style>  Used to define a CSS style(s) in a document. <style type="text/css" > type text/css h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt; } </style>  <link>  Generally used to define a link to an external stylesheet. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css" />
  • 31. <b d > El t <body> Element 31  Contains the contents of the d C h f h document  Can contain the following attributes, which allow you to specify global settings (i.e., for entire (i e document) for background image and color as well as text colors:  background=url Specifies a background picture, where url is the name (and path) of the picture file. The picture is tiled and set behind all images and text  bgcolor=color Specifies background color of page  text=color Sets the color of normal text  link=color Sets the color of hypertext links  vlink=color Sets the color of visited hypertext links yp  For XHTML strict, do not use these attributes.
  • 32. Body Margins 32  By default, browsers have a margin of 10 to 12 pixels.  The margin varies depending upon the browser and platform. Internet Explorer 5 Netscape 4
  • 33. Body Settings 33  To set colors images, and margins, and colors, images margins other stylistic settings, you should use CSS.  e.g., <style> body { background-color : # b k d l #FFFFFF; background-image: url(images/Pattern1.gif); font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color : #000088; margin: 0px; } </style>
  • 34. Color C l 34  Color can be specified in three ways  "#rrggbb"  "#rgb"  "color name"  rrggbb is a hexadecimal RGB (red-green-blue) p triplet FFFFFF=white 000000=black FF0000=red 00FF00=green FFFF00=yellow OOFFFF=cyan  rgb is converted to rrggbb by replicating digits. # 6C #F6C == # 66CC #FF66CC  HTML 4.0 supports 16 color names  Browsers supports 140 color names
  • 35. Semantic markup 35  To benefit from XHTML, you need to think about your T b fit f XHTML d t thi k b t markup in semantic (meaning) rather than visual terms.  XHTML markup is not about presentation; it's about document structure and content (meaning).  That is, we should use XHTML as HTML was originally intended.  We should structure our document into headings, lists headings lists, paragraphs.  We should use HTML elements because of what they mean, not because of the way they "look." tb f th th "l k "  We can change the way elements look via CSS.
  • 36. Structuring Text 36  There are a number of ways of structuring blocks of text.  breaking text into paragraphs and lines  using headings to create sections g g  grouping info into lists
  • 37. Paragraph and Line Breaks 37  You can't use carriage returns to create new ' paragraphs or to break lines  The <br/> tag creates line breaks  multiple <br/> tags okay, but discouraged  The <p> tag creates paragraph breaks  multiple <p> tags ignored  <p> isa container and thus needs a </p>  The <div> tag also creates paragraph breaks, but <div>  should be used to indicate a section (which might contain multiple <p> tags. p p g
  • 38. <html><head><title>line and Paragraph Breaks</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> HyperText Markup Language, a markup <br/> language defined by an SGML Document Type Definition (DTD).To a document writer,<p> HTML is simply a collection of tags used to mark blocks of text and assign them <p align="right">special meanings. g p g g p g </body></html> 38
  • 39. Styling the <p> and <div> 39  Do not use align attribute of <p> or <div>.  Do not use <p> tags just to create space. p g j p  Use it to indicate a logical paragraph.  Use the <div> tag to indicate a section of paragraphs <div>  paragraphs.  Instead, you can use CSS to style or position the text. t t
  • 40. CSS <p> and <div> 40 <div id="preamble"> id preamble > <p class="p1"> Littering a dark and dreary road lay the past relics of browser-specific tags, incompatible DOMs, and broken CSS support. </p> <p class="p2"> Today, we must clear the mind of past practices. Web enlightenment h d l h i d f i b li h has b been achieved thanks to the hi d h k h tireless efforts of folk like the W3C, WaSP and the major browser creators. </p> </div>
  • 41. Headings <h1>, <h2>, etc 41  There are six levels of heading  Level 1 is the largest and level 6 the smallest g  Most browsers allow user to alter relative size  We W can use CSS to determine the precise t d t i th i appearance  Examples <h1>This is a big heading</h1> <h3>smaller heading</h3>
  • 42. Old School Headings 42 <html><head><title>Headings</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <h1>HTML Defined</h1> HyperText Markup Language, a markup language defined by an SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) To a document writer HTML is simply a collection (DTD). writer, of tags used to mark blocks of text and assign them special meanings. <h3 align=center>HTML Introduction</h3> Here is some more text </body> </html>
  • 43. CSS School Headings 43 <h2>The Beauty of CSS Design</h2>
  • 44. Lists 44  There are three types of lists  Unordered, or bulleted lists  Ordered, or numbered lists  Definition lists
  • 45. Unordered Lists < l> U d d Li t <ul> 45 <ul> <li>This is the first item</li> <li>This is the second item</li> <li>This is the third item</li> </ul> /
  • 46. Ordered Lists < l> O d d Li t <ol> 46 <ol> <li>This is the first item</li> <li>This is the second item</li> <li>This is the third item</li> </ol> /
  • 47. Definition Lists <dl> 47 <dl> <dt>happy</dt> <dd>feeling or expressing joy</dd> <dt>sad</dt> <dd>Expressive of sorrow or unhappiness</dd> / </dl>
  • 49. Formatting Characters 49  These tags change the emphasis and appearance of characters within blocks of text.  These tags also referred to as inline type styles as the tags appear within lines of text.  Two categories  logicaltags  physical tags
  • 50. Logical Style Tags L i l St l T 50  Describes the text's meaning, context, D ib h ' i or usage; it does not describe how it is to b displayed (the browser be d l d(h b determines that).  Examples: <em> Characters are to be emphasized (often italic) <strong> Emphasized more (often bold) <code> Characters are code sample (often courier) <acronym> Defines an acronym (e.g., ASP) <span> Used to group inline elements
  • 51. Physical Style Tags 51  Indicates exactly the way the text is to be formatted  XHTML  Some of these (<font>, <u>, <s>) are prohibited  Even if not prohibited, use of these is discouraged in XHTML  Use logical style instead  Examples p <B> Bold <U> Underline <I> Italic <S> Strikethrough <TT> Monospaced M d <FONT> Font
  • 52. Linking 52  Your web site should be a collection of several separate pages connected together via hypertext links  Hyperlink is created via anchor tag <a> and the yp g document's unique address known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).  Links can be to created to: j jump t an external site to t l it  jump to another page in the current site  jump to another part of the current page
  • 53. Linking 53  A link has three parts: a destination  a label  a target g
  • 54. Linking 54  The destination is the most important part. It specifies what page will be loaded when user clicks.  The label specifies the text of the hyperlink.  The target is optional It determines where the optional. destination will be displayed.  The target might be a new window, a different frame window frame, or, most common, the current window.
  • 55. The Anchor Tag <a> 55 Label L b l <a href="">Click here</a> Destination <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> Target (this would display page in new window) <a name="top"> Defines l D fi location for internal link ti f i t l li k <a href="#top">Click here to go to top of page</a> Destination is internal link (i.e., within current page)
  • 56. Absolute URLs 56  Absolute URL  used to specify exactly where a file is located.  used for linking to an external site.  Three parts:  protocol (e.g., HTTP://, FTP:// )  host/server name (e.g.,  path name, if necessary (e.g., / ff / f /office/word )  file name (e.g., index.htm, exam.cgi, menu.jpg)  Example:
  • 57. Absolute URLs 57  File-based b l Fil b d absolute references should not b f h ld t be used for referencing files within your own site. For example: l C:/My Documents/comp1274/assign2/product.htm Why?  when y you move y your site to y your web server, y , your links (and image references) will not work (since it is quite likely that your files will not be on the same drive and directory on the server).  You should almost always use relative references for referencing files within your own site!!
  • 58. Relative References 58  A reference to another document relative to the location of the document that contains the reference. Some Folder href=products.html index.html products.html
  • 59. Root Reference 59  Another thing to be aware of is that a reference that begins with the slash is a root reference.  A root reference is an absolute references.
  • 60. Root Reference 60  A root reference has a different meaning on the web server than it does on your local machine.  e.g.,/images/logo.gif  On a local machine without a web server, the root , reference (e.g., “/”) refers to the root of the physical drive.  Thus the above example references a file in the folder images which is in the root of the drive.  i.e., it will reference c:/images/logo.gif
  • 61. 61 Root Reference  e.g., /images/logo.gif  On the web server, this references a file in the folder images which is in the root of the site. g  Remember that a web server can host multiple sites.  Each site is contained within its own “virtual” folder that is independent of each site’s actual physical location. p p y  So, on a web server the root reference (e.g., “/”) refers to the root of the site’s virtual folder, not the root of the physical drive.
  • 62. 62 Referencing Syntax  The synatx used is based on the UNIX y operating system (but similar to DOS)  Slash separates folder from file name p products/sales.htm /  Slash separates folder from folder name web/products/sales.htm  A slash in front of first folder name means root directory /file.htm /My Documents/file.htm Documents/file htm  Use forward slash (/) not backslash ()  Use .. to move up a folder ../My Documents/file.htm
  • 63. <img src=????> img src ???? Q: in sales.htm, how would we reference pants.htm ? A) ) p pants.htm B) products C) C:/My Documents/web/products/pants.htm D) /products/pants.htm E) products/pants.htm 63
  • 64. <img src=????> img src ???? Q: in pants.htm, how would we reference sales.htm ? A) ) sales.htm B) web/sales.htm C) C:/My Documents/web/sales.htm D) /products/sales.htm E) ../sales.htm 64
  • 65. <img src=????> img src ???? Q1: in pants.htm, how would we reference hats.htm ? Q2: in sales.htm, how would we reference index.htm ? 65
  • 66. Q: in fred.htm, how would we reference pants.htm ? A) pants htm pants.htm B) ../products/pants.htm C) /products/pants.htm D) products/pants.htm E) ../pants.htm 66
  • 67. URLs URL 67  Have the following syntax: protocol://server domain name/path/filename  For F example: l absolute references mailto:// courses/1235.html Another page in the current site #bottom Defined location in current page relative references Defined location in another 1235.html#bottom page in current site
  • 68. Anchor Tag, continued 68  Usual attributes: href="url" Defines destination. name="name" name "name" Defines target for i D fi f internal h l hypertext li k link. target="window" Link should be loaded into window or frame. Not supported in XHTML Strict. window can have the following values: _blank bl k loads d l d document i new b w window t in w browser wi d w _parent loads into parent of current document _self loads into current window _top loads into main browser window frame name loads into named frameset (if doesn't exist then loads i t l d into new window) i d )
  • 69. Hyperlink Example 69 Here is some text<br/> / Click <a href="index.html">right here</a> will open the index page we created earlier<br/> Click <a href="#bottom">here</a> will take us to bottom of this p g page<br/> / blah, blah blah ... ... ... <a id="bottom">This is the bottom</a> /
  • 70. Images 70  Two general classes of images  inline images  appear on a web page along with text and links and are automatically displayed by browser when page is loaded  external images  stored separately from web page and are loaded only on demand (usually as a result of a link).  Images are graphical picture files that are downloaded and displayed by browser.  Image files must be GIF or JPG or PNG format. g
  • 71. How Graphics Can Be Used 71  As a simple graphic  As a link  As an imagemap a simple graphic in which multiple hotspots/links have been defined  As A spacing d i i devices  many designers use a single transparent pixel that can be i d b resized to create white space hi
  • 72. <img> Tag <i > T 72  Graphics displayed by the <img> tag. For example: <img src="image.gif" />  Accepted attributes: src="filename" specifies path or filename of file alt="description" text to be displayed in place of image width="n" width of image in pixels g p height="n" height of image in pixels longdesc="url" A URL to a document that contains a long description of the image usemap="url" indicates image is client-side imagemap Title=“description”
  • 73. Graphics as Links 73  To make a graphic a link place anchor link, tags around the IMG tag. For example: <a href="mtequip htm"><img src="pack gif“ /></a> href mtequip.htm ><img src pack.gif  When an image is a link, it will have a border around it to indicate it has a link link.  Mostdesigners prefer not to have this border  We can use CSS to remove it default
  • 74. Alternative Text 74  The alt attribute allows you to specify a string of alternative text to be displayed in place of an image.  displayed while image is downloaded  displayed if graphic display is turned off  Very important for accessibility reasons (i.e., for visually-impaired using Voice Reader software  some browsers display alt attribute as pop-up tip pop up when mouse positioned over image
  • 75. Alternative Text 75 <img src="pack.gif“ /> <img src="pack.gif" alt="Really Blue Pack" /> Really Blue Pack
  • 76. Image Width and Height 76  width and height indicate the dimension of image.  While optional, the use of these attributes is p , recommended because:  they allow browser to lay out page even before images are downloaded  You can use these attributes to resize an image  however,it is generally better to resize image in an image editor because:  image editors often have better quality interpolation methods for resizing (i.e., it better quality resize)  often faster download (see next slide)
  • 77. Original image Width: 511 dh Height: 205 File Size: 102K image resized in browser image resized in image editor Width: 511 Width: 200 Height: 205 Height: 133 File Size: 102K downloaded File Size: 26K downloaded <img src="ski.gif" width=200 height=133> <img src="ski2.gif" width=200 height=133> 77
  • 78. Original image Width: 100 Height: 249 Image resized in esi ed Image resized in esi ed image editor browser Width: 200 Width: 200 Height: 498 Height: 498 78
  • 79. Q: in products.htm, how would we display menu.gif products htm menu gif <img src=????> <img src=menu.gif> <img src=c:/westgear/images/menu.gif> <img src=/westgear/images/menu.gif> <img src=westgear/images/menu.gif> <img src=images/menu.gif> 79
  • 80. Q: in products.htm, how would we display menu.gif products htm menu gif <img src=????> <img src=images/menu.gif> <i i / if> <img src=c:/westgear/menu.gif> <img src=/westgear/menu gif> src=/westgear/menu.gif> <img src=westgear/menu.gif> <img src=c:menu.gif> g g <img src=menu.gif> 80
  • 81. Two Types of Image Map 81  An image map is a graphic image in which multiple links have been defined.  Two Types:  Server-Side Server Side Image Maps  Implemented using an image displayed by the client and a program that runs on the server. Not really used anymore.  Client-Side Image Maps  Works the same as above except there is no program run on p p g the server. All processing of coordinates occurs in the browser.
  • 82. Image Map 82 menu.gif index.htm browse.htm search.htm about.htm
  • 83. Creating a client-side IM client side 83  The first thing you need is the image onto which you want to map the link. This can be any GIF or JPEG image. i  The second step is to use map tags to define the image map. Y do this within your HTML fil You d hi i hi file.  The final step is add a attribute to the image tag, to tell the b ll h browser to use the image as an image map h instead of a normal image
  • 84. <map> Tag 84  <map> starts a map definition.  Ithas one attribute, name. The name you are giving this map definition must be surrounded by quotation marks. For example: <map name="mainmap">  In between comes one or more <area> tags.  </map> ends the map definition.
  • 85. <area> Tag 85  <area> defines each clickable area on the image and its link. You may have many area tags within a map definition. It has 3 attributes:  shape="rect/circle/poly/point" defines the shape of the linked area.  coords="X,Y,X,Y" are the coordinates of the linked area.  For a rectangle you set the upper left and lower right x,y coordinates. For a circle you set the center-point and a point y p p on the circumference, on a polygon you specify every angle.  href="link" sets the link for the specified area by identifying h linked URL. Th id if i the li k d URL The URL can be either a full or a b ih f ll relative URL.
  • 86. Using the Image Map 86  The final step in using an image map is inserting the image into your file and naming the image map definition. This is quite straightforward and involves simply adding a new image attribute called "usemap."  Example: <img src="mainmap jpg" width=46 height=26 usemap="#mainmap" /> src= mainmap.jpg usemap= #mainmap
  • 87. Example Map Definition 87 <img src="menu.gif" width="369" height="31" usemap="#linkbar" /> <map name="linkbar"> <area shape="rect" coords=" 11,5, 73,29" href="products.htm"></area> <area shape="rect" coords=" 75,5,137,29" href="stories.htm"></area> <area shape="rect" coords="140,5,198,29" href="orders.htm"></area> <area shape="rect" coords="200,5,288,29" href="community.htm"></area> <area shape="rect" coords="289,5,366,29" href="contact.htm"></area> </map> As displayed in browser p y With hot spots indicated
  • 88. Drawbacks to ImageMaps 88  Imagemaps are almost unusable until most of image is downloaded. Image map menu What it looks like while downloading (or if images turned off)
  • 89. Alternatives to Image Maps 89  Split image into smaller images, and reassemble using tables (our next topic) or CSS.  Create image links as per slides. E.g., <a href="browse.htm"><img src="menur2c4.gif" alt="browse“/></a> < h f "b ht "><i " 2 4 if" lt "b “/></ > Split i S lit image with table ith t bl borders displayed Split image with table borders turned bo de s t ned off
  • 90. Accessibility and XHTML 90  Accessibility refers to the process of making web pages usable (accessible) to users with visual disabilities.  These users use screen reader software such as JAWS.  A web page whose markup is cleanly focused on content and which contains no formatting is significantly g g y easier to comprehend for the blind.  US and Canadian governments require accessible sites. g q
  • 91. Who is the Most Important Blind User? 91  Search Engines!!!
  • 92. Accessibility and XHTML 92 http://www youtube com/watch?v tNFPHLiO os p y y
  • 93. HTML5 93  The next version of HTML  Notice that it is NOT XHTML  In 2009, W3C stopped work on XHTML 2.0, and switched focus to HTML5.  Somecontroversy: perception that with HTML5 the browser manufacturers have taken back control of the web.
  • 94. Browser Support 94  Still uneven  Main problem, no HTML5 support in IE8 and below
  • 95. HTML5 95  Design principles:  Don’t break existing web pages  Error handling  Adding markup to simplify web page structure g p p y p g
  • 96. Minimal Structure 96 <! DOCTYPE html> ! OC ht l <title>something</title> <h1>heading</h1> <p>some text blah</p> <p>some te t blah</p> Yes, no head or body tags needed!
  • 97. Typical HTML Layout Structure 97 <div id=“header”> di id “h d ” <div id=“menu”> </div> </div> <div id=“sidebar”> </div> </di > <div id=“content”> </div>
  • 98. New Tags 98  New tags have been added to make the markup more semantic (more meaningful).  Thatis, the usual <div id="something"> hodgepodge has been partially replaced with common markup elements.
  • 100. Structural Elements 100 <! DOCTYPE html> <title>HTML 5 Test</title> <header> <h1>This is the Main Heading</h1> </header> /h d <nav> <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>Products</li> <li>About Us</li> </ul> </nav> <article> <h2>Page Title</h2> <h2>Page Title</h2> <p>blah blah blah</p> </article> <footer> Copyright 2012 </footer> /f t
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  • 104. Old way of Audio/Video 104
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