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Walt Whitman Is A Master Of Words And A Capable Commander
Walt Whitman was born on May 31, 1819. By the age of twelve "Whitman began to learn the
printer's trade, and fell in love with the written word," ("Walt Whitman" 1). Later he found
employment in journalism. He worked at different newspapers and founded one of his own; a
weekly paper called the Long–Islander. In 1855 he began publishing his poetry and today is known
as "America's world poet," ("Walt Whitman" 1). Whitman is a master of words and a capable
commander in chief of the English vernacular. This ability to create masterpieces in just a few lines
is evident in a poem he published in 1865 entitled When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer. By
employing vocabulary that has an immense amount of meaning he is able to bring the page to life
and bring meaning to an inconsequential occurrence. The first word that candidly confronts you is
"learn'd". It appears in the title and is the fifth word in the poem. The word "learn'd", especially with
the spelling he chose, conveys much more than it's literal definition. According to the Oxford
Reference Online database, it means "Having great learning in the law." The Merriam Webster
Dictionary expands that definition slightly, by stating its definition as "having or showing a lot of
learning, education, or knowledge – used to describe something that people get or have because of
learning or experience." He uses the abbreviated term "learn'd" to let the reader know that the
professor is knowledgeable in his field but also to convey
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How Technology Has Changed Our Society
With time the mind has expanded and has created things our society could have never imagined
were possible. In the last century technology has flourished due the changes in the way the mind
works. These new technological inventions have proved to be very helpful in day–to–day basis.
Children utilize computers, cell phones, and television to their learning advantage. The way children
are developing is very different than children of past generations because of the new technology
they are growing up with (Taylor). As the use of technology increases amongst all age groups, there
is evidence that shows it impacts children intellectually and socially. People are starting to use
technology at a younger age. Now it is common to see a five year old with their own cell phone.
Schools are giving their students laptops and Ipads leading to an increase the time spent using
electronics. Devices that were once considered a luxury are now considered toys for children. A
survey done by the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that on average children between the ages of
8 and 18 spend about 53 hours a week using numerous electronics (Nusca). Children have many
reasons to use these devices, such as schoolwork, or social communication. Children are greatly
influenced by technology on an intellectual level because their brains are still developing. The
young mind has room to evolve; this makes it an easy target for the technology industry. Whether it
is at school or at home, the generation that
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The Hero In Beowulf
The Hero
A hero is not just the title of an action–packed kung–fu flick with subtitles. A hero these days has
many meanings; depending on the time and reason that person is called a hero.
According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition becomes very broad. It
starts as being "a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great
strength or ability" and becomes "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities." The last
definition listed is probably the most modern of the many, being "an object of extreme admiration
and devotion." These definitions are in the same order as listed in the dictionary, but also seem to be
chronologically listed as well, because overtime the meaning of the ... Show more content on ...
Fortunately enough, most likely because the author was most likely a Christian, Gawain confessed
his sins, repented and made everything all better. Back in Beowulf's time, the cool thing to do was
ravage and pillage, destroy everything in sight so you can get a cool title in front of your name. This
might have still been the case during Gawain's time, but now the new trend is to repent the
numerous sins you committed so you can go to heaven when you kick the bucket. So here we see
firsthand the evolution of the hero, over just a few hundred years, based on changes in social
behavior, and apparently the role of religion in people's lives.
Religion plays a major role in the development of the hero. As a matter of fact, religion relies
heavily upon heroes, and is actually based on the need for a hero in everyday life. When a whole
society or region admires one person and follows their example, people will model themselves after
their adored hero. Therefore, whatever religion this hero follows will suddenly become increasingly
popular with their supporters. This is essentially the same concept used by market–smart clothing
designers. When some glamorous individual wears a certain style or name brand, it suddenly
becomes "the cool thing to do," and everybody jumps on the bandwagon, because everybody wants
to be like that person. This can be extremely useful in the development of a growing religion, in
order to gain followers I that
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Benefits Of Community Service
In a college student's life, there are a million things that can keep students from serving their
community. Between an after–school job, homework and social life. All of these are some of the
"excuses" or the "responsibilities" many students claim to have. We never fully realize how much
help our neighborhood may need help until we become involved. The question is: Should college
students be required to do Community service in order to graduate? Community service refers to
"service that a person performs for the benefit of his or her local community" and is done without
pay, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. Performing community service is not the same as
volunteering since it is not always done voluntarily. It may be done for a variety of reasons: Certain
schools require students to complete community service as part of a class requirement, or in order to
graduate or to become a member of a group. In society adults tend to participate in community
service as a way to help others and at times depending of certain circustances a judge might order
certain individuals to participate in their community as well. There are even government programs
that offer free dental care in exchange for community service. Some Community service examples
include: helping out at a soup kitchen, tutoring, planting a garden, visiting a retirement center and
reading to the residents, driving older people to their appointments, collenting and donating school
supplies and making first
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Samuel Langhorne...
Alexis Timm
Mrs. Mirosh
1st hour English 11
21 February 2017
To Read or Not To Read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel published by Samuel
Langhorne Clemens, better known by his pen name as Mark Twain, in 1884. The story is more than
just a story however as many adults, parents, and educators believe that this book is unfit for a
classroom setting. What they are unable or (unwilling) to see are the benefits of reading and
analyzing this story. It allows students to understand history in context as well as understanding the
vernacular of the time, it also allows opportunities for discussing conflicting views and controversial
issues in a safe and controlled environment. History can be a vague concept to study and understand.
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(Leigh, Punchnels) While that is alright for a school to do that, and they have every right to do so,
kids will come into contact with words like that again and they cannot be protected forever. For
example, Huckleberry Finn has been banned in schools nationwide for using the word 'nigger' two–
hundred and nineteen times over the course of the novel. (News, CBS) Many people have backed up
and valid arguments for banning the book and they are entitled to their opinions. Some parents do
not wish for their children to be exposed to the content in the story at the age of the child when the
book is introduced. Violence and sexual themes in all forms of media have found their ways to
today's youth. In just the 32 years Banned Books week has been acknowledged, over 11,000 books
have been challenged. (Leigh, Punchnels) The presence of witchcraft, encouragement of 'damaging'
lifestyles, violence, and negativity are all reasons that books have been challenged in the United
States. All schools and educational institutions of any sort have a policy regarding the selection of
instructional materials. The Denali Borough School District in Alaska is a school system that opened
up to talk about their policy. Alaska is one of the few states in the United States that allows schools
to more or less govern themselves, giving them soft standards
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Benefits Of Community Service
In a college student's life, there are many obstacles that can keep students from doing what they love
and enjoy; an after school job, homework and social life. All of these may keep students from taking
a look at their own communities. Some may never realize how much their neighborhood may need
help until they become the ones with the helping hands. The question is: Should college students be
required to do Community service in order to graduate? Community service refers to "service that a
person performs for the benefit of his or her local community" and is done without pay, according to
the Merriam Webster Dictionary. Performing community service is not the same as volunteering
since it is not always done voluntarily. It may be done for a variety of reasons: Some students are
required to complete community service as part of a class requirement, or in order to graduate, or to
become a member of certain organizations. Adults also participate in community service as a way to
help others or if they are ordered to do so by a judge. There is even government programs that offer
free dental care in exchange for community service. Some Community service examples include:
tutoring children after school, collecting school supplies to donate, planting a school garden, visiting
residents of a retirement center, delivering meals to senior citizens, driving them to appointments,
passing out food at a soup kitchen, collecting used clothes to be donated or making first aids kits for
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Examples Of Heroism In The Outsiders
Who do you think is a hero or has shown heroism through their life. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy's
interests and behavior contrasts his gang. For example, he hates to fight unless he has to, unlike his
friends who fight for the fun of it or because everyone is doing it. Though he is the oddball of the
group he still displayed great heroism throughout the book. In S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, Ponyboy
displays many heroic traits and is a risk–taker. He shows great courage, his personality, and his
actions are respected by many people.
To start off, Ponyboy is a hero because of the courage he displays through the book. "I jerked loose
and ran on. All I could think was: We started it. We started it. We started it!
I wasn't about to go through that flaming door, so I slammed a big rock through a window and
pulled myself in. It was a wonder I didn't cut myself to death, now that I think about it." He shows
courage because he barrels into the church that was a raging inferno to save innocent children. He
also shows courage at the end of the book, "'You're the guy that killed Bob Sheldon,' one of them
said. 'And he was a friend of ours. We don't like nobody killing our friends, especially greasers.' 'Big
deal.' I busted the end of my bottle and held on to the neck and tossed away my cigarette. 'You get
back into your car or you'll get split.' They looked kind of surprised, and one of them backed up. 'I
mean it.' I hopped off the car. 'I've had about all I can take from you guys.' I started toward them,
holding the bottle the way Tim Shepard holds a switch––– out and away from myself, in a loose but
firm hold. I guess they knew I meant business, because they got into their car and drove off." He
fearlessly opposes the Socials, clearly showing that he has great courage and should not be
underestimated. Also, another time that Ponyboy proves to be a courageous person is when he fights
at the rumble even though he feels a bit sick. He put his gang first and fought for them in the
Another factor that proves that Ponyboy is a hero is his personality. In the Merriam Webster
Dictionary, the definition of being a hero also includes their "fine qualities." "'What in the world are
you doing?' Two–Bit's voice broke into my
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The Role Of Community In African And Middle Eastern...
Literature is defined as, "writings in prose or verse; especially : writings having excellence of form
or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest" (Merriam Webster). In both
African and Middle Eastern literature, there is an overlap in theme, motif, and ideas. There is an
awareness of community over oneself present in both forms of literature. The role of women in both
societies is viewed as one of a lesser importance than the male presence. A discrepancy in the
similarity between Middle Eastern and African literature is the presence of a mystical unexplainable
presence in African literature. The presence of community and its role is presented in both African
and Middle Eastern literature. These themes can be seen a variety of times in both pieces of
literature. In "The Beekeeper's Journey" the idea of inclusivity and community is presented as the
author writes, "'He could not fire a rifle with accuracy, he could not use a blade with any skill, and
he knew nothing about fighting, so he would die..." (The Beekeeper's Journey 8). In this Abbas (The
main character of the story) is so committed to a sense of duty that he is willing to die for his
community. Through this connection to his community, he is knowingly entering a battle with the
knowledge that he will die. Thus furthering the idea of community over oneself in this story and
many others that fall into the same genre of Middle Eastern literature. A piece of African literature
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An Analysis of Frost's Tree at my Window Essay example
An Analysis of Frost's "Tree at my Window"
The poem "Tree at my Window" was written by Robert Frost, an America poet who was born in
1874 and died in 1963 (DiYanni 624). The narrator in this poem appears to be speaking to the "tree
at my window"; then, repeating the phrase in reverse order, he calls it the "window tree," as if to
emphasize the location and nearness of the tree. Calling the tree a "window tree," might also suggest
that this tree is something he sees through, perhaps to some higher truth, to something beyond the
mere physical presence of the tree.
As night approaches, the "sash" or movable portion of the window is lowered, perhaps to prevent
the air, cooled from lack of the sun's warmth, from ... Show more content on ...
Continuing his statement with "And if you have seen me when I slept, / You have seen me when I
was taken and swept / And all but lost." The narrator may be referring to actual sleeping patterns in
which people sleep so soundly that they are unaware of things happening around them. "Lost" may
also be defined as being helpless or having a lack of self confidence (Webster 681). There is a
nightmarish quality to these lines, also.
In the fourth and final stanze, the poet begins to talk of the "day she put our heads together / Fate
had her imagination about her, / Your head so much concerned with outer, / Mine with inner,
weather." Until this point no differentiation has been made regarding gender; however, in this
stanza, femal pronouns are mentioned three times. Interesetingly, according to Webster's New
Collegiate Dictionary," "fate," in classical methology, was represented by three goddesses who
determined the course a human's life would take (417). The narrator observes that the tree seems to
be more interested in the forces of "Mother Nature" and the elements upon its bark and leaves
compared to himself. The narrator seems to be preoccupied with what occurs within, perhaps in his
mind, soul, or spirt. The narrator ends with the word "weather," which could represent the literal
sunshine, rain, etc. However, he could also be
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Mark Twain : Man Greater Than Beast
James Mullins
Robert McKinley
English 102
August 26, 2017 Man Greater Than Beast Mark Twain famous author, pilot and journalist wrote one
of the most thought provocative essay's that still provides viewpoints applicable to today "The
Damned Human Race". He brought into question that the idea of morality is mankind's greatest
weakness and that it makes man less than animals. Merriam–Webster dictionary defines moral as "of
or relating to the principles of right and wrong behavior". This moral compass and our higher
intelligence is what separate man from animal. Man's moral ability to determine good from evil is a
double edged sword in that it can lead man to greatness or into terrible evil. The scientific method
which children have been taught from grade school is make an observation, form a hypothesis,
predict what you will discover, experiment to answer your question, and finally obtaining a
conclusion to the experiment conducted. Twain claims that he used this method to validate his
remarks and conclusions about animals being higher than man in the overall scheme of the world.
He then states "and have adopted it or rejected it based on the results" (Twain par.3). This shows that
when he liked the result he used the data and when he didn't like the result he obtained then he
discarded it. Basically he cheated so that his hypothesis, prediction and conclusion were set in stone
then had his experiments support these already predetermined beliefs. The only way to be
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Break The English Language
When initiating a conversation, one might say they are "breaking the ice". But did you know the
phrase "break the ice" is derived from small merchant ships attempting to cross waters in order to
deliver products? A second ship, nicknamed "icebreakers", would travel ahead of the merchant ship,
creating a path which they could then follow to their destination. Using this procedure as a metaphor
for starting conversation, influential figures in literature integrated "break the ice" into their
compositions, thus allowing for this phrases modern definition.
Many common idioms such as "break the ice" are repeated so frequently that some may not even
consider their origins. To most, it may seem English is a fairly unequivocal language, rarely
changing or acquiring new phrases. I would argue ... Show more content on ...
I disagree, on the grounds that understanding the origins of phrases and terms leads to better
comprehension of the evolution of the English language. Definitions of certain words and phrases
are constantly altering their interpretations to conform to modern culture. Take the word "orange" as
an example. Presently, there are two prominent definitions for the word: the color orange, and the
citrus fruit. Originally, English–speakers titled the fruit "geoluhread", which directly translates to
"yellow–red". Only after discovering the Spanish term for the fruit, naranja, did the word "orange"
begin to develop. Letters were removed and altered, resulting in the title "orange". Not until several
hundred years later did the term become indicative of both the fruit and the color. Similarly to the
expressions explained previously, repetition played a key role in the deviation from the previous
definition. This is just one example of shifts in culture which produced alterations in interpretations
of English
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Culture is Everything in The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
Plato said in The Republic, "The soul takes nothing with her to the next world but her education and
her culture." (Quoted from Plato's The Republic) Dependence in culture is inevitable for humans –
take this away and we are lost (Livesey and Lawson, 2008). Livesey and Lawson (2008) generally
defined culture as "a way of life". According to Merriam Webster Dictionary culture is "the
customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group" (Merriam
Webster Dictionary).
Several factors affect the formation of one's culture, Palispis, E. (2007) quoted Sir Edward Tylor,
"Culture... refers to that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law,
custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society." (Palispis, E.,
2007) In this context culture is something we acquire from the people we have lived with since we
were born, it is not something a person can learn overnight nor can be disposed effortlessly.
Our country is rich in culture; the occupation of the Spanish, the American, and the Japanese gave
the Philippines its diverse and unique culture. This exceptional culture we have in our country has
produced numerous brilliant individuals, who up to this day are still well recognized. So it is safe to
say that part of the reason why they became who they were is because of their culture; because of
our culture. (Ong, 2011)
Culture is important in the formation of one's identity, and there is such a
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Rewarding College Athletes Benefits Essay
The Benefit of Rewarding College Athletes
A typical college Coach makes a seven figure salary, and what do the college athletes get
(LoTemplio)? College athletes are unpaid because of a rule called amateurism. According to
Merriam Webster Dictionary, amateurism is when somebody does an activity or hobby without
being paid, such as a college athlete. Many college athletes struggle financially during their years
attending college. Some believe that if they would have had a much easier time if they were lucky
enough to receive some sort of stipend. One former collegiate athlete, Steve Christoff, claimed that
if a person wanted to live in an apartment instead of the dorms, food was hard to pay for
(LoTemplio). Playing a college level sport takes up ... Show more content on ...
People believe the only important thing in college is the education and not what people love to do.
Those same people believe that the athletes are getting paid by free education, and for these athletes
to want more money is outrageous (Lotshaw). Yes, college is for education, but it is also for people
to have fun and do what they love. People who play sports wear their bodies down each time they
step out on the field. Even though it is what they love, it also becomes tiring and painful. The point
of athletes playing in college is for them to eventually, hopefully, move on to go into the pro level.
They themselves have a dream of being a "legend" to the next generations to come (Lotshaw). The
everyday grind to be better drives a person to do more. These athletes are giving it their all to one
day be a legend. All they care for is the possibility of one day providing their family with a better
life. If having college is not affordable then getting through it is near impossible. Therefore
providing a better life for their families with their success is not very likely. They work hard for
everything they earn and they deserve to finally get something in
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Essay on French Neo Classical
The French Neo Classical era of theatre has influenced today's society in a number of ways
including woman's fashion, dance, architecture and theatre performance. We have seen this
throughout history and it still has continued into today's society. The term Burlesque is usually
thought of as slightly naughty theatre produced and performed between the 1700s and World War II.
Webster defines it as a literary or dramatic work that seeks to mock by means of bizarre
embellishment or comic imitation, mockery usually by caricature or theatrical entertainment of a
broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes
striptease acts. The word derives from the Italian burlesco, which itself derives ... Show more
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The French Revolution (1789–1799) was bordered by two artistic styles, Rococo and Neo–
classicism. Before and after the French Revolution, Neo–classicism was the main artistic style in
France, Europe and the USA from about 1750 to 1830. This classical revitalization of the later 18th
century was characteristic for its emphasis on archaeological accuracy, the result of the period's
unprecedented level of knowledge of the art and architecture of the ancient world. The heroic phase
of Neo–classical painting resulted in Jacques–Louis David's most pivotal works, Death of Marat and
Oath of the Horatii. These works personified the Enlightenment thought of Diderot, Voltaire, and
Rousseau, namely the ideas of basic human rights, modern scientific investigation, rationalism and
moral rectitude. In its purest form it is a style principally derived from the architecture of Classical
Greece and the architecture of Italian Andrea Palladio. In form, neoclassical architecture emphasizes
the wall rather than separate identities to each of its parts. In the sixteenth century, France was in
turmoil. The Renaissance in France began in a different way than in countries at peace. In France
there was a civil war between Catholics and Protestants. This civil anxiety lasted until 1594 when
Henri IV converted
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Life : The Importance Of Life In The World
According to Webster's dictionary, life is "the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being
from a dead body; a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of
animate beings."
Well that about says it all, right? After all, don't you consider yourself not to be a dead body? I know
I do. Can't I walk, breathe, think and eat? No dead body can do that. But I imagine that there is far
more to life than that. It all comes down to why are we here? Regardless of your religious beliefs,
you must have wondered about your place in the cosmos. How you got here is another topic. Why
you were given life is this topic.
It began in the womb. A life force entered your fetus and thus began your life. You emerged as a
baby with all that was required to begin your journey. Your environment, parents, and circumstance
controlled your future. Whether it began in a small African village or a mansion in New York, you
were placed and deposited into a life that you eventually could control. Free–will gave you the
ability to make decisions and move forward. Each choice determined your fate and what you would
become. Exterior events would shape and mold these turning points. But ultimately, you would die
and pass on to another place. These latter facts are unchangeable and cannot be denied.
So let's look at your life from several aspects. As you read this article, you are nodding in agreement
but are you comprehending what it means? What is your purpose on
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The And Talent Retention Is Happiness And Workplace...
In any work environment, it is important for all levels of management, including executives and
owners, to consider the working environments for those within the organization or company. The
unofficial secret to longevity and talent retention is happiness and workplace satisfaction. There are
many ways for organizational leaders to promote happy, healthy working environments; the trick is
finding the right combination that works for their particular group of workers and their particular
work environment. Different methods work for different industries and people so it is a matter of
trial and error to find the right fit. There are employment laws in place to ensure fair work practices
occur however, employers should go the extra mile to take care of those who make their business
succeed. According to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (2009), "responsibility rests
with each employer to provide and promote a good and harmonious working environment" (p. 3).
Making sure workers are happy can only have positive effects for the company but it is a multistep
process that requires commitment from ever manager involved. Coming up with ways to increase
worker satisfaction is only part of the work; implementing these policies and making it come to life
is the challenge and the greatest responsibility. For example, employers creating a diverse
environment can lessen feelings of discrimination. Any opportunity to represent the workers' best
interest will always win their
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Kirksville, Missouri, Dr. Seuss
inding Diversity in Kirksville, Missouri Dr. Seuss once said, "Today you are you, that is truer than
true. There is no one else who is youer than you." I think this statement makes a great testament to
the greatness of being a diversified people. People are classified negatively by their race, gender,
economic status, and many more categories, but what someone views as a weakness just might be
another's strength. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines diversity as "the condition of having or
being composed of differing elements, especially the inclusion of different types of people in a
group or organization." I agree with this definition, but I don't know that it fully covers the multiple
aspects that go into the topic of diversity. My experiences this semester in class, in my observation
hours, and in my diversity hours have allowed me to see a wider definition of diversity than I ever
knew. Before this course, I never really paid much attention to the diversity around me. I grew up in
a small, mostly white and Catholic community that didn't offer much diversity, but being in
Kirksville and getting involved in the activities has opened my eyes to the wonders that this city has.
I first began noticing diversity when I volunteered at the Adair County Library. Although I was just
shelving books in the children section, I couldn't help but listen in on some conversations and watch
the children delight in their reading. During my time at the library I realized that
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Banning Books Should Be Banned Essay
Banned Books: Is Your Favorite Book Next?
Did you know books in schools everywhere, even The Dictionary, are banned? It is true, books are
banned in schools due to mild language, sexual content, and inappropriate text. On the contrary,
people argue that banning books prevent students' from having full freedom to read whatever they
want. Robert P. Doyle and Sharon Coatney stand with pro banning books, they both believe that
banning books is for the benefit of the children and parents should see that and appreciate the
school's decision. However, the parents are rightfully in charge of their children and their children
alone. Another child shouldn't have to reap the consequences of another parents choice for their kid.
Banning books are for the benefit of the children, but are they really benefiting them? Or are they
just preventing them from being able to read freely?
The first side of this debate claims that banning books is for the good of the students, and parents
should be happy that the school cares about the students and what they are reading. Robert P. Doyle
shares his opinion about books and how they are banned because of the mild use of language, sexual
content, and text against the government (Doyle). "So, in 1939, they wrote the "Library Bill of
Rights," which begins to articulate the library community's philosophical position regarding
censorship" (Doyle). "For the book community, it wasn't political content so much as sexual content
that created censorship challenges and ultimately brought the issue to the attention of the courts"
(Doyle). Doyle is the author of an article entitled "The American Experience", he expresses his
opinion for Pro banned books using statements such as above. Banning books is always for the
benefit of the students, schools don't ban them because they want to, there is always a reason for
banning the book. Along with Doyle, Sharon Coatney agrees that banning books is for the good of
students. Banning Books is always a shame, but necessary. Children are under the protection of the
school, therefore if a parent complains about a book being inappropriate for children, the school will
be blamed. Sharon Coatney, the author from "Banned Books: A School Librarian's Perspective"
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What Make's Up One's Identity?
Thesis statement; There are a great deal of factors that altogether form one's identity, the most
relevant and main ones are culture, which includes nationality as well as religion, intellect,
personality, and world exposure.
I. Culture is a crucial factor when it comes to forming one's identity. A. The characteristics of our
country of origin. * The power that our nationality has on our person. * The language, our culinary
traditions, clothing etc. B. Religion. * The values. * The traditions.
II. Ways of interpreting situations and our personality, strongly mirror who we are. A. The elements
that formed our intellect. * Education and upbringing. * Political views, as well as other ideas ...
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Furthermore, there are local recipes that we learn which even as used as "comfort foods" to cure
homesickness. There are traditional dances, for example the flamenco in Spain, the "dabke" in
Lebanon or the French
Can–Can, outfits and holidays the country celebrates, especially independence day. To sum up, all of
these elements make up one's nationality, which contributes to one's culture. Culture is not only
formed through one's nationality, but also by his religion. Even though some individuals believe that
religion is not really a very significant part in one's identity, I believe that it is crucial and that it is
present in most of our decisions. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or even Atheist, this is
a major characteristic of your identity. Religions first of all come with a set of values and rules we
should follow. For example, a
Muslim woman, should refrain from wearing revealing clothes, and preferably should wear an
"abbaye" and headscarf, in order to respect her and others; she should not have sexual relations
before marriage. Men or women are not allowed to be homosexual, which actually is a value for
many religions, they should pray five times a day, go do a pilgrimage in Mecca once in their
lifetime, Buddhist are to consider the cow as sacred etc. The values are, like many other religions;
not to sin, to pray and be good to one another. On the other
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The Side Effects Of Social Medi Causes And Consites
On average, one person will spend five years and four months in their lifetime on social media alone
(Asano). Social media is defined as "forms of electronic communication through which users create
online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other such content" by the
Merriam Webster Dictionary. There are lots of platforms out there such as Facebook, Snapchat,
Instagram, Twitter, etc. Our society chooses not to see the side effects of the mass amounts of time
spent on social media instead of socializing with the people face–to–face. Through the use of social
media platforms, people isolate themselves from their peers and society causing as increase in
bullying, anxiety, and depression. When a person spends more than two hours on social media,
studies have shown he or she will have an increased feeling of isolation compared to those who
spend less time on social media (Hobson). People spend 116 minutes on social media four short
minutes under two hours (Asano). The purpose of social media is to be able to talk to anyone in
world and to keep in touch with friends that live hours away, but in the end, we feel more isolated
than before. Although social media causes us to feel more isolated, many adults do not realize it and
turn to social media to decrease their sense of isolation when it only causes the isolation to surge
(Hobson). The isolation from social media is a vicious cycle; people go on social media trying to
feel less isolated to end up
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Essay about What is Plagiarism
Because students often are confused about what is and is not plagiarism, I have prepared this
handout to help you understand what is acceptable. There are some gray areas and if you have any
questions, ask your instructor. Plagiarism is very serious and it can be grounds for failure in a
course. So ask first.
Another important point is that as you progress in your education the standards become higher. As a
College student you are expected to have your own ideas. To read information and explain it in your
words. If you complete an assignment by copying material, you are not showing that you understand
something. Only that you can repeat what the textbook says. This does not show that you
Lets start ... Show more content on ...
For short quotes, use quotation marks in the sentence. An example is "CFC's: These
substances are also of concern in connection with the destruction of stratospheric ozone"
[Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 19)]
b. For longer quotes it is appropriate to indent the entire passage:
Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs: These substances are also of concern in connection with the destruction
of stratospheric ozone (Chapter 2). Like N2O, they have no tropospheric sinks, but are infrared
absorbers. Up to 1984, the tropospheric concentrations of three of the major commercial CFCs...
[Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 19)]
Another reason to use references is to show where you get information from. When you state a fact,
unless it is "general knowledge," you should say where it comes from. Otherwise, a
careful reader will have no way to verify your statement. It may be subjective to decide what is
"general knowledge" but keep in mind who is your audience. As an example what is
your reaction to the statement:
Wetlands emit 150 million tons of methane each year [Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry
(Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 18)].
Without the reference, why should you believe me?
The above examples may seem obvious. If you use something word for word it MUST be
acknowledged. Things start to get a bit gray when you paraphrase. There is
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The Word Perseverance Is Necessary For The Lack Of...
Everyday, people struggle to get through simple tasks due to the lack of perseverance. Merriam
Webster 's dictionary definition for the word perseverance is "a continued effort to do or achieve
something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition." In terms of usage, perseverance is used as a
noun that comes from Latin origin with per– meaning through, and severus– meaning sever.
Synonyms of the word consist of persist or to carry on, while antonyms are to give up or to quit.
Perseverance is an important trait due to the fact that without it, nothing will get achieved. As soon
as you run into trouble you will show weakness and just give up. Temple Grandin, a woman with
autism never gave up. She had to process the world in a different way ... Show more content on ...
A second example from Temple Grandin would be when she could not figure out how to build a
model of a distorted house. Temple tried many different designs and failed many different times. But
that is how she got her results. Trial and error states that you need to fail before you can succeed.
That is how her life was and how ours should be. Temple came across hurdles but she leaped over
the top of them all because eventually with enough time and effort, she succeeded. She thrived in the
face of adversity by continuing to try them over and over again. At this rate nothing could stop her.
She used the haters and motivation and fuel to keep the fire inside her heart burning. They all
doubted her and said she would never accomplish anything, she ended up proving them all wrong.
Now just as Temple Grandin was an inspiration to us all, so is another woman named Melba Pattillo
Beals. Melba was one of the first nine african american students to integrate an all white school. So
as you can imagine, the citizens and parents of the Little Rock High School were not happy about
the integration. A quote on page 167 from the book, Warriors Don't Cry says, "The boys were brash
and bold, behaving as if they feared no consequences." This quote shows how terribly treated Melba
was. She was cussed at, physically abused, burned, spit on, and just broken down to the bone. But
she didn't let it get to her. It shows the author 's purpose because Melba would not show weakness.
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Classical Music : Is It Relevant Or Not?
Classical Music: Is it Relevant or Not?
Julia, a teen music lover, on one of her classes, is required to listen to classical music. Upon
listening, she concludes that it is too boring for her taste despite being a music lover and thought to
herself, "Why do I need to listen to classical music? What is the purpose of classical music? Is it
really relevant to our music industry today?" Unbeknownst to her, classical music exists and is
studied and performed for a reason.
What is classical music? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, classical music is defined as
"serious or conventional music that follow long established principles, more specifically, music
written in the European tradition, when forms such as the symphony, concerto, and sonata were
standardized"; but most people would associate it with background music or elitist music. Although
classical music is considered irrelevant and boring, it serves as a historical record of the life and
times of days past, a trainer for developing brains, and the foundation for all our contemporary
Classical music serves as a historical record of the life and times of days past. It also has its own
noble history like the rest of the music types and takes up a large chunk of the history of not just
world music, but also world history. One can say that there are other types of music that are a part of
history, however, classical music is the basis of them all since it is the foundation of all music.
Historians are able to
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How Social Media Has On People?
What can society do to change the effects social media has on people? Is there anything out there?
Yes, rehab is the solution to the ever–rising problem in social media. Now, I know this may seem
extreme, but just hear me out before the idea become brushed off. Some may be asking rehab is for
addictions, and that is correct but social media is an addiction. According to the Meriam Webster
Dictionary the definition of addiction is, "[a] compulsive need for and use of a habit–forming
substance" (Dictionary). Social media fits into the definition of an addiction; so why not treat it like
one. "How to get rid of your addiction." written by the Hindustan Times shows the steps on how to
get rid of an addiction:
Detoxification: To counter ... Show more content on ...
A positive environment can lead to a security blanket in times of need. George M. Riley a
psychologist wrote an article about self–esteem, social media, and how they intertwine, "Due to
accessibility problems in working with the children 's school and peer relationships...The family
could benefit from parent training in praise and encouragement, providing support and nurturance,
and setting limits which are consistently enforced" (Riley). Security is very important in a person's
life knowing that people care about another person gives them hope, and a feeling of being loved. A
positive environment has improved the health of people mentally, and physically. While it may seem
hard to see it but that is what a mother does to her child when the child is sick. Gives them a positive
environment, taking care of them and slowly heal back to normal health. Positive environments lead
to a more positive personality, if those people who send out negative comments changed their
personality to become positive social media would not be as big of a problem.
Other solutions are out there but they are not the best ones available. Redbook recently published an
article called "Break Your Family 's Tech Addiction." In this article evidence of not so effective
solutions appear, "That means imagination–based fun that kids can figure out and enjoy with
minimal supervision. Try blocks, sketchpads, and scrapbooking materials. Plan a trip
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Contract Analysis Essay
Contract Analysis BUSI 561 – Spring D Emerald Jones I would continue doing business with
Marshall as long as we come to an agreement on a new contract. This understanding will provide us
clarity on this partnership we are going to continue to have while doing business. Marshall is a good
person and I would like to see his company continue to flourish as well as his spirituality. However
if Marshall does not agree with the terms of a new contract business between us will cease. There
are risks involved with discontinuing business with Marshall as he may file a lawsuit against me for
various reasons. If it comes to that some legal defense I may have include; covenants of good faith,
minor's capacity to contract and fraud in the ... Show more content on ...
In the month preceding my son signing the contract he then turned 18, in which I was still unaware
of the contract in standing. This in turn leads to grounds of fraud in the execution of a contract. As
defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary fraud is "any act, expression, omission, or concealment
calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage" (Merriam Webster Dictionary). I feel by
giving my son the contract instead of me, Marshall was concealing his intentions and has ulterior
motives aware that I had no knowledge of it. Otherwise I feel he would have given it to me
personally and not my son in the first place. My son is a part–time employee and not the designated
decision maker for the company. Every prior agreement that was made was done solely between
Marshall and myself. Why would he now out of nowhere give my son who he has never made
previous agreements with a contract to sign on my behalf? There could be something within
Marshall's contract that I as the company's decision maker do not agree with. Marshall's contract
was given fraudulently he stated this contract was "just a formality" however the contract should
have been reviewed and signed by me. The legal causes of actions Marshall may bring against my
company include; Section 2–306
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What Makes A Mentor?
When you're a teenager, you need someone to look up to, you need a mentor. You need an
inspiration. This person can be anyone. It could be a teacher, a friend, a sibling, a parent, an aunt or
uncle, a grandparent, anyone. For me, this person is my dance teacher Erica Ireland. Webster 's
Dictionary defines a mentor as "someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced
and often younger person." Erica fits into that definition. Not only is she my mentor, but she is also
my inspiration. Webster's Dictionary defines an inspiration as "something that makes someone want
to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create", or "a force or influence
that inspires someone", as well as "a person, place, ... Show more content on ...
Whenever you are feeling down, this person is right by your side, and knows exactly what to say. At
this point in my life especially, I need someone that is going to be a good influence. I need to know
that there's someone that is a quick phone call or text message away.
An inspirational person isn't necessarily someone that just "makes you want to do or create
something." It's a person that you look up to. We often mimic what our inspiration does. We want to
be just like them. You see your inspiration and you think to yourself, "How can I be more like
them?"; you are constantly thriving to do things how they do it. This person may often take risks or
leaps of faith. You observe them, watch them do whatever it is, and it encourages you to want to do
that thing as well. These inspirational people often give you helpful hints in how to go about life by
sharing personal experiences, making them very relatable. Often times a mentor can also be an
inspiration, but your inspirational person isn't always a mentor. The biggest influential mentor in my
life (aside from my parents) is Erica Ireland by far. Erica is my dance teacher and has always been
that person who can make me smile when I'm having one of the worst days. Not only that, but she's
someone that will listen and will make sure that I know everything is going to be okay. She's been
my dance teacher for only about four years, but ever since I started dancing at Studio Dance, I
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Change, the Essence of Human Condition
Change, the Essence of Human Condition Throughout the existence of man, a desire for change has
been ever present. The proof for emotional transition is reflected through creative mediums such as
prose. To answer such a question, "Is change possible", the analysis of an exampled work would
serve helpful. To fully understand if change is indeed plausible, the examination of how a common
person would attempt such a task is necessary. When dissecting the meaning of change, it is to "give
a different position, course, or direction." (Webster's Dictionary). In reference to this phenomenon
on a global scale, the winds of change have commonly been used. The speaker in the poem begins
his quest for change on a large scale by targeting global society. When dissecting the meaning of
society, it is "an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized
patterns or relationships through interaction with one another" (Webster's Dictionary). It is in this
structure where reorganization is most needed and easily observed. The common man in this poem
ultimately fails to create a transformation at this level. His inability to create an alteration on such a
massive scale causes him to search for other slightly more minute levels in which he may be able to
make an impact. After his failed attempt to change the world, the speaker moves on to a smaller
level, his nation. Ultimately a nation is still a form of society, not the smallest form of society, but it
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Sportsmanship : A Sport Fairly And Loses Gracefully
Casey Harral
English 1101–23
Sylvia Johnson
November 2, 2015
"One who plays a sport fairly and loses gracefully" is how The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines
sportsmanship, but what is true Sportsmanship considered to you? Is it an attitude, or simply an act?
Sportsmanship can be handled in several different ways. It's how one team handles another on and
off the field. Simply it could also be said as just the way you handle the game in general after a
tough loss, or after an easy win, it how your demeanor is during and after a game. Sportsmanship
can be an Individual, as a team, as a community, or at a deeper meaning all of them together.
Sportsmanship has evolved greatly over the years. Sportsmanship is known as a couple different
names including; professionalism, and showmanship. Unsportsmanlike conduct, this results in a 15–
yard penalty, such as excessive celebration during a game after a score or a well–made play. For
serious instances of unsportsmanlike behavior such as fighting, there are fines, suspensions, and
bans from games, or even tournaments, and championships. These are all examples of poor
sportsmanship. The number one question is why suffer through penalties or pay thousands of dollars
in fines when you can just keep a calm head? Good sportsmanship is the most important aspect of a
game. Sometimes games will get personal and tension will rise very quickly even when the game is
close and a lot is on the line therefore, sportsmanship must be
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Sexism, Defined By Webster’S Dictionary Is “Prejudice Or
Sexism, defined by Webster's dictionary is "prejudice or discrimination based on sex"(Merriam
Webster). Though the dictionary is said to be reliable and accurate when it comes to definitions,
there is something wrong with how it defines sexism. Sexism is in actuality prejudice and
discrimination, but towards women, not to both sexes. Living in a patriarchal society, sexism
towards men cannot exist, because it would contradict what living in a patriarchal society means.
Racism is also defined as "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and
capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"(Merriam
Webster), however, white people cannot experience racism because racism affects ... Show more
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To say that being a girl is an insult is saying that being a girl is the worst thing a person can be.
There are so many things a woman should and should not be and often both of those standards
contradict themselves. A woman should be a lady, meaning she should dress in "respectable modest"
clothing and be pure before marriage, but she should not reject any man, or she is a prude and stuck
up. Women should be sexual, but only when their partner or husband want them to be. If a woman
sleeps around she has no respect for herself, but a man sleeping around is automatically a stud.
Women are expected to want to be mothers and have a family but breastfeeding in public is still a
debate. Society is uncomfortable seeing breasts used for what they were intended for, but will
happily pick up a Victoria 's Secret catalog or Playboy magazine to see breasts for their own
enjoyment. Breasts are acceptable as long as it is for society's sexual pleasure, but a woman being
too revealing on her own is seen as a self–disrespecting, attention seeking whore.
Though society sexualizes women in every way possible, they are looked to in disgust when they
are sexual and promiscuous for themselves. When it comes to sexual health, people have problem if
contraceptives, which can be used for things other than sex related reasons, are government funded
because that would mean taxpayers are paying for women to have sex despite the fact that "Viagra
costs roughly $10 per single dose. Oral
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Ethics, Ethical, And Unethical Behavior
Trident University Kaipo Kim Module 1 Case Assignment Eth501 Professor: Gary Shelton, Ph. D. 6
November 2016 Introduction Organizations that behave ethically are more apt to earn the trust of
their customers, employees, and stockholders. To become successful and hold a great reputation
within any company, one must know right from wrong, but more importantly make those hard
decisions to do what is right. Once a member within a corporation starts to cheat, steal, and coerce
the system, it becomes a domino effect that leaves devastating ramifications. We will discuss issues
like falsifying financial statements, improper use of company funds, ethical behaviors and unethical
behaviors. Fairness The first virtue that I choose to discuss within this paper is the word fairness.
Fair is defined as "agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable; treating people in a way
that does not favor some over others; not too harsh or critical" (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.).
With this simple definition, Mattel founded Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP), whose intent
was to identify and fix issues within their companies like wages an hours, child labor, forced labor,
discrimination, freedom of association, legal and ethical business practices, product safety and
product quality, just to name a few ( XX). Mattel set the standards of becoming a socially
responsible corporation by putting into place GMP that ensured their corporation not only made
money, but also treated
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Descriptive Essay About Friends
"What are friends for?" that phrase keep repeating as my classmates utter these words. I hear it
almost every time, am I happy about it? It just seems like I am 'forced' to do what my classmates
pleased. "What if you do not want to?" that other thought keep repeating as well but sadly no words
can express them. In the end, I pick up the load and do the work. Yes, I am held and tied to the wall.
What should I do about this? Are they my friends – real friends?
New school. A classmate of the same age walks up to you and says "Hi! You must be new here. Do
not be worried, you will have a great day!" Joy fills your heart. "It will be a great day" you may say.
As months go by, you noticed that that friend of yours acts mischievous and odd as if there is
something up with that kid. Suddenly, those classmates of yours try getting things to please and
satisfy them. They pick on you as if you were so toy that they can throw. Playing with your
emotions, as if you feel emotionless. Laugh at you, you are just not smart like them. You want to cry
out what your heart desires. As you were about to speak, you suddenly just dust off the idea because
no one will hear you. No one would want to listen to your opinion. You can no longer forbear the
You helped your friend with all that he or she needs and when you ask for help, they do not even
look at you in the eye. In turn, your supposed friends get all the popularity, fame and adoration from
others. You never know, they
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What Is The Status Of Liberty Is It?
Manleen Singh
October 6th, 2014
Question 2: What is the status of liberty in Hobbes' argument? What kind of liberty is it?
According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, liberty is defined as, "the state or condition of people
who are able to act and speak freely (Merriam–Webster)." Very similarly, In the Leviathan, Thomas
Hobbes defines liberty as a man who can act freely. It is significant to note however that Hobbes'
definition of theory is not stagnant. Hobbes' theory of liberty changes under a sovereign (state of
society) and he rejects the existence of true liberty in a state of nature (no ruler). Thus, he only
defines liberty in a state of society and defines it as the ability to act according to one's will without
being physically hindered from performing that act (Harrington, 2005). More specifically, this form
of liberty that is explained by Hobbes is negative liberty, which Merriam Webster dictionary defines
as freedom from intrusion by exogenous forces. Negative liberty principally deals with freedom
from external limitation in the Leviathan (Harrington, 2005).
According to Hobbes, the status of liberty is contingent upon the existence of a ruler. Under a
sovereign leader all subjects have absolute liberty. Hobbes says that subjects are completely free
because the only chains restraining them are laws passed by the ruler and the social contract, which
to both they prescribed powers and willingly gave up rights to for security.). However these
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Stealing Should Have Taught You Essay
When you were younger, your parents tried to teach you–or should have tried to teach you–that
stealing is wrong and could get you in trouble. The definition of stealing, according to Webster's
dictionary, is to take another person's property without permission or legal right without intending to
return it. Another thing parents should have taught you is the lesson on losing thing. "Don't misplace
that, you might need it later!" or "Don't forget where that" whatever it was "is!" and hopefully you
learned! The definition of losing, this also according to Webster's dictionary, is to be unable to find.
What happens when you mix the two? See, to this day, I don't count it as stealing. I swear I had the
intention to return the book! I would never steal anything, especially not from a teacher. I wasn't that
immature, even in first grade. ... Show more content on ...
Fisher, had this corner in her classroom that had bookshelves. The bookshelves were set up in line
with the wall in a way that created it's own little "room". She called it her "Classroom Library". The
deal with this "library" at, which we had learned at the beginning of the year, was that we could
"checkout" any book we wanted, one at a time, if we asked her. Throughout the year we learned that
this was not the case.
Students would go up to her and ask, "May I borrow this book, Mrs. Fisher?" The answer was very
rarely yes.
While I had asked her for a book a few times before, our regular school library lacking this book on
their many shelves, "No," that was always her answer.
"Mrs. Fisher, May I borrow this?" I would ask.
"No, you may not." would be her answer every time. No one understood, and I suppose that I still
don't completely get it
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Essay On Classical Music
Classical Music: Is it Relevant or Not?
Beethoven. Mozart. Chopin. Liszt. Handel. Bach. When one hears these names, what comes to
mind? Classical music. What is classical music? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary,
classical music is defined as "serious or conventional music that follow long established principles,
more specifically, music written in the European tradition, when forms such as the symphony,
concerto, and sonata were standardized"; but most people would associate it to background music or
elitist music. Although classical music is considered irrelevant and boring, it serves as a historical
record of the life and times of days past, a trainer for developing brains, and the foundation for all
our contemporary music.
Classical music serves as a historical record of the life and times of days past. It also has its own
noble history like the rest of the music types and takes up a large chunk of the history of not just
world ... Show more content on ...
First, almost all music today focuses on self–expression. Self–expression came from the romantic
era in classical music where composers went from the strict format and composed according to their
feelings. "Composers designed freely, relying on feelings rather than set musical law" (Little, 2014).
Second, another classical music practice is the chorus. According to Merriam Webster's Dictionary,
chorus is "a part of a song that is repeated after each verse, typically by more than one singer". "The
classical era first produced the chorus" (Little, 2014). This means that classical music influenced
almost every genre of modern music. The most important of all is the classical music's contribution
to our foundations of music theory. The very tonality of music was developed from the beginnings
of classical music. It was the time when music theorists figured out a way for music to be pleasant to
our ears. If not for it, we would not be enjoying our music
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The Symbolism of Eating and Food in Bartleby, The...
"Bartleby, The Scrivener" is a memorable story, by Herman Melville, that is able to keep its readers
captivated from beginning to end. How does the author successfully grab the attention of his
readers? The author utilized his masterful command of the English language to convey the
characters, setting, and plot effectively; and in the midst of all the detailed descriptions Melville
have used food and the action of eating as powerful symbols. In the story three of the characters
have names that are associated with food, and the main character of study, Bartleby, eventually dies
of starvation by choice. Given the setting of the story was in the onset of the second industrial
revolution, the coming of the big corporations where Wall ... Show more content on
They were striped of the regular human emotions and were created merely as puppets to assist the
delivery of other symbolic means. The names of Turkey, Ginger Nut and Nippers were symbolic
nicknames the characters had of each other, they fit their physical and personality characteristics. On
a deeper level the lawyer may also hinted that they were insignificant figures, the lawyer never even
used their real names and their real names were never introduced, they were just a few of many
scriveners in the lawyer's memory.
Turkey is a short and overweight English man around 60 years old. He is named turkey because
when he is angry his neck would turn red almost resembles a turkey. His mood changes as sure as
time would pass day after day. He is very effective in the morning and becomes less and less so in
the afternoon. He would start getting easily distracted and frustrated maybe due to intoxication.
Turkey had a troubled state of finance can be perceived as someone of being caged by the repetitive
work yet has not been able to improve his living standard. Turkey wears clothes that "look oily and
smell of eating houses." (Melville 125) Even when the lawyer tried to give him an used, but nice
looking coat, Turkey's response was described as "precisely as a rash, restive horse is said to feel his
oats, so Turkey felt his coat, restive horse is said to feel his oats, so Turkey felt his coat." (Melville
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Privacy, As Defined By The Merriam-Webster’S Dictionary
Privacy, as defined by the Merriam–Webster's Dictionary is, "the quality or state of being apart from
company or observation"("Merriam–Webster," 2011), and "freedom from unauthorized intrusion"
("Merriam–Webster," 2011). Interestingly, the Constitution of the United States does not expressly
protect a person 's right to privacy! There are however some provisions to privacy within the Bill of
Right and the Amendments to the Constitution that do. Among them are the first amendment, that
ensures the privacy or belief, the third Amendment, that guarantees the privacy of the home, and the
fourth amendment, that guarantees the privacy of person and possession.
It is the fourth amendment that this paper looks at in the context of the State of ... Show more
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The obvious first answer is, do not break the law! Interestingly, if one plans on breaking the law,
they should not consent to a search and keep you illegal activity out of view of law enforcement
from any angle.
Looking at the case of the State of California versus Dante Ciraolo. On September 2, 1982,
Detective John Schutz of the Santa Clara Police Department received an anonymous phone
complaint about someone growing marijuana in their yard. Detective Schutz, a member of the
Narcotics Division, went to the location given by the caller to investigate. When he arrived at the
intersection of Stebbins Avenue and Clark Avenue, he noticed the residence at 2085 Clark Avenue.
From his location on the street (figure 1) Detective Schultz observed a six–foot privacy fence with
an inner fence of about ten feet in height, as such, Detective Schultz could not see any evidence of
any marijuana cultivation or other criminal activity. Based on his training Detective Schultz knew
marijuana growers frequently used greenhouses, fencing, or other means to obscure the view of the
illegal activities to avoid arrest. Undeterred with his finding on the ground, Detective Schultz along
with Narcotics Agent R. Rodriguez chartered an airplane and flew over the residence at 2085 Clark
Avenue. From an altitude of one thousand feet, both could visually see marijuana plants growing in
the back yard behind the tall fence (figure
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Argumentative Essay On Homework Should Be Banned
We've all been there, get home and start that night's homework right away. I work for two hours and
it's time for dinner so I take a 30 minute break and then resume homework. Finally the homework is
finished and it's nine o'clock before I have even showered, get ready for the next day, or just relax.
This is all assuming that there are no sports that day or that you have a social life. With all the
schools looking to push start times back an hour or two we go to sleep later that much later and still
don't see our family for more than an hour a day. I have done extensive research on the numerous
harmful effects of homework and the very few pros. I hope to inform you of the problems of
homework and why it should be banned worldwide. ... Show more content on ...
According to assignment "it's believed homework first began in ancient roman times."
Furthermore homework started out as simple memorization just to keep the mind disciplined, but
slowly became more complex and stressful to the students as it became worth more of a grade and
more difficult. Talking about everything is our strong suit so with a problem as big as homework,
why haven't we discussed it? It needs to be talked about and discussed in depth looking at all the
pros and cons of it. "Have you ever heard a speaker or attended a workshop wherein the negative
effects of homework were highlighted or noted? (Yes = 0 No = 247)" (Gale Group, 17). Those 247
teachers were from different schools in that survey. Teachers are oblivious to what they're doing to
students. No one has talked about what they are assigning, why they assign it, if they don't assign
homework; then how their test scores compare to others of the same subject. Furthermore all
teachers say that homework helps their students comprehend and learn. Upon closer inspection, I
noticed that not one of them has released any facts stating that homework is actually helping their
students over other teachers with less homework. "There is no evidence that any amount of
homework improves the academic performance of elementary–school students" (Scholar Cooper, 5).
Maybe If they talk about homework, then they may be able to come up with facts or percentages;
... Get more on ...
Argumentative Speech About Silence
" _____________________ " In this moment, billions of sounds are being made. Also in this
moment, billions of those sounds being made, are voices. And billions of those voices, are talking,
right now. Oh my goodness, I had such a good breakfast this morning! I had pancakes, eggs, bacon–
Oh but riding the subway this morning was atrocious! SO many people, and I was so uncomfortable
–But you'll never believe how gorgeous my 8–month–old sister's hair is becoming, I'm so envious I
could DIE– And I wanted to tell you, I have this friend Matt (best baker EVER), and he made a
killer batch of crunchy cookies this week. I still have one to eat later! AND on another note.....My
cousin just became a "metal mouth." Which is crazy, because I can relate, ... Show more content on ...
It's a way to reflect back on life and take things in. A way to focus on what matters. Often I find
myself lost in all the schoolwork, and after–school activities I'm not prepared for, and even just my
emotions sometimes. Though talking about it does help, I've found that what truly helps me get back
on track is just sitting with my thoughts, the soft tick of a clock somewhere, the occasional purr of a
car engine from my window. And if I sit there long enough, I can't even hear my thoughts. It's just
simply quiet, and all I feel is this peace that has risen up of the noiseless environment I have put
... Get more on ...
Who Is Brutus A Villain
The Villainous Brutus ¨A villain is one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty,¨ according to
Merriam Webster Dictionary. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus can be clearly
identified as the one to blame for Caesar's tragic death and for majorly affecting the plot of the story
in doing so. Brutus was not villainous for his intentions towards the people of Rome but instead
became villainous when he chose to end Caesar's life without a reputable conflict to go off of. This
goes to show that many of the evils in the world are not cloaked devils, but sometimes the friends
right under the nose that are deemed honorable and brave. As an example, Brutus fears for the safety
of the Roman people and as a result, is known to be beloved by many fellow Romans and
conspiritors alike. When Casca refers to Brutus on page 837, he states ¨O, he sits high in all the
people's hearts; And that which would appear offense in us, will change to virtue and to worthiness¨.
Due to this, Brutus is a worthy candidate to undermine the Roman ... Show more content on ...
This is still no parallel to the fact that Brutus plugged many Romans in despair and multiple
grievances upon losing the desired ruler in such a heinous way. Murder is still murder whether or
not it can be sugar coated to appease and justify or not. This ¨noble Roman¨ was kind enough to
want to give Caesar a gentle death when he pleads the killing should be ¨boldly, but not
wrathfully,"and ẗhe men will be ¨sacrificers, not butchers¨(846). The only problem here is that this is
not a mercy killing. This death is caused by fear and the need to do what has falsely been identified
as the best solution. Caesar is stabbed multiple times by his most trusted friends, quite literally in the
back, and tragically dies in front of his people. The gentle and subtle nature is never present from
start to
... Get more on ...

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Walt Whitman Is A Master Of Words And A Capable Commander

  • 1. Walt Whitman Is A Master Of Words And A Capable Commander Walt Whitman was born on May 31, 1819. By the age of twelve "Whitman began to learn the printer's trade, and fell in love with the written word," ("Walt Whitman" 1). Later he found employment in journalism. He worked at different newspapers and founded one of his own; a weekly paper called the Long–Islander. In 1855 he began publishing his poetry and today is known as "America's world poet," ("Walt Whitman" 1). Whitman is a master of words and a capable commander in chief of the English vernacular. This ability to create masterpieces in just a few lines is evident in a poem he published in 1865 entitled When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer. By employing vocabulary that has an immense amount of meaning he is able to bring the page to life and bring meaning to an inconsequential occurrence. The first word that candidly confronts you is "learn'd". It appears in the title and is the fifth word in the poem. The word "learn'd", especially with the spelling he chose, conveys much more than it's literal definition. According to the Oxford Reference Online database, it means "Having great learning in the law." The Merriam Webster Dictionary expands that definition slightly, by stating its definition as "having or showing a lot of learning, education, or knowledge – used to describe something that people get or have because of learning or experience." He uses the abbreviated term "learn'd" to let the reader know that the professor is knowledgeable in his field but also to convey ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. How Technology Has Changed Our Society With time the mind has expanded and has created things our society could have never imagined were possible. In the last century technology has flourished due the changes in the way the mind works. These new technological inventions have proved to be very helpful in day–to–day basis. Children utilize computers, cell phones, and television to their learning advantage. The way children are developing is very different than children of past generations because of the new technology they are growing up with (Taylor). As the use of technology increases amongst all age groups, there is evidence that shows it impacts children intellectually and socially. People are starting to use technology at a younger age. Now it is common to see a five year old with their own cell phone. Schools are giving their students laptops and Ipads leading to an increase the time spent using electronics. Devices that were once considered a luxury are now considered toys for children. A survey done by the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that on average children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend about 53 hours a week using numerous electronics (Nusca). Children have many reasons to use these devices, such as schoolwork, or social communication. Children are greatly influenced by technology on an intellectual level because their brains are still developing. The young mind has room to evolve; this makes it an easy target for the technology industry. Whether it is at school or at home, the generation that ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Hero In Beowulf The Hero A hero is not just the title of an action–packed kung–fu flick with subtitles. A hero these days has many meanings; depending on the time and reason that person is called a hero. According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition becomes very broad. It starts as being "a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability" and becomes "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities." The last definition listed is probably the most modern of the many, being "an object of extreme admiration and devotion." These definitions are in the same order as listed in the dictionary, but also seem to be chronologically listed as well, because overtime the meaning of the ... Show more content on ... Fortunately enough, most likely because the author was most likely a Christian, Gawain confessed his sins, repented and made everything all better. Back in Beowulf's time, the cool thing to do was ravage and pillage, destroy everything in sight so you can get a cool title in front of your name. This might have still been the case during Gawain's time, but now the new trend is to repent the numerous sins you committed so you can go to heaven when you kick the bucket. So here we see firsthand the evolution of the hero, over just a few hundred years, based on changes in social behavior, and apparently the role of religion in people's lives. Religion plays a major role in the development of the hero. As a matter of fact, religion relies heavily upon heroes, and is actually based on the need for a hero in everyday life. When a whole society or region admires one person and follows their example, people will model themselves after their adored hero. Therefore, whatever religion this hero follows will suddenly become increasingly popular with their supporters. This is essentially the same concept used by market–smart clothing designers. When some glamorous individual wears a certain style or name brand, it suddenly becomes "the cool thing to do," and everybody jumps on the bandwagon, because everybody wants to be like that person. This can be extremely useful in the development of a growing religion, in order to gain followers I that ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Benefits Of Community Service In a college student's life, there are a million things that can keep students from serving their community. Between an after–school job, homework and social life. All of these are some of the "excuses" or the "responsibilities" many students claim to have. We never fully realize how much help our neighborhood may need help until we become involved. The question is: Should college students be required to do Community service in order to graduate? Community service refers to "service that a person performs for the benefit of his or her local community" and is done without pay, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. Performing community service is not the same as volunteering since it is not always done voluntarily. It may be done for a variety of reasons: Certain schools require students to complete community service as part of a class requirement, or in order to graduate or to become a member of a group. In society adults tend to participate in community service as a way to help others and at times depending of certain circustances a judge might order certain individuals to participate in their community as well. There are even government programs that offer free dental care in exchange for community service. Some Community service examples include: helping out at a soup kitchen, tutoring, planting a garden, visiting a retirement center and reading to the residents, driving older people to their appointments, collenting and donating school supplies and making first ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Samuel Langhorne... Alexis Timm Mrs. Mirosh 1st hour English 11 21 February 2017 To Read or Not To Read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel published by Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by his pen name as Mark Twain, in 1884. The story is more than just a story however as many adults, parents, and educators believe that this book is unfit for a classroom setting. What they are unable or (unwilling) to see are the benefits of reading and analyzing this story. It allows students to understand history in context as well as understanding the vernacular of the time, it also allows opportunities for discussing conflicting views and controversial issues in a safe and controlled environment. History can be a vague concept to study and understand. ... Show more content on ... (Leigh, Punchnels) While that is alright for a school to do that, and they have every right to do so, kids will come into contact with words like that again and they cannot be protected forever. For example, Huckleberry Finn has been banned in schools nationwide for using the word 'nigger' two– hundred and nineteen times over the course of the novel. (News, CBS) Many people have backed up and valid arguments for banning the book and they are entitled to their opinions. Some parents do not wish for their children to be exposed to the content in the story at the age of the child when the book is introduced. Violence and sexual themes in all forms of media have found their ways to today's youth. In just the 32 years Banned Books week has been acknowledged, over 11,000 books have been challenged. (Leigh, Punchnels) The presence of witchcraft, encouragement of 'damaging' lifestyles, violence, and negativity are all reasons that books have been challenged in the United States. All schools and educational institutions of any sort have a policy regarding the selection of instructional materials. The Denali Borough School District in Alaska is a school system that opened up to talk about their policy. Alaska is one of the few states in the United States that allows schools to more or less govern themselves, giving them soft standards ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Benefits Of Community Service In a college student's life, there are many obstacles that can keep students from doing what they love and enjoy; an after school job, homework and social life. All of these may keep students from taking a look at their own communities. Some may never realize how much their neighborhood may need help until they become the ones with the helping hands. The question is: Should college students be required to do Community service in order to graduate? Community service refers to "service that a person performs for the benefit of his or her local community" and is done without pay, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. Performing community service is not the same as volunteering since it is not always done voluntarily. It may be done for a variety of reasons: Some students are required to complete community service as part of a class requirement, or in order to graduate, or to become a member of certain organizations. Adults also participate in community service as a way to help others or if they are ordered to do so by a judge. There is even government programs that offer free dental care in exchange for community service. Some Community service examples include: tutoring children after school, collecting school supplies to donate, planting a school garden, visiting residents of a retirement center, delivering meals to senior citizens, driving them to appointments, passing out food at a soup kitchen, collecting used clothes to be donated or making first aids kits for ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Examples Of Heroism In The Outsiders Who do you think is a hero or has shown heroism through their life. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy's interests and behavior contrasts his gang. For example, he hates to fight unless he has to, unlike his friends who fight for the fun of it or because everyone is doing it. Though he is the oddball of the group he still displayed great heroism throughout the book. In S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, Ponyboy displays many heroic traits and is a risk–taker. He shows great courage, his personality, and his actions are respected by many people. To start off, Ponyboy is a hero because of the courage he displays through the book. "I jerked loose and ran on. All I could think was: We started it. We started it. We started it! I wasn't about to go through that flaming door, so I slammed a big rock through a window and pulled myself in. It was a wonder I didn't cut myself to death, now that I think about it." He shows courage because he barrels into the church that was a raging inferno to save innocent children. He also shows courage at the end of the book, "'You're the guy that killed Bob Sheldon,' one of them said. 'And he was a friend of ours. We don't like nobody killing our friends, especially greasers.' 'Big deal.' I busted the end of my bottle and held on to the neck and tossed away my cigarette. 'You get back into your car or you'll get split.' They looked kind of surprised, and one of them backed up. 'I mean it.' I hopped off the car. 'I've had about all I can take from you guys.' I started toward them, holding the bottle the way Tim Shepard holds a switch––– out and away from myself, in a loose but firm hold. I guess they knew I meant business, because they got into their car and drove off." He fearlessly opposes the Socials, clearly showing that he has great courage and should not be underestimated. Also, another time that Ponyboy proves to be a courageous person is when he fights at the rumble even though he feels a bit sick. He put his gang first and fought for them in the rumble. Another factor that proves that Ponyboy is a hero is his personality. In the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the definition of being a hero also includes their "fine qualities." "'What in the world are you doing?' Two–Bit's voice broke into my ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Role Of Community In African And Middle Eastern... Literature is defined as, "writings in prose or verse; especially : writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest" (Merriam Webster). In both African and Middle Eastern literature, there is an overlap in theme, motif, and ideas. There is an awareness of community over oneself present in both forms of literature. The role of women in both societies is viewed as one of a lesser importance than the male presence. A discrepancy in the similarity between Middle Eastern and African literature is the presence of a mystical unexplainable presence in African literature. The presence of community and its role is presented in both African and Middle Eastern literature. These themes can be seen a variety of times in both pieces of literature. In "The Beekeeper's Journey" the idea of inclusivity and community is presented as the author writes, "'He could not fire a rifle with accuracy, he could not use a blade with any skill, and he knew nothing about fighting, so he would die..." (The Beekeeper's Journey 8). In this Abbas (The main character of the story) is so committed to a sense of duty that he is willing to die for his community. Through this connection to his community, he is knowingly entering a battle with the knowledge that he will die. Thus furthering the idea of community over oneself in this story and many others that fall into the same genre of Middle Eastern literature. A piece of African literature that ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. An Analysis of Frost's Tree at my Window Essay example An Analysis of Frost's "Tree at my Window" The poem "Tree at my Window" was written by Robert Frost, an America poet who was born in 1874 and died in 1963 (DiYanni 624). The narrator in this poem appears to be speaking to the "tree at my window"; then, repeating the phrase in reverse order, he calls it the "window tree," as if to emphasize the location and nearness of the tree. Calling the tree a "window tree," might also suggest that this tree is something he sees through, perhaps to some higher truth, to something beyond the mere physical presence of the tree. As night approaches, the "sash" or movable portion of the window is lowered, perhaps to prevent the air, cooled from lack of the sun's warmth, from ... Show more content on ... Continuing his statement with "And if you have seen me when I slept, / You have seen me when I was taken and swept / And all but lost." The narrator may be referring to actual sleeping patterns in which people sleep so soundly that they are unaware of things happening around them. "Lost" may also be defined as being helpless or having a lack of self confidence (Webster 681). There is a nightmarish quality to these lines, also. In the fourth and final stanze, the poet begins to talk of the "day she put our heads together / Fate had her imagination about her, / Your head so much concerned with outer, / Mine with inner, weather." Until this point no differentiation has been made regarding gender; however, in this stanza, femal pronouns are mentioned three times. Interesetingly, according to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary," "fate," in classical methology, was represented by three goddesses who determined the course a human's life would take (417). The narrator observes that the tree seems to be more interested in the forces of "Mother Nature" and the elements upon its bark and leaves compared to himself. The narrator seems to be preoccupied with what occurs within, perhaps in his mind, soul, or spirt. The narrator ends with the word "weather," which could represent the literal sunshine, rain, etc. However, he could also be ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mark Twain : Man Greater Than Beast James Mullins Robert McKinley English 102 August 26, 2017 Man Greater Than Beast Mark Twain famous author, pilot and journalist wrote one of the most thought provocative essay's that still provides viewpoints applicable to today "The Damned Human Race". He brought into question that the idea of morality is mankind's greatest weakness and that it makes man less than animals. Merriam–Webster dictionary defines moral as "of or relating to the principles of right and wrong behavior". This moral compass and our higher intelligence is what separate man from animal. Man's moral ability to determine good from evil is a double edged sword in that it can lead man to greatness or into terrible evil. The scientific method which children have been taught from grade school is make an observation, form a hypothesis, predict what you will discover, experiment to answer your question, and finally obtaining a conclusion to the experiment conducted. Twain claims that he used this method to validate his remarks and conclusions about animals being higher than man in the overall scheme of the world. He then states "and have adopted it or rejected it based on the results" (Twain par.3). This shows that when he liked the result he used the data and when he didn't like the result he obtained then he discarded it. Basically he cheated so that his hypothesis, prediction and conclusion were set in stone then had his experiments support these already predetermined beliefs. The only way to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Break The English Language When initiating a conversation, one might say they are "breaking the ice". But did you know the phrase "break the ice" is derived from small merchant ships attempting to cross waters in order to deliver products? A second ship, nicknamed "icebreakers", would travel ahead of the merchant ship, creating a path which they could then follow to their destination. Using this procedure as a metaphor for starting conversation, influential figures in literature integrated "break the ice" into their compositions, thus allowing for this phrases modern definition. Many common idioms such as "break the ice" are repeated so frequently that some may not even consider their origins. To most, it may seem English is a fairly unequivocal language, rarely changing or acquiring new phrases. I would argue ... Show more content on ... I disagree, on the grounds that understanding the origins of phrases and terms leads to better comprehension of the evolution of the English language. Definitions of certain words and phrases are constantly altering their interpretations to conform to modern culture. Take the word "orange" as an example. Presently, there are two prominent definitions for the word: the color orange, and the citrus fruit. Originally, English–speakers titled the fruit "geoluhread", which directly translates to "yellow–red". Only after discovering the Spanish term for the fruit, naranja, did the word "orange" begin to develop. Letters were removed and altered, resulting in the title "orange". Not until several hundred years later did the term become indicative of both the fruit and the color. Similarly to the expressions explained previously, repetition played a key role in the deviation from the previous definition. This is just one example of shifts in culture which produced alterations in interpretations of English ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Culture is Everything in The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan Plato said in The Republic, "The soul takes nothing with her to the next world but her education and her culture." (Quoted from Plato's The Republic) Dependence in culture is inevitable for humans – take this away and we are lost (Livesey and Lawson, 2008). Livesey and Lawson (2008) generally defined culture as "a way of life". According to Merriam Webster Dictionary culture is "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group" (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Several factors affect the formation of one's culture, Palispis, E. (2007) quoted Sir Edward Tylor, "Culture... refers to that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society." (Palispis, E., 2007) In this context culture is something we acquire from the people we have lived with since we were born, it is not something a person can learn overnight nor can be disposed effortlessly. Our country is rich in culture; the occupation of the Spanish, the American, and the Japanese gave the Philippines its diverse and unique culture. This exceptional culture we have in our country has produced numerous brilliant individuals, who up to this day are still well recognized. So it is safe to say that part of the reason why they became who they were is because of their culture; because of our culture. (Ong, 2011) Culture is important in the formation of one's identity, and there is such a ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Rewarding College Athletes Benefits Essay The Benefit of Rewarding College Athletes A typical college Coach makes a seven figure salary, and what do the college athletes get (LoTemplio)? College athletes are unpaid because of a rule called amateurism. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, amateurism is when somebody does an activity or hobby without being paid, such as a college athlete. Many college athletes struggle financially during their years attending college. Some believe that if they would have had a much easier time if they were lucky enough to receive some sort of stipend. One former collegiate athlete, Steve Christoff, claimed that if a person wanted to live in an apartment instead of the dorms, food was hard to pay for (LoTemplio). Playing a college level sport takes up ... Show more content on ... People believe the only important thing in college is the education and not what people love to do. Those same people believe that the athletes are getting paid by free education, and for these athletes to want more money is outrageous (Lotshaw). Yes, college is for education, but it is also for people to have fun and do what they love. People who play sports wear their bodies down each time they step out on the field. Even though it is what they love, it also becomes tiring and painful. The point of athletes playing in college is for them to eventually, hopefully, move on to go into the pro level. They themselves have a dream of being a "legend" to the next generations to come (Lotshaw). The everyday grind to be better drives a person to do more. These athletes are giving it their all to one day be a legend. All they care for is the possibility of one day providing their family with a better life. If having college is not affordable then getting through it is near impossible. Therefore providing a better life for their families with their success is not very likely. They work hard for everything they earn and they deserve to finally get something in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on French Neo Classical The French Neo Classical era of theatre has influenced today's society in a number of ways including woman's fashion, dance, architecture and theatre performance. We have seen this throughout history and it still has continued into today's society. The term Burlesque is usually thought of as slightly naughty theatre produced and performed between the 1700s and World War II. Webster defines it as a literary or dramatic work that seeks to mock by means of bizarre embellishment or comic imitation, mockery usually by caricature or theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts. The word derives from the Italian burlesco, which itself derives ... Show more content on ... The French Revolution (1789–1799) was bordered by two artistic styles, Rococo and Neo– classicism. Before and after the French Revolution, Neo–classicism was the main artistic style in France, Europe and the USA from about 1750 to 1830. This classical revitalization of the later 18th century was characteristic for its emphasis on archaeological accuracy, the result of the period's unprecedented level of knowledge of the art and architecture of the ancient world. The heroic phase of Neo–classical painting resulted in Jacques–Louis David's most pivotal works, Death of Marat and Oath of the Horatii. These works personified the Enlightenment thought of Diderot, Voltaire, and Rousseau, namely the ideas of basic human rights, modern scientific investigation, rationalism and moral rectitude. In its purest form it is a style principally derived from the architecture of Classical Greece and the architecture of Italian Andrea Palladio. In form, neoclassical architecture emphasizes the wall rather than separate identities to each of its parts. In the sixteenth century, France was in turmoil. The Renaissance in France began in a different way than in countries at peace. In France there was a civil war between Catholics and Protestants. This civil anxiety lasted until 1594 when Henri IV converted ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Life : The Importance Of Life In The World According to Webster's dictionary, life is "the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body; a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings." Well that about says it all, right? After all, don't you consider yourself not to be a dead body? I know I do. Can't I walk, breathe, think and eat? No dead body can do that. But I imagine that there is far more to life than that. It all comes down to why are we here? Regardless of your religious beliefs, you must have wondered about your place in the cosmos. How you got here is another topic. Why you were given life is this topic. It began in the womb. A life force entered your fetus and thus began your life. You emerged as a baby with all that was required to begin your journey. Your environment, parents, and circumstance controlled your future. Whether it began in a small African village or a mansion in New York, you were placed and deposited into a life that you eventually could control. Free–will gave you the ability to make decisions and move forward. Each choice determined your fate and what you would become. Exterior events would shape and mold these turning points. But ultimately, you would die and pass on to another place. These latter facts are unchangeable and cannot be denied. So let's look at your life from several aspects. As you read this article, you are nodding in agreement but are you comprehending what it means? What is your purpose on ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The And Talent Retention Is Happiness And Workplace... In any work environment, it is important for all levels of management, including executives and owners, to consider the working environments for those within the organization or company. The unofficial secret to longevity and talent retention is happiness and workplace satisfaction. There are many ways for organizational leaders to promote happy, healthy working environments; the trick is finding the right combination that works for their particular group of workers and their particular work environment. Different methods work for different industries and people so it is a matter of trial and error to find the right fit. There are employment laws in place to ensure fair work practices occur however, employers should go the extra mile to take care of those who make their business succeed. According to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (2009), "responsibility rests with each employer to provide and promote a good and harmonious working environment" (p. 3). Making sure workers are happy can only have positive effects for the company but it is a multistep process that requires commitment from ever manager involved. Coming up with ways to increase worker satisfaction is only part of the work; implementing these policies and making it come to life is the challenge and the greatest responsibility. For example, employers creating a diverse environment can lessen feelings of discrimination. Any opportunity to represent the workers' best interest will always win their ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Kirksville, Missouri, Dr. Seuss inding Diversity in Kirksville, Missouri Dr. Seuss once said, "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one else who is youer than you." I think this statement makes a great testament to the greatness of being a diversified people. People are classified negatively by their race, gender, economic status, and many more categories, but what someone views as a weakness just might be another's strength. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines diversity as "the condition of having or being composed of differing elements, especially the inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization." I agree with this definition, but I don't know that it fully covers the multiple aspects that go into the topic of diversity. My experiences this semester in class, in my observation hours, and in my diversity hours have allowed me to see a wider definition of diversity than I ever knew. Before this course, I never really paid much attention to the diversity around me. I grew up in a small, mostly white and Catholic community that didn't offer much diversity, but being in Kirksville and getting involved in the activities has opened my eyes to the wonders that this city has. I first began noticing diversity when I volunteered at the Adair County Library. Although I was just shelving books in the children section, I couldn't help but listen in on some conversations and watch the children delight in their reading. During my time at the library I realized that ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Banning Books Should Be Banned Essay Banned Books: Is Your Favorite Book Next? Did you know books in schools everywhere, even The Dictionary, are banned? It is true, books are banned in schools due to mild language, sexual content, and inappropriate text. On the contrary, people argue that banning books prevent students' from having full freedom to read whatever they want. Robert P. Doyle and Sharon Coatney stand with pro banning books, they both believe that banning books is for the benefit of the children and parents should see that and appreciate the school's decision. However, the parents are rightfully in charge of their children and their children alone. Another child shouldn't have to reap the consequences of another parents choice for their kid. Banning books are for the benefit of the children, but are they really benefiting them? Or are they just preventing them from being able to read freely? The first side of this debate claims that banning books is for the good of the students, and parents should be happy that the school cares about the students and what they are reading. Robert P. Doyle shares his opinion about books and how they are banned because of the mild use of language, sexual content, and text against the government (Doyle). "So, in 1939, they wrote the "Library Bill of Rights," which begins to articulate the library community's philosophical position regarding censorship" (Doyle). "For the book community, it wasn't political content so much as sexual content that created censorship challenges and ultimately brought the issue to the attention of the courts" (Doyle). Doyle is the author of an article entitled "The American Experience", he expresses his opinion for Pro banned books using statements such as above. Banning books is always for the benefit of the students, schools don't ban them because they want to, there is always a reason for banning the book. Along with Doyle, Sharon Coatney agrees that banning books is for the good of students. Banning Books is always a shame, but necessary. Children are under the protection of the school, therefore if a parent complains about a book being inappropriate for children, the school will be blamed. Sharon Coatney, the author from "Banned Books: A School Librarian's Perspective" ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. What Make's Up One's Identity? 04/11/2010 Thesis statement; There are a great deal of factors that altogether form one's identity, the most relevant and main ones are culture, which includes nationality as well as religion, intellect, personality, and world exposure. I. Culture is a crucial factor when it comes to forming one's identity. A. The characteristics of our country of origin. * The power that our nationality has on our person. * The language, our culinary traditions, clothing etc. B. Religion. * The values. * The traditions. II. Ways of interpreting situations and our personality, strongly mirror who we are. A. The elements that formed our intellect. * Education and upbringing. * Political views, as well as other ideas ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, there are local recipes that we learn which even as used as "comfort foods" to cure homesickness. There are traditional dances, for example the flamenco in Spain, the "dabke" in Lebanon or the French Can–Can, outfits and holidays the country celebrates, especially independence day. To sum up, all of these elements make up one's nationality, which contributes to one's culture. Culture is not only formed through one's nationality, but also by his religion. Even though some individuals believe that religion is not really a very significant part in one's identity, I believe that it is crucial and that it is present in most of our decisions. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or even Atheist, this is a major characteristic of your identity. Religions first of all come with a set of values and rules we should follow. For example, a Muslim woman, should refrain from wearing revealing clothes, and preferably should wear an "abbaye" and headscarf, in order to respect her and others; she should not have sexual relations before marriage. Men or women are not allowed to be homosexual, which actually is a value for many religions, they should pray five times a day, go do a pilgrimage in Mecca once in their lifetime, Buddhist are to consider the cow as sacred etc. The values are, like many other religions; not to sin, to pray and be good to one another. On the other ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Side Effects Of Social Medi Causes And Consites On average, one person will spend five years and four months in their lifetime on social media alone (Asano). Social media is defined as "forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other such content" by the Merriam Webster Dictionary. There are lots of platforms out there such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Our society chooses not to see the side effects of the mass amounts of time spent on social media instead of socializing with the people face–to–face. Through the use of social media platforms, people isolate themselves from their peers and society causing as increase in bullying, anxiety, and depression. When a person spends more than two hours on social media, studies have shown he or she will have an increased feeling of isolation compared to those who spend less time on social media (Hobson). People spend 116 minutes on social media four short minutes under two hours (Asano). The purpose of social media is to be able to talk to anyone in world and to keep in touch with friends that live hours away, but in the end, we feel more isolated than before. Although social media causes us to feel more isolated, many adults do not realize it and turn to social media to decrease their sense of isolation when it only causes the isolation to surge (Hobson). The isolation from social media is a vicious cycle; people go on social media trying to feel less isolated to end up ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Essay about What is Plagiarism Introduction Because students often are confused about what is and is not plagiarism, I have prepared this handout to help you understand what is acceptable. There are some gray areas and if you have any questions, ask your instructor. Plagiarism is very serious and it can be grounds for failure in a course. So ask first. Another important point is that as you progress in your education the standards become higher. As a College student you are expected to have your own ideas. To read information and explain it in your words. If you complete an assignment by copying material, you are not showing that you understand something. Only that you can repeat what the textbook says. This does not show that you understand. Definition Lets start ... Show more content on ... For short quotes, use quotation marks in the sentence. An example is "CFC's: These substances are also of concern in connection with the destruction of stratospheric ozone" [Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 19)] b. For longer quotes it is appropriate to indent the entire passage: Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs: These substances are also of concern in connection with the destruction of stratospheric ozone (Chapter 2). Like N2O, they have no tropospheric sinks, but are infrared absorbers. Up to 1984, the tropospheric concentrations of three of the major commercial CFCs... [Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 19)] Another reason to use references is to show where you get information from. When you state a fact, unless it is "general knowledge," you should say where it comes from. Otherwise, a careful reader will have no way to verify your statement. It may be subjective to decide what is "general knowledge" but keep in mind who is your audience. As an example what is your reaction to the statement: Wetlands emit 150 million tons of methane each year [Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 18)]. Without the reference, why should you believe me?
  • 82. The above examples may seem obvious. If you use something word for word it MUST be acknowledged. Things start to get a bit gray when you paraphrase. There is ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. The Word Perseverance Is Necessary For The Lack Of... Everyday, people struggle to get through simple tasks due to the lack of perseverance. Merriam Webster 's dictionary definition for the word perseverance is "a continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition." In terms of usage, perseverance is used as a noun that comes from Latin origin with per– meaning through, and severus– meaning sever. Synonyms of the word consist of persist or to carry on, while antonyms are to give up or to quit. Perseverance is an important trait due to the fact that without it, nothing will get achieved. As soon as you run into trouble you will show weakness and just give up. Temple Grandin, a woman with autism never gave up. She had to process the world in a different way ... Show more content on ... A second example from Temple Grandin would be when she could not figure out how to build a model of a distorted house. Temple tried many different designs and failed many different times. But that is how she got her results. Trial and error states that you need to fail before you can succeed. That is how her life was and how ours should be. Temple came across hurdles but she leaped over the top of them all because eventually with enough time and effort, she succeeded. She thrived in the face of adversity by continuing to try them over and over again. At this rate nothing could stop her. She used the haters and motivation and fuel to keep the fire inside her heart burning. They all doubted her and said she would never accomplish anything, she ended up proving them all wrong. Now just as Temple Grandin was an inspiration to us all, so is another woman named Melba Pattillo Beals. Melba was one of the first nine african american students to integrate an all white school. So as you can imagine, the citizens and parents of the Little Rock High School were not happy about the integration. A quote on page 167 from the book, Warriors Don't Cry says, "The boys were brash and bold, behaving as if they feared no consequences." This quote shows how terribly treated Melba was. She was cussed at, physically abused, burned, spit on, and just broken down to the bone. But she didn't let it get to her. It shows the author 's purpose because Melba would not show weakness. ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Classical Music : Is It Relevant Or Not? Classical Music: Is it Relevant or Not? Julia, a teen music lover, on one of her classes, is required to listen to classical music. Upon listening, she concludes that it is too boring for her taste despite being a music lover and thought to herself, "Why do I need to listen to classical music? What is the purpose of classical music? Is it really relevant to our music industry today?" Unbeknownst to her, classical music exists and is studied and performed for a reason. What is classical music? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, classical music is defined as "serious or conventional music that follow long established principles, more specifically, music written in the European tradition, when forms such as the symphony, concerto, and sonata were standardized"; but most people would associate it with background music or elitist music. Although classical music is considered irrelevant and boring, it serves as a historical record of the life and times of days past, a trainer for developing brains, and the foundation for all our contemporary music. Classical music serves as a historical record of the life and times of days past. It also has its own noble history like the rest of the music types and takes up a large chunk of the history of not just world music, but also world history. One can say that there are other types of music that are a part of history, however, classical music is the basis of them all since it is the foundation of all music. Historians are able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. How Social Media Has On People? What can society do to change the effects social media has on people? Is there anything out there? Yes, rehab is the solution to the ever–rising problem in social media. Now, I know this may seem extreme, but just hear me out before the idea become brushed off. Some may be asking rehab is for addictions, and that is correct but social media is an addiction. According to the Meriam Webster Dictionary the definition of addiction is, "[a] compulsive need for and use of a habit–forming substance" (Dictionary). Social media fits into the definition of an addiction; so why not treat it like one. "How to get rid of your addiction." written by the Hindustan Times shows the steps on how to get rid of an addiction: Detoxification: To counter ... Show more content on ... A positive environment can lead to a security blanket in times of need. George M. Riley a psychologist wrote an article about self–esteem, social media, and how they intertwine, "Due to accessibility problems in working with the children 's school and peer relationships...The family could benefit from parent training in praise and encouragement, providing support and nurturance, and setting limits which are consistently enforced" (Riley). Security is very important in a person's life knowing that people care about another person gives them hope, and a feeling of being loved. A positive environment has improved the health of people mentally, and physically. While it may seem hard to see it but that is what a mother does to her child when the child is sick. Gives them a positive environment, taking care of them and slowly heal back to normal health. Positive environments lead to a more positive personality, if those people who send out negative comments changed their personality to become positive social media would not be as big of a problem. Other solutions are out there but they are not the best ones available. Redbook recently published an article called "Break Your Family 's Tech Addiction." In this article evidence of not so effective solutions appear, "That means imagination–based fun that kids can figure out and enjoy with minimal supervision. Try blocks, sketchpads, and scrapbooking materials. Plan a trip ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Contract Analysis Essay Contract Analysis BUSI 561 – Spring D Emerald Jones I would continue doing business with Marshall as long as we come to an agreement on a new contract. This understanding will provide us clarity on this partnership we are going to continue to have while doing business. Marshall is a good person and I would like to see his company continue to flourish as well as his spirituality. However if Marshall does not agree with the terms of a new contract business between us will cease. There are risks involved with discontinuing business with Marshall as he may file a lawsuit against me for various reasons. If it comes to that some legal defense I may have include; covenants of good faith, minor's capacity to contract and fraud in the ... Show more content on ... In the month preceding my son signing the contract he then turned 18, in which I was still unaware of the contract in standing. This in turn leads to grounds of fraud in the execution of a contract. As defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary fraud is "any act, expression, omission, or concealment calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage" (Merriam Webster Dictionary). I feel by giving my son the contract instead of me, Marshall was concealing his intentions and has ulterior motives aware that I had no knowledge of it. Otherwise I feel he would have given it to me personally and not my son in the first place. My son is a part–time employee and not the designated decision maker for the company. Every prior agreement that was made was done solely between Marshall and myself. Why would he now out of nowhere give my son who he has never made previous agreements with a contract to sign on my behalf? There could be something within Marshall's contract that I as the company's decision maker do not agree with. Marshall's contract was given fraudulently he stated this contract was "just a formality" however the contract should have been reviewed and signed by me. The legal causes of actions Marshall may bring against my company include; Section 2–306 ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. What Makes A Mentor? When you're a teenager, you need someone to look up to, you need a mentor. You need an inspiration. This person can be anyone. It could be a teacher, a friend, a sibling, a parent, an aunt or uncle, a grandparent, anyone. For me, this person is my dance teacher Erica Ireland. Webster 's Dictionary defines a mentor as "someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person." Erica fits into that definition. Not only is she my mentor, but she is also my inspiration. Webster's Dictionary defines an inspiration as "something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create", or "a force or influence that inspires someone", as well as "a person, place, ... Show more content on ... Whenever you are feeling down, this person is right by your side, and knows exactly what to say. At this point in my life especially, I need someone that is going to be a good influence. I need to know that there's someone that is a quick phone call or text message away. An inspirational person isn't necessarily someone that just "makes you want to do or create something." It's a person that you look up to. We often mimic what our inspiration does. We want to be just like them. You see your inspiration and you think to yourself, "How can I be more like them?"; you are constantly thriving to do things how they do it. This person may often take risks or leaps of faith. You observe them, watch them do whatever it is, and it encourages you to want to do that thing as well. These inspirational people often give you helpful hints in how to go about life by sharing personal experiences, making them very relatable. Often times a mentor can also be an inspiration, but your inspirational person isn't always a mentor. The biggest influential mentor in my life (aside from my parents) is Erica Ireland by far. Erica is my dance teacher and has always been that person who can make me smile when I'm having one of the worst days. Not only that, but she's someone that will listen and will make sure that I know everything is going to be okay. She's been my dance teacher for only about four years, but ever since I started dancing at Studio Dance, I ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Change, the Essence of Human Condition Change, the Essence of Human Condition Throughout the existence of man, a desire for change has been ever present. The proof for emotional transition is reflected through creative mediums such as prose. To answer such a question, "Is change possible", the analysis of an exampled work would serve helpful. To fully understand if change is indeed plausible, the examination of how a common person would attempt such a task is necessary. When dissecting the meaning of change, it is to "give a different position, course, or direction." (Webster's Dictionary). In reference to this phenomenon on a global scale, the winds of change have commonly been used. The speaker in the poem begins his quest for change on a large scale by targeting global society. When dissecting the meaning of society, it is "an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns or relationships through interaction with one another" (Webster's Dictionary). It is in this structure where reorganization is most needed and easily observed. The common man in this poem ultimately fails to create a transformation at this level. His inability to create an alteration on such a massive scale causes him to search for other slightly more minute levels in which he may be able to make an impact. After his failed attempt to change the world, the speaker moves on to a smaller level, his nation. Ultimately a nation is still a form of society, not the smallest form of society, but it still ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Sportsmanship : A Sport Fairly And Loses Gracefully Casey Harral English 1101–23 Sylvia Johnson November 2, 2015 Sportsmanship "One who plays a sport fairly and loses gracefully" is how The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines sportsmanship, but what is true Sportsmanship considered to you? Is it an attitude, or simply an act? Sportsmanship can be handled in several different ways. It's how one team handles another on and off the field. Simply it could also be said as just the way you handle the game in general after a tough loss, or after an easy win, it how your demeanor is during and after a game. Sportsmanship can be an Individual, as a team, as a community, or at a deeper meaning all of them together. Sportsmanship has evolved greatly over the years. Sportsmanship is known as a couple different names including; professionalism, and showmanship. Unsportsmanlike conduct, this results in a 15– yard penalty, such as excessive celebration during a game after a score or a well–made play. For serious instances of unsportsmanlike behavior such as fighting, there are fines, suspensions, and bans from games, or even tournaments, and championships. These are all examples of poor sportsmanship. The number one question is why suffer through penalties or pay thousands of dollars in fines when you can just keep a calm head? Good sportsmanship is the most important aspect of a game. Sometimes games will get personal and tension will rise very quickly even when the game is close and a lot is on the line therefore, sportsmanship must be ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Sexism, Defined By Webster’S Dictionary Is “Prejudice Or Sexism, defined by Webster's dictionary is "prejudice or discrimination based on sex"(Merriam Webster). Though the dictionary is said to be reliable and accurate when it comes to definitions, there is something wrong with how it defines sexism. Sexism is in actuality prejudice and discrimination, but towards women, not to both sexes. Living in a patriarchal society, sexism towards men cannot exist, because it would contradict what living in a patriarchal society means. Racism is also defined as "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"(Merriam Webster), however, white people cannot experience racism because racism affects ... Show more content on ... To say that being a girl is an insult is saying that being a girl is the worst thing a person can be. There are so many things a woman should and should not be and often both of those standards contradict themselves. A woman should be a lady, meaning she should dress in "respectable modest" clothing and be pure before marriage, but she should not reject any man, or she is a prude and stuck up. Women should be sexual, but only when their partner or husband want them to be. If a woman sleeps around she has no respect for herself, but a man sleeping around is automatically a stud. Women are expected to want to be mothers and have a family but breastfeeding in public is still a debate. Society is uncomfortable seeing breasts used for what they were intended for, but will happily pick up a Victoria 's Secret catalog or Playboy magazine to see breasts for their own enjoyment. Breasts are acceptable as long as it is for society's sexual pleasure, but a woman being too revealing on her own is seen as a self–disrespecting, attention seeking whore. Though society sexualizes women in every way possible, they are looked to in disgust when they are sexual and promiscuous for themselves. When it comes to sexual health, people have problem if contraceptives, which can be used for things other than sex related reasons, are government funded because that would mean taxpayers are paying for women to have sex despite the fact that "Viagra costs roughly $10 per single dose. Oral ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Ethics, Ethical, And Unethical Behavior Trident University Kaipo Kim Module 1 Case Assignment Eth501 Professor: Gary Shelton, Ph. D. 6 November 2016 Introduction Organizations that behave ethically are more apt to earn the trust of their customers, employees, and stockholders. To become successful and hold a great reputation within any company, one must know right from wrong, but more importantly make those hard decisions to do what is right. Once a member within a corporation starts to cheat, steal, and coerce the system, it becomes a domino effect that leaves devastating ramifications. We will discuss issues like falsifying financial statements, improper use of company funds, ethical behaviors and unethical behaviors. Fairness The first virtue that I choose to discuss within this paper is the word fairness. Fair is defined as "agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable; treating people in a way that does not favor some over others; not too harsh or critical" (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.). With this simple definition, Mattel founded Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP), whose intent was to identify and fix issues within their companies like wages an hours, child labor, forced labor, discrimination, freedom of association, legal and ethical business practices, product safety and product quality, just to name a few ( XX). Mattel set the standards of becoming a socially responsible corporation by putting into place GMP that ensured their corporation not only made money, but also treated ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Descriptive Essay About Friends "What are friends for?" that phrase keep repeating as my classmates utter these words. I hear it almost every time, am I happy about it? It just seems like I am 'forced' to do what my classmates pleased. "What if you do not want to?" that other thought keep repeating as well but sadly no words can express them. In the end, I pick up the load and do the work. Yes, I am held and tied to the wall. What should I do about this? Are they my friends – real friends? Scenario New school. A classmate of the same age walks up to you and says "Hi! You must be new here. Do not be worried, you will have a great day!" Joy fills your heart. "It will be a great day" you may say. As months go by, you noticed that that friend of yours acts mischievous and odd as if there is something up with that kid. Suddenly, those classmates of yours try getting things to please and satisfy them. They pick on you as if you were so toy that they can throw. Playing with your emotions, as if you feel emotionless. Laugh at you, you are just not smart like them. You want to cry out what your heart desires. As you were about to speak, you suddenly just dust off the idea because no one will hear you. No one would want to listen to your opinion. You can no longer forbear the pain. You helped your friend with all that he or she needs and when you ask for help, they do not even look at you in the eye. In turn, your supposed friends get all the popularity, fame and adoration from others. You never know, they ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. What Is The Status Of Liberty Is It? Manleen Singh October 6th, 2014 Question 2: What is the status of liberty in Hobbes' argument? What kind of liberty is it? According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, liberty is defined as, "the state or condition of people who are able to act and speak freely (Merriam–Webster)." Very similarly, In the Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes defines liberty as a man who can act freely. It is significant to note however that Hobbes' definition of theory is not stagnant. Hobbes' theory of liberty changes under a sovereign (state of society) and he rejects the existence of true liberty in a state of nature (no ruler). Thus, he only defines liberty in a state of society and defines it as the ability to act according to one's will without being physically hindered from performing that act (Harrington, 2005). More specifically, this form of liberty that is explained by Hobbes is negative liberty, which Merriam Webster dictionary defines as freedom from intrusion by exogenous forces. Negative liberty principally deals with freedom from external limitation in the Leviathan (Harrington, 2005). According to Hobbes, the status of liberty is contingent upon the existence of a ruler. Under a sovereign leader all subjects have absolute liberty. Hobbes says that subjects are completely free because the only chains restraining them are laws passed by the ruler and the social contract, which to both they prescribed powers and willingly gave up rights to for security.). However these stipulations ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Stealing Should Have Taught You Essay When you were younger, your parents tried to teach you–or should have tried to teach you–that stealing is wrong and could get you in trouble. The definition of stealing, according to Webster's dictionary, is to take another person's property without permission or legal right without intending to return it. Another thing parents should have taught you is the lesson on losing thing. "Don't misplace that, you might need it later!" or "Don't forget where that" whatever it was "is!" and hopefully you learned! The definition of losing, this also according to Webster's dictionary, is to be unable to find. What happens when you mix the two? See, to this day, I don't count it as stealing. I swear I had the intention to return the book! I would never steal anything, especially not from a teacher. I wasn't that immature, even in first grade. ... Show more content on ... Fisher, had this corner in her classroom that had bookshelves. The bookshelves were set up in line with the wall in a way that created it's own little "room". She called it her "Classroom Library". The deal with this "library" at, which we had learned at the beginning of the year, was that we could "checkout" any book we wanted, one at a time, if we asked her. Throughout the year we learned that this was not the case. Students would go up to her and ask, "May I borrow this book, Mrs. Fisher?" The answer was very rarely yes. While I had asked her for a book a few times before, our regular school library lacking this book on their many shelves, "No," that was always her answer. "Mrs. Fisher, May I borrow this?" I would ask. "No, you may not." would be her answer every time. No one understood, and I suppose that I still don't completely get it ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Essay On Classical Music Classical Music: Is it Relevant or Not? Beethoven. Mozart. Chopin. Liszt. Handel. Bach. When one hears these names, what comes to mind? Classical music. What is classical music? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, classical music is defined as "serious or conventional music that follow long established principles, more specifically, music written in the European tradition, when forms such as the symphony, concerto, and sonata were standardized"; but most people would associate it to background music or elitist music. Although classical music is considered irrelevant and boring, it serves as a historical record of the life and times of days past, a trainer for developing brains, and the foundation for all our contemporary music. Classical music serves as a historical record of the life and times of days past. It also has its own noble history like the rest of the music types and takes up a large chunk of the history of not just world ... Show more content on ... First, almost all music today focuses on self–expression. Self–expression came from the romantic era in classical music where composers went from the strict format and composed according to their feelings. "Composers designed freely, relying on feelings rather than set musical law" (Little, 2014). Second, another classical music practice is the chorus. According to Merriam Webster's Dictionary, chorus is "a part of a song that is repeated after each verse, typically by more than one singer". "The classical era first produced the chorus" (Little, 2014). This means that classical music influenced almost every genre of modern music. The most important of all is the classical music's contribution to our foundations of music theory. The very tonality of music was developed from the beginnings of classical music. It was the time when music theorists figured out a way for music to be pleasant to our ears. If not for it, we would not be enjoying our music ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. The Symbolism of Eating and Food in Bartleby, The... "Bartleby, The Scrivener" is a memorable story, by Herman Melville, that is able to keep its readers captivated from beginning to end. How does the author successfully grab the attention of his readers? The author utilized his masterful command of the English language to convey the characters, setting, and plot effectively; and in the midst of all the detailed descriptions Melville have used food and the action of eating as powerful symbols. In the story three of the characters have names that are associated with food, and the main character of study, Bartleby, eventually dies of starvation by choice. Given the setting of the story was in the onset of the second industrial revolution, the coming of the big corporations where Wall ... Show more content on ... They were striped of the regular human emotions and were created merely as puppets to assist the delivery of other symbolic means. The names of Turkey, Ginger Nut and Nippers were symbolic nicknames the characters had of each other, they fit their physical and personality characteristics. On a deeper level the lawyer may also hinted that they were insignificant figures, the lawyer never even used their real names and their real names were never introduced, they were just a few of many scriveners in the lawyer's memory. Turkey is a short and overweight English man around 60 years old. He is named turkey because when he is angry his neck would turn red almost resembles a turkey. His mood changes as sure as time would pass day after day. He is very effective in the morning and becomes less and less so in the afternoon. He would start getting easily distracted and frustrated maybe due to intoxication. Turkey had a troubled state of finance can be perceived as someone of being caged by the repetitive work yet has not been able to improve his living standard. Turkey wears clothes that "look oily and smell of eating houses." (Melville 125) Even when the lawyer tried to give him an used, but nice looking coat, Turkey's response was described as "precisely as a rash, restive horse is said to feel his oats, so Turkey felt his coat, restive horse is said to feel his oats, so Turkey felt his coat." (Melville ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Privacy, As Defined By The Merriam-Webster’S Dictionary Privacy, as defined by the Merriam–Webster's Dictionary is, "the quality or state of being apart from company or observation"("Merriam–Webster," 2011), and "freedom from unauthorized intrusion" ("Merriam–Webster," 2011). Interestingly, the Constitution of the United States does not expressly protect a person 's right to privacy! There are however some provisions to privacy within the Bill of Right and the Amendments to the Constitution that do. Among them are the first amendment, that ensures the privacy or belief, the third Amendment, that guarantees the privacy of the home, and the fourth amendment, that guarantees the privacy of person and possession. It is the fourth amendment that this paper looks at in the context of the State of ... Show more content on ... The obvious first answer is, do not break the law! Interestingly, if one plans on breaking the law, they should not consent to a search and keep you illegal activity out of view of law enforcement from any angle. Looking at the case of the State of California versus Dante Ciraolo. On September 2, 1982, Detective John Schutz of the Santa Clara Police Department received an anonymous phone complaint about someone growing marijuana in their yard. Detective Schutz, a member of the Narcotics Division, went to the location given by the caller to investigate. When he arrived at the intersection of Stebbins Avenue and Clark Avenue, he noticed the residence at 2085 Clark Avenue. From his location on the street (figure 1) Detective Schultz observed a six–foot privacy fence with an inner fence of about ten feet in height, as such, Detective Schultz could not see any evidence of any marijuana cultivation or other criminal activity. Based on his training Detective Schultz knew marijuana growers frequently used greenhouses, fencing, or other means to obscure the view of the illegal activities to avoid arrest. Undeterred with his finding on the ground, Detective Schultz along with Narcotics Agent R. Rodriguez chartered an airplane and flew over the residence at 2085 Clark Avenue. From an altitude of one thousand feet, both could visually see marijuana plants growing in the back yard behind the tall fence (figure ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Argumentative Essay On Homework Should Be Banned We've all been there, get home and start that night's homework right away. I work for two hours and it's time for dinner so I take a 30 minute break and then resume homework. Finally the homework is finished and it's nine o'clock before I have even showered, get ready for the next day, or just relax. This is all assuming that there are no sports that day or that you have a social life. With all the schools looking to push start times back an hour or two we go to sleep later that much later and still don't see our family for more than an hour a day. I have done extensive research on the numerous harmful effects of homework and the very few pros. I hope to inform you of the problems of homework and why it should be banned worldwide. ... Show more content on ... According to assignment "it's believed homework first began in ancient roman times." Furthermore homework started out as simple memorization just to keep the mind disciplined, but slowly became more complex and stressful to the students as it became worth more of a grade and more difficult. Talking about everything is our strong suit so with a problem as big as homework, why haven't we discussed it? It needs to be talked about and discussed in depth looking at all the pros and cons of it. "Have you ever heard a speaker or attended a workshop wherein the negative effects of homework were highlighted or noted? (Yes = 0 No = 247)" (Gale Group, 17). Those 247 teachers were from different schools in that survey. Teachers are oblivious to what they're doing to students. No one has talked about what they are assigning, why they assign it, if they don't assign homework; then how their test scores compare to others of the same subject. Furthermore all teachers say that homework helps their students comprehend and learn. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that not one of them has released any facts stating that homework is actually helping their students over other teachers with less homework. "There is no evidence that any amount of homework improves the academic performance of elementary–school students" (Scholar Cooper, 5). Maybe If they talk about homework, then they may be able to come up with facts or percentages; ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Argumentative Speech About Silence " _____________________ " In this moment, billions of sounds are being made. Also in this moment, billions of those sounds being made, are voices. And billions of those voices, are talking, right now. Oh my goodness, I had such a good breakfast this morning! I had pancakes, eggs, bacon– Oh but riding the subway this morning was atrocious! SO many people, and I was so uncomfortable –But you'll never believe how gorgeous my 8–month–old sister's hair is becoming, I'm so envious I could DIE– And I wanted to tell you, I have this friend Matt (best baker EVER), and he made a killer batch of crunchy cookies this week. I still have one to eat later! AND on another note.....My cousin just became a "metal mouth." Which is crazy, because I can relate, ... Show more content on ... It's a way to reflect back on life and take things in. A way to focus on what matters. Often I find myself lost in all the schoolwork, and after–school activities I'm not prepared for, and even just my emotions sometimes. Though talking about it does help, I've found that what truly helps me get back on track is just sitting with my thoughts, the soft tick of a clock somewhere, the occasional purr of a car engine from my window. And if I sit there long enough, I can't even hear my thoughts. It's just simply quiet, and all I feel is this peace that has risen up of the noiseless environment I have put myself ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Who Is Brutus A Villain The Villainous Brutus ¨A villain is one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty,¨ according to Merriam Webster Dictionary. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus can be clearly identified as the one to blame for Caesar's tragic death and for majorly affecting the plot of the story in doing so. Brutus was not villainous for his intentions towards the people of Rome but instead became villainous when he chose to end Caesar's life without a reputable conflict to go off of. This goes to show that many of the evils in the world are not cloaked devils, but sometimes the friends right under the nose that are deemed honorable and brave. As an example, Brutus fears for the safety of the Roman people and as a result, is known to be beloved by many fellow Romans and conspiritors alike. When Casca refers to Brutus on page 837, he states ¨O, he sits high in all the people's hearts; And that which would appear offense in us, will change to virtue and to worthiness¨. Due to this, Brutus is a worthy candidate to undermine the Roman ... Show more content on ... This is still no parallel to the fact that Brutus plugged many Romans in despair and multiple grievances upon losing the desired ruler in such a heinous way. Murder is still murder whether or not it can be sugar coated to appease and justify or not. This ¨noble Roman¨ was kind enough to want to give Caesar a gentle death when he pleads the killing should be ¨boldly, but not wrathfully,"and ẗhe men will be ¨sacrificers, not butchers¨(846). The only problem here is that this is not a mercy killing. This death is caused by fear and the need to do what has falsely been identified as the best solution. Caesar is stabbed multiple times by his most trusted friends, quite literally in the back, and tragically dies in front of his people. The gentle and subtle nature is never present from start to ... Get more on ...